Wenof Eurore Brusselr, 15 Xoverbcr f983/15 Jaurryr 1984, n'33 (bi-nonthly) L[ffiffi&ffiY EUROP$AN CO|!;I}1UiiIil E,mP-{ LEffiffiffiE IJ|FORMATI0N SIRYiCI i trYA$HINGTON, D. O. This bulle tin is published by the OOiIMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN @MMUIITTIES Directorate-General I ntormation € Informalion for Women's organisations and press Rue de la Loi 200 8-1049 - Erussels - Te|,23511 11 Vomen of Europe tlr,. 3? - 15 t{ovember l9t3l15 January l9t4 - p. 2 IN THXS XSSUE The changing European CommunitY 3 Parental leave 4 Eurobarometer 6 Womenfs unemPloYment 8 The Equal Opportunities Committee l0 Women of Spain ll Local and regional elected representatives 14 European Parliament October 1983 session T7 November 1983 session t9 December 1983 session 2T Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry 24 European Court of Justice 25 Facts, Institutions and Laws 26 June r84: European Elections 43 Militant activities 44 Reseach, Meetings and Books 62 Our correspondents in the Community Belgium Nanette Nannan, 33 Rue E. Bouillot, Boite 9, 1060 Brussels Denmark Danske Kvinders Nationalraad, N. Hemmingsensgade 8, ll53' CoPenhagen France Jeanne Chaton, 43 Avenue Ernest Reyer, 75014 Paris Greece Effi Kalliga-Kanonidou, l0 Neofytou Douka St, 106 74 Athens Germany Christa Randzio-Plath, Hadermanns Yleg 2), 2 Hamburg 6l Ireland Janet Martin, 2 Clarement Close, Glasvenin, Dublin ll Italy Beatrice Rangoni Macchiavelli, Piazza di Spagna 51' 00187 Rome Luxembourg Alix Wagnerr T rue Henri Frommes, 1545 Luxembourg Netherlands Marjolijn Uitzinger, Fivelingo 207, Tnetermeer United Kingdom Pegty Crane, 12 Grove Park Road, Chiswick, London V4 European Lidya Gazzor lT Avenue de Tourville, 75007 Paris Parliament Editor: Fausta Deslpnmes krlormation for womenrs associations and press 200 Rue de la Loi' 1049 Brussels Editorial work on this issue of "Women of Europe" was Completed on 19 December 1983.
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