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Remarks on the 25Th Anniversary of Deadline

Remarks on the 25Th Anniversary of Deadline

1530 July 20 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1994

some agreement together to bring these two he referred to Raoul Ce´dras, leader of the Haitian objectives into fruition. military. A tape was not available for verification Q. What about the October deadline that of the content of these remarks. Mr. Gray was talking about? Mr. Gray seemed to be indicating that there was a Remarks on the 25th Anniversary of deadline. Is there a—— the 11 Landing President Clinton. We don’t have a spe- cific deadline. What he said was that he ex- July 20, 1994 pected that democracy would be returned to Thank you very much, Mr. Vice President, Haiti before the end of the year but that our Members of Congress, veterans of the Apollo policy has no specific deadline. program, the friends of the space program [At this point, one group of reporters left the in America, and most of all, to those whom room, and another group entered.] we honor here today. Just a day before he died, President Ken- Panama nedy compared our space program to a boy President Clinton. Let me say to all of who comes upon a wall in an orchard. The you, I want to welcome the President-elect wall is tall. It looks insurmountable, but the of Panama here and congratulate Mr. Perez boy is curious about what lies on the other Balladares on his election victory and on the side. So he throws his cap over the wall, and successful transition to democracy and to ex- then he has no choice but to go after it. press my appreciation for his interest in exer- Twenty-five years ago today, our Nation, cising a leadership role at the Summit of the represented by these three brave men, made Americas, which will be held at the end of that climb. And so, today we are gathered this year in Miami, and particularly his inter- to celebrate their voyage and, I honestly est in the whole question of doing more in hope, to recommit ourselves to their spirit a cooperative way on the problems of money of discovery. , , laundering and drug trafficking. I think that , and Michael Collins were our there are many things we can do together. guides for the wondrous, the unimaginable I am very encouraged about the possibility at that time, the true handiwork of God. They of a genuine partnership, and I’m looking for- realized the dreams of a nation. They fulfilled ward to our first meeting. an American destiny. They taught us that nothing is impossible if we set our sights high Haiti enough. Q. Mr. President, the situation in Panama, Today we’re honored to have them and people are concerned about the Haiti situa- all the other Apollo who are here tion, which Panama later on may be getting with us. For every American who followed involved in that. What is the position of the your journey, especially for those of us who Government in terms of that? were young on that fateful day 25 years ago, President Clinton. Well, we are, as you and for the young Americans who still dream know, determined to see that the people who dreams of a future in space, we thank you have illegally taken power in Haiti leave all. there. They agreed to leave last year. They Looking back on that mission, one thing broke their agreement, and we are pushing is clear that we ought to remember today. forward at the United Nations and in con- It wasn’t easy. The ship to the heavens meas- sultation with our allies and the friends of ured just 13 feet in diameter. The destination democracy throughout the Caribbean and was 3 days and a world away. On the third Central America and South America to fur- day as the tiny module descended to the ther that goal. And we’ll do what we can to Moon, it came dangerously close to a crash keep pushing it. We have strong sanctions landing—that happens around here all the in effect now, and we’re going forward. time—[laughter]—but Neil Armstrong took over the controls from the computer and NOTE: The President spoke at 12:09 p.m. in the landed safely. Man had not been rendered Oval Office at the White House. In his remarks, obsolete by the mechanical, and that hasn’t

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happened yet. Not long after that when he the Vice President and Dan Goldin and a stepped on the Moon, Mr. Armstrong lot of other people burned up the phone lines marked the outer limit of the human experi- before the House vote. ment with those simple words, ‘‘One small Let me say that we’ve fought a lot of bat- step for man, one giant leap for mankind.’’ tles for the future around here in the last These men and the other astronauts who 18 , and sometimes it seems that the came before and after have helped us to step most important ones are decided by the nar- into another world right here on . rowest of margins. The economic plan passed They’ve shown us that we can harness the by a vote. The assault weapons ban passed technology of space in areas from the econ- by two votes. Last year the space station sur- omy to the environment, to education, to in- vived by the vote of a single Member of the formation and technology. The products and House of Representatives who changed his knowledge that grew out of our space mis- mind on the way down the aisle. But this sions has changed our way of life forever and year, thanks to the common endeavors of all for the better. And in our quest we have re- of us and thanks to the promise of coopera- learned a sense of confidence that has always tion with Russia and with other nations, the been an essential ingredient of our American House of Representatives voted to fund the dream. Today, that journey continues. Our space station by 122 votes, a bipartisan com- commitment to the space program is strong mitment to America’s future. and unwavering. The best way to honor these I thank the Members of the Senate who men and all the others who have helped it are here today who are pushing for passage. so much is to continue that quest. I know they won’t miss this great opportunity Many have risked their lives and some which is coming on them very soon. I thank have given their lives so that we could go you, Senator Mikulski, and all the other forward. Today I ask that we remember, es- Members of the Senate who are here, for pecially, the crews of and the Chal- the work that will be done in the Senate. lenger. On this day of celebration we must As we work toward building a better world, never forget the deep debt we owe to those we also have to preserve the one we’ve got brave Americans. And our thoughts should here. of the was the also be with their families and their loved first to see the entire Earth at a glance. He ones, for the sacrifice they have given helped said it looked like a fragile ‘‘little Christmas to bring us all to new horizons. tree ornament against an infinite backdrop Our space explorations today are impor- of space, the only color in the whole universe tant models for cooperation in the new post- we could see. It seemed so very finite.’’ Well, cold-war world. The Vice President de- because we are so very finite, our responsibil- scribed that eloquently a moment ago. ity to our planet must not be limited. That’s Sergei’s mission was an important first step why NASA’s Mission to Planet Earth is also toward full Russian partnership in what must a very important part of our future in space. be our next great mission, the international We have to continue to monitor the global space station. This permanent orbiting space environment from space and to act on what laboratory, to be built with help from 14 na- we learn. tions, will hasten discoveries in fields from Above all, let us never forget that all this the environment to medicine, to computers. work is about renewing our hopes and the We should also remember that the space sta- hopes of generations to come, about the abil- tion holds great promise for us here at home, ity of Americans and the ability of human as it strengthens our largest export sector, beings everywhere to conquer the seemingly aerospace technology. impossible. I don’t think anybody can look All these reasons explain why the House at the faces of these young people here with has fully funded already the space station. us today, and we ought to take a little while I want to thank many people who are respon- and look at them and welcome them here, sible for that bipartisan victory, but let me without seeing again in their eyes dreams mention especially George Brown, Lou that those of us who are older could not have Stokes, Bob Walker, and Jerry Lewis. I know dreamed. The explorations we continue in

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space are clear evidence to them that they late the president and vice president of Girls will grow up in exciting times without limits; Nation, Laura Fernandez and Amanda times that demand their imagination, their Plumb. vision, their courage; times that will reward Thirty-one years ago I came to the White them, too, for believing in themselves and House for the first time as a delegate to Boys their possibilities. Nation. It was part of a memorable I One of our Young Astronauts, 13-year-old will never forget. We met President Kennedy Wayne Gusman from New Orleans, sees a here. We got to see a number of members future where being an will be like, of the Cabinet. There was an eager anticipa- and I quote, ‘‘driving a car; everyone will do tion in 1963 of the Presidential election that it.’’ That’s a great dream. But that and our most people assumed would occur in the next other dreams are clearly the natural exten- year. And I think it’s fair to say that most sions of the space program which began a of us who went home from that experience generation ago, the direct descendants of the were inspired in one way or another to pur- dreams of the three men we are here to sue a career in public service, more than they honor today. We can get there. ever had been before. And I have seen that No one who was alive then will ever forget happen year in and year out to young boys where they were as Michael Collins traveled and young girls who come through the Amer- his solitary vigil around the Moon and Neil ican Legion Boys State and Girls State pro- Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed that tiny grams to Girls Nation and to Boys Nation. craft on the surface. The world was cap- The Secretary of State of Wyoming, Kathy tivated not only by the risk and the daring, Karpan, now a candidate for Governor out although they were risking and daring, they there, is an alumni of this program. There were captivated because the landing meant will be more and more opportunities in na- again that the human experiment in conquer- tional politics for young women in the years ing new and uncharted worlds was reborn. ahead. We now have seven women in the In that sense it was not an end but a begin- President’s Cabinet, more than twice as ning. many women as have ever served in the Cabi- So to you gentlemen, we say: For your net of a President at one time, and have ap- valor, your courage, your pioneering spirit, pointed a record number of women Federal and for being here today to remind us again judges and other women to important posi- that all things are possible, we are deeply in tions. By the time you’re old enough to be your debt. standing here there will probably be a Thank you very much. woman standing up here as President saying, ‘‘Well, I’ve done a pretty good job appointing NOTE: The President spoke at 2:50 p.m. in the men to my cabinet. [Laughter] I’m up to five East Room at the White House. In his remarks, and looking for some more qualified people he referred to Sergei Krikalev, Russian cosmonaut who flew aboard the space shuttle Discovery in to serve.’’ February. But as you go through life, whatever you do, I hope you’ll always be involved in public service. And always remember that as an Remarks to the American Legion American citizen in the world’s oldest and Girls Nation most successful continuous democracy, July 21, 1994 there’s always an obligation to be involved in fighting for the future. And the only way Thank you very much. I want to welcome to preserve the greatest traditions and values the delegates from Girls Nation and all the of this country is to make sure that we get staff here. I would like to begin by congratu- to that future. lating Molly Spearman on being named the I have done my best here to make this National Girls Nation director this year. She bewildering time of change seem more is a State representative from South Carolina, friendly to the American people and, at the I understand, so that’s a very good thing to same time, to help us together to rebuild do. [Laughter] I would also like to congratu- many of our traditional institutions that are

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