
HINAINSIGHT C Fostering business and cultural harmony between China and the U.S. VOL. 14 NO. 6 June 2015 $VLDQ3DFLÀF/HJDO([SHULHQFH H[KLELWRSHQVLQ0LQQHDSROLV By Greg Hugh

A reception was recently held in museum curators, copyright negotiators the atrium of the U.S. Courthouse in and graphic design artists. Minneapolis to open a new exhibit, “Asian According to Leung, the major themes Government, p. 6 Pacific Legal Experience in America,” LQWKHEDQQHUVZHUHGHYHORSHGIURPKLV presented by the United States District Asian American course studies at Yale and Court for the District of Minnesota. IURPVSHHFKHVKHKDGJLYHQRQWKHWRSLF 7KHH[KLELWLRQFRQVLVWVRIEDQQHUV RYHUWKH\HDUVVLQFH³7KHPDMRUWKHPHV that show in pictures and text the legal discerned from the exhibition banners, history of Asian Pacific peoples in the and which mark the ambivalent history 8QLWHG6WDWHVWKURXJKWKUHHSLYRWDOHYHQWV RI$VLDQ3DFL¿FSHRSOHVLQ$PHULFDDUH the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the opportunity, economics, racism and hope.” Japanese American Incarceration during $WWHQGHHVZHUHHQFRXUDJHGWRUHYLHZ WWII, and the Immigration and Nationality closely the exhibition banners because $FWRI there is much historical content in the text U.S. District Court Chief Judge Michael as well as symbolic meaning in the colors -'DYLVZHOFRPHGWKHJDWKHULQJDQG and photos chosen, and in the use of the Arts & Culture, p. 8 LQWURGXFHG0DJLVWUDWH-XGJH7RQ\/HXQJ Golden Gate Bridge and Chinese characters ZKRP'DYLVQRWHGZDVWKH¿UVW$VLDQ in the introductory banner. American judge in Minnesota, appointed $VWKLV\HDUPDUNVWKHWKDQQLYHUVDU\ WRWKHVWDWHFRXUWLQDQGEHFDPHWKH RIWKH,PPLJUDWLRQDQG1DWLRQDOLW\ ¿UVW$VLDQ3DFL¿F$PHULFDQWRVHUYHRQWKH Act, this is the topic of the green banners. federal bench. /HXQJQRWHGWKDW$VLDQ3DFL¿FKLVWRU\ /HXQJSURYLGHGDTXLFNSURJUDP in America would not be complete without RYHUYLHZE\WKDQNLQJ'DYLVIRUKLVVXSSRUW a reference to the impact of the War in RIWKLVSURMHFWZKLFKZDVFRQFHLYHG Vietnam and Southeast Asia so it was MXVWVHYHQPRQWKVDJR$OWKRXJKWKHUH appropriate to recognize those people of the Royal Lao Army who were in ZDVQ¶WDQ\NLQGRIH[KLELWVDYDLODEOH ZKRIRXJKWDQGVDFUL¿FHGRQWKHVLGHRI DWWHQGDQFH$OVRUHFRJQL]HGZHUHYHWHUDQV other judges and members of the local $PHULFD$OWKRXJK´WKRVHZKRJDYHWKHLU RIWKH0LOLWDU\6HUYLFHVRIWKHIRUPHU Food, p. 9 OHJDOSURIHVVLRQYROXQWHHUHGWRKHOSDQG last full measure are not here today, those Republic of Vietnam. D3URJUDP'HYHORSPHQW&RPPLWWHHZDV ZKRDUHGHVHUYHVSHFLDOUHFRJQLWLRQ´+H IRUPHG7KLVFRPPLWWHHWKHQFUHDWHGWKH DVNHGWKHJDWKHULQJWRSURYLGHDURXQGRI banners by becoming amateur historians, DSSODXVHWRKLJKUDQNLQJ+PRQJYHWHUDQV Continue on page 16

&KLQHVHLPPLJUDQWVLQWKH 8QLWHG6WDWHV Doing business, p. 12 By Kate Hooper and Jeanne Batalova, Migration Policy Institute, 2015

economic pressures at home prompted European immigrants. thousands of Chinese immigrants to 7KRXJK+RQJ.RQJQDWLRQDOVVWDUWHG PRYHWRWKHZHVWHUQUHJLRQVRIWKH8QLWHG PRYLQJWRWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVLQWKHODWH States in search of temporary work. Many V²E\WKHUHZHUH+RQJ took low-skilled jobs as manual laborers .RQJERUQLPPLJUDQWVLQWKH8QLWHG in mining, construction, agriculture, 6WDWHVDQGWRGD\LPPLJUDQWVIURP+RQJ PDQXIDFWXULQJRUVHUYLFHLQGXVWULHV7KH .RQJDFFRXQWIRUDERXWRQHLQ&KLQHVH Chinese inventions, p. 13 GHFHQQLDOFHQVXVUHSRUWVD&KLQHVH LPPLJUDQWV²ODUJHVFDOHLPPLJUDWLRQ born resident population exceeding from mainland China only resumed after In This Issue 100,000; records show that nearly 300,000 the People’s Republic of China opened Chinese immigrants entered the United its economy to global markets and lifted Matt Becker 6WDWHVEHWZHHQDQGWKRXJK PLJUDWLRQUHVWULFWLRQVLQ7KHQXPEHU Arts & Culture 8 Chinese migration to the United States historians estimate that as many as half of immigrants from mainland China in the Business 12 LVDKLVWRU\RIWZRSDUWVD¿UVWZDYHIURP XOWLPDWHO\UHWXUQHGWR&KLQD7KLVZDYHRI 8QLWHG6WDWHVQHDUO\GRXEOHGIURP Chinese Inventions 13 the 1850s to 1880s, halted by federal laws Chinese migration was accompanied by LQWRLQ8QOLNHWKHWK Commentary 5 restricting Chinese immigration; and a growing anti-Chinese sentiment and ethnic FHQWXU\LPPLJUDQWVSRVW&KLQHVH Community 7 immigrants are predominantly skilled: VHFRQGZDYHIURPWKHODWHVWRWKH discrimination, culminating in the U.S. Events 1, 16 present, following normalization of U.S.- Congress passing the Chinese Exclusion China is now the principal source of foreign Food 9 Chinese relations and changes to U.S. $FWLQ7KHODZSURKLELWHG&KLQHVH students in U.S. higher education, and and Chinese migration policies. Chinese labor migration to the United States and the second-largest recipient of employer- Genealogy 10-11 immigrants are now the third-largest barred Chinese residents from obtaining VSRQVRUHGWHPSRUDU\ZRUNYLVDVDIWHU Government 6-11 foreign-born group in the United States 86FLWL]HQVKLS7KRXJKWKHODZZDV India. History 4 after Mexicans and Indians, numbering UHSHDOHGLQOLWWOH&KLQHVHLPPLJUDWLRQ Approximately one-quarter of all Immigration 1, 14-15 more than 2 million and comprising 5 was permitted until the Immigration and Chinese emigrants settle in the United News 3 States, with other popular destinations SHUFHQWRIWKHRYHUDOOLPPLJUDQWSRSXODWLRQ 1DWLRQDOLW\$FWRIRYHUKDXOHGWKH Letter to the editor 2 in 2013. 86LPPLJUDWLRQV\VWHPDQGVLJQL¿FDQWO\ From the 1850s, political unrest and expanded migration opportunities for non- Continue on page 14 PAGE 2 / June 2015 opinion chinainsight.info CHINAINSIGHT 3XEOLVKHU Gregory J. Hugh [email protected]

0DQDJHURI2SHUDWLRQV &LUFXODWLRQ FREE Richard He SUBSCRIPTIONS [email protected] Getting to know you … 6WDII:ULWHUV Who are you? What articles do you enjoy reading? Greg Hugh China Insight would like to ensure our contents match your interests. Please take a few minutes to complete this poll so we [email protected] can update out reader demographics. For your trouble, the first 10 respondents each month will receive a free annual subscription to China Insight. Winners will be notified by email. Elaine Dunn [email protected] Entry Form Please send me free China Insight for a year if I am one of the first 10 respondents this month. &RQWULEXWRUV Madeline Christensen The top two articles that interested me most in this issue are [email protected] Page Article title Raymond Lum Page Article title [email protected] I would like to see more articles on Chang Wang Employment Status student self-employed retired Age 19 & under 41 - 60 Gender Male [email protected] other (please specify) 20 - 40 60 + Female Clara Wang Employment Sector education government private industry Ethnicity Asian Caucasian Hispanic [email protected] other (please specify) African American Other Name Patrick Welsh First Last [email protected] Address Email Street City State Zip James Yang One entry per month. Please return entry to: [email protected] China Insight 750 Mainstreet St #230, Hopkins, MN 55343

3URGXFWLRQ(GLWRU Teresa Khamlusa [email protected]

/HWWHUWRWKHHGLWRU +RQRUDU\ Jennifer Nordin, Editor Emertus [email protected] After I wrote the opinion piece his presentation, and I appreciated the article, I can see how it could easily about Major General William Chen’s focus. I understand that the point of be seen as a complaint that he had not About INSIGHT presentation (May China Insight, his presentation was supposed to be talked about race. CHINA C HINAINSIGHT is a monthly English “Opinion: thoughts on Major General about leadership, not race. Plus, time 2QWKHSRLQWRIWKHHYHQWEHLQJ language newspaper fostering business Chen’s America”), I realized that there constraints probably had to be taken into marketed as “First Chinese-American and cultural harmony between China and was a series of misinterpretations consideration. Starred General,” it was my own the U.S. RQWZRIURQWV$V,KDYHWKHXWPRVW What my piece was really about, LQWHUSUHWDWLRQRIWKHPHDQLQJ7KLV C HINAINSIGHT is a Member of The UHVSHFWIRUWKHSDUWLHVLQYROYHG,ZRXOG KRZHYHUZDVWKHYHU\IDFW,QRWLFHGWKH is where the other misinterpretation Minnesota Chapter of the Asian American OLNHWRDGGUHVVWKHVHDQGDYRLGIXUWKHU ODFNRIUDFHUHODWHGH[SHULHQFHVJLYHQ occurred: between what a group like Journalists Association (AAJA). misconstruing of my intentions. that it was the Vietnam War and that he Chinese American Business Association /HWPHVWDUWRIIE\VD\LQJWKDW,KDYH KDGOLYHGWKURXJK:RUOG:DU,,7KLVLV of Minnesota considers “Asian pride,” a lot of respect for Major General Chen’s a statement on society - not that these and what a younger generation does. Submissions & DFKLHYHPHQWVDVZHOODVKLVGHGLFDWLRQ things should be presented, but that I My frustration was with society - not Correspondence CHINAINSIGHT welcomes guest articles toward sharing his experiences in had expected these sorts of experiences Major General Chen. and letters to the editor. Correspondence leadership with others. My opinion to be presented, and the reasons for should be addressed to: piece was in no way trying to critique my expectations. Reading back on my Clara Wang Editor, CHINAINSIGHT 750 Mainstreet, #230 Hopkins, MN 55343 Tel: 612-723-4872 CHINAINSIGHT INSIGHT [email protected] SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM *XDUDQWHHG Letters to the editor become the property 10 issues - $24 for a domestic subscription and $40 for of CHINAINSIGHT and may be edited for YES you could run to the length and published. Articles will not be international. published without the express consent of store and pick up a copy, the author. Please make check payable to CHINAINSIGHT, but did you know you can 750 Mainstreet, #230 Hopkins, MN 55343 NOTICE TO READERS: The views have CHINAINSIGHT delivered expressed in articles are the author’s and Name______directly to your mailbox? not neccesarily those of CHINAINSIGHT. Address______Authors may have a business relationship A subscription costs a mere with the companies or businesses they City/State/Zip______$24 and brings a full year (10 discuss. Phone______issues) of new understanding Email______about today’s China, from Company______language to business opportunities. Copyright 2015 CHINAINSIGHT, Inc. Title______All Rights Reserved. chinainsight.info news June 2015 / PAGE 3 &KLQDUHDIÀUPV &KLQD WHUULWRULDOFODLPVLQ %ULHIV 6RXWK&KLQD6HD Chinese reclamation work on Johnson South Reef

Tea for the bumbling burglar $+RQJ.RQJIDPLO\IHDULQJDNQLIH wielding burglar would hurt them treated the 22-yr-old burglar to lemon tea, cigarettes and use of a phone whilst the police waited outside the IDPLO\¶VDSDUWPHQWGRRU7KHEXUJODU # who had hurt his back descending the 1 scaffolding after his “job” crashed 3 6 through the family’s apartment By the numbers # ZLQGRZ7KHEXUJODUJDYHKLPVHOI 4 XSDIWHUPLQXWHV # 7 # 2 Counting cash Another car EX\HUSDLGIRUD,/%0:ZLWK Chinese art collectors: wealthy her “loose change” of 100,000 one- and growing 7KHJURZLQJLQÀXHQFHRI \XDQQRWHVDWWKH=KHQJ]KRX+HQDQ new wealth in China has boosted China to 3URYLQFHGHDOHUVKLS,WWRRN becoming the second-biggest art market in employees six hours non-stop to Philippine armed forces WKHZRUOG:KHWKHULQWHUHVWLVVSHFXODWLYH DQGLQYHVWPHQWIRFXVHGRUZKHWKHULWLVIXHOHG count the cash. Balance for the car BEIJING, May 21 (Xinhua) -- China yesterday that China’s land reclamation ZDVSDLGZLWKDEDQNFDUG+RZGR E\SHRSOHZKRKDYHDUHDOORYHIRUDUWWKH UHDI¿UPHGLWVWHUULWRULDOFODLPVLQWKH6RXWK in the South China Sea is undermining &KLQHVHDUWPDUNHWKDVGHYHORSHGUDSLGO\RYHU these people transport all that cash China Sea and urged the U.S. to keep IUHHGRPDQGVWDELOLW\DQGFRXOGHYHQOHDG the past few years. According to art experts, DURXQG" its promise of a neutral position on the WRFRQÀLFW Chinese contemporary works are a solid bet VRYHUHLJQW\LVVXHRQ7KXUVGD\D&KLQHVH +RQJVDLG&KLQD¶VFRQVWUXFWLRQLQ for those of you looking for the next big art Bad vanity selfie Police in Foreign Ministry spokesperson said. the South China Sea is within China’s LQYHVWPHQWRSSRUWXQLW\ =KDQJ]KRX )XMLDQ 3URYLQFH 6SRNHVSHUVRQ+RQJ/HLPDGHWKH VRYHUHLJQW\DLPLQJWRSURYLGHVHUYLFH UHWULHYHGDQL3DGDQGDUUHVWHGLWV remarks in response to U.S. Deputy for marine search and rescue, disaster 1 museum per 250,000 people is the WKLHIZKHQWKHEUDLQLDFWRRNDVHO¿H Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s remarks SUHYHQWLRQDQGUHGXFWLRQQDYLJDWLRQVDIHW\ JRYHUQPHQW¶VSODQLQGHYHORSLQJWKHFRXQWU\¶V that was automatically shared on the DVZHOODVIXO¿OOLQJ&KLQD¶VLQWHUQDWLRQDO cultural sphere. real owner’s iCloud account responsibilities and obligations. +RQJVDLG&KLQD¶VFRQVWUXFWLRQLV 3589 number of museums in China at the “Bad” language on police SHDFHIXODQGEHQH¿FLDOWRWKHSXEOLFDQG HQGRIFRPSDUHGWRLQDQG sign 7KHVLJQRQWKHGRRUWRWKH the assumption from the U.S.side has not a E\WKHHQGRI +RQJ.RQJDLUSRUWLQWHUURJDWLRQ leg to stand on. room had a sign that said, “Police +RQJVDLG%OLQNHQ¶VUHPDUNVPDNHQR 535 RIWKHPXVHXPVLQ&KLQDDUH Computer was suspension, Police FRQWULEXWLRQWRUHVROYHWKHGLVSXWHVDQGJR SULYDWHO\KHOGZKLFKPHDQVIUHHGRPDQG need more time to report the case.” A against regional countries’ mutual trust and independence in programming, as opposed ODZPDNHUSRVWHGDFRUUHFWHGYHUVLRQ peace and stability in the South China Sea. to state-funded institutions. on her Facebook page, which said, 7KH86VKRXOGDFWLQDSUXGHQWPDQQHU “Our computer system is suspended Source: United Nations Convention on WRSOD\DFRQVWUXFWLYHUROHRQSHDFHDQG 250,000 people passed through the doors of for updating. Crime reporting may the Law of the Sea VWDELOLW\LQWKHUHJLRQ+RQJVDLG the Long Museum in Shanghai in 2013. Low take longer than usual.” Since the PXVHXPDWWHQGDQFH¿JXUHVLQ&KLQDKDYH &KLQHVHHTXLYDOHQWDOVRKDGW\SRV JLYHQULVHWRSXEOLFOHFWXUHVSURJUDPPLQJIRU WKHODZPDNHUDGGHG³7KH&KLQHVH adults and children and a range of membership YHUVLRQLVHTXDOO\PHVV\´:ULWWHQ *URXSZHGGLQJ schemes to turn things around. communication not a job requirement IRUSROLFHLQWHUURJDWLRQ" 24 percent of global art sales were attributed to Chinese buyers. Li Ka-shing no longer rich- est Asian )RUWKH¿UVWWLPHVLQFH 32 percent growth in sales reported by  D &KLQHVH PDLQODQGHU :DQJ &KULVWLH¶V+RQJ.RQJLQ Jianlin, chairman of Dalian Wanda Group, snatched “the richest man in 66 billion USD were remitted back to Asia” title, according to new Forbes mainland China in 2012 by Chinese emigrants. estimates. Wang’s fortune is estimat- HGDW86'ELOOLRQ/L.DVKLQJ¶V 7.5 percent of the world’s top 200 art LVHVWLPDWHGDW86'ELOOLRQ FROOHFWRUVLQZHUHIURP$VLDPDQ\ZLWK Chinese names. No complaints expected +RZHYHU+RQJ.RQJHUVPD\IHHO US$36 million was paid by a Shanghai- DERXWWKH&KLQHVHJRYHUQPHQWWKH\ based collector for a Ming Dynasty porcelain WHDFXSZLWKDFKLFNHQPRWLILQ-XO\ ZLOOZHOFRPHDQH[WUDYDFDWLRQGD\LQ the fall thrown their way. Beijing has US$45 million ZDVSDLGE\WKHDERYH GHFLGHGWRPDUNWKHWKDQQLYHUVDU\ mentioned “chicken cup” collector and his of the Japanese surrender in WWII on wife for a Ming emperor-commissioned 6HSW+.¶V/HJLVODWLYH&RXQFLOLV 7LEHWDQWDSHVWU\LQ1RYHPEHU expected to pass the bill submitted by the Labour Department. $WRWDORIFRXSOHVWRRNSDUWLQDJURXS 3URYLQFHRQ0D\7KHQXSWLDOULWHV US$37 million was how much Sotheby’s wedding ceremony in Shexian County, IROORZHGWKRVHIURPWKH+DQ'\QDVW\  netted in sales at a December 2013 auction +XDQJVKDQ&LW\RIHDVW&KLQD¶V$QKXL B.C.-A.D. 220). of modern and contemporary art in Beijing. PAGE 4 / June 2015 history chinainsight.info 7KH7RQJ]KL5HVWRUDWLRQ ⎴㱣ᷕ冰) By Pat Welsh, contributor

3ULRUWR&KLQHVHFLYLOL]DWLRQKDG FLYLOJRYHUQPHQWDUHHVWDEOLVKPHQWRIORFDO WKH7DLSLQJ5HEHOOLRQ ⣒⸛⣑⚳崟佑) were WUHDVXU\¶VUHYHQXHV'LVRUGHUVPHDQWERWK been unique in its resistance to institutional military and local control, a rehabilitation of FORVHO\OLQNHG7KHVHWZRPRYHPHQWVDOVR OHVVJUDLQIRUWKHSHRSOHDQGVPDOOHUUHYHQXHV change. Rather than milestones in a the economy, and an increased interest in had connections with leaders of the Muslim IRUWKH,PSHULDO7UHDVXU\7KHVHLQFUHDVLQJ progression of changing societies and Western technology and languages. Schools Rebellion (⚆㮹崟佑) in northwest China. GLVRUGHUVDQGWKH4LQJJRYHUQPHQW¶VJUHDWHU dynasties, the wars and rebellions following ZHUHRSHQHGLQPDMRUFLWLHV7KHEULJKWHVW In time, each rebellion reached a high point dependence on corrupt and incompetent KHLJKWVRIFLYLOL]DWLRQWKH&KLQHVHYLHZHG DQGPRVWPRWLYDWHG&KLQHVHVFKRODUVZHUH WKDWWKRURXJKO\DODUPHGWKHJRYHUQPHQW officials caused additional economic KLVWRU\DVDVXFFHVVLRQRIF\FOLFDOÀXFWXDWLRQV sent abroad to learn Western technology. DQGSURYRNHGLWLQWRUHDVVHVVLQJWKHUHYROWV SUREOHPVWRDULVH7KHQWRRIRUHLJQWUDGH RIGHSWKVDQGKHLJKWV7KHF\FOHRIKXPDQ realistically. Once domestic HVSHFLDOO\WUDGHLQRSLXPGUDLQHGVLOYHUDQG affairs was thought of as alternations of WUDQTXLOLW\ ZDV DFKLHYHG UHYHQXHVIURPWKHWUHDVXU\7KHFKHDSHQLQJ yin and yang with regard to prosperity and Restoration leaders seriously YDOXHRIFRSSHUFRLQDJHDJDLQVWVLOYHUDOVR decline. Each phase supposedly carried with ORRNHGLQWRZD\VRISUHVHUYLQJ added to the nation’s woes. By the 1850s, it the genesis of the other. A new dynasty LW7KLVWDVNUHTXLUHGUHOLHI WKH,PSHULDOJRYHUQPHQWRIWHQFRXOGQRW begins experiencing a period of great energy PHDVXUHVLQGHYDVWDWHGDUHDV meet its normal obligations. Public works DVYLJRURXVDQGFRPSHWHQWQHZRI¿FLDOVSXW such as resettling refugees on tended to be neglected and, as the situation WKHFLYLODQGPLOLWDU\DIIDLUVRIWKHQDWLRQ UHVWRUHGODQGVWKHFODUL¿FDWLRQ deteriorated, the Imperial armies were often LQRUGHU7KLVSHULRGLVWKHQIROORZHGE\D of land titles, the disbanding unpaid. golden age. Nonetheless, this golden age and resettling of unneeded During the Restoration period, the carries within it the seeds of its own decay WURRSV DQG DERYH DOO WKH OHDGHUVRIWKLVPRYHPHQWEHJDQWRJUDSSOH DVWKHJRYHUQLQJFODVVEHJLQVWRORVH¿UVW VHOHFWLRQRIJRRGTXDOL¿HGORFDO with the realities of production and the will and then the ability to meet the high RI¿FLDOV$OVRUHTXLUHGZHUH distribution as well as the need to both deal VWDQGDUGVRI&RQIXFLDQJRYHUQPHQW7KLV the rebuilding of destroyed UHDOLVWLFDOO\ZLWKWKHVWDWH¶V¿QDQFLDOKHDOWK F\FOHZLOOEHLQGLFDWHGE\HYHQWVVXFKDV academies, the construction of DQGWKHOLYHOLKRRGRIWKHSHRSOH/LNH HPEH]]OLQJIXQGVPHDQWIRULPSURYLQJWKH new schools, the rebuilding of their predecessors, Restoration leaders saw infrastructure of the Empire or paying the Chinese scholars libraries and the encouragement agriculture as the only possible basis of the DUP\2QFHWKHVHHYHQWVEHJDQWRRFFXU of more literati clubs. SHRSOH¶VOLYHOLKRRGDQGWKHSULPDU\VRXUFH WKHHYHQWXDOGHFOLQHRIWKHG\QDVW\VHWVLQ 5HJDUGLQJIRUHLJQDIIDLUVSULRUWR %\WKHPLGGOHRIWKHWKFHQWXU\WKH RIWKHVWDWH¶V¿QDQFHV5XUDOUHFRQVWUXFWLRQ 7KLVGHFOLQHPLJKWEHUHWDUGHGE\UHIRUPV no Qing Dynasty statesman had regarded combined forces of domestic rebellion and DQGLQFUHDVLQJWKHDUHDRIFXOWLYDWLRQZHUH EXWWKHGHVWLQ\RIGHDWKDQGGHFD\LV¿[HG WUHDWLHVDVDJRRGWKLQJ7KHIHHOLQJ foreign encroachment had undermined the JLYHQ¿UVWSULRULW\7KLVHIIRUWWRLPSURYH and immutable. VHHPVWREHWKDWWUHDWLHVRQO\VHUYHGWRSXW TXDOLW\RIORFDO&RQIXFLDQFLYLOVHUYLFH,W WKHSHRSOH¶VOLYHOLKRRGKRZHYHUZDVQRW $IWHUWKHUHKDGGHYHORSHGD UHVWULFWLRQVRQYDJXHO\GH¿QHG,PSHULDO also threatened the established interests and HJDOLWDULDQ7KHJRYHUQPHQWOLNHWKHJHQWU\ widespread feeling that the dynasty was SUHURJDWLYHVRIWKHLUSUHYLRXVV\VWHPRI IXQFWLRQVRIWKHORFDOJHQWU\DQGKDGJLYHQ ZDVH[SHFWHGWRFXUEH[WUDYDJDQFH7KH toppling and that an age of anarchy was soon KDYLQJREHGLHQWQHLJKERULQJQDWLRQDOLWLHV rise to widespread popular doubts about FRPPRQSHRSOHZHUHQRWHQFRXUDJHGWR¿QG DSSURDFKLQJ7KH&KLQHVHSRLQWRIYLHZ paying tribute to the Chinese emperor. By both the state’s good faith and the traditional new sources of wealth as this search would was what was required was the 11th-hour EHOLHILQWKLVWULEXWDU\SKLORVRSK\ &RQIXFLDQLGHDOLWVHOI7KHVWDWHVPHQRIWKH OLNHO\OHDGWRVRFLDOO\GLVUXSWLYHEHKDYLRU UHVWRUDWLRQRIHIIHFWLYHJRYHUQPHQWDORQJ was shattered by China’s inability to deal restoration determined that their task was DQGH[WUDYDJDQFH7KHYDULRXVFODVVHV traditional lines and the creation of new with Western attacks and incursions. Out to rebuild the old Neo-Confucian society. RI&KLQHVHVRFLHW\ZHUHH[SHFWHGWROLYH policies that could ward off new domestic RIWKLVIDLOXUHGHYHORSHGWKHLGHDWKDW 7KHVWDWHKDGWRVHFXUHWKHDFTXLHVFHQFH frugally. As for nonagricultural sections DQGIRUHLJQWKUHDWVZKLOHVWLOOSUHVHUYLQJ treaties could be used to control foreigners. of the local populations not only through RIWKHHFRQRP\WKH\KDGEHHQYLHZHGDV Confucian society and its ideology. +RZHYHUWKLVLGHDEHFDPHVKRUWOLYHGDV indoctrination, but also by guaranteeing PRUHRUOHVVSDUDVLWLFWULYLDODQGSROLWLFDOO\ 7KH7RQJ]KL5HVWRUDWLRQZDVDYDOLDQW treaties did not produce the lasting results WKHOHJDODQGHFRQRPLFSULYLOHJHVRIWKH KDUPIXODFWLYLWLHV0DQ\IDFWRULHVDQGDIHZ DWWHPSWWRDFFRPSOLVKWKLVWDVN7KLV DQWLFLSDWHG1RQHWKHOHVVE\WKHV gentry and by supporting social welfare major arsenals were built, but these sectors term ‘tóngzhì’ was not only named for the WKH4LQJJRYHUQPHQWGLGEHJLQWRDFFHSW PHDVXUHVGHVLJQHGWRUHOLHYHWKHSHDVDQWU\ of the economy remained unprotected. 7RQJ]KLHPSHURUWKHWHUP“tóngzhì” itself and master the principles and practices of ,QQRQ+DQDUHDVWKHUHZHUHTXHVWLRQDEOH 1RSURJUDPIRUWKHVHDFWLYLWLHVZDVHYHU is a contraction of a classical phrase reading Western diplomacy and used them to assert attempts to transform the Miao and Moslem undertaken. Goods produced had been WyQJJXƯ\΍]Ku (⎴㬠冯㱣), which means &KLQD¶VVRYHUHLJQW\ PLQRULWLHVLQWR+DQ&KLQHVH WD[HGRQDORZOHYHODGYDORUHPEDVLV ³UHWXUQLQJWRRUGHUWRJHWKHU´7KHWHUP 7KHUHZDVDOVRDQDWWHPSWWR when they were transported after being ]KǀQJ[tQJ (ᷕ冰 PHDQV³UHVWRUDWLRQ´7KH UHHVWDEOLVKWKHUROHRIODZ7KH VROGWRPHUFKDQWV7KHDFWLYLWLHVRI&KLQD¶V SUHYDLOLQJLGHDZDVWKDW:HVWHUQWHFKQRORJ\ Chinese idea of law is not quite merchant class increased unprotected by could somehow be grafted onto traditional the same as that understood in ODZ7RWDOIRUHLJQWUDGHLQ+DFNZDQWDHOV &KLQHVHLQVWLWXWLRQVDQGWKHSUHYDLOLQJ1HR the West because Confucian JUDPVRIVLOYHUSHUWDHO URVHIURP &RQIXFLDQLVWSKLORVRSK\7KLVUHVWRUDWLRQ ideological and institutional PLOOLRQWRDOPRVWPLOOLRQEHWZHHQ HYROYHGIURPWKH³6HOIVWUHQJWKHQLQJ controls are incompatible with DQG:KLOHUHYHQXHVIURPWKHVH 0RYHPHQW´ 冒⻢忳≽), which also was any notion of the supremacy of DFWLYLWLHVZHUHLQWHQGHGWRSD\IRUPLOLWDU\ referred to by the Chinese as the “Foreign law in the abstract. It is also not expenses, they did not do much for the $IIDLUV0RYHPHQW´ 㲳⊁忳≽ 7KHVH compatible with Western ideas economy as a whole. were a collection of ideas long promoted by of absolute human and property *LYHQWKHDFFRPSOLVKPHQWVRIWKH Zeng Guofan (㚦⚳喑 DQG/L+RQJ]KDQJ rights that could transcend PRYHPHQWZK\WKHQGLGWKH7RQJ]KL 㛶泣䪈 7KH6HOIVWUHQJWKHQLQJ0RYHPHQW VSHFL¿FFLUFXPVWDQFHV&KLQHVH 5HVWRUDWLRQIDLO"7KLVZLOOEHWKHWRSLFRI Qing military sotrage saw the reform of the military, the building jurisprudence confused law my next offering. RIQDYDOIDFLOLWLHVDQGDUVHQDOVDQGWKH Internally the beginning period of the and morality. It was more than merely establishment of more modern training 5HVWRUDWLRQ0RYHPHQWZDVRQHRIIRXU UHJXODWLRQVLQYROYLQJFULPLQDODFWLYLWLHVDQG IDFLOLWLHVIRURI¿FHUVDQGPHQ PDMRUUHEHOOLRQVDQGDVHULHVRIORFDOUHYROWV the maintenance of social order. Chinese LQHYHU\SURYLQFH$VWLPHPRYHGRQWKHVH ODZIRVWHUHGDQLGHDRIKDUPRQ\SUHVHUYHG disorders were quelled, reconstruction was by moral teaching, moderation, compromise About Pat Welsh launched and some serious measures were DQGDFRGL¿HGFDQRQRISURSHUEHKDYLRU ,QZKLOHWHDFKLQJ(QJOLVKDW PDGHWRZDUGUHPRYLQJWKHFDXVHVRIORFDO 7KH&KLQHVHMXGLFLDOV\VWHPVRXJKWWRDYHUW 6LFKXDQ8QLYHUVLW\:HOVKZDVDVNHGWR GLVVLGHQFH7KHPRWLYDWLRQEHKLQGWKLV DQGUHVROYHFRQÀLFWV$PRQJ:HVWHUQHUV JLYHDVSHHFKZKHUHKHZDVLQWURGXFHG LPSURYHPHQWZDVWKHUHDOL]DWLRQE\PDQ\ there had been the erroneous idea that China to the audience as a “pioneer of Chinese VWDWHVPHQWKDWWKHVHGLVRUGHUVLQYLWHGIRUHLJQ ODFNHGDFLYLOODZ$FWXDOO\&KLQHVHFLYLOODZ American relations” as a result of his LQWHUYHQWLRQ$QRWKHUPRWLYDWLRQZDVWKDW required each Chinese judicial magistrate to FRRSHUDWLYHZRUNLQLQWHUQDWLRQDOEDQNLQJ the Qing had begun to fear that some or all FRQVLGHU¿UVWKLVPRUDOSULQFLSOHVDQGWKH during the Deng Xiaoping era. For more RIWKHVHUHEHOPRYHPHQWVPLJKWMRLQIRUFHV facts of each case rather than relying upon a WKDQ\HDUV:HOVKKDVEHHQOHDUQLQJ 7RVRPHH[WHQWWKH\GLG$IWHUWKH FRGL¿HGMXVWLFHGHSHQGHQWXSRQOHJDOFRGHV Chinese and has used this knowledge chief leaders of the Nianfei Rebellion (⸜ During this reform period, the Chinese both professionally and personally to Zeng Guofan 屣 LQ1RUWK&KLQDZHUHDOOIRUPHU7DLSLQJ HFRQRP\EHJDQUHFRYHULQJ&KLQHVH enhance his understanding of Chinese RI¿FHUVGHVSLWHWKHIDFWWKDWWKLVPRYHPHQW economic instability had begun a slow DQG$VLDQDIIDLUV+HFXUUHQWO\UHVLGHV 'XULQJWKLVSHULRG&KLQDVDZ had no other real formal plan of reforms. deterioration at the end of the 18th century. in Georgia and occasionally lectures on DQHZFRRSHUDWLYHSROLF\WRZDUGWKH:HVWD It was merely an anti-Qing rebellion. As rebellions arose, less land could be &KLQDWRFODVVHVLQ:RUOG+LVWRU\DQG WRWDOUHYLVLRQRI&KLQD¶VDQWLTXDWHGV\VWHPRI $OWKRXJKGLVWLQFWLQRULJLQDIWHUWKHVH FXOWLYDWHG,QWKHVODQGWD[HVKDG World Literature. dealing with foreign affairs, a restoration of WZRPRYHPHQWV7KH1LDQIHL5HEHOOLRQDQG accounted for almost two-thirds of the chinainsight.info commentary June 2015 / PAGE 5 :DVKLQJWRQVKRXOG ´(PDVFXODWLRQµRI VWRSDFWLQJDVEDFN $VLDQ$PHULFDQ GULYHURYHU6&KLQD PHQ 6HD By Clara Wang Xinhua, May 22

[BEIJING] -- Recent statements made by China and other claimants and should be When my friends describe the is simply the way our brains operate. VRPH86PLOLWDU\RI¿FLDOVDUHFRQWUDU\WR KDQGOHGE\WKRVHGLUHFWO\LQYROYHGLQD stereotypes of African American and Yet, you don’t look at a white man and regional peace and stability, and it is Uncle peaceful way. Asian American men to me, they tend immediately strip away half of his being Sam who should explain its irresponsible 0RUHRYHULWFDQKDUGO\EHDFFHSWHG to be on different ends of the spectrum. based on the color of his skin. EHKDYLRURYHUWKH6RXWK&KLQD6HD DVDFRLQFLGHQFHWKDWWKHSUHYLRXVO\FDOP Stereotypes for African Americans Regardless of how they may be 'XULQJDQLQWHUYLHZLQ6LQJDSRUHHDUOLHU South China Sea has lost its tranquility are they are good entertainers, great YLHZHGKXPDQEHLQJVDUHQRWRQH WKLVZHHN0LFKHOOH+RZDUGYLFHFKLHI VLQFH:DVKLQJWRQHPEDUNHGRQLWV³3LYRW RIWKH861DYDO2SHUDWLRQVVDLG&KLQD to Asia” strategy. athletes and physically threatening. Also, dimensional creatures. Asian American needs to explain what is really going on As a matter of fact, China’s construction they can’t perform well academically men deal with this stereotype in different in the South China Sea amid reports of in the South China Sea is within its and are, in general, less intelligent and ways when they’re in the stages of life FRQVWUXFWLRQDFWLYLWLHVWKHUH VRYHUHLJQW\DLPLQJWRSURYLGHVHUYLFHIRU bad at taking orders. Charles Barkley WKDWGHPDQGYLDEOHURPDQWLFSDUWQHUV 7KHVHQLRU86PLOLWDU\RI¿FLDODOVR PDULQHVHDUFKDQGUHVFXHGLVDVWHUSUHYHQWLRQ said, “If I weren’t earning $3 million a DQGLQÀDWHGHJRV JDYHDVVXUDQFHDERXWKHUFRXQWU\¶VVXSSRUW DQGUHGXFWLRQDQGQDYLJDWLRQVDIHW\DVZHOO year to dunk a basketball, most people Some internalize the stereotypes and WR$6($1PHPEHUVZKRKDYHWHUULWRULDO as fulfilling the country’s international on the street would run in the other VLPSO\DFFHSWWKHLUIDWHDVKDYLQJOHVV GLVSXWHVZLWK&KLQDVD\LQJWKH861DY\LV responsibilities and obligations. direction if they saw me coming.” Of ³YDOXH´RQWKHGDWLQJPDUNHWDQGDUH capable of sending ships within 12-nautical 7KHUHIRUH:DVKLQJWRQ¶VERWKHUDWLRQ traits that people tend to look for in a YLHZHGDVOHVVPDVFXOLQHRUGRPLQDQW miles where China’s reclamation works are RYHUWKHVRFDOOHGPDULWLPHVDIHW\LV long-term partner, African Americans E\VRFLHW\7KLVLVZKHUHWKH³FKLFNHQ in progress. JURXQGOHVVDQGLOOPRWLYDWHG7KHIUHHGRP ,QIDFWLWLVQRWWKH¿UVWWLPHIRUWKH86 RIQDYLJDWLRQLQWKHVHDKDVEHHQIXOO\ DUHFRQVLGHUHG¿QDQFLDOO\XQVWDEOH or the egg” question is posed: are these PLOLWDU\WRÀDVKVXFKWKUHDWHQLQJVLJQDOVLQ guaranteed, since China’s construction is Much the same way African stereotypes based off the Asian guys DQDWWHPSWWRRYHUEHDU&KLQDWRVWRSLWVOHJDO SHDFHIXODQGEHQH¿FLDOWRWKHSXEOLF $PHULFDQPDOHVKDYHEHHQHPDVFXODWHG ZKRFRPSDUH6$7VFRUHVOLNHVSRUWV FRQVWUXFWLRQDFWLYLWLHVLQLWVRZQWHUULWRU\ Actually, it is the United States that PHQWDOO\$VLDQ$PHULFDQPDOHVKDYH statistics, or do Asian Americans grow %HIRUH+RZDUG¶VUHPDUNVD86RI¿FLDO should make a reasonable explanation been denied physical prowess and into these stereotypes because they said the Pentagon is considering sending DERXWLWVUHSHDWHGXQÀDJJLQJDQGELDVHG DWWUDFWLYHQHVV6WHUHRW\SHVIRU$VLDQ repeatedly see characters such as Long U.S. military aircraft and ships to “assert LQWHUIHUHQFHVLQWHUULWRULDOGLVSXWHVLQYROYLQJ Americans are that they are smart, 'XFN'RQJDQGWKH\MXVWZDQWWRKDYH IUHHGRPRIQDYLJDWLRQ´LQWKH6RXWK&KLQD China and other countries. Such senseless academically ingenious, and follow DQLGHQWLW\" Sea. meddling not only hamper a peaceful rules to a tee. Physically, they are Some males counter stereotypes 7KRVHLUUHVSRQVLEOHWRVRPHH[WHQW VROXWLRQWRVXFKGLVSXWHVEXWDOVRDJJUDYDWH VPDOOZHDNDQGVH[XDOO\XQDWWUDFWLYH through new ones. Pick-up artists SURYRFDWLYHVWDWHPHQWVHTXDODÀDPHVWRNHU regional instability. for regional instability that may further lead $VDQLQÀXHQWLDOFRXQWU\WKH8QLWHG 7KHUHDUHFRXQWOHVVH[DPSOHVRIWKLV OLNH-77UDQ$%&VRI$WWUDFWLRQ D to miscalculation and misinterpretation and 6WDWHVVKRXOGWDNHDQREMHFWLYHDQGIDLU LQWKHPHGLDDQGHYHU\GD\OLIHIURP “pickup arts” company that helps men deteriorate the situation in the sea, instead YLHZRQWKHGLVSXWHVLQWKH6RXWK&KLQD6HD the quintessential Long Duck Dong EXLOGVRFLDOVNLOOVDQGFRQ¿GHQFH KDYH RIDVVHUWLQJIUHHGRPRIQDYLJDWLRQ honor its commitment of not taking sides, RI³6L[WHHQ&DQGOHV´WR2.&XSLG DGRSWHGDIUDPHZRUNRIEHKDYLRUVWKDW 7KH6RXWK&KLQD6HDGLVSXWHVWRZKLFK DQGVWRSDFWLQJDVDEDFNGULYHURQWKHLVVXH studies in which women ranked Asian RYHUWO\GHFODUHWKHLUVH[XDOLW\ZKLOH the United States is not a party, are between American men as the least sexually DFNQRZOHGJLQJWKHGLVDGYDQWDJHV DWWUDFWLYHRSWLRQWKHRYHUDOOLPDJHRI $VLDQ$PHULFDQPHQKDYHLQWKHGDWLQJ $VLDQ$PHULFDQPHQLVRYHUZKHOPLQJO\ market. &KLQDVD\V0DQLOD undesirable. It seems as though the Some latch onto other non-white media, and Western society in general, cultures that establish manliness, like has taken the personality of a whole +LSKRS0DQ\$VLDQPDOHV DQG H[DJJHUDWHV´&KLQD person and then split it in half: the IHPDOHV FRQQHFWZLWK+LSKRSFXOWXUH VXEPLVVLYHVWDEOHVLGHJRHVWR$VLDQV and music because it is a construct WKUHDWµ DQGWKHDWKOHWLFYLROHQWRQHWR$IULFDQ outside of white culture. It’s also one Xinhua, May 16 Americans. of the few places where if you’re an 7KHHPDVFXODWLRQRIPLQRULWLHV Asian kid growing up with only white [BEIJING] -- A Foreign Ministry VSRNHVSHUVRQ+XD&KXQ\LQJDWDURXWLQH is a longstanding tradition in the DXWKRULW\¿JXUHVVRPHERG\ZKRLVQ¶W spokesperson criticized remarks by a top SUHVVEULH¿QJ :HVWHUQZRUOG7KHFDXVHRIWKLVLVWKH ZKLWHLV³ZLQQLQJ´(GGLH+XDQJ 3KLOLSSLQHPLOLWDU\RI¿FLDODVSOD\LQJXS +XDVDLGWKH3KLOLSSLQHVLVFKLPLQJLQ idealization of the current Caucasian FUHDWRURI$%&79¶VIDPLO\VKRZ the fallacy of the so-called “China threat” with the U.S. to play up the fallacy of the majority. Beauty and masculinity ³)UHVK2IIWKH%RDW´VDLG³+LSKRSLV on Friday. so-called “China threat” and create tensions are set by the cultural standards of the anthem of the underdog.” 2Q7XHVGD\D86RIILFLDOVDLGWKH in the South China Sea. those in positions of power, a trend 2IFRXUVHWKLVLVQRWHYHU\VLQJOH Pentagon is considering sending U.S. &XUUHQWO\WKHRYHUDOOVLWXDWLRQLQWKH UHÀHFWHGWKURXJKRXWWKHLQGXVWULDOL]HG Asian male. Whether one buys into military aircraft and ships to “assert freedom South China Sea is stable, she said, adding world. Because Westerners hold the the stereotype, or confronts it through RIQDYLJDWLRQ´DURXQG&KLQHVHPDGH China is working with ASEAN nations to most economic power from centuries DUFKHW\SLFDOO\PDVFXOLQHDFWLYLWLHV DUWL¿FLDOLVODQGVLQWKH6RXWK&KLQD6HD address the issue through a “dual track” Philippine military chief Gregorio Pio approach and will safeguard the freedom of of colonialism and systemic racism, these are just different ways that Asian Catapang said the Philippines welcomes the QDYLJDWLRQLQWKH6RXWK&KLQD6HD PLQRULWLHVKDYHEHHQHPDVFXODWHG Americans adapt to this phenomenon. SRVVLEOH86PRYHRQ7KXUVGD\ According to the “dual track” approach, 7KHSRZHUG\QDPLFGRHVQRWIDYRU Essentially, the ability to be accepted Catapang said he was also not WKHGLVSXWHVVKRXOGEHUHVROYHGSHDFHIXOO\ minorities. Few things in America can as a whole person from the get-go is discounting the possibility of Philippine through friendly negotiations by the compare to the tragedies and triumphs RQHFXUUHQWO\UHVHUYHGIRUWKH ZKLWH  troops joining their American counterparts countries directly concerned, while peace experienced by the black community, majority. While we are working toward in the South China Sea mission. and stability in the South China Sea should and I’m certainly not putting the Asian HUDVLQJPDQ\QHJDWLYHVWHUHRW\SHV “We will focus our attention in be jointly maintained by China and ASEAN. $PHULFDQH[SHULHQFHRQWKDW¿HOG DQG KDYH VHHQ PXFK SURJUHVV LQ GHYHORSLQJ8OXJDQ%D\DQGWKHQDYDO By using a Chinese idiom “fox seeking In 2015 (and in plain English), the last couple years, the continued base in Palawan so that when the (U.S.) SRZHUE\ULGLQJWKHEDFNRIWKHWLJHU´+XD this translates to denying non-white “emasculation” of minority men is a SDWUROFRPHVWKH\KDYHDSODFHWRGRFN´ criticized the Philippines’ drawing support Catapang said. from the U.S. on the South China Sea issue. ethnicities of being a whole person. UHÀHFWLRQRIWKHEDODQFHRISRZHULQ 7KH3KLOLSSLQHVLJQRUHVWKHFRPPRQ &KLQDZLOOFRQWLQXHWR¿UPO\VDIHJXDUG Black men can only be half a person, America. interests of countries in the region and by LWVVRYHUHLJQW\DQGPDULWLPHULJKWVDQG and Asian men can only be the other FRQWLQXRXVO\WDNLQJSURYRFDWLYHDFWLRQVWKDW interests, said the spokesperson. half. Stereotypes are impossible to complicate and escalate the disputes, said DYRLGKHXULVWLFVRUPHQWDOVKRUWFXWV PAGE 6 / June 2015 government chinainsight.info -XQHQRWWREHIRUJRWWHQ By Elaine Dunn

7RWKRVHRIXVZKRZHUHDURXQGLQ VWDWHYLVLWWR1RUWK.RUHD$SULO :KHQWURRSVZHUHGHSOR\HGRQ0D\ incident was seared into the minds of WKHZRUGV³-XQH)RXUWK´RU³7LDQDQPHQ he had called for the Party to use only to disperse the protesters, Beijing residents PLOOLRQVDURXQGWKHZRUOGDQXQLGHQWL¿HG 6TXDUH´FRQMXUHXSWKHKRUUL¿FLPDJHVRI “persuasion” and “legal procedures” in poured onto the streets to block their \RXQJPDQVWHSSHGLQIURQWRIDFRQYR\ students bloodied and killed by their own GHDOLQJZLWKGLVVLGHQWVWXGHQWV+RZHYHU approach to the square. For three days, the RIWDQNVFRPLQJXS&KDQJ¶DQ%RXOHYDUG JRYHUQPHQWGXULQJWKHQLJKWERGLHVSLOHG Li called a meeting with Party members who soldiers could reach neither the square nor WRZDUG7LDQDQPHQ7KH¿UVWWDQNWULHGWR KLJKDQGVKRYHGZLWKGLVUHJDUGLQWRDFRUQHU had no sympathy for the students. On April UHWUHDW7KH%HLMLQJSHRSOHWKRXJKIHG JRDURXQGKLP+HPRYHGLQIURQWRILW of a hospital. It also brought up the image of DQHGLWRULDOWLWOHG³7KH1HFHVVLW\IRUD the soldiers and reasoned with them about DJDLQ7KLVVLGHVWHSDQGVWRS³GDQFH´ZDV a lone man holding a shopping bag in each &OHDU6WDQG$JDLQVW7XUPRLO´DSSHDUHGLQ why they, the soldiers, should not be on the UHSHDWHGVHYHUDOPRUHWLPHVXQWLOWKHWDQN KDQGEORFNLQJWKHDGYDQFHPHQWRIDURZRI the People’s Daily denouncing the students, “dark” side as they were supposed to be ¿QDOO\VWRSSHGDQGWXUQHGLWVHQJLQHRII tanks in bright daylight the following day. which led to more demonstrations. More protecting the citizens, not crushing them.. 7KH\RXQJPDQWKHQFOLPEHGRQWKHWDQN

could work the other way around as well. Clark mentioned an anecdote: “One time I went back to Minnesota, had some of my IDYRULWHIRRGDQGUHWXUQHGWR&KLQDDQG WKH¿UVWWKLQJP\FROOHDJXHVDLGWRPHZDV µ:RZ\RX¶YHEHFRPHVRIDW¶³,WPHDQW more like ‘well fed,” one of the audiences corrected. Granted, language poses an issue in communication, but one thing to realize as you interact with another culture LVWKDWHYHU\RQHLVWU\LQJWREHSROLWHLQKLV Speakers (from left) , Marco Lanz and own way. Whitney Clark, Tedmund Leung How to make friends with Chinese? ³:KHQ,ZHQWWR7DLSHLDVDQH[FKDQJH &KLQHVHYDOXHVDYHU\DIIHFWLRQDWHIULHQGVKLS VWXGHQW,OLYHGZLWKIRXU&KLQHVHJLUOVLQ ZLWKHDFKRWKHU,W¶VVRUWRIOLNHDORYH WKHVDPHGRUP'XULQJP\¿UVWIHZGD\V UHODWLRQVKLSZKHUHERWKKDYHWRIXOILOO ,UHFHLYHGDSDFNDJHIXOORIVQDFNVDQG other’s demands in their best efforts. Each candies from my family, which I shared of them should feel obliged to do so simply ZLWKP\URRPPDWHV,ZDONHGRYHUWRWKHP because they are friends and they support one by one and asked if they wanted any, HDFKRWKHUZKHUH$PHULFDQVPLJKWYDOXH but the replies were straight no’s, began it merely as an interaction between two /LQGD0HDOH\/RKPDQQYLFHSUHVLGHQW LQGLYLGXDOV$V&ODUNSRLQWHGRXWDERXW of the 2015 USCPFA-MN Board, at the Chinese friendships, “If they ask you to JURXS¶VSULYDWH³%XLOGLQJ)ULHQGVKLSV´ JRRXWWRDPRYLHWRQLJKW\RXVKRXOGJR 2SHQ+RXVHRQ0D\³$IWHUDZHHNRU If they ask to borrow your money, you so, one of the other girls got a package too should lend them. It’s like a dependent with snacks and she offered to us. She went relationship where each of you has to DURXQGIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHZKHUH,WRRNRQH contribute willingly. I didn’t get quite used and others said no. So she went around for WRLWDW¿UVW´7KHSURFHVVRIPDNLQJIULHQGV the second time, the third time, and nobody can easily go into two extremes: no good else took anything until the fourth time. We IULHQGVZKHQ\RXVDFUL¿FHQRWKLQJDQGWRR were getting rather close by then so I asked close friends when you’re too willing to them why they kept refusing just as when VDFUL¿FH%XW\RXFDQDOZD\VUHPDLQLGOH ´9RLFHRI3HDFHµ ,RIIHUHG7KH\VDLGLWZDVDOODPDWWHURI in a friendship, where there’s always that politeness; it was rude of me to offer only delicate piece of paper between friendships RQFHDVZHOODVWRDFFHSWWKH¿UVWRIIHUIURP that you bother not to break. FRPPLWWHHSUHSDUHV her.” My own experiences. I’m an 7KHHYHQWDLPVWRSURYLGHWKHJXHVWV international student from Shanghai and IRUWKDQQLYHUVDU\ with an understanding of cross-cultural this is my third and last high school year in relationship and the highs and lows of Minnesota. As much as how the experiences ERWKOLYLQJDEURDGLQ&KLQDDQGWKHUHWXUQ might be confusing and uncomfortable RIWKH&KLQHVH KRPH7KUHHVSHDNHUV7HGPXQG/HXQJ for the three speakers, I, too, encountered Marco Lanz and Whitney Clark, talked similar dilemmas at first. It absolutely DQWL-DSDQHVH ZDU DERXWWKHLUGLYHUVHH[SHULHQFHVRIOLYLQJ bugged me that there wasn’t such strong working and studying in China. Leung has ERQGGHYHORSLQJEHWZHHQPHDQGP\ GRQHLQWHUQVKLSIRUYDULRXVFURVVFXOWXUDO American friends as much as with my YLFWRU\ programs as well as recruited Chinese &KLQHVHIULHQGV%XWLW¶VXVHOHVVWRHYHQ VWXGHQWVDQGVHUYHGDVDUHSUHVHQWDWLYHIRU WU\WRPDNHLWWKHVDPH/DWHU,¿JXUHGWKH +DPOLQH8QLYHUVLW\/DQ]VSHQWVL[\HDUVLQ NH\LVMXVWWRKDYHDVPXFKIXQDVSRVVLEOH 7KLV\HDUPDUNVWKHWKDQQLYHUVDU\RI 7KH9RLFHRI3HDFHHYHQWRUJDQL]LQJ in this foreign culture. I learned kickball, Southwest China (Chongqing and Chengdu) WKHHQGRI:RUOG:DU,,DQGWKHYLFWRU\LQ committee held a press conference in St Paul where he talked about his experience both started to watch South Park and subscribed the Chinese anti-Japanese war. A worldwide on May 2. All nine committee members, as a college student and a lecturer. Clark, WRGLIIHUHQW

in a multiplicity of mediums, from in the museum’s collection. Culture is one of San Francisco’s painting and installation to photography “28 Chinese” is organized by the premier arts institutions and home to and new media. Organized by guest Rubell Family Collection, Miami. a world-renowned collection of more FXUDWRU$OOLVRQ+DUGLQJWKH$VLDQ$UW Presentation at the Asian Art Museum is than 18,000 Asian art treasures spanning 0XVHXP¶VSUHVHQWDWLRQZLOOEHWKH¿UVW made possible with the generous support \HDUVRIKLVWRU\7KURXJKULFKDUW exhibition on the West Coast for many of China Art Foundation, Gorretti and experiences, centered on historic and of these artists. Lawrence Lui, Silicon Valley Bank, contemporary artworks, the Asian Art While artworks in “28 Chinese” 7KH$NLNR

Chinese netizens had a field day Guo Pei included a 10-ft-long, round with the China-inspired gown Rihanna embroidered train that the Chinese showed up in for the Metropolitan quickly likened it to aMLƗQELQJ(Chinese Museum of Art’s Costume Institute’s HJJFUHSH 7KHQFDPHWKHFUHDWLYH EHQH¿WJDODIRULWVQHZH[KLELWWLWOHG Photoshopped food-inspired online ³&KLQD7KURXJKWKH/RRNLQJ*ODVV´ photos. Decide for yourself whether 7KHH[KLELW &KLQD,QVLJKW0D\ LW¶VPRUHOLNHWKH&KLQHVHMLƗQELQJRU S LVPHDQWWRH[SORUHWKH DSL]]D impact of Chinese aesthetics on Western The real deal fashion. While some gala attendees’ dresses took on a Chinese theme, +XDQKXDQ6DUDK-HVVLFD the Chinese celebrities in attendance Parker VHHPHGWRKDYHRSWHGIRUPDMRU86 $QGDOOZHUHUHOLHYHGWKHUHZHUH or European designers and ignored the no cultural faux pas. And, no, there China-related theme altogether. were no reports of chopsticks as hair :LWKDQ\VXFKHYHQWWKH³UHG ornaments. FDUSHW´HQWUDQFHLV7+(HQWHUWDLQPHQW By the way, according to Vogue, especially since the celebs are out Rihanna’s gown took two years to to outdo each other. Rihanna outdid The pizza version PDNHDOOE\KDQG'RDOLWWOHPDWK HYHU\RQH H[FHSW%H\RQFpZKRKDQGV Netizens were also quick to spot WKLQNKRZPDQ\MLƗQELQJVDQGSL]]DV down won the award for being the most a 2008 Beijing Olympic mascot FRXOG¶YHEHHQPDGH RUHDWHQ LQWKH QDNHG +HUELJLPSHULDO\HOORZJRZQ +XDQKXDQORRNDOLNHLQ6DUDK-HVVLFD VDPHGXUDWLRQ TheMLƗQELQJYHUVLRQ by Chinese haute couture designer Parker’s headdress. chinainsight.info food June 2015 / PAGE 9 &DQWRQHVHFXLVLQHIDPRXVIRRGVLQ *XDQJGRQJ width. Shahefen is popular in southern FKHVWQXWDQGSRUNRUFKLFNHQ7KHVH &KLQD*XDQJGRQJ*XDQJ[LDQG+DLQDQ ingredients are steamed with the inside SURYLQFHV WKHOHDI ZKLFKLVQRWHDWHQ EXWLWVÀDYRXU Baiqie chicken () is infused during the steaming. A similar but OLJKWHUYDULDQWLVNQRZQDV³3HDUO&KLFNHQ´ )䍵䎈暆 jan jyu gai). (㗍㌚) A roll consisting of YDULRXVW\SHVRIYHJHWDEOHV²VXFKDVVOLFHG

Baiqie chicken is made by boiling - marinated chicken in water or chicken broth. carrot, cabbage, mushroom and wood ear When it is done, the chicken looks golden in IXQJXV²DQGVRPHWLPHVPHDWDUHUROOHG FRORUDQGWDVWHVIUHVKDQGOLJKWSUHVHUYLQJ LQVLGHDWKLQÀRXUVNLQDQGGHHSIULHG the best of the original taste of chicken. bao (⍱䅺⊭)7KHPRVWSRSXODU EXQZLWKD&DQWRQHVHEDUEHFXHGSRUN¿OOLQJ , also known as Yue cai consistency and then steaming. Variations Dim sum ,WFDQEHHLWKHUVWHDPHGWREHÀXII\DQG (䱝厄), is the culinary style of Guangdong DUHGHULYHGE\DGGLQJGLIIHUHQWLQJUHGLHQWV Dim sum is a wide range of small dishes 3URYLQFHZKLFKZDVFDOOHG&DQWRQZKHQ such as spring onion and . (similar to tapas) eaten for breakfast, brunch the Wade-Giles Romanization of Chinese or afternoon tea, as part of the yum cha ZDVLQXVH7KLVSDUWLFXODUW\SHRI&KLQHVH (drink tea, 梚勞) experience. Dishes are food has been popularized by Chinese XVXDOO\VWHDPHGRUIULHGDQGPD\EHVDYRXU\ restaurants around the world as the majority or sweet. Some of the most popular items of those who set up these restaurants were include: of Cantonese origin. Cantonese cuisine is Har gao (圎梫) also known for its color, fragrance, taste A delicate steamed and presentation, and it is ranked among the dumpling with top four of China. In particular, dim sum, a whole or chopped- delicate pastry, is famous for being simple XSVKULPS¿OOLQJDQG white or baked with a light sugar glaze to yet delicious. Deep fried dishes are not the typical thin wheat starch produce a smooth golden-brown crust. Guangdong dishes are characterized by Guangdong style, there are quite a number skin. Fung zao (沛䇒)7KHVHDUHFKLFNHQIHHW their tender and slightly sweet taste. Sauces RIWKHPWKDWDUHYHU\SRSXODURQHRIZKLFK Siu mai (䅺岋) deep fried, boiled, marinated in a black bean are a crucial seasoning in Guangdong LVWKHGHHSIULHGVTXLG DERYH  Small steamed VDXFHDQGWKHQVWHDPHG7KLVUHVXOWVLQD cuisine. Classic Cantonese sauces are light Zhaliang (literally “fried two”) is dumplings with WH[WXUHWKDWLVOLJKWDQGÀXII\ GXHWRWKH DQGPHOORZ7KHPRVWZLGHO\XVHGVDXFHV made by tightly wrapping a rice sheet roll either pork, prawns in Guangdong Cuisine include hoisin sauce, or beef, inside a thin frying), while moist and tender. Fung zao oyster sauce, and sweet and ZKHDWÀRXUZUDSSHU sour sauce. Other ingredients popular in Usually topped off Guangdong Cuisine include spring onions, with crab roe and sugar, salt, soya bean products, rice wine, mushroom. FRUQVWDUFKYLQHJDUDQGVHVDPHRLO*DUOLFLV Rice noodle rolls (儠䰱)7KHVHDUHZLGH XVHGKHDYLO\LQVRPHGLVKHVHVSHFLDOO\WKRVH rice noodles that are steamed and then in which internal organs, such as entrails, UROOHG7KH\DUHRIWHQ¿OOHGZLWKGLIIHUHQW may emit unpleasant odors. Ginger, chili W\SHVRIPHDWVRUYHJHWDEOHVLQVLGHEXWFDQ SHSSHUV¿YHVSLFHSRZGHUSRZGHUHGZKLWH EHVHUYHGZLWKRXWDQ\¿OOLQJ5LFHQRRGOH pepper, star anise and a few other spices are round a youtiao (deep-fried dough stick). used, but often sparingly. Zhaliang is widely eaten in Guangdong and are typically dark red in color. One may also 7KHUDZPDWHULDOVIRU*XDQJGRQJ +RQJ.RQJ,WLV VRPHWLPHV¿QGSODLQVWHDPHGFKLFNHQIHHW FXLVLQHDUHSOHQWLIXO³7KH&KLQHVHHDW usually eaten with HYHU\WKLQJZLWKIRXUOHJVH[FHSWWDEOHVDQG VHUYHGZLWKDYLQHJDUGLSSLQJVDXFH7KLV soy milk. YHUVLRQLVNQRZQDV³:KLWH&ORXG3KRHQL[ HYHU\WKLQJWKDWÀLHVH[FHSWDLUSODQHV´LVWKH Youtiao is a long, 7DORQV´ 䘥暚沛䇒, bak wun fung zao). most suitable expression of the countless golden-brown YDULHW\RI*XDQJGRQJIRRG7KLQJVWKDWDUH Darn tart (噳㑣)7KLVLVFRPSRVHGRIDEDVH deep-fried strip of PDGHIURPHLWKHUDÀDN\SXIISDVWU\W\SH rarely eaten or rarely seen on Western tables dough. Youtiaos are commonly used in Guangdong dishes. GRXJKRUDW\SHRIQRQÀDN\FRRNLHGRXJK are usually eaten ZLWKDQHJJFXVWDUG¿OOLQJZKLFKLVWKHQ Snake, cat and pangolin (scaly anteater) are for breakfast with soy milk. rolls are fried after they are steamed and baked. Some high class restaurants put bird’s considered by the Cantonese people to be Shahe noodles (Shahefen) is a kind of then sprinkled with sesame seeds. Popular nest on top of the most delicious food. rice noodles that probably originated from ¿OOLQJVLQFOXGHEHHIGRXJKIULWWHUVKULPS custard. In other In contrast to the fast-fried cooking the town of Shahe, now part of Guangzhou. method of Sichuan dishes, Guangdong and barbecued pork. Often topped with a places, egg tarts SHRSOHSUHIHUWREUDLVHVWHZDQGVDXWp sweetened soy sauce. can be made of a WKHLUIRRG7KHVHFRRNLQJPHWKRGVDLPWR Lotus leaf rice (䲗䰛暆) Glutinous rice FUXVWDQGD¿OOLQJ SUHVHUYHWKHÀDYRURIWKHGLVKHV is wrapped in a lotus leaf in a triangular of egg whites and Traditional Cantonese dishes some where it is a crust with egg 7KHVHGLVKHVDUHWKHHDUOLHVWFROOHFWLRQ yolks. Some egg RI&KLQHVHIRRG7KH\DUHRIWHQVLPSOHDQG WDUWV QRZ KDYH easy to learn and cook, and are widely found IODYRUVVXFKDVWDURFRIIHHDQGRWKHU LQ&KLQHVHKRPHV7KH\DUHDOVRWKHPRVW ÀDYRUV7KHUHDUHDOVRGLIIHUHQWNLQGVRI common foods on the menus of Cantonese restaurants. FUXVW7KHUHLVDOVRDÀDN\FULVSRXWHUFUXVW Chinese with layers and layers of crunchy crumbs. 7KH\DUHEURDGDQGZKLWHLQFRORU7KHLU )RUJHW*HQHUDO7VR¶VFKLFNHQRUVZHHW steamed eggs WH[WXUHLVHODVWLFDQGDOLWWOHFKHZ\7KH\GR are made by and sour pork with floating pineapple not freeze or dry well and are thus generally chunks; when in Guangzhou, eat as often as beating eggs ZKHUHDYDLODEOH SXUFKDVHGIUHVKLQVWULSV to a creamy or rectangular shape dumpling. It contains \RXFDQWRWU\WKHLPPHQVHYDULHW\RIIUHVK or sheets that may be cut to the desired egg yolk, dried scallop, mushrooms, water foods eaten by the locals. PAGE 10 / June 2015 genealogy chinainsight.info )LQGLQJ&KLQHVH$PHULFDQIDPLO\ UHFRUGVSDUW The Chinese Exclusion Acts and“paper sons”

By Raymond Lum, contributor

W\SHVRIRI¿FLDOUHFRUGVDQGQRWHVZKHUH who could then “legally” immigrate. Editor’s note: :HDOO\HDUQWRWUDFHRXUURRWVDWVRPHSRLQW7KHDXWKRU they can be located. 6XUYLYLQJFRDFKLQJSDSHUVDUHORDGHG DUHWLUHGOLEUDULDQDW+DUYDUG¶V6RXWK(DVWDQG6RXWKHDVW$VLDQFROOHFWLRQ It did not take the Chinese here long with family information, details on the DQG&KLQHVHLQVWUXFWRUDW+DUYDUG¶V([WHQVLRQ6FKRROZLOOEHVKDULQJKHOSIXO WR¿JXUHRXWWKDWWKH\FRXOGEULQJRYHU OLQHDJHYLOODJHGDWHVUHODWLRQVKLSV UHVRXUFHVVSHFL¿FWRWUDFLQJ\RXU&KLQHVHDQFHVWU\LQWKLVDQGXSFRPLQJLVVXHVRI any male by claiming him as a son. VRPHWLPHVHYHQPDSV,RZQVHYHUDO &KLQD,QVLJKW/XPLVDQDWLYHRI&KLFDJR¶V&KLQDWRZQDQGVWXGLHG&KLQHVHLQ 7KXVUHODWLYHVFRXOGEHRIIHUHGWKH sets from four generations of my family, FKDQFHWRLPPLJUDWHDQGHYHQQRQ each with hundreds of questions and 7DLZDQ+HKROGVD0DVWHURI/LEUDU\6FLHQFHIURPWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI0LFKLJDQ UHODWLYHVFRXOGEHJLYHQDVORWRIWHQIRU answers. Before he passed away, my DQG0$DQG3K'GHJUHHVLQ(DVW$VLDQ/DQJXDJHV &LYLOL]DWLRQVIURP a fee paid to the sponsor. In order to IDWKHUVDWGRZQZLWKPHDQGLGHQWL¿HG +DUYDUG8QLYHUVLW\ succeed in the interrogation, the young HDFKQDPHZLWKYLWDOUHYHODWLRQVWKLV PDQZRXOGKDYHWRKDYHPHPRUL]HGD person was really a Lee; this one is my Chinese immigration Chinese form of exclusion. list of questions and answers (coaching uncle’s son, not my father’s son; this KDYHEHHQHPLJUDWLQJIURP&KLQD¶V Primary records7KH&KLQHVH papers, ⎋ὃ) that had been sent to QDPHZDVVROGWRD&KDQWKLVRQHQHYHU VRXWKHDVWFRDVWIRUFHQWXULHVGULYHQE\ Exclusion Acts led to the creation &KLQDE\WKHVSRQVRU7KH\ZHUH H[LVWHGEXWZDVLQYHQWHGWRJLYHDZD\ RYHUSRSXODWLRQGLYLVLRQRIODQGDPRQJ of hundreds of thousands of pages &KLQHVHYHUVLRQVRIWKHLPPLJUDWLRQ RUVHOO7KHPHQZKRFDPHDVVRQV male descendants, infertile soil, and the RIJRYHUQPHQWUHFRUGVWKDWDUHYLWDO RI¿FLDOV¶TXHVWLRQVDQGFRXOGEHVWXGLHG of men other than their natal fathers opportunities to be found in trade and resources for Chinese Americans trying on the ship from China and then thrown DUHNQRZQDV³SDSHUVRQV´7KHLUUHDO commerce. Most went to Southeast Asia to trace the history of their families RYHUERDUG5DUHO\GLGFRDFKLQJSDSHUV relationships were generally known EXWRWKHUVZHQWDVLQGHQWXUHGVHUYDQWVDV LQWKLVFRXQWU\7KHUHFRUGVLQFOXGH VXUYLYHXQOHVVWKH\KDGEHHQVHL]HGE\ DPRQJWKH&KLQHVHEXWQRWUHYHDOHGWR IDUD¿HOGDV$IULFD&XEDDQG3HUX7KH DSSOLFDWLRQVDIILGDYLWVRIVXSSRUW LPPLJUDWLRQRI¿FLDOV outsiders. In public life, the “sons” used ¿UVWODUJHZDYHLPPLJUDWLRQRI&KLQHVH legal decisions, photographs, and, in 7KHTXHVWLRQVDQGUHVSRQVHVRQWKH WKHVXUQDPHVRIWKHLUSXWDWLYHIDWKHUV to the United States resulted from the some instances, maps of immigrants’ FRDFKLQJSDSHUVZHUHYHU\GHWDLOHGIDU but in Chinese communities, their real GLVFRYHU\RIJROGDW6XWWHU¶V0LOOLQ YLOODJHV$OPRVWDOORIWKHUHFRUGVDUH ranging, and, perhaps, random: Did your surnames were known. &DOLIRUQLDLQ:KHQWKHJROGZDV DFFHVVLEOHEXW¿JXULQJRXWZKHUHWKH\ JUDQGPRWKHUKDYHERXQGIHHW"'LG\RXU 7KH*HDU\$FWRIH[WHQGHGWKH mostly depleted from the streams, the DUHDQGKRZWRFRQVXOWWKHP YHU\IHZ JUDQGIDWKHUKDYHDEHDUG":KDWZDV Chinese Exclusion for an additional 10 Chinese found dangerous, temporary are online, although guides to them are) WKHQDPHRIWKHWHDFKHULQWKHYLOODJH \HDUV:KHQWKHJRYHUQPHQWGLVFRYHUHG ZRUNRQWKH&HQWUDO3DFL¿FDQG8QLRQ can be perplexing. But it can pay off: VFKRRO"+RZPDQ\SLHFHVRIOXJJDJH that the Chinese were falsely claiming Pacific railroads that were joined to I mentioned the records to a Chicago did your father take with him the last sons who would be allowed to immigrate FUHDWHWKH7UDQVFRQWLQHQWDO5DLOURDG friend trying to trace his father’s WLPHKHYLVLWHG&KLQD":KHUHZDVWKH to America, and that the Chinese After the completion of the Railroad, LPPLJUDWLRQWKH86JRYHUQPHQWVHQW YLOODJHZHOO":KDWZDVWKHVXUQDPHRI Exclusion Act was easily ignored, it the Chinese were again thrown out of KLPSDJHVRIGRFXPHQWDWLRQ IRUD \RXUIDWKHU¶VWKLUGXQFOH¶VZLIH":KHUH passed the McCreary Amendment to the work, but took employment as laborers minimal reproduction fee). By contrast, ZDVWKHODQWHUQLQ\RXUIDPLO\¶VNLWFKHQ" *HDU\$FWLQ7KDWDPHQGPHQW doing work that other ex-gold miners my father’s records numbered only three I heard a story that a legitimate son was required all Chinese residents, both ZRXOGQRWVXFKDVKRXVHVHUYDQWVDQG pages, probably because he came not proprietors of restaurants and hand as an immigrant but as a citizen, son of laundries, occupations not known to DFLWL]HQ ERUQLQ+RQROXOX ZKRZDV them in China. Subsequent economic FODVVL¿HGDVDPHUFKDQWDQGWKXVZDV GHSUHVVLRQPDGHHYHQWKRVHPHQLDO not subjected to all of the immigration MREVDWWUDFWLYHWRRWKHULPPLJUDQWV restrictions on Chinese laborers. particularly the Irish. Although the Chinese Exclusion Widespread discrimination against Act prohibited Chinese laborers from Chinese laborers erupted in the western reaching our shores, merchants already 86DQG³7KH&KLQHVH0XVW*R´ here legally were allowed to bring became a rallying cry among politicians. RYHUWKHLUVRQVDQGUDUHO\WKHLUZLYHV 7KH&KLQHVHZHUHFKDUDFWHUL]HGLQSULQW DQGGDXJKWHUV7RGRVRWKHDSSOLFDQW and cartoons as dirty, dishonest, rat- KDGWRSURYHKLVRZQULJKWWREHKHUH HDWLQJGUXJDGGLFWVZKRZHUHXQFLYLOL]HG REWDLQDI¿GDYLWVSURYLQJKHZDVWUXO\ and who were stealing jobs from hard- DPHUFKDQWDQGWKHQSURYHWKDWWKH working Americans. Many Chinese person he wanted to bring to join him were murdered in attacks in the western ZDVLQGHHGKLVVRQ8SRQDUULYDODW VWDWHV7KH86&RQJUHVVUHVSRQGHG Angel Island in California or Ellis beginning in 1882, with passage of the Island in New York, the sons were &KLQHVH([FOXVLRQ$FWWKDWVHYHUHO\ quarantined and put through a series curtailed the immigration of Chinese RIJUXHOLQJLQWHUYLHZVSULRUWREHLQJ ODERUHUVIRU\HDUV7KDW$FWDQG allowed in or sent back to China as its subsequent extensions prohibited XQDFFHSWDEOH3HUFHLYHGSK\VLFDODQG the immigration of Chinese laborers PHQWDOGH¿FLHQFLHVZHUHJURXQGVIRU (students, diplomats, and professionals exclusion, as was the immigration were still allowed in) and restricted (but RI¿FLDOV¶UHMHFWLRQRIWKHDSSOLFDQW¶V did not necessarily deny) the return of claim to be the son of his sponsor. denied entry because the interrogator QDWLYHERUQDQGQDWXUDOL]HGWRFDUU\ &KLQHVHZKRKDGOHIWWRYLVLWIDPLO\LQ 7KHRULJLQDOUHFRUGVDUHNQRZQ said he was wrong when he said the D&HUWL¿FDWHRI&KLQHVH,GHQWLW\WKDW &KLQD7KH([FOXVLRQ$FWZDVH[WHQGHG DV³FDVH¿OHV´DQGDUHIRUWKHPRVW lantern was on the right side of the IHDWXUHG WKHLU SKRWRJUDSKV 7KH for an additional 10 years with the Geary SDUWSUHVHUYHGE\WKH,PPLJUDWLRQ kitchen, because the person he claimed &HUWL¿FDWHVDUHLPSRUWDQWVRXUFHVRI $FW  WKH0F&UHDU\$PHQGPHQW DQG1DWXUDOL]DWLRQ6HUYLFHLQVHYHUDO as a brother already in the U.S. had said SDVVSRUWVL]HGSKRWRVRIUHODWLYHVDORQJ to that Act required Chinese to obtain DJHQFLHV &HQVXV&XVWRPV6HUYLFH it was on left side, to which the young with their physical descriptions inserted DQGNHHSRQWKHLUSHUVRQVFHUWL¿FDWHV 3XEOLF+HDWK6HUYLFHHWF &DOLIRUQLD¶V man responded that it depended where onto the Certificates (but thousands RIUHVLGHQFHDQGFHUWL¿FDWHVRILGHQWLW\ early records were destroyed during the RQHZDVVWDQGLQJ7KHLQWHUURJDWRUV issued in San Francisco were destroyed ERWKRIZKLFKZHUHXVHGWRSURYHWKDW HDUWKTXDNHDQG¿UH PRUHRQWKDW KDG¿QDODXWKRULW\WRDSSURYHRUGHQ\ LQD¿UHLQ 0DQ\RIWKHVHZHUH WKH\ZHUHKHUHOHJDOO\7KH([FOXVLRQ later). A guide to existing records was applications. passed down in families, including this Acts were in force from 1882 until SXEOLVKHGE\WKH1DWLRQDO$UFKLYHVDV Coaching papers enabled Chinese one for my father: UHSHDOHGLQDWWKHLQVLVWHQFHRIWKH “Chinese Immigration and the Chinese here legally to claim as sons young Chinese-Americans---whether citizens &KLQHVHJRYHUQPHQWDQDOO\LQWKH86 LQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV ZZZDUFKLYHV men who were not actually their sons RUQRWZKRZDQWHGWRYLVLW&KLQDZHUH ZDUZLWK-DSDQ7KHUHDIWHUIRUGHFDGHV JRYUHVHDUFKFKLQHVHDPHULFDQVJXLGH EXWZKRKDGEHHQJLYHQDOOWKHULJKW UHTXLUHGWRREWDLQUHWXUQFHUWL¿FDWHVEHIRUH Chinese immigration was limited by a KWPO ´7KHGRFXPHQWRXWOLQHVWKH answers to the questions likely to be quota of 105 persons per year, a new ([FOXVLRQ$FWVDQGH[SODLQVWKHYDULRXV asked by immigration officials, and continue on page 11 chinainsight.info genealogy June 2015 / PAGE 11

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)DPLO\UHFRUGV -XQH continued from page 10  they departed to ensure their re-entry. EDVHGRQERWKDJHDQGUHDODQG¿FWLYH EXWWKDWZDVQRWWKHFDVH7ZRIDPLO\ continued from page 6 )ROORZLQJWKHHDUWKTXDNHDQG¿UH UHODWLRQVKLSV7KXVWKHUHDUHWHUPV friends took each boy to register for in San Francisco, which destroyed early for uncles older or younger than one’s VFKRRODQGJDYHWKHLUVXUQDPHVLQ LVLQSODFHWR¿OWHURXWDQGVFUHHQ immigration records, numerous father, for uncles and aunts on one’s different Chinese dialect pronunciations online material from abroad. It Chinese here illegally claimed mother’s side, for cousins depending RIWKHVDPHQDPH.RNDQG.XHKDUH guarantees that Chinese citizens will citizenship or sons in China, neither on whether they are on one’s father’s written with the same Chinese character, NQRZRQO\ZKDWWKHJRYHUQPHQWDOORZV RIZKLFKFRXOGEHGLVSURYHGIURP side or mother’s side and older or 悕. them to know. It’s quite clear that the VXUYLYLQJUHFRUGV younger than you, for older and younger $PDMRUGLI¿FXOW\LQVHDUFKLQJWKH &KLQHVHJRYHUQPHQWGRHVQRWZDQWLWV Names  ,Q  WKH 86 siblings and their spouses. Until U.S. Immigration & Naturalization JRYHUQPHQW HQDFWHG WKH &KLQHVH fairly recently, rarely would someone 6HUYLFHUHFRUGVLVWKHVSHOOLQJRI&KLQHVH FLWL]HQVWRKDYHDUROHLQSROLWLFVRUVHOI Confession Program under which address an acquaintance by his name, names and determining surnames. A JRYHUQPHQW Chinese who would come forward and but the familial terms of address do not SHUVRQNQRZQE\WKHGLPLQXWLYH³$K´ By suppressing discussion of the admit that they had immigrated illegally necessarily indicate blood or marriage might be listed in the records with that 7LDQDQPHQ6TXDUH0DVVDFUHFDQWKH as the sons of men not their fathers UHODWLRQVKLSV6RLWRIWHQLVGLI¿FXOWWR as his surname, and the post-nominal &KLQHVHJRYHUQPHQWPDNHWKLVVRUU\ would be legalized. Many Chinese know if “Uncle So-and-So” is in fact a “Shee” in a woman’s name might be HSLVRGHLQLWVKLVWRU\JRDZD\"0RVW were suspicious of the offer, yet others family member or if “uncle” is a term listed as her surname. Slight regional &KLQDH[SHUWVEHOLHYHWKHWUDXPDRI accepted it and in the process reclaimed of respect. My father’s two “brothers” YDULDWLRQVLQSURQXQFLDWLRQVOHGWRWKH 7LDQDQPHQLVMXVWEHORZWKHVXUIDFHRI their original surnames. I was in a ZKRP,NQHZRILQFOXGHGD¿UVWFRXVLQ VDPHIDPLO\QDPHVSHOOHGLQVHYHUDO WKH³FROOHFWLYHPLQG´RIWKH&KLQHVH school for Chinese children when this KHUHOHJDOO\ DQGDYHU\GLVWDQWFRXVLQ different ways. My surname, Lum, 7KH ORQJHU LW LV VXSSUHVVHG DQG occurred and some of my classmates who immigrated as my grandfather’s appears as Lum, Lim, Lam, and Lem, KDGQHZVXUQDPHVRQHGD\7KH/HHV son. and as Lin and Ling for non-Cantonese unaddressed, the more pronounced it became Shews and the Youngs became And, people change their names immigrants. And often the name a will be when it re-emerges. +XJKV2QHHYHQFKDQJHGKLV¿UVWQDPH purposely or by misspellings when they forebear was known by in a family was Until then, how can the Chinese from Wesley to George. Some people, UHJLVWHUIRUVFKRRORUIRUVRFLDOVHUYLFHV not the name that appears in the records, JRYHUQPHQWDGPRQLVKWKH-DSDQHVHRQ such as my father, consequently began 7KHUHLVQRVWDQGDUG5RPDQL]DWLRQ a result of the “paper son” phenomenon erasing history re: Nanjing Massacre getting rid of unused “paper son” names RI&KLQHVHQDPHVDQGHYHQVOLJKW where the records are under the surname when it is essentially doing the same rather than be charged with fraud. I YDULDWLRQV RFFXU ZKHQQDPHVDUH RIWKHSXWDWLYHIDWKHU,QVXFKFDVHV UHJDUGLQJ-XQHDW7LDQDQPHQ knew I had a half-brother in China, but pronounced in local pronunciations. unless both the “real” and the “paper” 6TXDUH" when I found, in the coaching papers, 7RGD\LPPLJUDQWVIURP&KLQDDUH names are known, it might be impossible that I had another half-brother there, most likely to Romanize their names in WRORFDWHWKHUHOHYDQWLPPLJUDWLRQ ,DVNHGP\IDWKHUDERXWKLP+HVDLG , the form for writing Mandarin records. Sometimes, immigration KHKDGNLOOHGKLP.LOOHGKLVRZQVRQ" in the Latin alphabet. Where the U.S. RI¿FLDOVUHYHUVHGWKHRUGHURIHOHPHQWV .LOOHGP\EURWKHU"%XWKHWROGPHWKDW JRYHUQPHQWZDVQRWDEOHWRVWDQGDUGL]H in a name so that part of a forename was Read the paper WKHVRQKDGQHYHUH[LVWHGDQGWKHQDPH the spelling of Chinese names, the recorded as the surname. KDGEHHQLQYHQWHGE\GLVDJJUHJDWLQJ &KLQHVHJRYHUQPHQWKDVVXFFHHGHG 7KHQH[WLQVWDOOPHQWZLOOSURYLGH online at the real son’s name into names of :KHQ,OLYHGLQ0DOD\VLDP\SK\VLFLDQ more information on relevant public two separate sons in order to offer an ZDV'U.RN+LVEURWKHUWKHGHQWLVW UHFRUGVDQGKRZWRDFFHVVWKHP$ www.chinainsight.info immigration slot to someone else. ZDV'U.XHK,VXVSHFWHGWKH\KDG bibliography of English-language Chinese terms of address are the same mother but different fathers, SXEOLFDWLRQVZLOOFRPSOHWHWKLVVHULHV PAGE 12 / June 2015 business chinainsight.info 'RLQJEXVLQHVVZLWK&KLQDDQGWKH &KLQHVHSHRSOHDFRQYHUVDWLRQ RQFXOWXUDOFKDOOHQJHVSDUW

By Chang Wang and Joe Pearman, contributors


By Elaine Dunn

'XULQJWKH+DQG\QDVW\ Otherwise, not.  %&$'   DQ Each April 20-25, Weifang holds a kite outstanding military strategist, IHVWLYDOWKDWGUDZVDOOWKHEHVWNLWHPDNHUV JHQHUDO+DQ;LQ 杻ᾉ ÀHZ and flyers from around the country and NLWHVRYHUWKHFLW\ZDOOWR ZRUOG7KHQLJKWEHIRUHWKHFRPSHWLWLRQ measure the distance from the city wall to the palace so he kites from the participating countries knew how long a tunnel his are paraded in a huge soccer stadium. troops needed to dig to launch 7KHFRPSHWLWLRQLWVHOILVKHOGRQ)X

7KHUHPDLQGHUTXDOLILHV LQWKHFLYLOLDQODERUIRUFHFRPSDUHGWR Figure 1. Chinese Immigrant Population in the United through employment-based )LJXUH7RS'HVWLQDWLRQ6WDWHVIRU&KLQHVH SHUFHQWDQGSHUFHQWRIWKHWRWDOIRUHLJQ 6WDWHV preferences, or asylee ,PPLJUDQWVLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV DQGQDWLYHERUQSRSXODWLRQVUHVSHFWLYHO\ status. Compared to the Chinese immigrants were much more likely RYHUDOOIRUHLJQDQGQDWLYH to be employed in management, business, born populations, Chinese science, and arts occupations (51 percent) immigrants are more highly compared to the other two groups. educated, more likely to Income and Poverty EHHPSOR\HGDQGKDYHD higher household income. )LJXUH(PSOR\HG:RUNHUVLQWKH Using data from the &LYLOLDQ/DERU)RUFH DJHVDQGROGHU  U.S. Census Bureau (the by Occupation and Origin, 2013 most recent 2013 American &RPPXQLW\6XUYH\>$&6@ DVZHOODVSRROHG ACS data), the Department Note: Pooled 2009-13 ACS data were RI+RPHODQG6HFXULW\¶V used to get statistically valid estimates Yearbook of Immigration at the state level for smaller-population Statistics, and the World geographies. Bank’s annual remittance Sources: Data from U.S. Census Bureau 2006, 2010, and Source: Migration Policy Institute GDWDWKLV6SRWOLJKWSURYLGHV 2013 American Community Surveys (ACS), and 1980, (MPI) tabulation of data from U.S. information on the Chinese 1990, and 2000 Decennial Census. Census Bureau pooled 2009-13 ACS. immigrant population in the United States, focusing questionnaire that they spoke English less 'H¿QLWLRQV on its size, geographic distribution, and WKDQ³YHU\ZHOO´ socioeconomic characteristics. Educational and Professional Distribution by State and Key Cities 7KH86&HQVXV%XUHDXGH¿QHVWKH Attainment Source: MPI tabulation of data from 0RVWLPPLJUDQWVIURP&KLQDKDYH IRUHLJQERUQDVLQGLYLGXDOVZKRKDGQR 7KH+RQJ.RQJ%RUQ3RSXODWLRQ the U.S. Census Bureau 2013 ACS. settled in California (31 percent), and New 86FLWL]HQVKLSDWELUWK7KHIRUHLJQERUQ

As of January 2012, there were percent), but more likely to be uninsured )LJXUH+HDOWK&RYHUDJHIRU&KLQHVH,PPLJUDQWV$OO,PPLJUDQWVDQGWKH1DWLYH approximately 210,000 unauthorized WKDQWKHQDWLYHERUQSRSXODWLRQ SHUFHQW  Born, 2013 &KLQHVHQDWLRQDOVOLYLQJLQWKH8QLWHG Chinese immigrants were more likely to States, comprising nearly 2 percent of the KDYHSULYDWHKHDOWKLQVXUDQFHWKDQWKH PLOOLRQXQDXWKRUL]HGLPPLJUDQWVLQ total foreign-born population, though their the United States. Around 12,000 Chinese LQVXUDQFHOHYHOVZHUHVWLOOEHORZWKRVHRI youth were eligible for the Deferred Action WKHQDWLYHERUQSRSXODWLRQ IRU&KLOGKRRG$UULYDOV '$&$ SURJUDP Diaspora DVRI0DUFKDFFRUGLQJWR03, 7KH&KLQHVHGLDVSRUDSRSXODWLRQLQWKH HVWLPDWHV\HWYHU\IHZDSSOLHGIRU'$&$LQ United States is comprised of approximately WKH¿UVWWZR\HDUVRIWKHSURJUDP$GYRFDWHV PLOOLRQLQGLYLGXDOVZKRZHUHHLWKHU suggest the low application rate in the born in the People’s Republic of China, Chinese immigrant community may stem +RQJ.RQJ0DFDXRU7DLZDQRUUHSRUWHG from factors including limited outreach, &KLQHVHRU7DLZDQHVHDQFHVWU\RUUDFH cultural inhibitions, fear of disclosing their according to tabulations from the U.S. unauthorized status, and language barriers. &HQVXV%XUHDXSRROHG$&6 )LJXUH,PPLJUDWLRQ3DWKZD\VRI&KLQHVH,PPLJUDQWVDQG$OO,PPLJUDQWVLQWKH United States, 2013

Source: MPI tabulations of data from the World Bank Prospects Group, “Annual Remittances Data,” October 2014 update

1 percent of the country’s gross domestic 5HIXJHHVDQG$V\OHHV$QQXDO product (GDP), according to data from the )ORZ5HSRUW$XJXVW:DVKLQJWRQ :RUOG%DQN5HPLWWDQFHVVHQWWR&KLQDKDYH '&'+62I¿FHRI,PPLJUDWLRQ6WDWLVWLFV VHHQDIROGLQFUHDVHVLQFH 6HPSOH.LUN$GYRFDWHV6WUXJJOH to Reach Immigrants Eligible for Deferred Sources $FWLRQ1HZ


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Japanese Americans had committed Opening Program: May 20, 2015, 4:30-6:30, Atrium, no acts of treason to justify mass U.S. CourthouseCourtr hhousse in MinneapolisMiinnneapolisi LQFDUFHUDWLRQ:LWKWKLVQHZHYLGHQFH a pro bono legal team that included the Asian Law Caucus re-opened .RUHPDWVX¶V\HDUROGFDVHRQWKH EDVLVRIJRYHUQPHQWPLVFRQGXFW2Q 1RY.RUHPDWVX¶VFRQYLFWLRQ ZDVRYHUWXUQHGLQDIHGHUDOFRXUWLQ6DQ An Exhibition on the Asian Pacific legal experience in America )UDQFLVFR,WZDVDSLYRWDOSRLQWLQFLYLO discerned through three pivotal events: Magistrate Leung rights history. ,Q.DUHQ.RUHPDWVXIRXQGHG Leung then introduced Magistrate WKH)UHG7.RUHPDWVX,QVWLWXWHIRU&LYLO -XGJH-HIIUH\.H\HVZKRFRQWLQXHG Rights and Education at the Asian Law Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 the program with recognition of the Caucus in San Francisco. She has been VXUYLYRUVRIWKH-DSDQHVHLQFDUFHUDWLRQ WKH,QVWLWXWH¶VH[HFXWLYHGLUHFWRUVLQFH 7KHUHZHUHHLJKWVXUYLYRUVIURPYDULRXV May 2013 and helped establish January internment camps in attendance, and DVWKHDQQXDO³)UHG.RUHPDWVX'D\ Japanese Incarceration in WWII .H\HVDVNHGWKHPWRVWDQGDQGEH RI&LYLO/LEHUWLHVDQGWKH&RQVWLWXWLRQ´ Hirabayashi v. U.S., 320 US 81 (1943) Yasui v. U.S., 320 US 115 (1943) UHFRJQL]HG.H\HVQRWHGWKDWPRUH in California. She is a highly respected Korematsu v. U.S., 323 US 214 (1944) than 120,000 Japanese-Americans were FLYLOULJKWVDGYRFDWHWHDFKHUZRUNVKRS relocated to 10 camps that were located presenter and a much sought-after PRVWO\RQ,QGLDQUHVHUYDWLRQVLQWKH public speaker throughout the United interior of the country. States. Immigration and Nationality Act In spite of this treatment, more than of 1965 LQGLYLGXDOVIURPWKHVHFDPSV YROXQWHHUHGWRVHUYHLQWKHPLOLWDU\ and were members of the most highly SPONSORED BY THE decorated units of the military. Many MINNESOTA ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION UHORFDWHGWR0LQQHVRWDDQGVHUYHGLQ MINNESOTA FEDERAL BAR ASSOCIATION Photo courtesy of Max Leung 0LOLWDU\,QWHOOLJHQFH6HUYLFHIDFLOLWLHV WKDWZHUHHVWDEOLVKHGLQ&DPS6DYDJH and Fort Snelling. Concluding his Japanese internment camp survivors UHPDUNV.H\HVLQWURGXFHGNH\QRWH VSHDNHU.DUHQ.RUHPDWVXH[HFXWLYH $V.RUHPDWVXEHJDQKHUSUHVHQWDWLRQ ´9RLFHRI3HDFHµ GLUHFWRURIWKH)UHG7.RUHPDWVX VKHDFNQRZOHGJHGWKDWWKLVZDVKHU¿UVW Institute. YLVLWWR0LQQHVRWDDQGWKDWVKHZDVYHU\ FRPPLWWHH impressed by and also felt a connection because of Fort Snelling, where the continued from page 7 language school for training military linguists in Japanese was located. .RUHPDWVXDOVRFRPPHQWHGRQ the use of the terms “internment” War II. We will show the world what great LQWKHFRPPXQLW\WRSDUWLFLSDWHDFWLYHO\LQ and “incarceration.” She stated that contributions China made in the course of WKLVIDUUHDFKLQJHYHQW)LQDOO\KHZLVKHG KRZHYHU\RXPD\ZDQWWRVRIWHQLW ¿JKWLQJIDVFLVP:HZLVKWRSURPRWHDQG WKHHYHQWDVXFFHVV Japanese Americans had no choice and to strengthen the joint effort made between A well-known female artist, Pei Shen, in fact were incarcerated. She also China and the United States in maintaining from the audience shared her family story cautioned that “the law that permitted world peace. We also wish to instill in GXULQJWKH-DSDQHVHLQYDVLRQDQGSOHGJHG this to take place is still the law and the future generations of ours the lessons WRGRQDWHLQVXSSRUWRIWKHHYHQW Keynote speaker Korematsu unfortunately, in times of war, the law of history while cherishing the peace,” More than 30 local Chinese community falls silent.” Vincent Mar, the chairperson of the Voice RUJDQL]DWLRQVKDYHDOUHDG\SOHGJHGWR .RUHPDWVXLVWKHGDXJKWHURIWKHODWH RI3HDFHHYHQWRUJDQL]LQJFRPPLWWHHVDLG participate. )UHG7.RUHPDWVXDQDWLRQDODQGFLYLO +HDOVRVDLGWKHFRPPHPRUDWLQJHYHQWZLOO $ERXW³9RLFHRI3HDFH´HYHQWRUJDQL]LQJ ULJKWVKHUR,QDWWKHDJHRIKH demonstrate that the “Chinese anti-Japanese committee refused to go to the Japanese internment war played an important part in building ,QDQG0LQQHVRWD&KLQHVH FDPSV+HZDVDUUHVWHGDQGFRQYLFWHG FRQ¿GHQFHDPRQJWKH$OOLHVRI&KLQD¶VUROH RUJDQL]HGVLPLODUHYHQWVWRFHOHEUDWHWKH RIGHI\LQJWKHJRYHUQPHQW¶VRUGHU and that “the Chinese people paid a huge WKDQGWKDQQLYHUVDULHVRIWKHYLFWRU\ +HDSSHDOHGKLVFDVHWRWKH6XSUHPH VDFUL¿FH´0DUIXUWKHUHPSKDVL]HGWKUHH in the Chinese anti-Japanese war. Beginning &RXUWDQGLQWKH6XSUHPH&RXUW PDLQSULQFLSOHVRIWKHHYHQWGHWHUPLQHG in January 2015, some of the community ruled against him, arguing that the by the committee: “Respecting history, DGYRFDWHVEHJDQWRGLVFXVVFRPPHPRUDWLQJ incarceration was justified due to highlighting the theme and encouraging WKHWKDQQLYHUVDU\RIWKHVHHYHQWV7KH military necessity. community participation.” HYHQWRUJDQL]LQJFRPPLWWHHZDVWKXVIRUPHG .DUHQ.RUHPDWVXOHDUQHGDERXW Asian veterans recognized Bingwen Yan, one of the committee in April to undertake this important mission. KHUIDWKHU¶VVWRU\LQVFKRRO7KLVZDV co-chairs, shared insights and information 7KHFRPPLWWHHZLVKHVWRIXUWKHUGHHSHQ something her father chose not to share 7KH([KLELWLRQLVRSHQWRWKHSXEOLF RQWKHHYHQWIUDPHZRUNDVZHOODVWKH community engagement by increasing ZLWKKLVFKLOGUHQHYHQWKRXJKLWDIIHFWHG IRUYLHZLQJLQWKHDWULXPRIWKH86 organizational structure, and explained the awareness and participation in fundraising his ability to pursue a career in real Courthouse in Minneapolis (300 South LQGLYLGXDOGHSDUWPHQW¶VPLVVLRQDQGJRDOV DQGYROXQWHHURSSRUWXQLWLHVDQGWRVROLFLW estate because he had to disclose his Fourth St.) through June 5, during Department leaders reported on progress on strong public support from the community FRQYLFWLRQ UHJXODUFRXUWKRXUV7KHUHDIWHULWZLOO performance, symposium, exhibition, PR through releasing a series of detailed )LQDOO\LQ3URI3HWHU,URQV EHLQWKH&RXUWKRXVHLQ6W3DXO  and fundraising and took questions from SURFHGXUHVDQGLQIRUPDWLRQFRYHULQJDUHDV 8QLYHUVLW\RI&DOLIRUQLD6DQ'LHJRD North Robert St.) for two weeks before the attendees. VXFKDVIXQGUDLVLQJGRQDWLRQVDQGYROXQWHHU legal historian, together with researcher going to the Courthouse in Duluth (515 Deputy Consul General Wang Yong participation. $LNR+HU]LJ