An End to Antisemitism!

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An End to Antisemitism! Confronting Antisemitism in Modern Media, the Legal and Political Worlds An End to Antisemitism! Edited by Armin Lange, Kerstin Mayerhofer, Dina Porat, and Lawrence H. Schiffman Volume 5 Confronting Antisemitism in Modern Media, the Legal and Political Worlds Edited by Armin Lange, Kerstin Mayerhofer, Dina Porat, and Lawrence H. Schiffman ISBN 978-3-11-058243-7 e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-067196-4 e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-067203-9 DOI https://10.1515/9783110671964 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. For details go to Library of Congress Control Number: 2021931477 Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at © 2021 Armin Lange, Kerstin Mayerhofer, Dina Porat, Lawrence H. Schiffman, published by Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston The book is published with open access at Cover image: Illustration by Tayler Culligan ( With friendly permission of Chicago Booth Review. Printing and binding: CPI books GmbH, Leck TableofContents Preface and Acknowledgements IX LisaJacobs, Armin Lange, and Kerstin Mayerhofer Confronting Antisemitism in Modern Media, the Legal and Political Worlds: Introduction 1 Confronting Antisemitism through Critical Reflection/Approaches Dan Michman The Jews as aProblem for Modern European Political Logic 27 Jan Rathje “Money Rules the World, but Who Rulesthe Money?” Antisemitism in post-Holocaust Conspiracy Ideologies 45 KarinStögner Antisemitism and Intersectional Feminism: StrangeAlliances 69 Andreas Benl Cultural Relativism and Antisemitism:History, Encounters, and Consequences of Ethno-Religious IdentityPoliticsinthe Orientand the West 89 Ljiljana Radonić New Antisemitism and New Media: Leftist Derealization of Islamist “Emancipation” 111 Meir Litvak IslamicRadical Movements and Antisemitism: Between Old and New 133 Stephan Grigat Antisemitic Anti-Zionism: MuslimBrotherhood, Iran, and Hezbollah 149 VI TableofContents Comprehending ContemporaryManifestations of Antisemitism Marc Neugröschel Redemption Online: Antisemitism and Anti-Americanism in Social Media 175 Yochanan Altman, Roman Batko, Mark Davies, and Katarzyna Baliga-Nicholson The Online Trade and Consumption of Jewish Figurines andPictures of Jewish Figures in ContemporaryPoland: An Antisemitic Discourse? 201 Rifat N. Bali Antisemitism in Turkey: ANew Phenomenon or More of the Same? 223 Günther Jikeli Attitudes of Syrian and Iraqi Refugees in Germany toward Jews 239 Matthias Küntzel How to ChallengeIslamic Antisemitism? 269 UriyaShavit “Muslims are the New Jews” in the West: Reflections on Contemporary Parallelisms 283 Alex Feuerherdt The BDS Movement: Why Israel? 307 Activist PerspectivesonCombating Antisemitism Dave Rich Why is the British Left Anti-Israel, and Why Does it Matter? 323 Jeremy Jones Thinking Locally,ActingGlobally 331 André Oboler Solving Antisemitic Hate Speech in Social Media through aGlobalApproach to Local Action 343 TableofContents VII Michael Whine Europe’sUndertakingstoCombat Antisemitism 369 Talia Naamat Are the New Forms of Antisemitism Prohibitedinthe EuropeanLegal Systems? 389 SimoneDinah Hartmann What the EU Should do against Antisemitism: TowardaStrategic Paradigm of Prevention, Containment, and Deterrence 401 Giovanni Quer Antisemitism and the UN 413 Editorial Board 429 List of Contributors 431 Acknowledgements 433 Prefaceand Acknowledgements Extreme right-wingmovementsare no longer the onlyhomefor antisemitism.On the contrary,antisemitism is ever more present in all parts of our society.The un- fathomable tradition of discrimination against Jews, insults,and antisemitic hate crimes is carried out by political,religious, and laygroups from all sides of the political spectrum. Modern media such as TV,internet,and online social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are cauldrons of antisemitic agitation and unconsciouslycontribute to the dissemination of Jew-hatred around the globe. Giventhis unacceptable reality,inFebruary 2018, approximatelyone thou- sand scholars, activists, decision makers,and influencers met in Vienna at the conference “An End to Antisemitism!” Theconference was jointlyorganized by the European JewishCongress,New York University,Tel Aviv University, and the University of Vienna to studyantisemitism with an unprecedented inter- disciplinary breadth and historical depth. Over 150 presenters from all over the world engaged with all forms of antisemitism from avariety of perspectives. The present series, “An End to Antisemitism!,” documents the conference’soutput and research results from various fields. Leading experts in religious studies, his- tory,political studies, social sciences,philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, and culturalstudies shed light onto antisemitic traditions from all theirrespective viewpoints. Together,they help to shape adiscourse of understanding,knowing, and recognizing various forms of antisemitism in order to confront and combat them. One of the aims of the conference “An End to Antisemitism!” was, therefore, to createconcrete policyrecommendations regarding how to effectively combat antisemitism. These have been collected and published in aseparate Catalogue of Policies,¹ adocument of practical impact.They also form one of the basesof the first volume of the present series.² All subsequent volumes are addressed to an academic audience.They document the research leading to these policy rec- ommendations. The present volume focuses on the history of the so-called “New Antisemit- ism.” Itscontributions try to trace the history of transformation of antisemitism after World WarIIand the Shoah and its continuingreshaping.Opposition to A. Lange,A.Muzicant,D.Porat,L.H.Schiffman,M.Weitzman, An End to Antisemitism! ACatalogue of Policies to Combat Antisemitism (Brussels:European Jewish Congress, 2018). A. Lange,K.Mayerhofer,D.Porat,and L. H. Schiffman,eds., Comprehending and Confronting Antisemitism: AMulti-Faceted Approach,vol. 1ofAn End to Antisemitism! (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019). OpenAccess. ©2021Armin Lange, Kerstin Mayerhofer,Dina Porat, LawrenceH.Schiffmann, published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution-NonCommercial- NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. X Prefaceand Acknowledgements Zionismand criticism of the Israeli government,especiallyfrom the Muslim world, are often now the most visiblerepresentations of this new form of antise- mitism.They flourish worldwide and are not restricted to the margins of the po- litical spectrum. The first part of the present volume thus engages with the socio- political,socio-cultural, and socio-economic processes that led to this transfor- mationofJew-hatredand, on the other hand,identifies antisemitic elements that have an age-old tradition and thatare reiterated in new contexts and in anew form. Manifestations of this new form of antisemitism can be encountered first and foremost in modernmedia. The internet and its worldwide accessibility con- tributed vastlytothe spread of global antisemitisminits various forms. The sec- ond part of the volume thus provides some examples of how modern media serveasoutletsofsocial, political,and economic discontent that is reflected back upon the Jews and oftenconflated with age-old stereotypes, narratives, and conspiracy theories. The last part,finally, presents our readers with ideas and proposals to strategicallyconfront and, possibly, counteract Jew-hatred, both on an individual and aglobal socio-political level supported by internation- al and intergovernmental organizations. Each of these three parts is preceded by ashort overview of its articles that bringstogetherdifferent strands of the over- archingtopic of the transformation of antisemitism and manifestations of its var- ious new forms. Ageneral introduction to the volume brings together theoretical aspectsand historical theories of “New Antisemitism” that form the basis for the understanding of this new form of Jew-hatredand its subsequent manifestations both on- and offline, in both Muslim and Western societies. Aproject like this volume, and the whole series, surelycannot be completed without the assistance of other individuals.Therefore, we would liketoexpress our deepest gratitude to alist of people who have supported us in shapingthis volume and bringing it to life. First,wewould like to give awordofthanks to all our colleagues who have contributed to the present volume. Their research documents avastinterdiscipli- narity of fieldswhich makes not onlythe present volume but the completeseries “An End to Antisemitism!” an unparalleledpublication. We are grateful to De Gruyter Publishers for accepting our five-volume series of conference proceedingsfor publication. The support that Albrecht Döhnert, Sophie Wagenhofer,and Alice Merozgaveusinpreparingthese mammothpro- ceedings for publication has been exemplary.The same gratitude is due to Anna Cwikla. As with volumes one and two, she has made an enormous effort in proof- reading, copyediting,and English stylizing. The other editors are especiallygrateful to Kerstin Mayerhofer for again tak- ing the lead in editing our proceedings. Her commitment has been unparalleled Preface and Acknowledgements XI and without her,neither
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