T. H. Palmer. Oarpentbb’S Chisel
(No Model.) T. H. PALMER. OARPENTBB’S CHISEL. _ No. 404,554. I PatentedJune 4, 1889. J , J WITNESSES : 4 ' l/VIg/VTOR ATTOHIVEYJ, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THE'RON H. PALMER, OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA. CARPENTER’S CHISEL._ SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 404,554, dated June 4, 1889. I Application ?led May 22, 1888.‘ Serial No. 274,724. (No model.) To all whom it may concern; 2, or it may be of a separate piece of mallea Be it known that I, THERON H. PALMER, of ble cast~ir0n or other suitable material and 40 the city and county of San Bernardino, and be joined to the blade B by screws 1) b or oth State of California, have invented a new and erwise. The shank may be secured in the. useful Improvement in Carpenters’ Chisels, handle by a simple tang or in any other de of which the following is a full, clear, and ex sired manner. The trowel-like shape of the act description. ~ > tool provides for cutting gains across a wide 45 This invention consists in a chisel or gouge surface without risk of obstruction by the ' _ for carpenters’ use which has its shank and handle, or the tool may be used as a paring handle portion bent out of line with its blade chisel or for cutting and ?tting in butts or or cutting portion and which is provided with hinges. The crooked shank O is provided at an anvil or hammer-block in rear of the blade its back, as nearly in the same plane as the to form a striking-surface when usingahani cu ttin g-blade as practicable, with aknob-like mer or mallet to force the cutting-tool up to projection S, forming a special anvil or ham its work, instead of striking on the end of mer-block to receive the blows of a hammer the handle direct, which is liable to split or bruise the handle.
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