European L Documentation ::: ~ a Survey@

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European L Documentation ::: ~ a Survey@ 4 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 1970 Twelfth Year ~ r , • y european L documentation ::: ~ a survey@ '!'~ · · : · < ~"'· EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Secretariat General directorate of parliamentary documentation and information Centre europeen Plateau du Kirchberg Luxembourg In addition to the offieial acts published in the Official Gazette of the European Communities, the activities of the European Communities are reported on in publications appearing at regular intervals. Thus, the Commission of the European Communities publi­ shes a Monthly Bulletin on the activities of the Communi­ ties while the European Parliament issues a periodical Information Bulletin on its own activities. The Council of Ministers issues a press release after all its sessions. Its activities are also reported on in a spe­ cial section of the Bulletin of the European Communities. The Economic and Social Committee issues press releases at the close of its plenary sessions, and its overall activ­ ities are reported on in a Quarterly lnfonnation Bulletin. The Survey of European Documentation is intended to serve as a supplement to the above publications. It deals with salient features of the process of European integration taking place outside Community bodies. Notice 1. Subscribers to the Survey of European Documentation will shortly be receiving an index to the texts published between 1966 and 1969. This 1970 index will be included in the first edition issued in 1971. 2. All readers of the Survey of European Documentation will also re­ ceive a separate brochure covering the debates held in the nation­ al parliaments on the ratification of the decisions of 21 and 22 April 1970, giving the Communities resources of their own and granting budgetary powers to the European Parliament. - 1 - CONTENTS Part I DEVELOPMENT OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION At the National Level I. GOVERNMENTS AND PARLIAMENTS......................... 19 Austria..................................................... 19 Austria rejects Soviet warning against links with the EEC (27 October-5 November).............................. 19 Belgium.................................................... 22 1. The Minister of Foreign Affairs is questioned on the poli­ tical union of Europe (20 October) ...............•...... 22 2. Oral question in the Chamber of Representatives on Por­ tugal's accession to the Common Market (26 November) •.. 26 France..................................................... 28 1. Mr. Pompidou in the Soviet Union (6-13 October) .....•... 28 2. The European policy of the French Government is debated in the National Assembly (5 November) ............•..... 29 3. The Senate rejects the foreign affairs budget (30 Novem- ber, 1 December) ........•..••.....••.......•......... 33 Germany................................................... 42 1. Statements by Chancellor Brandt on European integration (14 October and 1 November) ....... ·~· •..............•.. 42 - 3 - 2. The Belgian Foreign Minister Mr. Harmel visits Bonn .. (14 October) ....•......••.•.......•••.........•.• o • o • 44 3. Mr. Scheel discusses the Moscow Treaty and European integration (17 October and 2 November) ....•..•...•..• 45 4. Statements by Mr. Schiller, Mr. Moller and Mr. Scheel on the Werner Plan (20 and 26 October, 2 November) .... 50 5. Mr. Moersch, Parliamentary Secretary of State in the Federal Foreign Ministry, advocates contacts between the EEC and COMECON (27 October) ......•.•••.•...... 52 6. The German Minister of the Interior, Mr. Genscher, calls for European cooperation on environmental protec- tion (3 November) ..•..•.••....•........•..........•.. 54 7. Debate on Europe in the German Bundestag (6 November) 56 8. Ostpolitik and policy on Europe: an interview with Mr. Willy Brandt (7 December) .............••.........••.. 60 Italy 0o ••• o •• 0............................................. 62 1. Answer to a question in the Chamber of Deputies on the election of the European Parliament by universal suffrage (14 July) .....•....•••..•.........•.....•••.•...•.... 62 2. The Parliament ratifies the Yaounde and Arusha Agree­ ments (12 and 14 October-26 November) 0 •••••••••••••• 63 3. The Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning (CIPE) examines the EEC' s agricultural directives (3 Novembe:r) ..•.•...•..........•••••••...............• 70 4. The Italian Government favours the establishment of an active European body representing the consumers (14 November).......................................... 70 5. Statements by Mr. Mario Zagari, the Minister for Foreign Trade, on the new wave of protectionism in the USA (15 and 21 November) ...•......•.....•.••••••••.• 71 6. Italo-German discussions in Rome (23 and 25 November). 74 -4- Page Luxembourg.•.•...•........•....••.............••........ 77 1. Prime Minister Werner on economic and monetary union (16 October and 30 November) ........•..•......•...... 77 2. Debate in the Chamber on economic and political integra­ tion in Europe and on the powers of the European Parlia- ment (11 November) .....•..•...•..........•.......... 79 Netherlands . • • . • • . 85 1. Mr. Witteveen, the Finance Minister, calls for budget policy coordination in the Member States (22 October) .•. 85 2. Secretary-General of the Dutch Ministry for Economic Affairs on the Werner Report (30 October) ............. 86 3. Mr. Luns, Foreign Minister, speaks in London on the enlargement of the European Communities (10 November) 88 Switzerland . • • . • . • . 90 Switzerland defines its aims for negotiations with the EEC (5 November)................................... 90 United Kingdom........................................... 91 1. House of Commons aiming to complete EEC talks by January 1972 (29 October) ..........•............•...• 91 2. Sir Alec Douglas-Home, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs: A chance to participate in deciding Europe's role in the world (9 December) ...... 93 II. PARTIES AND PROMINENT POLITICIANS.................. 95 1. 69th Labour Party Conference: Blackpool 1970 -Anti- _ Common Market Resolution is rejected (29 September) ... 95 2. 88th Conservative Conference: Blackpool 1970 -Mr. Rippon's speech and the motion on the EEC (8-10 October) 96 - 5- Page 3. Congress of the Dutch Party for Freedom and Democracy: 'Europe between East and West' (10 October) ....•...... 98 4. European unity called US foreign policy cornerstone (20 October) .•.•..••...••..••..••...••••...••••.•.•..... 100 5. Mr. Soames, the British Ambassador to France, urges Europe to speak with one voice (2 9 October) ....•••••.•• 102 6. Statement by the Free Democrat Party on the internal consolidation of the European Community (31 October) ... 104 7. The US Permanent Representative to the OECD on pro- tectionism in America (30 October) .................... 105 8. The attitude of the German CDU to economic and mone- tary union (3 and 24 November, December) ............. 108 9. The French Organization of the European Left would like a second Community Commission to be made responsible for foreign policy (15 November) ............•.....•... 111 10. Mr. Majonica, CDUDeputy in the Bundestag, and the con- cept of 'Gesamteuropa' (19 November) ......•..•....... 112 11. European unity is discussed at the eleventh national con- gress of the Italian Social Movement (20-23 November) 113 12. The Union of Young People for Progress proposes a European defence organization (21 and 22 November) .... q5 13. The Secretary-General of the Italian Liberal Party dis- cusses European unification (25 November) ............. 116 14. The French Communist Party and Europe (28 November). 117 15. Mr. Leonardi (Italian Communist) discusses the Euro- pean Community (29 November) ....................... 118 16. Mr. Roy Jenkins, Chancellor of the Exchequer in the former Wilson Government, advocates a second world rceserve currency (2 December) .•.....•..••.••........ 120 17. The French Radical Party Congress on regional reform and European unification (4 -6 December) .•..•.......... 120 - 6 - 18. Walter Behrendt, SPD Member of the Bundestag and Vice- President of the European Parliament, descripes the ' economic and monetary union as a Magna Carta of the 1970s (December)..................................... 122 • l2p III. ORGANIZATIONS AND GROUPINGS ......................... ~ \ 1. Letter from the Secretary of the Italian Committee of the European Federalist Movement on the election of the Euro­ pean Parliament by universal suffrage; attitudes of the political parties (September to November) .....•.•· ....... · 125 .~ · 2. The Association for the Support of General de Gaulle and enlargement of the Common Market (October) .••....... _.. 129 3. Statement by the European 'Federalist Movement on poli­ tical cooperation and the election of the European Parlla~ ment by universal suffrage (1 October) .........•..... ~ . '. l30 4. 1970 Congress of the European Movement in the .... · lands (3 October) .....•...•........•..•. : ..... , • • • . 1'32 5. The Italian Congress of graduates in commercial law di_$­ cusses harmonization of company law in the EEC coun- · tries (6-12 October) ....•........•.........· .....•... }. 135 6. Mr. Berg, President of the Confederation of Geqnan Industry (BDI) expresses concern about the US Trade Bill of 1970 in a letter to Mr. Mills (16 October)........ 1?6 7. Attitude of the Italian National Council for the Economy and Labour, and reactions of the trade unions to the Mansholt Plan (November) . • . .. 138 8. The Governor of the Banque Nationale de Belgique calls for the early establishment of a European
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