THE WAR. I'tkian at On.V to Cii.Lr up L«> the R«»Rt

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THE WAR. I'tkian at On.V to Cii.Lr up L«> the R«»Rt Till: EVENING STA It. the yachtrace to-day rml*HE» HILT, **d4aj (if«)U4, ihk ia« air M K t or At The Star Building, |V Cera«r Penairl7aaia At and 11th 9V, I IV cml vicfti race of New \ . k »o whether En*. uu»1 aha> rer'a ta tt* v«*«e<,' w*r »*J Am«-ri r«1,iM *,». » .* uejimstu m%?\m cwwsi. w > .lay. t>. tl-e ItciIifH «. the coat . ? e. ball er Hrftaaia Tla jmrf. A«aee>ca u. VrT 8TAK Is tcrr^ carrter* to tit- rr «nt TUB fry l*»u n iitt*i! to ftmtcM l'i Vliiir r tb* T'nitr-I Kritr- r» '¦ ih«- C;ty »' *S Diotr'tt at Tii t'sit- fib State* :oi the retention of tLe Ik imh. ».u ioi w«i* or I«iTT rom r«» mosts Copi«« tLia it if* (.outer. Two Cutt. by tier *r n«»*r1yj ft ci ?«.*. :. Thr*« Houtfit. 51 .»0; ,flr* .C'1 *hr Iim Wa rrtH«iikH «« | rrSnt BIX H ntfci. »3.00; l>n» Y*»r. 55 00. No paptr* '® " ."J tint*. w.ihw that period that -be >. «r- »i if rom the .fSo.- km|rr *hai. pai-1 for. m>>< h Mk« the litahman tUat bad htg ' Ol» tjacknlfe ?UK WEEKLY sTU-ci! oa frM»T l''*«**» *"J *» Mil tt» w uaudl«w, 36-iV- 5.430. Uu» T* .ornlsc.9 1 iu . t«v. WASHINGTON. 1). C.. MONDAY. AUGUST 8. 1870. TWO CENTS. ,rVXl ft,'J *¦*'«. It r. 3i44n» to I* mail.,T.r AMI'S KM EXTS. the wak. bare received a rumor or an engagement. Gen¬ l'.NGI.AND AND BELGIUM. *>. full of courage, coolness end wnfiJcnrf, ,;u ** Kroward is reported to he in Paris. i he 1.on dob, The taken by Eng¬ Lu* ttat the a s 3 i EVENING STAR. eral Aug. position trial is Wfer* om, and wilt re¬ K! MS N I At. LUaUUt «_><' Mfnistei ot the Interior will resign.*' land iu regard to Belgium u approved by Prus¬ ILI IUL. phi hhi a tuium : sia. quire gi cat *acrifioes and eftort> ot patriotic to M»..«.itoc^wr PRUSSIANS CONCENTRATING n\ THE meet it, tkH the graceful ©»*ar. > ABREST (»F A Lr.Af hY !'KOr. XECKk K, News and BAi E N SIDE OF THE KHIXE CORRESPONDENT. Mr. Ollivier The Washington Gossip. It n confirmed that there i- a [lAKtx, Aug. 9.The H'tnid com-»pon<lent on last night announced to the mob following br.ef ac«»«,at « ^ AT 'A riTV i Flia 1 INT REVOLT. heavv concen¬ IMIB6TOI «.\i;l>RNS7 *«» a<- a in vaebt ot 5m«b»al Krvkm'f.The receipt# from this tration or th.- troops or the enemv on the Baton t!i« Baltic coH>t arretted spy. Minister front of hi* official residence that the author tator national N.w > -rfc ¦»i .between M ltd )l klrt«(f w .Ide ot tLe Rhine, which the French Bancroft is laboring to procure his relewe. ol i be take o( the Amenta *» tiaari s».irce to-day were ^I,ll9,ti3} 'J7. KAFOLIOHS THRONE TOTTEBIfG, watch report victory. on Saturday, again-i ^rcn'^n ^ TMRSDAY. ACGI.MT 11 closely. SHERIDAN IX LONDON. bu been arretted. ai.d will be punished. |h the euaaaa bUu* aro t.4 ute ^ THE FRENCH CHAMBERS CONVENED. LOMXii. 7.General* Sheridan and For- " i» at tliip 1 . ' 4.k*. K. T. Dtst left thi-« citv last evening In Aug. ftcfct* ii n r r.s J 4 V . T- r NAPOLEON p fti Ii-b# M of the : (y-a i-oiidon.).The Senate are herr. on their way to of war. BKMEVFD T'» BE NON .. i.r ». PhrMcnlam .! thf l*r«r«*iaii Victories. ijtlie "At live \r"% >u '>r.« «nv 'the nine o'clock train lor St.l>oiii*. to bo absent and ( orr# jA". buT heen s imra w COMPOti MENTIS.KNGI AND TO before wu. tbe atgaal tJW »» -| t at >1 Ecgislatit >ncd OF to heave ahort ai. J navialinii rire«-«-rk* <\lriii< the about ten day*. He will join President Grant meet on Thursday. the llfh inst. KIND TREATMENT PRISONERS. MKltlATE. prepare lor -ar..i* . ^ PU1 B».ri is. Auj;. 6 .The French |>r>*>ners t^ken Dre.f ar«| .« moment afterward tore* « .. a-vi »,« Tr'ktU --i a a in en route. SSiAN YiCToKY A1.UNG THK WHOLE FMPKKi I.o^ro*. ..The Tim'# It is a Crei'i a.'mi'iii.yr *. tf»>hi»u <i ( Karrislurg THE »H'S DISPATCH CRElTFS 8) far in the war hare been distributed around Avg says:." *er* mib ait or »*fii «»» th<> *..ua4r * i fc*i* Of. <((..(, J;* LINK. CONSTEKNATIO \ IX PARIS. Berlin. The Prnr«ians v 111 thetr il.n< ntou- question whether tie Within three Miautm all »«.!,. r I lie prove by Emperors -ad* hn. rhe 'I'lIK T1 R-T bl",'I"r! W \TE MCS\GE':iK '>ni»ER..Tfceonkr assign n;; Surgeon !'.rnLi?i, Ang. 7.Tlie t'ol towing official dis¬ diej:stch I rum the Eni|ieror announcing treatment of these wen tl a though they are health l, av« him in of hi* Atactica. s»e »»j> not only »uri, to .t * possession od.nary ( THAI im> Vi-ltti- TU1 * * 1 4 K K. S. \iatthews, of this city, to duty on the patches Lave been received: M *: shal McMahon s defeat and separation t'roji are no an apparent.}. not to haiii b.-riclJ i- i.> 44 V fcAUS »he main h«« can*.-d captives, they longer enemy. iacyl'K* 'l'he tar i* marked by his u«i*l Les- Sh« n.uidoah is revoked, and he is on Wayim c, lo p. m.Tlie French were army the utmost conster¬ I*n<'h the moa. for, ...| w\. dSureY placed Aug.7, < nation. According to the ho we ve¬ ;tat ii. which v' 4V IdJ « -how how \ »> t'O.'H turi.t ij back on Emperor, aatlitutu 4 «. U to e«pert AM BI itOH .V waiting order!*. tl.err entiTe line and commenced al 1 may vet he retrieved* '"'t Mb. to ri treat to the interior ot t rance. La Lib rte the 01 P"T5.oseles* strategy and ptizxliag inaction could he it i..."7 bo'h ao< 4. M C. bids people France to vise en j o;i AT fcOLDEM MDIAUCRI The German flement of onr population hns n and the invader?. TELEGRAMS TO THE STAR. which Lire probably brought, caiam to the I ft re ami aft matim*). and * ,tt to(<.««i HOT SHOT POURED INTO THE TOWN OF repel ;?y r main «i r« |« an ,] M l**n greatly excited for the last hours The from the i< T30 nat.ciial arm*. The 1 i* n.>* h« -pre*.! TIC MIT UARM .*-r«c*r. i>i*ty dispatch Emperor dated mperor So-in.I to when the X'ounU »ai« bred. a Intl.- btoic over the ref orfsof eontinuo is Prussian successes SAARBRUCKEN. a.. m..Sunday, and fays: '-Communication with aoco;.' battle gun L \ KG EST. M.>»T 'i THIS AFTERNOON S DISPATCHES tustautly, yet he ha# ou ha" I the i t<~a u'clo.k, ahc ? a* ax a U t r rrf HIE C^sTLI. M-'ST ISTEK in the wsr with the French. The he hrewrh had commenced on till advance McMahon having been severed, nothing wi< ta.-k of wept feeling ha- firm heard from him until last corcertrating Ku force* an 1 restoring 1 Le Kcart;.-e W d. «h>* nrroa heU c !¦*'M4, l'i# E-"!SG AND NU->T IK^Ti aiVf EX i ot »bo«B italf In ol Saarlirnckcr, which they had held since evening." to tl.e \ <>;ant.'> third. tjijrtt tht*r<iuain- »ny noisy demonstration 'hp 1 G*neral Steele then annonnc>-d that McMa¬ ASSOCIATED PRFs* esprit defea:td army, au4 tbi> while hi* (iip»r <,Mie,-n aniens battle of three divisions against three REPORTS. « *n I the .Va*>ri ¦% ,«.. HI BIT ION 'N THE » ;oy, bnl it Las been tolerably easy to single out hon *s loss was «t in the bat that hK w my I* concentrating in the heart ot GLOBE cmnpauii-* of to fall gr, battle, l.orrane. ^ br^re .if LiOL UWwuii? iiuij ft>? a citizen ot German descent by his radiant as¬ tbev Prussians, hut, having retirement wax effected in good onlcr. On the Circumstonces *111 »»n exact the reappear- I V > atilit : !k cutKi <1, turned that rich and unprotected lett the aition besran at about one M>uttweM. Within the t.rft run,at. t'.f \a-' o'clock in the of ' pect; and when two ot three of them have been town. jui<l in wit'.tdrau the England in the character of a tueJ a- , aui-rtoritr of th.- Am -rlea W*-«- *t. 4«. Th tion mg spread conflagra¬ morning, but was not serious until .several tor."' 11th -T \Xl> VKKNKI r WKMt. ga*!.. red together and in the full tide of joyous by throwing hot shot into it. mn«ses cf the enemy liad concentrated, before THE WAR. I'tkian at on.v to up l«> the r«»rt. a id -hen comment it ha» r.ot been at all difficult to guess SAARBfcl'CKEN which the second corjw nviroentarilv hel l It- ' ?? >*¦ ht alter auutb<-r aul.l. »u t' v E.'IL'A Y .'.SD SATIUDAY.
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