
Mount Tambora Case Study

20/10/2020 In silence 1. Get out your Equipment 2. 2. Write down and underline the title and date 3. Complete the In and On

In and On: Highest scoring single word wins. Must be about change! (can reuse letters) Mount Tambora Case Study

Learning objectives

• To Locate Mt Tambora. • To build a case study on its eruption • To explain the impact it had on the world’s climate Mount Tambora Case Study

What we learnt last lesson was how natural causes of climate change occur. One of which was the ash clouds from volcanic eruptions blocking the suns heat. One of the most famous examples of this is Mount Tambora, 1815. An eruption so big it change the global climate.

The impacts around the globe were so bad, the following year came to be known as the ‘’ Task: As this was such an Location: Sketch: important eruption you are going to make a fact file highlighting the impact it had on the world. It will have a The Eruption: climate change focus of course! It needs to have detail, not just one sentence answers.

It must include: Effects:

• A location of Mt Tambora • Info on the eruption • The effects of the eruption around the world. Remember: G = Where is it globally? N = What country is it in? R = What is it near (seas, countries etc.) Use compass directions to describe. ‘East of’ ‘it lies south of’ Mount Tambora Case Study

Task: Use the information sheet and this slide to complete the rest of the fact file. Don’t forget to add in VIP words.

Income, infrastructure, Effects: quality of life and many more… A volcanic Lowering global temperatures Lack of sun caused crops to fail Mt Tamora is a large . It Starvation has steep sides and thick slow Looting and robbery flowing . When it erupted in 1815, Flooding it was the largest eruption in history! Unusual snow storms At Home: Answer Quiz: Mt Tambora these questions in your book 1. What collection of Islands is Mt Tambora located in? 2. What year did it erupt? 3. What was the following year nicknamed as? 4. Why did crops fail so badly? 5. What did neighbouring islands think the noise of the was? 6. What invention may have been inspired by the difficulty of travelling by horse? 7. How many degrees did the global temperature drop? 8. Why were homes collapsing? 9. Why were farmers being robbed of what they could grow? 10.Which book took inspiration from the climate in ‘the year with no summer’? Quiz: Mt Tambora

1. What collection of Islands is Mt Tambora located in? 2. What year did it erupt? 1815 3. What was the following year nicknamed as? ‘the year with no summer’ 4. Why did crops fail so badly? Frost and lack of sunshine 5. What did neighbouring islands think the noise of the volcano was? Cannon fire 6. What invention may have been inspired by the difficulty of travelling by horse? The bicycle 7. How many degrees did the global temperature drop? 3 degrees 8. Why were homes collapsing? A thick layer of ash was too heavy 9. Why were farmers being robbed of what they could grow? Food was so expensive people were forced to steal. 10.Which book took inspiration from the climate in ‘the year with no summer’? Frankestein – Mary Shelley