See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Ferguson Effect pre-print Dataset · February 2016 READS 95 1 author: David C. Pyrooz University of Colorado Boulder 47 PUBLICATIONS 532 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: David C. Pyrooz letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 12 April 2016 WAS THERE A FERGUSON EFFECT ON CRIME RATES IN LARGE U.S. CITIES? David C. Pyrooz* Department of Sociology University of Colorado Boulder Scott H. Decker School of Criminology and Criminal Justice Arizona State University Scott E. Wolfe Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice University of South Carolina John A. Shjarback School of Criminology and Criminal Justice Arizona State University * forthcoming in the Journal of Criminal Justice doi: This is the authors’ pre-print copy of the article. Please download and cite the post-print copy published on the JCJ website (link above) *Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to David C. Pyrooz, Department of Sociology and Institute of Behavioral Science, UCB 483, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, 80309-0483, USA.
[email protected] 1 WAS THERE A FERGUSON EFFECT ON CRIME RATES IN LARGE U.S. CITIES?1 ABSTRACT Purpose: There has been widespread speculation that the events surrounding the shooting death of an unarmed young black man by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri—and a string of similar incidents across the country—have led to increases in crime in the United States.