

Washington, Tuesday, January 23, 1951

TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT as herein set forth. The average value CONTENTS and the investment limit heretofore es­ Chapter III-—Farmers Home-Adminis­ tablished for said , which appear Agriculture Department Pa&e tration, Department of Agriculture in the tabulations of average values and investment limits under § 311.30, Chap­ See also Commodity Credit Corpo­ Subchapter B— Farm Ownership Loans ter HI, Title 6 of the Code of Federal ration; Farmers Home Adminis­ tration; Federal Crop Insur­ P art 311— B asic R e g u lat io n s Regulations (13 F. R. 9381), are hereby ance Corporation; Forest Serv­ superseded by the average value and S ubpart B— L o a n L im it a t io n s the investment limit set forth below for ice. AVERAGE VALUES OF FARMS AND INVESTMENT said county. Notices ; LIMITS; PENNSYLVANIA N ew Jersey Disaster areas-having need for agricultural credit, designa­ For the purposes of title I of the Average Investment tion______- 590 County Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, as value limit amended, average values of efficient fam­ Rules and regulations: ily-type farm-management units and W ar food orders; agriculture- Ocean______. $16,500 $12,000 investment limits for the identi­ import order------579 fied below are determined to be as herein Alien Property, Office of set forth. The average values and in­ (Sec. 41, 60 Stat. 1066; 7 U. S. C., 1015. In ­ terprets or applies secs. 3, 44, 60 Stat. 1074, Notices: vestment limits heretofore established 1069; 7 U. S. C., 1003, 1018) for said counties, which appear in the Vesting orders, etc.: tabulations of average values and invest­ Issued this 17th day of January 1951. Altschul, Hugo and Emil------636 Arita, Toshihiko and Gentaro. 635 ment limits under § 311.30, Chapter III, [ se al] C. J. M cC o r m ic k , Title 6 of the Code of Federal Regula­ Acting Secretary of Agriculture. Behrman, Meta______636 tions (13 F. R. 9381), are hereby super­ Carnier, Paul______636 seded by the average values and invest­ [F. R. Doc. 51-1056; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; Crohn, Berthold, and Margot 8:47 a. m.] ment limits set fortji below for said Crohn de Schlesinger„_____ 636 counties. Fritze, Emily______636 P ennsylvania Garret, Henrietta E______596 Germany______593 P art 311— B asic R eg ulatio ns Average Investment and Conversion Of­ C ounty value limit S ubpart B— L o a n L im it a t io n s fice for German Foreign Debts______630 Bfirks $10,500 $10,500 AVERAGE VALUES OF FARMS AND INVESTMENT Electric Co. and Bradford. 6.500 6,500 l im it s ; n o r t h Dakota Conversion Office for Ger­ Centro . 12,000 12,000 Northumberland 9,000 ö; 000 For the purposes of title I of the Bank­ man Foreign Debts------630 Snyder _ ...... 8.500 8,500 head-Jones Farm Tenant Act, as Kawate, Yoneichi and Kono- amended, average values of efficient b u ______635 (Sec. 41, 60 Stat. 1066; 7 U. S. C. 1015.' In­ family-type farm-management units Keller, Bertha______632 terprets or applies secs. 3, 44, 60 Stat. 1074, and investment limits for the counties Kimura, Masahiro, et al_____ 633 1069; 7 U. S. C. 1003, 1018) identified below are determined to be as Kleinjung, Rudolf______633 Issued this 17th day of January 1951. herein set forth. The average values and Maerkisches Elektricitaets- investment limits heretofore established werk Aktiengesellschaft and [ seal] C. J. M cC o r m ic k , for said counties, which appear in the Conversion Office for Ger­ Acting Secretary of Agriculture. tabulations of average values and invest­ man Foreign Debts______. 632 [F. R. DOC. 51-1055; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; ment limits under § 311.30, Chapter HI, Reichskredit Gessellschaft___ 633 8:47 a. m.] Title 6 of the Code of Federal Regula­ Schmalenbach, Carl and tions (13 F. R. 9381), are hereby Agnes______631 superseded by the average values and Schmitz, Frederick, et al_____ 593 investment limits set forth below for Schoen, Catherine______636 P art 311— B asic R eg ulatio ns said counties. Schuberth, Eusebius, et al____ 594 N orth Dakota Schulz, Anna______593 S ubpart B — L o an L im it a t io n s Seko, Toki______594 Selve, Anna Maria______632 average values of farms and in v e s t m e n t Average County Investment l im it s ; n e w jer sey value limit Shimabukuro, Taro, et al____ 594 Sommer, Thomas J., et al____ 595 For the purposes of title I of the Bank­ TiinVey $12,000 $12,000 Stutzel, Mary, et al______595 head-Jones Farm Tenant Act, as Em m ons. _____ 12,000 12,000 Suesser, Frederick, et al______628 amended, the average value of efficient 11,000 11,000 12,000 12,000 Suga, F ______634 family-type farm-management units Wells , 14,000 14,000 Tabushi, Toojiro, et al______628 and the investment limit for the county Takeno, Kuraichi and Ito____ 629 identified below are determined to be (Continued on p. 579) Tanaka, Hisayo______595 577 578 RULES AND REGULATIONS

CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Census Bureau Page Interior Department Page Notices: See Land Management, Bureau Annual survey of inventories of; Mines Bureau; Reclamation and sales of single and multi­ Bureau. unit retail trade establish­ Interstate Commerce Commis­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, ments; notice of détermina - and days following official Federal holidays, tions______..______585 sion by the Division of the Federal Register, Notices: National Archives and Records Service, Gen­ Civil Aeronautics Board Applications for relief: eral Services Administration, pursuant ter the Proposed rule making: Automobile parts from Chat­ authority contained in the Federal Register Mechanical interruptions------583 tanooga, Tenn., to Atlanta, Act, approved , 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Ga., and Memphis, Tenn-,. 586 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Commerce Department Blackstrap molasses from cer­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ See Census Bureau. tain points in Georgia to mittee of the Federal Register, approved by the President, Distribution is made only by Commodity Credit Corporation Augusta, Ga------587 Caustic soda from Alabama to the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Notices: ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Delegation of authority to South Point, Ohio------— 586 The regulatory material appearing herein chairmen of Production and Cottonseed cake and meal is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, from Southwest to Canon which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Marketing - Administration county committees with re­ and Rockvaie, Colo— 585 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Ferro-manganese and related amended June 19, 1937. spect to agreements terminat- articles from Calvert, Ky., The F ederal R egister will be furnished by ing bin site real estate leases- 589 mail to subscribers, free Qf postage, for $1.50 Sales of certain commodities at to Houston, Tex______586 Rubber tires from Ohio to the per month or $15.00 per year, payable in fixed prices.------589 advance. The for Individual copies South______- 586 (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the Défense Transport Administra­ Justice Department size of the issue. Remit check or money tion order, made payable to the Superintendent See Alien Property, Office of. of Documents, directly to the Government Notices : Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Interagency Advisory Commit­ Labor Department There are no restrictions on the republica­ tee; establishment and func­ See Wage and Hour Division. tion of material appearing in the Federal tions— ------585 R egister. Land Management, Bureau of Farmers Home Administration Proposed rule making: Rules and regulations: Oil and gas lease bonds; form— 581 Farm ownership loan limita­ Rules and regulations: Now Available tions; average values of Alaska ; excluding certain tracts farms and investment lim- of land from Chugach and FEDERAL REGISTER Tongass National Forests and 1936-49 New Jersey,— i------577 restoring them for purchase North Dakota------,------577 as homesite or as trade and ON MICROFILM Maine___:------579 sites— ------581 Pennsylvania------— 577 California; withdrawing cer­ tain public lands within Los The National Archives has reproduced Federal Crop Insurance Corpo­ Padres National Forest for use all issues of the Federal Register for ration 1936—49 on 35 mm. microfilm, positive as condor sanctuary------581 prints of which can be purchased for Rules and regulations: Multiple crop insurance, 1950 Mines Bureau $350.00. The annual indexes and codi­ Notices : fication guides are included. and succeeding crop years; application for insurance; Delegation of authority to Chief Current and future volumes will be of microfilmed after the publication of each correction______— 579 to authenticate copies of annual index. Federal Power Commission Positive prints of volumes 1—14 may be records______584 purchased separately as follows: Vol. 1, Notices : Production and Marketing Ad­ Hearings, etc.: 1936 ($8); Vol. 2, 1937 ($12); Vol. 3, ministration 1938 ($8); Vol. 4, 1939 ($16); Vol. 5, El Paso Electric Co------593 1940 ($16); Vol. 6, 1941 ($20); Vol. 7, El Paso Natural Gas Co. et ak 593 Delegation of authority to chair­ 1942 ($36); Vol. 8, 1943 ($52); Vol. 9, Le Flore County Gas & Elec­ men of county committees with 1944 ($40); Vol. 10, 1945 ($44); Vol. 11, tric Co______— ------593 respect to agreements terminat­ 1946 ($44); Vol. 12, 1947 ($24); Vol. 13, Mercer Gas Light and Fuel ing bin site real estate leases 1948 ($28); and Vol. 14, 1949 ($24). Co______592 (see Commodity Credit Corpo­ Remit check or money order, payable to Mountain States Power Co__ 593 ration) . the Treasurer of the , to the Northern Natural Gas Co----- 592 National Archives and Records Service, Reclamation Bureau General Services Administration, Wash­ Federal Reserve System Notices : ington 25, D. C. Rules and regulations: Storage Project, Payment of interest on deposits- 580 Colo.; first form reclamation Reserves of member banks; withdrawal______584 presentation of savings ac­ Gila Irrigation Project, Ariz.; CONTENTS— Continued counts passbooks------579 annual water rental charge— 584 Klamath Project, Calif.; - Alien Property, Office of— Con. Page Forest Service site reservation______584 Notices— Continued Notices: Securities and Exchange Com­ Vesting orders, etc.— Continued Challis National Forest; re­ Tsuda, Satoji, et al------629 moval of trespassing horses— 590 mission Notices: Uyeda, Warren Sakaye and Housing and Home Finance Toraichi—______629 Hearings, etc.: Wagner, Charlotte______- 634 Agency Granite State Electric Co------588 Watanabe, Nakajiro, et al_*— 630 Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of Northern Berkshire Cfas Co— '587 Weber, Anna Maria______635 1944, loan guaranty; miscella­ Quincy Electric Light and Wiegand, Drs. C. and E______634 neous amendments (see Veter­ Power Co------587 Yamaki, Ichiro, et al------631 ans’ Administration). T. I. S. Management Corp— 588 T u e sd a y , J a n u a ry 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 579

CONTENTS— Continued average value and the investment limit sue for Tuesday, December 19, 1950, the set forth below for said county. entry for Louisiana in the table in § 420.24 is changed in the original docu­ Veterans’ Administration PaS® Maine Rules and regulations: ment to read: Servicemen’s Readjustment Act Average Investment Louisiana: County of 1944, loan guaranty; mis­ value limit Lafayette______Oct. 31 cellaneous amendments_____ 580 All other counties______- Mar. 31 Wage and Hour Division $12,000 $12,000 Notices: Virgin , appointment of (Sec. 41, 60 Stat. 1066; 7 U. S. C., 1015. In­ TITLE 12— BANKS AND terprets or applies secs. 3, 44, 60 Stat. 1074, Special Industry Committee__ 584 1069; 7 U. S. C., 1003, 1018) BANKING CODIFICATION GUIDE Issued this 17th day of January 1951. Chapter II— Federal Reserve System [ s e a l ] C. J. M c C o r m i c k , Subchapter A— Board of Governors of the A numerical list of the parts of the Code Acting Secretary of Agriculture. of Federal Regulations affected by documents Federal Reserve System [F. R. Doc. 51-1058; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; published in this issue. Proposed rules, as [Reg. D ] opposed to final actions, are identified as 8:47 a. m.] such. P art 204— R eserves of M ember B a n k s

Title 3 paS® TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE PRESENTATION OF SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Chapter I (Proclamations) : PASSBOOKS Mar. 2, 1898 (see PLO 695)------581 Subtitle A— Office of the Secretary of § 204.103 Presentation of savings ac­ Title 6 Agriculture counts passbooks. The Board has been Chapter III: [Arndt. 3] requested to pass upon the propriety of Part 311 (4 documents)------577,579 a practice proposed to be followed by a Title 7 P art 4— W ar F ood O rders (P M A ) member bank under which the bank Subtitle A: A g r ic u ltu r e-I m po rt O rder would accept, in the case of savings ac­ Part 4______579 PARTIAL REVISION OF APPENDIX A counts, deposits by mail without presen­ tation of the passbook. Chapter IV: Pursuant to the authority vested in me It is understood that the member bank Part 420______579 by the Agriculture-Import Order (14 proposes to include in its passbooks re­ Title 12 F. R. 3701, 4660), Appendix A to the lating to savings deposits provisions to order is hereby revised by deleting the Chapter II: the effect that deposits may be made by Part 204______579 following items therefrom: mail and that thf depositor at any sub­ Part 217-...... 580 . Commerce import sequent time may present his passbook Title 14 Food class no. so as to permit the existing balance, as Chapter I: Combinations and mixtures of ani­ affected by such deposits, to be reflected Part 41 (proposed)______583 mal or vegetable oils, or any of by entries therein and that every six Part 61 (proposed)______583 them, with or without other sub­ months following the last such presenta­ stances not specially provided tion (in the event a period of such length Title 38 for______2260.120 Chapter I: Cottonseed oil, crude______1423.100 should occur), the bank will mail a Part 36______'...... 580 Cottonseed oil, refined (including statement to the depositor showing the semi-refined, washed, and de­ existing status of his account. It is also Title 43 odorized, but excluding butter understood that the bank has advised Chapter I: o il)______1423.200 that all provisions of this part and Part Part 192 (proposed) ______581 Lard compounds and lard substi­ 217 concerning withdrawals from sav­ Appendix (Public land orders) : tutes made from animal or vege­ ings deposits will be observed. ' 695______581 table oils and fats______0036.100 While the definitions of the term “sav­ 696______- ______581 Soybeans______, 2240. 700 Soybean oil-.______2260. 010 ings deposit” contained in this part and Sunflower oil, edible and de-1 1421.000 Part 217 of this chapter require presen­ (Sec. 41, 60 Stat. 1066; 7 U. S. C. 1015.’ In ­ natured______¿ „ J 2247. 000 tation of the passbook upon withdrawals terprets or applies secs. 3, 44, 60 Stat. 1074, Sunflower seed______.______2240. 000 by any person other than the depositor 1069; 7 U. S. C. 1003, 1018) This revision shall become effective at himself, it is not required that the pass­ book be presented when deposits are Issued this 17th day bf January 1951. 12:01 a. m., e. s. t., January 15, 1951. made in a savings account. Also, while (E. O. 9280, 7 F. R. 10179; 3 CFR, 1943 Cum. [S E A L ] C . J. MCCORMICK, Supp., E. O. 9577, 10 F. R. 8087, 3 CFR, 1945 it is required that withdrawals made Acting Secretary of Agriculture. Supp.) upon presentation of the passbook shall be entered at the time of the withdrawal [F. R. Doc. 51-1057; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; Issued this 18th day of January 1951. 3:47 a. m.] and that any other withdrawal shall be [ s e a l] R a l p h S. T rigg, * entered as soon as practicable thereafter, Administrator, Production and there is no comparable provision with re-, Marketing Administration. spect to entries of deposits in the pass­ P art 311— B asic R e g u lat io n s [F. R. Doc. 51-1121; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; book. This part and Part 217 of this S ubpart B — L o a n L im it a t io n s 8:56 a. m.] chapter provide that a savings deposit shall bé “evidenced” by a passbook and AVERAGE VALUES OP FARMS AND INVESTMENT contemplate that deposits, as well as LIMITS; MAINE Chapter IV— Federal Crop Insurance withdrawals, will be entered in the pass­ book in due course. However, on the For the purposes of title I of the Bank- Corporation, Department of Agri­ head-Jones Farm Tenant Act, as amend­ basis of the facts stated and with the ed, the average value of efficient family- culture understanding that the requirements of type farm-management units and the [Arndt. 4] this part and Part 217 of this chapter investment limit for the county identi­ P art 420— M u l t ip l e C rop I n s u r a n c e with respect to withdrawals of savings fied below are determined to be as herein deposits will be observed, it is the Board’s set forth. The average value and the in­ S ubpart—R e g u lat io n s i n t h e 1950 a n d view that deposits with respect to which vestment limit heretofore established for S ucceed ing C rop Y ears the proposed practice is followed by a said county, which appear in the tabula­ application for in s u r a n c e member bank may properly be regarded tions of average values and investment as savings deposits under this part and Correction limits under § 311.30, Chapter III, Title Part 217. 6 of the Code of Federal Regulations (13 In Federal Register Document 50- (Sec. 11, 38 Stat. 262; 12 U. S. C. 248. Inter­ F. R. 9381), are hereby superseded by the 11831, appearing on page 9033 of the is- prets or applies secs. 11, 19, 38 Stat. 261, 270; 580 RULES AND REGULATIONS as amended; 12 U. S. C. 248, 461, 462, 462a-l, proved pursuant to this section unless or possession outside the con­ 462b, 464, 465) each veteran participant makes a down tinental United States. * * * * * B oard of G overnors of t h e payment in cash or its equivalent in ac­ F ederal R eserve S y s t e m , cordance with the following schedule: 3. In §36.4504, paragraph (e) is [ seal] S. R. C arpenter, • * * * * amended to read as follows: Secretary. 2. In § 36.4356 (e), subparagraph (5) § 36.4504 Loan closing expenses. * * * [F. R. Doc, 51-1038; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; is amended to read as follows: (e) The veteran will be required to 8:45 a. m.] make a down payment in cash or its § 36.4356 Credit restrictions. * * * equivalent of an amount which when (e) * * * related to the purchase price or cost of (5) Loans made in connection with construction or to the improvement of a [Reg. Q] residential property in the Territory of farmhouse will not be less than that Alaska, the Panama Canal Zone, or any specified in the following schedule: P art 217—P a y m e n t of I nterest o n D e po sits Transaction price Minimum down payment Sec. $5,000 or less______5 percent of value. 217.102 Transfers of time deposits. More than $5,000 but not more than $6,000— $250. 217.103 Presentation of savings accounts passbooks. More than $6,000 but not more than $9,000— _ $250 plus 25 percent of excess of value over $6,000. A u t h o r it y : §§ 217.102 and 217.103 issued More than $9,000 but not more than $12,000-. $1,000 plus 30 percent of excess of value over under sec. 11, 38 Stat. 262; 12 U. S. C. 248. $9,000. Interpret or apply secs. 19, 24, 38 Stat. 270, More than $12,000 but not more than $15,0 0 0 - $1,900 plus 55 percent of excess of value over 273, as amended, sec. , 48 Stat. 168, as 8 $ 12,000. amended; 12 U. S. C. 264, 371, 371a, 371b, 461. More than $15,000 but not more than $20,000__ $3,550 plus 75 percent of excess of value over § 217.102 Transfers of time deposits. $15,000. It is the practice of certain member More than $20,000 but not more than $24,2 5 0- $7,300 plus 85 percent of excess of value over banks to amend agreements as to time $ 20,000. Over $24,250______i______- 45 percent of value. deposit accounts, now subject to with­ drawal upon 30 days’ notice and bearing With respect to construction loans in such alternative sum, in cash or its interest at 1 percent, so as to provide for cases where land is owned by the vet­ equivalent, as Veterans’ Administration 90 days’ notice of withdrawal and inter­ eran, the down payment will relate to may determine to be necessary, in order est at 1V4 percent. Since such an the cost of construction plus the reason­ to afford adequate assurance that suffi­ amendment makes the deposits subject able value of the land: Provided, That in cient funds will be available, from the to more severe restriction as to with­ the case of construction of a farmhouse proceeds of the loagp or from other drawal and does not rei^lt in payment to the amount determined to be the rea­ sources, to assure completion of the the depositor, the Board feels that this sonable value of the land so owned by construction in accordance with the practice does not constitute payment be­ the veteran shall be deemed, for the plans and specifications upon which Vét­ fore maturity in violation of this part purposes of this paragraph, to be 5 per­ érans’ Administration based its loan and interest may properly be paid from cent of the cost of construction. For the commitment. ***** the date of amendment at a rate per­ purpose of computing the amount of down payment required, the estimated mitted by § 217.6 for deposits payable (Sec. 504, 58 Stat. 293, as amended; 38 U. S. C. costs of closing the loan or financing the 694d) upon written notice of less than 6 purchase shall be added to the purchase This regulation effective January 23, months and not less than 90 days. price of the property or cost of the con­ 1951. § 217.103 Presentation of savings ac­ struction or improvements to a farm­ counts passbooks. For text of this house, and the down payment may be [ se al] O. W. C lar k , Deputy Administrator. interpretation, see § 204.103 of this used to pay such costs: Provided, That the pro rata portion of the current year’s chapter. C redit R estrictions P u r s u a n t to the taxes, ground rents, hazard insurance D e fense P r o d u c t iq n A ct o f 1950 o n B oard of G overnors o f t h e premiums, and other prepaid items nor­ L o a n s M ade or A ssisted b y t h e A d­ F ederal R eserve S y s t e m , mally involved in financing a purchase ministrator o f V eterans’ A ffairs [ se al] S. R. C arpenter , will not be added to the purchase price Secretary. of the property or cost of the construc­ I hereby find that the regulations con­ tion or improvements to a farmhouse tained in Title 38, Chapter 1, §§ 36.4343 [F. R. Doc. 51-1039; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; (g), 36.4356 (e) (5), and 36.4504 (e), 8:45 a. m.] and must be paid by the veteran in addi­ tion to the down payment otherwise re­ Regulations of the Administrator of quired: And provided further, That this Veterans’ Affairs, supra, effective con­ TITLE 38— PENSIONS, BONUSES, paragraph shall not be applicable with currently herewith, are issued in ac­ respect to loans made in the Territory of cordance with Title VI of the Defense AND VETERANS’ RELIEF Alaska, the Panama Canal Zone, or any Production Act of 1950 (. Law 774, territory or possession outside the con­ 81st Cong.), and Part V of Executive Chapter I— Veterans’ Administration tinental United States, nor shall the pro­ Order 10161 (15 F. R. 6105). In the formulation of the aforegoing, there has P art 36— S e r v ic e m e n ' s R eadjustment visions be applicable in connection with loans for the improvement of a farm­ been consultation with industry repre­ A ct of 1944 house made solely for the replacement, sentatives concerned, and consideration SUBPART A— TITLE III, LOAN GUARANTEE reconstruction, or repair of such a farm­ has been given to the recommendations house destroyed or substantially dam­ of such representatives. 1. In § 36.4343 (g ), the text immedi­ aged by flood, fire or other similar (Reorg. Plan No. 3 of 1947, 12 F. R. 4981, ately preceding the schedule is amended casualty. With respect to construction 3 CFR, 1947 Supp.; 5 U. S. C. Sup. 133y-16 as follows: loans, the fair market value of the lot, note. Pub. Law 774, 81st Cong., E. O. 10161, if owned by the veteran, may be con­ Sept. 9, 1950, 15 F. R. 6105) § 36.4343 Loans which may not be sidered pro tanto as satisfying the down Effective as of the 23d day of January processed automatically. * * * payment requirement: Provided, That in (g) Except for loans in the Territory connection with such loans the veteran, 1951. R a y m o n d M . F o l e y , of Alaska, the Panama Canal Zone, or in addition to the required down pay­ apy territory or possession outside the Bousing and Home Finance ment, will deposit with Veterans’ Admin­ Administrator. continental United States, no loan to istration or in an escrow satisfactory to be made for the purchase or construc­ Veterans’ Administration 10 percent of [F. R. Doc. 51-1199; Filed, Jan. 22, 1/951; tion of residential property will be ap­ the estimated cost of construction or 8:57 a. m.] T u e sd a y , J a n u a ry 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 581

TITLE 43— PUBLIC LANDS: vade the surface of such lands for any Chugach N atio nal F orest purpose. The oil and gas deposits in the U. S. Survey No. 2534, Lot I, 3.45 acres; INTERIOR public lands in the remaining areas of latitude 60°21'14" N., longitude 149°21'20" Chapter I— Bureau of Land Manage­ the condor sanctuary shall be subject to W. (Homesite No. 88, Lakeview Group). U. S. Survey No. 2762, Lot 3, 4.33 acres; ment, Department of the Interior development and extraction under the mineral-leasing laws subject to the con­ latitude 60°29'14" N., longitude 145°55'03" Appendix— Public Land Orders dition that no lessee shall use or invade, W. (Homesite No. 22, Point Whiteshed Group). [Public Land Order 695] for any purpose, the surface of any such lands within one-half mile of a condor T ongass N ational F orest C alifo r n ia , nest active within 3 years, without spe­ U. S. Survey No. 2321, lots 6 and 7, and WITHDRAWING CERTAIN PUBLIC LANDS cific authorization by the United States U. S. Survey No. 2906, lot 6 A, 2.78 acres; W ITH IN LOS PADRES NATIONAL FOREST FOR Forgst Service. Leases affecting any of latitude 56°27'10" N., longitude 132°23'00" W. (Homesite No. 959 of Section 1, Wrangell USE AS A CONDOR SANCTUARY the lands shall be subject to any special stipulations found necessary by the Se­ Highway Group). By virtue of the authority vested in cretary of Agriculture, with the concur­ U. S. Survey No. 2389, Lot A, 4.72 acres; the President and pursuant to Executive rence of the Secretary of the Interior, latitude 58°22'45" N., longitude 134°42'00" W. (Homesite No. 37, Auke Bay Group). Order No. 9337 of April 24, 1943, it is to preserve the usefulness as a condor ordered as follows: U. S. Survey No. 2554, Lot F, 3.15 acres; sanctuary of the lands reserved by this latitude 55°28'00" N., longitude 131°47'00" Subject to valid existing rights and to order. W. (Homesite No. 752, Clover Pass G ro u p). existing withdrawals for power purposes, O scar L. C h a p m a n , U. S. Survey No. 2555, Lot Q, 0.32 acres; all public lands within the following- Secretary of the Interior. latitude 55°28'18" N., longitude 131°47'30" described areas in the Los Padres Na­ W. (trade and manufacturing site, Clover tional Forest, California, are hereby Ja n u a r y 16, 1951. Pass Group). withdrawn from all forms of appropria­ U. S. Survey No. 2603, Lot 14, 3.20 acres; [P. R. Doc. 51-1041; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; latitude 55°25'42" N., longitude 131°50'00" tion under the public-land laws, includ­ 8:45 a. m.] ing the mining laws and, except as W. (Homesite No. 890, Point Higgins G rou p). U. S. Survey No. 2604, Lot 25, 3.48 acres; hereinafter provided, the mineral-leas­ latitude 55°25'42” N., longitude 131°50'00" ing laws, and reserved as a condor sanc­ W. (Homesite No. 656, Point Higgins G rou p). tuary, under the jurisdiction of the [Public Land Order 696] U. S. Survey No. 2604, Lot 35, 2.88 acres; Forest Service, Department of Agricul­ latitude 55°25'42" N., longitude 131°50'00" ture: A laska W. (Homesite No. 664, Group B, Point SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN Higgins Group). e x c lu d in g certain tracts o f lan d from U. S. Survey No. 2671, Lot 7 B, 0.68 acres; T. 5 N., R. 19 W., partly unsurveyed CHUGACH AND TONGASS NATIONAL FORESTS latitude 58822'27" N., longitude 134°38'37" Secs. 1 to 6 Inclusive; AND RESTORING THEM FOR PURCHASE AS W. (Homesite No. 819, Fritz Cove Group). Secs. 9 to 16 inclusive; U. S. Survey No. 2804, Lot 7, 4.64 acres; HOMESITES OR AS TRADE AND MANUFAC­ Secs. 22 to 27 inclusive; latitude 55°25'21" N., longitude 13l°46'35" TURING SITES Secs. 34, 35, and 36. - W. (Homesite No. 904, Point Higgins T. 5 N., R. 20 W., unsurveyed V5 G rou p). Secs. 1 to 24 inclusive; By virtue of the authority vested in the President by the act of June 4, 1897 U. S. Survey No. 2805, Lot 2, 5.00 acres; Secs. 26 to 30 inclusive; latitude 55°28'38'' N., longitude 131°46'44" Secs. 33, 34, and 35. (30 Stat. 11, 36; 16 U. S. C. 473), and W. (Homesite No. 877, Clover Pass Group). pursuant to Executive Order No. 9337 The areas described, including both U. S. Survey No. 2807, Lot 16, 4.05 acres; of April 24, 1943, it is ordered as fol­ latitude 55°28'22" N., longitude 131°47'12" public and non-public lands, aggregate lows: W. (Homesite No. 862, Clover Pass Group). approximately 35,200 acres. The following-described tracts of pub­ U. S. Survey No. 2899, 2.72 acres; latitude This order shall take precedence over lic land in Alaska, occupied as homesites 55°28'28" N., longitude 131°47'08" W. but not otherwise affect the Proclama- or as trade and manufacturing sites, and (Homesite No. 940, Clover Pass G rou p). tion of 2; 1898, as amended, creat­ U. S. Survey No. 2909, Lot 3, 0.40 acres; identified by surveys of which plats and ing a national forest, so far as such proc­ latitude 58°23'00" N„ longitude 134°38'00" field notes are on file in the Bureau lamation affects the above-described W. (Homesite No. 776, Triangle Group 3). of Land Management, Washington, D. C/, lands. A tract of 4.55 acres on the west shore of are hereby excluded from the Chugach Hollis Anchorage, Prince of Wales ; The oil and gas deposits in the public and Tongass National Forests, as here­ latitude 55°28'40" N., longitude 132°40'30" lands in the sec. 3, secs. 4, 9, 10, inafter indicated, and restored, subject W. (Homesite No. 906). S 1/^ sec. 11, S 1/^ sec. 13, secs. 14, 15, E y2 to valid existing rights, for purchase as sec. 16, secs. 22 to 27 inclusive, secs. 34,35, O scar L. C h a p m a n , homesites or as trade and manufactur­ and 36, T. 5 N., R. 19 W., shall be sub­ Secretary of the Interior. ing sites under section 10 of the act of ject to development and extraction under May 14, 1898, as amended by the act J a n u a r y 16, 1951. the mineral-leasing laws subject to the of May 26, 1934 (48 Stat. 809; 48 U. S. C. [F. R. Doc. 51-1040; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; condition that no lessee shall use or in­ 461): 8:45 a. m.]


'DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR adoption of a new oil and gas lease bond with respect to the proposed new bond form designed to cover all leases held form and the amendments to the Di­ Bureau of Land Management or operated by the principal in one or rector of the Bureau of Land Manage­ l>43 CFR, Part 192 ] more States and related amendments to ment, Washington 25, D. C„ within 30 §§ 192.100 and 192.101 of Title 43, Code days from the date of publication of this O il and G as L ease B o n d s ; F orm of Federal Regulations. A tentative draft notice. of the proposed form is set out as Ap­ NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE MAKING The purpose of the new bond form and pendix A, and a tentative draft of the of the amendments is to simplify the Pursuant to the authority vested in the proposed amendments is set out as Ap­ administration of oil and gas leases for Secretary of the Interior by section 32 of pendix B. The proposed new bond form both the public and the Department. the Mineral Leasing Act of February 25,' and amendments are under consideration The proposed blanket bond, if adopted, 1920 (41 Stat. 450; 30 U. S. C. sec. 189), for use in connection with oil and gas could be used, at the option of a lessee and section 10 of the Mineral Leasing Act leases under the Mineral Leasing Act, or operator, in place of individual bonds for Acquired Lands of August 7, 1947 and the Mineral Leasing Act for Ac­ on each lease held or operated by the (61 Stat. 915; 30 U. S. C. sec. 359), notice quired Lands. principal. It would lessen considerably is hereby given that the Department of Interested persons may submit written the amount of paper work and record the Interior is giving consideration t(*the comments, suggestions, or objections keeping which is now required of the 582 PROPOSED RULE MAKING by this bond, whether the termination is by principals, tl^e sureties, and the Depart­ The conditions of the foregoing obligations are such that, whereas the said principal in operation of law or otherwise, the bond shall ment of the Interior, The rates tenta­ one or more of the following ways has an remain in full force and effect as to any tively set are believed to be adequate to interest in oil and gas leases issued under remaining leases, operating agreements, or protect the interest of the Government the act or acts cited in Schedule A of this designations covered by the bond; and and of the surface owners where the bond: (1) as the lessee of such leases; (2) as Whereas the principal, as to any lease or surface has been patented with a reser­ the approved holder of operating rights in part of a lease for lands as to which he has vation of the oil and gas deposits. all or part of the lands covered by such leases been designated as operator or agent, or ap­ under operating agreements with the lessees; proved as operator, in consideration of being Upon receiving the recommendation permitted to furnish this bond in lieu of the of the Director of the Bureau of Land and (3) as designated operator or agent under such leases pending approval of an lessees, agrees and by these presents does Management, together with all responses assignment or operating agreement; and hereby'bind himself to fulfill on behalf of received pursuant to this notice, the Sec­ Whereas the principal is authorized to drill each lessee all the obligations of each such retary of the Interior will determine for, mine, extract, remove, and dispose of lease for the entire leasehold in the same whether the proposed bond form and oil and gas deposits in or under the lands manner and to the same extent as though amendments to 43 CFR 192.100 and covered by the leases, operating agreements he were the lessee; and or designations and is obligated to comply Whereas the principal and surety agree 192.101 should be adopted, with or with­ that notwithstanding any payments made , out further change. If the Secretary with certain covenants and agreements set forth in such instruments; and by the surety by reason of legal obligations determines that such form and amend­ Whereas the principal "arid surety agree arising under this bond, the bond shall re­ ments should be adopted, they will be that without notice to the surety the cover- <. main in full force and effect in the sum published in the F ederal R egister. age of this bond, in addition to the present above set forth, without any deduction holdings of the principal, shall extend to and therefrom for such payments and the cover­ D ale E. D o t y , include: age of this bond shall remain the same, Assistant Secretary of the Interior. 1. Any oil and gas lease hereafter issued unaffected by the payments or by the de­ to, or acquired by, the principal affecting oil faults giving rise to the obligations; and J a n u a r y 17, 1951. and gas deposits in the States now named Whereas the principal and surety agree Appendix A in Schedule A, or later named in a rider, the that the neglect or forbearance of said lessor Form No. 4- coverage to be confined to the principal’s in enforcing, as against the lessees of such (Edition o f ______19------) holdings under the act or acts cited at the lessor, the payment of rentals or royalties head of the column in which the name of or the performance of apy other covenant, OIL AND GAS LEASE BOND FOR USE IN CONNECTION condition or agreement of the leases, shall WITH THE ACT OF FEBRUARY 25, 1920 (41 STAT. the State appears and to become effective immediately upon such issuance or upon not, in any way, release the principal and 437', 30 U . S. C. SEC. 181) OR TH E ACT OF departmental approval of a trahsfer in favor surety, or either of them, from any liability AUGUST 7, 1947 (61 STAT. 913; 30 U. S. C. SEC. of the principal. under this bond; and 3 5 1 ), OR BOTH ACTS 2. Any operating agreement hereafter en­ Whereas the principal and surety agree Know all men by these presents, That we, tered into, with, or acquired by, the principal that in the event of any default under the affecting oil and gas deposits in the States leases, the lessor may commence and pros­ (address) now named in Schedule A, or later named in ecute any claim, suit, action or other pro­ as principal,'and------<•------as a rider, relating to oil and gas leases issued ceeding against the principal and surety, (address) under the act or acts cited in Schedule A at or either of them, without the necessity of surety, are held and firmly bound unto the the head of the column in which the name of Joining the lessees. United States of America, in the sum of the State is placed. The coverage shall be­ Now, therefore, if said principal shall in ...... dollars ($------) , law­ come effective immediately upon depart­ all respects faithfully comply with all of the ful money of the United States, which sum mental approval of the agreement or of a provisions of the leases referred to herein­ may be increased or decreased by a rider transfer of an operating agreement to the before, then the above obligations are to be hereto executed in the same manner as this principal. void; otherwise to remain in full force and bond, for the use and benefit of (1) the 3. Any designation subsequent hereto of effect. United States, (2) any owner of a portion of the principal as operator or agent of a lessee Signed on t h is ------day o f ------the land subject to the coverage of this bond, under a lease issued pursuant to an act or 19____ _ in the presence of : who has a statutory right to compensation in acts cited in Schedule A and covering lands connection with a reservation of the oil and in a State named in Schedule A, either pres­ (Name and address of witness) gas deposits to the United States, and (3) ently or by rider. This coverage shall become any lessee or permittee under a lease or per­ effective immediately upon the filing of such (Name and address of witness) mit issued by the United States prior to the a designation under a lease. issuance of an oil and gas lease for the same 4. Any extension of a lease covered by this (Principal) land subject to this bond, covering the use of bond, such coverage to continue without any the surface or the prospecting for, or devel­ interruption due to the expiration of the (Corporate principal) opment of, other mineral deposits in any term set forth in the lease. portion of such land, to be paid to the United Provided, That, the surety may elect to (Business address) States. For such payment, well and truly have the additional coverage authorized un­ to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of der this paragraph become inapplicable as (Corporate surety) us, and each of our heirs, executors, admin­ to all interests of the principal acquired istrators, successors and assigns, jointly and more than 30 days after the receipt of notice (Business address) severally, by these presents. of such election by the Bureau- of Land (If this bond is executed by a corporation, The bond coverage extends only to the Management. either as principal or as surety, it must bear principal’s holdings involving oil and gas de­ Whereas, the surety hereby waives any the seal of such corporation.) right to notice of, and agrees that this bond posits in the States named in Schedule A and In order to provide for a single oil and to any other States or State that may be shall remain in full force and effect not­ withstanding : " gas lease bond, in lieu of a separate bond named in a rider attached hereto by the 1. A transfer or transfers, either in whole for each lease, where more than one lessor with the consent of the surety. The or in part, of any or all of the leases, or of lease is involved, and otherwise to sim­ coverage is confined to the principal’s hold­ the operating agreements, and further agrees plify the procedure pertaining to lease ings under the act or acts cited at the head to remain bound under this bond as to the bonds, §§ 192.100 and 192.101 are of the column under which the names of the interests either in the leases or in the oper­ amended as,follows: ating agreements, or in both, retained by the States are now placed, or may be hereafter 1. Sectiofi 192.100 is amended by ad­ placed by the aforementioned rider. % principal when the approval of the transfer or transfers becomes effective. ding a paragraph (e) to read: SCHEDULE A 2. Any modification of a lease or operating 1 2 § 192.100 Amount of bonds required agreement, or obligations thereunder, of lessee. * * * Whether made or effected by commitment of °ublic Domain Leas­ Acquired Lands Leas­ (e) In lieu of bonds required under ing Act of August such lease or operating agreement to unit, ing Act of February any of the preceding paragraphs, the 25, 1920 (41 Stat. 7, 1947 (61 Stat. cooperative, communitization or storage 437), as amended 913; 30 U. S. C. agreements, or development contracts, sus­ holder of leases or of operating agree- and supplemented Supp. sec. 351) pensions of operations or production, waivers^ -ments approved by the Department or (30 V. S. C. 181) suspensions or changes in rental, minimum holder of operating rights by virtue of Names of States: Names of States: royalty and royalties, compensatory royalty being designated operator or agent by payments, or otherwise; and the lessees pending Departmental ap­ Whereas the principal and surety hereby proval of operating agreements, or by agree that notwithstanding the termination of any lease or leases, operating agreements being approved by the Department as or designations as operator or agent, covered operator for an approved unit agreement, T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 583

may furnish a bond*the amount of which airport even in those instances where 2. It is proposed to add new §§ 41.25a must be at the rate of $25,000 for each engines are stopped in flight for precau­ and 61.294a, both to read as follows: unit of coverage. A unit of coverage tionary reasons, such as to eliminate Powerplant failure or precautionary shall be all the lands in any one State roughness or to prevent any possible stoppage, (a) Except as provided in par­ held by the principal under either the damage, and where flight beyond such agraph (b) of this section, when one Mineral Leasing Act, or the Acquired an airport can be accomplished without engine of an aircraft fails or where the Lands Mineral Leasing Act of 1947 (61 prejudice to safety. rotation of an engine of an aircraft is Stat. 913; 30 U. S. C. 351-359). To ob­ As a result, we have been informed stopped in flight as a precautionary tain coverage for all the lands in a State that certain pilots have failed to feather measure to prevent possible damage, a held under both of the above acts shall engines as a precautionary measure be­ landing shall be‘ made at the nearest require a bond in an amount for two cause of their desire to continue the suitable airport in point of time where a units of coverage. flight to its destination. If this infor­ safe landing can be effected. mation is correct, the practice is unde­ (Sec. 32, 41 Stat. 450; 30 Ü. S. C. 189) (b) The pilot in command of an air­ sirable not only from a standpoint of craft having 4 or more engines may, if 2. Section 192.101 is revised to read: possible engine damage but also because not more than one engine fails or the § 192.101 Form of bonds. Bonds the failure to feather an engine as a rotation thereof is stopped, proceed to precautionary measure might result in furnished by lessees will be on Form an airport of his selection, if, upon con­ 4-208g; those furnished by operators on a fire or other serious hazard. Part 41 sideration of the following factors, he Form 4-238; bonds furnished in^lfeu of does not contain any specific provision determines such action to be as safe a other bonds, pursuant to paragraph (e) on this subject. course of action as landing at the nearest We are advised that the carriers would of § 192.100, will be on Form 4— suitable airport: prefer the pilots to have discretionary (Sec. 32, 41 Stat. 450; 30 U. S. C. 189) (1) The nature of the malfunctioning authority with respect to (1) making an and the possible mechanical difficulties [P. R. Doc. 51-1037; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; immediate landing, (2) proceeding to which may be encountered if flight is 8:45 a. m.] their next scheduled stop, or (3) flying continued, directly to the place where the carrier (2) The altitude, aircraft weight, and has a maintenance base or to the ulti­ useable fuel at the time of engine stop­ CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD mate destination of the flight. The car­ page, riers support this position primarily on [ 14 CFR, Parts 41, 61 1 (3) The weather conditions en route the basis that unnecessary landings at and at possible landing points, M ec h a n ica l I nterruptions intermediate points increase mainte­ (4) The air traffic congestion, nance and passenger handling costs. NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE MAKING (5) The type of terrain, and We are therefore proposing to add new (6) The familiarity of the pilot with Pursuant to authority delegated by §§ 41.25a and 61.294a in order to permit the airport to be used. the Civil Aeronautics Board to the Bu­ the pilot to exercise his discretion as to (c) When engine rotation is stopped reau of Safety Regulation, notice is the course of flight in those cases where in flight, the pilot in command shall im­ hereby given that the Bureau has under an engine has been feathered. The reg­ mediately notify the proper control sta­ consideration amendments of Parts 41 ulation will still require the pilot to make tion and shall such station fully and 61 in substance as hereinafter set an immediate landing in those instances informed regarding the progress of the forth. where the flight might not safely proceed flight. Interested persons may participate in to the point of next intended landing, (d) In cases where the pilot in com­ the making of the proposed rule by and will not permit a pilot to land at mand selects an airport other than the submitting such written data, views, or an intermediate point after feathering nearest suitable airport in point of time, arguments as they may desire. Com­ an engine in flight and then take off for he shall, upon completion of the trip, munications should be submitted, in a further point without repairing the submit a written report, in duplicate, to engine. duplicate, to the Civil Aeronautics Board, his operations manager setting forth his attention Bureau of Safety Regulation, No change has been effected in provi­ reasons for determining that the selec­ Washington 25, D. C. All communica­ sions relative to procedure where me­ tion of an airport other than the nearest tions received prior to February 7, 1951, chanical failure other than power-plant (in point of time) was as safe a course of will be considered by the Board before failure is involved. However, it should action. The operations manager shall, taking further action on the proposed be noted that this matter has been differ­ within 7 days after completion of the rule. Copies of such communications ently treated in the proposed revision of trip, furnish a copy of the report sub­ will be available after February 9, 1951, Part 40 currently under consideration mitted by the pilot, and comments for examination by interested persons and that some changes in current provi­ thereon to the Administrator. at the Docket Section of the Board, Room sions may be expected when that part 5412, Commerce Building, Washington, is promulgated. These amendments are proposed un­ D. C. 1. It is proposed to amend § 61.294 to der the authority of Title VI of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, as amended. Section 61.294 of the Civil Air Regu­ read as follows: lations currently provides that in the (Sec. 205 (a ), 52 Stat. 984; 49 U. S. C. 425 (a ). § 61.294 Mechanical failure in flight. Interpret or apply secs. 601-610, 52 Stat. event of any mechanical failure or inter­ In the event of any mechanical failure 1007-1012; 49 U. S. C. 551-560) ruption which may involve the safety of or interruption except a powerplant Dated January 18, 1951, at Washing­ the flight a pilot shall proceed to and failure (including a flight instrument, ton, D. C. land at the nearest place where a safe radio, or other essential component of landing can be effected. In practice this the aircraft) which may involve the By the Bureau of Safety Regulation. section has been strictly construed so safety of the flight, the pilot shall pro­ [ se al] J o h n M . C h Am b e r la in , that the air carriers and the pilots feel ceed to and land at the nearest suitable Director. it to be obligatory for the aircraft to airport in point of time where a safe [P. R. Doc. 51-1123; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; make a landing at the nearest suitable landing can be effected. 8:56 a. m.J 584 FEDERAL REGISTER %


DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 1902 (32 St&t. 388), by departmental Sec. 22, SWy4NEy4, Wy2NWy4. S E ^ N W ’/i, ordfers of July 19, 1904, and January 28, sy2; Bureau of Mines 1905, for townsite purposes as provided Sec. 30, all; Sec. 31, Lots 1 to 5, incl., NE14, Ey2NWi4, [Administrative Order 614] by the acts of April 16 and June 27,1906 SE14SW14. (34 Stat. 116, 519): T. 15 S., R. 94W., C h ie f o f A dministrative D iv is io n N ewell T ow nsite; M ou nt Diablo Meridian, Secri, Lots 22, 23, 24, 28, 29 and 33; Sec. 12, Lots 4, 11, 17 and 18; DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY TO AUTHENTICATE California Sec. 13, Lots 1, 2, NE&j SW ^SW ^, wy2 COPIES OF RECORDS' T. 47 N., R. 5 E., SE%; Sec. 26, Lots 12, 13, 14, 18, 22, 24, 25, 28, J a n u a r y 15, 1951. Sec. 23, NE%, Sy2; 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38 and 39. Secs. 24, 25, 26, 35, and 36, all. Pursuant to the act of August 3, 1950 (Public Law 644, 81st Cong.; amending The above areas aggregate 164.66 The above areas aggregate 23,990.57 5 U. S. C., sec. 488), the following func­ acres. acres. tions shall be performed by the Chief of W e s l e y R. N e l s o n , W il l ia m F. K u b a c h , the Administrative Division, Washington Assistant Commissioner. Acting Commissioner. office, of the Bureau of Mines: I concur. The records of the Bureau I concur. The records of the Bureau ; (a) Authenticating copies of official of Land Management and the local land of Land Management and the records, papers, documents, maps, plats, office will be noted accordingly. Land Office will be noted accordingly. and diagrams of the Bureau of Mines. (b) Making certificates as to the ex­ W il l ia m Z im m e r m a n , Jr., R oscoe E. B e l l , istence or nonexistence of records, Acting Director. Associate Director. papers, documents, maps, plats, and D ecember 1, 1950. M ay 19, 1950. diagrams in the files of the Bureau of [F. R. Doc. 51-1034; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; Notice for Filing Objections to Order Mines. 8:45 a. m.] Withdrawing Public Lands for the T h o s . H. M il l e r , Colorado River Storage Project, Colo­ Acting Director. rado [F.. R. Doc. 51-1036; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; 8:45 a. m.] C olorado R iver S torage P roject, Notice is hereby given that for a period C olorado of 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, persons having cause to FIRST FORM RECLAMATION WITHDRAWAL object to the terms of the above order A u g u st 2,1949. withdrawing certain public lands in the Bureau of Reclamation Pursuant to the authority delegated by State of Colorado, for use in connection [No. 6, Amdt.] Departmental Order No. 2515 of April 7, with the proposed Smith Reservoir, Gun­ 1949, I hereby withdraw the following- nison Black Unit, Colorado River G ila I rrigatio n P roject, Y u m a M esa Storage Project may present their objec­ D iv is io n , A r iz . described lands from public entry, under the first form of withdrawal, as provided tions to the Secretary of the Interior. ANNUAL WATER RENTAL CHARGE by section 3 of the act of June 17, 1902 Such objections should be in writing, should be addressed to the Secretary of J a n u a r y 8, 1951. (32 Stat. 388): the Interior, and should be filed in dupli­ In accordance with the authority dele­ N ew M exico Pr in c ipal M eridian, Colorado cate in the Department of the Interior, gated to the Regional Director pursuant T. 50 N., R. 8 W., Washington 25, D. C. to the'act of June 17,1902 (32 Stat. 388), Secs. 6, 7 and 18, all. In case any objection is filed and the as amended or supplemented, the fol­ T. 51 N., R. 8 W., nature of the opposition is such as to lowing amendment is made to Public Sec. 18, all; warrant it, a public hearing will be held Sec. 19, Lots 1, 2, 4, N E ^ E ^ N W ^ , SE14 Notice No. 6, Public Notice of Annual at a convenient time and place, which Water Rental Charge, issued January 3, SW%, S W 14SE1/4; sec. 20, NE14NE14, Nwy4, sy2swy4, SE14 will be announced, where opponents to 1949: SEi/4; ) the order may state their views and Paragraph 2 (a ), Charges and term of Sec. 21, Ny2Ni/2, SI/2SW 14, NE^SEi/4, Sy2 where the proponents of the order can payment, for lands in the Yuma Mesa s e ]4; explain its purpose, intent and extent. Division situate within the North and Sec. 22, N ^ N W ^ , Sy2; Should any objection be filed, notice of South Gila Valleys, is amended to read Sec. 29, all; the1 determination by the Secretary as as follows: Sec. 30, all. to whether the order should be rescinded, T. 50 N., R. 9 W., (a) For lands in the Yuma Mesa Divi­ Secs. 1, 2, 3, and 11, all; modified or let stand will be given to all sion situate within the North and South Sec. 12, Ny2, Ny2SW»4. SW^SW^, SE^. interested parties of record and the gen­ Gila Valleys and owned by the State of T. 51 N., R. 9 W., eral public. Arizona water will be furnished at the Sec. 10, Lots 1 to 4, incl.; W il l ia m F. K ubach , Sec. 11, Lots 1 to 4, incl.; Acting Commissioner. rate of $0.75 per acre-foot. Sec. 12, Lot 4; [F. R. Doc. 51-1035; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; E. G. N ie l s e n , Sec. 13, NE]4, sy2swy4, SE]4; 8:45 a. m.] Acting Regional Director. Secs. 14, 15 and 22, all; Sec. 23, Ny2, S W 14, N W 14SE14; [F. R. Doc. 51-1033; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; Sec. 24, SE14NE14, SE14SW 14, wy2SEi/4, 8:45 a. m.j SE14SE14; DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Sec. 25, all; Sec. 26, SMjN E ^ , Wy2NWi4. SE^NW^, Wage and Hour Division sy2; «(Administrative Order 409] Secs. 27, 34, 35 and 36, all. K lam a th P roject, C a lif o r n ia Six t h Principal Meridian, Colorado A p p o in t m e n t of a S pecial I ndustr y TOWNSITE RESERVATION C o m m it t e e for t h e V ir g in I slands T. 15 S., R. 93 W., O ctober 12, 1950. Sec. 6, Lots 8, 9 and 10; 1. Pursuant to authority under the Pursuant to the authority delegated Sec. 7, Lots 6 to 18, incl.; Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as Sec. 18, all; amended (52 Stat. 1030, as amended; 29 by departmental order No. 2515 of April Sec. .19, Lots 1 to 4, incl., NE}4, Ey2W ^ , 7, 1949 (14 F. R. 1937), I hereby reserve SWy4SEi4; U. S. C. 201 et seq.), I, Wm. R. McComb, the following described lands, now with­ sec. 20, sy2NEi,4, ne^sw^, sy2sw&, Administrator of the Wage and Hour Di­ drawn for reclamation purposes as pro­ SE14; vision, United States Department of La­ vided by section 3 of the act of June 17, Sec. 21, NW&NE^, Sy2NEy4, Wy2, SE}4; bor, do hereby appoint and convene a T u e sd a y , J a n u a r y 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 585

Special Industry Committee for the Vir­ Retail trade, as the outlet for the visory Committee on Domestic Trans­ gin Islands, composed of the following products of industry, mining, and agri­ port, Storage, and Port Utilization representatives: culture, is of strategic importance in the consisting of the Administrator of the For the public: John P. Scott, Chairman, economy of this and informa­ Defense Transport Administration as Charlotte Amalie, St, Thomas, Virgin tion such as retail inventory trends and Chairman, and representatives from the Islands. A resident of the Continental U. S. sales-inventory ratios are basic to an following agencies and such other ­ will be appointed as a second public mem­ analysis of the functioning of the cies as the Administrator may designate ber.) * economy. Such agencies as the Council from time to time: (1) Department of For the employees: Percival H. Reese, of Economic Advisers and the Board of Defense; (2) Department of Commerce; Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. Governors of the Federal Reserve Board (3) Department of the Interior; (4) De­ Ludvig E. Harrigan, Christiansted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands. require inventory data in appraising the partment of Agriculture; (5) Depart­ For the employers: Robert S. Fleming, business outlook and in connection with ment of Labor; (6) Atomic Energy Fredricksted, St. Croix, Virgin Islands, Alger­ the review of credit policies. Because Commission; (7) Federal non Maduro, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, figures are needed on all major elements Administration; (8) Economic Stabiliza­ Virgin Islands. of business investment for the measure­ tion Administration; (9) General Serv­ ices Administration; and (10) Economic 2. The special industry committee ment of the gross national product, data herein created, in accordance with the on retail inventories also are needed. Cooperation Administration. The Office Business and industry also are inter­ provisions of the Pair Labor Standards of Defeiise Mobilization, the Defense ested in the inventory measures as indi­ Act, as amended, and the regulations Production Administration, and the Na­ cator« of the outlook for business promulgated thereunder (29*CFR Part tional Security Resources Board shall activity and as tools for the promotion 511), shall meet beginning on February each be invited to designate an observer of business efficiency and stability. Re­ 20, 1951, at 10:00 a. m., in the Municipal to attend all meetings of the Interagency Council Chamber, Charlotte Amalie, St. tailers can make use of the sales-inven­ Advisory Committee. tory ratios, derived from the survey, as Thomas, Virgin Islands, and at such later 2. Functions. The Committee shall date as shall be designated, in the Fed­ benchmarks to which their own ­ serve in an advisory capacity to the Ad­ tion can be related. eral Court Room, Christiansted, St. ministrator with respect to policy and The annual survey will collect infor­ Croix, Virgin Islands, and sh%ll proceed program matters affecting the interests mation from a group of firms selected to investigate conditions in the indus­ of the represented agencies as they re­ tries in the Virgin Islands in such order according to the number of retail units late to domestic transport, storage, and as the Committee may elect and recom­ operated, sales size, and location of the port facilities or the use thereof. mend to the Administrator minimum store. Single and small multiunit firms 3. Procedure. The Administrator, as wage rates for all employees in said operating establishments located within Chairman, shall: (1) Preside over all islands who within the meaning of said 68 Census sampling areas will be re­ meetings of the Committee; (2) establish act are “engaged in commerce or in the quired to submit reports for individual such sub-committees and working groups production of goods for commerce” ex­ establishments. Large multiunit firms subsidiary to the Committee as he may will be required to submit reports cover­ cepting employees exempt by virtue of determine to necessary; and (3) ing all retail stores operated by each the provisions of section 13 (a) and em­ establish rules ana regulations governing ployees coming under the provisions of firm. Inasmuch as sales data are already the operation of the Committee and its collected on a monthly basis from most section 14. Minimum wage rates rec­ sub-groups. of these establishments, duplication will ommended by the Committee shall be The Executive Assistant of the Defense be avoided by requesting only inventory the highest rates (not in excess of 75 Transport Administration shall serve as cents an hour) which it determines will data for those establishments which have Executive Secretary of the Committee. not substantially curtail employment in reported monthly sales figures regularly The Executive Secretary shall: (1) Pre­ to the Bureau. Both inventory and an­ the industries in the Virgin Islands and pare an agenda for each meeting of the will not give any industry in the Virgin nual sales data will be collected from Committee; (2) prepare minutes for an additional group of retailers for whom Islands a competitive advantage over distribution to the membership; and (3) monthly sales figures are not available. any industry in the United States outside generally coordinate the operations of of the Virgin Islands. Information will be collected annually sub-committees and working groups. covering each preceding calendar year. 4. Agenda. All matters which the Signed at Washington, D. C., this 16th The appropriate report form will be agencies described in section 1 above day of January 1951. furnished to establishments covered by desire to bring before the Committee the survey. Additional copies of the W m . R. M cComb, shall be submitted to the Executive Sec­ Administrator, forms are available on request to the retary in advance of meetings. Wage and Hour Division. Director of the Census, Washington 25, 5. Calls for meetings. Meetings of the D. C. Committee will be at the call of the [F. R. Doc. 51-1027; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; I have, therefore, directed that an an­ Chairman. 9:15 a., m.] nual survey be conducted for the purpose Issued at Washington, D. C., this 18th of collecting the data hereinabove day of January 1951. described. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (Pub. Law 774, 81st Cong., 64 Stat. 798; E. O. [ s e a l ] R o y V. P e el, 10161, 15 F. R. 6105) Bureau of the Census Director. Approved : J am es K . K n u d s o n , A n n u a l S u r v e y o p I n v e n to r ie s and Administrator, harles a w y e r S ales o p S in g l e and M u l t i u n it R e­ C S , Defense Transport Administration. Secretary of Commerce. t ail T rade E stablishments [F. R. Doc. 51-1076;. Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; [F. R. Doc. 51-1074; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; 8:50 a. m.] NOTICE OF DETERMINATIONS 8:49 a. m.] In conformity with the act of Con­ gress approved June 19, 1948, 62 Stat. 478, and due notice of consideration DEFENSE TRANSPORT ADMIN­ INTERSTATE COMMERCE having been published (15 F. R. 8788, ISTRATION COMMISSION Dec. 12, 1950) pursuant to said act, I [4th Sec. Application 25755] have determined that annual data re­ [Organization Order DTA 2] C otto nseed C ak e and M eal F rom S o u t h ­ lating to single and multiunit retail trade I n t e r a g e n c y A d viso r y C o m m it t e e establishments are needed to 'aid the w e s t to C a n o n C i t y and R o c k v a l e , efficient performance of essential gov­ ESTABLISHMENT AND FUNCTIONS C o lo . ernmental functions and have signifi­ Pursuant to Executive Order 10161, it application for r elief cant application to the needs of the is hereby ordered: public and industry and are not publicly 1. Establishment and organization of J a n u a r y 18, 1951. available from nongovernmental orbther Interagency Advisory Committee. There The Commission is in receipt of the governmental sources. is hereby established an Interagency Ad­ above-entitled and numbered application No. 15------2 586 NOTICES for relief from the long-and-short-haul Any interested person desiring the [4th Sec. Application 25758] provision of section 4 (1) of the Inter­ Commission to hold a hearing upon such R ubber T ires F rom O h io to t h e S o uth state Commerce Act. application shall request the Commis­ Filed by: D. Q. Marsh, Agent, for car­ sion in writing so to do within 15 days application for relief riers parties to his tariff I. C. C. No. 3778. from the date of this notice. As pro­ J a n u a r y 18, 1951. Commodities involved : Cottonseed-oil vided by the general rules of practice of The Commission is in receipt of the cake or meal, peanut stem meal, and the Commission, Rule 73, persons other above-entitled and numbered application cottonseed or peanut hulls, carloads. than applicants should^ fairly disclose for felief from the long-and-short-haul From: Points in southwestern terri­ their interest, and the position they in­ provision of section 4 (1) of the Inter­ tory. tend to take at the hearing with respect state Commerce Act. To: Canon City and Rockvale, Colo. to the application. Otherwise the Com­ Filed by : L. C. Schuldt, Agent, for car­ mission, in its discretion, may proceed to Grounds for relief: Competition with riers parties to his tariff I. C. C. No. 4300, investigate and determine the matters rail carriers, circuitous routes and to pursuant to fourth-section order No. involved in such application without fur­ apply over short tariff routes rates con­ 9800. ther or formal hearing. If because of an structed on the basis of the short line Commodities involved: Tires, rubber, emergency a grant of temporary relief is distance formula. pneumatic and parts, in carloads. found to be necessary before the expira­ Schedules filed containing proposed From: Leavittsburg, North Warren tion of the 15-day period, a hearing, rates: D. Q. Marsh’s tariff I. C. C. No. and Warren, Ohio. upon a request filed within that period, 3778, Supp. 29. To: Specified points in southern ter­ may be held subsequently. Any interested person desiring the ritory. Commission to hold a hearing upon such By the Commission, Division 2. Grounds for relief : Circuitous routes. application shall request the Commis­ Any interested person desiring the [ seal] W . P. B artel, sion in writing so to do within 15 days Commission to hold a hearing upon such Secretary. from the date of this notice. As pro­ application shall request the Commis­ vided by the general rules of practice of [F. R. Doc. 51-1043; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; sion in writing so to do within 15 days the Commission, Rule 73, persons other 8:46 a. m.] from the date of this notice. As provided than applicants should fairly disclose by the general rules of practice of the their interest, and the position they'in­ Commission, Rule 73, persons othér than tend to take at the hearing with respect applicants should fairly disclose their to the application. Otherwise the Com­ [4th Sec. Application 25757] interest, and the position they intend to mission, in its discretion, may proceed to F erro-M anganese and R elated A rticles take at the hearing with respect to the investigate and determine the matters F rom C alvert, K y . to H o u s t o n , T e x . application. Otherwise the Commission, involved in such applicaton without fur­ in its discretion, may proceed to investi­ ther or formal hearing. If because of application for relief gate and determine the matters involved an emergency a grant of temporary re­ Ja n u a r y 18, 1951. in such application without further or lief is found to be necessary before the The Commission is in receipt of the formal hearing. If because of an emer­ expiration of the 15-day period, a hear­ above-entitled and numbered applica­ gency a grant of temporary relief is ing, upon a request filed within that tion for relief from the long-and-short- found to be necessary before the expira­ period, may be held subsequently. haul provision^of section 4 (1) of the tion of the 15-day period, a hearing, By the Commission, Division 2. Interstate Commerce Act. upon a request filed within that period, Filed by: D. Q. Marsh, Agent, for car­ may be held subsequently. [ se al] W. P. B artel, By the Commission, Division 2. Secretary. riers parties to his tariff I. C. C. No. 3899. Commodities involved: Ferro-man­ [ seal] W. P. B artel, [P. R. Doc. 51-1042; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; 8:46 a. m.] ganese, ferro-silicon, silico-manganese Secretary. and zirconium-ferro-silicon, carloads. [F. R. Doc. 51-1045; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; From: Calvert, Ky. 8:46 a. m.] To: Houston, Tex. [4th Sec. Application 25756] Grounds for relief: Circuitous routes. Schedules filed containing proposed A u t o m o b il e P arts FBo m C h attano o g a, rates: D. Q. Marsh’s tariff I. C. C. No. [4th Sec. Application 25759] T e n n ., to A t lan ta, G a ., and M e m p h is , 3899, Supp. 29. C austic S oda F r o m A labama to S ou* i T e n n . Any interested person desiring the P o in t , O h io application for relief Commission to hold a hearing upon such APPLICATION FOR RELIEF application shall request the Commis­ J a n u a r y 18, 1951. sion in writing so to do within 15 days Ja n u a r y 18,1951. The Commission is in receipt of the from the date of this notice. As pro­ The. Commission is in receipt of the above-entitled and numbered applica­ vided by the general rules of practice of above-entitled and numbered applica­ tion for relief from the long-and-short- the Commission, Rule 73, persons other tion for relief from the long-and-short- haul provision of section 4 (1) of the than applicants should fairly disclose haul provision of section 4 (1) of the Interstate Commerce Act. their interest, and the position they in­ Interstate Commerce Act. Filed by: R. E. Boyle, Jr., Agent, for tend to take at the hearing with respect Filed by: R. E. Boyle, Jr., Agent, for carriers parties to Agent C. A. Spanin- to the application. Otherwise the Com­ Southern Railway Company and other ger’s tariff I. C. C. No. 1062. mission, in its discretion, may proceed to carriers named in the application. Commodities involved: Automobile investigate and determine the matters Commodities involved: Caustic soda, parts, steel, viz: brake drums, gear involved in such application without fur­ in tank-car loads. frames and parts, wheels and rims, ther or formal hearing. If because of an From: Huntsville and Red Stone Ar­ carloads. emergency a grant of temporary relief is senal, Ala. From: Chattanooga, Tenn. found to be necessary before the expira­ To: South Point, Ohio. To: Atlanta, Ga., and points taking tion of the 15-day period, a hearing, Grounds for relief: Circuitous routes. same rates, and Memphis, Tenn. upon a request filed within that period, Schedules filed containing proposed Grounds for relief : Circuitous routes may be held subsequently. rates: C. A. Spaninger’s tariff I. C. C. No. and to apply over short tariff routes rates By the Commission, Division 2. 1172, Supp. 29. constructed on the basis of the short line Any interested person desiring the distance formula. [ seal] W . P. B artel, Commission to hold a hearing upon such Schedules filed containing proposed Secretary. application shall request the Commission rates: C. A. Spaninger’s tariff I. C. C. No. [F. R. Doc, 51-1044; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; in writing so to do within 15 days from 1062, Supp. 2. 8:46 a. m.] the date of this notice. As provided by T u e sd a y , J a n u a ry 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 587

the general rules of practice of the Com­ SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE the rate of 2*4 percent per annum. In mission, Rule 73, persons other than ap­ connection with the system program for plicants should fairly disclose their COMMISSION financing the construction requirements interest, and the position they intend to [File No. 70-2551] of the subsidiaries of NEES, including, among other things, the maintenance by take at the hearing with respect to the Q u i n c y E lectric L ig h t and P o w e r Co. application. Otherwise the Commission, NEES of a reasonable equity base for the required senior financing, the decla­ in its discretion, may proceed to investi­ NOTICE REGARDING FILING ration contains the same statement gate and determine the matters involved At a regular session of the Securities quoted in the order of this Commission in such application without further or and Exchange Commission held at its dated October 27, 1950, in Beverly Gas formal hearing. If because of an emer­ office in the city of Washington, D. C., and Electric Company, et al., Holding gency a grant of temporary relief is on the 17th day of January A. D. 1951. Company Act Release No. 10182. found tb be necessary before the expira­ Notice is hereby given that Quincy Expenses in connection with the pro­ tion of the 15-day period, a hearing, Electric Light and Power Company posed transactions, consisting exclusively (“Quincy”), a subsidiary of New Eng­ upon a request filed within that period, of payments to be made to New land Electric System (“NEES”) , a regis­ may be held subsequently. Power Service Company for services to tered holding company, has filed with be performed at cost, are estimated by By the Commission, Division 2. this Commission a declaration under sec­ Quincy not to exceed $600. tion 7 of the Public Utility Holding Com­ The declaration states that no state [ seal]*' W. P. B artel, pany Act of 1935. commission has jurisdiction over the Secretary. Notice is further given that any inter­ proposed transactions. ested person may, not later than Janu­ [P. R. Doc. 51-1046; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; Quincy requests that the Commission’s 8:46 a. m.] ary 29,1951, at 5:30 p. m., e. s. t„ request the Commission in writing that a hearing order herein become effective upon its be held on such matter, stating the na­ issuance. ture of his interest, the reasons for such By the Commission. request and the issues, if any, of fact or [4th Sec. AppUcation 25760] [ s e a l] O rval L. DuBois, law raised by said declaration proposed Secretary. B lackstrap M olasses F r o m C er tain to be controverted, or may request that P o in t s i n G eorgia to A u g u s ta , G a. he be notified if the Commission should [P. R. Doc. 51-1048; Piled, Jan. 22, 1951; order a hearing thereon. Any such re­ 8:46 a. m.] application for relief quest should be addressed: Secretary, J a n u a r y 18, 1951. Securities and Exchange Commission, 425 Second Street NW., Washington 25, The Commission is in receipt of the [File No. 70-2552] D. C. At any time after January 29, above-entitled and numbered applica­ 1951, said declaration, as filed or as N or th er n B er k sh ir e G as C o . tion for relief from the long-and-short- amended, may be permitted to become haul provision of section 4 (1) of the effective as provided in Rule U-23 of NOTICE REGARDING FILING Interstate Commerce Act. the rules and regulations promulgated At a regular session of the Securities Filed by: R. E. Boyle, Jr., Agent, for under the act, or the Commissiori may and Exchange Commission held at its Savannah & Atlanta Railway Company exempt such transactions as provided in office in the city of Washington, D. C. and Southern Railway Company,. Rules U-20 (a) and U-100 thereof. on the 17th day of January A. D. 1951. Commodities involved : Blackstrap iso­ All interested persons are referred to Notice is hereby given that Northern said declaration which is on file in the lasses, in tank-car loads. Berkshire Gas Company (“Northern From: Savannah and Port Wentworth, office of this Commission for a statement Berkshire”), a subsidiary of New Eng­ of the transactions therein proposed, land Electric System (“NEES”), a regis­ Ga. which are summarized as follows: tered holding eompany, has filed with To: Augusta, Ga. Quincy proposes to issue up to and this Commission a declaration under sec­ Grounds for relief: Circuitous routes. including March 31, 1951, notes due tion 7 of the Public Utility Holding Com­ To meet intrastate rates. ninety days after the date of issue, as pany Act of 1935. Schedules filed containing proposed follows: Notice is further given that any inter­ rates: C. A. Spaninger’s tariff I. C. C. Granite Trust Co., Quincy, Mass___$75, 000 ested person may, not later than January No. 1121, Supp. 21. Norfolk County Trust Co., Quincy, 29, 1951, at 5:30 p. m., e. s. t., request Any interested person desiring the Mass______50,000 the Commission in writing that a hear­ Commission to hold a hearing upon such Quincy Trust Co., Quincy, Mass____ 25, 000 ing be held on such matter, stating the application shall request the Commis­ nature of his interest, the reasons for 150,000 sion in writing so to do within 15 days such request and the issues, if any, of fact from the date of this notice. As provided It is proposed that the notes bear or law raised by said declaration pro­ posed to be controverted, or may request by the general rules of practice of the interest at the rate of 2 Yi percent per annum and that, should the interest rate that he be notified if the Commission Commission, Rule 73, persons other than on any of the notes exceed such amount, should order a hearing thereon. Any applicants should fairly disclose their Quincy will file an amendment, stating such request should be addressed: Sec­ interest, and the position they intend to the name of the bank, the amount of the retary, Securities and Exchange Com­ take at the hearing with respect to the note and the rate of interest, at least mission, 425 Second Street NW., Wash­ application. Otherwise the Commission, five days prior to the execution of said ington 25, D. C. At any time after Janu­ in its discretion, may proceed to investi­ note, and unless the Commission notifies ary 29, 1951, said declaration as filed or gate and determine the matters involved Quincy to the contrary within said five as amended, may be permitted to become in such application without further or days, the amendment will become ef­ effective as provided in Rule U-23 of the formal hearing. If because of an emer­ fective at the end of such period. rules and regulations promulgated under gency a grant of temporary relief is Quincy proposes to use the borrowings the act, or the Commission may exempt found to be necessary before the ex­ to reimburse its treasury for past con­ such transactions as provided in Rules piration of the 15-day period, a hearing, struction expenditures and to pay for U-20 (a) and U-100 thereof. upon a request filed within that period, additional estimated construction to All interested persons are referred to may be held subsequently. March 31, 1951. The declaration states said declaration which is on file in the that Quincy contemplates the proposed office of this Commission for a state­ By the Commission, Division 2. borrowings as temporary in character 1 ment of the transactions therein pro­ pending the issuance of permanent se­ posed, which are summarized as follows: [ seal] W . P. B artel, curities to finance such expenditures. It Secretary. Northern Berkshire proposes to issue is further stated that Quincy presently up to and including March 31, 1951, [F. R. Doc. 51-1047; Piled, Jan. 22, 1951} has outstanding $45,000 of notes payable notes due six months after the date of 8:46 a. m.] maturing April 27, 1951, with interest at issue, as follows: 588 NOTICES

Greylock National Bank, Adams, holding company, has filed with this Granite State requests that the Com­ Mass______- $50, 000Commission a declaration under section mission’s order herein become effective North Adams National Bank, North 7 of the Public Utility Holding Company upon its issuance. Adams, Mass______- 50, 000Act of 1935. North Adams Trust Co., North By the Commission. Adams, Mass______- 50, 000 Notice is further given that any in­ terested person may, not later than Jan­ [ seal] O rval L. D u B o is , The First National Bank of Boston, Secretary. Boston, Mass______50, 000 uary 29,1951, at 5:30 p. m., e. s. t., request 200, 000 the Commission in writing that a hear­ [F. R. Doc. 51-1050; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; ing be held on such matter, stating the 8:47 a, m.] It is proposed that the notes bear interest nature of his interest, the reasons for at the rate of 2x/2 percent per annum and such request and the issues, if any, of that, should the interest rate on any of fact or law raised by said declaration [File No. 812-708] the notes exceed such amount, North­ proposed to be controverted, or may re­ ern Berkshire will file an amendment, quest that he be notified if the Commis­ T. I. S. M anag em ent Corp. stating the name of the bank, the amount sion should order a hearing thereon. NOTICE OF APPLICATION of the note and the rate of interest, at Any such request should be addressed: least five days prior to the execution of Secretary, Securities and Exchange At a regular session of the Securities said note, and unless the Commission Commission, 425, Second Street NW., and Exchange Commission, held at its notifies Northern Berkshire to the con­ Washington 25, D. C. At any time after office in the city of Washington, D. C., on trary within said five days, the amend­ January 29,1951, said declaration as filed the 17th day of January A. D. 1951. ment will become effective at the end of or as amended, may be permitted to be­ Notice is hereby given that T. I. S. such period. come effective as provided in Rule U-23 Management Corporation of New York Northern Berkshire proposes to use of the rules and regulations promulgated Cit&XApplicant) has filed an application such borrowings to reimburse its treas­ under the act, or the Commission may undlf section 6 (c) of the Investment ury for past construction expenditures, to exempt such transactions as provided in Company Act of 1940 for an order of ex­ pay for additional estimated construc­ Rules U-20 (a) and U-100 thereof. emption from the provisions of section tion to March 31,1951, and to pay $75,000 All interested persons are referred to 15 (a) of the act which make it unlawful of 2 percent notes presently outstanding said declaration which is on file in the for any person to act as an investment due March 26, 1951. The declaration office of this Commission for a statement adviser-for a registered investment com­ states that Northern Berkshire contem­ of the transactions therein proposed, pany except pursuant to a written con­ plates the proposed borrowings as tem­ which are summarized as follows : tract which contains certain specified porary in character pending the issu­ Granite State proposes to issue up to statutory terms and which has been ap­ ance of permanent securities to finance and including March 31, 1951, notes due proved by a vote of a majority of the such expenditures. It is further stated ninety days after the date of issue in the outstanding voting securities of such that the notes to be outstanding upon principal amount of $100,000 payable to registered company. the completion of the proposed transac­ Thé First National Bank of Boston. It appears that Applicant is the De­ tions will constitute Northern Berkshire’s It is proposed that the notes bear in­ positor under an agreement with the only indebtedness other than current in­ terest at the rate of 2 Va percent per an­ Trust Company of New Jersey pursuant debtedness incurred in the ordinary num and that, should the interest rate on to which Trusteed Industry Shares course of business. In connection with any 'of the notes exceed such amount, (T. I. S.), a registered investment com­ the system program for financing the Granite State will file an amendment, pany, was created; that such agreement construction requirements of the subsid­ stating the amount of the note and the contemplates that Applicant will retain iaries of NEES, including, among other rate of interest, at least five days prior to an investment counsel to furnish invest­ things, the maintenance by NEES of a the execution of said note, and unless the ment advice in connection with the un­ reasonable equity base for the required Commission notifies Granite State to the derlying portfolio of T. I. S.; that John senior financing, the declaration contains contrary within said five days, the H. Gross & Company, a sole proprietor­ the same statement quoted in the order amendment will become effective at the ship, had been acting as such investment of this Commission dated October 27, end of such period. counsel pursuant to an agreement ap­ 1950, in Beverly Gas and Electric Com­ Granite State proposes to use such proved by the shareholders of T. I. S.; pany, et al., Holding Company Act Re­ borrowings to reimburse its treasury for that upon the death of John H. Gross on lease No. 10182. past construction expenditures and to or about December 31, 1950, the afore­ Expenses in connection with the pro­ pay for additional estimated construc­ mentioned agreement was terminated; posed transactions, consisting exclusively tion to March 31,1951. The declaration that on January 12, 1951, Applicant en­ of payments to be made to New England states that Granite State contemplates tered into a contract which conforms Power Service Company for services to the proposed borrowings as temporary in with the provisions of section 15 (a) of be performed at cost; are estimated by character pending the issuance of per­ the act with Naess, Thomas & Thielbar, Northern Berkshire not to exceed $600. manent securities to finance such ex­ a copartnership, whereby the latter have The declaration states that no State penditures. It is further stated that agreed, contingent upon approval by the commission has jurisdiction over • the Granite State presently has outstanding shareholders of T. I. S., to serve as in­ proposed transactions. # $90,000 of 2 Vt percent notes payable to vestment counsel for a fee equal to the Northern Berkshire requests that the The First National Bank of Boston, due fee previously paid to John H. Gross & Commission’s order herein become effec­ April 30, 1951. In connection with the Company, to wit, Yin of 1 percent of the tive upon its issuance. system program for financing the con­ market value of the assets of T. I. S. By the Commission. struction requirements of the subsidia­ until such value exceeds $4,000,000 and Yio of 1 percent of the market value, [ se al] O rval L. DuBois, ries of NEES, including, among other thereafter; and that Applicant intends to Secretary. things, the maintenance by NEES of a reasonable equity basé for the required submit the contract to the shareholders [F. R. Doc. 51-1049; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; of T. I. S., within 90 days after January 8:46 a. m.] senior financing, the declaration con­ tains the same statement quoted in the 12, 1951, for their approval. Applicant order of this Commission dated October urges that, unless an order of exemption from section 15 (a ), for a period of ninety [File No. 70-2553] 27, 1950, in Beverly Gas and Electric Company, et al., Holding Company Act days from January 12, 1951, is issued so G ranite S tate E lectric Co. Release No. 10182. as to permit Naess, Thomas & Thielbar to act as investment counsel pending Expenses in connection with the pro­ NOTICE REGARDING FILING shareholder approval of the contract, posed transactions, consisting exclusively At a regular session of the Securities Applicant will be unable to continue the and Exchange Commission held at its of payments to be made to New England Power Service Company for services to be performance of its duties as provided py office in the city of Washington, D. C. on the agreement between it and the Trust the 17th day of January A. D. 1951. performed at cost, are estimated by Company of New Jersey. Notice is hereby given that Granite Granite State not to exceed $600. For a more detailed statement of the State Electric Company (“Granite The declaration states that no state State”), a subsidiary of New England commission has jurisdiction over the matters of fact and law asserted all Electric System (“NEES”), a registered proposed transactions. persons are referred to said application T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 589

which is on file at the office of the Com­ January Domestic Price List mission in Washington, D. C. Approxim ate quantity Notice is further given that an order Com m odity available (subject to Dom estic sales price may be issued granting the application prior sale) in whole or in part and upon such con­ ditions as the Commission may deem Nonfat dry milk solids, in carload necessary and appropriate, at any time lots only: Spray process______140.000. 000 pounds »13 . . .cents per pound f. o. b . location of stock in an y State. on or after February 5,1951, unless prior Roller process______2 60.000. 000 pounds 1___ 11 cents per pound f. o. b. location of stock in an y State. thereto a hearing upon the application Dried whole eggs (packed in bar­ 1.000. 000 pounds i . . . . . 1950 pack: $1.03 per pound f. o. b. cars or trucks at rels and drums) in carload lots warehouses in Illinois, .Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, is ordered by the Commission. Any in­ only. Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, terested person may not later than Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, and Delaware. February 2, 1951, at 5:30 p. m., e. s. t., Linseed oil, r a w ______226,000,000 pounds »... M arket price on date of sale but not less than the follow­ submit to the Commission in writing his ing minimum prices: 13.75 cents per pound Minne­ views or any additional facts bearing apolis and Chicago; 14.05 cents per pound Amster­ dam, N . Y., San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Cleve­ upon this application or the desirability land; 14.35 cents per pound New York, Philadelphia, of a hearing thereon, or request the , and Portland, Oreg.; 14.45 cents per pound Houston, Tex., Kenedy, Tex., and Good Hope, La. Commission in writing that a hearing be Above prices f. o. b. tank cars at storage locations. held thereon. Any such communication D r y edible beans______On all beans for areas other than those shown below, adjust prices upward or downward by an amount or request should be addressed: Secre­ equal to the price support program differential tary, Securities and Exchange Commis­ between areas. Where no price differential exists, the price listed will apply. For other grades of all sion, 425 Second Street NW., Washing­ beans, market differentials will apply. ton 25, D. C., and should state briefly Pinto, bagged______1.700.000 bags______N o . 1 Grade, 19481 and 1949 crops: $8.10 per 100 pounds, the nature of the interest of the person basis f. o. b. Denver rate area and California area; $7.70 per 100 pounds, basis f. o. b. Idaho rate area. submitting such information or request­ Pea, bagged______990.000 bags______N o . 1 G rade 1948 1 and 1949 crops: $7.85 per 100 pounds, ing a hearing, the reasons for such re­ basis f. o. b. Michigan and New York areas. R e d k idn ey______663.000 bags______N o . 1 G rade 1948 1 and 1949 crops: $9.30 per 100 pounds, quest and the issues of fact or law raised basis f. o. b. N e w Y o rk area. by. the application which he desires to Great Northern, bagged. 2.140.000 bags______N o. 1 Grade 19481 and 1949 crops: $7.15 per 100 pounds, controvert. basis f. o. b. Twin Falls, Idaho area; $7.55 per 100 pounds, basis f.o. b. Morrill, Nebr. area. By the Commission. Baby lima, bagged...______700.000 bags______N o . 1 G rade 19480 and 1949 crops: $7.95 per 100 pounds, basis f. o. b.*6alifornia area. [ s e a l ] O rval L. D u B o is, Pink, bagged______100.000 bags______No. 1 Grade 1948 1 crops: $8 per 100 pounds, basis Secretary. f. o. b. California area. Cranberry beans, bagged______83.000 bags______No. 1 Grade 1949 crop: $8.60 per 100 pounds, basis [F. R. Doc. 51-1051; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; f. o. b. California and Michigan areas. Austrian winter pea seed, bagged.. 73.000 hundredweight >. $5.21 per 100 pounds f. o. b. point of production. 8:47 a. m.] Amount of any paid-in freight to be added. ' B lu e Lupin e seed, bagged______315 h undredweight____ $5.21 per 100 pounds f. o. b. point of production. Amount of paid-in freight to be added. Kobe Lespedeza seed, bagged______22,260 hundredweight. $13.40 per 100 pounds f. o. b. point of production. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Amount of any paid-in freight to be added. W eeping lovegrass seed, bagged____ 1,300 hundredweight.. $54.11 per 100 pounds f. o. b. point of production. Commodity Credit Corporation Amount of any paid-in freight to be added. Wheat, bulk ______100,000,000 b u s h e ls »... Basis in store, the market price but in no event less Ch a ir m e n o f P r o d u c tio n an d M a r k e t in g than the applicable 1950 loan rate for the class, grade, quality, and location, plus: (1) 30 cents per bushel A dministration C o u n t y C o m m it t e e s if received by truck, or (2) 25 cents per bushel if re­ ceived by rail or barge. Examples of minimum prices DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY WITH RESPECT per bushel: Kansas City, No. 1 HW , ex rail or barge, TO AGREEMENTS TERMINATING BIN SITE $2.51; Minneapolis, N o. 1 D N S , ex rail or barge, $2.52; Chicago, No. 1 RW , ex rail, or barge, $2.56; Portland, . REAL ESTATE LEASES Oreg., No. 1 WW, ex rail, or barge, $2.46. Pursuant to the authority conferred Oats, bulk. 11,760,000 bushels. A t points of production, basis in store, the market price but not less than the applicable 1950 county loan rate upon me, by the bylaws of Commodity plus 13 cents per bushel; at other points, the forego­ Credit Corporation published in 14 F. R. ing plus average paid-in freight. Examples of mini­ mum prices, per bushel:. Chicago, No. 3 or better, 7689, I hereby appoint the chairman of 96 cents; Minneapolis, No. 3 or better, 92 cents. every Production and Marketing Ad­ Barley, bulk. 28,416,000 bushels. Basis in store, the market price but in no event less than the applicable 1950 loan rate for the class, grade, ministration county committee a con­ quality, and location, plus: (1) 22 cents per bushel tracting officer, within the county of his if received by truck, or (2) 18 cents per bushel if re­ ceived by rail or barge. Examples of minimum prices jurisdiction, for the purpose of executing, per bushel: Minneapolis, No. 1 barley, ex rail or in accordance with instructions of the barge, $1.50; San Francisco, No. 1 Western barley, State PMA Committee, agreements ter­ ex rail or barge, $1.57. . Corn, b u lk ______50,000,000 bushels. 1950 commercial corn-producing area: A t points of pro­ minating bin site real estate leases en­ duction, basis in store, the market price but not less tered into by the Commodity Credit than the applicable 1950 county loan rate for No. 3 yellow, plus 17 cents per. bushel, with market differ­ Corporation in connection with the Cor­ entials for other grades, quality, and classes. A t poration’s grain storage program. other delivery points: (1) the foregoing, plus average paid-in freight; or (2) basis the following fixed mini­ Issued this 18th day of January 1951. mum terminal prices, with market differentials for grade, quality* and class, and freight differentials for [ seal] R a l p h S. T rigg, location. Fixed minimum prices,«per bushel: Chicago, No. 3 yellow______$1.79 President, St. Louis, N o . 3 yellow ______.-______1. 79 Commodity Credit Corporation. I Minneapolis, No. 3 yellow______1.72 Omaha, No. 3 yellow ______1.71 Attest: Kansas. City, No. 3 yellow ______1.75 Market differentials for other grades, quality, L io n e l C. H o l m , an d classes. 1950 non-commercial corn-producing area: A t points of Secretary, production, or originating in a non-commercial Commodity Credit Corporation. county, basis in store, the m arket price bu t not less than 133 percent of the applicable 1950 county loan [F. R. Doc. 51-1119; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; rate for N o. 3, plus 17 cents per bushel; at other points, 8:55 a. m.] the foregoing plus average paid-in freight. If orig­ inating in a commercial county, the county loan rate for No. 3 plus 17 cents, plus average paid-in freight. Examples of minimum price, per bushel: 1950 county loan rate for Brown County, Ind.,'$1.10 per bushel, S ales of C e r t a in C o m m o d itie s at N o. 3 com, 133 percent of $1.10, plus 17 cents equals F ix ed P rices $1.64 per bushel, the minimum sales price. Potato.starch, in carload lots only: * Pursuant to the Pricing Policy of Com­ Pearl type, packed in 200- 600,000 pounds1__ pound burlap bags with modity Credit Corporation issued March paper innerliners. $4.50 per hundredweight basis f. o. b. Maine shipping 22, 1950 (15 F. R. 1583), and subject to Pow dered type, packed In 100- 3,500,000 pounds *. points. pound and 200-pound burlap the conditions stated therein, the follow­ bags with paper innerliners. ing commodities are available for sale in • These same lots also are available at export sales prices announced concurrently. the quantities and at the prices stated ; * Offers will be considered for the purchase of potato starch for use in the manufacture of industrial alcohol. 590 NOTICES

January Domestic Price L ist—Continued Forest Service

Approxim ate quantity C h a l l is N a t io n a l F orest Com m odity available (subject to Dom estic sales price prior sale) Rem o val o f trespassing h orses

Gum rosin, in metal drums aver- 75,000 d ru m s.. $8.50 per 100 pounds net, grades M through G, $8.65 Whereas a number of horses are tres­ ging 517 pounds net, each. grade N , $8.75 grade W G, and $9.00 grades X and passing and grazing on the Sulphur W W , “ as is,” on storage yards in Georgia and Florida. Creek Allotment on the Pahsimeroi Hanger District of the Challis National January Expoet Peice L ist Forest, in Custer County, State of Idaho; and Approximate quantity Whereas these horses are consum ing Com m odity available (subject to E xport sales price prior sale) forage needed for permitted livestock, are causing extra expense to established Dried whole eggs (packed in bar­ 10.000. 000 pounds...... 1950 Pack— 60 cents per pound, f. a. s. vessel, U . S. permittees, and are injuring national- rels and drums), in carload lots • Gulf or East . ports; or 60 cents per pound forest lands; only. f. o. b. cars dr trucks at warehouse locations, less freight based on the average gross shipping weight Now, therefore, by virtue of the ­ at the lowest export freight rate to N ew York or N ew thority vested in the Secretary of Agri­ Orleans whichever is lower. culture by the act of June 4, 1897 (30 Linseed oil, ra w ______225.000. 000 p o u n d s «Market______price on date of sale but not less than the follow­ ing minimum prices: 13.75 cents per pound, Min­ Stat. 35; 16 U. S. C. 551), and the act of neapolis and Chicago; 14.05 cents per pound, Amster­ February 1,1905 (33 Stat. 628,16 U. S. C. dam, N . Y., San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Cleve­ land; 14.35 cents per pound, N ew York, Philadelphia, 472), the following order for the occu­ Baltimore, and Portland, Oreg.; 14.45 cents per pancy, use, protection^ and administra­ pound, Houston, Tex., Kenedy, Tex., and Good Hope, La. Above prices f. o. b. tank cars at storage tion of land in the Pahsimeroi Ranger locations. District of the Challis National Forest is For export to all except those listed below: Spray process— 12)4 cents per pound f. o. b. location issued: of stock in any State. Roller process— 10^ cents per Temporary closure from livestock pound f. o. b. location of stock in any State. For export to Western Hemisphere countries except grazing, (a) The Sulphur Creek Allot­ NoDfat dry milk solids, in carload Canada and Colonial possessions of foreign countries, lots only: and and possessions of the U. S.: Spray ment on the Pahsimeroi Ranger District Spray process______140.000. 000 pounds i. process— 9 ^ cents per pound f. o. b. location of stock in the Challis National Forest is hereby Roller process______60.000. 000 pounds i_ in an y State, less freight based on the average gross shipping weight, at the lowest export freight rate closed for the period February 1,1951 to from that location to nearest port of export. Roller December 31, 1951, to the grazing of process— 7H cents per pound f. o. b. location of stock m any State, less freight based on the average gross horses, excepting those that are lawfully shipping weight, at the lowest export freight rate grazing on or crossing land in such allot­ from that location to nearest port of export. N o : 1 G rade 1948 crop, f. a. s. vessel at locations shown ments pursuant to the regulations of the D r y edible beans: below: Secretary of Agriculture, or that are used Pinto, bagged... 920,000 bags _____ $5.90 per 100 pounds, San Francisco dhd Portland, Oreg. in connection with operations authorized $6 per 100 pounds, U. S. Gulf ports. (See note below.) by such regulations, or that are used as Pea, bagged______245.000 bags l. $5.50 per 100 pounds. East Coast ports. , pack, or draft animals by persons Red kidney, bagged------498.000 bags «. $6 per 100 pounds, New York. Great Northern, bagged. 925.000 b a g s .. $5 per 100 pounds, Portland, Oreg.; $5.10 per 100 traveling over such land. pounds, U. S. Gulf ports. (See note below.) (b) Officers of the United States For­ Baby lima, bagged.. 150.000 bags ». $5.50 per 100 pounds, San Francisco. Pink, bagged------100.000 bags *. $5.25 per 100 pounds, San Francisco. est Service are hereby authorized to dis­ Red kidney, bagged. 65.000 bags «... No. 1 Grade 1949 crop: $6.50 per 100 pounds, f. a. s. pose of, in the most humane manner, all vessel New York. N o t e : “TJ. S. Gulf ports” means ports with freight horses found trespassing or grazing in rates not greater than to N e w Orleans. A n y excess freight will be for account of the buyer. violation of this order. Discounts for grades on all beans: No. 2, 25 cents less (c) Public notice of intention to dis­ than No. 1; No. 3, 50 cents less than No. 1. A t C C C ’s option, 1949'crop beans m ay be furnished in pose of such horses shall' be given by lieu of 1948 beans in instances where stocks are ex­ posting notices in public places or adver­ hausted of 1948 beans of the type and grade desired. Austrian winter pea seed, bagged.. 73.000 hundredweight Market price on date of sale at place of delivery, pro­ tising in a of general circu­ vided delivery takes place within 15 days unless lation in the locality in which the Challis otherwise agreed upon. Wheat, bulk ______10,000,000 bushels * . . . . Market price on date of sale at place of delivery, pro­ National Forest is located. vided delivery takes palce within 15 days tinless otherwise agreed upon. Wheat may be used for mill­ Done at Washington, D. C., this 17th ♦ ing export flour provided the entire quantity of flour produced therefrom is exported. day of January 1951. Witness my hand Potato starch, in carload lots only: and the seal of the Department of Pearl type, packed in 200- 600.000 pounds «____ pound burlap bags with Agriculture. paper innerliners. $4.50 per cwt. f. a. s. vessel, Boston, Mass. P ow dered type, packed in 100- ,500,000 p o u n d s1____ [ s e a l] C. J. M cC o r m ic k , pound and 20Qrpound burlap bags w ith paper innerliners. Acting Secretary of Agriculture. fresh Irish potatoes, packed in Substantial quanti­ U. S. No. 1 Grade when loaded at C C C ’s point of pur­ usual 100-pound burlap sacks, ties, as available in chase: 60 cents per sack, f. o. b. cars'at country ship­ [F. R. Doc. 61-1050; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; in carload or truckload lots only. Aroostook County, ping point, for export to areas other than U. S. pos­ 8:48 a. m.] Maine. sessions, Canada, Mexico, C u ba, or the Caribbean area. Consideration will be given to offers to pur­ chase potatoes packed in crates at above price, plus additional costs to CCC. Communicate with the Director, PM A Commodity Office, 67 Broad St., N e w Y o rk , N. Y ., Tel. D Igby 4-8300. Office of the Secretary fresh Irish potatoes, for processing Quantities as avail­ Basis 1 cent per hundredweight b u lk ungraded at farm into potato food products for ex­ able in the late po- plus reimbursement for approved marketing services D e s ig n a t io n o f D isaster A reas H a v in g port. .tato producing required to be performed. States. N eed for A gricultural C redit Pursuant to the authority contained i These same lots also are available at domestic sales prices announced concurrently. In Public Law 38,81st Congress, approved (Pub. Law 439, 81st Cong.) April 6, 1949, the following designations Issued January 18, 1951. of disaster areas were made as having a need for agricultural credit: [ s e a l] R a l p h S. T rigg, President, ALABAMA Commodity Credit Corporation. The following counties were desig­ [F. R. Doc. 61-1120; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; 8:55 a. m.] nated, on December 1, 1950, as disaster T u e sd a y , J a n u a ry 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 59Ì areas due to adverse weather conditions The following county was designated, areas due to insect infestation and ex­ and boll weevil infestation: on June 10, 1950, as a disaster area due cessive rainfall: Autauga. . Houston. to flood: Avoyelles. Madison. Bossier. Morehouse. Baldwin. Jackson. Baca. Barbour. Jefferson. Caddo. Ouachita. Bibb. Lamar. The following counties were desig- Caldwell. Pointe Coupee. Blount. Lauderdale. nated, on September 7, 1950, as disaster Catahoula. Red River. Bullock. Lawrence. areas due to adverse weather Conditions: Concordia. Richland. Butler. Lee. De Soto. Sabine. Calhoun. Limestone. Alamosa. Kiowa. East Carroll. Tensas. Chambers. Lowndes. Bent. Las Animas. Franklin. Union. Cherokee. Macon. Conejos. Montezuma. Jackson. West Carroll. Chilton. Madison. Castilla. Otero. Lincoln. Winn. Choctaw. Marengo. Crowley. Rio Grande. Clarke. Marion.' Custer. Saguache. MISSISSIPPI Clay. Marshall. Huerfano. The following counties were desig- Cleburne. Mobile. FLORIDA nated, on December 15, 1950, as disaster Coffee. Monroe. areas due to adverse weather conditions Colbert. Montgomery. The following counties were desig- and insect infestation: Conecuh. Morgan. nated, on October 24, 1950, as disaster Leflore. Coosa. Perry. areas due to hurricane: Adams. Covington. Pickens. Alcorn. Lincoln. Crenshaw. Pike. Brevard. Indian River. Amite. Lowndes. Cullman. Randolph. Broward. Martin. Attala. Madison. Dale. Russell. Dade. Okeechobee. Benton. Marion. Dallas. St. Clair. Glades. Palm Beach. Bolivar. Marshall. De Kalb. Shelby. Hendry. St. Lucie. Calhoun. Monroe. Elmore. Sumter*. Carroll. Montgomery. Escambia. Talladega. The following counties were desig- Chickasaw. Neshoba. Etowah. Tallapoosa. nated, on November 2, 1950, as disaster Choctaw. Newton. Payette. Tuscaloosa. areas due to hurricane and excessive Claiborne. Noxubee. Oktibbeha. Franklin. Walker. rainfall: Clarke. . Washington. Clay. Panola. Greene. Wilcox. Orange. Volusia. Coahoma. Pearl River. Hale. Winston. Seminole. Copiah. Perry. Henry. Covington. Pike. ARKANSAS The following county was designated, De Soto. Pontotoc. on November 27,1950, as a disaster area Forrest. Prentiss. The following counties were desig­ Quitman. due to severe grasshopper infestation: Franklin. nated, on December 15, 1950, as disaster George. Rankin. areas due to insect infestation and ad- Alachua. Greene. Scott. verse weather conditions: Grenada. Sharkey. GEORGIA Hancock. Simpson. Bradley. Johnson. Harrison. Smith. Calhoun. Lafayette. The following counties were desig- Hinds. Stone. Carroll. Lawrence. nated, on December 7, 1950, as disaster Holmes. Sunflower. Chicot. Lincoln. areas diie to adverse weather conditions Humphreys. Tallahatchie. Clark. Little Rivei# and severe boll weevil infestation: Issaquena. Tate. Clay. Logan. Itawamba. Tippah. Cleburne. Madison, Appling. Hall. Jackson. Tishomingo. Cleveland. Miller. Banks. Hancock. Jasper. Tunica. Columbia. Mississippi. Barrow. Haralson. Jefferson. Union. Conway. Nevada. Bartow. Jasper. Jefferson Davis. Walthall. Craighead. Ouachita. Burke. Jefferson. Jones. Warren. Crawford. Perry. Calhoun. Jenkins. Kemper. Washington. Crittenden. Phillips. Carroll. Lincoln. Lafayette. Wayne. Cross. Pike. Catoosa. Long. Lamar. Webster. Dallas. Poinsett. Chattooga. Lumpkin. Lauderdale. Wilkinson. Desha. Pope. Cherokee. Madison. Lawrence. Winston. Drew. Pulaski. Clay. McDuffie. Leake. Yalobusha. Faulkner. Randolph. Clayton. Murray. Lee. Yazoo. Franklin. St. Francis. Cobb. Newton. Fulton. Sebastian. Columbia. Oconee. NEW JERSEY Grant. Sevier. Dade. Oglethorpe. The following counties were desig- Paulding. Greene. Sharp. Dawson. nated, on December 7, 1950, as disaster Hempstead. Union. De Kalb. Pickens. Hot Spring. Van Buren. Douglas. Polk. areas due to severe wind and storm Howard. White. Early. Randolph. damage: Independence. Woodruff. Elbert. Richmond. . Middlesex. Izard. Yell. Emanuel. Screven. Bergen. Monmouth. Jackson. Floyd. Taliaferro. Burlington. Morris. CALIFORNIA Fulton. Tattnall. Camden. Ocean. Forsyth. Toombs. Cape May. Passaic. The following counties were desig­ Gilmer. Walker. Cumber iand. Salem. nated, on December 1, 1950, as disaster Glascock. Walton. . Somerset. areas due to flood: Gordon. Warren. Gloucester. Sussex. Greene. Washington. Hudson. .Union. Butte. Sacramento. Gwinnett. White. Hunterdon. Warren. Colusa. San Joaquin, Habersham. Whitfield. Mercer. Fresno. Stanislaus. NORTH CAROLINA Kern. Sutter. LOUISIANA Kings. Tulare. The following counties were desig­ Madera. Yolo. The following parishes were desig- nated, on September 7, 1950, as disaster Merced. Yuba. nated, on October 24, 1950, as disaster areas due to excessive rainfall: Placer. areas due to insect infestation and ex- Beaufort. Onslow. COLORADO cessive rainfall: Brunswick. Pamlico. The following county was designated, Bienville. Webster. Carteret. Pender. Sampson. on June 8,1950, as a disaster area due to Claiborne. Columbus. Duplin. Tyrrell. flood: The following parishes were desig- Hyde. Washington. Prowers. nated, on December 1, 1950, as disaster Jones. 592 NOTICES

The following counties were desig­ Marlboro. Saluda. FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION nated, on November 2, 1950, as disaster Newberry. Spartanburg. Oconee. areas due to excessive rainfall and insect Sumter. / [Docket No. G-1405] Orangeburg. Union. infestation: Pickens. Williamsburg. M e r c e r G a s L i g h t a n d F u e l C o . Anson. Mecklinburg. Richland. York. Cabarrus. Northampton. NOTICE OF CONTINUANCE OF HEARING TEXAS Catawba. Polk. J a n u a r y 17,1951. Cleveland. Richmond. The following counties were desig­ Upon consideration of the request of Columbus. Rutherford. nated, on September 7, 1950, as disaster Cumberland. Scotland. counsel for Mercer Gas Light and Fuel Gaston. Union. areas due to drought and insect infes­ Company filed January 15, 1951, notice Hoke. Warren. tation : is hereby given that the hearing in the Lincoln. Armstrong. Hartley. above-designated matter now scheduled . Hutchinson. OKLAHOMA for January 25, 1951, be and it is hereby Briscoe. Lamp. continued to March 6, 1951, at 10:00 The following counties were desig­ Carson. Lipscomb. a. m., in the Commission’s Hearing Castro. nated, on October 13, 1950, as disaster Moore. Room, at 1800 Pennsylvania Avenue NW., areas due to adverse weather conditions Crosby. Ochiltree. Dallam. Oldham. Washington, D. C. and serious insect infestation: Deaf Smith Parmer. [ s e a l ] L e o n M . F u q u a y , Alfalfa. Kingfisher. Floyd. Potter. Secretary. Atoka. Kiowa. Gray. Randall. Beaver. Le Flore. Hale. Sherman. [F. R. Doc. 51-1065; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; Beckham. Logan. Hansford. Swisher. 8:48 a. m.] Blain. Love. Bryan. Major. The following counties were desig­ Caddo. Marshall. nated, on September 26,1950, as disaster Canadian. McClain. areas due to adverse weather conditions [Docket No. G-1544] Carter. McCurtain. and insect infestation: Choctaw. McIntosh. N o r t h e r n N a t u r a l G a s C o . Cimarron. Muskogee. Bowie. Hall; Childress. Hunt. Coal. Noble. o r d e r f i x i n g d a t e o f h e a r i n g Comanche. Okfuskee. Collin. Kaufman. J a n u a r y 16,1951. Cotton. 1 Okmulgee. Collingsworth. Lamar. Delta. Creek. Pawnee. Motley. On December 4, 1950, Northern Nat­ Denton. Custer. Payne. Rains, ural Gas Company (Applicant), a Dela­ Donley. Red River. Dewey. Pittsburg. ware corporation having its principal Ellis. Pontotoc. Fannin. Rockwall. Grayson. Van Zandt. place of business at Omaha, Nebraska, Garfield. Pottawatomie. filed an application pursuant to section Garvin. Pushmataha. The following counties were desig­ Grady. Roger Mills. 7 of the Natural Gas Act for permission Grant. Seminole. nated, on November 27, 1950, as disaster and approval to abandon and sell certain Greer. Sequoyah. areas due to adverse weather conditions of its facilities, subject to the jurisdiction Harmon. Stephens. and insect infestation: of the Commission, as described in the Harper. Texas. Anderson. Panola. application on file with the Commission Tillman. Haskell. Angelina. Polk. and open to public inspection. Wagoner. Hughes. Camp. Rusk. The Commission finds: This proceed­ Jackson. Washita. Cass. Sabine. Woods. ing is a proper one for disposition under Jefferson. Cherokee. San Augustine. Woodward. the provisions of § 1.32 (b) (18 CFR 1.32 Johnston. Franklin. San Jacinto. Kay. Gregg. Shelby. ( b ) ) of the Commission’s rules of prac­ tice and procedure, Applicant having The following counties were desig­ Harrison. Smith. requested that its application be heard nated, on November 21, 1950, as disaster Henderson. Titus. Hopkins. Trinity. under the shortened procedure provided areas due to excessive rainfall and insect Houston. Upshur. by the aforesaid rule for non-contested infestation: Marion. Walker. proceedings, and no request to be heard, Lincoln. Osage. Morris. Wood. protest or petition having been filed sub­ Nacogdoches. sequent to the giving of due notice of the PUERTO RICO UTAH filing of the application, including publi­ The island of Puerto Rico was desig­ The following counties were desig­ cation in the F e d e r a l R e g i s t e r ' on De­ nated, on October 13, 1950, as a disaster nated, on October 26, 1950, as disaster cember 21, 1950 (15 F. R. 9158). area due to adverse weather conditions. areas due to adverse weather conditions: The Commission orders: SOUTH CAROLINA (A) Pursuant to the authority con­ Garfield. San Juan. tained in and subject to the jurisdiction The following counties were desig­ Kane. conferred upon the Federal Power Com­ nated, on November 20, 1950, as disaster VERMONT mission by sections 7 and 15 of the Na­ areas due to adverse weather conditions The following counties were desig­ tural Gas Act, as amended, and the Com­ and insect infestation: nated, on December 8, 1950, as disaster mission’s rules of practice and procedure, Abbeville. Dorchester. areas due to severe rain and windstorm: a hearing be held on February 6, 1951, Aiken. Edgefield. at 9:30 a. m., in the Hearing Room of Addison. Lamoille. Allendale. Fairfield. Bennington. Orange. the Federal Power Commission, 1800 Anderson. Florence. Caledonia. Orleans. Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, . Georgetown. Chittenden. Rutland. D. C., concerning the matters involved Barnwell. Greenville. Essex. Washington. Greenwood. and the issues presented by such appli­ Beaufort. Franklin. Windham. Berkeley. . cation: Provided, however, That the Grand Isle. Windsor. Calhoun. Horry. Commission may, after a non-contested Charleston. Jasper. Done at Washington, D. C.f this 17th hearing, forthwith dispose of the pro­ Cherokee. Kershaw. day of January 1951. ceeding pursuant to the provisions of Chester. Lancaster. § 1.32 (b) of the Commission’s rules of Chesterfield. Laurens. [ s e a l] C. J. M cC o r m ic k , practice and procedure. -Clarendon. Lee. Acting Secretary of Agriculture. Colleton. Lexington. (B ) Interested State commissions may Darlington. McCormick. [F. R. Doc. 51-1060; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; participate as provided by §§1.8 and Dillon. Marion. 8:48 a. m.] 1.37 (f) (18 CFR 1.8 and 1.37 (f )) of

I T u e sd a y , J a n u a ry 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 593

[Vesting Order 16632] the said rules of practice and proce­ L e F lore C o u n t y G as & E lectric C o . dure. NOTICE OF ORDER FOR DIRECTING AND A n n a S c h u l z Date of issuance; January 17, 1951. APPROVING DISPOSITION OF AMOUNTS In re: Rights of Anna Schulz under By the Commission. J a n u a r y 18, 1951. insurance contract. Filé No. D-28- 12$46-H-1. * Notice is hereby given that, on Janu­ [ se al] L e o n M . F u q u a y , Under the authority of the Trading ary 17, 1951, the Federal Power Com­ Secretary. With the Enemy Act, as amended, Exec­ mission issued its order entered January utive Order 9193, as amended, and Exec­ [F. R. Doc. 51-1066; Piled, Jan. 22, 1951; 16, 1951, directing and approving dispo­ 8:4$ a. m.j utive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, sition of amounts classified in Account after investigation, it is hereby found: 100.5, Gas Plant Acquisition Adjust­ 1. That Anna Schulz, whose last known ments, in the above-designated matter. address is Germany, is a resident of Ger­ [ se al] L e o n M . F u q u a y , [Docket Nos. G-1459, G-1502, G-1506, many and a national of a designated G-1528] Secretary. enemy country (Germ any); [F. R. Doc. 51-1070; Filed, Jan. J22,' 1951; 2. That the net proceeds due or to E l P aso N atural G as C o . et a l . 8:49 a. m.] become due under a contract of insur­ NOTICE OF FINDINGS AND ORDERS ance evidenced by Policy No. 5 829 15-A issued by the Metropolitan Life Insur­ Ja n u a r y 18, 1951. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ance Company, New York, New York, to In the matters of El Paso Natural Julia Koester, together with the right to Gas Company, Docket No. G-1459; the Office of Alien Property demand, receive and collect said net Ohio Fuel Gas Company, Docket No. G - A u t h o r it y : 40 Stat. 411, 55 Stat. 839, Pub. proceeds, 1502; New York State Natural Gas Cor­ Laws 322, 671, 79th Cong., 60 Stat. 50, 925**60 is property within the United States poration, Docket No. G-1506; Equitable U. S. C. and Supp. App. 1, 616; E. O. 9193, owned or controlled by, payable or de­ Gas Company, Docket No. G-1528. July 6, 1942, 3 CFR, Cum. Supp., E. O. 9567, liverable to, held on behalf of, or on Notice is hereby given that, on Janu­ June 8, 1945, 3 CFR, 1945 Supp., E. O. 9788, Oct. 14, 1946, 11 F. R. 11981. account of, or owing to, or which is evi­ ary 17, 1951, the Federal Power Com­ dence of ownership or control by, the [Vesting Order 15831] mission issued its findings and orders aforesaid national of a designated enemy entered January 16,1951, issuing certifi­ G e r m a n y country (Germ any); cates of public convenience and neces­ sity in the above-designated matters. In re: Funds owned by Germany. F - and it is hereby determined: 28-20169-C-2. 3. That to the extent that the person [ se al] L eo n M . F u q u a y , Under the authority of the Trading named in subparagraph 1 hereof is not Secretary. With the Enemy Act, as amended, Ex­ within a designated enemy country, the [F. R. Doc. 51-1067; Piled, Jan. 22, 1951; ecutive Order 9193, as amended, and Ex­ national interest of the United States 8:48 a. m.j ecutive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, requires that such person be treated as after investigation, it is hereby found: a national of a designated enemy coun­ 1. That the property described as fol­ try (Germany). lows: Cash in the sum of $111,343.00 All determinations and all action re­ presently on deposit in the Treasury De­ quired by law, including appropriate [Docket No. E-6332] partment of the United States in an consultation and certification, having E l P aso E lectric C o . account entitled Secretary of the Treas­ been made and taken, and, it being ury Miscellaneous Deposits held pending deemed necessary in the national inter­ NOTICE OF ORDER FOR AUTHORIZING final disposition— Treasury symbol 891- est, ISSUANCE OF SECURITIES 801 (Special Deposit Account No. 3), and There is hereby vested in the Attorney J a n u a r y 18, 1951. any and all rights to demand and collect General of the United States the prop­ Notice is hereby given that, on Janu­ the same, erty described above, to be held, used, administered, liquidated, sold or other­ ary 17, 1951, the Federal Power Com­ is property within the United States mission issued its order entered January wise dealt with in the interest of and for owned or controlled by, payable or de­ the benefit of the United States. 16, 1951, supplementing order of Janu­ liverable to, held on behalf of or on ary 5, 1951, published in the F ederal The terms “national” and “designated account of, or owing to, or which is evi­ enemy country” as used herein shall R egister (16 F. R. 323), authorizing is­ dence of ownership or control by a des­ suance of securities in the above-desig­ have the meanings prescribed in section ignated enemy country (Germany). 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. nated matter. All determinations and all action re­ [ s e a l] L e o n M . F u q u a y , quired by law, including appropriate Executed at Washington, D. C., on Secretary. consultation and certification, having December 19, 1950. been made and taken, and, it being For the Attorney General. [F. R. Doc. 51-1068; Piled, Jan. 22, 1951; deemed necessary in the national inter­ 8:48 a. m.] est, [ s e a l] H arold I. B a y n t o n , There is hereby vested in the Attorney Assistant Attorney General, General of the United States the prop­ Director, Office of Alien Property. erty described above, to be held, used, [F. R. Doc. 51-1082; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; [Docket No. E-6334] administered, liquidated, sold or other­ 8:51 a. m.] wise dealt with in the interest of and for M o u n t a in S tates P o w e r C o . the benefit of the United States. n o tice of order for authorizing iss u a n c e The term “designated enemy country” OF SECURITIES as used herein shall have the meaning [Vesting Order 16630] prescribed in section 10 of Executive Or­ Ja n u a r y 18, 1951. F rederick S c h m it z et a l. der 9193, as amended. Notice is hereby given that, on Janu­ In re: Rights of Frederick Schmitz, ary 16, 1951, the Federal Power Com­ Executed at. Washington, D. C., on et al. under insurance contract. F-28- mission issued its order entered January November 20, 1950. 24866-H-l. 16, 1951, authorizing issuance of securi­ For the Attorney General. Under the authority of the Trading ties in the above-designated matter. With the Enemy Act, as amended, Exec­ [ seal] P a u l V. M y r o n , utive Order 9193, as amended, and Exec­ [ se al] L e o n M . F u q u a y , Deputy Director, utive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, Secretary. Office of Alien Property. after investigation, it is hereby found: [P. R. Doc. 51-1069; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; [F. R. Doc. 51-1079; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; 1. That Frederick Schmitz, whose last 8:48 a. m.] 8:51 a. in.] known address is Germany is a resident No. 15------3 ' 594 NOTICES of Germany and a national of a desig­ 2. That the domiciliary personal rep­ 2. That the net proceeds due or to nated enemy country (Germ any); resentatives, heirs, next of kin, legatees become due under a contract of insur­ 2. That the domiciliary personal rep­ and distributees, names unknown, of ance evidenced by Policy No. 4 426 640, resentatives, heirs, next of kin, legatees Eusebius Schuberth, who there is reason­ issued by the New York Life Insurance an

or controlled by, payable or deliverable Sommer, the aforesaid nationals of a the domiciliary personal representatives, to, held on behalf of or on account of, or designated enemy country (Germany); heirs, next of kin, legatees and distribu­ owing to, or which is evidence of owner­ and it is hereby determined: tees, names unknown, of Albert Anstett, ship or control by, Taro Shimabukuro or 4. That to the extent that the person deceased, are not within a designated Gozu Shimabukuro, the aforesaid na­ named in subparagraph 1 hereof and enemy country, the national interest of tionals of a designated enemy country the domiciliary personal representatives, the United States requires that such per­ (Japan); heirs, next of kin, legatees and distribu­ sons be treated as nationals of a desig­ nated enemy country (Germany). and it is hereby determined: tees, names unknown, of Thomas J. 3. That to the extent that the persons Sommer, are not within a designated All determinations and all action re­ named in subparagraph 1 hereof are not enemy country, the national interest of quired by law, including appropriate con­ within a designated enemy country, the the United States requires that such per­ sultation and certification, having been national interest of the United States sons be treated as nationals of a desig­ made and taken, and, it being deemed requires that such persons be treated as nated enemy country (Germany). necessary in the national interest, nationals of a designated enemy country All determinations and all action re­ There is hereby vested in the Attorney (Japan). quired by law, including appropriate con­ General of the United States the prop­ All determinations and all action re­ sultation and certification, having been erty described above, to be held, used, quired by law, including appropriate made and taken, and, it being deemed administered, liquidated, sold or other­ consultation and certification, having necessary in the national interest, wise dealt with in the interest of and for been made and taken, and, it being There is hereby vested in the Attorney the benefit of the United States. deemed necessary in. the national inter­ General of the United States the prop­ The terms “national” and “designated est, erty described above, to be held, used, enemy country” as used herein shall have There is hereby vested in the Attorney administered, liquidated, sold or other­ the meanings prescribed in section 10 General of the United States the prop­ wise dealt with in the interest of and for of Executive Order 9193, as amended. erty described above, to be held, used, the benefit of the United States. Executed at Washington, D. C., on administered, liquidated, sold or other­ The terms “national” and “designated December 19, 1950. wise dealt with in the interest of and for enemy country” as used herein shall have For the Attorney General. the benefit of the United States. the meanings prescribed in section 10 The terms “national” and “designated of Executive Order 9193, as amended. [ s e a l] H arold I. B a y n t o n , Assistant Attorney General, enemy country” as used herein shall Executed at Washington, D. C., on Director, Office of Alien Property. have the meanings prescribed in section December 19, 1950. 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. [P. R. Doc. 51-1086; Piled, Jan. 22, 1951; For the Attorney General. Executed at Washington, D. C., on 8:52 a. m.] December 19; 1950. [ seal] H arold I. B a y n t o n , r Assistant Attorney General, For the Attorney General. director, Office of Alien Property. [Vesting Order 16642] [ seal] .H arold I. B a y n t o n , [P. R. Doc. 51-1085; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; Assistant Attorney General, 8:51 a. m.] H is a y o T anak a Director, Office of Alien Property. In re: Rights of Hisayo Tanaka under [P. R. Doc. 51-1084; Piled, Jan. 22, 1951; [Vesting. Order 16639] a contract of insurance. File No. F-39- 8:51 a. m.] 4534-H-l. M a r y S t u t ze l et a l. Under the authority of the Trading With the Enemy Act, as amended, Exec­ [Vesting Order 16638] In re: Rights of Mary Stutzel et al. under insurance contract. File No. F - utive Order 9193, as amended, and Exec­ T h o m as J. S om m er et a l. 28-2964-H-l. utive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, after investigation, it is hereby found: In re: Rights of Thomas J. Sommer et Under the authority of the Trading With the Enemy Act, as amended, 1. Thait Hisayo Tanaka, whose last al. under contract of insurance. F-28- known address is Japan, is a resident of 27197-H-l. Executive Order 9193, as amended, and Executive Order 9788, and pursuant to Japarrand a national of a designated Under the authority of the Trading enem^country (Japan); With the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ law, after investigation, it is hereby found: 2. That the net proceeds due or to tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ become due to Hisayo Tanaka under a tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, 1. That Mary Stutzel, whose last known address is Germany, is a resident contract of insurance evidenced by after investigation, it is hereby found: Policy No. 7770609, issued by the New 1. That Thomas J. Sommer, whose of Germany and a national of a desig­ nated enemy country (Germ any); York Life Insurance Company, New last known address is Germany, is a resi­ York, New York, to Hisayo Tanaka, to­ dent of Germany and a national of a 2. That the domiciliary personal rep­ resentatives, heirs, next of kin, legatees gether with the right to demand, receive designated enemy country /(Germany); and collect said net proceeds, 2. That the domiciliary personal rep­ and distributees, names unknown, of Al­ resentatives, heirs, next of kin, legatees bert Anstett, deceased, who there is rea­ is property within the United States and distributees, names unknown, of sonable cause to believe are residents of owned or controlled by, payable or de­ Thomas J. Sommer, who there is reason­ Germany, are nationals of a designated liverable to, held on behalf of, or on able cause to believe are residents of enemy country (Germ any); account of, or owing to, or which is Germany, are nationals of a designated 3. That the net proceeds due or to evidence of ownership or control by, the enemy country (Germ any); become due under a contract of insur­ aforesaid national of a designated enemy 3. That the net proceeds due or to be­ ance evidenced by policy No. 3822069A, country (Japan); issued by the Metropolitan Life Insur­ come due under a contract of insurance and it is hereby determined: evidenced by Claim Settlement Certifi­ ance Company, New York, New York, to Albert Anstett, together with the right 3. That to the extent that the person cate No. 101893, issued by The Prudential named in subparagraph 1 hereof is not Insurance Company of America, Newark, to demand, receive and collect said net proceeds, within a designated enemy country, the New Jersey, to Thomas J. Sommer, to­ national interest of the United States re­ gether with the right to demand, receive is property within the United States quires that such person be treated as a and collect said net proceeds, is property owned or controlled by, payable or deliv­ national of a designated enemy country within the United States owned or con­ erable to, held on behalf of, or on account (Japan). trolled by, payable or deliverable to, held of, or owing to, or which is evidence of on behalf of or on account of, or owing ownership or control by, the aforesaid All determinations and all action re­ to, or which is evidence of ownership or nationals of a designated enemy country quired by law, including appropriate control by Thomas J. Sommer or the (Germany) ,* consultation and certification, having domiciliary personal representatives, and it is hereby 4etermined: been made and taken, and, it being heirs, next of kin, legatees and distribu­ 4. That to the extent that the person deemed necessary in the national in­ tees, names unknown, of Thoma^^J. named in subparagraph 1 hereof, and terest, 596 NOTICES

There is hereby vested in the Attorney There is hereby vested In the Attorney Carolina Emilie Frederike Aldag (nee General of the United States the prop­ General of the United States the prop­ Gortemann); Mindert" (Westfalen), Huf­ erty described above, to be held, used, schmiede 21, German^; 8767. erty described above, to be held, used, Emil Aldag; Neuestrasse 42, Hannover, Ger­ administered, liquidated, sold or other­ administered, liquidated, sold or other­ many; 6113. wise dealt with in the interest Of and for wise dealt with in the interest of and for Heinrich Frederich Georg Aldag; Horst- the benefit of the United States.^ the benefit of the United States. Wesselstrasse 22, Rinstein, Germany; 8766. The terms “national” and “designated The terms “national” and “designated Julius August Aldag; Bäckerstrasse 33, enemy country” as used herein shall enemy country” as used herein shall have , Germany; 8765. have the meanings prescribed in section the meanings prescribed in section 10 of Maria Alertz (nee Bein); Friedrich-Ebert Executive Order 9193, as amended. Alee 29, , Germany; 5070. 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. Therese Alertz; Ottostrasse 24, Aachen, Executed at Washington, D. C., on Executed at Washington, D. C., on Germany; 5049. December 19, 1950. January 2, 1951. Gertrud Alles (nee Schaefer); Nerdin- gerstr. 11, Koeln-Nippes, Germany; 13641. For the Attorney General. For the Attorney General. Richard Aisdorff, Elblngerstrasse 502, Ma- runburg, West , Germany, 23837. [ seal] H arold I. B a y n t o n , [ se al] H arold I. B a y n t o n , Assistant Attorney General, Katharina Althoff (nee Birkenbusch); 141 Assistant Attorney General, Bergisch-Gladbacherstrasse, Köln-Mülheim Director, Office of Alien Property. Director, Office of Alien Property. (Rheinland), Germany; 15978. Pauline Friederike Althoff (nee Aldag); [F. R. Doc. 51-1089; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; Ex h ib it A Eidinghausen 456, near Bad Oeynhausen, 8:52 a. m.] Name of Designated National, Address and Germany; 8764. Clairà No. in Proceeding Marie Windmann Althoff; Ostcheid 369, A b/Löhne, Westfalen, Germany; 8442. Anna Altvator; Hammerweg-Siedlung Mos­ Margareta Acker (nee Schaeffer); Kloster­ bach, Barake I , Germany. [Vesting Order 16856] strasse 148, (Rheinpfalz), Ger­ Martha Andreas (nee Herbrich), Zehnt­ H enrietta E. G arrett many; 478. werderweg 5, -Waidmaunslust, Ger­ Anna Adam; Oberhaching 58, Post Diesen- many; 23783. In re : Estate of Henrietta E. Garrett, hofen bei München, H-l, , Germany; Anna Katharina Anhauser; , deceased. File No. D^28-1682; E. T. 5422. Bezirk , Germany; 15403. sec. Nos. 538 and 539. Elisabeth Schafer Adam; Muggenturm J. Ankenbrand; Wertheim a. M., Germany; Under the authority of the Trading Beethovenstrasse, Germany; 10081. 6120. With the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ Katharina Adam (a/k/a Mrs. Ferdinand, Hugo Anschuetz; am , Ni­ nee Zerfas) ; Uuntershausen, Post , belungen Allee 51, Germany; 15896. tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ Germany; 15976. August Ansorge; Wilhelmstrasse 27, tive Order 9788, and-pursuant to law, Mrs. Johann Adams; Ellenbogenstrasse 15, (), Germany; 3831. after investigation, it is hereby found: Eltville am Rhein, Germany; 16763. Otto Appel; Niederstaufenbach b. , 1. That the persons named in Exhibit Karl Adams; Eltville am Rhein, Germany; Rheinpfalz, Germany; 23693. A, attached hereto and by reference made 16762. August Johann Karl Appelgruen; Hoppen- a part hereof, whose last known address Paul Adams; -Farberbach, Kreis Ober , Kr. Ueökermünde, , Germany; 12154. is Germany, are residents of Germany , Germany; 15977. Karl Aderhold; Lassingstrasse 2, , Friedrich Appelgruen; Kamingstrasse 1, and nationals of a designated enemy Germany; 6114. Ueckermuende, Pommern, Germany; 123. country (Germ any); Elsa Adomeit (nee Witte); Bümkamp 15, Lina Appelhaus (nee K reuger); Am Beuter 2. That the domiciliary personal rep­ Hamburg, Langenhorn 1, Germany; 5025, 5765. 13, Schueren bei (Westfalen), resentatives, heirs-at-law, next of kin, Friederike W. Ahlendorf (a/k/a Uhlen­ Germany; 16415. legatees and distributees, names un­ dorf) ; (Westfalen), Am Brühl 1, Ger­ Helene Arenz (nee Klaes); Frankfurter­ known, of the deceased persons named many; 8772. strasse 284, Koeln-Hoehenberg, Germany; 13620. in Exhibit A, attached hereto and by Minna Ahlers; Hamburg-Grossflottbek, British Zone, Schulberg 6, Germany; 22820. Martha Elizabeth Armbröster (nee Schä­ reference made a part hereof, who there Angela Maria Ahrens; (West­ fer) ; Vollmarshausen, Bez. Kasset, Germany; is reasonable cause to believe are resi­ falen) , Bahnofstrasse 70, Germany; 413. 17808. dents of Germany, are nationals of a Anna Ahrens; c/o Borgholz Kr. , E. Sauerbrunn Armur; c/o John F. Herr­ designated enemy country (G e r»p n y ); Germany; 9487. mann, Bernhardstrasse. 9, , Ger­ 3. That all right, title, interest and Anna Ahrens (nee Melzer); Hastrup bei many; 7990. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- claim of any kind or character whatso­ Bersenbrück, Bezirk Osnabrück, Germany; 14289. at-law, next of kin, legatees, and distributees, ever of the persons identified in Exhibit Heinrich Ahrens; «Ferdinand Street 67, names unknown, of Mrs. Erna Albert Arnold!, A, attached hereto and by reference Paderborn, Westfalia, British Zone, Germany; deceased; Sedanstrasse 20, Osnabrück, Ger­ made a part hereof, in, to and against 412. many; 5141. the Estate of Henrietta E. Garrett, de­ Johannes Ahrens; Greifenhagenerstrasse 9, Hugo Asbeck; , Schlagbaumerstr. ceased, is property payable or deliverable Berlin Norden 9, Germany; 5737. 48, Germany; 7733. to, or claimed by, the aforesaid nationals Paul Ahrens; Kaiserfriedrichstrasse 68, Maria Katharine Asskm; Franz Rücker Berlin-Panckow, Germany; 5736. Allee 2, Frankfurt A/M, Germany; 16840. of a designated enemy country (Ger­ Friedrich Ast; CRreinsfurt, Bez. Amstetten, Robert Ahrens; Viereck Kreis, Ücker­ many) ; Niederdonau, Germany; 23739. munde, Germany; 5738. 4. That such property is in the process Johann Ast; Dorf Hoag Nr. 8, Post Amstet­ Anna ; Schubertstrasse 7, Hanau, of administration by Charles S. Starr ten, Niederdonau, Germany; 23741. Germany; 7323. and Frank G. Marcellus, administrators Simon Ast; Dorf Hoag Nr. 8, Post Amstet­ August Aland; Eichenried, Kreis , ten, Niederdonau, Germany; 23742. c. t. a., acting under the judicial super­ Germany; 7321. Barbara Astor; Adolf-Hitlerstrasse 21, Witt- vision of the Orphans’ Court of Phila­ Maria Aland; Fulda, Germany; 7322. lich (Rheinland), Germany; 20933. Sophia Aland (nee Shäfer) ; Heubach 1, delphia County, Pennsylvania; Joseflne Hassler Auer; c/o Albert Gleichauf, Rhoen, K if Schleuchtern House, No. 98, Ger­ Hadwigstrasse 10, Singen (Hohentwiel), Ger­ and it is hereby determined: many; 6124. 5. That to the extent that the per­ many; 25506. Henriette Albert (nee Christmann); c/o Therese Aurisch; Meunzstrasse 32, Duis­ sons identified in Exhibit A, attached Karl Albert (son), bei Kaiser­ burg, Germany; 6026. hereto and by reference made a part slautern, Saarpfalz, Germany; 23024. Käthe Aus Der Wiesche; Fischenbeck 76, hereof, are not within a designated Paul Alberts; Solingen, Germany; 5675. Mülheim-Ruhr-Holthausen, Germany (Brit­ Ernst Albieg; Guegligen Wuerttemberg, enemy country, the national interest of ish Zone); 5210. Germany; 6121. the United States requires that such Elisabeth Austmann; in , persons be treated as nationals of a Anna Albrecht; Rauenthal, Germany; Höggenstrasse 11, Germany; 225. 10600. designated enemy country (Germany). Damian Auth; Veitsteinbach 57, Kreis Appolonia Albrecht (nee Schaefer); Karls­ Fulda, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 2234. All determinations and all action re­ ruhe, Germany; 141. Karl I. Auth; Eichenried Ueber Neuhof, quired by law, including appropriate Johann Albrecht; Uhlandstrasse 3, Augs­ District of Fulda, Germany; 6116, 265. consultation and certification, having burg, Germany; 11632. Damian Maria Auth; Veitsteinbach Kr. been made and taken, and, it being Amalie Henrietta Albus (nee Pilger); Man­ Fulda 57, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 2230. deemed necessary in the national in­ dern, Waldeck Post, Wildungen-Bad-Land, Joseph Avender; #6 Buichover Strasse, Ber­ terest, Germany; 12617. l i n ^ 42, Germany; 11725. T u e sd a y , J a n u a r y 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 597

Elsbeth Emmi Sophie Axt; Krugerstrasse Johann Baulig; Flügelstrasse 8, Köln- Anna Kraemer Behle; Wielandstr. 22, Dort­ 12, Dresden-Loschwitz, Germany; 12910. Mülheim, Germany; 15980. mund, Germany; 1043. B Peter Baulig; Ostmerheimerstrasse 283, Emma Kretschmer Beier; 67 Belzheim, Köln-Merheim rechtsrheinisch, Germany; Kreis Nördlinger, Bavaria, Germany, U. S. A. Lina Bachlehner; /, Bayern, 15981. , Zone (13 B .); 9364. Altöttinger Allee, Germany; 10207. Babette Baumann; Bromberg, Post Falken­ Maria Beilcke; Kanstrasse 50, Berlin-Char- Konrad Back; Ermreuth, Germany. berg, bei Eggenfelden, Niederbayern, Ger­ lottenberg 4, Germany; 5180, 5644. Luzia Schiffer Bade; bei-Herrn Dr. Dorsen- many; 5776. Antoinette Bein; Normannenstrasse 30, magen, Ferdinandshof i/P, Germany; 5733. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Aachen, Germany; 4998. Emil Bader; Kehlerstrasse 4, (Ba­ at-law, next of Kin, legatees and distribu­ Claire Anne Bein; Normannestrasse 30, den), Germany, 184, 3824. tees, names unknown, of Maria Baumann, Aachen, Germany; 4999. Maria Bader; Mittelstetten 23 bei, Augs­ deceased; Charlottenstr. 3, b. Justizgebäude, Franz Bein; Markt, 24, Würselen, Germany; burg, Bavaria, Germany; 5423. , Germany; 9305, 9848. 4994. J Joh Baer; Froendenberg Ruhr, Germany; Katharina Baumbauer; , Germany; Paul Bein; Bluecherplatz 24, Aachen, Ger­ 5007. 23696. many; 5050. Heinrich Hans Bähe; Kainholzerstrasse 49 Maria Baumstark; Muggenstrum, i/B., Friedrich Beinkämpen; c/o H. Wihl. Kor- (ptr.), Hannover, Germany; 23784. Germany; 10593. meyer, Hankenberge, Bez., Osnabrück, Ger­ Paula Bahr; Genelsberg i/Westfalen, Hin- Elisa Baur; Hoefen Post Backnaug-Land, many; 21051. denburgstrasse 12, Germany; 8426. Wuerttbg., Germany; 5003. Hugo Beinke; Gr. Bleichen 31, Hamburg, Richard Ballenthin; Hessestrasse 9A, Ber­ Anna Bayer; Mainstrasse 20, in Germany; 23565. lin-, Germany; 24682. Westfalen, Germany; 9092. Ludwig Beinke; Kl. Flottbeck, Elbchaussee Franz Banach; Zumsandestrasse 37, Mün­ Anna Beck; Falkstrasse 84/1, Frankfurt am 178, Hamburg, Germany; 23567. ster i/Westfalen, Germany; 5700. Main West, Germany; 281. Wilhelm Beinke; Osterbecksweg 4, Ham­ Gertrud Bannenberg; Lininestrasse 72, Emma Beck; Teichstrasse 3, Bad Wildun- burg, Germany; 23566. Duesseldorf, Germany; 13628. g.en, Germany; 5236. Hanna Beitter; Kapellenstrasse 4, Weis­ Johann Bär; Mengerskirchen 163, Wester­ Eugene Beck; Schliessfach 109, Kehl baden, Germany; 6137. wald, -Land, Germany; 6177. (Baden), Germany; 5187. Karl Bell; Preussischestrasse 19, Stetten, August Barchfeld; Flemmingstrasse 14, Minna Sophie Therese Beck; Rampen­ Germany; 5102. a/Rhein, Germany; 5780. strasse 10A, Hannover, Germany; 16266. Domiciliary personal representatives, Maria Zimmermann Benke; Adorferstrasse Agnes Becker; 2 b. Limburgerstreet Co­ 34, Markneukirchen, , Germany; 23965. heirs-at-law, next of kin, legatees and dis­ logne, Germany (British Zone); 12115, tributees, names unknown, of Constantin Elisabeth Benninghoven; Luttringhauser- 24683. strasse 33, Wuppertal-Ronsdorf, Germany Barchfeld, deceased; Podbielskistr. 276, Han­ Alfred P. Becker; Riemannstr. 19, / 10719. nover, Germany; 5781. Ruhr, Germany; 10919. Frieda Barchfeld; Flemmingstrasse 14, Walter Benninghoven; Luttringhauserstr. Christina Becker; Kiedrich Kr. Rheingau, 28, Wuppertal-Ronsdorf, Germany; 1334. Wesel a/Rhein, Germany; 5784. Oberstrasse 86, Germany; 12082. Minna Barchfeld; Podbielskistrasse 276, Werner Benninghoven, MarktstVasse 32, Dorothea Becker; Wuppertal-Ronsdorf, Wuppertal-Ronsdorf, Germany; 1333. Hannover, Germany; 5794. Echverstr., Germany; 1337. M. Barth; München 8, Achentalstrasse 31 Otto Benter; Gross Mokratz Ueber, Wollin Elizabeth Schäfer Becker; Luchert, Post Pommern, Germany; 5778. I. r., Germany. Horhausen, Westerwald, Germany; 12035. Martha Barth; Kassel-Harleshausen, Emilie Benz; c/o John F. Hermann, Karls­ Elli Becker; Wuppertal Elberfeld Borsig- ruhe i/B., Germany; 12034. Franzstrasse 13., Hassen, Germany; 16988. strasse 15, Germany. Mrs. Wally Barth; Gartenstrasse 106, Düs­ Elisabeth Benzerath; Kocherillstrasse 11. Franz Becker; Lahnstrasse 31, , (Rhld), Germany; 21656. seldorf, Germany; 5183. Germany; 20680. Magdalene Elisabeth Bärthel; Vollmars­ Martha Paulina Berberich; Adolph-Hitler - Franz Becker; An Luggesmühle 20, strasse 11, Walldürn, Baden, Germany; 9530. , Bez. Kassel, Germany; 17797. in Westfalen, Germany; 23785. Marta Bärthel; Vollmarshausen, Bez. Kas­ Hermann Berg; Gartenstrasse 10, Heessen Josephine Becker; Roermonderstrasse 100, bei in, Westfalen, Germany; 616. sel, Germany; 17784. Aachen, Germany; 5048. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Marie Bartholme; Waldstrasse 27, Walldorf Mrs. Karl Becker; Rolendstrasse 2, Op­ i/Hessen, b. Frankfurt/M. Germany; 5674. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, laden-Quettingen (Rheinland), Germany; names unknown, of Josef Berg, deceased; Carl Bast; , Rheinpfalz, Ger­ 15982. many; 10205. Holzkircherstr. 15c, Berlin-, Ger­ Katharina Becker; Horhausen 22 b., West- many; 612. Clara Bast; Kaiser Friedrich Ring 46 II, , Germany. »w ald Über , Rheinland, Germany; Stefan Berg; c/o Caroline Thebille, Ket- M264. telerstjasse, Paderborin, in Westfalen, Ger­ Karl Baudis; Steinbergen Nr. 109, Schaum- many; burg-, Germany; 20380. v Margarete Berg; Kampeam Rhein, Rhein­ Arthur Bauer; Arosa Alee 46/1, Berlin- land Pfals, Germany. ^Margaretha Berger; , Germany; Reinckendorf-Ost., Germany; 17396. Maria Witwe Becker; Drenke, ^ost Bever­ Karl Bauer; Buchholzerstrasse 1 IV, Ber­ ungen, a. d. , Kreis Hoxter, Germany; Martha Berger; Kriegstrasse 89, Karlsruhe, lin N. O. 58, Germany; 5115 10885. Baden, Germany; 4562. . Ludwig Bauer; Kothen Unterfranken, Marianne Becker; c/o Alfred P. Becker, Rie­ Johannes Berges; Koenigshagen bei Bad Bayern, Germany; 7314. mannstr. 19/Essen/Ruhr, Germany; 9754. Wildungen, Waldeck, Germany. Marie Bauer; Penzberg i/Oberbayern, Lud­ Melanie Becker; b/Fallersleben, Agnes Berghaid; Haldenstrasse 14, Beuthen wig Märzstr. 4, Germany; 10581. Kr. Gilhorn, Lessingstrasse 22, English Zone, O/S, Germany; 24684. Paul Bauer; Fredersdorf bei Berlin, Gar­ Germany. Paul Berghausen; Kurfürstendamm 23, Berlin W. 15, Germany; 21132. tenstrasse 6, Germany; 319. Michael Becker; (22b) Obersteinebirch, Post Epgert/Linz-Rhein, French Zone, Ger­ Auguste Bergmann; Waisenhaus, , Paul Bauer, Jr.; Nebeniusstrasse 5, Mann­ Germany; 5697. i| heim, Germany; 6134. many. Paul Becker; Hoya (Weser), of Elizabeth Berlinghof; Windeckstr. 97, Father August Bauer; Roden Über Lohr a , Baden, Germany; 1898. Main, Germany; 7313. Hannover, Germany; 3816. Witwe Wilhelm Becker; (22b) Obersteine­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- August Bauer; Mörsdorf, Kreis Kochern, at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Bezerk Koblenz, Germany. birch, Post Epgert/Linz-Rhein, French Zone, Germany. names unknown, of Dr. Paul Bermbach, de­ Anna Bauer; Mörsdorf, Kreis Kochern, ceased; Mommsenstrasse 6, am Kriegs­ Bezerk. Koblenz, Germany. Ferdinand Beckers; Arndtstrasse 10, Aachen, Germany; 4996. schädenamt in Köln, Germany; 3801. Emma Bauer; , Germany; 10564. Franz Beckers; Alexanderstrasse 28, Aachen, Sibylla Emma Berndt; Witten-Ruhr (West­ Gustav Bauer; Kothen Unterfranken, Bay­ Germany; 4997. falen), Horst-Wesselstrasse 10A, Germany; ern, Germany; 7310. 10860. Heinrich Beckers (m inor); Heinri^hsallee Henriette Bauer; Bodstedt bei Barth (Pom­ 27, Aachen, Germany; 2726. Fritz Berneburg; Markt No. 15, mern), Germany; 280. Emilie Doris Beckmann; Bueckeburg, Ger­ (Weser), Germany; 5672. Josef Bauer; Kothen b. Bruckenau Bayern, many, Wallstrasse 26; 8770. Emilie Bernhard; , Germany; 1336. Germany; 7311. Friederike Bernhard; Bormen (Rhld), Ger­ Louise Beerberg; Fischbeck (Weser) No. many; 1335. Peter Bauer; Mörsdorf, Kreis Kochern, Be­ 107, Germany; 16535. zerk Koblenz, Germany. Elise Bernhardt; Welleröde, Bez. Kassel, Minna Beerberg; Fischbeck (Weser) No. 50, Germany; 17791. Lina Batz; Neckarweg 15, Kassel-Wilhelms- Germany; 16532. höhe (Hessen), Germany; 362, 4973. Catherine Bernreuther; Obernsees No. 99, Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Oberfranken Bez. , Germany; 188, at-law, next of kin, legatees, and distributees, 5108. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, names unknown, of Charlotte Beerenkamper, names unknown, of Sophie Baucks, deceased; Mrs. Schaüffer Bernstein; Kurfuersten- deceased; a. d. Wes§r, Feldmark 105, damm 103, Berlin-, Germany; 10288. Hamm in Westfalen, Martin Lutherstrasse Germany; 11439. *2-14, Germany; 134. Anna Luise Beschle; Ziegelgasse 15, Heidel­ Friedrich Beesel; (21b) Iserlohni/Westf., berg, Germany; 12086. Hermann Baulig; ll^Keupstrasse, Köln- Robert-Kochstrasse 12, British Zone, Ger­ Karl Besel; Asch-, Bavaria, Ger­ Mülheim, Germany; 15979. many. many; 5424. - 598 NOTICES

Mrs. Otto Besser; Wehbergerstrasse 14, Maria Gertrud Schaefer ; Hagener­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Lüdenscheid, Germany; 22693. strasse 13, , Nordrhein-Westfalen, at-law, next of kin, legatees, and distributees, Minna Bettenhausen; Weissenburgstrasse Germany (British Zone); 6162. names unknown, of Friedrich Daniel Bracht, 5, Kassel, Germany; 16416. Minna Bode; Poetzen No. 57 bei Rinteln, deceased; Germany; 21735. Sophia Bettenhausen; Weissenburgstrasse Germany; 16527. Heinrich Bracht; Herbsen Uber Arolsen, 5, Kassel, Germany; 16417. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Waldeck, Germany; 23097. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Henrich Louis Karl Bracht; Goldener, at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, names unknown, of Natalie Schäfer Bode, Engel, , Bez. Kessel, Hassen-Nassau, names unknown, of Barbara Reinfrank, de­ deceased; Germany; 9844. Germany; 21404. ceased; Germany; 10779. Louise Boeckle; c/o John F. Herrmann, Wilhelm Bracht; Neuenhain ueber Treysa, Georg Bienne; Poschingerstrasse 16, Ber­ Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ b. Zimmersrode, Bez., Kassel, Germany; 23099. lin-Steglitz, Germany; 20698. many; 10427. Lorenz Brambach; Stresemannstrasse, Ro­ Ida Biene; Poschingerstrasse 16, Berlin- Alwine Boeddecker; Nollstrasse 2, Olden­ denkirchen, Rhein, Germany; 4949. Steglitz, Germany; 20456. burg-Osternburg, Germany; 415. Lina Brams; Sterkrade, Otto Maria Bierbrauer; W. , Kirch- Marie Boehmer; Anroechte, Kreis Lipp- Weddigen Strasse 6, Germany. gasse 14, Germany; 24061. stadt (Westfalen), Germany; 129. Eva Elisabeth Brandau; Saturnstrasse 5, Otto Biermann; Im Hummelbeck Behelfs­ Johann Peter Boesen; Beuron an der Dortmund-Bövinghausen; Germany; 15912. heim 1, Witten-Annen-Ruhr, Germany; 6138. Donau, Kreis Siegmaringen (Hohenzollern), Anna Brandt; Wickenrade 119, Kreis Witz- Jakob Bihlmaier; Stockheim Über , Germany; 12283. enhausen, Reg. Bez. Kassel, Germany; 20798. Germany; 354. Agnes Bohlmann; c/o Martin Stumpf, Anna Lohmann Brandt; Raabestrasse 168, Salome Bihlmaier; Stockheim-Swabia near Biekhofen bei (Westfalen), Ger­ Eschershausen, Kreis Holzminden, Germany; Bad, Wörishofen, Germany; 5425. many; 5725. 18423. Agnes Binder; Wilhelmstrasse 23, Stettin, Erich Bohlman; Albrechtstrasse 4, Stettin, August Brandt; Wickenrode 76, Hessen- Germany; 5703. Germany; 5147. Nassau, Germany; 21919. Mrs. Johannes Bindewald; Seekatzstrasse Frida Bohm; , Friesischestr. 94, August Brandt; Adolf-Hitlerstrasse 2, 3, (22b) Grünstadt, Rheinpfalz, Germany; Germany; 3725. Kassel-Wolfsanger, Germany; 11201. 3807. ' V Selma Schafer Bohnekamp; Hassenberger­ Christine Brandt; Wickenrode 59, Hessen- Karl Bindewald; Rockenhausen/Rhein­ strasse 92, -Dahlhausen, Germany; Nassau, Germany; 20374. pfalz, Kreuznacherstrasse 31, Germany; 5770. Dorothee Elisabeth Brandt; Gr. Chueden 10710. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- bei , , Germany; 16482. Peter Biondino; Nierstein am Rhein, Ger­ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Elsie I. Brandt; Wickenrode, Post Grossal­ many; 20682. names unknown, of Magdalene Bohraus, de­ merode, Bezirk Kassel, Germany; 5782. Elizabeth Birkenbusch; Fuldastrasse 65, ceased; Germany; 3726. Elise Brandt; Wickenrode 30%, Kreis Witz- Koln-Höhenberg, (Rheinland), Germany; Benno Bohringer; Loupheim, Germany; enhausen, Reg. Bez. Kassel, Germany; 22252. 15983. 5104. Emilie Brandt; Sebastian-Bach Strasse 36, Gerhard Birkenbusch; bei-Petzer, Trutzen- Angela Bokelmann; Wünnenberg, Uber Köthen i/Anhalt, Germany; 21808. berg 20, Köln (Rheinland), Germany; 15984. Buren, Westfalen, Germany; 564. Georg Brandt; Wickenrode 181, Hessen- Hubert Birkenbusch; Giesbertstrasse 48, Emma Bokeloh; 21a Stginbergen Nr. 118, Nassau, Germany; 20379. Köln-Stammheim, (Rheinland), Germany; Uber Rinstein/Weser., Germany; 15404. Friedrich Brandt; Wickenrode 42, Post 15985. Anna Catherine Luise Engel Boldt; Einfeld Grossalmerode, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; Johann Birkenbusch; 26 Salvatorstrasse, b. Neumunster, Germany; 2902. 13595. Köln-Stammheim, (Rheinland), Germany; Erna Bolm, Brunswick-Lehndorf, Merziger- Hans-Hermann Brandt; Neuenrode, Post 15883. str. 21, Germany (British Zone); 6459. Ludwigslust, Mecklenburg, Germany. Bischof; Voltästrasse'22, Berlin N. 31, Christine Bolte; Bez. Kassel Grossalmer- Karl Brandt; Wickenrode, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 5771.'' ode, Hessen, Germany; 678. Germany; 20377. Katharine Bischoff; Niederkaufungen, Bez. Anna Maria Elisabeth Bommhardt; Nieder­ Karl Brandt IH; c/o August Brandt, Wick­ Kassel, Germany; 17800. vellmar bei Kassel, Germany; 17781. enrode 76, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 21920. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Heinrich Bonacker; Riemkerstrasse 24, Karl Brandt; Wickenrode 102, Post Gros­ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Herne, Germany; 576. salmerode, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 13596. names unknown, of Joseph Bittenger, de­ Mrs. Johanna Ferdinand Boos; Ludwig Brandt II; Wickenrode, Post Gros­ ceased; Germany; 10502. b/Hannover, am Heiligen, Krez. 5, British salmerode, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 20378. Ida Bittner; Siedlung 11 No. 2, Gnadenfrei/ Zone, Germany; 11440. Ludwig Brandt IH; Wickenrode 30 Reg. Schlesien, Germany; 24382. Theresia Borghoff; Steinhausen 68, Kretjß Bez. Kassel, Germany; 11202. J. Blahaut; , Ludurgstrasse Bueren (Westf.), Germany; 554, 6131. •Ludwig Brandt IV; Wickenrode 119, Post 25, Germany. Gustav Borrmann; Georgenfelde (Ost-, Grossalmerode, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; Marie Blanke; 62, Grafschaft preussen), Germany; 591. 13597. , Germany; 12131. Helene Borrmann; Eydtkuhnen (Ostpreus- Luise Brandt; Wickenrode 80, Post Grossal­ Marie ; Hindenburgstrasse 12, sen) Schönstr. 2, Germany; 590. merode, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 16993. B ad' Salzuflen, Lippe-Dotmold, Germany; Gertrud Malonn; Straussbergerstr. 30/111 Elisabeth Brater; Selbhornweg, F. Berlin, 3808. Berlin N. W. 18, Germany, Schönstr. 2 Eydt- Marsendorf.; Germany; -465. Leonarda Blaszczyk; Hamborn a/Rhein, kukner (Ostpreussen), Qermany; 17415. Luise Brauer; Marienstrasse 14, Berlin- Worbruckstr. 42, Siodmiak, Germany; 24251. Kurt Borrmann and domiciliary personal Oberschöneweide, Germany; 17687. Charlotte Pauline Bleck; Weisenstrabe 15, representatives, heirs-at-law, next of k in ,' Clementine Braun; c/o Walter .Behrens, British Zone, Germany; 21113. legatees, and distributees, names unknown, Leonhardstrasse 9, Braunschweig, Germany; Anna Bleidorn, Hoppenwalde, Pomerania, of Minna Borrmann, deceased; Germany. 20681. Germany; 223. Barbara Borsch; Gortenstr. 73-1, Beuel- Marianne Braun; c/o Josef Metten, Brun­ scappel, , Germany; 7292. Domiciliary persoilal representatives, heirs- Rhein, Germany; 9768. Peter Braun; Morbach, Germany; 23699. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Gertrud Bosbach; 15 Münstererstrasse, Auguste Brauns; Schenefelderstrasse 381, names unknown, of Friederike Bleidorn, de­ Köln-Mülheim, Germany; 15884. ceased; Germany; 5787. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Hamburg 19, Germany; 5709. Martha Elfriede Brechtefeld; Sunderloh- Ferdinand Block; Dammstrasse 1, Aachen, at-law, next of kin, legatees, and distributees, strasse 41, Hagen in Westfalen, Germany; Germany; 5078. names unknown, of Anna Bosch, deceased; 1358, 5412. Josef Block; Casinostrasse 3 II, Aachen, Germany; 9301. „ Maria Christine Bredenbröker; Allestrasse Germany, 5077. Reinhold Böse; Frankfurt (), Ger­ many; 21408. 86, Bochum, Germany; 17033. Luise Blohm; Zechenstrasse 92 /West­ Heinrich Josef Breitenstein;' Aliendorf, falen, Germany; 10206. Lioba Bosold; Mittelkalbach, Kreis Fulda Kreis, Nr. 286, Bez. Kassel, Germany; Martin Bloss; Sontra Bez. Kassel, Germany; 44, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 7333. 20371. 3809. Ida Bosse; , Germany; 9335. Mrs. Richard Breitfuss; Hauptpostlagerad, Anna Blum; Sparhof; Kreis Fulda, Post Nikolaus Bossl; an (Rhein­ M. Gladbach (Rheinland), Germany; 17214. Neuhof, Germany; 7327. land) , Auf. dem Platz 2, Germany; 13967. Anna Bremer; Duisburg a. Rhein, Akazien­ Klaus Böckel; Blumenstrasse 40, Minden Andreas V. Bott; Dieterhausen, District of 3, Germany; 5059. i/W., Germany; 5262. Fulda, Germany; 6155. Ludwig August Bremeyer; Angerstrasse 4, Anna Louisa Minna Böcker; 5 Stamme­ Marie Böttcher; Bremerstrasse 3, Marms- dorf, bei Harburg, Germany; 9338. Bad Münder (), Germany; 16268. strasse, Ricklingen, Hannover, Germany; Karoline Brenning; Wernigerode/, 10738. Wilhelmine Bottermund; Brietz Kreis Salz­ , German^; 0329. Germany; 21405. Elisabeth Gertrud Bödde; An der Stein­ Christina Breuer; 12 Boissereestrasse 12, Marie Anna Botthof; Aus der Totenmühle, halde 17-a, Bochum-Linden, Germany; 17032. Köln am Rhein, Germany; 17922. Friedrich Bode; Schwartauer Allee 3, Lü­ bei Niederkleii} Über Kirchhain, Bezirk Kas­ Katharina Breuer; Frankfurt-am-Main, beck, Germany; 25629. sel, Kreis Marburg, Germany; 15986. Loewengasse 31, Germany; 15816. Maria Bode; Dorotheenstrasse 29, , Ger­ Sidonie Bötticher; Stormstrasse 2, I, Dres­ Anna Breutel; Industriestrasse 2/2, Weis- many; 16462. den, Germany; 5020. senburg i/Bayern, Germany; 5259. T u e sd a y , J a n u a ry 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 599

Aenne Brinkmann; Altenhagener Str. 44, Johann Busley; - Westerwald, Johann Damm; Löhe, Über Asbach, West­ Hagen in Westphalia (21), Germany; 9089. Kreis (Rheinland), Germany; erwald, Germany; 11675. Wilhelm Luepping Brinkmann; Halen 15, 11338. Domiciliary personal representatives, Post Wersen bei Tecklenburg, Germany; Josef Busley; Dortmund-Berghofen, Ost- heirs-at-law, next of kin, legatees and dis­ 2798. kirchstr 15, Germany; 11774. tributees, names unknown, of Pauline Anna Brockmeyer; Küsterei, Karl Busmann; Stadtweg 13, Hannover- Damm, deceased, Germany; 11524. bei Osnabrück, Germany; 14303. Ricklingen, Germany; 5018. Peter Damm; Löhe Über Asbach, Wester­ Anna Marie Luise Butenschoen; Bering- Lisette Brockmeyer; Hollage Nr. 11, Post, wald, Rheinland, Germany; 11674. Wallenhorst bei Osnabrück, Germany; 14284. stedt, Germany; 2900. a Adam Dannhardt; Brüchfeldstrasse 108, Jochim Butenschoen; Beringstedt (Hol­ Katharine Brors; Düsseldorf, 43 Marschall Frankfurt/Main, Germany; 5151. stein), Post Land, Germany; St., Germany; 3868. Friederike Sophie Dannhoff; Hamburger­ A n n o Brück; Ebersgöns über , U. 22654. strasse 159, Holtorf, bei , a/Weser, Dr. Hermann Büttner; Gindelfingen bei, S. Zone, Hessen, Germany; Germany; 21128. Friedrich Brüggemeier; Eidinghausen 808, im , Baden, Germany; Olga Dauzenroth; , Kreis, Mar­ Kreis Minden, Westfalen, Germany; 10777. 11100. burg, Bez. Kassel, Germany; 17662. Marie Brune; Breiterweg 7, Hamelin/ C Elisabeth Decher; Gravenstrasse 41, Lim- Weser, Germany; 119, 6146. Agnes Cantow; Hoppenwalde, Pomm., burg/, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 23110. Henrietta Bucher; c/o Josef End, Ober- Germany; 228. Dr. Jur. Heinrich Decher; Hadamar, Reg. postispektor, Kanstanz, An der Linde 1, Ger­ Anna Cantow; Detmolderstrasse 59, Berlin- Bez. Wiesbaden, Germany; 23104. many; 10110. , Germany; 5914. Anna Gertrud Decker; Reperinghausen, Kr. Anna Büchler; Ricklingen, Germany; Maria Cantow; Blumenthal Über Ferdi- , Westphalia, Germany; 10218. 10486. C. Degan; c/o John F. Herrmann, ­ mandshof, Kreis Ueckermünde, Pommern, Mrs. Anna Büchler; Ricklingen, Germany; hardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe, Germany; 7989. Germany; 229. 10491. Anna Katharine Degenhardt; Steinweg Paul Cantow; Hoppenwalde bei Uecker­ Auguste Bückler; Ricklingen, Germany; 117%, Reichensachsen, Kreis, Eschweg, Bez. münde, Pommerania, Germany; 5711. 104084. Kassel, Germany; 22890. Engelbert Capitain; Urbar Ueber Coblenz, Bernhard Büchler; Ricklingen, Germany; Hedwig Deilecke; Hohlestrasse 59, Hagen, 10485. Germany; 11673. Elisabeth Carl; Temmels bei Trier (Mosel), Westphalia, Germany; 11317. Erich Büchler; Ricklingen, Germany; Emma Deimling; c/o John F. Herrmann, Germany; 20892. 10492. Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden) Ger­ Fritz Büchler; Ricklingen, Germany; Elisabeth Carstens; Hamburg 33, Hell- brookstr. 59 III, Germany. many; 10479. 10490. Adolf Deising; Hohenwestedt, Germany; Heinrich Büchler; Ricklingen, Germany; Emil Celbermann; Lennep. (R hld), Schre- verheide, Germany; 1339. 22815. 10487. Anna Deising; Missundestrasse 3, Altona, Willy Büchler; , Germany; 10531. Karl Celbermann, Lennep (Rhld), Schre- verheide, Germany; 1338. Germany; 22813. Else Buchner; Langestrasse 104, Kassel- Bertha (Frl.) Deising; Hamburg, Oberer Conrad Class; Heisterstr. 12, Ger­ Wilhelmshöhe, Germany; 21966. Landweg, 106, bei Fischer, Germany; 22818. many; 7527. Johanna Buchner ¡Oberfinning bei Lands- Carl Deising; Hohenwestedt-Höpen, Ger­ berg/Lech, Germany; 11346. Anton Clement; Bovinghauserstrasse 6, Dortmund-Bövinghausen, Germany; 4214. many; 22822. Mrs. Julius Buemmerstede; Goerinstrasse Hermann Deising; Lokstedter Lager, Am Elisabeth Clement; % Josef Metten, 11, Säest, Westfalen, Germany; 5777. Bahnhof, Germany; 22821. Brunscappel, Kreis Brilon, Westfalen, Ger­ Karl Brummei; Kaemmererstrasse 26, Konrad Deising; Eidelstedt, Germany; /Rh., Germany; 5666. many; 11768. El§e Conrad; Loewenburgstr. 3, Kassel, Ger­ 22816. Wilhelmine Schaefer Burchartz; ESch- Nicolaus Deising; Reher, b. Üohenwestedt, weiler, Stich 95, Germany; 9936. many; 10087. Josef Conrad; Reuterstrasse 123, Berg- Germany; 22817. Marie Burhenn; Bez. Kassel, Grossalmer­ Mrs. Tine Deising; Klausdorf, bei Kiel, Gladbach, Germany. ode, Germany; 16447. Germany; 22823. Luise Cordes; Brambauer-Else-Bränd- Adolfine Burkert; Raden, Kreis Leob- Wilhelm Deising; Hahnenkamp 5, Ham­ strömstr,, Westphalia, Germany; 11316. schuetz O/S, Germany; 23786. burg, Germany; 22814. Theodor Cramer; Attendorn in Westfalen Lina Burkhard; c/o John F. Herrmann, Karl Demeter; , Algäu, Ger­ Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Kölner Tor. 13, Germany; 5594. Heinrich Cremer; (), Kres Sie­ many; 560. many; 10445. Mrs. Rob. Dannemann; Hindenburgstrasse gen, Germany; 88. Luise Burkhard; c/o John F. Herrmann, 54, Aachen, Germany; 6220. Karl Cremer; Finkenstrasse 30-A, Bochum Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Ida Kunigunde Denner; Hindenburg­ in Westfalen, Germany; 15898. many; 10448. strasse 77, Altshausen (Württemberg), Ger­ Mrs. "Kreszenz Burlefinger; , Margaretha Croissant; Edenkoben,' Pala­ tinate, Klosterstrasse 34, Germany; 10705. many; 17418. Rabenbad 6, Germany; 11347. Engelbert de Temple; Durlach, Baden, Luise Cuerts; 3, Prinz. Albrechtstr., British Maria Burlefinger; Raunerstr. 21% A, Augs­ Germany; 5011. Zone (20b) Bad Barzburg-Bundheim, Ger­ burg, Germany; 11348. Fidelis de Temple; Ellwangen, Jagst., Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- many; 9496. Hellmut Culmann; Billingheim/Rhein- Wuerttemberg, Germany; 5091. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Joseph de Temple; Dur lach, Baden, Ger­ names unknown, of Lorenz Burth, deceased; pfalz., Germany; f 10210. Arnold Custodis; Mülhein (R uhr), Krae- many; 5012. Germany; 9307. Karoline Detering; Hamelin-on-the Weser., henfeld 1, Germany; 10209, Friedrich Wilhelm Busch; Steinhausen, Gertrudenstr. 29, Germany; 9948. Pauline Cziczek; 10, Viehweg, Leibling Kreis Büren, Westfalen, Germany; 6133. Sophia Marie Detering; 231, Kreis Hans Busch; Köpenickerstrasse 93/94, Ber­ () Germany; 23426. Luebbecke, Westfalen, Germany; 3793. lin S. 0:16, Germany; 15897. D Anna Dethloff; Hamburg, Ellingersweg 55, Katherine Busch; Voissel bei Mechernick, Germany; 5707. , Germany; 16962. Clara Daberhow; Fichtestr. 12, Stettin, Caroline Dettmar; Detmolderstrasse 252, Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Germany; 17670. -Sieker, Germany; 2118. Amalie Dabringhausen; Jaen Vogelstrasse at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Domiciliary personal representatives, names unknown, of Wilhelm Busch, de­ 4, Herne in Westfalen, Germany; 14339. heirs-at-law, next of kin, legatees and dis­ Katharina Dach; c/o Werner Franke, Ber- ceased; Germany; 594. tributees, names unknown, of Friedrich linerstr., 128 II, Hagen-Haspe, Germany; Luise Büschenfeld; Bonneberg i/West- Dettmar, deceased; Germany; 2117. falen, Germany; 23560. 10136. Anna Marie Deutsch; Trier-Euren an der Franz Dachner; Berlin N. 65, Brusselerstr. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Mosel, Numerianstr., Germany; 12269. 39, Germany; 12132. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Margarete Deutschei; Rheingönheim, Ger­ Franz Dahmen; Schloss Laer, in many; 10566. names unkown, of Mrs. Friederike Busch­ Westfalen, Germany; 15987. mann, deceased; Germany; 21036. Luise Dick; Otterberg (Rheinpfalz), Kirch­ Gertrud Dahmen; 34 Fettehenne Über strasse 18, Germany; 22682. Heinrich Buschmann; Westerenger No. 78, Opladen, Rheinland, Germany; 15991. bei Herford, Westfalen, Germany; 12525. Marie Dick; Erlbacherstrasse 44 I, Mark­ Hermann Dahmen; 34 Fettehenne Über neukirchen, Germany; 5114. Hermann Buschmann; Hücker-Aschen No. Opladen, Rheinland, Germany; 15988. Gerhard Dickow; Landsberg (Warthe), 59, Über Herford in Westfalen, Germany; Josefine Dahmen; Schloss Laer, Meschede Meydamstrasse 33/38, Germany; 16282. 20784. in Westfalen, Germany; 15989. ^ Aloys Diedrichs; /Krs. (M osel), Hermann Friedrich Buschmann; Getmold Mize Dahmen; Schloss Laer, Meschede Ursprungsort Lohr/Krs., Kochern (Mosel), 31, Ueber, Luebbecke 1/Westf„ Westphalia, in Westfalen, Germany; 15990. Germany. Germany; 5292. Erna ; Richlstrasse 1, Berlin-Char­ Heinrich ; Mornshausen a/Salz- Georg Busley; am Rhein, Ritter­ lottenburg 5, Germany; 6200. boede, Post Gladenbach, Kr. Biedenkoff, shaus-Strasse 9, Germany; 11268. Fritz Heinrich Damm; Obere Kröhnocken- Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 6221. Helen Busley; Friedensstrasse 50, Kronen­ strasse 26, Hagen (Westfalen) Germany; Catherine Diercks; 28 Husarenstrasse, Han­ berg, Wuppertal, Germany; 21160. 8709. nover, Germany; 12192. 600 NOTICES

Elise Dierking; c/o Friedrich Potthast, Karoline Drumm; Mühlenstr. 5, Stoiberg Hans Eichborn; 30 Tiefentalstrasse, Köln- Stedingerstrasse 63, -Ostenburg, (Rhld.) Germany; 21658. Mülheim, Germany; 15885. Germany; 6761. Dorothea Durin; Hamburg 6, Vereinsstr. Heinrich Eichborn; 3 Nollstrasse, Köln- Maria Diesing; Bochum, Helweg 13a, Ger­ 66/1, Germany; 459, 2000. Mülheim, Germany; 17303. many; 15915. E Hubert Eichborn) Montanusstrasse 73, August Dieterich; c/o Max Klaiber, Haupt- Köln-Mülheim, Germany; 15994. stätterstrasse 18, Stuttgart, Germany; 429. Friede Ebel; Diakonissen-Mutterhaus, Hubert Eichborn; 30 Tiefentalstrasse, Albert Dietrich; Fuerst Ferdinandstrasse Koeslin, Germany; 5929. Köln-Mülheim, Germany; 15886. 238, Braunfels Kr. , Germany; 6199. ®erta Eberlein (nee Schäfer); Berka an der Juliane Eichborn, also known as- Juliane Eriker Dietsch; Rheinland, Wohlfurbrod- Werra, Thüringen, Gennany, Hauptstrasse Eichborn Heydkamp; 17 Tiefentalstrasse, strasse 13, Renscheirl, Germany. 23; 22811. Köln-Mülheim, Germany; 15887. Paula Diez; St. Georgen, Diessen a/Ammer- Friedrick, II Ebert; Wickenrode 88%, Post Marga Eichborn; bei Familie Karl Breuer, see, Germany; 11526. Grossalmerode, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; bei , Bez. Koblenz, Ger­ Dorothe Dinsch; Ihringshäuserstrasse 34, 16995. many; 15888. Kassel, Germany; 16448. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Paula Eichborn; 30 Tiefentalstrasse, Köln- Caspar Ditger; Venwerstrasse 309, Koeln- at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Mülheim, Germany; 15889. Ehrenfeld, Germany; 5247. names unknown, of Martha Ebert, deceased; Wilhelm Eichborn; 30 Tiefentalstrasse, Karoline Dittmar; Marbach bei Marburg, Germany; 16995. Köln-Mülheim, Germany; 16522. an der Lahn (Hessen), Haus 12 Germany; Georg, II Ebert; Wickenrode 176, Post Franz Eichelberger; Inprugg bei Neuleng­ 221, 6196. Grossalmerode, Bez. Kassel, Germany; 472. bach, Ostmark, Germany; 23103. S. Dittmar; Lübeck, Lüderitzstr, 1, Ger­ Margarete Eberz; Horhausen-Westerwald Johann Carl Rudolf Eilers; 83 Bahnhof­ many. (R hld), Ueber Neuwied, Germany; 11254. strasse, Herne in Westfalen, Germany; 14863. Marie Doege; Stettin, Germany, Heinrich­ Berta Ebner (nee Schäfer); Aispel, Post Augusta Eisele (nee Holder); Eben weiter strasse 40; 17673. Tiengen, (Oberrheim) Baden, Germany; (Saulgau), Württemberg, Germany; 9317, Karolina Doling (Mrs. Johann Conrad Al­ 21143. 98*5. bert) ; Hallerstrasse 63, Bremen, Germany; Gertrud Ebner (nee Köhler) Neumuekle Betty Eissfeldt (nee Ruyter); Backstrasse 17756. Post Weisbach, Rhoen, Unterfranken, Ger­ 19, (15a) Friedrichrode/Thuringen, Ger­ Frieda Dopfer; Landsberg/Lech, Adolf Hit» many; 10225. many; 17318. lerstr. 66, Germany; 11374. Gottfried Heinrich Ebrecht Vollmarshau- Mrs. Hedwig Elenz (nee Gaude); Guten­ George Dorn; Baisersdorf, Judengasse 140, sen, Bez. Kassel, Germany; 17802. bergstrasse 28, Eltville (Rhein), Germany; Kreis , Bavaria, Germany. Jakob Ebrecht; Vollmarshausen, Bez. Kas­ 6373. Josef Dorn; 13 (a ) Unterzauvsbach 3, Post sel, Germany; 17801. Caroline Ellefsen (nee Reiche); Rends­ Wannbach, Ober Franken, Germany. Johannes Ebrecht; Vollmarshausen, Bez. burg, Fockbecker, Chaussee 55, Germany; Karolina Dorner; , Germany: Kassel, Germany; 17799.' 23106. 23675. Konrad Heinrich Ebrecht; Dennhausen, Johann Eller; Oberndorf Nr. 13, Rothen­ Elisabeth Dowidat; Georgenkirchstrasse 41 Bez. Kassel, Germany; 17776. berg ob der Tauber, Milleifranken, Ger­ III, Berlin, N. O. 43, Germany; 5545. Ludwig Heinrich Ebrecht; Vollmarshausen, many (U. S. A. Zone). Elisabeth Emma Draber; Bahnhofstr. 116, Bez. Kassel, Germany; 17774. Karl Wilhelm Eller; Am Birkenbusch 15, Biesenthal/Mark, Germany; 12814. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- bei, Köln, Germany; 6358. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Maria (nee Schäfer); Veitsteinbach at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, names unknown, of Berta Ernestine Eckel ueber Neuhof, Kreis Fulda (Hessen-Nassau), names unknown, of Karoline Dreier, de­ (nee Böttcher), deceased; Germany; 17804. Germany; 504, 2224. ceased; Germany; 8441. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Josefine Endlein (Mrs. Peter, nee W olf); Marie Amälie Drewing; Kreuzstrasse 17/1, at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Hauptstrasse 94, Meudt, Kreis Ober, Wester­ Düsseldorf, Germany; 20931. names unknown, of Frieda Eckel, deceased; wald, Germany; 15995. Mrs. Hedwig Drews; Grünewalderberg 64, Germany; 17804. > Christine Engel (nee Stoll); Altenheim Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Germany; 11567. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- 1/Baden, Grossriedgasse 23, Germany; 10515. Maria Drexel; Klosterleehfeld 60, bei Augs­ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Emma Engel (nee Büttner) ; Frankfurt burg, Bavaria, Germany; 5426. names unknown of Johannes Eckel, deceased; a/Main, Letzter Hasenpfad 1, Germany; Aloys Leopold Driesch; Ehrenbreitstein bei Germany; 17803. 10867. Koblenz, Hofstrasse 277, Germany; 436. Elisabeth Eckel (nee Meibert); Vollmars- Pauline Engel; Kittierstrasse 45-11 St. Alfred Driesch; Bahnhofstrasse 40, Neu­ hausen, Bez. Kassel, Germany; 17803'. rechts, Hessen, Germany; 23101. , Germany; 434. Magdalene Eckermann; Kaufmännische Engel; (19) Stassfurt, Mittel­ Carl Joseph Driesch; Neuwied, Germany, Privatschule, Besting in Westfalen, Germany; strasse 5, Germany. Engerserstrasse II; 439. 24685. Friedericke Engelbrecht (nee Schäffer); Elisabeth Driesch; Marktstrasse 69, Neu­ Minna Eckhardt; Bahnhofstrasse 6, Stadt­ Westuffeln, Bez. Kassel, Germany; 17783. wied, Germany; 437. oldendorf i/Br., Germany; 19692. Lina Wolf Engelbrecht (nee Mrs. Her­ Wilhelm Edeler, Sr.; Exten No. 25, Über Elisabeth Driesch; Düsseldorf, Seydlitzstr. m ann); Neumünster, , Kielerstrasse 16, Germany; 8861. Rinteln, Grafschaft Schaumburg, Germany; 95/11, Germany; 3896. Georg. Driesch; Ehrenbreitstein bei, 5934. Rosette Engelbrecht; Hüblingen, Wester­ Koblenz, am Rhein, Germany; 435. Anna Franziska Edelmann (nee De wald, Germany. Heinrich Driesch; Ahrstrasse 32, , Temple); Mühlhausen, Kreis Waldsee, Katharina Maria Engelhard; (Wal­ Germany; 437. Württemberg, Germany; 7981. deck), Arolsen-Land, Germany; 4265. Jakob Driesch; Lindenstr. 193, Düsseldorf, Helene Eggers (nee Deising); Netteinburg, Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Germany; 8862. Randersweide, Germany; 22819. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Jean Driesch; Roentgenstrasse 18, Neuwied, Karolina Egle; c/o John F. Herrmann, names unknown, of Elisabeth Margareta En­ Germany; 442. Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ gelhardt (nee Nikol), deceased; Germany; Jean Driesch; Köppern i Tatmus, Landhaus many; 10422. 11777. 4, Pflegeanstalt, Germany; 9810. August Ehlebracht; Herkendorf 34, Kreis Maria Barbara Engelhardt (nee Ernzer- Johann Joseph Driesch; Schlosstrasse 21, Hameln-Pyrmont, Germany; 121. hoff); Brotstrasse 13, Trier/Mosel, Germany; Neuwied am Rhein, Germany; 440. Rudolf Ehlebracht; Hagendorf bei Bremke/ 5156. Josef Driesch; c/o Willy Schlosser, Duis- Lippe, Germany; 122. Auguste Engelmohr (nee Nodier); Grossal­ burg-Meiderich, v. d. Mark Strasse 76, Ger­ Wilhelm Ehlebracht; Veltheim, Bez. Min­ merode ,Bez. Kassel, Germany; 16446. many; 9605. den in Westfalen, Germany; 118. Heinrich Engert; Seesenerstrasse 24, Ber- Joseph Driesch; Obertal 23, Ehrenbreit­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- lin-Halensee, Germany; 10226. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, stein bei, Koblenz, Germany; 446. Max Enghofer; 4/111 Leopoldstrasse, Augs­ names unknown, of Emma Ehrhardt (nee Joseph Driesch; Marktstrasse 69, Neuwied, burg 8, Germany; 11349. Schaefer) deceased; Germany; 23683. Germany; 437. Susanna Englerth; Eltville a. Rh„ Ger­ Rudolph Ehrhardt; Blanckstr. 28, Lübeck, Joseph Driesch; Wirtgenstrasse 3, Neuwied, many; 9553. Germany; 438. Germany; 23683. Wwe. Adele Erdmann; (22a) Katharina Driesch; Marktstrasse 69, Neu­ Marie Ehrlich; Bamberger Sr. 34, Berlin, Lennep, Bahnofstr. 11, Germany. wied-Rhein, Germany; 441. W. 30, Germany. Katharina Ernst (nee Schaefer); Sternen- Moritz Driesch; Obertal 23, Ehrenbeltstein Elisabeth Ehrman (nee Link); Leopold­ bei, Koblenz, Germany; 444. strasse 92, Waibstadt, Linsheim (Baden), strasse, Iffezheim, Germany; 164. Peter Driesch; Koblenzerstrasse 18, Monta­ Germany; 12088. Marie Anna Schafer. Ernstberger; Graben­ baur, Germany; 443. Adolf E&hborn; Overbergstrasse 4, Köln- gasse No. 9, Hilsbach, Baden, Germany; 1897. Philipp Paul Driesch; Olgastrasse 4, Kassel, Mülheim, Germany; 15992. Walter Escher; Nockurinkel 68, Essen- Germany; 445. Franz Eichborn; Kalker Hauptstrasse 186, Euberruhr, Germany; 8704. Ida Reinartz Driever; Dortmund, Amecke­ Köln-Kalk, Germany; 15993. Agatha Etges; Mörsdorf, Kreis Kochern, strasse 67, Germany; 12105. Gertrud Eichborn (Frau Jacob, nee Gron- Bezirk, Koblenz, Germany. Albert Drissler; Hofheim a/, Ros- enborn); 16 Tiefentalstrasse, Köln-Mülheim, Albert Etges; Mörsdorf, Kreis Kochern, 6ertstrasse N r.-13, Germany; 21820. Germany; 15817. Bezirk, Koblenz, Germany. T u e sd a y , J a n u a r y 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 601 Alex Etges; Mörsdorf, Kreis Kochern, Paul Finck; Trebitsch, Post Neu-, Sophie Freimüller; c/o John F. Hermann, Bezirk, Koblenz, Germany. über Alt Karbe-Ostbalm, Germany; 17857. Anna Etges; Mörsdorf, Kreis Kochern, Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden) Ger­ W. Findhammer; Westfalendamm, 275, many; 10404. * Bezirk, Koblenz,’ Germany. Dortmund, Westphalia, Germany; 3978 Klara Freistadt; Alter Heerweg 28, Bonn August Etges; Mörsdorf, Kreis Kochern, Anton Fingerhut; Wünnenberg 235, Krs. am Rhein, Germany; 11265. Bezirk, Koblenz, Germany. Büren Westphalia, Germany; 5531. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Fritz Etges; Mörsdorf, Kreis Kochern, Heinrich Fingerhut; Wünnenberg 222, Krs. Bezirk, Koblenz, Germany. at-law, next of kin, legatees, and distributees, Büren, Westphalia, Germany; 5532. names unknown, of Wilhelmine Frenzel, de­ Gertrud Etges; Mörsdorf, Kreis Kochern, Zaver Fingerhut; Breitsort 39, Essen-West, ceased; Germany; 6459. Bezirk, Koblenz, Germany. Germany; 5698. Wilhelmina Beinke Frerk; Hamburg- Hubert Etges; Mörsdorf, Kreis. Kochern, Dr. Alois Fink; Rheinstrasse 16/18, Darm­ Bezirk, Koblenz, Germany. Wandsbek, Bleicherstrasse, Germany; 23564. stadt, Germany; 21849. Emil Frettlöhr; Mühlenstrasse 25, Rem­ Josef Etges; Mörsdorf, Kreis Kochern, Franz Josef Fink; Allendorf, Kreis Mar­ Bezirk, Koblenz, Germany, scheid-Lennep, Germany; 1342. ta urgan der Lahne, Germany; 16523. Fritz Frettlöhr; Hagen (Westfalen), Ger­ Kath Etges; Mörsdorf, Kreis Kochern, Dr. G. Fink; Listerplatz 1, Hannover, Ger­ many; 1341. Bezirk, Koblenz, Germany. many; 5129. Hermann Frettlöhr; Remscheid (R h ld), Wilhelm Etges; Mörsdorf, Kreis Kochern, Maria Katharina Fink; Allendorf M. V. B., Germany; 1343. Bezirk, Koblenz, Germany. Bezirk Kassel, Germany, Kreis Marburg/ Karl Frettlöhr; Hagen (Westfalen), Ger­ Mathias Eul; Kreis Neuwied, Lahn; 15997. many; 1340. Germany; 11771. Wilhelm Konrad Finke; Am Eichenlohr 20, Johann Oskar Freudigmann; Seelengraben Anna Katharina Philippine Euler; Kassel Frankfurt am Main-Ginnheim, Germany*; 2, II, Ulm/Donau, Württemberg, Germany; (Hessen-Nassau), Mänchehof, Germany; 17570. 5938. 17908. Agnes Fischer; Limbach-Asbach, Wester­ Robert Frey; Toba, Eireis Sondershausen, Emma Evertsberg; Lennep, Rhineland, wald, Germany; 11677. Thueringen, Germany; 105. Germany; 1344. Anna Fischer; Klosterstrasse 54, Anger- Frida Frick; Ebersbach Kr. Saulgan, Margarethe Ewald; Alt-Wustrow, Post: Bad muende, Germany; 127. X 'ürttemberg, Germany. Freienwalde/Oder, Germany; 12201. Berta Fischer; Loehrgasse 26, Th. 13, Heinrich Fricke; Harpe, Post Billerbeck, Luise Eyring; Karlsruhe (Baden), Schüt­ X V Bz. Ostmark, Germany; 23788. Hannover, Germany; 6347. zenstrasse 50, Germany; 3726. Berta Fischer; Wuppertal-Cronenberg, Margaret Friderichsen; Rindenburgstrasse, F Herichhausen 14-A, Germany; 8968. Bünde, Westfalen, Germany; 5178. Elfriede Fischer; Kramerstrasse 20/34, Eng­ Christine Friederich; Klosterstrasse 117, Frieda Faehnle; Soldatenstrasse 11, Ulm, lish Zone, Germany; 8707. Edenkoben, Germany; 10788. Donau, Germany; 5963. Mrs. Ernst Fischer; Rheinblickstrasse 19,. Marie Friederich; Brome, Kr. , Christine Fahrer; c/o John F. Herrmann, Wiesbaden/, Germany; 6345. Germany; 9498. Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden) Ger­ Karoline Fischer; Magdlos, Haus #53, Post Anna Barbara Friedrich; Angenrod, Kreis many; 10424. Schlüchtern, Germany; 5198. Alsfeld, Germany; 10172. Emil Fahrer; Barnhofstrasse 20, Waessin­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Anna Maria Friedrich; Kiedrich, Kreis gen, Germany; 804. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Rheingau, Siedlung Sonnenland N 5, Ger­ Gustav Fahrenfeld; Gartenstrasse 7, Ber­ names unknown, of Wilhelm Fischer, de­ many; 12083. lin N. 4, Germany; 16484. ceased; Germany; 1978. , Elise Marie Friedrich; Hermann Goering- R. W. Falke; (20) Hannover-L, Stroub- Mathilde Flamme; c/o Josef Schulte, Blei­ strasse 12, Anklam i/Pommem, Germany; bergstr. 9 I, Germany. wäsche, Circle of Büren, Westphalia, Ger­ 21077. R. W. Falke; (20) Wolfsburg, Volkswagen­ many; 9437. _ Johann Friedrich; Bamberg, Germany werk, Elager II, 3/6, Germany. Maria Flechsig; Lohmeyerstrasse 26, Berlin- (Bayern), Obere Karolinenstrasse /a/II; Magdalena Faltermann; Minfeld, Ger­ , Germany; 23615. 5964, 10711. many; 10567. August Heinrich Fleddermann; Rohdesdiek Johanna Kratschmer Friedrich; Lohfelden Katharina Fassbender; Schnuzheide 21, 1, Bodelschwingh, Kreis Dortmund, West­ über Kassel 7, Sohrestrasse 27, Hessen, Ger­ -Trompete, über Opladen, Ger­ falen, Germany; 13777. many; 7108. many; 15996. Wilhelmine Marie Fleddermann; Tonnen­ Josef Friedrich; Ober Franken, Germany. Robert Fatum; Frankfurterstr. 160, Bad heide bei Rahden, Kreis Luebbecke, West­ Marie Friederich; Brome, Kr. Gifhorn, Nauheim, Germany. falen, Germany. Germany; 9498. Albert Faust; Hessenrode, Kreis Melsun­ Anna Martha Flöter; Heroldstrasse 64, Emma Friess; München 1066, Maximili- gen, Germany; 10159. Dortmund, Germany;. 145. anstr. 21/0, Germany. Emanuel Faust; Beiseförth, Kreis Mel­ Paula Flamme Floth; c/o Joseph Schulte, Gertrud Frings; Block- bei Neu­ sungen, Germany; 10160. Bleiwasche, Kreis Büren, Westfalen, Ger­ wied, am Rhein, Germany; 16395. Erich Faust; Mosheim, Kreis -Hom­ many; 9836. Domiciliary personal representatives, berg, Germany; 10161. Paula Flott; c/o Josef Schulte, Blei wasche, heirs-at-law, next of kin, legatees and dis­ Friedrich Faust; Mosheim, Kreis Fritzlar- Cirle of Büren, Westphalia, Germany; 9438. tributees, names unknown, of August Frische, , Germany; 10162. Auguste Flühs; Neuküchhausen 5, Wup­ deceased; Germany; 8965. Heinrich Faust; Holzhausen, Kreis Fritzlar, pertal-Gronenberg, Germany; 20683. Ernst Frische; Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Main­ Germany; 10163. Katharina Follmann; Kapellenstrasse 34/1, zerstrasse 6, Germany; 8971: Mrs. Wally Faustmann; Tornow b/Vieta Trier an der Mosel, Germany; 15562. Gertrud Frische; Bühren in Westfalen, (Ostbahn), Germany; 21112. Karl Forbrich; Dresdenerstrasse 3/1, Berlin Ringstrasse, Germany; 10706. Friedrich Fauth, Steinbergen 63, Schaum­ S. O. 36, Germany; 21058. Isaak Frische; Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Zep­ burg-Lippe, Germany; 13816. Paul Forbrich; Rettigstrasse 14, Berlin- pelinallee 17, Germany; 9770. Heinrich Fauth; Steinbergen No. 34, , Germany; 12405. Isaak Frische; Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Tier­ Schaumburg-Lippe, Germany; 12907. Arnold Forhorst; Am Market 46, I^ngerich gartenstrasse 222, Germany; 8978. Helene Federle; Stollhafen, Germany; i/Westfalen, Germany; 5165. Jakob Frische; Wuppertal-E, Schreiner­ 10523. Anna Former; Tirpitzstrasse 142, Kiel, Ger­ strasse 5, Germany; 8973. Anna Fehrmann; Waldaerstrasse 33, Gros- many; 3986. Paul Frische; Germany; 11801. senhain in Sachsen, Germany; 12094. Elisabeth Forstner; Minfeld, Pfalz, Ger­ Paul Frische; Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Honig­ Anna Felgentreff; Nippoldstrasse 196 I, many 10508. stal 5, Germany; 8972. Harburg-Wilhelmsburg, Nord 5, Germany; Johann Forster; Schwabmühlhausen, Augs­ Paul Frische; Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Ge­ 21076. 3 burg, Bavaria, Germany; 5427. sundheitstrasse 85, Germany; 8977. Christiana Fend; Grosshadern b. München Rika Schäffer Forster; Zeven b/Hannover, Rudolf Ftische; Wuppertal-Elberfeld, (Bayern), Germany; 11527. Germany; 10084. John weg 7, Germany; 8974. Emilie Friedrich Franke; Braunschweig- Catharina Wilhelmine Fettweis; Schloss­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Querum, Fischerkampe 43, Germany; 102. strasse 18, Aachen, Germany; 4993. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Berta Fetzner; Spöck, near Karlsruhe, Anna Franken; Talstrasse 8, Berlin-Pan­ names unknown, of Wilhelm Frische, de­ Baden, Germany; 5014. kow, Germany; 5970. ceased; Germany; 8964. Susanna Antonia Feucht; Schützenhof, Anna Franzreb; Olsbrücken, Germany; Wilhelmine Frische; Honigstal 5 Im, W up­ Germany, Laufenselden (Taunus); 2962. 23684. pertal-Elberfeld, Germany; 8966. Dr. Josef Figge; Heinrich V. Stephan­ Maria Frass; Gaggenau bei Rastatt, Baden, Albert Fritsch; Kuhbrinksdamm, strasse 59, Berlin-Charlottenburg 5, Ger­ Germany; 4528. ^ many; 11766. in Pommern, Germany; 15900. Helene Frech; Altdorf bei Edenkoben, : Emil Fritsch; (27) Ladbergen (Westfalen), Josef Filipowicz; W 31, Brook- (Rheinpfalz), Germany; 10718. hausstr. 78/IV, Niemcy, Russian Zone, Ger­ Hölter 138, Germany; 17859. many. Albrecht Frede; Postfach 98, in Johann Albert Gustav Fritsch; Pestalozzi- Westfalen, Germany; 3989. Agnes Finck; Stoltingstrasse 37, Stettin, Btrasse 5, Berlin-Pankow, Germany; 12365. Germany; 22655. Carl Frede; , Laustrasse 9, Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Germany; 3988. No. 15- at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, 602 NOTICES names unknown, of Berthold Pritsch, de­ Heinrlqh Gehrke; Salswedel, Neuperver- Martha Goebel, Wickenrode 111, Kreis ceased; Germany; 20582. strasse 14, Germany; 17304. Witzenhausen, Reg. Bez., Kassel (Hessen), Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Klara Gelersbach; Ortheck 2, Witten/Ruhr, Germany; 97. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Germany; 6467. Louise Goebelsmann; Germany; 9757. names unknown, of Johannes Fr. Albert Mathilde Geiselmann; Berg (Ehlingen), Heinrich Goerg; Neukersdorf, Kr. , Pritsch, deceased; Germany; 21029. Württemberg, Germany; 9310. I. W., Germany; 5671. Julius Fritsch; Trebitsch, , über Anna Katharina Geisen; 66 Kretzerstrasse Anna Maria Gofergens; Juelicherstrasse 101, Altkarbe Land, Germany; 20578. , Kreis Koblenz, Germany; 238. Hoengen, Kr., Aachen, Germany; 6484. Max Pritsche; Trebitsch, Post Neu Ulm, Paul Geisler; Wilhelmshöher Allee 123 , Käthe Goetz; Speyer-on-the- Uber Alt Karbe-Ostbahn, Germany; 17858. Kassel, Germany; 10230. (P fa lz ), Johanittergasse No. 1, Germany; 9935. Otto Pritsche; Neumark über Altkarbe Mrs. Georg Geliert; Niederbeisheim, Kreis Maria Goetz; Münzgasse 12, Tülingen A/N, Land, Neu Ulm, Germany; 17689. Homberg-Land, Germany; 10173. Württemberg, Germany; 5266. Wilhelm Pritsche; Trebitsch, Neumark Maria Anna Geizhäuser; Rossdorf über Emilie Gohde; Herford (Westfalen), Unter über, Altkarbe Land, Germany; 20700. Kirchhain, Bezirk, Kassel, Germany; 15998. den Linden 18, Germany; 10058. Maria Fröhlich; Bucheller, above Neuhof, Hedurg Else Emma Gemkow; Adolf-Hitler­ Andreas Goldmann; Sichelfeldstrasse, District of Fulda, Germany; 551. strasse 14, Augustwalde, Kreis Naugard, Reg. Homburg V. d. Hoehe, Germany; 10232. Casparine Henriette Fröhnert c/o Josef Bez. Stettin, Germany; 21078. Elise Göllner; Oberstrasse 11, Aachen Metten, Brunscappel, Kreis Brilon, Westfalen, Martha Genings; Mainzerstrasse 5, Wies­ (Rheinland), Germany; 17809. Germany; 11766. baden, Germany; 4939. Mina Golumbeck; /Eifel, Motshcer- Domiciliary personal representatives, Ida Gerdeising; Salzuflerstrasse 114, Her­ strasse, Germany; 5974. heirs-at-law, next of kin, legatees and dis­ ford (near Bielefeld), Germany; 4968. Aurelia Theresia Gondrum; Allendorf, Kr. tributees, names unknown, of Wilhelmine Paul Gerdeising; Yorckstrasse 22, Düssel­ Marburg (Lahn), Bez. Kassel, Germany; Frommhagen, deceased; Germany; 9347. dorf, Germany; 4967. 17882. Anna Maria Fuchs; Lantershofen, Kreis, Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- . Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Ahreweiler, Germany; 13632. at-law, next of kin, legatees, and distributees, at-law, next of kin, legatees, and distributees, Dieter Fuchs; Prankenthal/Pfalz, Am names unknown, of Julie Gerdes, deceased, names unknown, of Amalie Gonnermann, Kamal 9, Germany. Germany; 5052. deceased; Germany; 5040. Maria Puchs; Geinberg i. I, Ob. Osterrich, Babette Gerhardt; Altemarktstrasse 46, Maria Görgen; Schmittstrasse 9, Stolberg Germany. Hameln/Weser, Germany; 527, 2961. (Rhld), Germany; 21657. Karl August Fuhrmann;. Schlüsselstrasse Heinrich Gerke; Benfelderstrasse 7/1, Ber- Sophie Görgen; Dammgasse 6a, Stolberg 308, Waibstadt, Germany; 12087. lin-Weissensee, Germany; 22656. (Rheinland), Germany; 21659. Marianne ; Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe, Kurt Gerke; /Deister, Germany; Regina Görke; Westfeldmark 139, Ibben­ Kraehhohnstrasse 8, Germany; 139. 13758. büren bei Osnabrük, Germany; 13884. Martha Sophie Föllgraf; Ringenküll, Wik- Minna Germeroth; Oberkaufungen. bei, Heinrich Gose; Radenbeck, Kr. Gifhorn, kenrode, Post Grossalmerode, Hessen-Nassau, Kassel, Germany; 5978. Germany; 9501. Germany; 17912. Sofie Gerstenecker; Tailfinger/Bal. Wttbg., Hermann Gose; Radenbeck, Kr. Gifhorn, Mrs. Frieda Funk; Markgrafenstrasse 86, Postfoch 28, Germany (French Zone). Germany; 9502. II, Berlin, S. W. 68, Germany; 21144. Luise Gesell; Waldgirmes bei Wetzlar, Ger­ Luise Gosewehr; Morlinge bei Warmsen, Elizabeth Purst; Temmels, Germany; 24690. many; 17655. Provinz Hannover Post, Morlinge über Uchte, Peter Carl Fürst; (Bahnwärter) Temmels, Friedrich Geulen; (22c) Bad-Aachen/ Bezirk Bremen, Germany; 5298. bei Trier, Germany; 20571. Rhld, 19 Mathiashofstrasse, Germany; 5082. Wilhelm Gössmann; Düsseldorf, Aders­ Karoline Futterer; Muggensturm, i/B, Ger­ Johannes Geulen; Oberhausen-Rheinland, strasse 56 II, Germany; 17682. many; 10546. Rudolf-Herzog-Strasse 14, Germany; 7983. Rudolf Göttel; (Saale) Weberstrasse Nr. 6, G Wilhelm Geulen; Frankenbergerstrasse 10, bei Ehrenreich, Bayern, Germany, U. S. Zone; Jakob Gaa; Schillerstrasse 11, Süssen/ Aachen, Germany; 5080. 23449. Friedrich Gottschalk; Engem, Berliner­ Württemberg, Germany; 5181. Adolph Gier; Wedel/Holst. Bez., Pinne- Katharina Gaa; Plankstadt, Baden, Ger­ bergerstr. b/Catharinenhof, Germany. strasse 47, bei Rinteln-an-der-Weser, Ger­ Augusta Giese; Wilskistrasse 31, Berlin, many; 9952. many; 1899. Bernhard Galbrian; Hanauerstrasse 61, , Germany; 11528. Hedwig Adele Gottschalk; Kielstrasse 43, , Germany; 187, Louise Giese; Fleischstrasse 26, Trier, Ger­ Dortmund, Germany; 9079. Marie Gabrian; Bad Vilbel, Hanauerstrasse many; 23789. Anna Auguste Louise Gottwald; Kaempf- Otto Giese; Fleischstrasse 26, Trier, Ger­ No. 7/L Oberhessen, Germany; 10702. f strasse 7, Landsberg (W arthe), Germany; Amand Gaertner; Eichenried ueber Neu­ many; 23790. 20684. Elfriede Gieseke; Berchtesgadenerstrasse 9, Joh. Gräf; Sosberg, Kreis Zell, Bezirk, Kob­ hof, Kreis Fulda, Germany; 266. Berlin-Schöneberg, Germany, American Franz Joseph Gaertner; Bucheller über lenz, Germany. Zone; 17812. Liesel Graf; Scheffelstrasse 58, Karsruhe Neuhof, Kreis Fulda, Germany; 550, 8944. Adele Giesen; Kortumstrasse 3, Stolberg Isidor Gaertner; Buelowstrasse 5, ptr., a/Rhein, Germany; 24187. (Rheinland), bei Aachen, Germany; 5043. Jeanne Athalie Grapow; Landhausstrasse Frankfurt/M. Germany; 6483. Ferdinand Giesen; Beguinenstrasse 34, Margarethe Elisabeth Gaertner; c/o Ed. 9, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany; 3919. Aachen, Germany; 5076. Gaenblen, 6 Weitzel Street, Schluechtern, Friederike Marie Grass; Arolsen 16, Ger­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- many, Vorhof 16; 4264. Germany; 454, 5202. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, August Grau; Harturgstrasse 25/11, Kassel, Regina Gaertner; Siedlung No. 9, names unknown, of Louise Giesen, deceased; Germany; 20356. Germany; 5199. Germany; 5075. Wendelina Gaertner; Veitsteinbach ueber Heinrich Grau; Zietenstrasse' 4, Gelsen­ Johann Giesendorf; Frickhofen, Haupt­ , Germany; 20355. Neuhof, Kreis Fulda, Germany; 569. strasse 52, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 16176. . Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm Gallep; Lintfort, August Gille; Gothestrasse 37/n links, at-law, next of kin, legatees ahd distributees, Kreis , NiCderrhein, Germany; 5120. Dortmund, Germany; 6476. names unknown, of Philipp Grau, deceased; Lina Gander; Minfeld, Germany; 10568. Friederich Wilhelm Gille; Exten 167, bei Germany; 20354. Emilie Margarete Ganske; Schlesing-Hol- Rinteln-an-der Weser, Kreis-Grafschaft- stein 6, Christian-Kruse-Strasse, Kiel, Ger­ Anna M. Grebert; Kiedrich, Kr. Rheingau, Schaumburg, Germany; 45. Oberstrasse 81, Germany; 12080. many; 20759. Martha Gimbel; Motzenrode bei , Anna Greff; , Westfalen, Germany; Wilhelm Ganske; Niedenau 36, Frankfurt/ Germany; 23467. 21079. M, Germany; 6482. Josef Gindele; Wallrabs bei Hildburghau­ Joseph Greff; Telgte, Westfalen, Germany; Maria Gänssinger; Steinbach am Donners­ sen, Roemhilderstrasse 75, Germany; 17419. 21079. berg, Post Steinbach (Saar Pfalz), Germany; Ida Girruleit; Brauckstrasse 34/1, Glad- Gertrud Grenz; Tillystrasse 24/H, Nürn- 21055. beck-Brauck (Westf.), Post - berg-W., Germany; 5981. Heinrich Garl; Spradow, Bünde, Westfalen, Horst, Germany; 592. Bonifazius Lena Griebel; Fürth in Bayern, Germany; 3992. Sophie Glauner; c/o John F. Herrmann Germany, P i Pappenreutherstrasse, Behelf­ Wilhelmine Garl; Spradow 259, Bünde, Bemhardstrasse 9 Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ sheim No. 3; 10231. Westfalen, Germany; 8439. many; 10472. Eva Grim; (19 Hettstedt, Harz (Sachsen), Heinrich Garrot; Berlin N. W. 21, Bredow- Dr. Alfred Gleis; Kuhlberg 33,1, Neumüns­ Louisenstrasse 2, Mansfelder Gebirgskreis, strasse 34, Germany; 6551. ter in Holstein, Germany; 5150. Germany; 20349. Friedrich Heinrich Gartemann; Minden, Anna Glomp; Kirchstrasse 28, Gelsenkir­ Franz Grimmiger; Ahrufer 9, Walporzheim Westfalen, Simeonstrasse 11, Germany; 8769. chen, Germany; 10229. an der Ahr, Germany; 13610. Henriette Gartemann; Germany; 8763. Anna Gober; (Ostmark), Brod- Philipp Groben, (22b) Kr. Maria Gatzemeyer; Cellerstrasse 153/m, gasse 13/11, Gennany; 17350. Preum, Bezirk, Trier, Rhineland, Germany; Hannover, Germany; 20589. Josef Godeserz; -Vogelsang, 6481. Paul Gebhard; Ried-Blrkland bei Schon­ Gemünd (Eifel), Germany; 17034. August Groene; Muensterstrasse 106, , Bavaria, Germany; 5428. Christine Goebel; Wickenrode, Kreis Witz- Hamm ln Westfalen, Germany; 5133. Emma Gehrke; Tylsen, Kreis Salswedel i. d., enhausen, Reb. Bez. Kassel, Hessen, Germany; Adolf Gronenborn; Konpstrasse 64, Köln« Altmark, Germany; 9345, 9551. 80674. Mülheim, Germany; 15818. T u e sd a y , J a n u a ry 2$, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 603

Heinrich Gronenborn; Wilhelmstrasse 10, Franz Haase; Hoppenwalde, Kreis Uecker­ Franz Herlupka; Achternbergstrasse 18, Ghligs (Rheinland), Germany; 15819. müde (Pommern), Germany; 230. Gelsenkirchen, Germany; 6397. pubert Gronenborn; Rathaus (Polizei- Franz Haase; Grünstrasse 13, Pasewalk, E. Hamacher; Seydlitzstrasse 9, Wuppertal- V erwaltung), Grenenbr oich (Rheinland), Germany; 5731. Barmen, Germany; 6373. Germany; 15820. Franz Haase (Arberter); Hoppenwalde, Ernst Hamelberg; Kochstra~se 10 Hannover, Johann Gronenborn; Bonnerwall 96, Köln, Dorfstrasse, Kreis Ueckermünde (Pom m ern), Germany; 23706. Germany; 15821. / • ^ Germany; 234. Josef Gronenborn; Bruhlerstrasse 19, Köln- Heinrich Hammel; Grossalmeroda, Bez. Hedwig Haase; Stettinerstrasse 9, Stettin-. Kassel, Germany; 10175. Mannsfeld, Germany, 15822. Prommerensdorf, Germany; 5723. Peter Gronenborn; Holweiderstrasse 44, Georg Hammels; Köln-Lindenthal, Fürst- August Hermann Haase; Öhlmühle 3-4, Köln-Mülheim, Germany; 15999. Pücklerstrasse 8, Germany; 12166. Hamburg, Germany; 24825. Wilhelm Gronenborn; Rüdigerstrasse 57, Josef Hammels; Köln, Germany; 12169. Köln-Merheim rechtsrheinisch, Germany; Johannes Haase; Hoppenwalde (Pom­ Karl Hammels c/o Georg Hammels, Köln- 16000. mern), Germany; 231. Lindenthal, Fürst-Pücklerstrasse 8, Ger­ Wilhelm Gronenborn; Reuterstrasse 130, Johannes Haase II; Viereck b/Pasewalk, many; 12168. Germany; 5720. -Schlebusch II, Rheinland, Ger­ Rosa Hammes; Brotstrasse 46, Trier many; 15823. Maria Haase, Viereck, Pasewalk-Land, Ger­ (Mosel), Germany; 13954. many; 5734. Helene Gros; Bleichstrasse 57, Bad Emo, Adele Hanitzsch; Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Germany; 16001. Maria Haase; Hoppenwalde, Kreis Uecker­ Hahnerbergerstrasse 17, Germany; 8984. Heinrich Grosch; Mauerstrasse 1/11, Mar­ müde, Pommern, Germany; 5537. Kreszenz Hank; Muenchen, Entenbach­ burg-Lahn, Germany; 5982. Paul Haase, Mendelstrasse 34, Berlin- strasse 22/1, Germany; 11351. Eliguis Hermann Heinrich Groskopf; Ham- Pankow, Germany; 233. Frieda Hanke; Ernst Begeestweg 41, Har­ burerstrasse 192, Haus 17, Hamburg 22, Ger­ Paul I. Haase, Viereck, Pasewalk-Land, burg-Wilhelmsburg 1, Germany; 9340. many; 5372. Germany; 5735. Hannchen Hanke; Mennighüffen, West­ Emeline Gross; Solingen, Brunnenstrasse Wilhelm Haase; Hoppenwalde, Kreis phalia, Germany; 23602. 10, Germany; 8985.' Ueckermuende (Pommern), Germany; 232, Luise Hanna; Post Bieren, Kr. Herford, Anton Grossbaier; Muggensturm, i/B, dfer- 5539. Schwenningdorf 69, Westphalia, Germany; many; 10596. Mrs. Elly Haberland; (16) Wiesbaden, W il- 6367. Dorothea Rosina Grosskopf; c/o Ernst helminstr. 40 I, Germany. Marie Hanne Süssternstrasse 9, , Grosskopf, Rheinhessen, Kirchberg Elisabeth Häberle; Boistern (Saulgau), bei Hannover, Germany; 9334. 4, Germany; 11623. Württemberg, Germany; 9851. Anna Hänsch; Dohndorfstrasse 8, Dresden- Franz Grossmann; (Kr. Beeskow), Emil „ Habich; Gemünden, Post Wester­ A. 20, Germany; 20368. Kreis Storkow, Germany,•'-11531. burg, Hessen Nassau, Germany, French Domiciliary personal .representatives, heirs- Richard Grossmann; Antonstrasse 3, II Tr., Zone. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Berlin, N. 65, Germany; 11533. Louis Habich; -Westerwald, Post Ren- names unknown, of Ernst Hanser, deceased; Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- nerod, Germany; 23562. * Germany; 20790. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Magdalena Hach; Olsbrücken, Pfalz, Herbert Hanser; Obere Pirkheimer, Strasse names unknown, of Mrs. Hedwig Groth, de­ Hauptstrasse 2, Germany; 21856. 57, Nürnberg, Germany; 12982. ceased; Germany; 6468. Karl Häckelsberger; Metzelstrasse 36, Hugo Hanser; Am Bach 5, Trier, Germany; Peter Grötz; /Rhld., Ostbahnhof- Trier an der Mosel, Germany; 20588. 15901. strasse 65, Germany; 17863. Hedwig Hagedorn Rüdersdorferstrasse 64, Josef Hanser; Kissingenstrasse 25, Berlin- Christina Grübel; Reutingerstrasse 31, Berlin-Osten 17, Germany; 11788. Pankow, Germany; 20486. Aeschach bei , Germany; 11350. Elsa Hagan; Philippsthal, Potsdam 2, Karl Hauser; Aroser-AUee 55, 1 Etg., Ber- Mrs. Antonie Schäfer Grudzinski, also Germany; 12563. . lin--Ost, Germany; 20483. known as Mrs. Michael Grundzinski, Bochum- Karoline Hagg, Stockheim, Bavaria, Ger­ Otto Hanser; Dominickane rorden, Bad Linden, am Feldbrand, 22, Germany; 6499. many; 5429. Wörishofen, Klosterstrasse 1, Germany; Marie Gruhn; Hallerstrasse 17, Hannover, Margarete Hahn; Heidestrasse 58, Frankfurt 21193. Germany; 23792. am Main, Germany; 509. Philipp Hanser; Friedrichstrasse 46, Beu- Rosina Gruseck; Ottenheim, Baden, Ger­ Maria Hahn; Preussischestrasse 19, Stettin, then (Oberschlesien), Germany; 20482. many; 529. v Germany; 3947. Mrs. Valeska Hanser; Bergstrasse 24, Beu- Ernst Grüttner; Saalerstrasse 30, Köln- Paul Hahn; Bellers bei Hönebach, Hessen, then O/Sch, Germany; 20473. Bennsberg, Germany. Germany; 12900, 5041. Johann Heinrich Hansmeier; Im Spähen- Franziska Guggenmos; Asch 53, bei Lands- Mathilde Hahne; Gröss-Hilligsfeld, Kreis feld No. 9, Dortmund, Germany; 17572. berg/Lech, Bavaria, Germany; 5462. Hameln, Provinz Hannover, Germany; 420. Johann Heinrich Hansmeier II; Am. Sta- Carl Gülich; Christophstrasse 16, Cologne, Margarethe Hahne; Gross-Hilligsfeld, Ham­ delhof 20, Paderborn, Germany; 17576.' Germany; 22986. eln-Land, Germany; 13761. Johann Josef Hansmeier; Furstenberg- Oscar Gundlach; Suelzburgstrasse 243, Carl Haille; 15 Lindwurmstr. 133/4, Mün­ strasse 31a Paderborn, Germany; 17574. KJeln-Lindenthal, Germany; 290. chen, Germany. Anna Harbusch; Mosheim, Kreis Fritzlar- Albert Gunkel; Wickenrode bei Kassel, Ida Halst; c/o John F. Herrmann, Bern­ Hamberg, Germany; 10176. Kreis Witzenhausen, Germany; 5980. hardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Germanv; Henriette Frieda Hardt; Altona-, Lo­ August Gunkel; Wickenrode bei Kassel, 10415, buschstrasse 53/11, Germany; 2298. Kreis Witzenhausen, Germany; 5979. Maria Haktmeister; Hardisser Strasse 44, Bertha Mathilde Härle; c/o Carl Härle, Domiciliary personal representatives, Lage/Lippe, Germany; 4624. Guardian, Adolf-Hitlerstrasse 40, Mülheim Ruhr, Germany; 14245. heirs-at-law, next of kin, legatees and dis­ Alfons Haider; Boistern (Saulgau), Würt­ tributees, names unknown, of Mrs. Dina temberg,'Germany; 9853. Mariä Eugenie Härle; c/o Carl Härle, Guar­ Gunkel, deceased; Germany; 5977. dian, Adolf-Hitlerstrasse 40, Mülheim-Ruhr Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- (Rheinprovinz), Germany; 14246. Elise Gunkel; Wickenrode 76, Post Grossal­ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Regina Elisabeth Härle c/o Carl Härle, merode, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 13593. names unknown, of Alois Haider; Germany; Guardian, Adolf-Hitlerstrasse 40, Mülheim- Magdalena Gurtner; Amendingen 74 b. 9323. Ruhr, Germany; 14247. , Bayern, Germany (American, Anna Haider; Kloster Siessen (Saulgau), Anna Harpf; 12/13 Französischestrasse, Zone); 5437. Württemberg, Germany; 9320. Königsberg, East Prussia, Germany; 23712. Anna Kath. Gutheil; Mengshauden, Kreis Anton Haider; Bolstern (Saulgau), Würt­ Marie Harpf; 12/13 Französischestrasse, Hersfeld, Germany; 10174. temberg, Germany; 9322, 9854. Königsberg, East Prussia, Germany; 23711. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- H Elisabeth Harr eus; Rhodterstrasse 24, at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, (22b) Edenkoben (Pfalz), Germany; 10750. Hulda Haack; Grünauerstrasse 76, Berlin- names unknown, of August Haider, deceased; Fritz Harreus; Rhodterstrasse, Edenkoben Germany; 9458. Köpenick, Germany; 21146. (Pfalz), Germany; 10754. Elsa Haaf; Rheingönheim (near Ludurgs- Fritz Haider; Aulendorf,. Württemberg, Heinrich Harreus; Sickingestrasse 79, Ber­ hafen a/Rh., Germany; 5103. Germany; 9324. : lin, Germany; .10752. Agnes Haase; Viereck b/Pasewalk, Pom­ Hildegard Haider; Bolstern (Saulgau), Karl Harreus; Rhodterstrasse 33, (22b) Ed­ mern, Germany; 5719. Württemberg, Germany; 9321. enkoben (Pfalz), Germany;/10749. Anna Haase; Grünstrasse 13, Pasewalk, Ignaz Haider; Kapellenstrasse 40, Laup- Philipp Harreus; Schanzstrasse 3, Edenko­ Germany; 5732. heim, Germany; 5226, 9767. ben (Pfalz), Germany; 10753. Anna Haase; Muellerstrasse 3/H, Berlin- Joseph Haider; Bolstern, Kreis Saulgau, Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- , Germany; 623. Württemberg, Germany; 9318. . at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Anna Herder Haase; Solingen-Ohligs, Ben- Paul Haider; Saulgau, Platzstrasse, W ürt­ names unknown, of Gerhard vón Harten, de­ ratherstrasse 7, Germany; 235. temberg, Germany; 9319. ceased; Germany; 10866. Eduard Hartjen; , Province of _ August Hermann Haase; Öhlmühle 3- 4, Domiciliary personal representatives, Hamburg, Germany; 24825. Hannover, Goethestrasse, Germany; 6408. heirs-at-law, next of kin, legatees and dis­ Bernhardine (Anton) Härtling; Irlich B/ Franz Haase; Hoppenwalde, Kreis Uecker­ tributees, names unknown, of Emil - Neuwied a/Rhein, Hindenburgstrasse 34, müde (Pommern), Germany; 5538. Uieier, deceased,* Germany; 8979, Germany; 6411. 604 NOTICES Elise Sophia Marie Hemmrich; Bretten Agnes Hartmann; Viereck b/Pasewalk, Anna Maria Theresia Heggemann; Pader- (Baden), Germany; 7996. Germany; 5722. born-Kisau 7, Germany; 72.. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Wilhelmine Hemmrich; Wickenrode bei Georg Hartmann; 13 (a) Nürnberg, Kraft­ Grossalmerode, Bez. Kassel, Germany; 16444. hof, Glasern 35, Germany. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, names unknown, of Anton Heggemann, de­ Mrs. Peter Hemp II; Henschhausen, Post Luise Hartmann; Podbielsktatrasse 276, Bacharach am Rhein, Reg. Bez. Koblenz, Hannover, Germany; 12149. ceased. Ferdinand Heggemann; Rembert6trasse 7, Germany; 16487. Maria Hartmann; Happenwalde/Kreis Christina Schaefer "Henke; Rueckerstrasse Neckermunde, Province Pommern, Germany; Paderborn, Germany; 12947. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- 10 I, Hamburg 23, Germany; 10240. 227. Katharina Hedwig Henke; An der Hänge­ Otto Hartmann; Viereck b. Pasewalk, Pom­ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, names unknown, of Franz Heggemann, de­ bank II, Bochum-Dahlhausen, Germany; mern, Germany; 5993. 17035. Paul Hartmann; Viereck b. Pasewalk, Pom­ ceased; Germany; 609. Franz Anton Heggemann; Bad Lippspring Elise Henn; Brühlhof Olsbrücken, Ger­ mern,' Germany; 5992. in Westfalen, Savignystrasse 27, Kreis Pader­ many; 23679. Aenne Hasenclever, Peldstrasse 40, Düs­ Heinrich Henninghaus; Ruenthe bei seldorf, Germany; 4103. born, Germany; 475. Heinrich Heggemann; Sande, Kreis Pader­ Werme an der Lippe (Westfi), Germany; 135. Bej-thold Häser; Morsdorf, Kreis Kochern, born (Westf.)# Germany; 608. Jakob Henrichs; Vestischestrasse 177, Os­ Bezirk Koblenz, Germany. Anna Margarethe Heid; Traindorf, Ger­ terfeld, Oberhausen, (Rheinland) Germany; Josef Häser; Mörsdorf, Kreis Kochern, 15810. Bezirk Koblenz, Germany. many. Elizabeth Heid; Traindorf, Germany. Johanna Henrichs; Oberhausen-Sterkrode, Josefine Häser; Mörsdorf, Kreis Kochern, Kunigünde Heid; Traindorf, Germany. Ursprungsort /Kreis, Kochern (Mosel), Bezirk Koblenz, Germany. Marie Anna Heidinger; Muggensturm, Ger­ Germany. Willi Häser; Mörsdorf, Kreis Kochern, many; 10100. Karl Henrichs; Hannover-Stöcken, Ger­ Bezirk Koblenz, Germany. Kurt Heidrich; Bergstrasse 9a, - many. Adele Hasper; Barkhausen a. d. Porta 295, Nahe, Rheinland, Germany. Wilhelmine Gronenborn Heppekausen; Kreis Minden in Westfalen, Germany; 6377. Dr. Charlotte Heidrich-Zeim; Gobstedt Rixdorfstrasse 59, Köln-Mulheim, Germany; Carl Heinrich Hasper; Berliner Strasse 11, Apolda-Land, Fleischmannstrasse, Markt- 15824. Rinteln, Germany; 8762. am Main, Germany; 4033. Tobias Herbei, Karlstrasse 22, Leipzig C. 1, Mrs. Charlotte Hasper or Mrs. Christian PtVDr. Charlotte Heidrich-Zeim; Luther- Germany; 5194. Johann Adolf Hasper; /Lippe, W al- * Strasse 49, , Bez., Halle, Germany; Leonh. Herbert, Frankfurt a/M, Scheid­ demarstrasse 23, Germany; 10716. strasse 2, Germany. Heinrich Wilhelm Hasper; Exten bei Rin­ 5106. Ewald Heiermeier; c/o Hetty Heiermeier, Gottlieb Herbrich; Zehntwerderweg 5, Ber­ teln ander, Weser, Germany; 16694. Stiepeler St. 92, (21b) Bochum VII, West­ lin-, Germany;- 23835. Heinrich Wilhelm Hasper; Sonnbor n- phalia, Germany; 5i75. Hermann Herbrich; Zehntwerderweg 5, strasse 12, Duessfeldorf-Gerrecheim, Germany; Andreas Heil; Feldstrasse 7, Rodenbergen, Berlin-Waidmannslust, Germany; 23834. 8761. a Kreis, Gelnhausen, Post Lieblos, Germany; Marie Herbst; Bettinastrasse 37, Frankfurt Franz Hasse; Hamburg 36, Caffamacherreihe - 11783. am Main, Germany; 10239. 53, Germany; 5464. August Heil; Frankfurt/Main-Schwan- Anna Schaeffer Herden; Edenkoben, Gar­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- heim, Schwarzbachstrasse, Germany; 11723. tenstrasse 20, Germany; 9009. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Luise Heil; Magdlos Haus #61, Schlüchtern Anna Herden; Potzhoferstrasse, Solingen- names unknown, of Dora Hassler, deceased; Land, Germany; 5200. Ohligs, Germany; 5741. Germany; 22648. Magnus Heil; Weberstrasse 92, Frankfurt Gustav Hergenroeder; Kothen, Unter­ Konrad Hassler; Erben Göppingen, Ger­ am Main, Germany; 11784. franken, Germany; 7306. many; 25505. Valentin Heil; Heiligkreuzgasse 5, Frank­ Heinrich Hergenroeder; Froebelstrasse 16, Michael Hassler; Schussenried, Germany; furt am Ma*n, Germany; 11785. Dresden A-5,. Germany; 7307. 25503. Veronika Heil; Veitsteinbach ueber Neuhof, Maria Gertrud Hergenroeder; Untu- Richard Hassler; Köln, Germany; 25507. Kreis Fulda, Germany; 553. franken, Kothen 105, bei Brückenau, Bayern, Eduard Hattke; Neu Ulm, Altkarbe Land, Engelbert Heilborn; Clemensstrasse 23, Germany; 7309. Germany; 20580. Muenster in Westfalen, Germany; 78. Theodora Hergenroeder; Kothen, Unter­ Olga Hattke; Neu Ulm, Altkarbe Land, Anna Hein; Holbornerhof, Post Nieder­ franken, Bayern, Germany; 7308. Germany; 20581. kirchen bei, (Pfalz), Ger­ Ernst “Herker; Breuhl 37, , Prov. Barbara Hauck; Durlach Baden, Germany; many; 22885. Sachsen, Germany; 6374. 5013. * Anna Maria Hein; Flensburgerstrasse 2A, Lina Karolina Hermann; Laupheim in Theresia Hausamen; Ritterstrasse 11, Neumünster in Holstein, Germany; 11534. Wüerttemberg, Germany; 2963. Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; 158. Katharina Hein; Temmels. 69 über Trier, Adele Hermanns; Maria-Hilfstrasse 27, Karl Hauschild; , Altm., Germany; Kreis Saarburg (Rheinland), Germany; Aachen, Germany; 5072. 9576. 20607. Louise Windmann Hermeier; Obernbeck Walter Hauschild; Diesdrof, Altm., Ger­ Margaretta Augusta Heinemann; Ahornweg 639, b/Löhne, Westfalen, Germany; 8444. many; 9578. 29, Hamburg-Blankenese, Germany; 1330. Friedrich Hermes; Stoermederstrasse* 13, Friederike Hauser; Jungfernheideweg 37, F. W. Richard Heinemann; Ahornweg 29, i. Westfalen, Germany; 6378. Berlin , Germany; 10111. Hamburg-Blankenese, Germany; 4034. Helene Herold; c/o John F. Herrmann, R. Hauser; Konz/Trier, Niedermenniger- Fritz Heinemeyer; Schweidnitzerstrasse 8, Bemhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe, Baden, Ger­ strasse 31, Germany; 20364. Düsseldorf, Germany; 6375. many; 10401. * Hildegard Amalia Hauss; Haslach, Baden, Lina Heiningk; Moritzgasse 1, Dortmund, Maria Anna Herpertz; Eifel 74, Heinbach Germany ;^9534. Germany; 1044. via Düren, Rhineland, Germany; 10179. Marie Haussier; Thalheim bei Messkirch, Willi Heinrichs (Mrs).; Jagenberg 1, So­ Gertrud Herr; 105 Clerischer Ring, Köln- Germany (French Zone). lingen, Germany; 15902. Mulheim, Germany; 16002. Mrs. Konstanze Haurcksbeck; c/o Alfred Luise Dorothea Heinsse; Gutenbergstrasse John F. Herrmann; Bernhardstrasse 9, P. Becker, Riemannstrasse 19, Essen/Ruhr, 2, Minden (Westfalen), Germany; 12157. Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; 3931. Germany; 9756. Henrietta Heinz; Kaefertalerstrasse 205, Päüline Herrmann; (20) 139 Lina Hebeker; Fischbeck (Weser) No. 177, Mannheim/Baden, Germany; 10242. , (House Heidorn) Schaumburg-Lippe, Ger­ Germany; 16533. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- many; 23703. Anna Maria Karoline Hecke; c/o Brauner at-law, next of kin, legatees and distribu­ Andreas Hersch; Rossstrasse 39, Dortmund, & Co., Curt A. H. Braeuner, Königstrasse 119, tees, names unknown, of Anna Heitz, d e-, Germany; 9080. Altona (Elba), Germany; 474, 606. ceased; Germany; 161. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Therese Heckers; Bad Soden-Allendorf, Hein Held; Düsseldorf, Batingerstrasse 50, at-law, next of kin, legatees, and distributees, Germany; 613. bei Sauerland, Germany. . names unknown, of Mrs. Anna Maria Herz, Wilhelm Heckler; Hartmannsweilerstrasse Karl Held; Rolfshagen 125, Province Han­ deceased; Germany; 6402. 34, Frankfurt/Main-Griesheim, Germany (U. nover, Germany; 219. Friedrich Wilhelm Herzberger; (16) An­ S. Zone); 20685. Leo Helfrich; Kerzell, District of Fulda, gered (Hessen), Krs. ,.Germany, (U. S. Friedrich Wilhelm Heckmann; Gochen, Germany; 6386. Zone). _ Grasskölnsstrasse 86/88, Germany. Dr. Walther Helbach; Karlstrasse 60, Maria Herzberger; Ludwigstrasse 157, Offen­ Johann Stephan Heep; Frickhofen-Wester­ Plauen i. V., Germany; 23793. . bach a/M, Germany; 10192. wald, Prov. Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 20032. Margaret Kuhr-Heller; Mühlhausen-Thü­ Magdalene Herzdg; Sembach near Kaiser­ Sophie Heerich; Eisenbergstrasse 5, Gross- ringen, Grasshofstrasse 3, Deutschland, Ger­ slautern, Rheinpfalz, Germany; 5228. almerode, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 13598. many. Katharina Hesler; Kreis Ahweiler, Weibern, Mathilde Kraemer Hegebaum; Wieland­ Emma Hellmann; Handewitt bei Flens­ Germany; 13608. Margareta Hess; Meudt, Kreis Ober, Wester­ strasse 22, Dortmund, Germany; 1041. burg, Germany; 695. wald, Germany; 16003. Sophie Hegemann; Rumbeck bei Fuhlen Oskar Hellmann; Breslauer Strasse 4, Glo- gau, Germany; 24855. Johann Bernhard Franz ; Refering­ No. 83, Germany; 16541. hausen, Kreis, Brilon * (Westfalen), Germany, Marie Heger; Shoehle No. 331, Neu Tit- Mrs. M. Hemmers; Gestringen 60, Kreis 11767. schein, Germany; 12429. Lübbecke, Westfalen, Germany; 6890. T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 605

Katharina Hesse; Funkerstrasse 11, Neu- Maria Christina Hofmann; Gottlieben­ Gertrud Hossfeld; (Holstern), wiedam Rhein, Germany; 24439. strasse 10, am Bodensee, Germany; Am Bahnhof 7, Germany; 5705. Conrad Hessler; Am Anger 13/1, Remscheid, 15903. Emma Bertha Antonie Höthke; New-Ulm Germany; 10241. ' Franz Hofmann; Nieder-Pomsdorf, Kreis über Altkarbe Land, bei Ffiedeberg (Neu­ ... Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs»' Frankenstein, Preusslsch Schlesien, Germany; mark), Germany; 17867. at-law, next of kin, legatees, and distributees, 21064. # Mrs. Joseph Houbor; Arnoldsweiler, Ger­ na'mes unknown, of Mathilde Heuer, de­ Maria Elisabeth Hofmann; Widdershausen, many; 4950. ceased; Germany; 23708. Bez., Kassel, Germany; 10726. Andreas Hradelovics; Herbststrasse 18, Adelheid Henrichs; Lindenstrasse 62, Hil­ Anna Martha Hofmeister; Wickenrode Post Vienna 16, Ostmark, Germany; 17301. den, Rhein, Germany; 12395. Grossalmerode, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; Ludmilla Hradelovsky; Vienna 16, Haberl­ Luis Schaefer Heuser; 5 Seminarstrasse, 17913. gasse 49, Ostmark, Germany; 17298. Osnabrück, Germany; 2788. Elise Hofmeister; Wickenrode No. 48, Post, Anna Henriette Hübener; Fronhoferstrasse Franziska Heyder; Büchenbach, (13a) Ba­ Grossalmerode, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 11, Berlin-Steglitz, Germany; 20347. varia, Germany (ü. S. Zone). 17914. Domiciliary personal representatives, heir-­ Marie Heyer; Leuna bei Merseburg, Indus­ Georg Hofmeister; Grossalmerode 5, Hes­ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, trietor 6, Germany; 9328. sen-Nassau, Germany; 16991. names unknown, of Adolf Huber, deceased; Erich Heyssei; Stolberg Rhld., Rathaus­ Katharine Hofmeister; Wickenrode 96, Germany; 5134. strasse 66, Germany; 8481. Post, Grossalmerode, Hessen-Nassau, Ger­ Elise Huber; (22) Trier/Mosel, Zeughaus­ Frieda Hieb; Landsberg/Lech, Bayern, Ger­ many; 16994. strasse 36, Germany; 15563. many; 10243. Marie Christiane Elisabeth Höhle; Casdorf, Nikolaus Huber; Trier an der Mosel, D. A. Hilbert; Drususstrasse 39, Neuss- Kreis Homberg, Bez. Kassel, Hessen-Nassau, Klosterstrasse 11, Germany; 10245. Rhine, Germany; 4039. Germany; 23098. Maria Hubert; Temmels 47, Uber Trier, Mrs. Hildebrandt; Wickenrode Hessen, Ferdinand Hohmann; Schwälmerstrasse 16, Kreis Saarburg, Rheinland, Germany; 20604. Germany; 547. Frankfurt am Main, Germany; 7319. Lina Sophie Luise Hübner; Rethen/, Frieda Hildebrandt; Frankfurterstrasse 77 Marjanna Hojka; Hamborn a/Rhein, W ar- Hannover, Germany; 10739. 8/4/H, Kassel, Germany; 8368. bruckstrasse 42a, Germany; 24250. Friedrich Huck; Veltheim/Weser, Germany; Robert Hildebrandt; Feldstrasse 10/1, Amalia Hqlger; Fuerth Bayern, Germany; 6372. Hannover, Germany; 117. 561. Martha Huck; Ritterstrasse 44, Rastatt Wilhelm Hildebrandt; Sodenerstrasse 28, Maria Hammels Hollatz; c/o Georg Ham­ (Baden), Germany; 178. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany; 116. mels, Köln-Lindenthal, Fürst-Pücklerstrasse Karl Huckenbeck; Marienstr. 99, Wupper­ Magdalena Hildenbrand; Thüngen 84%, 8, Germany; 12167. tal-Elberfeld, Germany (British Zone). bez. Würzburg (Unterfranken), Germany; Anna Hollman; Valdorf 229, near Vlotho on August Huebner; Gelsenkirchen, Germany; 11535. the Weser, Westphalia, Germany; 4151. 6403. Frau Hiltmayr; München, Germany; 60957 Martha Holz; Hufelandstrasse 41, Berlin, Wilhelm Huebner; 52 Alrune Weg, Gelsen­ Karl Hiltmeyer; Reifenstruelstrasse 3, I, No. 55, Germany; 15908. kirchen, Germany; 17526. München, Germany; 364. Elisabeth Holzberg; Burgstrasse 52/1, Ham­ Klara Heuchtemann; Volmarstein/Ruhr, Georg Hlrschauer; Post, Fürstenfeldbruck- burg 26, Germany; 21133. Schulstrasse 17, Germany;. 1035. Land, Hechenwang, Germany; 5430. Karolina Holzer; Ruppur, Germany;' 10529. Albert Huelb; Germany; 965. Alfred Hochscnwender; Berlin-Schöne­ Maria Holzer; Schiffweiler, Saargebist, Heinrich Huelb; Germany; 966. " berg, Freiherr vom Steinstrasse 9, Germany; Schulzenstrasse 7, Germany; 501. Jean Huelb; Germany; 967. 23856. Anna Elisabeth Holzhauer; Elgershausen Gustav Huelge; Pilgersdorf, Kreis Leob- Rev. Anton Hock, Bismarckstrasse 31, bei Kassel, Germany; 17778. schuetz, O/S, Germany; 23795. Lünen an defTIippe, Germany; 6000. Katharina Honig; Untergass’ #49, Mann­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Helena Hocke; Laemmersieth 16, n , 1, heim-Sandhofen, Germany; 23578. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Hamburg (Elbe) 33, Germany; 10244. Friedrich Hoock; Speyer a/Rhein, Ger­ names unknown, of Mrs. Maria Huettmann, Oskar Hodes; Krauthausen ueber, Aachen many; 10569. deceased, Germany; 615. I, Germany; 6371. Agnes Hoogen; c/o Gerhard Hoogen, Ob- Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Anna-Maria-Juliana Hoette; Parkstrasse 6, ermeidericherstrasse 37, Oberhausen-Alsta­ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Limburg/Lahn (Hessen-Nassau), Germany; den, Germany; 21753. names unknown, of Mrs. Luise Hügle, de­ 8909. Elisabeth Hoogen; c/o Gerhard Hoogen ceased, Germany; 10530. Domiciliary personal representatives, Obermeidericherstrasse 37, Oberhausen- Emilie Salina Humpel, Zeil in Bayern (Un­ heirs-at-law, next of kin, legatees and dis­ Alstaden, Germany; 21757. terfranken), Schmachtenbergerstrasse 304, tributees, names unknown, of Mrs. Auguste Gerhard Hoogen; Unter-Birten 77, bei/ Germany; 16004. Franziska Hofbüker, deceased; Germany; Germany (British Zone); 6376. 10055. Anna Hungershöfer-Schloeder; , Kreis Johann Hoogen; c/o Gerhard Hoogen, Bitburg, Germany; 20494. Elisabeth Hofer; Beeckstrasse 116; Ober- Obermeidericherstrasse 37, Oberhausen- Emilie Husslik; (14a) Oberweissach, Kam­ hausen-Sterkrode (Rheinland) Germany; Alstaden, Germany; 21756. 14293. merhof Kreis Backnang, Württemberg, Ger­ Joüäfiha Hoogen; c/o Gerhard Hoogen, many; 21821. Helmut Höfer; Berlin C 2 Elisabethstr. 50- Obermeidericherstrasse 37, Oberhausen- 51 I, Germany. Max Hutschenreuther; Dresden-Hosterwitz, Alstaden, Germany; 21754. „ Maillebahn 8, Germany. Franz Hoffman; bei Herrn Walter Neuturg, Sibyll% Hoogen; c/o Gerhard Hoogen, Lebenstedt I (Brannschweig), Grosse Kamp­ Obermeidericherstrasse 37, Oberhausen- I strasse 29, Germany (British Zone); 24686. Alstaden, Germany; 21755. Nikolaus Hoffmann; Gärresstrasse 2 Ko­ Wilhelm Hoogen; c/o Gerhard Hoogen, Maria Ils, nee Wetzel; Scheer, Württem­ berg, Germany; 9325. blenz am Rhein, Germany; 15561. Obermeidericherstrasse 37, Oberhausen- Anna Hoffmann; 24 Richart-Allee I links Alstaden, Germany; 21752. Mrs. Jakob Irle, nee" Schäfer; c/o Mrs. Wansbeckerstieg, Hamburg, Germany; 5986. Bertha Johanna Helena Hoppe; Prinz- Witwe Hölterhoff, , Sauerland, Ger­ many; 21181. Anna Hoffmann; Sarbenstrasse 56 b/I, Adalbert-Strasse 44, Berlin-, Ger­ Hamburg 26, Germany; 5988, 6017. many; 21054. Walter Isenherg; Mauerstr. 7, Hohenlem- Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Emma" Hörauf; Brand bei Marktredürtz, burg (Westph.), Germany (British Zone). at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Germany; 20621. Wilhelm Itzen; (Ems), Germany; 5185. names unknown, of August Hoffmann, de­ Ferdinand Hörauf; Schillstrasse 11, Augs­ ceased; Germany; 10235. burg, Germany; 20812. J Elisabeth Hoffman; Trier an der Mosel, Friedrich Hörauf; Zeuggasse B 200, Augs­ Paul Jachwitz; Berlin N. W., Paulstrasse, Lamberti Strasse 14, Germany; 12310. burg, Germany! 11423. Germany; 17248. Franz Hoffmann; Nieder-Pomsdorf, Kreis Anna Horn; Bahnhofstrasse 69, Neuwied Robert Jachwitz; Chamissostrasse 26, Ber- Frankenstein in Silesia, Germany; 24686. a/Rhein, Germany; 426. lin-Spandaw, Germany; 17036. Gustav Hoffmann, (13b) Harburg, Schwab- Christian Horn; c/o John F. Herrmann, Marie Jacob; Steinbach b/Bühl, Germany en/Germany, U. S. Zone, Schlobstrabe; 21066. Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ 10591. '. ■ Gustav Hoffmann; Danckelmannstrasse 5, many; 10423. Katharina Jacobs; Roermonderstrasse 44, Berlln-Charlottenburg 5, Germany; 8712. Frieda Horn; Annaburg, Kreis Torgau, Ger­ Aachen, Germany; 5047. Karl Hoffmann; Unterdiesen Nr. 20, Kreis many; 17315. Ludowika Jacobs; Roermonderstrasse 44, .Aachen, Germany; 5045. Kauf be Wien, Germany (U. S. Zone). Hans Horn; (22a) Lank/Ndrrh, Haupt­ Martin Hoffmann; Marienkirchplatz 1, strasse 31, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany WUhelm Jacobs; Melatenerstrasse 38/40, Minden, Westfalen, Germany; 6405. (English Zone); 6379. Aachen, Germany; 5046. Mathias Hoffmann; Wasserliesch (Aal­ Bernhard Jaeger; Hamburg 19, Heussweg Karl Horn; Bahnhofstrasse 69, Neuwied 28, Germany; 4121. bach), Landkreis Trier, Germany; 17451. a/Rhine, Germany; 6409. Fritz Jaeger; Reichestrasse 53, Wanne- Wilhelm Hoffmeister; Eidinghausen, Kreis Mrs. Ludorirka Hormung; Muggenstrum Eickel, Germany; 6415. Minden, Westfalen, Germany; 5254. 1/B, Germany; 10543. Mrs. Johanna Margaretha Jaeger, nee Maria Höflmair; Bauersfrau, Puergen bei, Karl Horstkotte; (20) Osterode/Harz, Blocker; 28 Heussweg, Hamburg, Germany; Landsberg/Lech, Germany; 11352. Herzbergerstr, 6 II, Germany. 5214. 606 NOTICES

Franz Jahler; Fischersteige 6, , Gertrud Kamp, nee Haase; Kiefholzstrasse Johann Keppeler, Altstadtstrasse 130, Bayer, Allgäu, Germany; 22657. 137/40, Kolonie Grüne Weide 67, Berlin- Opladen (Rheinland), Germany; 16005. Maria Elizabeth Jahn, nee Mueller; Flie- , . Germany; 6016. Amalie Kraemer Kerber; Harkortstr. 87, den-Ooengesmuehle, Kreis Fulda, Germany; Heinrich Kanisius; Dortmund Hukarder- Dortmund-Hambruch, Germany; 1038. 11756. str. 134, Deutschland, Germany (British Anna Kersten (born Mertens); , Maria Franziska Jahn, nee Helfrich; Neu­ Zone). Kreis Salzwedel, Germany; 9346. hof-Neustadt 41, Kreis Fulda, Germany; 269. Therese Kanzler (Mrs. Alfre^, nee Geulen); Martha Kersten; Vahldorf, Kr. Neuhaldens­ Maria Theresia Jahn; 52 Bettinastr., Offen­ Eberhard-Hoeschstrasse 45, Düren (Rhein­ leben, Germany; 9724. bach a/Main, Germany; 8943. land), Germany; 5081. Dorothea Schaefer Kersting; Postschliess- Maria Theresia Helfrich Jahn; Neustadt Johanna Kapferer; Landsitz Erika, Post, fach 71, Linz/Rhein, Germany; 5340. No. 41, Neuhof, District of Fulda, Germany; Friehung i. Obpf., Germany; 5203. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- 6452. Johanna Margaretha Ottilie Kaphengst; at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Anton Jakob; Josefstrasse, Iffezheim, Ger­ Bellmanstrasse 4, Hamburg, Gross Flottbeck, names unkown, of Eliese Kerz, deceased; many; 176. Germany; .2295. Germany; 20618. Brigitte Jakob; Josefstrasse, Iffezheim, Domiciliary personal representatives» heirs- Elisabeth Kessel; Köln-Rath, Ostarastrasse Rastatt, Germany; 177. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, 6, Germany (British Zone). Mrs. Kreszenz Jakob; Obermertingen, Post, names unknown, of Mrs. Auguste Weber Maria Keune, nee Müller; Marienbaderweg Schwabmünchen, Oberbayern, Germany; 531, Kapp, deceased, Germany; 9773. 30, am Horz, Germany; 14298. 5432. Bertha Kappes (Mrs. Heinrich, nee Mül­ Minna Kickuth, nee Tiesmeier; Flottmann- M^ria Jakob; Luisenstrasse 10, ler); 10 Rittersweg, Leverkusen-Küppersteg, strasse 89, Herne in Westfalen, Germany; in Hessen, Germany; 414. Germany; 15894. 365. Karoline Jansen, nee Losenkamp; Wupper­ Margaretha Kappes, nee Schaefer; Erbach, Kurt Kiefer; Tullastrasse 21, Karlsruhe- tal-Elberfeld, Gutenbergstr. 14, Germany; Kreis Rheingau, Hauptstrasse No; LI, Ger­ Knielingen, Germany; 6434. 8983. many; 12081. Helene Kiel; Minden 1/Westfalen, Poett- Carl Jaques; Rausingerstrasse 23,, Holz­ August Kappler; Karlsruhe-Rheinhafen, cherstr. 17, pt., Germany (British Zone). (Westfalen), Germany; 8718. Nordbeckenstr. 8, Germany. Mrs. Valeska Kieldyk, nee Brauns, Clasing- Fritz Jaques (Friedrich Wilhelm ); Hosper- Margaretha Kappler; Muggensturm, i/B, strasse 3, Hamburg 19, Germany; 5708. bach über Milspe, Germany; 8717. Germany; 10594. Karolina Kientz; Stollhofen, Germany; Friedrich Jasse; Hannover 2, Stephan Adeline Hedwig Karsch, nee Siebert; Ger­ 10526. Place, Germany (British Zone); 23115. many; 8363. Heinrich Kilp; Ilbenstaederstrasse 8,. I, Therese Jehle Pfeffer, nee Müller; Oberig- Anna Gertrude Kasper, nee Schaefer; Frankfurt am Main, Germany; 10248. ling ' 26, Oberbayern, Germany; 567, 5694, Friedrichstrasse 4, Bonn am Rhein, Ger­ Heinrich Kipper; Hollabrunn, , 11353. many; 13609. Germany; 23388. Anna Joachim, nee Liebenow; Viereck Bernhard Kass; Feldstrasse 38, Dortmund, Johann (Hans) Kipper; Gams ob Frau­ b/Pasewalk, Germany; 5713. Germany; 6443. ental, Austria, Germany; 23389. Otto Joachim; Hoppenwalde, Kreis, Uecker­ Fritz Kasten; Am Mittelfelde 12, Han­ Georg Kirchner; Muenchen, Hopfenstr. 8, munde, Pommerh, Germany; 5542. nover-Wülfel, Germany; 23839. Germany; 11355. Hans Joekel; c/o Christian Romeiser, Rosalinde Kästner; Morsch i/B, Germany; Ida _Kirchner; Brunkensen Nr. 21, bez. Schlüchtern bei Kassel, Brückenauerstr. 9, 10585. Hannover, Deutschland, Germany. Germany; 453. August Kater; Adolf Hitlerstrasse 4, W ün- Kleopha Kirchner; Muenchen, Schyran- ' Karl Joekel; Schluechtern bei Kassel, storf i. H., Germany; 6440. talerstr. 84, Germany; 11356. Brueckenauerstr. 9, Germany; 451. Therese Kätzel; Königsberg No. 5, Halle Marie Kisser; c/o Bürgermeister Giebert, Bernhard Johann; Augustwalde, Kreis (Saale) Germany; 5564. Witzmitz über Plathe in Pommern, Ger­ Naügard, Bezirk Stettin, Germany; 6007. Maria Anna Kaufmann,, nee Huegel; c/o many; 21081. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Mrs. Johanna Krause, Ziethenstrasse 2, Op­ Friederike Kissing, nee Schaefer; 70 at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, peln, Oberschlesien, Germany; 288. Gneisenauätrasse, , Germany; names unknown, of Emil Johann, deceased; Fritz Kausche; Brome, Kr. Gifhorn, Ger­ 694. Germany; 5742. many; 9507. John (or Hans) Kitsch; Gersweilerstrasse Hermann Johanrfi Konig-Albertstrasse 52, Katherina Kauth, nee Müller; Denklingen 93, Saarbrücken 1 (Saar), Germany; 8437, Stettin, Germany; 5706. 77, bei Landsberg/Lech, Schwaben (Bayern), 11542. Dorothea Auguste John, nee Nödler; Gies- Germany; 11354. Anna Klaes; Mayschos, Rheinland, Ger­ bergstr. 27, Kassel, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; Domiciliary personal representatives, many; 13636. 20723 heirs-at-law, next of kin, legatees and dis­ Anton Klaes; Mayschos, Rheinland, Ger­ Mrs. H. Josseaux; Krefeld, Hindenburg- tributees, naihes unknown, of Gertrud many; 13635. platz 9, Germany; 3859. Kautch, nee Spohr, deceased; Germany; Gertrud Klaes, nee Bierschbach; Rhein­ Elizabeth Jung; Brückenstrasse 4, Heidel­ 17810. , Bezirk Koblenz, Germany; 13622. berg, Germany; 5256. Pauline. Keck; Obertuerkheim b. Stuttgart, Jakob Klaes; Siedlung 13, an Heinrich Jung; Polizeihaupt Wachtmeister! Wttb, Augsburgerstr. 745, Germany; 6428. der Ahr, Germany; 13618. R., -Saarland, Germany. Domiliciary personal representatives, Johann Klaes; Cuchenheirxi, Rheinland, Julius Jung; Rudolfskirchen, Bezirksamt, heirs-at-law, next of. kin, legatees and dis­ Germany; 13638. Johann Klaes; Lanteshofen, Rheinstrasse Kusel, Pfalz, Germany; 20686. tributees, names unknown, of Andreas Kecsmar, deceased; Germany; 103,49. 15, Kreis, Ahrweiler, Germany; 13631. K Konrad Kedinburg; Hamburg-Altonia, Josef Klaes; Kreuzberg an der Ahr (Rhein­ Lina Kaczmarek; Moorweg 99, Berlin-, Königstr. 259, Germany. land) , Muehlenstrasse 8, Germany; 13637. , Matthias Klaes; Sinzenich, Rheinland, Germany; 21406. Oswald Kehrein; Doernbach b. Rocken­ Germany; 13625. Julius Kaelin; Obere Grabehstrasse 17, hausen, Pfalz, Germany; 6448. Matthias Josef Klaes; Lantershofen, Kreis Limburg-Lahn (Hessen-Nassau), Germany; Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs-at-law, next of kin, legatees and dis­ Ahrweiler, Germany; 13630. 8908. Peter Klaes; Kaiserstrasse 40, Bonn am Maria Johanna Luise Kaelin; Parkstrasse tributees, names unknown, of Kaspar Keil, deceased; Germany; 6442. Rhein, Germany; 13621. 6, Limburg/Lahn (Hessen-Nassau) Germany; Peter Joseph Klaes; Dorfstrasse 50, Kreuz­ Hans K. keim; Bdfchum, Westfalen, Ger­ 8910. berg an der Ahr, Germany; 13612. many; 10253. Ernst Kaemmel; Wilhelmplatz 1, Berlin, Minna Laura Klahn, nee Sagert; John- Otto Keiner; Hulsusgasse 30, Cologne, Ger­ Germany; 5268. strasse 8, Schneidemuehl (Ostmark), Ger­ many; 5244. Mathilde Kaiser, nee Leihever; Remscheid- many; 10246.- Haddenbach, Germany; 8986. Luise Kelbreier (Mrs. Fritz, nee Trepper); Hermann Klalber; Stollhofen i/B, Ger­ Nordhein - Westfalen, Viersenerstr. 53, Erich Kaliske; Steubenstrasse 13, I, Halle many; 10522. Dülken, Rhld. (22a), Germany; 361, 9086. (saale), Germany; 23796. Max Klaiber; Haupstraetterstrasse 18, Fritz Kelbreier; Viersenerstr. 53, Nordr­ Anna Kalthoff (Mrs. Gustav, nee Lenz) Stuttgart-S, Germany; 6594. hein-Westfalen, Dülken, Rhld., Germany; Heidestrasse 47, Gevelsberg (Westfalen), Ger­ Marie Klapp, nee Taebel; Wettendorf, Kr. 8711, 9087. many; 1352. Gifhorn, Germany; 9506. J. F. Keller; Zwingerstrasse 11,' Heidel­ Alfons Kläser; Berlin W. 30, Neue Winter« Katharine Haltwasser (Mrs. Peter 3rd, nee berg, Germany; 5247. feldsträsse, No. 1, Germany; 20678. Schaeffer); Eberstadt a. d. Bergstrasse, Otto Keller; Darmstadtstrasse 125 1/10, Margareta Klee, nee Schäfer; Hochhausen Kirchstr. 28, Germany; 464, 6593. Arheilgen, Germany; 5246. am Neckar, Germany; 2057. Martha Kaltz; Berlin-Reinichendorf Ost., Johann Kellershofen; Köln-Kalk, Am Heinrich Kleffmüller; Berge, Kreis Fritz­ Schillerhof 2, Germany; 23667. Markt 7, Germany; 16454. lar-Homberg, Bez. Kassel, Germany. Maria Barbara Kämmerer; c/o John F. Maria Kempe, nee Melzer; , Emma Klein, nee Braun; Niederkirchen, Herrmann, Esq., Karlsruhe i/B, Germany; Schwedtsberg, bei, Bersenbrück Bezirk, Germany; 23698. 12031. Ösnabrüch, Germany; 14292. Emmy Klein; Promenade 11, Haus Guld- Maria Kamöthke; Ueckermünde, Bahnhof, Mrs. Direktor Kempter; Danziger Freiheit brandsen, Herrsching a/A, Bayern, Germany; Pommern, Germany; 6024. 17, (D. A. 1), Stuttgart S., Germany; 5098. 23797. T u esd a y, J a n u a ry 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 607

Emil Köker; Braunschweg-Bultenweg 25, Fritz Klein; Riemannstr. 19, Essen/Ruhr, Magdalena Knoller, nee Schäfer; Ser- Sprache, Germany; 20687. Germany; 9755. vätiusstift, Brentanostrasse 20, Augsburg 10, Wilhelm Kolkhorst21b Schwelm/i. Johann Klein; (Postinspektor a. D.), Ko- Germany (U. S. Zone) ; 90. Westf., Kolnerstr. 38, Germany (British^ blenz/Rh., Johannes Müllerstr. 16, Germany; Aline Knost, nee Lerhener; Wuppertal- Elberfeld, Hahnerbergerstrasse, Germany; Zone). 12392. Margarete Kollmann, nee Dlerks; Astern- Luise Klein; (21) Arnsbergr Westfalen, 8988. 'strasse 32, Hannover, Germany; 5117. Uferstrasse 9, Germany. Asmuth Knueppel; Leipzigerstrasse, Kassel, Witv/e Katharina Köllner; Niederlahnstein, Magdalena Klein, nee Schaefer; c/o Rich­ Germany; 17789. Johannestrasse 23, Deutschland, Germany ard Klein, Morbach (P fa lz ), Germany; 23874. Frieda Anna Auguste Knueppel; Horms- (Franz Zone). Maria Klein (born Schafer); Rheidt a. d. wohrden, b/Meldorf, Holstern, Germany; Adam Kömpel; Mittelkalbach, Fulda Cir­ Sieg, am Markt No. 1, Siegkreis (Deutsch­ 20916. cuit, Province of Hesse-Nassau, Kassel, Ger­ land), Germany; 4984. Otto Knueppel; Ostswine bei Swinemuende Maria Magdalena Klein, nee Schäfer; Hor­ (Pommern), Germany; 137. many; 9535. Damian Kömpel; Sparhof, Kreis Fulda, hausen ln Westewald, Rheinland, Germany; Paul Knueppel; Willibald Alexisstr. 20, Berlin, S. W. 29, Germany; 796, 6022. Gern. Veitsternbach, Germany; 12792. 11255. ' Emil Kömpel; Sparhof Fulda Circuit, Prov­ Philippine Klein, nee Schae'^r; Koln-- Adolf Koböke; Kamp 28/30, Paderborn, ince of Hesse-Nassau, Kassel, Germany; 9536. , Kopernikusstrasse 45, Novd. Rhein- Germany; 6027. Anna Koch; Kaffee Kramml, Bahnhofstr., Matilde Krätschmer (formerly Matilde Westfalen, Germany; 15904. Kratschmer Konecry); 14 Nonnengasse, Richard Klein; Morbach bei Kaiserslautern, Holzkirchen (Oberbayern), Germany; 5699. Brünn, of Bohemia, Moravia, Germany; 23688. Constantin Koch; Fattenmtihle, Neider­ Germany; 7064. Philipp Kleiner; Ebnet, Germany; 21147. klein, Kreis Marburg-L, Reg. Bez. Kassel, Ger­ Yosel Kones; Schöndoeferstrasse 82, Wert- Joh. Conrad Klein-Schäfer^ , many; 16007. Katharina Koch, nee Dietz; Flutgraben- tenberg (14a), Germany (U. S. Zone). Krs. , Rheinland, Germany; 11343. Anna Koninger; Oederweg 126/1, Frankfurt Mrs. Ottilie Kleinschulte, nee’^Schaefer; strasse 15, Wetzlar a/d Lahn, Reg. Bez. a. M., Germany, 10583. Paderborn, Meinolfstrasse 20, Germany; 618. Wiesbaden, Germany; 17424. Katharina Wilhelmine Charlotte Koch, nee Karl Kopf; Karlsruhe i/B, Germany; 10498. Friedrich Klietzke* Neuestrasse 43, Har­ Paula Kopp; Hauptlehrerswitwe, Oggels- burg-Wilhelmburg, Germany; 5673. Nödler; Bahnhofstrasse 10, Kassel (Hessen- Nassau), Germany; 20724. hausen, Kreis, Saulgau, Germany. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Heinrich Korbach; Kohlstaedt No. 74, at-law, next of kin, legatees and distribu­ Konstantin Koch; c/o Mr. Beckmann, (16) Kirchhain, den B/m (Bez. Kassel), Germany. Lippe, Germany; 10254. tees, names unknown, of Ferdinand Kley, Domiciliary personal representatives, deceased; Germany; 16006. . Lina Koch; c/o H. Wilh. Kormeyer, Hank- enberge, Bez. Osnabrück, Germany; 21050. heirs-at-law, next of kin, legatees and dis­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- tributees, names unknown, of Mrs. Karl at-law, next of kin, legatees and distribu­ Martha Koch, nee Gose; Seeben, Kr. Salzwedel, Germany; 9503. Korbmacher, deceased; Germany; 6430. tees, names unknown, of Elizabeth Cather­ Lina Kprnemann; Bürgeln, Kreis, Mar­ ine Klipp, deceased; Germany; 17777. Wilhelm Koch; Fattenmühle, Niederklein, Krefls Marburg-L, Reg. Bez. Kassel, Germany; burg, Germany; 10180. Karl Klos, München 8, Ismaningerstrasse Margaretha Karoline Körner, nee Schaefer; 16008. 19, Hr, Germany; 24328. Kiedrich, Kreis Rheingau, Oberstrasse 84, Aloise Klose; 45 Togostr., Berlin N. 65, Johann Köchling; Wünnenberg, Krs. Buren i., Westfalen, Germany; 6019. Germany; 12079. Germany; 6450. Marie Schäffer Korsmeier; Werste-Bad- Maria Klotz; Mering, Adolf Hitlerstrasse Heinrich Koenemann; , Post Deckbergen, Grafschaft Schaumburg, Ger­ Oeynhausen, No. 28, Kreis Minden, West­ 1, Germany; 11357. falen, Germany; 9944. Maria Klotzin; Ueckermunde, Markt 4, many; 275. Johann Schaefer Koelnehrenfeld; Leyen- Juliane Köster, nee Peters; Saling 19/1, Germany; 602£. Hamburg-Hamm, Germany; 12413. Adelheid Klug, nee Pappert; Rommerz deckerstr. No. 91, Germany. Wilhelm Koeneman; Milsenstrasse 18, Philippine Köster, nee Schöttger; Quelle (Fulda-Land), Bezirk Kassel, Germany; 148. 68, bei Brackwede, Westfalen, Germany; 9727. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Bielefeld, Germany; 368. Maria Koenig, nee Schill; Viktoriastrasse Peter Kotheimer; Osthofen, Rheinhessen, at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Kirchberg 4, Germany; 11624. names unknown, of Augusta Klug, deceased; 4, Eichwalde, Kr. Teltow, Germany; 5730. Theresia Koenig, nee Schaefer; Muggen­ Gerhard Kottman; , Post Nor­ Germany; 5740. trup, Provinz Hannover, Germany; 6449. Jakob Klug; Flieden No. 179, Kr. Fulda, sturm, i/Baden, Kreuzstrasse 15, Germany; 10592. Jutta Kowalewski; % Mrs. Ida Jankowski, Germany; 5223. ( Lindenbergweg 4, d, (20b.) Braunschweig, Josef Klug; Horas b. Fulda; Hessen-Nassau, Heinrich Koester; Loxstedt No. 27, Bez. Bremen, Germany; 6526. Neidersachsen, Germany. Germany; 6429. ' Anna Kraberg; Neuhaldensleben, Germany; Arthur Klumpp; ( 17a). Pforzheim, Zerren- Hanna Koettgen, nee Schäfer; Jacob Klarkrstrasse 5, München, Germany; 22671. 9718. nerstr. 23/25, U. S. Zone, Germany. Hermann Kracht (also named Kuhs) Bad- Paula Klumpp; Heuleshausen/Hessen, Josef Kofferath; Jaleobstrasse, la, Bonn a/Rhein, Germany; 5030. Oeynhausen, Hellerhagen 124, Germany; Germany. 10139. Adolf Knabe; Geraerstrasse 37, Zeitz, Ger­ Anna Koffler; Muggensturm, Morsch, Ger­ many; 10570. Albert Kraemer; Kielstr. 13, Dortmund, many; 6447. Germany; 1042.- Mrs. Hedwig Knoop Knackstedt; Krieger- Anne Koffler; Muggensturm i/B, Germany; 10542. Albert Heinrich Kraemer; Martenerstr. str. 40/n Hannover, Germany; 12737. 229-a, Dortmund-Marten, Germany; 9082, Ida Knäpple, nee Holder; Friedberg (Saul- August Kohlbrecher; Hollage, Post Wallen­ 11544. gau), Württemberg, Germany; 9315. horst, bei Osnabrück, Germany; 14287. Franz Kohlbrecher; Walsum Z/Nieder- Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Maria Frische Knatz (Mrs. W ilh.); W up- at-law, next of kin, legatees, and distributees, pertal-Barmen, Heckinghauserstrasse 8, Ger­ rhein, Bahnhofstrasse 174, Germany; 14282. Josef Kohlbrecher; Osnabrück, Bremer- names unknown, of Amalie Kraemer, nee many; 5651, 8963. Kretzmer, deceased; Germany; 1042. Anna Knauf, nee Schaefer; Niederluetz- straat 147, Germany; 14304. Emil Kraemer; 19 Ritterstrasse, Munster/ lingen, Bezirk Koblenz, Germany; 13617. Josef ine Kohlbrecher; bei, Oesting, Hol­ Westfalen, Germany; 1040. Walter Knaup; (21b) , Schulstr. 14, lage, Post Wallenhorst bei, CÜnabrück, Ger­ -Friedrich Wilhelm Kraemer; Harkorstr. 89, Germany (British Zone). many; 14288. Ella Knecht, nee Selb; Dietzenbach, Kreis, Domiciliary personal representatives, Dortmund-Hombruch, Germany; 9083, 11545. Offenbach, Ostendstr. 7, Germany; 503. heirs-at-law, next of kin, legatees and dis­ Karl Kraemer; Harkorstr. 89, Dortmund- Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- tributees, names unknoVn, of Ludwig Kohl- Hombruch, Germany; 9085, 11546. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, brecher, deceased; Germany; 14282. Karl Kraemer; Leibnitzstr. 26, Dortmund, names unknown, of Johannes Knell, de­ August Kohlenberg; Mindenerstrasse 5, Germany; 1039. ceased, Germany; 10775. Rinteln an der Weser, Germany; 16538. Louis Hugo Kraemer; Alter Mühlenweg 26, Maria Katharine Knieps nee Klaes; W al- Heinz-Walter Kohl; (23) Sandstedt 85, Dortmund, Germany; 9084, 11547. porzhiem an der Ahr, Rheinstrasse 38, Ger­ Uber Bremerhaven, Germany. Wilhelm Anton Kraemer; Diepenbrock- many; 13611. Wilhelmine Kohlenberg, nee Rikke; Kop­ strasse 14, Münster in Westfalen, Germany; Augusta Elizabeth Knipp; Freienhagen, penstrasse 17, Hameln an der Weser, Ger­ 9081, 11548. Arolsen-Land (Waldeck), Germany; 4262. many; 16536. Wilhelmine Kraemer; c/o Andreas Hersch, Anna Katherine Phillippine Knobel, nee Marie Elisabeth Kohlhaase, H i» Schafer; Rossstrasse 39, Dortmund, Germany; 9080. Niederkaufungen bei, Kassel, Germany; Nödler; c/o Karl Nodler I, Wickenrode, No. Ella Kraft, nee Schäfer; Salzwedel Sud­ 12. Kreis Witzenhausen, Bez. Kassel, Ger­ 17798. bockhorn 67, Kr. Salzwedel, Germany; 9511. Anna Kohn; Temmels bei Trier, Germany; many; 20358. Wilhelm Heinrich Kraft; Iptingen, Vai­ 17446. Max Knoepfel; Amtsfeldstrasse 28, Wernig­ hingen, (Wttbg.) Germany; 5240. erode a. Horz, Germany; 6431. . Margaretha Kohn (Mrs. Mathias); Tem­ L, Krakauer; c/o Wothenend, Nürnberg, < Major Robert Knoespel; Göckinghof 8, mels bei Trier, Germany; 20569. Marienplatz, Germany. (Schwelm/Westf., Germany; 6021. Wilhelmina Eleonore Köhring, nee Shafer; Josef Knoller; Servatiusstift, Brentanostr. Langestrasse 38, Bad Münder (Deister), Ger­ Agnes Kramer; Norder Deich 129, Ham­ 20, Augsburg 10, Germany^U. S. Zone) ; 90. many; 16267, burg-Finkenwärder, Germany; 23840. 608 NOTICES

Elisabeth Kramer; Lebenstedt near Bruns­ Reinhard Krones; Ober- am Minna Kuhfuss, nee Ehlebracht; Adolf- wick, 15 Am Muhlenstahl, Germany (British Neckar, Württemberg (14a) Schorndorferstr. Hitlerstrasse 72, Boesingfeld in Lippe, Ger­ Zone). * 82, Germany (U. S. Zone); 20443. many; 120. Katharina Krämer, nee Pieler; Wilhelm­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Aenne Kuhlage; Moltkestrasse 17, Wanne strasse, Bickenbach, a. d. Bg. Hessen, Ger­ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, In Westfalen, Germany; 16010. many; 20688. names unknown, of Anna Kronimus, de­ Alfred Kuhlage; 17 Moltkestrasse, Wanne Ernestine Krause, nee Kretschmer; Dyes- ceased; Germany, 10586. in Westfalen, Germany; 15892. burg, Hamborn, Beelckestr. 4, Germany; Anton Kronimus; Iffezheim, b. Rastatt, Anton Kuhlage, nee Dahmen; 17 Moltke­ 24786. Germany, 10587. strasse, Wanne in Westfalen, Germany; 15893. Domiciliary personal Representatives, heirs- Eugen Kronimus; Werderplatz 6, Heidel­ Else Kuhlage; 17 Moltkestrasse, Wanne in at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, berg, Germany; 10588. Westfalen, Germany; 15890. names unknown, of Karoline Wilhelmine Karolina Kronimus; Iffezheim, b., Rastatt, Gertrud Kuhlage; 17 Moltkestrasse, Wanne Krampe, deceased; Germany; 8760. Germany; 10589. in Westfalen, Germany; 15891. Paul Emil Krampe; Langestrasse 113, Dül­ Johann Kronimus; Iffezheim, b., Rastatt, Toni Kuhlage; Moltkestrasse 17, Wanne in ken, Rheinland, Germany^ 8708. Germany) 10590. Westfalen, Germany; 16011. , Frieda Kraatz; Iserlohn, Hagenerstrasse Christoph Kropp; Kiedrich (Rheingan), Kantor Kuhlmann; Adolf-Hitler-Platz 15/1, 81, Westfalen, Germany. Waldpfortenstrasse 2, Germany; 11427. Hannover 1 M, Germany; 13763. Henrich Kratz; - Vereinsstrasse 66, Ham­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Luise Kuhlmann; Hannover, Im Moore 22, burg, Germany; 16410. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Germany; 422. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- names unknown, of Joseph Kropp, deceased; Marie Kuhlmann, nee Landversicht; (23) at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Germany; 11428. Rotenburg/Hann, Soltanerstrasse Na. 1, Ger­ names unknown, of Anna Maria Martha Katharina Kropp, nee Kraus, Mrs. Nikol­ many (British Zone) ; 10856. Kraus, deceased; Germany; 89. aus; Rooseveltstrasse 37, (16) Oestrich Wilhelmine Sophie Auguste Kuhlmann; Hanna Krause; 'Ziethenstrasse 2, Oppeln, (Rheingau), Germany; 11429. Exten. No. 137, bèi Rinteln an der Weser, Deutsch-Oberschlesien; Germany; 6597. Elisabeth Krötz, nee Müller; Bergstr. 402, Kreis Grafschaft, Schaumburg, Germany; Katharina Krause; Nerdingen a/Rh. Landsberg/Lech (Oberbayern), Germany; 9943. Deutchland, Niederstrafse 30, Germany. 11358. Heinrich Kuhlmeier: Kohlstadt 7, Lippe, Mathilde Kraus (Mrs. Heeronymus, nee Walter H. Kruber; Neuendorferstrasse 159, Nr. 1, Germany. F in k ); Rossdorf über Kirchhain, Bez. Kassel, Koblenz-Neuendorf, Germany; 6603. Barbara Kühn, nee Schäfer; v. d. Tann­ Germany; 16009. Hermine Krückberg; Gross-Hilligsfeld, strasse 9, Hamburg, Germany; 4276. Auguste E. Doris Krebel, nee Schaefer; Kreis Hameln, Provinz, Hannover, Germany; Christine Kuhn; Muggensturm, i/B, Ger­ Braunschweig, Vorderstrasse 5, Gross Apen- 421. many; 10547. burg, Kr., Salzwedel (Altm ark), Germany; Louis Krückeberg; Bisperode, Braun­ Mrs. Kreszenz Kuhn, nee Schäfer; Ober- 8783. schweig, Germany; 447. 30 (Oberbayern), Schwabmünchen Ruth Krebs, nee Padberg; Brunscappel, Kr., Karl Heinrich Krückemeier; c/o Mrs. Luise Land, Germany; 5433. Brilori (W estf.), Germany; 11765. Speckman, Post Ovenstädt 88, Kreis Minden, Ferdinand Kühnruss; Schweighofstr. 2, Else-Lisette Lenz Kreimendahl (Mrs. Au­ Germany; 16478. Landsberg/Lech, Germany; 11359. gust); Gustavstrasse 6 II, Hagen i/West- Karoline Krückemeier; c/o Mrs. Luise Johann Kühnruss; Muenchen, Mail- phalia, Germany; 1353, 5411. Speckman, Post Ovenstädt 88, Kreis Minden, lingerstr. 22, I links, Germany; 11361. Sibilla Kreitz; Aschen Rhld., Eynattener- Germany; 16477. Johann Georg Kuhnruss; Kirchgasse A. 266, strasse 7e, Germany (English Zone). August Krueckeberg; Gross-Hilligsfeld, Augsburg, Germany; 11360. Hch. Kremerskotter; Rechtsanwalt, Essen, Kreis Hamelm, Germany; 115. Hermann Kuhs, also named Kracht; Bad- Hous der Technik, Gernruf, Germany; 24489. Martha Krueger, nee Noedler; Kassel Oeynhausen-Lohe 283, Germany; 10139. Anna Kress, nee Gartner; Neuhof-Ellers, (Hessen-Nassau), Kaiserstrasse 73, S., Ger­ Martha Christine Küllmer, nee Braunroth; Germany; 8945. many; 9726. Reichensachen, Kreis, Eschwege, Bez. Kassel, Katharina Josepha Kress; Eichenried, Alwine Lisette Krug, nee Eilers; Fleyer- Germany; 22969. über Neuhof, District of Fulda, Germany; strasse 112, Hagen in Westfalen, Germany; Johann Kupfler; Hauptstrasse 22, Flerz­ 267. 20689. heim b. , (Rhld.) Germany; 20407. Catharina Kreutzkampf; ­ Anna Krüger, nee Söhlke; Fischbeck Dr. Karl Küpper; Rastatt i. B., Harren­ allee 44, Aachen, Germany; 5044. (Weser) No. 109, Germany; 16531. strabe Nr. 7, Germany. Anna Damm Krey; Lüchterscheid, Post Katherina Krüger; Rothenkerchen, Kreis, Elsbeth Kupke; Augustastr. 99, Breslau, (Sieg.) .Land, Germany; 11676. Hünfeld, Germany; 10181. Germany; 22658. Adolph O. Krieger; , Hubbe­ Mrs. Leopoldine Kretschmer Krump; 67 Anton Küpper; Roggendorf bei strasse 1, Germany. Beizheim, Kreis Nördlingen, Bavaria, (13b), (Eifel), Germany; 16961. Karl Krieger, Hochhausen am Neckar, Germany (U. S. Zone); 9365. Mrs. Dionysius Küpper; Vlatten, Düren- Baden, Germany; 10715. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Land, Rheinland, Germany; 12206. Hilda Kriewitz, nee Bleidorn; Hoppen- at-law, next of kin, legatees and distribu­ Franziska Küpper; Vlatten, Düren-Land, walde, Kr. Ueckermünde, Pommern, Ger­ tees, names unknown, of Ludwig Ernst Rheinland, Germany; 12208. many (Russian Zone); 5787. August Krumsieg, deceased; Germany; 17876. Fritz Küppers; Von Bockstrasse 29, (22a), Maria Kriewitz, nee Solschinski; Hoppen- Johann Becker ; Post Epgert/Linz- Mulheim-Ruhr, Nordrheinprovinz, Germany; walde, Kreis Ueckermünde, Pommern, Ger­ Land, Rheinland, Germany; 11262. (British Zone). v many; 5544. Elise Kruppe, nee Söder (widow); Wick­ Hubert Küpper; Solingen (Rheinland), Am Martha Kriewitz, nee Ullrich; Hoppen- enrode 91, Kreis Witzenhausen, Reg. Bez. Wolfsfeld 29, Germany; 15405. walde, Kreis Ueckermünde, Pommern, Ger­ Kassel, Germany; 20800. Jakob Küpper; Bleibuir bei Mechernich many; 5543. _ Mrs. Hedwig Kruse, nee Brouns; Eidel- (Eifel), Germany; 16960. Agnes Krix, nee Brouns; Bredenstrasse 11/ stedterweg 121, Hamburg 19, Germany; 5710. Johann Küpper; Voissel bei Mechernich Britische bei MohWinkel (20), Lelle bei Hah­ Abs. Trude Kruts; 22c Köhn Mülheim, (Eifel), Germany; 16963. nover, Besotzungzone, Germany; 91. Trefentalstr. 16, Nördheim, Germany (Brit­ Katharina Küpper; Vlatten, Düren-Land, Elsa Frieda Edmunde Kröber; Berlin-Char­ ish Zone). Hauptstrasse 79, Rheinland, Germany; 12207. lottenburg, Germany; 21223. Anna Kube, nee Strack; Driesen (Neu- Margareta Küpper; Vlatten, Düren-Land, Frederich Adolf Paul Kröber; Berlln-Char- mark), Gartenstrasse 1, Germany; 21126. Hauptstrasse 79, Rheinland, Germany; 12210. lottenburg, Germany; 21225. Johann Kübler; /Donau, Ger­ Mathias Küpper; Vlatten 79, Düren-Land, Rheinhold Krobisch; Teschenmoschel, Bez., many. Rheinland, Germany; 12209. Rockenhausen, Pfalz, Germany; 17566. Franz Kuschnerus; Kronenstrasse 53, Ppter Küpper; Karthäusergasse 7, Köln Anna Hedwig Kroeske; Angermünde, Ger­ Bochum, Germany; 6424. (Rhein), Germany; 15907. many; 9725. Frieda Kuckuck, nee Scheller; Trebitsch Susanne Küppers, nee Weber; Dussel- Emma Kröger, nee Reiske; Bremer-Chaus­ bei Friedeberg, Neumark, Germany, 17867. dorferstr. 103, (22a) Mülheim-Ruhr, Nord­ see 3, Marmsdorf, bei Harburg, Germany; Johann Kuebler; Ingolstadt/Obb., Plank- rheinprovinz, Germany (British Zone) ; 17440. 9339. str. 4, Bavaria, Germany. Karl Kurschat; Friedrichstrasse 29, Nieder­ Elisabeth Kronauer, nee Kotheimer; Ostho­ Karoline Kuehleien; Donnersbergerstrasse sedlitz bei, Dresden, Germany; 17037. fen, Rheinhessen, Kirchberg 4, Germany; 54, Muenehen 19, Germany; 9492. Karola Kurzenberger; Karlsruhe-Durlach, 11625. y Ferdinand Kuehn; Kanalstrasse 112, Har­ Germany; 10520. Friedericke Krone^berg, nee Koenmann; burg-Wilhelmsburg, N. 5, Germany; 5016. Franz Kuschnerus; Wannenstrasse 128, Buchholz, Schaumburg-Lippe, Germany; 255. Hugo Kuehnle; Wirnsweiler (Saulgau), (21b) Witten-Ruhr, Germany; 6424, 10709. Mrs. Th. Kronenburg; Zellstr. 11 (22b) Germany; 9847. Otto Kushnerus; 'Hansemannstrasse 11B, Rhld., Trier, Germany (French Zone); 20761. Adolflne Küffner; Pramergasse 15, Vienna Dortmund, Mengede, Westfalen, Germany; Josef Franz Krones; Ober-Esslingen am IX, Ostmark, Germany; 23802. 6438. Neckar, Württemberg (14a) Schorndorferstr. Frieda Kügler, nee Schaefer; Spichern­ Carl Kuss; Lagow, Neumark, Germany; 82, Germany (U. S. Zone); 20443. strasse 19/11, Liepzig 0-5, Germany; 5157. 10247. T u e sd a y , J a n u a ry 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 609

Anna Küster, nee Gaude; Grosse W oll- Emil Kretschmer; Landburkersdorf Nr. Julius Kretzschmar; Leipsic, Germany; weberstrasse 43, Stettin (Pommern), Ger­ 141, Sachsen, Germany; 20726. 9038. '■ many; 109. Erich Kretschmar; Brueckstrasse 20,' W it- Julius Kretschmer; Sendnergasse 13, Emilie Küster, nee Laak; Dannenberg, W ol- ten/Ruhr, Germany; 6427. Schwechat bei Wien, Ostmark, Germany; lin, Post Warnow, Germany; 20787. Erich Kretschmer; Fontanestrasse 29, Ber­ 15455. Josef Kütler; Frankhopf, Pos¿ Pappeis- lin-Neuköln, Germany; 11550. Karl Kratschmar; Würmla 64, County haüsen, a di wasser Küppe, Hessen, Germany. Ernst Hermann Kretzschmar; 11 Turn- Tulln, Ostmark, Germany; 23061. Franziska Kutte, nee Melzer; Nettelbeck­ strasse, Hartmannsdorf/Chemnitz, Germany; Jose# Kretschmer; Weyer/a/d/ Enns, Ho­ strasse 21, Berlin W., (Germany; 14296. 5813. tel Post, Ob., Österreich, Germany; 23968. August Kretzschmann; Markneukirchen in Ewald Kretschmer; Röchlingstrasse 5, Josef Krätschmer Schulgasse, Odrau Saxony Unt. Trabitzschen, Germany. (Rgb.), Germany; 23967. (Maehren), Germany; 11302. Carl August Kretschmann; Bismarckstrasse Felix Kretschmer; Vienna XII, Defregger­ Josef Krätschmer; Bahnhof prasse 251, 7, Potsdam, Germany; 5127. strasse 95, Ostmark,. Germany; 856. Odrau, Moravia (Mähren), Germany; 7104. Edgar Kretschmann; (10) Leipzig, Funk- Franz Kretschmer; (13a) in Engelthal Nr. Domiciliary personal representatives, enburgstrasse 14/11, Germany; 4270. 23, über bei Nürnberg, Bayern, heirs-at-law, next of kin, legatees and dis­ Elise Kretschmann; Karl Tauchnitzstrasse Deutschland, Germany (U. S. Zone); 12406. tributees, names unknown, of Josef Kret­ 10, (10b) Leipzig C. 1, bei, Reinberger, Ger­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- schmer, deceased; Germany; 10773. many; 6606. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Johann Kretschmer; , Friedrich Heb- Erich Kretzschmann; Heidelbergerstrasse names unknown, of Franz Kratschmar, de­ belgasse 10, Ostmark, Germany; 10774. 13, Mannheim 0.7, Germany; 4974. ceased; Geknany; 23062. John Georg Reinhard Kretzschmar; Füll Mrs. H. Kretschmann; (22a) Wuppertal- Franz Kretzschmar; Vienna VII, Kaiser­ 4/II, Nürnberg (Bayern), Germany; 215, 1580. Elberfeld, Neuenhessen 2, Nord-Rheinprovinz, strasse 63, Ostmark, Germany; 10305. Josef Krätschmar; Hohnelbe, Staffelberg, Germany (British Zone). Friedrich Kretschmer, Kraschen-Wald- Germany; 17625. Heinrich Kretzchmann; (10b) Markneukir- häuser, Kreis Guhrau'i/Schlesien, Germany; Josef Kratschmar; Vienna 14, Goldschlag­ chen, Unter Trobitschen No. 3, Germany; 23605. strasse 92, Ostmark, Germany; 23069. 4274, $186. Friedrich Kretschmer; Wilhelmplatz 11, Herman Rudolf Kretzschmar; Obermarkt • Hermann Kretschmann; Wuppertal-Elber­ Dortmund-Dorstfeld, Germany; 11554. 16, Frieberg (Sachsen), Germany; 24272. feld, Neuen Hessen II, Westphalia, Germany, Friedrich Kretschmar; c/o Max H. Abele, Johann Kretschmer; Landburkersolorf, (British Zone); 12102. Anton Fischer-Abele, -Bahnhof, Dammstr. 197, Krs. Pirna, Bundesland Johann Kretschmann; Cavalleriestrasse 2, Germany. Sachsen, Germany (Russian Zone); 21179. Bielefeld, Germany; 4272. Friedrich Wilhelm Kretzschmar; Kather- Johann Krätschmer; Stadt Liebau 150, Karl Kretschmann; Berlin-N. 65, Spreng­ inenstrasse 2, Weissenfels an der Saale, Ger­ Germany; 7102. elstrasse 38, Germany; 5195. many; 6604. Johann Kretschmer; Stockertgasse 21, Karolina Kretschmann; Nehringstrasse, Fritz Kretzschmar; Burg, Germany. Troppau, Sudetenland, Germany; 23533. 5-1, Berlin-Charlottenburg, Germany; 4273. Fritz Kretzschmar; Dresden, Germany; Johann Krätschmer; Schlosstr. 2, County Otilie Kretschman; Knueppeldamm, 3.0, 13451. of Kempen, Hinsbeck 22a, Germany; 11971. Neudamm N/M., Germany; 23799. Fritz Kretschmer; Neues Fischerufer 25, Heinrich Kretschmeier; c/o Erich Kretsch- Paul Kretschmann; (Leonhardt Oskar Magdeburg, Germany; 24857. meier, Stuttgart-Ost, Schurwaldstr. 62, Ger­ Paul Kretschmann), Universitätsstrasse, Dr. Georg Kretschmer; (21a) Bielefeld, many; 9809. 22/24, Leipzig, Germany; 4271. Brehmstr. 18, Germany; 24663. Helene Kretschmar; Post Priorei, Kreis, Paula Kretschmann; % Martin Meusch, Gertrud Kretschmer; Turmstrasse (Robert Hagen (Westf.), Germany; 370. Hardenbergstrasse 24, i n , Leipzig, Germany; Koch Krankenhaus) Berlin, NW. 21, Ger­ Hermann Kretzschmar; Groeden 200, El- 5144. many; 7086. sterwerda Land, Prov. Sachsen, Germany; Wilhelm Kretschmann; Bornstedt No. 90, Leopold Kretschmer; (13a) Salz near Bad 6433. Kreis, Sangerhausen über Eisleben, Germany; Neustadt/S., Germany (U. S. Zone). Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- 22660. Otto Theodor Kretzschmar; Könegstrasse at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Agnes Kretzschmar;» Post Priorei, Kreis, 15, Limbach (Sachsen), Germany; 11422. names unknown, of Hermann Kretzschmar, Hagen (Westf.), Germany; 371. Paul Kretzschmar; Leipsic, Germany; 9042. deceased; Germany; 15906. A. Kretschmer; Strausberger Strasse 48, Paul Kretschmer; Tannenbergerstrasse 13, Gertrud Hager Kretschmayer; Vienna IX, Berlin, N. O. 18, Germany; 23800. Langenbielau, Germany; 24788. Bindergasse 10, Ostmark, Germany; 9670. Adolf Krätschmer; Stadt Liebau, 150, Ger­ Paul Kretschmer; Hammerlandstrasse 1Q0, Gustav Kretschmer; Caisbenstrasse 29-a, many; 7103. Hamburg 26, Germany; 24858. Kamp-Lintfort Krs. Moers (Rheinland), Ger­ Adolph Kretschmar; Am Vierling 24, Ber- Richard Kretschmer; Dunckerstr. 85, Ber­ many; 11551. lin-Zehlrndorf, Germany; 6625. lin N. 58, German^; 23664. Gustav Kretschmer; Horst-Wesselstr. 84, Alfred Kretschmer; Grassau, Upper Bava­ Domiciliary personal representatives, Witten-Annen, Germany; 1036. ria, District , Germany; 24662. heirs-at-larw, next of kin, legatees and dis­ Heinrich Kretschmer; München 23, De- Anna Kretschmer; Ottenthal Nr. 69, Bez. tributees, names unknown, of Otto Kret­ stachestr. 4, Germany; 23663. Mistelbach, Nieder-Osterreich, Germany. schmar, deceased; Germany; 25821. Richard Kretschmer; Hagedornstr. 51, Ber- Anna Kretschmer, nee Paul; Dortmund Wilh. Kretschmar; Köln-Dünnwald, Ger­ lin-Johannistal, Germany; 23709. (21b), Westfalen, Essener-Street 33, Ger­ many. Robert Richard Kretschmar; Grossgrabe many; 1037. Otto Kretschmer; Schlageterstr. 7, Dort­ bei Kamenz, Sachsen, Germany; 23713. August Kretschmer; , Kirchstr. mund, Germany; 1034. Rudolf Krätschmer; Schoelbronnerstr. 81, 10, Germany; 23668. Otto Kretschmer; Strasse der S. A. 35, /Baden, Germany; 13718. August J. Kretschmer; Frauendorf 24 über Hannover, Germany; 23843. Rudolf Kretschmer; Stettin, Oberwick 5, Cottbus, Germany; 24071. Otto Max Kretschmar; Weinbergsweg 2, Germany; 7082. vom IV lk. Aufg., Berlin, N. 54, Germany; 79. Mrs. Auguste Kretschmer; Kudlichplatz, Selma Kretzschmar; Leipsic, Germany; Otto Paul Kretzschmar; Werningshausen Mähr-Neustadt, Germany; 24188. 9039. 2, über , Thüringen, Germany; 23969. Bernhard Kretzschmar; Schlaisdorf (Post Sophie Krätschmer; Stadt Liebau, Ger­ Ludwig Kretschmer; Wagstadt (Bilovec) Rochlitz-Land), Saxony, Germany; 6425. many; 7106. Silesia, Konrad/ Heuleinstr. 24, Germany; Bertha Kretschmar; Leipzig, Germany; Staneslaw Kretschmer; Polish D. P. Camp, 9040. 11134. ' Maria Kretschmer, nee Kretschmer; Lan- No. 71, U. N. R. R. A. Assembly Center, Lud­ Bruno Kretschmer; Bottenerisdorf Str., wigsburg, Germany; 23491. Post Blumenberg Kreis, Wanzleben, Ger­ genzersdorferstrasse 90, Wein, XXI, Ostmark, Germany; 12558. Thomas Kretschmer; Gaswerkstrasse 25, many (Russian Zone (19B)); 24856. , , Ostmark, Germany; 13078. Bruno Kretschmer; Lanburkersdorf Nr. Michael Kretschmaler; Ingershelm, Alten­ münster, Kreis Crailsheim, Württemberg, Walther Kretzschmar; Windscheidstrasse 143, District of Püna, Sachsen, Germany; Germany; 21892. 19, Leipzig, Germany; 6432. 20727. Oskar Krätschmer; München-Gladbach, Werner Kretschmer; Vienna XIII, Cumber- Bruno Kretschmer; Luisenstrasse 23, v. II, Folradplatz No. 3/1, Germany; 7063. lanstrasse 42, Germany; 24167. Berlin, , Germany; 11549. Karl Julius Kretschmer; Rodenbergstrasse Hans Th. Kretzschmar; (24a) Sprotze, Wwe. C. Kretzschmar (Mrs. Karl Fried­ 81, Berlin, N. 113, Germany; 23842. Bez. Hamburg, Germany. rich); Post Priorei, Kreis, Hagen (W estf.), Kurt Kretzschmar; Leipsic, Germany; Wilhelm Kretzschmar; Leipsic, Germany; Germany; 369. 9041. 9043. Eduard Kretschmer; Schmeil, No. 62, Post Leopold Kretschmer; 76 Ehlingen, Kreis Wilhelm Kretschmer; Wittlich, Rheinland, Stadt-Liebau in Moravia, Sudetengau, Ger­ Nördlingen, Bavaria (13b), Germany (U. S. Germany; 5649. many; 7121. Zone); 9362. Willy Kretzschmar; Bergstrasse 4, Grüna, Eduard Kretschmer; Ingridpfad 17/n, Lieselotte Kretschmer; Hohenzollern- (Sachsen) Bundesland, Sachsen, Germany; Berlin-, Germany; 23966. strasse 43, Kassel, Germany; 23536. 2257, 5238. Eduard Kretschmer; Berlin-Lankwitz, non Lothar Kretschmer; Soharrnstrasse 21, L Bedanstr. 20, Germany; 23665. Frankfurt (Oder), Germany; 23801. Emil Kretschmer; Köhlerstrasse 8, Berlin- Julius Kretschmer; Kalvarienberggasse 32, Maria Labusch; Flieden, Kr. Fulda, Zent - West, .Germany; 23841, Vienna XVII, Ostmark, Germany; 17586. 102 bei Klug, Germany; 5814. fío. 15------5 610 NOTICES

Antonie Maria Elizabeth Lagrange, nee Emma Lehmann, nee Mrs. Robert Fresche; Wilhelmina Leuchtner, nee Schaefer; Weindel; Kirn a. d. Nabe, Rheinland, Ger­ Wuppertal-Elberfleld, LagetsträsseA 27/11, Hauptstrasse, Iffezheim, Germany; 183. many; 9527. Germapy; 8975. Antonie Leükert; Gchildescherstrasse 87, August Lambert; , Anna Lelymbrink; Südholzweg 38, Watten- Bielefeld, Germany; 3932. Rheinpfalz, Germany; 5016. scheid-Houtroop, Westfalen, Germany; 17096. Friedrich Wilhelm Leukert; Herforder­ Henrietta Lämmel, nee Schaeffer; Querch- Anna Leicht; c/o John F. Hermann, Bern­ strasse 79K Bielefeld, Germany; 276. heimer Strasse 2-a, Landau (Pfalz)*, Ger­ hardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden) j Germany; * Miss Johanna Lewing; Gardehbergstrasse many; 23806. % 10437. ’-' 11, Herford (Westfalen), Prussia, Germany; Bernadine Lammers; Steinhausen, Kreis Anna Barbara Leicht; , Kreis, 4946. Buren, Westfalen, Germany; 563. Hunffld, Germany; 10182. Helene Hedwig Feodora Lewy; Beeren Jakob Lammert; Koblenz am Rhein, Rhein Christian Leicpt; c/o John F. Herrmann, Strasse 20A, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany; Str. 28, Germany; 12308. Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ 22980. Philipp Lammert; Muehlheim b. Koblenz, many; 10440. Mathias Leyk; Temmels, Germany; 24821. Bassenheimer Str. 25, Germany; 12809. Emil Leicht; c/o John F. Herrmann, Bern­ Robert Liberty; (20) Gottingen, Groner- Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- hardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; lanstr. 11, Germany; 5269. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distribu­ 10435. Wilhelm Lichtnow; Blumenthal über Fer- tees, names unknown, of Joh. Peter Lam­ Jacob Leicht; c/o John F. Herrmann, Bern­ dinandshof/Pommern, Germany; 15908. mert, deceased. hardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; Bruno Liebenow; Ringstrasse 10, Pasewalk, Christoph Landau; Marburg (Lahn), Rent- ^ 0436. Pommern, Germany; 5712. hof, Nr. 5, Germany; 418. Lina Leicht; c/o John F. Herrtnann, Bern­ Alwine Lienecke; Wedingen, Kr. Neuhal­ Mrs. Heinrich Landversicht; Höperhöfen, hardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; densleben, Germany; 9720. Kreis Rotenburg, i/Hann, Germany; 10864. 10438. Andreas Lieser; Trier/Mosel, Bruecken- Maria Landversicht, nee Hasemann; Has- Wilhelm Leicht; c/o John F. Herrmann, strasse 6, Germany; 12180. tedter-Heerstrasse 5i5, Bremen, Germany; Bernhardsträsse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Mrs. Hedwig Lili; Wurmsergasse, 49/47, Vi­ 10251. many; 10429. enna 15, Ostmark, Germany; 23844. Katharina Lang, nee Läpple; Bahnhof­ Wilhelm Leicht; c/o John F. Herrmanp, Josef Limbach; Buch bei Kastellaun, Bez. strasse 189, Utting a. A., Germany (U. S. Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Koblenz (Hunsrueck), Rheinland, ^Germany- Zone); 10252. many; 10439. 17864. Helene Lange, nee Schaffer (Margaretha Wilhelm Leicht; c/o John F. Herrmann, Heinrich Limpert; Remscheid, NRW, 23a Auguste); Nagelsweg 9, Hamburg, Germany; Germany; 17441. Langestrasse, Germany. 1332. Friedrich Leihener; Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Katharina Linddörfer; c/o John F. Herr­ Hermann Lachenmartn; Stuttgart/Reut- Chlodwigstrasse 17a, Germany; 8990. mann, Bernhardstr. 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), lingen, Germany. Max Leihener; Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Renn- Germany; 10409. Marie Landversicht; (24) Lübeck, Gneise- baumerstr. 7, Germany; 8989. Wilhelm Lindemann; Künsebeck, No. 45, naustr. 16-18, Germany. Eva Leineweber, nee Adelsbach; Trier- Krs. Halle i. Wv., Germany; 24189. Karoline Lange; Elisabethstrasse 5, Nien­ Euren an der Mosel, Schiverihgstrasse 17, /Anna Lindenburger, nee Haase; Stettiner­ burg an der Weser, Hannover, Germany; Germany; 12271. strasse 9, Stettin-Pommerensdorf, Germany; 20930. Joseph Leinweber; Veitsteinbach, Kr. Fulda 5724. Maria Lange, nee Pigge; Hillershausen, Post 57, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 2229. Elisabeth Lindner; 270, Bahnhofstrasse, Corbach, Waldeck, Hessen, Germany; 10256. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Vorsfelde, Trs. , Germany. 17770. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Anna Link; c/o John F. Herrmann, Bern­ Minna Lange, nee Schäfer; , names unknown, of Anton Leisse, deceased; hardstr. 9, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany; 10402. Magdeburg J. Land, Lreos Volmirstedt, Ger­ Germany; 6510. August Link; Leopoldstrasse 143, Waib- many; 8677, 9719. Adolf Leisse; Doebelnersträsse 79, Dresden, stadt, Germany; 12089. Johann Langebeck; Ottostrasse 32, Aachen, N. 23, Germany; 254". Elisabeth Lina Link; Freeburg i. Br.,-Ger­ Germany; 12244. Johann Leisse; Eversberg/Ruhr, Westfalen, many; 12085. Mariä Langemeyer, nee Kohlbrecher; Germany; 9028. Josef Gustav Link; Robert-Wagnerstr. 178, Hollage Nr. 63, Wallenhorst, bei, Osnabrück, Johannes Leisse; Fruler Lammstf. 29, Jetzt Waibstadt, Amt, Linsheim, Baden, Germany; Germany; 14302. am Brunnenhof 29, (24a) Hamburg-Altona, 12090. Christian Läpple; Steineback bei München, Germany. Paul Link; Detmold, Palaisstrasse 47, Ger­ (Bayern), Germany; 7205. Maria Katherina Leiwesmeier, nee Hans- many (British Zone). Georg Läpple; Bad Wörishofen, Bayern, meir; c/o Johann Leiwesmeir, Franzeskaner- Hermann Linke; Wilhelmstrasse 50, Pase­ Germany; 11553. mauer 1, Paderborn, Germany, 17573. walk in Pómmérn, Germany; 5816. Hedwig Lasezkl, nee Haase; Kleine Markt­ Mrs. Gertrude Lemmer; Alexanderstrasse Paul Linke; Viereck über Pasewalk-Land, strasse 14, Swinemünde; Germany; 10933. 14, Düsseldorf a. Rhein, Germany; 5661. Pommern, Germany; 5715. Mrs. Josef Latz, nee Salentin; Unter- Johanna Lengnick, nee Schaefer; Danzig- Charles Lintner; Vienna 13, Hickelgasse Vlatten, Düren-Land, Rheinland, Germany; Langfuhr, Anton-Moeller Weg 5/11, Ger­ 15/15/3, Ostmark, Germany; 23072. 12200. many; 8153. Dorothea Elisabeth Liphardt, nee Brandt Mrs. Peter Latz, nee Salentin; Unter-Vlat­ Paul Lengnick, Rosenberg, Rechte, Mauer- (Mrs. Ludw ig); Wickenrode No. 47, Bezirk ten, Düren-Land, Rheinland, Germany, str. 5, West Prussia, Germany. Kassel, Germany; 473. 16055. , . Auguste Ida Karoline Lenz; Selbecker- Anna Margarethe Lippert; Hattenrode, Juliana Laub, nee Haider; Thannhausen strasse 60, Hagen in Westfalen, Germany, Kreis, Ziegenheim, Germany; 10183. (Waldsee), Württemberg, Germany; 9316. 1357. Katharina Litzenberger, nee Studt; Kap­ Mathilde Laub; Aulendorf, Württemberg, Eugen Lenz; Dahl 120, Westfalen', Ger­ peln Kr. Birkenfeld, Germany; 23697. Germany; 9302. many; 1355. Herman Lochenmann; Stuttgart, Hoppen- Agnes Laubingen; Lennestrasse 51, Bonn Friedrich VJilhelm Lenz; Boelerstr. 81, laustr. 26, Germany. a/Rhein, Germany; 4233. Hagen, Westfalen, Germany; 1354. ''A n n a Löcher, nee Frische; Wuppertal- Richard Lauckner, Ackerstrasse 133, Ber­ Friedrich Wilhelm Lenz; Kaiserstrasse 60, Hahnerberg, Korzerterstr. 21, Germany; 8969. lin N. 31, Germany; 5155. (Reg. Bez. K öln), Germany; Jakob Locher; (10b) Leipzig S. 3, Kochstr. 40, H I/1, Germany; 12661. Theresia Lauer, nee Adelsbach; Trier- 4215. Wilhelmine Löding, nee Quast; Wahren-«- Euren an der Mosel, Triererstr., Germany; Johanna Lenz; Gustav Freytagweg 24, Co­ dahl bei Hemeringen, No. 117, Germany; 12270. burg, Germany; 111. 16528. Ann Laumer; Berlin N. 58, Senefelderstr. Karl Otto Heinrich Lenz; Selbeckerst 60, Katharina Loeber; Hoehlsgasse 7, Mat- 23, Germany; 23666. 21 b Hagen in Westfalen, Germany; 1356. Karoline Lenz; c/o Apotheker Schmidt Ep- burg/Lahn, Germany; 6500. Margaretha Maria Laun, nee Schaeffler; penhauserstrasse 49a Hagen, Westfalen, Ger­ Otto Loeffart; Hotel Zur Post, Lüdenscheid, Wol«j|enweg n, Hamburg 20, Germany; many; 4216. Germany; 534. 20402. Anna Leonhardt; c/o John F. Herrmann, Anna Lohmeier; Preussische Oldendorf, Otto Lauffs; Kl. Friedbergerstrasse 13, Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Bremerstrasse 48, Kreis Lübbecke in West­ Frankfort am Main, Germany; 10257. many; 10434. falen, Germany; 17335. Luise Leber, c/p John F. Hermann, Bern- Major Leonhard; Westingen, Schulstrasse Emil Eugen Löhner; Tieringen bei Balin­ hardstr. 9, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany; 10, Schwaben, Germany (U. S. Zone),. gen, Württbg., Germany; 5258. 10455., Friedrich Lerche; Velstove, bei Vorsfelde, Dorothea Elisabeth Lohrmann (Mrs. Jo­ Salve Reinartz Langebeck; Aachen, Ger­ Kreis Helmstedt, Germany; 9499. hann Heinrich); Wickenrode, Post Grossal- many; 12184. Elisabeth Lessat, nee Trebing; Sturmshof •merode, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 17905. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- 8, Stinneshofen, Essen-Karnap, Germany; Engelhard Lohrmann; Wickenrode, N. 104, at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, 20376. Bez. Kassel; Post Gross-Almerode, Germany; names unknown, of Josef Ledergerber, de* Karl Letschert; Meudt, Kreis Ober, Wester­ 471.' ceased; Germany; 21891. wald, Germany; 16012. Jakob Wilhelm Lohrmann; Wickenrode, Josefa Leher, nee Wenig; Vienna 17, Geb- Ellen Leuber; Trier Moselland, Lindenstr. Post Grossairode, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; lergasse 123, Ostmark, Germany; 23071. No. 35, Germany. 17907. - % • T u e sd a y , J a n u a r y 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 611

Karl Lohrmann; Bahnhofstrasse 178, Free- Mrs. Hermann Madlener; Kanalstrasse 11, Katharina Mattem; Minfeld, Germany; lendorf, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 17906, Pfüllendorf (Baden), Germany; 5088. 10578. Karl August Lohrmann; Ringenkühl, Wick­ Marie Maerz, nee Thorman; Scharnhorst­ Johanne Matthies; Lachem bei Hameln enrode, Post Grossalmerode, Hessen-Nassau, strasse 6, Stettin, Germany; 17672. No. 14-a, Germany; 16544. Germany; 17911. Saloma Maetz; Kehl a/Rhein, (Germany; Adelheid Maus (Mrs. Bernhard); Veit- Anna Klara Loos (Mrs. Ludw ig); Kellstrasse 10499. steinbach 57, Post Neuhof, Kreis Fulda, 13, Bochum-Dahlhausen, Germany; 17038. Betty Magka; Württenfeld-Linz, Germany. Hessen-Nassau, Germany, 507, 2227. Heinrich Loose; Köln-Brück, Longhardter- Maria Mahler, nee Schaeffer; Wesermünde, Bernhard Maus; Veitsteinbach, Kr. Fulda hof, b. Kassel, Niederzissen, Nlützingen, Ger­ York-St. 1, Germany; 10748. 57, Hessen-Nassau,, Germany, 2231. many. Henriette Mahnkopf, nee Melzer; - Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Paul Lorenser, Radolfzell, Germany. strast 99, Herford in Westfalen, Germany; at-law, next of kin, legatees and distribu­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- 17413. tees, names unknown, of Mrs. Johanna at-law, next of fin , legatees and distributees, • . Dr. A. Mailaender; Saarlautern, Loth- Mause, deceased; Germany; 10187. names Ä kn ow n , of August Losenkamp, de­ ringerstr. 9, Germany; 11556. Auguste May; Hindenburgstr. 57, Eydt- ceased, Germany; 8980. Kurt Mainzer;, c/o John F. Herrmann, kuhnen (Ostpreussen), Germany; 586. Friedrich Lotz; Michelsberg, Kreis, Zieg­ Bernhardstr. 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Dorothy May; c/o John F. Herrmann, Bern- enheim, Germany; 10184. many; 10476. hardtstr. 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Wilhelmine Mainzer; c/o John F. Herr­ 12032. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, mann, Bernhardstr. 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Fritz May; Karalene bei Insterburg, Ost­ names unknown, of Minna Lücke, deceased; Germany; 10477. preussen, Germany; 587. Germany; 60. Victoria Maisch; Muggensturm, i/B, Ger­ t Gertrud May; Eydtkuhnen, Auguststrasse Martha Maria Lückert, nee Schaffer; Scha- many; 10595. 11, Königsberg (Ostpreussen), Germany; 585. perstrasse 34, Berlin, W 50, Germany; 5645. Maria Maltz, nee Losenkamp; Wuppertal- Georg , Peter Mayfarth; Kassel/Betten- Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Elberfeld, Nüzenbergerstr. 139, Germany; hausen, Dormannweg No. 89, Germany; at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, 8082. 14888. names unknown, of Ferd. Lücking, deceased; -Friedrich. Mandel; Mannheim-Sandhofen, Maria Mayrhofer; Post Oberhausen über Dingolfing, Obermünchsdorf No. 52%, Nie- Germany; 4975. Germany; 23579. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- , Frieda M andler;. Ringstrasse 21, Schwal- derbayem/Bayern,. Germany; 286. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, bach, im Taunus, Germany; 23535. Elisabeth Schaefer Meerbothe; Post- names unknown, of Georg Lude, deceased;. , otto Mandler, Brackstrasse 6, Schmalkal­ schliessfach 71, Linz/Rhein, Germany; 5341. Henriette Mehl, nee Wiemer; Bochumer- Germany; 6069. den, i. Thür., Germany; 24190. Erna Ludolf, nee Faust; Mosheim, Kreis, ■ Lydia Mantele, John F. Herrmann, Bern­ strasse 79, Herne in Westfalen, Germany; Fritzlar-Homberg, Germany; 10185. hardstr. 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; 14304. Ernst Lüdwig; Eschbachstrasse 3, Solingen- • 10453...... Anna Marie Meier; Angenrod, Kreis Als­ feld, Germany; 10186. Wald, Germany; 23807. Alma Marenzeller, nee. Bausquet; Vienna . Friederike Meier, nee Schaefer; Minde- . Gustav F. Ludwig; Bückeburg, Germany;: III, Linke Bahngasse 3, Ostmark, Germany; nerstr. 14, Bad, Oeynhausen, Germany; 458. 23845. 12409. Franz Ludwig; Möllersdorf a/d Aspang- Domiciliary personal representatives, Fritz Meier; Bad Oeynhausen/Westfalen, bahn, bei Wien, Ostmark, Germany; 22994. heirs-at-law, next of kin, legatees and dis­ Mindenerstrasse 14, Germany; 4150. Joseph Ludwig; Pottenstein a/d Triesting, tributees, names unknown, of Luise Mrs. Fritz Meier; Bad Oeynhausen/West­ falen, Mindenerstrasse 14, Germany; 4154. No. 151, Ostmark, Germany; 22993. Ernestine Charlotte Marks, deceased; Ger­ Maria Ludwig; Singerstrasse 21, Vienna 1, many; 10717. Heinrich Meier; Overhofstrasse 1, Wanne- Eickel, Germany; 21134. Ostmark, Germany; 22992. Rosalie Marks, nee Schäfer; Frankfurt am Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Main, Mendelsohnstr. 77/1, Germany; 5255. Sophie Caroline Meier; Wetscherfelde, at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Adolf Markus; Römerstrasse 24, Düs­ Kreis , Hannover, Germany; 13775. names unknown, of Maria Katharina Ludwig, seldorf, Germany; 6657. Wilhelm Meier.; Holzwiesen 6, Seitenweg 27, deceased; Germany; 17571. Erna Marquardt; Sigismundkorso 67, Ber­ Hannover, Germany; 13759. Paul Lueckert; Kochhannstrasse 2, Berlin lin-, Germany; 23606. Wilhelm Meier; Verlaegerte Bothfelder- O. 34, Germany; 5179. Domiciliary personal representatives, strasse, Siedlungskolonie 37, Garten No. 14, Frank Luedtke; (20a) Celle, Markt 18, Ger­ heirs-at-law, next of kin, legatees and dis­ Hannover, Germany; 5670. many (British Zone). tributees, names unknown, of Minna Mar­ Wilhelmine Dorothee Meier; Tonnenheide August Luepping; Am Schwarzen Meer 10, quardt, deceased; Germany; 9949. bei Rahden, Kreis Luebbecke (Westfalen), Bremen, Germany; 6180. Domiciliary personal representatives, Germany; 13776. Dora Luer; Fahnstrasse 11, (23) Norden­ heirs-at-law, next of kin, legatees and dis­ Marie Justine Elise Meil (Mrs. H .); Brem­ ham, in Oldbg., Germany.(British Zone). tributees, names unknown, of Caroline erstrasse 4, III, Hofgeismar, Reg. Bez. Kassel, Mrs. Alois Lues; Kellinghausen, Rüthen Martheus, deceased; Germany; 10057. Germany; 2480, 4203. (Mohne), Land (Westf.), Germany; 253. Allwine Martin; Morbach b. Kaiserslautern, Ernst Meinung; Gebrüderstrasse 13, Esch- Franziska Lues; Mastholte, Kreis Wieden­ Rheinpfalz, Germany; 23691. wege A. Werre, Reg. Bez. Kassel, Germany; brück, Westfalen, Germany; 239. Domiciliary personal representatives, 6543. Wilhelm Lüke; Bischofshagen No. 1, heirs-at-law, next 'of kin, legatees and dis­ Minna Meisolle nee Schäffer; Todtenhau­ Löhne in Westfalen, Kreis Herford, Ger­ tributees, names unknown, of Elisabeth Mar­ sen bei Minden in Westfalen Germany; 8786. many; 103. tin, deceased; Germany; 23687. Alfred Meissner; Schwitz-Saxony (10a), Maria Lummerzum; Remscheiderstrasse 55 Elisabeth Juliane Olga Eugenie Martin; District Puna, Krunzstr. 6, Germany; 8569, Koeln-Kalk, Germany; 11555. Palmengartenstrasse 6, Frankfurt-am-Main, 9671. Lina Lunz; (13a) Nürnberg, Auss. Sulz- Germany, 14244. Anton Meitinger; Asch-Swabia, Bavaria, nacherstr. 34/1, Germany. Fedor Martschin, Kopernikusstrasse 55, Germany; 5434. Herman Rudolf Lüpping-Rottmann; Wes- Dresden N. 23, Germany; 11557. Karl Melcher; Vorstadt z. Garten 24, Fried­ tercappeln-Sennlich 10, bei Tecklenburg, . Hugo Martschin; Lindenstrasse 11-12/IV, berg, Hessen, Germany; 6525. Germany; 16697. Berlin S. W. 68, Germany; 16657. Franziska Melzer; Nettelbeckstrasse 21, Mrs. Auguste Lütgens; Segebergstrasse 2, Max Martschin; Gaisburgstrasse 27, Stutt­ Berlin W. 62, Germany; 20810. Lübeck, Germany; 716. gart, Germany; 22776. Heinrich Melzer; Dinslaken-Kicsfeld, Fich­ Martha Luttermann; Mittelstrasse 4, Bad Oswald Martschin; Am Torbagen 4/1 r., tenstrasse 127, Rheinland, Germany; 14291. , Germany; 5696. Dresden A-36, Germany; 20715. Josef Melzer; Ankum bei Bersenbrück, Tie­ Lucie Lutz; Grobenzell/, Bavaria, Matthias Marx-Herber; Schndorf-Perl an fenweg; Bezirk, Osnabrück, Germany, 14295. Germany. der Mosel, Kreis Trier, Germany; 12276. Chaplin Adolph Menge; Kreutzstrasse 61, Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Johann (Hans) März; Adolf Hitlerstr. 7, St. Kreuz, Dortmund, Germany; 4201. Maria Schäfer Menzenbach; Horhausen/ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Groebenzell, Germany; 11362. names unknown, of Margaretha Lutz, de­ Katharina Marzi; Weissenthurm b. Kob­ Westerwald über Neuwied, Rheinland, Ger­ many; 11339. ceased; Germany; 12273. lenz, Rheinland, Germany, 12306. Willi Marzini; Ebersbach/Württemberg, Karolina Merk, nee Mueller; Oberigling 23 Mathias Lutz; Konz bei Trier an der Mosel, bei Landsberg, a/Lech, Oberbayern, Ger­ Olkstrasse 33, Germany; 12272. Germany. many; 499. Adam Luy; Augsburg-Göggingen, Re. Hermann Masche; (20a) Bevenson Kreis Pastorenstr. 3, Germany (British Olga Hermiene Hedwig Merke, nee Scheller; Fluchtl. Lager “C”; Bar. IV/5, Bavaria, Ger­ Thtirttigerstrasse 3, Kiästrin-Kietz, Germany; many (U. S. Zone). Zone). Margaretha Mast; Muggensturm, i/B, Ger­ 17867. Stefan ; Mayen (Rheinland), Charlotte Merkel, nee Schaefer; Kreis P il- Brueckenstrasse 24 (22 L.), Germany; 17546. many; 10597. Hilde Mathes; Neuberg a. Donau, Fischer- kallen, Walddorf, Post Willuhnen, Ger­ Josefa Maas; Hamm (Westfalen) Wilhelm- strasse Nr. 230, Germany; 4830. many; 584. str. 117 Germany. Vally Matouch-Etrich; Rosdorferweg 14, - Margaretha Merkel; Landau Id. Pfalz, M Göttingen, Germany; 15919. Bürgerstrasse No. 8, Germany; 23016. .Marie Merkel; Fischerstrasse 110, Iffezheim, Rosa Mack; Muggensturm i/B, Germany; Bertel Matter; Wertheim a/Main, Bard- Germany; 171. 10541. onstr. 19» Germany. 612 NOTICES

Elise Mersdorf (Mrs. Anton); Hotel K u rsi­ Bernhard Moeller; Veilsteinbach, above Elisabeth Müller; Oberigling (Bayern), erst von Trier, , Eifel, Germany; Neuhof, Distr. of Fulda, Germany; 256. Germany; 11367. 10261. Emma Moeller; Kerzell, District of Fulda, Emma Müller; Winterstrasse 16/n, Karl­ Katharina Mtertens; Laubeschlägerstrasse Germany; 6535. sruhe in Baden, Germany; 20817. 11, , Germany; 24592. Karl Moeller; Eichenried, üeber Neuhof, Franz Müller; Oberhausen-Osterfeld, Hu- Heinrich Mertens; Bad Peterstal (Land Distr. of Fulda, Germany; 268. gelstrasse 18, Nordrhwinwestfallen, Germany Baden), Hauptstrasse 229, Germany; 798. . Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- (British Zone); 14297. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Franziska Müller; 108, Ger­ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, names unknown, of Johann Moellers, de­ many; 11368. names unknown, of Marie Mertens, deceased; ceased; Germany; 5028. Heinrich Müller IV; Echzell in der Wetterau, Germany; 9550. Alexis Mollert; bei Horhausen, Germany; 8814. Johanna Luise Mertins; -Brauck Ueber Neuvied/ Westerwald, Germany; 11276. Jacob Müller; Goebenstrasse 4/1, Frankfurt (Westf.), Post Gelsenkirchen-Horst, Ufer- Anna Moffert; Willroth bei Horhausen, a/M. Bockenheim, Germany;* 15825. strasse 28, Germany; 588. Ueber Neuwied/Westerwald, Germany; 11271. Josef Müller, Jr.; Wallenhorst I bei Osna­ Josef Metten; _ Brunscappel, Kr. Brilon, Heinrich Moffert; Willroth bei Horhausen, brück, Germany; 14300. Sauerland, Germany; 4213. Ueber Neuwied/Westerwald, Germany; 11272. Josefa Müller; Oberigling (Bayern), Ger­ Wilhelm ; Brüsselerstrasse 4. Cologne, Johann Moffert; Wilbroth bei Horhausen, many; 11369. Kentucky; 511, 5126. Ueber Neuwied/Westerwald, Germany; 11274. Josefine Müller; Holsterhauserstrasse 129, Christine Mathilde Agnes Metzger, Roon- Josef Moffert; Willroth bei Horhausen, Essen, Westfalen, Germany; 16015. strasse 15, Koeln am Rhein, Germany; 13634. Ueber Nelwied/Westerwald, Germany; 11275. Katherina Elisabeth Müller; Oberkauf­ Jacob Metzinger, Martin-Lutherstrasse 97, Peter Moffert; Willroth bei Horhausen, ungen, Bez. Kassel, Germany; 17775. Berlin, W 30, Germany; 9476. Ueber Neuwied/Westerwald Germany; 11273. Konrad Müller; Post: Bad-Wörishofen, Mrs. Adolfa Meyer; Schlachterstr. 32/IV, Barbara Mogele; Siebuach, bei Augsburg Stockheim, Bavaria, Germany; 5436. Hamburg bei Baurmeister, Germany; 20690. (Bayern), Germany; 11364. Miss Kreszenz Müller; Oberigling (Bayern), Elisabeth Meyer, Steinstrasse 1, Pasewalk, Marie Möhle; (20a) Grünenplan über Al­ Germany; 11370. Pommern, Germany; 5823. feld-Leine, Sehülstrasse 5F, Provinz, Hann­ Ludwig Müller; Buchloe, Bahnhofplatz 55b, Elise Meyer; Penterweg 10, bei over, G erm any'(British Zone). Germany; 11371. Osnabrück, Germany; 5056. Katharina Mohr; Pozzistrasse 3, Mannheim, Magdalena Müller; Nollenburgerweg 63, Engel Marie Sophie Meyer; Rehren 32, Germany; 10262. Emmerich am Rhein-Huethum, Germany; Grafschaft Schaumburg, Germany, Hose- Mrs. Peter Mohr; Irlich b/Neuwied a/Rhein, 132. Land; 17596. Germany; 6669. Margrete Müller; Köln-Lindenthal, Düren- Friedrich Heinrich Meyer; Helzendorf, Emma Moje; Ernst Begeestweg 29, Harburg- erstr. 217, Germany; 12268. Kreis Hoya, Prov. Hannover, Germany; 114. Wilhelmsburg 1, Germany; 9337. Maria Müller; Eckstrasse 49, Meudt, Kreis Gustav Adolf Meyer; 15 Burg bei Bremen, Amalie Molitor; Trier/, Petrusstr. Ober, Westerwald, Germany; 16014. Germany; 5217, 6674. 10, Germany; 12246. Marie Magdalene Becker Müller; Horhausen Heinrich Friedrich Carl Meyer; 3 Klus­ Catharina Molitor; Tier an der Mosel, Pe­ (Westerwald), Uber. Neuwied (Rhein), mannstrasse, Ricklingen, Hannover, Ger­ trusstrasse 10, Rheinland, Germany; 12267. Hauptstrasse 20, Germany; 10879. many; 10734. Elise Möller; Grossalmerode-Bassberg 5, Meinrad Müller; Oberigling, Schloss- Herta Meyer; c/o Hindersin, Passauer­ Kr. Witzenhausen, Bez., Kassel, Germany; (Bayern), Germany; 11372. strasse 32, Berlin W. 50, Germany; 24692. 17534. Regina Müller; bei Bauer Bergmann, Hol­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Felix Möller; in Westfalen, Obe­ lage, Post Wallenhorst bei, Osnabrück, Ger­ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, reimerstrasse 14, Germany; 657. many; 14301. names unknown, of Mrs. Johanna Meyer, de­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Theodore Müller; Dr. Friekstrasse 63, Hil­ ceased; Germany; 15909. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, farth, Bez. Aachen, Germany; 23970. Luise Meyer; 15 Burg bei Bremen, Ger­ names unknown, of Franziska Möller, de­ Theresa Müller; Koblenz, Germany; 15443. many; 5216, 10714. ceased; Germany; 8942. Theresia Müller; Allendorf, Krs. Mar- Maria Meyer (w itw e); Pye, Post Osna­ Katharina Möller; Kölnerstrasse 597, Kre- burg/Iahn, Germany; 23309. brück-Eversburg, Germany; 14283. feld-Ficheln, Germany; 16761. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Martha Meyer; Schmiedestrasse 10, Salz­ Loni Möller; Opladen-Holzhausen, Rhein­ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, wedel i. d. Altmark, Germany; 9350. land, Germany; 16013. names unknown, of Wilhelm Müller, de­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Marie Moretsky; Mauerstrasse 5, Kassel, ceased; Germany; 11373. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Germany; 16418. Barbara Münch; Edenkoben, , names unknown, of Mrs. Ottilie Meyer, de­ Nickolaus Morgen; (Acherer), Kernscheid Klosterstrasse 13, Germany; 8307. ceased; Germany; 10056. bei Trier, Germany; 20575. Elisabeth Münnig; Bochum-Dahlhausen Robert Meyer; Dehnhaide 1, Hamburg 22, Nikolaus Morgen; 22B-Wilzenburg, Post (Ruhr), am Birkenwald #32, Germany; 6663. Germany; 23322. Pluwig bei Trier, an der Mosel, Germany; Barbara Schaeffer Münzing; Hoehr-Grenz- Karoline Meywirth; Wickenrode 68, Post 15564. hausen, Westerwald (Hessen-Nassau) Rhein- Grossalmerode, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; Auguste Magdalena Moritz; Saarmunderstr. str. 96, Germany; 9008. 16990. 6, Potsdam bei Berlin, Germany; 20758. Jakob Myer; Rohrbach )). Landau, Pfalz, Mrs. Anna Elisabeth Miara (Mrs. Franz); Franz Mörschel; GaustraSse 10, Kaiserslau­ Germany; 6655. Dierschauerstrasse 4, Bochum, Germany; tern (Saar-Pfalz), Germany; 22675. Thereze Mynar; Pratterstrasse 68, Vienna H, 15911. Dr. R. Mörschel; Hindenburgallee 29, Butz­ Ostmark, Germany; 23803. Alfred Michaelis; Jörkstrasse 28, bach (Oberhessen), Germany; 15910. Anna .Myrow; (23) Nordseebad Juist, Jo­ Berlin-Karlshorst, Germany; 11558. Katharina Morschheuser; Oberlahr. Kr. sephstift. Hannover, Germany; 5726. Altenkirchen, Rheinland, Germany; 9769. Franz Michel; Ebenweiler, Germany; 9855. N Martha Michel; c/o Anna Hänsch, Dann- Anna Motz; Rothselberg (Saarpfalz), Ger­ dorfstr. 8, Dresden-A. 20, Germany; 20369. many; 23686. Martha Wilhelmine Nagel; Cellerstr. 57, Mrs. Albert Mies; Bodendorf/Ahr Rhein­ Konrad Georg Mötzing; Widderhausen, Hannover-O-Germany; 20351. land, Bez. Koblenz, Germany; 419. Bez. Kassel, Germany; 10725. Helene Nassen; Post Wilroth, Neuwied- Marie Schafer Milbert; Trösel, Post Wein- Emilie Mötsch; Buckelburg (Schaumburg- Land, Bez. Koblenz, Germany; 12116. heim, Germany; 15195. Lippe), Bahnhofstrasse, Germany; 4287. Wilhelm Neumann; Frohnhausen, Reg. Balbina Miller; -Neustadt 455, Adam Mueller; Sardebeck, Kreis Höxter, Bez., Kassel, Germany; 16137. Niederbayern, Germany; 5559. Germany; 24693. Katharina Nebel; Allendorf (Kreis Mar­ Kreszenz Miller; Schnalzstr. 327, Pelting, Adele Mueller; Wiesbaden, Herderstrasse, burg), Bez. Kassel, Germany; 21035. Germany; 11363. 11/1, Germany; 6524. Anna Neerfeld; Magdaleneustrasse 58, Lydia Crescentia Miltner; Vorholzstrasse Minna Mueller; Dielenburg, Germany; Bonn a/Rhein, Germany; 5167. 41, Karlsrue, Baden, Germany; 9528. 21965. Otto Neher; Ludwigstrasse 40, Lindau- M. Minck; Gaswerkstr. 2, Sandhofen near Ursula Mueller; Kreuzstrasse 47, Bad Bodensee, Germany; 6624. Mannheim, Baden, Germany; 22715. Neuenahr. Rheinland, Germany; 13633. Margarete Neiberg; Hochum, Bruckstrasse 14, Germany; 5842. Wilhelm Minder; Gelsenkirchen, Ur­ Veronika Mueller; -Kuchheim, Marie Nennstiel; Erdmannrode, Kreis, sprungsland, Hessen, Germany. Lochheimerstr. 33, Germany. Hünfeld, Germany; 10191. Elise Minten; Krugenofen 17, Aachen, Ger­ Ida Muench; Ragenreute, Kreis Saulgau, Wilhelm Veit Nere; Suedallee 4, Trier, Ger­ many; 4995. Württemberg, Germany; 9312. many; 21956. Heinrich Mintert; Bochum, Castroper Str, W itw e Muller; Minden in Westfl. Friedrich- Eliesabetha Nessel; Obermoschel (Saar 99, Germany. Wilhelmstr. 15, Germany; 11444. Pfalz)", Germany; 21056. Martha Modis; Stadtberg 12, Habel- Auguste Müller; Oberigling 26, Germany; Hans Nettelbeck; Hoppenwalde, Kreis schwerdt, Silesia, Germany; 24548.. 11365. Üeckermünde, Pommern, Germany; 5540. Maria Moehle; Delbrueck (W estf.), Ger­ Auguste Müller; Augustastrasse n, Ko-' Hans Nettelbeck; Solingeu-Ohlegs (22a), many; 84. ningsberg (Ostpreussen), Germany; 582. Düsseldorferstrasse 3, Rheinland, Germany. Anna Barbara Moeller; Mittelkalbach, Kr., Berthold Konrad Müller; Dönnstrasse 118, • Hedwig Nettelbeck; Hoppenwalde, Kreis, Fulda, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 7337. Dortmund-Mengede, Germany; 20630. Ueckermünde, Pommern, Germany; 5541, T u e sd a y , J a n u a ry 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 613

Norbert Neu; Matthiasstrasse 72, Trier, Widow Nollmann; c/o Wilh. Kormeyer, Ernst Ludwig Örtwein; , Ger­ Germany; 21958. Hankenberge, Bez., Osnabrück, Germany; many; 21960.’-* Wilhelm Neu; Am Irscherhof 25, Trier 21041. Friedrich Ortwein; Treis (Hessen), Ger­ (Rheinland), Germany; 20673. Heinrich Nordmeier; Steinbergen 105, bei many; 21410. Julius Neuberger; Burgpreppach, Bayern, Rinteln an der Weser (Schaumburg-Lippe), Gretchen Ortwein; Gelsenkirchen, Ger­ Germany; 5062. Germany; 14147. many; 21963. Franziska Neufang; Homburg/Saar, Brit­ Amalie Nott; c/o Mrs. Elizabeth Austmann, Heinrich Ortwein; Menglinghausen, Ger­ ish Zone, Block 9, Germany. Höggenstr. No. 11, Soest., i/Westphalia, Ger- many; 21964. Mrs. Hedwig Neuhaus; Am Sturmwald 18, manyr 9579. Johannes Ortwein; Willofs, Germany; Dortmund-Barop., Germany; 6627. Frieda Nungesser; Minfeld, Germany; 21962. Karoline Neuhaus; Warburg/Westfalen, 10571. Karl Ortwein; Gelsenkirchen, Germany; Johannistor'41, Germany; 4180. O 21983. Margarethe Neuner; Moehrendorf No. 78, Margaretha Elisabetha Ortwein; Gravenau, Wilhelmine Oberdörfer; Kaerntnerstrasse Landrein, Erlangen, Germany. Kreis Alsfeld, Germany; 10193. 35, Knittelfeld, Steiermark, Ostmark, Ger­ Hildegard L. Neumann; Nagelsweg 19, Düs­ Ewald Osburg; 7 Waldstrasse, Berlin- many; 17499. seldorf-Lohausen, Germany; 6625. Reinickendorf-West, Germany. Gustav. Oberhoff; Obernahmer 50, Hohen­ Lorenz Nick; Sandhausen b. H. Baden, Neu- Max Osterkom; Gendarmerie - Meister, limburg, Westphalia, Germany; 8713. gasse 21, Germany. Kusel-Pfalz, Altestrasse, Nr. 2, Germany. Basilides Obermüller; Raisting 51 bei Weil- Genovefa Nieberle; Iglingerstrasse 2, Lands- Wilhelm Ostermann; Carlnerstrasse, Bad heim, Qberbayern, Germany; 5847. berg/Lech, Germany; 11375. Kreuznach, Germany; 5261. Friedrich Obermuller; Augsburg, Frauen- Karl Nieberle; Post (Allgäu), Heinrich Oswald; Balmungstr. 9/0, Mün­ torstr., F. 26 bei Schlotterer, Germany; 11380. Ratholz 9, Germany; 11376. chen, Germany; 11514. Georg Obermüller; c/o Basilides Obermül­ Mat hias Nieberle; Landsberg/Lech, Ka- Emilie Ötting; Rinteln-an-der-Weser, Ber- tarienenstrasse 66, Germany; 11377. ler, Raisting bei Weilheim, Germany; 5846. linerstr. 6, Germany; 9955. Mat hias Nieberle; Leubas, Kempten/Land, Johann Obermüller; Soldatenstrasse 29, W. Otto; Harzgerod, Kreis Ballenstedt, Germany; 11378. Ulm. a. Donau Württemburg, Germany; 5416. Land Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany. Dr. Willebald Nied; Alexanderstrasse 109, Josef Obermüller; Waal, bei Buchloe Mrs. Otto; c/o Joseph Wiégard, Kilian­ Stuttgart, Germany; 5224, 7986. (Swabia),,Germany; 5414. strasse 24, Paderborn, Germany; 9488. Christian Niederhausen; Weissenbrücken, Josef Okermüller; Longerringen, 126% August Overbeck; Limbergen, Post Neuen­ Post Hamm/Sieg, Kreis, Altenkirchen, Ger­ Augsburg, Bayern, Germany; 5415. many; 17594. Karl Obermüller; Märzisried, Post Ober- kirchen bei-Bramsche, Germany; 20818. Franz Niesner; Diedenbergen, Hauptstrasse beuren/Allgäu,. Germany; 5417. 48, Main-Taunuskreis Hessen, U. S. Zone, Ludwig Obermüller; 91, near z Germany; 12757. Augsburg 2, Bavaria, Germany; 5418. Margareta Paas; 34 Stammheimer-Haupt- Josef Niesner; Bez. Diedenbergen, Haupt­ Marie Obermuller; Grabenstrasse 128, Tür­ strasse, Köln-Stammheim (Rheinland), Ger­ strasse 48, Main-Taunuskreis, Hessen, Ger­ kenheim, Swabia, Bavaria, Germany; 5419. many; 16016. many (U. S. Zone); 12758. Michael Obermüller; Blaichach 14 u. u., Anna-Marie Elisabeth Padberg for the es­ Stefan Niesner; 9 Diedenbergen, Haupt­ Swabia, Germany; 5561. tate of Joseph Padberg; c/o Josef Metten, strasse 48, Main-Taunuskreis, Hessen, Ger­ Sebastian Obermüller; c/o Basilides Ober­ Brunscappel, Kreis Brilon, Westfalen, Ger­ many; 12759. müller, Raisting bei Weilheim, Oberbayern, many; 11765. Wilhelm Niesner; Diedenbergen, Haupt­ Germany; 5845. Wilhelm Paffrath; Unterboschbach I, Berg. strasse 48, Maiii-Taunuskreis, Hessen, Ger­ Sophie Obermuller; Schwäbmünchen, Ba­ Gladbach bei Köln, am Rhein, Germany; many (U. S. Zone); 12886. varia, Augsburgerstrasse 40, Germany; 5420. 10269. Jakob Fr. Niethammer; Wohlfach i. Baden, Wilhelm Obermüller; Immenstadt Allgäu, Wilhelm Pahl; Leipzigerstrasse 6/1, Pots­ Germany; 6626. Horst-Wesselstrasse 16, Germany; 190. dam, Germany; 21145. Barbara Nödler; Wickenrode 40, Hessen- Wilhelm Obermuller; Fasaltstrasse No. 4 Caroline Palenz; Wolfstrasse 24, Homborn Nassau, Germany; 16989. III, 2 Aufg. Munich 38, Germany; 5421. (Rheinland), Germany; 14294. Ferdinand Nödler; Wickenrode bei Grossal­ Willy Obermüller; Bruhl, bei Esslingen Josef Karl Palige; Feurth/Bay, Erlanger- merode, Bez. Kassel, Germany; 16449. a.N., Kanalstr. 2, Germany; 11381. str. 16/1, Germany. Franz Nödler; Giesbergstrasse 39, Kassel, Anton Oberreuter; 115 Siebengebirgsallee, G. Panis; Kellen b/, Haus Grünwald, Germany; 16985. Köln-Klettenberg, Germany; 14175. Germany; 23846. Franz Paul Nödler; Westerfeld über Han­ Fritz Oderwald, Sr., c/o Fritz Oderwald, Jr., Josef Pankoke; Bielefeld/Westfalen, Ga­ nover, Klewertweg 2, Germany; 20353. Dalhausen, Krs. Höxter, Westfalen, Ger­ belsbergerstrasse 9, Germany; 4152. Georg Nödler; Grosser Berg 8, Grossal­ many; 9513. Domiciliary personal representatives, merode, Germany; 20721. v Georg Oegg; Neue Gasse 32/11, Nuernberg heirs-at-law, next of kin, legatees and dis­ Georg Nödler; Wickenrode 140, Hessen- A., Germany; 23809. tributees, names unknown, of Anna Pankow, Nassau; 16992. Sofie Oehlschlaeger; Pfungstadt bei Darm­ deceased; Germany; 5909. Heinrich Nödler^ Am Mühlgraben, Grossal­ stadt, Niedergasse 43 (Hessen), Germany; Heinrich Pape; Steinstrasse 15, Ahlen 1/ merode (Hessen-Nassau), Germany; 20725. 17547. Westfalen, Germany; 5008. Karl I. Johann Nödler; Wickenrode No. 12, Dorothea Oestereich; Cladow (Neumark), Auguste Papendiek; (16) Gladenbach, Kreis Witzenhausen, Bezirk, Kassel, Ger­ bei Landsberg-Warthe, Germany; 19753. Giessener Strasse 12, Germany. many; 20357. Sophia Oesteile; Hauptstrasse Iffezheim, Ida Papenroth; Drewestrasse 36/1, Pots­ Katherine Philippine Nödler; c/o Karl Germany; 169. dam, Germany; 12817, 21026. Nödler I, Wickenrode No. 12, Kreis Witzen­ Agnes Oesting; Hollage, Post Wallenhorst Valentin Pappert, Kiliansberg, Gem. Veit- hausen, Bezirk, Kassel, Germany; 20359- bei Osnabrück, Germany; 14286. steinbach, Kreis Fulda, Hessen-Nassau, Ger­ Konrad Ludwig Nödler; c/o Karl Nödler Mrs. Charl. Emilie Oesterwind; Buecke- many; 9933. I, Wickenrode No. 12, Kreis Witzenhausen, burg, Wallstrasse 67, Germany; 8768. Johanna Parree; am Vierling 24, Berlin- Bezirk, Kassel, Germany; 20360. Mrs. Albertine Oestreicher; Lindenstrasse Zehlrndorf, Germany; 6625. Ludwig Nödler; Flüggste. 26/11 r., Hanno­ 116, Iffezheim, Germany; 151. Louis Pätjo; Lüneburg (Hannover) a.d.,- ver, Germany; 20350. Franz Offermanflfe; Kaiserbergstrasse 5, Münze, 8A, Germany; 4452. Luise -Nödler; Wickenrode bei Grossalme­ Linz a/Rhein, Germany; 5111. Auguste Pätz; über 2, Germany; 21397. rode, Bez, Kassel, Germany; 16445. Hubert Ohm; Hans Hoffmannweg 20, Stet­ Sophie Nödler; Wickenrode, Post Grossal­ tin, Germany; 18161,. Catherina Paulsen; Flensburg, Schleswig- Holstein, Munketoft No. 32, Germany (Brit­ merode, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 20373. Wally Ohrner; Ostringen-Hauptstrasse ish Zone); 4453. Wilhelm Nödler; Leipzigerstrasse 73, Kas­ 110, Kreis-, Baden, Germany (U. S. Franz Pawlowski; Altona, Röperstrasse sel, Germany; 16986. Zone). Wilhelm August Nödler; Weckenstr. 21, 4/11, Germany; 5061. Hans Ohst; Düren, Werneistrasse 78, Ger­ Anna Pees; , Post Horhausen Hannover-Linden, Germany; 20352. many; 5010. Bertha Noelle; Buscheystr. 52a, Hagen in über, Neuwied, Rheinland, Germany; 11266. Franz Opatril; Olmützergasse 8, Mähr. Maria Pees; Luchert bei Horhausen, Über Westfalen, Germany; 5143, 10704. Trübau, Sudetengau, Germany; 13160. Adolf Nöll; Remscheid-Unterreinshagen, Neuwied, Germany; 11267. Helene Ortei; Trebitsch, Germany; 17871. Unter-Reinshagen 19, Germany. Johann Pelzer; Hilforth Callstr. 10, Kreis Mrs. Auguste Noll; Wickenrode 179, Kreis Johann Orth; Weidenbach, Post Kesseling Bez. Aachen, Germany. Witzenhausen, Reg. Bez. Kassel, Germany; (Eifel), Kr. Ahrweiler, Germany; 11513. Bruno Penndorf; Lieneschweg 77, Osna­ 20797. Katharina Ortmüller; Mornshausen a/Salz- brück, Germany; 12989. Bertha Noll; Blumenfeldstrasse 110; Bo­ böde Post Gladenbach, Kreis , Michael Permesang; bei Wesel, chum-Weitmar, Westfalen, Germafiy; 17095. Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 12896. Nordrheimprovinz, Rheinland, Germany; Marie Elisabeth Noll; c/o Karl Nödler I, Adolf Ortwein; Grebenau, Germany; 21959. 12394. Wickenrode No. 12, Kreis Witzenhausen, Be­ Anna Ortwein; Gelsenkirchen, Germany; Christine Peschén; Cleuel near Cologne, zirk, Kassel, Germany; 20361. 21984. Haupt St. 97, Germany. Richard Noll; Wickenrode 176, Kr., Wit­ Dietrich Ortwein; Vadenrod, Germany; Anton Peter; Tanzstrasse 66, Edenkoben, zenhausen, Bez., Kassel, Germany; 20363. 21961, a. d. deutschen, Weinstrasse, Germany; 15913. 614 NOTICES

Maria Peter; Reinickeshof 4/1, Berlin-Rein­ Marie Praeger; Dies dorf 1. Altm., Kr. Salz- Berta Reinartz (Mrs. Fritz); An der Junk­ ickendorf-West, Germany; 5377. Wedel, Germany; 6759. ersmühle 3/5, Bad Aachen, Germany; 12176. Mina Peter; Postrasse 3, Edenkoben, Pfalz, Anna Prager; Ahlum bei Rohrberg, Kr. Emilie Reinartz (Mrs. Friedrich); Herder - Germany; 12161. Balzwedel, Germany; 9509. strasse 40, Düsseldorf, Germany; 12203. Christine Peters; Saling 19/1, Hamburg- Albert Priebe; Berlin, N. W. 40, Lünebur­ Dr. Fritz Reinartz; An der Junkersmühle Hamm, Germany; 12414. gerstrasse 30 v. I, Germany; 5208. 3/5, Bad Aachen, Germany; 12175. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Caroline Johanne Christine Pries; Innien, Fritz Reinartz; Fröndenberg-Ruhr, Schla- at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Germany; 2901. geterstr. 1, German^; 12103. names unknown, of George Peters, deceased; Ella Pudewell; (14) 25 Crailsheimersirasse Heinrich Reinartz; Lindenstr. 62, Hilden/ Germany; 5122. Schwäbisch Hall, Württemberg, Germany Rhein, Germany; 12396. Hans Pez; Herbertshausen, Post , (U. S. Zone); 21111. Jakob Reinartz; Adalbertsteinweg 60, Bad Westfalen, Germany; 7630. Ida Pulsfort; Berlin O. Andreasstrasse 76, Aachen, Germany; 12173. . Anna Pfalz; Landesbad Burtscheid, Aachen, Germany; 17249. Josef Reinartz; Lindenstr. 62, Hilden- Germany; 5267. Gertrud Pütz; Palenberg bei Aachen, Post­ Rhein, Germany; 12397. Johannes Pfannkuch; Zusehen über Fritz­ strasse 74, Germany; 20367. Karl Reinartz; Kaiserswertherstrasse 131, lar, Germany. Duisburg-Wanheim, Germany; 12204. Heinrich Pfeffer; Niederjossa, Germany; Q Paul Reinartz; Wiesenstr. 129, Wuppertal- 21968. Luzie Quacken; Hohenzollernstrasse 90, Elberfeld, Germany; 12245. Konrad Pfeffer; Frankfort on Main, Ger­ Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany; 10766. Otto Reiner; Hulsusgasse 30, F 'ein, Ger­ many; 21967. Sophie Quade; Nienburg (Weser) I^ambur- many; 5148. Therese Pfeffer; Oberigllng St. 26, Jgling, gerstrasse 159, Germany; 21407. Alwin Reinert; Paul Marien Strasse 16, b. Landsberg/L., Bayern, Germany (U. S. Friedrich Quast; Fischbeck (Weser) No. 90, Saarbrücken 3, Germany; 20691. Zone); 567, 5694, 11353. Germany; 16530. Anton Reinert; Temmels bei Trier, Ger­ Ernst Pfeiffer; Hamburg 24, Mundsburger- Heinrich Quast; Fischbeck (Weser), No. many; 17442. damm 46, Germany; 2476. 180, Germany; 16539. Barbara Reinert; Temmels bei Trier, Ger­ Wilhelm Pfeiffer; Steinmetzstrasse 8/II, Herman Quast; Gerichtstrasse 8, Fernruf many; 17445.- Frankfurt am Main, Germany; 273. 93 M, Ahlen, Westfalia, Germany. Mrs. Carl Reinert; Koenen bei Trier, Rhein­ Adolf Pfordt; Saarlouiserstrasse 51, Heus- Maria Anna Quetsch; , Kreis, land, Germany; 12281. weiler/Saar, Germany; 367. Unterwesterwald, Germany; 1027®. Johann Reinert; (22b) Trier, Louis Lintz- Heinrich Pieler; Kr. , Hessen, Rosina Quetsch; Herborn (Dillkreis), Ger­ platz II, Germany; 17450. Jugenheim a. d. Bergstrasse, Germany; 6647. many; 11426. Karl Reinert; Cönen bei Trier an der Mosel Gertrud Pientak; Flügelstrasse 3, Köln- Matilde Quitmann; Godesberg, 17 Fried­ (Rheinland), Germany; 12275. Mülheim, Germany; 115017. richstrasse, Germany; 9843. Mrs. Karl Reinert; Dudweiler, Wilhelm­ shöhe 1, Germany; 12447. Friedrich Pieper; Brome, Kr. Gifhorn, R Bahnhofstrasse 57, Germany; 9497. Mrs. Nikolaus Reinert (Margareta) Fleisch­ Karl Pieper; Flegessen bei Hameln, No. 61, Margareta Raabe; La Fettenhenne über strasse 44, Trier an der Mosel, Germany; Germany; 16529. Opladen, Rheinland, Germany; 15826. 15421. Friedrich Piesche; Olmützerstr. 51, Stern­ Helene Radziejewski; Salzwedel, Rade­ Michel Reinert; Igel, Bezirk Trier, Ger­ berg (Sudetengau), Germany; 11159. strasse 8, Germany. many; 20500. Maria Pietruska; Krölstrasse 43, Garlitz, Sophie Rainer; Wedekindstr. 28, Hannover Otto Reinert; Temmels, Bez. Trier, Kreis Schlesien, Germany; 21469. (20), Germany; 9401. Saarburg, Germany; 20497. Katharina Pilger; Neustadt I/Odw., Haupt­ Bernard Räsch; Bucheller, District of Wilhelm Reinert; Temmels bei Trier (Ack­ strasse 30, Germany. Fulda, Germany; 6776, 11754. erer) i Germany; 20570. Herrmann Pilz; Trebitschefeld, Post Neu- Elisabeth Raschi; Erkrath b. Düsseldorf, Heinrich Reinfrank; Watzengasse 21/c, Ed­ Ulm (Alt. Karbe Land, N. M.), Germany; Morperstr. 10, Germany. enkoben (Rheinpfalz), Germany; 251-A. 17866. Bernard Räsch; Bucheller, District of Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Martha Pilz; Trebitschfeld. Post Nue-Ulm, Fulda, Germany. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Altkarbe Land bei Friedeberg, Neumark, Ger­ Ella Victoria Rattey; Berlin-, names unknown, of Heinrich Reinfrank, de­ many; 17868. Handjerxgtr. 57, Germany; 22981. ceased; Germany; 251-B. Mathias Pinnel; Nittel bei Trier, Germany; Hans Rattey; Holunderweg 5, Berlin- Philipp Reinfrank; Edenkoben (Rhein­ 17444. Spandau-, Germany; 22983. pfalz), Klosterstrasse 69, Germany; 7339. Heinrich Reinhardt; Hameln an der Weser, Martha Pioch; Danzigerstrasse 47, Berlin, Lucie Margarete Rattey; Berlin-Friedenau, N. O. 55, Germany; 6646. Handjerystr. 57, Germany; 22982. Gross Osterfeld Nr. 2, Germany; 12494. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs, Christina Dorothea Pirazek; c/o John F. Emma Rattfann; Pruchten near Barth, Herrmann, Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe, Kreis Franzburg, Pommern, Germany; 5166. at-law, next of Jdn, legatees and distributees, names unknown, of Heinrich Reiske, de­ Baden, Germany; 10421. Mina Ratz; c/o John F. Herrmann, Bern­ Emma Pirzer; Karlsruhe i/B, Germany; hardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany: ceased; Germany; 9549. 10507. 10432. Ludwig Renkel; Ansbacherstrasse 35, II Iks., Berlin, W. 50, Germany; 23812. Wilhelmine Pister; Rhodt a. d. Weinstrasse, Eberhard Rau; Hochberg, a. N., Post, W aib­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Horst Wasselstrasse 19, Germany; 23694. lingen-Land, Germany (U. S. Zone); 4972. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Therese Plank: Maillingerstr. 71, Muen- Senze Michel Rauch; Ebenweiler, Ger­ names unknown, of Carl Friedrich August chen, Germany; 11382. many; 9846. Rentrop, deceased; Germany; 8706. Anna Plaumann; Hamburg 1, Kl. Puver- Frieda Rautter; Crampestrasse 25, Essen, Eduard Rentrop; Wilhelmstrasse 25, Lüden­ teich 15a, Germany (British Zone). Germany; 7318. scheid, i/Westphalia, Germany; 8705. D. Plenge; “Sullinger Nachrichten” Saul­ Kurt Ranisch; Limburg/Lahn, Wester- Maria Renz, Boistern (Saulgau), Württem­ ingen I, Hannover, Germany; 10267. waldstr. 2, Germany. berg, Germany; 9303, 9850. Ilse Pietz; Tiestestr. 2b/Garms, Hannover, HeinrichRebenklau (Hauptmann); Guten­ Auguste Wilhelmine Resch; Alstadt Wal­ Germany; 23847. bergstrasse 22, Zweibrücken (Pfalz), Ger­ denburg, (Sachsen), Gottesgabe 57, Ger­ Johannes Plostica; Laubestrasse 5/II, Bres­ many; 21135. many; 10830. lau 13, Germany; 15914. Marie Redeker; Enger», Berlinerstrasse 33, Katharina Reusch; , Kreis Monta­ Anna Maria Plügge; (21b) /West- bei Rinteln an der Weser, Germany; 9953. baur, Bachstrasse 13, Germany; 15827. falen, Plettenbergerstrasse 23, Germany; Sophia Maria Redeker; Vehlage 12, Kreis Herman Reuter; (20) Hannover, Auf dem 5678. Luebbecke, Westfalen, Germany; 13774. Doom 29, Provinz Hannover, Germany Anna Pauline Poetzsch; Hollmanstrasse 34, August Reese; -Gustavsburg, Nürn- (British Zone); 23586. Kiel-, Germany; 502. bergerstrasse 5, Germany; 6775. Karl Reuter; Schützenstrasse 77/1, Osna­ Elise Pohl; Ackerstrasse 47, Vorn 3 Tr. Toni Sophie Henr. Rehbein; Detmold, brück (Hann.), Germany; 23702. links, Berlin N., Germany; 10268. Meiersfelderstrasse 15, I, Germany; 8779. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Agnes Polak; Kettenbrückengasse 6, Vienna Philipp Rehkopp; Ringstrasse 5, Herne, at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, V. (Ostm ark), Germany; 23804. Sodingen, Germany; 23811. names unknown, of Peter Reuther, deceased; Oswald Pollak; Bahnhofstr. 33, Wedel, Ger­ Otto Reich; Barnimstrasse 56, III, Stettin, Germany; 8860. many. Germany; 5739. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Robert Reich; Immanuelkirchstr. 36/1, -at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Berlin N. O., 55, Germany; 6038’, 10765. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, ' names unknown, of Anna Rhein, deceased; names unknown, of Johann Poth, deceased; Emil Reichert; Schützenstrasse 73, W at- Germany; 20606. tenscheid-Munscheid, Germany; 15916. Germany; 6052. Franz Rhein; Baumschulenstrasse 47, Ber­ Frieda Johanne Potthast; Oldenburg-Os­ Gustav Reichert; Munscheiderstrasse 107, ternburg, Stedingerstrasse 63, Germany; 486, Wattenscheid-Eppehdorf, Germany; 15917. lin-, Germany; 11787. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Wilhelm Reichert; Uellendohlerstrasse Johannes Rhein; Viereck, Pasewak-Land, at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, 332, Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Germany; 16489. Germany; 5716. names unknown, of Anna Pauline Pötzsch, Wilhelm Reichert; , Amt Ettlingen, Johannes Rhein, Jr.; Viereck, Pasewalk- deceased, Germany; 502. Germany; 10577. Land, Germany; 5717. T u e sd a y , J a n u a ry 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 615

Katharina Rhein; Kreis Marburg a/Lahn, names unknown, of Karl Anton Oskar Ros­ Dr. Wilhelm Schaaf; Adolf Hitlerstrasse 20, Germany; 16029. ier, deceased; Germany; 21143. Ladenburg (Baden), Germany; 5130. Maria Rhein; Viereck, Post Pasewalk-Land, Johann-Rosenkranz; 22a Essen-Ruhr, J. P. Schaaff; Hindenburgstrasse 23, Hed­ Germany; 5529. Kruppstrasse 378, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Ger­ desheim, Germany; 5105. Martha Rhein; Pasewalker Strasse 32, Tor- many. Dorothea Elisabeth Schade; Grossalmerode gelow in Pommern, Germany; 424. Lina Rosier (Mrs. Karl Anton Oskar); 102, Hessen-Nassau, Germany: 17910. Paul Rhein; Shulzendorferstrasse 33, Ber- Friedrich Liststrasse 1, III, Leipzig, C. I., Ger­ Franz Schaffel; Nikolausstrasse 69, Trier lin-, Germany; 11789. many; 21149. (Mosel) Rheinland, Germany; 5190. Erwin Rheinländer; c/o Vereinigte-Stahl- Heinz Ross; Berlin Waidmannslust, Diano- Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- werke, Düsseldorf, Breitestrasse 7, Germany; str. 81, Germany; at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, 4985. Wilhelinine Henriette Ross; Arnoldsweiler names unknown, of Heinrich Schales, de­ Hubert Rheinländer; Wuppertal-Elberfeld, bei Düren, Rheinland, Germany; 21131. ceased; Germany; 76. Ruthenbeckerweg 8, Germany; 4S88. Anna Rossel; Wesermünde/Speckenbüttel, Willy Schales; Hanau am Main, 43, K in. Friedrich Rieck; Daehre, Mr. Salzwedel, Langenerlandstrasse 239, Germany; 902. zigheimerweg, Germany; 10789. Germany; 9577. Anna Rostock; Dortmund Hörde, Horder Alfons Schaller; Annastrasse 48, Koeln- Julius Riedel; Frankeneck, Rheinpfalz, Rathausstr. 19, Germany. ^ Bayenthal, Germany; 6682. Ortstrasse 1 B, Germany; 6037. Marie Rothhaupt; 19 Neue Trasse, Nuern­ Georg Schamper; Weilherstr. 14, Lands- Olga Riedel;- Pasteurstrasse 44-46, Berlin berg, Germany; 1582. berg/Lech, Germany; 11390. N. O. 55, Germany; 6785. Agnes Ruder; Germany; 8364. Gustav Schäper; Lotte Kr. Tecklenburg, Jakob Riedl; 41%, Oberbay­ Liesel Rudolf; c/o Christian Romeiser, Nr. 226, Germany: 24342. ern, Germany; 5438. Brueckenauerstr. 9, Schluechtern bei Kas­ Katharine Schard; Minfeld, Germany; Johann Riedl; Untermeitingen 140, Bez. sel, Germany; 452. 10572. Schwabmünchen, Bavaria, Germany; 5439, Anna Rudolph; Dennhausen, Bez., Kassel, Louise Scharf; c/o John F. Herrmann, B6rn- 11383. Germany; 17786. hardstr. 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; Sofia Riedl; Kaufbeurerstrasse 11, - Lydia Rukle; c/o John F. Herrman, Bern- 10573. heim (Bayern), Germany; 16695. hardstr. 9, Karlsrue, Baden, Germany; 10467. Peter ; Cönen bei Trier an der Maria Riegger; Nuitsstrasse 23, II, Karls­ Mrs. Lore Rumpf; Koenigsdamm 291/III, Mosel, Hauptstrasse, Germany: 12274. ruhe i/Baden, Germany, 11560-. Berlin-Siemensstadt, Germany; 5324. August Schärfer: Hamburg 19, Fruchtallee Anna Riemer; König-Albertstrasse 31, Stet­ Katharina Ruppert; Neuhof, Kreis, Fulda, ul, Hs. C. bei Möller, Germany; 23848. tin, Germany; 92. Germany; 6901, 11755. Willi Schauerte; (21b) Neheisn-Husten 2, Franziska Riepe; Steinhausen, Kreis Bue- Erich Ruyter; Onkel Tomstr. 21 p/a, W in- Bahnhofstrasse 59, b, Germany. ren, Westfalen, Germany; 593. derk, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany; 674. Willi Schauerte; (21b) Neheim-Husten 2, Domiciliary personal representatives, Heinrich Ruyter; Saarbrückerstr. 47, Essen, Bahnhofstrasse 59, b, Germany. heirs-at-law, next of kin, legatees and dis­ Germany; 17317. Babette Schaumann; Bahnhofstrasse 20, tributees, names unknown, of Wilhelm Riese, S in Bayern, Germany; 11563. deceased; Germany; 21501. Otto Schaumann; Schellenberg bei Berch­ Minna Saal; Gerstenkamp 14, Hamburg Richard Riess; Langerotterstrasse 73, tesgaden, Germany; 186. Mannheim, Baden, Germany; 23971. 22, Germany; 6689. Ludwig Scheidt; Haus Nr. 186, Olsbrücken Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Mafia Augusta Rietzschel; Bollwerkbau, Rheinpfalz, Germany; 23813. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Stuttgart, Germany; 2003. Pauline Scheitlin; Gartenstrasse 12, Sim- names unknown, of Anna Martha Saam, de­ Anna Ringmayr; Unterfinning bei Lands- bach a Inn, Germany (U. S. Zone); 277. berg/Lech, Germany; 11384. ceased; Germany; 5590. Erich Scheller; Trebitschfeld, Post Neu- Emma Saenger; Küsterfleck 9, Lanke bei Karoline Rinne; Rinteln-an der Weser, Ulm,Altkaibe Land bei Friedeberg, Neumark, Bernau b., Berlin, Germany; 21398. Berlinerstr. 14, Germany; 9954. Germany; 17869. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Wilhelmine Rinne; Rumbeck bei Fuhlen Frieda Scheller; Trebitsch, Post Neu Ulm No. 100, Germany; 16542. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distribu­ über Altkarbe-Ostbahn, Germany; 17862. Anna Risch; Blumenstrasse 9, Pasewalk, tees, names unknown, of Heinrich Sagert, de­ Hermann Scheller; Benekendorffstrasse 1, Pommern,* Germany; 5729. ceased; Germany; 21115. Berlin-Waidmannslust, Germany; 17691. Emma Kratz Ritter; Erfurt, Eobanstrasse Ida Regina Salve; Ottostrasse 32, Aachen, Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs»- Germany; 12243. 8, parterre, Germany; 10303. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Josef Salentih; Unter-Vlatten, Düren- Maria Ritter; Am Bischofsteich 8, Pader­ names unknown, of Herman Scheller, de­ Land, Rheinland, Germany; 12199. born, Germany; 17690. ceased; Germany; 17860. Margarete Rockstroh; Brunnenstrasse 20, Karl Salzmann; Hartwigstr. 6/1, Kassel, Dorothea Schellewald; c/o Wilhelm Schelle­ Hof-an-der-Salle, Bayern, Germany; 5326, Germany; 6691. wald, Hasenlauf 29, Hagen i., W. Germany; Domiciliary personal representatives, 6713. 9433. Elisabeth Rodenhauseh; Bingenstrasse 2, heirs-at-law,- next of kin, legatees and dis­ Anna Schellhas; , Germany; Province Hessen Nassau, Marburg, Lahn, Ger­ tributees, names unknown, of Lloba Sämann, 5588. deceased; Germany; 355. many; 5095. Jakob Schenk; , Kreis, Hünfeld, Anna Sandrock; Reichensachsen bei, Heinrich Rodenhausen; Kastellstrasse 16, Germany; 10195. Eschwege 158, Germany; 23464. Kanau a, Main, Germany; 5096. Theresia Schenkemeyer; Rampenstrasse 11, Heinrich Sandrock; Grossburgschla an der Friedericke Elise Dora Röder; 32 Hahnen­ Hannover, Germany; 17545. Werra, Germany; 23465. steg, Ricklingen, Hannover, Germany; 10741. Julius Scheper; Anten b. Berge, Kr. Bersen- Johannes Sandrock; Oetmannshausen bei Konrad Roemer; Geismar, Frankenberg brueck, Province of Hannover, Germany; Eschwege, Bez. Kassel, Germany; 23463. (), District Cassel, Germany; 5017. 6720. Bernhard Rohloff; Loignystrasse 8, Lü­ Konrad Sandrock; Reichensachsen 33, bei beck, Germany; 6057. Eschwege, Germany; 23466. Elisabeth Scherer; Schüllernhof 145 (21B), Antonie Rohrbeck; Wintergasse 63, Vienna- Walter Saran; , Germany; 7358. Attendorn i., Westf. Krs. , Germany; 5864. Purkersdorf, Germany; 24859. Helena Satzger; Dirlewang bei Mindelhelm, Emma Scherer; Olsbrücken (Saarpfalz), Sofie Röhrig; Lamersdorf b. Dueren Kreis Oberigling, Bayern, Germany; 11385. Germany; 23678. Düren (Rheinland), Germany; 9941. Anna Josefine Satzinger; Anlage 9/V, Ernst Scherer; Olsbrücken, Germany; 23676. Katharine Wilhelmine Charlotte Rohr­ Heidelberg, Baden, Germany; 11246. Jakob Scherer; Olsbrücken, Saarpfalz, Germany; 23682. scheid (Mrs. Elios); Wickenrode 90, Post Anneliese Sauer; c/o August Sauer, - Rudolph Scherer; Steinwenden (Saar­ Grossalmerode, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; forstrasse 2, Wiesbaden, Germany; 9432. -• pfalz), Germany; 23681. 17904. Gerhard Sauer; Junker Jörkstrasse 7, Ber­ Wilhelm Scherer; Katzenbach (Saarpfalz), Lina Rolle; Bankwitz über Zobten a/Berge, lin-Karlshorst, Germany; 11561. Germany; 23680. District of Breslau, Silesia, Germany; 4399. Olga Sauer; Friedrichsteiuerstr. 31, Berlin- Karlshorst, Germany; 11562. Maria Scheurer; Viktoriastrasse 83, Aachen, Ötielie Romanowski; Linswege über Ocholt Germany; 5079. in Oldenburg, Germany (23), (British Zone). Sabine Bauer (Mrs. Philipp); Bad Kis- Josefine Reinartz Scheuvens; Alexander­ Christian Romeiser; Bruckenauerstr. 9, singen, Spargasse 3, Bayern, Germany; 23486. Stefan Sauerwein; Obersgegen, Kr., Bit­ strasse 127, Aachen, Germany; 12174. Schlüchtern, Bez., Kassel, Germany; 449, Konrad Schick; Marsdorf 160, Kreis Mar­ 5786. burg, Germany; 17449. Katharina Lammert Saugel; Bassenheim b. burg, Reg. Bez. Kassel, Germany; 16764. Elisabeth Rommeis; Treysa Bezirk Kassel, Koblenz, Hospital Str. 187, Germany; 12312. Ffeter Schick; Marsdorf 181, Kreis Marhurg, Friedrich Eberstr. 91, Germany. Anna Saulich; Walstetten, Post Ichen- Reg. Bez., Kassel, Germany; 16765. Henriette Röntgen; Kaiserstrasse Nr. 81, hausen, Mr. 20, Kr., Gunzburg, Germany, Aloys Schiel; Lindenschied, Kreis Bern- (Ruhr), Germany; 10194. (U. S. Zone); 17258. kastel, Germany; 10284. Margarete Rook; Politzerstrasse 102, Stet­ Theresia Saulich; Stadt Liebau 150, Ger­ Karl Schiff; Nonnenweier über in tin, Germany; 5704. many; <107. Baden, Germany; 17097. Franz Rose; Düsseldorf, Erkratherstrasse, Julie Schaack; Zweibrücken, Rhenpfalz, Luzia Schiffer; bei Herrn Dr. Dorsemagen, "114-111, Germany; 17681. Germany; 5009. Ferdinandshof i/P., Germany; 5733. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Henriette Schaaf; Weiherstr. 23, Ock- Bruno Schiffer; Mewegen (Pommern), at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, stadt/Kreis Friedberg, Hessen, Germany; 6733. über Stettin I, Germany; 21150. 616 NOTICES

Julius Schiffer; Güstow bei Stettin, Kreis J. Schmidt; Adolf Hitlerstr. 21, Daber Kr. Johann Jakob Schneider; Vollmaishausen, Rendow, Provinz Pommern, Germany; 5374, Naugard, Pommern, Germany; 6686. Bez., Kassel, Germany; 17792. Maria Schiffer; Boeckstrasse 49, Berlin, S. Johann Schmidt; Steinsmuehle 6, Dern­ Katharina Schneider; Allendorf, Kreis Mar­ W. 29, Germany; 5527. bach b. Montabaur, Westerwald, Germany; burg an der Lahn, Germany; 16525. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- 5857. Katharina Schneider; Horhausen i. Wester­ at law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Johann Schmidt IV; Pleckhausen bei Hor­ wald, über Neuwied Rhein, Germany; 11564. names unknown, of Paul Schiffer, deceased; hausen über Neuwied am Rhein, Germany; Katharina Schneider; Frickhofen (Wester­ Germany; 6965. 11256. w ald), Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 16175. Martha Schiffer-Stark; Severinstrasse Johannes Schmidt; Adolf Hitlerstrasse 170 Ludwig Schneider; Vollmarshausen, Bez., 243/45, Koeln (Rhein) ,• Germany; 6935. 9/10, Staffelstein, Germany; 5109. Kassel, Germany; 17790. Max Josef Otto Schiffer; Humboldstrasse Karl Schmidt; Solingen, Schlagbaumerstr. Magdalene Schneider (Mrs. Wilhelm); 24, Hs. 2/1, Hamburg 21, Germany; 5408. 48, Germany; 7732. Burgstrasse 5, Alpen Kr. Moers, Rheinland, Otto Schiffer; Viereck b/Pasewalk, Pom­ Katharina Schmidt; Güllesheim 35, Post Germany; 6732. mern, Germany; 5728. Horhausen, Westerwald über Neuwied Maria Schneider; Gilbertstrasse 31, Grier/ Wilhelm Schiffer; Stettin-Bredow, Rönt­ (Rhld.), Germany; 11259. Mosel, Germany; 12159. genweg 17, Germany; 6064. ' K a th a rin ^ Schmidt; Tannenbergstr. 27, Otto Schneider; Riehlstrasse 8, III Wies­ Rosa Schilcher; Schongauerstr. . 63 H, Neuwied, RÄinland, Germany; 11340. baden, Germany; 24862. Peissenberg, Germany; 11391. Katherine Schmidt; Pleckhausen Neuwied, Rudolf Schneider; Dorndorf, Westerwald Anna Schill; Gitschiner-Strasse 1, Stettin, Rheinland, Germany; 21157. Provinz Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 16696. Germany; 5440. Lina Schmidt; Frankfurterstr. 51, Mör­ Werner Schneider; Frechenhausen (- Erika Schill; Gitschinerstrasse 1, Stettin, felden, Germany; 22887. Kreis), Germany; 22659. Germany; 5727. Ludwig Schmidt; Danziger Platz 6, Frank- Christina Schneiders; Trier an der Mosel, Johannes Schill; Glambechtsee-Siedlung, furt/Main, Germany; 10278. Weberbachstrasse 34, Germany; 17416. Dianaweg 1, Stettin, Germany; 5533. Ludwig Schmidt; Wetzlareweg 44, , Elisabeth Schnettler; Velmede, Germany; Anna Schiller; Trebisch, Neumark über Germany; 6735. 12137. Altkarbe, Germany; 17870. Margarete Minna Schmidt; Hinte der Stadt Elisabeth Schnietz; Heiersmauer 61, Pader­ Franz Schiller; Hernalser Hauptstrasse 195, 3, Berka, Werra (Thüringen), Germany; born, Germany; 17575. Vienna XVII, Ostmark, Germany; 21120. 23114. Georg Schnitzler; Aich 8, Peissenberg, Ger­ Olga Schiller; Hernalser Hauptstrasse 195, Maria Schmidt; (21b) Dortmund, Weiss- many; 11392. Wien XVII, Ostmark, Germany; 21434. bachstr. 17, Province Westfalen, Germany Georg Schnitzler; Schellhammergasse 4, Auguste Schiller; 205 Chausseestr., Holz­ (English Zone); 21156. Peissenberg, Germany; 11393. wickede, Germany; 692. Maria Theresia Schmidt; Flasheim Nr. 73, Johann Georg Schnitzler; Stammelestr. 1, Gretjen ; Frankfurt, Germany; bei Haltern an See, 1/Westfalen, Germany; Peissenberg, Germany; 11394. 10103. 12730. Eduard Schnitzerling; Bollwerkstrasse 30, Wilhelm Schlienbecker; Steinstrasse 14, Marie Katharine Schmidt; Erbach i/Oden- Dortmund-Hoerde, Germany; 10277. Daubringen bei Giessen/Hessen, Germany; wald, Hessen, Germany; 9776. Hermann Schnöckel; Kricheldorf, Kreis 10280. Martha Schmidt; Wickenrode No. 55, Post Salzwedel, Germany; 9327. Dorothea Elisabeth Schliephorst; In den Grossalmerode, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; Mrs. Ilse Schoen; Eichendorfstrasse 6, Steinen, Grossalmerode, Germany; 20722. 17915. Heidelberg (17a) Baden, Germany (U. S. Reinhold Schloesser; Lorenzstrasse 19, Paul Schmidt; 13a Wassertrüdingen/Mfr. Zone) Koeln/Deuts, Germany; 10282. Bayern/Bavaria, Bahnhofstrasse 264, Ger­ Emilie Hulda Schoeneck; Mehrow, Post Maria Schlömer; Kaiserallee 127, Aachen, many (U. S. Zone). , bei Berlin, Kr. Niederbarnim, Germany; 5000. Wilhelm Schmidt; Ludwigstrasse 18, Nidda Germany; 21114. Fritz Schluckebier; Twiste/Walbeck, in Hessen, Germany; 10768. Katharina Scholl; /Rheinland, Piepenstr. 27, Hessen-American Zone, Ger­ Karl Andreas Schmitt; Kreuaerstrasse 187, ueber Linz-Land, Germany; 16396. many., • Wasdgirmes, Krs.^wetzlar, Land Hessen, Ger­ Elisabeth Schönebeck; Waldstrasse 44, Go- Liesbeth Schlüter; Schule, many (American Zone); 6723. velsberg in Westphalia, Germany; 4263. bei Bestweg, Germany; 14058. Magdalena Schmitt; (16) (Rhön) Wilhelmine Schöngen; Wendelinstrasse 47, Karl Schmadel; Morsch i/B., Germany; 17, Germany. Köln-Müngersdorf, Germany; 15828. 10584. Robert Schmitt; Niederklein, Landkreis Ida Schönherr; Wuppertal-Barmen, Anna Maria Schäfer Schmal; , Marburg, Reg. Bez. Kassel, Germany; 17452. Schwesterstrasse, Germany; 8976. Radstrasse 5, Germany; 90l6, 8775. Friedrich Wilhelm Schmitter; Bergstrasse Anna Schoohf (Mrs. Ew ald); Luisenstr. 40, Wilhelm Schmalz; Brillerstrasse 32, W up­ 26, Aachen, Germany; 4241. Bonn am Rhein, Germany; 11260. pertal-Elberfeld, Germany; 23972. Adele Schaefer Schmitz; Cologne, Ger­ Mrs. J. H. Schott; No. 12 Krupis, Kreis/ Wilhelm Schmalz; Schwenkestrasse 65, I many; 10099. Hersfeld, Hessen, Germany; 9435. Hamburg 19, Germany; 5137. Anna Maria Lammert Schmitz; Ochten­ Hedwig Schrade; 'Elisabethstrasse 10, Stet­ Friedrich Schmezer; Wilhelmstrasse 9, Zell dung b. Koblenz, Kanal Weg. 404, Germany; tin, Pommern, Germany; 5378. a N/Esslingen, Germany; 23814. 12311. Anna Sophie Schrameyer; Wühlenstrasse Theresia Schmid; Bremen (Saulgau), Anna Sophie Schmitz; , Bezirk 8, Bochum, Germany; 10196. Württemberg, Germany; 9326. Koblenz, Germany; 13624. Heinrich Schrameyer; Kurfürstenetrasse Anna Schmidt; Egenolfstrasse 6, Frick­ Gertrud Schmitz; Nauheimerstrasse 12, 80, Wanne-Eickel, Westfalen, Germany; hofen (Hessen-Nassau), Germany; 17039. Koeln-Zollstock, Germany; 13644. 10197. Anna Schmidt (Mrs. Johann I.); Post Ep­ Helene Schmitz; Maystrasse 77, Bonn a/ Karl Schrameyer; Dorstenerstrasse 470, gert, Linz-Land, Rheinland, Germany; 11263. Rhein, Germany; 11341. Wan .e-Eickel, Westfalen, Germany; 10198. Anna, Schmidt; Güllesheim 35, Post Hor­ Hermann Schmitz; 250 Oberhausener- Marie Sophie Schrameyer; Burgstrasse 236, hausen, Wester-Wald, ueber Neuwied, Ger­ Strasse, Mulheim-Ruhr-Styrum, öermany; /Weser, Germany; 10199. many; 11258. 565. Mrs. Ferdinand Schramm; Heckinghauser- Anna Schmidt; Passauerstrasse 1, Stettin, Maria Theresia Schmuck; Allendorf, Kreis strasse 69, Wuppertal-Barmen, Germany; Germany; 6731. Marburg an der Lahn, Germany; 16526. 5880. Johann Heinrich August Daniel Schreff; Anna Schmidt; Vollmarshausen, Bez. Kas­ Rosa Helena Schmuck; Münchmühle, Al­ sel, Germany; 17793. lendorf Kreis, Marburg a/Lahn, Germany; Bettinastrasse 41/1, Frankfurt am Main, Charlotte Schmidt; Blücherstr. 4, Wies­ 16030. ^ Germany; 14083. Cecelia Schaefer Schregenberger; Baden, baden, Germany; 24064. Heinrich Schmücker; Heddinghausen Rü­ , Germany; 7609. Elisabeth Schmidt; Hoppenwalde, Kreis then (Mohne) Land, Germany; 257. Oscar Schreyer; Niederpoyritz bei Dresden Ueckermünde, Pommern, Germany; 5536. Johann Robert Schmucki; Münsterer- Elisabeth Schmidt; Fichtestrasse 32, Berlin Germany (Russian Zone, 10A); 20760. strasse 15, Köln-Mulheim, Germany; 16019. Martha Schröder; Reinickendorf Ost 1, S. W. 29, Germany; 10932. Gertrud Lammert Schnack; Bassenheim b. Eliesabeth Schmidt; Willroth bei Horhau­ Resideurstrasse 155, Germany. Koblenz, Oppenheim Str. 175, Germany; Anna Elisabeth Schroeder; Mittelgasse 23, sen über Neuwied/Westerwald, Rheinland, 12313. Germany; 11269. Kassel, Germany; 16987. Adele Schneider; Annenstrasse 14, Muen- Bertha Schroeder; Residenzstrasse 155, H, Elizabeth Schmidt; Wuppertal-Barmen, ster, Westfalen, Germany; 10219. Huldastrasse 31, Germany. Berlin-Reinickendorf (Ost I), Germany; 5955. Friedrich Schmidt; Bahnhofstrasse 35, Andreas Schneider; Guibingen/Kreis Goep- Doernlgheim am Main, Germany; 10276. pingen, Wuerttenberg, Germany; 5258. Christine Schroeder; Valdorf 66, bei Vlotho- on-the-Wesen, Germany; 10708. Mrs. Gustav Schmidt; c/o Prof. Gustav Mrs. August Schneider; Rothenuffeln 163, Emma Schroeder; Bruchstrasse 23, Det­ Schmidt, Rohrbacherstrasse 48, Heidelberg, Kreis Minden, Germany; 5090. mold (Lippe), Germany; 124. Germany; 9434. Christian Schneider; Frankfurt/Main, Domiciliary personal representatives, Teichstrasse 5, Germany; 10304. Gustav Schmidt; Flotowstrasse 8, heirs-at-law, next of kin, legatees and dis­ Stuttgart, Germany. Heinrich Schneider; Landwehrstr. 73, Duis­ tributees, names unknown, of Engel Dorothea Hermann Schmidt; Brunnenstrasse 50, Neu burg-Rohrort, Germany; 6685. Schroeder, deceased; Germany; 12294. Isenburg, Kreis Offenbach am Main, Ger­ Johann Dietrich Schneider; Frankfur­ Fritz Schroeder; Bruchstrasse 23, Detmold, many; 500. terstr. 131, Kassel, Germany; 17788. Germany; 5205. T u e sd a y , J a n u a ry 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 617

Gustav Schroeder; c/o Mrs. Anna Holl- Mathilde Schwedhelm; Hildebrandtstrasse names unknown, of Albert Schäfer, deceased; mann, Valdorf 229, bei Vlotho-Weser, Ger­ 22, Düsseldorf, Germany; 9464. Germany; 86. many; 5218. Wilhelmine Charlotte Schwedtke; Berlin- Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Johanne Schroeder; Valdorf 48, bei , Germany; 17909. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Vlotho-Wes^r, Germany; 5215, 10707. George Schweinebraten; Kassel-Wilk, names unknown, of Alber Emil Schaefer, de­ Katharina Schroeder; Block-Heimbach bei Franken Str. No. 20, Greater Hessla, Germany ceased; Germany; 9957. Neuwied am Rhein, Rheinland, Germany; (U. S. Zone). Alfred Schaefer; Fischerstrasse 105, Duis­ 7982. Elise Schweitzer; Minfeld, Germany; 10574. burg-Wanheimerort, Germany; 6235. Wilhelmine Schroeder; Köln-Riehl, Am* Käthe Schwenger; Bad Homburg v. d. H. Alfred Schaffer; Sporenstrasse 26, Iserlohn, sterdamerstr. 119, Germany, 8702. Oberurselerpfad 21, Germany; 698. Germany; 5022. Emma Schroeer; Katzenbach (Saarpfalz), Maria Schwentzer; Langestr. 11, Beuthen, Alois Schaefer; c/o Otto Hausamen, Rit- Germany; 23677. Oberschlesien, Germany; 20484. terstr. 11, Karlsruhe, Germany; 162. Richard Schroeer; Troeglitzerstr. 13c, Maria Schwerizle; Hinteruhlberg, Kr. Crail­ Alois Schaeffer; Roermonderstrasse 100, Zeitz, Germany; 358. sheim, Württemberg, Germany; 6711. Aachen, Germany; 5073. Martha Schrom (Sister Maria Theresia); Eva Elisabeth Schweppe; Reiffeisenstrasse Alois Schaefer; Karlsruhe i/B, Germany; St. Otto Stift, Biesnitzerstr. 94, Görlitz, Ger­ 19, Battrop, Germany; 5196. 7994. many; 23353. • Gustav Schwepper; Essenerstrasse 89, Es­ Aloys Schaeffer; Äureliusstrasse 5, Aachen, Franziska Schrötz; Asch 53, bei Landsberg/ sen-Steele, Germany; 5271. Germany; 5042. Leck, Bavaria, Germany, 5462. Veronika Schwerm; Windmühlenstrasse Aloys Schäfer; Almastrasse 11, Essen-Rüt­ Louise Schubert; Mittelweg 136/1, Ham­ 51/53, Köln-Mülheim, Germany; 15920. >. tenscheid, Germany; 5206. burg 13, Germany; 4947. Wilhelmine Seeber; Bleckenburgstr. * 2/1, Alwin Schaefer; Rhedaerstrasse 29, Gueter- Johannes Schuck; Vogelsand, Kreis Uecker­ Magdeburg, Germany; 5153. sloh, Germany; 631. münde, Germany; 67. Katie Seehuber; Wildentierbach, Württem­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Friedrich Schtiete; Hesslingen No. 46, bei berg, Germany (U. S. Zone). at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Hess. Oldendorf, Germany; 460. Johanna Seekamp; Johannesstrasse 13, names unknown, of Johann Ambros Schäfer, Friedrich Schülen; Stuttgart, N., Gniese- Hemelingen, Kreis , Germany; 12765. deceased; Germany; ,10776. naustrasse 57, Am Weissenhof 36,, Germany; Karl Heinz Seele; Widdershausen (Kr. Andreas Schaefer; Muggenstrum, ' 1/B, 9611. Hersfeld), Olberg 49/Hessen, Germany. Germany; 10598. Bertha Kossman Schulte; Koppel 68/70, Anna Seelisch; Margarethenstrasse 21, Angelika Schaeffer; Kronprinzenstrasse Hamburg, Germany; 5652. Gotha, Germany; 21848. 53-1, Solingen, Germany; 10130. Mathilde Flamme Schulte; c/o Josef Seer-Permesant Family; Wiebelskurchen Anna Schäfer (known as Sister Rogatina); Schulte Bleiwasche, Circle of Buren, West, (Saar), Jos. Bürckelstrasse 22, Germany; St. Josephs Haus, Kölen am Rhein, Germany; Germany; 9835. 21023. 21159. Josef Schulten, Mülheimerstr. 18-a, Lever- Maria Sehrt; Druselplatz 6, IIII, Kassel, Anna Schäfer; Heidelberg 17a (Baden), kvusen-Schlebusch II, Rheinland, Germany; Germany; 11421. Mittermailrstr. No. 15, Germany; 5171. 9483. Franz Seib; Mannheim, Mittelstrasse, Anna Schäffer, Hagedorn 31, Post Stift, Katharina Schulten (Mrs. Johann); Kapel­ 72/HI, Germany; 492. Buernheim, Kreis Herford, Westfalen, Ger­ lenstrasse, Opladen-Lützenkirchen (Rhein­ Anna Maria Sybilla Seibert (Mrs. W alther); many; 9947. land) , Germany; 16020. Humboldtstrasse 38, Köln a/Rhine, Germany; Mrs. Joseph Schaefer; Niederoberweiler, Peter Schulten; Bergisch-Landstrasse 37, 6961. Germany; 13614. Leverkusen-Schlebusch II, Germany; 16021, Johanna Selinger (Mrs. Viktor); Gärtnerg. Anna Schaeffer; Vassstrasse 2, Heidelberg Wilhelm Schulten; Leuchterstrasse 162, 1, Mähr. Schönberg, Sudetengau, Germany; am Neckar, Germany; 80. Köln-Dünnwald, Germany; 430, 9482. 24694. Anna Schäfer; Horhausen im Westerwald, Karolina Schultheiss; Ablach, Regierungs Heinrich Sellmann; Uffeln, b. Vlotho/Wes- Rheinland, Germany; 11261. Bezirk, , Germany; 754. ser, Germany; 5023. Anna Maria Schaefer; Schweiswerber, ueber Heinrich Schultheis; Bruckenauerstrasse Marie Emilie Sellmann (Mrs. Gustav); Rockenhausen (Pfalz), Germany; 6934. Schlüchtern, Bez. Kassel, Germany; 450. Katharinenstr. 13, Osnabrück, Germany; Anna Martha Schäfer, nee Schäfer; Wed- Marie Schultheis; Bahnofstrasse 6, 22931. dershausen, Bez. Kassel, Germany; 10724. Schlüchtern Bez. Kassel, Germany; 455. Adam Schaefer; Zechenstrasse 1, Gelsen­ Anton Schäfer; Pleckhausen, Neuwied, Frida Schultz; Friesischestr. 94, Flensburg, kirchen, Germany; 6873. Rheinland, Germany; 21158. Germany; 3725. Adam Schafer; Wibbelstrasse Nr. 9, W at- Anton Schaefer; Muggensturm, i/B, Ger­ Maria Schultz; Delbruckallee 107, Stettin, tenscherd, Westfalen, Germany; 10128, 11530. many; 10549. Germany; 5379. Adam Schaefer; Öchdendung/Kreis Mayer, Anton Schaefer; Muggensturm, Germany; Anna Schulz; Kl.-Bierstedt, Kr. Salzwedel, Bez; Koblenz, Germany; 12305. 10553. Germany; 9510. Adam Schafer; Trösel-Post , Ger­ Anton Schaefer; Industriestrasse 6, Rastatt Friedrich Schulz; Poltestr. 48, Magdeburg- many; 15199. (Baden), Germany; 163. Wilhelm'stadt, Germany; 9349. Adele Schaefer; Stick 95a, Eschwerller, Anton Schäfer; Büdingen 2, Post Schemm- Mrs. Friederike Schulz; Exten, über Rinteln Rheinland, Germany; 9939. linger, Krs. Merzig, Saargebiet, Germany; Grafschaft, Schaumburg, Germany; 6705. Adolf Schaffer; Morbach, Post Niederkir­ 5161. Gustav Schulz; Kl. Bierstedt, Germany; chen, bei Kaiserlautern, Germany; 21432. Anton Schaefer; 44 Zeisselstrasse, Frank­ 12150. Adolf Schäfer; Dacheihofen, Post Schwan­ furt am Main, Germany; 4896. Helene Schulz; Eickhorst, Post Daehre, dorf, Bayern, Germany; 23852. Anton Schäfer; Friedrickstrasse 4, Gag­ Altm., Germany; 9575. Adolf Schaefer; Muhleneschstrasse 15, genau, Baden, Germany; 5566. Karl Schulz; Neuestrasse 43, Harburg- Osnabrück, Germany; 2794. Anton Schaefer; Kiedrich, Kreis, Rhein­ Wilhelmsburg 1, Germany; 9348. Adolf Schaefer; Friedrichstrasse 39, Düs­ gau, Talstrasse 31, Germany; 12078. Magdalene Schulz; Karolinenhorst in Pom­ seldorf, Germany; 6967. Anton Schäfer; Oberknringen H. No. 49, mern, Germany; 5956. Adolf Schäfer; Raden über Leobschütz, Burgau (Schwb.), Germany; 630. Maria Schulz; Augsburg, Zollernstr. 15, Oberschlesien, Germany; 23604. Anton Schäfers; Sandebeck/28, Kreis Höx­ Germany. Adolf Schäfer; Breslauerstrasse 68, Düssel­ ter, Germany; 620. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- dorf 96, Germany; 2789. Anton Schaefers; Rüsingerstrasse 12, Lan­ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Adolf Schäfer; (22c) Aachen, Theresisattee gendreer-, Germany; 9463. names unknown, of Marianna Schulz (Mrs. 41, Nord Rheinprovinz, Germany; 12890. p Anton Schaefer; 20 Bargfeld, Kr. Uelzen, Stefan), deceased; Germany; 10275. Adolf Schäfer; (20) Kreinhagen No. 56, Hannover, Germany (British Zone). Alma Schulze; Brome, Kr. Gifhorn, Ger­ über Buckeburg, Germany. Anton Wilhelm Schäfer; Hasertstrasse 4, many; 9495. Adblf Schaefer; Moersch b. Karlsruhe, Köln-Öeutz, Germany; 5220. Luise Amalie Berta Schulze; Kindelbrueck Friedenstrasse 10 a, Germany; 6875. Antonie Schafer; 66 Farska ul. Slezska, (15), Sternweg 12, Fhueringen, Germany Adolph Schaefer; Geuthin-Magdeburg, Ostrava, Protectorate of Bohemia, Germany; (Russian Zone); 23849. Fritz Reuterstr. 3, Germany; 8155. 24770. Maria Johanna Schumacher; Hamburg 27, Agnes Schaefer; c/o Anton Meitinger, Asch Antonie Schaffer; Altona-Blankenese, Pillh., Ruhrendamm 246/H, Germany; 5207. 34, Swabia, Bavaria, Germany; 5349. Wittsallee 7, Germany; 1331. Heinrich Schuren, Sr.; Bahnhofstr. 15a, Aladar Schaffer; Bahnhofstrasse 7, Kassel, Antonius Schaefer; Aegediusstrasse 13, Herne in Westfalen, Germany; 6694. Hessen, Germany; 20938. Koeln-Suelz, Germany; 13639. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Albert Schaefer; Dörnbach, Bezirk, Rock­ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, enhausen (Pfalz), Germany; 15926. Mrs.' Apottecary Schaeffer; Kronprinze­ names unknown, of Emma Schürhoff, de­ Albert Schäfer; Hauptstrasse 47, Endingen nallee 18, Wesermünde-Lehe (Loxstedt), Ger­ ceased; Germany; 8987. a/K (Baden), Germany; 21502. many; 4978. Heinrich Schüte; Ostertor 370, Hessisch- Albert Schaefer; Karlsruhe 1/B, Germany; Arnold Schaeffer; Lutticfcerstr. 52, (22c) Oldendorf, Germany; 94. 10506. Aachen, Germany; 5074. Joseph Schwab; Bismarckstrasse 96, Frie- Albert Schäfer; Lübbow ueber Lüchon, Arthur Ludwig Schäffer; Krämerstrasse 32, burg i. Breisgau, Germany; 10279. Hannover, Germany; 5409. Hanau am Main, Germany; 5174. Karoline Schwarze; Dünne 241, Westfalen, Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- August Schäfer; Emscherstrasse 161, Duis­ Germany; 10601. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, burg-Hamborn, Germany, 6981. • No. 15------6 618 NOTICES

August Schafer; c/o John F. Hermann, Major A. D. Carl Schaefer; Hohenzollern- Daniel Schaefer; Christoph Lohmann- Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe, Baden, Ger­ strasse 53, Halberstadt, Germany; 24860. strasse 18, Speyer/Rh., Germany; 6080. many; 10480. Carl Schäfer; Bruckenauerstrasse 93, Dr. Detmar Schäfer; Hofenstrasse 62, Duis­ August Schafer; Seeben, Kreis Salzwedel, Schlüchtern, Bez. Kassel, Germany; 6076. burg Ruhfoit, Germany; 4806. Germany; .9333. Carl Schaffer; Berlin* Müggelheim, Dar- Dr. E. Schaefer; Stolbergerstrasse 255, August Schaefer; Gross-Apenburg, Kr. steiner Weg 16, Germany, Aachen, Germany; 15927. Salzwedel, Germany; 9574. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Edgar Schaefer; Muhlberg/Elbe, Station August Schaefer; Ziehwaldstrasse 34, Neun- at-law, next of kin, legatees and distribu­ House, Germany; 6930. kirchen/Saar, Germany; 23820. tees, names unknown, of Carl Heinrich Mrs. Eduard Schaffer; Karlsruhe 1/B., Ger­ August Schafer; Engern 21, bei Rinteln-on- Eduard Schäfer, deceased; Germany; 3401, many; 10519. the Weser, Germany; 9951. 9015, 9657. Mrs. Eduard Schaeffer; c/o John F. Herr­ August Schaefer; Fuelicherstrasse 16, Carl Wilhelm Schaefer; Saalbaustrasse 40, mann, Karlsruhe, 1/B., Germany; 12007. Duesseldorf, Germany; 37. Darmstadt, Germany; 2795, 11478. Eduard Schaefer; Beilstrasse 29 III, Mann­ August Schäfer; Sachsen St. 85, Holz­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- heim (Baden), Germany; 5097. wickede, Germany; 693v at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Eduard Schaefer; Vahldorf, Kr. Neuhal- August Schaefer; Am Kugelberg 57, Giessen names unknown, of Caspar August Schaeffer, densleben, Germany; 9722. in Hessen, Germany; 191. deceased; Germany; 24. Eduard Schaefer; Ueckendorferstrasse 155, August Schäfer; Oppach in Sachsen, Neue Charles Schaefer; c/o John F. Herrmann, Gelsenkirchen (Westfalen), Germany; 15928. Strasse 181, Germany; 10446, 10518. Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe, Germany; 7988. Edward Schaeffer; Gervinusstrasse 22, August Schaefer; Oberndorf a/Neckar, - Charles Frederic Schaefer; c/o John F. Charlottenburg, Germany; 5123. Bismarchstrasse 2, Germany; 699. Herrmann, Karlsruhe 1/B, Germany; 12005. Eduard Fr. Joh. Schaefer; Langestrasse 17, August Emil Schaffer; Altona-Blankenese, Christian Schaefer; Nentershausen, Wes­ Detmold, Germany; 8780. Hauptstrasse 115, Germany; 1328. terwald (Wiesbaden), Germany; 10618. Elizabeth Schaeffer; Furstenbergerstrasse August Schäflfer; Haver, B. Menninghüffen, Christian Schafer; c/o John F. Hermann, 173/11, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; 5132. 1/Westfalen, Germany; 23559. Bernhardstr. 9, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany; Elisabeth Schaefer; Zähningerstrasse 4, August Schäfer; Glashuettenstrasse 8, Os­ 10454. Karlsruhe in Baden, Germany; 12008. ternburg, Oldenburg, Germany; 9514. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Elisabeth Schaefers; c/o Franz Thombou- August Schaefer; Leipzigerstrasse 5, Frieda at-law, next of kin, legatees and distribu­ sen, Ludwigstrasse 2/1, Paderborn, Germany; bei Eschwege, Rgbz. Kassel, Germany; 20696. tees, names unknown, of Christian Schäfer, 9462. August Schäflfer; Tonnenkeide 84, Kr. deceased; 10612. Elisabeth Schaefer; Vahldorf No. 98, Post Luebbecke, Westf., Germany; 11443. Christian Schäfer; Friedenstr. 16, Schwein- Neuhaldensleben-Land, Sa., Germany; 6872. Fr. August Schäfer; Nordhellerhammer, furst (Bavaria), Germany; 5321. Elisabeth Henriette Emma Emallie Schae­ den, Bahnstation , Oberbergis- Christian Schaefer; Grevenboich (Rhein­ fer; Bahnhofstrasse 21, Budingen-Oberhes- cher Kreis, Germany. land), Florianstrasse 27, Germany; 9763. sen, Germany; 25553. August Schaefer; c/o Franziska Neufang, Christian Schäfer; Sullenplatz 20a, Düssel­ Elisabeth Rucke Schaefer; Giessen Lahn by Homburg/Saar, Block 9, Germany (British dorf-Reisholz, Germany; 4886. Neuhagen, Eichgarten Alle 10, Hessen, Ger­ Zone). Christian Schäfer; Trierstr. 143, Coblenz- many. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Metternich, Germany; 99. Elisabeth Wilhelmine Schäfer; Lenzhalde at-law, hext of kin, legatees and distributees, Christian Schaefer; Schlieperstrasse, Ber- 12/11, Stuttgart, Germany; 14243. names unknown, of August Heinrich Schae­ lin-Tegel, Germany; 5015. Elly Schäfer; Essen-Ruhr-Rellinghausen, fer, deceased; Germany; 9508. Christian Schaefer; Obergasse 5 (16) Bad Fasanenstrasse 42, Germany; 10624. August Wilhelm Schafer; c/o John F. Herr­ Homburg, Land Hesse, Germany (U. S. Zone). Elsa Schäfer; c/o John F. Hermann, Bern­ mann, Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- hardstrasse 9” Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany; Germany; 10474. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, 10464. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- names unknown, of Christian George Elsa Schäfer; c/o John F. Herrmann, Bern­ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Schäfer, deceased; 571, 7354. hardstr. 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; names unknown, of Mrs. Auguste Schaeffer, Christian Heinrich Schaefer; Gebesetrus- 10460. deceased; Germany; 5241. strasse No. 34, Höchst am Main (bei Frank­ Elsa Schaefer; Linkenheimer, Landstrasse August Margarethe Schäflfer; Altona- furt), Germany; 4888. Karlsruhe, Germany; 10535. Blankenese, Witsallee 7, Germany; 1327. Christian Johann Schaefer; c/o Fritz Lymen Elsa Schäfer; (21A) Flauten, Barbara Schäfer; Trösel, Post Weinheim, Rotermund Schevemoorerlandstr..1193a Bre­ Hindenburgstr. 94, Rheinland, Germany Germany; 15198. men, -Tenever, Germany; 6985, (British Zone); 12295. Benedikt Schaefer; Hasenwäldele, Rastatt 7610. Emil Schäfer; c/o John F. Hermann, Bern­ (Baden), Germany; 153. Christiane Schafer; c/o John F. Herrmann, hardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; Berta Helene Frida Schäfer; Schlossberg Bernhardstrasse 9, 2 "arlsruhe, Baden, Ger­ 1Ö442. 17, in Thüringen, Germany; 23100. many; 10462. Emil Shäfer; c/o John F. Herrmann, Bern­ Bertha Schafer; c/o John F. Hermann, Christine Schäfer; Edenkoben (Rhein­ hardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ pfalz), Klosterstrasse 104, Germany; 477. 10425. many; 10412. Mrs. Christoph Schäfer; Sombornerstrasse Emil Schaffer; Altona-Blankenese, Wittsalle Berthold Schäfer; Niederflschbach, Bz., 82, Dortmund-Somborn (Westphalia) Post 7, Germany; 1329. Koblenz, Rheinland, Germany; 6988. Kley, Germany; 6098. Emil Schaefer; Hochhausen an der, Tauber Berthold Lorenz Schäefer; Brennet am Christoph Schäfer; Bornstrasse 13, Gel­ Lauda-Land (Baden), Germany; 14324. Rhein Amt, Säckingen (Baden), Germany; senkirchen, Germany; 6099. Emil Schäfer; , 'Niederrhein 181. Christoph I. Schaefer; Nussbaums Str. No. Charlottenstrasse 17, Germany; 220. Domiciliary personal representatives, Itieirs- 10, Kiedrich, Germany; 2959. Emil Schäfer; Raden über Leobschütz, at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Christoph Schaefer; Kiedrich, Kreis Rhein­ Oberschlesien, Germany; 23603. names unknown, of Bernhard Schiffer, de­ gau, Erbacherstr. 25, Germany; 2967. Emil Schaefer; Lindenstrasse 108, Iffez­ ceased; Germany; 6065. Christoph Schäfer, Gau Algesheim/Rhein, heim, Germany; 155. Benno Schaeffer; Donau St. 62, Bremen, Untere Bein 30, Distrikt, Bingen, Germany. Emil Schaefer; Nalhof, Post Boesingfeld Germany; 4897. Claus Schaefer; Schubystr. 43, Scheswig, (Lippe), Germany; 10220. Bernard Schäfer; c/o Joseph Schäfer, Of­ Germany; 11573. Emil Schaefer; Pforzheim-Broetzingen, fenbach a/M., Bettinastrasse 52, Germany' Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Germany; 10495. 11757. Emil Schaefer; Minfeld, Germany; 10554. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Bernhard Schaefer; Sparhof, Distr. of names unknown, of Conrad Schaefer, de­ Emil Schaefer; Nonnenweils über Lahn, Fulda, Germany; 258. ceased; Germany; 6079. Baden, Germany; 15929. Emil Schäfer; (20a) in Höver »13, n. b. Bernhard Schaefer; , Kreis, Conrad Schafer; 16 Mteuschelstrasse, Nürn­ Hannover, Germany. Worms, Germany; 5002. berg, Germany. Emil August Shäfer; c/o John F. Hermann, Bernhard Schaefer; Zweibruecken (Rhein - Conrad Schäfer; Freinhagen 16, über, ofalz), Klosterstrass^ 10, Germany; 8312. Bernhardstr. 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; Aroslen, Germany. 10452. Bernhard Schäfer; Königstrasse 86/88, Conrad Schaefer; Steinstrasse 19, Moers Hamborn a. Rhein, Germany; 6983. Emil August Schäfer; c/o John F. Herr­ (Niederrhein), Germany; 146. mann, Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe, Baden, Bernhardine Schaefer; Ricklingen, Ger­ Conrad Schaefer; Honhorst No. 39, Bezirk, many; 10489. Germany;-10471. Hannover, Post Haste Land, Grafschaft, Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- C. Schaefer; Stiftstrasse 40, , Schaumburg, Germany; 12129. Germany; 10622. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Conrad F. W. Schaefer; Altoona— Gr. Flott­ names unknown, of Mrs. Emma Schaefer, de­ Carl Schäfer; Baden, Bleibach-Breisgau, bek, Beselerstrasse 32, Germany; 2296. Germany; 5204. . ceased; Germany; 10509. Conrad Heinrich Christian Schäfer; 4 Emmy Schäfer, Potsdam, Fredrich, Engels- Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Poststrasse, Soltau, Hannover, Germany; str. 1, Germany; 5222. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, 10740. Erna Louise Schaefer; Altona-Gr. Flottbek names unknown, of Carl Schaeffer, deceased; Curt Schaefer; Fungfernheideweg 37, Ber­ 9M, Bellmannstrasse 4, Germany c/o Mrs. Germany; 5116. lin, Siemensstaat, Germany; 6921. Johanna Kaphengst); 2299. Tuesday, J a n u a ry 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 619

Ernestine Schafer; c/o John F. Hermann, Franz Schäffer; Bierverlag, Hitler T. W., names unknown, of Fritz Friedrich Schaefer, Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Germany; 21047. deceased; Germany; 6943. many; 10414. Franziska Schaefer; Hauptstrasse 328, Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Ernestine Schafer; c/o John F. Herrmann, Rastatt (Baden), Germany; 159. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Frieda Schafer; Brome/Hannover, District names unknown, of Fritz Schaefer, deceased; many; 10461. of Gifhorn, Germany; 9493. Germany; 9548. Ernst Schäfer; c/o John F. Herrmann, Frieda Schaefer; Stollhofen, Germany; Dr. G. E. K. Freidrich Schäffer; Johanne­ Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ 10527. strasse 15, Giessen; Hessen, Germany; 5031, many; 10407. Friedericka Auguste Luise Schäffer; Weimer 6969. Ernst Schaefer; , Germany; 8333. (), Rothauserbergweg 14, Ger­ Georg Schaefer; Talstrasse 15, ptr. links- Ernst Schäfer; Feuchtwangen, Bayern-Mit­ many; 4819. Hannover, Germany; 10621. telfranken, Germany; 4817. Friederike Schaeffer; Silschede ueber Gev­ Georg Schaefer; Karlsruhe 1/B, Germany; Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- elsberg (W estf.), Germany; 10133, 10617. 10580. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Friederike Charlotte Ernestine Schäfer; 48 Georg Schaefer; Karlsruhe 1/B, Germany; names unknown, of Ernst Schaefer, deceased; Beekstrasse, Ricklingen, Hannover, Germany; 10555. Germany; 23821. 10735. Georg Schaefer; Burstrasse 6, Burgstein- Ernst Schaeffer; Edenkoben, Klosterstr. Friedrick Schäfer; Hauptstr. 140, Schulen­ furt, Bez. Muenster, Westfalen, Germany; 161, Germany; 9007. berg (Leine), Post. Land, Provinz Hann­ 6078. Ernst Schaefer; Spitalgasse 14, Kaunten over, Germany; 16194. Georg Schäfer; Stalburgstrasse 3, Frank­ Ostmark, Germany; 20401. Friedrich Schäfer; Bochum-Stiepel, Varen- furt a/Main, Germany; 5253. Ernst Schaffer; Fudendorf 36, bei Leoben holtstrasse 119, Germany (British Zone); Georg Schäfer, c/o Heinrich Meyer, Her­ Steiermark, Ostmark, Germany; 17337. 12559. zogstrasse 80, Düsseldorf, Germany; 5658. Ernst Schäffer; Alderstrasse 64, Düsseldorf, Friedrich Schaefer; Echweiler, Stoltten- Georg Schäfer; Veitstrasse 7, Berlin-Tegel, Germany; 5184. hofstrasse 42, Germany; 9940. Germany; 14169. Ernst August Schaefer; Ziegelhausen b. Friedrich (Fritz) Schäffer; Haver 9, Men­ Georg Schäfer; bei Betzdorf, (Sieg) Heidelberg, Friedhof weg 1, Germany; 6884. nighüffen, 1/Westfalen, Germany; 23558. Rheinland, Germany; 11772. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Friedrich' Schäffer; Hauptstrasse 30, Per­ Georg Schäfer; Hechenwang bei Lands- at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, mosens, Germany; 5530. berg/Lech, Germany; 11388. names unknown, of Ernst Emil Karl Schaef­ Friedrich Schaefer; Kassel, Kaiserstrasse Georg Schäfer; Buchenreuth 3, Post fer, deceased; Germany, 5270, 82. 118, Germany; 7592. M Wannbach 13 (a) via Forscheim, Oberfranken Ernst Friedrich Wilhelm Schaeffer; Nor- Friedrich Schaefer; Karlsruhe, .Baden, Ger­ Bavaria, Germany. torf, Germany; 2899. many; 10534. Georg Schaefer; Hattenheim, Kreis, Rhein­ Ernst Ludwig Schaefer; Woessingen Friedrich Scheffer; Lutherstrasse 32, Weser- gau Hauptstrasse 12, Germany; 2966. (Baden), Germany; 8001. münde-Lehe, Germany; 5121. Georg Schäffer; Schussenried (Württem­ Ernst S. Schaeffer; Friedrichstrasse 108, Friedrich Schaefer; Goethestrasse 36, Halle berg), Germany; 4944. Berlin, N.W. 7, Germany; 11574. a. a. Saale, Germany; 5676. Georg Scheffer; Metzerstrasse 15, Olden­ Erwin Schäffer; Bollwerkbau, Stuttgart, Friedrich' Schaefer; Niederstaufenbach, burg 1, Oldbg., Germany; 23824. Germany; 10105. Pfalz-Germany; 23823. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Eugen Schäfer; Boleite 64 b, Kempten/ Friedrich (Fritz) Schaeffer; Königstein 1, at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Allgäu, Germany; 11386. Taunus Gerichtsstrasse 14, Germany; 10089. names unknown, of Georg Schaefer, de­ Eugen Schaefer; Kandel, Pfalz, Germany; Friedrich Schaefer; Durlach, Germany; ceased; Germany; 23695. 7991. 7999. Georg Armbruster Schaefer; Endingen Eugen Schaefer; Augsburg, Frauentor­ Dr. Friedrich Schäffer; Johannesstrasse 15, (Kaiserstuhl), Gerfnany; 3833. strasse 32, Germany. Giessen (Hessen), Germany; 2148. Georg Heinrich W. Schaefer; Braunschweig, Eva Maria Schaefer; Muggensturm 1/B, Friedrich Schaefer; Penzberg 1/Oberbayern, Germany; 8781. Germany; 10551. Germany; 10582. Georg Schäfer; Herdorf bei Bebzdorf, Eve Schäfer; Trösel, Post W^inheim, Ger­ Friedrich Schäfer; Brückenauerstrasse 49, (Seig) Rheinland, Germany. many; 15196. Schlüchtern, Germany; 5225. Gerda Schäffer; Königsfeld, Germany; 423. Ewald Schaeffer; Bochum-Langendreer, 1/ Friedrich Schäfer; .Frankfurterstrasse 8, Gerhard Schäfer; Solden, Germany; 9332. Westf., Germany; 5033. Wolfenbüttel, Germany; 9342. Gertrud Schäfer} Horhausen/Westerwald Familie Schaefer; Opf., Roseg- Friedrich Schaeffer; Stemmer bei Minden über JJeuwied (Rheinland), Germany; 16160. gerstr. 4, Germany (U. S. Zone); 23822. in Westfalen, Germany; 8785. Gertrud Schaefer; Seestrasse 4, Neu Stet­ Ferdinand Julius Schaffer; Bonn, Germany; Friedrich Schäffer; Hiddenhausen 185, tin, Pommern, Germany; 6907, 261. 4983. Kreis Herford (Westphalia), Germany; 3993. Gottfried Schäfer; Vollmarshausen, Bez. Franz Schaefer; Veitsteinbach, Post Neu­ Adolp Friedrich August Carl Schaeffer; Kassel, Germany; 17796. hof, Kreis Fulda 57, Hessen-Nassau, Ger­ Minden in Westfalen, Germany (Ober- Gottfried Schaefer; Koenigstrasse 18, many; 506, 2226H>356. markstr. 17, 1); 5113. Bachem, Kreis Ahrweiler, Germany; 13607. Franz Schäfer; Krefeld, Markstrasse 94, Friedrich Christoph Schäfer; Uckendorfer- Gottfried Ludwig Schäfer; Vollmarshau­ Germany; 9017, 8776. strasse 156, Essen-Katenberg, Germany; sen, Bez. Kassel, Germany; 17805. Franz Schaefer; Arndtstrasse 21, I Tilsit 16701. Gustav Schaefer; c/o Theodore Baumann, (Oberpreussen), Germany; 10615. Friedrich Hermann Schäfer; c/o John F. Szredskistrasse 9, Berlin, Germany; 9753. Franz Schaefer; Platenstrasse 22, Koeln- Herrmann, Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe Gustav Schäffer; Kuglerstrasse 27, Essen, Ehrenfeld, Germany; 13642. (Baden), Germany; 10418. Westphalia, Germany; 4829. Franz Schäfer; Genselbruchstrasse 7, Stet­ (Fritz) Friedrich Karl Schäfer; Salzwedel, Gustav Schaefer; Ursulastrasse 46, Essen, tin, Germany; 15930. Germany, c/o Helene Schäfer; 9554, 9331. Germany; 6876. Franz Brandau Schäffer; 23 , Land­ Fredrich Konrad Schäfer; Freienhagen, Gustav Schaefer; (Rheinland), kreis Osnabrück, Osnabrückerstr. 95a, Ger­ Arolsen Land (Waldeck), Germany; 4796. Stich 95a, Germany; 9942. many (British Zone); 21048. Friedrich Schaefer; Stemmer 153, bei Min­ Gustav Schaefer; Karlsruhe, Germany; Franz Wilhelm Schaeffer; Mühlrodstrasse 4, den in Westf., Germany; 11438. 10536. Aachen-B., Germany; 4792. Friedrich Rudolf Schaefer; Mathilden­ Gustav Schaffer; Graach, Station Moseltal­ Franz Xaver Schaefer; Neuenburg, Amt strasse 25, Düsseldorf, Germany; 6082. bahn, Germany; 5005. Muellheim (Baden), Germany; 165. Friedrich Wilhelm Schäfer; c/o John F. Gustav Schaeffer; Wallstrasse 67, Postal Franz Xaver Schäfer; Zeisig 4 1 8 Donau­ Herrmann, Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe Lock Box 429, Aachen, Germany; 4898. wörth, Germany; 11387. (Baden), Germany; 10417. Gustav Schafer; Kalkgriese bei Engter, Dis­ Rev. Dr. Franz Schaefer; Kalksburg bei Friedrich Wilhelm Schaefer; Leiche bei trict of Osnabrück, Germany; 5252. Wien, Ostmark, Germany; 17302. , Germany; 690. Gustav Rudolf Schäfer; c/o John F. Herr- Franz Schaefer; Kreuzstrasse 14a, Düssel­ Friedrich Wilhelm Schaefer; Künden (West­ man, Berhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (B a­ dorf, Germany; 5245. falen), Bruderstrasse 16, Germany; 8771. den), Germany; 10470. Franz Schaefer; Neuensee Oberfranken Friedrich Wilhelm Schaeffer; Gilgenstrasse Hans Schaefer; Karlsruhe-Doxlanden, über , Berg 22 A, Germany (U. S. 31, Speyer am Rhein (P fa lz ), Germany; 10767. (Baden) Krämerstrasse, 46, Germany; Zone) (c/o Joseph Hoffm an); 96. Fritz Schaefers; Pömbsen 90, Post Brakei- 10512. Franz Schäfer; Bochumerstrasse 285, Reck­ Land, Kreis Höxter, Westphalia, Germany; Hans Schaefer; Schildeckstr. 21/111, Fulda, linghausen, Süd 11, Westfalen, Germany; 9460. Germany (U. S. Zone). 6979. Fritz Schaeffer; Edenkoben/Palatinate, Hans Heinrich Schäfer; Hohnorst 84, Graf­ Franz Schäfer; Stummstrasse 57, Edesheimerstr. 38, Germany; 10783. schaft Schaumburg, Germany; 16700. (Saar), Germany; 6972. Fritz Schaffer; Oelkensallee 67, III Altona- Heinrich Schäfer; Bismarckstrasse 9, Min­ Franz Schäfer; Vogtareutherstrasse 92/1/8, Elbe, Germany; 5124. den in Westfalen, Germany; 5275. Schossberg, near , Germany; 570. Fritz Schaefer; (21b) Arnsberg/Westfalen, Heinrich Schaeffer; Berlin, N. O. 55, Wins- Franz Schaefers; Pömbsen 114, Post Brakei- Schefferei, Germany (British Zone). str. 14, Germany; 544, 6889. Land, Kreis Höxter, Westfalen, Germany; 87, Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Heinrich Schaefer; Bahnhofstrasse, Iffez- 4794. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, ,heim, Germany; 167. 620 NOTICES

Heinrich Schaefers; Steinhausen, . Kreis Heinz Julius Schaefer; Grefrath near Kre­ Jacob Schaefer; Ricklingen, Germany; Buerren, Westfalen, Germany; 562, 6865. feld, Kempenerstrasse 18, Germany; 6886. 10483. Heinrich Schäifer; c/o Otto Friedrich W il­ Helena Schaefer; Fischerstrasse 110, Iffez­ Jacob Schaefer; Minfeld, Germany; 10556. helm Schaeffer, Rothaeuserbergweg 14, Ger­ heim, Germany; 170. Jacob Schaefer; Karlsruhe i/B, Germany; many () ; 5039. Helene Schäfer; (Mrs. Heinrich); Meggen 10579. Heinrich Scheffer; Wickenrode 179, Kreis in Westfalen, Germany; 110. Jacob Schaefer; Bingen/Rhine, Beucher- Witzenhausen, Bez. Kassel, Germany; 17533. Helene Schaefer; Schlossberg 17, Eisenach gasse 22, Germany; 3861. Heinrich Schaefer; Muggensturm, Ger­ (Thueringen), Germany; 23100. Jakob Schaefer; Horden, Amt Rastatt many; 8002. Helene Schaefer; Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen), Baden, Germany; 174. Heinrich Schaefer; Muggensturm 1/B, Luisen Krankenhaus, Germany; 9938. Jakob Schaeffer; Hannover-Linden, Witte­ Germany; 10540. Helene Schäfer (Sister M. Kunihilde); Neu­ kindstrasse, Germany; 9006. Heinrich Schäfers; Feldmarkstrasse 25, wied, St. Elisabeth Krankenhaus, Rheinland, Jakob Schäfer; Karlsruhe/Baden, Vor­ , Kreis Paderborn, Germany; 621. Germany; 11769. holzstrasse 50, Germany; 12326. Heinrich Schaefer; Schweidweg, ­ » Helmut Schaefer; Sentmaringerweg 118, Jean Schaefer; Cologne, Germany; 10101. broich, Neederrheim, Germany; 9762. Münster 1/W, Germany; 5110. Jean Schladt Schaefer; Cologne, Germany; Heinrich Schaefer; Oberweyer b/Hadamar, Helmut Ludwig Schaefer; Schwersen, Amt 10102. Germany; 7997. Baden, Germany; 182. Johann Schaefer; , Westphalia, Heinrich Schaefer; Boedigger ueber W a­ Helmuth Schaefer; Castrop-Rauxel, West­ Germany; 1373. bein, Bez. Kassel, Hessen-rassau, Germany; falen, Germany; 10129. Johann Schaefer; Lichstrasse 34, Lever­ 6877. Henry Walter Schaefer; Kaiser Strasse 11 kusen Wiesdorf, bei Köln am Rhein, Ger­ Heinrich Schaefer; Limbeckstr. 10, Bo­ (20a), Hildesheim, Land Neidersachsen, Ger­ many; 6987. chum-Werne, Germany; 142. many (British Zone). Johann Schaefer; Stephanstrasse 29 I, Ber- Heinrich Schaefer; Erbefeld, Germany; Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- lin-Suedende, Germany; 6084. . 10098. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Irmgard Schaefer; c/o Rechtsanwalt Stats Heinrich Schaeffer; Schellingstr. 138/0, names unknown, of Herbert Schaefer, de­ Müller, Bremen, am W all 192, 1, Germany. München, Germany; 10088. ceased; Germany; 6083. Johann Schaefer; Schongau a/Lech, Ober­ Heinrich Schäfer; Vollmarshausen 41, Bez. Hermann Schaeffer; Blankenese bei Ham­ bayern, Bahnhofweg 350, Germany; 5348. Kassel, Germany; 17807. burg, Germany; 2149. Johann Schaefer; Unterdiessen, Bavaria, Heinrich Schaefer; Wehringhauserstrasse Hermann Schäfer; Damasckestrasse 11, Germany; 5346. 41, Hagen, Germany; 6105. Bramsche near Osnabrück, Germany; 5251. Johann Schaefer; Elspe Kr. Olpe, West­ Heinrich Schäfer; Lippstadt in Westf., Her- Hermann Schäfer; Wesereschstrasse 67, falen, Germany; 6089. mannstr. 21, Germany; 5136, 8777. Osnabrück-Schinkel, Germany; 13885. Johann Schafer; Roostrasse 55, Rhein- Heinrich Schäfer; Haupstrasse 219, Kreis Hermann Schaefer; Wiesbaden, Nercstraae hausen II, Rheinprovinz, Germany; 5257. Sieglar, Reg. Bez., Köln, Germany; 4977. 25, Germany; 24062. Johann Schaefer; Hornbach bei Zwei- Domiliciary personal representatives, heirs- Hermann Schäffer; Brackwede bei Biele­ bruecken (Pfalz), Germany; 427. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, feld, Freibad 18, Germany; 22884. Johann Schäfer; Büdingen, Kreis Merzig, names unknown, of Heinrich Schäfer, de­ Hermann Schaefer; Pforzheim-Broetzin- Saargebiet, Germany; 5160. ceased; Germany; 17389. gen, Biberstrasse 5, Germany; 10493. Johann Schäfer; Gladbeck i/W, Tauschlag Heinrich Schäffer, Sr.; Schlaugasse 24, Herm ann. Schaefer; Hermannstrasse 32, 47, Germany; 5239. , Germany; 4970, 5152. Düsseldorf, Germany; 2791. Johann Schaefer; Holsterhauserstrasse 136, Heinrich Schäffer; Mandern über Bad W il­ Hermann Schaefer; Blumenstrasse 9, 111 Essen, Germany; 2970. dungen, Bez. Kassel, Waldeck, Germany; Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; 5173. Johann Schaefer; Igzersheim, Germany; 10936. Hermann Schaeffer; Mangerstrasse 15, 10558. Heinrich Schafer; c/o John F. Herrmann, Potsdam, Germany; 6870. Johann Schaefer; Hindenburgplatz 122, Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Hermann Schäfer; c/o A. Marcour, Immen­ Thüngen (Unterfranken), Germany; 11576. many; 10443. dahl 59/1, Duisburg am Rhein, Germany; Johann Schaeffer; Haifeld, Germany; 8039. Heinrich Schafer; c/o John F. Herrmann, 5701. Johann Schäfer; Post Schivabmünchen, Bernljardstr. 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany, Hermann Schäfer; Wolfenbüttel, Frank­ Obermeitingen 26 y2, Ober bay ern, Germany; 10451. furterstrasse 8, Wolfenbüttel, Germany; 9344. 5347. Heinrich Schaefer; Kerckhoffstrasse 49, Es­ Hermann Schäfer; „Mechtshausen No. 41, Johann Schäfer; Horhausen/Westerwald sen, Germany; 6919. ub. - No. 41b, Kr. Märienbuh (20b), über Neuwied, Rheinland, Germany; 11773. Heinrich Schäfer; Hasenwinklerstrasse 167, Germany (British Zone); 22866. Johann Schafer; Rixenburgweg 64, Bo­ Bochum Hasenwinkel, Germany; 6980. Alfred Hermann Schaefer; Oberwihl, Amt chum-Werne, Germany; 141. Heinrich Schäfer; Kreimbach (Saarpfalz), Waldshut über Lautenberg/Baden, Germany; Johann Schäfer; c/o Jakob Theisen, Schle­ Germany; 22886. 179. busch II, Kühnstrisch 29, Köln, Germany; Heinrich Schaefer; c/o Wilhelm Schaefer, Hermann Karl Schäfer; Berlin N. Schievel- 432, 9485. Romerberg 37, Wiesbaden, Germany; 24065. beinerstrasse 24, Germany; 12722. Johann Schaefer; /Kreis Heinrich Schäffer; Hitler (Teutoburger- Herman Otto Paul Schaefer, Gross Otters­ Mayen, Bezirk Koblenz, Graben Strasse 339, wald), Germany; 21045. leben bei, Magdeburg, Brutestr. 60, Ger­ Germany; 16980. Lieut. Heinrich Schaefer; Brietz bei Salz­ many; 12616. Johann Schaefer; Roonstrasse 38, Cologne, wedel, Altmark, Germany; 5149, 9330. Hilda Schäfer; c/o John F. Herrmann, Germany; 6984. Heinrich Andreas Schaefer; Hermuehle bei Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Johann Schäfer; Bahnhofstrasse 12, Mug­ Schlitz, Hessen, Germany; 366, 5089. many; 10447. gensturm bei Rastatt, Baden, Germany; 4835, Heinrich August Schäfer; (16) Bens- Hilda Schaefer; Bernhardstrasse 28, Baden- 8005. heim/Bergstrasse, Nibelungenstr. 64, Ger­ Baden, Germany; 173. Johann Schäfer; Büscheid, Wittlich Land, many (ü. S. Zone) ; 5164. Hilda Olga Schafer; c/o John F. Herrmann, Bezirk Trier (Rheinland), Germany; 15895. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Mrs. Johann Schäfer; Gerolsteinerstrasse, at-law, next of kin, legatfees and distributees, many; 10419. 128/III, Köln-Sülz, Germany; 16018. names unknown, of Heinrich Carl Wilhelm Hildegard Schaeffer; Holzlar über Sieburg, Johann Adolf Schaefer; Schmittstrasse 1, Schaefer, deceased; Germany; 3402, 9658. Schule, Germany; 4986. Stolberg (Rhld.), Germany; 13488. Heinrich Christian Conrad Schäfer Wup­ Hubert Schäfer; Saarbrücken 111 (Saar), Johann A\»ton Schaefer; Vinelz b. Erlach, pertal-Barmen, Rudolf-Herzogstr. 12, Ger­ 48 Nauwieserstrasse, Germany; 8437, 11542. Canton Bern, Surtzerland, Germany; 6086. many; 1346. Hugo Schaefer; Heubschstrasse 24, Karls­ Johann Christoph Schäfer; Auggen, Baden, Heinrich Edmund Schäfer; Metzendorf­ ruhe 1, Baden, Germany; 6085. Germany; 15933. strasse 94, Essen-Margarethenhöle, Germany; Hugo Schaefer; 17 a Heidelberg, Neugasse Johann Friedrich Schäfer; Muggondorf Fr. 5274. Schweiz, Oberfranken, Germany; 20050. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- 8, Baden, Deutschland, Germany; 6931. Ida Schäfer; Wolfenbüttel, Frankfurter­ Johann Georg Schäfer; c/o Mrs. Theresia at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Schaefer, Wendelgardstrasse 30, Friedrichs- names unknown, of Heinrich Julius Schäfer, strasse 8, Germany; 9343. hafen/Bodensee, Germany; 17417. deceased; Germany, 17794. Ilse Schafer; c/o John F. Herrmann, Bern­ Johann Gottlieb Schäfer; c/o August Heinrich Karl Schaefer; Nussloch, Ant. hardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; Schäfer, Garnisonstrasse 33, Tilsit, Germany; Heidelberg, Baden, Sinsheimerstrasse 8, Ger­ 10458. many; 6885. Jacob Schafer; c/o John F. Herrmann, 21503. Heinrich Nicolaus Carl Schafer; - Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Johann Joseph Schäfer; Pfarrstrasse 216, Schleswig'Holstein (24-b), Flagentwiete 36, many; 10408. Ettringen, District Koblenz, Germany; 5101. Germany (British Zone). • Jacob Schafer; c/o John F. Herrmann, Johann Peter Schaefer; , Post Bit­ Heinrich Wilhelm Schaefer; Stader Land­ Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ burg-Land, Rheinland, Germany; 6923. strasse 3, 1, Bremen-Lesum, Germany, 5169. many; 10459. Johann Peter Schaefer, II; Birresdorf über Heinrich Schäfer; Wernsurg, Haus Nr. 2, Jacob Schaefer; , Pirm a­ Remagen, Im Ort 3, Kreis Ahrweiler, Rhein­ Kreis Fritzler-Homberg, Germany. sens, Saarpfalz, Germany; 23096. land, Germany; 10620. Heinrich Wilhelm Schaefer; Minden (West­ Jacob Schaefer; Artilleriestrasse 28, Saar­ Johanna Schaefer; Eberweilerstrasse 26, falen), Königstrasse 75, Germany; 8774. brücken 6, Germany; 15932. Baden-Baden, Germany; 172. T u e s d a y , J a n u a ry 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 621

Johanna Schäfer; c/o Kaspar Wiedenhauer, Joseph Schaeffer; Soers 64, near Aachen, Karl Schäfer; Bichl. Hs.-N 28 y2, Ober­ Schulstrasse 31/1 lks., Munich, Bavaria, Ger­ Rheinland, Berensbergerstrasse, Germany; bayern, Germany. many; 5350. 5051. Karl Schaefer; Weikersheim/Bad Mergen­ Johanna Auguste Martha Schaefer; Braun­ Joseph Schaefer; Erbach, Kr. Rheingau, theim ü Wurrtemberg, Rosenstr. 13, Ger­ schweig, Eschenburgstrasse 2, I, Germany; Franzekystrasse 8, Germany; 12077. many. 8784. Joseph Schaefer; Altenstadt near Schon­ Karl Schaefer; Heidkrug, Kr. Verden, Post Johanna Maria Schaefer; Rixenburgweg 65, gau, Oberbayern, Germany; 5452. Langwedel, Land, Niedersachsen, Germany Bochum-Werne, Germany; 1569. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- (British Zone). Johanne Luise Schaeffer; Friedrichstrasse at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Karl Friedrich Schäfer; Woessingen #7, Loehne Kreis Herford, Westf., Germany; names unknown, of Joseph Schäfer, de­ (Baden), Germany; 10457. 2911. ceased; Germany; 126, 5197. Karl Friedrich Schäfer; Eisenach Thürin­ Johannes Schaefer; Ruprechtstrasse 7, Joseph Karl Schäfer; Kilansberg, ueber gen, Schlossberg, Germany; 17345. Frankfurt am Main, Germany; 510. Neuhof, District of Fulda, Germany; 271, Karl Friedrich Schäfer; c/o John F. Herr­ Johannes Schaefer; Julicherstrasse 30, 6900. mann, Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Köln-Germany; 17044. Julie Schaefer; Ceniestrasse, Muehringen- Germany; 10468. Johannes Schaefers; Pömbsen 13, Post Horb, Wuerttemberg, Germany; 5221. Karl Friedrich August Schäfer; Berlin N. Brakel-Land, Kreis Höxter, Westphalia, •Ger-» Julius Schafer; c/o John F. Herrmann, Gerichtstrasse 32, Germany; 12723. many; 9461. Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Karl Heinrich Schäfer; c/o John F. Herr­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- many; 10450. mann, Karlsruhe (Baden), Bernhardstrasse at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Julius Schäffer; Rheinerstrasse 45, Lingen- 9, Germany; 10463. names unknown, of Johannes Schaefer, de­ Ems, Germany; 4981, 5004. » Karl Josef Schäfer; Mannheim B-7, 3, ceased; Germany; 9493. Julius Schäfer; near Alzey, Baden, Germany; 22989. Johannes Schaefer; Baunackstrasse 5, Leip­ Rhine-Hessen, Germany; 4847. $arl Konrad Ernst Schäfer; Bad Oeyn­ zig, Germany; 6077. Julius Schaffer; c/o Elisabeth Schäffer, hausen, Hardenbergstrasse 22, Germany; Johannes Schaefer; Heinigstrasse 81, Lud­ Heerstrasse 2, Bonn am Rhein, Germany; 11753. wigshafen am Rhein, Rheinpfalz, Germany; 10978. Karl Ludwig Gustav Schäfer; c/o John F. 11575. Justus Schafer; Kassel, Herkulesstrabe 3, Herrmann, Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe Johannes Schaefer; Fischbach b. Dohn, Germany. (Baden), Germany; 10411. Rheinpfalz, Bayern, Germany; 6937. Justus Ludwig Schäfer; Vollmarshausen, Karl Wilhelm Schafer; c/o John F. Herr­ Johannes Schaefer; Minfeld, Germany; Bez. Kassel, Germany; 17795. , mann, Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), 10557. K. Heinrich Franz Schaefer; Krefeld, Germany; 10449. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Markstrasse 94, Germany; 8776. Karl Wilhelm Schäfer; Block-Heimbach bei, at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Kalitus Schaefer; c/o of Wahlweiler, Neuwied am Rhein, Germany; 16400. names unknown, of Mrs. Johannes Schaefer, Amt. Ueberlingen, Gemeinde Homberg, Karoline Schaefer; c/o John F. Herrmann, deceased; Germany; 4836. Baden, Germany; 6879. Karlsruhe i/B, Germany; 12099. Johannes Friedrich Schaefer; Niedersteine- Karl Schaefer; Wertheim/M., Germany; Kaspar Schaefer; Vereinstrasse 6, Frank­ bach (Haus No. 10), Horhausen, Westerwald 6871. furt/M. No. 14, Germany; 6882. über Neuwied, Germany; 6949. Karl Schafer; c/o John F. Herrmann, Bern­ Kaspar Schaefer; Ilmuenster a. d. Ilm, O. Johannes Konrad Schaefer; Rixenburgweg hardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; Bayern, Germany; 6918. 65, Bochum-Werne, Germany; 48. 10413. Katharina Schaefer; c/o Louis Schaefer, Mrs. Josef Schaeffer; Herrenalb (Schwarz­ Karl Schäfer; Holtestrasse 11, Dortmund, Postschiliessfach 71, Linz/Rhein, Germany; wald), Germany; 4980. Lütgendortmund/Westfalen, Germany; 5066. 5344. Josef Eugen Schaefer; e/o Rössle, Baden- Karl' Schaffer; Nootstrasse No. 1, Essen- Katharina Schäfer; Kiliansberg, above Baden, West, Germany; 166. Altenessen, Germany; 5189. Neuhof, District of Fulda, Germany; 270, Josef Hubert Schaefer; Friedhofstrasse 9, Karl Schäfer; (lb ) Derlammen Post Herb- 6900. Grevenbroich (Niederrhein), Germany; 9764. stein, Hessen, Germany (Ü. S. Zone); 23439. Katharina Schaefer; Hauptstrasse 329, Josefine Schaefer; Sparhof. Gemeinde Karl Schäffer; Halle/Saale, Schreberstrasse Iffezheim, Germany; 152. Veitsteinbach, Kreis Fulda, Germany; 7335. 15, Germany; 23561. Käthe Schaefer; Toeplitzstrasse 5/IIr., Josef Schaefer; Neusserstrasse 78, Düssel­ Karl Schaeffer; Edenkoben, Nonnenstrasse, Frankfurt/M, Germany; 5668. dorf, Germany; 6944. Germany; 9005. Katherina Maria Hubertine Schaefer; Josef Schaefer; Karlsruhe, Germany; 10503. Karl Schafer; Sandstrasse B, Steuerin­ Niedersteinback, Neuwied, Rheinland, Ger­ Josef Schäfer; Durmersheimersträsse 7, spektor, Gross-Gerau Hessen, Germany; many; 6984. KarlsruherGruenurnkel, Germany; 5068. 5264. Katherina Schaefer; Niederluetzllngen, Josef Schaefer; Muggensturm, Germany; Karl Schaefer, Sebaldstrasse 10, Durlach b. Bezirk, Koblenz, Germany; 13619. 8004. Karlsruhe, Germany; 6883, 574. Kilian Schaefer; (16) Neuenbrunslar, über Josef Schaefer; Muggensturm i. B., Ger­ Karl Schäffer; Menzelgasse 3/30, Vienna Wabern, Bezirk Kassel, Hessen, Germany; many; 10559. XII, Ostmark, Germany; 17853. 6878. Josef Schaefer; Werderstrasse 3, Muggen­ Karl Schaeffer; bei Landau, Klara Schaefer; Karlsruhe i/Baden, Wald­ sturm bei Rastatt (Baden), Germany; 130. Pfalz, Germany; 250. horstrasse 55, Germany; 10510. m Josef Schaefer; Strasse 73, bei Herzogen­ Karl Scheffer; Richard Wagnerstrasse 12, Klara Albertine Helen Schäffer; Herford rath, Bezirk, Aachen, Germany; 23825. Bei Feldmann Essen, Rheinland, Germany; Westf., Germany; 5112. Josef Schäfer, Isen, Oberbayern, Germany; 4749. Konrad Schaefer; c/o Louis Schaefer, Esq., 6075. Karl v Schäfer; Heudenborgstrasse 302, Postschliessfach 71, Linz/Rhein, Germany; Josef Schaefer; Düsseldorf-Holthausen, Wächersbach, Germany; 10137. 5337. Heggemannstrasse 37a, Germany; 5024. Karl Schäfer; Pferdeweg 8, Buchholz, Kreis Konrad Schäfer; Langured bei München, Harburg, Germany; 13882. Josef Schäfer; Offenburg, 80 ­ Allacherstrasse 9, Germany; 5453. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- strasse (Konfectionshaus), Baden, Germany; Konrad Schäfer; Württemberg, Ebersbach, at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, 6968. Kreis Saulgau, Germany; 9306, 9849. names unknown, of Karl Schäfer, deceased; Josef Schaefer; Kuppenheimer'strasse 14, Konrad Schaefer; Karlsruhe, Germany; Germany; 15934. Baden-Baden West, Germany; 160. 7992. Karl Schäfer, also known as Karl Shäfer; Josef Schäfer; /Koblenz a/Rhein, Konrad Heinrich Schäfer; Bahnhofstrasse Kehl a/Rhein, Kasernenstrasse 14, Germany; Hauptstrasse 83, Germany; 3839. 16, Angersbach (Hessen), Kreis Lauterbach, 598. Josef Schaefer; Weilerstrasse 2-III, Munich, Germany; 347. Karl Schaefer; Westfeldstrasse 57, Witten- Bavaria, Germany; 5557. Kurt Schaefer; c/o Louis Schaefer, Post­ Annen (21b), Westphalia, Germany; 5667. Josef Schaefer; Bettinastrasse 52, Offen­ schliessfach 71, Linz/Rhein, Germany; 5338. Karl Schäfer; Färberstrasse 26, Kehl a/Rh., bach a/M, Germany; 6933. Germany; 5231. Kurt Schäfer; Feldstrasse 41, Chemnitz, ( Saxony), Germany; 5325.. Josef Schaeffer; Obere Weissgerberstrasse Karl Schaefer ¡Muggensturm i/B, Germany; 20/2/23, Vienna III, Ostmark, Germany; 95, 10550. Kurt Schaefer; Karlsruhe, Germany; 10533. 10762. Karl Schaefer; Pforzheim, Broetzingen, Kurt Schaefer; c/o Mrs. Anna Sturm, HSlle- Josef Schäfer; Andernacherstrasse 104-A, Germany; 10494. a/d-Saale, Kellneistrasse 16, Germany; 24163. bei Andernach am Rhein, Germany; Karl Schaefer; Worms, Germany; 10560. Kurt August Schäfer; Emilienstrasse 4 ptr., 4840. Karl Schaefer; Andreestrasse 57, Bremen, links, Hannover, Geramny; 75, 573, 7356. Josef Schaefer; Westermuchlstrasse 18/21, Germany; 16419. Leo Schäfer; Magdlos 67, Kreis, Fulda, Muenchen, Germany; 6932. Karl Schäfer; Dornbach, Bez. Rocken­ Germany; 6074. Josef Schafer; c/o Dr. Peter Dierle, Ett­ hausen, Pfalz/Franz, Germany; 17412. Leo Schaefer; Muggensturm i/B, Germany; lingen bei Karlsruhe, Schullerstrasse 1, Ger­ Karl Schaefer; bei Hugo Merk Imsweiler, 10539. many. Bezirk Rockenhausen, Pfalz, Germany; 17490. Leo Schaefer; Maggensturm, Germany; Joseph Schaefer; 22a Eässen-Kray, Nord- Karl Schaefer; Muggensturm, Germany; 10563. Rhein provinz, Germany (British Zone); 680. 10561. Leonhard Schaefer; Muenchenerstrasse Joseph Schaefer; Schulstrasse 47, Triberg 1. Karl Schäfer; Bochum-Langendreer, West­ 258, Kolonie Lerchenau, Post, Muenchen 13, Schl., Germany; 6933. strasse 53, Westfalen, Germany. Germany; 23826. 622 NOTICES

Leonhard Schäfer; Tennis Platz, Mann­ Martin Bernhard Schaefer; Berlin-Nieder- Oto Schaefer; , Krs. Iserlohn, Hemer­ heim, Germany; 15194. schoenhausen, Blumenthalstrasse 26a, Ger­ hardt, Germany. Leopold Schaefer; Kehl a/Rhein, Germany; many; 12979, 21907. Otto Schaefer; Zeppelinstrasse 52, Stutt­ 10501. Martin Gottfried Schäfer; Vollmarshausen, gart-Vaihingen, Germany. Lilly Johanna Schäfer; Emilienstrasse 4, Bez., Kassel, Germany; 17806. Otto Schaefer; Mannheim (17A) Langstr. ptr., Hannover, Germany; 74, 7355, 572. Major Martin Wilhelm Schaeffer; Elisen­ 84, Germany (U. S. Zone). Lina Louise Ottilie Schafer; c/o John F. strasse 70, Dresden, A-16, Germany; 23619. Otto Bernhard Schaefer; Missundestrasse 6, Herrmann, Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe Mathias Schaefer; Karlsruhe, Germany; Altona/Elbe, Germany; 272. (Baden), Germany; 10416. 7993. Otto Ernst Schaefer; Treuburg Ostpreus- Lisel Schaefer; Neuhaidensleberstrasse 52, Mathilde Schäffer; Hagedorn 31, Post Stift,’ sen, Barkermeisterstrasse, Poststrasse 26, Althaldensleben bei Magdeberg, Germany; Buernheim, Kreis Herford, Westfalen, Ger­ Germany; 583. 133. many; 9945. Otto Friedrich Wilhelm Schäffer; Weimar Lorenz Schäfer; Bingen/Rhine, Heinrich­ Mathilde Schäfer; Allenbögge (Krs. Unna) (Thüringen), Rothauserbergweg 14, Ger­ strasse (10), Germany; 3862. i Adalbertstr. N. 3, Westfalen, Germany (Brit­ many; 4820. Louis Schaefer; Georgiring 9 III, Leipzig 1, ish Zone). Otto Paul Schaefer; Moltkestrasse 10a, Germany; 6081. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Magdeburg, Germany; 10613. Louis Schaefer, Esq.; Postschliessfach 71, at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Paul Schaeffer; 8 Poststrasse (Bonn/ Linz/Rhein, Germany; 5345. names unknown, of Max Schäfer, deceased, Rhein), Germany; 4987. Louise Schafer; c/o John F. Herrmann, Germany; 5112. Paul Schaefer; Adolf-Hitlerstrasse 156, Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Max Hermann Schaefer; Dortmund, Mün­ Oberkassel/Bonn am Rhein, Rheinland, many; 10473. sterstrasse, 95, Germany; 11762. Germany; 5363. Louise Schaefer; München, Germany; 7995.' Dr. Max Johann Schaefer; Kaiserplatz 10/1, Paul Schaefer; Heimweg 2, Duisburg- Louise Schaefer; Minfeld, Germany; 10562. Augsburg, Germany; 357, 6929. Wedau, Germany; 10625. Louise Adelheid Schaefer; Stolberg Medarus Schaefer; Muggensturm i/B, Ger­ Peter Schäfer; Rüthen in Westfalen, Hoch- (Rheinland), Schmittstrasse 7, Germany; many; 10599, strasse 3, Germany; 12086.; 10052. Michael Schafer; Gangloff, Bez. Kusel, Peter Schäfer; 1 Bissingerstrasse, Wein- F. Lorenz Schäfer; Platz No. (Rheinpfalz), Hessen/Pfalz, Germany; 20762. heim/Baden, Germany; 15197. 3, -Bavaria, Germany. Michael Schaefer; Niederluetzlingen, Peter Schäfer; Frankfurt am Main, Ger­ Ludwig Schaefer; Noessingen i/Bretten, Bezirk Koblenz, Germany; 13618. many; 10109. Baden, Germany; 10481. Michael Schaefer; Landsbergerstrasse 105, Peter Schäfer; Guellesheim, Neuwied, Ludwig Schaefer; Postschliessfach 71, I mb., Muenchen, Germany; 10619. Rheinland, Germany; 21155. , Germany; 969, 5339. Mina Schäfer; c/o John F. Herrmann, Peter Schaefer; (22-b) Horhausen/Wester- Ludwig Schaefer; Leutenstrasse 12a, Gel­ Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ wald, Germany; 6924. senkirchen, Germany; 6891. many; 10420. Peter Schäffer; Schaephuysen ueber, Kre­ Ludwig Schaefer; Eppstrasse 124, Oberst- Mina Schaefer; Karlsruhe in Baden, Sybel- feld 2, Germany; 4912. dorf/Allgäu, Bavaria, Germany; 5451. strasse 11, Germany; 10513. Peter Schäffer; Hoeningerplatz 19, Köln- Ludwig Schaefer; Reilingen (Baden), Ger­ Minna Schäffer; Feldmark-West Nr. 25, Zollstock, Germany; 5118. many; 10511. Vlotho, Westfalen, Germany; 11577. Peter Schäfer; c/o Johann Schäfer, Büdin­ Ludwig Schaefer; Karlsruhe i/Baden, Alte, Moritz Schaffer; Lauchem über Hameln, gen, Kreis Merzig, Saargebiet, Germany; 5163. Brauerei Schrumpel, Durlacherstrasse 81/3, Hannover, Germany; 7357. Peter Schäfer; Block-Heimbach bei Neu­ Germany; 10514. Nicolaus Schäfer; über Palch, wied am Rhein, Germany; 16398. Ludwig Schäfer; Königsbach b/Pforzheim, Bezirk Koblenz, Rheinland, Germany; 17693. Peter Franz Schaeffer; Wittlich (Rhein­ Bleichstrasse/Baden, Germany; 12328. Nikolas Schaeffer; Germany; 15533. land), Oberstrasse 1, Germany; 555. Ludwig Schäfer; Angerstrasse 30, Münder Nikolaus Schaefer; Im Alten Holz 5, Hagen, Peter Joseph Schaefer; Alte Strasse 71, a. D., Germany; 15442. Westfalen, Germany; 23827. Köhlberg 4, bei , Kreis, Aachen, Ludwig Oskar Schaefer; Mathildenstrasse Nikolaus Schaefer I; Schlaufstrasse 40, Germany; 6917. 25. (Büro) Düsseldorf, Germany; 5213. , Post Faid ueber, , Reg. Bez., Peter Josef Schaefer; Deesen, Westerwald, Luise Schaefer; (20) Bad Harzburg-Bund­ Koblenz, Germany; 6922. Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 10616. heim, Prinz. Albrechtstrasse 3, Germany; Nikolaus Schaefer; Landsberg/Lech, Die- Peter Josef Schaefer; Niederluetzlingen, 9512, trlch-Ekartstrasse, 13, Bavaria, Germany; Bezirk, Koblenz, Germany; 13616. Luise Schaeffer; c/o Adolf Rickert, Gym­ 5558. £eter Josef Schaefer; Grevenbroich (Nie­ nasium St. 26, St. Ingbert, Germany; 15354. Nikolaus Schäfer; Kaiser-Friedrichstrasse, derrheim), Von Hindenburgstrasse 50, Ger­ Luise Schaeffer; Roermonderstrasse 44, 83/11, Hof I, Berlin-Neukölln, Germany; many; 9765. Aachen, Germany; 4989. 12584. Paul Peter Schaefer; Hollenstrasse 15, 17 Luise Johanne Schäfer; Bremen, Reeder­ Nikolaus Schäfer; Bergstein 79, Krs., Wössingen, Kreis, Karlsruhe, Germany; strasse 22, Germany; 9067. Düren, Rheinland, Germany; 5176. 10524. Magdalena Schäffer; Weissenbach an der Nina Schaefer; Waessingen, Germany; Peter Wilhelm Schaefer; Frankfurt am Enns, Steiermark, Germany. 12006. Main, Basaltstrasse 19/III, Germany; 6097. Margarete Schaefer; Klieken bei Dessau, Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Philipp Schaefer; Winzlerstrasse 59, Pir­ Anhalt, C^rmany; 10627. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, masens, Rheinpfalz, Germany; 5702. Margarete Schaeffer; Windorf No. 6, Ge­ names unknown, of Oskar Schäfer, deceased; Philipp Schäfer; Königsbach b/Pforzheim, meinde, Pirka, Post Strassgang, Ostmark, Germany; 10441. Durlacherstrasse 18, Baden, Germany; 12327. Germany; 20440. Oskar Schaefer; Ochtendung bei Koblenz- Philipp Heinrich Schäffer; Edenkoben, Margaretha Schaefer; Gartenstrasse 3, am-Rhein, Germany; 6947. Platinate, 136, Bahnhofstrasse, Germany; Nuernberg, Germany; 6087. Oskar Schaefer; Maunheim, Germany; 10784. Margarethe Luise Schäfer; Blankenburger- 10497. Philipp Heinrich Schaffe^ Edenkoben, strasse 38, Bremen, Germany; 9066, 5648. Otto Schaefer; Kiauschen, Germany; 16964. Watzengasse, 17, Germany; 10787. Maria Schaeffer; Windorf, Gemeinde Pirka, Otto Schäfer; Einöllen bei Wolfstein, Pa­ Philipp Heinrich Schäffer, Sr.; Schlaugasse Post Strassgang, Ostmark, Germany; 20441. latinate, Germany; 22871. 24, Pirmasens/Pfalz, Germany; 4970, 5152. Maria Schaefer; Ruckers, Kreis, Fulda, Ger­ Otto Schaefer; Günzelstrasse 46, Berlin- Philippina Schaefer; Hinterweidenthal, many; 7336. Wilmersdorf, Germany; 581. County of Pirmasens, Saarpfalz, Germany; Marianne Schäfer; Thüngen Mainfr. Her­ Otto Schaefer; Muggensturm, Germany; 23746. renstrasse 36, Germany (U. S. Zone). 8003. Raimund Schaefer; Kandlgasse 18, Vienna Luise Schaeffer; Friedrichstrasse 7, Loehne, Otto Schaefer; Muggensturm i/B, Germany; VII, Ostmark, Germany; 7185. Kreis Herford I, Westfalen, Germany; 6975. 10544. Rheinhold Schaefer; (20) Brome, Kr. G if­ Maria Schaefer; Frefeld/Rhld. von Kettel- Otto Schaefer; Bahnhofstrasse 21, Büdin­ horn, Salzwedeierstrasse 105, Germany; 9494. erstrasse 111, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany gen (Oberhessen), Germany; 5234. Richard Schafer; c/o John F. Herrman, (British Zone). Otto Schaefer; Grossestrasse 9, Althaldens- Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe, Baden, Ger­ Maria Katharina Schäfer; Blöck-Heimbach behen, Kr. Neuhaldensleben, Reg. Bez. Mag­ many; 10475. bei Neuwied am Rhein, Germany; 16397. deburg, Germany; 6880. Robert Schäffer; c/o T ‘itsches Ausland Marie Schaeffer; Brühl (near Cologne), Otto Schäfer; Grumsin, Kreis Angermün­ Institut, Danziger, Freiheit 17 (DA 1), Stutt­ Kaiserstrasse 22, Germany; 5084. de Germany; 11578. gart S, Germany; 5099. Marie Schaeffer; Alexanderstrasse 21, Otto Schäfer; Einoellen ueber Lauterecken, Robert Schäffer; Badstrasse 30, Stuttgart- Aachen, Germany; 5071. Saarpflaz, Germany; 10626. , Germany; 6096. Marie Franziska Amalie Schaefer; c/o Mar­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Robert Schäfer; Hardegsen am Anger, No. tin Bernhard Schafer, Berlin-Niederschoen- at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, 162, District in Hannover, Ger­ hausen, Blumenthalstrasse 26a, Germany; names unknown, of Otto Schaefer, deceased; many; 21409.^ 12977, 21908. Germany; 157. Robert Franz Wilhelm Schaefer; Falken­ Martha Schäfer; Berlin N. 65, Togo St., 5 II, Otto Schäfer; Lebenstedt 2 (Braunschweg) krug, Detmold, Germany; 40. Tr., Germany. Diestelweg 5, Germany (British Zone). Robert Heinrich Schafer; c/o John F. Herr­ Martin Schäfer; Obermeitingen 26, Ober­ Otto Schaefer; Stuttgar-Vaihingen, Zep­ mann, Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), bayern, Germany; 532. pelinstrasse 52, Germany. . Germa: /; 10469. T u e sd a y , J a n u a ry 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 623

Robert Paul Schaefer; Marienstrasse 94, Wilhelm Schaefer; Romberberg 37, Wies­ Wilhelmine Schäfer; Cologne, Germany; Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; 180. baden, Germany; 24060. 5654. Rudolf Schaffer; Dollfussplatz 10, Juden- Wilhelm Schaefer; Schlesurger Strasse 61 Wilhelmine Schaefers; (16) Frankfurt a burg (Steiermark), Ostmark, Germany; I, Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Germany; 23689. M-Fechenheim 45, Alt-Fechenljeim 45, 17819. Wilhelm Schi,fer I; Beinstrasse 21, Biebe­ Hessen, Germany (U. S. Zone); 13886. Prof. Dr. Rudolf Schäfer; Grossestrasse 8, sheim in Hessen, Kreis, Gross Gerau, Ger­ Wilhelmine Schäfer; c/o Legal Committee Rotenburg in Hannover, Germany; 16113. many; 13278. Office of Provincial Court of Appeal for Poor- Rudolf Johannes Schaefer; Klieken (20) Wilhelm Schaefer; Losheim (Eifel) über, Law, Köln, Germany; 6102. Celle i/Hannover, Hartzerstrasäe, 3 A, Ger­ Jünkerath, Kreis, Schünden, Germany; 5063. Willi Schäfer; WirbelaU, Weilburg an der many (British Zone); 17428. Wilhelm Schaefer; Schmittstrasse 7, Stol- Lahn, Reg. Bez. Wiesbaden, Germany; 5146. Rudolf Schafer; c/o John F. Herrmann, berg (Rhld.), Germany; 12869. Willi (Wilhelm) Schaefer; Kirchstrasse, Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Wilhelm Schaefer; Eugen-Adolffstrasse 100, (Ruhr), Germany; 9766. many; 10478. Backnang in Württemberg, Germany; 14166. Xaver Schäfer; Holzgünz, Post Unger- Rudolf Schaefer; Grunerstrasse 3, Düssel­ Wilhelm Schaefer; Enersberg Bhf. 33, Kreis, hausen/Schwaben, Germany; 11389. dorf, Germany; 2792. Meschede, Germany; 6088, Heinrich Sichelschmidt; Schattwegstrasse Siegmund Schaeffer; Steubenrauchstrasse, Wilhelm Schaefer; Post Muenster, Kr. 17, Letmathe/Westphalia, Germany; 6730. Berlin-Friedenau, Germany; 5263. Hoechst, Niederhofheim/Taumus, Germany; Adolf Siebert; Dahre, Kreis, Salzwedel, Simon Schaffer; Bahnhofstrasse 79, Eden- 6938. Germany; 6683. koben, Germany; 10785. Wilhelm Schäfer; Oberhausen, Rhld., Muel- Friedrich Arthur Siebert; (20b) Bad Lau- Sister Sophie Schäfer; c/o John F. Herr­ heimerstrasse 153, Germany; 6926. terberg/Harz, Hauptstrasse 59, Germany mann, Bernhaxdstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Wilhelm Schäfer; Bruchhauserstrasse 88, (Western Zone); 8362. Germany; 10410. Opladen-, Rheinland, Germany; George Gottfried Paul Siebert; Germany; Stefan Schaefer; Windsheim Pfruende, 104. „ . 8361. Bayern, Mittelfranken, Germany; 23828. Wilhelm Schäfer; Gutsnerwalter, Gut Wilhelm Siebert; Bad Wildungen, Brun­ Stephan Schaefer; Dietershofen b/Mess- Schafhof b/Frankershausen, Kreis Esch- nenstrasse 53, Germany; 6729. kirch, Germany; 10528. . „ wege-Bezirk Kassel, Germany. Elise Siede; Neuhaldensleben, Germany; Stephan Schäfer; Nöttenstrasse lTfRoest in Wilhelm Adolph Schaefer; Grupenhagen 9721. Westphalia, Germany (British Zone); 16977. über, Hameln, Germany; 10221. Rudolf Siefker; c/o H. Wilh. Kormeyer, Stephan Schaefer; Koeln-Zollstock, Kal- Wilhelm Friedrich Schaefer; Ebstorf, Bahn- Hankenberge, Bez., Osnabrück, Germany; scheuerweg 25, Germany; 13640. meisterterei (Nelzen), Germany; 8778. 21042. Stephanie Schaefer; Lindenstrasse 116, I f­ Wilhelm Heinrich Schäffer; Fabbenstedt Otto Siegfried (Mrs.); Schoenaicher- fezheim, Germany; 156. b/29, Kreis, Luebbecke, Westfalen, Germany; strasse 9, Boeblingen b. Stuttgart, Württem­ Susanna Schaefer; Linzhausenstrasse 11, 13773. ‘ berg, Germany; 5862. Linz/Rhein (22b), Germany (French Zone); Wilhelm Hubert Schäfer; Kreis Aachen, Mrs. Martin Siegle; Pfullendorf, Baden, 5343. Bardenberg, Pleyerstrasse 32, Germany; Germany; 17542. Syndolph Schaeffer; Wehlistrasse 70/29, 11431. Maria Magdalena Siehl (Mrs. Karl); Vienna XX, Ostmark, Germany; 17674. Wilhelm Max Schäfer; Schlossstrasse 3, Freistett b. Kehl, Baden, Germany; 6717. Theobald Schaefer; c/o John F. Herrmann, Wuppertal-Unterbarmen, Germany; 10614. Maria Simmacher; Oberbayern, Karlsruhe i/B, Germany; 12010. Wilhelm Schäfer, c/o Mrs. M. Hemmers, 264, Germany; 5454. Theobald Schaefer; Hübschstrasse 30, -Hesselerstrasse 131, Gelsenkirchen, Hessler, Margaretha Simon; Irlich b/Neuwied, Karlsruhe in Baden, Germany; 10517. Germany; 5677. a/Rhein, Kirchstrasse 41, Germany; 6955. Theodor Schaefer; Kehlerstrasse 4, Restatt Wilhelm Schaffer; Germany; 5991. Maria Simon; Mittelstrasse 26, Gelsenkir­ (Baden), Germany; 150. Wilhelm Schäfer, c/o John F. Hermann, chen, Germany; 5170. Theodor Schaeffer, Dürenerstrasse 108, Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Birkesdorf /Düren, Germany; 4793. many; 10465. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Theodor Wilhelm Schäfer; Goldstrasse No.a Wilhelm Schafer; c/o John F. Herrmann, names unknown, of Frau Peter Simon, de­ 1, Haltern i Westfalen, Germany; 6950. Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ ceased; Germany; 17861. Theresia Schaefer; Muggensturm i/B, Ger­ many; 10466. Rosalie Singer; , Bavaria, Swabia, Germany; 5455. many; 10548. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Theresia Maria Schaefers; e/o Mrs. Caroline at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Katharine Sinner; Giessen, Hessen, W art- Thebille, Brüderstrasse 25, Paderborn, Ger­ names unknown, of Wilhelm Schäffer (M a­ weg 96, Germany; 11568. Frmaciszka Siodmiak; Hamborn a/Rhein, many; 13883. jor) , deceased; Germany; 23370. Theresia Maria Schäfer; Linkengasse 27, No. Wilhelm Schäffer, c/o Otto Friedrich W il­ Warbruckstr. 42, Germany; 24252. 6, Vienna VI, Ostmark, Germany; 20653. helm Schaeffer, Rathaeuserbergweg 14, Wei- Gertrud Sirch (Mrs. Sylvester); Breiterweg Valentin Schaefer; Sauerbrod 9, Saar­ * mar, Germany; 5038. 76 (22a), Wesel, Germany; 709. Paul Sobschinski; Anklamer Str. 50, brücken 3, Germany; 15935. Wilhelm Schaefer; Koelinerstrasse 68a, Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Solingen-Ohligs, Germany; 6887. Ueckermunde, Germany; 68. Kreszenz Socher; , Germany; at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Wilhelm Schäfer; Mainzerlandstrasse 242, names unknown, of Valentin Schaefer, de­ Frankfurt am Main, Germany; 353. 11395. Georg Söder; Wickenrode 108, Kreis W it- ceased; Germany; 505, 2225, 5355. Wilhelm Schäfer; Suess bei Gerstungen, zenhausen, Reg. Bez. Kassel, Germany; Dr. W. Schaeffer, Frankfurt a. m., Silber- Hessen-Kassel Thueringen, Germany; 356. 20799. bornstrasse 10.11, Germany; 5034. Wilhelm Schaefer; Freidbergerstrasse 46, Walter Schäfer; Parkstrasse 2, Uerdingen, Martha Elisabeth Söder; c/o Karl Nödler I, Bremen 8, Germany; 8604. Wickenrode No. 12, Kreis Witzenhausen, a/Niederrheim, Germany; 5159. Wilhelm Schaefer; c/o John F. Herrmann, Walter Schaeffer; Meerweinstrasse 21, Ham­ Bezirk, Kassel, Germany; 20362. Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ F. W. Knies Soehne; Iserlohn, Germany; burg 39, Germany; 5182. many; 10532. Wendelin Schäfer; Rheinstrasse 68, Hügels­ 6684. Wilhelm Schaefer; Singe/Hohentwiel, Ger­ heim bei Rastatt (Baden), Germany; 168. Frieda Söhlke; Lutherstrasse 28-B, Hanno­ Werner Schäfer; Frohnstrasse 36, Langen­ many; 10505. ver, Germany; 5695. Heinrich Söhlke; Fischbeck (Weser), No. berg, Rheinland, Germany; 12205. Wilhelm Schäfer; Basaltstrasse 19/III, Wilhelm Schäfer; Adolf Hitlerstrasse 38, Frankfurt am Main 13, Germany; 6097. 103, Germany; 16534. Mrs. Gustav Solmecke; Drescheiderhagen, bei Hamburg, Germany^ 17639. Wilhelm Schäfer; Humboldtstrasse 59, Lud­ Post, Altroggenrahmede, ^District , Wilhelm Schäfer; Veitstein bach über wigshafen a. Rh., Germany; 5026. Westphalia, Germany; 5669. Neuhof, District of Fulda, Germany; 549. Wilhelm Schäfer; Kepplerstrasse 43, Mann­ heim, Germany; 5233. Fritz Sommer; Wentorferstrasse 9, Berge­ Walli Schäfer; Bömberg, Kapuzinerstr. 23, dorf bei, Hamburg, Germany; 5308. Bavaria, Germany. , Wilhelm Schäfer; Provinzialstrasse 171, Dortmund-Lutgendortmund, Westfalen, Ger­ Fritz Sommer; Hamburg-Berzedorf, Wen­ WUhelm Schaeffer, Hagedorn 31, Post, Stift torferstrasse 9, Hinterhaus, Germany. many; 5069. Buernheim, Kreis Herford, Westfalen, Ger­ Johannes Sommer; Dubbekolt/Göhrde, Wilhelm Schäfer; Quettingerstrasse 131, many; 9946. Bergedorf, Vilerlandenstr. 17a, Germany Quettigen-Opladen, Köln, Germany; 9484; Wilhelm Schäffer; Düsseldorf, Fauna­ (c/o Mr. A. Zy lla); 9010. strasse 37, Germany; 5177. Wilhelm Schäfer; Lesum, Bez. Bremen, Hilda Sommereisen; Bismarkstrasse 137, Wilhelm Scheffer; 53a Braunschweiger­ Germany; 11521. Aachen, Germany; 11314. strasse, Bremen, Germany; 5036. Wilhelm Schäfer; , Post Weyer­ Ella Sommerfeld; Bastianstr. 9, Berlin, N. Domicüiary personal representatives, heirs- busch, Kreis Altenkirchen Westerwald, Ger­ 20, Germany; 6724. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, many; 17593. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- names unknown, of Wilhelm Scheffer, de­ Wilhelm Schäfer; Langenbergerstrasse 244, at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, ceased; Germany; 4969. Essen-Ueberruhr, Germany; 15936. names unknown, of Lena Theodora Sonders, WUhelm Scheffer; Helsa 151, Kr. Kassel, Wilhelm Schäfer; Block-Heimbach bei Neu­ deceased; Germany; 5243. Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 6920. wied am Rhein, Germany; 16399. Anton Sonnet; Schiessbergstrasse 89, Wilhelm Scheffers; Waltrop, Westfalen, Dr. Wilhelm Schaeffer; Dierolfstrasse 19, Leverkusen-Wiesdorf, Rheinland, Germany; Hcchstrasse 45, Germany; 5125, 5188. Warms, Germany; 2147. 16022. 624 NOTICES

Margareta Sonnet; Schiessbergstrasse 89, names unknown, of Friedrich Steinhauer, Engel Stummeyer; Riepen 59, Post Haste, Leverkusen-Wiesdorf Rheinland, Germany; deceased; Germany; 11319. Land Bez., Hannover, Grafschaft S, Germany; 16023. Gustav Steinhauer; Goldbeckufer 6/III, 12130. Philipp Sonnet; Schiessbergstrasse 89, Hamburg 39, Germany; 6687. Johanna Sturm; Lueneburg, Germany; Leverkusen-Wiesdorf, Rheinland, Germany; Wilhelm Steinhauer; Hefersweilerstrasse, 9011. 16024. W olf stein (P falz ), Germany; 6688. Mrs. Franziska Stüsser; Rochussstrasse 108, Clara Sorg, (Mrs. Nikolaus); c/o Marie Elm, Mathias Steinheuer; Hindenburghoehe, Cologne-, Germany; 4427. Veitsteinbach, Kr. Fulda 57, Hessen-Nassau, /Rhein, Germany; 6718. Louise Stutenmund; Grovestr. 6/II, Ham­ Germany Post Neuhof; 508, 2228. Katharina Steinkamp; bei Bers­ burg, Germany; 12117. Nikolaus Sorg; Veitsteinbach, Kr. Fulda 57, enbrück," Bezirk, Osnabrück, Germany; 14290. Elise Sudowe; Hollage, Post Wallenhorst bei Hessen-Nassau, Germany; 2233. Christiane Steinmetz; Weisbaden, Ludwig­ Osnabrück, Germany; 14285. Anna Katharine Sostmann; Holländische­ strasse 8, Germany; 24063. Mr. Sunnen; Navigeserstr. 268, Birken über strasse Kassel, Germany; 17782. Willibert Steinmetz, Schmiedstrasse 3, Wuppertal-Vohwinkel, Germany; 6954. Mrs. Henrey Sostmann; Arndstr. 8, Osna- Katzweiler bei Kaiserslautern, Germany; Philipp Schäfer-Sutor; Köln Dellbrück, brueck, Germany; 6716. 22883. Beethovenstrasse VI, Rheinland, Germany; Therese Speck; Muggensturm, Germany; Auguste Steinsiek; Lachem bei Hameln 11770. 10575. No, 71, Germany; 16543. Christine Sutter; c/o John F. Herrmann, Luise Speckmann; Post Ovenstaedt 88, Wilhelmine Steller; Imsweiler Rheinpfalz/ Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Kreis Minden (Westfalen), Germany; 23815. 22b, Germany (French Zone); 23690. many; 10428. ^ Franz Spengler; Sosberg, Kreis Zell, Bezirk, Bernhard Stelz; , Baden, ■Friedrich Sutter; c/o John F. Herrmann, Koblenz, Germany. Germany; 5058. Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Anna Sperlich; Rosawitz, No. 458, Boden­ Mrs. Stember; Neustr. 13, Bueren/West- many; 10433. bach II, Sudetengau, Germany; 24695. falen, Germany; 6715. Willy Sutter; c/o John F. Herrmann, Bern­ Otto Spiess; Kettlerstrasse 23, Ludwigs- Sabina Stenz; Wecher No. 10, Landkreis hardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; hafen/Rh., Germany; 10281. Erlangen, Germany; 6715. 10431. A. Spitzmuller; Offenburg, Germany; 10504. Anna Sticket; Mimmenhausen 17B, Baden, Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Georg Spohn; Hafenbad 26, Wul/Donau, Germany; 6623. at-law, hftxt of kin, legatees and distributees, Germany; 11396. Adolf Stief; Haupstrasse 45, Fellhammer- names unknown, of Mrs. Luch Johanna Johanna Maria Spohn; Rosensteiriweg 23, Süd, Kreis Waldenburg in Schlesien, Ger­ Szleszewski, deceased; Germany; 5466. Ulm/Donau, Württemberg, Germany; 5957. many; 15921. Jeno Szucs; D. P. Camp “D ” 2929, Assem­ Friedrich Sponheimer; Kempenfeldrom 61, Mariä Stier; Heerstr. 4, Bonn am Rhein, bly Centre, 20/b Heerte, über Braunschwerg, Post Horn in Lippe, Germany; 77. Germany; 6690. Germany. Jakob Sprietzer; Grünerhof 18, Köln, Franziska Dri^gph Stock; Frankfurt a/m, T Oskar, V. Millerstrasse 3, Germany; 9604. Nippes, Germany; 20366. Erna Tacke; Friedrichstrasse #7, Loehne, Wilhelmine Friederike Charlotte Stock; Dora Charlotte Eleonore Marie Sprengel; Bahnhof (Westf.), Germany; 2912. Hessendorf bei Rinteln a. d. Weser, Germany; Goettinger Chaussee 215, Hannover, Ger­ Heinrich Taebel; Hagen bei Knesebeck, Kr. 8759. many; 5006. Gifhorn, Germany; 9504. Fritz Stöckle; Lindauerstr. 7, Gpggingen- Ida Stabler; Neudorferstrasse 63, Reichen­ Karl Taebel; Wettendorf/, Kr. Augsburg, Germany; 11397. bach-Niederstadt, Eulengeb., Germany; Gifhorn, Germany; 9505. Elisabeth Monika Stöcklein; Gottesauer­ 24787. Marianna Talarowska; Wattenscheid, strasse 1, Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany; 9529. Sophie Stäcker (Mrs. K arl); (24b> Kiel, Hanzastrasse 18, Westfalen, Germany; 24269. Christine Stoeckel; Iningerstr. 21 b. bei Westring 255, Germany (British Zone); 6737, Engel Dorothee Tatge; Bad , Graf­ Stepmeier, Haunstettin bei Augsburg 153S9. schaft, Schaumburg, Germany; 16698. (Bayern), Germany; 6721. Hans Stackmann (or Johannes); Arendt­ Greta Tautz; Ringstrasse 10, Pasewalk, Wilhelm Steinhauer; Haynstrasse 21, Ham­ schildstrasse 1, Northeim (Hannover), Ger­ Pommern, Germany; 5718. burg 20, Germany; 11320. many; 9500. , Wilhelm Tegeler; Flachsstrasse 212, Rah­ W. Stoerkel; Gegernstr. 5, Frankfurt/M. Margarete Stahl; Kirschgartenstr. 27, den, Kreis Lübbecke (Westfalen), Germany; Germany; 6692. Nürnberg (Bavaria), Germany; 5323. 15922. Domiciliary personal representatives heirs- Matthias Stamms; Lochnerstrasse 24, Bad Paul August Conrad Tegtmeier, 13 Menzel­ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Aachen, Germany; 12177. strasse, Ricklingen, Hannover, Germany; names unknown, of Caroline Schaefer Stoll, Maria Stauf; Berlinerstrasse, Köln-Dünn­ 10733. deceased; Germany; 6710. wald, Rheinland, Germany; 16025. t Gertrud Tellers; c/o Dr. Ing. Hermann Tel­ George Stoll; Altenheim i/B, Germany Wilhelm Steffen; Barby a/Elbe, Germany; lers, Oppenerstrasse 2, Wuerselem b/Aachen, 10516. 5037. Rheinland, Germany; 17692. Jakob Stoll; Königstrasse 14, Saarbrücken Johann Steffens; Düsseldorf-Reisholz, Tö­ Friedrich Temme; c/o H. Wilh. Kormeyer, 5, Burbach Germany; 81. ^ nisstrasse 88, Germany; 359. Hankenberge, Bez. Osnabrück, Germany; Margarethe Stopperich; Rheinbrohl am Anton Stegemann; Munster i/Westfalen, 21046. Drosselstrasse 2, Germany; 9932. Rhein (22b), Bezirk Koblenz, Bitzerweg 29, Germany; 13623. Widow Temme; c/o H. Wilh. Kormeyer Friederika ; Stoiberg-Kohlbusch, Hankenberge, Bez. Osnabrück, Germany; Buschstr. 133 (Rheinland), Germany; 13475. Berta Strack; Driesen (Neumark) Garten­ strasse 7, Germany; 21125. 21040. Anna Maria Steimels (Mrs. Johann); Wilhelm Temme; c/o H. Wilh. Kormeyer, Karl Strack; Düppelstrasse 15 Branden­ Höfestrasse 22, Köln-Kalk, Germany; 15830. * Hankenberge, Bez. Osnabrück, Germany; Aloys Stein; Mörsdorf, Kreis Kochern, Be­ burg (), Germany; 21053. Reinhold Strack; Wilhelmstrasse 12, Drie­ 21039. zirk Koblenz, Germany. Julie Tesch; Neustadt 31, Wismar i., Meck­ Maria Ottilia Steinbrenner; Bruchhausen sen (Neumark), Germany; 21124. Ferdinand Strandt; Habichtswalderstr. 28, lendburg, Germany; 6796. über Karlsruhe, Baden 2, Germany; 9531. Kassel, Cross-Hessen, Germany; 6719. Therese Thalmaier; Stammelestrasse I, Elisabeth Steinbüchel (Mrs. Wilhelm); Peissenberg, Oberbayern, Germany; 5457. Karl Strauss; Birkenweg 65, Limburgerhof/ Schbebusch-Manfort über, Opladen/Rhein, Dietrich Thamer; , Westfalen, Pfalz, Germany; 252. Germany; 15829. Katharina Margaretha Strauss; Tanz­ Germany; 10114. Alfreda Hildegarde Steiner; Theresiengasse strasse, Edenkoben (Pfalz), Germany; 10757. Maria Thamer; Dortmund-Aplerbeck, West­ 4, Thür 18, Wien XVIII, Ostmark, Germany; Clara Streeck; Deutschestrasse 29, Stettin, falen, Aplerbeckerstrasse 460, Germany; 10115. Caroline Thebille; Paderborn in Westfalen, 13817. Germany; 17671. Emma Steiner; Hauptstrasse 186, Schwe­ Susanna Streit; Büdingen, P. 18, Post, Ketteierstrasse, Germany; 611. genheim, Pfalz, Germany; 23816. Schemmlingen, Krs. Merzig, Sarrgebiet, Ger­ Elisabetha Theis; Kaiserslautern (Rhein- Mrs. Johann Steines; Büscheid bei W itt-“ many; 5162. \ pfälz), Friedenstrasse 37, Germany; 23701. lieh, Bez. Trier (Rheinland), Germany; 17205. Elise Streitberg (Mrs. Johann); Cornelius* Jakob Theisen; Berlinerstrasse 896 Köln- Elisabeth Steinfeld; Bahnhofstrasse 6, strasse 3, Köln am Rhein, Germany; 5094. Dünnwald, Germany; 431, 9481. ■Schlüchtern, Bez., Kassel, Germany; 456. Berta Strohmeier; Viktoriastrasse 23, Biele­ Mrs. Josef Thelen; Bonn, Germany; 4982. Alfred Steinhauer; Herrenstrasse 14, Hoh­ feld, Germany; 4451. Maria Christina Thelen; Nöllstrasse 3, Köln- enlimburg, Germany; 8710. Josepha Stromeyer; Obermeitingen 43, Mülheim, Rheinland, Germany; 16026. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Oberbayern, Post Schwabmünchen, Ger­ Elli Theune; Jahnstr. 17 I, Braunschweig ai-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, many; 5456. Germany; 10106. names unknown, of Carl August Steinhauer, Georg Stroth; Brunzlau, St./S., Germanyj Elisabeth Thiel; Heinsruckenstrasse 5, Düs­ deceased; Germany; 11318. 23850. seldorf, Germany; 5884. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Wilhelmine Struck; Viereck, Post Pase- Katharine Thiel; Temmels bei Trier, Ger­ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, walk-Land, Germany; 5528. many; 17443. names unknown, of Emmi Steinhauer, de­ Christmann Stubanus; Ottenheim, Baden, Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- ceased; Germany; 8715. Germany; 10538. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Emma Stukenbrok; Detmold-Lippe, Paul- names unknown, of .Mrs. Anna Thielebien, at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, inenstrasse 46, Germany; 282. deceased; Germany; 24863. T u e s d a y , J a n u a r y 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 625

Heinrich Thies; Hilter (Teutoburgerwald) names unknown, of pugo Trepper, deceased; Domiliciary personal representatives, heirs- 31, Germany; 21043. Germany; 9094. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Wilhelm Thies; Hilter (Teutoburgerwald) Käthe Trepper; Hohenzollernstrasse 79, names unknown, of Louise Wilhelmine Vinz, 103, Germany; 21044. Koblenz am Rhein, Germany; 9091. deceased; Germany; 20475. Anna Sophie Marie Thöle; Helzendorf, Paula Trepper; Hohenzollernstrasse 79, Maria Visarius; Koenigstrasse 23-a, Hagen Kreis Hoya, Prov. Hannover, Germany; 113. Koblenz am Rhein, Germany; 9091. i/Westphalia, Germany; 5664. Anna Thomas; Viereck, Pommern, Ger­ Robert Trepper, Bleckenburgerstrasse 4, Marie Vogel; Moltkestrasse 13, Dresden, N. many; 5535. Magdeburg-Buckau, Germany; 8703. 23, Germany; 9650. Bruno Thomas; Rostock in Mecklenburg, Rudolf Trepper, Rembergstrasse 37, Hagen Anna Vogelgesang; Kossfelderstrasse 20, II, Germany; 274. in Westfalen, Germany; 8701. Rheinpfalz, Glaserstrasse 6, Germany; 5891. Katharina Thomas; Willroth bei Horhau­ Werner Trepper; Adolf Hitler Str. 3, Ra- Camilla Vogl; Vienna XII, Rosenhügel­ sen, Ueber Neuwied/Westerwald, Germany; tingen, Germany; 9088. strasse 114, Ostmark, Germany; 5501. 11270. / Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Luise Vogler; Singen-Hohentnil, Kleiststr. Marie Thomas; an der Schnelle 63, Prenz- at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, 28, Baden, Germany. lau, Uckermark, Germany; 5881. names unknown, of Anna Treppmann, de­ Ludwig Vogt; Löwengasse 15, Giessen in Martha Maria Thomas; Veireck Pommern, ceased; Germany; 1035. Hessen, Germany; 5665. Kreis Ückermunde, Pasewalk-Lande, Ger­ Johann Treppo; Vienna XVI, Friedmann- Margarethe Vogt; Soemmeringstrasse 71, many; 5534. gasse. 18, Osmark, Germany; 17300. Koeln-Ehrenfeld, Germany; 13643. Otto Thomas; Hoppenwalde b. Uecker- Adolf Triesch; , i. , b. Adolf Voigt (Mrs.); Katernberger-Schul­ munde Pom., Germany; 10880. Weinheim a. d. B., Germany; 6795. weg 86, Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Germany (Brit­ Antonie Thome; Steinstr. 108, Gladbeck Karl Heinrich Trieschmann; Widdershau­ ish Zone). i/W., Germany; 206. sen (W erra), Bezirk Kassel, Germany; 10761. Katharine Voland; Heinrichstrasse #4, Franz Thome; Steinstrasse 108, Gladbeck Mathilde Trinsch; c/o Hermann Trinsch, Bad Soden am Taunus, Germany; 2058. in Westphalia, Germany; 6799. Kaufungerstrasse 16a, Kassel, Germany; Else Völker; Opladen-Iützenkirchen-Hufe, Margarethe Thumann; Mundenheimer-_ 15576. Rheinland, Germany; 16027. strasse 257, am Rhein, Ger­ Dorothea Trollmann; Rendsburg, Fock­ Erna Völker; Friedrichtrasse Nr. 3, Wetter many; 83. becker, Chaussee 6, Germany; 23107. (Ruhr), Germany; 10122. Wanda Tiedemann; Robert Koch Platz 3, Oskar Trümper; Langenhain, Über Esch- Franz August Hermann Völl; Berlin-Tem­ Berlin, N. W. 7, Germany; 11571. wege/Werra, Germany; 5227. pelhof, Schönebergerstrasse 6, Germany; Karl Tietz; Kirchstrasse 55 A, III Düssel­ Lina Trutter; 4. Ebnersgasse, Nuernberg, 17497. i dorf am Rhein, Germany; 6802. Germany; 1581. Anna Volland; Wickenrode, Post Grossal­ Elisabeth Tils; Niederdrees, Rheinbach- U merode, Bez. Kassel, Germany; 5890. Land, Germany; 24671. Amalia Magdalena Elisabeth Vollmer; Al­ —Toelle; c/o Joseph Wiegart Kilianstrasse, Joh. Doris Anna Über; Wilhelmstrasse 24, tona-Gr. Flottbek, Stockkamp 2, Germany; Paderborn, Germany; 52. Striegau, Germany; 8782. 2297. Margarethe Toelle; Delbrueck No. 172, Hermann Uffelmann; Sechsigstrasse 25, Maria Volz; Muggensturm i/B, Germany; (Westf.), Germany; 617. Cologne-Nippes, Germany; 5100. 10545. Maria Toelle; Geseke (Westfalen), West- Friederike W. Uhlendorf; Minden (West­ Nikolaus Volz; Gamshurst, Germany; mauer 13, Germany; 461. falen), Am Brühl 1, Germany; 8772. ~y~' 10523. Frieda Toerner; Jungmannstrasse 25, Ham­ Karl Uhrhan; Sombornerstrasse 38, Post Karl Völzing; (16) Bad Homburg v. d. H., burg, Germany; 23817. Kley, Dortmund-Somborn/Westfalen, Ger­ Kreis Obertaunus, Land Hessen, Germany Franz Tofall; Bielefelderstrasse 3, Bad many; 5067. (U. S. Zone). Lippspringer (Westfalen), Germany; 5265. Robert Ullmann; Mittelstrasse 7/1, Brem­ Selma Frische Von-Beckfort; Weststrasse Johannes Tokarski; Dresden, Germany; erhaven, Germany; 149. 74, Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Germany; 5889, 5086. Herbert Ullrich; Wilskistrasse 47, Berlin- 8970. Katharina Tokarski; Wallottstrasse 22, Zehlendorf, Germany; 15449. Gustel Von Levetzow (Mrs.); Hohenmis- Dresden, Germany; 5085. Karolina Ullrich; Relsberg, Germany; torf, Mecklenburg, , Germany; Meta Töpfer; Regensburgerstrasse No. 104- 23700. 10289. I, Germany; 4444. Kurt Ullrich; AHensteinerstrasse 14, Ber­ Elly Von Rueden; Moltkestrasse 10, Hagen/ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- lin, N. O. 55, Germany; 11721. Westfalen, Germany; 10287. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Maria Ullrich; Hufelandstrasse 46, Berlin, Dbra Frieda Hermine Vorhauer; Fuhlen­ names unknown, of Mrs, Christine Torge, N. O. 55, Germany; 5376. dorf bei Barth (Pommern), Kreis Franzburg- deceased; Germany; 17812. Valeria Ullrich; Hufelandstrasse 46, Berlin, Barth, Germany; 4615. Arnold Torhorst; am Market 46, Lenge- N. O. 55, Germany; 5375. Anna Voss; Barnerstrasse 6, Altona, Ger­ rich in Westphalia, Germany; 44445. Walter Ullrich; Hufelandstrasse 19, Berlin, many; 22812. Frieda Törner; Jungmannstrass 25, Ham­ N. O. 55, Germany; 15451. W burg, Germany; 23323. Willi Üllrich; Unionstrasse 3, Berlin N. W., Charlotte Traube; Wickenrode 178, Post Germany; 15450. Elisabeth Wächter; Hollage 59, Post Wall­ Grossalmerode, Hessen-Nassau, Germany; Elisabeth Hassler Ulmann; c/o Albert enhorst bei Osnabrück, Germany; 14305. 13594. Gleichauf, Hadurgstrasse 10, Singen (Hohen­ Eduard Ferdinand Waechter; Karlsruhe Maria Trautwein; 13 B. über twiel), Germany; 25504. (Baden), Kaiserallee 52, Germany; 8000, Buchloe, Reg. Bez., Augsburg, Bavaria, Ger­ Maria Eva Unser; Muggensturm, Germany; 10403. many (U. S. Zone); 15923. 10576. Hedwig Waechter; c/o John F. Herrmann, Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- V . . S Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, many; 10405. names unknown, of Mrs. Rosine Trebing, de­ Wilhelmine Van De Sande; Germany; 968. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- ceased; Germany; 20375. Bernhardine Vargel; Immendingen i/Ba- at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, August Trebing; Wölferlingen (Wester­ den, Germany; 10482. names unknown, of Adam Wagner, deceased; wald), Post , Germany; 20376. Rosine Brandt Vaupel; Wickenrode 116, Germany; 24273. Reg. Bez. Kassel, Germany; 11203. Karl Trebing; Gewerkenstr. 56, Essen-Al- Ingaborg Wagner; Ludwigsfeld, Kreis Tel­ Margarethe Vauth; Tieckstrasse 27, Hann­ tenessen, Germany; 20376. tow, Ernst Thalmannstrasse 57, Germany; over-Kleefeld, Germany; 16540. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- 20582. Maria Barbara Veit; Suedallee 4, Trier, Ger­ Klaus Wagner; Herrenstrunden, Bergisch at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, many; 21957. Gladbach bei Köln, Germany; 10299. names unknown, of Mrs. Martha Trebing, Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Luise Wagner; Obere Schmiedgasse i/II, deceased; Germany; 20376. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Nuernberg A., Germany; 6835. Anna Treitz; Kothen, Unterfranken, Bay­ names unknown, of Bernhard Veltin, de­ Mary Schaefer Wagner; Emil Hechelstrasse ern, Germany; 7312. ceased; Germany; 100. 5, Mannheim, Baden, Germany; 7608. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Franz Veltin; Attendorn in Westfalen, Veronika Wagner; Winkel 26, bei Lands- at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Germany; 5650. berg/Lech, Germany; 11398. . names unknown, of Anna Margarethe Trep­ Maria Veltin; Marienheim, Gereonswall 26, Hubert Wahls; Kuchenheim, Kreis Euskir­ per, deceased; Germany; 8714. IV, Koeln, Germany; 12957. chen, Rheinland, Germany; 5107. Emil Trepper; Bissingheim 61, Hagen, Ger­ Walter Verse; Bad Friedrichshall-Jagstfeld, Selma Walbrecht; Wuppertal-Elberfeld, many; 11572. Plarrstrasse 2 I, Wurtt, Germany (U. S. Ravensbergerstrasse 55, Germany; 8981. Ernst Emil Trepper; Waldorfstr. 3, Hagen, Zone). Helene Walbröhl; (Rhein), Kreis Westfalen, Germany; 457. Elise Viel; Ulm an der Donau, Pionierstrasse Neuwied, Germany; 20668. Emil Karl Friedrich Trepper; Muhlinghau- 26, Germany; 10286. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- sen über Milspe, Germany; 9096, 11315. Christoph Schäfer Vierson; Alte-Bruch­ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Hans Hugo Trepper; Mainstr. 20, Hagen strasse 28, Rheinland, Germany (British names unknown, of Mrs. Gertrud Waldmann, (Westf.), Germany; 9093. Zone). deceased; Germany; 4971, 10603. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Lucie Vincentz; Bornum b/Bockenem, Franz Heinrich Walkenhaus; Ofden, Land­ at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, (Hass) Hans Hermann 2, Germany; 11441, kreis, Aachen, Germany; 5083. No. 15------7 626 NOTICES

Margarethe Walker; Haydnstrasse 7, Fred­ Erich Norbert Weindel; Mannheim-Feu­ Antonie Wiedemann; Drentwettstrasse ersdorf bei Berlin, Germany; 15905. denheim, unteres Kirclffeld 13, Walter-Flex- 11/0, Augsburg (Bayern), Faerberstrasse Elisabeth Wallenfels; Giessen/Hessen, No. strasse 1, Germany; 9752. 19/11, Germany; 107. 15, Loewengasse in Giessen, Germany; 5237. Hedwig Lina Weindel; Haslach, Kinzigthal, Barbara Wiedemann; Gruenbaumgasse 1, Franz Xaver Walsdorf; Friedrichstrasse 110, Baden, Germany; 9533. Kempten (Bayern), Germany; 189. Duesseldorf, Nord-Rheinprovinz, Germany Dr. Kurt Weindel; Mannheim, Baden, Johannes Wiedenstritt; Hermannstrasse 4, (British Zone); 13626. Meerwiesenstrasse 19, Germany; 9751. Castrop-Rauxel II (Westf.), Germany; 462. Matthias Joseph Walsdorf; Niederluetz- Maria Gisela Weindel; Haslach Kinzigthal, Kaspar Wiedenbauer; Schulstrasse 31/1 lks., Baden, Germany; 9532. Munich, Bavaria, Germany; 5461. lingen, Bezirk Koblenz, Germany; 13615. Marie Weinmeister; Vollmarshausen, Bez. Joseph Wiedenstritt; Siddinghausen ueber, Paul Walsdorf; Eupenerstrasse 33, Duessel- Kassel, Germany; 17785. Buern (Westf.), Germany. dorf-Heerdt, Germany; 13627. Christian Weinreich; Obertor 12, Homberg, Joseph Wiegard; Küianstrasse 24, Pader­ Peter Walsdorf; Friedrichstrasse 110, Dues­ Bezirk, Kassel, Germany; 10935. born, Germany; 6852. seldorf, Germany; 13629. Carl Weirich; Sulzbach-Saar am Bahnhof Carl Ludwig Rudolf Wiemer; Busenscher Amalia Walter; (16) Horgenau, Post Herb­ 2, Germany; 5093. Weg. 19, Berlin-Fredersdorf, Germany; 6818. stein, Hessen. Germany; 23453. Hermann Weirich; Machabaerstrasse 65, Magdalena Walter; Josefstrasse, Iffezheim, Walter Wiemer; Am Treptower Park 27, Köln-Rhein, Germany; 5092. , Berlin, S. O. 36, Germany; 514. Rastatt, Germany; 175. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Mary Walter; Ottenheim, Baden, Germany; Ludwig Weirich; Viktoriastrasse 81, Darm­ stadt, Germany; 20821. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, 10537. Frieda Walz; c/o John F. Herrmann, Bem - Johann Weiss; Hochhausen am Neckar, names unknown, of Mrs. Emilie Auguste hardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; Baden, Germany; 416. Wieschemann, deceased; Germany; 6817. Katharina Wiese; c/o Emil Wiese, Worms/ 10406. Dr. Phil. Theod. Weiss; Bonnerstr. 23 F, Pauline Walz; c/o John Herrmann, Bern­ Köln, Germany. Rhein, Germany; 9489. hardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; Theodor Weiss; Hochhausen am Neckar, Johanna Wilfert; (22a) Büderich bei Düs­ seldorf (Nordrhein-Westfalen), Schillerstr. 10426. Baden, Germany; 417. Wilhelmina Wawra; Kassel-Harleshausen, Wilhelmine Weiss; Altenessenerstrasse 405, 12, Germany. An der Rehwiessen, Germany; 6846. Essen-Altenessen, Germany; 17811. Anna Wilhelm; Elizabethstrasse 10, Neu­ Albert Weber; c/o Wilhelm Hanitzsch, Anna Weitzel; Münchmühle, Allendorf, wied am Rhein, Germany; 433. Hahnerbergerstrasse 17, Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Kreis Marburg a/Lähn, Germany; 16032. Oskar Wilhelmi; Reichstrasse Plaidt bein Germany; 9774. i, Anton Weitzel; Münchmühle, Allendorf, Koblez (Rheinland), Germany; 20928. Karolina Weber; c/o John F. Herrmann, Kreis Marburg a/Lahn, Germany; 16028. Caroline Wilkening; Steinbergen 109 bei, Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Charlotte Dorothea Weitzel; Fuerstenau in Bückeburg (Schaumburg-Lippe, Germany; many; 1043Ó. Hannover, Germany; 6836. 154C4. Karolina Weber; Westerringen 189> Einöde, Maria Elisabeth Weitzel; Münchmühle Al­ Heinrich Wilkening; Steinbergen Nr. 152, Post Gennach, Germany; 5458. lendorf, Kreis Marburg a/Lahn,. Germany; Schaumburg-Lippe, Germany; 20381. Katharina Weber; Kempen, Rheinland, 16031. Karl Wilking; Rothselberg, Germany; Vorsterstrasse 44, Germany; 9479. Christine Welle; Kehl a/Rhein, Germany; 23685. Nikolaus Weber; Wickenrode, Post Grossal­ 10500. Irmgard Willig; Ferd. Wallbrechtstrass« merode, Kreis Witzenhausen, 'Germany; Luise Weller; Altzbach bei Wetzlar, Ger­ 15, Hannover, Germany; 22716. 21034. many; 12868. Luise Schaefer Willmann; Gelsenkirchen Mrs. Robert Weber; c/o Robert Weber, Magdalena Maria Welslau; Paderborn in (Rhein), Admiral-Scheer Strasse, Germany; Lamsborn, Landstuhl-Land, Rheinpfalz, Ger­ Westfalen, Herbert Norkusstrasse 27, Ger­ 9937. many; 9480. many; 607. Barbara Wind; Bahnhofstr. 104, Palatinate, Elisabeth Wegele; Raisting bei Diessen, Mrs. Wilhelmine Wende; Ludgeristrasse 62, Edenkoben, Germany; 10786. Germany; 11399. Muenster in Westfalen, Germany; 691. Friedrich Windmann; Obernbeck 143 Rosina Weger; Oberfinning, Oberbayern, Josefine Wenzel; Hinter der Schönen, Aus­ b/Löhne, Westfalen, Germany; 8443. Germany; 5459. sicht 4, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Wilhelmane Windmann; Obernbeck 419 Maria Wegner; Sedanstrasse 77, Berlin, 11786. b/Löhne, Westfalen, Germany; 8440. Weissensee, Germany; 6816. Meta Werk; Reimannstrasse 49, Salzwedel Mrs. Heinrich Winkler; Schlosstrasse 34, Thrine Engel Marie Wehmhoyer; Bad 1. d. Altmark, Germany; 9351. Wattenscheid, Eppendorf (Westfalen), Ger­ Nenndorf, Grafschaft Schaumburg Linde­ Gertrud Werker; Opladen-Holzhausen bei, many; 16497. nallee 12, Germany; 16699. Möller, Rheinland, Germany; 16033. Max Winkler; in Sachsen, Heu­ Christian Wehmeier; Valdorf 31 bei Vlotho/ Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- markt 33/1, Germany; 21182. Weser, Germany; 5219. at-law, next of kin, legatees and distribu­ Irmgard Winter; Hochheimerstr. 123, Friedrich Ludwig Hermann Wehrmann; tees, names unknown, of Pauline Werkmeis­ Worms/Rhein, Germany. Geimania Drogerie Vlotho a. d. Weser, Ger­ ter, deceased; Germany; 9308. Marie Elisabeth ; Herzbergerstr. many; 4153. Emma Werner; Cuorystrasse 30/IV, Berlin, 19, Bremen, Germany; 12004. Willy Weiand; Neuenhaus 5, Koeln-Paf- S. O. 36, Germany; 589. Sophie Winterle; c/o John F. Herrmann, frath, Germany; 287. Käthe Wesen; (22a) Frecheu b/Köln, U1- Bernhardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Ger­ Anna Marie Auguste Weichbrodt; Faerber- richstr. 11, Köln, Land, Germany. many; 10456. strasse 40, Swinemuende, Germany; 5895. Auguste Wessling; Osterberg-Lotte 45, bei Philomena Winterstetter; Adolf Hitlerstr. Emma Weick; Schillerstrasse 15,'Bruchsal, Tecklenburg, Germany; 2799/ 66, Landsberg/Lech, Germany; 11379. Baden, Germany; 9526. Katharina Hesse Westergerling; Funker­ Agnes Wintgens; Lilliencronstrasse 12, Anny or Agnes Weidemann; Hannover- strasse 11, Neuwied am Rhein, Germany; Duisburg, Rhein, Germany (British Zone). Linden, Posthornstrasse 29, Germany; 10051, 24439. Margaretha Wirtgen; Horhausen (Wester­ wald), über Neuwied (Rheinland), Ger­ 13760. Adam Konrad Westermann; Widdershau­ many; 11257. Elisabeth Weiersbach; Gneisenaustrasse sen, Werra, Kreis Hersfeld (Kassel), Ger­ Sofie Luise Dorothee Wissmer; Beeke Str. 43, Trier/Mosel, Germany; 14177. many; 2731, 5249. Nikolaus Weiersbach; Treres/Moselle 52 A ii, Ricklingen Hannover, Germany, Alois Wetzel; Boistern, Kreis Saulgau, 10737. (22b), Nikolausstrasse 29, Rhinlande-Palati- Württemberg, Germany; 9313. nate, Germany (French Zone); 14002. Adolf Witte; Süderstrasse, 133/IV, Ham­ Oskar Wetzel; Boistern (Saulgau) W ürt­ burg 26, Germany; 5939. Karl Weigand; Augsburg, Metzgplatz, temberg, Germany; 9311, 9852. C 274/11, Germany; 222. Mathilde Witthus; 56 Forstrasse, Meissen, Anna Weyand; Dillingen-Saar, Heiligen­ Lina Weigle; c/o John F. Herrmann, Bern­ bei Minden, Westfalen, Germany; 9950. bergstrasse 12, Germany; 14003. hardstrasse 9, Karlsruhe (Baden), Germany; Justina Wittka; Mährisch Neustadt, Jos. 10444. Matthias Weyand; Swinemünde, Adolf, Hit­ Goeblgasse 5, Sudetengau, Germany; 17609. Elisabeth Weib; 16/1 Ohlstadterstreet, ler Platz (gegenüber der Post) Germany; Marie Wittman; Walpernhain Nr. 47, a über Munich 25, Germany. 17429. Eisenberg/Thur, Germany; 23441. Louise Weihe; Bensen No. 7 bei Rinteln, Minna Weyrauther; (Münder-Deister), Elisabeth Witzell; Frankfurt' am Main, Germany; 16537. Prov. Hannover, , 60, Germany; 448. Wasserweg 25, Germany; 7614. Hans Weilocher; Rosenheim Münchnerstr. Maria Wibel; Pfafferode b. Muchihausen/ Johanna Wobig; Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Ger­ 66/0, Bavaria, Geirmañy (U. S. Zone). Thuer, Germany; 9723. many; 6965. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Ann Gertrud Wicke; Dennhausen, Bez. Marie Wohl; Bremer-Chausse 1, Marmsdorf, at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Kassel, Germany; 17787. > bei Harburg, Germany; 9341. names unknown, of Mrs. Kaethe Weiler, de­ Ida Wicker; Oberwaldhausen (Saulgau), Susanne Wohlfarth; (16) Dieburg, Zucker­ ceased; Germany; 9515. Württemberg, Germany; 9309. strasse 6, Germany. Mr. & Mrs. Josef Weinand; Wegstrasse 25, Joseph Wicker; Niederklein, Kreis, Marburg Alois Wolf; Waldstrasse 5, Höhr-Grenzhau­ I, Hamburg, Germany; 5140. a/L, Reg. Bez. Kassel, Germany; 16034. sen, Kres., Montabaur, Germany; 16035. Anna Luise Weindel; Mollstrasse 16, Mathilde Widmayer; Köln am Rhein, Zül- Edmund Wolf; Frankenstrasse 8, Germany; Mannhein, Germany; 9750. picherstrasse 21, Germany; 5897. 21037. T u e sd a y , J a n u a ry 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 627

Margareta Wolf; , Kr. Untertau­ Wilhelm Zepke; 22c Rösrath (Bz. K öln), Hans Berlemann; Tecklenbergerstr. 29, nus, Germany; 15924. Hauptstrasse 25c, Germany (North Rhine Lengerich/Westfalen, Germany. Maria Wolf; Roitz bei Spremberg (Nieder­ Province); 24696. Reinhold Berlemann; Am Friedstein 17, lausitz), , Germany; 24306. Berta Zeplin; Grabenstrasse 5, Wollin in Werne a. d. Lippe, Germany. Marie Wolf; , bei Meudt, Kreis Pommern, Germany; 6860. Friedrich Brokmann; Penta bei Bramsche, Ober Westerwald, Germany; 16036. Bernhard Zerfas; Ober , Kreis, Wes­ No. 6, Germany. Mathilde Wolf; Vienna XIII, Meiseistrasse terburg, Germany; 16038. Leni Busch; Hauptstrasse 46, Gruibingen, 78 Th. 35, Ostmark, Germany; 6976. Marie Zerfas (Mrs. Adam ); Ober Sayn, Kr. Goeppingen, Wurtemberg, Germany. Hilde Wölfel; Walfram von Eschenbach­ Kreis, , Germany; 16037. D strasse 10, Hamborn, Germany; 23974. Peter Zerfas; Koln-Deutz, Helenen-Wall- Betty Louise Wolff; % Franz Hasse, Caffa- strasse 127, Germany; 17453. Luise Davidmeister, Werrendorf 55 über macherreihe 53, Hamburg 63, Germany; 5465. Stefan! Zerfass; House No. 55, Windsbach/ , Germany. Georgine Wolflein; Zollnerstr. 10, Bamberg Mfr., Bavaria, Germany (U. S. Zone). Franz Dumschat; Klempau 24a Post, Krum­ (Bavaria), Germany; 5322. Christian Ziegler; Karlsruhe-Rintheim, messe bei Lübeck, Germany. Johannes Wolfram; Dörnhagen bei Kassel, Germany; 10521. Germany; 17780. Emma Ziehmer; Fettenbach (Pfalz), Ger­ E Ludwig Heinrich Wolfram; Dörnhagen bei many; 23692. Mrs. Henrich Ebeling; Schiefestrasse 42, Kassel, Germany; 17779. Adam Heinrich Zier; Rolandstrasse 27, Gronau/Westfalen, Germany. Major Erich Wollmar; Seeblick 5, Kiel, Ger­ Bochum-Werne, Germany; 144. Martha Eikholt; Leeden-Loose Nr. 39, Kreis many; 5032. August Zier; Boitestrasse 47, Bochum, Tecklenburg, Germany. Elisabeth Wolter; Birkinallee 8a, Stettin, Werne, Germany; 143 Germany; 5893. Anna Margartha Zilch-Friedewald; Ger­ F Widow Wölterhoff; Bruningstrasse 5/0, many; 5589. Lina Feldkamp; Burggartemweg 14, Brams­ Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Germany; 21080. Gertrud Zimmer (Mrs. Aloys); Leverkusen- che bei Osnabrück, Germany. Conrad 'Heinrich Wolters; Bandoln, Gus- Wiesdorf, Germany; 16039. George Fischer; Aachen, Germany. kop, Kreis Pommern, Germany; 10736. Marie Zimmer; (24) in Holstein Margarete Fuss-Kretschmar; Germany; Martha Wollerstorff; Brome Kreis Gifhorn, am Markt 10, Germany (British Zone); 20695. 6625. Provinz Hannover, Germany. Margaretha Zimmer; Minfeld, Germany; G Maria Wolz; Muggensturm i. B., Germany. 10552. Adamine Wopata; Dorf Haaf No. 8, Post Heinrich Zimmerman; Duren/Nord-Rhein- Elizabeth Glander; Urbanstrasse 71, Ber­ Amstetten, Niederdonau, Germany; 23738. pr. Frobelstr. 23, Germany (British Zone); lin S. W. 29, Germany; 5971. Hans Joachim Worms; (24b) Pinneberg/ 4945. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Holst., Germany. Agnes Marie Zimmerman; Hohenwutzen- at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Elisabeth Anna Wöstefeld; Baarestrasse 1, Ost über, Bad Freienwalde an der, Oder, names unknown, of C. Gneist, deceased; Ger­ Bochum (Westf.), Germany; 9469. Germany; 16839. many (Berlin); 5109. Franz Wöstefeld; Baarestrasse 1, Bochum Heinrich Zimmerman; Fröbelstrasse 23, Josef Göttel; Käshofen near Zueilbrucken (Westf.), Germany; 9471. Düren, Rhineland, Germany; 5154. 22B, Palatinate, Germany; 23451. Johannes Wöstefeld; Baarestrasse 1, Herman Kretzchmar Zimmerman; Gröden H Bochum (Westf.), Germany; 9467. N. 200, Post, Elsterwerda-Land, Germany; Josef Wöstefeld; Baarestrasse 1, Bochum 13953. Anna Haese; Grundstrasse 13, Pasewalk, (Westf.), Germany; 9470. Isabella Zimmerman; Hilpertshausen, Ba­ Germany; 5732. Ludwig Wöstefeld; Baarestrasse 1, Bochum yern, Unterfranken, Germany; 12560. Adolf Hakmann; Landbergen-Wester 75, (Westf.), Germany; 9465. Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs^- Kreis Tecklenburg, Germany. Ludwig Friedrich Wöstefeld; Baarestrasse at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, Rudolf Hakmann; Landbergen-Wester 75, 1, Bochum (Westf.), Germany; 9466. names unknown, of Mrs. Joseph Magdalena Kreis Tecklenburg, Germany. Maria Wöstefeld; Baarestrasse 1, Bochum Zimmerman, deceased; Germany; 4945. Willy Heger; Melanchthomstrasse 3, Karls­ (Westf.), Germany; 9468. Maria Zimmermann; Elysiumstrasse 36, ruhe in Baden, Germany; 12008. Marta Wrocklage; Viereck b/Rasewalk, Eingang Adolstrasse, Stettin, Germany; 5946. Josephine Heil; Stegstrasse 78, Frankfurt/ Germany; 5721. Maria Franziska Zimmerman; Tengstrasse A/Main, Germany; 7334. Alfred Wruck; Koonstrasse 7, II, Marien­ 24/11 G. H„ München 13, Bavaria, Germany; Leonhard Herbert; Frankfurt am Main, burg, West, Prussia, Germany; 23851. 5947. Germany. Mrs. Wuehr; Munich, Germany; 10759. Marla Katharina Zimmerman (Mrs. Johanne Holzgrewe; Malgartenstrasse 4, August Wuellner; Klosterbauerschaft No. Georg); Färberbachstrasse 118, Meudt, Kreis Bramshe bei Osnabrück, Germany. 207, Kreis Herford (Westf.), Germany; 540. Ober, Westerwald, Germany; 16040. Christine Hornstein; Reichensachsen, Kreis • Marie Wuensche; Albertstrasse 54, Hamm Martha Zingrele; Eisenschmiede 79, Kassel, Eschwege, Germany; 22681. ln Westfalen, Germany; 10300. Germany; 20795. Auguste Hukriede; Lengerich, Ringel 17, Erich Wuertemberger; Bodenbach, Post Joseph Zingg; Kempten/Allgaü, Saarland­ Kreis Tecklenburg, Germany. Bad, Schandau II, Bez., Dresden, Germany; strasse 52, Bavaria, Germany; 5565. 20694. Armin Zinn; Waldeide an der Memel, Krs. J Rosa Wuertemberger; c/o Anna Hänsch, Tilsit-Ragnit, Germany; 21180. Johanne Janfruchte; Leeden-Loose 24, Danndorfstrasse 8, Dresden-A. 20, Germany; Emma Zirkel; Steinforthhof 20, Essen West, Kreis Tecklenburg, Germany. 20370. Germany; 7317. August Wuestenfeld; Witten-Annen, Her­ Willi Zirkel; Crampestrasse 27, Essen, Ger­ K deckerstrasse 43, Germany; 10778. many; 7315. Lina Kleine-Pollman; ­ Anton Wuestner; Ringstrasse, Büren in Wilhelm Zitterbaum; Schlichtlngstrasse 2, strasse 34, Osnabrück, Germany. Westfalen, Germany; 5057. Kiel, Schleswig, Holstein, Germany; 4610. Katherine Koch; Neustadterstrasse 17, Martha Friederike Wulf; Berlin-Charlot­ Fritz Zoeberlein; (13a) Unterzaunsbach 3, Sandbach, Odenwald, Germany. tenburg, Germany; 21224. Post Wannbach, Ober, Franken, Germany. A. Kohnhorst; Muensterstrasse 43, Lenge­ Fritz Wullbrandt; Möllbergen 147 bei Johann Zoeberlein; (13a) Unterzaunsbach rich, Westfalen, Germany. Minden in Westf., Germany; 11442. 3, Post Wannbach, Ober, Franken, Germany. Hedwig Kohnhorst; Muensterstrasse 43, Karoline 'Wusteney; Elisabethstrasse 5, Dr. Michel Zorn; Düsseldorf-Kaiserwerth, Lengerich, Westfalen, Germany. Nienburg a/Weser, Hannover, Germany; Im Muhlacker 17, Germany; 15925. 23310. Auguste Kottenkeinrich; Landsbergenhol- Sophie Wilhelmine Zumpe; 23, ter, Kreis Techlenburg, Germany. Lina Wycisk; Bergstr. 24, 2 Etg., Beuthen Minden, Westfalen, Germany; 8773. (Oberschesien), Germany; 20485. Ludwig Kretschmar; Bruckstrasse 20, W it­ Karoline Zutschke; Pforzheim-Broetzingen, ten-Ruhr, Germany; 6427. Germany; 10496. Z Wilhelm Kretschmar; Am Wannebach Margaretha Zwickler; Eppendorfeweg 73, (14a), Witten-Ruhr, Germany; 6625. Anna Zacharias; Rostockerstrasse 33, Ber­ Homburg 19, Germany; 6864. lin, N. W., Germany; 10751. Bruno Kretschmer; Burgelstrasse 1, Mag- A. Zylla; Marbostel bei Soltau in Hannover, Erna Zacharias; Burgholstr. 60, Dortmund, deburg-Buckan, Germany; 24856. Germany; 10604. Germany; 9095. A L Michael Zartkowiak; Reiklinghausen S III, Mervelotstr. 227, Westfalen, Germany. Agnes Ahrens; Viereck near Pasewalk, Ger- Ingeborg Linnebach; Kolbergerstrasse Berta Zech; Milse 83 bei Bielefeld, über - many. 83/1, Munich 27, Germany. Bielefeld 2, Germany; 9336. Georg Appel; Germany. M Maria Zech (Mrs. Peter); Güllesheim bei B Horhause/Westerwald über Neuwied, Rhein­ Mima Manecke; Landbergen, Wester 2, land, Germany; 11342. Konrad Back; Buckenreuth No. 3, Wann­ Kreis Tecklenburg, Germany. Frieda Wilhelmine Zemke; Graudenzerweg back via Forcheim, Oberfranken, Bavaria, Auguste Meyran; Penterweg 1, Bramsche, 15, Stargard in Pommern, Germany; 11579. Germany. bei Osnabrück, Germany. Sophie Zepke; Lindenstrasse 42, Schwerin/ Mrs. Karl Balke; Bremenstrasse, Schinkel­ Friedrich Mock; c/o Adam Mock, Neuburg­ Warthe, Grenzmark, Germany; 23818. berg, Osnabrück, Germany. weier bei Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany; 23419. 628 NOTICES

Wilhelmlne Moschnick; Schneebergstrasse Marie Schlosgang; Birkland No. 6 Kreis heirs at law, next of kin, legatees and ICO, Berlin-Lankwitz, Germany. Schongau, Oberbayern, Germany. distributees, names unknown, of Fred­ Mimi Sopper; Termerhofe 36, Essen-Katern- N erick Suesser, are not within a desig­ berg, Germany. nated enemy country, the national Luise Neumann; Wilhelmstrasse (83a), Johann Spengler; Sosberg, Kreis Zell, Bez. (21) Hamon (Westfalen), Germany. Koblenz, Germany. interest of the United States requires Rudolf Niendiecker; Leeden-Oberberge 16, Margarete. Splete; bei Osnabrück, that such persons be treated as nationals Kreis Tecklenburg, Germany. Germany. of a designated enemy country (Ger­ 'Fritz Nollman; Herman Holscherstr., Len- Gregor Steinrucke; Isestrasse 117, Hamburg many). gerich, Westfalen, Germany. 13, Germany; 278. All determinations and all action re­ Gustav Nojlman; Wassenweckstrasse 157, Wilhelm Stelz; (17) Munich, Germany; quired by law, including appropriate Osnebruck-Voxtrup, Germany. 6095. consultation and certification, having T Heinz Nollman; Natrup Hagen Nr. 115, been made and taken, and, it being Lankreis Osnabrück, Germany. Elfriede Tiemann; Kurz Strasse, Lenge- deemed necessary in the national Liesbeth Nollman; Schuzenstrasse 79, rich/Westfalen, Germany. interest, Osnabrück, Germany. Fritz Tiemann; Wechte (Schule) 1, Lenge- There is hereby vested in the Attorney Willy Nollman; Natrup Hagen Nr. 5, Lan- rich/Westfalen, Germany. Kreis Tecklenburg, Germany. Ilse Tolle; Scheaden Lippe, Pyromonter- General of the United States the prop­ Willy Nollman; Schledenhausen (Land­ strasse 40, Germany. erty described above, to be held, used, kreis Osnabrück), Germany. Dr. Ing. Horst-Tonn; Ludwigsburger St. administered, liquidated, sold or other­ 107, Stuttgart, , Germany. wise dealt with in the interest of and for O W the benefit of the United States. Ludwig Obermueller, Augsburg 8,‘Sedan­ The terms “national” and “designated strasse 34, Germany. . Hans Wagner; Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Ger­ enemy country” as used herein shall many. P have the meanings prescribed in section George Wallman; Landbergen-Overbeck 3 Domiciliary personal representatives, (Kreis Techlenburg), Germany. 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. heirs-at-law, hext of kin, legatees and dis­ Johanna Wiedenbauer; Schulstrasse 31/1 Executed at Washington, D. C., on tributees, names unknown, of Joseph Pad- Inks., Munich, Bavaria, Germany; 5460. December 19, 1950. berg, deceased; Germany; 11765. Eugen Wzigman; Platzgasse 26, Ulm/Do- Hermine Penning; Himbergen Nr. 3, über nau, Germany; 9849. For the Attorney General. Osnabrück, Germany. Mrs. Hermann Wulf; Leeden-Oberberge 44, Johannes Plön; Kanalstrasse 112, Hamburg, Kreis Tecklenburg, Germanyr [ s e a l] H arold I. B a y n t o n , Wilhelmsburg, Germany; 5016. Assistant Attorney General, (F. R. Doc. 51-511; Filed, Jan. 9, 1951; Director, Office of Alien Property. R 10:26 a. m.] [F. R. Doc. 51-1087; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; Elizabeth Schaefer Reimer; Oenhausen,- 8:52 a. m.] Germany. Fritz Remscheid; Koenigstrasse 78, Nord Rhine Provinz, Germany. [Vesting Order 16640] Christine Tillman Richarz; Hackentäuer- strasse 68, III, Köln-Mülheim, Germany; F rederick S tjesser et a l. [Vesting Order 16641] 12160. In re: Rights of Frederick Suesser et T oojiro T a b u sh i ex a l. N. Obergerichtsvolzieher (Niedergall); Ho- al. under insurance contracts. Plies No. tenburg a/Fulda, Germany; 11559. In re: Rights of Toojiro Tabushi et al. Adolph Richter; Hamburg-Harburg 1, F-28-24806-H-1, H-2, H-3. Under the authority of the Trading under insurance contract. F-39-3577- Rickel Str. 17, Germany. H -l. Ella Richter; (22b) über, Ren­ With the Enemy Act, as amended, Exec­ nerod (Oberwesterwaldkreis), Germany. utive Order 9193, as amended, and Exec­ Under, the authority of the Trading Josefine Richter; Dormagen/Niederrhein, utive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, With the Enemy Act, as amended,^Exec­ Bahnhofstrasse 25, Germany. after investigation, it is hereby found: utive Order 9193, as amended, and Exec­ Barbara Richter; Buchenreuth #3, Post 1. That Frederick Suesser, whose last utive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, Wannbach 13 (a ) via Forscheim, Ober­ known address is Germany, is a resident after investigation, it is hereby found: franken, Bavaria, Germany. 1. That Toojiro Tabushi, whose last Lisa Rick; Bretten, Baden, Germany; 10488. of Germany and a national of a desig­ nated enemy country (Germ any); known address is Japan, is a resident of August Ricke; Bückeburg, Germany; 13762. Japan and a national of a designated Friedrich Ricke; Gr. Kurf. Str. 64, Möbel- 2. That the domiciliary personal rep­ und Polsterwaren, Germany; 16545. resentatives, heirs at law, next of kin, enemy country (Japan); Dorothea Rohloff; Loignystrasse 8, Lübeck, legatees arid distributees, names' un­ 2. That the domiciliary personal rep­ Germany; 6057. , known, of Frederick Suesser, who there resentatives, heirs, next of kin, legatees Dr. A. Rotzer; Schwabmuenchen, Bayern, is reasonable cause to believe are resi­ and distributees, names unknown, of Germany. dents of Germany, are nationals of a Toojiro Tabushi, who there is reasonable Richard Ruch; Immanneiruchstrasse 36/1, cause to believe are residents of Japan, Berlin N. O. 55, Germany; 10765, 6038. designated enemy country (Germ any); 3. That the net proceeds due or to are nationals of a designated enemy S become due under contracts of insur­ country (Japan); August Schafer; Westendstrasse 196/n, ance evidenced by policies No. 74970800, 3. That the net proceeds due or to- Muenchen, Germany. 74970801 and 74970802, issued by The become due under a contract of insur­ ance evidenced by policy No. 2195812, is­ Christof Schäfer; Blumenstrasse 46, Fu- Prudential Insurance Company of Amer­ erth, Bavaria, Germany; 3809. ica, Newark, New Jersey, to Frederick sued by The Equitable Life Assurance Domiciliary personal representatives, heirs- Suesser, together with the right to de­ Society of the United States, New York, at-law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, New York, to Toojiro Tabushi, together mand, receive and collect said net pro­ names unknown, fo Conrad Schaefer, de­ with the right to demand, receive and ceeds, is property within the United ceased; Germany; 6079. collect said net proceeds, is property Erwin Schaefer; Bornmannstrasse 11, West States owned or controlled by, payable Berlin N. 65, Germany. or deliverable to, held on behalf of or on within the United States owned or con­ trolled by, payable or deliverable to, held Gustav Schafer; 24b Gohl, Lei Olden- account of, or owing to, or which is on behalf of or on account of, or owing burg/H, Germany. evidence of ownership or control by, Hermann Schäfer; Oenhausen, Germany. Frederick Suesser or the domiciliary to, or which is evidence of ownership or Ernst Schaper; Lengerich-Wachte 18, Kreis control by Toojiro Tabushi or the domi­ personal representatives, heirs at law, Tecklenburg, Germany. ciliary personal representatives, heirs, Friedrich Schaper; Wechte 59 bei Lenge- next of kin, legatees and distributees, next of kin, legatees and distributees, rich, Germany. names unknown, of Frederick Suesser, names unknown, of Toojiro Tabushi, the Rudolf Schaper; Leeden-Leese 12, Kreis the aforesaid nationals of a designated Tecklenburg, Germany. aforesaid nationals of a designated Rudolf Schaper; Werrendorf 55 über, enemy country (Germ any); enemy country (Japan); Bohmte, Germany. and it is hereby determined: and it is hereby determined: Simon Schelle; Schmellerstrasse 32/11, 4. That to the extent that the person Muenchen, Germany. 4. That to the extent that the person Heinrich Schilling; (13) Stuttgart, Ger­ named in subparagraph 1 hereof and the named in subparagraph 1 hereof and many; 5226. domiciliary personal representatives, the domiciliary personal representatives,

\ T u e s d a y , J a n u a ry 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 629 heirs, next of kin, legatees and distrib­ erty described above, to be held, used, The terms “national” and “designated utees, names unknown, of Toojiro Tabu- administered, liquidated, sold or other­ enemy country” as used herein shall shi, are not within a designated enemy wise dealt with in the'interest of and for have the meanings prescribed in section country, the national interest of the the benefit of the United States. 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. United States requires that such persons The terms “national” and “designated Executed at Washington, D. C., on enemy country” as used herein shall be treated as nationals of a designated December 19, 1950. enemy country (Japan). have the meanings prescribed in section All determinations and all action re­ 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. For the Attorney General. quired by law, including appropriate con­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on [ se al] H arold I. B a y n t o n , sultation and certification, having been December 19, 1950. Assistant AttorneyGeneral, made and taken, and, it being deemed Director, Office of Alien Property. necessary in the national interest, For the Attorney General. There is hereby vested in the Attorney [F. R. Doc. 51-1092; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; [ seal] H arold I. B a y n t o n , 8:52 a. m.] General of the United States the prop­ Assistant Attorney General, erty described above, to be held, used, ad­ Director, Office of Alien Property. ministered, liquidated, sold or otherwise dealt with in the interest of and for the [F. R. Doc. 51-1090; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; 8:52 a. m.] [Vesting Order 16645] benefit of the United States. The terms “national” and “designate!! S ato ji T sud a et a l . enemj* country” as used herein shall In re: Rights of Satoji Tsuda et al. have the meanings prescribed in section [Vesting Order 16647] under insurance contract. File No. D - 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amendedr 39-16906-H-l. Executed at Washington, D. C., on W arren S a k a y e and T o r a ic h i U yeda Under the authority of the Trading December 19, 1950. In re: Rights of Warren Sakaye Uyeda With the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ For the Attorney General. and Tojraichi Uyeda under a contract of tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ insurance. File No. F-39-5914-H-1. tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, [ se al] H arold I. B a y n t o n , Under the authority of the Trading after investigation, it is hereby found: Assistant Attorney General, With the Enemy Act, as amended, Exec­ 1. That Satoji Tsuda and Yoshino Director, Office of Alien Property. utive Order 9193, as amended, and Exec­ Tsuda, whose last known address is Ja­ [F. R. Doc. 51-1088; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; utive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, pan, are residents of Japan and nationals 8:52 a. m.] after investigation, it is hereby found: of a designated enemy country (Japan); 1. That Warren Sakaye Uyeda and 2. That the net proceeds due or to be­ Toraichi Uyeda, whose last known ad­ come due under a contract of insurance dress is Japan, are residents of Japan evidenced by Policy No. 9,161,975, issued [Vesting Order 16643] and nationals of a designated enemy by the New York Life Insurance Com­ K u r a ic h i and I to T a k e n o country (Japan); pany, New York, New York, to Satoji 2. That the net proceeds due or to be­ Tsuda, together with the right to de­ In re: Rights of Kuraichi Takeno and come due under a contract of insurance mand, receive and collect said net pro­ Ito Takeno under insurance contracts. evidenced by Policy No. 738,307 issued ceeds, is property within the United F-39-4510-H-1, H-2. by The Manufacturers Life Insurance States owned or controlled by, payable Under the authority of the Trading Company, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, to or deliverable to, held on behalf of or With the Enemy Act, as amended, Ex­ Warren Sakaye Uyeda, and any and all on account of, or owing to, or which is ecutive Order 9193, as amended, and Ex­ other benefits and rights of any kind or evidence of ownership or control by ecutive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, character whatsoever under or arising Satoji Tsuda or Yoshino Tsuda, the after investigation, it is hereby found: out of said contract of insurance except aforesaid nationals of a designated enemy 1. That Kuraichi Takeno and Ito Ta­ those of the aforesaid The Manufactur­ country (Japan); keno, whose last known address is Japan, ers Life Insurance Company together are residents of Japan and nationals of and it is hereby determined: with the right to demand, enforce, re­ 3. That to the extent that the persons a designated enemy country (Japan); ceive and collect the same (including 2. That the net proceeds due or to be­ named in subparagraph 1 hereof are not without limitation the right to proceed within a designated enemy country, the come due under contracts of insurance for collection against branch offices and evidenced by policies numbered 8106147 national interest of

[Vesting Order 16673] There is hereby vested in the Attorney There is hereby vested in the Attorney General of the United States the prop­ General of the United States the prop­ G e r m a n y and C o nver sio n O ffice for erty described above, to be held, used, erty described above, to be held, used, G erm an F o reign D ebts administered, liquidated, sold or other­ administered, liquidated, sold or other­ In re: Coupon accounts and scrip wise dealt with in the interest of and for wise dealt with in the interest of and for owned by Germany and Conversion O f­ the benefit of the United States. the benefit of the United States. fice for German Foreign Debts, also The terms “national” and “designated The terms “national” and “designated known, as Konversionskasse fuer enemy country” as used herein shall have enemy country” as used herein shall Deutsche Auslandsschulden. F-28- the meanings prescribed in section 10 of have the meanings prescribed in section 23876-E-l, D-66-2469-D-1. Executive Order 9193, as amended. 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. Under the authority of the Trading Executed at Washington, D. C., on With the Enemy Act, as amended, Ex­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on December 19, 1950. ecutive Order 9193, as amended, and December 21, 1950. Executive Order 9788, and pursuant to For the Attorney General. For the Attorney General. law, after investigation, it is hereby [ s e a l] H arold I. B a y n t o n , [ seal] H arold I. B a y n t o n , found: Assistant Attorney General, Assistant Attorney General, 1. That Conversion Office for German Director, Office of Alien Property. Director, Office of Alien Property. Foreign Debts, also known as Konver­ sionskasse fuer Deutsche Auslandsschul­ [F. R. Doc. 51-1095; Filed, Jan. 22. 1951; [F. R. Doc. 51-1093; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; den, the last known address of which is 8:52 a. m.l ~8:52 a. m.] Germany, is a public corporation organ­ ized under the laws of Germany, and which has or, since the effective date of [Vesting Order 16675] Executive Order 8389, as amended, has, [Vesting Order 16648] had its principal place of business in N ak ajir o W atanabe et a l. H am burg E lectric C o . and C onversion V Berlin, Germany, and is a national of a O ffice for G erm an F oreign D ebts designated enemy country (Germany); In re: Rights of Nakajiro Watanabe et al. under insurance contract. File No. In re: Coupon accounts and scrip 2. That the property described as fol­ F-39-2514-H-1. owned by Hamburg Electric Company, lows: , c Under the authority of the Trading also known as Hamburgische Elektrici- a. Those certain debts or other obliga­ With the Enemy Act, as amended, Exec­ taets-Werke Aktiengesellschaft, a n d tions of Bank of the Manhattan Com­ utive Order 9193, as amended, and Exec­ Conversion Office for German Foreign pany, 40 Wall Street, New York 15, New utive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, Debts, also known as Konversionskasse York, arising out of Coupon Deposit Ac­ after investigation, it is hereby found: fuer Deutsche Auslandsschulden. F-28- counts, entitled “State of Hamburg 6 1. That Nakajiro Watanabe, whose 8199-E-l, D-66-2469-D-1. percent bonds, due 1946”, maintained at last known address is Japan, is a resi­ Under the authority of the Trading the aforesaid bank, together with any dent of Japan and a national of a desig­ With the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ and all accruals thereto, and any and nated enemy country (Japan); tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ all rights to demand, enforce and collect 2. That the domiciliary personal rep­ tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, the same, and resentatives, heirs-at-law, next-of-kin, ■after investigation, it is hereby found: b. Those certain Reichsmark Certifi­ legatees and distributees, names un­ 1. That Hamburg Electric Company, cates of Indebtedness of Conversion Of­ known, of Nakajiro Watanabe, who there also known as Hamburgische Elektrici- fice for German Foreigri Debts, also is reasonable cause to believe are resi­ taets-Werke Aktiengesellschaft, the last known as Konversionskasse fuer dents of Japan, are nationals of a des­ known address of which is Pferdemarkt Deutsche Auslandsschulden, in the ag­ ignated enemy country (Japan); 48, Hamburg 1, Germany, is a corpora­ gregate amounts of RM 1400 and RM 3. That the net proceeds due or to tion, partnership, association or other 5085, presently in the custody of Bank of become due under a contract of insur­ business organization, organized under the Manhattan Company, 40 Wall Street, ance evidenced by Policy No. 7 652 276, the laws of Germany, and which has or, New York 15, New York, said Certificates issued by the New York Life Insurance since the effective date of Executive of Indebtedness having been offered by Company, New York, New York, to Naka­ Order 8389, as amended, has had its the said Conversion Office, along with jiro Watanabe, together with the right principal place of business in Hamburg, certain cash funds, in settlement of the to demand, receive and collect said net Germany, and is a national of a desig­ coupons due in#the second half of 1933 proceeds, is property within the United nated enemy country (Germ any); and the first half of 1934, on the bonds States owned or controlled by, payable 2. That Conversion Office for German referred to in subparagraph 2 above, or deliverable to, held on behalf of or Foreign Debts, also known as Konver­ and any and all rights thereunder and on account of, or owing to, or which is sionskasse fuer Deutsche Auslandsschul­ thereto, evidence of ownership or control by, den, the last known address of which is is property within the United States Nakajiro Watanabe or the domiciliary Germany, is a public corporation organ­ owned or controlled by, payable or deliv­ personal representatives, heirs-at-law, ized under the laws of Germany, and erable to, held on behalf of or on account next-of-kin, legatees and distributees, which has or, since the effective date of of, or owing to, or which is evidence of names unknown, of Nakajiro Watanabe, Executive Order 8389, as amended, has ownership or control by, a designated en­ the aforesaid nationals of a designated had its principal place of business in emy country (Germany),-and Conver­ enemy country (Japan); Berlin, Germany, and is a national of a sion Office for German Foreign Debts, designated enemy country (Germany); and it is hereby determined: also known as Konversionskasse fuer 3. That the property described as fol­ 4. That to the extent that the person Deutsche Auslandsschulden, the afore­ named in subparagraph 1 hereof and the lows: said national of a designated enemy a. Those certain debts or other obliga­ domiciliary personal representatives, country (Germany); tions of Bank of the Manhattan Com­ heirs-at-law, next-of-kin, legatees and pany, 40 Wall Street, New York 15, New and it is hereby determined: distributees, names unknown, of Naka­ York, arising out of Coupon Deposit Ac­ 3. That to the extent that the person jiro Watanabe are not within a desig­ counts, entitled “Hamburg Electric Com­ named in subparagraph 1 hereof is not nated enemy country, the national within a designated enemy country, the pany 7 percent debentures, due 1935”, interest of the United States requires and “Hamburg Electric Company 2 per­ national interest of the United States re­ that such persons be treated as nationals quires that such person be treated as a cent debentures due 1943, as extended”, of a designated enemy country (Japan), maintained at the aforesaid bank, to­ national of a designated enemy country All determinations and all action re­ (Germany). gether with any and all accruals thereto quired by law, including appropriate All determinations and all action re­ and any and all rights to demand, en­ quired by law, including appropriate con­ consultation and certification, having force and collect the same, and sultation and certification, having been been made and taken, and, it being b. Those certain Reichsmark Certifi­ made and taken, and, it being deemed deemed necessary in the national inter­ cates of Indebtedness of Conversion Of­ necessary in the national interest, est, fice for German Foreign Debts, also T u e sd a y , J a n u a ry 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 631 known as Konversionskasse ruer Deut­ 2. That the net proceeds due or to Agnes Schmalenbach, as joint tenants sche Auslandsschulden, in the aggregate become due under a contract of insur­ with the right of survivorship and not as amounts of RM 750 and RM 1810, pres­ ance evidenced by Policy No. 15 143 558, tenants in , and presently in the ently in the custody of Bank of the Man­ issued by the New York Life Insurance custody of The Division of Protective hattan Company, 40 Wall Street, New Company, New York, New -York, to Services, Department of State,^Washing­ York 15, New York, said Certificates of Ichiro Yamaki, together with the right ton 25, D. C., together with all declared Indebtedness having been offered by the to demand, receive and collect said net and unpaid dividends thereon, said Conversion Office, along with certain proceeds, is property within the United b. Eighty (80) shares of $100.00 par cash funds, in settlement of the coupons States owned or controlled by, payable value common capital stock of Connecti­ due in the second half of 1933 and the or deliverable to, held on behalf of or on cut Railway and Lighting Company, 177 first half of 1934, on the 7 percent deben­ account of, or owing to,- or which is evi­ State Street, Bridgeport 3, Connecticut, tures, due 1935 referred to in subpara­ dence of ownership or control by, Ichiro a corporation organized under the laws graph 3-a al^ve, and any and all rights Yamaki or Mary Yamaki, the aforesaid of the State of Connecticut, evidenced thereunder and thereto, nationals of a designated enemy country by a certificate numbered D11069, regis­ (Japan); is property within the United States tered in the name of Carl Schmalen­ owned or controlled by, payable or de­ and it is hereby determined: bach and Mrs. Agnes Schmalenbach as liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac­ 3. That to the extent that the persons joint tenants with the right of survivor­ count of, or owing to, or which is named in subparagraph 1 hereof are not ship and not as tenants in common, and evidence of ownership or control by, within a designated enemy country, the presently in the custody of The Divi­ Hamburg Electric Company, also known national interest of the United States sion of Protective Services, Department as Hamburgische Elektricitaets-Werke requires that such persons be treated as of State, Washington 25, D. C. together Aktiengesellschaft, and Conversion O f­ nationals of a designated enemy country with all declared and unpaid dividends fice for German Foreign Debts, also (Japan). thereon, known as Konversionskasse fuer All determinations and all action re­ c. Ten (10) shares of $1.00 par value Deutsche Auslandsschulden, the afore­ quired by law, including appropriate common capital stock of Central Foun­ said nationals of a designated enemy consultation and certification, having dry Co., 386 Fourth Avenue, New York 16, country (Germ any); been made and taken, and, it being New York, a corporation organized un­ deemed necessary in the national in­ der the laws of the State of Maine, evi- and it is hereby determined: NC 4. That to the extent that the persons terest, denced by a certificate numbered named in subparagraphs 1 and 2 hereof There is hereby vested in the Attorney 22216, registered in the name of Carl are not within a designated enemy coun­ General of the United States the prop­ Schmalenbach and Mrs. Agnes Schmal­ try, the national interest of the United erty described above, to be held, used, enbach as joint tenants with the right States requires that such persons be administered, liquidated, sold or other­ of survivorship and not as tenants in treated as nationals of a designated wise dealt with in the interest of and common, and presently in the custody of enemy country. (Germany). for the benefit of the United States. The Division of Protective Services, De­ All determinations and all action re­ The terms “national” and “designated partment of State, Washington 25, D. C., quired by law, including appropriate enemy country” as used herein shall have together with all declared and unpaid consultation and certification, having the meanings prescribed in section 10 of dividends thereon, and been made and taken, and, it being Executive Order 9193, as amended. d. Twenty (20) shares of no par value deemed necessary in the national in­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on common capital stock of Continental terest,. December 19, 1950. Baking Company, 630 Fifth Avenue, New There is hereby vested in the Attorney i For the Attorney General. York 20, New York, a corporation or­ General of the United States the prop­ ganized under the laws of the State of erty described above, to be held, used,' [ s e a l] H arold I. B a y n t o n , Delaware evidenced by a certificate num­ administered, liquidated, sold or other­ Assistant Attorney General, bered C06436, registered in the name of wise dealt with in the interest of and for Director, Office of Alien Property. Carl Schmalenbach and Mrs. Agnes the benefit of the United States. [F. R. Doc. 51-1094; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; Schmalenbach as joint tenants with the The terms “national” and “designated 8:52 a. m.] right of survivorship and not as tenants enemy country” as used herein shall in common, and presently in the custody have the meanings prescribed in section of The Division of Protective Services, 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. Department of State, Washington 25, Executed at Washington, D. C., on [Vesting Order 16745] D. C., together with all declared and un­

December 21, 1950, C arl and A gnes S chmalenbach paid dividends thereon, For the Attorney General. In re: Stock owned by Carl Schmalen­ is property within the United States owned or controlled by, payable or de­ [ seal] H arold I. B a y n t o n , bach, also known as Karl Schmalenbach, and Agnes Schmaleilbach. D-28-5603- liverable to, held on behalf of or on Assistant Attorney General, account of, or owing to, or which is Director, Office of Alien Property. D -l. Under the authority of the Trading evidence of ownership or control, by the [P. R. Doc. 51-1096; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; With the Enemy Act, as amended, Exec­ aforesaid nationals of a designated 8:52 a. m.] utive Order 9193, as amended, and Ex­ enemy country (Germ any); ecutive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, and it is hereby determined: after investigation, it is hereby found; 3. That to the extent that the per­ 1. That Carl Schmalenbach, also [Vesting Order 16650] sons named in subparagraph 1 hereof known as Karl Schmalenbach, and Agnes are not within a designated enemy I c h ir o Y a m a k i et a l . Schmalenbach, each of whose last known country, the national interest of the address is Bendof near Doblenz, Muehl- In re: Rights of Ichiro Yamaki et?al. United States requires that such persons enstrasse 78, Germany, are residents of under insurance contract. File No. F - be treated as nationals of a designated Germany and nationals of a designated enemy country (Germ any); 39-4099-H-l. enemy .country (Germany) ; Under the authority of the Trading All determinations and all action re­ 2. That the property described as quired by law, including appropriate con­ With the Enemy Act, as amended, Execu­ follows: tive Order 9193, as amended, and Execu­ sultation and certification, having been a. One Hundred (100) shares of $6.00 made and taken, and, it being deemed tive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, par value common capital stock of The necessary in the national interest. after investigation, it is hereby found: Omnibus Corporation, 4221 Diversey There is hereby vested in the Attorney 1. That Ichiro Yamaki and Mary Avenue, Chicago 39, Illinois, a corpora­ General of the United States the prop­ Yamaki, whose last known address is tion organized under the laws of the erty described above, to be held, used, ad­ Japan, are residents of Japan and na­ State of Delaware, evidenced by a certi­ ministered, liquidated, sold or otherwise tionals of a designated enemy country ficate numbered NC6278, registered in dealt with in the interest of and for the (Japan); the name of Carl Schmalenbach and Mrs. benefit of the United States. 632 NOTICES

The terms “national” and “designated cash funds, in settlement of the coupons New Yorl^New York, and presently in enemy country” as used herein shall due in the first half of 1934, on the bonds the custody of Chase National Bank of have the meanings prescribed in section referred to in subparagraph 3-a above, the City of New York, Custodial De­ 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. and any and all rights thereunder and partment, 30 Broad Street, New York, Executed at Washington, D. C., on thereto, New York, in an account entitled “Clients December 26, 1950. is property within the United States Account, Credit Suisse, , Switzer­ owned or controlled by, payable or deliv­ land”, together with all declared and un­ For the Attorney General. erable to, held on behalf of or on paid dividends thereon, and b. Two hundred-ten (210) shares of [ s e a l] H arold I. B a y n t o n , account of, or owing to, or which is evi­ Assistant Attorney General, dence of ownership or control by, Maerk­ five dollar par value common capital Director, Office of Alien Property. isches Elektricitaetswerk Aktiengesell­ stock of Timken Detroit Axle Company, schaft and Conversion Office for German 100-400 Clark Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, [F. R. Doc. 51-1098; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; Foreign Debts, also known as Konver­ evidenced by Certificates numbered N - 8:53 a. m.] sionskasse fuer Deutsche Auslandsschul-. 16074, N-16075 for one hundred shares den, the aforesaid nationals of a desig­ each and Certificate number N-010104 nated enemy country (Germ any); for ten shares registered in the name of Egger and Company, 30 Broad Street, [Vesting Order 16677] and it is hereby determined: New York, New York, and presently in 4. That to the extent that the persons M a er k isch es E lektricitaetswerk A k t i - the custody of Chase National Bank of named in subparagraphs 1 and 2 hereof the City of New York, Custodial Depart­ ENGESELLSCHAPT AND CONVERSION OFFICE are not within a designated enemy coun­ for G er m an F o r e ig n D ebts ment, 30 Broad Street, New York, New try, the national interest of the United York, in an account entitled “Clients In re: Coupon accounts and scrip States requires that such persons be Account, Credit Suisse, Zurich, Switzer­ owned by Maerkisches Elektricitaetswerk treated as nationals of a designated en­ land”, together with all declared and Aktiengesellschaft, and Conversion O f­ emy country (Germany). unpaid dividends thereon, fice for German Foreign Debts, also All determinations and all action re­ known as Konversionskasse fuer quired by law, including appropriate is property within the United States Deutsche Auslandsschulden. F-28- consultation and certification, having owned or controlled by, payable or de­ 26311-E-l, D-66-2469-D-1. been made and taken, and, it being liverable to, held on behalf of or on Under the authority of the Trading deemed necessary in the national in­ account of, or owing to, or which is evi­ With the Enemy Act, as amended, Ex­ terest, , dence of ownership or control by, the ecutive Order 9193, as amended, and There is hereby vested in the Attorney personal representatives, heirs, next of Executive Order 9788, ahd pursuant to General of the United States the prop­ kin, legatees and distributees of Anna law, after investigation, it is hereby erty described above, to be held, used, Maria Selve, deceased, the aforesaid na­ found: administered, liquidated, sold or other­ tionals of a designated enemy country 1. That Maerkisches Elektricitaetswerk wise dealt with in the interest of and for (Germany); Aktiengesellschaft, the last known ad­ the benefit of the United States. and it is hereby determined: dress of which is Keithstrasse 30, Berlin The terms “national” and “designated t 3. That to the extent thatithe personal W 62, Germany, is a corporation, part­ enemy country” as used herein shall representatives, heirs, next of kin, leg­ nership, association or other business or­ have the meanings prescribed in section atees and distributees of Anna Maria ganization, organized under the laws of 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. Selve, deceased, are not within a desig­ Germany, and which has or, since the Executed at Washington, D. C., on nated enemy country, the national in­ effective date of Executive Order 8389, December 21, 1950. • terest of the United States requires that as amended, has had its principal place such persons be treated as nationals of of business in Berlin, Germany, and is a For the Attorney General. a designated enemy country (Germany). national of a designated enemy country [ se al] H arold I. B a y n t o n , All determinations and all action re­ (Germ any); Assistant Attorney General, quired by law, including appropriate 2. That Conversion Office for German Director, Office of Alien Property. consultation and certification, having Foreign Debts, also known as Konver­ been made and taken, and, it being sionskasse fuer Deutsche Auslandsschul­ [F. R. Doc. 51-1097; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; deemed necessary in the national den, the last known address of which is 8:52 a. m.j interest, Germany, is a public corporation organ­ There is hereby vested in the Attorney ized under the laws of Germany, and General of the United States the prop­ which has or, since the effective date of erty described above, to be held, used, [Vesting Order 16747] Executive Order 8389, as amended, has administered, liquidated, sold or other­ had its principal place of business in Ber­ A n n a M aria S elve wise dealt with in the interest of and for lin, Germany, and is a national of a the benefit of the United States. In re: Stock owned by the personal designated enemy country (Germ any); The terms “national” and “designated representatives, heirs, next of kin, leg­ 3. That the property described as fol­ enemy country” as used herein shall atees and distributees of Anna Maria lows: have the meanings prescribed in section Selve, deceased. D-28-12927. a. Those certain dafrts or other obliga­ 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. tions of Bank of the Manhattan Com­ Under the authority of the Trading pany, 40 Wall Street, New York 15, New With the Enemy Act, as amended, Exec­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on York, arising out of Coupon Deposit Ac­ utive Order 9193, as amended, and Exec­ December 26, 1950. counts, entitled “Pomerania Electric utive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, For the Attorney General. Company 6 percent Bonds, due 1953”, after investigation, it is hereby found: [ s e a l] H arold T B a y n t o n , maintained at the aforesaid bank, to­ 1. That the personal representatives, Assistant Attorney General, gether with any and all accruals thereto, heirs, next of kin, legatees and distribu­ Director, Office of Alien Property. and any and all rights to demand, en­ tees of Anna Maria Selve, deceased, who force and collect the same, and there is reasonable cause to believe are [F. R. Doc. 51-1099; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; b. Those certain Reichsmark Certifi­ residents of Germany, are nationals of a 8:53 a. m.] cates of Indebtedness of Conversion Of­ designated enemy country (Germ any); fice for German Foreign Debts, also 2. That the property-described as fol­ known as Konversionskasse fuer lows: [Vesting Order 16771] Deutsche Auslandsschulden, in the ag­ a. One hundred (100) shares of no par gregate amount of RM 4209, presently in value common capital stock of American B ertha K eller the custody of Bank of the Manhattan Radiator and Standard Sanitary Corpo­ In re: Estate of Bertha Keller, de­ Company, 40 W all Street, New York 15, ration, 40 West Fortieth Street, New ceased. File No. D-28-10522; E. T. sec. New York, said Certificates of Indebted­ York, New York, evidenced by Certificate 16435. ness having been offered by the said number C-303451, registered in the name Under the authority of the Trading Conversion Office, along with certain of Egger & Company, *30 Broad Street, With thè Enemy Act, as amended, Exec- Tu esd a y, J a n u a ry 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 633 utive Order 9193, as amended, and Exec­ utive Order 9193, as amended, and Exec­ utive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, utive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, utive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, after investigation, it is hereby found: after investigation, it is hereby found: after investigation, it is hereby found: 1. That Horst Kleinjung and Rolf 1. That Herman Keller, Louisa (Lisa) 1. That Masahiro Kimura and Mrs. Kleinjung, whose last known address is Keller, Erich Keller, Johanna Keller, Katsu Kimura, whose last known address Germany, are residents of Germany and Adolph Keller and Gerda Keller, whose is Japan, are residents of Japan and na­ nationals of a designated enemy country last known address is Germany, are resi­ tionals of a designated enemy country (Germ any); dents of Germany and nationals of a (Japan); 2. That the domiciliary personal rep­ designated enemy country (Germ any); 2. That the domiciliary personal rep­ resentatives, heirs-at-law, next-of-kin, 2. That the domiciliary personal rep­ resentatives, heirs at law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, names un­ resentatives, heirs at law, next of kin, legatees and distributees, names un­ known, of Kurt Kleinjung, deceased, and legatees and distributees, names un­ known, of Kame Kusu (Kamekusu) of Walter Kleinjung, deceased, who there known, of Louisa (Lisa) Keller, of Erich Kimura, deceased, who there is reason­ is reasonable cause to believe are resi­ Keller, and of Adolph Keller, who there able cause to believe are .residents of dents of Germany, are nationals of a is reasonable cause to believe* are resi­ Japan are nationals of a designated en­ designated enemy country (Germ any); dents of Germany, are nationals of a emy country (Japan); 3. That all right, title, interest and designated enemy country (Germ any); 3. That the net proceeds due or to claim of any kind or character whatso­ 3. That all right, title, interest and become due under a contract of insurance ever of the persons identified in sub- claim of any kind or character whatso­ evidenced by policy No. N-679555, issued paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof, and each of ever of the persons identified in subpara­ by the Aetna Life Insurance Company, them, in and to the trust created under graphs 1 and 2 hereof, and each of them, Hartford, Connecticut, to Alexander the will of Rudolf Kleinjung, deceased, in and to the estate of Bertha Keller, Legge, together with the right to demand, presently being administered by Mrs. deceased, is property payable or deliver­ receive and collect said net proceeds, Josephine R. Kleinjung, 180— 30th Ave­ able to, or claimed by, the aforesaid is property within the United States nue, San Francisco 21, California, and nationals of a designated enemy country owned or controlled by, payable or de­ by Mr. Hans R. Kleinjung, Box 292, Des­ (Germany); liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac­ ert Hot Springs, California, trustees, 4. That such property is in the process count of, or owing to, or which is is property within the United States, of administration by Granville Whittle­ evidence of ownership or control by, the owned or controlled by, payable or de­ sey, Jr., as executor, acting under the aforesaid nationals of a designated en­ liverable to, held on behalf of or on judicial supervision of the Surrogate’s emy country (Japan); account of, or owing to, or which is Court, New York County, New York, evidence of ownership or control by, the New York; and it is hereby determined: 4. That to the extent that the persons aforesaid nationals of a designated en­ and it is hereby determined: named in subparagraph 1 hereof and the emy country (Germ any); 5. That to the extent that the persons domiciliary personal representatives, and it is hereby determined: named in subparagraph 1 hereof, and heirs at law, next of kin, legatees and 4. That to the extent that the persons the domiciliary personal representatives, distributees, names unknown, of Kame named in subparagraph 1 hereof and heirs at law, next of kin, legatees and Kusu (Kamekusu) Kimura, deceased, are the domiciliary personal representatives, distributees, names unknown, of Louisa not within a designated enemy country, heirs-at-law, next-of-kin, legatees and (Lisa) Keller, of Erich Keller, and of the national interest of the United States distributees, names unknown, of Kurt Adolph Keller, are not within a desig­ requires that such persons be treated as Kleinjung, deceased, and of Walter nated enemy country, the national in­ nationals of a designated enemy coun­ Kleinjung, deceased, are not within a terest of the United States requires that try (Japan). designated enemy country, the national such persons be treated as nationals of a All determinations and all action re­ interest of the United States requires designated enemy country (Germany). quired by law, including appropriate that such persons be treated as nationals All determinations and all action re­ consultation and certification, having of a designated enemy country (Ger­ quired by law, including appropriate been made and taken, and, it being many) . consultation and certification, having deemed necessary in the national All determinations and all action re­ been made and taken, and, it being interest, quired by law, including appropriate deemed necessary in the national There is hereby vested in the Attorney consultation and certification, having interest, General of the United States the prop­ been made and taken, and, it being There is hereby vested in the Attor­ erty described above, to be held, used, deemed necessary in the national inter­ ney General of the United States the administered, liquidated, sold or other­ est, property described above, to be held, wise dealt with in the interest of and There is hereby vested in the Attorney used, administered, liquidated, sold or for the benefit of the United States. General of the United States the prop­ otherwise dealt with in the interest of The terms “national” and “designated erty described above, to be held, used, and for the benefit of the United States. enemy country” as used herein shall administered, liquidated, sold or other­ The terms “national” and “designated have the meanings prescribed in section wise dealt with in the interest of and for enemy country” as used herein shall 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. the benefit of the United States. have the meanings prescribed in section Executed at Washington, D. C., on The terms “national” and “designated 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. enemy country” as used herein shall December 27, 1950. Executed at Washington, D. C., on have the meanings prescribed in section December 27, 1950. For the Attorney General. 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. For the Attorney General. [ s e a l] H arold I. B a y n t o n , Executed at Washington, D. C., on Assistant Attorney General, December 27, 1950. [ seal] H arold I. B a y n t o n , Director, Office of Alien Property. Assistant Attorney General, For the Attorney General. [F. R. Doc. 51-1101; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; Director, Office of Alien Property. [ se al! H arold I. B a y n t o n , 8:53 a. m.] [P. R. Doc. 51-1100; Piled, Jan. 22, 1951; Assistant Attorney General, 8:53 a. m.] Director, Office of Alien Property. [F. R. Doc. 51-1102; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; [Vesting Order 16774] 8:53 a. m.]

[Vesting Order 16772] R ud o lf K l e in j u n g [Vesting Order 16896] M asah iro K im u r a et a l . In re: Trust under the Will of Rudolf In re: Rights of Masahiro Kimura et al. Kleinjung, deceased. File No. D-28- R eichskredit G esellschaft under insurance contract. File No. D - 10393; E. T. Sec. No. 17078. In re: Debt owing to Reichskredit 39-18727-H-l. Under the authority of the Trading Gesellschaft. F-28-226-C-2. Under the authority of the Trading With the Enemy Act, as amended, Exec­ JUnder the authority of the Trading With the Enemy Act, as amended, Exec­ utive Order 9193, as amended, and Exec­ With the Enemy Act, as amended, Exec- 634 NOTICES utive Order 9193, as amended, and Ex­ 1. That F. Suga, who there is reason­ 5622, entitled “Elsie Wagner in Trust for ecutive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, able cause to believe is a resident of Charlotte Wagner”, and any and all after investigation, it is hereby found: Japan, is a national of a designated en­ rights to demand, enforce and collect 1. That Reichskredit Gesellschaft, the emy country (Japan); the same, last known address of which is Berlin, 2. That the property described as fol­ is property within the United States Germany, is a corporation, partnership, lows: That certain debt or other obliga­ owned or controlled by, payable or deliv­ association or other business organiza­ tion owing to F. Suga by the National erable to, held on behalf of or on account tion, organized under the laws of Ger­ City Bank of New York, 2560 Broadway, of, or owing to, or which is evidence of many, and which has or, since the New York 25, New York, representing the ownership or control by, the aforesaid effective date of Executive Order 8389, balance of a cancelled and unused credit national of a designated enemy country as amended, has had its principal place opened by F. Suga on October 5, 1940, (Germany) ; of business in Germany and is a national together with all accruals thereto and of a designated enemy country (Ger­ any and all rights to demand, enforce and it is hereby determined: many) ; and collect the same, 3. That to the extent that the person 2. That the property described as fol­ named in-subparagraph 1 hereof is not is property within the United States lows : That certain debt or other obliga­ within a designated enemy country, the owned or controlled by, payable or de­ tion owing to Reichskredit Gesellschaft, national interest of the United States liverable to, held on behalf of or on by The Chase National Bank of the City requires that such person be treated as a account of, or owing to, or which is evi­ of New York, 18 Pine Street, New York, national of a designated enemy country dence of ownership or "control by the New York, arising out of an overdraft on (Germany). aforesaid national of a designated enemy a nostro account maintained with All determinations and all action re­ country (Japan); Reichskredit Gesellschaft by The Chase quired by law, including appropriate National Bank of the City of New York, and it is hereby determined: consultation and certification, having together with any and all accruals 3. That to the extent that the person been made and taken, and, it being thereto, and any and all rights to de­ named in subparagraph 1 hereof is not deemed necessary in the national in­ mand, enforce and collect the same, within a designated enemy country, the terest, national interest of the United States There is hereby vested in the Attorney is property within the United States requires that such person be treated as General of the United States the prop­ owned or controlled by, payable or de­ a national of a designated enemy coun­ erty described above, to be held, used, liverable to, held on behalf of or on try (Japan). administered, liquidated, sold or other­ account of, or owing to, or which is All determinations and all action re­ wise dealt with in the interest of and evidence of ownership or control by, the quired by law, including appropriate con­ for the benefit of the United States. aforesaid national of a designated enemy sultation and certification, having been The terms “national” and “designated country (Germ any); made and taken, and, it being deemed enemy country” as used herein shall have and it is hereby determined: necessary in the national interest, the meanings prescribed in section 10 of 3. That to the extent that the person There is hereby vested in the Attorney Executive Order 9193, as amended. named in subparagraph 1 hereof is not General of the United States the property Executed at Washington, D. C., on within a designated enemy country, the described above, to be held, used, admin­ January 2, 1951. national interest of the United States istered, liquidated, sold or otherwise dealt requires that such person be treated as a with in the interest of and for the benefit For the Attorney Gênerai. national of a designated enemy country of the United States. [ seal ] H arold I. B a y n t o n , (Germany). The terms “national” and “designated Assistant Attorney General, All determinations and all action re­ enemy country” as used herein shall have Director, Office of Alien Property. quired by law, including appropriate con­ the meanings prescribed in section 10 of [F. R. Doc. 51-1105; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; sultation and certification, having been Executive Order 9193, as amended. 8:53 a. m.] made and taken, and, it being deemed Executed at Washington, D. C., on necessary in the national interest, January 2, 1951. There is hereby vested in the Attorney General of the United States the prop­ For the Attorney General. [Vesting Order 16904] erty described above, to be held, used, [ se al] H arold I. B a y n t o n , D rs. C. W eigand and E. W eigand administered, liquidated, sold or other­ Assistant Attorney General, wise dealt with in the interest of and for Director, Office of Alien Property. In re: Debts owing to Drs. C. Weigand the benefit of the United States. and E. Weigand also known as Weigand The terms “national” and “designated [F. R. Doc. 51-1104; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; 8:53 a. m.] & Weigand. F-28-22779-C-3; C-4. * enemy country” as used herein shall have Under the authority of the Trading the meanings prescribed in section 10 of With the Enemy Act, as amended, Ex­ Executive Order 9193, as amended. ecutive Order 9193, as amended, and Ex­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on [Vesting Order 16903] ecutive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, January 2, 1951. after investigation, it is hereby found: C h arlotte W agner 1. That Drs. C. Weigand and E. Wei­ For the Attorney General. In re: Bank account owned by Char­ gand, also known as Weigand & Weigand, [ se al] H arold L B a y n t o n , lotte Wagner, also known as Lotta Kahl. the last known address of which is Assistant Attorney General, D-28-12918-E-1. Tempelhofer Ufer 10i Berlin S. W. 61, Director, Office of Alien Property. Under the authority of the Trading Germany, is a corporation, partnership, [P. R. Doc. 51-1103; Filed, Jan. 22, 1051; With the Enemy Act, as amended, Exec­ association or other business organiza­ 8:53 a. m.] utive Order 9193, as amended, and Exec­ tion, organized under the laws of Ger­ utive Order 9788, and pursuant to law, many, and which has or, since the after investigation, it is hereby found: effective date of Executive Order 8389, 1. That Charlotte Wagner, also known as amended, has had its principal place [Vesting Order 16900] as Lotta Kahl, whose last known ad­ of business in Berlin, Germany and is a dress is Frauenwald Adolf Hitler Street, national of a designated enemy country JF. StJGA 56 Schleusingen, Germany, is a resident (Germ any); In re: Debt owing to F. Suga. D-39- of Germany and a national of a desig­ 2. That the property described as fol­ 18953-E-l. nated enemy country (Germany); lows : Under the authority of the Trading 2. That the property described as fol­ a. That certain debt or other obliga­ With the Enemy Act, as amended, Exec­ lows: That certain debt or other obliga­ tion owing to Wiegand & Wiegand by utive Order 9193, as amended, and tion owing to Charlotte Wagner, also Langner, Parry, Card and Langnör, 120 Executive Order 9788, and pursuant to known as Lotta Kahl, by The Bank of East 41st Street, New York 17, New York, law, after investigation, it is hereby Farmingdale, Farmingdale, Long Island, arising out of a cash debit for Patent found: arising out of a savings account number services, together with any and all ac- T u e sd a y , J a n u a r y 23, 1951 FEDERAL REGISTER 635

cruals thereto, and any and all rights kind or character whatsoever under or the same (including without limitation to demand, enforce and collect the same, arising out of said contract of insurance the right to proceed for collection against and except those of the aforesaid Sun Life branch offices and legal reserves main­ b. That certain debt or other obliga­ Assurance Company, together with the tained in the United States), is property tion of Campbell, Brumbaugh, Free & right to demand, enforce, receive and within the United States owned or con­ Graves (formerly Hoguet, Neary & collect the same (including without lim­ trolled by, payable or deliverable to, held Campbell), 90 Broad Street, New York, itation the right to proceed for collection on behalf of, or on account of, or owing arising out of legal fees per invoices from against branch offices and legal reserves to, or which is evidence of ownership or the person named in subparagraph 1 maintained in the United States), is control by Yoneichi Kawate or Konobu hereof dated between April 1940 and property within the United States owned Kawate, the aforesaid nationals of a des­ July 1941, together with any and all or controlled by, payable or deliverable ignated enemy country (Japan). accruals thereto, and any and all rights to, held on behalf of, or on account of, to demand, enforce and collect the or owing to, or which is evidence of own­ and it is hereby determined: same, ership or control by Toshihiko Arita or 3. That to the extent that the persons named in subparagraph 1 hereof are not is property within the United States Gentaro Arita, the aforesaid nationals of a designated enemy country (Japan) ; within a designated enemy country, the owned or controlled by, payable or de­ national interest of the United States re­ liverable to, held on behalf of or on • and it is hereby determined : quires that such persons be treated as account of, or owing to, or which is 3. That to the extent that the persons nationals of a designated enemy country evidence of ownership or control by, the named in subparagraph 1 hereof are not (Japan). aforesaid national of a designated enemy within a designated enemy country, the All determinations and all action re­ country (Germ any); national interest of the United States quired by law, including appropriate and it is hereby determined: requires that such persons be treated as consultation and certification, having 3. That to the extent that the person nationals of a designated enemy country been made and taken, and, it being named in subparagraph 1 hereof is not (Japan). deemed necessary in the national within a designated enemy country, the All determinations and all action re­ interest, national interest of the United States quired by law, including appropriate con­ There is hereby vested in the Attorney requires that such person be treated as sultation and certification, having been General of the United States the prop­ a national of a designated enemy coun­ made and taken, and, it being deemed erty described above, to be held, used, try (Germany). necessary in the national interest, administered, liquidated, sold or other­ All determinations and all action re­ There is hereby vested in the Attorney wise dealt with in the interest of and for quired by law, including appropriate con­ General of the United States the prop­ the benefit of the United States. sultation and certification, having been erty described above, to be held, used, The terms “national” and “designated made and taken, and, it being deemed administered, liquidated, sold or other­ enemy country” as used herein shall necessary in the national interest, wise dealt with in the interest of and for have the meanings prescribed in section There is hereby vested in the Attorney the benefit of the United States. 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. The terms “national” and “designated General of the United States the prop­ Executed at Washington, D. C„ on enemy country” as used herein shall erty described above, to be held, used, January 11, 1951. administered, liquidated, sold or other­ have the meanings prescribed in section wise dealt with in the interest of and for 10 of Executive Order 9193, as amended. For the Attorney General. the benefit of the United States. Executed at Washington, D. C., on [ s e a l] . H arold I. B a y n t o n , The terms “national” and “designated January 11, 1951. Assistant Attorney General, enemy country” as us%d herein shall have Director, Office of Alien Property. For the Attorney General. the meanings prescribed in section 10 of [F. R. Doc. 51-1108; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; Executive Order 9193, as amended. [ s e a l] H arold I. B a y n t o n , 8:53 a. m.] Assistant Attorney General, Executed at Washington, D. C., on January 2, 1951. Director, Office of Alien Property. [F. R. Doc. 51-1107; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; For the Attorney General. 8:53 a. m.] [Return Order 864] [ se al] H arold I. B a y n t o n , A n n a M aria W eber Assistant Attorney General, Having considered the claim set forth Director, Office of Alien Property. [Vesting Order 16990] below and having issued a determina­ [F. R. Doc. 51-1106; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; tion allowing the claim, which is incorpo­ 8:53 a. m.] Y o n e ic h i and K o n o b u K a w a te rated by reference herein and filed here­ In re: Rights of Yoneichi Kawate and with, Konobu Kawate under insurance con­ It is ordered, That the claimed prop­ tract. File No. F-39-3122-H-1. erty, described below and in the deter­ [Vesting Order 16987] Under the authority of the Trading mination, be returned, subject to any increase or decrease resulting from the T o s h ih ik o and G entaro A rita With the Enemy Act, as amended, Executive Order 9193, as amended, and administration thereof prior to return, In re: Rights of Toshihiko Arita and Executive Order 9788, and pursuant to and after adequate provision for taxes Gentaro Arita under an insurance con­ law, after investigation, it is hereby and conservatory expenses: tract. File No. F-39-6547-H-1. found: Claimant, Claim No., Notice of Intention To Under the authority of the Trading 1. That Yoneichi Kawate and Konobu Return Published, and Property With the Enemy Act, as amended, Kawate, whose last known address is Anna Maria Weber, Long Island City, N. Y.; Executive Order 9193, as amended, and Japan, are residents of Japan and na­ Claim NO. 5835; October 20, 1950 (15 F. R. Executive Order 9788, and pursuant to tionals of a designated enemy country 7043) $399.88 in the Treasury of the United law, after investigation, it is hereby (Japan); States. found: 2. That the net proceeds due or to 1. That Toshihiko Arita and Gentaro Appropriate documents and papers become due under a contract of insur­ effectuating this order will issue. Arita, whose last known address is Japan, ance evidenced by Policy No. 1 448 065, are residents of Japan and nationals of issued by the Sun Life Assurance Com­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on a designated enemy country (Japan); pany of Canada, Montreal, Canada, to January 16, 1951. 2. That the net proceeds due or to Yoneichi Kawate, and any and all other For the Attorney General. become due under a contract of insur­ benefits and rights of any kind or char­ ance evidenced by Policy No. 1071845 acter whatsoever under or arising out of [ seal] H arold I. B a y n t o n , issued by the Sun Life Assurance Com­ said contract of insurance except those Assistant Attorney General, pany of Canada, Montreal, Quebec, of the aforesaid Sun Life Assurance Com­ Director, Office of Alien Property. Canada, to Toshihiko Arita, and any pany of Canada, together with the right [F. R. Doc. 51-1113; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951{ and all other benefits and rights of any to demand, enforce, receive and collect 8:54 a. m.] €36 NOTICES

[Vesting Order 10293, Arndt.] property, subject to any increase or de­ ever of Karl Altschul in and to a trust estab­ lished under an indenture of trust executed M eta B e h r m a n crease resulting from the administration thereof prior to return, and after ade­ by Josephine Zimmermann as settlor and In re: Stock and bond owned by Meta Maryan H. Hauser and Samuel B. Newman as quate provision for taxes and conserva­ trustees on December 15, 1931, to each of the Behrman. tory expenses: Vesting Order 10293, dated December claimants. 9, 1947, is hereby amended to read as Claimant, Claim No., Property, and Location Executed at Washington, D. C., on follows and not otherwise: Catherine Schoen, Washington, D. C.; January 16, 1951. Claim No. 5910; $1,260.84 in the Treasury of By deleting from subparagraph 2 (a) For the Attorney General. of said Vesting Order 10293 the certifi­ the United States. cate number “NN31022840” and-substi­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on [ se al] H arold I. B a y n t o n , tuting therefor the certificate number January 16, 1951. Assistant Attorney General, - “NN310228,” Director, Office of Alien Property. For the Attorney General. All other provisions of said Vesting [F. R. Doc. 51-1118; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; Order 10293 and all action taken by or [ s e a l ] H arold I. B a y n t o n , 8:55 a. m.] on behalf of the Attorney General of Assistant Attorney General, the United States in reliance thereon, Director, Office of Alien Property. pursuant thereto and under the author­ [F. R. Doc. 51-1115; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; ity thereof are hereby ratified and con­ 8:55 a. m.] B erthold C r o h n (H a p p ) and M argot firmed. C r o h n de Sch lesing er

Executed at Washington, D. C., on NOTICE OF INTENTION TO RETURN VESTED January 17, 1951. PROPERTY P a u l Carnier For the Attorney General. Pursuant to section 32 (f ) of the Trad­ NOTICE OF INTENTION TO RETURN VESTED [ s e a l! H arold B a y n t o n , ing With the Enemy Act, as amended, I. PROPERTY Assistant Attorney General, notice is hereby given of intention to re­ Director, Office of Alien Property. Pursuant to section 32 (f) of the Trad­ turn, on or after 30 days from the date ing With the Enemy Act, as amended, of the publication hereof, the following [P. R. Doc. 51-1112; Piled, Jan. 22, 1951; 8:54 a. m.] notice is hereby given of intention to re­ property, subject to any increase or de­ turn, on or after 30 days from the date crease resulting from the administration of publication hereof, the following prop­ thereof prior to return, and after ade­ erty located in Washington, D. C., includ­ quate provision for taxes and conserva­ [Return Order 868] ing all royalties accrued thereunder and tory expenses: all damages and profits recoverable for Claimant, Claim No., Property, and Location E m i l y F ritze past infringement thereof, after ade­ Berthold Crohn (Happ), Santiago, , Having considered the claim set forth quate provision for taxes and conserva­ tory expenses : Claim No. 36290; Margot Crohn de Schle­ below and having issued a determination singer, Valdivia, Chile, Claim No. 36291; allowing the claim, which is incorpo­ Claimant, Claim No., and Property $8,083.58 in the Treasury of the United States, rated by reference herein and filed here­ Paul Carnier, , ; Claim No. y2 to each claimant. The following securities located in the Fed­ with, 29556; property described in Vesting Order eral Reserve Bank of New York (% to each It is ordered, That the claimed prop­ No. 1028 (8 F. R. 4205, April 2, 1943) relating claim ant): United States Treasury Bonds, erty, described below and in the deter­ to United States Patent Application Serial No. 451,094. 2%, of 1952-54, due June 15, 1954,. Nos. mination, be returned, subject to any in­ 120750L and 120751A, each $1,000 and No. crease or decrease resulting from the Executed at Washington, D. C., on 50146F, $500; United States Treasury Bond, administration thereof prior to return, January 16, 1951. 2y2% , of 1967-72, due June 15, 1972, No. and »after adequate provision for taxes 96749K, $500; United States Treasury Bonds, and conservatory expenses: For the Attorney General. 2%%, of 1959-62, due June 15, 1962, No. 2013C, $1,000 and No. 65049K, $500; United Claimant, Claim No., Notice of Intention to [ s e a l] H arold I. B a y n t o n , States Treasury Bonds, 2%%, of 1959-62, due Return Published, and Property Assistant Attorney General, December 15, 1962, No. 50215E, $1,000 and No. ifimily Fritze, Milton, Mass.; Claim No. Director, Office of Alien Property. 18767H, $500; All the above bonds with cou­ 5893; November 16, 1950 (15 F. R. 7823); [F. R. Doc. 51-1117; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; pons due June 15, 1951, and s. c. a. United $9,452.43 in the Treasury of the United States. 8:55 a. m.J States Savings Bonds, Series G, 2y%%, due October 1, 1954, Nos. M7688144 to M7688149, Appropriate documents and papers ef­ inclusive, $1,000 each, registered in the name fectuating this order will issue. of the Attorney General of the United States. Executed at Washington, D. C., on United States Savings Bonds, Series G, 2%%, H ugo and E m il A l ts c h u l January 16, 1951. due April 1, 1955, Nos. M7688150 and M7688151, $1,000 each and No. D3438236, $500, n o t ic e of in t e n t io n to r etur n vested For the Attorney General. registered in the name of the Attorney Gen­ pro per ty eral of the United States. [ s e a l] H arold I. B a y n t o n , Pursuant to section 32 (f ) of the Trad­ The right, title and interest of Dr. Siegfried Assistant Attorney General, ing With the Enemy Act, as amended, Crohn and Johanna Crohn in and to the Director, Office of Alien Property. trust estate created under the will of Herman notice is hereby given of intention to re­ Crohn, deceased, y2 to each claimant; and [F; R. Doc. 51-1114; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; turn, on or after 30 days from the date to each claimant, his own right, title and 8:54 a. m.] of the publication hereof, the following interest in and to that trust estate; trust property, subject to any increase or de­ administered by National Bank of Commerce crease resulting from the administra­ in Memphis, Trustee. tion thereof prior to return, and after Executed at Washington, D. C., on C ath e r in e S c h o en adequate provision for taxes and con­ January 16, 1951. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO RETURN VESTED servatory expenses: PROPERTY Claimant, Claim No., Property, and Location For the Attorney General. Pursuant to section 32 (f) of the Trad­ Hugo Altschul, Long Island City, N. Y., and [ s e a l] H arold L B a y n t o n , Emil Altschul, New York, N. Y.; Claim No. ing With the Enemy Act: as amended, Assistant Attorney General, 4992; $416.66 in the Treasury of the United Director, Office of Alien Property. notice is hereby given of intention to re­ States in equal shares to the claimants. A turn, on or after 30 days from the date of one-half share of the all right, title, interest [F. R. Doc. 51-1116; Filed, Jan. 22, 1961; the publication hereof, the following and claim of any kind or character whatso­ 8:55 a. m.J