
Levesque, Jennifer

From: Luciana Jonkman Sent: Monday, August 17, 2020 5:51 AM To: Scott & Brook Silvera; Echevarria, Fernando; cityclerk; Shelton, Delray; Murphy, Mike; Martinez, Anthony; McLeod, Jill; Serratto, Matthew Subject: Mural

Dear city counsel,

Thank you very much for ALL you do to strategize, promote & unite our city of Merced. Having a strategy for a city is important work, from the 20 years that I have lived here after graduating from UC Davis & Cornell University, I have seen incredible change, a city defining itself on the backbone of its community. We have seen neighborhoods, services, shopping, medical & educational facilities prosper & Merced continue to gain recognition for making HARD but good decisions to keep the community UNITED. Promoting a unified community who lives, works and grows together, respects others & challenges eachother to be our best is vital to the success of a community. As a multi-business owner unifying or team starts with respect. We DO EVERYTHING in our power to UNIFY. We develop, recognize the positive, correct the negative& learn from eachother PROMOTING a unified purpose & strategy. Unity comes through humility. is an organization that defies NOT defines unity. This organization aims to cause chaos, distruction & has done NOTHING to promote a unifird community anywhere it pops up. These people want to say with one side of their mouth that one group matters over another & this is not UNITY. I do not see communities strengthened or unified by these people who are supporting this very destructive strategy. Black lives matter is not merced. Merced is so much more amd a moral that sucks ot an organization who has a brief history of chaos, violence distruction, disrespect qnd so much more of what merced is NOT would be ignoring ALL THE WORK YOU DO TO UNIFY OUR CITY. Let's make a mural of what Merced IS AND UNIFY Merced! Merced is the heart of California, the Gateway to Yosemite, diveristy, education, growth, agriculture, respect, youth, safe, God loving, people serving, so much more, let's show the world WHO Merced is and define our strategy through the BOLD actions we take to stay UNIFIED.

Please humble consider rejecting a mural that signifies devision and superiority of one part of Merced and rather a mural that shows who Merced really is a city who shares in a love for all people. Reject a mural that stands for distruction and hate, which doesn't promote family & community rather design a mural that unifies, uplifts and promotes a growth mindset for a future of a prosperous city on the rise.

Thank you very much! Luciana Jonkman

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Linn Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2020 11:35 PM To: cityclerk Subject: Black Lives Matter Mural

To: Merced City Council From: [Your Name] Dear City Council,

I do not support the Black Lives Matter Street Mural Project as proposed by the NAACP, the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Merced Multicultural Arts Center, WeCed and the United Way. Public art can uplift, celebrate and energize communities.

This mural is a political statement. Art should celebrate all races in our community. If you give way to one group, you will need to open up for all. Where this project has good intentions, the project timing and location of this type of mural is not right. The Black Lives Matter (BLM) Organization currently has been linked to violence, riots and destruction of many businesses in other communities and states. We love our diverse community and would love to strive for people of different ethnic origins to work together. Let's have more focus on this bringing the community together not separating it, instead of bringing a political issue to our small town that will cause division by it’s very nature. This type of street graffiti art has already proven not to uplift or energize communities in a positive way. Mission statement for the Mayor and City Counsel state: *Shows sensitivity and awareness of community needs and issues * Respects the diversity of it’s community

Please vote to deny this project, Karen Linn

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Heidi Hoover Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2020 11:26 PM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM mural

I write this email as a very concerned Merced citizen, hearing that Merced is considering honoring the “ Black Lives Matter” movement by painting a Mural on our streets makes me very upset & disappointed.

#1. That movement has brought NOTHING good to the black community.

#2. Its only brought destruction, looting and vandalism and MORE killings of the black community.

#3. They are very adamant about DEFUNDING the police.

If we are going to start “murals” on our streets, then I want to see






Painted on our streets as well.

I’m asking you not to give in to what the media is pushing and dividing us from within.

We are better then that. ♥

Sincerely, Heidi

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Sherry Boothe Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2020 11:05 PM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM mural

Do not vote that in. . You are going to make a lot of people mad. This whole BLM is a bunch of nonsense. It’s pure racism. Think long and hard about your decision!!!

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: fogelberg Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2020 8:58 PM To: Murphy, Mike; Martinez, Anthony; Echevarria, Fernando; McLeod, Jill; Blake, Kevin; Serratto, Matthew; Shelton, Delray; cityclerk Subject: Re: Black Lives Matter Mural

Dear Mayor and Council Members,

We’re so confused right now. We see signs all over saying Black Lives Matter. We’re just trying to figure out which black lives matter. It can’t be the unborn black babies. They are destroyed without a second thought. It’s not black cops. They don’t seem to matter. It’s not my black conservative friends. They are told to shut the **** up if they know what’s best for them by their black counterparts. It’s not black business owners. Their property does not mean anything. It’s not blacks who fought in the military. Their statues are destroyed by the Black Lives Matter protesters with disdain. So which black lives matter again? We’re exhausted trying to figure out what we’re all supposed to do, believe, and be offended and outraged by next.

Several months ago, "First Responders" were all the rage. In fact, they were heroes. We gave them free coffee, meals, and cheers as they drove by. Today we hate them and want them defunded because they can’t be trusted.

Months ago protests weren’t “essential” and were considered criminal, selfish and a murderous activity. Today they are gloriously critical and celebrated. All of the obvious criminal and murderous activities are simply ignored. If you protest about lockdowns for freedom, you are selfish and you will spread a virus. If you protest, loot, and riot for social justice, you are a warrior and the virus cedes.

For 3 months, NOTHING was more important than social distance. In fact, we gave up all of our liberties for it. We canceled schools, medical and dental procedures, yet allowed the murder of babies, canceled activities, closed businesses, eliminated every spring rite of passage from prom to graduation, denied people funerals, even at Arlington, and we wrecked the economy for it. Then came social justice, and social distance was no more. Now things are more cut and dry though. A thousand people at three memorials for someone they never even met. But you can only assemble 10 or less people here in Merced.

Black Lives Matter. Of course they do. Then multiple black police officers and individuals were injured during the “peaceful BLM protests”. I don’t see any outrage. Black individually owned businesses burned to the ground. Silence. Black on Black crime happens every weekend in Chicago. NOTHING!!

We have lived in Merced for close to 60 years and believe our community has a strong multicultural history. Please reject this mural and put in its place a message of unity and shared history.

Val and Cheryl Fogelberg


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2 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Lorraine Anderson Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2020 7:33 PM To: cityclerk Subject: City Counsel Meeting

Dear Counsel Members,

I would like to express my appreciation for your service to the City of Merced, and especially during these tumultuous times.

We are all going to have an opportunity to express our thoughts on November 3rd, 2020 in a meaningful way.

However, I have recently been made aware of the tentative plan to paint a Black Lives Matter mural on Canal Street. While I understand that you will make a final decision on this matter tomorrow, I would rather you let the citizens of the City of Merced make this decision instead of the City Counsel members, by placing it on a ballot. I think that anything else is overstepping your area of responsibility.

The reason I am concerned about this matter is that appeasing a group of demonstrators, like Black Lives Matter in this manner, is customarily followed by a demand to de-fund the police. Please do not let a group of protestors take the wheel of this city. You have more people than you may realize on your side, and many of us are keeping government officials such as yourselves in our prayers.

May God keep you and bless you all in the coming days ahead, and thank you again for staying the course and looking out for this city.


Lorraine Anderson

Merced, CA 95348

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Linda Burdick Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2020 5:43 PM To: cityclerk Subject: Proposed BLM Street Painting

I respectfully ask you to NOT approve requests by the local BLM group to paint our streets here in Merced... not only is graffiti illegal in our town, but to take exception to that law for this one special interest group opens up our town to giving the same allowance to EVERY other organization, race, and entity.

I especially disapprove of the BLM organization for the following factual reasons:

*Black Lives Matter is a Marxists terrorist organization that funnels their donations directly to the democratic leadership

*BLM is an anti-American political group bent on the destruction of America

*BLM is a stated Marxist group

*We should honor ALL races

*Painting streets with “BLM” has provoked violence in every other city that has allowed this

*Our citizens will not benefit or be enriched by this racist graffiti

*Approving this graffiti, which is ILLEGAL in our city, opens us up to being forced to allow all other street painting (graffiti)

Thank you for using due diligence and for staying on the side of our laws already in place to preserve the peace and beauty of Merced.

Linda Burdick

Merced, California

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Denis & Di Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2020 10:39 AM To: cityclerk Subject: No BLM IN Merced

First Off,,, Merced doesn't need to open this can of worm's nothing good will come from it !!

Has the city counsel been looking into the BLM organization? I have been watching the news and it looks like the BLM has been looting stores in Chicago and the BLM organizer was on the news and she said that the people that own those shops have insurance to cover the damage so nobody gets hurt. It's going on all over the country BLM is nothing but a Terrorist Organization and Merced shouldn't have anything to do with them.

Tell the NAACP Merced is just fine and we don't need a Mural on or streets to support the BLM.

I do hope that the city counsel does the right thing and doesn't do what the NAACP wants, do what the people of Merced want.

Denis Kenshalo

Merced Ca. 95340

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Martha Souza Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2020 10:10 AM To: cityclerk Subject: Black Lives Matter mural

Dear city council members… I am writing you because I’m a small business owner and my voice needs to be heard regarding the Black Lives Matter mural issue… 1. I truly believe all races matter 2. Black Lives Matter is a stated Marxist group 3.Violence in other cities has been elevated since allowing this ,,, 4. Our Merced citizens will not benefit from this racist graffiti 5. I honestly believe this will open up other street graffiti to be allowed(which is illegal) Please hear my voice… At least let the citizens vote on this issue on the ballot… Thank you for your consideration I really appreciate it !!! Martha Souza [NOTICE: This message originated outside of City of Merced ‐‐ DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Stephanie Jaurique Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2020 10:08 AM To: cityclerk Subject: ALL Lives Matter

As a citizen of Merced I feel that putting a BLM banner or mural would be detrimental to our city. By doing this you are encouraging and furthering the divide in our city and nation.

We need to find ways to unite together as races and cultures and need to honor each other for who we are with respect and dignity.

If you paint this mural, who pays for it, who maintains it? Who pays for all of this. As a taxpayer, I don't want to pay for it. We pay too much already and get little in return. Our roads are crappy, sidewalks are uneven, bike paths are a mess, homeless everywhere, low police presence, weeds and filth in our city.... shall I go on?. Look at the former beautiful murals that were under the bridges on the black rascal bike path.... they are gone, ruined from graffiti and disrepair. Who is going to pay for the riot clean ups and damage.

I fear for Merced and the businesses if you condone this. We could lose our entire downtown area that has been so lovingly brought back to life by businesses and investors. We are already in an economic crisis and shutdown due to the governor... our people our hurting and losing everything. Spend the money from this mural on the people. Feed them, house them, pay bills...... impact their lives directly instead of something that bring animosity and divide.

Many cities that have done this type of statement piece now have significant issues over it, including harsh protests and further damage. Merced is a nice town and we have protested peacefully and showed that our town is united, not ignited.

There are better things to honor all races in our town..... If you do anything then it needs to read: ALL LIVES MATTER ALWAYS

Stephanie Jaurique


Stephanie Jaurique Your Real Estate "Go to Gal"

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2 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Brian Barnett Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2020 9:32 AM To: cityclerk Subject: Black lives matter

Please do not support this terrorist organization. They in no ways are trying to help the black community, they don’t support black police officers, they don’t support black conservatives. They have caused divide in our country. Merced does not need this, all lives matter .

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Victoria Trujillo Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2020 12:26 AM To: cityclerk Subject: BlM

Please do not take sides with a decisive organization, that is dividing our country. Black Lives matter is an organization bent on creating racial divide. We all know that every life matters, no matter what color their skin is kind regards, VictoriaTrujillo

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: jay 882 Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2020 8:35 PM To: cityclerk Subject: Opposing Merced "BLM" Mural - August 17th City Council Meeting

Dear Merced City Council:

The truth behind Black Lives Matter “BLM” - it is an attempt to undermine basic principles of good governance and civility. Directly from the “BLM” website, they are campaigning for the dissolution of: law enforcement, our economic system, and the nuclear family. Their campaign is a recipe tested many times on the incorrect side of history, leading to the death of millions.

The “BLM” organization and movement is supported not by reason and virtuous display of character, but by instilling brute violence. Every city where “BLM” was planted and let to take root, has left a trail of destruction and murder. “BLM” has accounted for over $1 billion in property damage, 900+ wounded police officers, 19 police officers killed, and 400+ deaths of innocent civilians, including children. There is no peace or social justice to be found, only the burning down of cities and the continued loss of innocent lives, matched only by the destruction found in historic times of war.

Despite this, communities continue to welcome “BLM” into their hometown and are dumbfounded when violence and unrest ensues. The movement has been weaponized; it is locked, loaded, and armed by those quickly wanting to defend their morality because they have been persuaded to falsely believe that opposing “BLM” is a sign of immorality.

“BLM” has latched itself on the notion that it is directly connected to the support of black lives, as its name would imply. However, this is nothing further from the truth – “BLM” as an organization and caring for black lives are two separate exclusive matters. Opposing “BLM” does not equate to not having concern for black lives, it is quite the contrary.

“BLM” pushes an authoritative agenda that would be detrimental and harmful to all. The true victims of “BLM” are actually black lives, as most of the damage by the movement is taking place within black communities and most of the murder victims are black. “BLM” is well masqueraded and dangerously preys on one’s sympathy for black lives to garner support, all while more than willing to sacrifice black lives like fodder.

Truth, it is the only marker that separates the moral from the immoral. Supporters of the movement believe they are fighting to further the black community. This is not the truth. Many in the community do not wish to see a “BLM” mural and the promotion of such ideologies that most would find harmful. Please represent the constituents in your community by voting no to a “BLM” mural in our town.

Sincerely, Jay Monroe

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Shawna Bettencourt Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2020 7:01 PM To: cityclerk Cc: Murphy, Mike; Martinez, Anthony; Echevarria, Fernando; McLeod, Jill; Serratto, Matthew; Shelton, Delray Subject: BLM MURAL

Dear Merced City Council board members,

My name is Shawna Bettencourt, I am a life long Merced resident, and I am writing to you today in regards to the proposed BLM street mural.

I believe Black Lives Matter, but I do not believe in the organization, and I DO NOT want our hometown to promote this organization by putting up a mural. A mural that would stand for abolishing police, which would lead to non‐consequential crime. A mural that would stand for not lifting up black men. Denouncing nuclear families actually creates more crimes, drug abuse, abortions, drop out rates, and poverty. A mural that stands for anti‐capitalism, that is ironically an organization created with capitalism. Your phones, your videos are a result of capitalism. Without it you wouldn’t have a phone, you wouldn’t have platform. Lastly, an organization that has no goal for forgiveness or reconciliation. You can not talk about the sins of the past, and expect to move forward if there is no intention of forgiveness. We need to push past this organization that is promoting violence, and division. We need to come together as a united community where every single human matters.

“Let us be dissatisfied, until the day, when nobody will shout white power… when nobody will shout black power… and everybody will talk about God’s power and human power! “‐Martin Luther King Jr.

Just like Martin Luther King Jr., I believe in God’s word, and if everyone did the world would be at peace. Friends we are being lured by the world into evil. We are called on by God to love one another. We are one human race. Race is just a human construction. When will our hearts embrace what our head already knows. I am praying for unity not division. I am praying we can be better humans. I am praying that we build up our community, and show the world we can do it better without an organization that does not support unity.

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Barbara Souza-Rosenow Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2020 6:10 PM To: cityclerk Subject: All lives matter

I am totally against any street paintings that say black lives matter. All lives matter Barbara and Larry Rosenow

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: hanneman Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2020 4:55 PM To: cityclerk Subject: Council Meeting 8/17/20 - 20-434 - BLM mural

Dear Mayor Murphy and Members of the Merced City Council,

I am writing regarding the proposed Black Lives Matter mural.

I believe that, at a minimum, public art should remain non-partisan and promote positive messages that build us up as a community. Although I agree wholeheartedly with the statement, "Black lives matter," that statement has been co-opted by the partisan, neo-Marxist organization called Black Lives Matter.

Regardless of the good intentions of the mural's sponsors, the statement, "Black lives matter" is now inextricably connected to the organization of the same name. Given the partisan and divisive nature of that organization, it would be inappropriate to approve a "Black Lives Matter" mural as a piece of public art.

Kind regards, Shari Hanneman

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2020 4:46 PM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM Mural

To Whom It May Concern,

We are writing to say we believe ALL LIVES MATTER! We have recently learned, thru the Sun Star Newspaper, that an organization has offered to fund the painting of "BLM" on one of our downtown streets. Weather the city or any organization covers the expenses, let's not divide our city and draw battle lines across Merced by allowing this to be done. We strongly oppose this idea because of the background that the BLM organization supports; theft, entitlement, disrespect, violence, looting and more. To allow a BLM mural to be painted on our downtown street will in no way promote unity. It stands to divide and we fear cause more violence. Merced needs to take a stand and proudly say ALL LIVES MATTER!

Sincerely, Rocky and Sharlene De Jager

Sharlene De Jager

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Alice Mitchell Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2020 3:50 PM To: cityclerk Subject: Black Lives Matter mural

Black Lives Matter protests have decimated the cities where black people live, work and shop. BLM has raised MILLIONS from celebrities and virtue signaling CEOs. Unfortunately ZERO OF THE DOLLARS RAISED are going to rebuild those burnt out businesses, improve their failing schools, or clean up their violent gang infested streets. Not one penny.

If the streets of Merced are to become areas for public expression then I ask the council to paint ALL LIVES MATTER on Main Street as well.

Please DO NOT pull that TIRED RACE CARD out because it’s DECLINED. I am a black person and wantp REAL hel for minorities not WORTHLESS slogans and murals!

Alice Mitchell

Sent from my iPhone [NOTICE: This message originated outside of City of Merced ‐‐ DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Mandy Moss Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2020 2:07 PM To: cityclerk Subject: Black Lives Matter mural

I would like to address the City Council on the matter of the proposed mural of Black Lives Matter. ALL LIVES MATTER! I don't see how this can still be on the calendar after the death of Cannon Hinnant! Merced at this point has not had the riots ,looting or fires other cities have had. I believe we are just asking for trouble with the road painting and mural. Why would we just choose this one group of people, when we have spanish, whites ,asian, mixed etc. in Merced. Also sex trafficking, drugs, child abuse, spousal abuse, elder abuse, their lives also matter. My belief is there is good and bad in everyone. You treat me with care and I will treat you with care. We don't need a road painted or a mural. The burning of buildings , looting and non peaceful rioting is not honoring anyone! If you feel that something needs to be done for this group , maybe set aside a day each year .And yes ! There is all nationalities that are part of Blue Lives Matter. As in anywhere you go there is good and bad. Let's just leave Merced ALONE! Let people heal. You are only putting a bigger wedge between people!

Thank You , Mandy Moss

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: SANDY MATA Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2020 1:10 PM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM mural

Please don't allow this mural to be done. It's devisive and counter‐productive to our efforts to be a welcoming, all‐ inclusive community. Yes, black lives matter as do all colors and creeds here in Merced. Why would you want to pit one skin color against another? We are all God's creations, and one color doesn't matter more than another. We need to learn to respect each other as human beings, not because we are black or white. Be peace‐makers, not incitors of continued discontent and craziness. Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail on Android

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Dawn Brown Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2020 12:56 PM To: cityclerk Subject: ALL LIVES MATTER


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: johanna fischer Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2020 12:18 PM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM

Good Afternoon,

I have learned that the City of Merced has been approached and has been asked to have a BLM mural painted on one of our streets. I am writing to ask you to please deny this request. As I do believe that Black lives matter; just as all races lives matter; The Black Live Matter (#BLM) movement is not about black lives. Please just take a moment to go to their website https://blacklivesmatter.com/ and read up on what their mission is and what they stand for. This organization does not represent the values of the residents of Merced and Merced County. The City of Merced should not support this, please deny their request.


‐‐ Blessings, Johanna Fischer Milk Made Dairy, Owner

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: alisha perret Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2020 12:15 PM To: cityclerk Subject: RE: mural

I don’t feel like a BLM mural in merced is a good idea. I think this is all getting way out of hand and in no way is a mural of any kind is going to help anything. I personally feel that all lives matter but don’t think that should be painted on any walls either. It’s common courtesy to respect all lives, it’s simply part of a civilized society. My point being, paint nothing from any side, don’t influence any of these opinions. If you want another mural in town choose something that supports our youth, paint our local sports team, the boys and girls club, encourage healthy eating/exercise...there is more to life than arguing over whose life is more important.

Alisha Perret

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Pam Duarte Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2020 11:55 AM To: cityclerk Subject: Re: painting on streets of Merced

City Council, Please think about your decision on painting BLM on Merced streets, if you have to put a color in front of lives matter you are a racist. Please do NOT join in with the people promoting this action. All lives matter, Pam Duarte Sent from my iPad [NOTICE: This message originated outside of City of Merced ‐‐ DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: J. A. Thomas < Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2020 10:57 AM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM mural is offensive

Hello I am writing to you to ask that you reject the BLM mural. The organization that is behind that has a history of violence and that does not need to be condoned here in Merced. Look to the areas that they have recently been in the news and ask those small businesses their life mattered. All lives matter of all colors. Please do not allow this mural. The City of Merced has a great mission statement posted and that is what we need to focus on.

J. A. Thomas

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: jonathandorn Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2020 1:57 AM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM Mural

Dear City of Merced, I support black lives and don't want black people or anyone mistreated. BLM however, admits being a Marxist organization https://www.sweethomenews.com/story/2020/07/01/opinion/blm-not-what-it-appears-to- be/23185.html..and among other things, wants to destroy the traditional nuclear family! I cannot support this! PLEASE DO NOT PLACE A BLM MURAL IN MERCED! Jonathan Dorn PS... They also want to defund police...ridiculous!

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Diana Russell Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 9:31 PM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM Mural

I’m against it! MLK JR would be against it he were alive today! We all know this!!! Don’t y’all even come at me!!! My family has every race in it and I LOVE THEM ALL THE SAME!!! I STAND up for them all I worry for them ALL!!! We have to weed out the bad!!! Stand up for the good!!! And reunite our GREAT AMERICA!!! Look around y’all please just look around this nasty hate is killing our children, our families, our friends & our future!!! Please love me bcze I haven’t stopped loving y’all!!!

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Dana Lorenzo < Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 8:35 PM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM mural

I writing to let you know that ALL OF OUR LIVES matter here in Merced. Let’s not descend Merced into a partisan, political sideshow. Black lives matter. Brown lives matter. White lives matter. Yellow lives matter. Blue lives matter. Unborn lives matter. YOUR LIFE MATTERS. Instead of creating individual murals for each of these group I encourage you to spend our city’s resources That will benefit all of these groups like fixing potholes, or planting trees, or addressing the massive piles of trash or clean up the garbage from the homeless camps, or doing a myriad of other city government responsibilities that affect our quality of life. Don’t draw battle lines across Merced. We are better than this.

Dana Lorenzo

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Matt Bresnyan Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 5:41 PM To: cityclerk Subject: Blm

I disagree with this mural to the fullest extent

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: jillgoodin Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 5:01 PM To: cityclerk Subject: Re: BLM Mural

Dear City Council: I stand against having a BLM Mural in Merced. If you research their organization you will find that Black Lives Matter violence undermines its credibility. Social justice groups have long used labels that have nothing to do with the real intent of that organization, to dupe the public. Black Lives Matter co‐founder said in a newly surfaced video from 2015 that she and her fellow organizers are ‘trained Marxists’.” If they want to be heard and remembered as a movement that changed racial unrest in America, in line with the success of the 1960s civil rights movement, they must do so without provoking police or inciting violence. Until they can figure out how to do this, their actions will continue to besmirch their reputation and cause. Black Lives Matter hasn’t saved nearly as many black lives, if they’ve saved any at all.The reality is we will see change when communities get control of the significant amount of violence in urban America within the black community. And it’s the police who are doing that. Black Lives Matter divides us.


Jill Goodin

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Von Goodin Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 4:25 PM To: cityclerk Cc:

Subject: BLM mural

Dear City of Merced I support black lives and don't want black people or anyone mistreated. BLM however, admits being a Marxist organization..among other things, wants to destroy the traditional nuclear family! I cannot support this! PLEASE DO NOT PLACE A BLM MURAL! Von Goodin PS... They also want to defund police...ridiculous!

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: CONRAD FOURNIER < Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 4:07 PM To: cityclerk Subject: RE: Item J2, Please read at the city council meeting

Good evening City Leaders, Did deserve to die? No. But he had every opportunity to have not put himself in that position. Have any of you seen the body cam recording released a couple of days ago of the whole event? You need to watch it from start to finish and you will understand what really happened. George Floyd resisted and pushed back the WHOLE time during and up until the officer put his knee on Floyd's neck. Even his companions can be heard pleading with him to comply. This guy, with an extensive criminal record and drugs in his system is fighting the cops. And it seems everybody wants to make him out as some kind of hero? Black lives DO matter, but not the BLM movement in its current form. Do any of you understand that a lot of your constituents, the silent majority, believe the BLM movement has been hijacked by Marxist leaning groups and their underlying goals are not good? Merced has been a great example of promoting Black lives that matter. We cherish and honor our fellow Black brothers and sisters all over this city and county. With street names, schools and parks, not to mention the Sam Pipes room. The BLM movement is divisive and really has no place on public property. And my God, if Black lives matter, why isn't more being done to reduce the fact that around 85% + or - of Blacks are killed by other Blacks? Why are we not trying harder to stop that horrible truth? That said, if you go ahead with this, some of you are very correct, it will be an EXTREMELY slippery slope. But if you are determined to cave in, consider a policy to allow a temporary banner with maybe a 1 month time limit and alternating groups. Kind of like the alternating programs at the Courthouse Museum which recently honored Black contributions and successes in Merced's history. That way the Hispanic, Jewish, Asian, Indian, Christian groups, etc. can all have their time at the same location too. That's only fair. And they must have an INCLUSIVE message that is clear. Not just a misleading catch phrase like Black Lives Matter, which is being used as a smokescreen by bad people wanting to do bad things while hiding behind the misinformed good folks who have good intentions.

I want to make my opinion very clear. I do not think that ANY special interest group has the right to a permanent, 400 foot mural in any public space. But if it's good for one group, it must be good for all.

Conrad Fournier

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 3:22 PM To: cityclerk Subject: "Black Lives Matter" mural

Please keep Merced free of racial mural’s Don’t allow "Black Lives Matter" mural in Merced

All people matter

Charlie Pratt

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 3:20 PM To: cityclerk Subject: Do not allow "Black Lives Matter" mural

Please do not allow Merced to become part of the Racist movement.

All lives matter.

Dave Tadlock

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Kelly Roseman Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 2:39 PM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM MURAL

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Council needs to be very careful on who they pander to!! Sent from my iPhone

1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Jessica Cromar Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 2:19 PM To: Murphy, Mike; Martinez, Anthony; Echevarria, Fernando; McLeod, Jill; Blake, Kevin; Serratto, Matthew; Shelton, Delray; cityclerk Subject: Please do not approve a BLM mural in our city

I would like to voice opposition for the Black Lives Matter mural in consideration for Main St. There is a confusion of terms which conflutes this issue. There is Black Lives Matter™, and there is “black lives matter.” Black lives matter is a heroic movement and powerful slogan signaling support for racial justice and opposition to police brutality. But Black Lives Matter, the organization, is a Marxist, anti‐police, radical organization which does not broadly represent the view of Black Americans or all American. This organization's views are alarming to anyone who believe in the Constitution, capitalism, and civil society as we know it.

Painting a mural using this phrase implies support for the organization. If there is another phrase that could be used to show support for Black Americans I would be supportive! Other considerations might include:

We Stand With Blacks Justice for Blacks Hear Black Americans

In reality, a mural could be simply be virtue signaling, an empty gesture if our city is not considering policy revision or creation which ensures fair treatment and equal access to opportunities. I hope to hear a follow up from the advisory committee reviewing our police department policies. Action on this area and considering other areas where people of color are not able to access community services and supports is the real sign of support.

Thank you for your consideration‐ Jessica Cromar

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Christopher Butler Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 2:11 PM To: Murphy, Mike; Martinez, Anthony; Echevarria, Fernando; McLeod, Jill; Blake, Kevin; Serratto, Matthew; Shelton, Delray; cityclerk; Murphy, Mike; Martinez, Anthony; Echevarria, Fernando; McLeod, Jill; Blake, Kevin; Serratto, Matthew; Shelton, Delray Subject: BLM Mural

Dear City Councilman,

I wanted to express my desire to NOT have a BLM mural in Merced City. While I, as many of you are supportive of expanding equality in our community, a mural endorsement of the BLM organization is not what our city should do. The city of Merced should not endorse organizations, but rather support the mission and vision of equality. If we want to show our support for this movement at this time, please find an artist who can design a mural that showcases and supports the shared values of our community without endorsing an organization.

If we add a BLM mural, Merced City will be responsible for the maintenance of the mural, and if at some time the city decides to remove the mural, these actions will open Merced City up to public outcry and negative media coverage throughout the nation. We will be "the city that doesn't support BLM"

Additionally, we will be setting a precedent for the city to support or endorse any popular political organization that may gain popular approval.

I urge you to reject the BLM mural and move towards another mural that supports our values as a community without endorsing a specific community. Take this opportunity to commission a mural that celebrates the shared values of this movement and the City of Merced as opposed to supporting a single organization.

Thanks for your time and consideration.

Chris Butler Proud citizen of Merced

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Vivian Lott Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 1:43 PM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM MURAL

I have been a resident of merced County for 10 yrs now and I think you have many more issues to deal with than a stupid mural for BLM. In case you haven't realized ALLLLL LIVES MATTER . So instead of fixing homeless situations....fixing roads....schools....you wanna do a mural?? INSANE. IFU YO NEED TO PAINT A MURAL IT NEEDS TO SAY ALLLL LIVES MATTER. PERIOD. Don't be sucked into racial crap

Vivian Lott Atwater resident

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 1:34 PM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM mural

To whom it may concern,

I would like to go on record as being against the BLM mural. Political organizations should not be honored. We don’t need a divide. Something appropriate would be Merced Matters.

Thank you.

Daniel J. Zacharias Senior Vice President – Wealth Management

UBS Financial Services Inc. 860 W. Olive Ave. Merced, CA 95348

(P) 209-723-3911 (D) 209-205-4455 (F) 877-836-8026 www.ubs.com/team/zachariasjaber

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Hill Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 1:26 PM To: cityclerk Subject: Black lives matter

This is absolutely insane! Why doesn’t the City do something about the homeless encampments and crime? To waste tax payers money on a mural is ridiculous! All lives matter and no signage is needed! Quite feeding into the rapid stupidity. Wake up And clean up Merced! Let’s make it a great City and promote new business and help existing to stay in business. Stop this waste!! Sent from my iPhone [NOTICE: This message originated outside of City of Merced ‐‐ DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Natalie Butler Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 1:10 PM Subject: BLM Mural in Merced

Dear City Councilman,

“Black Lives Matter” has nothing to do with representing black voices, and it does its share to impoverish blacks across the country. BLM is a violent, communist organization campaigning to abolish the police, property rights, the US constitution, and the nuclear family.

One of the national leaders said on national television, “If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.” Another has criticized the “psychosis of whiteness,” as though whites had a dangerous defect by birth.

BLM protesters have recently filmed people of other races whom they literally made bow to them in a show of submission. A woman in Indianapolis was killed by a BLM group after saying (imprudently), “white lives matter”. BLM encourages looting while shouting “looting is reparations!” and they excuse violence.

This is a dangerous group whose philosophy should not be supported by the Merced community, its government, or one penny of taxpayer money. A mural dedicated to BLM will cause more division and will be a moral error conducing racial tension and greater chaos.

It is important we recognize the large disconnect between BLM’s objectives and its misleading name, a disconnect they have admitted whenever pressed to speak to it. They do not show remorse for the thousands of innocent black males and females who die in violent neighborhoods each year, they only mind the deaths of those who have attacked the police in murderous rage or made threats.

Finally, it must be said that BLM does not represent most black people, but is a fringe voice. BLM’s central plank is to abolish the police. In a recent Gallup poll of 36,400 respondents, researchers found that 81% of black respondents disapproved of any reduction in policing, and blacks had the highest support for additional police resources of any group.

Reject this mural and put in its place a message of unity.

Sincerely, Natalie Butler Merced, CA

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Cely Hess Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 12:51 PM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM

To whom it may concern,

I just want to voice my concern over the BLM mural that will be voted on Monday. I am opposed to having this Mural on the streets of Merced. BLM Donations are being put into ACT BLUE which is the Democratic National Party. I do not think that city should stay neutral. I feel that this will divide us be race and party even more so than we are now. We want to see an inviting downtown for everyone, not just the democratic party. All lives matter. The town needs more business downtown not less and this will definitely cause people to stay away from the downtown area. BLM is associated with riots, looting and violence. We do not need that in our town.

Thank You, Cely Hess

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Rachel Barnell Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 12:50 PM To: cityclerk Subject: Street Mural

To whom it may concern,

I do not support the street mural for Black Lives Matter. I feel it is divisive and doesn’t properly reflect our values as a multi‐cultural community.

Thank you for your time, Rachel Barnell

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: JOHN PROPES Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 12:27 PM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM Mural

ALL OF OUR LIVES matter here in Merced! Let’s not descend Merced into a partisan, political sideshow. Black lives matter. Brown lives matter. White lives matter. Yellow lives matter. Blue lives matter. Unborn lives matter. YOUR LIFE MATTERS. I encourage you to spend public resources fixing potholes, or planting trees, or addressing the massive piles of trash that has become our new “normal,” or doing a myriad of other “city government” responsibilities that affect our quality of life. Don’t draw battle lines across Merced. We are better than this. As a TAXPAYER, I oppose this decision. It does not reflect my beliefs and it shouldn’t be painted in public roadways.

J. Andrew Propes, DDS Merced.

Sent from my iPhone [NOTICE: This message originated outside of City of Merced ‐‐ DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Wendy Auldridge < Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 12:15 PM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM Graffiti Proposal

Dear Merced City Council,

I would like to express my utmost opposition toward even your consideration of a BLM street mural in our city!! Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group which in its name provokes racism!

Approving graffiti such as this is of no benefit to our multicultural community. All cultures and ethnicities matter here! We have close to 300,000 people in our county if not more and over 20 nonprofit groups that give back to our community. Our citizens will not benefit or be enriched by this. Painting streets with “BLM” has incited and provoked violence in every other city that has allowed this. By approving this graffiti, which is illegal in our city, encourages a division amongst our community! As stated above our citizens will not benefit or be enriched by this graffiti!

Having lived in this county my entire life, I've watched it grow and become a place that people want to move to and settle down. We should concentrate and honor all races here and we should put our efforts into something positive right now to bring our community together during these hard times. NOT START DIVISION :(

Sincerely Concerned, Mrs. Wendy Auldridge

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: James Hall Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 12:07 PM To: cityclerk Subject: No BLM Mural

Dear City Council,

“Black Lives Matter” is the deceptive title of an organization having nothing to do with preserving or flourishing black lives. As I’ll show, it has nothing to do with representing black voices, and it does its share to immiserate blacks across the country. BLM, it must be said, is a violent, Marxist organization campaigning to abolish the police, property rights, the US constitution, and the nuclear family.

One of the three national leaders has said on national television, “If this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.” Another has criticized the “psychosis of whiteness,” as though whites had a dangerous defect by birth that required a straitjacket and a syringe.

BLM protesters have travelled cities requiring other races to bow to them in a show of submission. A woman in Indianapolis was killed by a BLM group after saying, however unadvisedly, “white lives matter.” BLM encourages looting (“looting is reparations!” they shout to the horde) and they excuse violence (when mentioned at all, New York’s 330% increase in shootings is a gently excused as an “uptick”; their concern for victims is wholly selective).

This is a dangerous group and philosophy that cannot be supported by the community, its government, or one dime of tax money. A mural dedicated to BLM is divisive and a moral error conducing racial tension and greater chaos. The only defence of BLM is its misdirecting moniker. Judging BLM by its slogan is the same error as judging a book by its cover. The PR has nothing to do with the substance.

It’s important to notice the clean disconnect between BLM’s objectives and its misleading name, a disconnect they’ve admitted whenever pressed on it. They have no remorse for the thousands of black innocents who die in violent neighborhoods each year, they only mind the deaths of a dozen or so ne’er-do-wells who have almost always attacked the police in murderous rage or made threats with a pretend gun.

The substantial misallocation of concern reminds me of a line by a wonderful Scottish author, Josephine Tey: “You and all your crowd who are for ever adopting good-for-nothings and championing them against the world. You wouldn't put out a finger to keep a hard-working little man from going down the drain, but let an old lag [be killed for his violence] and your sobs can be heard in Antarctica.” The decent people across the country who live in fear of terrible violence are owed the greatest measure of your compassion.

Finally, it must be said that BLM does not represent black people, but is a fringe voice. BLM’s central plank is to abolish the police. In a recent Gallup poll of 36,400 respondents, researchers found that 81% of black respondents disapproved of any reduction in policing, and blacks had the highest support for additional police resources of any group.

I cannot be brought to vote for someone easily swayed by bad actors hiding their wolfish movements in the sheepish clothes of sentimentality. Reject this mural and put in its place a message of unity and shared history.

Sincerely, James Harold Hall Professor at UC Merced

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Ginger Rocha Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 11:31 AM To: cityclerk Subject: City council Meeting Aug 17th BLM concern

To all merced city council members I'm writing this email to let my voice be heard regarding the BLM mural issue

1. BLM is a stated Marxist group. 2. We should honor ALL races. 3. Painting streets with "BLM" has provoked violence in every other city that has allowed this. 4. Our citizens will not benefit or be enriched by this racist graffiti 5. Approving this graffiti, which is ILLEGAL in our city, opens us up to being forced to allow all other street painting (graffiti)

Please consider denying this issue completely or putting this issue on the ballot so all citizens can get the chance to vote on this matter. Thank you for your time. Ginger Ryel

‐‐ Ginger Rocha HomeNet Realty Merced, Ca 95340

DRE #01755096

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 12:34 AM To: cityclerk Subject: Black Lives Matter proposed mural

I believe saying "Black Lives Matter" does not mean other lives do not matter. Rather, it emphasizes that racism still exists and that fact needs to be acknowledged.

What causes a problem with a "Black Lives Matter" mural is that there is an actual organization with that name that was formed by avowed Marxists. It has called for the killing of police officers and has been involved in civic unrest and violence across the nation.

When I go to Merced to shop, to eat, to go to a movie,etc, I do not want to face a mural that reminds me of the iron fist of Marxism that has murdered millions of people across the world.

Racism does need to be removed from the hearts and souls where it resides. I believe many who saw the searched out whatever racism existed within themselves and rejected it in horror and remorse. Sadly, this opportunity for healing is being hijacked by the Marxist Black Lives Matter organization and the Antifa groups‐‐ seemingly intent on destroying this opportunity and our nation.

Personally, I do not like large murals of faces; but if anyone is to be honored by a mural in Merced, it should be Officer Stephan Gray. He gave his life to protect Mercedians and is a credit to his fellow police officers and to his black heritage.

Doris Avilla Merced

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Erika Phillips Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 10:15 PM Subject: Vote NO on the BLM Mural

Dear Merced City Council‐

I recently learned that you will be voting on creating a BLM mural in downtown Merced and was appalled to read your misinformed statements regarding support of this mural in a recent Sun Star article. I am writing to urge you NOT to vote for this mural. The BLM movement does not support what I believe the city and citizens of Merced hold as core values. BLM campaigns on platforms to abolish the police that protect our city and dismantle the nuclear family‐‐the core of society. They show little support to the black man and woman in general but great distrust but strong belief in the annihilation of the "state." Do you really want to support a group that would destroy you wholly if given the opportunity?

The BLM organization does not even reflect a majority of black opinion. Gallup recently found that 81% of Blacks do not support less police presence which opposes BLM's main platform.

I believe adding this mural to the city will only increase divisiveness within our community and waste precious public money that can and should be used in better ways to support families, children, and businesses struggling in light of recent economic distress of the COVID 19 pandemic.

BLM murals across the country and within the state of California have and continue to be defaced. Will we spend more money to constantly repair a mural in Merced if this happens here?

My final concern lies in the support of other organizations. If you support this mural, will you show equal preference to opposing parties? Will you allow a MAGA mural? A stop sex trafficking mural? A white supremist mural?

A vote for this mural will end NO vote for you come re-election time. Reject this mural and put in its place a message of unity and shared history.

Sincerely, Erika Johnston

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Veronica Franey Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 3:27 PM To: cityclerk Subject: Discussion,Black lives matter

Sent from my iPadTo all Council Members andMayor Mike Murphy, I wish to address the discussion about the proposed Black Lives Matter mural. I understand it is on the agenda for Mon. 17th of Aug. I think we all agree that Black lives do matter, however I must go farther than that! I strongly believe that ALL LIVES MATTER!! We must fight for and treat all lives with respect, dignity and provide the utmost care and safety for all lives from the moment of CONCEPTION TILL THEIR NATURAL DEATH ! Right now across this country the unborn are under constant attack through legalized abortion! They too need Protection! These babies in the womb and their mothers and dads need to be publicly recognized and shown the dignity and safety as much as any other group of persons.

 My suggestion is if a mural is to be put up showing respect for the human being, let us include all of them. Born, Unborn, Black, White, Yellow, Brown, Old, Young , Students, Parents and the BABY in the womb!!!

Sincerely, Veronica Franey. Merced resident for 52 years District 3

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Keyser, David Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 10:08 AM To: cityclerk Subject: RE:

So you make me do it eh? It's a test message:


‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: cityclerk Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 10:04 AM To: Keyser, David Subject: FW:

Not sure what this is and didn't want to open it.

‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐

Sent: Monday, August 10, 2020 1:57 PM To: cityclerk Subject:

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Sandi Scholl Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 9:17 AM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM MURAL

To whom it may Concern:

In regards to the BLM Mural I feel this is wrong. ALL LIVES MATTER!!! It does not benefit our citizens of Merced. Painting streets with BLM has done nothing but provoke violence in other cities and, I feel it would do the same here in Merced If anything,we should honour all lives, Veterans ,Police Officers Sheriffs,Black,White,Brown, blue or green etc because as I’ve stated before “ALL LIVES MATTER” I don’t see people as colour, I see people as people I fell this would just cause violence and rioting in our city Please consider my voice

Warm Regards Sandi Woolstenhulme‐Scholl A concerned citizen

Sent from AOL Mobile Mail Get the new AOL app: mail.mobile.aol.com

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Anthony Limon Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2020 5:23 PM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM Mural

To our Merced city council and staff

On behalf of my family. We ask that you as a whole, oppose the BLM Mural proposed in downtown Merced. In these trying times we ask that city officials find a way to unite our mixed race community as a whole without favoritism towarde any On race or group.

Sincerely, Anthony Limon

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Donna Bradley Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2020 4:23 PM To: cityclerk Subject: Comments for Upcoming Council Meeting

Dear Mayor Murphy and City Council Members:

I write this letter in opposition to the proposed BLM graphic/mural being considered for downtown Merced. Before you vote on this matter, I URGE you to research what BLM (Black Lives Matter) really is, and what you will be supporting if you vote to have a BLM graphic painted on any of our streets or buildings. By supporting BLM, you’re not supporting black people. BLM is a movement, an organization, and it has chapters you can join. By painting “BLM” on our streets you’re saying you’re supporting the organization and their agenda, not that you support black people. If you research the BLM founders, you will find that some of them are admitted marxists. And, if you look at cities that have allowed these paintings, you’ll find this has provoked violence in every city that has allowed this.

I don’t support murals or paintings of ANY kind on public streets or buildings. Over time they become dirty, faded and damaged, which in turn just makes them look like dirty graffiti. This doesn’t make the downtown area, nor any area, of any city look appealing or somewhere you’d like to spend time. There are other ways that time and money should be spent to beautify our town instead of a BLM mural or any other mural.

Our city is very diverse, and many cultures of people reside here. There are other ways to support a culture besides paintings that support a particular organization. With some creativity, I’m sure our community can come up with other ways to show public support for our black brothers and sisters during these times other than a BLM painting. Before you vote on this issue, let me ask you this: Are you going to paint murals every time an organization asks you to support their cause in the future?

In closing, I ask you to please do your research before voting and consider the impact of your decision on future requests from other groups. Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely, A Concerned Citizen

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Kelly Roseman Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2020 7:00 PM To: cityclerk Subject: Proposed BLM mural

Dear Sir/Madam This communication is to give my opinion and concern regarding the proposed BLM mural on city property. BLM advocates violence towards law enforcement officers and is a known Marxist group, by their own admission. Please research and read their “mission” and see why this mural should not be approved. Our town may have its issues but, approval of something like this will certainly create division on a completely different level. Thank you for doing what is best for ALL of Merced by not approving this proposed mural.

Kelly Roseman Merced resident since 1980

Sent from my iPhone [NOTICE: This message originated outside of City of Merced ‐‐ DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Nathan Miller Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2020 4:44 PM To: cityclerk; Murphy, Mike; Murphy, Mike; Martinez, Anthony; Echevarria, Fernando; McLeod, Jill; Blake, Kevin; Serratto, Matthew; Shelton, Delray Subject: BLM Mural - OPPOSE

To Whom It May Concern:

After reading an article regarding the proposal before our City Council to paint a mural of "Black Lives Matter" near Bob Hart Square in Downtown Merced I am writing to let it be known that I OPPOSE and REJECT the idea entirely.

I am a local business owner and member of the community and believe that painting "Black Lives Matter" is NOT a symbol of unity or hope that inspires improved community cooperation. It is a slogan espoused by a group that seeks to tear apart our society and punish those that voice their own opinions. It seeks to create a racial divide in a community that will lead to lawless behavior and increased dysfunction.

If we, The City of Merced, want to paint a 400ft mural that represents our beliefs and brings the community together we should certainly choose a different message than "Black Lives Matter". It is personally offensive to me and many people in the community that I know. Please do your research on what that movement means. What are their goals for our community? They are very forward in expressing how they seek to destroy values that many of us hold.

Please consider the alternative slogans if you feel we must express some message at this time. If we allow a political statement of "Black Lives Matter" to be painted on our streets we will then be flooded with requests for other political messages to be painted on the streets of Merced. How would we feel if other political agendas representing unelected groups were sprawled across our city? This will hurt business in our city and give us a reputation that will deter future investors from helping to grow and strengthen our community. LArger cities that have been plagued by riots and violence are quickly losing companies and their tax dollars because businesses hate uncertainty. Businesses will not invest in a city that shows itself to be partisan and biased towards a political agenda.

Alternative Options are:


Or another uplifting and inspiring message.

Thank you,

Nathan Miller

‐‐ Nathan Miller, DDS Precision Family Dentistry

1 [email protected]

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2 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Alyssa Reynolds Sent: Monday, August 10, 2020 12:12 PM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM Mural

To whom it may concern,

Myself along with many other Mercedians oppose the action of creating a BLM Mural in our town, as it does not benefit our citizens in Merced. BLM is a stated Marxist group, & we need to honor ALL races, not just one race.

Please make the right decision & continue trying to keep Merced GRAFFITI FREE as racist graffiti would promote more people to graffiti our town more so than it already is.

Warmest regards,

Alyssa Reynolds-Giardina

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Steven Donahue Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2020 9:15 PM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM street painting

People Forgot about the politics of this. That yellow paint is slick as All get out when wet. Ever hit a double yellow line in the rain. Going east on 16th street and making a left turn across that stuff and it's all over but the crash. Also yellow paint on the road means some kind of caution or hazard. Say I am from out of town and drive up on that. What do I do? What's the caution? Better slam on my brakes! CRASH! I know you have driven West on 16th at sunset. Bad enough with the sun, now add the reflection off that yellow paint. CRASH!! Hope the city has good insurance. This paint is also a hazard to pedestrians when wet. You can still be PC and deny this project for safety reasons.

Thank You Steve Donahue

Merced, Ca

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1 Levesque, Jennifer

From: Tamara Nunes Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2020 2:46 PM To: cityclerk Subject: BLM Mural

To All Council Members,

I respectfully say that you all have lost your everlovin’ minds if you think wasting money on a BLM mural is going help. That singling out a minority group is going to help the climate in this city. You’re saying in essence that we acknowledge you moren tha any other race and that in itself is a problem. It’s inflammatory. Stop while you’re ahead. Take those (soon to be misappropriated) funds and put them towards the trash, filth and unsightly garbage this city is riddled with. Here’s an idea, start with places people used to enjoy going and walking through aka parks and bike paths. Watching a homeless man dump a bucket of what was undoubtedly human waste into Bear Creek the other afternoon is maddening. Clean up this city with those funds. We’ve already honored one of the greatest civil rights leaders with a street name change,t don’ soil that by supporting a terrorist organization like BLM.

Signed, Tamara Nunes [NOTICE: This message originated outside of City of Merced ‐‐ DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

1 From: To: Levesque, Jennifer Subject: BLM mural Date: Monday, August 17, 2020 4:03:27 PM

As a citizen of Merced,I would like to voice my opinion on the proposed BLM mural. WHY! Not only do they promote violence but, have said on national television that they are a Marxist group. Do we really want to support that? I feel that approving this mural would create a problem in our small community that as of now, doesn’t exist. I don’t want to see protests and violence in our streets and I believe that will happen should this be approved.

Sincerely, Vivian Baker Sent from my iPhone [NOTICE: This message originated outside of City of Merced -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]