1709 TRADES DIRECTORY, 1914. INK-INS -tf!tephens Henry 0. inventor & manu­ Herbert Oliver, 48 Dover street W Litholite Ltd. 55 & 57 Hackney grove NE ; sec.; Owen Kentish, F.I.A.. assistant facturer of writing fluids & copying Hornsby George Jerome & Oo. 34 Lamb's manufrs. of moulded electric insulators actuary), 6 New :Bridge st E C ; West~ inks of every description, ribbons & car­ Conduit street WC Mannheim Inuia Rubber, Gutta Percha & minster branch (Wm. P .Piggott, snpt.),IGt. bons for typewriters, gum mucilage, Hunter Douglas, Sicilian hou.."C, Sicilian Asbestos Works Co. Ltd.; speciality: insu· George st SW; Wigmore st. branch (Alfred sealing wax & of the stains for dyeing avenue, Southampton row WC lating tapes (Arthur Terry, agent), 61 R. Qlark, sec.), 24 Wigmore street W; wood; highest awards at Paris 1867, Kane & Coleman, 55 & 56 A venue chambers, Leadenhall street E C-T A " Asbestolit, Imperial Life Assurance Fund office (F. Havre 1868, Amsterdam 1869, Lyons Vernon place WC Led, "; T N 2408 City Hamilton Bell, F.I.A. actuary), 47 Chancery 1872, Vienna 1873, Philadelphia 1876, Paris, Kemp William Brewster, Sicilian house, Mica & Standard Insulation Co. 166 Dalston lane WC; office (Life dept. 1879, Sydney 1879, Melbourne 1880,Adelaide Sicilian avenue WC lane NE-T N 2608 Dalston I only) (H. W. Andras, F.I.A. sec. & actuary 1881, New Zealand 1882, Amsterdam 1883, Littlechild John George, 51 Warwick street, Micanite & Insulators Co. Ltd. (The), Empire l of Provident Life Assurance Fund), 50' :Boston,U.S.A.l883, O:•lcutta 188l,Antwerp Regent street W works, Blackhorse lane, Walthamstow E; 1 Regent street W (Wednesday, at 12.30 at 1885, Melbourne 1888: 57 & f 59 Alders· Moser & Oo. 317 High Holborn WC manufacturers of "Micanite" mica, 1 & 2 :Bartholomew lane E C), See ad- gate street E C-TN 7887 Moser Maurice, !l :Bridge street SW " Empire" cloth, leatheroid, fibre &c . vertisement in" ASSURANCE DIRECTORY" Steuber Harry & Co. Alliance steam mills, Owen :B. & Oo. 41 High street, :Bristol Mitchell N. W. & Sons Ltd. Dod street & Allianz Insurance Co. Ltd. of Berlin (Fire), 1 Windus road, Stamford hill N; drawing ink PIERREPONT WILLIAM, Farrance street, Limehouse E ; manufac­ :Broad street place, :Blomfield street E C makers J private & confidential agency, turers of "Delta" brand; factory, Liver­ A.llianz Insurance Co. of Berlin (Marine) •tTemple & Co. 47 Gun street, Spitalfields E 27 WC ; pool ; Cable Address, " Sprucewood" (Morice, Tozer & :Beck Ltd. agents), Z Thacker Henry & Co. Ltd. 53 Cloudesley rdN TA "Bullseye, London"; TN 10972 Central Pirelli Ltd. 144 Queen Victoria street E C & E C f*Wagner Giinther, 80 Milton street E C refs. to leading London solicitors 14 Knightrider street E C Anglo-Scotti~h General Commercial Ltd. Waterston George & Sons (black bordering) Pink J ames John, 31 Rotherhithe street SE Popper Otto, 24 Railway approach SE (Arth.OwenDavies, sec.),27Qn. Victra.stE C a specialite, 8 St. :Bride street E C SIMMONDS' PRIVATE ENQUIRY OF­ Poth, Hille & Co. Ltd. 6 Lloyd's avenue E C Army, Navy & General A.ssurance Associa­ • FICES; Tel. No. 56 City; Henry Sim­ rubber compound (insulite), ozokerit, cable tion Ltd. (H. A.. Lawton, general mangr.), Toiray G. late Adrien Maurin, Lelaurin E. monds, manager, 3! King street, wax, paraffin wax, ceresine wax 217 W (2nd & 4th Wednesday at Successor, Paris; & 238 Blackfriars road E C." The only recognised detective offices Reichwald August Ltd. Finsbury pavement 2 p.m) SE ; estab. 1790 ; mnfr. of every kind of in London "-viue Press house,FinsburypavementE C-TA "Reich­ Assecuranz-Union von 1865, see Assurance writing & copying inks, liquid -gums, inks Smale Harry, 11 Buckingham st. Strand WC wald"; T N's2612 & 2215 London Wall Union of Hamburg , in powder, endorsing inks, sealing wax, Sweeney John, ex-detective inspector, New Rnberoid Co. Ltd. 81 & 83 Knightrider street Associated Mutual Ltd. 23 Leadenhall st E C wafers &c.inventor of the celebrated inks:­ Scotland yard, 5 Regent street SW-TN E C ; factory, :Brimsdown, Middlesex; sole Assurance Union of Hamburg, 6 Finch la E C " La Syrienne" copying ink; " Combined" 3455 Gerrard makers of P. & :B. insulating tape, air Atlas Assurance Co. Ltd. (Samuel J. Pipkin, copying & writing ink ; highest awards at Walsh & Stockley, 8 John street, Adelphl WC drying & baking varnishes gen.manager & secretary; Alfred W. Yeo & Vienna, 1873; Philadelphia, 1876 ; Paris, West Miss Maud, expert lady detective; old Siemens :Brothers & Co. Ltd. Woolwich SE H. S. Mallett, managers, Fire department ; 1878; Sydney, 1879 ; . Melbourne, 1880 ; established; telephone 8561 Gerrard ; solici­ Thermofelt Ltd. 102 E C & Robert Cross, actuary), 92 Cheapside E C Antwerp, 1885; gold medal, Liverpool, tors' references, 59A, New Oxford streetWC Ocean mills, Ocean street, Stepney E (Tuesday & Friday); west end branch 1886 ; gold medals, Paris, 1889 & 1900; Williams Edwin, Albert buildings, 49 Walana Co. Ltd.l12&114Pratt st.Omdn.tnNW (H. Beanmont Lampen, branch manager), special make for export Queen Victoria street E C ; late of the 24 & 25. St. James' st SW; city branch office detective department, (Cecil Leversage, branch manager), 8! INK-PHOTO PROCESS. Police (28 years), highest recommendations INSULATOR MANUFACTURERS. Great Tower street E C. See adverti&ement in "ASSURANCE DIRECTORY" . Sprague & Co. Ltd. 69 & 70 Dean st. Soho W -Telegraphic address "Unbiassed, Hack"; See also Telegl'aph Insulator & Battery Jar Telephone No. 648 Central. Private address, • Manufacturers. Austral Insurance Co. Ltd. 1 Arundel street, Telephone No. 2746 Dalston Strand WC INK POWDER MAKERS. WRIGHT'S DETECTIVE AGENCY Bullers Limited, 6 Laurence Pountney hill Australian Alliance .Assurance Co. of Mel­ See Ink Makers-Writing; also Sealing Wa.c (Edgar Wright, manager), E C ; works, Tipton & Hanley bourne, 79 Cornhill E C &; Wafer Makers. 23 Moorgate street E C Clouth E. ·& Co. 84 Leadenhall street E: C AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT (near )- (H. Schomburg & Sohne, A. G) SOCIETY (A. C. Hollingworth, sec.), 37 INKSTAND MAKERS. TN 8977 LondonWall; TA. "Detailed,Ave"; Crystalate Manufacturing Co. Ltcl. 61~ Fore Threadneedle st E C (Mondays at 2.BOp.m) street E C ; works, Tonbringe, Kent Downing John S. manufacturer of glass, wood thi~;! agency stands " facile princeps " Baloise 'l'ransport, Leadenhall buildings E C & metal inkstands. 8 St. Bride street E C for ability in conducting intricate Dennis Wm.Fredk.& Co.49 Qn.Victoria stE C Baptist Fire Insurance Co. Ltd. (E, :Slake, matters to a successful issue-- Geipel Wm. & Co. Vulcan works, St.Thomas' sec.), :Baptist Church house, Southampton Guy Riohd .Louis, 1 Ironmonger row~ Old st E C stS E-TA" Patella"; TN 594Hop(3lines); Setten & Durward,55&37Fann st.Golden laE C " vide Press., ; twenty years' experience row WC sole agents for the High Tension Locke Batavia Sea & Fire Insurance Co. Ltd. (incor. Insulator Manufacturing Co INLAYERS-CABINET. Calchas (.A.. M.) & Debisschop (W. V.J, porated in Java),.30 & 31 St.Swithin's la E C pensioned chief inspectors of the " Surete Krasa F. & Co. 7 Wood street square E C Boiler (National) & General Insurance Co. See Oabin.et Inlayers. de Paris"; 15 & 17 rueAuber,Paris(Opera); Litholite Ltd. 55 & 57 Hackney gro.HcknyN E:. LtU.; see below for National Boiler & same firm at :Brussels, 6 boul. Anspach; Mosses & Mitchell, 122 & 124 Golden lane E C General Insurance Co. Ltd INNS. See Hotels &c. (Van Dyk,manager)-TA's"Calchop,Paris'' Newalls Insulation Co. Ltd. :Britannia Steam Ship Insurance Association & " Oalchop, Brussels " 31 Mosley street, Ncwcastle-on-Tyne; Limited, 17 Gracechurch street E C INNS OF COURT. See 'LAW DIRECTORY.' Constant & Chesnon (established 1887), special sole manufacturers of magnesia boiler Britannic Assurance Co. Ltd. (A. ·J. Ham­ detective agency for private enquiries, secret & pipe coverings & cork insulations mood, inspector), 1 Finsbury square E C ; Siemens :Brothers & Co. Ltd. Woolwich SE INQUIRY OFFICES. missions, divorces, investigations, infringe­ :Bank chambers, Seven Sisters road N ; ments &c. 10 rue Poissonniere, Paris-T A Taylor, Tunnicliff & Co. Ltd. 23 Holborn Raleigh house, Falkland road NW & 36 See also Agents-Confidential. " Y oreuil. Paris " viaduct EC Hampstead road NW (Thursday) ARROW'S DETECTIVE AGENCY, sole British America Assurance Co. 14 Cornhill E C proprietor & director, Charles Arrow, pen­ British Citizen's Assurance Co. Ltd. 43 INSECT POWDER MAKERS. Verrerie de Folembray, at Folembray (Aisne), sioned Chief Inspector, Criminal Investiga­ See Vermin. /)estroyeN. London wall E C tion Department, New Scotland Yard, late France & 21 rue d' Argenteuil, Paris; glass British Commercial Fire Ltd. (W. H. Gram· organiser & director of " Arrow's Police," insulators for high & low tension ; trans­ · shaw, sec. & general manager), 16 Bedford :Barcelona, INSTITUTIONS. formers for trials (350,000 volts) in the chambers, WC 89 Chancery lane WC­ See Gove1•nesses' Institutions; Hospitals &c; Folembray glass works British Crown Assurance Corporation Ltd. TA" Arrowite Holb" Literary &; Scientific Institution& ; also (D. W. Maclennan, ·gen. man ; J. R. (Western Union' Code) Societies J:c. Fleming, C.A., sec.), 110 E C T N 13067 Central INSURANCE AGENTS. British Dominions General Ltd. 1 Royal Ex· Barker J. R. & Co.66 Finsbury pavement E C; INSTRUMENT CASE MAKERS. See .Agents-Insurance. change avenue E C-T A. "Domarico, only financial enquiries See Jewellery Oase Makers; Nautical, Optical Stock" ; T N 6896 London Wall in England & on the continent &: Mathematical Instrument Case Makers; British Engine, :Boiler & Electrical Insurance BROWN CHARLES, the reliable private Surgical Instrument Oase M alce1'8 ; also INSURANCE BROKERS. Co. Ltd. 70 Queen street E C detective (international union) for confi. Telegraph InstrumeTit Case Makers. See Brokers-Insurance; also Me1'chants­ :British Equitable Ltd. (:Basil May, sec. & dential inquiries, expert on divorce, trouble, Genel·al. actuary), 1, 2 & 3 Queen st.place E C & 95 & watching, tracing &c.; represented all over INSULATING MATERIALS MNFTRS. 96 Whitechapel High street E (Wednesday, the world ; references from leading London Alpha Rubber Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 57 & at 1.30 p.m) • solicitors & barristers ; no case too small, 58 Leadenhall street E C ; insulating tapes INSURANCE COMPANIES, British & European Ltd. 13 Sherborne la E C' no case too large,13 New WC & compounds '' Alpha " brand WITH THE BOARD DAYS. British Fire Insurance Co.Ltd. 46 Queen Vic­ BURNS (THE WILLIAM J.) INTER­ Butler Brothers, 62 & 63 Minories E ; toria street E C NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY cork slabs & pipe coverings See also 'ASSURANCE DIRECTORY.' British & Foreign Marine Ltd. (Frank Lloyd, (Norman T. Bailey, resident manager), 5 Carvanite Co. 3 Fenchurch buildings E C Fire Offices' Committee (Percy E. Ridley, sec.; Thomas James Storey, underwriter), Regent street SW-T N 5004 Central; Christie & Co. 134 Upper Thames street E C sec.), 65 & 66 Watling street E C 1 Old Broad st E C (Wednesday at 12.45) Cables " Wilburns, London " Compressed Cork Insulating Syndicate Ltd. 61 BRITISH GENERAL INSURANCE CO. Chamberlain William, 48 Strand WC & 62 Gracechurch street E C Accident Offices Association (A. 0. Young, LTD. (THE), (Norman M. Walker, man­ Chevasse Justin, 24Bedfordstreet,Strand WC Corkstone Co. 34 Arlington street N; sec.), , Queen street place E C aging director), 6.6 Cheapside E C (3rd Conquest John (pensioned chief detective- unrivalled " Expansit" cork insulation Wednesday in the month). See advert. in inspector from Scotland yard), 36 Great Everitt & Co. 40 Chapel street, Liverpool Aachen & MunichFire,lRoyalExchange avE C "ASSURANCE DIRECTORY" J ames st. :Bedford rowW C -TN 30130entral Geipel Wm. & Co. Vulcan works, St. Abstainers & General Insurance Co. Ltd. BRITISH LAW FIRE INSURANCE Darling William & Oscar, 5 Henrietta st WC Thomas' street SE ; sole agents for the Craven house, Kingsway WC CO. LIMITED (THE), (David M, DeathLeonard Jolly,12Burnfoot a v .Fulhm SW whole of Europe for the Okonite Co. of Agricultural & General Co-operativeinsurance Linley, general manager; Thomas Williams, Delvaux Emile, 5 Green st. Leicester sq WC New York for Okonite & Manson tapes Society Ltd. (Kenneth W.Hopkinson,man.), secretary), 5 Lothbury, Bank E C; (T. P, DERBY HENRY JOHN, pensioned chief Griffiths Brothers & Oo. 29 Mack's road, Ber­ Dacre house, Victoria street SW (alternate Wansbrough, branch sec.), 37 Queen Vic­ inspector o:t the , 415 mondsey SE Wednesdays) toria street E C; West end branch (Philip Oxford street W-T N 844 Mayfair Indestructible Paint Co. (The) Limited, 36 Alliance Assurance Co. Ltd.(RobertLewis,gen. Henry Waiters Leggatt, branch sec.), 3 DEW'S DETECTIVE AGENCY (Waiter & 37 King street, Cheapside E C; works, manager ; Owen Morgan Owen, ,;:ub­ Regent l!treet SW (Wednesday, at 12.30 Dew, pensioned chief inspector Criminal Norwaywhrf. Commercialrd. Limehouse E ma.na.ger ; Theobald B. Ponsonsby, sec. ; p.m.). See advertisement in "AsSURANCE Investigation Dept. New Scotland Yard), International Galalith Company, London Sidney T. Smith, assist. sec.; Abraham DIRECTORY " 50Buckingham palace rdSW-TN 7067 Vict agency, 6, 7 & 8 Crutchedfriars E C ; Levine, F.I.A., M.A. actuary, 1 & 2 British Legal & United Provident .Assurance Dew Waiter, 50 road SW " galalith " sheets & rods Bartholomew lane E C: St. James' branch Co. Ltd. 78 New Oxford street WC Downes Frederick Wm. 16 Basinghall st E C JAROSLAW DAYID, 19 Tower hill EC; (Ralph F. Barnett, sec. ; R. S. Haynes, British Marine Mutual Insurance. A.Bsocia· Drew Elward, 64 Victoria street SW micanite sheets & rings ; mica cut & uncut assist. sec.), 88 St. James' st SW; Mincing tion Ltd. 12 Lime street E C Easton Miss Kate,lOWarwick ct.Hi.~brnWC KORFUND COMPANY (THE), 329 High lane branch (G. A. Child, sec.), 3 Mincing la Jlritish Ship-Owners' Mutual Protection & Geddes John F. 3 LowerJames st.Golden sqW Holborn WC & 51 Great Ormond st WC ; E C; Strand branch (J. Lloyd Owen, sec.; Indemnity As!!ociation Ltd. 23 Rood la. E C Grant :Bros. 77 Newington causeway SE insulating specialists, paten tees & Edwin Skett, assistant secretary), 2 & 3 British Widows' .AssuranceCo.Ltd. (R. Se well, Rartley's International Detective Experts Ltd. sole makers of " Korfund " resilient cork Norfolk street, Strand WC; (Economic C.A., F.F •.A.. general manager), 1 Old street 48 Dover street W foundation plates branch, George Todd, F.I.A. actuary & EC (1st Wednesday in every tllc>uiJt\ 108