Washington, Tuesday, January 23, 1951
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VOLUME 16 NUMBER 15 Washington, Tuesday, January 23, 1951 TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT as herein set forth. The average value CONTENTS and the investment limit heretofore es Chapter III-—Farmers Home-Adminis tablished for said county, which appear Agriculture Department Pa&e tration, Department of Agriculture in the tabulations of average values and investment limits under § 311.30, Chap See also Commodity Credit Corpo Subchapter B— Farm Ownership Loans ter HI, Title 6 of the Code of Federal ration; Farmers Home Adminis tration; Federal Crop Insur P art 311— B asic R e g u lat io n s Regulations (13 F. R. 9381), are hereby ance Corporation; Forest Serv superseded by the average value and S ubpart B— L o a n L im it a t io n s ice. the investment limit set forth below for AVERAGE VALUES OF FARMS AND INVESTMENT said county. Notices ; LIMITS; PENNSYLVANIA N ew Jersey Disaster areas-having need for agricultural credit, designa For the purposes of title I of the Average Investment tion__________________________- 590 County Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, as value limit amended, average values of efficient fam Rules and regulations: W ar food orders; agriculture- ily-type farm-management units and Ocean__ _____ . $16,500 $12,000 investment limits for the counties identi import order------------------------ 579 fied below are determined to be as herein Alien Property, Office of set forth. The average values and in (Sec. 41, 60 Stat. 1066; 7 U. S. C., 1015. In terprets or applies secs. 3, 44, 60 Stat. 1074, Notices: vestment limits heretofore established 1069; 7 U. S. C., 1003, 1018) for said counties, which appear in the Vesting orders, etc.: tabulations of average values and invest Issued this 17th day of January 1951. Altschul, Hugo and Emil------- 636 Arita, Toshihiko and Gentaro. 635 ment limits under § 311.30, Chapter III, [ se al] C. J. M cC o r m ic k , Title 6 of the Code of Federal Regula Acting Secretary of Agriculture. Behrman, Meta______________ 636 tions (13 F. R. 9381), are hereby super Carnier, Paul_________________ 636 seded by the average values and invest [F. R. Doc. 51-1056; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; Crohn, Berthold, and Margot 8:47 a. m.] ment limits set fortji below for said Crohn de Schlesinger„_____ 636 counties. Fritze, Emily________________ 636 P ennsylvania Garret, Henrietta E__________ 596 Germany________ _____________ 593 P art 311— B asic R eg ulatio ns Average Investment Germany and Conversion Of C ounty value limit S ubpart B— L o a n L im it a t io n s fice for German Foreign Debts______________________ 630 Bfirks $10,500 $10,500 AVERAGE VALUES OF FARMS AND INVESTMENT Hamburg Electric Co. and Bradford. 6.500 6,500 l im it s ; n o r t h Dakota Conversion Office for Ger Centro . 12,000 12,000 Northumberland 9,000 ö; 000 For the purposes of title I of the Bank man Foreign Debts------------ 630 Snyder _ . ......... 8.500 8,500 head-Jones Farm Tenant Act, as Kawate, Yoneichi and Kono- amended, average values of efficient b u _________________________ 635 (Sec. 41, 60 Stat. 1066; 7 U. S. C. 1015.' In family-type farm-management units Keller, Bertha_______________ 632 terprets or applies secs. 3, 44, 60 Stat. 1074, and investment limits for the counties Kimura, Masahiro, et al_____ 633 1069; 7 U. S. C. 1003, 1018) identified below are determined to be as Kleinjung, Rudolf___________ 633 Issued this 17th day of January 1951. herein set forth. The average values and Maerkisches Elektricitaets- investment limits heretofore established werk Aktiengesellschaft and [ seal] C. J. M cC o r m ic k , for said counties, which appear in the Conversion Office for Ger Acting Secretary of Agriculture. tabulations of average values and invest man Foreign Debts________ . 632 [F. R. DOC. 51-1055; Filed, Jan. 22, 1951; ment limits under § 311.30, Chapter HI, Reichskredit Gessellschaft___ 633 8:47 a. m.] Title 6 of the Code of Federal Regula Schmalenbach, Carl and tions (13 F. R. 9381), are hereby Agnes______________________ 631 superseded by the average values and Schmitz, Frederick, et al_____ 593 investment limits set forth below for Schoen, Catherine____________ 636 P art 311— B asic R eg ulatio ns said counties. Schuberth, Eusebius, et al____ 594 N orth Dakota Schulz, Anna________________ 593 S ubpart B — L o an L im it a t io n s Seko, Toki____________________ 594 Selve, Anna Maria___________ 632 average values of farms and in v e s t m e n t Average County Investment l im it s ; n e w jer sey value limit Shimabukuro, Taro, et al____ 594 Sommer, Thomas J., et al____ 595 For the purposes of title I of the Bank TiinVey $12,000 $12,000 Stutzel, Mary, et al__________ _ 595 head-Jones Farm Tenant Act, as Em m ons. _____ 12,000 12,000 Suesser, Frederick, et al______ 628 11,000 11,000 amended, the average value of efficient 12,000 12,000 Suga, F ______________________ 634 family-type farm-management units Wells , 14,000 14,000 Tabushi, Toojiro, et al_______ 628 and the investment limit for the county Takeno, Kuraichi and Ito____ 629 identified below are determined to be (Continued on p. 579) Tanaka, Hisayo______________ 595 577 578 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Census Bureau Page Interior Department Page Notices: See Land Management, Bureau Annual survey of inventories of; Mines Bureau; Reclamation and sales of single and multi Bureau. unit retail trade establish Interstate Commerce Commis Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, ments; notice of détermina - and days following official Federal holidays, tions______ ..__________________ 585 sion by the Division of the Federal Register, Notices: National Archives and Records Service, Gen Civil Aeronautics Board Applications for relief: eral Services Administration, pursuant ter the Proposed rule making: Automobile parts from Chat authority contained in the Federal Register Mechanical interruptions--------- 583 tanooga, Tenn., to Atlanta, Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Ga., and Memphis, Tenn-,. 586 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula Commerce Department Blackstrap molasses from cer tions prescribed by the Administrative Com See Census Bureau. tain points in Georgia to mittee of the Federal Register, approved by the President, Distribution is made only by Commodity Credit Corporation Augusta, Ga---------------------- 587 Caustic soda from Alabama to the Superintendent of Documents, Govern Notices: ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. South Point, Ohio----------— 586 Delegation of authority to The regulatory material appearing herein chairmen of Production and Cottonseed cake and meal is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Marketing - Administration from Southwest to Canon which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant City and Rockvaie, Colo— 585 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as county committees with re Ferro-manganese and related amended June 19, 1937. spect to agreements terminat- articles from Calvert, Ky., The F ederal R egister will be furnished by ing bin site real estate leases- 589 mail to subscribers, free Qf postage, for $1.50 Sales of certain commodities at to Houston, Tex____________ 586 Rubber tires from Ohio to the per month or $15.00 per year, payable in fixed prices.------------------------ 589 advance. The charge for Individual copies South_____________________ - 586 (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the Défense Transport Administra Justice Department size of the issue. Remit check or money tion order, made payable to the Superintendent See Alien Property, Office of. of Documents, directly to the Government Notices : Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Interagency Advisory Commit Labor Department There are no restrictions on the republica tee; establishment and func See Wage and Hour Division. tion of material appearing in the Federal tions— --------------------------------- 585 R egister. Land Management, Bureau of Farmers Home Administration Proposed rule making: Rules and regulations: Oil and gas lease bonds; form— 581 Farm ownership loan limita Rules and regulations: Now Available tions; average values of Alaska ; excluding certain tracts farms and investment lim- of land from Chugach and FEDERAL REGISTER Tongass National Forests and 1936-49 New Jersey,— i---------------------- 577 restoring them for purchase North Dakota------------ -,--------- 577 as homesite or as trade and ON MICROFILM Maine___:------------------ ----------- 579 manufacturing sites— ------- - 581 Pennsylvania-------------------— 577 California; withdrawing cer tain public lands within Los The National Archives has reproduced Federal Crop Insurance Corpo Padres National Forest for use all issues of the Federal Register for ration 1936—49 on 35 mm. microfilm, positive as condor sanctuary------------ 581 prints of which can be purchased for Rules and regulations: Multiple crop insurance, 1950 Mines Bureau $350.00. The annual indexes and codi Notices : fication guides are included. and succeeding crop years; Delegation of authority to Chief Current and future volumes will be application for insurance; of Administrative Division microfilmed after the publication of each correction________________ _— 579 to authenticate copies of annual index. Federal Power Commission Positive prints of volumes 1—14 may be records_______________________ 584 purchased separately as follows: Vol. 1, Notices : Production and Marketing Ad Hearings, etc.: 1936 ($8); Vol. 2, 1937 ($12); Vol. 3, ministration 1938 ($8); Vol. 4, 1939 ($16); Vol. 5, El Paso Electric Co-------------- 593 1940 ($16); Vol. 6, 1941 ($20); Vol. 7, El Paso Natural Gas Co. et ak 593 Delegation of authority to chair 1942 ($36); Vol. 8, 1943 ($52); Vol. 9, Le Flore County Gas & Elec men of county committees with 1944 ($40); Vol. 10, 1945 ($44); Vol. 11, tric Co_____ _— ----------------- 593 respect to agreements terminat 1946 ($44); Vol. 12, 1947 ($24); Vol. 13, Mercer Gas Light and Fuel ing bin site real estate leases 1948 ($28); and Vol. 14, 1949 ($24). Co__________________________ 592 (see Commodity Credit Corpo Remit check or money order, payable to Mountain States Power Co__ 593 ration) .