Urban Policing in Early Victorian England, 183586: a Reappraisal
Urban Policing in Earlv Victorian J England, 1835-86: a reap p r ai sa1 Roger Swift Chester College of Higher Education hirty years have now elapsed since the publication of Jenifer Hart's seminal study of early Victorian policing.' Subsequently, the T historical debate on the development of policing in the towns and cities of early Victorian England has focused largely on three inter-related themes, namely the circumstances which prompted the advent of the 'new police', the levels of efficiency which the reformed forces attained, and the degree of public acceptability which they received. Police historians have been divided on these issues. Some, including Charles Reith, Sir Leon Radzinowicz, T. Critchley, and J.J. Tobias, have viewed provincial police reform largely in terms of the Benthamite march of progress, whereby the unreformed system was swept away by a centralised and efficient system for the prevention and detection of crime which owed much to the Metropolitan model established by Peel in 1829 and which soon received a general measure of public support and co-operation.' Others, including Robert Storch, David Philips and Tony Donajgrodzki, have argued that police reform was but one strand in the extension of control over working-class society and that the priorities, organisation and methods of ' J. Hart, 'The Reform of the Borough Police, 1835-56: E/nglish] Hlisrorical] Rleview], 1955, cxx, 411-27; see also J. Hart, 'The County and Borough Policc Act, 1856, Public Administration, 1956, 34. ' See, for example, C. Reith, A New Study ofPolice Hirfory (London, 1956); L. Radzinowin. A History of' English Criminal Law and its Administrution from 17.50 (4 vols, London, 1948-68); T.A.
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