Parrot Time The Thinking of Speaking Issue #3 May/June 2013 VVooyynniicchh MMaannuussccrriipptt HHoollii CCeelleebbrraattiioonnss TThhrroouugghhoouutt IInnddiiaa BBeennjjaammiinn WWhhoorrff aanndd tthhee RReellaattiivviittyy ooff LLaanngguuaaggee LLaanngguuaaggeess IInn PPeerriill KKaasshhuubbiiaann,, RRuussyynn LLaanngguuaaggee LLeeaarrnniinngg and Silesian TThhrroouugghh CCllaasssseess and Silesian AA LLaanngguuaaggee DDrreeaamm LLooookk bbeeyyoonndd wwhhaatt yyoouu kknnooww Parrot Time is your connection to languages, linguistics and culture from the Parleremo community. Expand your understanding. Never miss an issue. Contents Parrot Time Parrot Time is a magazine covering language, linguistics Features and culture of the world around us. 06 The Voynich Manuscript - Cryptic Codex It is published by Scriveremo Publishing, a division of This medieval book contains bizarre illustrations and a Parleremo, the language learning mysterious script which no one has been able to translate. Is it community. a fantastical look at the world around us, or some bizarre hoax? Join Parleremo today. Learn a language, make friends, have fun. 1 4 Benjamin Whorf - Relativity of Language Whorf took a very unconventional approach to studying lin- guistics, both in the manner in which he started and the views he took. His work extended into several fields and he pursued everything with a fierce passion for answers to the world. Editor: Erik Zidowecki Email:
[email protected] 39 A Language Dream Published by Scriveremo Publish- A guest writer tells us about a language dream he had one ing, a division of Parleremo. night. This issue is available online from The editor reserves the right to 40 Revisited - Words From National Character edit all material submitted. Views There are many words that we have adopted into English expressed in Parrot Time are not necessarily the official views of regarding other people's of the world.