
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

APOLLO 11 LANDING: 50th Anniversary

Credit: NASA Legacy of the 11

Looking Back Fifty Years about 4.5 billion years ago, so these samples have dust accumulation on the experiment packages taught us about the Moon’s early history. proved to be lower than predicted. When , , and Michael Collins • Lunar Ranging : cube-shaped mirrors first embarked on their journey to the Moon on July 16, that reflect pulses directly back to ; the 1969, no human had ever set foot on another celestial light travel time measures the Moon’s distance with body. Armstrong and Aldrin made the first human high accuracy and helps calibrate the scale of the footprints on the Moon on July 20, landing safely in Mare . This experiment is still in use today. Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility) on the side of the Moon that we see from Earth. The two remained within about 100 meters (around 300 feet) of the and spent approximately two and a half hours outside Eagle, collecting rock and soil samples and setting up science experiments while Collins orbited above in the .

Revolution in Lunar Science After the astronauts splashed down in the Pacific Ocean on July 24, carrying rock and soil samples, 50 m we entered a new scientific era. At the time, little was Apollo 11 crew: Commander Neil Armstrong, Command Module known about the history and composition of Earth’s Pilot Michael Collins, and Lunar Module Pilot Buzz Aldrin. The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera’s view of the Apollo Credit: NASA nearest celestial neighbor. For the first time in history, 11 landing site. The dark paths around the Lunar Module (LM), scientists could analyze samples from another world. Lunar Ranging Retroreflector (LRRR), and Passive Seismic This allowed them to determine the age, composition, Surface Experiments Experiment Package (PSEP), are remnants of the astronauts’ first steps. Credit: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University and other properties of the Moon and to learn more The Apollo 11 astronauts deployed a small set of about the solar system itself. experiments during their short time on the lunar surface. Apollo 11 was a landmark step in our exploration of the The Solar Wind Composition Experiment collected Moon. The subsequent Apollo missions added 360 Returned Samples particles of the solar wind (electrically charged particles kilograms (794 pounds) to the sample total along with emitted by the Sun), allowing the chemical composition The astronauts collected 21.7 kilograms (47.8 pounds) of additional sophisticated science experiments. Scientists of the solar wind to be measured. The Early Apollo samples which later revealed a wealth of information. continue to analyze the preserved samples and collected Scientific Experiments Package (EASEP) consisted of data with the most up-to-date tools. Since the Apollo era, • The lunar maria (the dark patches one sees when three experiments. Along with two solar panels to NASA has continued to explore the Moon with robotic looking at the Moon) are ancient volcanic lava flows. provide power, an antenna and communications system , is currently conducting science at the Moon • Early in its history, the Moon was nearly completely to send data to Earth ground stations and receive (with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and ARTEMIS), molten, covered in a layer of liquid rock. Since this commands, EASEP was composed of the following: and is planning a return to the lunar surface. discovery, the notion of an early “magma ocean” has • Passive Seismic Experiment Package: detected lunar been applied to all the rocky planets. “moonquakes” and demonstrated the feasibility of For More Information •The volcanic samples collected by Apollo 11 are old • lunar seismic exploration. https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/apollo/missions/ – roughly 3.6 billion years old. The Moon formed • Lunar Dust Detector: measured dust accumulation apollo11.html • and radiation damage to the solar cells; the natural https://www.lpi.usra.edu/lunar/missions/apollo/apollo_11/ www..gov LG-2019-1-316-GSFC