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BACM Research/PaperlessArchives.com publishes documentary historical research collections.

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Source material from Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Secret Service, National Security Council, Department of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Department of Justice, National Archive Records and Administration, and Presidential Libraries. http://www.paperlessarchives.com JAMES EARL RAY SCOTLAND YARD REPORT

Scotland Yard Report on the apprehension of James Earl Ray in and his return to the United States. James Earl Ray was captured in London two months after the shooting.

j ./ l .• ~;::j ~ ''-'rid ,,"":cr-~ ~ . tM. 6, cfL-~r7:X~ t<'T ~~~ ... ,~~ tr~ otft ~ ~~~ ... . ~ r~~L ~eQ.Q 3( ~uuZ~ ... q~~~~. __ •. (~7b~V;};-:_f! ;~t."H'_H~

6L1~' ~._~.~ ~c~~ F7~ .. -.. Q-v~~-~~ G--~ ~. k~L~4.~_. __ rtll:·"tlO~·OI.rit_·O!.I0l~ .,

------.-.~. ~.

fL YlNr- SQUAll (c-n !lnN~CH),


Ni;\'I SeoUnDa Yar~. i t!J.tJHTJ.r~H.~...... ! 22ol), .... (lay of .... ·...... iI\IJ-Y.. , ...... :i£5 .. B.• ,;J.AI,~:r;$ ...1;;Al:!M ... HAY c .l~. O. No. r 1 • \ L~4572/G8 • Reicrcncc it! papers J£J}ctf!cttY2.... Chi of' Sllpcrir. tenden h (

2.oJ/6!J!91~, ...... :.. . With 1'ul'ther re:Ccl'cncc·to COI'I'e8ilOndcnc~ , JIlur-ginnlly quoted, vloieh (lenl s \'Ii th the bPi'CS t. " I I I I Hmr·Cdi Gcoq;c SNEYD, C.R.O. No. 41~37?IG8. noVi kno¥!), [

to bo J'nmen garl RAY, alias ";l'j.c stUI'VO GA,,']', ',,- I v/tillto(l :COl' the murdcr 0:C DoctOl' Ma:'tin LuthcI' KIi\G. ! J -'. MI'. JuJU) MINinCH, Legal Attach£> of' the I - --.-" \. E!llom:GY of' the Uni te(; Stutes of America, G1'o"."!i:"or I .'. Sqlw.re, I,onl'..oll, W.1. hus made a req.uest, on c:',,, I

J.nst.l'·iiC tion!) of the Federal Burenu or I:'lVes ti [;;fit:i (,;, > . i , L ) ... ). '.r J .- -- -- ~ . WanJd.ngton, D.C., .to l)e furnisLed Viith a

(. .- { :"_ I., I coml>rchensive report including all aspects of' the

invest~i_gf:ition rC~[itivc to the arrest of S:\EY:J .. ! On the 4th April, 1968, ut Memphis, ·-'er;~·~.,~

(\ Uni t.ed Stat.cs o:c Amepica, Doctor Martin Luther !

KING, a coloured Civil Rigiits J"cadcr, with ~,

lal'ge follovlil:g of support.ers (mainly coloured) was

nEHlHSain8ted by n gunman. "I Af: the rCS\I.l~·. 0:[' their enqni.rie8, thc }',,_ .. ,~·al I tlur,)su of' InvcEtigat.ion, Washington, D.C.} I I identifiCid the 08E'.<>s8in as James 3arl RAY, &. I convicted criminal 'awl fuei ti ve I~rom ~asGouri S tu ;'.~

Penl t{'ntiary since the 23rd i.Dril, 1907, ·,;h,.;·, hc

was so-:ving R sentence of: twenty ycal"3 j.rr'1-)ri t.:;JYliile;-~t , :Cor robbery. Eliquiri es carri ed out on 'hehalf' of' t:'lc' Federal

BUl.'!lau of' Investigation by t.he Royul GanadiG

Mcnnte1 Police, ·rc',c:nled thHt RAY hGd cn:c.ec..

/:£'[.:.180 1214 \ ...;~. coo ~. false application to bc made for a Birth CC1,tifico.te

in the nome Homon George SNb'YD, born i;l TOl'Ol~tO 0.'1

the 8th AugUGt, 1932. Buving obtained this, he prescnte:l it to' support

hiB application for a Canadian Passport at tI',0 Bureau of passports, ottawa, on the 2!lth .'~pril, 1968. 'It must be mentioned that in com;c(juence of a clerical errOl', a Canadiun Puss port , Ko. DJ .909324,

in thc name of SNEYA, and not SN1WD, was issuec.. on the 6th },lay, 196B,' using this p'assport, RAY

truvelled in the name of S~b~D from Toronto to London by Dritish Overseas Airways CorporE.'~io::-:.- ;:0 arrived on the 7th ~;ay, 196B, and later ',Ient ~J..:;.1;:; to the offices of the Corporation, situatcd in Re;cnt , street-, London, 'U.1, for a single ticxet -~o Lisbon, I Portugal. The latter information was, ot eO".lY'se, , "

not available at that sta<:e to the Federal Bu~'" o_Lt

of Investigation. The assistance of this Force (central Branee,)

was sought on the 4th June, 1968, by the li:-,it"ed S totes of America, and I , Detective Chief Ins~:,-;:; '~or THOMPSON, was deputed to toke up the investigation

to trace RAY. !,ly enquiries confirmed the f'light to Lor/co" fl'oi:l

Toronto t Canada, on the 6th/7th ),:ay, '1968, anti -~c_e

latefligh't to Lisbon on the 7th ],Iay, '1968, by

Bri tish European Airways, using the B.O.A.C. tid:et. This is, of' course, normal procedure, for the ~',';e

airlines opel'ute reciprocally, At thi6 juncture I was u:1.fiblc to establis;-. , . whether 'SNEYfl' had le~t Lisbon, althol;Zh it was later esta~)lished he returned to London on tr.e ~ 7th ;.:"y,

196B. . jAs there 1215 c·s

An there WI1B a likelihood of RAY using one of

the Port.n in this country, on All Por';s '.'Ial'ning • was eireulated on the 6th June, 1968, including, of'

courlW, Lonclon 'Airport. Because of' the delicH te

nature of th,e enquiry, 'SNI;;,{D' VlUS ShO'Iffi to be wllnted for serious offences in contravention of' the

Aliens Order, no mention being made of his true

identity. Further, in the event 'of his arrest, any

interrogation would be carried out by myself. On Saturday, the, 8th June, 1968, Detective statement '------? Page 1. " ,Sergeant Philip BIRCH, of Specia1 Branch, was on .----.--~.~~-~ du ty at Termina1 2, London Airport, when RAY presented himself at the, Immigration Desk, having

previously purchased a sing1e 'ticket to Br'ussels at thc west London Air Terminal, Gloucester Road,

LOlldon, S.W .5~ , RAY produced two Canadian Passports, one in the --- -- . natle of "SNEYA", and the other in the name of' "SN;!;Y:l". " . The off'J.cer, on examination or the two passports,

- ~ , ( estab1ished that the one in the name of "SNEYA" referred to the AIl Ports Warning, and the other had

been issued on the 16th May, 196B, in Lisbon. Quickly realising the position, Detective

Sergew1t BIRCH asked the man to accompany him to an

office in the Airport used by Special Branch o~',;"icors

Here he later searched. "SNEYD" and discovered in

his right hand trouser pocket a .38 revolver, .-'loaded~ '- with five rounds of ammuni tion • ..... --.~ --" ------, The I'e:vol vel' vms loaded in the vel'Y corr'()ct

, posi tion, in that the hammer was at rest immediatoly upon the empty chamber. One mere1y has to pull the

trJ.gger,. the next chamber 1 s presented and tr.e

bullet discharged. /When 12H " c·o "

When one realises the background'. of' RAY, it is

odd and, indeed, f'ortunate fol' Dctective Sergeant

BIRGII that he never ustd the i'il'ear'ID. It may ','1011

be, of COUl'SC J that RAY believed it was mel'ely a

passport enqu~.ry and he could explain tho possession , of' two passports aatisfoctorily. This beli.ef is stl'engthened ',Ihen it is realised

that he could not know of' the inf'ormation uncovered

by the Royal Mounted Police, which \'IllS in the

pOl3session of only a f'ew selected off'icers.

Detecti vee Sel'geant BIRG,}, in accordance vii th the

dircctions set·out in the All Ports Wal'ning,

immediately informed New Sootland Yal'd, C.O. C.1 •

StntcJnonts . The prisoner \'/D.S later intel'roga ted by Pages 5- 9. Dctective Chief. Superintendent BU'I'LER and m:lsel:f ---.---;------:--_.. _------. shortly ai'ter 1 p .111. on the 8th June, 1968. He asserted that his name was "SNEYD" and he ------~.---- was a 'Canadian d. tizen. This f'acet \'las deliber&.tely ----'----, -_. --.---""""~------~-.-- dealt with in an extl'emely brief fashion, i'or obvious , ,. reasons, and the questioning centred upon the

possession of' the revolvel' and ·ammunition.

"SNEYD" admi tted the Yleapon Ylas his property

and t.hat he was travelling to ·Brussels. ':/hen pl'essed

about the neGessi ty of carl'ying a fire«r;;. in the

Belgian capital, he added that he was considerinG

travelling' on to Rhodesia Rnd that" thinGS ap8 not 7;00

good there just no\'/".

He admitted he had no firearms certi~icatc for

the .weapon [Uld ammuni t.ion i and Vias then taken to

, Cannon Row Police Station and detained whilst

engu.irics wore continued.

statement A t 4.L~5 p. m. tho same d',y, after it had bet':n Page 4. established b;1 Detective Chief' Inspector Artr.ur 3REG, -----~------/I-'ingerprint

" .

'. coo e. " Fingeqn'int Depart.lo1ent.. NeVI Scotland Yard, that

"SNEYD" \'/IlS ~.dentieal with HAY, the prinoncr was

ogain intel'v:.e\"led by Detective Chief Supel'intendent

BUTLEH und m:rseli' in -a cell. The pr1:;onel' .\'Ias told there vms cvery reason to

believe he wns not a Canadian c1 ti zen, 1m t one of'

American origin. ne replied, "011, well, yes I am". ------He was then informed that there ,',as reason to believe

hia nume was not "SNEYD" but RAY, alias GALT, \wnted

in the United states for serious criminal. offence's,

including murder, in the COUl'se of which & firearm

was used. Thc accused had been standing up, but when he

heard this, he suddenly sat dO\m on the bench in the cell, put his head in his hands and said, "Dh,------.- god". He addeg,_Jlj'_t.~ca moment or so, "I feel so trapped". ------~ ------He was again cuu tioned, and then said, ,"Well, yes, -- -- ~ ------~ ------~ -- --"~-.------I . ,-..can't think---·7

:r: ight,:, He was obviously engaged in some mental struggle, and when we left the 0(';11, again dropped

his head in his hands. RAY was charged in the name of "SNEYD" at

5.20 p,m. at Cannon ROYI Police Station, with the

foJ.lovling off'ences, but J:lade no reply:-

1. That you did on the 8th June, 1968, 1". t London Airport, ,I i thou t lawful au thol'i ty use for the purposes of' the Alien's Order, 1953, a.forged passport.

Contrary t.Q Article 2,)(")) or the Al:i.cns Order, 19')~"j.

2. That you, not being a.person exeMpted f'rom the reauire;:;ents of the Firearr;,s Act, 1937, did, on the 8th Ju~e, 196B, , at London Airport, have in your possession a firearm, namely a .38 'Liberty Chier' revolver and. 5 rounds -of' .38 8.r;;muni tio)), to which Part 1 of the said Act applies ru1d did not hold a firearms certif'icate at the tifilc.

Contro.pv to Sec~ 1 01" the ~-; rcr: r':::-:~: Act ~ 19'j1.

/'fhe 1218 'J ••

, CoB

The accused appeared at Bow Str-oet MagiGtrntes'

Court on Mon(lEW, the 10th June, 1968. and \'/Us

remanded, in em,tody, until the 18th June, 1968.

J,cgal Aid was gran ted" to tho prisoner' by 1.11'. Frank

MIL'l'ON, the Presiding llngia trate. On the 18th Junc," '1968, the pr-iaoner again

appeared bofore the Court, being remanded in custody

until the 27th J"une, 1968, without any evidence

being Given. The :prisoner was legally represented

by ~~r. EUGIlNE, of ~.:ichacl Dresden and Co., Solicitors,

of 32, Tavistock street, London, IV.C.2.

Accordingly, on the 27th June, 1965, the

pr1 soncr again appeared before l.~l'. Fran}: l:.ILTON,

Magistrate, at tho BOI'l Street Magistrates' Court,

and was defended by Roger PRISBY, of Counsel,

instructed by the defending "olicitors. . " , Mr. Nigel I.IAW, of Rowe and 1,!aVl and Co.,

Solicitors, '01' Stafford House, NOrI~olk street, W.C.2,

acting on behalf of the American Embassy, ha&,

through David CALCUTT, of COlmsel, previously made a

successful application for a provisional -"Iarrant for

the extradition o~ RAY to the United States o~

Ameri ca 1'01':- 1. James Earl Ray, hereina:;;'ter called thE: defendant, suspectea and aCC'lSeo. of the commission o:t· tr~e cpime of' lI~upder· to \'Ii t, on April 4, 1968, in the Shelby County, State of Tennesee, did unlm;fully, feloniously, wilfully, deliocrntely, premedi tatedly and of his mnlice arorethough t, kill and. IT.ureter r,~ar~in Lu ther Kinrr, Junior, \'Ii thin the jurisdictiori. of the United. States.

2. Unllll'lful flight to avoid c"onfiner.1ent in connection \'lith the comr.lission of a criue of' robbery in violation of title 18, Section 1073 of United states code.

The hearing of the two I3ri tish offences was not

proceedccl "Ii th, but the application for ext!'c,;;'i tion 1219 ?' " 7. C-B •

comnlence(l. It. WW3 not completed on the 27th June.

1968. und the IJriEoner \'/013 further pemandco., in

custody, unt i1 the 2nd July, 1968, 'o'ihen the Maeistra te reeol"r,wnded extradition on both ehur'ges. Since that time nAY hils rerow,ined in custody a)",d

uDpeared on the 9th July, 196B/16th July. 1968, at

BOYI s'~reet If.agi s tra teG' Court, being remanded, in custody pending any appeal against the order of

extradi tion. The apjlcE,l period terminated on the 17th July,

'1968, when R.I\.Y decided. to ubandon uny fUrther

proceedin(ls. RAY's American Attorney at Law is ;;;r. Arthur

llANES, of 617. Fr'snl< Nelson Buildings, Biru,inghar.l, occasions Alabama, Ylho travelled to this countr'Y on tIIO

but never interviewecl, the }trison¢(' The legal

procedure in this country debarred hir.l from 1,u:&ing

any active partin the,Court proceedings. He has,

however, been allol'led to vi5i t RAY in PrL-;on ",-5 a friend. Such visits are supervised and two Prison

officerG are present throughout their duration.'

HANES visited RAY under these conditions ,()f-l four ~------o~-~()!lt';' vi~_. _the~2~--'--6th, '\}~,!_~~l

1968. ~--- On 'fh.ur'sday, the 18th July, 1968. the hearings

in relation to the two British offeneeG, na;:;e1yof

possessing a forged passport and of being found in

POss(!ssion of a. firearm and ar.,muni tion v{i tnol.:::'l. a cert:,.~icate, were heard at Bo~ Street ~agistrfi~esl

"but The prisor.. cr did not appear }Jcrso~ally,

was represented by Er. LEVEY, Soli.citor, and

1l1r .. nOP7..1~i, of the Director of Puolic Prosecutions :Jep

attended on behalf of police. /The .j' . C·B 'fhe Magistrate decide

POBs(;G~ing u forged pas[lport be ...,i thdr'[lY1n by leuVO of the court. und no evidencc was off'Cl'elt in rclation to the of'fence of posseGsing a f'ircarm and

ar.mmnition, it being dismisBed by virtue of

section 7 of the l!:agiGtrateB I Courts Act, 1952.

I \'Iill novi deal I'li th the enquiries leading u?

to and. subsequent to the arrest of the prisoner.

DT<: 'I'D .ARRF,ST OF !;:lJ9UIR1!lfL.0 A Pi~IO!(, 'l'j~ "S'nYD~ 1'Hl\CE 1:13 :UE:1~8:~[~I~ourl'S. It has already been mentioned in this rCllort

that "SilEYD" travelled from Toronto. Cal-,ada, on Monday, the 6th May, 1968, arriving in this country

on the 7th ~~ay, 1968, by B ,0 .A.C. F1.ight ;";0. BA. 600.

His further whereabouts at this stage were then

unknown. Officers of the Passport s~uad, C.O. C.1,

under the. supervision of Detective- S erg0E,ut.---_.---_.- RLLIO'::.'~,------_ .. were deputed to firstly intervie';/ the ere';1 'of' the

aircro.:rt in vlhich "SK3YD" travelled to this country,

and further, .to makc enquiries at the numerous airlil

which operate at . The in tervieYI of' the eleven members of' the ,cr'G'iI

of Flight BA 600 (Document 1) revealed that o:-:.ly

' . . ,~ R 1 e J,. "rT • .L. JO-;:"l\"",",",m,..,,"'T-:", lS ~s .. (.r .... OD- :~ 11 .i.\.c~ ... n l.ih,:).!.·;··.I..i.'~~, a Th statclnent paSS02:nger. ------~------Page 14. stel'wrd, of 57, Boothfields. Knutsf'ord, Cheshire.

Be illude w::ntio11 in r,is state;:;cnt that "3?i3YD" sat

ulone during the whole of' the f'li-ght and ;,s,l no

conversatiO:1 y:,'i th either crew ora fello"if }?2.SScr".:.Z3rs 0

intervic\,/cd by police. but nJnc was a"ole to

1 c·n 9 .•

ut tho vupj on:; f~ir-li"{les, to tr[lc.:o the IWVC~;(;r,ti.: of It 'j/us nut. entil

.. tilli.: p:lrti.cular· line of enquil"Y was chtc.:n(ic;d ·to [lI'On '. bool

S -'(.fl t (; ,:1 cn t ----~------Page "'~.5.

shoun, cnllcd at t'nc a"bove me;,tioncd office on the iic sUPl"'cndcrcd a return ticket from '1>'hl. "l .. ay, 'I 9"00. 0 London to rl oronto f'or a single ticket to ISS-DOll) ' I "being credi ted tile d:lffe~ence in value b~{ vir~ue or i

a mj.scc11RDCQliS chaT-sen order- for iL~ dollars, 60 cC:;"GS.

The recorus, {.:.(y;rcver, the 7th l.:ay, "963, to Lisbon. diel not r-2'v8s1 at this staze his roeturn to ~r::51aYId..

This. 5.s 1 perhaps, undcr.stnnda1:1e bCC3U3,:; of" tr.e

year'} the ni rlines'

~:I L'I " " , . " ,t . . , 'to Ctat;C, 8J1Ci a fj).S . i ~Ncrc condtlctcd by ;) ?eclcr~l Bure;:-=..u of Ir~ve:3ti2::'-: tion I ------.-~-~ .------~~------~------~------~------~------

CCt',Jsed £0'["1 Agcnto In addition J I had previou:"::,ly



in the:: ci r(;~llf.i ti on. (DocUr.;or. t 3)· ...... ~ C-fl 10.• "SNEYD" hud, in fnet, retul'ncd to EnZlu!'id i'roJa

l.1b bon on Tl~an.'3portc.G floreo::;, whicb i::, a Po~ptUi.'1J.e3e

Aipline, on the 17th ;':ny, 1968.

On the 8th June, i 968, aftor ]lupehasing a

sinele ticket :from L~ndon to Brussels on a B.I~.A.

f'lirrht, at tho ';Iest London Ail' Terminal, he l,,&de

his vmy to London Airport, \':hor'e he 'lIas ar-rested by

statement Detcctive Ser(l;cont 3IRCn, of Special Bl'anch; who Puge 1. was ElWaI'e oi"' the "All Ports·l warning l'cluti ve to

8th June) 1968, it VIas realised that hiD sui tease

and contents had ulready been sent by the aircraft

on Vlhich he ','Iould norrnallJ' have travcll'cd> to

Brussels. Arro.ngelT,eIl tis nere irr~medta tely f;'!ade f'or

its return, and it was taken possession of' by

St.atements Detective Sergeant ELLIOTT and Detective Co~~aDle -.,.-~ Pages .... 1 - ~ 3.

Exar.1ination of' the contents.of' the suitc2se by

these two of:f'icers a~ Cannon RU.:1 Police Stat~oY';..

proved most enlightening, as evider,ce il'"dicE. tin"

"SKEYD's" tl'ue identity V/aS f'ound. Lmongst the t

propepty was a 'jacket besrJnz the ns.:fle u3Y-ic GJ,LTu J.\ one of' the many aliGse;:; used by RCcY in the United

S ts.tes.

1~CMbers OI.-' tl:8: cr;;:;~.'1 anal ~;'I!:ar..:; possible,

po.ssen,sCP3 [is set o~t on the Aircraft :\:uEifest

one remembers "SXbYD" Or' l:..s.v:"nz any CO!"l v-Grs::. ~i. 0 .... 1 Vli t.t

iliJil.. Tbis lir~e of" enq..uiry \;;~S, of: cou.X"~e, Co!!c.ucted

. " c-o a oompuny of unother m5:<. 'rnis pl'ovud ncc ti Vi.; [JJd I have no rO<.lGon to believe that' he was uccol.,po.rd ed .----~~------

nSNEYD U , v,'hen he first arri vecl in Londo!l [rOin

Toron'Go, Canada, on the 7th !.'ny, "\968, truvelled the sa:"C day to Lisoa:" and therefore his nc t.ual

stuy in this country "mounted to only a fe,(1 hours.

There is no kno';/leu:3G of where he spent his time on:

this IH:l.rticulHI' occasion, except, of" course, that

he obtuined his tic}{et to Lis'oon at the B.O.A.C.

office in ReGent stx'eet, Londo:<, 'N.1. rrhe movements of uSiX}<~YDu in this CO"J.r:ltry have

now been chccl"::ed and. tnc details are ShOV/~1 0::1 t!'~.:;

attached. Schedule (Doc\.::r.ent 6).

This infor;r.ation ';;aG only obtained af'tc:::-' a

protracted enquiry involvinG the per-son c:.l visit of

police officers to over a thousw""1cl hotels

boarding houses in the ;Ucst :Sond.on area, by .local

o:ff'icers and wer::,bers of thi s B:-anch. These enquiries established oe;{ond any do;,;."ot

that US?\3YD" stayed at. the Hea tl:~f'i(;ld :~ous e :~otcl, '------""LO""/}, Cro;r.;-:ell Road., "i..ondon) 8.\-';.5, fro;,;, the 17t.h

... ------identil~ie"tl conclu.sively :by ~;:rs. Doris Catherine ------~-- ._------the hotel pro2rietrcss. statement .. ------Pages 1 6 - 'I 7 •

possible, residents who st,,,-yed at_ this hotel d'Cl'ir;g

the material ti:l10S, r..svc been m.os~ carefully

------~------" telc})110r.. e caLls-. Ee r.~sy well h,s..ve ,':D.c.c 3. tclc?honc cull orl his lust c..3.y at t:-i0 hotel, b:1t jif' c·s

if r'(;f"crc:ncc: is fIlude to the G ttl. tcmcnt of L:r·~; ..

responsible or' not.

·USN~~YDU stayed nt !\c:u Earls COUf't Hotel, 3G,

PenYVJepn Road, Bapls Court, S.W.5, fl'om the 28th

I,\ay, 1968, until the 5th June, 1968, ar::d :iIi

identified by i'.. :iss 3o.r.:.c:t Eliz.abeth i~ASSAU, t:-,,(; ,'---~---"------,--- .-"'-- rCC81)tionist, as being a Y'esic18r::t • . . -"'-' .St3tement l:iss NASSAU, ;'iho is a nosi astute per'sol!., l)2.id Pages 18 .. 19. particular attention to tlS:;''iEYDII dur·inB hiB .s.t~y ar.. d

assisted h"im gener·tilly. he made two

telephone calls to the Daily 'i'elegpaph ne';;spapcr, , as she listened in to part of" the telephone

conversations to ensure co:-'rect cO~lnexio:i. Sne

says he did not receive any r.-1ail, visits or

tele?hone calls. ,

From the 5th June, 1968 j until the 8th June.,

Pax Eotel, -'j 26, Ir~/ar":/ic~-{ ";} ay, Londo::1, S,:,'.;.'!.~,

Statement iden tified "by ?:rs. Anna Elizabeth TEO:.L(~S, the Pages 20 - 22. ,------.---"------~. ,- . hotel prop~ietr"3Gs. !\;rs. TEO~.U~S) in hel- state:nent,

a f'l ight to Gerr;~ar.y. Snc:.uiries, however, n&ve

reveale6 t:-.&t t:rlis did not) in :t"E!ct, occ.....-;,,:'. She

also If.entio:c:.s ".sxr~y!)ll received t~·.ro teJ"ep~-::.one c&lls

Ar.-.eric",n accent, and other f'r"oi:'; a ::.aa. Xei ther

o:f these t")-ro - per-SOES nas "been iderlti::f'ieZl by .?oI.ice,


riY-,li in the local i t.~/ of: the lii'orc:r:cntio:ccn hotels

12i35 .. ' , 1 .).'.

wore :found \','ri tten on cor-rcspor.:clC!lCe f'oufiCl i:c:. tis

possession •. Respont)ible persons of tr:c tl:pc;(; firl:'.3

concerned, nC\::-.oly ChUrffigino Car HiI'c Ll.mi tee:, 5l~>

Ken\'tay Coupt C::lrs Limi tecl, 9, I{crc.';ay Road J S .. ','{.5,

have been intcr"vicv.'ecl, but their records do ::10~

3 YHfJ.irics h&ve

also been mc:..cle at ta.xi cab rDnks in the SL;.r:~c

loculi ty, but VIi tl'.out success.

searcc.cd I.ef't Lnggc,;e Loc}~er·s end Left and Lost

pyooperty O:f:ficcs at t::'a places shO\"::~"'L on t.:-~e attf:.. cnccl

who v!as at O:'1B sts.ge believe'} to nave b(;~:'l in

j.t in onc or these places. Tile existC::1ce of t:'l8 gI'een 1:o1dal1 is no';!

viewed wi th sor.~e doubt, ~u t car.:....YIot be iCDO:[,ccl

insti tutea.


\ " C·B

t~·:a t be hs.d not visited there.

1"::r. Ian CGL'lIi\ J Chi ef' Porcicn LC8.d rU'i tcr f'or' t.Y!c stu te;nent ,..-- --~-----~--,- Pat':e~:> 23 - 25.

tele:ghone c021ver-~)ation vIi th i:irr:, whicb is set:. out in I t \'fill DC see:1-

. \ {, ,.- i"l, ·0[, "' \ had \ , -,. merCCTlcry and it L· " voll::::.teers, ,i a desire to joi~ the~~ 1 ;-'~8.jc~ 'I,'JICKS.

1'ilc latter vIas i:n,.'~-,ervie;,rec1 t but declined to I:ake

any statement t or incleccl, disclose his ad{i:'ess} but

he f'r-aliXly ad:::i t ted to rr~e he 1:~d in ti:c past ! I aSEoci8.ted. ':Ii t:-.. 1.~er·c:.c:::1(ir·y acti vi ties in t:-ie 3~lgian I congo ar..d could, ~f' necessD.r'y, pnt 2.fJ-Y \"lould-·~e \' '\ 1 vol",u1teel' in touch \"ii til !?arties i:::.terE:sted. in I /T emplcying r;H~rce;::8;rit3. Ec ':"ras. able to tell ;;H~ that

ther.c is a Bi8.:f'rsn :,:~ ssic~~ in Lisbo~1 vlhich, at 0:1.:3 t!;:c s tazc, might \"/6'll h~v~ enlisted !~crcCn~rie3 in at t:-,8 \., c.oni'lict ':Ihich is , I

preS{:T~t tir.-.e.

" "\. is. an


lI" ' . C·B "

I also i.nte:cvic-:Jcd ;-.:r. Paul D'!J\I~~LS) -; j,

volunteers to assi!Jt Af'ricCln countries auGin~t

neyer' £t9IJli (;.;:1 to hilt1 as a V0111::1 teer'.

,------.~ ------... rc;yo}ver', Vlas f'or;'.:c.r·Qcd to tl-.c ~-.(ctr·opoli t["ln :?o!icc

state;,;ont Pago 40.

bullets were i'ired i'Y'Or:1 the we,::~pon and wer'e lat(;r Ir- addi tion, of" colil".se,

spent. bullets :["0'..1 .. [1(:' .s.t tr!c :scenes of' ruajor Criii;8.8

~lhe clot}-linS i'ou~d in t~e sui tCi..se -oelong-ing

to IISi\BYDH :-;.85 been exaDined by ul t:::a violet "!"ay

made 8. t cleaners in tllC Victor'ia &..rca, and it "T,'as

prtoI' to t:--... c 6"'vh Jun.e ~ i 968. purchhses in loc::::.l sno:t.J$ TOr" toilet x'eQuisi teS. No

whic:; Y{Quld i:ely \

\v0arin,::; a.t t.ne tir.:e o:L' :--.is a:rres-'~ r'eveale~ ~!·:2.t \\ , I I ( /they

.~ . , C-G 1 " '6I •

tho~' WOy'C exclusively pr'o

,"me< A,"or-ioa, [If", \','Ol!ld not, thor-Grope, 1)(' :o;old in \ this counti'Y' '1'ili>.> is Gup,-)or'ted by the 1',,"ct t;-,,,,,t !

tho ::;hoCG '!Ior-e b::;.dly wor'il and t~o IH;elihood, of' , couI'se, is thcc,t tr,ey '118r-O obtained by "t;:\'·~Y:0" in / Canada 01' Ar,-.er-ien ppior- to con,ing to this COU"ltr-y. I

this hCl~:i pr'Qvcd ncr;ative,'althouEh the enquiry

itself hus not Decr: COG91ctcd, because

been experienced in tr3.ci:L1g all the passenE(:T'~; and

Durin.:; the :Qcriod P..J·:· .. Y '."l&S iYl. LOno.oD $ t':IO ~/ I separate' orf'cr~ccG \'10:;:'13 cor:~T:l::' tte6. in di:tf'cT'cnt

o:tf'cnce. Enc.uir·ie.s hE.. V.0' Dot. "been corr.pl et.sd., ~o

d.etails are not outliYH3D. in this re3}ort~~ ).~t t:-:.e

natc.ra r/ill be rc::por·tGd...

the possibl1i ty of joining a :~'~er-ce~16.r-y Unit i::

.:!~frica •

:;. '-', ~ ~ -'--,. It iz th::;. t on {.:. .... v~ ...... ~~

'j' . c·s

south Afri ell \'/[,8 f'ound~ rl'r:c officer's most closelY (;ngag(;d on the i'ur'

hus no firi!1 associates in this country, a!"lcl 1:~OGt certuinly rccci vea no financial aGSi~it[:.n(;(; "I~.i.il~::t"i:.

,"I, /

\ ,. \ in his anxiety to scc'U."(-c 2. cheaper r2tc ~Ol' .r~!10 " roorilS 1:.: rented.

vlhich tl-!.cre has be;~n 'ao::·ld. \',ide Dllb='-ici ty, mer::08r-s

or t.r.. c puolic e8~-.iuinely believe tl::e;/ haYe seen

\','ithout any. use:::ul i::CO:C'22tio:{l

0::1 ThuJ."'sc.2-Y,

this -F'or'ce to n&r!.Ct PLAY to th€: United states

Author'i ties. .',": ...... to ~he Unite~ Stete3 .,:-.. ...1....1.-


.. , ~ " ... ,

QU3.j-·ter .. ------~ , 1/ ,~ f'-. \ 1 ~ ~<~~~-/;. ~P~---- ~ -_._-----_._------!):::t(;cti Y8 C{i,-;::' -;:-._~'·.(;(;"C:i:· .. ~~: ~ ·:;.::~c::~~~:.jc.\ ~ C(;ntl'ul Offic(;,

LOI~du:l, 3 .. ::.1.

Dctecti vc ::.: (;r;.;c~:.!l.t.,. s)ccinJ Hpf;nC!1 , ...... 0- ~ •

Lco:CJ~~I'.;:I... Ii:;~:ir:rntion l~c~:..r;.eth l' ...... 2 - O~ficG:!.-' ...... ctor Pl-:ll~:~ ~ .:\rt~illr. Dct.ccti v(; C:f;:: cf !r:sgc ~ ~;"in[~el.ln-'int D~:;-.:!:::-~l.. t:.:~tl t, N G~:! 4 Scotl~~l-i.d. Ycr·C!.. .. '" ...... 5 ...... ,......

~)c tcct.i ·V~ C;·-.icf 6 3t:..)? CY'i::(~ ter:cl.C!it ...... 5

T~~zr,~,:?;Jol~, 1<:.en.r:.c-(.[;., Dct.cc-:.:.iyC C:'~i;)f' 7 - 9 InspcC tOl') ~~ erl JCotl:: .. rl C";.. :::f~rc1 ...... ,

S en.i 0:" 3:-:pel'j. ~jE;::-:.t,::~l ... ..~ 8- Of:'.'iccr F ...... •• -; "'l - "'*2 "13 .. ~ ...... D(;tccti VC Cor::st::.~blc . "', !~ 15 Bf,:I'~~.:?, 1.:0l1ictl ...... ~ ...... + 16 .',7 ...... ~ ...... ~ .. ..

13 ' ''/ c l\.:-'\~YSIJJ, Jo.Yl(:"(. ::::;li2..cl-ccth ...... - ...... ~ ...... 20 22

...... 23 - :is ...... ~ ...... CQLVIN G- .....


." TO

...... OnlCtl. .... ,. a ...... ~ ~ ...... , .. ..

BIRCE, PhHlip. Detective Scr~oantl , SpcciL.l nrH~-~c;l ...... "'. I

n=~I!':~~, Jl,r-t;iUl", D(;te:ctiv(; Cr~icf' Iilspector', Pin[:CY'1rin t Dc~npt:r,cr.. t, !, l~c'.'1 ;icotlal"J.c1 Y;::rd ...... e1l" ., '. "getecti'le C?1icf Supcr'~n tcnde:lt ...... 5 6 28 c Or:'fI:':,. I ':lr... • ...... , .... 4 ...... 23

Dctc:cti ve SCl"'Jcr:nt ...... 11 ',2

I-n;;.:_~.r-~, Kenneth Lcor~3 rd ~ 'J Ofi"iccr ...... ~ - 3

"'I L~

Senior 3:cpc r i :.1011 to.l Ofi'icer ...... t •• 10

'16 - ~9

T:':Oi ..:i),SOX, 1\cn~1cth. Detective Chi ct""> Inspector} NC':I Scotl:::i.nd 0 Y [... 1"(1 ...... 7 "'

T;'-:Oi.:i\S, Arlr..u Zl i ~:-nb oth ...... 20 22

~:n:I'1':t\~-,:, J011::i. Dctoc ti vc Cor..s taolc ...... e .. .. 13

-;6 ..~ 7 ... f ...... -


." ~--';-

Plyin~ 8quH<1 orrico', 1'101'1 3cotllJnc1 Yard.

10th Junc, 19613.

S TAT E I~ E N T O'F . Phillip n:mCll, Dc tee ti yc 3cruooll t, Spccial Branch. . . On Saturday, 8th Juno, 1968, at 11030 H.IiI.!

nhilst on[(llgcd on passport oontt'ol dutier> nt llcutlirm1

Ail')lot't, London, a man presented t\"/O IHl(31)Orts to tho

immigration o1'1'ioo1'. I noticed that one .... an R

cnnoollod Canndian pa3sport, 1-[0. DJ ~90932lj., in thc

nomo 01' Ralo1on Gcorge SNJWA, and the other a cUl'l'ent

Canadian passport, No. Y'1'.602294, in the name of

,~amon Goor[(o GN1!:Y)).

As n reuult 01' what I hud ]wevionsly loarned, I asked srmYD to aocompany me to the Special Ill'aneh

o1'1'icc 0 t the airport in order that he );]j.C;ht later bc

CjucGtloned by n senior police o1'1'icor. After arrL':~;'G

at the offico, I made certain enCJ.ul1>ies 11y telephone:,

and HS a rCGul t ot: what II corned I dccicled to se£ll'ch tho man. AmonGst othel' property, in his l'icht hand Duck tl'oU3el' pocket r f'ound a 038 Liberty Chiel' Special revolver loaded wi th 1'1 ve' rounds ot: amrnurJi tion. I SUil,

to SNEt"YD, ,rWljY lU'C you cnl'l"l~rinB' this cuny It JIe said, '.------~~------.---~--~-

it. You knOI'/ ho\'{ things nt'c out there". 3N):!YD Was ------~~'"' --- '--. detained in the of:('ico until tho arri vnl 0:(' Dotcc ti vc

Chicf SUllcrintencl.ont Butlel' and other 0:(,fio01'8 •

.!/ f' , ./' .• ,/ .. //'« / 'L-'~r t_/ V

I !, I ",

[ltatement of:' ].~r. Kenneth JJconar(\ HUi.iAN

Aac of Witness (if over 21 enter "over 21")

Occupation of' Wi tness: Irnmiaration Ofi'iccr

fiudl'csc: c/o London Airllol't. lleathl'ort - Ter~,inal 2 . . On 8th June 1968 between the hours of 11 a.fil. " and mid-day, I vms on duty on the control dee, ::,i n~

wi th entlml'ldng Uri ti sh un(l Commonwealth P

..'" . Heathl'OI'/ fdl'port, '1'cl'minal 2 • At approximately, ;,~ .. 30 " ,. hours a male paSfiCnac:r IH'esented himsell' at t'le 00;';":'01

en r~oute fop Brussels.. He took a wallet fl'Oin an i"-1:'1'2:'

pocket Hnd f'ro:n t.his he cxtpactcd a Cunacli€:1TI ~)aG·;:';1!Ol.. t .. t

Which [;aVe his 118mc

of' bil'~Gh 8.10 32). As he closed the wallet :.: noti ced

DI,OGher, Canadian 9L1SSPOl't ins ide. I removeci th'. [; ! j}asspol't, wlii, cli had bCCil canccJ,lcd, to inupec'i; i;;, This cancelled Ijas sport was in the name of Re.ymo,,(. GeOl'ge SNEYA. In 1'elJly to my question' af; to \,/h~r , . i the 6UPlKln\eG in the tvo p'-'Gsports difi'cl'ed, he st,,~,,:. " that. thc J\ut,horHics who hC\d issued the 01'irrina1 ~~.c." !

made a Iilistu!(c., .' Vihilst ithis convepsc(i;ion Vias takinf, place, I u minute 01': two h[:d elapsed und (lUl'inG this time

the Special: Branch Ofri eel' worl;Hh r,jC had consulted h~s suspect index and realised th~,t 1-:1'. Si';;:;Y:D

":as wanted ['or criminal reaD ons. At thi:3 i)oint I

" ' .. -- 2..• i I the Special Drnnch Officer intel'vcneo. snyinr.: i'.iH'!; he

VlUU n Policc 01'1'ice1' and- thnt he would li.ke to ;:.<.;;-:

1.11'. sln.;'!n 0. 1'C\'l qucutionu. ;.\1'. SNEYD them a CCO:II jlani cd., 'It-'I- ~ the Special Branch- Officer a\'wy fl'om thc- cont-L'ol Mlc: , tilt S \'las the last r sm'j of' him . • . I Since the action in tile caso of' the cirCi'J_al'

conccrninr.: ),:1'. Si'mYD \'mG to point out to thc Polico

and -nothinr.: more, I was_ not requirou to take any i

1'urther act] on at ull.


Thl.s st[ltc;n~nt, conGisting of' 2 pages each ~iJ'i-;{:t~ "., . by me, is trHe to the best of my lm0'.'llec1r.:e an0. bclic~' and I make it lmovling thn-t, if it.is tenuel'ed in eviclcncc, I- shall be liable to llroGecntion if I i);,vo wilfully Gtated in it Dnything which I know to be f'nl:.;c or do not believe to be true. , Dated the 11th day of' June, 1968.

(Signed) K. L. llmnan

SiL,'l1ntnre wi tnessed by H. Birch, Detect ive Sg.l.'1l.cnnt

- '. '. ,. . "t'., .. - '.\;- ._ .. --- .. -....-.-


. , .

"ID (l. 1ern ('II 'f.. 0 ...... ,\D"'[·]lJl',),\.I-..!-.-. \ ...l"f"I"I'I~ ../ ..... , .~.~ ...... " ...... < ...... +.< ......

Age of\\'illlc", (if one 21 elllcr" O\'er 21 .. )..... QV.9.~ ... 2.l ...... : ...... :......

. Orcu)lnLlOn. o. r "JtnC.'3-B,...... Deteeti ve Chici' In~;J.)ector , ...... ' .. .

Addr(.'.'i-~I ...... " ... ,-, ...... ~~~.~[.!!J9: ~~ ... r.~~ ~.~).t ...~.,,~;).~).9.l]:., ...... ,.. ", .... :...... ; .. Nc\,{ Seotlund YOI'd S.';!.l~ ...... 1...... On the 8th June. 19613, at 1.10 p.m. fit J.m\c1on i.j<)0~·'~,

~'inGcl' Pl'int Ofi'iee, ·.Nel'! Scotlvnd Y,ll'

·rhi.~ sto.temcnt is true to Uw best of my kn-owlcdgc nnd beli-ef nr.ll I mnlw it. b,\)w~r.,-~ t:i~~'., ir it jq t.cnucrcli in evid-encc, I 81w.U be liabb to pft.);iccu!.ion ir I havc warlilly slnted jn i:..- ""y~;,tn,~ which I know to- bo fn-lIm or do not be1ic\'-o to be true. I Dnt<


fend it to llirn hcfl)rc. he flib'l.\cd. it).

llol«1 L!.c d.yof ,19


, '

1'; 01'1 ScotlDJl[l Yul'd.

10th June, 1,96/l.

8 TAT ~ tl E N ~ o 10' ThOlaUG DU'fL3R, j)cLcctivo Chief Supe1'intenclcnt, Plyinr. SQuo.d, Nc,w '" Scotland Ynr

wi th Detecti YO Qhic.c In81)8ct01' 'l'HOiiPSCi'T, Ism'! thc

acouGod in un ofTicc at London Ail'j)ol't, I saj.d to

1,im, "i,e aro Police o:f:ficors. r understand you' }l~'VC

'in yet);.' I"X,,;c:Jsion tI'IO PU:Jsports in thc llames Sl'mYfl

and Sl·:;.:Y)), '[fha"t is your namo"" He l'e»1ied, "I can't

unt'It,.; "1'~t

to him, "Doth PasGports show that you Ql'C a CC\nmlinx:.

ci tizcn, bOl'n in 'l'oron to on tho 8th OctolJcr. i 932.

Arc theBc details cor'rcct?'" lie l'oI'li cd, "Yes; of'

COU1'SC they apc". r said to him, "This .33 l:"cvolver

,'lith fivc l'oundu of ummunition in the challlber8 wos',

i'0l.ll1c1 in YOU1' hip poc\;ot \"Il1en you were fil':::t 800n, Is

it YOU1' c;un?" He replied, "YeB , it is mine", Isaiu, J "';{ould yotlliko, tb' tell Us why :rou urc enl'rying a cun ; at all?U He l'cplicd" -ur tUil goil",<[; to Bt·usBelsu• I . ' /

J~o rcplic(l, "~.7Gl1, really I nm thil.1J\:inC of [;oinG on ." to Rhoc1e::;:i...::, und th~ncs Gro not too Good thore. ju::;t

nOI'I". I suid to him, "You have .t.{' have a :~j,pcar;ns

tllb Gountl'Y, Eave you a J7irOc,l':ns Certificate h;l>ucrl'

hnvcnrt; any Cc-rJ.;if>:tcntc -:for itll.

lio '.'ra'n c':iutioned and told ~lC would be takci1 ~o i ; Crf;u:o;; Ho\", j?O:L!CC ~;tCttion [tt!(l ~lctninc(l..

'-12J? 5' " , " "


At 11.t15 p.rH., \'lit,) Detective Chiei' Inspecto1'

'J~EO;,;p;:;mT, I [laW the accuGecl in a cell. I 3(1id to hilil, "AG a rosult of erlquil'ies made c.;lnco you \'!Cpe

{["tuincd, ne have vep~r coo(1. l'00.80n to boli ave that :r~u , ,

(1 .... npo not .. Canadian ei tlzen, but an 'American" • lIe i . rcplied, "Oh, \'loll, yes I um", nutl nocldetl ugr'oe;,;cat.

I Guid, "1 no',', believo yom' nor.lO is not SNDYD, 'out

J . athoL' 11DlriCS, and that you lwe l'J:J.ntcd at prosen " in the

Uni ted 8ta tos 1'01' sr;piouG criminal offences, includinG

l;lUP(tcl' inY/hich u 1'i1'enrl:', \'/(lG used". '1'ho accuso(l had

beon s t:lll(Une: up, but at this ho sUddcnl~' slulJ1;?ed dorm / onto the Geot, put his heud in his hanus, and soiu, "Oh, Gou". Arter a mO;iient or so ne added, "1 feel ,

I cautioned him 0[(",:11), onci. he replied, "Well, , ye8, I shouldn I t soy anything mOl'e noVi. 'I can I t til:;'"j, right".

read over and ,he I'IUS cautioned rOl'mally, but moue nc

~ Det.ectivo Chi.ef 8-·l':"1cr'intendcnt. 1_ T. BU'1'L~:8.



'I' . .-C"-':---

Oi? W I'l'NHSS

. .' Slnl"l11""l or ...... · .... Kennflth .. .'rJIOl'JlSOU...... ·.. ·, ...... ··· .... ·.... ·.. ··.: ...... ,......

A g(~ of 'Vi l'llt~',!l (if OV~L' ?rl cnter II ovcr 2l ur ...... :.o.v.Q;t~ ... 2.l...... "...... "...... '...... Occupatio" of \\'j lm"" ...... :...... p I1t.e ctiye ... Gil i.cf'... ll1spe c:~ol' ......

lid, It· .. ,> ...... G.• .1 ..... Depal' tmont , ... 11 C\'I .. Scotlnnd... Ym>u·,.· .. S •. \·I •. ;1:......

,.- .".: ... ~ •••• " ...... ,. ,.<"< ...... , ...... , ,;••• , ••• , , •••••••••• ,_ ..... - •••••••• ".' •••••••••••• " •••••••••••••• " ••• - •••••.• > ... ~,. ,.< ......

On Saturday, 8th JW1C, 1968, at 1.05 p.m" in cO;i'l'luny wi thDotective Chlei' Snperintenden~ BU'iLER und oth(;;' p~\i co : I I I l3a.1 a man I nOI'1 )mo\" to be Jo.mos Eurl RAY, ::'y, : 1 oi'i'ice1'E: , . ' I an 01'1'100 at London Airport. Detective Chici' Supel'intcY,("cn1; I, I Butlor Haid to him, "We arc l)olico of1'iee1'E:. you ha.ve in YOU1' poasoBE:ion two pal3sporta in the n,,":03 I

Sne~'a £lncl Snoyd o What is your name?" He replied, "I o.:.n't

\U1derstand why I am here •. My name i B Sneyd". Detccti ve Clliei' Superintendent Dutler saj.d. "Both passportl3 sho','1 'Gh:l.1; you arc a CanaeHan ci tlzeni)orn in Toronto on the 8th Octo)x.'r, 1932. Arc those details correct?" H(l rc'>:":i.c<'\,

"Yes, of: COUl'se they are" •.

Detective Chief Superintendent But10r su:Lci to c,L.,

"This .38 revolver \,Iith five rounds of' .38 ammunition w~,s .found in your hip pocket I'Ihen you. were first seen. Is

your gW1?" He roplied, "Yes, it is mino". DO'~ective ,Chj.ei' Superintendent Butler said, "I'{ould yon ID;:e to tell us why you are carrying a gun a'l; al11" He rop1iec.,. ":':, <,m gOing to Bl'usselo". Detective Ghief' Superintendo,Y" ";,,,,tlor said, "Vihy shoulq you wantyto take n gun to DruDsel.:;',·" Ho

replied, "Woll, reaJ.J.y. I um thinkine of' goinG Oll to RhodcGia and things are no1; too good there just· no\:I". Dotocti vo Chioi' Superintendont B1.: t101' said, "You have to

i ! 1 •4)igtl(.l .....•....•...... :...... Si~"arllrt! wilJ!r~~.'1,·J by .... ,...... }c ••• •• rn·Stl1:l~i /


'-1"'3-:>~':I '-, '

. " ., - 2 - No, DOW·

S'l'A'l'EiWEN'f Ol~ V/ITNESS'

(;0111 i "'lIlLion of "tol elllont 01'...... l{.~.f.l11.

have a f'il'Oal'DW cOl'tifica'l;o to PODUOSO a /{Ull, [~d OVO;'!

ammunt tlon, ln tlli 13 COtmtry. Jl(l.VO you a i'il'ouPlIlu CQl'tlf'icate lGsued by thc compotcnt authorlty?" lio replied, "No, I hnvn't uny eertif'icuto for i til.

Ho wns then cuutionecl and told ho woul'd be takon to

Gnnnon Rol'! Pelice Stat ion.

At h.h5 p.m. the BanJO day, together wIth Det0c'i:;:e.V';

Chief' Superintendent Butler, 1 SUYl the accused in !l cell. Detective Chie£, Superir,tonc1ent Butler said to him, "As a result of' enquiries made since you I'.'ero detuj.nod we [;;:,ve

very good roason t a believe that you are. not 0. Cano.c::;'cJ' cttizen but an American". lIe rep11ed, "Oh, well, yes, I am" and nodded his agreement.

Dotectivel Chief' Suporintendent Butler said to the i prisonCl', "I now believe tha·t your name is not SnoyCi but i James Earl Ray, also known as Eric Starvo Galt and o';;ner ! namel3, and that you 'are wanted at present in the Uni·~.,;d

states f'01' soriouo criminal of'f'ences, including Jr,urom.' iT',

which a firenrm was used". The prisoner had been st~ll1ding up at this stnge but suddenly he slumped dOI'm on n seut

and Baid, "Oh, GO,d". After a few minutes he adaea. Eli fce

130 trapped". He was again cautioned and said, "Well, YCB, I shoulrln't say anything more now. I can't think rigcLV'.

~_,]·.·(j.7·S0731 ,t;;ifJII(',d ....•...... ~...... •...... Sirlnfllurt!. I.)irnr.ss(d by...... ,...... ,...... " ......

'I· . - :; No. DOle

COllt;"lIal;OIl of Ht"tcmcnL of...... Kcnnoth .. 'l'llOMPSON......

At 5.20 p.lli. ho wo.u f'ormnlly cho.rgcCl and ·co.utioncd

but mmlo no reply. I I'

... "\ ~.


ffhiH !i.tatcmcnt, consisllng or 3 pages coch.eignl':d by me. is true to the lh'-.iLoi'lllY ;;;:.,{,\\·led;;;i! nlll~ lH:-licf ... ncl 1 nwkc it. knO\\'ing UmL, if it. is tcmlerc~J in evidcnco, I E1u\U lit) li~lUI~ to 'ilro",~'cllt-inn jf I hR\'e wiJ[uUy !'1tat.Nl ill it lUlythlng which I Imow to bo .fn.lac or do not bcl~c .... c- to he L·ne. 11168 10th dnyof. June. . ~ .... Doted t.he { . ' .. (8i~".: ..\ ...... :.::...... ·.... ·:':.,···,·:.··· .. ·.. · Signature wi'na,'ic({ by ... :...... :.... ··

, of ..

" doyof t 19

I ( u"'dJ ...... I 8i I .. .., IVddt i.j jl;n.pl'lica/lle. ll.r.·G7.f)OI3.3 ) .

' .

. " " '/ No. DOlA I /

S'fA'l'EMEN'l' OF WI'rNESS . ,

Slnl.,n",,[ of ...... J:Q!m .. J\cGAeE'.J;;J.l:J.'X ...... 'Age uf WII,,, .., (if over 21 rnICl'" over 21 .. J.... 9.y.g.~:.... 2..1.., ...... ".. . Orell [mUo" of Wi lncll...... §. (3n~. '?.l:'.. :.J!:J(p.~n:JI.n.c.!.1.1;.ll J ... Qrr..!. .q!:tg,...... Athlm •.)~b.(l .. .I,iQt r.Op Olttfl.ll .. P.o.l1.c.c .. Y.orcn 6i 0 ... 8 o.i cnc.o .. Laho P;l.t OL',/ ....? .,.. )~.i.~!~P'(3.~.~ ...:P)..llgg. J.,l[g))).o..m, ..Jt •. 9. .•..to ...... :......

'1 have cXHlnined this weapon, .

. ,38 (special) Hcyolvcr. It was in good condition and ~o' working ordel'. 'fhe bUl'l'cl wile f'ouled 'rrom i'il'ine,' uut n, necellsul'i13' fl'om recent ol'igin.

It wae a firearm subject to the provisions o:.:~ 1r,c) li'il'cs.l'ms Act, 1937 Part I.


l'h~~ d!ttcmr.ut j~ f.ruo 10 f-he best. of my know!cdgo nnu Lr.lir.f amI I mnkc [t- know;ll.'! dm~ if il ia t.ellflrt{(l in eviilence. I Blmll bo lil\blc to pros'Ccut.ioll if I hnvc wiJfully stut.cll ~n it t\"/t-hi!l~ wMeh I know to be fal.o or do nut belie\'o hl be true.

or c hr.ing UIl!lu.1c t-O r('au •. ho aho-ve" At.[lt.(,!~licnt JI of

rond it [0 hilll Lefore he signed it).

nat«llh. day of , II)

(Sig",d) ...... :...... : ......

... ;, .. '1; , , "

'. " • -\ . L " \,'T T :)ti\i-t'UIl:'nt. n f' ...... nt,t.9 .. J'I' ... ..II<.J.I/. 'r.J •• ("J"" ~, ...... " ...... " ...... , ...... ' > ••••••• , ...'. ,

"I~(\ (I( \Vi lllPllfl (i f over 21 cn~e.' ~I o .... er 2l I.) ...... ,QY.Gr ... 2.1...... ;.... ,..... ': ...... "." >" ..... , ... , ...... : ••••••• ......

Orcul In lion uf \\1 ihH·18:...... nc.L_c.c.1;i:i.r.c .. JJ.cl~ goant .. 0' ...... ' .. -...... " ...... i Ad,]no;g . " ...... 0 cntp.al .. Or.fi.cc .... Hew... Scotla n,), .. .Ytilr.d.,. .. 3 •.';,',·1. ... · .. · .. · .. · .. · .... ··

...... ; ...... , ...... , ...... > ...

, . On Sutul'day, 5th June 1965, with Detective Con8table ','Ihi.tham, I mu; at London Ail'pol't when an

ail'eraft 8.l'l'ived from 131'uGoell). carryinG. a suite[l(;". and eontentli belonging to Ramon George SNBYD .. I I took poscession of' the Buitcane and contento and I conveyed, it 'to Cannon I{o\'l'l'olice' S'Gation WhOl'''. in ) I . the prcGeneo of Detective Chief InspectOl' 1'hm;,p:lon. I I chowed it to Sne;{d. I said to him, "Is this ;r OU1' \ snitcar:{o and. cont.cnts?LI 8]1(1 he std.(l, "Yes, Sip it ! i iO" • I told him I had recovered it from a lllune thc,'~ I I had arrived from 13ru[lsels that day. ... I ~

I later, \'Ii th Detective Constable ':!llith"i\\, l I examined 'ard listed the con'cento of the sui'"c''l~J'' ! which inclmed a 'brorm . cloth juclcet ,on_the ir:s ide

pocket YIaB a label bearing the no.mEJ '1.;1'. ;'1'1.C G}J,'/',

tho date July 21st 1967 and O1'dep No. 11~26, I alGo :found a pail' of' trOUf.lerC 1':11ioh is an identical cloth

: to that of the jacket.

I,ate1'. the Game day I I'lent to the cell l;~i

which Sne~'

al'O \'lear ing". At the S

suit. Encyc1 8aid, "I don't know,\",rhnt you're {lo~n,"; tlliG

0 ~fon for but 'i t' no ~ood for '~he Lub. boys if th;:t '~: I';ilat ',j

RiO""i .... ?e.!?~...... (f/!&;t,?.rpJ,., .)iu',{,!!

-, -.. ;.~ . --~, . '.


, No. Ogle /

) "

. .

(~1I11 i II'~II\I iUIl of 1;-1 alf'IIl'>llt {Jr...... _.. o •••1?O. t,ql~. J~a)llJ. (Yl'~~.f" .. Do.t _~, ... S_G:t •

thinlr" • I 08i<1 t.o him, "I .0.0 not know tho l'oaoon, I ho.v·c been direct'ocl to do thiu by Dctcctivc Chi"',".' . , lnopcctol' 'l'ho:npoon, rJho is in chal'ge 01'· thc onquiry":

I took posGcGGion 01' thc clothii1[o; he VIas

\'louring which', I put into 0. .cellophane bag. ~ I I


-')'his fOli\L'~'lI1rnt, cMI.:->i;;tin;; of 2 pagp}> (!ilE.:h ~ignc

Dn\rd the 10'* Iluy ,,{ . cPv'/Jt ' Ifl&g, (8;9''''1).2 e!iv.:.... /tcJi:~#.J!J;l S,y:{;. I Si!lnllture 1i'ilu('s~cd by_ ...... " ...... I .( - ~ I of I,

--,-- -._------,_. - '.-~- da.\-· of III

( ....·iyllfd} ...... ',J

.' , . " .. 1 244 (,' ,•

'. .,.


. , Slnl" III o:"l of .... :...... J:.Q)U) .. I(i.(I'~'Jlb.h,. ".. "...... ,...... "..... '......

AW~ of \Vi In('}-J.II (if 0\'I'r 21 clil ~r II O"~' r 21 ") ... .Q.Y.~.t...... :8'.t ...... "...... "...... ,

Ocou p.\UUU of \VjtuCli.'i ...... P.9.:(;.9.9 .. tJ.\':9... q.9.i~.Q, tp"~~Jg ...... " ...... : ...... ,...... _" .. ,.. ,._ .. _', ... .

h(ld ,'PUt : ...... 9..9..n t .~~.~ 1: .. QJ: f.t9. 9..1.... E 9J:·~ .)~S~.9.t J.nn~L .X.q.~~9. -t.. ,_ S .•. :,:.' •. .1...... ,...... ,_ .. . , ...... " .", ... , -, .. -, ,_ ...... ,- ...... ,- ...... •. :..•. :': ..: .. : • :': F . On Baturday, nth JUlle 1965, with Detcctiv6 Sep(>;ennt inliott, I was at ;,ollclon Ai1'po1't y.'hon o.n

airCl'aft al'ri ved f'1'011\ Dl'uoocl (} curryinc; a. ~\li tCflClC

Elliot t. took pos oGsHion of the sui tC3(;e and conteHt,;'

J 81h.1:, conveyed it to Gannon Row Police StaJ~ion ':;,1Cl' 0 , . ill the p1' e sence. of Detective Chiel' Inspector '"'hOI,lpson,

he shoved it to 3no~ld. SC1'[,;C}lnt lnJ.io1.t said to hil;l,

1IIs thj_H youP GUitC88C anci. co)\tents']U anrl Sno.:/D. z;::d ...l:1

'''Yes, Sil', it io", Bel'c;c:ant l':J.liotttold him he h,;(J.

l'ocove1'ed it from a plaile thot 'had arrived froi:l , Brussels tlwt day,

I. later, . "Ii th Det(:cti vo Serr;eant l-alj.o'G·~,

examined and liG ted the cont~nts of the sui tCh;)e ',';hich

included a brown cloth jacket, on the inside pocb::t

JulY'21st,1967 Hnd o1'[lep No. 11526, Also, a 11U:i.r' of tl'ouse1's. I'.'hich in an identico..l eloth to that 0:: the jo.cl,et •

. f.rhto stD.tcmcnt in true to the bent of" r.1;/ ltnoriledf;e and beliel', and r malw it lmo,'liilg tiF1t, ii' it is tcnc1epcd in. cvidence I 8ha11 be liable to P1'os8clrtion if I havc ;'lilfull~>, s'~atct1 iii. 5. t o.nyt.ili.n ...; vli1ich I know to be f'alHo 01" do not bel ievc to be '.:.ruc. )),ytcd tho IO.,-,~ d'lY Of'~J '(765.

.' " ;:;

SigJ1fllUfC UJJ·:nrs.'icd lJy ......

. .

4' (" 1. ~J 12115 OJ' •

'. L " : .. j ",> '-, .. !,

8 '1' A '1' E !.! E N '1' of': H011Cl't Keith jOllN8'1'0Nj~ Age of \'litnl.)JJu: OV01' 21 Occuputi on of I'/itnose: }o'lightStoward Add1'CSO: 57 l.Ioothfields, ltn\ltsfol'll. Chcshi1'e

" , .' , I /.IlD a'Plight Stowurd emploY,od by B.b,A,C,

und on the night of' 6th/7th !.la~· ,1965 wa~ on flj,lJht "\ . 'B .A. 600 from 'Poronto to London. 'l'hc1'c l'IUS about . \

" ~,' 60 1)[\880n(>;01'0 on this' i'light. , ,

I have been s}lown n .photograph of a TnGn

,\ who I identJfy us .being U )J£\E.lOenger on this flight. He sat on the POl't side at 'u window seo. t ainidshipo,

approxim:\t'oly" rovi 14 over the wingo, He sut on hi,s

i . l :-' DVm nnd appeared to be ulone. The llhotograph is

a good likcncslJ • ....

'rllis statement iff tru~ to tile best of' my , , "J, lmol'llcdr;c and belief and I make it lmO'.'ling that, if' it io tcndcl'ed in evidonce t I shall be liable " to lll'ooocut ion if' I have wilfully stated in it ,nnything l'lhtch I know to be f'alo e 01' do not bel icye

--: to bo truo. Dated the 26th day of June 1968

, Signed: R. K. Jolmotone " S:tgnuture wltnccElcd by: P. ~eymoUl', Det. set. , .: J,.-'

- .. -.----~~~--:.------" ~ .

.' _.- _ ..



I. ':

-.-- - .' -- _ .... - -- ,--_ ... +------+-. -. -~ -----_ ... _- ,---, ~'.- ~ ------.-...... - ...... -~ ..... -.. \...... _..... _, t' '

,. No. vOlA , . ." i, ' " .... ' .., ...

-----'-'-1"-- ,------I . S'.l'ATEI\1EN'l' OJ? Wl'l'NESS / ' . .'. };lnl~"ll'l1l. of .. ,: .. ,.M onie u .. .DAKlm ... (),\ ioo.) ,.... ".... ", ... ," "" ... ,...... : ".. '''''''''''''' .... ,...... "... .

!Ill of WilllC"' (if ont 21 ClII N' " onr 21 ") ...... O:ver. ... 21 ... YC~I'8.: ...... """ ..... "...... " .. " .. , • • a.~ < :. OcclIpnt.ioll of \\'ilnoHH ...... Reo.e.l:'y.ut.l on .. CICl'k, ... n •. D.A • .c...... "...... / Add .." .... 7., ... Vlinslow .. Wuy, ... Wnl.ton~on-Thamesr .. Sul'rey...... 1

.... ,.,., """ .. ".,"<" "" .. " ". ", •.••.• nO •• " •••• , ...... ,. , ... ' •• " ...... ~ ••••••• ' ...... " •• ' ...... , ...... ,

I am employed ao a Reservation Counter Clerk by D.O.A.e. On 7th !.lay. 196B, a man apcuking \'lith a North Americun uceent cu110d ut our Office and t. booked a flight with me from Lon(lon to Lisbon. Thio 'I'IRS D. single flight. 'l'he mun gave hiD name ao MI'. R. SHEYD und he booked the i'l ight for 7th ).jay. I have been shown u ·.photograph of it mun by Police an

' .. .. \..

• "'hi!"l f>l.ntrmcnt iR true to f.1w bcst of my kUfJ\\'lcd~o nnel Letief nml r nUI.KC it. rmowing Iha1. if it. j" t.t'Jld-rrrd in p\'hlcncc, I ~hn.lI he lin.t-.le ~tu pro:;ccllt.ion if I hn\'('; wilfully flt.nt~d in it- fin.rthing W11 idl I know to bo folao or do 110t, bclicyo 1.0 be true .

. I).ted the :tL~ th . rI.y of . . June, , 11.1 68

(,<; ig IIc(l) ...... J,\ ..... J;I s.lq:n'...... ,...... ,~rullnrll" ,vir',J

Doled the • " 10 ='" -: (Si~,,,,I) ...... ,...... :.:..

~:. 'I".·61·80TU

.. J -

... :,.

-. ~:

S TAT E M B N T of': Dorio Catherine

Ago of ;'Iitneso: OVOl' 21 . , Occupation of Vlitnofl8: Hotel Propl'ictrcos Addl'ess:' 25 Fit zroy Squaro, ','1,1. (Eus. 8301. Eus. 3500)

I am the )Jl'opl'ietreBs of the Heathri·cld. 'I : \ HO\lGO Hotol, 181-183 Cr-omwell Road" B.V/.5. I have , I : I been shown a photograph by Detective Ser r;cant Bllio~ '" . , of a man 'whom I recognize as Rmnon George· pneyd,

\'Iho otayecl at the hotol. I produce the visitol'G,

book und \mder the 17th ),(ay 1968 iG the sign3. turc , Ramon George Sneyd of 962 Dindus-·VI-'roronto, Cariu.(l<... / ! i )Re remained hero fl'om 17th l,;ay '/968 until 28th ;r.ay , ' ' I 19613. I remember thn;t on 27th liay he aslccd £'01' i i i his bill to be made out.' It was Inade out uT,d it 1 I, caillo to' £18. 11. 6d. which inclnded a ten per cent i surcharge. I gave it to him and he oaid,"Viould. I '. it be p08si~l8 for me to 'stay another nig;lt?" I I tolcl him it would bo all l'ight and he stayed . , . I the niEht of 27th/28thl,(ay. On tho lattcl' date i I, he paid his bill in full, I'/h1eh now amo\mted to !, £20. 12. Bd.· As far as I can l'emcmber it was paid I, .. }.. i r( s tel' 1 i ng. " !

Owing to his bad \'Iriting I th(~mGht hi" 1 ,i I name was Snezcl. I now realise this should h,wo : ! beenSr.cyd. His bill, a copy of I'Ihieh I proQueo,

. shows the first night to be 18th ray"1968. '1'hi8

should be 17th i,:ay as sllO\;'n in the vis i tors GOo};

and it is 1 ikely tha~ I h


, " , .. ,I·

.. ~

" J .' 2 - , . I I

DurinI!,' hin otay he1'e he kOllt him;uli' to , i hiw I

lIo (lid' not l'eceive any mail, phone calls 01' vioi topo., The telephone· extension .10 outside his I I'dom Ul1d also serveG another room. His bill Sl10':.'s

'(\ 6d: ·cal1 I'Ihj,ch v/as· ci ther an Ol'pOp 01' could I

POllS ibly have been 1'01' 'a hipo Cal'· 01' taxi, in

.,~. which case the call \'Iould have been made direct, \ from the swi tchboal'd and the1'efope' nO'G reCOl'ucd . " ngainot his oxtenniOll, which in fact it is not.

He went out between 9 'a.m. 'and 10 a.m. every

lOornine after bl'eakfast and peturned at about

1 ·a.rn. I do not thinl< he 'ctayod out <:.11 niGflt

011 any occasion but cannot be sure. It will 'I be seon that receil)t No. 05100 is headed • Colleg('

Placo Hotel, 1-4 Uni veps'i ty Street, VI. C. 1 t. ?r,ese ! receipts ape also used for Heathi'ield House, 'j

. \'Ihioh is all part Ol~ the same firm.

This statement, consisting of 2 pagc::; I each signed by me, is true to the best or my kno\,llcc1ge and belief' and I make it Imo\,ling that. ! tf it is tendered in evidence, .1 shall be liable ,I to prooecut.ion if' I have I'/ilf'ully [;tatec1 in it anything I'lhich I Imow to be fnl::;e or do not I believe to be true. I Dated the 9th day of July 1968. I ! Siened: Dorin \'Iest\'lood I Signature I'/itnoGsed by: I'. A. Elliott Detective Sergeant

. .

1.. r(' I 1249

. ; .... • --.~ .-.' - •• --.-' --.'" -0-- .-~~'-----'- --.~------.-----~

" Stu teillent of: Janet 1,1i zabcth HhSSAU MISS Aee of \'Ii tness (i f over 21 entel' "over 21") 21 years

OeCul1atioll of \','i tnesu: Hotel Heeeptionist

Address: Flut 9, 29 Earls Court Square, S.W.5, 373 5'-133 (373 6!r31)

I am the receptj.onist of the :New Eal'l~ GOUl't

Hotel, 36 Pcny\,lel'n Road, S.W.5. I have been GO employed

for two v/Celw. The procedure when a visitor cOine,,' to

the hotel is f'or them to sil'Jl the visiters book i'irst.

1 have exumincd the visiters boole, and on 'the 28th ;,~uy , 1968 a man \'/ho si((ned the book as RAt,iQi-; E. SintYD f!,ivillf';

the address "Toronto Canada" booked roor., No. 5!~ at the

hotel. I produce the'visitol's book sho,ling the ent,;:,y.

I have been shorm by Detective Chi ef' Inspector Tho,npson

a photogl'uph of' JAMES EARL RAY wi'li eh I posi tiveJ,y

identify as the man SNEYD who sta.yed at the hotel. S;'TEYD

.was a very shy mun and because of' this I tri cd to hclp

him. I explained eUl'l'Cl~cy dif'f'er'enccs and tolkeu to

him gencrally. He used to go out most days but never Guid where he Ylent. Whilst he \,Ias at the hotel he did not receive any mail or teJ.epilone calls. I can remembc):'

that on the hth ,Tune J.968 , he mude tv/o telephone calls which I knoy; were made to llewspaper.

The gist of the conversation by smwn ViUG as :iollo';:s:

"About ei~ht to ten dflYO ago he tad read in the '£elq:ro:;il

.about a IllUll, (Iw mentioned the llame but I call1lot

" J.. I . =,

, ,., .. 2 .. . , relllC",b01' :I. t) who had been deported fro];\ "POGO J,!,liD" und.ho (mn;YD) wantcu to know the man'o adUrellO. Hc'

Wflfl mogt pCl'«hltcnt in the e)l(lllil'y to truco thIu man. lloc·H\w0 he \'/flO GO :l.ncOheL'0nt nobody 'loomed oblo to help him. I no'll rClllcmbel' that tho man who wao Ur.\pol'ted. . wall a Captuin 01' !.!ujor. In thc en<.l I think he got tlli 0 nw.n I B mlc1rcoo. I llo not know who ho IJpoke to at 'the DaD.y 'fo10graJ.)h.

Gnoyd cventually lei't the hotel on Wedu{)sdny,

5th SUlle to go to the Jd.l' Terminal. lIo pai<.l hi II bill in Engl:l.sh Cln'I' CllCY c I have "been ohOl'lll a I'eoeip!; Ho t 59 in the name ~.~ l~ • Sne~ d. 'rhis rei'ers to the ,£10 depooit he paid on the 28th Muy 1968 \'Ihen he first came to the hotel. I . can I-cmeJlbeT' that at some otage of' Sneyd IS stay he adccc1 me how much the biJ.J. would be ao he would. have to get Ji:ngl:l.uh Cl1l'Nmcy to pOly for it."'£hc,t'c is , no record at the hotel that he haa stayed here on mOl'e .

thun the on8 occasion.

, ..I Thi s statement, consist ing 0:(' 2 lIages ec..ch siGned. by HIe i 8 true to the best of TIlY Imm·,1edge and belief, und I mo.ke it knowine that if' it i8 tendered jn evidcnce, 18hall be liable to prosec'Jti on If' I have Yli1i\v.ly stated in it anything which I kno'ot to be fa1"e or- do . not b81i e~e to be tl'ue,

Dated day of' 19GB. (Signed) S.E. Nassau statement taken dorm in \'11'1 tine and sir;natul'c wi tnessed by me in the preBence o:~ Detective Chief' lnspector Thompson, P. Elliott, D(~tective Sergeant

1251 i " I 1, , ' i t !

Statement of': Anna gli :-;aueth '.rnolUIS , ,

Ap;c of Vittneofl (i1' over 21 enter "OVel' 21") Over 21

O/!cupati on:' Hotel Proprietorcsa

Adlll'cllo: l)ax Hotel, 126 \'Im'vliek l'loy, I,ondon, S,'.'I.1.

I Dill the pl'oprietoress of the above mentioned

hotel, 1 live here wi th my husband aml 1 have been

pl'oprictore[;s of' thc hotel f'o1' one year. I let off " I, \ f'oUl' of' my l'ooms to payillG guests. On Wednesday , I I, 5th ,hmc 1968 at about J!. p.m. to 5 p.m. u man speakinG { with a Canadian 01' American accent called ut my hotel i asking to rent a room for three niGhts. 'I'he man \ ... ' i • i i I to have dal'lc lenses. lIe "JaS about 5' 10" ,- slim

build \'Ii t.it 0. slim face. I tolct him that the price mu.;

-'-"0.1- 'I a 1l1.E1t.• I lie agreed to the prJ.ce and he g&ve me a £5 note and I. eave him 10/- changc plus my hotel ea1'(1. I then showed him into room nUlnUC1' 2 on thc

ground floor, he closed the {lOor. Before he went

to his roo;1\ he told me he \"/[[s [\ C8nadian [inti he e[jJj~e

f'rom Toponto and he 10011:c<1 very tlred. On 'l'hUI'sday , h\Orning f.t 7.t~5 a.lll. I broueht his breakf'ast. I ~~nockcJ. on the door but hiG {loop .taG locked i'rom the inside us I tried the key in the loc],. I left the brea]ti'ast

Qutaide the dooP. Aftep I hud' walked away a few paces

he openeD. the d001' tooll: thc tray in and loekcct the

door. On Thul':.;day afternoon at t1bout l~, p.m.l ",ent.

'. / 2

up to h10 room, let myself in wi th a key and the mon , WEl8 lyin(l on the bed readinG. I came to collect my

visitors book which I had J,lreviously asked him to Bign.

I picked the book up without looking inside it and

I said to him, "What is your name?" He said, "S!\eyd".. . He opened hi8 wallet and shol'led me 0 plane ticket.

He said, "I have a fli ght booked for Germany. It I lef't -'~-, . , the room and I did not see him at all that day. On

Friday I again took up his tray for breakfast and left

it there. About 10.00. m. li'riday I aGain went to hi s

room and told him that I had to move him to roo~ 3 because of a priol' bookin(l of Room 2. I think I caught

a glimpse o:f him on Friday evening when he waB going upstairs. 1 then did not see him again until SatUl'day

mornin(l about 9.30 a.m. I sa\"l him rushing out of' the hotel !:lnd jump into a taxi, he Vias carrying a small air f'light bag vihich he had over his shoulder. He was not carrying. a suitcase. During the time he was here he had 4 phone calls. Ee had tViO calls :from a woman from B.E.A. who asked for I,ll'. Sneyd. The first call Vias on \'Iednesday night "fhen the caller aslced that 1

leave a message for him regardinG a 7/~ coach fare. The second B.E.A. call again from a woman on Thursday

morning when she asked me to leave a message :for :,\1'. Sneyd regarding the availability of a flight to the Continent. On Thursday evening a a lady phoned asked for J,lr. Sneyd, she sotmded American, she left no name or message. The last call v.as on Friday

morning from a man who le:ft no name or message. On

Friday :norni~g a,white post card came addressed to \


'- ,--. : 'J ;,."

- 3 -

Mr. Snoyd. I did not road it however I discovered that Sneyd had not signed the viai tal'S book, but this 10 not unusual in tho hotel.' From the photographs I have seen of' Sneyd r would not recognise him but ... ~ the one in the wus the lleorest

but he is novi older. I would reoo(1)i80 the mon if I saw him again •.

. ',",- " .. r ..

'1'his statement, conrlisting' of' 3 Po.c n ', 80.ch siBned by me. is true to tho bost of .my iwoI"iledge and belief' and r make it Imol'ling that. it' it is . tendered in evidence. I shall be liable to pros ecution. if I have wilt'ully stated in it anything \"Ihich I knoVi to be false or do not beli eve to be true. Dated the 10th day of' June, 1968. (Signed) A. E. Thomas i Signature witnessed by John Whitham / Detective Constable


, ;. ',r'-' - ;-. ,,-,,-~------:,~,---- "._, • • . . ~.-.,. , '.-~.=c..."-CC~-_'-': .;,l,c·'-, ' . ,_.-----_._- --

_" I .1:_ . 8 TAT E I.! E N T of: Ian CC':'. .vIN ~_,Chief l~oMign , , .-, -,' _.'.-', ", "Leader wrTi er ;'Tlle 'DailY1'oie'gr'uph.-;-Loridon;-'E.G • L~ ..

On the afternoon of June 4th, 196B, I found a note on my typel'lriter written by my temporary .I secretary to say that Mr. Raymond Sneyd had telephoned .' and \'Iould telephone agaln. He did that, I think about 5 p.m. that day. The voice came up : "This is Raymond Sneyd". He said he was a Canadian with a brother viho had been in Angola, with Vihom he wished to get in touch. As his brother vias - a mercenary could I give him the telephone number of Major ,Alastair Wicks, so that he could get advice on the way to find his brother?

I was aware that Major flicks had last year ., \. .been troubled by informants who posed as mercenary volunteers and afterwards denounced his attempt to get volunteers for Biafra. So I offered instead to get Major Wicks to phone him. Would he give me a nwuber? 1.1r. Sneyd gave me a telephone number I'lhich I later discovered to be that of the Neyr Earl's Court Hotel in Penywern Road and an extension nUilloer which corresponded to the,ropm that he occupied.

I telephoned ~o Major Wicks, passed the telephone number to him and asked v;hether he recognis,.ed the name. \'licks did not and for that reason did not takc up the contact. I thought no more about it and on Thursday, 6th June, I found a

" oecond note on my desk at the Daily 'felegraph, to say that Mr. Raymond Sneyd would telephone again. He came through-again in-the-same voice and style

, __' ____0_ _ \P..)

. _...... _'.,_. __ : ~~ThiE} __ is _Raymond Sneyd"~. __ ".. 1._ ask0d ~ __ -:",...:had_:bc_,. been ., telephoned by Major -Uicks? Sneyd said that he had since changed his hotel and then set about discussing his problem l'Ii th me. He was no nearer moving on to join his brother, he said. All the officials had been unhelpful. I as]ced him more about his brother - how was he miss ing? !.1r. Sneyd then said that his

brother was not really rnis~ing, though he had not hcm'd from him for four months. The fac t was that he would like to join him and become himself a mercenary. !.Ir. Sneyd did not revert to enquir ing for ],1ajor Wicks and seem'ed content to discuss his problem with me instead. As I had just published a book about Mr. Tshombe in which the mer-cenary fOI'ce in the Congo is frequently mentioned, this did not strike me as extraor-dinary, and as the man seemed to be in some s art of troubled state of' mind, I \"Ias patient and lis tened. NOI'I and then the conversation Vias interrupted, as he "las telephoning from a call box. I said to him that the mercenary forces had largely left Africa. He might find the remnants of them

in Belgiu;iI and Jean Schranune l'laS certainly ther-e. There I'lere ex-servicemen's associations and I-Ieli'are organisatiOns for the former settlers in Africa who might put him in touch vlith his brother. I had no idea of their addresses but mentioned to him the name of' a: research editor on Congo affairs, M. Jean . Gerard - Liebor's of CRIPS, the Centre de Recherches et Informations Sociales et Politiques who could

1. ?""-.c''-'do

" ° _.-. -.r~---~------

.....~--.-.~---- .. - _.. --- _ :-'C:-==-----:::.-=--....;..~3..:::---::·: _ '-----"iJ-_ ~- . - ======- -.. -=-~~-~-- .. .~~~----.--_ .. __ .. .. ----_._._------,

1.1.1'. Sneyd toolc. , tell him where to inquire next. "'0.. 0 care to note this I1~lUe._ani ...appeul'ed to b.e writing·.it

___ .. down, as he got me__ __ _~,~ .t0._::J!l.~I} i~_ r>U:~~~;:' -:---_ ... ____ .... ~ . . It occurred to me that I did not h~ve . the address of CRISP in the office and so offered to send him a postcard that evening with the address from

my home. He mentioned the Pax Hotel, Vlal'wi'c!c Way.

as his address. I said I knew the street in Pintl ic 0 ! and would y,'l'ite as soon as I could find the address


On Thursday evening I reflected that this visi tor might be a nuisance to M. Liebois and that it was perhaps not correct to pass on a total stranc;cr in this way, especially as his manner and purpose gave an odd, almost unbalanced impression, so on Friday, at 2.30 p.m., I simply posted a postcard suggesting that he consult the Belrri'an Embassy or the Consular .::lection of the British l!'oreign Office '-. about his brother. This postcard was returned to me by the Post Office on the following Monday, 10th. as having insui'fic ient address. The card \'!as handed over by me to Chief Inspector Thompson at Scotland Yard the same afternoon.

It was on reading the Sunday nerlspapel's

on"the 9th that I realised that the suspect arrested at H,eathrol'l must be the same R,aymond Sneyd who had

been telephoning to [,\C. I told I,ll'. S. R. Pawley, Managing .Edi tor of the Daily Telegraph and set out in a taxi to find the Pax Hotel, which vias not listed in the telephone book. One hotel in i-;arvlick V/ay had a sign 'IIi thout a name and on enquirinG there

--,------~- _. t257

'. -r'- ·-----.-- - -,,,,,,. , ------._.- . - .~---.---- .~ ----~-- ---~ ----- ~

I \'Iaa told by the proprietor, Mrs, Anna Thomas, that I had previouoly telephoned thia was the Pax Hotel. . . the hotel number that Sneyd had"~"irs~~~~t"'-E;ln me ""3.nd

----.--.-~~-~--'-. -- this proved to be the Hew Barl' s COUl't Hotel in

Penyl'lern Road.

Mrs. Thomas admitted me. She said that

Mr. Sney~ had spent Thursday and l~riday there and had

left on SSlturday morning. She thoU8ht that he had simply walked down from B.O.A.C. air terminal, she said later, and that her hotEil was one of ,the first

in sight. Until I mentioned his arpest ,Mrs. -Thomas did not refer to it. She then said that he had made

a bad impression on her, V/aS nervous, f'tU'tive, lociced his bedroom door at night and stayed in'bed most of the d!lY. He had laundered his own clothes in his room, had a lot of nev/spapers, and tore up a lot of papers. Mrs. Thomas went to the trouble to turn

out her dustbins for me ani I advised her to keep

anything she recovcped thus for the police. I then discussed, vlith her how to lceep the name of her hotel

quiet as I did not wish, and nor did she, to have every reporter in London there later that night. She told me that she \"las ex-directory, that the Post Office '/lould not give her number and that the name

of her hotel was on her cards only. As to the lack of a sign, she was having a sign made and had

meanwhile borrowed" the glass HOTBL sign. I asked why she did not have her hotel in the telephone book. She replied that she did not \'Iant to have people Ylho had lived in her hotel ringing her up and bothering her. She did not bring me in to see her husband,


", ·~ _.-.. r'- - .. ---.. ~=---- -

J" "-f" • -..,-~------~:.\------, "L~_cc.-=-C~':--'--5"- ~ C'_~' '

. -".-~------

but asked him through the door of a basement room

whether he' th.ought._ t_J.le._plt0_~o§:r:aphs in the Sunday \ ___ , __ " newspaper s resembled their visit9i':-:-:-'~Tt'_could'"re him"\' .- ... -.. -.------.... --- .- .~------~.~.~---~~'"~ .. --,.~-~-~----~------she remarked, "though he is much thinner in the fac;:'e.

The eyes are the same":

From this I assumed that the Thomases had

noticed the reports about Raymond Sneyd earlier in the day and not simply heard his identity from me.

I asked about his departure. He had been

trying to leave for Germany, Mr. Thomas said, on the Friday'and a B.B.A. Ground Staff girl had rung up to tell him of a change of flight schedule and to remind him ·that he had not paid his coach ticket. Had he- received a postcard from me before he left? I asked. She thought and said she remembered "something white" arriving for him in the Saturday morning post, which he had probably taken with him.

The postcard, as I stated above, had never been delivered, but at the time of this conversation I

did not knov{ that.

As to ho\'l Mr. Sneyd found hisl'layto'me

in the first place, I am still unclear. I do not believe that he just rang the Daily Telegraph foreign

room, but that he \'IDS acting on advice that the papel' had recently published something about mercenru'ies or !lbout Major Vlicks, and that he was seeking the address or telephone number-of a mercenary officer in London. Indeed his first words to me related to this. r am now trying to ,{orlc out vrhat person could have put Sneyd up to this enquiry, "hether he might

have read some old cuttin~ or picked up my recently

" -.----- r------...... " ,. "'-T --- - ,/"'. 6-.;;7t------. - -. - -- .' :~-~:_:__=_-____'__;_.~ :_'_,_. __ :,_-;:.,. -..._--- "".0"' • _ ----;---1- ~-~------~----"--~. - '-'------publ ishcd book about UP. Tshombe and the mepcenal'ies i from a bookstall. If I have a likely idea, I will be / I in'touch l'Ii tliChief' -Inspec Lop' Thompson aguin •

-_ -0_"0 ~"_~_.-_____ ~- _~_, _~ __-_-_-.--_-_~_u____'__=_, ___ ~ ~~~~~ •.:.... ___ ~.~ __~ __ ~ __ ._._._~. ____ ~ ___ •• _. ~------___---~~_~,.~_ --- • . . Signed: Ian Colvin 51 Cadogan Place, S.W.1. 11.6.68

This otatement, consisting of ten pages, each sianed by me, is true to the bes t of' my lmol'lledge and belief and I malce it, knowing that if it is tendered in evidence I shall be liable to prosecution, if' I have wilf'ully stated in it anything which I know to be f'alse or do not believe to be tpue. Dated the 11th day of June 1968 \. \ Signed: Ian Colvin " John Whitham Detective Constable New Scotland Yard

-- . ------


, - _.. _. -_.------.~.,. ;r~.i'\ ..... ~~---""--=---=--- '--- -~ -::~~;:;:_:::::::::~.~~ _._~ .

Central Office, N€' .... ··Q~f)tland-Yard, .,.:_··_'~· ______'I,_Q.l!cl.Qn,. S.y/.J .

,,'------_ .. _, .. - ..

-- ...-- --- _.... _---- ,-'------_. -~.. - .... -

I N D E X T 0 DOC U1( E N T S

Document Page Number Document NUJ:]ber

1 . B.D.A.C. crew on Flight BA 600 - Toronto/London • • • • • • • · '. 1 2 B.O.A.C. paesenger manifest for Flight BA 600 - Toronto/London • 2 3 , All Ports Warning message · . . 3 4 B.E.A. cren on Flight BE 074'- London/Lisbon • •• " • • 4

5 B.E.A. Passenger manifest for Flight BE 074 - London/Lisbon 5 6 Schedule re movements of SNEYD · . 6 - 8 7 List of Left Luggage Offices searched re 'Air Bas' •• . . . 9 8 Special Enquiry l,.:essage · . . . . 10

9 List of Property Pound in possession of SNEYD • • · . . . .. 11 - 13


, ,~~""', ~O;;~r'o-'\';' ""±~"'="'""'-'=..,--,,-~_,~-_,,-,-~_-':;'-,:-,~-:~-_-~ :-:--- ~ -~ .---""'.

L f'io.

/------;----~-~. ~ ...• _------

B.O.A.C. CREW, F:LIGHT No. BA600 .~------,- TOROl"ro/Lm;smr. 6'.;;, t.~AY 196a ' .------.--.

Captain Ed,'!ardRay~lo'ld'BRO'i;i< j'--- "-' I SUl1llY';/ood' , , __' _~, __ , ·-"'-'~"C'·-·15-Gai'gate,CloGe, --BursloodPa:::-:{,_.-'._ ------. rIP.LTON-O}~-TP~J,fES • First Of'f'icer Alan Bd'.'lard \';'OOD, • Heather\'lay' , ,Prince COp.8ort Drive, ASCOT, Berkshire. First Of'f'icer Ronald THO:.:J>.S, 3 Sprine Woods, SandhUl~st, CP1~B3RL2Y, Surrey~

Engineer Of'f'icel' John Douglas ).~ORT01'!, 25 Rossley Close, ' Nea Estate, HI GHGL IFFE, Hampshire. Stewar'dess t,larie Anne JAGINSKA, 45 \'ialde,grave Road, TWICKENtlAl.:, Middlesex.

Steward Dennis Albel't HILL, 14 Chepsto',1 GoU!'t, Chepsto'o'f Crescent, Notting Hill Gate, W.11. S te"ard John Douglas l:.P.RTIN, 50 Solent Avenue, Thol'nllill, SOUTHA!,;PTON.

Ste;'IG.rd Rooert Keith JOll/STON3, 57 Boothfiel~s, Boothsr.:e:;.-.e, - KNUTBFO?~J Cheshire.

ste ...... ardeos Suzan."'1B !.:ay ELLIS, 7 Daver Court, Chelsea :':anor Stl"leat, 8 .. 'i/ .. 3 ..

Stewardess ~velyn :.;ay CRii:.~?, 1L~ CharlBr:10nt Road, LOi'l"'TIO!{, E. 6 •

StewardeS3 Alison Doris TnICK, 103 Lex'lG.ill Gardans, i'.:arls Court, VI. 8.

12£2,. 1

" ._--.... ,

.~ ... ,:" . J .• : ':/-;':~:.:>!:;: ... ', .,.".', . :!':'-. ,d ~ ...... \ 't... ~:~\'. ~./..~: ~::,:.:::~'.i~~:.~ , " ~. > ~l ,... ~.

... , "-" -' ' .. • ••• • ,J


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• t •• \ ., '. ,:~. ., , ..~ . ~ . \ , ...... "." ~ .. . .

, ; .. , ... ~ ...... ~.! -.'.... ; ~'. '" ~

... :.::./~­ • .'= •• '::':.~;~/ (~


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".'- - - .-'.~ • , ... ,v , ". ,., ... -, ~ I :.:;\; . .. '.J ...... • : ... '7 -,'-"- .

. .. ,,:~ :.' .. ~ .'.!,.,

,0 • . _". -', -- --.--:~. ~


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-~------_ ...

0'" 1 .r.~ ?':)t. I"-~' .:"'\ 'Lj

L _ ~. -' - ._--_ .. --- - ,,".f" - .... ------

: ,'. -:;:.:==-----:::~:--~-----=---=::.... - --= ------: -.- -- -. - .- . -- ,

To: All Po;~ts VtPar::1incr r/b.el~e Special Branc:1 Of'f:ice:a."'s a:~e in attendance.


-r __ ~ _ ....-~.-.-_o~--~ ___ , __ =~.R~7rz~!}9.- _Qt?_~~e_~_~?~x..QI~.. ~.9;:~.-.~~t~O.ct0:0~,r-··:-2~.21. at Toro:loo, Ca:'lao.a, 5 10 ~n he~[lht, bla~,;: "la:..:>, blue eyes, in possession of a Canadian Pa8s:f)Ol't No. DJ 90932L~ issued on 24th April 196& at O·tk::;;a, is wan'oed. f'or intel'vicn by Datective Chie~~ Inspector Thompson of' the Passport Squad C.1 ~0~ sarious offences in contravention or the Alie~G Order.

It is lmo;'{n ·Ghat Snayd may travel to eithe~~ Canada or Europe in the nea~ f'uture. In the event o£ Sneyd pre3Bntin~ hinselr at a po~t to tl.'avcl abroad, ha is to be detained. u::ld Detec'.:.ive Chiei' Inspector' Tho;npson inf'orr:,ed hlmediately. Sneyd is not to be interrogated. Any information to Detective Chief' Ins-::Ji8ct.or Thompson, telephone No. 230-1212, Ext: 2678~


liA ..~WICH SOU'l'HA;.:PT0N



12£4 B.E.A. CREW ON FLIGH'l' BE074 TO LISBON ON 6th MAY 1 968

Captain J. PROCTOR, Brentor, . 80uthill Avenue, . HARROW-ON-THZ-HILL. First Officer C. P. COWPER, Bryn Cottage, Spleen, AYLESBURY, Bucks.

First Officer A. H. PYNE, 2 Spring Meadows, BRACKNELL, Berkshire.

Senior Stevlard G, TUCKER, 310 Uxbridge Road, RICKMANSVIORTH, Herts.

steward L. M. DAVIGE, 21~ Manor Avenue, NORTHOLT, Middlesex.

stewardess U. MOSTYN, 100 Caatlenau, Bal'ne s, S. W• 13 •

L''''' , 12. 'u~

" ·------.------"-.------.. _-- .- I - PASSENGER LIST ON FLIGHT BE074 to LISBON ON 6th /.lAY 1968





r'.j 'llin~------I------;--p-'-;-r-s-o-n-b-'-A"-b-;:'~:'---'------I'------_C_-- I'ns5port. 3tatement Hotels .'\,tion. Identify • .r--"-·-·----l------I------!·------!------.-". I ;0 durine lnte Cnnndian PanG i>!.O,A,C. ' P~,s"l!Ol't No. iGGll O D;.J .90932L~ SN 7f'l ;fI ' (",NEYA) • C::::n.'J Ot;w, i lI1'on (HeathroVi Cnnadian S:01)ert Keith Pace 14 lrinG carly P::ts81)Ort JOEtJSrrON~, '3.0. A. C. RCIilelii.bers i i D ,J. 90932L!. S tC'oICll'(l on fl igh t 8c·~ ~':YD as I ptlGsengcr I .from Canada ! on fli[,;ht.

n !at 22.30 Canadian t:iss I.:oniea PaLe 15. Excl ~~ ,;t\. fop P[H~3IJOl't 3,\K -·;R, I';mI)lo~'ec Ielcn tifics ti r::l D.J .9D9321.} •. of" B O.A.C. S]\~EYD ns fforl tickct office, man who t.ic RCGcnt Strcet, bool;:ecl to J,is' · '.'1.1 , l·~ I I.isbon. .c ~--·------~------;------~I------~------~---- J,i500n, Cnnndian 'cdnined until Pnssport t Ci T,omlon on n.J .S09321~. 1968.

On Pus Cnn YT, Er.t1) r' I

, 11otols

------~I------·------I·------~------l------: I l.!p:.,.:; .. DOllis P'l"CD i 6-"n 11 cn thf'i eJ.d On pOln I.i.uhon by Cnlladinn 1:0\180 Hotel, he 1 Passport Catherine Ght. Hotel '\131-183, ].;l'~'. YT.60229Lf. '[/Rffr',\'OOD. Rd., M.:i\ PI'opl'ietl'ess. Cromwell "",,-} • "11i.. 5 • pro. boo' :rOT' eiv ano "uhi len ------~------i------~i------~------Lei Hoi biJ ca~

l~ew 3nl-'ls I.J(j 1.~iss Janet Pages "'\ 8 ..... 19 NASSAU, Court Hot.el, inl ;ni l::abeth pc; Ho-tel 35. Pcny~~epn ""lSI l'eecptionist. Rd. ,3.;'1.5.

I.:i PI" RA Iii f., HIl "~ t tTu b;: '1' 1 Cl ~l ti

~; .


"- 3.


~ ____ _4~ __ _~._ ,~ .-ro. ... ' __ ~------1;1,le cl.JinL; PCPsn1"J[; to ututcr.,,:.. " t, 11otcl:.J Paucpopt. Idcntii'j' . l·i;:~~.tion. - , Mt"s. JIJ11Ul 31iz(1)cth P0:5CO 20-22 Lof 1'RCl~AS. I!otcl Hot Proprietress. bil PAX Hotel, Boo 126, ~.~lur·.'iick 1at .Ivy, 8::1.1 • :JhG 8th

Loi na~ {Si mOl 11. at he fO:

P.JXR~:]T~D •

. " " .- I"~


, --- _. ------~------. -.~. , ".

DCC. 110.

¥lest London Air Termine:l, 3.0.A.O. Air Te':;''''iTii~"".:.~-'~~J Glouccstel~ Road, 8. 'S,5. Victoria, S. '::.1. ';.~ , Victoria Rail Ylay S;;2,-:;:'."::, Victoria, S.W.1. Victoria, S. 1_'1.1. Earls Court Undergl'Ou.,d Overseas Vis! to:'3 Clu'.) , Station, Earls Court Road, Earls Court Road, S.'.'1.5. S.:/I.5. Terminals 2 and 3, Under g." 0''::,& Heathrow Airport S~a tic::"l~ Piccadilly, ';1.1.

Paddington Raillmy Sta tion,­ CherinG (..::"'-OS.8 Rail .. ·!~y S~:;::.:;:':'on, London, i'l. 2. Strand, \'!.C.2,

Buston RailvlaY Station, Watel~loo Railway 3 r ;:::.ti.:...:.-_ London, ~~. '/'1.1. London, S. E.1 , King's Cross Rail way Station, London, N.1.

In addition to the aoove locl(Cl' seai..c')che2. :;,.:~ respect of t:"l8 'alleged aii~bz.5t enquil~ies V/er'e 2180 made at the t'ollo;'/ing place::> in an e:CrOort to tr':;:cc: i-~ ;-

AIR LINGUS, Cromwell Road, S.W.5 and also at Eeathrov/ Airport Gerald Row, ChelseEt, Rochester Rorf, Kensington al~d rrest Znd Cent;:><:.l

Police Station3 7 re the possibility o~ it being lost in the street or a cab, and L·:etropoli tan Police ;:'08t Property O:ff"ice, all \','ithout S1:ccess.

All t air bags t or s:'::-tilar i t{;:r.18 of pr·o~")-3::<.:t :'o'..illd wi thin the :,~etropoli·t.2n Police l)istrict Jc·~·.:-:,,: ~~! 5-'~:. and 10th June 1968 have ;:;een oper.cd~ out ~"",c·~~-_i~--.s can be t~:"aced to the p0:.32essiorl of Snoyd. Sir.-.ilz.::­ enqu.iries :T.ade at Lonao:-:. Tra:1S,ol~t Lost Prope:.~~~r OI~f'ice, 200 Ba};::Gl'" Street, ?f. ~:,1.1, also ,roveC: neGc..·~:"'-;/0.

Enquiries have .::130 "'.::le~n ~ad.e at B. 0 .)_.C. ')" 13.3.A. and Air LinS"'u.s i:-1 reS])0ct 0:' lOst :..);::>c:):.;:..··~::; especially the: coaches CaY'~·yiT.g JlasSe~"l:::;ei""S ·03·;:,-:,--2;\...._-. the Airpo:et and central Lo:~don, but ',"Ii tl:out s"C.(;c,::..3"::;.

c~ .... 1- I ...... ( l _:,

As 14 From 0,0.0,1 1 02 01' 1 2 , 6. 68 ...... Spec ial Enguir){ In connection with arrest of Ra;non George SNEYD, alias James Earl RAY, Eric Starvo GALT, ~'I, O. HERRO!:l" , Harvey LOVn,iYBR. James M()BRIDE, James O'CONNER, James WILTON, James 1iALYON and '------~- -. - -.... John '.'lILLARD, it 1s requested that all firms operating a safety deposit box service in the 1!etropoli tan Police Distric't be visited in order to ascertain ~f a person w1th any of the above names has applied for service, as 1~ is believed that the man concerned may be in possession of a large sum of money.

If any enquiry is successful, do not talce further action but immediately inform Detective Ohief Inspector Thompson, O,O,C.1. (Ext. 2678).

1271 j

'. ,.

( ,.. ".", - v -: ..... ',.. -~------.--.------..

. ._------..- -

On Person

m~s .38 'LibertY·ChiEf'- revol'Ver ~. -.... ~----+- -'-"-,.. -_ .~".~ - J?~V~ __ .I:ou.nds __ .of____ 38 _C-:I1i;!U:1it i Qn __ ~_~ .. ~_· - --. ".- ONE Canadian Passpo:~-i; No. Y'r 602294 in nar::e· o:~ R&mon Georg0 S~eyd. C:,C:; . Canadian Passpo;:'"i; (cancelled) No. DJ 909321;. in the name o? Ra~on George Sneya. OX';:; Birth Ccrtii'icat" No. NO 33785 in the ,:5.:::03 of Ramon George Sneyd OX.;:; blaclc bi1li'old ON3 cO:::1b 01'3 pencil OX3 Airline ticke-~ B.B .A. No; 0602/9903/1 i G­ London to Brussels OXE Airline ticket B.O.A.C. No. 0614/L~256/o753- London to To:.oonto OIi2 Key. on ring OX';:; yeUo\"! metal tie clip ON~ wi11te metal wristlet watch on r:bite ~~etal bl'acelet AqU~C~~1~

ONE suitcase ONE lignt brovm jac:::et ON3 Dai~ blue tro~S6rs

OI\3.: pair bl~o'.Tn tl70 0l!.Sers

Polaroid 220 ca~era

Tr,ro pai11 S of ur.der'pa~1..ts T~(':O gent r S singlets .FIVE hanc:cerc!liefs T:r::r~~~ pai;.~s o:f socks T~-:O t o~::cl s ox:;; blue c<:?

Eit-i :lelm:e radio ij.i case '1.":.'0 -;"rs of: sunglasses Olr~ Collin's dictioriary mr:,; plastiC '.:'allet

1..1." .'

". 00'2. - 2 - No.

Elserlhere (continued)

ONE Portu[,;uese 50 centavos piece 'l',7BHTY -Ol;:~ air mail envelopes Olill bot tle 0:ge:1e1' writing pad scre\':dt'ivel' pair o~ nail clippers FI~TEE~j Aspros ONE can shaving t'oam ONE safety razo~ ONB can deodorant ONB jar skin cre:c:r,l ORb bottle shampoo ONg tube hair dressing TWO tubes toothpaste ONE toothb::oush ONB inhaler ONZ bottle lini",ent

OlfE .I S nede brush ONE / tin shoe polis:"1 ONE hand inirror

b~nc TWO a. ~ soap TEN safety pins ONE book matches THRBE plasters T'i~.'O me'Gal clips ONE reel tJl-read ONE comb On-B roll adhes!.ve ts.,)e ONE raincoat ONE vest

OH~"1 .. 'i~ tie ONE belt Oi,," pair o~ trousers OH~ jacl(et ·bazga.se tic}:et

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