Omission and Indifference
OMISSION AND INDIFFERENCE REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS IN MEXICO ABORTION / CONTRACEPTION / MATERNAL MORTALITY / OBSTETRIC VIOLENCE / WORK AND FAMILY LIFE / ASSISTED REPRODUCTION OMISSION AND INDIFFERENCE REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS IN MEXICO ABORTION / CONTRACEPTION / MATERNAL MORTALITY / OBSTETRIC VIOLENCE / WORK AND FAMILY LIFE / ASSISTED REPRODUCTION 5 / INTRODUCTION / Director / Regina Tamés Noriega Coordinators / Ximena Andión and Rebeca Ramos Research and Texts / Ximena Andión, Alma Luz Beltrán y Puga, Fernanda Díaz de León, Marisol Escudero, Isabel García, Mariana García, Rebeca Ramos, Brenda Rodríguez, Itzel Silva, Martín Vera, and the National Lawyers Network for Reproductive Choice (RADAR 4th). Editing / Sara Gómez Translation / Benton & Asociados, Sara Gómez, Celorio Morayta, Jennifer Paine, and Fionn Petch Design / María Carral ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Chapter Review / Lourdes Motta (Assisted Reproduction and Contraception) Raffaela Schiavon (Maternal Mortality) Support for Case Registry and Documentation / National Alliance for the Right to Decide; Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Mexico (DDESER); Meritxell Calderón Vargas and Pysche Calderón Vargas of the Ibero-American Network for Human Rights; Abraham Cortez Bernal and Julieta Hernández of Yes, There are Women in Durango. Board of Directors / Lucero González, Marta Lamas, María Consuelo Mejía, Patricia Mercado and Sara Sefchovich Advisory Board / Gerardo Barroso, Luisa Cabal, Roy Campos, Karla Iberia Sánchez, Francisca Pou, María Luisa Sánchez Fuentes, Roberto Tapia, Rodolfo Vázquez, Ana Francisca Vega, Jenaro Villamil and José Woldenberg. GIRE’s work, including this report and related activities, are supported by various donors, including two anonymous donors; the Erik E. and Edith H. Bergstrom Foun- dation; the Embassy of the Netherlands in Mexico; the Ford Foundation, Office for Mexico and Central America; the John D. and Catherine T.
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