
The adventurers

Ordinary people – extraordinary adventures

adventurerthe This edition’s intrepid adventurer’s set himself a monster mission in South East Asia

Indonesian explorer: Dan Quinn My challenge is a bit like large cities. But there’s very little in- ’s answer to formation available for approximately in have been spectacular. And climbing all the Munros,” half of the Ribus and others require Tambora on Island’s an says 29-year-old Dan Quinn. rock-climbing skills or jungle treks. amazing place. In 1815, the ““Apart from some of these peaks I’ve completed 35 but I’ve attempted erupted causing some of the worst are so remote they don’t even about 50 altogether. devastation in modern history, much have names and require two-week “The most dangerous was prob- worse than Krakatau (mis-spelt jungle treks in incredibly remote ably getting lost in a thunderstorm ‘’, also in Indonesia). Now at areas with only vague trails, if any on Gunung Sawal in ,” he there’s a vast crater at all.” continues. “People rarely climb the that’s over six kilometres in diameter. Dan’s been living in for mountain as it’s dense tropical forest. It’s great to camp on the edge of it the past couple of years teaching I was alone and there are leopards and think about what happened in English, but it’s what he does in his living there. I followed a river down- that spot less than 200 years ago.” spare time that’s caught our eye. stream and eventually made it back Dan, who’s originally from Indonesia has 222 peaks with 1,000m to the nearest village just after dark. Lancaster, is no stranger to bagging , called My hands were cut to pieces! I’ve also peaks – before he left the UK he’d Ribus, and Dan’s attempting to climb had a few nasty experiences involv- climbed 606 of the Marilyns (hills or 100 of them. ing sulphur gases in active volcano mountains with a prominence of over “It’s proving quite a challenge!” craters.” 150m). And in Indonesia he’s not only he says. “A hundred seemed like a But tough usually means reward- climbing mountains, he’s document- figure that might just be achievable. ing and that’s certainly true here. ing them too. He and his colleague Fifty would be quite straightforward “Some of the sunsets and sunrises Andy have set up GunungBag- as there are plenty near airports or I’ve witnessed on the highest peaks ging.com, a website that lists all of 24 March/April 2011 www.adventuretravelmagazine.co.uk The adventurers

Indonesia’s peaks, both volcanic and “Hiking’s very popular with Indone- non-volcanic, in order of topographic sia students and on Independence Mission statement The mission: To climb 100 ‘Ribus’ – peaks with a prominence. It also offers GPS tracks, Day you’ll probably meet several prominence of over 1,000m in Indonesia photographs and comments from hundred locals with acoustic guitars The adventurer: English teacher Dan Quinn, 29, from hikers who’ve been there already. and instant noodles at the top of Lancaster “We were surprised that nobody any major peak,” Dan continues. Number completed so far: 35 had done either an objective list of “And I’m serious when I say that Expected finish date: 2015! Indonesian peaks or comprehensive Jakarta’s a much safer place than Dan’s health ‘n’ safety rule: Check the status of the hiking website for Indonesia,” Dan London and the people of Indonesia volcano you’re about to climb before you set off says. “There were a few websites in are a lot more welcoming.” Website: www.gunungbagging.com Indonesian but they generally tended So if he’s on 35 Ribus after two to focus on the obvious mountains years, when does he and volcanoes. We want to help think he’ll manage Java’s highest: misty Mount , 3,676m people find out about less well- 100? And what then? known peaks too.” “I’d like complete So why should everyone come the 100 by 2015 so I Ribu-bagging? “The hiking opportu- can try to lead a more nities across the Indonesian archipel- normal existence. But I ago are vast and varied, depending have a feeling it’s going on people’s interests and budgets. to take longer than You could climb five volcanoes in that as it gets harder Java in a week or spend a month and harder to find trekking through remote jungles in accessible new peaks. . Navigating can be very Or that I’ll increase difficult though as there are rarely any the number to 150 or signs, so a guide’s essential. Don’t be something!” ■ surprised to see your guide climbing See Dan and Andy’s in bare feet with nothing other than a website at www. packet of clove cigarettes for stamina! gunungbagging.com.

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