

Metalworking Fluids: Minimizing aluminum staining Strategies, including screening tests, are discussed to assist with providing approaches for protecting aluminum alloys.

By Dr. Neil Canter Contributing Editor

The importance of preventing aluminum staining is increasing as auto manufacturers incorporate the into their vehicles to reduce weight and increase fuel efficiency.

KEY CONCEPTS The ongoing drive to improve efficiency has led end-users to produce machinery that is lighter in weight. A case in point is the automotive industry where original equipment manu- Aluminum staining is caused by a number facturers (OEMs) are the challenge of complying with more challenging fuel economy of factors including high pH that to the and emissions regulations. dissolution of the protective oxide layer coating This trend has led OEMs to incorporate lighter weight alloys into their vehicles. A example the metal. is aluminum. In 2015 the Ford Motor Co. decided to transform its best-selling F-150 pickup truck Three different mechanisms that aluminum from a steel to an aluminum body1. This process reduced the weight of the newly designed stain inhibitors utilize to protect the metal are truck by more than 300 kilograms. The alloy used by Ford is a 6000 series wrought aluminum. chemisorption, formation of complexes with The result of the move by Ford and other end-users is an increase in the need for met- corrosive agents and a protective film acting as alworking fluids (MWFs) that can be used to form and machine aluminum alloys and also a physical barrier. have the versatility to form and machine other alloys such as steel and . But there are challenges faced by MWF in working with aluminum. One of those challenges is understand- The recommended test method is to immerse ing and minimizing the degree of staining that can be seen on fabricated aluminum parts. aluminum coupons into fully formulated The purpose of this article is to discuss the origin of aluminum staining and to discuss metalworking fluids at alkaline pH values (at a what approaches can be taken to minimize it. Input on the issue was obtained from industry minimum of 9.2). experts who have perspectives from the additive and formulator standpoints. The following individuals were contacted: Harish Potnis, ANGUS Chemical Co., Stephanie Cole, Clariant, Future demand for more effective corrosion/stain Dr. Yu-Sen Chen, Dober Chemical, William Harwood, Italmatch Chemicals Group, Jennifer inhibitors will increase due to the growing use of Lunn, JTM Products Inc., Dr. Britt Minch, The Lubrizol Corp., Kevin Saunderson, New aluminum in combination with other materials. Age Chemical.


Feature_03-20.indd 38 2/7/20 2:49 PM Cause of aluminum staining STLE-member Dr. Yu-Sen Chen, R&D useful in lower water levels. A few STLE-member William Harwood, global director for Dober Chemical in Woodbridge, polymeric inhibitors that are available in product manager, Water Based MWF for Ill., says, “The destruction and/or dissolu- the market can be quite effective in emul- Italmatch SC, LLC in Cleveland, identifies tion, of aluminum’s protective oxide film sifiable oils or high-oil semi-synthetic met- three causes of aluminum staining. He says, and or/other protective film/layer on the alworking fluids, however, they tend not to “Aluminum is naturally protected from cor- aluminum surface causes staining.” be compatible in synthetic fluids. Finally, rosion since it reacts with oxygen STLE-member Harish Potnis, global silicates as sodium or potassium salts are a stable oxide layer. Under alkaline condi- technical manager, Metalworking Fluids, commonly used inorganic corrosion in- tions present in water-based metalworking for ANGUS Chemical Co. in Buffalo Grove, hibitors for aluminum alloys. Their main fluids, the oxide layer dissolves, and alumi- Ill., indicates that aluminum corrosion/ drawbacks are they tend to be used at high num can show signs of corrosion/staining staining is the result of metal corrosion pH values (>9) and may leave an undesir- which range from light yellow to very dark during the metalworking fluid process. able, tacky residue on the or the gray. A second cause is the occurrence of He says, “Aluminum staining can be influ- machine .” when two dissimilar enced by several common negative factors Potnis feels that while several alumi- are in contact in an aqueous envi- that include high pH, alkalinity, specific ac- num corrosion inhibitors are available, ronment. For example, while ids and water quality.” certain formulary and regulatory require- aluminum that is in contact with the cast ments often can impact their selection and /steel bed of the , alumi- Stain inhibitors will likely use. He says, “Some of the most common num will tend to corrode in preference to see significant growth in the chemistries include sodium silicates, phos- the steel alloy. A third cause is high chloride automotive market. phate esters, amine salts and amine car- levels (that may be present in water used boxylates. Silicates, while readily available, in machining operations) increasing the Aluminum stain inhibitors can be difficult to incorporate into a formu- chances for aluminum staining.” Minch states that there are a variety of lation and can eventually precipitate over STLE-member Stephanie Cole, formula- chemistries available on the market to- time leading to filter blockage. Phosphate tion chemist with Clariant in Mt. Holly, N.C., day that can be used to protect aluminum esters are widely used as extreme pressure also lists three causes for aluminum staining. alloys. He says, “The chemistries differ (EP) additives, but not all types are good She says, “Aluminum staining can be caused greatly in what they can offer in terms of stain inhibitors, and they are known to en- by filiform corrosion, galvanic corrosion and performance across a range of fluid types, courage microbial growth. Amine salts and poultice corrosion. Filiform corrosion is water hardness levels (for water-based amine carboxylates can be effective, but caused by the imperfections of other metals fluids), pH ranges and even . water hardness and chloride variation can used in various aluminum alloys. Galvanic Phosphorus-based corrosion inhibitors be problematic.” corrosion happened upon exposure of alu- are among the most effective inhibitors Harwood lists three types of aluminum minum to other metals in the presence of because they have broad applicability stain inhibitors: phosphates, silicates and electrolytes such as salt water. Poultice cor- across all fluid types and pH ranges. The triazoles/thiadiazoles. He says, “Phos- rosion is the process that occurs when the phosphorus head group has an extremely phates in the form of phosphate esters natural aluminum oxide layer degrades.” strong affinity for the aluminum surface. are effective but can be prone to fungal STLE-member Dr. Britt Minch, re- Many different types of phosphorus-based attack and restricted upon disposal of the search manager, Metalworking, for The Lu- inhibitors are available, some of which are depleted water-based metalworking fluids. brizol Corp. in Wickliffe, Ohio, says, “Alu- optimized to provide surfactancy, improve Those phosphate esters containing higher minum and its alloys are usually not the metalworking fluid hard water compatibil- ethylene oxide levels may also generate first that comes to mind when ity and/or improve fluid longevity.” high levels of foam which is not desirable. discussing corrosion. Protective oxides Minch continues by discussing other Silicates can also inhibit aluminum staining cover aluminum surfaces and protects the inhibitors based on sulfonates, carboxylic but may not be compatible with the met- metal surface from the environment. Cor- acid/amine salts, polymers and silicates. alworking fluid formulation. All of these rosive ions such as chlorides and sulfates He says, “Certain amino sulfonates have inhibitors are typically used at low treat can penetrate the protective layer leading been used as corrosion inhibitors for alu- rates (about 0.5%) in the metalworking to pitting. Metalworking fluids are general- minum alloys, but they tend to be more fluid concentrate.” ly formulated at a pH greater than 9 to min- limited in terms of effective pH range. The Cole divides aluminum stain inhibitors imize both ferrous corrosion and biological sulfonate-based inhibitors tend to be lim- into two categories: inorganic and organic activity. As a consequence of the high pH, ited to fluids with significant concentra- based. She says, “Inorganic stain inhibitors the protective oxide layer is etched away by tions of oil to allow for their solubilization. are available but require additional pro- the metalworking fluid. One of the sensitiv- Carboxylic acid/amine salts can be useful cessing and a change of surface profiling. ities of aluminum machining is its tendency in certain conditions but tend to be most In contrast, organic types can be applied to stain at high pH.” limited in effective pH range and are only simply but are temporary at best.”


Feature_03-20.indd 39 2/7/20 2:49 PM FEATURE STAND OUT How inhibitors function metalworking fluid types but not disrupt tor. Some inhibitors are susceptible to hard Aluminum stain inhibitors function via the formulation stability, not disrupt fer- water (calcium and magnesium water salts) three different mechanisms (chemisorp- rous metal protection and not reduce re- and can precipitate out of solution. Some in- tion, complex and protective film) accord- serve alkalinity.” hibitors are not stable in concentrates which ing to Potnis. He says, “The chemisorption Minch says, “When choosing an alu- have a water content above 5%.” principle involves the inhibitor forming a minum stain inhibitor, there are multiple protective layer via a chemical reaction/ performance parameters that need to be Brighter Amines bond on the metallic surface. In solution, taken into consideration. First and fore- Amines fulfill a number of important func- an aluminum stain inhibitor can form a most, the main decision point for a stain tions in a MWF, but aluminum stain inhi- complex with corrosive agents preventing inhibitor is whether it will provide the de- bition is not one of them. Minch discusses them from staining the metal surface. A sired level of corrosion protection for all why formulators need to consider what physical barrier can form a protective film metal alloys that are expected to encoun- amines to work with in minimizing staining. to protect the from staining.” ter the fluid. The pH of the metalworking He says, “Alkanolamines are commonly Brilliant Cole differentiates the approaches used fluid many times will limit the choices used in metalworking fluids to raise the pH by inorganic and organic aluminum stain available to the formulator. Long-term of the fluid and to salt acidic components. inhibitors. She says, “Inorganic corrosion fluid stability may also be a driver in the These alkanolamines are a critical tool in inhibitors create a chemically bonded choice of inhibitor. For example, silicates the formulator’s toolbox, but they come at barrier, while organic inhibitors produce may precipitate out of solution or even a price. While these stronger amines are a hydrophobic film that promotes water plate out on the workpiece, lowering the often needed to help solubilize other com- Better repellency.” effectiveness of the inhibitor over time. ponents in the formulation and adjust the Harwood provides insight on how in- The formulator would also be wise to look pH to the desired range, their pKa value’s hibitors use an adsorption process. He at hard water stability of the fluids to en- boost the pH of the metalworking fluids, says, “Most inhibitors that use a surface sure that the stain inhibitor does not have resulting in more aluminum staining and adsorption mechanism where they are any negative impact.” residues.” capable of donating a pair of electrons Chen focuses requirements for an alu- Potnis discusses specific amines that through the presence of oxygen, nitrogen, minum stain inhibitor on effectiveness and have been found to minimize aluminum phosphorus and sulfur atoms in these mol- performance. He says, “Dosage, perfor- staining. He says, “3-Amino-4-octanol ecules. Silicates do not operate using this mance under different corrosive environ- (3A40) and 2-amino-1-butanol/2-ami- mechanism but rather provide stain inhi- ments and effective pH range are some of no-2-ethylpropanediol (AB/AEPD) can bition through a chemisorption process.” the criteria that need to be examined in se- be beneficial. These chemistries are ef- Chen says, “Aluminum stain inhibitors lecting an aluminum stain inhibitor. Perfor- fective at high pH values with (AB/AEPD either form a strong and adherent oxide mance of the inhibitor should be evaluated promoting better neutralization efficiency. film, form a protective layer or chemically in a complete formulation in the presence The performance of these alkanolamines adsorb to the metal surface.” of other inhibitors and components. Other alone, as well as in combination with other Minch feels that the mechanism of factors to consider are ease and stability amines, has been studied extensively and aluminum protection will vary depending in formulating, meeting environmental re- performance benefits have been seen on on the used as the inhibitor. He quirements and availability.” widely used aluminum alloys such as 356, says, “For example, phosphorus-based cor- Potnis indicates there are two import- 2024, 6061 and 7075.” ® rosion inhibitors chemically adsorb to the ant considerations to ensuring perfor- metal surface leaving a thin barrier layer mance across all applications: compati- Screening tests UNISOL® Count on Unisol Dyes when you want to easily and economically color your petroleum products. to protect the underlying metal surface. bility with other formulator components All respondents indicate that the best Unisol® liquid Dyes are strong and bright and are a highly effective way to differentiate any fuel or Regardless of the inhibitor type, only a few and multi-metal compatibility. He says, approach for evaluating staining is to im- ® layers of the inhibitor will attach to the sur- “Additional performance considerations merse aluminum metal coupons in a spe- lubricant. Whether you select a standard color or choose a specialized shade Unisol liquid Dyes offer face and organize to form a protective lay- include but are not limited to, functionality cific fluid. Harwood says, “Typical tests powerful coloring capabilities. er, thus the transient nature of these types in elevated pH environments, vapor phase are done on the diluted fluid (at working ® of corrosion inhibitors.” corrosion performance and impact on mi- concentration, e.g. 5%) and a series of To learn more about the Unisol Advantage contact us at 215-860-2165 or visit us at www.unitedcolor.com. crobial growth.” aluminum alloys are immersed in the flu- Performance requirements Harwood states that a formulator mak- ids for a period of time. Once removed, Cole believes an aluminum stain inhib- ing a selection must keep in mind formula- the coupons are evaluated for change in itor must be effective in a variety of for- tion compatibility and inhibitor stability. He appearance and also weight gain or loss mulations and yet not interfere with other says, “The inhibitor should be compatible compared to the test coupon. Sandwich additives required in complex MWF for- with the formulation that is being prepared. tests are also conducted in some aero- United color manufacturing, inc. mulations. She says, “An aluminum stain Ensure that the formulation is inherently low space approvals. These procedures are EXCEllE n CE in C oloR TECHnoloGY inhibitor must work in a wider range of staining/low pH first, then add the inhibi- more focused on galvanic corrosion.”

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Feature_03-20.indd 41 2/7/20 2:49 PM FEATURE

Figure 1 shows an example of the type STAINING EXAMPLE – Typical Metalworking Test Fluid 5% Emulsion 3hours @ 55°C of testing Harwood believes needs to be done. A 60% oil containing emulsifiable oil Product Cu W004A Al 2014 Al 5754 AL 6061 Al 7075 is evaluated at a 5% concentration for three No Phosphate hours at 55 C with the four aluminum and Ester one copper alloys listed. The emulsifiable oil is formulated with (pH 9.2) and without a phosphate ester (pH 9.3). Inclusion of the With Phosphate phosphate ester in the formulation led to Ester 1000 ppm the elimination of staining in all five alloys in emulsion tested. Cole’s approach is to soak aluminum Figure 1. Evaluation of four aluminum and one copper alloys in a 60% oil containing emulsifiable oil panels in 20 dH (approximately 350 ppm) are shown. Results from testing with (bottom row) and without (top row) a phosphate ester show the hard water in a MWF diluted to a concen- importance of using this additive to minimize staining. (Figure courtesy of Italmatch SC, LLC.) tration between 3% and 5%. She says, “Be sure the coupon is halfway submerged to evaluate the vapor phase of the aluminum coupon. Enclose the container and place it in a 50 C oven overnight (18 hours). In the morning, observe the staining/corrosion/ pitting (see Figure 2). Be sure to include two controls of 100% deionized water and 100% of the 350 ppm hard water without any metalworking fluid. Please keep in mind that this is a very harsh test.” For evaluation of Filiform corrosion, Cole advises that standards can be ob- tained from ASTM D2803 (Standard Guide for Testing Filiform Corrosion Resistance of Organic Coatings on Metal)2. Figure 2. Staining/corrosion/pitting is observed from aluminum coupons soaked in metalworking Minch says, “The most common way fluid diluted to between 3% and 5% in 20 dh (approximately 350 ppm) hard water at 50 C for 18 hours. (Figure courtesy of Clariant.) to quickly screen the efficacy of a corro- sion inhibitor is simply by fully or partially immersing a single metal coupon of the 319 1100 2024 3003 5052 6061 7075 desired alloy in the test fluids and allowing it to sit at room temperature for 24 to 48 hours. The severity of the test can be in- creased by elevating the temperature to 40 C or 50 C. Upon removal from the fluid, the coupon can be visually inspected for stain- ing. Both the immersed portion and the Figure 3. Seven pairs of aluminum coupons were fully immersed and evaluated in a metalworking portion of the coupon above the fluid may fluid at a pH of 9.2. The coupon on the left was immersed in a fluid containing a phosphorus-based be of interest (if only partially immersed). corrosion inhibitor while the right coupon was immersed in the same fluid without the corrosion (Figure courtesy of The Lubrizol Corp.) Ideally, the metal surface will be free of inhibitor. black or brown oxidation stains. Coupons are often monitored for weight loss or gain. immersed in a fluid containing a phospho- tion also should be evaluated for microbial Screening tests come in a variety of forms, rus-based corrosion inhibitor are on the performance if this is a fluid that will be but the best test is always the one that left, while results from coupons immersed recirculated or has potential for microbial most closely emulates the conditions that in the same fluid without the corrosion in- contamination. Of course, the emulsion the metal and fluid experience in the field.” hibitor are on the right. must also be stable and other performance Figure 3 shows the results from an im- Potnis feels that both liquid and vapor attributes such as cast-iron corrosion, must mersion test for seven pairs of aluminum phase aluminum staining performance also meet necessary specifications.” coupons immersed in a MWF at a pH of should be conducted at a minimum in Phosphate free formulations containing 9.2. The difference in the composition of varying degrees of water hardness/chlo- a triazine biocide were evaluated at a pH of the metalworking fluid is those coupons ride levels. He says, “Ideally, the formula- 10 in coupon testing with 6061 Aluminum.


Feature_03-20.indd 42 2/7/20 2:49 PM The evaluation was performed on metal- Alloy Triazine Formulations (pH 10) working fluids diluted to 5% in 200 ppm AMP AB/AEPD DGA MIPA MEA MEA/TEA water hardness. The fluids were prepared with different amines (see caption for Figure 4 for identification of the amines). Top and bottom results shown in Figure 4 differed 6061 due to the addition of 1% 3A40 for the bot- tom set of results. Chen recommends two types of screen- ing tests. He says, “An aluminum stain in- Alloy Triazine Formulations with 1% 3A4O (pH 10) hibitor should be evaluated for weight loss AMP AB/AEPD DGA MIPA MEA MEA/TEA from a coupon test which is a chemical test. Electrochemical techniques such as polar- ization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy also should be used.” 6061

Differentiate performance Minch believes the best way to differentiate the performance of an aluminum stain in- Figure 4. Phosphate free MWF formulations containing a triazine biocide were evaluated at a pH of hibitor is to work with a model fluid formu- 10 in coupon testing at a 5% dilution in 200 ppm water hardness. Fluids were tested in the following lation. He says, “Inhibitors should be used amines: AMP (2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol), AB/AEPD (2-amino-1-butanol/2-amino-2-ethylpro- panediol), DGA (diglycolamine), MIPA (monoisopropanolamine), MEA (monoethanolamine) and MEA/ at the same percent active in the model for- TEA (monoethanolamine/triethanolamine). Coupons on the bottom were immersed in fluids that also mulation, and the level of staining observed contained 3A40 (3-amino-4-octanol). (Figure courtesy of ANGUS Chemical Co.) should be compared on immersed coupons. The formulation that provides the least Ohio, says, “There are several great options balancing the desire for excess alkalinity amount of staining (assuming no weight loss for aluminum stain inhibitors that exist in (buffering capacity) which can benefit prod- occurred) without negatively impacting oth- the market today. These options even play uct longevity, with the desire for aluminum er fluid performance parameters is the best a dual role when formulating; they provide compatibility. While all amines contribute to inhibitor. Again, trying to match conditions not only protection of the aluminum, but aluminum staining to a certain degree, how and metallurgy to the actual expected field also contribute to the extreme pressure the amine is neutralized is almost as critical conditions are the key to success.” performance of the fluid, lowering formu- as the choice of amine. Proper selection of Cole recommends two strategies for lation complexity. Until phosphate ester the acid-functional component can signifi- differentiating the performance of indi- chemistry is regulated in MWFs, these re- cantly improve compatibility of the in-use vidual aluminum stain inhibitors. She says, ally are a great choice when needed.” fluid with aluminum while potentially reduc- “Performance of potential inhibitors should STLE-member Kevin Saunderson, di- ing the need for costly inhibitors.” be compared against two controls (deion- rector of technology at New Age Chemi- Lunn says, “The tried and true amines ized water and hard water) as well as a for- cal in Delafield, Wis., says, “Overall, I have work and are cost effective in their tradi- mulated fluid that does not contain added found the currently available additives, tional functions. But supplementary addi- corrosion protection (just triethanolamine when used in water-based MWFs, effective tives often need to be added to counteract [TEA] and monoethanolamine [MEA]). in protecting a majority of the aluminum the negative impact they might have on Consideration should be given to examin- alloys used by our customers from stain- performance, such as aluminum staining. ing galvanic corrosion by potentially man- ing. The number of available options, their Some of the new amine chemistries avail- aging the cast iron chip test and separating relative ease of use and reasonable cost able to the market currently have shown the metals afterwards to see if any weight have made this performance aspect easily the ability to reduce aluminum staining and loss occurred on the aluminum chips.” attainable.” also have a dual purpose which can assist When asked about amines, Saunderson with lowering formulation complexity.” Formulator’s perspective indicates that they are a necessary evil in Saunderson welcomes better amine Two representatives from MWF formula- formulating water-based MWFs and ma- options to deal with aluminum staining. tors were asked for their perspective on chining aluminum alloys. He says, “Howev- He says, “The current amines have been aluminum stain inhibitors and whether the er, the amines commonly chosen by MWF and will continue to be used successfully current options are satisfactory or is there formulators offer far too many benefits to by MWF formulators. However, there will need for better alternatives. be ignored and can still be used effective- always be interest in new or better whether STLE-member Jennifer Lunn, senior ly on a wide variety of aluminum alloys in it involves a new molecule or a new syner- chemist at JTM Products Inc. in Solon, use today. The challenge involves properly gy with an existing amine.”


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Lunn recognizes that the increas- tions. For example, utilizing chemistries such Minch concludes by stating that the ing use of aluminum in applications such as 3A4O and AB/AEPD to address multiple trend to diversify materials used to produce QUALITY BOOSTS. as automobiles will mean that “aluminum performance attributes (e.g., fluid longevity, automobiles beyond just steel and alumi- friendly” amines and aluminum stain inhib- aluminum staining, cast iron corrosion, pH num will to a growing need for more itors will continue to be important additives stability, etc.) allows potential regulatory and effective corrosion/stain inhibitors. He for the MWF formulator. She says, “As more cost savings benefits on top of performance.” says, “Such diversification of materials can aluminum is incorporated into a vehicle’s How the amine is neutralized potentially cause galvanic corrosion issues makeup, metalworking fluids will need to be where metals such as aluminum reside. As adapted to account for their growing use.” is almost as critical as the long as this is practiced, corrosion inhibition Saunderson feels that alternative chem- choice of amine. practices will need to be fully investigated istries for aluminum stain inhibition already Minch focuses on the increasing use of to ensure that vehicles meet their lengthy 6 exist. He says, “The challenge could involve aluminum in the automotive industry. He corrosion performance requirements. ” rebalancing existing formulas to accommo- says, “One of the more certain trends regard- Cole believes the need for better corro- date the change in additive chemistry fol- ing aluminum stain inhibitors is their expect- sion protection in general will lead to the lowed by extensive testing to validate equal ed growth relative to increasing aluminum development of packages that will inhibit or better performance. Depending on the consumption in some markets. Automotive aluminum and ferrous corrosion. She also number of formulas and the overall scope of is one major market where aluminum stain indicates that many of these products will the change, this could take significant time. inhibitors may see significant growth. Steel exhibit multifunctional characteristics. With the uncertainty around the potential and aluminum comprise the majority of ma- Another trend to facilitate the use of regulatory timeline, it makes sense to have a terials within today’s automobiles and are ex- aluminum in automotive applications is plan in place sooner rather than later.” pected to continue that leadership position known as vacuum impregnation. Cole says, There is concern that the use of phos- for years to come. One of the main drivers “This technique is not necessarily an inhi- phorus compounds may now be restricted for aluminum usage is its lightweight proper- bition technology but rather an approach in MWFs because they are considered as ties, which has been one major pathway for to facilitate the movement of molten alu- the root cause for algae bloom formation. OEMs to achieve higher government-man- minum via vacuum delivery into a mold to This may lead to increasing challenges for dated mileage and emission standards. In ‘impregnate’ the voids and pores in a cast formulators in minimizing aluminum stain- fact, SME recently noted that 200,000 tons part by eliminating points of entry from po- 3 ing. Lunn says, “With the increased accu- of aluminum capacity will ‘come on line’ ear- tential penetration from electrolytes.” mulation of phosphates in the environment, ly next year for the automotive market; the Harwood says, “Demand for aluminum it is possible they will come under scrutiny implication is that this volume will be used for stain inhibitors is growing because of the in metalworking fluids. If that happens, spe- structural and body components.4” use of certain aluminum grades (such as cialty amines will play a very important role With the automotive industry forecasting the 7000 series) that are being more widely in formulating ‘aluminum friendly’ fluids.” that electric vehicles (EVs) will replace in- used in the aerospace and automotive sec- ternal combustion automobiles over tors. These grades are more susceptible to Future trends time, Minch predicts that lightweighting will corrosion/staining.” Chen predicts there will be greater demand continue to be a concern for the EV market. Inhibitors for preventing staining of The LANXESS Lubricant Additives business unit is a leading for aluminum stain inhibitors. He adds, “In- He says, “Aluminum is expected to be a solu- aluminum alloys have become a very im- supplier of a complete portfolio of additives for the formulation hibitors of higher effectiveness are needed tion for these vehicles as well. Aluminum In- portant additive for the metalworking fluid of metalworking fluids. This comprises extreme-pressure and with a preference for organic based inhibitors.” sider expects that EV aluminum demand will formulator. Proper selection of these inhib- antiwear additives, overbased sulfonates, high-performance Potnis believes there will be more focus be near 825,000 mt in 2019 and may grow itors in combination with amines will be esters and corrosion inhibitors. In combination with our excel- on aluminum stain prevention in formulations ten-fold by 2030. Applications for this alumi- necessary now and in the future as a more lent formulation know-how, LANXESS quality helps to boost via multifunctional additives rather than spe- num usage include sheet, , battery diverse number of materials will be used in cific inhibitors. He says, “This market is devel- your metalworking fluids’ performance. lab.lanxess.com components and even EV charging stations.5 such applications as automobiles. oping a greater understanding of aluminum ® = registered trademark of LANXESS Deutschland GmbH or its affiliates. Mitigating corrosion in EVs is especially of Neil Canter heads his own consulting staining and how specific chemistries, such Registered in many countries of the world. concern, both of which must be protected company, Chemical Solutions, in as phosphate esters and acid-amine salts, can to ensure good performance.6 Willow Grove, Pa. You can reach him at create concerns as well as innovative solu- [email protected]. REFERENCES 1. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2014/01/13/ 4. https://www.sme.org/technologies/articles/2019/september/ redesigned-2015-ford-f-series-pickup-f-150-aluminum/4421041/ lightweightings-new-phase/ 2. https://www.astm.org/Standards/D2803.htm. 5. https://aluminiuminsider.com/electric-vehicles-evs-out -

3. https://www.toledoblade.com/local/environment/2019/08/07/ look-for-sales-and--demand/ summer-2019-algal-bloom-coming-strong-western-lake-erie-algae-sci- 6. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41529-018-0045-2 entists-canada/stories/20190807160.


Feature_03-20.indd 44 2/7/20 2:49 PM QUALITY BOOSTS.

The LANXESS Lubricant Additives business unit is a leading supplier of a complete portfolio of additives for the formulation of metalworking fluids. This comprises extreme-pressure and antiwear additives, overbased sulfonates, high-performance esters and corrosion inhibitors. In combination with our excel- lent formulation know-how, LANXESS quality helps to boost your metalworking fluids’ performance. lab.lanxess.com

® = registered trademark of LANXESS Deutschland GmbH or its affiliates. Registered in many countries of the world.


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