
Zivilgesellschaftlicher Dialog – ein Ausweg aus „frozen conflicts“?

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Lehrstuhl für die Geschichte Aserbaidschan, Humboldt Universität zu , laden wir am 29. November 2011 zum Vortrag und zur Filmdiskussion von Georgij Vanyan und Luiza Pogosyan - Caucasus Center of Peace Making Initiatives ein.

Ausführliche Informationen zu dem Caucasus Center of Peace Making Initiatives finden Sie im Anhang. Informationen zum Film:

Open up the border, documentary, 2007, DVD, 77’ The exhibition commemorated all the victims of conflicts in the South Caucasus was opened in as a composition of works which are created by young painters from , and Georgia during Mikheil Iashvili’s Master-class in 2006. Throughout “Peacemaking Team” project implemented by the Caucasus Center of Peacemaking Initiatives this exhibition travelled to and 10 regions of Armenia, and later to Stepanakert and all districts of Nagorno . A 45-hour duration footage is shot during the trips. In addition to the videotape recording of the meeting, separate interviews were also held. Based on the conducted interviews, a documentary is created, which deals with our perception and understanding of our relations with Azerbaijan, also, the importance and intensity of conflicts existing between us and our diversity of opinions and approaches. The film goes beyond the frames of an ordinary reporting about the meetings on geography and chronology. It presents a sequence of portraits, of histories about various people. The monologues are arranged around the main idea, namely, a dispute and discrepancies in opinions inside the Armenian Society. The film depicts our passive state, our escape from problems, our helplessness to change something, absurdity of our conflict and about the fact that many years of isolation are perceived by us as the only possible way of avoiding war. Each of us speaking about Armenian-Azerbaijan relations raises the alarm – it is impossible to continue living this way.

Zeit: Dienstag, 29. November 2011, um 18 Uhr c.t. Ort: Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, Raum 0109, 10117 Berlin