
1/6/17 Newsletter ​

Important Dates: 1/10, 1/11, 1/17, 1/18 Capoiera Artist-in-Residence - see below ​ ​ ​ Tuesday, 1/10, 6:00 School Board/FOWE meeting - childcare provided ​ ​ Wednesday, 1/11, 11:20 Brazilian Common Room lunch - all welcome, menu below ​ ​ Monday, 1/16 No school/Martin Luther King Jr. Day Wednesday, 1/18, 7:00 pm - Culmination of Residency (K-6) ​ Monday, 1/23 No school/inservice Friday, 1/27, 8:10-11:45am Grades 3-6 Flynn trip - travel by bus ​ ​

Dear Weybridge Families,

Welcome back! It is such a pleasure be back together!

Capoeira Artist in Residence-Fabio Fuá Nascimento: We began the Capoeira residency on ​ ​ Wednesday. It was a wonderful way to begin the new year - full of energy! “Invented by ​ ​ Brazilian slaves, the art of capoeira is a complex amalgamation of fight, , and ritual. Considered one of the largest black resistance movements, capoeira was outlawed from 1890 to 1940 in what was the first constitution of the Brazilian Republic. As a forbidden movement, capoeira was practiced in secret until one capoeira master was able to bring it out of its fugitive status. The legendary Mestre Bimba (1900 -1974) invented a new style of capoeira, Capoeira Regional. As its savior, Bimba modernized capoeira and Brazilian President Getulio Vargas recognized him as an educator.” (link to more information) Fabio Fuá Nascimento is deeply ​ ​ committed to sharing the guiding principles of capoiera, its history and the Portuguese language. There are four more days of the residency and a performance the evening of January 18th, 7:00 pm.

Tuesdays (1/10, 1/17) - P.E. class Wednesdays (1/11, 1/18) Music class Performance Wednesday (1/18 or 1/25 snow) - 7:00 pm ​

1 The performance on January 18th will be in place of our traditional Martin Luther King, Jr. commemoration but not in place of our focus throughout January on his legacy and civil rights. We chose to have this residency at this time to expand upon the work done by the 3-6 students with the Middlebury students, as well as to expand upon our understanding of the history and impact of and to develop cultural competence.

Brazilian Common Room lunch - all welcome. ​ Here is the menu for the Brazilian Common Room on Wednesday. If you are interested in joining us, please let Kathy know by the end of the day on Monday. The cost for adults is $3.75, $2.80 for children. ● Pão de queijo (cheese bread) ​ ​ ● Feijoada (slow cooked bean, pork and beef stew) ● Batatinha Em Conserva (marinated potatoes) ● Roasted Carrots & Green Salad ● Dessert: Brigadeiro! (similar to chocolate truffle but made with coconut milk) Alternative: Vegetarian Feijoada

Lost and Found has recently reduced slightly in size, but is still overwhelming. Please come ​ in and look on the table and see if there is anything that belongs to your family. We will leave

2 the table up in the hallway through next week. After that, unclaimed items will be donated to HOPE.

FOWE NEWS ● Please join us for our next FOWE/School Board meeting on Tuesday 1/10 at 6pm. Contact Kathy by Monday morning to arrange for childcare. Our agenda is available here, and the meeting will conclude with an optional discussion of transportation ​ efficiency with the Weybridge Energy Committee. ● Our annual fundraising letter was sent to all homes in Weybridge. We are so grateful for the generosity this letter inspires each year, and hope you’ll keep FOWE in mind for a donation. If you would like us to send a copy of the letter to friends or family outside of Weybridge, please send the mailing address to Kathy. ● Two additional thank-you’s -- to Tata Harper and Stacey Rainey for gathering supplies to help make Gifts for Giving a success!

First Aid, CPR, AED training - Our school nurse, Gina Ciancia, is offering courses in First ​ Aid, CPR, and AED to parents and members of the school community. For more information, please refer to the documents attached here. They will also be posted on our website.

Green Mountain Music District V Festival - This fall, three students from Weybridge ​ ​ auditioned to participate in the Green Mountain Music District V Festival. Nyna Cole and Maddie Crowne sang a prepared round as a duet to be evaluated by judges. Maddie (clarinet, jazz piano) and Ben Seaton (mallet percussion) played intimidating sight-reading examples, memorized scales, prepared solos, and impromptu improvisations to be evaluated by judges in a separate audition. They were all competing with sixth, seventh, and eighth graders from over 60 schools from an area stretching from Vergennes to Rutland. We congratulate them for taking on the challenge and committing to the additional practice time involved!

The results are in: Nyna, Maddie, and Ben have been invited to the festivals at the College of St. Joseph in Rutland. They will be preparing challenging pieces to perform with other students who were accepted into the chorus and symphonic band. You can hear Nyna and Maddie sing on Friday, February 3rd (snow date Saturday, February 4th) and Maddie and Ben will also perform on Friday, March 3rd (snow date Saturday, March 4th). Both concerts will begin at 7:00pm. Be on the lookout for Weybridge alumni as well! Go to www.gmmdv.net for more ​ ​ information. Congratulations to all!

Have a good weekend. Christina

3 FOWE Meeting Agenda Tuesday 01/10/17 6:00 pm

Please call the school by Monday morning if you need childcare.

Friends of Weybridge

● Financial report & requests for funds

● Fundraising letter progress

● Snack program ● Purchase bulk containers? ● Plan a food prep session?

● Next events - - Capoeira Performance 1/18 (1/25 snow date) Any FOWE support needed? - Game Night Friday 1/27 (class parents help organize?) - Book Fair 3/2 + 3/3

● Questions/Other

● Next meeting: 2/14/17