



ACTION Committee for the United States of Europe: Statements and declarations 1955-67. London, Chatham House/PEP, 1969. European series, no. 9-lOs. CROMWELL (William C.), N. Forman and J. Joffe, Political problems of Atlantic partnership. National perspectives. Bruges, College of Europe, 1969. NOTION (La) d'un Marche commun dans un processus d'integration. Melanges offertes a Rudolf Regul. Bruges, College of Europe, 1969. WEIL (Gordon L.), A foreign policy for Europe? Bruges, College of Europe, 1970. BLOES (Robert), Le "Plan Fouchet" et le probleme de l'Europe politique. Bruges, College of Europe, 1970. EUROPE'S futures, Europe's choices: Models of 'Nestern Europe in the 1970s. Edited by Alastair Buchan. Published for the Institute for Strategie Studies. London, Chatto & vVindus, 1969. 30s. For nearly two decades after World War II the target of all good men, genus European, was a United States of Europe, a product in the American image, with the Atlantic giant as primary factor and catalyst for its consummation. The mould was set, so to say, and it was only a question of time. Typical of that period was, of course, Jean Monnet's Action Committee, established in 1955 in the name of the political parties and trade union organisations of the six Community countries. (Representa• tives of Britain's parties, but not the trade unions, joined three years later.) So, though the Committee's contribution to the symphony was rather in the nature of a Greek chorus, it does provide a useful index to the zealots' hopes and fears. Meetings of the Committee take pi ace on an average once a year: the substance of 13 meetings is supplied here. Points worthy of note are the initial emphasis on nuclear energy rather than on economic integration; the emergence, in 1962, of the theme of "equal partner• ship" with the U.S.A.; and, after 1965, a somewhat timid subscribing to the new guide-lines in aid of co-operation with the U.S.S.R. and the countries of Eastern Europe. But it is emphatically aperiod piece. No less "period" and remote from the pattern of 1972 is the painstaking analysis of "Atlantic" preoccupations which was the outcome of a seminar held at the College of Europe in the 1965-66 session - and in sub se quent years. (A Marshall Chair was established at the College in September 1966, to be occupied each year by a visiting American academic.) William C. Cromwell, of the American University School of International Service, Washington D.C., is the presenter of this symposium - which he does most skilfully - and anchorman of the undertaking. In his Preface he makes the essential point that in 1965 the basic assumptions of the previous decade remained fundamentally undisturbed whereas in the ensuing three years before publication, the wh oie pattern was changing substantially - with the British Government bound willy-nilly on its European course; ever wider support on the Continent, if not in Britain, for de Gaulle's obsession with emancipation, a "European Europe", and above all, the steadily increasing stabilisation of United States - Soviet Union relations. Thus, the issues which interested students, and provoked controversy, in the early sixties were things like the Multilateral Force proposal (MLF) and the shifts and turns of American defence policy or American enthusiasmfor an active German reunification policy in the future - all of which seem to us today distinctly v,:eux jeu. The three other College of Europe "Studies in contemporary European issues" are a mixed bag. One is simply agarland of tributes to one of the original artificers of the Community phenomenon - who served Jean Monnet of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community and then went on to the teaching of economics 926 SECTION BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE at the Bruges College. The critique of the external relations of the Community (sponsored by the RockefeIler Foundation) is by a graduate publicist who happened to be, in 1965-66. the on1y American on the staff of the Brussels Commission. Dr Weil's is a workmanlike contribution - Monsieur Jean Rey, who supplies a Foreword, uses the description "thorough and provocative". But the palm must be awarded to the Belgian author, Robert Bloes, of the Catholic University of Louvain. His comprehens· ive study of "political" Europe, with special reference to the Fouchet plan(s) of 1961-62, is an admirable conspectus of the whole complex problem. And, after telling us that his book was completed in the autumn of 1968, the author is bold enough to surmise that the wheel will turn full circle and that the Foreign Ministers of the Six (or the Ten) will ere long be grouping their way back to something not unlike the Fouchet Plan. With the projections featured in Alastair Buchan's offering on behalf of the London• based Institute for Strategic Studies, certainly, we are dealing with the stuff of con• temporary politics. In his introductory chapter the Editor explains the method, borrowed from the social sciences: the technique of model-building is employed "as a means of iIIuminating the connotations of choices which confront the policy-maker". Here we have a deft portrayal of the pattern of association which could develop during the seventies. He is careful to warn us against regarding such studies as prophecy: one must expect that the kind of Europe which will eventually emerge will not corres• pond precisely to any one of them - it is likely to be an amalgam of characteristic features of each. The justification, however, for futurology such as this is, as the Introduction shows, that the levers of power in all countries will soon inevitably be grasped by a new generation which knew the "cold war" only as history; which is bound to question the conventional of the "Europe Crusaders": and, what is more, account has to be taken of the political fact of "a growing alienation from Governments and a rising dissatisfaction with existing political institutions" - in• c1uding European incarnations. Interdependence with Americaremainsa constant; but the relationship is shifting all the time, and the image of "integration", which was the talisman of our fathers, is now distinctly f1yblown. The six options presented here are "Evolutionary Europe" , described as "a passive choice"; Atlanticism, now seen to be entirely unworkable; "Europe des Etats", associated with de Gaulle but by no means peculiar to French policy; Fragmented Europe; Partnership Europe; and Independent Federal Europe. The analysis of these "models", with the contingent stresses and strains, is made in terms of their impact on American, Soviet and East European interests and policy as weil as their implications for Western Europe itself. (For the United States, for example, three of the models; Europe des Etats, Fragmented Europe and Independent Federal Europe would have no appeal and, if ever realized, might cause our transatlantic ally drastically to redefine her commitments.) From the vantage-point of 1972 i.e. 3 years after publication, we can, at any rate, surmise that any kind of Grand Design (e.g. Atlantic partnership) is "out". For, as was pointed out by T. C. Schelling, "we are moving out of our architectural period in Europe into the age of manoeuvre". The Community system itself, on this showing, has had its day. The Editor's conc1usion is that the new pattern may weil be one built on a strengthened form of functional co-operation. Not, however, the abstract funct• ionalism of academic pundits like Professor E. Haas, but rather in accordance with the seminal ideas propagated by David Mitrany - though as a global not a European device - some 25 years ago. For this harnessing of energies to common tasks, un• inhibited by institutional bonds, the formula "federalism a la carte" has been can• vassed: I prefer, myself, President Pompidou's simple term "pragmatic". W. HORsFALL CARTER BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SECTION 927

Colloques Europeens. Droit pEmal europeen. Europees strafrecht. European criminal law. Institut d'Etudes Europeennes, Universite Libre de Bruxelles. Presses Universitaires de Bruxelles, 1970. The President of the European Court oi Human Rights, Mr. H. RoHn states in his introduetion to this symposium that the application oi the European Convention on Human Rights will be one oi the leading themes oi the Conierenee. Dr. A. H. Robertson deals with "The relationship between the European Convention on Human Rights and internallaw in general". The author surveys the various method, by which states eonform to their treaty obligations. In a iollowing section he raises the question whether the legal system instituted by the European Convention on Human Rights is a braneh of internationallaw or of municipallaw or is it sui generis? A eomparison with Community law and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of the Uni ted Nations leads to the conclusion that the rules of the European Convention are not only rules oi internationallaw but also of the national legal systems, ereating rights and obligations for individuals. Additional support is derived from the opinion that the rules oi the Convention are matters of "ordre public" and must therefore be applied by national judges. Monsieur H. Golsong presented a paper on "Le droit a la liberte de la persOn ne tel qu'il est garanti par l'article 5 de la Convention europeenne des droits de l'homme." In this elaborate and painstaking eontribution the author deals with the reasons why Article 5 is most frequently invoked or applied by both the national courts and the organs established under the Convention. Its importanee lies in the protection it gives the individual against agitation by a political or private organisation. ]ean Raymond contributes a study entitIed "L'article 6 de la Convention Europeen• ne des Droits de I'Homme et la loi penale nationale". The first subseetion of the same articIe is dealt with in a lengthy ex pose by Professor A. Mast, of the University of Gent, followed by a analysis by Monsieur ]aeques Velu of other provisions of the Convention. A different topic is presented by Professor W. C. van Binsbergen in his study "Le droit penal des Communautes europeennes". The Communities can impose fines on physical or legal persons beeause oi infraetions of Community rules. These fines are, however, not regarded as matters of penal law but as administrative sanetions. \Vhether this notion of the administrative sanction, upheld by the organs of the Communities, is legally justified is diseussed by the author in this eontribution; as well as a number of other aspeets of Community rules and aetivities whieh have a bearing on penallaw. A number of other contributions deal with aspeets of eomparative European eriminal law. In the elosing address by Monsieur R. Legros it is stressed that the europeanisation of penallaw is a significant step towards the creation of a European civie feeling. B. L.

La Constitution Economique Europeenne. Actes du cinquieme colloque sur la fusion des Communautes europeennes organise a Liege les 16, 17 et 19 decembre 1970. Institut d'etudes juridiques europeennes. Liege, Faculte de Droit; La Haye, Martinus Nijhoff, 1971. 430 pages. This report eonsists of three seetions: "Les grands systemes d'organisation eeono• mique et les traites europeens"; "Coneurrenee et politique eeonomique"; "La plaee des entreprises publiques dans I'Union eeonomique". An introduction by Professor F. Dehousse gives the general framework of the eolloquium, in whieh he outlines the role of the \Verner and the Davignon reports. ~Ir. L. Morissens sees the poliey of the Communities as situated between liberalism and dirigism, and he eonsiders "interventionism" the proper term for the attitudes as they are developped by the Communities. He sees general expansion, development of specifie regions, aid to developping countries and territorial management as the eharaeteristics of the prevailing form of interventionism. 928 SECTION BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE

He points out that since World War 11 there has been a movement from social goals to more purcly economic objectives. The means by which thc objectives are approached are more lateral than direct but the public expenditures of the W. Europan countries, situated between 30--40% of the national income, offer considerable latitude in re ach• ing these objectives. The system used consists of methods of acceleration as weil as of retarding certain developments. The interventionist society emerges more as a method than as a system per se although it is tempting to raise the question whether changes in motivation, for instance, in relation to ecology, are also taken into account by this method. Hs staggeringcomplexity as it appearsin the report of Dr. Morrissens brings up the problem of elasticity because complexity would tend to retard the situational response of the interventionist society. If it intervenes more in terms of a program than of situations, it would tend to create a gap between superstructure and reality that is creating concern among more psychologically oriented observers. The motivation towards a projected economic system is more or less in the nature of a linear process while structural thinking seems to indicate that linear projections run increasingly into structural complications, particularly if the worldsituation in its entirety is taken into account. In an interesting contribution Professor Ch. A. Junod, of the University of Geneva, points out that also Switzerland in a sense established a common market of the can• tons in 1874 but in a spirit which was liberal rather than interventionist because it did not operate towards a specific type of economic system but in terms of a liberal govern• ment in relation to a market-economy. It was clear case of "Eingriffsverwaltung" ,not •• Leistungsverwal tung" . Madame Poelmans deals with the necessity of arevision of the Rome Treaty, an undoubtedly rather touchy topic. Her paper reflects a study conducted at the Free University of Brussels. It advocates a more concrete elaboration of the goals of the Community before the matter of means can be dealt with in a satisfactory manner. The objectives listed are: full employment, stability of prices and eqnilibrium of the balance of paymcnts; economic growth, amelioration of competitive conditions, international division of labor and aid to developing countries. The protection of specific activities and regional developments are regarded as within the national do• main. Whether this projection of a monolithic economic structure is not contradictory within itself may be left for a more exhaustive discussion. Dr. Kurt Markert deals in an exhaustive essay with "Wettbewerb und Wirtschafts• politik in der EWG" while J. A. Rahl compares the American and European situation in his study "Competition and antitrust in American economic policy: are there usefullessons for Europe?" Professor Rahl points to weakness in the American legal system in regard to acquisitions and mergers. "A great imbalance resulted, somewhat like the situation in the EEC, today, in which horizontal cartels were dealt with harshly, while mergers among the same kind of competitors were treated very leniently" (p. 271). While anti-merger legislation in the V.S. is increasing, it is lacking in the EEC. Professor Rahl points out, however, that, while controls on horizontal and vertical mergers are increasing, there are no effective measures in regard to conglomerate mergers. These mergers have increased the power of the very large corporations. Whether this is to be regarded as positive or negative is left open by the author who is not prepared to agree with Galbraith on the advantages of giant concentrations. In the final section of the symposium M. A. Delion deals with "Le röle des entre• prises publiques dans la Communaute economique europeenne". If a criticism is to be made, one feels tempted to agree with Jean Rey that there is no clear philosophy in these deliberations about the EEC which, by its enlargement, will tend to become more and more pragmatic, leaving open the question of its ulti• mate values which should perhaps determine policy rather than be culled from it.- B. L. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SECTION 929

GRABITZ (EBERHARD), Europäisches Bürgerrecht. Europäisches Bürger• recht zwischen Marktbürgerschaft und Staatsbürgerschaft, Europa Union Verlag, Köln, 1970, 116 S.

The not ion of modern nationality consists in the membership of the individuals to the "nation" as a community formed regularly by people of common biologieal descent. Grabitz traces this notion from the French Revolution and Rousseau's volonte generale (p. 27-47). The effeet of this notion is to exclude all foreigners from the rights usually connected with the status as citizen e.g. civil rights, economie rights as the right of professional freedom. In a very informative, but nevertheless coneise summary (p. 48-64) an illustrative pieture of the discrimination of foreigners by the member states of the European Community is given. This analysis results in the conclusion that the alien in the "nation·state" is politieally lawless (p. 53). This judgment would be more convincing if Grabitz would have regarded more closely the international rules on the protection of person and property by the standards of international law and if the view would not solely be oriented on the principle of national treatment of aliens. On pages 65-102 the rules of Community law eoncerning free movement of workers (p. 69), right of establishment (p. 74), free movement of services (p. 81), and the re• ception of aliens (p. 83) are dealt with, but it is also seen (p. 92) that all these pro• gressive rules will remain just paper and not become reality as long as the escape clauses in favour of public order, public safety and public health are extensively applied. The EEC-Treaty predominantly empowers the Community organs to enact direct• ives and not regulations in Art. 54, 57, 63. The status of the aliens within the Common Market, therefore, is harmonized by national laws and not by directly applicable Community law. As far as regulations exist the field of treatment of aliens shows very clearly that Grabitz's theory of the thorough supremacy of Community law cannot be upheld. Otherwise all eontradicting national law including constitutional law of the member states would be void and even no citizen would enjoy civil rights. But Grabitzisnot eonsequent in claiming that the member states are obliged to remove the pertinent discrimination of aliens (p. 100jlOI). In a last chapter Grabitz emphasizes the desirability of the full social equal treat• ment of all citizens of the Common Market including politieal rights (p. 113). It may, however, also be considered that such equality would go far beyond the approximation of national rules whieh is necessary for the functioning of the Common Market. It would be an decisive step towards European Federation. It is the high merit of this book to demonstrate how much has been done on the way to European Citizen• ship and how much remains still to be done. J. M. MÖSSNER

HOSTIOU (RDfE), Robert Schuman et l'Europe, Paris: Editions Cujas, 1968, 157 pag.

Ir. the preface to this remarkable essay Prof. Dupuis states: "au debut etait la fable"; as a matter of fact, the origins of European integration have not yet been entirely investigated. By his work Hostiou attempts to realize a personal approach inquiring into the life and the work of Robert Schuman. Schuman hirnself once entitled a book "Pour I'Europe" designating hereby quite correctly that fact that gave hirn historical reputation. Born in 1886 his actual political carreer took place in the decade between 1946 and 1956. During this time he served as minister in fourteen govern• ments, twice he was Prime Minister. His lasting work, however, was thc presentation of the so-called Schuman-Plan on May 9th 1950 proposing the foundation of the European Steel and Coal Community. The project as such was not all his own idea, but Schuman submitted it at the opportune moment embracing and utilizing the existing different trends. It is of high value to be informed about the details of the last days before the historie 9th of may 1950 (pag. 57 et seq.). According to Hostiou this 930 SECTION BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE project was intended to reconcile France and Germany as weil as to take initial steps towards European unification. The evolution from the Schuman-Plan to the treaty on april 18th 1951 (pag. 66--75) did not meet with great difficulties, above all because Germany hoped to become a partner of her neighbour states enjoying equal rights and to end the discriminating supervision of the International Ruhr Authority (p. 58). This successful way of founding an organization, however, could not be re• peated in the course of the efforts for the establishment of a European Defense Com• munity (pag. 77 et seq.). The question of re-arming Germany was raised at an in• opportune moment and the political situation fundamcntally changed between 1950 and 1954 Lc. the start and thc end of the efforts for the E.D.C. Hostiou's comments on the notion of supranationality (pag. 102 t;t seq.) are of great interest. The original conception of Article 9 ECSC-Treaty as apreparatory step towards European unification (pag. 120) has rarely been better described. Hostiou bases his inquiry to a grcat extent on the public adresses of Schuman and thus traces the course of events. In addition he uses many books on Schuman. Written very pleasantly the book fulfils the purpose of giving a short presentation of Schuman's work for Europe. As far as the personal considerations on the political, economic, psychological backgrounds of Robert Schuman are concerned the present book dis appoints. Hostiou claims that mainly the geography (Schuman as "homme de la frontiere") and the Christian religion have been the decisive causes for the Europ• ean activity of Schuman. The book teils a good story and does at the same contribute to the "fable" of European unification. ]. M. MÖSSNER

JAEGER (FRANZ), GATT, EWG und EFTA, Die Vereinbarkeit von EWG• und EFTA-Recht mit dem GATT-Statut, Verlag Stämpfli & eie AG, Bern, 1970, 399 S. ]aeger discusses the compatibility of the European Economic Community and the European Free Trade Area with the General Agreement for Tariffs and Trade. Such an undertaking calls for justification in view of the abundant literature concerning this problem (e.g. the lucid considerations by Steinberger/GATT und Regionale Wirt• schaftszusammenschlüsse, Cologne 1963). ]aeger believes that there are two deficienc• ies which he wishes to remove in all previous publications (p. 45/46): 1. the most-favoured-nation-clause is treated as being the core of GATT, and 2. the supremacy of the GATT Statute over the treaties foundingregional integrations is more implied than really substantiated. Furthermore, ]aeger claims to "se a new methodology in combining legal and eco• nomic reasoning. ]aeger takes the objectives of the GATT formulated in the preambule as starting• point for the valuation of the regional clusters within the GATT. He states that there exists a hierarchy of the objectives with the aim of raising standards of living (p. 154) which is to be achieved by a general increase of world trade. The direct way (p. 147) is offered by liberal trade involving a substantial reduction of tariffs and other barriers to trade and the elimination of discriminatory treatment in international commerce. But - as ]aeger claims - there exists an indirect way to achieve the objectives of GATT, Le. by forming regional economic integrations which by means of a spill-over• effect may lead to the increase of world trade, just as does generalliberalization and non-discriminatory treatment. Therefore, according to ]aeger, GATT is not mainly based on the most-favoured-nation-clause, but on the three principles of Iiberalization, non-discrimination and regionalization (p. 54, 141, 152, 154, 196,229,261,268,284). The regional economic integration promotes the GATT objectives in case its trade• creating-factors supersede its trade-diverting-factors (p. 260 at seq.): The conditions that must be fulfilled are that regional economic integrations eliminate all barriers in favour of internal trade (270/71) and that external trade is not restricted by any new or higher barrier. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SECTION 931

On this premise ]aeger proceeds to a detailed examination of the effect of EEC and EFTA on international commerce. He arrives at the conclusion that the EEC is compatible with GATT (p. 208). EFTA poses special problems: because of the exclusion of agriculture, and fishing from liberalization. ]aeger, therefore, considers - as do most competent writers - EFTA incompatible with GATT. The association of EEC with the African States is also held to work against GATT, because of its nature as a preference system (p. 337 et seq.). ] aeger seeks to soften this rigorous conclusion by the statement that the Contracting Partners of the GATT should give a waiver for this case (p. 342). He also demonstrates that the pertinent articles of the GATT Treaty do not sufficient• ly comply with the needs of the undevelopped states (p. 350-353) and should, there• fore, be revised. This part is of special interest for the actual discussion on the tariff• preferences of the EEC for undevelopped countries. The chapter on the problems of the enlargement of the EEC (p. 353-382) is obsolete, because ] aeger only discusses the problems of trade arrangements as proposed during the years 1967/1968. There is no analysis of the trade-diverting effects of the accession of Great Britain and of the other States. It can be said that ]aeger enriches the discussion by submitting his analysis of the economic objectives and the means to achieve them. The place of the regional clusters within the frame of GATT is constructed in a most interesting manner. Taking up the case of the supremacy of the GATT-Statute over the law of regional integration ]aeger claims that GATT law is "a law of a superior order·' (p. 87), but he shows no convincing reasons. ]aeger holds that a l:ner agreement made among some parties participating in a universal treaty is valid and not void as e.g. Lauter• pacht taught. Only as far as the nniversal treaty contains rules of ius cogens a con• flicting regional treaty would be void (p. 84/92); this is not a problem of compatibility of treaties, but of the effects of peremptory norms of international law. The case of contradiction of two treaties constitutes a breach of international obligation wh ich the parties are obliged to adjust according to the rule "paeta sunt servanda" (p. 90). ]aeger calls this the supremacy of GATT which is at least an odd terminology. The description of the procedures provided for by the GATT to guarantee conformity with later agreements (p. 95 et seq.) is of a certain value, the following chapter on the inter• pretation of international treaties (p. 124--139) turns out to be superfluous and fails to reflect the actual discussion on this subject, considering that neither the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties nor the book of McDougal - Loswell - Miller are mentioned. Furthermore, ] aeger goes into details with respect to all relevant problems, such as the principle of international equality, the status of non-GATT-member-states within regional integration of GATT members, the interpretation of several articles of the GATT Treaty and so on. In short: all pertinent problems are dealt with. The present book is in most parts characterized by its high standard of scholarship. ]. M. MÖSSNER

MAYRZEDT (HANS) and HANS CHRISTOPH BINSWANGER, Die Neutralen in der europäischen Integration, Ed., Wien-Stuttgart: W. Braumüller Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1970 (Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Gesell• schaft für Aussenpolitik und internationale Beziehungen, Volume 5), 496 pages.

The enlargement of the European Communities makes the question urgent of the future fate of the neutral states with regard to the process of European integration. This book was planned to give alternatives to the official policy of association of neutrals to the Communities by proposing full membership under reservation of neutrality. This means that all "positive" economic rules will apply, the "negative" political implications, however, are not accepted. Furthermore, there would be the advantage that the neutrals would gain in influence on the develop• ment of the European Communities. The point of view shared by the six member• states of the Communities is strongly neglected, aIthough nearly everybody knows tha t 32 SECTION BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE they do not agree with the conditions of membership proposed by Mayrzedt and Binswanger. To gain knowledge of the maximum of demands of the neutrals this book is of value. But even at the time of publication these demands had been reduced to a realistic extent by the politicians. The twenty authors whose papers are collected in this volume consider general questions of neutrality (Hu=er, Mayrzedt), the political aspects of the European integration (Riklin, Favez, Binswanger), the neutral states within the E.F.T.A. (Komaromi, N.N.), the neutrals and the E.E.C. (Hummer, Öhlinger, Binswanger, Stranner, Zeller, Mayrzedt, Schindler, Ekström, Myrdal, Palsson, Siegbahn), and the effects of a nonalignment to the E.E.C. (Rome, Mayrzedt, Zeller, Frank-Steiner, Aschinger, Nowotny, Matzner, Fitz). This mere enumeration shows that all pertinent problems are dealt with. In spite of the political intention of this book, the reader is confronted with a wealth of thoughts and arguments with respect to the role of the neutral states in European integration, and this makes it useful for everyone who wishes information on these problems. J. M. MÖSSNER

MOLl):NES (CHARLES MELCHIOR DE), "L'Europe de Strasbourg" (preface by Jacques Chastenet). Editions Roudil, Paris, 1971. pp. 774. In the last two years three full-scale works have been published on the Council of Europe. The first is a textbook written by a group of members of the Secretariat: it has the merits and the defects of all such official publications ("Manuel du Conseil de l'Europe", Editions Pedone, Paris, 1970; "Manual of the Council of Europe" , Stevens & Sons, London). The second ("Done This Day" by Oliver Crawford. Rupert Hart• Davis, London, 1970) is the most curious and interesting. It offers the unusual spect• acle of an international organisation seen and described by a novelist who is at least as much concerned with the "How" (and even the "Who") as the "What". Now comes the third, and by far the longest: Mr. Melchior de Molimes' "L'Europe de Strasbourg" . Like Mr. Crawford's, but for very different reasons, Mr. de Molenes' book mayaIso be described as curious. It is curious because it is hardly a book at all, but rather a collection of miscellaneous material brought together between covers. Thus, alongside aseries of chapters which are indeed devoted to the ostensible subject-matter we find others dealing with the history of the "European Idea" (in ne ar book-length: 95 pages!) or consisting almost entirely of extracts and quotations. The lengthy Appendix (also almost 100 pages) is itself aMischrnasch: next to the complete list of all titular and substitute members of the Consultative Assembly from 1949 to 1969 and of the Parliament of the Six from 1952 onwards nestle a detailed summary of Mr. Michael Stewart's "The British Approach to Politics", extracts from two articles by a law professor from Lilie, and "Three French points of views on the withdrawal of Greece from the Council of Europe". The combination of length and heterogeneity would in fact make it impossible to find one's way in and through Mr. de Molenes' work, had he not provided us, characteristically, with a six-page index and a fifteen-page list of names mentioned (on a rough calculation, so me 1200 ... ). Mr. de Molenes is a collector. He collects facts and opinions, books and newspaper cuttings, interviews public and private; and, since he has read a great deal and has a wide circle of acquaintances, the harvest of his gleanings is impressive in its range. Some of the material he presents us is very interesting indeed, notably his account of the difficult negotiations conducted by Chancellor Adenauer with the Allied High Commissioners and on the horne front before, by a quite narrow majority, the Bundestag voted for the Federal Republic 's entry into the Council of Europe. Part of this material has not previously been published or does not exist in an easily accessible form. A further, considerable, virtue of the author is his accuracy. To reproduce such a mass of facts with hardly amistake (the present reviewer detected one only, of very minor importance) deserves high praise, given the sweep of the narrative. Not that BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SECTION 933

the book is confined to facts. There is judgment also: much of it sound, and always interesting. It is regrettable that M. de ~Iolenes shows such deference to "the author• ities" while proving time and again that he is perfectly capable of thinking for himself and re ac hing defendable conclusions. L' Eltrope de Strasboltrg is a major contribution to the literature ou the Council of Europe, and thus to knowledge of an organisation whieh seems likcly to continue as the minor axis around which European unity gravitates in an eccentric but hopefully predietable orbit. H.L.B.

Prognosen für Europa. Die siebziger Jahre zwischen Ost und \Yest (Aktuelle Außenpolitik, Schriftenreihe des Forschungsinstituts der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik); Opladen: C. W. Leske Verlag, 1968, 139 p. The ti tle of this book seems to be misleading. The reader does not find a prognosis for Europe in the strict sense of the ward: he is rather confronted with an inventing of the political tendencies in the ten countries for the future policies of the Federal Republic of Germany: U.S.A., United Kingdom, France, Italy, ]ugoslavia, Czeche· slovakia, Poland, German Democratic Republic, U.S.S.R., and China. One expert for each of these countries answers a uniform questionnaire concerning questions on the stability of the political system of the given country, the economic and social problems, the national interests in worId·aHairs, the national view on world problems, the future development of membership in the various alliances, and the attitude towards the "German Question". It is assumed that the knowledge of these factors will enable German politicians to conduct a successful foreign policy balancing their own against foreign intcrests. The results of the different researches are summarized with respect to their signi· ficance for Europe. According to this summary a war in Europe is unlikely to arise in the ne ar future because of thc nuclear risks involved. This fact will resuIt in a changing of the structure of the 1\.A.T.O. and the \Varshaw Treaty Organization and in cfforts to give cconomic and technological co· operation a frame within a European security system. The process of European integration and unification will take place more slowly and as far as the "German Question" is concerned, it would be best for all if the Germans accept the status quo. The uncertainty of these resuIts calls in question the method of the approach to forecast thc future by an inquiry of the prescntly dominating political tendencies. Giving a picture of country means to simplify the complicated and antagonistic trends. A prognosis should also show possible alternatives of the relevant developments. Being considered, however, a first starting point for further research thc book is of value and reads weIl. ]. '\1. l\IöSS"ER

SIEGLER (HEIXRICH), Europäische politische Einigung. Dokumentation von Vorschlägen und Stellungnahmen 1949-1968; Bonn-\Vien-Zürich: Verlag für Zeitarchive, Siegler & Co; 1968, XX\-, 435 p. This book contains 229 proposals and comments on the design of European political unity. In spite of this amount of documcnts covering the period betwecn 1949 and 1968, there is no dominant idea to be found to bridge the conflicting interests of the Europeans. In the case of "Xational Interests v. Europe", the first are still the victars. This impression may make the reader resign, but it is not quite a correct one: great successes have been obtained with respect to the uniting of Europe by such institut ions as the Common :\[arket and the Council of Europe; thcy are, however, not dealt with in this book bccause the editor understands "European political unification" as 934 SECTION BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE restricted to the projects of the "European Political Community" (1952/53) and the "European Political Union" (1960 et seq.). Prepared in this manner, this document• ation seems to be a late corroboration of the Federalist's theory of functional inte• gration. This book, however, also shows that the way of partial integration of certain functions, as essential as they may be, is no "One-Way-Street" to the United States of Europe. There remains the necessity for the politicians and the peoples concerned to create a political will aimed at building up a common Europe. The principle of supranationalism has been called a non-political policy. It would be a great error to believe that European unity would be attainable without a corresponding political will by just integrating function by function. The main merit of this documentation seems to be the collection of all these projects for political unification of Europe, elucidating the relevance of the political factor. J. M. MÖSSNER

WORLDSOCIETY. How is an effective and desirable world order possible? A Symposium. Edited by B. Landheer, J. H. M. M. Loenen, Fred. L. Polak. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1971. 211 p. Technology, it is said, has made the whole world one. It has been an accelerating process going on for the best part of a century. Communications, military potential and large-scale industry have patently outrun the bounds of the national State. Capitalism, as we are reminded by one of the contributors to this symposium, (Josue de Castro), "has long reached agreement regardless of fron tiers" . The point is, however, that today we cannot just sit back and marvel at scientific advance and economic interdependence - and let politics go hang: the destructive capacity of nuclear power has introduced a new factor of urgency. So it is that, in our generation the quest for a world order is no longer some sort of search for the Holy Grail but a vital considera• tion, not to say a moral imperative. That is, broadly speaking the ~aison d'et~e of this impressive synthesis of the ideas in aid of world government which are current coin. The sole criterion applied by the editors is that any proposed restructuring of society must be of such a nature that the resulting world order is both ettective and desi~able: consequently the horrific visions of an Orwellian I984 or the phantasies of Hermann Kahn's Year 2000 are deliberately disregarded. Here, then, are fourteen prophets and priests of a supranational age. (It is, from another angle, an ideology of peace, for the elimination of war and armed conflict is an agreed postulate.) The basic notion, explained in the editorial introduction, is that hitherto ideas about world order have exercised precious little influence because of their very diffuseness and diversity. The first step, then, it is argued, for all good men - specifically for scholars owning to a moral impulse - is to encourage and further a multidisciplinary approach. The "Foundation Synthesis" in Eindhoven (Netherlands) has rallied round, we are told, and given support for the publication of the book. Clearly, the first question likely to be asked by the intelligent layman is "where does the Uni ted Nations come in?" Only two of the papers, rather surprisingly, supply any sort of answer. Professor Eberhart Menzel, of the University of Kiel, proffers a somewhat pedestrian account of the relationship of the organisation on East River with internationallaw. And the indefatigable Professor Ernst B. Haas, of Berkeley, peers into the crystal-ball, only to conclude that in 1985 the U.N. as a reconciliation system is Iikely to be even less satisfactory than it is today. In respect of technical and economic welf are issues, on the other hand, there are, he thinks, grounds for optimism. Unfortunately, not for the first time, the sesquipedalian language employed throughout - e.g. ' a pluralistic incremental mode of social analysis" - makes Professor Haas's contribution almost unreadable. Two papers on federalism follow, in its universal and regional aspects. Other titles - "Integrative Synthesis and Nuc\ear World Crisis" "Building a social system for Mankind" (by Professor Quincy Wright) and "Balance of Technology" (this last• named by Fred L. Polak, former Director of the Netherlands Government Central BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SECTION 935

Planning Office and one-time Professor of Sociology at the University of Rotterdam) speak for themselves_ Another of the joint editors, Professor Dr. B. Landheer discusses the industrial society of our era in the light of what he calls the ecological approach: that is to say, in his view the' livableness" of a worldsociety (outlandisch affectation!) must take precedence over the factor of capacity. There are sound ideas here- obscured, however, alas! by the difficult sociological idiom. The editors have cast their net wide. There are included papers appraising Commu• nist society as a world order, on Mao Tse-tung's "Theory of People's War" (by Pro• fessor Zürcher of the University of Leyden) and even on the Gandhian view of world order. Not the least penetrating analysis - though the Wellsian institutions mooted therein are quite unrealistic - comes from the pen of Professor J. H. C. Creyghton, a Jesuit, "'titing on ' a world order hased on the individual and maintained by a world author• ity". At any rate he makes the essential point that political world order is wh at matters - that the crucial prohlem today is to bring our politieal thinking into harmony with demographie and technological developments. An editorial epilogue makes a gallant attempt to draw the threads together. W.H.C.

ZELLENTIN (GERDA), Intersystemare Beziehungen in Europa. Bedingun gen der Friedenssicherung, Leiden: Sijthoff, 1970, 307 pages. In the eve of the Conference of European Security and Cooperation a book analysing the preliminary conditions and the possibilities of peaceful relationship between East and West in Europe meets special interest, and this is intensified if the book claims to be more praxeological than Iheoretical, i.e. to give advice for concrete actions supported by scientific research (p. VIII). The arrangement of Gerda Zellentin'sinquiry convinces: in the first chapter the principles of the European System are explained, in the second one the concrete interdependence between internal affairs and foreign policy of socialist stales is elaborated, followed by a highly abstract chapter on the conditions of contacts between the different systems containing a very gradational theory of convergence. The main hypo thesis of these three ehapters could be summari• zed as folIows: under the stability of deterrence there are oeeasions for social and politieal movement for changing the status quo (p. 14). This alteration eannot be done by one big step made by thc superpowers, but by many !ittle ones on the various levels bctween all competent organs, the military pat makes possible social and eeonomie action if detention allows to jump over the barriers built up by the supcrpowers. The last three chapters show how these interactions can be done. In chapter 4 Zellen tin pleads for the functional approach to East-West-relations, that means an increasing organization of interactions in fields where common interests can be found (p. 136, 172 et seq.). The atternpts to elaborate a constitution of peaceful interaction (consti• tutionalism) would lead, according to Zellen tin, to conflicts if used between states of different idcological structure, because each side would try to impose his ideology on the partners. (p. 170). In chapter 5 the beginnings of such a functional relationship between the two systems are revealed: trade, lieenses, cooperations between enter• prises, credits, cooperations between the international organizations in Europe and so on. The last chapter consists of a prophecy on the politics in the seventies in Europe, especially on the Conference for Security and Cooperation. This is a bold outline of the contents of this book. The reader finds so many quo• tations of authors and ideas that it is impossible to go into details. The overwhelming impression is that one hopes that all will amount to what Zellen tin exposes. The reader, however, has no confidence in these predictions. He misses a clear and convincing reason. All seems to be more a political manifest than scientific research. This book presents an exciting theory, brilliantly expressed and indispensable for all future poli ties in Europe. In connection with the European Conference of Security and Cooperation another book should be mentioned: 936 SECTION BIBLIOGRAPHlQUE

Timothy W. Stanley - Damell M. Whitt, Entspannungsdiplomatie. Die Vereinigten Staaten und Europas Sicherheit in den 70er Jahren, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 1971, 216 pages. The authors of this study give an excellent account of the antecedents, the problems and the procedure of this planned conference. The possible participants and their political aims are introduced, the his tory of soviet conference-diplomacy is told and the main problems are analyzed. The German question, the problems of the reduction of troops, the strategie arms limitation, the non-agression-agreements and the possibi• lities of cooperation are discussed. The authors are extremely sceptic as to the assess• ment of the Conference, but they also give the advice to attempt the possible. It is interesting to compare the predictions of the authors on the development of the German question given in 1970 with the real development since that time. The reader is surprised how much the expectations have been surpassed. This demonstrates to which extent the new Ostpolitik of Chancellor Brandt changed the political climate in Europe. It is very useful in such a situation of optimism to be reminded of all this being a "play within the play", played by the Co=unists. J. M. MÖSSNER H. BIBLIOGRAPHIE SELECTIVE DES ARTICLES DE PERIODIQUES ET DES BROCHURES 1970



ANTOINE (G.), Universite europeenne ou Europe universitaire? Les problemes de l'Europe, no. 48, 1970, p. 42-48. BAER-KAuPERT (F. \V.), Die Zukunft des europäisch-amerikanischen Verhältnisses. Europa-Archiv, vol. 25, 25 febrier 1970, p. 129-136. BARREA (J.), L'integration europeenne pour la sauvegarde de la valeur caracteristique de l'Occident. Res Publica, no. 2, 1970, p. 185-195. BEGLOW (S. 1.), Einige Aspekte der Beziehungen zwischen den USA und Westeuropa. Deutsche Aussenpolitik, 1970, Heft 6, p. 927-937. BERGHES (INGEBORG vo~), Spanien auf dem \Veg nach Europa. Aussen• politik, no. 6, juin 1970, p. 376-383. BIBLIOGRAPHIE zur europäischen Integration. Begr. von Gerda Zellentin. 3., rev. u. erw. Aufl. von Petra Buchdrucker unter Mitarbeit von Gunhuld Holtmann. Köln, (Europa Union Verlag), 1970.299 p. BINSWANGER (HANs-CHRISTOPH), HANs MAYRZEDT, Ne pas oublier les pays neutres dans la relance de l'integration europeenne. Revue du marche commun, no. 137, octobre 1970, p. 435-440. BIRNBAUM (KARL E.), L'Union Sovietique, la cooperation nordique et l'integration de l'Europe occidentale. Politique etrangere, no. 3, 1970, p. 269-283. BOCK (FRITZ), Integrationspolitik von österreichischer Warte. Heraus• gegeben vom Donaueuropäischen Institut in \Vien. \Vien, (J upiter Verlag), 1970. 88 p. BOLTO~ (GEORGE), Britain's European dilemma. The Atlantic community quarterly, no. 4, hiver 1969-1970, p. 546- 553. BOURELY (M.), L'Europe a la recherche d'une politique spatiale. Revue fran9aise de droit aerien, vol. 24, janvier-mars 1970, p. 13-36. BROGLIE (JEAN DE), Pourquoi faire l'Europe? Expose ... devant le club "Perspective et realites". Strasbourg, 3 fevrier 1970. Luxembourg, (Parlement europeen, Groupe des liberaux et apparentes), 1970.24 p. BRZEZINKSI (Z.), America and Europe. Foreign affaires, no. 49, octobre 1970, p. 11-30. BUNDY (McGEORGE), America's enduring links with Europe. The Atlantic community quarterly, no. 1, printemps 1970, p. 17-30. CHITI-B.HELLI (A.), L'unification politique de l'Europe et les etapes d'une politique etrangere commune. Problemes de l'Europe, no. 48, 1970, p.7-14. COG~IOT (GEORGES), Le Leninisme et les destinees europeennes. La vie internationale, no. 5, mai 1970, p. 30-35. COMPTE rendu stenographique de la XXIIe table ronde, Paris 6-7 no• vembre 1969. L'unite politique de l'Europe, son contenu et les etapes de sa realisation. Problemes de l'Europe, no. 47, 1970, p. 33-160. COUVE DE MURvILLE (M.), Perspectives europeennes. Revue des deux mondes, 1er avril 1970, p. 72-82. CROMWELL (W. C.), Unity and diversity in \Vestern Europe. \Vorld affairs (Washington) , decembre 1970, p. 224-239. 938 SECTION BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE

DEUTSCH (KARL W.), Efforts d'integration dans le complexe de la politi• que europeenne. Centre europeen de la cuIture: Bulletin, no. 3---4, automne 1970, p. 34---64. DOHNANYI (KLAUS VON), Europa: jetzt. Ueberlegungen zu einer europäi• schen Technologiepolitik. Europa-Archiv, no. 14, 25 juillet 1970, p. 487---496. DUHAMEL (JACQUES), Europa - 12 Jahre danach. Vortrag ... 29. Januar 1970. Berlin, (Deutsche Weltwirtschaftliche Gesellschaft), 1970. 12 p. EHRHARDT (CARL A.), Europapolitik mit neuer Dynamik. Aussenpolitik, no. 3, mars 1970, p. 165-175. FOCKE (K.), Europa-Politik nach Den Haag. Neubeginn in der europäi• schen Integration? Europa-Archiv, 25 avril 1970, p. 267-280. GARRAN (P.), Britain and Europe. Past, present and future. Australian outlook, avril 1970, p. 70-80. GASTEYGER (CURT), WILHELM KEWENIG, NORBERT KOHLHAsE, Ortsbe• stimmung der Zukunft Europas. Europa-Archiv, no. 15-16, aoftt 1970, p.583-596. HABSBURG (OTTO VON), L'Europe dans la politique planetaire. Revue de la societe d'etudes et d'expansion, no. 239, janvier-fevrier 1970, p. 83-93. HALAJCZUK (B. T.), Osteuropäische Regionalordnung nach der Breznev• Doktrin. Jahrbuch für Ostrecht, juillet 1970, p. 173-193. HASSNER (P.), L'Europe des annees 70. Stabilite et conflits. Revue de dMense nationale, vol. 26, mai 1970, p. 723-736. INGELHART (RoNALD), La fin de l'integration europeenne en 1970. Centre europeen de la cuIture: Bulletin, no. 3---4, automne 1970, p. 65-94. INGELHART (RoNALD), The new Europeans: inward or outward-Iooking? Internationalorganization, no. 1, hiver 1970, p. 129-139. ITALY and European integration. Lo spettatore internazionale, no. 2, avril-juin 1970, p. 270-300. JACQUET (RENE), M. Heath et I'Europe ... Revue de dMense nationale, aoftt-septembre 1970, p. 1374-138l. JANZ (PETER), Direkte Wahlen für das Europäische Parlament. Wird es in der Bundesrepublik zu einem neuen Anlauf kommen? Bonn, (Europa Union), 1970.7 p. JOLL (J.), The decline of Europe, 1920-1970. International affairs (Lon• don), special issue, novembre 1970, p. 1-18. LANDHEER (BART), Sociological observations on European integration. II politico, no. 4 decembre 1969, p. 690-700. LAVENIR (HERvE), La capitale europeenne. La revue des deux mondes, octobre 1970,p. 105-117. LIMPENS (J.) et A. LIMPENS, Les problemes actuels du rapprochement regional des droits nationaux. Experience Benelux et considerations generales. Revue de droit international et de droit compare, vol. 46, no. 4, 1969, p. 217-242. LINTHORST HOMAN (J.), Which Europe? Journal of common market studies, no. 1 septembre 1970, p. 67-92. LUNS (J. M. A. H.), Les perspectives de !'integration europeenne. Revue diplomatique, vol. 35, aoftt-septembre 1970, p. 2---4. MACRAE (N.), The phoenix is short-sighted. A survey of the prospects for European unity. Economist, Supplement, mai 16, 1970, p. 1-74. MATES (L.), Dyason memorial lectures. East-West relations in Europe. A Yugoslav perspective. Australian outlook, decembre 1970, p. 227- 238. NERLICH (U.), Der Wandel des "europäischen Systems" und die Idee einer gesamteuropäischen Konferenz. Europa-Archiv, juin 1970, p. 415---423. PETRILLI (GIUSEPPE), Modello europeo per la societa futura. L'Europa, no. 24/25, 15 octobre 1970, p. 17-26. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SECTION 939

PLEHWE (F. K. VON), Die \VEU in der Einigung Europas. Aussenpolitik, mai 1970, p. 297-301. POEHLE (KLAus). Die Notwendigkeit europäischer Parteien auf dem Wege zur europäischen Sozialdemokratie. Internationales Europa-Forum, no. 2, juin 1970, p. 89-93. PUCHALA (DoNALD ].), Patterns in West European integration. Journal of Common market studies, no. 2, decembre 1970, p. 117-142. RADOUX (LUCIEN), Le second souffle de l'Europe. Socialisme, no. 98, mars 1970, p. 114-120. RICHARDSON (ELLIOT), The United States and \Vestern Europe. Survival, no. 3, mars 1970, p. 86-90. ROSENBERG (LuDWIG), Die Europäische Dimension der Gesellschafts• politik. Integration, no. 2, 1970, p. 90-94. SIDJANSKI (DusAN), DAVID H. HANDLEY, Apen;u des sondages d'opinion sur l'integration europeenne 1945-1969. Centre europeen de la cul• tu re : Bulletin, no. 3-4, automne 1970, p. 118-139. VEYRASSAT (PAUL), La Suisse et l'integration europeenne. Bulletin social des industriels, no. 364, fevrier 1970, p. 104-109. VREDELING (H.), Naar een progressieve Europese partij? Socialisme en democratie, no. 3, mars 1970, p. 144-151. \VEHNER (HERBERT), L'integration europeenne et la question allemande. 30 Jours d'Europe. no. 143, juin 1970, p. 23-25. YOUNGER (KENNETH), Europas Rolle in der \Veltpolitik. Europa-Archiv, no. 15-16, aout 1970, p. 569-582. ZELLENTIN (GERDA), Krisen der europäischen Integration. Ursachen und Wirkungen. Integration, no. 1, 1970, p. 20-37. ZELTYN (A.), O. KRoTov, La lutte pour les cadres scientifiques et techni• ques en Occident. La vie internationale, no. 9, septembre 1970, p. 46-52.


ADLER-KARLSSON (G.), Die Deutsche Frage und der Ost-\Vest-Handel. Aussenwirtschaft, septembre 1970, p. 325-342. ANSELME-RABINOVITCH (L.), L'edification de l'union douaniere europeen• neo Banque, juillet-aout 1970, p. 663--668. ASCHlNGER (F.), Der Euro-Geldmarkt und die Währungszusammenarbeit. Aussenwirtschaft, no. I, mars 1970, p. 47-63. ASSOCIATION europeenne de libre-echange. Geneve: Les echanges de l'A.E.L.E., 1959-1967. (Avec une analyse des tendances a longterme). Geneve, (A.E.L.E.), 1969, 164 p. , ASZKENAZY (H.), Les investissements europeens aux Etats-Unis, ameri• cains en Europe. Economie, vol. 26, 14 fevrier 1970, p. 14-22, (voir aissi p. 11-13). AUBERT DE LA RUE (PHILIPPE), Les relations economiques entre l'Europe de l'Est et l'Europe de l'Ouest. Politique etrangere, no. 3, 1970, p. 285-301. AUTOSTRADE (LE) in Europa. Camera di commercio, industria e agricol• tura. Ancona: Bollettino economico, no. 8, aout 1970, p. 29-41. AVENIR (L') des ports europeens. Colloque de Bruges, 1970. Revue de la navigation fluviale europeenne, no. 11, 10 juin 1970, p. 399-416. AYOUB (A.), L'inegalite de developpement entre !es pays socialistes de l'Europe de l'Est. Cadre d'analyse theorique. Etudes internationales, vol. 1, septembre 1970, p. 2-25. BECKER (WoLF-DIETER), Europäische \Vährungsunion: Vorurteile und Missverständnisse. Der Volkswirt, no. 35, 28 aout 1970, p. 26-31. 940 SECTION BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE

BENYOUSSEF (A.), Processus d'integration economique au Maghreb et en Europe? Developpement et civilisations, mars-juin 1970, p. 64-82. BERG (FRITZ), La conjoncture economique. L'importance des marches de l' A.E.L.E. Documents. Revue des questions allemandes, no. 5, sep• tembre-octobre 1970, p. 112-116. BOGOMOLOV (0.), L'integration economique socialiste. La nouvelle revue internationale; problemes de la paix et du socialisme, vol. 13, decem• bre 1970, p. 43-56. BOHDE-LIEBENAU (W.), Rechtsetzung auf Grund EWG-Richtlinien und OECD-Beschlüssen. Aussenwirtschaftsdienst des Betriebs-Beraters, vol. 16, juillet 1970, p. 304-308. BRAuN (WALTER), La societe anonyme europeenne. Monde du travail libre, no. 240, juin 1970, p. 15-17. BURcHARD (HANS-JOACHIM), Wege zu einer europäischen Energiepolitik. Aussenpolitik, no. 3, mars 1970, p. 176-182. BURG (J. VAN DER), Amerikaanse directe investeringen in West-Europa. Economisch-statistische berichten, no. 2766, 30 septembre 1970, p. 946-950. BuscH (K.), A comparison of retail prices in the USA, USSR and Western Europe in April 1969. Institute for the study of the USSR, Bulletin, mars 1970, p. 13-32. COLLIN (F.), H. W. J. BosMAN, Een vaste muntpariteit in de Benelux ? Twee nota's voorgelegd aan de Economische en sociale raad van ad• vies van de Benelux economische unie. / Une parite fixe entre les monnaies du Benelux ? Deux notes pres. au Conseil consultatif eco• nomique et sociale de l'union economique Benelux. 's-Gravenhage, (Drukkerij Trio), 1970,27 p. COMITE europeen de droit rural. Paris, Problemes de droit agraire: 1'ac• tion sociale pour l'amelioration des structures agricoles en Europe occidentale. Colloque Bad-Godesberg. Paris. (Documentation fran• c;:aise), 1970.35 p. Notes et etudes documentaires, no. 3681, 20 avril 1970. CONGRES des economistes de langue franc;:aise. 1970. Nice: La monnaie et la construction de 1'Europe. Paris, (Sirey), 1970. pp. 537-732. DANIMARCA (LA) nell'integrazione europea. Kredietbank, Bulletin heb• domadaire, 17 octobre 1969. Rivista di studi politici internazionali no. 1, janvier-mars 1970, p. 83-90. DANS dix ans, une monnaie europeenne. Les Annales du Marche commun, novembre 1970, p. 19-24. DEGAND (CLAUDE), Le cinema et la libre circulation de la main-d'oeuvre en Europe. Revue du marche commun, no. 136, septembre 1970, p. 406-409. DELSUPEHE (GEORGES), Le marche de 1'Euro-Dollar: perspectives nou• velles. Recherches economiques de Louvain, no. 2, septembre 1970, p.117-127. DEMARET (P.), Justification et problemes d'elaboration d'un droit euro• peen des brevets. Revue trimestrielle de droit europeen, avril-juin 1970, p. 215-271. DIEBOLD (WILLIAM), Europa und die Vereinigten Staaten: Perspektiven der wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen. Europa-Archiv, no. 15-16, aout 1970, p. 597-608. DOSSIER (LE) monetaire international. Par VaIery Giscard d'Estaing (e.a.) L'economie, no. 1119, 24octobre 1970, p. 24-33. EBERT (KONRAD), Le role futur du charbon dans les economiques natio• nales et dans 1'economie mondiale. Reflexions sur un symposium du Comite du charbon de la commission economique pour 1'Europe a. Varsovie. Revue franc;:aise de l'energie, no. 218, fevrier 1970, p. 269- 279. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SECTION 941

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C.E.E. et l'Espagne. Droit et affaires, no. 179, 15 juillet 1970, Doc. 21/70, p. 1-2. ARNIM (CHRISTOF VON), Der Stand der Assoziationsverhältnisse der E.W.G. mit aussereuropäischen Staaten. Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, no. 2-3, semptembre 1970, p. 482-504. ASSOCIATION agreement between Turkey and the EEC about to enter a new stage. Common market, no. 2, ft'~vrier 1970, p. 33-37. ASZKENAZY (H.), Les bourses du Marche commun en 1969-1970. Les problemes de l'Europe, no. 47, 1970, p. 174-184. BÄHR (P.), Was wird aus Euratom? Die Europäische Atomgemeinschaft in der Krisenzone. Europa-Archiv, 10 fevrier 1970, p. 81-90. BAICHERE (PIERRE), L'evolution du budget d'Euratom. Institut inter• national d'administration publique. Bulletin, no. 15, juillet-septem• bre 1970, p. 475-488. BARBARELLA (CARLA), Le financement des activites communautaires par des ressources propres. Revue du Marche commun, no. 132, avril 1970, p. 195-201. BARRE (RAYMOND), Perspectives de la construction europeenne apres La Haye. Communautes europeennes. Bulletin, no. 2, fevrier 1970 p.9-14. BARRE (RAYMOND), Primaute de l'economique ou du monetaire dans le developpement de la Communaute. Conference ... 3 mars 1970. Bruxelles, (Societe royale d'economie politique de Belgique), 1970. 28p. BEHR (GERHARD), Directly applicable provisions of community law: the development of a community concept. The international and com• parative law quarterly, no. 2, avril 1970, p. 257-298. BINSWANGER (CHRISTOPH), HANS MAYRZEDT, Mitgliedschaft mit Neu• tralitätsvorbehalt. Wirtschaftsdienst, no. 7, juillet 1970, p. 425-427. BODSON (VICTOR), Perspectives de developpement de la politique com• mune des transports. - Entwicklungsaussichten der gemeinsamen Verkehrspolitik. Droit europeen des transports/Europäisches Trans• portrecht, no. 4, 1970, p. 489-533. BOSELLO (F.), La cooperazione finanziaria tra la C.E.E. egli Stati africani e malgascio associati. Politico 35, mars 1970, p. 106-131. Bow GROUP. Londres: Our future in Europe. The long-term case for going in. (Repr.) London, (Bow Publ.), 1970.36 p. BRITAIN and the E.E.C.: hesitations on the threshold. Par Philippe Si• monnot (e.a.) The Atlantic community quarterly, no. I, printemps 1970, p. 67-90. BUCHET DE NEUILLY (JACgUES), L'acces des entreprises au marches finances par le Fonds europeen de developpement. Revue du marche commun, no. 130, fevrier 1970, p. 84-105. BROSIO (G.), National tax hindrances to cross border concentration in the European economic community Harvard internationallaw journal, printemps 1970, p. 311-357. CINTURA (P.), L'objectivisme juridique et la Cour de Luxembourg. Revue trimestrielle de droit europeen, no. 2, avril-juin 1970, p. 272-295. CAMPOLONGO (ALBERTO), C.E.E. elargie et ponderation par pays. n poli• tico, no. 2, juin 1970, p. 235-252. CANELLOS (PETER C.), HORST S. SILBER, Concentration in the Common market. (1-2). Common market law review, no. I, janvier 1970, p. 5-35, no. 2, avril 1970, p. 138-166. CASADIO (GIAN PAOLO), L'Allargamento della Comunita economica europea. Politica internazionale, no. 4, juillet-aout 1970, p. 30-44. CENTRALES NUCLEAIRES (Les) dans la C.E.E. Kredietbank. Bulletin hebdomadaire (Bruxellez), 18 decembre 1970, p. 509-513. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SECTION 949

CHAMPAUD (CLAUDE), Liberte de la concurrence. Revue trimestrielle de droit europeen, no. 3, juillet-septembre 1970, p. 486-498. CINTURA (P.), L'objectivisme juridique et la Cour de Luxembourg. Revue trimestrielle de droit europeen, avril-juin 1970, p. 272-295. COFFEY (PETER), A note on monetary co-operation. Journal of Common market studies, no. 4, juin 1970, p. 337-342. COLESANTI (V.), Unita e universalita deI fallimento nel progretto di con• venzione della C.E.E. Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale, no. 6, juillet-septembre 1970, p. 522-556, (voir aussi p. 501-521). COMMISSION (La) et le rapport du groupe ,,\Verner" sur l'institution par etapes de l'union economique et monetaire. Communautes europeen• nes. Bulletin, novembre 1970, p. 15-26. COMMUNIST attitude to the European economic community (EEC), Eco• nomic East-vVest relations, avril 1970, p. 2-19. CONSERVATIVE political centre. Conservative research department. Lon• dres: The Common market implications for Britain. lSotes on current politics. London, (Conservative central office), 1970. p. 65-77. COSGROVE (CAROL A~N), Die Auswirkungen eines britischen E.vV.G.• Beitritts auf die Entwicklungsländer des Commonwealth. Die Pro• blematik einer Assoziierung. Europa-Archiv, no. 10, 25 mai 1970, p. 357-367. CRAYENCOUR (J.-P. DE), La profession d'avocat et le Traite de Rome. Revue du marche commun, no. 131, mars 1970, p. 158-168. CRAYENCOUR (J.-P. DE), La reconnaissance mutuelle des dipl6mes dans le Traite de Rome. Revue du marche commun, no. 137, octobre 1970, p.447-464. DAIG (HANs-vVOLFRAM), Die Rechtsprechung des Gerichtshofes der Europäischen Gemeinschaften zur unmittelbaren Wirkung von E\VG-Bestimmungen auf die Rechtsbeziehungen zwischen Mitglied• staaten und Gemeinschaftsbürgern. Europarecht, no. 1, janvier-mars 1970, p. 1-31. DAMME (JACgUES VAN), L'artic1e 85 du traite de Rome et les problemes de concurrence. Droit et affaires, no. 172, ler avri11970, Doc. no. 11, p.1-20. DAVILA G6MEZ PALACIOS (R.), La CEE y el comercio con America Latina. Informaci6n comercial espanola, avril 1970, p. 103-108. DELMAS (C.), Les "Six" face aux U.S.A. Revue politique et parlementaire, juillet-aout 1970, p. 52-63. DEUX elements de la politique exterieure de la Communaute: les accOTds avec Israel et l'Espagne. Revue du marche commun, no. 135, juillet• aout 1970, p. 337-340. DOTTI (H. L.), et E. FONTELA, Distribution des revenus et integration de l'Europe. Revue du Marche commun, janvier 1970, p. 29-45. DROBNIG (ULRICH), L'apport du droit communautaire au droit interna• tional prive. Cahiers de droit europeen, no. 5, 1970, p. 526-543. DUBOIS (ALEXIS), Les problemes douaniers dans l'Europe des six. Droit et affaires, no. 179, 15 juillet 1970, doc. 22/70, p. 1-18. DUBOIS (LOUIS), Fonctionnaires des Communautes europeennes: com• mentaire de la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice des communautes europeennes. Revue trimestrielle de droit europeen, no. 1, janvier• mars 1970, p. 120--144. Du BOIS (MONIQUE), Die Währungspolitik in der EWG. und der Barre• Plan. Aussenpolitik, no. 1, mars 1970, p. 88-100. ELSXER (ILsE), Versuch einer Partnerschaft - Gedanken zur Parlamenta• rischen Konferenz des Jaunde-Abkommens. Hamburg, Hamburger Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht und Auswärtige Politik, 1968. p. 221-226. 950 SECTION BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE

ESCH (BASTIAAN VAN DER), French oillegislation and the E.E.C. Treaty. Common market law review, no. 1, janvier 1970, p. 36-56. ESCH (B. VAN DER), L'unite de marche commun dans la jurisprudence de la Cour, la bonne foi communautaire et le probleme des politiques communes. Cahiers de droit europeen, no. 3, 1970, p. 303-313. ESPANA-Mercado comun. Simposio celebrado en Bilbao, 16-17 de abril de 1970. Boletin de estudios econ6micos, aout 1970, p. 235-614. FELD (WERNER), Political aspects of transnational business collaboration in the Common market. International organization, no. 2, printemps 1970, p. 209-238. FENIZI (PAOLO), L'evoluzione della situazione sociale nei paesi delle Comunita nel 1969. Previdenza sociale, no. 3, mai-juin 1970, p. 823-833 FIORENZA (ANTONIO), I diritti previdenziali dei lavoratori migranti nella giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia delle Comunita europee. Rivis• ta di studi europei, no. 1, gennaio-marzo 1970, p. 60-87. FRANCE (La) a l'heure des choix: l'agriculture. Paris, (La documentation fran«;aise), 1970,48 p. FRANZMEYR (FRITZ), Zur E.W.G.-Erweiterung. Deutsches Institut für Wirtschafts forschung. Berlin: Vierteljahresheft, no. 3, 1970, p. 209- 223. GILMOZZI (MARCELLO), L'Europa dopo l'Aja e Bruxelles. Affari Esteri, no. 5, janvier 1970, p. 98-112. GINKEL (C. P. VAN), La notion juridique de "monopole national presentant un caractere commercial" dans l'article 37 C.E.E. Revue du marche commun, no. 133, mai 1970, p. 248-254. GOERGEN (RoBERT), L'etude pilote des Communautes europeennes sur les couts d'infrastructures. Transports, no. 149, fevrier 1970, p. 37-45. GOSSET (GEORGES), Bases juridiques, justification economique et degre d'avancement du rapprochement des impöts directs dans le marche commun. Revue du Marche commun, no. 135, juillet-aout 1970, p. 349-364. GRAVIGNY (L.) et D. VERDIANI, La situation de l'industrie aerospatiale de la Communaute. Euro-spectra, Revue scientifique et technique des Communautes europeennes, juin 1970, p. 34-40. GROEBEN (HANS VON DER), Die Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft als Motor der gesellschaftlichen und politischen Integration. Tübingen, (Mohr), 1970. 30 p. GIJSSELS (J.), Euratom et le projet de traite de non-proliferation des armes nucIeaires, sous l'angle du droit. Cahiers du droit de l'energie atomique, no. 1, juin 1968, p. 46-75. HANDLEY (DAVID H.), Mesure de l'integration dans la Communaute euro• peenne, 1963-1968: exemple de l'indice d'acceptation relative. Cen• tre europeen de la culture: Bulletin, no. 3-4, automne 1970, p. 95-117. HARMSEN (SABINE), Der Werner-Plan-Auftakt zur einer europäischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion. Wirtschaftsdienst, no. 12, decem• bre 1970, p. 721-726. HELLMANN (RAINER), Nationale Souveränität und EWG-Vertragstreue: die Probe in lebenswichtigen Fragen steht noch aus. Europa-Archiv, no. 18, 25 septembre 1970, p. 678-684. HERMANNS (FERDINAND), Nationale Fusionskontrolle und gemeinsamer Markt. Aussenwirtschaftsdienst des Betriebs-Beraters, no. 8 aout 1970 p.344-349. HIRSCH (ALAIN), Vers l'universalite de la faillite au sein du Marche com• mun? Cahiers de droit europeen, no. 1, 1970, p. 50-60. HORSFALL CARTER (W.), A hard look at the Community. International affairs, no. 2, avril 1970, p. 280-292. HUFFEL (LEON VAN), Ou en est la tarification routiere du Marche com- BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SECTION 951

mun? European transport lawjDroit europeen des transports, no. 1, 1970, p. 3-11. INDUSTRIE (L'), aeronautique de la C.E.E. face a la concurrence americai• neo L'usine nouvelle, no. 26, 25 juin 1970, p. 87-89. INVESTISSEMENTS (Les) americains dans la C.E.E. Revue de la banque, no. 7, 1970, p. 588-596. IRALANDE. Oireachtas. Dublin: Membership of the European com• muniti es : implications for Ireland. Laid by the Government be fore each House of the Oireachtas, April 1970. Dublin, (Stationery Office), 1970. XI, 138 p. JACgUE (JEAN-PAUL), BERNARD CUBAYNES, Parlement europeen, 1er janvier 1969 - 30 juillet 1969. Chronique. Revue trimestrielle de droit europeen, no. 1, janvier-mars 1970, p. 86-119. JACgUEMIN (ALEX P.), The criterion of economic performance in the anti-trust policies of the United States and the European economic community. Common market law review, no. 2, avril 1970, p. 205- 225. JAEGER (FRANZ), Die Frage der räumlichen Erweiterung der E\VG im Lichte des GATT-Status. Aussenwirtschaft, no. 1, mars 1970, p. 64-87. J OSLING (TIM), Exchange rate flexibility and the common agricultural policy of the European economic community. \Veltwirtschaftliches Archiv, no. 1, 1970, p. 57-95. KAPTEYN (P. J.), De juridische consequenties van het einde van de overgangsperiode in de E.E.G. Sociaal-economische wetgeving, no. 4, avril 1970, p. 203-224. KOBBERT (ERNST), Die Europäische Gemeinschaft nach den Konferenzen von Viterbo und Luxemburg. Europa-Archiv, no, 14,25 juillet 1970, p.483-486. KOHLHASE (NORBERT), Probleme einer künftigen Finanzverfassung der Europäischen Gemeinschaften. Europa-Archiv, no. 23, 10 decembre 1970, p. 857-862. KUIPER (M. J .), Financiering van het landbouwbeleid en eigen middelen van de Europese gemeenschappen. Sociaal-economische wetgeving, no. 11, novembre 1970, p. 615-638. LEITNER (FRANZ HELMUT), L'Autriche et l'integration economique euro• peenne. Revue de la societe d'etudes et d'expansion, no. 242, septem• bre-octobre 1970, p. 631-647. LEMAITRE (P.), L'accord sur le financement de l'Europe verte ne devrait pas dispenser les Six de reformer le Marche commun agricole. Revue du Marche commun, janvier 1970, p. 5-;7. LENY (J. C.), Le projet Orgel, 1959-1969. Energie nucleaire, vol. 12, sep• tembre-octobre 1970, p. 406-412. LYON-CAEN (GERARD), Contribution a l'etude des modes de representa• tion des interets des travailleurs dans le cadre des societes anonymes Bruxelles, (S.P.C.E.), 1970, 64 p. MALFATTI (F. M.), Une communaute de croissance et de stabilite. Com• munautes europeennes. Bulletin no. 3, septembre-octobre 1970, p.5-21. • MALLET (J .), Confrontation du Marche commun avec les Etats-Unis. Projet, avril 1970, p. 439-454. MALLET (JACgUES), Les effets du Marche commun sur l'economie des "Six". Les problemes de l'Europe, no. 48, 1970, p. 84-89. MALMGREN (H. B.), Less American food for Europe. Growing disillusion with the Common market. Round table, avril 1970, p. 153-164. MARC-LIPIANSKY (ARNAUD), Pour ou contre l'election du Parlement euro• peen au suffrage universei direct? L'Europe en formation, no. 123, juin 1970, p. 19-24. 952 SECTION BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE

MARCHAL (ANDRE), Les problemes du Marche commun. Politique etran• gere, no. 1, 1970, p. 5-54. MARCHINI-CAMIA (A.), Facilitating transnational business within the EEC. Progress to date. Cornell internationallaw journal, hiver 1970, p.9-31. MARENCO (GIULLIANO), Les conditions d'application de l'artic1e 235 du Traite C.E.E. Revue du marche commun, no. 131, mars 1970, p. 147-157. MARQUENIE (E. L. P.), Handelspolitieke betrekkingen tussen de E.E.G. en Oost-Europa. Documentation sur l'Europe centrale, no. 2, 1970, p. 117-130. MASHAW (]. L.), Ensuring the observance of law in the interpretation and application of the E.E.C. Treaty: the role and functioning of the "renvoi d'interpretation" under artic1e 177. Common market law review, no. 3, juillet 1970, p. 258-285. MATHIJSEN (P. S. R. F.), Theologische interpretatie der Europese ver• dragen. Rede ... Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen ... 15 mai 1970. Nijmegen, (Dekker & van de Vegt), 1970.27 p. MATTHEWS (J.), Prospect of an association agreement between South Africa and the European economic community. South African journal of economics. Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir ekonornie, juin 1970, p. 152-162. MELCHIOR (MICHEL), L'organisation des marches agricoles de la C.E.E. au stade du marche unique. Cahiers de droit europeen, no. 2, 1970, p. 127-153. MERTENS DE WILMARS (J.), Les enseignements communautaires des juris• prudences nationales. Revue trimestrielle de droit europeen, no. 3, juillet-septembre 1970, p. 454-468. MERTENS DE WILMARS (J.), I. M. VEROUGSTRAETE, Proceedings against ECE member states for failure to fulfil their obligations. Common market law review, octobre 1970, p. 385-406. MITCHEL (]. D. B.), L'adMsion du Royaume-Uni aux Communautes. Problemes juridiques, et institutionnels. Cahiers de droit europeen, no.3, 1970,p. 251-273. MORAND (CHARLES-ALBERT), Les recommandations, les resolutions et les avis du droit communautaire. Cahiers de droit europeen. no. 6, 1970, p.623-644. NADELMANN (KuRT H.), L'avant-projet de convention du Marche commun sur la faillite: les biens situes a l'etranger et les problemes qu'ils posent. Rivista di diritto internazionale provato e processuale, no. 3, juillet• septembre 1970, p. 501-521. NIEDERLAENDISCHE (Die) Rechtsprechung zum Gemeinschaftsrecht in den Jahren 1967 bis 1969. Europarecht, no. 2, avril-juin 1970, p. 172-178. OUVERTURE (L') des negociations sur l'elargissement de la Communaute (Luxembourg, 30 juin 1970). Communautes europ6ennes. Bulletin, no. 3, aout 1970, p. 20-51. PAPISCA (ANTONIO), Aspetti giuridici delle relazioni commerciali C.E.E.• U.S.A. Rivista di politica economica, no. 7, juillet 1970, p. 821-856. PEDINI (MARIO), Il futuro dell'Euratom. Cavalli di Collecchio (Parma), (Artegraf. Silva), 1970. 4 p. PESCATORE (PIERRE), L'apport du droit communautaire au droit inter• national public. Cahiers de droit europeen, no. 5, 1970, p. 501-525. PESCATORE (PIERRE) , Internationallawand community law, a comparative analysis. Common market law review, no. 2, avril 1970, p. 167-183. PESCATORE (PIERRE), Die unmittelbare Anwendung der europäischen Ver• träge durch die staatlichen Gerichte. Europarecht, no. 1, janvier• mars 1970, p. 56-79. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SECTION 953

PESCATORE (P.), Das ZusammenwIrken der Gemeinschaftsrechtsordnung mit den nationalen Rechtsordnungen. Europarecht, octobre-decem• bre 1970, p. 307-323, voir aussi p. 324-333. PETRILLI (GIUsEPPE), L'industria nella C.E.E.: un istituto industriale comunitario? Mondo economica, no. 13, 4 avril 1970, p. 47-51. PILISI (P.), La Hongrie et l'integration europeenne. Documentation sur l'Europe centrale, no. 3, 1970, p. 219-228. REALE (GIUSEPPE), Per il Parlamento europea. Paralle10 38, no. 1, jan• vier 1970, p. 7-17. RICHEMONT (JEAN DE), Artic1e 86 du traite C.E.E.: l'abus de position dominante. Droit et affaires, no. 175, 15 mai 1970, Doc. 15/70, p. 1-18. RICKARD (R. C.), Structural policies for agriculture in the E.E.C. Journal of agricultural economics, septembre 1970, p. 407-433. RODEMER (H.), H. DICKE, Parafiskalische Versuche zur Lösung der Schwierigkeiten auf dem Mi1chmarkt der EWG. Agrarwirtschaft, no. 8, aoUt 1970, p. 273-280. ROUGEMONT (DENIS DE), Le cheminement des esprits. Textes de 1949 a 1970 re unis pour le 20e anniversaire du C.E.C. Geneve, (C.E.C.), 1970. 191 p. Cent re europeen de la culture: Bulletins, nos. 1-2, 6te 1970. RUDING (H. O. C. R), Kapitaalliberalisatie in de EEG. Sociaal economi• sche wetgeving, no. 2, fevrier 1970, p. 71-95. RUMMERT (HANS-JOACHIM), Die zukünftige Rolle des Steinkohlenberg• baus auf dem Energiemarkt der Europäischen Gemeinschaft. Glück• auf, no. 5, 5 mars 1970, p. 233-237. SAINT-GAL (YVES), Aspect actuel de la reglementation de la concurrence et de la protection des droits de propri6te industrielle dans le cadre communautaire europeen. Revue trimestrielle de droit europeen. no. 1, janvier-mars 1970, p. 43-67. SANDROCK (OTTO), Probleme der Gemeinschaftsunternehmen nach euro• päischem Kartellrecht. Aussenwirtschaftsdienst des Betriebs-Bera• ters, no. 8, aout 1970, p. 337-344. SCELBA (MARIO), La Communaute europeenne et ses developpements institutionnels. Discours prononce a Florence le 26 avril 1970. Lu• xembourg, (parlement europeen), 1970. 17 p. SCHINDLER (PETER), Public enterprises and the E.E.C. Treaty. Common market law review, no. 1, janvier 1970, p. 57-71. SCHUMACHER (DETLEF), Die Ausfüllung von Kompetenzlücken im Ver• fassungsrecht der Europäischen Gemeinschaften. Aussenwirtschafts• dienst des Betriebs-Beraters, no. 12, decembre 1970, p. 539-545. SCHWED (J. J.), Les questions ecrites du Parlement europeen a la Com• mission. Revue du Marche commun, no. 135, juillet-aout 1970, p. 365-368. SEIDL-HoHEKVELDERN (IGNAz), Oesterreich und die E\VG. Jahrbuch für internationales Recht, T. 14. Göttingen, 1969. p. 128-152. SENTI (RICHARD), Afrikanische Präferenzen zugunsten der E.\V.G. Aussenwirtschaft, no. 4, decembre 1970, p. 427-442. STEPHENSON (PETER), Problems and political implications for the United Kingdom of introducting the E.E.C. value added tax. Journal of Common market studies, no. 4, juin 1970, p. 305-324. TAVITIAN (R.), G. DEURNICK, Productivite et integration economique regionale dans le cadre du Marche commun europeen. Organisation de cooperation et de developpement economiques. Centre de developpe• ment. Paris: Productivite et planification economique. Paris, 1970. p.249-268. TEMPEL (A. J. VAN DEN), Imp6t sur les societes et imp6t sur le revenu dans les Communautes europeennes. - Körperschaftssteuer und Einkom• mensteuer in den Europäischen Gemeinschaften. La fiscalite du 954 SECTION BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE

Marche commun. - Europäische Steuerzeitung, no. 39. avril 1970, p. 27-35. THIEDE (G.), La situation de l'approvisionnement de la CEE en pro• duits agricoles (1958/59 a 1966/67). Economie rurale, octobre-de• cembre 1970, p. 3-41. TOSCANO (TULLIO), Le fonti finanziarie della Comunita economica euro• pea. Rivista di politica economica, no. 4, avril 1970, p. 427-452. TRIFFIN (R.), A common currency for the Common market. Morgan gua• ranty trust company of New York, The Morgan guaranty survey, juillet 1970, p. 3-8. UNIVERSITE libre de Bruxelles. Institut d'etudes europeennes: La Com• munaute et le tiers monde. Bruxelles, (Ed. de l'Institut de sociologie), 1970. 124 p. La Communaute et le probleme du developpement, 3. - Enseignement compIementaire. N.S., 4. VALARCHE (1.), Le plan Mansholt et l'avenir de l'agriculture europeenne. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik, juin 1970, p. 173-186. VANDERSANDEN (G.), Le role de la Cour de justice des Communautes europeennes dans le processus d'integration communautaire. Aus• senwirtschaft, decembre 1970, p. 403-426. VERLOREN VAN THEMAAT (P.), Das innerstaatliche niederländische Wirt• schaftsrecht nach der Fusion der Europäischen Gemeinschaften. Aussenwirtschaftsdienst des Betriebs-Beraters, no. 6, juin 1970, p. 253-258. VERLOREN VAN THEMAAT (P.), E.E.G. richtlijnen betreffende discrimi• nerende aankooppolitiek overheidsinstellingen, discriminerende prijs• voorschriften en andere maatregelen van gelijke werking als kwanti• tatieve invoerbeperkingen. Sociaal-economische wetgeving, no. 4, avril 1970, p. 258-266. VOGEL-POLSKY (E.), Des moyens institutionnels prevus par le Traite de Rome po ur la mise en oeuvre de l'artic1e 119. Universite libre de Bruxelles. Seminarie voor kollektief arbeidsrecht. Bruxelles: Vrou• wenarbeid. Brussel, 1970, p. 219-229. W AEGENBA UER (RoLF), Les regles de concurrence applicables aux trans• ports. Cahiers de droit europeen, no. 6, 1970, p. 645-662. WERNER (PIERRE), Perspectives monetaires europeennes. Chronique de politique etrangere, no. 6, novembre 1970, p. 743-756. WITTEVEEN (H. ].), Munt slaan uit de Europese eenheid. Rede van ... over de economische en monetaire integratie in de E.E.G. en de plan• nen voor een Europese munteenheid, gehouden tijdens de lunch• bijeenkomst van de Nederlandse organisatie voor de internationale kamer van koophandel te Amsterdam op dinsdag, 26 mei 1970. Am• sterdam, (Nederlandse organisatie voor de Internationale kamer van koophandel), 1970.7 p. WULF (DIETER), Die Binnenschifffahrt im Gemeinsamen Markt. Inter• nationales Verkehrswesen, no. 4, mai-juin 1970, p. 108-113. ZIJLSTRA (H. A. A.), Die Finanzierung der gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik. Agrarwirtschaft. no. 8, aoüt 1970, p. 253-261.

E. QUESTIONS DE DEFENSE E. DEFENCE QUESTIONS ACCIAIOLI (N.), Problemi di difesa europea. Rivista di studi politici inter• nazionali, janvier-mars 1970, p. 11-19. ARON (RA YMOND), DMense nationale et unification europeenne. Revue de dMense nationale, avril 1970, p. 556-570. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SECTION 955

BLOEMA (K. P.), Europa- eigen verdedigingsmacht? eigen kern macht ? Internationale spectator, no. 9, 8 mai 1970. p. 834-850. BUCHAN (ALASTAIR), The purpose of N.A.T.O. and its future development. The Atlantic community quarterly, no. I, printemps 1970, p. 49-56. DucHENE (FRANyOIS), S.A.L.T., die Ostpolitik und die Liquidierung des Kalten Krieges. Europa. Archiv, no. 17, 10 septembre 1970, p. 639- 653. DUCKWITZ (G. F.), Sicherheitspolitik und die Sicherheit Europas. Aus• senpolitik, vol. 21, mars 1970, p. 133-142. EEKELEN (W. F. VAN), Nucleaire wapenen en de Westelijke verdediging. Internationale spectator, no. 13,8 juillet 1970, p. 1211-1230. FRELEK (R.), Les conditions reelles de la securite europeenne. Revue de la politique internationale. (Belgrade), no. 478, 5 mars 1970, p. 11-14. GAVRILOV (A.), Mirnoe budushchee i bezopasnost' Evropy. Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunardonye otnosheniia, no. 10, octobre 1970, p. 3-11. Peaceful future and security of Europe. Summary in English. GOODMAN (E. R.), NATO and German reunification. Res publica, no. 4, 1970, p. 591--603. GOZZANO (FRANCESCO), Sicurezza europae: un tema degli anni settanta. Affari esteri, no. 5, janvier 1970, p. 83-97. GRIFFITHS (ELDON), MICHEAL N IBLOCK, Towards nuclear entente: The case for Anglo-French nuclear co-operation. London, (Conservative Political Centre), 1970. 19 p. JOFFE (JOSEF), Amerikanische Präsenz und europäische Stabilität: zur Problematik amerikanischer Truppenabzüge aus Europa. Europa• Archiv, no. 6, 25 mars 1970, p. 191-204. J OFFE (J OSEF), Presence militaire americaine et stabilite europeenne. Documents. Revue des questions allemandes, no. 3, mai-juin 1970, p. 7-24. KASTL (J.), Future problems of the NATO alliance. Journal of the Royal united service institution, mars 1970, p. 31-37. KIELMANSEGG (JOHANN ADOLF), \Vas wird aus der NATO und Europas Sicherheit? Aussenpolitik, no. 3, mars 1970, p. 149-164. KLAIBER (W.), Security priorities in Eastern Europe. Problems of com• muni sm (United States), mai-juin 1970, p. 32-44. KÖNITZ (B.l. Der F;influss der kommunistischen Partei auf das Militär im Ostblock. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Aussenpolitik, (1970), Heft 6, p. 359-379. KÜHN (A. G.), Les consultations OTAN sur le desarmement. Kouvelles de 1'0TAN, mars 1970, p. 20-23. LANDVAl (P.), How to combine dHente with Soviet hegemony? Survey, a journal of Soviet and East European studies, automne 1970, p. 75-92. LEDDY (JORN M.), Le forze americane in Europa sono ancora necessarie alla N .A.T .0. ? Affari esteri, no. 6, avril 1970, p. 3-22. LEGVOLD (R.), European security conference. Survey, a journal of Soviet and East European studies, He 1970, p. 41-52. MAHNCKE (D.), Atlantische Allianz und europäische Sicherheit. Schweizer Monatshefte, avril 1970, p. 29-35. MATES (L.), Non-alignment and the great powers. Foreign affairs, avril 1970, p. 525-536. MERNERT (K.), Sicherheitskonferenz für Europa. Osteuropa, no. 20, octobre 1970, p. 657-678. PETHÖ (T.), European security and cooperation. New Hungarian quarter• ly, printemps 1970, p. 12-22 .. PIERRE (A. J .), Reconciliation in Europe. A \Vestern approach to the European security conference. Interplay, the magazine of inter• national affairs, j uillet 1970, p. 16-20. 956 SECTION BIBLIOGRAPHlQUE

REDUCTION (La) equilibree des forces et l'amenagement de la securite en Europe dans le contexte politique actuel. Politique etrangere, 35 (1970). no. 5, p. 499-516. RICHARDS (IvoR), A European defence policy. Survival, no. 3, mars 1970, p.75-80. RICHARDSON (ELLIOT L.), MIKE MANSFlELD, American forces in Europe: the pros and the cons. Tbe Atlantic community quarterly, no. 1, printemps 1970, p. 5-16. Ru BIO GARCIA (L.), Dinamica actual deI sistema regional sovietico. EI pacto de Varsovia, sus facetas. Revista de poHtica internacional, mai• juin 1970, p. 89-112. SAHOVIC (M.), Nove inicijative za evropsku konferenciju 0 bezbednosti. Socijalizam, no. 13, septembre 1970, p. 1073-1080. SCHUETZE (WALTER), Perspectives d'une collaboration europeenne au sein de l'OTAN. Les problemes de l'Europe, no. 49, 1970, p. 29-37. SCHUETZE (WALTER), Retour sur la securite europeenne. Politique etran• gere, no. 2, 1970,p. 181-196. STAGE (New) in preparation for All-European conference. International affairs (Moscow), septembre 1970, p. 3-6. STAREWICZ (A.). Perspektywy bezpieczenstwa w Europie. Nowe drogi, pazdziernik 1970, p. 3-16. STOLTE (S. C.), European security conference. A Kremlin priority. Ana• lysis of current developments in the Soviet Union, 17 mars 1970, p. 1-5. TATu (M.), European security conference. What's in it for whom? Inter• play. The magazine of international affairs, fevrier 1980, p. 4-8. VERNANT (JACQUES), Paris, Washington et l'Europe. Revue de defense nationale, avril 1970, p. 631-636. VUKADINOVIC (R.), Les divergences de vues sur la securite europeenne. Revue de politique internationale (Belgrade) 5-20 juillet 1970, p. 12-14 (voir aussi p. 10-12). WETTIG (G.), Sicherheit für Europa im Wandel des Kremls. Aussenpolitik aout 1970, p. 482-491. WETTIG (GERARD), Der sowjetische Kurs der europäischen Sicherheit: eine Entspannungspolitik neuen Types. Aus Politik und Zeitge• schichte, no. B 31/70, 1 aout 1970, p. 30-40. WHETTEN (L. L.), Recent changes in East European approaches to Euro• pean security. World today, juillet 1970, p. 277-288. WYLE (FREDERICK S.), Is European security negotiable? The Round table, London, April 1970. Survival, no. 6, juin 1970, p. 189-193. TABLE DES NOMS LIST OF NAMES

Aalders, B. G. H., 769 Bebr, Gerhard, 950 Abdel-Rahman, 110 Becker, vVolf-Dieter, 941 Abrams, Mark, 366, 367 Beer, Henrik, 351 Aeeiaioli, N., 956 Beesley, Hugh, 390, 391 Adenauer, Konrad, 932 Befort, P.-A., 337 Adler-Karlsson, G., 941 Beglow, S. 1., 939 Adossides, 126, 127 Behrendt, Walter, 478, 479 Alers, Andre, 336 Bel!osillo, Mde Pilar, 351 Alkema, L. A., 945 Benoit, M., 949 Amodio, Marquis de, 343, 347 Benott XV, 36, 53 Amann-Firmerey, Pierre, 342 Benvenuti, Lodovieo, 96, 97, 100 Andre, Georges, 340 Benyoussef, A., 942 Andresen, H. K, 769 Berg, Fritz, 942 Andresen, R D., 769 Berg, Kl., 946 Andresen, S. A., 769 Berg, D. van den, 708, 709, 712, 713 Angel, Mare, 349 Berghes, Ingeborg von, 939 Angelo, N. D', 769 Berk, van, 496, 497 Ankele, Joerg, 949 Berkeljon, R., 769 Annez de Taboada, G., 424, 434 Berkhouwer, Cornelis, 478, 479 Anselme-Rabinovitch, 941 ~Ille/",Iiss Berki, 0., 402, 403 Antoine, G., 939 Bernheim, Robert, 120, 121 Anzizu, Jose M. de, 949 Berns, Mathias, 494, 495 Aquino, Franciseo, 110 Bernueei, Giogio Luigi, 29-54 Arag6n, Leonardo, 348 Bertherat, Andre, 350 Areo, F., 346 Bertotti, B., 769 Arendt, Walter, 482, 483 Bertrand, Alfred, 482, 483 Arnim, Christof von, 950 Bertrand, Raymond, 186, 187 Aron, Raymond, 957 Besse, G., 659 Asehinger, F., 932, 941 Beyens, H., 916, 917 Aschoff, Albrecht, 494, 495 Biedermann, A., 336 Aszkenazy, H., 941, 950 Biehl, B. H., 184 Aubert de la Rue, Philippe, 941 Bievre, Clement de, 943 Aubiniere, R, 876, 877, 878, 879, 914, Bignami, G. F., 767 915 Bignier, 1\1., 916, 917 Aung, Htun, 350 Bigot, c., 918, 919 Ayoub, A., 941 Bilge, A. Suat, 382 Azca.rraga, Luis de, 656, 657, 658, 659 Binsbergen, VV. C. van, 927 Binswanger, Hans-Christoph, 931- Backlund, S., 866, 867 932, 939, 950 Baer-Kaupert, F. W., 939 Birnbaum, Kar! E., 939 Bagaria, D., 920 Bjarnason, Sigurdur, 628, 629 Bähr, P., 950 Björkman, 666, 667 Baichere, Pierre, 950 Bleeker, R. de, 916, 917 Bailliart, A., 918, 919 Bloema, K. P., 957 Bal!adore-Pal!ieri, Giorgio, 97, 382 Bloes, Robert, 925, 926 Barbarel!a, Carla, 950 Blum, Rudolf E., 337 Barber, 468, 469 Bock, Fritz, 939 Barclay-Smith, Phyl!is, 343 Bodson, Vietor, 4, 22, 950 Bareth, Jean, 341 Bogardey, Alexander E., 343 Barre, Raymond, 422, 486, 487, 496, Bogen, P., 769 497,950 Bogomolov, 0., 942 Barrea, J., 939 Bohde-Liebenau, \V., 942 Barrel!, J. S., 434, 435 Boisgelin, G. de, 804, 805, 916, 917 Bartseh, H. J., 946 Bolton, George, 939 Batailler-Demichel, F., 946 Bonanni, A., 921 Baverstoek, Mme S., 748, 749 Bondi, H., 772, 773, 834, 835 958 TABLE DES NOMS - LIST OF NAMES

Bonet-Maury, Claude, 122, 123, 124, Cassiers, J., 916, 917 125 Cassin, Rene, 382 Bonvin, R, 866, 867 Castro, Josue de, 934 Boomstra, Sjoerd, 500, 501 Causse, J .-P., 920 Boreh-Jacobsen, Niels, 390, 391 Cavaliere, A., 769 Borg Olivier, Giorgio, 605 Cavanagh, D., 916, 917, 918, 919 Borschette, Albert, 486, 487, 488, 489 Cerf, J., 920 Bosello, F., 950 Chaban-Delmas, Jacques, 188, 189 Bosman, H. W. J., 942 Champaud, Claude, 951 Boswell, R W., 866, 867, 916, 917 Chapon, Jean, 120, 121 Bouha, J., 914, 915, 916, 917 Charbit, N., 916, 917 Bouladoux, Maurice, 494, 495 Chassignet, C., 918, 919 Bourely, M., 918, 919, 920, 939 Chastenet, J acques, 932 Branders, Häkan, 630, 631 Chavane, C., 342 Bratteli, Trejgve, 628, 629 Chesnais, Pierte, 343 Braun, Walter, 942 Chiavario, M., 946 Braun, Sigismund von, 482, 483, 605 Chiti-Batelli, A., 939 MllejMiss Briston, L., 122, 123 Chouffier, Mlle E., 344 Broglie, Jean de, 939 Churchill, Winston, 85, 87 Brooks, MllejMiss Angie, 107, 116 Cigerza, E., 916, 917, 918, 919 Brosio, G., 950 Cintura, P., 950, 951 Broussal, J acques, 340 Cittadini Cesi, Marquis Giangaspare, Brown, R. L., 468, 469 352 Brunagel, Fran~ois, 348 Claeys Bonnart, A., 348 Brzezinski, Z., 939 Claret de Fleurieu, 918, 919 Buchan, Alastair, 925, 926, 957 Clarke, A. W., 120, 121, 124, 125 Buchdrucker, Petra, 939 Clogenson, Georges 343 Buchet de Neuilly, Jacques, 950 Coffey, Peter, 951 Buchwieser, Bruno, 345 Cogniot, Georges, 939 Budowsky, G., 350 Colesanti, V., 951 Buergenthal, Th., 946 Collaud, M., 340 Buiter, G., 340 Collette-Kahn, Mme S., 344 Bullock, R H. W., 000 Collin, F., 942 Bundy, McGeorge, 939 Colonna di Paliano, Guido, 4, 496, 497 Buraas, A., 748, 749 Condorelli, L., 946 Burchard, Hans-J oachim, 942 Conrot, 496, 497 Burg, J. van der, 942 Cooper, William 0., 345 Burgess, C. B., 748, 749 Coppe, Albert, 4, 486, 487, 488, 489, Busch, K., 942 496,497 Bush, Mrs. A., 334 Corina, John, 185 Busuttil, Edwin, 388, 389 Corona, Achille, 478, 479 Cortese Riva Palazzi, 338 <,:aglayangil, Ihsan Sabri, 582, 601 Cosgrove, Carol Ann, 951 Cairncross, Mrs. G., 341 Coucke, V., 336 Caldarera, Ugo, 402, 403 Coulson, John, 748, 749 Cals, J oseph, 56, 75, 76 Courbot, Henri, 341 Cambi, E., 921 Coursier, Bruno-Henri, 335 Caminos, H., 946 Couve de Murville, M., 939 Campolongo, Alberto, 950 Crapuchet, Simonne, 342 Canellos, Peter C., 950 Crawford, Oliver, 932 Canna, A., 434, 435 Crayencour, J.-P. de, 951 Capel, A., 769 Cremona, J ohn, 382 Carey, John, 347 Creyghton, J. H. C., 935 Carlier, M., 339 Crignon, C., 185 Carmignani, R, 183 Cromwell, William, 925, 939 Carrobio, R Carrobio di, 796, 797, 804, Cros, Louis, 66 805,826,827,834,835,876,877,920 Cubaynes, Bernard, 953 Casadio, Gian Paolo, 950 Curtin, T. B., 916, 917 Cassel, Leif, 628, 629 Curtis, Dunstan, 96, 97 TABLE DES NOMS - LIST OF NAMES 959

Dahrendorf, Ralf, 486, 487, 488, Dubois, Louis, 951 489 Dubois, Monique, 951 Daig, Hans-Wolfram, 951 Duchene, Fran<;ois, 957 Daintith, T. C., 946 Duckwitz, G. F., 957 Damme, Jacques van, 951 Duhamel, Jacques, 940 Dana, c., 918, 919 Dullemond, J., 712, 713 Daubie, c., 946 Dunlop, W., 658, 659 Daussin, Armand, 390, 391 Dupuis, 929 Daver, Bülent, 388, 389 Dutheillet de Lamothe, Alain, 492, David, K H., 769 493 Davignon, 482 Duysinx, R., 767 Davila G6mez Palacios, R., 951 Eban, Abba, 577 Debbasch, C., 946 Ebert, Konrad, 942 Debois, 1., 126, 127 Ebert, \Vilhelm, 341 Degand, Claude, 942 Economopoulos, c., 946 Dehousse, F., 927 Eekelen, \V. F. van, 957 Delahaye, Pedro 0., 388, 389 Eesbeek, J. van, 916, 917, 918, 919 Delcamp, E., 946 Ehrhardt, Carl A., 940 Delion, M. A., 928 Eissen, Mare-Andre, 390, 391, 392, Deli' Acqua, Angelo, 45 393, 946 Delmas, c., 951 Ekeland, Sigurd, 866, 867, 943 Delsupehe, Georges, 942 Ekström, 932 Deltel, Guy, 402, 403 Eisner, Ilse, 951 Delvaux, Henri, 402, 403 d'Elbreil, 126, 127 Demaret, P., 942 Eldin, Gerard, 186, 187 Demaret, Y., 346 Englert, G., 769 Demerliac, Y., 346 Ennals, :\Iartin, 334 Deniau, J ean-Fran<;ois, 4, 22, 478, Eriksson, L., 408, 409 479, 486, 487, 488, 489 Erkens, N., 120, 121 Denisse, J. F., 826, 827 Ermacora, Felix, 388, 389, 947 Denoueix, J ean-;\Iichel, 120, 121 Errera, R., 947 Desbois, Henri, 337 Ertl, J oseph, 482, 483 Deshormes, Philippe, 351 Esch, Bastiaan van der, 952 Despicht, N. S., 126, 127 Espersen, 0., 947 Deurnick, G., 955 Esteban, 126, 127 Deutsch, Karl \Y., 940 Ewart, D. G., 921 Deutsch, MmejMiss :\1.,918,919 Devadder, Y., 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, Fanfani, Ermintore, 105 125 Faure, A., 921 Dicke, H., 955 Faure, Edgar, 67, 78 Dickinson, B. P. H., 654, 655 Favez, 932 Didier, Rene, 349 Favre, Antoine, 382 Diebold, William, 942 Fawcett, J ames E. S., 388, 389 Diez, E., 122, 123 Fay, J ohn, 186, 187 Dillinger, Charles, 341 Federspiel, Per, 101 Diserens, J. J., 349 Feld, \Verner, 952 Doehring, K, 946 Fenizi, Paolo, 952 Doerflinger, R., 122, 123 Ferid, 1\1., 402, 403 Dohnanyi, Klaus von, 940 Ferraro, Pietro, 358 Dombrowski, E., 921 Fiorenza, Antonio, 952 Donner, Andre, 492, 493 Fiori, U., 164, 165 Dorsch, E., 434, 435 Fitz, 932 Dotti, H. L., 951 FIeseh, l\Illej:\Iiss Colette, 478, 479 Dow, Christopher J. R., 186, 187 Flockton, Christopher, 944 Downey, 1\1. J., 769 Focke, K, 940 Doz, M., 658, 659 Foltzer, J. P., 349 Draper, G., 946 Fontela, E., 951 Drobnig, Ulrich, 951 Ford, Charles, 340 Dubois, Alexis, 951 Ford, E. T., 769 960 TABLE DES NOMS - LIST OF NAMES

Forestier, Hubert, 343 Griesau, Hans-Dieter, 484, 485 Forman, N., 925 Griffiths, Eldon, 957 Formentini, Paride, 500, 501 Grillo-Pasquarelli, E., 947 Fran~ois, S., 120, 121, 124, 125 Groeben, Hans von der, 4, 952 Frank-Steiner, 932 Groenendijk, P., 351 Franklin, Frederik, 334 Groepper, Horst, 120, 121 Franzmeyer, Fritz, 952 Gros, Charles, 336 Freitas, Geoffrey de, 101 Grützner, H., 947 Frelek, R., 957 Guarneri, G., 947 Frey, Mlle M. R., 916, 917 Guia, Eric o. de, 183 Furler, Hans, 478, 479 Guicciardi, Winspeare, 107 Furrer, P., 947 Guldimann, W., 658, 659, 704, 705 Gutmann, E. R., 943 de Gaay Fortman, Wilhelm F., 388, Gijssels, J., 952 389 Gaedke, B., 914, 915 Haagerup, Niels J örgen, 943 Gaeta, A., 748, 749 Haas, Ernst B., 926, 934, 947 Gage, M. J. W., 921 Habsburg, Otto von, 940 Galbraith, 928 Haeften, G. von, 120, 121 Galtung, J ohan, 358 Haferkamp, Wilhelm, 4, 22, 486, 487, Garique, Philippe, 351 488, 489, 496, 497 Garran, P., 940 Hahn, Hugo J., 943 Gass, James R., 186, 187 Haigh, Anthony, 55-79 Gasteyger, Curt, 940 Haight, Mme Eric, 348 Gaulle, Charles de 16, 925, 926 Halajczuk, B. T., 940 Gavrilov, A., 957 Hallstein, Walter, 4 Gendarme, R., 943 Hambro, Edvard, 107, 116 Gey, P., 916, 917 Hammarskjöld, Dag, 94, 95, 97 Ghio, M., 918, 919 Handley, David H., 941, 952 Gilissen, J., 947 Hanhart, Dieter, 336 Gilmozzi, Marcello, 952 Harmel, Pierre, 460, 461, 462, 463, Ginkel, C. P. van, 952 464, 465, 466, 467, 473, 482, 483, Girod, R., 748, 749 484,485,486,487,572,577,582,601 Giscard d'Estaing, Valery, 168, 169, Harmsen, Hans, 338 186, 187, 942 Harmsen, Sabine, 952 Gissler, P., 947 Hart, Norman J., 345 Giuliani, M., 921 Hassner, P., 940 Glazenburg, S., 120, 121, 122, 123 Hauck, K., 918, 919 Glencross, W. M., 767 Hausen, Ralf, 943 Goergen, Robert, 952 Hawke, L. G., 434, 435 Golsong, Heribert, 390, 391, 927, 947 Hazelzet, P. L., 339 Gombeaud, J., 164, 165 Heger, Charles, 482, 483 Gonidec, P., 947 Heide, H. ter, 943 Goodman, E. R., 957 Heisbourg, G., 164, 165 Goodson, A., 916, 917, 918, 919 Hellmann, Rainer, 952 Gosset, Georges, 952 Hellwig, Fritz, 4 Götz, Ernst, 402, 403 Hendricks, E., 337 Gozzano, Francesco, 957 Henrichs, H., 916, 917 Grabitz, Eberhard, 929 Herbermann, H., 343 Gracht, Elizabeth van der, 339 Hermanns, Ferdinand, 952 Graff, Rene, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, Herrera, Felipe, 111 125 Herwaarden, M. G. H. van, 918, 919 Graham, T. A., 921 Heuseux, Modeste, 337 Grard, R., 769 Hicks, A., 918, 919 Gratz, Leopold, 190, 191 Hill, G. G. D., 120, 121, 122, 123 Gravigny, L., 952 Hill, Martin, 95 Greger, G., 916, 917 Hill, Walter, 353 Gregor, R. F., 339 Hillery, 470, 471 Griep, D. J., 184 Hilliard, Roderick, 186, 187 TABLE DES NOMS - LIST OF NAMES 961

Hirsch, Alain, 952 Hocker, A., 772, 773 Kahnert, F., 183 Hodlin, B. W., 918, 919 Kamecki, Z., 943 Hoffmann, Hans E. W., 784, 785, 920 Kapteyn, P. J., 953 Hoffmann, Klaus, 120, 121, 126, 127 Karlson, E. T., 769 Holmbäck, Ake Ernst Vilhelm, 382 Kaser, M., 943 Holmstedt, Margareta, 346 Kastl, J., 957 Holtmann, Gunhuld, 939 Kees, Andreas, 943 Holtz, H., 164, 165 Kellberg, Love, 388, 389 Hombourger, Emile, 345 Kerstiens, Thom, 350 Horsfall Carter, 'V'. , 926, 952 Kettis, Pär, 630, 631 Hostiou, Rene, 929-930 Keyzer, J., 640, 641, 654, 655 Housiaux, Georges, 142, 143 Khol, A., 947 Houtte, A. van, 492, 493 Kielmansegg, J ohann Adolf, 957 Huber, H., 120, 121 King, Alexander, 186, 187 Hoekstra, B., 124, 125 Kleiber, W., 957 Huffel, Leon van, 952 Klee, Elisabeth, 342 Hulst, H. C. van de, 766, 767, 772, 773 Kleitz, Mlle M., 336 Hulten, Eric, 630, 631 Kneschaurek, F., 378, 379 Hultin, Eiler, 630, 631 Kobbert, Ernst, 953 Humblet, F., 164, 165 Kohlhase, Norbert, 953 Hummer, 932 Köhn, D., 769 Hunt, Stanley, 390, 391 Komaromi, 932 Huvelin, Paul, 943 Könitz, B., 957 Hygin, Cardinale, 29 Kooiker, H., 916, 917 Hymans, Daniel, 943 Köppen, Mme/Miss Ursula von, 120, 121 Ikle, Max, 943 Krag, Jens Otto, 628, 629 Ingelhart, Ronald, 940 Krauss, G., 126, 127 Israel, Lucien, 347 Krauss, Mel, 943 Iweins d'Eeckhoutte, M., 164, 165 Kremkau, Klaus, 338 Kroesen, F. J., 918, 919 Jacoangeli, G., 916, 917 Krotov, 0., 941 Jacomet, Maurice, 186, 187 Krüger, R, 947 Jacque, Jean-Paul, 953 Kühn, A. G., 957 Jacquemin, Alex P., 943, 953 Kuiper, M. J., 953 J acquet, Rene, 940 Kuipers, J. D., 494, 495 Jadot, Mme/Mrs M., 353 Kulakowski, J an, 341 J aeger, Franz, 930-931, 943, 953 Kummer, H., 769 Jaeschke, R, 769 Kuntze, O. E., 943 J ahn, Gerhard, 188, 189 Kutscher, Hans, 492, 493 Jainski, 124, 125 Jamar, C., 767 Lacharriere, Guy, de 120, 121 Janes, M., 769 Lackner, K. 769 J anz, Peter, 940 Lagasse, RaphaeI 353 Jarring, Gunnar, 158, 160, 161, 162, Lambert, ""1. F. 916, 917 163 Landheer, Bart 927, 928, 934-935, 940 Jarry, c., 918, 919 Landvai, P. 957 Jean XXIII, 45, 46, 54 Langenaeken, P. van 402, 403 Jensen, V. 0., 000 Lanner, J. 748, 749 Jettmar, 0., 658, 659, 704, 705 Larsen, Leonard, 342 Joffe, Josef, 925, 957 Laugier, Henri, 89 J oll, J., 940 Launay, Jacques de, 338 Jong, M. C. de, 122, 123 Lavenir, Herve, 940 Jonke, R ]., 921 Layton, Christopher, 944 J osling, Tim, 953 Leathermann, G. H., 343 J ouvenel, Bertrand de, 358 Leber, Georg, 482, 483 Jungk, Robert, 358 Lecourt, Robert, 492, 493 Junod, Ch. A., 928 Leddy, John H., 957 962 TABLE DES NOMS - LIST OF NAMES

Leenman, P., 708, 709, 712, 713 Mann, F. A., 944 Lefevre, Theo, 848,849, 866,867,868- Mansfield, Mike, 958 873,912,913, 914, 915 Mansholt, Sicco L., 4, 188, 189, 486, Leger, G., 918, 919 487 Legros, R., 927 Marc, Alexandre, 338 Legvold, R., 957 Marc-Lipiansky, Arnaud, 953 Leitner, Franz Helmut, 953 Marchal, Andre, 954 Leieu, Henri, 390, 391 Marchal, Leon, 93, 94, 95, 96 Lemaitre, P., 953 Marchini-Camia, A., 954 Lennep, Emile van, 110, 168, 169, 186, Marcus-Helmons, S., 947 187 Marcussen, Mme E. B., 352 Lennertz, D., 767 Marenco, Guilliano, 954 Leny, J. C., 953 Maresca, A., 918, 919 Leussink, Hans, 482, 483, 866, 867 Maridakis, Georges, S., 382 Levasseur, G., 947 Markert, Kurt, 928 Levi-Sandri, Lionello, 4, 496, 497 Marmaras, Const., 482, 403 Lew, Andre, 338 Marquenie, E. L. P., 954 Lewis, J. G., 916, 917 MarshalI, George, 36 Lie, Trygve, 89, 90 Martin, Edward, 186, 187 Liege, Prince de, 188, 189 Martin, Edwin M., 183 Limpens, A., 940 Martino, Edoardo, 4, 22 Limpens, J., 940 Marx, A. J., 916, 917 Lind, Harold, 944 Mashaw, J. L., 954 Lindal, Theodor B., 388, 389 Massaiski, Casimir, 344 Linthorst Homan, J., 940 Mast, A., 927, 948 Linton, Joseph 1., 341 Masters, V. E., 338 Liszka, L., 767 Mates, L., 940, 957 L0chen, Einar, 630, 631 Mathiesen, Matthias, A., 628, 629 Locher, F., 708, 709 Mathijsen, P. S. R. F., 954 Loebell, J. B., 916, 917 Matthews, J., 954 Loenen, J. H. M. 1'.1., 934-935 Matzner, 932 Looy, G. van, 347 Maugeri, Franco, 352 Lopez Bravo, Gregorio, 572 Mayer, M., 796, 797 Lücker, H. A., 478, 479 Mayrzedt, Hans, 931-932, 939, 950 Luget, Mlle J. de, 344 Mazzetti, Ernesto, 944 Luns, Joseph M. A. H., 188, 189, 192, McBride, Sean, 339 193, 582, 601, 940 McFariane, B. J., 944 Lussan, C., 350 McNulty, Anthony, 390, 391, 392, 393 Lyon-Caen, Gerard, 953 Mehnert, K., 957 Meistermann, C., 124, 125 Macfariane, J. N., 748, 749 Melchior, Michel, 954 Machlup, Fritz, 944 Menzel, Eberhart, 934, 948 Macau-Hercot, D., 769 Merchiers, Laurent, 478, 479 Macrae, N., 940 Mertens de Wilmars, J., 492, 493, 954 Madauss, B.-J., 920 Merg, R., 340 Magliano, M., 916, 917 Meyer-Cording, Ulrich, 500, 501 Maguire, Conor A., 382 Migliazza, A., 944 Mahncke, D., 957 Miller, J. M., 769 Major, Louis, 482, 483 Milway, C. P., 185 Malaurice, Christian, 122, 123 Mitchel, J. D. B., 954 Malcolm, P. R. 916, 917 Mitrany, David, 926 Malfatti, Franco Maria, 29, 436, 437, Molenaar, J. H. C., 351 468, 469, 486, 487, 489, 496, 497, MoUmes, Charies Melchior de, 932-933, 582, 601, 605, 953 948 Mallet, J acques, 953 Möller, Alex, 482, 483, 500, 501 Malmgren, H. B., 953 Monaco, R., 492, 493 Malmros, Birgitta, 630, 631 Monnet, Jean, 4, 925 Mangold, W., 122, 123 Mora, G. Fernandez de la, 654, 655 Mangon, R., 916, 917 Morabito, U., 916, 917 TABLE DES NOMS - LIST OF NAMES 963

Morand, Charles-Albert, 954 Pedersen, A., 769 Morissens, L., 927, 928 Pedini, Mario, 582, 601. 954 Moro, Aldo, 142, 143 PeIJoux, R, 948 Morrisson, C. c., 948 Penny, R W., 767 Mosler, Hermann, 382 Perez-Guerrero, 110 Mössner, J. M., 929, 930, 931, 932, 933, PerIowski, H., 348 934,936 Pescatore, Pierre, 492, 493, 948, 954, Moulias, G., 164, 165 955 Mueller-Armack, Andreas, 944 Pethö, T., 957 Muller, P. E., 769 Petren, Gustaf, 630, 631 Muller, Roland, 122, 123 PetriIIi, Giuseppe, 940, 955 Murgatroyd, R J., 767 Petzhold, H., 948 Musso, R, 944 Petzhold, H., 947 Myrdal, G., 932 Peyton, J., 654, 655 Pflimlin, Pierre, 105 Nadelmann, Kurt H., 954 Picard, 496, 497 NavilIe, Marcel A., 351 Pie XI, 36, 53 Neate, RA., 916, 917 Pie XII, 29-44, 52, 53, 54 Nelissen, R J., 866, 867 Pierre, A. J., 957 Nepote, Jean, 352 Pilisi, P., 955 Nerlich, U., 940 Pitrou, MlIe/Miss, 370, 371 Neumann, Gerhard, 390, 391 Pittomvils, \7 aleer, 349 Niblock, Michael, 957 Pitz-Savelsberg, Mme, 349 Nichols, G., 918, 919 Plate, E. A., 848, 849, 916, 917 Nielsen, Mlle(Miss I., 748, 749 Plattner, WiIly A., 340 Nielsen, P., 769 Plehwe, F.-K. von, 164, 165, 941 Nieuwenhuijsen, S., 122, 123 Poehle, Klaus, 941 Noetel, Rudolf, 944 Poelmans, Mme(Mrs. 928 Noordt, A. van der, 120, 121, 122, 123 PoinciIIit, Erhard, 186, 187 Noordt, M. van der, 126, 127, 654, 655 Polak, Fred. L., 934--935 Nottet, P., 658, 659 Pompidou, Georges, 17, 27, 168, 169, Nove, A., 944 926 Nowotny, 932 Ponsiglione, A., 706, 707 Nyboe Andersen, P. V., 470, 471 Pontoppidan, B., 748, 749 Poppe, Gustav, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, Ockrent, Roger, 186, 187 125 O'Donoghue, Philip P., 388, 389 Portz, Yves le, 500, 501 Oeftering, 644, 645 Posthumus, S. A., 944 Oesterhaus, M., 122, 123 PoulIe, Georges, 340 Öhlinger, 932 Pradervand, Pierre, 183 Older, S. J., 184 Prelot, M., 948 Olsson, Hans-Olle, 630, 631 Preukschat, A. W., 769 Opsahl, Torkel, 388, 389 Priestman, John, 390, 391 Ortoli, F. X., 866, 867 Prince de Liege, 294, 295 Osthus, H. J., 164, 165 Prost-Gargoz, Eugene-J ean, 348 Oyevaar, J. J., 122, 123 Puchala, Donald J., 941 Puppi, Gianpetro, 764, 765, 766, 767, Pacini, F., 769 848,849 Page, D. E., 769 Pallete, E. G., 434, 435 Quanjard, Pierre, 122, 123 Paloc, Ferdinand, 345 Questiaux, N., 948 Palsson, 932 Quinn, Sheila, 342 Pansard, Robert, 348 Papisca, Antonio, 954 Rabaeus, B., 748, 749 Paris, Jacques-CamiIJe, 88, 90, 93 Raben, H., 120, 121, 122, 123 Partsch, K. J., 948 Radoux, Lucien, 346, 941 Passeron, J.-C., 185 Rahl, J. A., 928 Paul VI, 29, 45-51, 54 Raitt, W. J., 767 Paulucci di Calbalo, Rinieri. 186, 187 Raphael, F., 344 964 TABLE DES NOMS - LIST OF NAMES

Rasenack, C., 948 Rij, van, 126, 127 Ratcliffe, Hardie, 345 Raymond, J., 927, 948 Saeger, Jozef de, 482, 483 Reale, Giuseppe, 955 Saeland, Einar, 186, 187 Reemts, Helmut, 120, 121 ~ahovic, M., 958 Regul, Rudolf, 925, 944 Saint-Gal, Yves, 955 Rehak, Edmund, 352 Salle, S. M., 918, 919 Rehn, Gösta, 186, 187 Salvador y Diaz-Benjumea, Julio, 866, Reinoud, H., 706, 707, 712, 713 867 Renborg, Sten, 390, 391 Samson, Madeleine, 349 Renouil, Pierre, 336 San Marzano, L. G., di, 916, 917 Renterghem, Y. P. van, 916, 917 Sanders, P., 944 Rey, Jean, 3-28, 464, 465, 486, 487, Sandrock, ütto, 955 496, 497, 572, 577, 926, 928 Sandys, Duncan, 343 Reynaud, Paul, 87 Sänger, G., 769 Ricca, Pierre, 344 Santos-Rein, J., 654, 655 Richards, Ivor, 958 Sasse van Ysselt, Th. K. H. J. van, Richardson, Elliott L., 941, 958 402,403 Richemont, J ean de, 955 Sassen, Emanuel, 4 Rickard, R. C., 955 Savarey, Roger, 345 Rickett, Denis, 111 Scelba, Mario, 478, 479, 480,481, 955 Rigoine de Fougerolles, A., 340 Schack Larsen, G., 866, 867 Rihtniemi, J uha, 628, 629 Schaller, A., 122, 123 Riklin, 932 Schantl, 949 Ripamonti, C., 866, 867 Scharrer, Hans-Eckart, 944 Riphagen, W., 122, 123 Scheel, Walter, 29, 142, 143, 482, 483, Rippon, G., 866, 867 582,601 Ritsch, Frederick F., 945 Schelling, T. C., 926 Robertson, A.H., 80-117, 927, 948 SehendeI, Robert van, 353 Robertson, Arthur, 390, 391, 392, 393 Scheper, R., 769 Robroeks, J. H. C. A., 944 Schiller, Kar!, 482, 483 Rochereau, Henri, 4 SchiItz, Jacques, 336 Rodemer, H., 955 Schindler, Peter, 932, 955 Rodenbourg, Eugene, 382 Schlösser, Gerhart, 390, 391 Roelants du Vivier, Baudouin, 186, Schmidt-Küster, W. J., 914, 915 187 Schmidt-Ott, U., 658, 659, 704, 705 Roemer, Kar!, 492, 493 Schmitz, Josef, 122, 123 Rogers, William, 168, 169 Schneider, Camille, 337 Rohwedder, 496, 497 Schoppe, 0., 122, 123 Rolin, Henri, 382, 927 Schouten, G. H. L. 337 Rome, 932 Schramm, H., 914, 915, 916, 917 Romus, P., 944 Schreyeck, Victor, 351 Röper, B., 944 Schryver, de, 190, 191 Rosania, Luca, 500, 501 Schuddeboom, F., 916, 917 Rosenberg, Ludwig, 941 Schuetze, Walter, 958 Ross, Alf Niels Christian, 382 Schumacher, Detlef, 955 Rossi, Andre, 478, 479 Schumann, Maunce, 582, 601 Rothschild, Kurt W., 944 Schumann, Robert, 40, 929-930 Rougemont, Denis de, 352, 955 Schuijt, Wilhelmus, 478, 479 Rouvray, B. de, 339 Scwed, J. J., 955 Roux, Jean, 347 Schwind, F., 402, 403 Roux, M., 164, 165 Seibert, G., 769 Royer, Sjoerd, 122, 123 Seidl-Hohenveldern, Ignaz, 955 Rubio Garcia, L., 958 Senti, Richard, 955 Ruding, H. ü. C. R., 955 Sergent, 97 Rummert, Hans-J oachim, 955 Seynes, Philippe de, 110 Ruprecht, Theodore K., 183 Sforza, Sforza-Galeazzo, 188, 189,390, Russel, C., 945 391 Russell, Richard, 338 Shankar Singh, J yoti, 335 TABLE DES NOMS - LIST OF NAMES 965

Shickle, W., 769 Thant, U., 103, 105, 109, 115, 116, 117, Shoup, Carl S., 190, 191 Sidjanski, Dusan, 336, 941 Thiede, G., 956 Siegbahn, 932 Thiel, E., 945 Siegier, Heinrich, 933-934 Thomassen, Th. A. ]\1.,916,917 Signorini, L., 921 Thomopoulos, P., 183 Sigur'dss6n, Fri'dj6n, 630, 631 Thorens, Jean-Jacques, 350 Sigurjonsson, Sigurgeir, 382 Thorn, Gaston, 142, 143,460,461,582, Silber, Horst S., 950 601 Simantov, Albert, 186, 187 Thynne, J. B., 918, 919 Simitis, S., 402, 403 Ti!, K van, 122, 123, 124, 125 Siren, Eino, 628, 629 Timmons, Benson, E. L., 186, 187 Siroux, R., 918, 919 TonCic-Sorinj, Lujo, 107, 116, 188, Sluizer, G., 353 189,390,391,656,657 Smaele, Albert de 346 Torradas, M. V., 434, 435 Smeesters, Paul, 122, 123 Toscano, Tullio, 956 Smithers, Peter, 100, 103, 109, 116 Toussaint, A., 949 Sneum, Thomas c., 335 Trebour, Madeleine, 185 Snoy et d'Oppuers, J ean-Charles, 482, Trabuc, Claude, 945 483 Trabucchi, Alberto, 492, 493 Söderman, Anita, 630, 631 Treiber, 920 Sombart, Nicolaus, 358, 359 Trella, M., 916, 917 Sörensen, )lax, 388, 389 Trempont, J., 945 Specht, Ludwig, 122, 123 Triantafyllides, Michael A., 388, 389 Sperduti, Guiseppe, 388, 389 Triboulet. 478, 479 Spinelli, Altiero, 103, 486, 487, 488, Triffin, Robert, 945, 956 489, 496, 497 Tuason, Vicente, 706, 707, 708, 709 Squartini, Sandro, 390, 391 Turack, D. c., 949 Squire, Mary M., 342 Turot, P., 945 Stanley. Timothy W., 936 TuthilI, J ohn W., 353 Starewicz, A., 958 Tuomioja, Sakari Severi, 98 Stark, T., 339 Stefanizzi, A., 866, 867 Uhrich, Rene, 341 Stein, E., 944 Uri, Pierre, 943 Stein buch, Karl, 358 Stephenson, Peter, 955 Valarche, J., 956 Stewart, Michael, 932 Vals, Francis, 478, 479 Stewart, Stephen M., 344 Vandersanden, G., 956 Stier, H., 183 Vanistendael, 126, 127 Stockdale, R., 164, 165 Vannugli, R., 390, 391 Stockmans, H., 918, 919 Vanoverschelde, J. E. H., 916, 917 Stolte, S. c., 958 Vasak, K, 949 Stosic, Borko D., 338 Velebit, 98 Stranner, 932 Velu, J., 927, 949 Stray, Sven, 470, 471, 472, 473 Verdiani, D., 952 Sudreau, P., 944 Verdross, Alfred, 382, 949 Sur, Fadil, 390, 391 Verloren van Themaat, P., 956 Susterhenn, Adolf, 388, 389 Veres, V., 658, 659, 704, 705 Sviridov, F. A., 344 Vernant, Jacques, 958 Verougstraete, 1. M., 954 Taccone, 496, 497 Veyrassat, Paul, 941 Tarr, R., 944 Viglianesi, Stalo, 634, 635 Tatu, :\1., 958 Villetorte, Paul, 344 Tavitian, R., 955 Vincent, Andre, 186, 187 Taylor, William, 68, 79 Virius, ;VI., 945 Temmes, K, 658, 659, 704, 705 Vistosi, G., 945 Tempel, A. J. van den, 955 Vogel-Polsky, E., 956 Terenzio, Pio Carlo, 352 Vogelsperger, A., 348 Terrenoire, Louis, 478,479 Vogler, T., 949 966 TABLE DES NOMS - LIST OF NAMES

Voncken, J 0' 949 Widmer, Sigmund, 350 Vredeling, Ho, 941 Wiedemann, Go, 124, 125 Vukadinovic, R., 958 Wild, J 0, 784, 785 Wilkie, Wendell, 112 Wacker, Ao, 748, 749 Wilkinson, Ao B., 946 Waespi, Erho Jo Co, 346 Wilson, Harold, 14, 26 Waegenbauer, RoH, 956 Winberg, Ho, 658, 659, 704, 705 Wahren, Carl, 183 Wirth, Fran~ois, 349 Waldock, Humphrey, 382 Witteveen, Ho J 0' 956 Walter, Ho, 949 WohHart, Joseph, 478, 479 Warburg, Go, 337 Wold, Terje, 382 Watermann, Ho, 122, 123 Wolff, Eduard, 348 Wehner, Herbert, 941 Wright, Quincy, 934 Weichert, Hans Jürgen, 346 Wulf, Dieter, 956 Weil, Gordon L., 925, 926 Wyle, Frederick So, 958 Weirich, Robert, 122, 123 Welan, 949 Young, Go R., 748, 749 WeIter, Felix, 388, 389 Young, Michael, 366, 367 Wendt, Frantz, 628, 629 Younger, Kenneth, 941 Wergifosse, Yvonne de, 347 Yudelman, Montague, 186, 187 Werner, Pierre, 12, 25, 436, 437, 440, 441, 536, 537, 538, 539, 945, 956 Zanghi, Go, 949 Wessely, K., 945 Zekia, Mehmed, 382 West, James R., 186, 187 Zellentin, Gerda, 935, 939, 941 Westhof, Jo, 164, 165 Zeller, 932 Wettig, Gerard, 958 Zeltyn, Ao, 941 Whetten, L. Lo, 958 Zorb,949 Whitt, Damell Mo, 936 Zurbrügg, Henri, 122, 123 Wiarda, Gerard J 0' 382 Zürcher, 1., 935 Wiart, Marcel, 349 Zijlstra, Ho Ao Ao, 956 INDEX ALPHABETIQUE

A.D.N.R., voir: Commission Centrale A ustralie, 786, 858. pour la Navigation du Rhin. Aut.,iche, 226, 664, 722, 724, 726, 748, A.E.L.E. voir: Association Europeen• 772. ne de Libre Echange. Convention pour la reconnaissance A/.,ique, 45 mutuelle des inspections concer• A.I.E.P., voir: Association Interna• nant la fabrication des produits tionale des Usagers d'embranche• pharmaceutiques, voir aussi: ments particuliers. A.E.L.E., 728-746. Allemagne, Republique Fede.,ale d'-, 115, 132, 148, 156, 170, 193-227, Banque europeenne d'investissement 359-381, 518, 520, 522, 634, 724, (B.E.I.), 476, 500, 520-524. 772, 786, 858, 874, 880. B.E.I., voir: Banque europeenne d'in• Accord entre le Ministre Federal vestissement. pour I'Education et la Science de Belgique, 360, 370, 408, 522, 724, 772, la Republique Federale d'Alle• 786,858 magne et I'Organisation Euro• arret rendu par la Cour de Justice peenne pour la mise au point et la contre le Royaume de Belgique, construction de lanceurs d'engins 526. spatiaux en vue de l'utilisation, Benelux, voir: Union Economique I'entretien et la gestion des instal• Benelux. lations dans la Republique Fede• rale d'Allemagne, 784-796. Cameroun, 522. A.,abe, Unie Republique, 15, 160,408. Canada, 658, 908. Association Europeenne de Libre C.C.C., voir: Conseil de Cooperation Echange (A.E.L.E.), 290, 438, 714- Culturelle. 748. C.C.R., voir: Centre Commun de re• I' Annee dans l'A.E.L.E.: juillet cherche. 1969-juin 1970, 714-720. C.E.A.C., voir: Commission europeen• commerce entre l' A.E.L.E. et les de de I'aviation civile. autres regions, 726. C.E.C.A., voir: Communaute euro• Commerce entre l'A.E.L.E. et la peenne du Charbon et de l'Acier. C.E.E., 724. C.E.C.L.E.S., voir: Organisation euro• Commerce entre I'A.E.L.E. et les peenne pour la mise au point et la Etats-Unis, 724-726. construction de lanceurs d'engins Commerce entre I'A.E.L.E. et l'Eu- spatiaux. rope orientale, 726. C.E.D., voir: Communaute europeen• Commerce intraregional, 722-724. ne de detense. commerce total, 720-722. C.E.E., voir: Communaute Economi• Convention pour la reconnaissance que Europeenne. mutuelle des inspections concer• C.E.E.A., voir: Communaute euro• nant la fabrication, 728-746. peenne de l'energie atomique (Eura• notes explicatives, 736--746. tom). cooperation dans I'A.E.L.E., 714- C.E.M.T., voir: Conterence europeen• 718. ne des Ministres des Transports. Accord d'association de I'Islande Centre commun de recherche (C.C.R.). avec la Finlande, 714 Voir aussi: Communaute de I'Ener• Accord entre I'Islande et le Dane• gie Atomique, 446-448, 512. mark, la Finlande, la Norvege Centre Europeen d'Operations Spa• et la Suede, 714. tiales (E.S.O.C.), voir aussi: Organi• echanges en 1969, 720-726. sation Europeenne de Recherches integration europeenne, 718-720. Spatiales, 754, 770 Organisation, 748. Centre Europeen de Recherche et de Rapport annuel, Dixieme-, 714-726. Technologie Spatiale (E.S.T.E.C.). Association Internationale des Usa• voir aussi: Organisation Europeen• gers d'embranchements particu• ne de Recherches Spatiales, 752, liers (A.I.E.P.), 644. 754, 760, 770 968 INDEX ALPHABETIQUE

Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales Groupe de travail des matieres, (C.N.E.S.), voir aussi: Organisation dangereuses, 124. europeenne pour la mise au point et questions douanieres, 132-134. la construction de lanceurs d'engins questions economiques, 126, 132. spatiaux (C.E.C.L.E.S.), 796-830. acces au marche des transports de C.E.P.T., voir: Conference europeenne marchandises par voie navi• des administrations des Postes et gable, 128-130. des Telecommunications. mesures d'assaimissement du C.E.R.S., voir: Organisation euro- marche de la navigation rhe• peenne de recherches spatiales. nane, 126, 128 Chili,408. regles de concurrence, 130. Chypre, 664, 704. questions judiciaires, 136. C.I.E.M., voir: Conseil international questions reglementaires, 134--136. de l'exploration de la mer. matieres dangereuses (A.D.N.R.), C.N.E.S., voir: Centre National d'Etu• 134. des Spatiales. Reglement particulier relatif a C.N.U.C.E.D., voir: Conference des l'admission des intallations a Nations-Unies sur la Commerce et le gaz liquefies, 134. Developpement. Reglement de police, 134. Comite administratif de coordination. Reglement de visite, 136. 116. Reglement relatif a la delivrance Comite de la Cooperation juridique, des patentes de batelier du 116. Rhin, 136. Comite Europeen pour les Problemes questions sociales, 132. Criminels du Conseil de l'Europe, Accord revise en 1963 concernant 222. les Conditions de travail des Commission Centrale pour la Naviga• bateliers rhenans, 132. tion du Rhin, 120-136, 636. Conference gouvernementale, 132. activites, 122-136. questions techniques, 136. Chambre des Appels, 124, 136. Reglement 11/60 du Conseil de la Commission restreint economique, Communaute Economique Euro• 122. peenne concernant la suppression Commissions de visite, 124. des discriminations en matiere de Comite economique, 122. prix et conditions de transport, Comite des matieres dangereuses, 130, 132. 124. Reglement 1017/68 de la C.E.E., Comite des questions sociales, de portant application de regles de travail et de formation profes• concurrence aux secteurs des sionnelle, 124. transports par chemins de fer, par Comite du Reglement de police, 122. route et par voie navigable, 130. Comite du Reglement de visite, 124, Reglement pour le transport de ma• 132. tieres dangereuses sur le Rhin Comite restreint de navigation, 124, (A.D.N.R.), 134, 136. 126. Regles de concurrence, 130. Comite technique permanent, 124. relations avec d'autres organisa• Composition et personnel, 120, 122. tions internationales, 124--126. Convention revisee de Mannheim, Resolution du Conseil des Commu• 126, 128, 130. nautes Europeennes, relative a Graupe preparatoire pour la revi• l'acces au marche des transports sion du Reglement de police, 124. de marchandises par voie navi• Graupe preparatoire pour la revi• gable, janvier 1970, voir aussi sion du Reglement de visite, 124. Communautes Europeennes, 128. Groupe de travail "Ancres", 124. Sessions plenieres et reunions de Groupe de travail "Edition de la comites tenues au cours de l'an• Convention de Mannheim amen• nee, 122-124. dee" , 122. travaux de la Commission Centrale, Groupe de travail "etablir des nor• 126-136. mes concernent les couleurs et Sous-comite charge de la revision du l'intensif lumineuse des feux", 124 Reglement de police, 124. INDEX ALPHABETIQUE 969

Commission europeenne de l'aviation mandations de la C.E.A.C. qui civile (C.E.A.c.), 636, 656-704. devraient eire amendees, 672. Decision du Conseil de l'Union inter• RECOMMANDATION n D 5: Adoption parlementaire, 682. de trois formulaires pour la com• E.A.R.B. (European .\irlines Re• munication des statistiques sur search Bureau), 658, 664, 684, I'exploitation non reguliere, 674- 702. 676. E.C.O.-I (Comite economique du RECOMMANDATION n D 6: Politique transport aerien regulier) , 658, europeenne Commune a. l'egard 660, 664, 666, 684-686, 694, 700. des transports aeriens non regu• programme de travail, 684-686. liers transatlantiques, 676-680. E.C.O.-II (Corni te economique des RECOMMANDATION n° 7: Introduc• transport aerien non reguliers), tion de redevances d'installations 658, 666, 668, 670, 674, 686-692, et services de navigation aeriens 700. de route et tau x de recouvre• programme de travail, 686-692. ment des depenses, 702-704. Recommandation no. 7: Calen- reunions 1970, 656. drier pour l'obtention et la de• Session triennale (septieme-), 656- livrance des autorisations de 704. series de vols affectes a. des STANSIT, 666, 674, 692. voyages a. forfait, 692. TECHfl (Technical Committee), Recommandalion no. 3: Classifica• 659,681-683,693-699,701 tion des transports aenens technical work programme, 695- commerciaux non reguliers, 699. 692. U.LA.A., (Union internationale des EUROCONTROL, 702. assureurs aeronautiques), 658. F.A.L. (Comite de facilitation), 658, \V.E.A.A., (Association des grands 680-682, 698. aeroports de l'ouest de l'Europe), programme de travail dans le do• 658. maine de la facilitation, 698. Commission europeenne des Droits de fonctionnaires, 704. l'Homme, 388. LA.O.P.A., (Conseil international membres, 388. des associations de proprietaires publications, 388. et pilotes d'aeronefs), 658, 694. statistique relative auxtravaux, 388. LA.T.A., (Association du transport Commission internationale du Droit, aerien international), 658, 662, 116. 692, 702, 758. Commission internationale de l'Etat LC.A.A., (Association internatio• civil, 402-407. nale des aeroports civils), 658. Convention sur la legitimation par LT.A. (Institut du transport ae• mariage, voir: Convention). rien) , 636, 658. "Commission des Quatorze", voir: O.A.C.L (Organisation de l'Aviation Communautes europeennes. Civile Internationale), 658, 662, Communaute Economique Europeen• 666, 676, 682, 700, 702, 758. ne (C.E.E.), 3, 31, 33-35, 43, 75,124, questions posees par le Conseil de 288-292,436-610, 634, 718-724. l'Europe, 682. ACCORD d' Arusha, 438, 484. RECOMMANDATIO~ n D 1: Methode de recouvrement des redevances de ACCORD entre la C.E.E. et l'Es- service passagers, 662-664. pagne, 572-576. Acte final, 576. RECOMMANDATION n D 2: Liste des exploitants autorises a. effectuer ACCORD entre la C.E.E. et l'Etat des vols non reguliers internatio• d'Israel, 577-581. naux, 668-670. Acte final, 581. RECOMMANDATION n D 3: Transports ACCORD creant une association en• aeriens non reguliers: recomman• tre la C.E.E. et :i\Ialte, 605-610. dations de la C.E.A.C. que ne Acte final, 609-610. sont plus en vigueur, 670-672. aide au developpement, voir aussi: RECOMMANDATION n D 4: Transports Pays en voie de developpement, aeriens non reguliers: recom- 454. 970 INDEX ALPHABETIQUE

Association C.E.E. - Turquie, 582- avec le Royaume-Uni, 472--476. 605. avec la Tunisie, 15. Acte final, 604--605. accords tarifaires preferentiels circulation des personnes et des avec Israel et I'Espagne, 15. services, 593--595. Nonce apostolique, voir aussi: dispositions generales et finales, Saint-Liege,29,31. 599-601. pays de I'Est, 456. libre circulation des marchandi• politique agricole commune, 7, 8, ses, 583--593. 444. PROTOCOLE financier, 601-605. politique budgetaire, 542-544, 556, rapprochement des politiques eco• 564. nomiques, 595-599. politique commerciale commune, union douanic~re, 584-589. 452. Banque europeenne d'investisse• politique de concurrence, 8-9. ment,476,500,520-524,602,603, politique conjoncturelle, 542, 564. 604. politique economique et monetaire, C.C.R.-Recherche et technologie; 11-12, 542, 564. voir aussi: Centre commun de re• politique economique ä. moyen ter- cherche, 446-448. me,564. C.E.F. et les organisations interna• politique energetique, 10--11, 448. tionales, 452. politique fiscale, 556-558. Comite economique et social, 494- politique industrielle, 8, 444, 446. 496. politique interieure de la monnaie Commerce entre l' A.E.L.E. et Ja et du credit, 558-560. C.E.E., voir aussi A.E.L.E., 724. politique des marches financiers, Commission Hallstein, 9. 558. Conseil de I'Europe et la C.E.E., 33-- politique mediterranee, 454. 35. politique monetaire exterieure, 560-- Convention de Yaounde, 2eme -, 15, 562. 438,484. politique regionale, 9, 450, 544. elargissement de la Communaute, politique sociale, 11. 14, 15, 450, 452. politique des transports, 10, 448, veto fran~ais contre l'entree de 450. la Grande-Bretagne dans la problemes de l'elargissement, 460-- Communaute, 14, 16. 478. environnement, 442--444. programme pour 1971, 440--458. Euratom, voir: Communaute euro- RApPORT general pour 1970, 438, peenne de l'Energie atomique. 440. Fonds social, 442, 450. rapprochement des Iegislations, li• Harche commun, 9, 462. berte d'etablissement, 446. negociations avec les pays candi- Reglement 11/60 concernant la sup• dats ä. l'adhesion. 460, 478. pression des discriminations de Contexte des negociations, 462- prix et conditions de transport, 466. 130--132. organisation de la conference de Reglement n° 1017/68 portant ap• negociation, 472. plication de regles de concurrence position de negociation des Com• aux secteurs des transports par munautes, 466-468. chemin de fer, par route et par position des pays candidats, 468- voie navigable, voir aussi: Com• 472. mission Centrale pour la Naviga• procedure des negociations, 468. tion du Rhin, 130. negociations d'association, 15. relations avec les Etats-Unis, 456. avec le Danemark, 17, 476-478. relations exterieures, 13--15. avec la Grande-Bretagne, 17. Union douaniere, 6, 8, 21, 438. avec l'Irlande, 17, 476-478. Union economique et monetaire, 6, avec le Japon, 456. 440, 450, 536-570. avec le Maroc, 15. Rapport au Conseil et ä. la Com• avec la Norvege, 17,476-478. mission concernant la realisa• avecla Republique Arabe Unie, 15. tion par etapes de I'Union eco- INDEX ALPHABETIQUE 971

nomique et monetaire dans la MEMORANDUM sur la coordination Communaute (Rapport Werner) des politiques economiques et (Plan), 12, 436, 536-570. et de la cooperation monetaire ; conc1usions, 566-570. fevrier 1969, 12. point d'arrivee, 540-548. MEMORANDUM sur la politique in• point de depart, 538-540. dustrielle (mars 1970), 8. premiere 6tape, 550-564. röle politique de la Commission, principes de realisation du plan 19-22. par 6tapes, 548-550. Conference au sommet de la Haye transition vers le point d'arri• (1969), 17,288,290,438,440,460, vee, 564-566. 462, 468, 550, 718. Communaute europeenne du Charbon Conference a. Luxembourg entre les et de I'Acier (C.E.C.A.), 3, 31, 34, 40, Communautes europeennes et les 43,44, 436, 486, 512-520. Etats ayant demande l'adhesion Comite consultatif, 496-498. (juin 1970), 460-478, 486. financement, 512-520. position des pays candidats, 468- financement des investissements, 472. 514-520. Conseil, 437, 482-484, 554, 568 Traite de Paris, 8, 11, 13,514. Pn!sidence, 482-484. repartition du montant total des Sessions, 484. prets verses au 31 decembre 1970. Cour de justice, 492-494, 524-536. 520. arrets rendus, 524-536. Communaute europeenne de defense nouvelles affaires, 524-536. (C.E.D.), 40. developpement interne, 464, 466. Communaute europeenne de I'Ener• F.E.O.G.A. (Fonds europeen d'o• gie atomique (C.E.E.A.), (Eura• rientation et de garantie agricole, tom),3, 12,31,34,43,436,486,506. 504, 506, 508. programme et budget, 510-512. financement des activites Commu• Communautes europeennes, 3-28, 29, nautaires, 500-510. 43, 51, 124, 130, 436-610. Contröle financier, 504-506. Budget de fonctionnement, 506-510. nouvelles dispositions, 500-504. Comite monetaire, 498 Nonce apostolique aupres les Com• Comite de politique budgetaire, munautes europeennes, 29, 51. 498-500. ParIement europeen, 19, 20, 436, Comite de politique conjoncturelle, 438, 464, 468, 478-482, 486, 488, 498. 502,568. Commission, 3-28, 124, 126, 486- activites, 478-482. 492, 502, 504, 506, 554, 568. pouvoirs budg6taires, 480. administration interne, 488-492. Presidence, 478. Composition, 486-488. Traite de Luxembourg (1970), MEMORANDUM sur la politique so- 480. ciale, 442. RAPPORT au Conseil et a. la Commis• programme pour l' annee 1971, sion concernant la realisation par 440-458. etapes de l'Union Economique et Commission des Quatorze: 1967- Monetaire dans la Communaute, 1970, 3-28, 486. (Rapport \Verner), voir: Commu• Avis complementaire du 1er oc• naute Economique Europeenne. tobre 1969, 18. RAPPORT general 4eme 1970, 436- DECLARATION solennelle (juillet 440. 1968) a. l'occasion de I'acheve• renforcement interne des Commu• ment de l'union douaniere, 20. nautes, 442-452. document de decembre 1968, RESOLUTION relative a. l'acces au "premiere orientation pour une marche des transports de mar• politique communautaire de chandises par voie navigable, jan• l'energie", 10-11. vier 1970, voir aussi: Commission fin de la periode de transition, 16- Centrale pour la Navigation du 18. Rhin -, 128. Gestion interne de la Commission, Traites de Rome, 3, 12, 13, 16, 42- 5-6. 44, 438, 460, 520, 538, 548. 972 INDEX ALPHABETIQUE

Conference europeenne des admini• tingent multilateral et de l'har• strations des Postes et des Telecom• monisations de certaines condi• munications (C.E.P.T.), 706-712, tions de concurrence dans le 756,852. transport international de mar• Assemblee pleniere, 706-708. chandises par route, 652-654. charte d'organisation, 712. U.I.e., voir: Union Internationale Commission "Postes" , 708. des chemins de fer. Commission "TeIecommunica- U.I.P., voir: Union Internationale tions", 708-710. d' Associations de Proprietaires de Comite de coordination des Presi• wagons particuliers. dents et Vice-Presidents de la Conference europeenne des telecom• Commission "Telecommunica• munications par , tions" (e.C.P.V.P.), 706, 710. (C.E.T.S.), 922. Comite de coordination des tele• Conference au sommet de la Haye, communications (C.C.T.S.), 706, voir: Communautes europeennes. 710. Conference a Luxembourg, 1970, voir: groupes de travail, 710. Communautes europeennes. publications, 712. Conferences des Ministres europeens resume des debats, 706-710. de l'Education, 75-79. Reunions, 706. Commission de Hauts Fonction• textes fondamentaux, 710. naires, 76-79. U.E.R., voir: Union Europeenne Commission universitaire, voir aus• de Radiodiffusion. si: Union de l'Europe occidentale, Conference europeenne sur la conser• 76. vation de la nature, 292, 296. Conference de Bruxelles (7me) 1971, Conference europeenne des Ministres 75,78-79. responsables de la sauvegarde et de Conference de Hambourg (2me), la reanimation du patrimone cultu• 1961,76-77. rel immobilier, novembre 1969, 294, Conference a la Haye: "Premiere 296. Conference des Ministres Euro• Conference europeenne des Ministres peens de l'Education", 1959, 76. des Transports (e.E.M.T.), 126, Conference de Londres (4me), 1964, 632-654. 78. A.I.E.P. voir: Association Interna• Conference de Rome (3me), 1962, tionale des Usagers d'embran• 77-78. chements particuliers. RESOLUTION 7: biens avec les Bureaux, 654. organisations internationales, Comite des SuppIeants, 632, 640, 77. 650,654. Conference de Versailles (6me) , Rapport du Comite des Supple• 1969, 78. ants sur l'introduction de l'at• Conference de Vienne (5me), 1965, telage automatique, 640-650. 78. Conseil des Ministres, 632, 634, 638, Conference du Mouvement europeen, 640, 648, 652-654 1963,46,49. Eurofima, voir: Societe europeenne Conference des Nations Unies sur le pour le financement de materiel Commerce et le Developpement ferroviaire. (CNUCED), 718. Expose General sur le fonctionne• Conference Spatiale Europeenne, ment de la Conference et ses re• Quatrieme Session de la -, Bruxelles lations exterieures, 632-638. juillet 1970 (C.S.E.), voir aussi: Or• fonctionnement, 632-634. ganisation europeenne pour la mise relations avec les autres organisa- au point et la construation de ban• tions internationales, 634-638. ceurs d'engins spatiaux, 756, 764, Rapport annuel, Dix-septieme, 632- 766, 782, 848-872, 896, 898, 906, 638. 912-914, 922. Resolution, n° 18 concernant l'atte• Le C.E.e.L.E.S. dans le cadre de la lage automatique. 638-640. C.S.E., 912-914. Resolution n° 22 concernant les pro• Cooperation de l'Europe au pro• blemes d'amenagement d'un con- gramme post-Apollo, 848. INDEX ALPHABETIQUE 973

INTELSAT, 866-868, 870. teriel pedagogique, voir: Con• NASA, voir: NASA (United States vention. Space Administration). publications, 432-434. participants, 866-868. resume des principaux evenements, participation europeenne au pro- 1970, 408-410. gramme post-Apollo, 868-872. Secretariat, 434. prochaine session, 852. situation des diverses Conventions, programme, 850. 426-430. quest ions institutionnelles, 848-850. Conseil de l'Europe, 21, 32, 33-35, 40, RAPPORT de M. Theo Lefevre, 868- 76,77,78,115-117,188-400,658, 872. 682, 686, 878-892, 922, 932-933. RESOLUTION de l'Assemblee Con• Agents de vente des publications du sultative du Conseil de l'Europe; Conceil de l'Europe, 386. RESOLUTION 458 (1970) relative Assemblee Consultative, 115, 116, a. la 4eme Conference spatiale eu• 288-334. ropeenne, voir aussi: Conseil de RECOMMANDATION 589 (1970) re• l'Europe, 922. lative a. la Conference europe• RESOLUTION n° 1: Programme spa• enne des ministres de la sauve• tial, 852-860. garde et de la reanimation du lanceurs, 854-856. patrimoine culturel immobilier, recherche appliquee et frais com• voir aussi: Conference, 294- muns, 856. 296. recherche scientifique, 856. RECOMMANDATION 603 (1970) re• Satellites aeronautiques, 758, 854. lative a. la Conference europe• Coöperation avec la NASA, enne sur la conservation de la 854. nature, voir aussi: Conference, satellites de meteorologie, 758, 296-298. 854. RECOMMANDATION 609 (1970) re• satellites de telecommunications, lative a. la toximanie (avec An• 756-758, 852-854. nexe), 298-304. RESOLUTION n° 2: Institutions et Annexe: Mesures j uridiques mesures transitoires, 860-864. proposees, 302-304. reserve de la Delegation de la RECOMMANDATION 612 (1970) sur Franee, 862. un projet de loi-cadre relatif a. RESOLUTION n° 3: Cooperation au la protection active du patri• programme post-Apollo, 864. moine culturel immobilier en RESOLUTION n° 4: Negociations europe, 304-328. INTELSAT,866-868. Projet de loi-cadre relatif a. la Session, Deuxieme partie de la -, protection active du patri• 868-872. moine culturel immobilier en U.E.R., voir: Union Europeenne de Europe, 306-328. Radiodiffusion. RECOMMANDATION 620 (1971) re• "Congres de l'Europe" a. La Haye, mai lative aux problemes poses par 1948, 33, 34, 35, 37, 41, 43. la protection des animaux dans Congres de l'Union europeenne des les elevages industriels. 330. federalistes, 2eme, Rome, novembre RECOMMANDATION 621 (1971) re• 1948, voir aussi: Saint-Liege, 38-39. lative aux problemes poses par Conseil de l'Atlantique nord, 150, 152, l'utilisation d'animaux vivants 154, 156. a. des fins experimentales ou Conseil de Cooperation Culturelle industrielles, 330-334. (C.C.c.), 76, 77, 78, 294, 304. RESOLUTION 435 (1970) relative a. Centre de Documentation, 78. l'integration europeenne au len• Division de Documentation et de demain de la Conference de la Recherches, 78. Haye, voir aussi: Communau• "L'Education en Europe". 77, 78. tes Europeennes, 288-292. Conseil de cooperation douaniere, 408- RESOLUTION 445 (1970) relative 434. aux suites a. donner aux con• Convention douaniere relative a. clusions de la Conference euro• l'importation temporaire de ma- peenne sur la Conservation de 974 INDEX ALPHABETIQUE

la nature, voir aussi: Conferen• du Conseil de l'Europe, 334- ce, 292-294. 352. RESOLUTION 458 (1970) relative RESOLUTION (70) 30 relative a. la a. la 4eme Conference Spatiale planification generale de la Europeenne, voir aussi: Con• gestion des ressources en eau, ference spatiale Europeenne, 272-274. 922. RESOLUTION (70) 34 concernant Comite Europeen pour les Problemes les consequences juridiques et Criminels, voir: Comite Europeen. financieres du retrait de la Comite des Ministres, 230-288. Grece du Conseil de l'Europe; RESOLUTION (70) 1 - relative a. voir aussi: Grece, 274-278. l'organisation pratique des me• RESOLUTION (70) 35 concernant sures de surveillance d'assis• les scolarisations des enfants tance et d'aide post-petriten• des travailleurs, migrants, 278- tiaire pour les personnes con• 282. damnees ou liberees sous con• RESOLUTION (70) 36 sur la securi• dition, 230-234. te dans le travail pour les tra• RESOLUTION (70) 7 - concernant vailleurs migrants, 282-286. des recommandations relatives RESOLUTION (70) 51 sur la pro• aux aspects medicaux des acti• tection des membres des mis• vites sportives, 234-238. sions diplomatiques et des pos• RESOLUTION (70) 11 sur la coordi• tes consulaires, 288. nation des efforts portant sur Commission Europeenne des Droits l'amenagement du territoire et de l'Homme, voir: Commission sur la lutte contre la pollution Europeenne. de l'air, 238-240. Conseil de Cooperation Culturelle RESOLUTION (70) 12 sur la limi• (C.C.C.), voir: Conseil. tation des emissions de dioxyde Conseil de l'Europe et la Commu• de soufre dans l'atmosphere, naute europeenne, 33--35. 240-242. Convention Europeenne des Droits RESOLUTION (70) 13 sur la delin• de l'Homme, voir: Convention quance cachee, 242. Europeenne. RESOLUTION (70) 15 sur la pro• Convention et Accords europeens, tection sociale des meres celi• 192-228. bataires et de leurs enfants, Envoye special du Saint-Siege, 29. 244-248. Ephemerides 1970, 188-192. RESOLUTION (70) 16 sur la pro• etat des signatures et des ratifica• tection sociale et medico-soci• tions des conventions et accords ale de la vieillesse, 248-264. du Conseil de l'Europe, 392--400. RESOLUTION (70) 17 concernant Prospective et planification a. long• le Pacte des Nations Unies re• terme en Europe (1968-1970), latif aux droits civils et politi• 358-382. ques et convention europeenne publications, 388, 390. des droits de l'homme: proce• RApPORT du CECLES au Conseil de dure applicable aux plaintes l'Europe, voir: Organisation eu• interetatiques, voir aussi: Or• ropeenne pour la mise au point et ganisation des Nations Unies, la construction de lanceurs d'en• 264-266. gins spatiaux. RESOLUTION (70) 24 sur la regle• relations avec le C.E.C.L.E.S, voir mentation de la fabrication, de aussi: C.E.C.L.E.S, 910. la mise en commerce et de l'uti• Relations entre le Conseil de l'Eu• lisation des pesticides en vue de rope et les organisations inter• la protection du milieu naturei, nationales non-gouvernementales, (avec Annexe), 266--272. voir aussi: Organisations inter• RESOLUTION (70) 29 statut con• nationales non-gouvernementa• sultatif, 334. les, 354-358. Organisations internationales relations avec les Nations Unies, non gouvernementalis dotees voir aussi: Organisation des N a• du Statut Consultatif aupres tions Unies, 115--117. INDEX ALPHABETIQUE 975

Secretariat General, 358, 390-392. Convention de Yaounde, voir: Com• principaux agents, 390-392. munaute europeenne economique. Statut, 356. C6te d'Ivoire, 410, 520. Conseil international de I' exploration Cour europeenne des Droits de I'Hom• de la mer (C.I.E.M.), 622. me, voir aussi: Conseil de I'Europe, Conseil nordique, 611-630. 382-384, 389. amenagement de la cooperation nor- publications de la Cour europeenne dique, 611-616. des Droits de I'Homme, 382-384. evenements importants 1970, 612. Cour de Justice, voir: Communautes organisation, 628-630. europeennes. Nordek, 611-618. Traite du nordek, 611, 624. Danemark, 14, 17, 226, 360, 368, 370, questions de circulation, 624-626. 376, 470, 472, 476, 478, 611-630, "NORDTRANS", 624. 714, 718, 722, 724, 726, 748, 772, RECOMMENDATIONS nos. 8, 15, 16, 858,908. 34, 35, 624-626. Convention pour la reconnaissance questions culturelles, 618-620. mutuelle des inspections con• RECOMMANDATIONS nos. 4, 9, 10, cernant la fabrication des pro• 13, 21, 23, 27, 29, 32, 618-620. duits pharmaceutiques, voir aus• questions economiques, 626-628. si: A.E.L.E., 728-746. RECOMMANDATIONS nos. 5, 14, 19, Groenland, 470, 476. 20, 22, 24, 25, 31, 626-628. Iles Faroe, 470, 476, 616. questions juridiques, 616-618. quitte le CERS, voir aussi: Organi• RECOMMANDATIONS nos. 6, 7, 12, sation europeenne de recherches 17,18.616-618. spatiales. 766. questions de politique sociale, 620- Declaration Schumann, 20e anniver• 624. saire -, 482. RECOMMANDATIONS nos. 1, 2, 3, Droits de I'Homme, 116. 11, 26, 28, 30, 33, 36. 622-624. Commission des Droits de I'Homme Session du Conseil Nordique, 18e-, des Nations Unies, voir: Organi• 612-628. sation des Nations Unies. Traite (Accord) d'Helsinki, 611, 612, Convention Europeenne des Droits 618. de I'Homme, voir: Convention Convention culturelle europeenne, Europeenne. 304-306. Convention douaniere relative a I'im• ECOSOC, 116. portation temporaire de materiel pe• ESOC, voir: Centre Europeene d'Ope• dagogique, 410-426. rations Spatiales. Liste non limitative du materiel pe• Espagne, 15, 168,772,858,908. dagogique, 424-426. Accord entre la Communaute Eco• Convention europeenne des Droits de nomique Europeenne et I'Espag• I'Homme 116, 266, 388. ne, 572-576. Resolution (70) 17 concernant le Etats Americains, Organisation des -, Pacte des Nations-Unies relatif 117. aux droits civils et politiques et Etats-Unis, 150, 152, 154, 408, 456, Convention Europeenne des Droits 658, 684, 724, 848, 850, 868-872, de I'Homme; procedure applica• 908-910. ble aux plaintes interetatiques, Commerce avec I'A.E.L.E., 720, voir aussi: Conseil de I'Europe, 724-726. 264-266. Euratom, voir: Communaute euro• Convention europeenne sur la valeur peenne de I'Energie atomique. internationale des jugements nl• Eurofima, voir: Societe europeenne pressifs, 192-228. pour le financement de materiel Liste d'infractions autres que les ferroviaire. infraction penales, 226. Europe, 148, 150, 156, 158, 438, 462, Liste des "Ordonnances penales", 868. 226-228. Cooperation de I'Europe au pro• Convention sur la legitimation par gramme post-Apollo, 848. mariage, 404-407. participation dans le developpe- 976 INDEX ALPHABETIQUE

ment du systeme post-Apollo, Iran, 408 868-872,912-914. Irlande, 14, 17,470,472,476,478,652, prospective et planification a long 714, 718, 772. terme (1968-1970), 358-382. Islande, 408, 410, 714, 720, 748. Unification politique, 482. Accord d'association avec la Fin• Europe orientale, 148, 150, 156, 158, lande, 714. 726. Accord avec le Danemark, la Fin• Commerce avec l'A.E.L.E., 726. lande, la Norvege et la Suede, 714. Eurospace, 910. Convention pour la reconnaissance mutuelle des inspections concer• Federation Internationale d' Astro• nant la fabrication des produits nautique, 910. pharmaceutiques, voir aussi: Finlande, 611-630, 664, 714, 722, 724, A.E.L.E., 728-746. 726, 748. Israel, 15, 160, 408. Aland,616. Accord entre la C.E.E. et l'Etat Convention pour la reconnaissance d'Israel, 577-581. mutuelle des inspections concer• I.T.A. (Institut des Transport Aeriens) nant la fabrication des produits voir: Commission europeenne de pharmaceutiques, voir aussi: l'aviation civile. A.E.L.E., 728-746. Italie, 226, 228, 360, 364, 368, 372, 376, Franee, 13, 16, 192-228, 358-380, 518, 378, 520, 522, 664, 724, 772, 786, 520, 522, 652, 724, 772, 786, 858, 858. 874,880. arrets rendus par la Cour de Justice ACCORD relatif a la construction et en contre la Republique italienne a l'utilisation de la base equatori• 1970, 524, 526. ale du CECLES a Kourou (Guy• ane franc;:aise), voir aussi: Orga• Japon, 456, 658, 908. nisation europeenne pour la mise Jordanie, 158. au point et la construction de lanceurs d'engins spatiaux, 796- Kennedy-round, 13, 20. 830. Centre National d'Etudes Spa• Liban, 158. tiales (C.N.E.S.), 796-830. Lieehtenstein. Arret rendu par la Cour de J ustice Convention pour la reconnaissance contre la Republique franc;:aise, mutuelle des inspections concer• 526. nant la fabrication des produits pharmaceutiques, voir aussi: G.A.T.T., voir: General Agreement on A.E.L.E., 728-746. Tariffs and Trade. Ligue Arabe, 117, 160. Gibraltar, 476. Luxembourg, 228, 522, 724. Grande-Bretagne, voir: Royaume-Uni. Greee, 15, 180. Malte. RESOLUTION 70 (34) concernant les Accord creant une association entre consequences juridiques et fi• la C.E.E. et Malte, 605--610. nancieres du retrait de la Grece Acte final, 609-610. du Conseil de l'Europe, voir aussi: Marche Commun, voir: Communaute Conseil de l'Europe, 274--278. Economique Europeenne. H aute- Volta, 522. Maroe, 15. Hongrie, 42. Ministres des transports, 10. Conference europeenne des Ministres I.A.T.A. (International Air Transport des transports, voir: Conference Association), voir: Commission eu• europeenne. ropeenne de l'Aviation Civile. Inde, 908. NASA (Administration Americaine de Institut Europeen de Recherehes l'espace), voir aussi: Organisation Spatiales (ESRIN), 772. Europeenne de Recherehes Spati• Institut des Transports Aeriens ales, et: Organisation europeenne (I.T.A.), voir: Commission europe• pour la mise au point et la construc• enne de l'Aviation Civile. tion de lanceurs et d'engins spa- INDEX ALPHABETIQUE 977

tiaux, 752, 758, 784, 854, 864, 892, officiers 1970, 186. 904,908-910. Projet d'accord entre 1'O.C.D.E. et Norvege, 14, 17,228,360,364,368,372, le Gouvernement de la Nouvelle• 376, 380, 470, 472, 476, 478, 611- Zelande relatif a la participation 630, 664, 714, 718, 722, 724, 726, de la Nouvelle-Zelande aux tra• 748, 772, 858. vaux de 1'organisation dans le do• Convention pour la reconnaissance maine de l'agriculture; avec An• mutuelle des inspections concer• nexe, 174, 176. nant la fabrication des produits PROJET DE RESOLUTION concernant pharmaceutiques, voir aussi: les activites de 1'Organisation A.E.L.E., 728-746. dans les domaines de l'industrie Nouvelle-Zelande, 174-176, 474. et de 1'energie et portant amende• PROJET D' ACCORD entre 1'O.CD.E. ment au reglement de procedure et le Gouvernement de la Nou• de l'Organisation, juin 1970, 176- velle-Zelande relatif a la partici• 180. pation de la Nouvelle-Zelande aux projet d'inscription au proces• travaux de l'Organisation dans le verbal du Conseil, 180. domaine de l'agriculture, voir publications, 182-185. aussi: Nouvelle-Zelande, juin RESOLUTION mettant fin au mandat 1970, 174-176. du Comite de la Cooperation dans la recherche et instituant un Co• O.A.C.L (Organisation de I' Aviation mite de l'Environnement, juillet Ci vile Internationale), voir: Com• 1970,1, 172. mission europeenne de l' Aviation RESOLUTION mettant fin au mandat Civile. du Comite du personnel scientifi• O.C.D.E., voir: Organisation de Co• que et technique et instituant un operation et de developpement Comite de 1'Education, juillet economiques. 1970, 170. O.CE.E., voir: Organisation pour la texte juridique pour la mise en Cooperation economique europeen• oeuvre de la Decision prise par le neo Conseil sur les activites futures O.CE.D., voir: Organisation de co• dans les domaines de l'industrie operation economique et de deve• et de 1'energie, 176. loppement. Organisation pour la Cooperation eco• Oeganda, 408. nomique europeenne (O.CE.E.), 37. O.LT., voir: Organisation Internatio• Organisation des Etats Americains, nal du TravaiL 117. O.M.S., voir: Organisation Mondiale Organisation europeenne pour la mise de la Sante. au point et la construction de lan• O.N.U., voir: Organisation des Na• ceurs d'engins spatiaux (CECLES), tions Unies. 774-922. Organisation de Cooperation et de ACCORD relatif a la construction et Developpement Economiques a 1'utilisation de la base equatori• (O.CD.E.) (O.CE.D.l. 21, 78, 168- ale du CECLES a Kourou. (Guy• 186, 634. ane fran<;aise), 796-830. Chronologie 1970, 168. CN.E.S., voir: Contre National Comite de 1'Education, 170. d'Etudes Spatiales. Comite de 1'Energie, 178-180. Controle des Comptes. (Annexe Comite de l'Environnement, 172. C), 828-830. Comite de l'Industrie, 178-180. installations et equipements de Convention relative a l'Organisation la base equatoriale du CECLES de Cooperation et de Developpe• et de ses moyens exterieurs. ment Economiques, decembre (Annexe Al. 826. 1960, 168, 170. installations et equipements de la DECISION du Conseil Concernant la B.E.C (Base equatoriale du prolongation d'un programme de CECLES) dont 1'entretien est cooperation dans le domaine de sous la responsabilite directe du la recherche routiere -, juillet CECLES (Annexe B), 828. 1970, 168-170. ACCORD entre le Ministre Federal 978 INDEX ALPHABETIQUE

pour I'Education et la Science de EUROPA I et EUROPA II, 806- la Republique Federale d' Alle• 826. magne et I'Organisation euro• clauses financieres, 820-824. peenne pour la mise au point et clauses generales, 806-808. la construction de lanceurs d'en• clauses techniques, 808-820. gins spatiaux en vue de l'utilisa• dispositions finales, 824-826. tion, l'entretien et la gestion des Publications 1970, 920-921. installations dans la Republique RAPPORT au Conseil de I'Europe, Federale d' Allemagne, 784-796. 878-892. Activites, 874. Introduction, 880-882. adaptations et modifications de preparation des activites futures, EUROPA 1,776-778. 888-892. Le C.E.C.L.E.S dans le cadre de la programme initial et programme Conference Spatiale europeenne complementaire de mise au (C.S.E.), voir: Conference spatiale point, 882-888. Europeenne. RApPORT de M. Theo Lefevre, voir: chronologie, 774. Conference spatiale europeenne Conference Spatiale Europeenne, (C.S.E.). voir: Conference Spatiale. Reglement relatif a l'utilisation, a construction et mise en service de d'autres fins que I'execution des la base de lancement equatoriale, programmes des CECLES, des 778-780. equipements et moyens de pro• documentation et information, 904- duction des CECLES se trouvant 908. chez des industriels ou dans des echange de lettres entre I'Organisa• etablissements gouvernementaux, tion europeenne pour la mise au 844-848. point et la construction de lan• Reglement relatif a l'utilisation a ceurs d' engins spatiaux (CECLES) des fins autres que l'execution et l'Organisation europeenne de du programme du CECLES, des recherches spatiales (CERS) con• installations de l'Organisation cernant l'utilisation du reseau ainsi que des fournitures et ser• ESTRACK, 830-834. vices associes, 834-844. etat d'avancement des etudes con• relations exterieures, 908-912. cernant le remorqueur europeen- relations avec des pays non• 782-784. membres, 908-910. etat d'avancement des travaux de - avec NASA, 908-910. preparation du projet EUROPA relations avec les organisations IH,782. internationales, 910. fonctionnement interne, 896-904. relations avec les Organisations Contrats, 898-900. non-gouvernementales, 910- gestion financiere, 896-898. 912. Groupe industriel d'integration, repartition des travaux, 874-876. 902-904. Reunions tenues en 1970, 918. SETIS (Societe Europeenne Woomera, voir aussi: Organisation d'Etude et d'Integration de europeenne de recherches spa• Sytemes Spatiaux. 902-904. tiales, 774. installations, 900-902. Organisation (Centre) europeenne de structure du Secretariat, 896. recherches spatiales (C.E.R.S.), 708, mise au point du systeme perigee et 750-772, 830-834, 848, 858, 864. de la capsule technologique, Conference Spatiale Europeenne, 778. voir: Conference. NASA, voir: NASA (Administration Conseil. Session trente-quatrieme Americaine de l'espace). du -, 762-766. organisation, 914-918. Le Danemark quitte le C.E.R.S., programme de construction des lan• 766. ceurs EUROPA I et H. 780-782. echange de lettres entre l'Organi• programme initial et programme sation europeenne pour la mise au complementaire, 774-782, 874. point et la construction de lan• PROTOCOLE de mise en oeuvre de ceurs spatiaux (CECLES) et l'Or- INDEX ALPHABETIQUE 979

ganisation europeenne de Re• Pacte international relatif aux cherches spatiales concernant droits civils et politiques, 264, 1'utilisation du reseau ESTRACK, 266. 830-834. Pacte international relatif aux E.S.O.C., voir: Centre Europeen droits economiques, sociaux et d'Operations Spatiales. culturels, 264, 266. ESRANGE, 760-762, 770. relations avec le C.E.C.L.E.S, 910. ESRIN, voir: l'Institut Europeen RESOLUTION 2604 (XXIV) decem• de Recherches Spatiales. bre 1969. Concernant 1'invitation ESTEC, voir: Centre Europeen de a tous les gouvernements a four• Recherche et de Technologie nir des renseignements sur leur Spatiales. systeme sismologique, 154. F.A.A. (Federal Aviation Agency), RESOLUTION 2662 (XXV) concer• 758. nant les questions des armes biolo• fusees sondes, 760. giques et chimiques, aoüt 1970, NASA, voir aussi: NASA (United 154. States Space Administration). RESOLUTION (70) 17 concernant le organisation, 770-772. Pacte des Nations Unies relatif publications, 767-769. aux droits civils et politiques et Sardaigne, 760. Convention europeenne des Droits satellites aeronautiques, 758, 854. de 1'Homme; procedure appli• satellites meteorologiques, 758, 854. cable aux plaintes interetatiques, satellites scientifiques, 750-754. voir aussi: Conseil de 1'Europe, Contrat avec NASA, 752. 264-266. en cours de realisation, 752-754. O.T.A.N, voir: Organisation du traite en orbite, 750. de l' Atlantique du nord. satellites de telecommunications, 756-758, 852-854. Pakistan, 510. VVoomera, 762, 830, 882, 884, 896. Parlement europeen, voir: Commu• Organisation international du Tra• nautes europeennes. vail. (O.I.T.), 132. Pays-Bas, 132,360-382,408, 522, 664, Organisation mondiale de la Sante, 770, 772, 786, 858. 116,298. Pays du Pacte de Varsovie, 148, 150, Organisation du traite de 1'Atlantique 152, 156. du nord (O.T.A.N), 146, 150, 152, Pays en voie de developpement, 15, 154. 454. Organisation pour 1'Unite Africaine, Perou, 408. 117. Plan Barre, 6. Organisations internationales non• Plan Mansholt, 6. gouvernementales, 368. Plan Marshall, 36-37. dotees du Statut Consultatif aupres Saint-Siege et le Plan Marshall, 36- du Conseil de 1'Europe, voir aussi: 37. Resolution (70) 29. 334-353. Plan VVerner (Rapport), voir: Com• Relations entre le Conseil de 1'Eu• munaute Economique Europeenne. rope et -, voir aussi: Conseil de Portugal, 708, 716, 722, 724, 748. 1'Europe, 354-358. Convention pour la reconnaissance Organisation des Nations-Unies mutuelle des inspections concer• (O.N.U.), 15, 21, 49, 115-117, 144, nant la fabrication des produits 300,302. pharmaceutiques, voir aussi: Assemblee generale, 49. .~.E.L.E., 728-746. Commission des Droits de 1'Homme, 116. Rapport de M. Theo Lefevre, voir: Commission Economique pour 1'Eu• Conference spatiale europeenne. rope, 126, 134. Rapport \Verner, voir: Communautes Conseil de securite, 160, 162. Europeennes. RESOLUTION n° 242 novembre Roumanie, 408. 1967, 162. Royaume-Uni, 14, 17, 162, 164, 360- Conseil de l'Europe et ses relations 382, 442, 468, 470, 472-476, 664, avec les Nations Unies, 115-117. 676, 714-726, 748, 772, 786, 858. 980 INDEX ALPHABETIQUE

Convention pour la reconnaissance titres de representations, 31. mutuelle des inspections concer• Societe europeenne pour le finance• nant la fabrication des produits ment de materiel ferroviaire (Euro• pharmaceutiques, voir aussi: fima) , 640, 644, 650. A.E.L.E., 728-746. Sud-Ajricaine, Ri!publique -, 408. Suede, 228, 290, 360, 368, 374, 611- Saint-Siege, Initiatives en faveur de 630, 664, 702, 714, 718, 722, 724, l'unification europeenne du -, 29- 726, 748, 772. 54. Convention pour la reconnaissance affirmation d'un tripie principe mutuelle des inspections concer• d'action, 47-49. nant la fabrication des produits Agrement aupres des organisations pharmaceutiques, voir aussi: regionales, 31-32. A.E.L.E., 728-746. Conception de 1'unite europeenne Suisse, 115, 228, 360, 368, 374, 378, par rapport a la Communaute inter• 405-407, 722, 724, 726, 748, 772, nationale, 44-45. 858,908. Congres de 1'Union europeenne des Ccnvention pour la reconnaissance federalistes a Rome, novembre des inspections concernant la fa• 1948, 38-39. brication des produits pharma• Conseil de 1'Europe et la Commu• ceutiques, voir aussi: A.E.L.E. naute europeenne, voir aussi: 728-746. Conseil de 1'Europe, 33-35. Constitution pastorale "Gaudium Tanzanie, 408. et Spes", 30. Tchi!coslovaquie, 148, 408. diagnostic de la situation dans le Thailande, 408. discours de Pie XII au mouve• Traite de Bruxelles revise, voir: Union ment "Pax Christi", 41-42, 46. de l'Europe occidentale. difficultes du processus d'unifica• Traite de Paris, voir: Communaute du tion et la position du Saint-Siege, Charbon et de l' Acier. 38-39. Traites des Communautes europeen• 1'Eglise et les organisations inter• nes, voir: Communautes europeen• nationales, 29-30. nes. Encycl. "Mater et Magistra", 45. Traites de Rome, voir: Communautes Encycl. Pacem Dei Mundus pul• europeennes. cherrimum, 36. Tunisie, 15. Envoye special aupres le Conseil de Turquie, 15, 180,228, 522, 704. 1'Europe, voir aussi: Conseil de Association C.E.E. - Turquie, 582- l'Europe, 29, 32, 35. 605. Nonce Apostolique aupres les Com• Acte final, 604-605. munautes europeennes, voir aussi: Circulation des personnes et des Communautes europeennes, 29- services, 593-595. 31,35,51. dispositions generales et finales, nouvelle crise de 1'unification, 45-47. 599-601. Paul VI et la nouvelle crise de lu'ni- libre circulation des marchan• fication europeenne, 45-47. dises 583-593. "Pax Christi" sept. 1952, 40-42, 46. Protocole financier, 601-605. "Quadragesimo anno", 36. rapprochement des politiques Representant personnel special au economiques, 595-599. "Congres de 1'Europe", La Haye, union douaniere, 584-589. mai 1948, 33-35, 37, 41. Saint-Siege et le Plan MarshalI, 36- U.E.F., voir: Union europeenne des 37. federalistes. Saint-Siege et la realisation future U.E.O., voir: Union de 1'Europe occi• de 1'Europe, 49-51. dentale. Semaine Sociale (4ge) de France, juil• U.E.R., voir: Union Europeenne de let 1962, 44-45, 54. Radiodiffusion. situation economique europeenne U.I.P., voir: Union Internationale de 1'apres-guerre; les preoccupa• d'Associations de Proprietaires de tions pontificales, 35-36. wagons particuliers. I~DEX ALPHABETIQUE 981

UNCTAD, 116. la securite europeenne et le Unesco, 70, 116,410. controle des armements, 150- Union douaniere, voir: Communaute 155. Economique Europeenne. RECOMMANDATION (1970) 201 sur Union Economique Benelux, 37, 138- la poli tiq ue est vuest et la con• 140. ference sur la securite euro• College arbitral, 140. peenne, 156-158. College d'Impulsion, 139. RECOMMANDATION (1970) 202 sur Commissions et commissions speci- la situation au moyen-orient, ales, 139. 158-162. Comite de Ministres, 138-139. RECOMMANDATION (1970) 203 sur Conseil Consultatif Economique et les consequences politiques de Social, 138, 140. la relance europeenne, 162-164. Conseil consultatif interparlemen• relations entre le Conseil et l' As• taire, 139-140. semblee, 146. Convention en matiere d'armes et Reunions, 146. de munitions, decembre 1970, chronologie, 142-146. 140. Commission universitaire, voir aus• Convention en matiere de chasse et si: Conference des Ministres euro• de protection des oiseaux, juin peennes de l'Education, 76. 1970, 140. Conseil des Ministres, 142-164. Convention en matiere de metrolo• activites du Conseil et de ses gie, mars 1970, 140. Organismes subsidiaires, 142- Convention portant projet de loi 146. uniforme en matiere de machines relations entre le Conseil et l' As• dangereuses, mars 1970, 140. semblee, 146. Convention relative a la simplifi• Cooperation europeenne en matiere cation des formalites aux fron• d'armements, 144. tieres interieures de Benelux en Co operation europeenne en relation matiere d'impots sur le chiffre avec les trayaux de l'O.N.U., 144. d'affaires, octobre 1970, 140. Cooperation europeenne en matiere Convention relative a l'unification politique et economique, 142-144. du territoire Benelux en matiere Principaux fonctionnaires, 164-166. d'accise, juin 1970, 140. publications, 164. Conseil de l'Union Economique, 139. questions administratives et budge• Fonctionnement, 138-140. taires, 146. Organes consultatifs, 139-140. relations avec le C.E.C.L.E.S, 910. Organes executifs, 138-139. Traite de Bruxelles revise, octobre Secretariat General, 139. 1954, 142, 144, 146, 162, 164. Union economique et monetaire, voir: Union europeenne des federalistes, Communaute Economique Europe• Congres de 1'-, Rome 1948, 38-39. enne. Union Europeenne de Radiodiffusion Union de l'Europe occidentale (U.E.O) (U.E.R.), 850, 852. 21, 76, 142-166, 468. Union Internationale d' Associations Administration publique, 144-146. de Proprietaires de wagons particu• application des dispositions du Trai- liers (U.LP.l, 644. te de Bruxelles et de ses proto• Union Internationale des Chemins de coles en matiere de limitation fer (U.Le.), 638, 650. du niveau des forces et des arme• Union Internationale des Telecom• ments des Etats membres, 144. munications, 910. Assemblee, 146-164. Union interparlementaire, 682. RECO:l

A.C.C., see: Administrative Commit• Rules of competition, 131. tee on Co-ordination. Inspection Boards, 125. A.D.N.R., see Central Commission for Inspection Regulations Committee, the Navigation on the Rhine. 125, 133. Arab League, 90, 104, 108, 113, 114. judicial questions, 137. Arab Republic, Uni ted -. 161, 409. Mannheim Convention, revised -, Asian-African Legal Consultative 127, 129. 131. Committee, 109. Membership and Staff, 121, 123. Australia, 787. plenary sessions and committee Austria, 81, 101, 227, 665, 723, 725, meetings, 123-125. 727, 749. 773. Police Regulations Committee, 123. Convention for the mutual recog• Police Regulations Revision Sub• nition of inspections in respect of Committee, 125. the manufacture of pharmaceu• Preparatory Group on the Revision tical products see also E.F.T.A., of the Inspection Regulations, 729-747. 125. Preparatory Group on the Revision Belgium, 56, 81, 361, 371, 409, 523, of the Police Regulations, 125. 725, 773, 787, 859. Regulation questions, 135--137. judgment of the Court of ]ustice v. dangerous substances (ADNR), the Kingdom of Belgium, 527. 135. Benelux, 53. Inspection regulations, 137. Customs Union, 53. police control regulations, 135. Britain, see: United Kingdom. Regulations governing the issue Brussels Treaty, see: Western Euro• of Rhine boatmen's licences, pean Union. 137. special regulations governing au• Cameroon, 523. thorisation of liquid-gas ap• Canada, 659. pliances, 135. C.C.C., see: Council for Cultural Co• Relations with other international operation. organisations, 125--127. C.C.]., see: European Committee on RESOLUTION of the Council of the Legal Co-operation. European Communities Council Central Commission for the Navi• on access to the waterways goods gation of the Rhine, 121-137, 637. transport market, see also Euro• Activities, 123-137. pean Communities, ] anuary 1970, "Anchors" Working Party, 125. 129. Appeals Chamber, 125. Restricted Committee on Navi• customs questions, 133-135. gation, 125, 127. Dangerous Substances Committee, Restricted Economic Committee, 125. 123. Economic Committee, 123. Social, Labour and Vocational economic questions, 127-133. Training Affairs Committee, 125. access to the waterways transport Social questions, 133. market, 129. AGREEMENT on working con• rationalisation of the Rhine navi• ditions of Rhine boatmen, 1963. gation market, 127-129. Revised -, 133. REGULATION, E.E.C. Council -, Governmental conference, 133. n° 11/60 on the abolition of Standard Technical Committee, 125. discrimination with regard to technical questions, 137. transport rates and conditions, Working Party on Dangerous Sub• 131-133. stance, 125. REGULATION, E.E.C. Council - Working Party to prepare an 1017/68 applying rules of com• amended edition of the Mann• petition to rail, road and water• heim Convention, 123. ways transport, 131. Working Party on standards for the GENERAL INDEX 983

colours and intensity of lights, Federalists, 2nd., Rome 1948, 53. 125. Council for Cultural Co-operation Chile, 409. (C.C.C.), 60, 63, 67, 68, 71, 295, 305. C.N.E.S. (Centre National d'Etudes "Education in Europe", 63, 65, 66. Spatiales), see also: European Space "Modern Languages and the \Vorld VehicIe Launcher Development of Today 1967, 63. Organisation, 797-831. REPORT 1963 "Primary and Second• "Commission of Fourteen", see: ary Education: Modern Trends European Communities. and Common Problems." 62, 63. Common Market, see: European Eco• Council of Europe, 52, 57, 58, 60, 62, nomic Community. 63, 64, 65, 67, 71, 74, 80-117, 189- Conference of European Ministers of 400, 635, 659, 683, 687, 879-893, Education, 7th -, Brussels 1971, 923, 932-933. 55-79. Chart showing signatures and rati• "AD HOC" Conference Strasbourg, fications of Council of Europe 1967, 65, 66. Conventions and Agreements, RESOLUTION on post-secondary 393-400. education 1971, 68, 69, 70. Committee of Ministers, 81-117, Charter of the Conference, 58-61. 231-287. Charter revised, 72-74. RESOLUTION 322 (1966) on the Committee of European Universi• intensifying and coordinating ties, see also: \Vestern European of the activities of the Council Union, 57. of Europe and the United Committee of Senior Officials, 58, Nations, 106. 61, 63, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 73, 74, RESOLUTION (70) I on practical 75. organisation of measures for Hague Conference (First Conference the supervision and after-care of European Ministers of Edu• of conditionally sentenced or cation) 1959, 56, 57, 59. conditionally released offenders Hamburg Conference (2nd) 1961, 231-235. 58,59,61,62,63. RESOLUTION (70) 7 on the medical RESOLUTION on educational aspects of sport, 235-239. problems requiring European RESOLUTION (70) 11 on the co• intergovernmental co-operation ordination of efforts made in 1961,61,62. town and country planning and London Conference (4th) 1964, 63, in air pollution control, 239- 64. 241. Mobility of students and teachers, RESOLUTION (70) 12 on the control 70-72. of sulphur dioxide emissions Xetherlands initiative, 56-58. into the air, 241-243. Post-Secondary education, 68-70. RESOLUTION (70) 13 on hiddcn PROGRESS REPORT of International criminality, 243. Organisations, 74. RESOLUTION (70) 15 on social Rome Conference, (3d) 1962, 59, 60, protection of unmarried 62,64. mothers and their children, RESOLUTION n° 7, constituting 245-249. the Charter of the Conference, RESOLUTION (70) 16 on social and 59, 60, 72. medico-social policy for old age, Versailles (6th) Conference 1969, 249-265. 66-67. RESOLUTION (70) 17 on the G.:\". Vienna Conference (5th) 1965, 64- convenant on civil and political 65. rights and the European Con• Conference of the Hague, see: Euro• vention on Human Rights: pean Communities. procedure for dealing with Conference in Luxembourg 1970, see: inter-state complaints, see also: European Communities. European Convention, 265- Congress of Europe, the Hague, may 267. 1948, 52, 53. RESOLUTION (70) 24 on regulating Congress of the European Union of the manufacture, marketing 984 GENERAL INDEX

and use of pesticides with a RECOMMENDATION 612 (1970) on view to the protection of the a draft outline law for the environment (with Appendix), active protection of immovable 267-273. property in Europe, 30'5---329. RESOLUTION (70) 29 consultative Draft outline law for the active status, 335. protection of immovable International non-governmen• cultural property in Europe, tal organisations with Con• 307-329. sultative Status at the Coun• RECOMMENDATION 620 (1971) on cil of Europe, 334-353. the problems of animal welfare RESOLUTION (70) 30 on general in industrial stock-breeding, water management planning, 331. 273-275. RECOMMENDATION 621 (1971) on RESOLUTION (70) 34 on the legal the problems arising out of the and financial consequences of use of live animals for experi• the withdrawal of Greece from mental or industrial purposes, the Council of Europe, 27'5---279. 331-335. RESOLUTION (70) 35 on school RESOLUTION 435 (1970) on Euro• education for the children of pean integration in the light migrant workers, 279-283. of the Hague Conference, see RESOLUTION (70) 36 on occu• also: European Communities, pational safety of migrant 289-293. workers, 283-287. RESOLUTION 445 (1970) of the RESOLUTION (70) 51 on pro• action to be taken following the tection of members of dipli• European Conservation Confer• matic missions and consular ence, 293-295. posts, 289. RESOLUTION 458 (1970) on the "RESOLUTION of a Statutory 4th European Space Confer• Character" 1951 on the con• ence, see also: European Space c1usion of agreements with Conference, 923. intergovernmental organi• Council for Cultural Co-operation sations, 88, 89, 106. (C.C.C.), see: Council. Statement of policy on relations Division for Educational Documen• with other internal organi• tation and Research, 64. sations, 92-93. Documentation Centre for Edu• Consultative Assembly, 67, 68, 72, cation in Europe, 64. 81-117,289-335. Department of Human Rights, 95. RECOMMENDATION 22 (1950) on preparatory conferences within European Commission of Human the framework of the Council Rights, see: European Commis• of Europe, 92. sion. RECOMMENDATION 389 (1964) on European Committee on Crime East-West relations, 101. Problems, see: European Com• REcoMMENDATION 567 (1969) mittee. "Twenty years of European European Convention on Human Cultural Co-operation", 72. Rights, see: European Conven• REcoMMENDATION 589 (1970) on tion. the European conference of European Conventions and Agree• Ministers responsible for the ments, 193-229. preservation and rehabilition External relations Department, 95. of the cultural heritage of long-term planning and precasting monuments and sites, 29'5---297. in Europe (1968-1970), 359-383. RECOMMENDATION 603 (1970) on Main events 1970, 189-193. the European Nature Conser• publications, 389-391. vation Conference, 297-299. Relations between Council of Eu• RECOMMENDATION 609 (1970) on rope and international non• drug dependence, 299-305. governmental Organisations, see Annex: proposals for legal also: Non-governmental Organ• action, 303-305. isations, 35'5---359. GENERAL INDEX 985

relations between Council oi Europe E.C.E., see: Economic Commission and the United Nations, 80-117. for Europe of the United Nations. relations with ELDO, see also: E.C.l\I.T., see: European Conference ELDO, 911. of Ministers of Transport. Report of ELDO to the Council of Economic Commission for Europe of Europe 1970, see: European Space the UNo (E.C.E.) 86, 88, 90, 98, 99. Vehicle Launcher Developmen t ECOSOC, see: Economic and Social Organisation. Council. sales agents for publications of the Economic and Social Council Council of Europe, 387. (ECOSOC), 90, 98, 99, 108, 109, 113. Secretariat-General, 81-117, 350, Resolution 1159 (XLI) 1966, The 391-393. representing of the four principal principal officers, 391-393. regional organisations at sessions Special Envoy of the Holy See, 52. of the U.N. Commission on Statute, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 93, 103, Human Rights. 108. 357. Resolution 1267 B (XLIII), 1967. Court of J ustice, see: European Com• Invitation to Council of Europe munities. to representation at the 45th Customs Convention on the temporary session, 109. importation of pedagogic material, E.C.P.T., see: European Conference 411-427. of Tostal and Telecommunications non-limitative list of pedagogic administrations. material, 425-427. E.C.S.C., see: European Coal and Steel Customs Co-operation Council, 409- Community. 435. E.E.C., see: European Economic Customs Convention on the tempo• Community. rary importation of pedagogic E.F.T.A., see: European Free Trade material, see: Customs. Association. position in regard to the various E.I.B., see European Investment Conventions, 427-431. Bank. publications, 433-435. E.L.D.O., see: European Space Vehi• Secretariat, 435. cle Launcher Development Organ• Summary of main events, 1970, isation. 409-411. ESOC, see: European Space Oper• Cyprus, 81, 104, 665, 705. ations Centre. Czechoslovakia, 149, 409. E.S.R.O., see: European Space Re• search Organisation. Denmark, 26, 81, 227, 361, 369, 371, Euratom, see: European A tomic 377, 471, 477, 479, 613-631, 715, Energy Community. 719, 723, 725, 727, 749, 773. Eurofima, see: European Company Convention for the mutual recog- for the Financing of Railway nition oi inspections in respect of Equipment. the manufacture of pharmaceu• Europe, 149, 151, 157, 159, 439, 463, tical products, see also: E.F.T.A., 925-926, 933. 729-747. Cooperation by Europe in the post• Faroe Islands, 471, 477, 617. Apollo programme. 849. Greenland, 471, 477. European participation in the de• withdraws from ESRO, see also: velopment of the post-Apollo European Space Research Organ• system, 869-873. isation, 767. long-term planning and precasting Developing Countries, 455. (1968-1970), 359-383. Dominican Republic, 103. political unification, 483. European Atomic Energy Community Eastern Europe, 149, 151, 157, 159, 727. (Euratom), 24, 25, 437, 487, 507. E.B.U., see: European Broadcasting programme and budget (1971), 511- Union. 513. E.C.A.C., see: European Civil Avi• European Broadcasting Union ation Conference. (E.B.U.), 851, 853. 986 GENERAL INDEX

European Civil A viation Conference of three reporting forms for the (E.C.A.C.). 637, 657-705. filing of statistics of non-sched• DECISION of the Inter-Parlia• uled operations, 675-677. mentary Union, 683. RECOMMENDATION no. 6: Common E.A.R.B. (European Airlines Re• European policy in the field of search Bureau). 659, 665, 685, trans-atlantic non-scheduled air 703. transport, 677-681. ECO. - I (Economic Committee RECOMMENDATION no. 7: Intro• scheduled air transport), 659, 661, duction of, and percentage re• 665, 667, 685-687, 695, 701. covery of, route air navigation work programme, 685-687. facility charges, 703-705. ECO. - II (Economic Committee meetings 1970, 657. non-scheduled air transport), 659, Session, Seventh Triennial -, 657- 667, 669, 671, 675, 687-693, 701. 705. RECOMMENDATION no. 3: Non: officers, 705. scheduled operations categori• STANSIT, 667, 675, 693. zation, 693. TECH/l (Comite technique), 658, RECOMMENDATION no. 7: Pro• 680-682, 692-698, 700. gramming authorizations for programme de travail dans le do• inclusive tour flight series, 693. maine technique, 694-698. work programme, 687-693. W.E.A.A., (Western European Air• EUROCONTROL, 703. ports Association). 659. FAL (Facilitation Committee), 659, European Coal and Steel Community 681-683, 699. (E.C.S.C.), 24, 94, 437, 487, 513- facilitation Work programme, 521. 699. Consultative Committee, 497-499. I.A.O.P.A., (International Council financing, 513-521. of Aircraft Owners and Pilots financing of investment, 515-521. Association), 659, 685. totallendings at 31 December 1970, I.A.T.A., (International Air Trans• 521. port Association), 659, 663, 665, Treaty of Paris, 515. 693, 703, 759. European Commission of Human I.C.A.A., (International Civil Air• Rights, 105, 108, 389. port Association), 659. members, 389. I.C.A.O. (International Civil Avi• publications, 389. ation Organisation), 659, 663, statistics of the work, 389. 667, 683, 701, 703, 759. European Committee on Crime I.T.A. (Institute of Transport Avi• Problems of the Council of Europe, ation). 636, 659. 98,223. I.U.A.I., (International Union of European Committee on Legal Co• Aviation Insurers). 659. operation (CC]), 109. matters raised by the Council of European Communities, 22, 52, 125, Europe, 683. 131, 437-610. RECOMMENDATION no. 1: Method accrediting of an Apostolic nnncia for the collection of passanger to the European Communities, service charges, 663-665. 52,53. RECOMMENDATION no. 2: List of Commission, 127, 487-493, 503, 505, operators authorized to perform 507, 555, 569. international non-scheduled Composition, 487-489. services, 669-671. internal administration, 489-493. RECOMMENDATION no. 3: ECAC MEMORANDUM on social policy, non-scheduled air transport re• 443. commendations no longer in force, programme for 1971, 441-459. 671-673. Commission of Fourteen, 22-28, RECOMMENDATION no. 4: ECAC 487. non-scheduled air transport re• DECLARATION or policy statement commendation which should be on the Commissions role, july amended, 673. 1968,27. RECOMMENDATION no. 5: Adoption Economic Union, advance to -, 23. GENERAL INDEX 987

end of the transition period, 26, European Company for the Financing 27. of Railway Equipment (Eurofima), MEMORANDUM on coordination of 641, 645, 651. economic policies and on mone• European Company Statute. 24. tary policy within the Com• European Conference of Ministers of munity, febr. 1969. 25. Transport (E.C.:\LT.), 127,633-655. statement "with regard to A.LE.P.. see: International As• membership of the candidate sociation of Users of Private states",Oct. 1969.27. Sidings. Conference of the Hague. Summit -, ANNUEL REPORT. Seventeenth -, december 1969,26.27,289,291, 633-639. 441,461,463.469,551.719. Committee of Deputies. 633, 641, Conference at Luxembourg be• 651, 655. tween the European Communities Report of the Committee of and the states which had applied Deputies on the introduction for membership, ]une 1970, 461- of automatie coupling, 641-651. 479.487. Council of :'>linisters, 633, 635, 639, position of the applicant States, 641,649.653-655. 469--473. Eurofima, see: European Company Council, 437, 483-485, 555, 569. for the Financing of Railway chairmen, 483-485. Equipment. Sessions. 485. general review of the proceedings of Courd of ]ustiee. 493- 495,525-537. the Conference and of its exter• judgments. 525-537. nal relations, 633-639. New Cases, 525. proceedings. 633-635. E.A.G.G.F. (European Agricultural relations with other international Guidance and Guarantee Fund, organisations, 635-639. 505, 507, 509. Officers. 655. European Parliament, 23, 437, 439. RESOLUTION no. 18 concerning 465, 469, 479--483. 487. 489, 503. automatie coupling, 639-641. activitie~. 479--483. RESOLUTION no. 22 concerning the budgeting powers. 481. problems of establishing a multi• election of President. 479. lateral quota and the harmoni• Treaty of Luxembourg (april zation of competitive conditions 1970),481. in international transport of financing Community activities, goods by road. 653-655. 501-511. U.Le.. see: International Union of financial control, 505-507. Railwavs. new provisions, 501-505. U.LP.. s-ee: International Union GENERAL REPORT (4th) for 1970, of Private \Yagon Owners' As• 437-441. sociation. internal development, 22, 23, 465, European Conference of Postal and Te• 467. lecommunications administrations internal strengthening of the Com• (E.C.P.T.), 707-713, 757. 853. munities -, 443-453. basic texts, 711. Operation al budget, 507-511. Co-ordinating Committee of Chair• REPORT to the Council and the men and Yice-Chairmen of the Commission on the realization by Telecommunications Committee stages of economic and monetary (e.c.P.Y.P.), 707, 711. union in the Community (\\'erner Co-ordinating Committee for Tele• Report). see: European Economic communications by Satellites Communitv. (C.C.T.S.). 707, 711. RESOLUTION 'on access to the water• E.B.U., see: European Broad- ways goods transport market, casting Union. ]anuary 1970. see also: Central meetings. 707. Commission for the na\'igation on organisation, 713. the Rhine. 129. Plenary Assembly, 707-709. Rome Treaties. 23, 24, 25, 26, 54, Postal Committee, 709. 439,461, 521, 539, 549. publications, 713. 988 GENERAL INDEX

Summary of discussions, 707-711. Economic and Social Committee, Telecommunications Committee, 495-497. 709-711. E.F.T.A.-E.E.C.-trade, 725. Working parties, 711. enlargement, 451, 453. European Conference on environment, 443-445. Communications (C.E.T.S.), 923. European Economic Community European Conservation Conference, and the international organi• 293,297. zations, 453. European Convention on the inter• European Investment Bank, 477, national validity of criminal 501, 521-525. judgments, 193-229. Expansion of the Community, 26. List of offences other than offences external relations, 26. dealt with under Criminal law. Veto of French Government, 26. 227. Joint Research Centre-research and List of "Ordonnances penales", 227- technology, see also: Joint Re• 229. search Centre, 447-449. European Convention on Human management of Internal Affairs, 22. Rights (1950), 86, 87, 107,267,389, MEMORANDUM on co-ordination of 927. economicpolicie, and on monetary ROSOLUTION (70) 17) on the UN policy within the Community, Covenant on Civil and Political February 1969, 25. Rights and the European Con• Monetary Committee, 499. vention on Human Rights: pro• negotiations with countries ap• cedure for dealing with inter-state plying for membership, 461-479. complaints, see also: Council of Community's negotiating po• Europe, 265-267. sition, 467-469. European Court of Human Rights, context of the negotiations, 463- see also: Council of Europe, 105, 467. 108, 383, 385, 389. position of the applicant States, publications of the European Court 469-473. of Human Rights, 383-385. procedure, 469. European Cultural Convention, 57, 58, negotiations, 26. 305-307. with Morocco, 26. European Economic Community with Tunis, 26. (E.E.c.), 23, 25, 96, 99, 112, 125, negotiations with Ireland, Denmark 289-293, 437-610, 635, 719-725, and Norway, 477, 479. 930-931. negotiations with Japan, 457. approximation of legislation-free• negotiations with the United King• dom of establishment, 447. dom, 473-477. ARUSHA AGREEMENT, 439, 485. organization of the negotiation ASSOCIATION AGREEMENTS, 26. conference, 473. with Greece, 26. policy, agricultural -, 445. with Turkey, 26. policy, budget -, 543-545, 557, 565. Budget Policy Committee, 499-501. policy, common commercial -,453. Common Market, 23, 112, 463. policy, domestic monetary and Competition problems, 24. credit -, 559-561. Customs Union-Completion of -, 23, policy, economic at medium term -, 439. 565. development aid, see also: De• policy, economic and monetary -, veloping Countries, 455. 25, 543, 565. Eastern European Countries, 457. policy, energy -, 24, 449. economic and monetary union, 23, policy, external monetary -, 561- 441,451. 563. Report to the Council and the policy for financial markets, 559. Commission on the realization by stages of economic and policy, fiscal-, 557-559. monetary union in the Com• policy, industrial-, 23-25, 445, 447. munity (Werner Report), 25, policy, mediterranian -,455. 437, 537-571. policy, regional-, 24, 451, 545. GENERAL INDEX 989

policy, short-term economic -, 543, Development Organisation, 757, 565. 765, 767, 783, 849-873, 897, 899, policy, social -, 25. 907, 913-915, 923. policy ,transport -,24, 449, 451. Cooperation by Europe in the post• preferential tariff agreements with Apollo programme, 849. Spain and Israel; 26. E.B.U., see: European Broad REGULATION 11/60 on the abolition Casting Union. of discrimination with regard to E.L.D.O. in the context of the transport rates and conditions, E.S.C., 913-915. see also: Central Commission for European participation in the post- the navigation on the Rhine, 131- Apollo programme, 869-873. 133. institution al questions, 849-851. REGULATION no. 1017/68 applying INTELSAT, 867-869, 871. rules of competition to rail, road NASA, see: United States Space and waterways transport, see Administration. also: Central Commission for next session, 853. Navigation on the Rhine, 131. participants, 867-869. relations with the United States, programme, 851. 457. REPORT of Mr. Theo Lefevre, 869- Short-term Economic Policy Com• 873. mittee, 499. RESOLUTION of the Council of Social Fund, 443, 451. Europe Consultative Assembly: Yaounde Convention, 2rd-, 26, 439, RESOLUTION 458 (1970) on the 485. 4th European Space Conference, European Tree Trade Association see also: Council of Europe, 923. (E.F.T.A.), 96, 99, 291, 439, 715- RESOLUTION n° 1: Space pro• 749, 930-931. gramme, 853-861. ANNUAL REPORT Tenth -, 715-727. aeronautical satellites, 759, 855. Convention for the mutual re- Cooperation with NASA, 855. cognition of inspections in res• applied research and common pect of the manufacture of phar• costs, 857. maceutical produces, 729-747. Communications satellites, 757- explanatory notes, 737-747. 759,853. co-operation in E.F.T.A., 715-719. launchers, 855-857. Agreement of Association of Ice• metereological satellites, 759, 855. land with Finland, 715. scientific research, 857. Agreement of Iceland with Den• RESOLUTION n° 2: Institutions and mark, Finland, Norway and transition al measures, 861-865. , 715. reservation by the French De• E.F.T.A.-E.E.C. trade, 725. legation, 863. European integration, 719-721. RESOLUTION n° 3: Cooperation in intra-E.F.T.A. trade, 723-725. the post - Apollo programme, 865. Organisation, 749. RESOLUTION n° 4: INTELSAT ne• total trade, 721-723. gotiations, 867-869. trade in 1969, 721-727. Session, Second -, 869-873. trade with Eastern Europe, 727. European Space Operations Centre trade with other areas, 727. (E.S.O.C.), see also: European trade with the Uni ted States, 725- Space Research Organisation, 755, 727. 771. Year in E.F.T.A.: july 1969-june European Space Research Institute 1970,715-721. (ESRIN), 773. European Investment Bank (E.I.B.). European Space Research Organisa• 477, SOl, 521-525. tion (E.S.R.O.), 709, 751-773, 831- European Parliament, see: European Communitees. 835, 848, 859, 865, 897. European Space Confereuce, Fourth aeronautical satellites, 759, 855. Ministerial Meeting of the -, Brus• communications satellites, 757-759, seI, J uly 1970, (E.S.C.), see also: 853. European Space Vehic1e Launcher Council, 34th Meeting of -, 763-767. 990 GENERAL INDEX

Denmark with draws fromE.S.R.O., Science of the Federal Republic 767. of Germany and the European E.S.O.C., see: European Space Organisation for the Develop• Operations Centre. ment and Construction of Space ESRANGE, 761-763, 771. Vehicle Launchers concerning the Sardinia, 761. use, maintenance and admini• VVoomera, 763, 831,883, 897, 885. stration of facilities in the Fe• ESRIN, see: European Space Re• deral Republic of Germany, 785- search Institute. 797. ESTEC, see: European Space Re- chronology, 775. search and Technology Centre. construction and commissioning of European Space Conference, see: the equatorial launch site, 779- European. 781. exchange of letters between the development of the perigee system European Space Vehicle Laun• and the technological capsule,779. cher Development Organisation distribution of work, 875-877. (ELDO) and the European Space documentation and information, Research Organisation concern• 905-909. ing the use of ESTRACK, 831- ELDO in the context of the 835. European Space Conference Federal Aviation Agency (F.A.A.), (ESC) , see: European Space 759. Conference. meteorological satellites, 759, 855. EUROPA 1/11 launcher construc• NASA, see also: United States tion programme, 781-783. Space Administration. European Space Conference, see: organisation, 771-773. European. publications, 767-771. European tug study, 783-785. scientific satellites, 751-755. exchange of letters between the contract with NASA, 753. European Space Vehicle Laun• launched, 751. cher Development Organisation under development, 753-755. (ELDO) and the European Space sounding rockets, 761. Research Organisation (ESRO) European Space Research and Tech• concerning the use of ESTRACK, nology Centre (ESTEC), see also: 831-835. European Space Research Organi• external relations, 909-913. sation, 753, 755, 761, 771. relations with international orga• European Space Vehicle Launcher nisations, 911. Development Organisation relations with non-governmental (E.L.D.O.), 775-923. organisations, 911-913. activities, 875. relations with non-member coun• adaptations and modifications of tries, 909-911. ELDO - A (EUROPA I), 777-779. with NASA, 909-911. AGREEMENT on the construction Implementing AGREEMENT: EU• and use of the ELDO Equatorial ROPA land EUROPA 11, 807- Base at Kouron (French Guiana), 827. 797-831. final clauses, 825-827. Audit (Annex C), 829-831. financial clauses, 821-825. C.N.E.S., see: C.N.E.S. Centre General clauses, 807-809. National d'Etudes Spatiales). technical clauses, 809-821. installations and equipment of Initial and supplementary pro• B.E.C. for whose maintenance gramme, 775-783, 875. ELDO is directly responsible internal working, 897-905. (Annex B), 829. contracts, 899-901. installations and equipment of facilities, 901-903. the ELDO Equatorial Base and financial management, 897-899. its external facilities (Annex industrial Integrating Group, A),827. 903-905. AGREEMENT between the Federal SETIS (SociMe Europeenne Minister for Education and d'Etude et d'lntegration de GENERAL INDEX 991

Systemes Spatiaux, 903-905. General Agreement on Tariffs and structure of the Secretariat, 897. Trade (GATT), 97, 718, 719, 930- Meetings held in 1970,919. 931. NASA, see: Uni ted States Space Germany Federal Republic of -,56,81, Administration. 83, 133, 149, 157, 171, 193-227,359- Organisation, 915-919. 381, 519, 521, 523, 635, 725, 773, preparation for EUROPA 111 pro• 787, 859, 875, 881. ject, 783. AGREEMENT between the Federal Publications 1970, 920-921. Minister for Education and Regulations governing the use of Science of the Federal Republic ELDO plant and equipment 10- of Germany and the European cated at a contractor's or in Organisation for the Develop• government establishments for ment and Construction of Space purposes other than excaution of Vehicle Launchers concerning the an ELDO programme, 845-849. use, maintenance and administra• Regulations governing the use of the tion of facilities in the F ederal Organisation's installations and Republic of Germany, 785-797. the associated supplies and ser• Gibraltar, 477. vices for purposes other than Greal-Brilain, 26, 53. carrying out the ELDO pro• Greece, 26, 81, 181. gramme, 835-845. Resolution (70) 34 on the legal and REPORT to the Council of Europe, financial consquences of the 1970, 879-893. withdrawal of Greece from the initial and supplementary deve• Council of Europe, see also: lopment programme, 883-889. Council of Europe, 275-279. Introd uction, 881-883. preparation of future activities, High Commissioner for Refugees, 89, 889-893. 90,94,97. RE PORT of Mr. Theo Lefevre, see: Holy See, Interest in the post-V,'ar European Space Conference. period of the -, 51-54. Woomera, see also: European Space accrediting of an Apostolic huncio Research Organisation, 775, 831. to the European Communities, see: also: Holy See, 52, 53. F.A.O. see: Food and Agriculture Or• "Gaudium eiSpes", 51. ganisation. "Pax Christi" 1952, 53. Finland, 613-631, 665, 715, 723, 725, personal Representative at the 727. Congress of Europe, The Hague, Aland,617. 1948, 52. Convention for the mutual re• "Quadragesima Anno", 53. cognition of inspections in respect Human Rights, 86, 87. of the manufacture of pharma• Commission on Human Rights, ceutical products, see also: UN -, 86, 90, 95, 108. E.F.T.A., 729-747. Department of Human Rights of Food and Agriculture Organisation the Council of Europe, 95. (F.A.O.). 94, 97. European Commission of Human France, 56, 81,193-229,359-381,519, Rights, see: European Commis• 521, 523, 653, 725, 773, 787, 859, sion. 875, 881. European Convention on Human Agreement on the construction and Rights, see: European Conven• use of the ELDO equatorial base tion. at Kouron (French Guiana), 797- European Court of Human Rights, 831. see: European Court. Centre National d'Etudes Spa• ti ales (CNES), 797-831. LA.T.A. (International Air Transport judgement of the Court of J ustice V. Association), see: European Civil the French Republic, 527. Aviation Conference. LC.A.O. (International Civil Aviation GATT see: General Agreement on Organisation), see: European Civil Tariffs and Trade. Aviation Conference. 992 GENERAL INDEX

Ieeland, 81, 409, 411, 715, 721, 749. Kennedy Round, 26. Agreement of Association with Fin• land, 715. Latin America, 110. Agreement with Denmark, Fin• Lebanon, 159. land, Norwayand Sweden, 715. Liechtenstein. Convention for the mutual re• Convention for the mutual re• cognition of inspections in respect cognition of inspections in respect of the manufacture of pharma• of the manufacture of pharma• ceutical products, 729-747. ceutical products, see also: LC.E.S., see: International Council E.F.T.A., 729-747. for the Exploration of the Sea. Luxembourg, 56, 81, 229, 523, 725. LL.O. see: International Labour Organisation. Malta, 81. Institute of Transport Aviation Ministers of Transport, 24. (LT.A.) see: European Civil Avia• European Conference of Ministers of tion Conference. Transport, see: European Con• Inter-American Council of Jurists, ference. 109. NASA, see: United States Space Ad• Interim Commission of the Inter• ministration. national Trade Organisation, 86. N.A.T.O., see: North Atlantic Treaty International Association of Users of Organisation. Private Sidings (A.LE.P.), 645. Netherlands, 56, 81, 133,361-383,409, International Commission on Civil 523, 665, 771, 773, 787, 859. Status, 403-407. New Zealand, 175-177,475. International Council for the Explo• Nordic Council, 613-631. ration of the Sea (LC.E.S.), 623. Cultural questions, 619-621. International Labour Organisation RECOMMENDATIONS nos. 4, 9, 10, (LL.O.), 88, 89, 90, 97, 133. 13,21,23,27,29,32: 619, 621. International non-governmental Or• economic questions, 627-629. ganisations, 369. RECOMMENDATIONsnos. 5, 14, 19, with consultative status. See also: 20,22,24,25,31. 627-629. Resolution (70) 29, 334-353. Helsinki Treaty (Agreement), 613, Relations between the Council of 615, 618. Europe and -, see also: Council important events 1970, 613. of Europe, 355-359. legal questions, 617-619. International Union of Private Wagon RECOMMENDATIONS nos. 6, 7, 12, Owners' Associations (U.LP.), 645. 17,18.617-619. International Union of Railways Nordek,615-619. (U.LC.), 639-651. Nordek Treaty, 625. Inter-Parliamentary Union, 683. organization, 629-631. Iran, 409. organizational forms for Nordic Ireland, 26, 81,471,473,477,479,653, cooperation, 615-617. 715, 719, 773. questions of social policy, 621-625. Israel,26, 161,409. RECOMMENDATIONS nos. I, 2, 3, LT.A. (Institute of Transport Avia• 11, 26, 28, 30, 33, 36, 623-625. tion) , see: European Civil Aviation Session of the Nordic Council, 18th. Conference. -,613-629. Italy, 56, 81, 97, 227, 229, 361, 369, traffic questions, 625-627. 373, 377, 379, 521, 523, 665, 725, "NORDTRANS" , 625. 773, 787, 859. RECOMMENDATIONS nos. 8, 15, 16, judgments of the Court of Justice v. 34,35: 625-627. Italian Republic, 525, 527. North Atlantic Council, 151, 153, 155, Ivory Coast, 411, 521. 157. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Japan, 457, 659. (N.A.T.O.), 147, 151, 153, 155. Joint Research Centre, see also: Norway, 26, 81, 229, 361, 365, 369, European Atomic Energy Com• 373, 377, 381, 471, 473, 477, 479, munity, 447-449, 513. 613-621, 665, 715, 719, 723, 725, Jordan, 159. 727, 749, 773. GENERAL INDEX 993

Convention for the mutual re• RESOLUTION terminating the man• cognition of inspections in respect date of the Committee for Re• of the manufacture of pharma• search Cooperation and esta• ceutical products, see also: blishing an Environment Com• E.F.T.A., 729-747. mittee, july 1970, 173. RESOLUTION terminating the man• 0.A.5. see: Organisation of American date of the Committee for 5cienti• 5tates. fic and Technical Personnel and O.A.U., see: Organisation of Arab establishing an Education Com• Unity. mittee, july 1970, 171. O.E.C.D., see: Organisation for Eco• Organisation for European Economic nomic Co-operation and Develop• Co-operation (O.E.E.C.), 53, 86, 94, ment. 171. O.E.E.C., see: Organisation for Euro• pean Economic Co-operation. Pakistan, 511. Organisation of African Unity, 108, Paris Treaty, see: European Coal and 113, 114. 5teel Community. Organisation of American 5tates Peru, 409. (0.A.5.), 99, 104, 112, 113. Portugal, 707, 717, 723, 725, 749. Organisation of Arab Unity (O.A.U.), Convention for the mutual re• 99, 104. cognition of inspections in re• Organisation for Economic Co-opera• spect of the manufacture of tion and Development (O.E.C.D.), pharmaceutical products, see also: 63, 64, 66, 70, 74, 99, 110, 169-187, E.F.T.A., 729-747. 635. Chronology, 169. Report by i\Ir. Theo Lefevre, see: Convcntion on the Organisation for European 5pace Conference. Economic Co-operation and De• Rome Treaty, see: European Com• velopment, December 1960, 169, munities. 171. Rumania, 409. DECISION of the Council concerning the prolongation of co-operation 5chumann declaration 20th anni- in the field of road research, july versary, 483. 1970, 169-171. South Ajrican Republic, 409. Draft Agreement between the Soviel Union, 149, 151, 153, 155, 157. O.E.C.D. and the Government Spain, 26, 169, 773, 859. of New Zealand concerning the Sweden, 81, 229, 361, 369, 375, 613- participation of Kew Zealand in 631, 665, 703, 715, 719, 723, 725, the work of the Organisation in 727, 749, 773. the field of agriculture; with Convention for the mutual recog• Annex, 175, 177. nition of inspections in respect of Draft Resolution concerning the the manufacture of pharma• activities of the Organisation in ceutical products, see also: the fields of industry and energy E.F.T.A., 729-747. and amending the rules of pro ce• Switzerland, 81, 83, 229, 361, 369, 375, dure of the Organisation june 379, 723, 725, 727, 749, 773, 859. 1970, 177-181. Convention for the mutual recog• draft entry in the minutes of the nition oi inspections in respect of Council, 181. the manuiacture of pharmaceu• Education Committee -, 171. tical products, see also: E.F. T.A., Energy Committee, 179-181. 729-747. Environment Committee, 173. Industry Committee, 179-181. Tanzania, 409. legal text implementing the Deci• Thailand, 409. sion taken by the Council on fu• Treaties oi the European Communi• ture activities in the fields of in• ties, see: European Communities. dustry and energy, 177. Turkey, 26, 81, 181,229,523,705. officials 1970, 187. publications, 182-185. Uganda, 409. 994 GENERAL INDEX

U.N., see: United Nations. Research Organisation and Euro• UNCTAD, see: UN Conference on pean Space Vehicle Launcher de• Trade and Development. velopment Organisation, 753, 759, Unesco, 70, 74, 83, 88, 89, 90, 41l. 785, 855, 865, 893, 905, 909-91l. Unicef,89. Upper Volta, 523. Unitar, see: United Nations Institute for Training and Research. Vatican, 51, 52, 53, 859. United Kingdom 01 Great-Britain and Northern Ireland (U.K.), 26, 53, 56, Warsaw Pact countries, 149, 151, 153, 81, 108, 163, 165,361-383,443,469, 157. 471, 473-477, 665, 677, 715-727, Werner Report (Plan), see: European 749, 773, 787, 859. Economic Community. Convention for the mutual recogni• Western European Union (W.E.U.), tion of inspections in respect of the 56, 57, 58, 143-167, 469. manufacture of pharmaceutical pro- adIninistrative and budgetary ques• United Nations Institute for Training tions, 147. and Research (Unitar), 80, 104, 112. application of the provisions of the United Nations Conference of Trade revised Brussels Treaty and its and Development (UNCTAD), 99, Protocols liIniting the strengths 110, 719. and armaments of forces of United Nations Organisation (U.N.O.) member states, 145. 80-117,145,302,303. Assembly, 147-167. Charter, 83, 87. Meetings, 147. Administrative Committee on Co• RECOMMENDATION 198 (1970) on ordination (A.C.C.), 94, 97, 99. the harmonisation of the poli• Commission on Human Rights, see: cies of W.E.U. Countries to• Human Rights. wards Eastern Europe, 149-151. Covenant on civil and political RECOMMENDATION (1970) 199 on rights, see also: Council of Eu• European security and arms rope, 265, 267. control-, 151-157. Economic Commission for Europe, RECOMMENDATION (1970) 201 on United Nations -, 127, 135. East-West policy and the Con• International Law Commission, 109. ference European Security, Relations with the Council of Eu• 157-159. rope, 80-117. REcoMMENDATION 202 (1970) on RESOLUTION 2604 XXIV, December the situation in the Middle 1969 inviting all governments to East, 159-163. supply information on their seis• RECOMMENDATION 203 (1970) on mological systems, 155. the political consequences of RESOLUTION 2662 XXV, August 1970, relaunching Europe, 163-165. concerning questions of biological relations between the Council and and chemical weapons, 155. the Assembly, 147. Security Council, 87, 161, 163. Brussels Treaty revised, 56, 143, RESOLUTION 242 november 1967, 145, 147, 163, 165. 163. chronology, 143-147. RESOLUTION (70) 17, on the U.N. Committee of European Universi• Covenant on Civil and Political ties, see also: Conference of Rights and the European Con• European Ministers of Education, vention on Human Rights: proce• 57. dure for dealing with inter-state European co-operation in connec• complaints, see also: Council of tion with the work of the United Europe, 265-267. Nations, 145. United States 01 America, 108, 151, European co-operation in the field 153, 155, 409, 457, 659, 684, 849, of armaments, 145. 851, 869-873. European political and economic co• E.F.T.A. trade with the United operation, 143-145. States, 721, 725-727. Ministerial Council, 143-167. United States Space Administration activities of the Council and its (NASA), see also: European Space subordinate bodies, 143-147. GENERAL INDEX 995

relations between the Couneil and \V.H.O., see: \Vorld Health Organi• the Assembly, 147. sation. prineipaloffieers, 165-167. World Health Organisation (W.H.O.), publie Administration, 145-147. 89, 90, 299. publieations, 165. W.E.U., see: V,estern European Yaound6 Convention of Assoeiation, Union. see: European Economie Communi• ty.