The Strategy of the Swedish National Space Agency
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The Strategy of the Swedish National Space Agency The Strategy of the Swedish National Space Agency Contents The Swedish National Space Agency as an expert authority with expanding responsibilities 3 Our strategy will respond to new challenges 4 An investment in space is ultimately an investment in Earth 6 Long-term strategic objectives 7 Strategic objectives will adapt Swedish space activities to changes in the world around us 9 Implementation of the strategy is subject to ongoing evaluation 11 IMAGE COURTESY OF: CONTAINS MODIFIED COPERNICUS SENTINEL DATA (2017), PROCESSED BY SINERGISE/ESA COVER: ESA, COPERNICUS SENTINEL DATA 2017 AND 2018. THE COVER IMAGE CONSISTS OF TWO COMPARATIVE PARTS. THE RIGHT PART SHOWS THE DROUGHT THAT HIT THE SWEDISH PROVINCE OF SKÅNE IN THE SUMMER OF 2018. THE LEFT PART OF THE PICTURE IS FROM 2017. The Swedish National Space Agency as an expert authority with expanding responsibilities In May 2018, the Government of Sweden sent a written communication to the Swedish Parliament (Skr. 2017/18: 259 En strategi för svensk rymdverksamhet – a strategy for Swedish space activities), which was reviewed in the Committee on Education and was endorsed by the Parliament in November. As yet, this written communication has not resulted in concrete proposals for changes to the Swedish National Space Agency’s instruction, but this strategy document covers the objectives and orientation that are discussed in the document. The Government’s document – relevant space infrastructure The agency should also help ensure follows the work of the commission by providing support for research that competitiveness of Swedish of inquiry on space (SOU 2015:75 En and technology development. This actors creates growth and jobs rymdstrategi för nytta och tillväxt work should generate open space through the provision of usable – a space strategy for benefit data that provide added value space data and processing tools via and growth). Both documents for Sweden, as well as research a competitive space industry. consider the increasingly rapid results of the highest international change in the space field. One quality, making Sweden a leading Due to our northern location, essential item that was not included knowledge nation. the Esrange space centre is an in the Government’s written important asset for Swedish communication is the need to The instruction makes clear that space activities. We believe that review the Swedish National Space the Swedish National Space Agency Esrange has great potential, Agency’s resources to meet the should participate in and benefit should there be opportunities for increased expectations placed on from European cooperation in Swedish participation in relevant the agency. the space sector in general, and programmes. the Galileo satellite navigation According to its current instruction, programme in particular. In Finally, the Swedish National Space the Swedish National Space Agency addition, the agency shall process Agency should cooperate with other should work so that space activities cases and be the contact body for actors in order to attract young and space research contribute to international space cooperation. people to education and professions the knowledge society, as well as to European cooperation in the space in science and technology. This is innovativeness and competitiveness sector is more comprehensive an area in which the Agency is very of the industry. The Swedish National now that Galileo (1) and Egnos (2) active today with very good results. Space Agency should work so that are in operation. Copernicus (3) is We note an increasing demand for space activities satisfy societal delivering large amounts of data this cooperation with teachers and requirements for space-related and services that are integrated schools. knowledge and the development with other data for routine use of technology in sectors such as and work has started on common 1. Galileo is a global satellite navigation system, comparable with the US’ GPS and Russia’s Glonass. It has transport, communications, and European space situational been developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) and is operated by the European Global Navigation climate and the environment. awareness. This strategy is in line Satellite Systems Agency. 2. Egnos is a regional augmentation system for GPS with both the EU’s space strategy and Glonass, providing higher precision for receivers in Europe. The name is an acronym for European The instruction states that the and the need to optimise the Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service. Stations on the ground measure the error in the ordinary signal and Swedish National Space Agency societal and economic benefits of broadcast a correction via geostationary satellites. The US has several augmentation systems, but WAAS is the should ensure the availability of space activities. one most similar to Egnos. 3. Copernicus is an EU programme that aims to develop secure, reliable and – to Sweden European information services based on Earth monitoring via satellite and (ground-based) field data analyses. This initiative is led by the European Commission, along with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Environment Agency (EEA). Our strategy will respond to new challenges Space activities are undergoing comprehensive global changes. In many regards, actors in the US are leading, showing the way for the rest of the world. There are many differences between the US and Europe, but there are two of primary importance here: the US administration works in a different manner to the European nations, and private equity is more readily available in the US. Multiple initiatives are underway in Europe to attract funds and private investment in space activities. In brief, the Swedish National Space Agency regards the following developments as important to this strategy. Paradigm shift on both This affects ESA’s role and function in socioeconomic effects are being upstream and downstream European space activities. conducted in growing numbers of markets4 countries, showing the benefits in A technological shift is ongoing, On the one hand, ESA’s principle of the form of increased employment, with new applications using, “juste retour” is the basis of ESA’s more businesses, more students and demanding, space data. funding, allowing important and and increased cost-efficiency in Altogether this brings new business influential projects, but on the other publicly-funded activities. opportunities and opens up new hand it is a potential barrier to the markets. development of a commercial market. It is increasingly common to utilise synergies in the form of shared New markets and changing Clearer market demand and technology development for civilian conditions lead to increased reduced technology control leads to and military space infrastructure, competition over technology and new logic and new decision-making known as “dual-use”. customers. paths, which are demanded by the actors exploiting space data. This The relationship between ESA and More actors and increased influx also places increasing requirements the European Commission may, in of private equity to space activities on space infrastructure. the long run, entail an entirely new have resulted in a number of role for ESA. Moreover, expansive countries updating their space Political attention leads to EU programmes are increasingly legislation to attract new actors to higher expectations and important to Swedish space do their business in those countries. higher demands activities and the Swedish space The Government of Sweden has industry. Private equity and investment presented the first national space funds have increased in the US strategy. This has been examined in There is increasing knowledge and are on the way in Europe the Committee on Education and and understanding of how to New business models are debated in the Parliament, who forecast space weather, preventing being developed. For example, endorsed the strategy. societal problems on Earth. As development is not only paid for society becomes more dependent through publicly funded projects, but Space activities are on the agenda on space infrastructure, there increasingly through future income. in many countries. Studies of the is a growing need to monitor 4. Upstream and downstream normally relate to an organisation’s value chain. For space activities, this also coincides with upstream activities being satellites and ground stations that control the satellites, while downstream relates to the use and value-adding of space data. IMAGE COURTESY OF: RUAG SWEDEN AB and mitigate collisions between as the Galileo satellite navigation Space research is developing satellites, space debris and natural system, is critical infrastructure that and widens to include more objects that move around the Earth. guarantees vital societal functions. disciplines This should be taken into account ESA’s science programme is As space activities increase in both as regards to monitoring and developing as research finds scope and importance, so does the emergency preparedness. answers that lead to new questions. need for international agreements New disciplines are being added to ensure that space is accessible Space technology works with and knowledge is growing, to everyone in a manner that is other technology in areas such as demanding dynamic responses and sustainable in the long term. digitalisation and miniaturisation increased resources. Increased digitalisation and new The society is increasingly