Till: EVENING STA It. the yachtrace to-day rml*HE» HILT, **d4aj (if«)U4, ihk ia« air M K t or At The Star Building, |V Cera«r Penairl7aaia At and 11th 9V, I IV cml vicfti race of New \ . k »o whether En*. uu»1 aha> rer'a ta tt* v«*«e<,' w*r »*J Am«-ri r«1,iM *,». » .* uejimstu m%?\m cwwsi. w > .lay. t>. tl-e ItciIifH «. the coat . ? e. ball er Hrftaaia Tla jmrf. A«aee>ca u. VrT 8TAK Is tcrr^ carrter* to tit- rr «nt TUB fry l*»u n iitt*i! to ftmtcM l'i Vliiir r tb* T'nitr-I Kritr- r» '¦ ih«- C;ty »' *S Diotr'tt at Tii t'sit- fib State* :oi the retention of tLe Ik imh. ».u ioi w«i* or I«iTT rom r«» mosts Copi«« tLia it if* (.outer. Two Cutt. ccut.trv by tier *r n«»*r1yj ft ci ?«.*. :. Thr*« Houtfit. 51 .»0; ,flr* .C'1 *hr Iim Wa rrtH«iikH «« | rrSnt BIX H ntfci. »3.00; l>n» Y*»r. 55 00. No paptr* '® " ."J tint*. w.ihw that period that -be >. «r- »i if rom the .fSo.- km|rr *hai. pai-1 for. m>>< h Mk« the litahman tUat bad htg ' Ol» tjacknlfe ?UK WEEKLY sTU-ci! oa frM»T l''*«**» *"J *» Mil tt» w uaudl«w, 36-iV- 5.430. Uu» T* .ornlsc.9 1 iu . t«v. WASHINGTON. 1). C.. MONDAY. AUGUST 8. 1870. TWO CENTS. ,rVXl ft,'J *¦*'«. It r. 3i44n» to I* mail.,T.r AMI'S KM EXTS. the wak. bare received a rumor or an engagement. Gen¬ l'.NGI.AND AND BELGIUM. *>. full of courage, coolness end wnfiJcnrf, ,;u ** Kroward is reported to he in Paris. i he 1.on dob, The taken by Eng¬ Lu* ttat the a s 3 i EVENING STAR. eral Aug. position trial is Wfer* om, and wilt re¬ K! MS N I At. LUaUUt «_><' Mfnistei ot the Interior will resign.*' land iu regard to Belgium u approved by Prus¬ ILI IUL. phi hhi a tuium : sia. quire gi cat *acrifioes and eftort> ot patriotic to M»..«.itoc^wr PRUSSIANS CONCENTRATING n\ THE meet it, tkH the graceful ©»*ar. > ABREST (»F A Lr.Af hY !'KOr. XECKk K, News and BAi E N SIDE OF THE KHIXE CORRESPONDENT. Mr. Ollivier The Washington Gossip. It n confirmed that there i- a [lAKtx, Aug. 9.The H'tnid com-»pon<lent on last night announced to the mob following br.ef ac«»«,at « ^ AT 'A riTV i Flia 1 INT REVOLT. heavv concen¬ IMIB6TOI «.\i;l>RNS7 *«» a<- a in vaebt ot 5m«b»al Krvkm'f.The receipt# from this tration or th.- troops or the enemv on the Baton t!i« Baltic coH>t arretted spy. Minister front of hi* official residence that the author tator national r.ee N.w > -rfc ¦»i .between M ltd )l klrt«(f w .Ide ot tLe Rhine, which the French Bancroft is laboring to procure his relewe. ol i be take o( the Amenta *» tiaari s».irce to-day were ^I,ll9,ti3} 'J7. KAFOLIOHS THRONE TOTTEBIfG, watch report victory. on Saturday, again-i ^rcn'^n ^ TMRSDAY. ACGI.MT 11 closely. SHERIDAN IX LONDON. bu been arretted. ai.d will be punished. |h the euaaaa bUu* aro t.4 ute ^ THE FRENCH CHAMBERS CONVENED. LOMXii. 7.General* Sheridan and For- " i» at tliip t.nc 1 . ' 4.k*. K. T. Dtst left thi-« citv last evening In Aug. ftcfct* ii n r r.s J 4 V . T- r NAPOLEON p fti Ii-b# M of the : (y-a i-oiidon.).The Senate are herr. on their way to f-e.it of war. BKMEVFD T'» BE NON .. i.r ». PhrMcnlam .! thf l*r«r«*iaii Victories. ijtlie "At live a.m.ie# \r"% >u '>r.« «nv 'the nine o'clock train lor St.l>oiii*. to bo absent and ( orr# jA". buT heen s imra w COMPOti MENTIS.KNGI AND TO before wu. tbe atgaal tJW »» -| t at >1 Ecgislatit >ncd OF to heave ahort ai. J navialinii rire«-«-rk* <\lriii< the about ten day*. He will join President Grant meet on Thursday. the llfh inst. KIND TREATMENT PRISONERS. MKltlATE. prepare lor -ar..i* . ^ PU1 B».ri is. Auj;. 6 .The French |>r>*>ners t^ken Dre.f ar«| .« moment afterward tore* « .. a-vi »,« Tr'ktU --i a a in en route. SSiAN YiCToKY A1.UNG THK WHOLE FMPKKi I.o^ro*. ..The Tim'# It is a Crei'i a.'mi'iii.yr *. tf»>hi»u <i ( Karrislurg THE »H'S DISPATCH CRElTFS 8) far in the war hare been distributed around Avg says:." *er* mib ait or »*fii «»» th<> *..ua4r * i fc*i* Of. <((..(, J;* LINK. CONSTEKNATIO \ IX PARIS. Berlin. The Prnr«ians v 111 thetr il.n< ntou- question whether tie Within three Miautm all »«.!,. r I lie prove by Emperors -ad* hn. rhe 'I'lIK T1 R-T bl",'I"r! W \TE MCS\GE':iK '>ni»ER..Tfceonkr assign n;; Surgeon !'.rnLi?i, Ang. 7.Tlie t'ol towing official dis¬ diej:stch I rum the Eni|ieror announcing treatment of these wen tl a though they are health l, av« him in of hi* Atactica. s»e »»j> not only »uri, to .t * possession od.nary ( THAI im> Vi-ltti- TU1 * * 1 4 K K. S. \iatthews, of this city, to duty on the patches Lave been received: M *: shal McMahon s defeat and separation t'roji are no an apparent.}. not to haiii b.-riclJ i- i.> 44 V fcAUS »he main h«« can*.-d captives, they longer enemy. iacyl'K* 'l'he tar i* marked by his u«i*l Les- Sh« n.uidoah is revoked, and he is on Wayim c, lo p. m.Tlie French were army the utmost conster¬ I*n<'h the moa. for, ...| w\. dSureY placed Aug.7, < nation. According to the ho we ve¬ ;tat ii. which v' 4V IdJ « -how how \ »> t'O.'H turi.t ij back on Emperor, aatlitutu 4 «. U to e«pert AM BI itOH .V waiting order!*. tl.err entiTe line and commenced al 1 may vet he retrieved* '"'t Mb. to ri treat to the interior ot t rance. La Lib rte the 01 P"T5.oseles* strategy and ptizxliag inaction could he it i..."7 bo'h ao< 4. M C. bids people France to vise en j o;i AT fcOLDEM MDIAUCRI The German flement of onr population hns n and the invader?. TELEGRAMS TO THE STAR. which Lire probably brought, caiam to the I ft re ami aft matim*). and * ,tt to(<.««i HOT SHOT POURED INTO THE TOWN OF repel ;?y r main «i r« |« an ,] M l**n greatly excited for the last hours The from the i< T30 nat.ciial arm*. The 1 i* n.>* h« -pre*.! TIC MIT UARM .*-r«c*r. i>i*ty dispatch Emperor dated mperor So-in.I to when the X'ounU »ai« bred. a Intl.- btoic over the ref orfsof eontinuo is Prussian successes SAARBRUCKEN. a.. m..Sunday, and fays: '-Communication with aoco;.' battle gun L \ KG EST. M.>»T 'i THIS AFTERNOON S DISPATCHES tustautly, yet he ha# ou ha" I the i t<~a u'clo.k, ahc ? a* ax a U t r rrf HIE C^sTLI. M-'ST ISTEK in the wsr with the French. The he hrewrh had commenced on till advance McMahon having been severed, nothing wi< ta.-k of wept feeling ha- firm heard from him until last corcertrating Ku force* an 1 restoring 1 Le Kcart;.-e W d. «h>* nrroa heU c !¦*'M4, l'i# E-"!SG AND NU->T IK^Ti aiVf EX i ot »bo«B italf In ol Saarlirnckcr, which they had held since evening." to tl.e \ <>;ant.'> third. tjijrtt tht*r<iuain- »ny noisy demonstration 'hp 1 G*neral Steele then annonnc>-d that McMa¬ ASSOCIATED PRFs* esprit defea:td army, au4 tbi> while hi* (iip»r <,Mie,-n aniens battle of three divisions against three REPORTS. « *n I the .Va*>ri ¦% ,«.. HI BIT ION 'N THE » ;oy, bnl it Las been tolerably easy to single out hon *s loss was «t in the bat that hK w my I* concentrating in the heart ot GLOBE cmnpauii-* of to fall gr, battle, l.orrane. ^ br^re .if LiOL UWwuii? iiuij ft>? a citizen ot German descent by his radiant as¬ tbev Prussians, hut, having retirement wax effected in good onlcr. On the Circumstonces *111 »»n exact the reappear- I V > atilit : !k cutKi <1 oi.ck, turned that rich and unprotected lett the aition besran at about one M>uttweM. Within the t.rft run,at. t'.f \a-' o'clock in the ai.ee of ' pect; and when two ot three of them have been town. jui<l in wit'.tdrau the England in the character of a tueJ a- , aui-rtoritr of th.- Am -rlea W*-«- *t. 4«. Th tion mg spread conflagra¬ morning, but was not serious until .several tor."' 11th -T \Xl> VKKNKI r WKMt. ga*!.. red together and in the full tide of joyous by throwing hot shot into it. mn«ses cf the enemy liad concentrated, before THE WAR. I'tkian at on.v to cii.lr up l«> the r«»rt. a id -hen comment it ha» r.ot been at all difficult to guess SAARBfcl'CKEN which the second corjw nviroentarilv hel l It- ' ?? >*¦ ht alter auutb<-r aul.l. »u t' v E.'IL'A Y .'.SD SATIUDAY.
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