Till: EVENING STA It. the yachtrace to-day rml*HE» HILT, **d4aj (if«)U4, ihk ia« air M K t or At The Star Building, |V Cera«r Penairl7aaia At and 11th 9V, I IV cml vicfti race of New \ . k »o whether En*. uu»1 aha> rer'a ta tt* v«*«e<,' w*r »*J Am«-ri r«1,iM *,». » .* uejimstu m%?\m cwwsi. w > .lay. t>. tl-e ItciIifH «. the coat . ? e. ball er Hrftaaia Tla jmrf. A«aee>ca u. VrT 8TAK Is tcrr^ carrter* to tit- rr «nt TUB fry l*»u n iitt*i! to ftmtcM l'i Vliiir r tb* T'nitr-I Kritr- r» '¦ ih«- C;ty »' *S Diotr'tt at Tii t'sit- fib State* :oi the retention of tLe Ik imh. ».u ioi w«i* or I«iTT rom r«» mosts Copi«« tLia it if* (.outer. Two Cutt. ccut.trv by tier *r n«»*r1yj ft ci ?«.*. :. Thr*« Houtfit. 51 .»0; ,flr* .C'1 *hr Iim Wa rrtH«iikH «« | rrSnt BIX H ntfci. »3.00; l>n» Y*»r. 55 00. No paptr* '® " ."J tint*. w.ihw that period that -be >. «r- »i if rom the .fSo.- km|rr *hai. pai-1 for. m>>< h Mk« the litahman tUat bad htg ' Ol» tjacknlfe ?UK WEEKLY sTU-ci! oa frM»T l''*«**» *"J *» Mil tt» w uaudl«w, 36-iV- 5.430. Uu» T* .ornlsc.9 1 iu . t«v. WASHINGTON. 1). C.. MONDAY. AUGUST 8. 1870. TWO CENTS. ,rVXl ft,'J *¦*'«. It r. 3i44n» to I* mail.,T.r AMI'S KM EXTS. the wak. bare received a rumor or an engagement. Gen¬ l'.NGI.AND AND BELGIUM. *>. full of courage, coolness end wnfiJcnrf, ,;u ** Kroward is reported to he in Paris. i he 1.on dob, The taken by Eng¬ Lu* ttat the a s 3 i EVENING STAR. eral Aug. position trial is Wfer* om, and wilt re¬ K! MS N I At. LUaUUt «_><' Mfnistei ot the Interior will resign.*' land iu regard to Belgium u approved by Prus¬ ILI IUL. phi hhi a tuium : sia. quire gi cat *acrifioes and eftort> ot patriotic to M»..«.itoc^wr PRUSSIANS CONCENTRATING n\ THE meet it, tkH the graceful ©»*ar. > ABREST (»F A Lr.Af hY !'KOr. XECKk K, News and BAi E N SIDE OF THE KHIXE CORRESPONDENT. Mr. Ollivier The Washington Gossip. It n confirmed that there i- a [lAKtx, Aug. 9.The H'tnid com-»ponRNS7 *«» a<- a in vaebt ot 5m«b»al Krvkm'f.The receipt# from this tration or th.- troops or the enemv on the Baton t!i« Baltic coH>t arretted spy. Minister front of hi* official residence that the author tator national r.ee N.w > -rfc ¦»i .between M ltd )l klrt«(f w .Ide ot tLe , which the French Bancroft is laboring to procure his relewe. ol i be take o( the Amenta *» tiaari s».irce to-day were ^I,ll9,ti3} 'J7. KAFOLIOHS THRONE TOTTEBIfG, watch report victory. on Saturday, again-i ^rcn'^n ^ TMRSDAY. ACGI.MT 11 closely. SHERIDAN IX LONDON. bu been arretted. ai.d will be punished. |h the euaaaa bUu* aro t.4 ute ^ THE FRENCH CHAMBERS CONVENED. LOMXii. 7.General* Sheridan and For- " i» at tliip t.nc 1 . ' 4.k*. K. T. Dtst left thi-« citv last evening In Aug. ftcfct* ii n r r.s J 4 V . T- r NAPOLEON p fti Ii-b# M of the : (y-a i-oiidon.).The Senate are herr. on their way to f-e.it of war. BKMEVFD T'» BE NON .. i.r ». PhrMcnlam .! thf l*r«r«*iaii Victories. ijtlie "At live a.m.ie# \r"% >u '>r.« «nv 'the nine o'clock train lor St.l>oiii*. to bo absent and ( orr# jA". buT heen s imra w COMPOti MENTIS.KNGI AND TO before wu. tbe atgaal tJW »» -| t at >1 Ecgislatit >ncd OF to heave ahort ai. J navialinii rire«-«-rk* <\lriii< the about ten day*. He will join President Grant meet on Thursday. the llfh inst. KIND TREATMENT PRISONERS. MKltlATE. prepare lor -ar..i* . ^ PU1 B».ri is. Auj;. 6 .The French |>r>*>ners t^ken Dre.f ar«| .« moment afterward tore* « .. a-vi »,« Tr'ktU --i a a in en route. SSiAN YiCToKY A1.UNG THK WHOLE FMPKKi I.o^ro*. ..The Tim'# It is a Crei'i a.'mi'iii.yr *. tf»>hi»u *..ua4r * i fc*i* Of. <((..(, J;* LINK. CONSTEKNATIO \ IX PARIS. Berlin. The Prnr«ians v 111 thetr il.n< ntou- question whether tie Within three Miautm all »«.!,. r I lie prove by Emperors -ad* hn. rhe 'I'lIK T1 R-T bl",'I"r! W \TE MCS\GE':iK '>ni»ER..Tfceonkr assign n;; Surgeon !'.rnLi?i, Ang. 7.Tlie t'ol towing official dis¬ diej:stch I rum the Eni|ieror announcing treatment of these wen tl a though they are health l, av« him in of hi* Atactica. s»e »»j> not only »uri, to .t * possession od.nary ( THAI im> Vi-ltti- TU1 * * 1 4 K K. S. \iatthews, of this city, to duty on the patches Lave been received: M *: shal McMahon s defeat and separation t'roji are no an apparent.}. not to haiii b.-riclJ i- i.> 44 V fcAUS »he main h«« can*.-d captives, they longer enemy. iacyl'K* 'l'he tar i* marked by his u«i*l Les- Sh« n.uidoah is revoked, and he is on Wayim c, lo p. m.Tlie French were army the utmost conster¬ I*n<'h the moa. for, ...| w\. dSureY placed Aug.7, < nation. According to the ho we ve¬ ;tat ii. which v' 4V IdJ « -how how \ »> t'O.'H turi.t ij back on Emperor, aatlitutu 4 «. U to e«pert AM BI itOH .V waiting order!*. tl.err entiTe line and commenced al 1 may vet he retrieved* '"'t Mb. to ri treat to the interior ot t rance. La Lib rte the 01 P"T5.oseles* strategy and ptizxliag inaction could he it i..."7 bo'h ao< 4. M C. bids people France to vise en j o;i AT fcOLDEM MDIAUCRI The German flement of onr population hns n and the invader?. TELEGRAMS TO THE STAR. which Lire probably brought, caiam to the I ft re ami aft matim*). and * ,tt to(<.««i HOT SHOT POURED INTO THE TOWN OF repel ;?y r main «i r« |« an ,] M l**n greatly excited for the last hours The from the i< T30 nat.ciial arm*. The 1 i* n.>* h« -pre*.! TIC MIT UARM .*-r«c*r. i>i*ty dispatch Emperor dated mperor So-in.I to when the X'ounU »ai« bred. a Intl.- btoic over the ref orfsof eontinuo is Prussian successes SAARBRUCKEN. a.. m..Sunday, and fays: '-Communication with aoco;.' battle gun L \ KG EST. M.>»T 'i THIS AFTERNOON S DISPATCHES tustautly, yet he ha# ou ha" I the i t<~a u'clo.k, ahc ? a* ax a U t r rrf HIE C^sTLI. M-'ST ISTEK in the wsr with the French. The he hrewrh had commenced on till advance McMahon having been severed, nothing wi< ta.-k of wept feeling ha- firm heard from him until last corcertrating Ku force* an 1 restoring 1 Le Kcart;.-e W d. «h>* nrroa heU c !¦*'M4, l'i# E-"!SG AND NU->T IK^Ti aiVf EX i ot »bo«B italf In ol Saarlirnckcr, which they had held since evening." to tl.e \ <>;ant.'> third. tjijrtt tht*r-d that McMa¬ ASSOCIATED PRFs* esprit defea:td army, au4 tbi> while hi* (iip»r <,Mie,-n aniens battle of three divisions against three REPORTS. « *n I the .Va*>ri ¦% ,«.. HI BIT ION 'N THE » ;oy, bnl it Las been tolerably easy to single out hon *s loss was «t in the bat that hK w my I* concentrating in the heart ot GLOBE cmnpauii-* of to fall gr, battle, l.orrane. ^ br^re .if LiOL UWwuii? iiuij ft>? a citizen ot German descent by his radiant as¬ tbev Prussians, hut, having retirement wax effected in good onlcr. On the Circumstonces *111 »»n exact the reappear- I V > atilit : !k cutKi <1 oi.ck, turned that rich and unprotected lett the aition besran at about one M>uttweM. Within the t.rft run,at. t'.f \a-' o'clock in the ai.ee of ' pect; and when two ot three of them have been town. jui VKKNKI r WKMt. ga*!.. red together and in the full tide of joyous by throwing hot shot into it. mn«ses cf the enemy liad concentrated, before THE WAR. I'tkian at on.v to cii.lr up l«> the r«»rt. a id -hen comment it ha» r.ot been at all difficult to guess SAARBfcl'CKEN which the second corjw nviroentarilv hel l It- ' ?? >*¦ ht alter auutb<-r aul.l. »u t' v E.'IL'A Y .'.SD SATIUDAY. Aa«. 14 uril.l, RECAPTURED BY THE tiePJ*"**t wiut, ai.d iM-tute tUe -».-i x» that acre their rationality. It ia likely that the gratifi¬ Prussians. ground. Between si* and seven o'clock in the LATER. to TOMl IMLT i'UU T\* <« UNI tin masses of the guing rv'ind Xuntoorha.) ^ t t!i r i u. n DAYS f cation of our German citizens over the proud bAARnnrcKE*, Aug. 7, 7 p. tn..The town ot evening enemy became more STIRRING NjEWS FROM EUROPE. t>o*rd»he had taV*u thr fjarth pla.'* Naarbruckeii has jait been retaken l»v the first compact, and the second corps retired on the I P1*.^the otante Arrow r r« C|»T. it 1'i »» .! 7 o'cl- .'k. A-llUISrl i.-'.<> r.ts. pontion of Fatherland u:nler the recent vic¬ Prussian " all is I ttutng tirat. lec^nl and Ui-- * r BiW corps. under (.ien. Stemmjtz. heights. /o-night ;uiet. go to the THE PRUSSiAKS atric# Uiird. a..J that ki'diea u;.d- .«!.» c«*. tories will be set tor^h soon in a public demon¬ Ct ntcr ot the ADVANCING 01 RETZ1 all ooatd lxw| ,*r tu ,» PARTICULARS OF THF. FIGHT.PROMPT position." COLLAPSE OF NAPOLEON wa» that they a era A la,^ b rTl' M'E ,»tU !. T< ;lv '. » »t PRUSSIANS. FALLING BACK. 11l>t4i>UD' n4ei» t hv tb*» i-< NOT M*V£s< k. 9 MrMalion Rrtratin? TheoftK .!«erti»n bow w»- wVt»,-r th» ,f«,« A i 11." I -. i-'it a '!<>m*1 <. x hi'Mti' a <11 iiu* Wil l Navai MoiExeaT*.'1 he Aug. g, p. m.The head of the STRASBIRU MENACED. Toward* Severn, tlaj-ship Pi u.-sian OLLH*MHK \anry! heat ber in rou« th.. uiaa a. .be K' !aai».t*nnlM ihr hr^K ii columns approached the on tlie Paris, Aug. ... ta Libert? lias the following .IfOKKi/l. lia^; I. of Hear Admiral Poor. at >th. jvuldhad a !. kl all" -'In ti. !i «.« »r lr.nik.li: I n«-ih*r i>u tltifl roc arrived Hampton 'J his morning Gen. kamc/S tound the ironi official sources:. Gen. Kro.-sard lias unir already IxaUn tbe i'eari to wiu | ai d. \« Tiii« nf 'inn- ti«»L u uu itt.x! in tar> Heads on the t.'th Inst., from West. The etKiny wen ot the Saarbruoken fn a retreated a The Orient Princes "«**««»eJ W Ve Key strong po¬ short distance. Marshal McMahon Intriguing to ' «i'- I' r Hi. vear'.-vid *li«- rTU.n . put.!: n.,n t' lf up n which relieved the Severn, arrived a sition in tlie mountain* near Spiehren, and com¬ r*"K>it ne ar Nied.'rbron. His headquarters were ttvrrthriv 1'¦ 1 i' J" Van* * ti .-»itm »u rxf. .i.ii r: i.l *uv naii I hi'i.it the sound ot the cannon a tuJ^ZJirsi.. °!,,htiu»«(er ;t- i,,e ins -i lor the leri the portion of the divisions er ne. I hus is menaced. «'i{nal ho.,., K vrilly piitttreMri^ii^-tillrr :* Ibwountr' Knropean fl.-et, naval anchrage, Stra-bnrg . . I1 ' of * I Barnahow and came Inevitable. 8.It ia I »r u« oi. , ? '.n- I be Van Ami"i *3 S£ :-ur* n« bae U< < n Nortclk, mi the th iii.*t., for the compass huov Stupnajle up. General AN APPEAL TO FKENCH nasty Enxpon, Aug. sat 1 tliat the orican* I »«iat -! »«l fir »i» ha'f « Goober took and after a PATRIOTISM. "I .haw. M.ratcto her V \ouiii ** " irly ci-nt.ry. ¦>».! b a« ni to command; very severe are " *cJ Hampton Roads, preparatory sailing. I akir, Aug. i.Theu* ha- princes piodigal of tlieir tnonoy in r » t to a wave l»«t U ^kn.-wleil-.'i-'l a- Ihe ti i «I w.ptr-t" ztmi tight, the iiositioii occupied by General Pros- s ' following dispatch liertng al!-.:o* e,tch hare leiriml . iVeti u eatant. a; d ihim it ie larger sard was taken been received: The Prussians on the wounded of the French army. TWr«*«* the Miirt i« Mton to *m> y*:ir assault. General . J. The i he Auric t by Francois . Marching I mi. ! r. ri fn'.l d- t!.m ». iP' ltckai# Kki'iirt..The annual The Gkkkrai. Hradmitarters, Met p»r'!'i pre anil Coiontl Renter arc among the wounded. _ Aug Ships still enter the I'.lbe and Wosscr. notw.th- that wkaa abe rvOirc . (( Ham. Mitrrl) fr»-f Ir-va ail r»f it rejort of the Department of Agriculture, which .. 8:30 a. m.That we may hold the position Paris 800,000 tnViJ*?*',1**'1to tbe 'Uilllilili" I-IDI; Strong! stauding the blockade. staitiiug |M>mt. U*m Caoile. tue io iu <1U» li-lji Iff, 4D'I "h'if lK-'fLCll*- ill in of GEN. FRANCOIS KILLED.MANY PRIS here It is necessary that Paris and :|nc»J4ntii*i:. Ihi* ii. H course preparation, will make about A nig memorable colloquy Un«k |>U. e t»ot»oeii *i iiii;tiMlhr\Mh.'iort*nt and intcrestinir agri¬ hundreds ot occasions. that wbela r;:> i>imin .ti#ni50 featthc en.Many prisoners were taken. MEDIATE IN «». «»«r ht a a, «i i. cultural Alwmt From McMAllON'S MOVEMENTS.>IKASi;iiF«i' " HIM BEUAI.F- The increase ot the bank rate* I,"ta*'',**rea ya «-t th Oc»*l d S Mr ii», i m the The Our FOB DEFENCE. ITAEY TO COME TO HIM effect allrl' 11 'r. ih^ iin«»i>i'r »( ompany report. articles in this re- caged. force in the action was four diris- after th* npon the grain market Hv purging it of tnMjh?.1"" th* omrmair*. KATKKMM.* K*i:K-«»*K IKS Ih>t» will emiiodv the views of thousands in alone an to b3tt,e ot Kirshhorten, re- VE'VAK KKK«»K»; »*KS IN Jons. Night put end the tilting. Pame BELIEF WITH VMMM> sj>eculative operators on borrowed The *rho<.ner AMKKIPA communication with the department. am?hg The covered his n treat a heavv v. Vme Wering the road to capital. following yarhv hare heen v *1 it: ii 4 t r»ir»«. wt.: e for v«n>»ir «u.l r wi.|ct»- enemy by tiring Jte TBOOPH-AlSTRIA Ireland receive* the news of to. in those as foremost in tha knaw ot Frossard, which sul¬ the French tered lor the race . VU1 IIIMi 1' < OMPACK WITb IT recognized aitillery. Ceneral Steinmetz arrived in the ? c?rI,p0,'.Oen.t TAUEH A to-day - measures lor HAND defeat with (. tr . v« r !¦ r- ««l l.- fi.r' th»* lettge and practice of some specialty of interest. evening and took command. Gen. Francois is en«rgetic profound *orrow. 7W«. dtci.fence.Thefence. I he \i l?.gGeneral is in front. , W'l'M' » LIVING SPKI IMKNM dead. The k»ss is on both sides. Major IN THE Al. The Prussian forces niena.-e I#-'VV'Camhna . «* heavy The Mets and ']*¦**** Aabbury £T ,5 . 'tfc» mrt h*4.:« «i,i| tirdr ku- wn toin'j l,t>j A »-T.-»t \«r'- "J ot the bill. rejiort*:.August 6.Evening.In the battle," in The French Left I I Kainbler I. 1>TE';*>TIN« PEKF' provision* Captain Fdward which we defeated whoso KRnMPlS!-^ Win? rushrd the H. Kanki-r Irti , KM AS' E.», army McMahon, corps had Metz. August i .fi.2n «. ni tiirht by Frcnch prisoners are . has been to r|S Daring the everywhere nt :»« the M.tri4ltvripf m«*i* ilif>»-ri «p. f , "¦.'signed, assigned been reinforced by divisions lrom the ot kindly 1.!V5 I'rti.j .s. - corps the Htssiaus .red treated. i. .ill T' tl Mill l V Tl:A!SEl) AN1SAI.1. »th I. infantry. Surgeon Moore has been di Fa and Canrobert. we takeu yesterday utfX Prussians. ' ". ir2». " illy have two eagles, lamjng es at J orbach. and set to »:!!?< *>' fi! !i. ike inl' Tfn! f .» !i \h:li;-inn. tai d lor duty on the 1 omf ol retired » »hc JtntiioN n . on^ ttn*?two divisions from FORTUNES. Li1..*ta- !}. John M. Culyer, relieved. was on °"ly other corin The '». StuyTi«aiit IbJ ^ j^;i , htlitii Ti ar»- I -iinmird :* n n v.-l , great both sides. or rl-fly up. tr^«i'ir. corps Generals A-lniirauIt and Fai fv were The French Position Taken at Paris, August The remainder of the U.r.Kidd nale i* to be Hear ickattH*a.... ;«2j l,l.'«.t THE -PFCTA'TI AR TUi»«'K S-1 . >N. official dispatch dated Berlin Augusts, via oclock, appeared to be of little im Bayoftet. (iarde Mobile. Two MnliaaSanOi «U « t. Creswell stated on Saturday that he most r corps will Ue orgmiced in Fu..* |'v"i rir- .1 i. tlw i «>ill i* a.it l.ondon. says the French has ,arK* mas-^es of hid¬ ...... intmii^ itv, be louati puff Emjwror with¬ 'i0tm trooi#, a l>e«tk» Philips Obei ey .,. >«vi I 47m w.i'ii dendin fn'tf'ini eagle at once. - it'll. tii-T tirfn iTif A'vrlcina. int ro-lilf; n? a>n rm g and anxious to make some arrangement drawn his entire line and is concentrating Lis the woods.attempted to tumour position. body .loM-l htne ...B M C. ll:i-r»triiii:if? a'ai "" a J- i»- .'ar «nmniU.iM . » an lor e Prussians as Ilovr iH't- you, < 1 lie Joumil OGci'l 4 I»arfee.i'* with American line of steamers to the troops the defence of Paris. w apj>eared it thev Tin»«M0|»0t* says- The re!afioi of a i ...... A. it. Match .T I » L1V 13' . L!""I LOOsE AMD CNTRAMMKI.- carry hadhoi been4, P-O t'f i.t| 1 repulsed and had the France with mails, but he found all men who given up attack other Power* l« . LIIU anTi Kl owned Ameri¬ NAPOLEON'S LOSSES EN OH MO US.THE but fresh arrived to satisfactory, and t 1(1. , ., sietuiers expected of t ie NAME OF THE corps the assistance of the late event* l:a\c Wldtean... ca, impossible things BATTLE. General Frossard wa» 1IEATT (APTVBMAC FOR BACH If developed, rather than weak- A UKASO Administration. T1 ey expected the Govorn- His losses have been enormous. The Prus¬ nhiVlff froni.Wei(,Pn- cnt1.; a , hf b. ». th« know the moment the Cnnird steamers Hills. The at which the French RIOHT-OEN. Nr. THE )|f A ^ WD M lit i*ht fail and it wa.^ position endea¬ near OH.S#S, LATEKT. him. very im{H>rtant §oiu j vored to make a stand dui their trc.tchcne«ler, Worth, A- C. KlugiMd . 2.4 *i.a nig retreat was MarshalMw.h1 \\ t j| E rstrl; It »'f Mile Bv»- Conrw, by the bayonet. Tins battle is known visions of General Hiikcr, jr..2 bboald be htarted and encouraged* A« regards as that of Faillys corps!1 After the bat- NTAFF, KILLED BY Tiiif ik au uamb .-r, aud VF.9BMMI.ACUr!>T 1®. AT * O CL'M'S «. naval vessels for the Ilagenlau. these divisions were unable to ioin their NAPOLEON ILL AT ati^recadeat4jd aboira ng carrUng of the mails HIK UUE-UtS. RA CHALONS. Uie cat interest t«U ia LLe face. he expressed the opinion that the Government POSITION OF THE PRUSSIAN FORCES. OI'LT M1MINQ- gt n ValrjaMe Prf. a-»* «It*i .<> ik»V««t Rni?,;t» f to them for Ma\ wc*. Aug. 7.Prince Frederick Charles »»gue. it is said that many cavalrv piun... 1 he vtibu will I'tooeed from tbe ancbora^e U.» I' intt, JidHiU'ir- ii <* I'D Km*ht-*-ui.-reil. *'.^authority employ such pur- is at but ,,ie THE IRKNCH po<». There was no way without aitlniritr of i>iiesk.t.-tel, and General SteiuiaeU u be¬ ?' pr'"»i-»ns had nTitraUeuse ' ITOUTATUKOF WM'TttRK ULLER IX HIS to tbe ol the fiMuthwent N4.1t, 11 ut tween Lulzevach and Tk-n6 *? whieh did us much HOPE buoy Thi-»rcce« J« mill 11 J. n»- the trinrt.ia ot the armies is now DEFEND CASE! lifbiahip, a*p« I, Btinh ii. Di«t»l. math* to hv regretted m existing stationed at THE MORALE OF THE ; ft l'i Inmkia. anfi It" eE.er^ency. Kaiser l.aufern. FRENCH TR'K)PS. MET/. J W»U rouuditig it to tbe northaard and ea»:w4tdt' mkiz, Aug. 1,8a. m..The moral'' of our and re turn ovet tbo aame t MARSHAL MrMAHON BADLY is excellent thia course, jhiwhh; 5a j« A E L 0 Mi 9QALLIKI Till. Fll*A* 1AL WoUNDED. troops morning, it is irjpos- weft 01 liffrKTLTT.ClBt-rtAR OF SriTZK. August 7. a. >i-It is reported that ' cxact °1 our losses. Gen- A Revolution in the rag boat olt the Club H^jae, g, M|t the Marshal , Ve ti«ure8 THE LATEST PRUSSIAN VICTORY. Impending Paris. or First CowrTitoLLKK..The Fir.-t Com;- McMahon wa* wounded in the battle r®(v'\ec es ls P'gai'i^ing defensive mea« and retuto.iig. i he 11, rn. ot 'ri1 to The Star. * fioller of the Treasury, H>n. K. W. Tavlor yesterday. We have taken tour thousand f/rli corl"' hcrtl are still able to give th Telegraphed Exclusively E'mng Never acre aucb cxion^ ve .tnd encr^-'fi,: oil PAisTisee r<>R sal*. cr? orov muire,eh 'I w H ad!r ss a circular letter to the government prisoners. trouble and stop his onward inove- Bkrlin. August 8..General Steinmeti tele¬ THE WAR \0T TO LAST A WECk" ff^usemerta l*iug made on .*11 h.dcs, at. 1 1. Jn+' r- it .1 ' aef.oi' PKTl'BES. 12'.b P-r.n disbursing officers, and all to whom the same TH E FRENCH ABANDON THE FIELD. graphs the following particulars of cue conte-t *"> "*e rteet or tho New \ rk .t. : l «-t I2i*i ai.il Utn to-night su rpAeen thoroughly «Teihau-. !. priation the *i*cal ending June 3) Our troops repulsed tlie fortiflcatioiLs, while doctor* Nelatou and Ricord ha.e to j T\e rsignrd, ^a*lnf r«Btt»uj at¬ |.e the finest on record. asJ «- '! " and t»»autifal I ls.O. appropriations made the current ti-c il enemy, abandoned the tield of battle. tbem, thereTe sequently by artillery and cavalry. tend him. °"qoe* yacht will, of oourae. have th.' cbo.c- ot TiJLS- -pvCifti!;y Mil the a:teutiuo ot tlie public year, and liabilities KING WILLIAM'S OFFICIAL DISPATCH. I lien with the line between Saarbrack and F.'rbach. imperative tc site «*m« Ajwlicatinrs f r btc bVj .(<-., m%y be accruing within the year; and that former ap Berlin. sailors from their fleet, which demand* from Proasia that Engl an I shall stop poaiUon, and o»oc t^ie aignal t.» dr| *r'. baa b^on .mm .41 liKSE i A- KAi^iIK s, 4-4 Gr^-n street. nations ean be used only in August King William sends the the Ua!je th lasting until ni^ht. The heights of W'*r b4*r?'1 «»UMid. ;Utf prop pavnent of to Oueen : M Nationale, elii; ment* of coal to France or aliandwi mjc *i tlie profu,?(J' . B. A. EA1SEB A HERMANS . following dispatch r'-.'Vv and *'!»» ' were i'arrmirS'f fe-.,rg|.!aT her excellent . taliru** '.Good news. A n, o point the of » Bk^TrR inj U 3ni* Of Contracts made to the first great victory has been won up a soUdf army of 100,000 men. Pans is tree. pretence neutrality. pro|>er)y prior dav . our > ritz. tiod be for his onet, and the enemy were thrown back on For o: duly, Is,y. These Jo not to y praised mercy. We It is believed at Antwerp that the war will tbe ob.w-itiir ouutr«b- tth#»acit »tr««»i and will be morning until at night, i chect France and Prussia have ven a bottomclonedtron. the watar-Mne to the k.-el; tbe r«.t tii*a: IKteri a"x>r» Odd ftUowi' strictly, they directed to render when tlie French UtI-el usfT|-'«be iirni underU"i the reverse, and let? that point, their and g; written fledge Hlli, « arate accounts of d.tburaements retreated, leaving the Held to to baggage camp equipage of to oltserve ,U ** Waek She h i ai.o b- n ."inlca Oil Cbru!ar>«. *c ; made on us. Our repair. I>et there he but one in the neutrality ot . . Pa,nt,»^ Paii-iii£». Earrar!s.ii4. ot debu losses were heavy." parfv two divisions and many prisoners were take a. Belgium. 2ntted with ikw lore and main toi bvi iuo, L*rei-»t »t.«ck r »Fi»rb*a*.3£4, Window Shn J. 4, a .^nt and liabiliMes accrued and thelistenland-that of France. A sinclc nlav.that The condition of Paris i* to iiuwU, »f R|, j ASSAULT ON THE PAKIS BOURSE. national honor. 1 oome among yov fiithful THE PRUSSIAN'S MHk.OOO The tengthcued f«ser 4111 tier . STRONG.TER¬ gerous. to in ¦ Ac It rhr Diatrrot. arate accounts 1,1 Pa>"ln^nts m^da ou P AKif. Aug. 7..The Pfttr ofto-day says that to my mjHgion and You will Empress council with Kouher .ioM^kibi three, whirb will |>r< vent her lote^a.I mr TEKM!* I'ASH i *4®',lC at the Bourse duty. SSf ROR IN ROME. and Schneider. tbe wind otit of her Her »*l|iar- and H 1 * a O :ntef the service o. current fl...al year, yestcrdav several persons were danger to defend the f ag ot drawing jib. PteaM- inittK-r Sa-ne timber. i(S j arretted. At 3 Fran^..adfuJe London. Aug. 8..The Prussians claim that naater tbiuk; will to .« i al.-o will be directed to be J**r®ful and not o'clock slimS of e '>a.> U Figure nMlinUI" ^rder. The Giobr says;." The Prussian in*}*'* he be able make her he> were uttered T0 envoy .tK'ut in . much ?hort«r time tu*n nsetlie money appropriated lor i9Fper )va>. by parties exasperated At tb- demand water, enough «.eady given t!*? Xh? Ai:gn»i. tria of the Stevens battery are discredited here. Las l>een rel ®11 cinraa. We arc m i b m t," 1 R>T GKAM» Pirtlir HE kX<'KL.»l«»B or came and tore the rai'waMSof the Rboimt used." ¦f' -'.ikcD - Assp.snrM WK4r furious, up (Signed) ScuEstg, Journal Paris it ^be doc*l|tf not phow atcru to r I tiliGE. N A O. ol '. E »ill N> 0% paltT CRAI,rATES inclosure. A force wan The OJKcielot deities the loss of her m;*»v ot brought to tear, and her She wa« tbe winner ot Ki»^t, Till!? ENKN1SG, iMvCiljy.' Auv'Jflt Tti graduates at the West Point Military AcaJ- the building was evacuated amid applause from THEfcm AT.ON SUMMED I P. any cannon or eagles at Welssenburg. RftBTH UBOLIXA ELFCTIO**. oppotiaut*. tl.. tl »-".» T. t". riti- it . the June *!*>. ln 1{s., k aiHi.ffl-.ir sr.jB* have been as follows: the crowd on the ' ' From official news re Advices from Rome regatta of J«;«; , it' to r. r- nmj assigned place oauide, and in¬ state that the French ^|V ^Tit? Patir-r.^ n.3i judicial /Jtlvft? rc situation may be summed up as nemoeratic Leglslatare Elected. Her fctrongoat upponenta are likely |o b« U« «t 5.V|.,n M Tt*r f <*. r 1st of bo Second 'Lieu- vestigation is now going on. . disasters cause tu.."'.» S knurl; regiment Cavalry.To protound and the . Ma«l;linc aui * /.a follow terror, Pojie Wilmikctom, August 6. Returns Phantom, Tidal Ware, Mag.c, i.at ..i»r..» Iimai up.2.faacl l>. -aiii tei.ants. Cadets dames ltockwell, Jr.. Co. Lilrrt' publishes the tollowing:.At one bu asked have been to e'ljugh auch trait. It will be rem luUeied "»».H I n Prince iias driven Marshal M< Ma- Eugenie for just one ship to defend received settle the fact that the thai tbo P. l'«tt''ll. tl. ran11 Alexander O. Brodie, Co. M; Frederick K. o'clock to-day the Bourse wan invaded bv a i wa« the brat to the arake- S. crowd maddened with hontrom Worth, him from the Italians, now for an conservative* carry both houses of the lx*guila- Pbantom reach boa* - ^srd. Co. H; Peter Bomus. Co. L; John G. and enthusiasm. In¬ ^eisscnhurg.La.iterbonrgand organizing f.- i L8I0H H joy ana probably the evacuation of Ha- turc by decisive majorities. also tlie boat in the-lane race; but. having to mak^ au - compelled They carry ¦* , Kdwin H. the windows in all the streets near attack on the dominions and L>i iff K>K-, Co. G; Shelton. Co. E; Otto L. stantaneously genan Papal authority. third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh allowance to the Idier on aocvunt or ea,. .--* iu X<, Kli H M1 'NX' Hein, Co. I I'd regiment of were hung with flags on account of a great aniTstrasltourg. oongrvie- Cavalry.Cadets by announced to have been The victory of Gen. Goeher at Saarhruck and NAPOLEON PUTS HIS PAW UPON PRI¬ sioii.,1 districts, which makes the delegation area and toMiiage, waa pla. d arcwd. I'he I>^niel C. Pearson, Co. A; F.dwin J. McOler- victory gained by >pichren, and the advance trom ha« stand tlve conservatives and two La* had '«rt a*idod to the lewtk XMl the >i -*i icr< or Co. Charles B. Co. Fred¬ McMahon. We to gel thiough tlie Noiuburg, VATE FROPERTY. repablicaiis. In nand, .; Schofield, L; managed driven h rossard s corps f rom ami St the third district Waddell, couseruative, I* un¬ r wl»lch has u-cc. itat -.1 (ba erick W. Kingsbury, Co. Lovell H. .Jerome, crowd to the Bureau ot the Commissary of Po¬ Lo«don, Aug.8.Fourteen millions of francs 4 h ASB IS'-T< S ASD TOLTMRIA «»MM\S- who he had rot A volt, and has probably rcudered Bitche un- doubtedly elected, though two counties are vet add:tk>r. of about twelve ton« m<»re btllaa*. j*he 0 H. 3d regiment of Cavalry.Cadets Chas. W. lice, said received any official cenatiie. w ere seized by the i>olice of Paris last week. to hear from. Careful estimate* fix his A.arm i* la tair condition, ha«. had her hot'ona l. Co. L; Orlando L. Co. K. 4th news. A few moments after a put majority PkRiE^OE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR trned, Wieting, placard'was AlcMahon's corps is at present cut off from They belonged to Rothschild, litrach, Raphael, at 375. II is conceded that Shtpp. the c>n*«»rva- ik alv coppered, an I w.tb a heavy wind w.li d'> regiment of Cavalry.Cadets Clinton H. Teb- up by the administration, which announced that Metz. The taken bv tive for . oil. The >»ttier. 1 tlie of McMahon had a prisoners tlie Crown Prince Bischoff'enheim and other Jewish bankers, it candidate attorney general, cairied the i^ambtor, Halcyon aud were etts, Co. Hi Aostlu L. Peifce, Co. F; Kol«rt corps occupied strong number number State. Moat o: loo a . 8,- - Steven*, Schuyler, I here are which cial circles of are ient condition. i wt.arf. f V rk Ritht l,io ** Kdward <\ <>». C; LEON. rumors, lack oliici<»l imor- Europe much incensed i;t MfWpM Kzrluiivtlg to Tke Mvcntttf 9lmr- Bai'iai. i- 4i i | .hi ii\in^ at Uicbautd o n a. K.|*erton, Frank Michlcr, Paris, 7.The Journal in its mation, of the evacuation of the what is deemed a i: * to. K. t;th or August Hiti'iel, Thionville, great outrage upon some of Nrw Hatik, J K- u ia»-.'-«». U'chmorJ .t »'«> p. Keuiment Cavalry.Cadets second edition of to day, publishes tie follow¬ capture of Lierch and Hagenan, and the ad¬ Ct.. Augusts.The propeller TBS TACIT BACK. .Mgtia; «¦§ Iww M lafklowili nrder to *isit Dexter W. ParVer, Co. C ; Sebree vance ol their members. Partbema. Captain Tryon, to the t^.U f uMint at that azxl ing proclamation: the Prussians across the Rhine from belonging P'/itit. arriving at Smith, Co. L; Johu U. Kerr, Co F to we South Baden. A Brussels letter announces the establish¬ Eastern Prop< ller Company, and running be¬ B !¦«! ta* I'ight far the HIk Tac'iK * '-*i'i.* t ii t Tt * m b'JDila ni^r:.iiig. TUi Fr.aKCBMbK: I p this hour have always We know, however, that large tween 7th regiment of Cavalry.-Cadets Jienjannn H*.' ;«!1 w I russian of a Hartford and New York, left Savhrook at t *. :a loi tl'«- trip wiU U- icimkI ti.r hvedity*. Co. S. given certain news whiHi have received, armies are gathered at Saarlouia and ment weekly postal service between Ant» T on Suadav T-lirfkrt E»c/aaaaety (a the *<~wt>v »m. Tlutt: Ivrasiasle l»*r».n. Hodgson. .; Wintield Kdgerly, Co. I» arid *e continue to do so. in the southern of o'clock evening, and at 10.Jo o'clock, .. Last night we receiv¬ part Baden. and New York for lifteen .* x-tHl'tii^ii ami lady 10 sfh regiment of Cavalry.Cadets Kduard F werp years. three miles east of Falkner's Island, a tire broke C1 irrojr, Statkk H^Tbe wind Co. A. ed the following dispatches: out around I«uv»,Ai|. M»y I Kj4 ? I>r Mci'l- ry. N > 4 H >.«l ¦ Build Wood. F; Kichard Williams, Co. B; Kd- THE PRIXC* IMPERIAL TO RETURN. The Prussian iron-clad Harmonia narrowly her boiler. The rtame« spread rap- » light th» lronathe aoath. TbetOoaJ ¦ aioriutig y. 111* I 1* . -iii .N V. .» J 4TT1.'- Wand,. I. tnui d M. Cobb. Co. L; Kdward A. Co. THE DEFEAT ADMITTED. PARIS, 7.La Liberie a train idlv. and the steamer was at once headed W atr.«t. » U Godwin, Aug. says special escaped capture by French cruisers recently, off for vh ch over tbe at au Uu.'Ut. j(I ;;J| * J M. K«*. < Samuel M . Fountain, Co. K; Kobt. E. Coxe. Mm/.. August ii.Midnight.Marshal McMa- left the station at 5:30 o'clock this eveuini; to Falkner 's Islands, and a« her donkey rngine and hung bay early boar are N' .».<.» Pi-nt K. and 9t--phcii Till-.. i«> u: Jr., Co. Frederick K. hone has lost a battle. General on the back the mouth ot the Elbe. torce forward 1 the breare b a Mii n Kai!r->ae re-es¬ p and all nine in Mr h -; McI>oiiald. t>». good* .^N LATIF SUMMONED IN HOT HASTE. vetsel, hands, number, took a and a race. 1* uvt eu>, < *.^a Liberie §nvt* a hundred «Uy .juiet There A Hia-- and btrian Hani will ihr the x I, John Conline. Co. Daniel H. tablished. #».« » J . u?; boat and reached the in ,gb umi'nny .; Floyd. thvufand Italians will a Pakip. shore satetv. It was a wind ta t-1<>« . aoS-St of be fighting with us in Aug. 8..The funeral of Prevoat Par- diaptav tbe aail ng qualit ea of Ui« par' regiment Cavalry..ltobert (Signed,) NAroLEow. under a beautiful still night. Tke Parthenia hooded for . V° ottensive and rice. Co. .; I^evi P. Hunt, A. treaty defen- adol will take place to-day. the mainland and ran herself aground a mile *rm vachla Tbe bay ta crowded wit* 4 'K^ND I'AMILV EXCI RM'JN 1st nt Company NAPOLEON TO PLACE HIMSELF IN THE ff* d"7?', *Le remains the Austria of TO region of ArtiUerv.Cadet Carl F "PaJ- h II. fehe??r u^Iia The fyaio is filled with protests against the southeast of Gnillord Point and burned up. U>n*a from fxnil! eteaia ta trey.Co. F. ad or CENTRE OF POSITION. has sold herself to her enemy, King was no ranging tag* G L T M O S T, regiment Artillery-Cadets a. V. IIham. lor ot There cargo worth mentioning on 1 vir *rfc 1 be ¦ communica¬ German army correspondence. brrt-ciaM and ^ound r^teai" a* TKi: Henry A Keed, Co. H: das. A. Co. Met/, August 7,15:30 m.My subjects which were let* suppression boar^. H Co Dennison, tions have been interrupted with Marshal Mc¬ her by the treaty of Hague. If victory should Cramer, agent of the Wolfl Telegraph! s .Lorua 1.1 an I are ». | V: MEN » BINEVt'lEST ASSOt 1ATI0N itud'ey. ad regim.-nt of Artil- Mahon. I am crown our »«il- fjtgar< »d^ts ( ,are nee A. Co. going to place myself in the cen¬ arms, France will remember Italv barely escaped from a mob in Rue Vi- The Nathaa HaHkr.rurther fovea black with .pecta'.ora A hundred amall 'f.ry- Postley, H; Chas tre ot the position. snd she w ill not Austria. Agency, hoat« Of the harbor cluba, yaelitu oi IKJBACILATL CUM EFT lUN PARISH. forget him in belief was a tlgatiM. yacht H* (Signed.) Napoleon. vienne, seeking that he Brooklyn, Harlem, Jeraey City, an.) of other MONDAY. Arni 4T 2i». I '^ Randolph, Co. GEN. STEINMETZ'S ACCOUNT OF THE Prussian itoflkt. arc around the ot " I**70. J^u spy. an.-tiorage rb^ -. McMAHON RETKEATED IN GOOD FIGHT. New rluba, hovering Tlia "WAW.U»ET aiii lca\e 7tb street wharf at of I, riLCa- ..«h regiment The has York. Aug. 8 The Nathan inuueat was the rhchtr entered for tbe race, watching over m ArMllery.Ca..Gen. Steinmetz Corps Legislatif been summoned to l» , 1 ard p in. S. cS BstiLiir, Aug. telegraphs reaumed this morning. I>r. Darwin and another the mo\emeut* on board Tbe >-oiapeting an Kd»ard Hidden. Co G; Wm. R Ouinan Co' 4:30 a. m. The .n* chief of staff as meet but it is in view of Ticket*.ONK DOLLAR Jiir t Mkt*, Angnst 7, Major General at Berlin, Thursday, possible, the physician from the Fifth Avenue Hotel were a on the Ukc juartet Kdward S Co. - the to the £Jame,'llld, rachta' tart will take placc Chapin, c5i Vegiment of of Army MinitUr of Interior .Alter a to.lows: The conflict between Saarbrack and present crisis, that the meeting may be has¬ examined, and stated their belief that death re¬ of ebb which will ecrve tbe yviit« u A Wintield S. . the tide, \CIB>10N ASD PICNIt; rtil.ery.Cadets Chaplin Co wries of engagt-ments, in which the enemv bIoo<,y OD«. *nd closed only with sulted from the wounds Indicted the to the wathweat The K or thi If. Weir. Co. D; Wm. B. Co. forces in i0,i was tened. by "dog" the wind liolda nearlv *pit ^m ' Homer! a'- brought heavy the tleld, Marshal nightfall. It opened by the 14th division, after a protracted struggle. They expressed been allowed to aelect any pi>.ition NT AMI'MCW S SfH lkTY Kolin A. Ives, Co. ., McMahon was forced to fall back from his first which was reinforced six battalions, three IRISH SYMPATHY FOR FRANCE. the that the Cambria haa line. The of by opinion murder was eommitte l in tbe line of yacht* at anchor. TO MARSHALL HALL. corps General Frossard had to bat taries and some r-avalry. We took bv assault Durum, in favor four or five hours before and that now anchored flftr Tarda from 2 in the afternoon with the the of August 8..Demonstrations discovered, The vevela are apart OS TL'BSDAY. Al;GC»T 1«. 1-70 rur. rir.e. the ubbxaii bhui. tight yesterday heights Sprehien, and flung the encmv of France continue to be made tbe in the murderer* did not know the amount of vio¬ in the poeitiona .Oa the liu<- running entire srmy o! the enemy, having held his po¬ bs< k upon Forbach. At the same time the 13th by people lence following to the Jt never shall be France's, u ii 6 south of necessary la ca. it.th westward from mid-channe< dab houne I Ih>Sti-ami r ARROW will leave the to> t ol 7th sition til o'clock. He ordered a retreat, di\ ision advanced on Wickllngen, took Fosxern the Ireland. At Tipporary yesterday a the atahe-boat in the r" r» ,4ts» > a ai and 4 d m. The the German was made In at CliXton. flrat, channel, free, Uhine, which good order. «nd lto advancedc guard reached Forbach crowd singing the Marseillaise was T keta.tiaaitaaea.#!; Ladiea,2CJ 'I ho' raven-like she (Signed) LaBorar. towards dispersed by then the Alaim Calrpao, Widgeon, SUrte. Mu- i ¦ 't i hiidrni Bmlir 12 glances erening. the police. 1 'auntie*, Tarolinta, Haicvon. Idler, Kam- yeara. free. And croaks foul Another dispatch dated at Saarbruck at noon Is fl gie, Fleur CO*liiTT*E her design. WHISTLING TO KEEP THEIK COURAGE to the result PRUSSIAN HARBOR DEFENCES ALL t»ler, Phantom. da Ua. rieotwin*. Mad- »rr UP. day says of the fight exceededour Sax Frakcisco, August 8 The ivrv in the Madeline, America, Tidal iinff K R J. bn B Small, So as We have RIGHT. case of gia-, >» illiam CraiBahaiik. John Oibsou, long calmly gliding Details of our losses are wanting. Our troops expectations. occupied Forbach wher Charles t.'uinn, charged with the murder < ambna. all at anchor, withoat aa,I act. around Alejaiider Pafereon. It wears its mantle are of flan. The situation is bagWC Fbakkport-oh-thk-Maih, 8 The of Maggie Ryan, returned a verdict of mar.ter Cambria and green, fnll not compro c^P^uip August In the I>aunUeaa. »al>«.)5 i.Ri'KURW BALLi>CH. Pretiiient. So as oar mised. hut the enemy is on our and a rg?orVtwoUXwodn?e ports and harbors here are armed the second degree. A strong tore* of police Chartered atearn toga, aail boata, and *>mtller long dividing territory, A U'raU special report, based on a dianafc being rapidly the from mobbed tilled Its »a\e is seen. serious cfiort is necessary. A battle appears with new 300 pounders. prevented prisoner being with excited par-on*. who are PKM1V. mirrored imminent. from Baden, rays that a force of South German The Tax-payers' I 'nion has appointed mem¬ all"n*1!?cheering the ofBcen and orewof eaeb ve^el (jKANDAKMY troops, volunteers, have crossedau the an bers to the to nominate municipal It never shall be France's, Rhine AUSTRIA AND ITALY COMING TO THE convention The wanu are a dire, t line, at e>{ >ai AN EARNEST APPEAL FROM THE advanced on *tra»burg. RESCUE OF NAPOLEON. officen. lyia^la A PI' NIC will be tnee. under the an« The free, the (German Khine, FRENCH MINISTRY. S5S?aSS|.awdtine one- l'be ( » G Ki K' k II THE FRENCH MARITIME FLEET AND New is a _ THOMAS Pl'.-T Nj. So long as enhances In the presence of this grave news our duty Is York, August 8..The following ebb **.Uiaud Aib> of the Republic. youth We to the and EXPEDITIONARY CORPS, to the New York timet: ^ tide will AT a His fervor with its wine. plain. appeal patriotism energy 7.The special reoch the toll of the weK ARAL*>«TAS 1>LASD, of all. The Chambers have been convoked. Wo special correspond- 8.The Germans USSttSSIantftAej I N ^ rut writes on 41 The Paris, August >.." 1 learn, on very good au¬ Evimmti, Inn., August TUCK-DAY AETEKSOOH. AL'Ol'ST II. So as, sentry are placing Paris, with all possible haste, in a f11^ Cherbourg Friday: have held another meeting to express their sym¬ revet ae cutter B< ata e long keeping, et not less than .12) thority, that Italy will send 53,000 troops this McCaltoafb, with lira. will nur.. nr» riiamuc frum foot of state of defense. in order to facilitate the exe¬ * comprise for in the war. Collec¬ rrant a Ml- et. l.«. r»i t WII. Hiab The rocks its stud: for iU to and it is pathy Prussia present l.adv Franklin and large nunaber oT at 1o rl m k a. BI . fit the UUtnl margin cution ot'tlie preparations. We declare deP»rture will week the aid of France, believed in te to new York to work at I' u.' ii l * Ml i military tors were ordered go invited gueata. a now ..winriice a: 4 and v«aa«- at 11 o'rlocR So as are the in a state of must tSeeliht Hi«P^ttl0n8f°vernmeut has not more official that Austria will also a coming up fro® Saady p m Mu»l- l » M long spires steeping capital siege. There be than T?.e quarters send ooliecling. Hook to aee the race. tkj trlaie Rau l under Ike leader- uo faintheartedness, no divisions. Unr resources twenty-two ships ot its own, and take' ¦hip t rr >.» r f l'i '»p»-rs. Their image in its flood ; contingent at once, la the battle ot Haganau, The aignal to make readv t«na waa r aij! are immense. Let us the wlth- powewion of trans-Atlantic steamers. The ex ^ fan) >np|" r»-tr>-ebnieiiTa 'in the rrnande. pursue struggle heen c aecond(pwanguw Ttrk u.^O ret ii. akaitiitf a MtltaaB .nd la- It never shall be France's, oat f inching and the country will be saved. strengthened, and waacivea. S- eatra rhir*» ilti! Ij*8 or marines, each chief of staff, was killed by his side. Raoult is The l>aunUaa» W« f«.r'erriare The free, the German Khine, (Signed).M. Ollivicr, Minister of .lusttce; with one : Salt Lann Crrr, August K.Rev. I>r. New. Magic next, the Tii-LU <~»n be bad i f any > f the O tBraJ'-i of the DukedeGrammont, Minister of battery of artillery and one battalion Metz is lor a de. this afternoon TaroUnta. Mhar,awayttsA^Uie P E V M . So as festive dances Foreign Aitairs, missing. preparing vigorous man, of Washington, preached Cambria, 1'hautom aad Katably». . 1'4 -431 long M. Chevelier de of the In¬ "rcos, under Generals lteboat and Martin, hours and a half in the otheit P» H«aw; r at tt»*-* bail, at t!.e'^ : Yaldrome, Minister 2f.1 fenco." three Methodist Chur -h ThTolinth *W JvUow.njj. lhf t Il.ab*t . Its combine M. Jorc* consists of fifty thonsand troops .Mhrdii) of thfPiti.it. lover-groups terior; Segris, Minister of Finance; Gen. ofr f»,l!n to a very large and attsnti vs audience. Laic70a. aal-Mit Vlcompte de Jean. Minister of War ad interim. the line from various regiments, General THE LONDON TIMES ON THE SITCA" So long as angler bringeth 7.1870.10 a. m. Trother being commander-in-chief. TION.NAPOLEON'S PRIME MINIS¬ | [Second Diftpat*' MOL'BiT Its trout to shore, Paeis, August MOBBKD. Hahvx Book. Augaat |,*0* VERSOS^ lusty MrMAHON REINFORCED. BEBLIN EXULTS. TER Baltimorr, Aug. a._ Danattaaa haa Mn f. m.The Thrii'W rARIfW. f'aat. Tb unad S'.ackp le, So as minstrel siogeth Berlik, August 7.A salvo of artillery baa Iondow, 8 Tho Timet of this morning Baltimoia -^of the Jwat ronndod the light ahip, lead¬ . -. > i T -'t «4 7ta rtreet. long Pant*, advices Aug. the Schnetaen ing raoe. The Idler tf wbarf. ^ Angnst 7.Evening..official been fired in honor or the Prussian victory. aeoond, an 1 the I-A IL V i-iffi1 >n»HTay#.. at ic a a fts praise from door to door. from Metz or Angnst 6th says Marshal McMahon says the French are la a critical position. *Bd P*r*der >1 VKKNuS. ^ ixi.iBf ,i»-PJua-h has sot had time to send separate reports. His BADEN TROOPS INYADK FRANCE. Ang. 8.Ferbaeh is aasenff swat fipafpfroeta*^1 prial IThird A '. \a- .Iria Ef rt-E tr arid H Mnr- It never shall be France's, i.owDow, Savdt Dtapatch.l Ha aakia«t"a. iall headquarters, he simply writes, is in food posi¬ Paris, Aug. 7..A private dispatch is said to by the Prussians in Hafc>r-. Hook, Augoat b.2.55 ! Mi . UL"e ii use a;id liE». Va . rnurtiLf to The free, the German Khine. tion. and ho has been otner have beon received announcing that a of egic points gained Macto la thiea p. m.The joined by oorps corps | day* battles, aad now M4 by tfcair loroes. unartaaa el a mile ahead, «. I stil its broad expanse is d'armee from Mets. the Baden troope haa croaBed th« fihino abqv» thenook ea the retarn from peatfac ^""'"jAMUHIW Oeal ¦ Pari# that the soldiers la the light ahip. au; tfOffce.WUliard * Uctel. Its last defender 's shtrne. The Jkmitrur it Svtr has the foUovtaf: "We nuie. Napoleon telegraph? ty Datintleaa next and the Idler TV« ich pest asd the sane imu next, the law