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I Wjnilll b fp iWodern Type ofWar Vessels -- Began Willi Inlraduclicn of Ihe Original Aonitor De- Wonderful Growth of Naval Architec ¬ signed By John Ericsson ture In United From the Which Revolutionized Na- - the Stoics rine Archifecfure of World Advent of Columbus Historic rieet In the same picture aro shown tho new Maine and the torpedoboit Tar to the Great of the Present ragut Tho Virginia and class will be o 16CC0 displacement - Jl tons and have a speed h I IIIIBIII II Ill Mil f- marr IIIMW fl Dciu rirsl5hip of the Line to Be Built of 19 knots icr hour Tho principal di- ¬ mensions being length load water line in This Country a Crude Affair iLf peirvrvjlvrvi 433 feet t eani 76 fectj and draft 24 feet Ji The Mew Aaine of pictures prepared un ¬ first natal vessel tras built In this coun- ¬ was a sldewhcel vessel built at Philadel- ¬ 40 guns Her engines of 1000 horsepower development the Arkansas Connecticut back rises only six feet abote tho The Maine is belns constructed in ASERIKS direction of Admiral try there elapsed a period of two cen- ¬ phia In 1S30 She was a of 39S0 tons were considered only as auxiliary power riorlda and Wyoming now building the water and is armored all otcr with steel Philadelphia and is 3SS feet long 72 feet and recently placed in turies This tcsscl was the Falkland displacement carrying seventeen guns her being mostly relied upon for best vessel that can be devised In them plates ranging from six inches thick at 2 1 2 Inches wide and has a displacement the semi circular spaces above ¬ represented In the second picture of the and she continued In service until 1SS7 propulsion the only radical departuro from the orig- ¬ the sides to two inches thick at tho cen- of 12200 tons the windows and doors in the office of the scries Slio was built In -- In when she was cendemned and sold The most radical departure from pre ¬ inal consists In protldlng Hting ac- ¬ tre Her armament comprises only four Tho Tarragut was commissioned about of construction of the Navy De ¬ chief 1CS0 tho first ship of the line to be con- ¬ cedent In the history of construc- ¬ commodations above water Other differ ¬ 6 pounders and the armored conning a tear ago in California having been represents tho evolution of The AMnnesola partment structed In the United States present- ¬ tion came while the Minnesota and her ences are thoso of detail tower smoke stack and ventilators are built at the Union Iron Works San Tran The Minnesota was of a class of six what might be called national natal ed to the English Government by the class were still new and ono of them tho only projections abote the deck ex- ¬ clsco She is 213 feet C inches long 20 ¬ roworful auxiliary steam which Ranis and Bocifs feet inches wide C architecture in this country from its ear- colonists and added to the naty March the unfinished Tranklln Is represented in cept tho datits and gallow frames for 7i and at feet draft 279 ¬ were In their day the best vessels The sixth picturo shows tho displaces tons Her soeed on liest beginnings to Its latest develop 2 1C93 She was of G21 tons burden and wir the next picture of the series which Katahdin stow lag the boats The Katahdin had no trial ¬ was 3013 knots with 5600 horsqpotver ment including a representative of each guns In the world To this class belonged tho and tho Holland The former is in a opportunity to display her qualities dur- carried fifty four and a crew of shows the original accompanied She is armed with two lS lnch Whltphpad Roanoke and Merrlmac both cut down sense the outcome of tho Confederate ing the Spanish war distinct type 226 men by the latest development of the mon- ¬ tubes uuu four 6 pounder guns and convertcd into Ironclads at the be ¬ ram Tennessee Admiral Ammon who llstoric fleet or Columbus itor tjpe the Arkansas and clats The l lollancl At present the United States Navy 13 The Conslilulion ginning of the civil war by the Tcdcral participated In tho fight between that tcs- ¬ undoubtedly the best equipped in ord¬ Dcginning with the historic fleet of The next picture shows our historic and Confederate authorities respectively Buiir bij John Ericsson scl and the Icderal alwajs there- ¬ The other vessel Is tho submarine boat nance of an of the of the world Columbus the Santa Maria Nina and Gov- ¬ Constitution built at Boston In 1707 and the Tranltlin lu which Admiral Farragut The Monitor was built by John Ericsson after held a fixed belief that the ram was Holland lately purchased by the American Ingenuity and American work- ¬ Flnta the first vessels tilth the excep- ¬ fin- ¬ ses- ¬ manship have devised and perfected still in existence She was one of the made his tour of European ports after the In 1EGI and though individually she was the most formidable weapon of marino ernment Congress during the last the tion of the semi mythical Norse boats ITS finest and most complete ordnance ap- ¬ est frigates afloat In her time and is close of the war the Colorado and the tho first crude development of an idea warfare and finally persuaded Congress sion authorized the construction of fito pointments which crossed the ocean and floated in 45 when ready Accompanying two feet long feet wide and Wabash All were good ships and per ¬ sho revolutionized the naties of the world to authorize the construction of a vessel similar boats theso our waters it will be seen that while they for sea drew 20 feet of water with 2200 formed splendid service Her splendid service shotted that spars after his designs and the Katahdin was Is the steel Unadllla a type of Previous o Spanish War were great ships in their day the largest tons displacement No American needs to seteral which have been constructed in Previous to the Spanish war some of tho Still nnd sails must no longer be considered commenced at the Hath Iron Works in of them is lnslgnlfiiant compared with Is HfloaL ¬ years She nations were disposed look upon be told her history which perhaps the as part of a war vesnels means of pro- July 1S01 recent for naval use was built to the modern ships Tho Santa Maria the The Minnesota was ¬ Mare Island Navy 1S95 cornerstone of our natal glory built nt the Wash pulsion nnd ships must bo protected at the in United States Navy as an Institution infor- ¬ largest ¬ that of the Columbus fleet was n ves of ington Navy in 1S55 Difflcultu in Securing Armor and is 110 feet long 25 feet wide and at mative only of From the das the Constitution tbcro Yard and Is still by to meet the improvements In state but the work tbs sel about sixty three feet long and of armor 10 displaces 345 was but little change in the construction afloat having been turned over to the Owing to tho dlflculty In procuring her feet draft tons ships officers and men at Manila and about two hundred tons burden the ordnance The final and picture of tho Santiago have practically demonstrated of war vessels until tho advent of steam Massachusetts naval militia She 1b 264 armor she was net completed until Feb- ¬ Klua was not xnoro than 45 feet in length While tho Monitor type has long since series shows the first class that man for man and ship for ship the ¬ and the next picturo represents two types SVi long 51 4 1S96 251 long 43 and the Finta was a still smaller ves feet Inches feet Inches wide passed out of favor as a sea fighter there ruary She is feet feet Pennsylvania of tho Virginia class the United States Navy is equal If not su-¬ sel of the earlier steam frlgatfs the Pow ¬ and at 23 feet draft water displaces 4700 are certain phases of national defence for 5 inches wide 21 feet deep and at a 15 designs for which aro being completed by perior to any other marine power in tho From the time of Columbus until the hatan and the Minnesota The former tons She originally carried a battery of which many authorities consider Its latest draft displace 2155 tons Her turtle- - the Dureau of Construction and Repair world