Washington, Tuesday, January 23, 1951

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Washington, Tuesday, January 23, 1951 VOLUME 16 NUMBER 15 Washington, Tuesday, January 23, 1951 TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT as herein set forth. The average value CONTENTS and the investment limit heretofore es­ Chapter III-—Farmers Home-Adminis­ tablished for said county, which appear Agriculture Department Pa&e tration, Department of Agriculture in the tabulations of average values and investment limits under § 311.30, Chap­ See also Commodity Credit Corpo­ Subchapter B— Farm Ownership Loans ter HI, Title 6 of the Code of Federal ration; Farmers Home Adminis­ tration; Federal Crop Insur­ P art 311— B asic R e g u lat io n s Regulations (13 F. R. 9381), are hereby ance Corporation; Forest Serv­ superseded by the average value and S ubpart B— L o a n L im it a t io n s ice. the investment limit set forth below for AVERAGE VALUES OF FARMS AND INVESTMENT said county. Notices ; LIMITS; PENNSYLVANIA N ew Jersey Disaster areas-having need for agricultural credit, designa­ For the purposes of title I of the Average Investment tion__________________________- 590 County Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, as value limit amended, average values of efficient fam­ Rules and regulations: W ar food orders; agriculture- ily-type farm-management units and Ocean__ _____ . $16,500 $12,000 investment limits for the counties identi­ import order------------------------ 579 fied below are determined to be as herein Alien Property, Office of set forth. The average values and in­ (Sec. 41, 60 Stat. 1066; 7 U. S. C., 1015. In ­ terprets or applies secs. 3, 44, 60 Stat. 1074, Notices: vestment limits heretofore established 1069; 7 U. S. C., 1003, 1018) for said counties, which appear in the Vesting orders, etc.: tabulations of average values and invest­ Issued this 17th day of January 1951. Altschul, Hugo and Emil------- 636 Arita, Toshihiko and Gentaro. 635 ment limits under § 311.30, Chapter III, [ se al] C. J. M cC o r m ic k , Title 6 of the Code of Federal Regula­ Acting Secretary of Agriculture. Behrman, Meta______________ 636 tions (13 F. R. 9381), are hereby super­ Carnier, Paul_________________ 636 seded by the average values and invest­ [F. R. Doc. 51-1056; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; Crohn, Berthold, and Margot 8:47 a. m.] ment limits set fortji below for said Crohn de Schlesinger„_____ 636 counties. Fritze, Emily________________ 636 P ennsylvania Garret, Henrietta E__________ 596 Germany________ _____________ 593 P art 311— B asic R eg ulatio ns Average Investment Germany and Conversion Of­ C ounty value limit S ubpart B— L o a n L im it a t io n s fice for German Foreign Debts______________________ 630 Bfirks $10,500 $10,500 AVERAGE VALUES OF FARMS AND INVESTMENT Hamburg Electric Co. and Bradford. 6.500 6,500 l im it s ; n o r t h Dakota Conversion Office for Ger­ Centro . 12,000 12,000 Northumberland 9,000 ö; 000 For the purposes of title I of the Bank­ man Foreign Debts------------ 630 Snyder _ . ......... 8.500 8,500 head-Jones Farm Tenant Act, as Kawate, Yoneichi and Kono- amended, average values of efficient b u _________________________ 635 (Sec. 41, 60 Stat. 1066; 7 U. S. C. 1015.' In­ family-type farm-management units Keller, Bertha_______________ 632 terprets or applies secs. 3, 44, 60 Stat. 1074, and investment limits for the counties Kimura, Masahiro, et al_____ 633 1069; 7 U. S. C. 1003, 1018) identified below are determined to be as Kleinjung, Rudolf___________ 633 Issued this 17th day of January 1951. herein set forth. The average values and Maerkisches Elektricitaets- investment limits heretofore established werk Aktiengesellschaft and [ seal] C. J. M cC o r m ic k , for said counties, which appear in the Conversion Office for Ger­ Acting Secretary of Agriculture. tabulations of average values and invest­ man Foreign Debts________ . 632 [F. R. DOC. 51-1055; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; ment limits under § 311.30, Chapter HI, Reichskredit Gessellschaft___ 633 8:47 a. m.] Title 6 of the Code of Federal Regula­ Schmalenbach, Carl and tions (13 F. R. 9381), are hereby Agnes______________________ 631 superseded by the average values and Schmitz, Frederick, et al_____ 593 investment limits set forth below for Schoen, Catherine____________ 636 P art 311— B asic R eg ulatio ns said counties. Schuberth, Eusebius, et al____ 594 N orth Dakota Schulz, Anna________________ 593 S ubpart B — L o an L im it a t io n s Seko, Toki____________________ 594 Selve, Anna Maria___________ 632 average values of farms and in v e s t m e n t Average County Investment l im it s ; n e w jer sey value limit Shimabukuro, Taro, et al____ 594 Sommer, Thomas J., et al____ 595 For the purposes of title I of the Bank­ TiinVey $12,000 $12,000 Stutzel, Mary, et al__________ _ 595 head-Jones Farm Tenant Act, as Em m ons. _____ 12,000 12,000 Suesser, Frederick, et al______ 628 11,000 11,000 amended, the average value of efficient 12,000 12,000 Suga, F ______________________ 634 family-type farm-management units Wells , 14,000 14,000 Tabushi, Toojiro, et al_______ 628 and the investment limit for the county Takeno, Kuraichi and Ito____ 629 identified below are determined to be (Continued on p. 579) Tanaka, Hisayo______________ 595 577 578 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Census Bureau Page Interior Department Page Notices: See Land Management, Bureau Annual survey of inventories of; Mines Bureau; Reclamation and sales of single and multi­ Bureau. unit retail trade establish­ Interstate Commerce Commis­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, ments; notice of détermina - and days following official Federal holidays, tions______ ..__________________ 585 sion by the Division of the Federal Register, Notices: National Archives and Records Service, Gen­ Civil Aeronautics Board Applications for relief: eral Services Administration, pursuant ter the Proposed rule making: Automobile parts from Chat­ authority contained in the Federal Register Mechanical interruptions--------- 583 tanooga, Tenn., to Atlanta, Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Ga., and Memphis, Tenn-,. 586 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Commerce Department Blackstrap molasses from cer­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ See Census Bureau. tain points in Georgia to mittee of the Federal Register, approved by the President, Distribution is made only by Commodity Credit Corporation Augusta, Ga---------------------- 587 Caustic soda from Alabama to the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Notices: ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. South Point, Ohio----------— 586 Delegation of authority to The regulatory material appearing herein chairmen of Production and Cottonseed cake and meal is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Marketing - Administration from Southwest to Canon which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant City and Rockvaie, Colo— 585 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as county committees with re­ Ferro-manganese and related amended June 19, 1937. spect to agreements terminat- articles from Calvert, Ky., The F ederal R egister will be furnished by ing bin site real estate leases- 589 mail to subscribers, free Qf postage, for $1.50 Sales of certain commodities at to Houston, Tex____________ 586 Rubber tires from Ohio to the per month or $15.00 per year, payable in fixed prices.------------------------ 589 advance. The charge for Individual copies South_____________________ - 586 (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the Défense Transport Administra­ Justice Department size of the issue. Remit check or money tion order, made payable to the Superintendent See Alien Property, Office of. of Documents, directly to the Government Notices : Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Interagency Advisory Commit­ Labor Department There are no restrictions on the republica­ tee; establishment and func­ See Wage and Hour Division. tion of material appearing in the Federal tions— --------------------------------- 585 R egister. Land Management, Bureau of Farmers Home Administration Proposed rule making: Rules and regulations: Oil and gas lease bonds; form— 581 Farm ownership loan limita­ Rules and regulations: Now Available tions; average values of Alaska ; excluding certain tracts farms and investment lim- of land from Chugach and FEDERAL REGISTER Tongass National Forests and 1936-49 New Jersey,— i---------------------- 577 restoring them for purchase North Dakota------------ -,--------- 577 as homesite or as trade and ON MICROFILM Maine___:------------------ ----------- 579 manufacturing sites— ------- - 581 Pennsylvania-------------------— 577 California; withdrawing cer­ tain public lands within Los The National Archives has reproduced Federal Crop Insurance Corpo­ Padres National Forest for use all issues of the Federal Register for ration 1936—49 on 35 mm. microfilm, positive as condor sanctuary------------ 581 prints of which can be purchased for Rules and regulations: Multiple crop insurance, 1950 Mines Bureau $350.00. The annual indexes and codi­ Notices : fication guides are included. and succeeding crop years; Delegation of authority to Chief Current and future volumes will be application for insurance; of Administrative Division microfilmed after the publication of each correction________________ _— 579 to authenticate copies of annual index. Federal Power Commission Positive prints of volumes 1—14 may be records_______________________ 584 purchased separately as follows: Vol. 1, Notices : Production and Marketing Ad­ Hearings, etc.: 1936 ($8); Vol. 2, 1937 ($12); Vol. 3, ministration 1938 ($8); Vol. 4, 1939 ($16); Vol. 5, El Paso Electric Co-------------- 593 1940 ($16); Vol. 6, 1941 ($20); Vol. 7, El Paso Natural Gas Co. et ak 593 Delegation of authority to chair­ 1942 ($36); Vol. 8, 1943 ($52); Vol. 9, Le Flore County Gas & Elec­ men of county committees with 1944 ($40); Vol. 10, 1945 ($44); Vol. 11, tric Co_____ _— ----------------- 593 respect to agreements terminat­ 1946 ($44); Vol. 12, 1947 ($24); Vol. 13, Mercer Gas Light and Fuel ing bin site real estate leases 1948 ($28); and Vol. 14, 1949 ($24). Co__________________________ 592 (see Commodity Credit Corpo­ Remit check or money order, payable to Mountain States Power Co__ 593 ration) .
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