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A Study of Swear Words Used by the Characters in Jojo Moyes : Me Before You

A Study of Swear Words Used by the Characters in Jojo Moyes : Me Before You




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

By Reinildis Agrini Dewi Student Number : 121214150








For nothing will be impossible for God (Luke 1:37)

I dedicate this thesis for my lovely family and my own future




I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 12 July 2017

Reinildis Agrini Dewi 121214150




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A STUDY OF SWEAR WORDS USED BY THE CHARACTERS IN JOJO MOYES : ME BEFORE YOU beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta izin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

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Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal: 12 Juli 2017

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Reinildis Agrini Dewi vi



Dewi, Reinildis Agrini. (2017) A study of of swear words used by the characters in Jojo Moyes : Me Before You. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University In the society, profanity is considered as an unaccepted behavior among people. An example of profanity behavior is swear words utterance. Nowadays many people including students are easily exposed by swear words especially those which appear in media and in written form. Me Before You is a novel which are written by an English author, Jojo Moyes. It was published in 2016. In addition, it is one of best seller literature work in the world. It consists of some swear words in it. The researcher believes that swear words exposure might influence how people think and speak in daily life. This research was conducted in order to gain the information about swear words and why do people swear according to the novel. Therefore, to get the information, the researcher comes up with two research questions: What types of swear words are found and what are the possible reasons for swear words utterances in Me Before You novel? The researcher implemented content analysis to dig out information. First, the researcher selected all swearing expressions in Me Before You novel. sorting and selecting processes, the researcher classified the words into its type based on the combination of Wardhaugh‘s and Hughes‘s theories; they are excretion terms, death terms, body function terms, religious terms, animal terms, and imbecilic terms. Furthermore, she also analyzes reasons for swear words utterances based on Rothwell‘s theory which are to get attention, to discredit someone or something, to provoke, to create interpersonal identification, and also to provide catharsis. As the result, the researcher found 25 different swear words appeared in the novel. Moreover, the total frequency of swear words utterances was 172 times. The most frequent swear words type which appeared in the novel was in term of body function (66 times) and the least was sex (genital) terms. Furthermore, providing catharsis becomes the most frequent reasons to utter swear words (104 times). In other words, swear words are uttered in order to spontaneously release emotion.

Keywords : Swear words, profanity, novel, sociolinguistics




Dewi, Reinildis Agrini. (2017) A study of of swear words used by the characters in Jojo Moyes : Me Before You. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University

Dalam lingkungan sekitar, pengucapan kata-kata tidak senonoh merupakan kebiasaan yang kurang dapat diterima oleh masyarakat.salah satu contoh pengucapan kata tidak senonoh adalah kata-kata dalam bentuk umpatan. Saat ini, masyarakat termasuk para siswa dapat dengan mudah menemukan kata-kata umpatan terlebih kata-kata yang muncul di media terlebih dalam bentuk tulisan. Me Before You adalah sebuah novel yang ditulis oleh seorang penulis Inggris bernama Jojo Moyes. Novel ini diterbitkan pada tahun 2016, dan menjadi salah satu novel dengan penjualan terlaris di dunia. Di dalam novel tersebut terdapat kata-kata umpatan. Peneliti percaya bahwa paparan terhadap kata-kata umpatan dapat memengaruhi cara berpikir dan berbicara masyarakat. Karya ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk menggali informasi mengenai kata-kata umpatan dan alasan di balik pengucapan kata-kata tersebut sesuai dengan konteks novel tersebut. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, maka penulis merangkum dengan membuat 2 rumusan masalah: tipe kata umpatan apa yang muncul dalam novel serta apa alasan dari pengucapan kata-kata umpatan dalam novel Me Before You?. Peneliti menggunakan teknik konten analisis untuk menjawab rumusan masalah tersebut. Pertama, peneliti memilah kata-kata dan ungkapan yang mengandung ungkapan dalam novel tersebut. Selanjutnya peneliti mengelompokkan kata-kata dan ungkapan tersebut ke dalam tipe berdasarkan kombinasi antara teori Wardhaugh dan Hughes: excretion terms, death terms, body function terms, religious terms, animal terms, dan imbecilic terms. Peneliti juga mengelompokkan berdasarkan alasan dibalik pengucapan kata umpatan tersebut berdasarkan teori Rothwell: to get attention, to discredit someone or something, to provoke, to create interpersonal identification, dan juga to provide catharsis. Hasilnya, peneliti menemukan 25 jenis kata umpatan yang berbeda di dalam novel tersebut. Namun jumlah frekuensi keseluruhan dari kata-kata umpatan oleh seluruh karakter adalah 172 kali. Tipe kata umpatan yang paling sering muncul adalah body function terms (66 kali). Sedangkan tipe yang paling sedikit adalah sex term (genital terms). Selanjutnya providing catharsis merupakan alasan yang paling sering digunakan dibalik pengucapan kata umpatan (104 kali). Dengan kata lain karakter dalam novel tersebut mengumpat untuk mengeluarkan atau melegakan perasaan. Kata kunci : kata-kata umpatan, kata-kata tidak senonoh, novel, sosiolinguistik




First of all I want to give my gratitude to my one and only Lord Jesus Christ because of His blessing and grace, I have chance to write and finish my thesis. I also thank Him for guiding me in the whole process of my life.

My grateful thanks also go to my parents Rosa Siti Widyastuti and Petrus Sukamso for being the biggest and greatest supporters during the whole of my life. I also thank for their prayer and trust in every step that I choose. Thank you to my lovely brother Valentinus Tri Askumdana and his wife Arika Marheni for their support and motivation when I felt down in the process of finishing my study.

My sincere gratitude also goes to my former advisor Drs. J.B. Gunawan, M.A. and also my major advisor Carla S. Prabandari, S.Pd., M.Hum. for their patience, attention, guidance, advice, criticism, suggestion, and feedback in the whole process my writing process. I also thank Laurentia Sumarni, S.Pd., M.Trans.St. for being my academic advisor since the beginning of my journey in Sanata Dharma University. My thankfulness also goes to all PBI lecturers and staffs for their humble heart to accompany me during my study.

Furthermore, I give thanks to my best friends Elma, Venny, Agnes, Lintang, Chaco, and Adi for our four-years of friendship and togetherness in this university, through their companion, I know the real meaning of friendship. In addition, I also would like to thank Bunga, Anggi, Ami, Deta, Mona Ika, Chandra, and Ote for their endless support to me. I also want to say thank you to all my friends and communities, PBI E 2012, PSM Cantus Firmus, Kelompok 10 KKN USD LI, PPL SMP N 15 YK for their companion during my study in the university.

Last but not least, I would like to thank the 7th AYD committees especially General Secretary team for motivating and allowing me to use the



secretariat in order to accomplish my work whenever I visited Sanata Dharma University library.

Finally, I thank everyone whose name I cannot mention one by one, who helped and supported me during my thesis writing process. May God bless them.

Reinildis Agrini Dewi




Page TITLE PAGE ...... i APPROVAL PAGES ...... Error! Bookmark not defined. DEDICATION PAGE ...... iv STATEMENT OF WORK‘S ORIGINALITY ...... v LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI...... vi ABSTRACT ...... vii ABSTRAK ...... viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... xi LIST OF TABLES ...... xiii LIST OF APPENDICES ...... xiv CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Research Background...... 1 B. Research Questions ...... 5 C. Research Significance ...... 5 D. Definition of Terms ...... 6 CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ...... 8 A. Theoretical Description ...... 8 1. The Use of Language in the Society...... 8 2. Concept of Taboo Words ...... 10 3. Concept of Swear Words ...... 11 4. Types of Swear Words ...... 12 5. Reasons of Swear Words Utterances ...... 17 B. Theoretical Framework ...... 20 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY ...... 22 A. Research Method ...... 22 B. Source of Data ...... 23 C. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique ...... 24 D. Data Analysis Technique ...... 25 xi


CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ...... 28 A. Types of Swear Words ...... 28 1. Excretion terms ...... 31 2. Death terms ...... 32 3. Body function terms ...... 33 4. Religious terms ...... 35 5. Animal terms ...... 35 7. Imbecilic term ...... 37 B. Reasons of swear words ...... 37 1. To Get Attention ...... 39 2. To Discredit Something or Someone ...... 40 3. To Provoke ...... 43 4. To Create Interpersonal Identification...... 44 5. To Provide Catharsis ...... 45 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...... 50 A. Conclusions ...... 50 B. Recommendations ...... 51 REFERENCES ...... 53 APPENDICES ...... 55




Page Table 3.1 The Format of Table of Types of Swear Words in Me Before You

Novel……………………………………………………………………… 25

Table 3.2 The Format of Table of Reasons of Swear Words in Me Before

You Novel…………………………………………………………………. 25

Table 4.1 List of Words which are appeared in the novel Me Before You………… 48

Table 4.2 Data finding of swear-words type in Me Before You……………………... 49

Table 4.3 Data finding of swear-words reasons in Me Before You...... 57




Page Appendix A…………………………………………………………………… 53 Appendix B…………………………………………………………………… 75





This chapter is aimed to elaborate the background and the reason why the study is conducted. It also elaborates the problems in this study. In this chapter, the researcher divides the explanation into four parts. They are research background, research questions, research significance, and definition of terms.

Research background explains problems and the reasons why the researcher conducts this study. Moreover, in the second part, the researcher formulates two research questions in order to lead discussion of this study. Meanwhile, research significance is written to identify the contribution of the study. Last, in the end of this chapter, the researcher provides definition of terms to make every term that is frequently discussed in this study .

A. Research Background

Everyone in the world has ideas in their mind. In order to show the idea people need to communicate with others. Language is an important medium for communication. By using language, people can share their ideas with others.

According to Fromkin, Blaire, and Collins (2000) when somebody knows a language and another person speaks the same language, they will be able to understand his or her ideas. Furthermore Fromkin, et al. (2000) claim that knowing a language means ―the capacity to produce sounds that signify certain meanings, and to understand or interpret the sound produces by others.‖ People 1


2 can build a group and become a society by conveying their idea and together to find out others‘ ideas. (p.3).‖ On the other hand, language is also an instrument to show a person‘s identity.‖ Chaika (1982 p.2) states that ―people use language to reveal or conceal personal identity, character and background without realizing that they are actually doing so‖. Therefore, by listening and identifying someone‘s language we can identify or understand his or her character. In order to deliver the idea or feeling properly, people emphasize and strengthen certain words and phrases. The high tone of voice and diction of words are used to express the emotion.

There are several ways for people to express their emotion. For example low voice is produced when somebody wants to show hesitation. Meanwhile, strong and bad words are also used to express anger. There are many reasons that cause people to produce bad words. In many occasions, bad words are spoken to show anger or just to make a joke. Bad words are often regarded as impolite and rude way to express the emotion. However, bad words are often uttered as swear words. Jay and Janschewitz (2008) state that swear words can be used in polite and impolite way. Moreover, Jay and Janschweit (2008) also argue that swearing is primarily used to convey emotional meaning. Based on the explanations, swear words are not only considered as an instrument to offend but also to convey emotion. In addition, Allan and Burridge (2006) mention ―taboo arise as social constraints on the individual‘s behavior when it can cause discomfort, harm or injury.‖ (p.1) Therefore, it must be avoided since it can ruin the value of certain culture especially about politeness and manners. People sometimes get offended


3 by swear words utterances, even though the aim of the speaker is to express the proper feeling. Since taboo and swear words are considered as impolite way to deliver message, those taboo words and swear words are avoided or often being censored media.

Swear words production happens every day in the society, for example in social media like twitter. It also occurs in television programs, movies, magazines, and novels. Meanwhile, young people and children are getting more familiar with technology and getting more exposed to media. Men, women, and even children are familiar with swear words that occurred in those media. Hence, there is no limitation for people to use swear words. Swear words are not only spoken in certain country but also every region. It has its own terms that are considered as swearing. Swear words are also spoken in English speaking countries. There are many words that are considered as universal swear words. However, there are differences terms between English variations. The examples of British swear words which often appeared in the movies are bloody hell and holy shit.

Therefore, it might influence how people choose diction in the daily life. Thus, the researcher wants to explore swear words in a novel since people are also getting more familiar with not only spoken but also written swear words form.

Swear words are produced not only in spoken form but also in written form. Taboo and swear words in spoken form can be found in daily conversation, movies, talk show, and any other media that include speech and dialogue. While swear and taboo words in written form appear in magazines, short stories, blog, and also novel. The example of taboo and swear words that are usually found in


4 written form is like shit and hell. Furthermore, taboo words are primarily taken from sexual activities, sexual organs, or dirty things. A novel entitled Me Before

You stated several swear words in the story. For example, a sentence as stated in the novel the story ‘Shit. I‘ve never seen Mum like that’ (p. 796). The word ‗shit‘ is commonly considered as a universal swearing word.

The reasons why the researcher chose a novel entitled Me Before You because it contains swear words in the story. In addition, the novel is also adapted to a film with the same title which also attracts more people to read the novel after watching the movie in order to get more complete story. The characters in the novel entitled Me Before You are men and women who use swear words in the conversation. The swear words in the novel are primarily found in the characters‘ conversation rather than in the description. Besides, the novel became number one

New York Times bestseller novel. Therefore, it might have influence on the readers‘ perspective and language style since many people read Me Before You novel.

The novel tells about Will Traynor, a successful man who is hit by a motorbike and becomes quadriplegic survivor for the rest of his life. He cannot move his body except for his head, thumb, and index finger. Meanwhile Louisa

Clark, Will‘s helper, is also facing difficult situation in her life. Hard times that they have make them express their feeling by producing swear words quite often.

On the other hand, this novel has a great moral value that life is precious even though it is hard. It is very important for the readers to get deeper understanding


5 of swear words in a novel and also additional information about the cultural context of swear-words production.

B. Research Questions

According to background of this study, the researcher formulates two research questions as follow:

1. What types of swear words are found in Me Before You novel?

2. What are the possible reasons for swear words utterances in Me Before You


C. Research Significance

The study hopefully can give contribution for the students in the English

Language Education Study Program in Sanata Dharma University, educational fields in general, Indonesian readers and other researchers.

1. For Students at Educational Fields in English Language Education Study


This study hopefully can be beneficial for students to know further understanding about taboo and swear words. They are expected to know the concept of swear words. Therefore, by understanding the concept well, they will know how swear words utterances impact the society especially in educational area and their students in the future. It also can motivate students to learn more about linguistics especially in sociolinguistic area.



2. For Readers in General

This study hopefully could give deeper understanding to the readers about swear words phenomena that happen either in media like movies, novel and videos or in the real situations.

3. For Future Researchers

The researcher hopes that this study could inspire and give more information for the future studies about taboo and swear words. In addition, this study hopefully could help the next researchers who want to conduct the study in similar area.

D. Definition of Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding in this study, the writer provides definition of several terms that will be frequently appear in this study.

1. Swear Words

Ljung (2011) defines swear words as the use of offensive language especially in anger which are uttered by involving emotive function. Furthermore swear word does not refer to its literal meaning. In this research, swear words are defined as taboo words which are considered as offensive and insulting terms and uttered primarily to express human‘s feeling.

Moreover, Jay and Janschewitz (2008) define swear words as the words which are well suited to express emotion as their primary meanings are connotative. In addition they also explain that the purpose of swearing is to express emotion especially anger and frustration.



2. Characters

According to Abram (1999) Characters are the persons in a dramatic or narrative work who are interpreted by the reader as a person who has moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities. The reader concludes the qualities by the dialogue, and from what the characters are told in the story. In addition, a character in a literature work is described as a person or animal in a book, play, or movie (Oxford Dictionary). Therefore, in this research, characters refer to the people which are mentioned or appeared in the novel. In the case of Me Before

You novel, the characters are Will, Louisa, Camilla, Treena, Josie and some other characters.

3. Me Before You Novel

Me Before You (2016) is a novel that is written by Jojo Moyes, an English author. It tells the readers about Louisa Clark and William Traynor. They are two young people who live in small village in England. The novel has also become number one New York Times best seller novel. Therefore, this novel is very popular.




This chapter provides the review of literature, theoretical, and other studies that are related to this study. This chapter is divided into two parts. The first part is about theoretical description which elaborates the theories and description related to this study. The second part is the theoretical framework which connects the theories to answer every point from each elaboration.

A. Theoretical Description

In this part, the writer uses the theoretical description that is closely related to this study. This section provides a definition of each term. The researcher provides the information about the concept of taboo and swear word, type of swear words and also the purposes of swear words utterances.

1. The Use of Language in the Society

Creatures on earth have their own way to communicate to each other. To be more specific, humans use language to communicate and interact to others, for example verbal language, body, language, and sign language. Perception, education, and society determine how a person thinks. Context, idea, habit and politeness are things which are considered in the surrounding. It is a basic ability to develop relationship among people. The relationship between language and society is explained by Hudson (1996), sociolinguistics as the study of language in relation to the society. In addition, other experts and sociolinguists tried 8


9 obtain information by conducting studies about phenomena of language and society. Therefore, Holmes describes what sociolinguists do (2001) as follows :

Sociolinguists study the relationship between language and society. They are interested in explaining why we speak differently in different social context, and they are concerned with identifying the social functions of language and the way it is used to convey social meaning. Examining the way people use language in different social context provides a wealth of information about the way language works, as well as about the social relationship in a community, and the way people signal aspects of their social identity through their language. (p.1)

In addition, Wardhaugh (2006) describes sociolinguistics by analyzing each word. He describes society as ―a group of people who have certain purposes or purposes. Meanwhile language is what the members of certain society speak.‖

(p.1). Hence, according to the experts, language and society cannot be separated.

They are connected one another.

Language is a part of people‘s identity and social life. Wardhaugh (2006) adds ―identity is constructed from interaction with others and is the result of our socialization‖ (p.7). Language reveals information of the speaker, for example by listening to someone‘s speech, other people will be able to identify where he or she comes from, since language which is spoken by the speaker is also constructed from interaction with society in his or her origin. Thus, language and society have strong connection. Since language is a product of society, it also has impact for the society. Hence, sociolinguistics is studied to see how society and language are connected.



2. Concept of Taboo Words

The main topic of this study is about swear words, while it cannot be separated from what it is called taboo words. Swear words usually come from taboo words that are considered as inappropriate words to be spoken. Allan and

Buridge (2006) point out ―people constantly censor the language they use. We examine politeness and impoliteness as they interact with straight talking‖ (p.1).

Moreover, Lindahl describes ―words that are not supposed to be said or used, often because they are regarded as improper or immoral, or believed to be supernaturally forbidden‖ (2008, p.1). Therefore, according to the description above taboo words are supposed to be avoided. In addition, according to

Anderson, ―western cultures generally take their taboo words and thus swear words from sexual organs, sexual relation, religion, excrement, death, physically or mentally disabled, prostitution, narcotics, and crime‖ (as cited in Karjaleinen,

2002, p. 17). In a simple way taboo words can be described as the words which are avoided and uncomfortable to be discussed. Instead of saying the taboo words directly, the speakers prefer to use other words like poo and pee.

Since taboo is considered to be avoided, some taboo words are implemented in swearing. It is considered as harmful, rude, and embarrassing to be spoken. Karjaleinen (2002) adds :

There are both behavioral taboos, for instance the prohibition against incestuous, relations, and linguistic taboos, for instance the use of swear words. Our behavioral taboos will reflect on our language and with time the actual words that are used to talk about the subject that is considered taboo will themselves become taboo. These taboo words tend to become swear words. (p.16)



Therefore, taboo words that get through the unconscious system would become behave or and also used to express the speaker‘s phrases then it becomes swear words.

3. Concept of Swear Words

In society, swear words sometimes described as the language to insult or offense other people. However, according to Allan and Buridge (2006) the verb swear means to take an oath; make a solemn, declaration, statement, affirmation, promise or undertaking. According to Allan and Buridge description, swear does not always relate to insulting or offensive word. Swearing may deliver emotions like anger more effectively. While in western culture the use of swear words works in relationships and social interactions next (p. 14). It is quite difficult to distinguish swear words and taboo words. Karjaleinen (2002, p. 18) argues a layperson might think that all the use of taboo words or words that refer to taboo is swearing, and although all swear words are taboo, but not all taboo words are swear words. However, Ljung (2011) divides swear words into several criteria.

Those criteria are: swearing is the use of utterances containing taboo words, taboo words are used in swearing do not retain their literal meaning, swearing as formulaic language, swearing is emotional language.

Swear words are influenced by the culture around people. Every region has its own words in swearing. It is supported by Jay and Janschweitz (2006, p.

272) by saying ―sociocultural influences on swearing vary from culture to culture and take some time and experience within a culture to be fully appreciated‖. For


12 instance, American swearing can be different from another English speaking country‘s swearing because of its culture diversity.

4. Types of Swear Words

There are some studies which are conducted about taboo and swear words.

Linguists and experts made group of swear words. In this research, the researcher elaborates types of swear words according to four expert‘s classification. The elaboration of swear words types are elaborated as follows : a. Types of swear words according to Anderson and Trudgill

There are many swear words in the society. The experts conducted the research in the past to investigate and get more information about swear words.

Swear words utterance is sometimes considered offensive toward other people.

The experts and linguists investigate and make swear words into groups.

Anderson and Trudgill (1992) categorize swear words into several types.

1) Expletive Swear Words

First type of swear words is expletive. Anderson and Trudgill (1992) describe expletive swear words as swearing that is not uttered or pointed to other people. On the other hand, the swearing expression functions to show emotion, expression and feeling, for instance happiness, anger, frustration, sadness, excitement and some others expression. It is not meant or to be said directly to other people

As an example, when somebody is very surprised, the person would say

Oh shit! In this context, the word shit does not go to any person around the


13 speaker. The speaker utters the swear words spontaneously to express his or her feeling of surprise.

2) Abusive Swear Words

On the other hand, abusive swear words are the opposite side of expletive swear words. The swear words are aimed and directly spoken to other people to insult or offend other people. This type of swear words is primarily uttered to show anger.

The example of abusive swear word is when someone gets very angry and had argument to something or other person, then directly he or she says fuck you!

You shoud’ve told me earlier! The words are spoken to insult or offend other people because of the speaker‘s anger.

3) Humorous Swear Words

Similar to expletive swear words, humorous swear words are not directly pointed to other people. The purposes of this swear words are to make fun and make the situation more relaxed between the speakers. This type of swear words is usually uttered by those who have close and strong relationship.

The example of humorous swear words is when a boy wears funny costume in front of his friend, and then his friend says hey, it looks like a shit, man! Then both of them are laughing. They laugh because the boy knows that his friend makes jokes by uttering swear word. The word shit functions to make fun of the other speaker.



4) Auxiliary Swear Words

Unlike the previous types of swear words, auxiliary swear words are not related to people or feeling expression. On the other hand, auxiliary swear words have non-significant meaning. Auxiliary swear words are often called as ―lazy word‖. It is used to emphasize or strengthen the other word.

Auxilary swear words do not have certain meaning. For instance, in the sentence it’s fucking great job, the word fucking does not mean to insult. It is uttered only to emphasize the word great. In addition, bloody hell does not have any significance meaning once they are uttered.

. b. Types of Swear Words According to Wardhaugh

Moreover, another expert defines and classifies types of swear words.

Wardhaugh (1986) divides swear words into seven types. The swear words types are elaborated as follows :

1) Excretion

Swear words in excretion type are swear word that is originally from human‘s or excretion system. Human‘s excretion is considered as dirty and impolite. The examples of this type are: shit and piss.

2) Death

The words which are used or uttered to swear are related to places related to the death. The words are represented by place like go to hell or thing that might happen after somebody passes away like damned or damn it.



3) Body Function Term

Hidden parts of body are also used to insult other people or to convey expression. The hidden parts of body are usually considered embarrassing or used to do sexual activity. Ass in American English and arse in British English are primarily uttered to represent this term.

4) Religious Matter

Swearing is not always related to bad business. Religious matter which originally is meant to be good and polite words is also used to swear. Then the words are considered to be bad words. Religious words are usually uttered to express shock or amazement in swearing. The examples of swearing in religious matter are: Jesus! Christ! For God’s sake!

5) Mother in Law

Mother in law is the term to describe woman‘s affair with many men or partners. The examples of this type are slut, bitch, and motherfucker. The words slut and bitch show are considered as woman‘s dirty job or habits.

6) Sex Term

A sexual activity is not supposed to be shown or discussed in the society.

Therefore, in the society a sexual activity is a topic which is embarrassing to be discussed, so it is used to insult or offend other people. The words which are used to swear come from sexual activity. Fuck and cunt are used to swear in English.


16 c. Types of swear words according to Hughes

Besides, as Wardhaugh did, Hughes (1999) also describes that there are five types of swear words based on the meaning of the words. The types are :

1) Genital terms

The first type of Hughes‘s classification is swear words which are formed from genital organs of human body. This type is similar to Wardhaugh‘s sex term of swear-words. It described swear words by human‘s sexual organ or sexual activity terms.

2) Excretory terms

People also swear with excretory system in animal‘s or human‘s life. The function of the use of excretory terms is similar to genital terms. It is regarded to a dirty thing. Moreover, it is also an object that usually avoided by most people.

Therefore, the words which come from excretory system are used to profane others.

3) Animal terms

Some people use animal words to profane others. Human is considered as the cleverest and the smartest creature ever. Thus, the words related to animal are used to offend and to swear. The example for this term is the word bitch. In formal situation bitch. In the formal situation, bitch has the similar meaning like a female dog. Animals are also considered as dirty creatures since the animals live wildly in the nature.



4) Anatomical terms

Anatomy of human and animal is also one of swear words classification.

People use the anatomical terms of the body as swear words. They are regarded as an embarrassing and dirty thing. Thus the anatomical terms are also parts of the body that must be hidden.

5) Imbecilic terms

Imbecilic terms come from the word imbecile which has the same meaning as stupid or idiot. These swear words are linked to disability or low level of intelligence. The examples of imbecilic term swear words are stupid, moron and idiot.

6) General terms

Unlike the other swear words which are classified into its original word,

Hughes (1991) mentioned the last category based on the function of the swear words. In this term, swear words are functioned to add strong emphasis to the following or former words. The example of general terms are fucking crazy! and bloody hell!

5. Reasons of Swear Words Utterances

Swear words utterances are caused by several purposes and reasons.

Therefore, in this research, the researcher elaborates reason of swear words according to two experts. The reason is explained as follows :


18 a. Reason of Swear Words Utterances According to Rothwell

Regarding to the society issues, there are many reasons and purposes behind swear word utterances. The purpose of swear words is primarily to express feelings especially excitement and anger. However there are 5 purposes of swear words utterances which are explained by Rothwell (1973). Those purposes are :

1. To Get Attention

People utter swear words in order to get others‘ attention. Using swear words is considered as having strong power. The speakers also emphasize certain words to be the central of attention. They do the action which in this case is swear words utterances to attract people to look at them or listen to them.

2. To Discredit Someone or Something

By analyzing several types of swear words there is a type which is aimed to insult or offense to others. In this case swear words are spoken to express disappointment. They put high expectation but the reality is in opposite side of their expectation.

3. To Provoke

In most cases, swear words create bad interpretation among the society. By listening to swear words someone gets angry easily. Thus, swear words can cause violation to other people because the hearers are disappointed by swearing they hear.



4. To Create Interpersonal Identification

The next purpose is to create interpersonal identification. Swear words are uttered to identify their colleague or friends in more specific way. However, only close friends or colleague do swearing on this purpose.

5. To Provide Catharsis

The last purpose of swearing is to provide catharsis. It means that the speaker literally wants to show their feeling. Swear words are produced to emphasize the feeling like anger, excitement, frustration, and sadness.

b. Reason of Swear Words Utterances According to Anderson and Trudgill

Furthermore, Anderson and Trudgill describe the reason why people swear. There are three motives why swear words are produced. They are psychological motive, social motive, and linguistic motive.

1. Psychological Motive

The reason why swear words are produced is because people give reaction to phenomena or incident around them. Swearing is considered as a normal reaction toward incident which makes somebody shocked or angry. Ljung adds

―the swear words are not deliberate, but come more as a reflect. In psychological motive, swear words are uttered unconsciously as normal reaction.‖

2. Social Motive

In social motive, Karjaleinen (2002) explains ―social swearing is differ from psychological in that they involve more than one person, as social swearing


20 depends on an audience to have any real function.‖. Therefore, sometimes swear words are uttered to get attention from the society.

3. Linguistic Motive

In linguistic motive, swear words are produced to give emphasize to certain word. They are also used to deliver the message properly and to express amazement or shock. For example in the phrase ‗what the fucking are you doing?‘

The word fucking is applied to emphasize the word ―doing‖.

B. Theoretical Framework

In conclusion, the researcher uses some major theory in order to obtain the result and draw the conclusion. The theory that will be used to conduct this study is related to taboo words, swear words, and the usage of swear words in written form or novel.

Considers the similarity, in order to answer the first research question, the researcher combines Wardhaugh‘s and Hughes‘s theory and classifies swear words into seven types. The two theories have similar explanation of each group.

However the researcher added one type of swear words based on Hughes‘s elaboration. Wardhaugh and Hughes classify the swear words based on the origin of the word. The swear words which are appeared in the novel would be classified into Wardhaugh‘s elaboration: excretion terms or excretory terms in Hughes‘ theory, death term, body function term (anatomical term), religious terms, and sex terms (genital terms). However imbecilic terms and animal terms by Hughes were added to provide more complete classification.



Furthermore, in order to answer the second question, the purposes of the swear words will be analyzed and categorized into Rothwell‘s theories which are to get attention, to discredit someone or something, to provoke, to create interpersonal identification, or to provide catharsis. The purpose and reason will be analyzed by understanding the context and situation of the speakers into

Rothwell‘s classification.




This chapter contains the rationale of the methods and data analysis. This chapter is divided into six parts. The first one is research method. In this part, the writer presents about the method that is going to be used in conducting this study.

The second one is research setting. Research setting describes the time and the place this study is done. The next one is research subject. Research subject discusses further about the subject that is being used in this study. At the end of this chapter, the writer will discuss research procedure further.

A. Research Method

The method that was used in this study is qualitative research. There are eight types of qualitative research according to Ary, Jacob, and Razavieh (2002) they are basic interpretative studies, case studies, document or data analysis, ethnography, grounded theory, historical research, narrative inquiry, and phenomenological studies. However, it was also described that ―document or data analysis focuses on analyzing and interpreting human recorded material to learn about human behavior.‖ (p.29). Furthermore, Cohen et al. (2007, p.475) add that content analysis is the process of summarizing the written data. Therefore, this study deals with description and content analysis. Ary, et al. (2002, p.481) state

―data collection, analysis, and report writing do not occur in distinct steps as is



23 typical in quantitative studies.‖ Since this study deals with document or content analysis, qualitative method were applied to draw the conclusion.

Besides, Ary, et al. (2002) mention there are six steps needed in order to conduct document or data analysis. First step was specifying the phenomena that want to be investigated. After specifying the phenomena, the researcher needed to select the media from which the observations are to be made. The next procedure was formulating exhaustive and mutually exclusive coding categories so that the verbal or symbolic content can be counted. Fourth, the researcher should decide on the sampling plan to be used in order to obtain a representative sample of the documents. Then the research also should train the coders so that they can consistently apply the coding scheme that has been developed and thus contribute to the reliability of the content analysis. Finally, at the end of conducting content analysis, the researcher is analyzing the data itself based on the theory and the coding that have been provided.

B. Source of Data

Me Before You is a novel written by English author named Jojo Moyes.

The setting of the novel is primarily taken in a small village in England. It is published by Penguin Books publisher. Me Before You novel tells the life of a successful young man, Will Traynor that suffers from quadriplegic. He could not move his part of body from the neck below. At the beginning of the story, Will is extremely upset and disappointed with his life, but since his mother hire a cheerful woman to become his care taker his life is changed into a better life. Meanwhile



Will‘s care taker, Louisa Clark does not have an easy life either. She has to work for the Traynors because her father and she were just fired from their previous jobs. After some times, Lou found out that Will wants to commit suicide and he plans to go to ―Dignitas‖, an organization that serves legal suicide in Switzerland.

Lou tries very hard to change Will‘s mind to commit suicide because she realizes that actually she loves Will. However at the end of the story, Will sticks to the plan to go to Switzerland. Will Traynor dies peacefully, and he gives Louisa to access his bank account in order to help Lou chases her dreams.

The researcher found many swear words in the novel. The author wrote several English swear words which are familiarly uttered in England. However, some universal English swear words are also found in the novel. The swear words are primarily produced by the characters as they were important components to deliver the plot of the story.

C. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

In conducting this study, the researcher used human instrument as the main tool or device in order to draw the conclusion. Ary, et al. (2002) state that human can be used as the primary instrument to gather and analyze the data. In this study, the researcher uses qualitative method and human is used as the primary instrument to analyze the data by listening to the dialogues carefully.

Human instrument can describe quantitative and qualitative research. Meanwhile, in qualitative research human is the main instrument to conduct the study. Human


25 instrument in qualitative dealt with human experience and it is important for the study to be examined by flexible instrument.

Moreover, Ary, et al. (2002) explain that in qualitative research, the investigator or researcher was the primary instrument Hence, in order to collect data, the researcher used the table to list down swear words which occurred in the characters‘ monologue and dialogue. Furthermore, the data gathering process was divided into two steps. First, the researcher read the novel as the main document which would be analyzed. Second, the researcher selected sentences and phrases that contained swear words in it.

D. Data Analysis Technique

In order to get the final result, the researcher divided the analysis technique into several procedures. After the researcher read the main source which was Me Before You novel, she specified the sentences and phrases that contained swear words. After specifying process, the researcher analyzed and categorized the data based on the type of swear words according to Anderson and

Trudgill (1992). The words were categorized into expletive, abusive, humorous, or auxiliary swear words. In order to make the classification process easier, the researcher used tables. By putting the script into the table, the swear words would be easier to be seen and analyzed. In addition, the table was aimed to help the researcher to answer the research questions. Therefore, according to Wardhaugh and Hughe‘s classification, the researcher formulated as follows:



Table 3.1 The Format of Table of Types of Swear Words in Me Before You Novel Type Case Page Desc SW Explanation No. E D B R A S I F T

1 8 Lou : ―Will Bloody √ The word you have a bloody is go at arm originally finding this from the bloody arm word blood for me? He‘s had me looking for half an hour and I‘ve got to get ready for work.‖

Moreover, the researcher also formulated a table to classify the reasons of swear words utterances according to Rothwell‘s theory. The table is provided as follows:

Table 3.2 The Format of Table of Reasons of Swear Words in Me Before You Novel

Reason Case Page Desc SW Explanation No. C D P C P A I C I 1 8 Lou : ―Will you Bloody √ have a go at finding this bloody arm arm for me? He‘s had me looking for half an hour and I‘ve got to get ready for work.‖



Abbreviations :

SW = Swear Word CA = to Get Attention E = Excretion terms D = to Discredit D = Death terms P = to Provoke BF = Body Function CII = Create Interpersonal Identification R = Religious terms PC = to Provide Catharsis AT = Animal terms S = Sex terms I = Imbecilic terms

Besides, the researcher also categorized them into purposes behind swear words existence in the novel or the characters‘ aim producing the swear words.

Thus, the researcher classified the swear words based on Rothwell‘s (1973) classification. However, the researcher also used other‘s experts and linguists theories to support and deepen the research analysis. Moreover, in the analyzing process, the researcher involved linguists to validate her analysis.

However, in the analysis process, the researcher found problems in form of multi interpretations, especially in analyzing the reason of swear words utterances.

Therefore, in order to solve the problem, the researcher re-read the whole context of the paragraphs and sentences which create multi interpretations.




In this chapter, the researcher will elaborate and provide the finding of this research. The discussion will be divided into two parts. The first part will discuss the types of swear words which appeared and are written in Me Before You novel.

They are classified into excretion terms, death terms, and body function terms, religious terms, animal terms, sex terms, and also imbecilic terms.

Meanwhile in the second part, the researcher also discusses the reason behind swear-words utterances in Me Before You novel. The reasons of swear words utterances in the novel are classified into the reason to get attention, to discredit someone or something, to provoke, to provide interpersonal identification, and also to provide catharsis.

A. Types of Swear Words

This part is to answer and elaborate about the first research question‘s. The first question is about types of swear-words that occur in Me Before You novel written by Jojo Moyes. In order to answer the first question, the researcher classified the swear words into combination of Wardhaugh and Hughes theory.

There are 172 swear words found in the novel. First, the researcher divided into the frequency. There are 26 variations of swear words found in the novel. The following is the swear words and its frequency.




Table 4.1 List of Words which are appeared in the novel Me Before You

Frequency No Words (times) 1 Death 1 2 Bloody 52 3 Hell 11 4 Fucking/Fuck 10 5 Jesus Christ/Christ 17 6 Bugger 3 7 God/Gosh 14 8 Arse 10 9 Utter dick/Dickhead 1 10 Piss off 8 11 Shit 8 12 Stupid 12 13 Lord 1 14 Idiot 4 15 Cowed 1 16 For Christ/God sake 8 17 Butt 1 18 Insane 2 19 Bullshit 1 20 Bitch 2 21 Suckered 1 22 Mucking up 1 23 Cripple 1 24 Wanky 1 25 Bum 1

As seen in the table above, the most frequent swear words that are found in in the novel is bloody-. The word is usually attached to another word to emphasize the meaning of the following word. However, a phrase might consist of two or more swearing words for example the word bloody hell and bloody stupid.



Furthermore, the researcher provides the data in the table. The following table is formulated based on the combination of Wardhaugh and Hughes‘ theories. on the number of each type, is presented in the table as follows:

Table 4.2 Data finding of swear-words type

Numbers of No Type of SW SW Precentage 1 Excretion terms 20 12% 2 Death terms 12 7% 3 Body function terms 66 38% 4 Religious terms 37 21,5% 5 Animal terms 2 1% 6 Sex terms 10 6% 7 Imbecilic terms 25 14,5% Total 172 100%

There are seven types which are used to put the words into groups, those are excretion terms, death terms, body function terms, religious terms, animal terms, sex terms, and also imbecilic terms. As seen in the table body function terms are the most swear words uttered by the characters in the novel. They are appeared 66 times or 38% percent. It is followed by religious terms which are uttered 37 times or 21,5%. The two terms are followed by imbecilic 25 times

(14.5%), excretion terms which occurred 20 times (12%). However, death term takes 7% and sex terms contribute 6% for each term in the story. In addition, the least number of swear words type is animal term. It only appeared 3 times in the novel.

The researcher found there are 172 swear words written in Me Before You novel. The words are divided into seven categories based on the real meaning of


31 the words as it has been mentioned. The discussion and elaboration of each type are provided as follow :

1. Excretion terms

According to Wardhaugh (1986) human‘s excretion system can be an instrument to offense others and to swear. The example of excretion terms swear- words is shit or shitty. In other word, shit has the same meaning as feces. The following statement is uttered by Louisa. The example of swearing situation

Case: 17

I faced him, my heart thumping. ―your friends got the shitty treatment Fine. They probably deserved it. But I‘m just here day by day trying to do the best job I can. So I would really appreciate it if you didn‘t make my life as unpleasant as you do everyone else‘s‖ (p.64)

The word shit or shitty that is seen in the example above actually means feces.

However in the context Louisa statement, the word shitty treatment means very bad treatment. It happens because William is very angry with his friend, as the effect he becomes very rude to everyone he met at that day. Louisa works as

William‘s caregiver, therefore she is always in the house with Will from early morning until afternoon. Louisa, one of the main characters feels uncomfortable with her situation. Thus she said shitty treatment instead of bad treatment.

Swear words production using excretion system also occurred in another part of the novel. Another example of swear words is provided as follows:

Case: 31

Lou said ―they might sound revolting to you, but astonishingly, Will Traynor, not all girls get dressed just to please men Will said ―Bullshit‖ (p.95)



Swear words production does not only deal with human. It also deals with animal excretion. The example that has been provided above shows that bullshi‘ is an expression of swearing. Literary, bull shit means bull‘s feces. However, bullshit in the conversation above has similar meaning to unbelievable. It is an expression of Will‘s disbelief toward Louisa‘s previous statement.

Furthermore, another example of excretion swear-words also appeared in the novel like piss. It happens when Louisa, William and Nathan had a holiday.

Case: 101

―I think that is a very responsible thing to do. Very civic-minded‖, I (Louisa) agree ―I have always admired Nathan for his selflessness. Especially when it comes to the fairer sex‖ (Will) ―Piss off you two‖ Nathan grinned. (p.351)

Piss literally means urine. What Nathan wanted to say is not related to the urine or excretion system. Piss off in Will‘s, Lou‘s, and Nathan‘s conversation refers to

‗shut up‘ in general. In that setting, Lou and Will are teasing Nathan when Nathan introduce his new girlfriend to them, however, instead of supporting Nathan, Lou and Will tease him in front of his girlfriend. He feels embarrassed and he needs to stop them.

2. Death terms

Death regards to a scary phenomenon. Therefore, many people are afraid of things that is related to death. Many people also use words that are related to life after death. The following statements are the example of death terms that function as swear words.



Case: 18

Oh hell, I thought, as the reality of what I had just done began to sink in. I‘ve really blown it this time. (p.65)

The word hell, in the sentences above does not literally mean the of devil, but it means unpleasant feeling or situation. It is told in the previous description that Louisa had arguments with Will Traynor. Thus, the word ‗hell‘ means unpleasant. It refers to the real hell that is described as the most unpleasant place after death.

3. Body function terms

The third term of the classification is body function term. It appeared the most frequently in the novel, it occurs 66 times. The body function terms as swear words are illustrated in the following statements:

Case: 22

―It‘s not the bloody carrots that upset me. It‘s having them sneaked into my food by a madwoman who addresses the cutlery as Mr. and Mrs. Fork‖ (p.70)

The word bloody carrots is illustrating this type. Meanwhile, the word bloody comes from blood. According to Wardhaugh‘s theory, hidden part of body can be functioned as swear words. However, bloody carrots is not the carrots that covered by blood or bleeding. Instead, it means as bad carrots. It happens when

Lou tries to sneak vegetable into Will‘s food. However, Will knows Louisa‘s trick, then he said bloody carrots to show the protest to Louisa. The following


34 statement is the example of swear words between Louisa and William. According to Oxford dictionary, the word bloody- is occurred in British English (BrE) expression.

However, the other expression that is common in British English has close relation to the sex term. The organ that is used as swear word usually functioned to do sexual activity. The example of the swear word is provided as follows:

Case: 64

―you don‘t have to behave like an arse.‖ (p.64)

In the example above, the word arse is not common in American English style.

American English speakers prefer to use ass rather than arse. Both words have the same meaning. They are part of the body which have a function to sit on.

However, arse in the example above means bad boy or annoying person. It is because Lou feels that Will is being rude to her. Instead of using the word arse,

Lou can say you don’t have to be annoying to replace the swear word.

Meanwhile, another body function that is usually implemented to swear is the genital parts. The example of genital function which occurred in the novel is stated below:

Case: 15

I had a framed photograph at home where I was beaming at Patrick like he had just called him an ―utter dick‖ and he had responded with a hearty ―Oh, piss off!‖ (p.61)



Dick literally means man‘s penis or man‘s private area. It is considered as taboo and slang word in both American and British English. However, in Lou‘s monologue context above, she is not referring to the penis as the human‘s body function but it refers to the feeling of embarrassment. In another word, by its context dick has similar meaning as coward. Once Louisa looked at the picture of her boyfriend then she imagined what happened at that moment.

4. Religious terms

Swear words are not only related to the bad issues. Even though religious term is considered as holy and very good thing, people can use the religious term to swear and sometimes to offend. The use of religious term is illustrated as follows:

Case: 24

―There. You sit there. Don‘t move until it‘s over. Never watched a foreign film. For Christ‘s sake,‖ (p.72) The phrase for Christ’s sake is not necessarily mentioning Jesus Christ in the conversation. Since Jesus Christ is how Christians call their god, therefore it refers to certain religion, in this case Christian. The Christian word is the expression of

Will‘s disbelief toward what Louisa is doing. The expression also can be replaced by I don’t believe it since William really does not really believe that Lou has not watched film with subtitle yet.

5. Animal terms

Animal terms are swear words which describe as a female dog. As it has been mentioned in chapter II, the examples of these terms is bitch. Furthermore,


36 swear words in terms of mother in law only occurred three times in the novel. One of the animal term swear word terms is stated as follows:

Case: 32

―And she will be a little bit cross with him all the time without really knowing why and bitch about him at really awful dinner parties to the embarrassment of their friends, and he won‘t want to leave because he‘ll be scared of all the alimony.‖ (p.105) The statement above is uttered by the main character, Louisa. The word bitch is aimed to mention another character, named Alicia. Alicia is William‘s ex- girlfriend who will marry Rupert, William‘s best friend. In the society bitch is uttered to address a woman who has affair with many guys. Therefore, in this case, the word bitch means a very bad girl or woman.

6. Sex term

In some occasion or condition many people use words which are related to sexual activity to insult others. In the novel Me Before You sex terms also occurred in order to swear or to emphasize certain words and phrases. One example of sex term swear words examples is uttered by Katrina (Treena) in the following dialogue

Case: 51

―I‘m a fucking genius‖ (p.141).

The word fuck itself is described as having sex with somebody. Meanwhile, in the context of Treena and Louisa‘s conversation, fucking functions to emphasize the following word. On the other word, fucking genius means extremely genius or


37 very genius. Furthermore, in the novel Me Before You sex term swear words are found quite often. They are stated 10 times in the novel which the most common word is fuck.

7. Imbecilic term

According to Hughes, imbecilic swear words are described as the inability of someone. On the other word, imbecilic term also refers to the low intelligence term. In the novel, imbecilic terms occur twenty five (25) times. The following is example of imbecilic term in the novel:

Case: 20

She made me feel like a first-class idiot, and consequently I became a first-class idiot around her. (p.68)

The statement above comes from Louisa. She states the word idiot for herself.

Idiot has the similar meaning to fool. It conveys the low level of intelligence. On the other hand, in Louisa‘s monologue the word idiot does not mean the low intelligence. However it means as the silly act (funny act).

B. Reasons of swear words

The second part of this chapter is the elaboration to answer research question number two. Research question number two is about the purpose or reason behind swear–words production in Me Before You novel. Therefore,

Rothwell‘s theory of swear words reason is applied in order to answer the second


38 question. Result of swear words reason in Me Before You novel is provided in the table as follows :

Table 4.2 Data finding of swear-words reasons

Numbers of No Reason of SW SW 1 To get attention 18 2 To discredit 36 3 To provoke 13 To provide interpersonal 4 identification 8 5 To provide catharsis 104

As it is seen in the table above, there are five reasons of swear words according to Rothwell, that are used as the instrument to answer question number two. The reason of swear-words production in the novel is divided into the reason to get attention of people, to discredit someone or something, to provoke others, to provide interpersonal identification, and also to provide catharsis. As seen in the table most of the characters are swearing to provide catharsis. Swear words production in order to provide catharsis occurred 104 times out of 172 swear words. Meanwhile, the other reasons are divided into the purpose of discrediting someone or something (36 times), followed by the purpose to get attention of others (13 times), to provoke or invite response occurred (13 times), and the last is for providing interpersonal identification (8 times).



1. To Get Attention

The first reason of swear words production in the novel Me Before You is to get attention from the society. Furthermore, Rothwell (1973) mention that the speaker usually emphasize certain words in order to become the center of the attention. In the novel Me Before You swear words utterances among the characters are written eighteen (18) times. The following case is the example of swear words utterances to create society‘s attention:

Case: 6

―She didn‘t say he couldn‘t talk, Mum.‖ I couldn‘t actually remember what Mrs. Traynor had said. I was still vaguely in shock at actually having been a given job. ―Maybe he talks through one of those devices. Like that scientist bloke. The one on The Simpsons.‖ ―Bugger,‖ said Thomas ―Nope,‖ said Dad (p.30)

The word bugger is swear word which is quite common among British

English speaker. Meanwhile in Oxford dictionary bugger is described as an offensive word to insult somebody, especially a man to show anger or dislike.

However in the dialogue above, the swear word comes from Thomas, Treena‘s little boy. The whole family is busy doing the morning routine and they are discussing about how Louisa will deal with her new job, Thomas suddenly said the bugger. He said it because he wants to get the grown-ups attention since they are very busy and discussing. The following dialogue which is uttered by Louisa‘s


40 father also shows the reader that the family is surprised then suddenly pay attention to what he says.

Case: 82 One-a big, bluff man with a cigar- seemed not to know what to say when he was actually there in front of Will, and settled for ―Bloody nice wedding, wasn‘t it? Thought the bride looked splendid‖. I guessed he hadn‘t known Alicia‘s romantic history. (p.286-287) The dialogue above happened between a stranger and William which is told by

Louisa. They are attending Rupert‘s and Alicia‘s wedding. The swear word is uttered when a stranger comes and tries to have discussion with William. In addition, the phrase seemed not to know what to say when he was actually there in front of Will shows that swear word is functioned to get William‘s attention in order to open discussion with him.

2. To Discredit Something or Someone

The second reason of swear words utterances in Rothwell‘s theory is to discredit someone or something. In the whole story the reason to discredit someone or something is quite common to occur. In addition, to discredit is also interpreted into paying less respect to something or someone. In the novel Me

Before You, the characters, Louisa, Treena, and William sometimes swear to discredit someone and even something. Here are few dialogues which describe swear words utterances to discredit someone or something:

Case: 3

―Three months‖ Dad exploded, as my mother thrust a cup of sweet tea into my hands. ―Well, that‘s a big of him, given she‘s worked like a ruddy Trojan in that place for the last six years.‖



―Bernard.‖ Mum shot him a warning look, nodding toward Thomas. My parents minded him after school every day until Treena finished work. ―What the hell is she supposed to do now? He could have given her more than a day‘s bloody notice.‖ ―Well… She‘ll just have to get another job.‖ ―There are no bloody jobs, Josie. You know that as well as I do. We‘re in the middle of a bloody recession.‖ (p.12)

The word hell and bloody describe how Bernard (Louisa‘s father) underestimates and discredits Louisa‘s ability. In the story it is told that Louisa just comes back home and tell her family that she loses her job. Her father becomes a little bit angry because the family is depending on Louisa‘s wage to support their life. Bernard does not trust Louisa since he thinks that his daughter does not have any special skill to get another better job. Thus, the expression

What the hell is she supposed to do now and there are no bloody jobs, Josie are written because Bernard discredit or being disrespects to Louisa‘s ability and skill.

Case: 9

Just talk to him, for crying out loud. Of course he‘s miserable. He‘s stuck in a bloody wheelchair. And you‘re probably being useless. Just talk to him. Get to know him. What‘s the worst that can happen? (p.43) The swear word is uttered by Treena, Louisa‘s sister. By stating He’s stuck in a bloody wheelchair she thinks that wheelchair is a symbol of weakness. Therefore, the word bloody is added because she wants to discredit the wheelchair. People who sit in the wheelchair refer to the people who are not able to do something.



Case: 19

I had no idea what most of inhabitants of Granta House thought of me. Will was unreadable. To Nathan, I was, I suspected, just the latest in a long line of hired caregivers. He was friendly enough but a bit detached. I got the feeling he wasn‘t convinced I was going to be there for long. Mr. Traynor nodded at me politely when we passed in the hall, occasionally asking me how the traffic was, or whether I had settled in all right. I‘m not sure he would have recognized me if he‘d been introduced to me in another setting. But to Mrs. Traynor- oh Lord- to Mrs. Traynor I was apparently the stupidest and the most irresponsible person on the planet.(p. 67) In case 20, it is explicitly stated that Louisa is insecure about how William‘s family thinks about her. She could not see her good side in their eyes. Therefore,

Louisa swears in order to discredit herself especially when she thinks about how

Mrs. Traynor looks at her.

Case: 30

―Jesus Christ.‖ I took another breath (p.94) The conversation happens between Louisa and William. It is described that previously William asked Louisa to entertain him. Louisa agrees and she directly sings a ―Molahonkey Song‖. However, William feels that she is not a good singer. It is proven in the following page, he said and you are a God-awful singer. I hope your dad was better‘ (p.95).William also adds tell me something else. Something that doesn’t involve singing. From William statements, we can identify that he discredits Louisa‘s ability to sing a good song.



Furthermore, this reason appears quite often on the novel. According to data, the reason of to discredit someone or something in Me Before You novel were found 43 times or 25 percent. This reason is the second most reason for swear words utterances in the novel.

3. To Provoke

The next reason to swear according to Rothwell is to provoke other people. As we know that uttering swear words is mostly considered offensive or profane. Therefore, in the social life, people are supposed to use swear words carefully so it does not cause any problems to others and not provoke them to do worse thing. However, in the novel, the characters sometimes use swear words to provoke another character. The reasons to provoke others occurred 13 times. The example of swear words utterances to provoke other is stated in the following reading:

Case: 34 ―You know you don‘t dress like someone from around here. I quite look forward to seeing what insane combination you‘re going to turn up in next.‖ (p. 108) In the novel it is told that Louisa has unusual taste of fashion, that somehow other people around her find it weird. In case 36, William is mocking

Louisa for her ―unique‖ fashion. The word insane is not a nice word to describe how Louisa dressed. The way William conveys his joke or his critics toward

Louisa‘s dress is supposed to invite her reaction. From the whole context it is told that William is trying to tease Lou by mocking her. He wants to trigger Louisa‘s reaction (anger) by telling bad thing about her taste of fashion.



Case: 12

―Bloody man seems to work twenty-four hours a day and expects everyone else to do the same.‖ You could hear the man‘s palpable relieve at having found a topic he was comfortable with. ―You know the old Yank work ethic- no more long lunches, no smutty jokes- Will, I tell you. The whole atmosphere of the place has changed.‖ (p.55)

The dialogue is uttered by Rupert, William‘s best friend who will marry his ex-girlfriend. Seeing deeper in case 12, Rupert tells William what is happening in their office. They worked in the same office before Will suffers from paralysis. The way Rupert tells the update of the company make William uncomfortable. It is implicitly stated that Rupert is telling William that the office or the company is getting better during Will‘s absence.

4. To Create Interpersonal Identification

Swear word utterances are not only the way to express anger or bad emotion, it is also described as a word to show and express good things. Creating interpersonal identification is described as a purpose to show strong relationship between the speakers. The speakers produce swear words to build or to show close relationship. The purpose of swear word in order to create interpersonal identification occurred only 8 times. The example of swear words production to create interpersonal identification is stated as follows:



Case: 45

―Shut up. Not for you idiot girl. They‘ll have their own money. And he‘s probably got a shedload of insurance of the accident. Well, you tell them that you want a budget and then you used that money, and use the—what was it?—four months you‘ve got left and you change Will Traynor‘s mind.‖ (p.140)

The word idiot does not mean that Treena wants to offend Louisa. The swear word only shows to the reader that Louisa and Katrina are sisters who are really close to each other. They are discussing about asking money from the Traynors in order to change Will‘s mind to commit suicide. Louisa does not agree with Treena since she does not want to ask any money or burden the Traynors. However,

Katrina is really excited to give her opinion and suggestion to Louisa since she knows that Louisa really loves Will. The word idiot girl is Treena‘s effort to persuade her beloved sister.

5. To Provide Catharsis

The most frequently reason in swear words production is to provide catharsis. It occurs 103 times of all reasons in the novel Me Before You. Uttering swear words is spontaneous reaction to release emotion. In addition, swearing is the instrument to provide catharsis or to emphasize certain feelings like anger, excitement, frustration, etc. Here is the example of swearing to provide catharsis.

Case: 91

She studied me. She was wearing her thinking face. There is nothing more terrifying than my sister‘s thinking face when it is trained directly on you. ―Oh, Shit.‖



―Don‘t …‖ ―So this is interesting,‖ she said. ―I know.‖ I dropped my arms ―You want a job. So that… ― (p.314)

The previous statement happens between Treena (Lou‘s sister) and Louisa. Swear word is uttered to show Treena‘s amazement toward Louisa for her passion to take care of a quadriplegic man. In the monologue, Louisa wonders if her sister is studying her for her choice to look after Will. In addition, Treena‘s statement so this is interesting after she uttered the swear words is explicitly indicating her amazement.

Unpredictable situation also can cause someone to utter swear words. The words represent the speakers‘ surprise feeling through the situation. The following example is the situation that causes Louisa to swear

The rip was growing. I could see it creeping inexorably up my thigh. At this rate, by the time I stood up I would look like a Vegas showgirl. (p.25)

The situation tells that Louisa is in the middle of interview session with Mrs.

Traynor and suddenly her skirt is ripped. She is so surprised that she did not expect it to happen. Therefore, as seen in case number 5, she says oh hell, I thought by her heart. In addition, in the interview session, Louisa finds that Mrs.

Traynor very intimidating. Thus, she expresses her feeling by producing bad words like hell.



Case: 10

Treena said nothing then, just looked at me for a while. She got up and glanced out the door, as if checking whether there was anybody on the landing. ―I‘m thinking of going back to college,‖ she said finally. It took my brain a few seconds to register this change of track. ―Oh my God,‖ I said.‖But—― (p.46) The sentences above tell the reader that Louisa does not expect Treena to go back to college; meanwhile Louisa‘s family is in difficult situation where her father is not able to support her family. She also thinks about Thomas, Treena‘s son. She is surprised to hear that news and disagree with it. Therefore, the swear word in this context is aimed to convey emotions spontaneously such as surprise feeling.

Case: 14

―Who says it would be pity? You‘d be still the same person underneath.‖ ―No, I wouldn‘t. I wouldn‘t be anything like the same person.‖ He wrinkled his nose. ―I wouldn‘t want to live. Relying on other people for every little thing. Having strangers wiping your arse—Jesus. Think of all the things you couldn‘t do…‖ (p.60) The conversation happens between Louisa and her boyfriend, Patrick.

Louisa is asking for Patrick‘s opinion about William‘s condition. He expresses his disagreement toward Louisa‘s opinion. He also imagines what will happen if he is in William‘s shoe. Swearing words functioned convey his feeling of agreement and sadness.

Case: 16



―You thought you knew best. Everyone thinks they know what I need. Let’s put the bloody photos together. Give the poor invalid something to look at. I don‘t want to have those bloody pictures staring at me every time I‘m stuck in my bed until someone comes and bloody well gets me out again. Okay? Do you think you can get your head around that?‖ (p.63)

In the previous paragraph it is clearly stated that William messes all the photographs in his room. He is angry because Alicia and Rupert told him that they are going to get married. Moreover, after the photographs, Louisa tried to fix them up. Unfortunately William doesn‘t like the thing that Lou has done. He is really mad and expresses it spontaneously by uttering swear word to Louisa.

Case: 36

―What about my hair?‖ he said ―You really want me to cut it?‖ ―You might as well.‖ ―I thought you didn‘t trust me.‖ He shrugged, as far as he could. It was the smallest movement of his shoulders. ―if it will stop you moaning at me for a couple of weeks I figure it‘s a small price to pay.‖ ―Oh my God, your mum is going to be so delighted,‖ (p.112) In the conversation and description above, it is explicitly stated that Louisa is very happy since William allows her to cut his hair and shave his beard. Furthermore, she is also very excited about knowing that Mrs.Traynor will be happy for what he has done to Will‘s hair and beard.

However, there are several cases of swear word utterances which belong to more than one reason. Multiple reasons of swear words utterances happened because the story did not explicitly stated its purpose. For example in case 11, it


49 belongs to these two reasons: to get attention and to provide catharsis. Alicia wants to get William‘s attention, however it is also uttered in order to emphasize the word cold. There are three cases which have multiple reasons; they are case number 11, 74, and case number 80.




This chapter is divided into two parts. The first part is the conclusion of the study which has been discussed in the previous chapter. Moreover as the closing remark of this study, the researcher provide suggestion and recommendation in the second part.

A. Conclusions

Based on the discussion in chapter IV, there are two conclusions in this research. The first conclusion deals with the result of swear words type in the novel, while the second conclusion deals with the conclusion and result of the reason behind swear word utterances.

In order to answer the first research question, it is concluded that body function term is the most frequent swear words occurred in the novel. The characters use body function term such as bloody, and arse the swear words are uttered by all characters. The least uttered swearing type which is uttered are sex term. Sex term is not the favorite term to swear in the novel Me Before You.

Furthermore, to answer the second research question, the researcher found that the most frequent reason to swear is to provide catharsis. The characters simply spontaneously utter or say the bad words. Mostly they swear because they are surprised and they want to show/convey their emotion especially anger. It can



51 be concluded that the swear words in the novel are mainly functioned to convey and release emotion. On the contrary the least reason behind swear words utterances is to create interpersonal identification.

B. Recommendations

The researcher realizes that this research is not perfect yet. Therefore, the researcher wants to give recommendation and suggestion for the researchers and people who are interested in the same topic. This research deals with swearing words in the novel.

1. For English Language Study Program students and teachers

Swearing and swear words cannot be separated from human‘s life, especially in the globalization era. People are always exposed by swear word utterances. This study is hopefully beneficial for students and language teacher to get deeper understanding about swear words and enrich their knowledge phenomena of swearing in daily life

2. For future researchers

For the future researchers, the subject of this study is a novel that means one-way communication where the readers can only interpret the meaning personally. Consequently, the researcher somehow finds the real purpose of swear words utterances still vague.



The researcher suggests the next researchers who are interested in the same topic to focus on the real situation in society by using a case study or phenomenology. The future researchers also can do deeper analysis by conducting research using interview method in order to dig out more elaboration.




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The Types of Swear Words Utterances in Me Before You novel


Table of Swear Words Type Type Explanation No Page Description SW E D B R A S I F T 1 3 Mick shakes his head ―no sir, not death √ unless you‘ve got an inflatable attachment. Or a death wish‖ 2 8 Lou :‖will you have a go at finding Bloody arm √ this bloody arm for me? He‘s had me looking for half an hour and I‘ve got to get ready for work‖ 3 12 Bernard :‖What the hell is she Hell √ supposed to do now? He could have Bloody jobs √ given her more than a day‘s bloody Bloody √ notice recessions Bernard :‖There are no bloody jobs, Fecking √ Josie. You know that as well as I do. We‘re in the middle of a bloody recessions‖ Bernard :‖Oh, fecking marvelous… ‗Louisa Clark is very good at buttering toast, and a dab hand with the old teapot‖



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 5 25 Monologue : Oh hell, I thought. Hell √ 6 30 Thomas : ―Bugger,‖ Bugger √ 7 32 Bernard : ―I bet you, once you slide Bugger √ those feet of yours under the table at the big house those buggers won‘t want to let you go.‖ Thomas : ―Bugger,‖ 8 36 Monologue : Oh God, I thought. God √ 9 43 Treen : ―Just talk to him, for crying Bloody √ out loud. Of course he‘s miserable. wheel-chair He‘s stuck in a bloody wheelchair. And you‘re….‖ 10 46 Lou : ―Oh my God,‖ I said. ―But-― God √ 11 54 Alicia : ―Gosh, it‘s cold outside‖ Gosh √ 12 55 Rupert : ―Bloody man seems to Bloody man √ work twenty-four hours a day and God √ expects everyone else to do the same.‖

Will : ―Oh God, yes. Presenteeism writ large. Sometimes I feel like I daren‘t leave my chair‖ 13 58 Lou‘s monologue : Oh God, please God √ don‘t let him have hurt himself



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 15 61 Lou ‗s monologue : I had a framed Utter dick √ photograph at home where I was Piss off √ beaming at Patrick like he had just called him an ―utter dick‖ and he had responded with a hearty ―Oh, piss off!‖. 16 63 Will : ―You thought you knew best. Bloody well √ Everyone thinks the know what I need. Let’s put the bloody photos together. Give the poor invalid something to look at. I don‘t want to have those bloody pictures staring at me every time I‘m stuck in my bed until someone comes and bloody well gets me out again. Okay? Do you think you can get your head around that?



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 18 65 Lou‘s monologue‘s : Oh hell, I Hell √ thought, as the reality of what I had just done began to sink in 19 67 Lou‘s monologue : But to Mrs. Lord √ Traynor – oh Lord—to Mrs. Stupidest √ Traynor I was apparently the stupidest and most irresponsible person on the planet 20 68 Lou‘s monologue : She made me Idiot √ feel like a first-class idiot, and consequently I became a first-class idiot around her. 21 69 Will : ―Why the hell are you trying Hell √ to sneak the carrots onto my fork?‖ Stupid √ Cowed √ Lou‘s monologue : It was pretty stupid when he put it like that. But I had learned it was important not to look cowed by anything Will said or did.



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 23 71 Lou‘s monologue : I thought of Bloody- √ Will telling me if I didn‘t stop Butt √ bloody whistling he‘d be forced to run me over.

Nathan : ―You just make sure you‘re the butt of more of his jokes, okay?‖ 24 72 Will : ―Everything after local Bloody- √ bloody Hero has been a foreign For Christ‘s √ film. D‘you think Hollywood is a sake suburb of Birmingham?‖

Will : ―There. You sit there. Don‘t move until it‘s over. Never watched a foreign film. For Christ‘s sake,‖ 25 73 Will : ―Oh, for Christ‘s sake. It‘s For Christ‘s √ hardly a state secret, your social sake life, is it?‖ 26 77 Lou‘s monologue : It may sound Stupid √ studpid, but I couldn‘t help but laugh.



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 28 84 Will : ―Jesus,‖ Jesus √ Bloody √ Will : ―Your hands are bloody freezing.‖ 29 87 Nathan : ―Jesus. All morning? Jesus √ Didn‘t you know he can‘t regulate Bloody √ his own temperature?‖

Nathan : ―It‘s in the bloody folder. Look Will doesn‘t sweat like we do. In fact he doesn‘t sweat at all from the point of his injury downward. It means if he gets a slight chill his temperature gauge goes haywire. Go find the fan. We‘ll move that in there until he cools down. And a damp towel, to put around the back of his neck. We won‘t be able to get him to a doctor until the snow stops. Bloody agency nurse. They should have picked this up in the morning.‖ 30 94 Will : ―Jesus Christ.‖ Jesus Christ √



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 32 105 Lou : ―And she will be a little bit Bitch √ cross with him all the time without really knowing why and bitch about him at really awful dinner parties to the embarrassment of their friends, and he won‘t want to leave because he‘ll be scared of all the alimony.‖ 33 106 Lou :‖—weekend or where they Suckered √ went on a jolly and feel like somehow—and he will never be quite sure how—he got suckered.‖ 34 108 Will : ―You know, you don‘t dress Insane √ like someone from around here. I Christ √ quite look forward to seeing what insane combination you‘re going to turn up in next.‖

Will : ―There‘s nothing wrong with it per se. But… Christ. It‘s not exactly dynamic, is it?—―



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 36 112 Lou : ―Oh my God, your mum is Oh my God √ going to be so delighted.‖ Mucking up √

Lou‘s monologue : -- even though all my attention was actually focused on not mucking up his hair. Finally, I had the worst of it off, and whipped around in front of him to see how he looked. 37 116 Georgina : ―I can‘t believe you‘re Bloody- √ even agreeing to it. What about your religion? What about everything you‘ve done? What was the point in you even bloody saving him the last time?‖ 38 120 Camila‘s monologue : After Will‘s God √ accident I didn‘t garden for a year. It wasn‘t just the time, although the endless hours spent at the hospital, the time spent to-ing and fro-ing in the car, the meetings—Oh God, the meetings—took up so much of it. I took six months‘ compassionate leave—



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 40 131 Neighbour : ―You must have Bloody √ thought I was bloody stupid. She stupid was wearing your T-shirt! The one Bloody √ I had made for your birthday!‖ Scotch eggs

Neighbour : ―I went in for your bloody Scotch eggs! And I don‘t even like Scotch eggs‖ 41 132 ―You crazy bitch‖ crazy bitch √ √ 43 138 Lou : ―We‘ve all got to stick at jobs Bloody √ we hate just so little Katrina can ambitions fulfill her bloody ambitions.‖ Bloody √ lecture Lou : ―Don‘t you dare bloody Piss off √ lecture me about the money, you know.‖

Lou : ―Just piss off, Treen, okay? Just piss off and leave me .‖



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 45 140 Treena : ―Fuck. I can‘t even get my Fuck √ head around it.‖ Idiot girl √

Treena : ―Shut up. Not for you idiot girl. They‘ll have their own money. And he‘s probably got a shedload of insurance of the accident. Well, you tell them that you want a budget-- 47 147 Treena : ―That‘s not the point. Bloody hell √ √ Bloody hell, it‘s cold up here.‖ 48 148 Treena : ―What, because you want Jesus √ to take him on a few crummy days out? Jesus. They should be grateful someone‘s making the effort. It‘s not like they are.‖ 49 149 Treena : ―Well, I don‘t see you Bloody √ coming up with anything more inspirational bloody inspirational.‖ 50 150 Lou‘s monologue : Well she could Bloody √ go without my bloody lemon lemon washbag



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 52 165 Lou : ―Thanks for being so fucking Fucking √ accommodating Bloody √ badge Lou : ― Why, does that need a bloody badge too?‖ 53 177 Will : ― Jesus, you‘re a pain in the Jesus √ arse.‖ Arse √ 54 180 Lou : ―Only you, Will Traynor, Bloody √ could tell a woman how to wear a dress bloody dress.‖ 55 189 Lou : ―I‘m going to thank him, Arse √ anyway. I won‘t mention your name, if you really want to be an arse about it.‖ 56 190 Will‘s letter : Dear Clark, This is to Selfish arse √ show you that I am not entirely selfish arse. And I do appreciate your efforts. Thank you. Will 57 192 Lou : ―Really? Oh God, if I tell her Oh God √ she‘ll start polishing and dusting this evening.‖



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 59 202 Lou : ―Oh my God! Where did you Oh my God! √ get these?‖ Jesus Christ

Bernard : ―Jesus Christ, she‘ll look like Max Wall in a beehive 60 205 Patrick : ―How could I be jealous of Cripple √ a cripple? 61 210 Lou : ―What the hell is a What the √ couscoussier anyway?‖ hell 62 211 Lou : ―What if the genetically Dickhead √ superior male is actually a bit of dickhead?‖ 63 212 Treena : ―It‘s best. I can‘t tell you, Wanky √ Lou, the joy of using my brain again. I feel like there‘s been this big chunk of me missing for ages… and it‘s like I‘ve found it again. Does that sound wanky?‖ 64 215 Will : ―Okay. Jesus, that‘s hot. Give Jesus √ me a minute.‖



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 66 217 Will : ―—not looking away Bloody √ hurriedly when they realize I‘m a pram man in an overgrown bloody pram.‖ 67 218 Will : ―The day we go and I‘m in Bloody √ this bloody contraption, all those contraption memories, those sensations, will be wiped out, erased by the struggle to get behind the table, up and down Parisian curbs, the taxi drivers who refuse to take , and the wheelchair bloody power pack that wouldn‘t charge in a French socket. Okay?‖ 68 226 Lou : ―God, Will. I wish you‘d stop God √ telling me what to do. What if I like watching television? What if I don‘t want to do much else other than read a book? 69 228 Will : ―That‘s why you piss me off, Piss off √ Clark. Because I see all this talent, all this…‖



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 71 239 Lou : ―You‘re bad bloody influence Bloody √ on me, Will Traynor,‖ influence For Christ‘s √ Will : ―Oh, for Christ‘s sake, don‘t sake get maudlin, Clark. It was meant to be funny.‖ 72 244 Will : ―And you look bloody Bloody √ awful.‖ awful √ 73 250 Bernard : ―Well, it‘s really Will you Bloody √ should thank. What a smashing grateful bloke. I‘m just bloody grateful that he thought of me.‖ 74 258 Bernard : ―For goodness‘ sake, For √ love. It‘s time she moved on. She‘s goodness‘ twenty-seven years old,‖ sake 75 264 Lou : ―I‘ve cleaned up after him. Bloody √ I‘ve changed his bloody catheter. catheter I‘ve made him laugh. I‘ve done Bloody √ more than your bloody family has family done.‖



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 77 273 Lou : ―I haven‘t talked to anyone Stupid √ about… it‘s… it‘s stupid. And a long time ago. I didn‘t think… I would…‖ 78 274 Will : ―—nobody wants you to talk Stupid √ about being afraid, or in pain, or being scared of dying through some stupid, random infection.—― 79 275 Will : ―are the only person I have Bloody √ felt able to talk since I ended up in thing this bloody thing.‖ 80 280 Lou : ―It‘s the first time I‘ve gotten Bloody √ him a proper distance from home disaster and it‘s going to be a bloody disaster.‖ 81 285 Will‘s friend : So bloody good to Bloody √ see you out again, Will.‖ good 82 286 A stranger : ―Bloody nice wedding, Bloody nice √ wasn‘t it? Thought the bride looked wedding splendid.‖



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 84 294 Lou : ―Come on. Let‘s give these Fuckers √ fuckers something to talk about.‖ Fucking √

Mary : ―Fucking marvelous.‖ 85 295 Will : ―Yes. But in my defense, Arse √ Clark, I was an arse.‖ 86 296 Will : ―Arses?‖ Arses √

Lou : ―Arses. Say yes, Will. Go on.‖ 87 299 Nathan‘s monologue : AD scared Hell √ the hell out of me because you never knew which way it was going to go. 88 301 Nathan‘s monologue : (―Don‘t Bloody √ laugh,‖ she said. ―At those prices, shapoo Will paid for a bloody shampoo factory.‖)



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 90 312 Treena : ―Yu okay? You look like Shit √ shit.‖ 91 314 Treena : ―Oh, shit.‖ Shit √ 92 315 Treena : ―Fuck,‖ Fuck √ Fucking Treena : ―You fucking mad Stupid woman,‖

Lou : ― I‘m not going to do anything stupid.‖ 93 316 Treena : ―And you might go off Arse √ Will again. I mean, I remember when you thought he was an arse.‖ 94 317 Patrick : ―I was an idiot. You‘re Idiot √ right. This job of yours is only for six months, and I‘ve been behaving like a child. I should be proud that you‘re doing something so worthwhile, and taking it all seriously. I was just a bit… thrown. So I‘m sorry. Really.‖ 95 319 Patrick : ―This isn‘t work trip. This Bloody √ is a bloody honeymoon.‖ honeymoon



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 97 328 Lou : ―Shit,‖ Shit √

Lou : ―Shit, shit, shit. Can I go in?‖ 98 338 Nathan : ―—I‘ve sat there with him Shittiest √ and there is nothing I can say to the hand of guy, nothing that is going to make cards it any better. He‘s been dealt the shittiest hand of cards you can imagine.‖ 99 339 Nathan : ―But I want him to live if Shitty √ he wants to live. If he doesn‘t, then by forcing him to carry on, you, me—no matter how much we love him—we become just another shitty bunch of people taking away his choices.‖ 100 345 Treena‘s text : You can do this. Am Bloody √ bloody proud of you. proud 101 351 Nathan : ―Piss off, you two.‖ Piss off √ 102 357 Lou‘s monologue : And then, as Stupid √ someone turned the music up by the bar, I kicked off my shoes and I began to dance. It sounds stupid— the kind of behavior that on another day you might be embarrassed by.



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 104 363 Lou : ―You‘re so selfish, Will. So Stupid √ stupid. Even if there was the remotest possibility of me coming with you—― 105 364 Lou : ―Fuck you, Will Traynor. Fuck you √ Fuck you. I wish I‘d never taken Stupid √ this stupid job. I wish I‘d never met you.‖ 106 374 Treena : ―Shit. Oh, Lou. I‘m really Shit √ sorry.‖ 107 375 Treena : ―I‘m not sure there‘s God √ anything you can do. God. All that stuff you fixed up for him. All that effort…‖



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 109 380 Bernard : ―Oh Jesus Christ, the Jesus Christ √ poor fella. And poor you. Oh Jesus √ Jesus.‖ Bloody √ mess Bernard : ―What a bloody mess.‖ Bloody √ taking him Josie : ―Well, not bloody taking him to this clinic would be a start.‖ 110 381 Josie : ―—And to think they got For √ Louisa involved in all this. She‘s a goodness‘ magistrate, for goodness‘ sake. sake You‘d think a magistrate would Shit √ know what was right or wrong.—―

Treena : ―Oh shit,‖ 111 384 Treena‘s monologue : I began to God √ push her up the stairs. God, she was Arse √ impossibly slow. It was like she was half asleep.

Treena : ―No, it just means some arse is trying to cash in.‖



Type No Page Description SW E D B R A S I Explanation F T 113 386 Treena‘s monologue : Twenty-six. Buggers √ Twenty-six of the buggers. And all For Christ‘s √ sounding so nice, so understanding. sake Some of them even offered her Bloody √ money. choice

Treena :‖Oh, for Christ‘s sake, Lou. For once in your life, just get a grip. You won‘t know anything unless you call. You don‘t have a bloody choice.‖ 114 391 Treena : ―Shit. I‘ve never seen Shit √ Mum like that,‖ 115 392 Treena : ―Now fuck off, if you miss Fuck off √ the bloody plane on top of me Bloody √ getting six points on my license, I‘m never talking to you again.‖ 116 407 Will‘s letter : Clark, I can Arse √ practically hear you starting to hyperventilate from here. Don‘t start panicking, or trying to give it away—it‘s not enough for you to sit on your arse for the rest of your life.



117 408 Will‘s letter : I‘m not giving the Bloody √ money to you because I want you to memorial feel wistful, or indebted to me, or to feel that it‘s some kind of bloody memorial.





The Reasons of Swear Words Utterances in Me Before You novel


SW Reason C D P C P No Page Description Explanation A I C I 1 3 Mick shakes his head ―no sir, not unless death √ The situation is raining you‘ve got an inflatable attachment. Or a death outside, Mike warns wish‖ Will by inviting his reaction, so he will not ride the motorbike 2 8 Lou :‖will you have a go at finding this bloody Bloody arm √ In the previous arm for me? He‘s had me looking for half an monologue, it is stated hour and I‘ve got to get ready for work‖ that the others are very busy, while Louisa is trying to get attention. 3 12 Bernard :‖What the hell is she supposed to do Hell √ All swear words now? He could have given her more than a Bloody jobs √ utterances in page 12 day‘s bloody notice Bloody are in the same context. Bernard :‖There are no bloody jobs, Josie. You recessions √ Louisa‘s father is angry know that as well as I do. We‘re in the middle Fecking because Louisa isjust of a bloody recessions‖ √ fired from her previous Bernard :‖Oh, fecking marvelous… ‗Louisa job. Therefore, all Clark is very good at buttering toast, and a dab swear words utterances hand with the old teapot‖ are aimed to discredit especially Louisa‘s ability



No Page Description SW Reason Explanation C D P C P A I C I 4 19 Bernard :‖Jesus Christ,‖ said my (Louisa‘s) Jesus Christ √ This swearing belongs father. ―Can you imagine? If it wasn‘t to provocation because punishment enough ending up in a ruddy in next dialogue her wheel-chair, then you get our Lou turning up father triggers Josie‘s to keep you company‖ anger 5 25 Monologue : Oh hell, I thought. Hell √ Swear word is uttered by Louisa. She swears because her skirt is ripped, therefore, she spontaneously swears. 6 30 Thomas : ―Bugger,‖ Bugger √ Thomas is a very young boy who seeks for attention from the adults. So the motivation for swear word utterances is to get attention from the adults



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 7 32 Bernard : ―I bet you, once you slide those feet Bugger √ Thomas is a very of yours under the table at the big house those young boy who seeks buggers won‘t want to let you go.‖ for attention from the Thomas : ―Bugger,‖ adults. So the motivation for swear word utterances is to get attention from the adults 8 36 Monologue : Oh God, I thought. God √ The following statement is ―I‘m not up to this‖ it shows her disappointment of the situation, because she expected better condition.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 9 43 Treen : ―Just talk to him, for crying out loud. Bloody √ Treena‘s statement ―of Of course he‘s miserable. He‘s stuck in a wheel-chair course he‘s miserable. bloody wheelchair. And you‘re….‖ He stuck in a bloody wheelchair‖ shows that she thinks about unpleasant thing called ―wheelchair‖ she discredits person who sits on it will not be able to do anything. 10 46 Lou : ―Oh my God,‖ I said. ―But-― God √ Previously, Treena said to Lou that she wants to go to the college again. Louisa is surprised and cannot believe that her sister wants to go to college in the middle of difficult situation..



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 11 54 Alicia : ―Gosh, it‘s cold outside‖ Gosh √ √ The situation between William, Louisa, and Alicia is quite awkward. He asks Louisa to get the logs and make fire. However, Alicia tried to get Will‘s attention and start conversation with William. However the swear word can be functioned to strengthen the word ―cold‖ 12 55 Rupert : ―Bloody man seems to work twenty- Bloody man √ In the whole context, four hours a day and expects everyone else to God √ Rupert tells William do the same.‖ about the success of their company during Will : ―Oh God, yes. Presenteeism writ large. William‘s absence. he Sometimes I feel like I daren‘t leave my chair‖ invites Will‘s reaction by his success.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 13 58 Lou‘s monologue : Oh God, please don‘t let God √ The following him have hurt himself statement which ―I panicked‖ explicitly show that the swear word is uttered spontaneously 14 60 Patrick : ―I wouldn‘t want to live. Relying on Arse √ Arse and Jesus are other people for every little thing. Having Jesus √ uttered to show strangers wipe your arse—Jesus. Think of all Patrick‘s disbelief of the things you couldn‘t do…‖ William‘s condition. He couldn‘t imagine if he is in William‘s shoe 15 61 Lou ‗s monologue : I had a framed photograph Utter dick √ It happens in Louisa‘s at home where I was beaming at Patrick like he Piss off √ monologue (thought) had just called him an ―utter dick‖ and he had when she remembers responded with a hearty ―Oh, piss off!‖. how she mocked Patrick in order to invite his reaction. Meanwhile the second swear word is the response or spontaneous reaction to Louisa‘s mocking. 16 63 Will : ―You thought you knew best. Everyone Bloody well √ The swear word is



thinks they know what I need. Let’s put the uttered by William who bloody photos together. Give the poor invalid just welcome Alicia something to look at. I don‘t want to have and Rupert. He is really those bloody pictures staring at me every time angry because they tell I‘m stuck in my bed until someone comes and Will that they are going bloody well gets me out again. Okay? Do you to get married. He also think you can get your head around that? breaks Alicia‘s and his photograph, while Louisa tried to fix all of them. Will is not happy and spontaneously swear to Louisa.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 17 64 Will : ―Oh Christ…‖ Christ √ The swear words Bloody- √ uttered by William are Will : ―Spare me the psychological therapy. Arse √ aimed to make Louisa Just go and read your bloody gossip magazines Shitty √ angry and quit her job or whatever it is you do when you‘re not Stupid √ however, Louisa making tea.‖ utterances are aimed to show her anger or Lou : ―You don‘t have to behave like an arse.‖ disappointment (provide catharsis) Lou : ―Your friends got the shitty treatment. because William treats Fine. They probably deserved it. But I‘m just her unpleasantly. here……‖

Lou : ―I‘m not employed by you. I‘m employed by your mother. And unless she tells me she doesn‘t want me here anymore, I‘m staying. Not because I particularly care about you, or like this stupid job, or want to change your life……‖ \



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 18 65 Lou‘s monologue‘s : Oh hell, I thought, as the Hell √ The previous paragraph reality of what I had just done began to sink in show that Louisa is surprised with Will‘s reaction, therefore, the swearing comes into her head to provide catharsis, or spontaneously appeared. 19 67 Lou‘s monologue : But to Mrs. Traynor – oh Lord √ Louisa is thinking Lord—to Mrs. Traynor I was apparently the Stupidest √ about how Mrs. stupidest and most irresponsible person on the Traynor treats her. The planet word ―Lord‖ is aimed to show her spontaneous expression of her disbelief. The second swear word is aimed to discredit herself because she thinks how Mrs. Traynor‘s thought of her.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 20 68 Lou‘s monologue : She made me feel like a Idiot √ Similar with case first-class idiot, and consequently I became a number 20, the swear first-class idiot around her. words are uttered to discredit Louisa because of her thought of Mr. Traynor‘s opinion. 21 69 Will : ―Why the hell are you trying to sneak Hell √ √ The first word is aimed the carrots onto my fork?‖ Stupid √ to get Louisa‘s attention because it is Lou‘s monologue : It was pretty stupid when mentioned that Lou is he put it like that. But I had learned it was busy watching the important not to look cowed by anything Will television. On the other said or did. hand, it could be the expression of Will‘s anger, because he does not like that Lou puts vegetable into his food.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 22 70 Will : ―For Christ‘s sake!‖ For Christ‘s √ William Traynor Will : ―What the hell else have you been sake express his disbelief sneaking into my food? You‘ll be telling me to What the hell √ toward what Louisa has open the tunnel so that Mr. Train can deliver Bloody- √ done to his food. some mushy Brussels sprouts to the red bloody Meanwhile Louisa also station next.‖ expresses annoyed feeling because Lou : ―All right, all right. I‘ll take the bloody William always put her carrots off, if they really upset you so much.‖ in the trouble

Will : ―It‘s not the bloody carrots that upset me. It‘s having them sneaked into my food by a madwoman who addresses…..‖

Will : ―And don‘t try and sneak a bloody zucchini into it.‖



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 23 71 Lou‘s monologue : I thought of Will telling me Bloody- √ From the context of the if I didn‘t stop bloody whistling he‘d be forced Butt √ sentence, it is explicitly to run me over. stated that Will is annoyed with Lou‘d Nathan : ―You just make sure you‘re the butt whistling. He find it of more of his jokes, okay?‖ very uncomfortable for him so he emphasize the word whistling by adding a swear word before it. Meanwhile, Nathan found that only Louisa who can make Will laughs again, the phrase ―the butt of more his jokes‖ is functioned as interpersonal identification creator



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 24 72 Will : ―Everything after local bloody Hero has Bloody- √ The situation is Louisa been a foreign film. D‘you think Hollywood is For Christ‘s √ never watched a film a suburb of Birmingham?‖ sake with subtitle. He wants to show disappointment Will : ―There. You sit there. Don‘t move until to Louisa who doesn‘t it‘s over. Never watched a foreign film. For want to watch the Christ‘s sake,‖ movie at the beginning. 25 73 Will : ―Oh, for Christ‘s sake. It‘s hardly a state For Christ‘s √ It is told in the previous secret, your social life, is it?‖ sake paragraph, that Will wants to know about Louisa better, but Lou think that is strange and said it directly to him. Then after that, Will show his spontaneous reaction by swearing. 26 77 Lou‘s monologue : It may sound stupid, but I Stupid √ Louisa is surprised by couldn‘t help but laugh. William‘s joke ―come on what‘s the worst that could happen- I end up in a wheelchair?‖



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 27 82 Stephan : ―Morning off. Of course it would be Bloody- √ William is again, today. Bloody agency nurse came and went in while Nathan is off to six seconds flat. If this….‖ take care of Will. Stephen, is panic and start to murmur 28 84 Will : ―Jesus,‖ Jesus √ William is surprised Bloody √ that Louisa‘s hand feels Will : ―Your hands are bloody freezing.‖ so cold, his swearing is spontaneous reaction. 29 87 Nathan : ―Jesus. All morning? Didn‘t you Jesus √ Nathan says bad words know he can‘t regulate his own temperature?‖ Bloody √ because he is panic since Will‘s condition Nathan : ―It‘s in the bloody folder. Look Will is getting worse but no doesn‘t sweat like we do. In fact he doesn‘t one knows how to sweat at all from the point of his injury handle. downward. It means if he gets a slight chill his temperature gauge goes haywire. Go find the fan. We‘ll move that in there until he cools down. And a damp towel, to put around the back of his neck. We won‘t be able to get him to a doctor until the snow stops. Bloody agency nurse. They should have picked this up in the morning.‖



SW Reason C D P C P No Page Description Explanation A I C I 30 94 Will : ―Jesus Christ.‖ Jesus Christ √ Louisa sings a funny song, and according to Will, she sings badly, while mocking. He wants to express disappointment toward Lou‘s voice 31 95 Will : ―You are insane. Your whole family is Insane √ William is still shocked insane.‖ Bullshit √ to hear the story about Louisa‘s family. The Will : ―Bullshit.‖ swear words are the expression of his excitement to the story. 32 105 Lou : ―And she will be a little bit cross with Bitch √ Louisa uttered a swear him all the time without really knowing why word in order to and bitch about him at really awful dinner express her dislike to parties to the embarrassment of their friends, Alicia‘s attitude who and he won‘t want to leave because he‘ll be has betray William. scared of all the alimony.‖



SW Reason C D P C P No Page Description Explanation A I C I 33 106 Lou :‖—weekend or where they went on a Suckered √ This swearing is still jolly and feel like somehow—and he will related to the previous never be quite sure how—he got suckered.‖ swearing. She give spontaneous response when she tells about Alicia. 34 108 Will : ―You know, you don‘t dress like Insane √ The aim for William to someone from around here. I quite look Christ √ utter swear word is forward to seeing what insane combination mainly to mock you‘re going to turn up in next.‖ Louisa‘s dressing. He wants to invite Louisa Will : ―There‘s nothing wrong with it per se. reaction by saying the But… Christ. It‘s not exactly dynamic, is it?— word. Meanwhile, the ― second swearing is the response to Louisa‘s opinion about her dress.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 35 109 Will : ―Jesus, for a girl who made tea for a Jesus √ It is explicitly stated living you make a terrible cup.‖ Christ √ that Will discredits Bloody awful √ Louisa for making him Will : ―Well, it‘s better than this stair varnish. a cup of tea. While the Christ. You could stand a spoon up in that.‖ next swearing is to get Will‘s attention and Lou : ―Well, you do look bloody awful. You change the topic which could shave, at least. Isn‘t all that facial hair is being discussed. starting to get itchy?‖ 36 112 Lou : ―Oh my God, your mum is going to be Oh my God √ Louisa is expresses her so delighted.‖ Mucking up √ happiness because William wants to shave Lou‘s monologue : -- even though all my his beard. She also attention was actually focused on not mucking discredits long hair. up his hair. Finally, I had the worst of it off, and whipped around in front of him to see how he looked. 37 116 Georgina : ―I can‘t believe you‘re even Bloody- √ Georgina is expressing agreeing to it. What about your religion? What her anger because her about everything you‘ve done? What was the mother allows William point in you even bloody saving him the last to go to ―Dignitas‖ time?‖



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 38 120 Camila‘s monologue : After Will‘s accident I God √ The swear word is didn‘t garden for a year. It wasn‘t just the time, aimed to express her although the endless hours spent at the exhaust hospital, the time spent to-ing and fro-ing in the car, the meetings—Oh God, the meetings—took up so much of it. I took six months‘ compassionate leave-- 39 129 Will : ―You look tired. I wasn‘t going to say Hell √ It is explicitly stated anything when you came in, but –hell—you that William is look terrible.‖ surprised with Louisa‘s condition. 40 131 Neighbour : ―You must have thought I was Bloody √ On the other hand, bloody stupid. She was wearing your T-shirt! stupid Lou‘s neighbor is The one I had made for your birthday!‖ Bloody √ showing his anger. Scotch eggs Neighbour : ―I went in for your bloody Scotch eggs! And I don‘t even like Scotch eggs‖ 41 132 ―You crazy bitch‖ crazy bitch √ In the previous paragraphs it is told that the neighbors are in the middle of arguments, they are expressing anger one another.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 42 137 Treena : I don‘t believe you. Mum‘s in bits Bloody √ ―I don‘t bloody believe downstairs. Dad‘s pretending not to be, but he believe you‖ is the expression is too. What are they supposed to do about Hell √ of the not satisfy money? You know Dad‘s already panicking Bloody √ feeling. She does not about work. Why the hell would you throw childcare satisfy with Louisa‘s away a perfectly job?‖ reaction toward the topic. Meanwhile the Lou : ―You don‘t care what I do, as long as second swearing comes you can still go and resurrect your high-flying because Louisa is a career. You just need me there propping up the little bit angry to family funds and providing the bloody Katrina since see is childcare. Sod everyone else.‖ very selfish and does not think about the others 43 138 Lou : ―We‘ve all got to stick at jobs we hate Bloody √ Louisa is very angry to just so little Katrina can fulfill her bloody ambitions Katrina, so she ambitions.‖ Bloody √ expresses her anger by lecture uttering swear words Lou : ―Don‘t you dare bloody lecture me about Piss off √ several times. the money, you know.‖

Lou : ―Just piss off, Treen, okay? Just piss off and leave me alone.‖



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 44 139 Lou : ―Piss off, Katrina.‖ Piss off √ Louisa is still For God‘s √ expressing her anger to Treena : ―Look, let me in, for God‘s sake, or sake Treena, while after Mum will hear me. I‘ve got two Bob the being shut out, Treena Builder mugs stuck up my sweater, and you swears in order to know how she gets about us drinking upstairs.‖ invite Louisa‘s reaction to open the door 45 140 Treena : ―Fuck. I can‘t even get my head Fuck √ Treena is disappointed around it.‖ Idiot girl √ with William‘s choice, she expresses her Treena : ―Shut up. Not for you idiot girl. thought spontaneously, They‘ll have their own money. And he‘s while the word‖ idiot probably got a shedload of insurance of the girl refers to Louisa accident. Well, you tell them that you want a according to Treena budget-- 46 141 Treena : ―I‘m a fucking genius.‖ Fucking √ It is stated that Treena is clearly identifying herself as genius 47 147 Treena : ―That‘s not the point. Bloody hell, it‘s Bloody hell √ Katrina is swearing to cold up here.‖ express her feeling. She feels annoyed when Louisa does not understand what she actually means



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 48 148 Treena : ―What, because you want to take him Jesus √ The swear word is an on a few crummy days out? Jesus. They should expression of Treena to be grateful someone‘s making the effort. It‘s show that she is not like they are.‖ uncomfortable if Will‘s family does not appreciate their effort. 49 149 Treena : ―Well, I don‘t see you coming up with Bloody √ The bad word is aimed anything more bloody inspirational.‖ inspirational to provoke Louisa to persuade William not to stick to his plan. 50 150 Lou‘s monologue : Well she could go without Bloody √ The swear word is my bloody lemon washbag lemon uttered in order to express her annoyed feeling toward Katrina‘s selfishness



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 51 152 Treena : ―Yes, well, if you weren‘t so thick Bloody place √ Louisa and Katrina are that you can‘t even get a proper job, you could Stupid arguing each other. The have gotten your own bloody place. You‘re old √ swear words are uttered enough. Or what‘s the matter? You‘ve finally to express anger. figured out that Patrick is never going to ask you?‖

Treena : ―If you think I‘m helping you with your stupid list, you‘ve got another thing coming,‖ 52 165 Lou : ―Thanks for being so fucking Fucking √ Louisa feels hurt accommodating Bloody √ because the waitress badge does not allow Lou, Lou : ― Why, does that need a bloody badge Will, and Nathan to too?‖ enter the restaurant. She swears to show her disappointment. 53 177 Will : ― Jesus, you‘re a pain in the arse.‖ Jesus √ William shows his Arse √ surprised because Louisa teases him. 54 180 Lou : ―Only you, Will Traynor, could tell a Bloody dress √ The word ―bloody‖ is woman how to wear a bloody dress.‖ Louisa‘s spontaneous reaction to Will‘s compliment.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 55 189 Lou : ―I‘m going to thank him, anyway. I Arse √ The swear word is won‘t mention your name, if you really want to aimed to discredit be an arse about it.‖ because she wants express her disappointment. She expects Will to send thanksgiving card for the free tickets. 56 190 Will‘s letter : Dear Clark, This is to show you Selfish arse √ In order to release his that I am not entirely selfish arse. And I do burden he wrote his appreciate your efforts. Thank you. Will letter containing a swear word. 57 192 Lou : ―Really? Oh God, if I tell her she‘ll start Oh God √ Louisa expresses her polishing and dusting this evening.‖ happiness because William is willing to come for dinner with her family.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 58 200 Lou‘s monologue : No wonder Patrick was Pissed off √ Louisa is disappointed pissed off Piss off √ with Patrick since William always Lou‘s monologue : More recently, there was a impresses her family picture of me and Patrick, the one when I was during the dinner, on actually telling him to piss off. the other hand, she hoped that Patrick behaves like William did. 59 202 Lou : ―Oh my God! Where did you get these?‖ Oh my God! √ Louisa is releasing her Jesus Christ √ happiness because Bernard : ―Jesus Christ, she‘ll look like Max William gives her Wall in a beehive stripes 60 205 Patrick : ―How could I be jealous of a cripple? Cripple √ Actually Patrick is really mad and jealous to William. So he release his feeling by swearing



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 61 210 Lou : ―What the hell is a couscoussier What the hell √ The previous sentence anyway?‖ states ―Will‘s body was a study in determined indifference‖ and after that Louisa is trying to get more of Will‘s attention 62 211 Lou : ―What if the genetically superior male is Dickhead √ William is discrediting actually a bit of dickhead?‖ himself because previously he mentions that usually woman wants to be with strong man, while he regards that he is no longer strong anymore. 63 212 Treena : ―It‘s best. I can‘t tell you, Lou, the joy Wanky √ Treena is really happy of using my brain again. I feel like there‘s been and tell Lou that she this big chunk of me missing for ages… and can go to the college. it‘s like I‘ve found it again. Does that sound She wants to get wanky?‖ Louisa‘s attention by uttering swear word.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 64 215 Will : ―Okay. Jesus, that‘s hot. Give me a Jesus √ He is shocked because minute.‖ Louisa pours hot soup accidently, then he expresses it by swearing. 65 216 Will : ―Not ‗perhaps‘. You‘ve got to get away Bloody √ Will is annoyed from here, Clark. Promise me you won‘t parody because of Louisa‘s the rest of your life stuck around this bloody uncertainty when she is parody of a place mat.‖ told to go abroad. 66 217 Will : ―—not looking away hurriedly when Bloody pram √ William is expressing they realize I‘m a man in an overgrown bloody sadness. He remembers pram.‖ his past. 67 218 Will : ―The day we go and I‘m in this bloody Bloody √ William is expressing contraption, all those memories, those contraption sadness. He remembers sensations, will be wiped out, erased by the his past. struggle to get behind the table, up and down Parisian curbs, the taxi drivers who refuse to take us, and the wheelchair bloody power pack that wouldn‘t charge in a French socket. Okay?‖



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 68 226 Lou : ―God, Will. I wish you‘d stop telling me God √ √ Louisa is swearing to in what to do. What if I like watching television? order to get Will‘s What if I don‘t want to do much else other attention. It is because than read a book? William always focuses on what Louisa supposed to do. Meanwhile it also can be an expression because she feels annoyed and spontaneously shows her feeling 69 228 Will : ―That‘s why you piss me off, Clark. Piss off √ In this context, William Because I see all this talent, all this…‖ is releasing his emotion because in the whole chapter, it is told that Louisa does not want to do Will‘s suggestion. (go abroad)



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 70 236 Will : ―You know I can‘t do that. Oh God, Oh God √ William feds up with you‘re not going to have some Indian Sanskrit Louisa. Because at the proverb or something, are you? What doesn’t beginning she rejected kill me makes me stronger.‖ to make tattoo on her body, however William is annoyed if Louisa does not want to live boldly as he suggested. 71 239 Lou : ―You‘re bad bloody influence on me, Bloody √ Both of Louisa and Will Traynor,‖ influence William are expressing For Christ‘s √ their feeling because Will : ―Oh, for Christ‘s sake, don‘t get sake they are insisting one maudlin, Clark. It was meant to be funny.‖ another. 72 244 Will : ―And you look bloody awful.‖ Bloody awful √ William shows his wonder. Because previously he said ―It‘s the second time you‘ve fallen asleep in three days.‖



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 73 250 Bernard : ―Well, it‘s really Will you should Bloody √ √ Bernard says the swear thank. What a smashing bloke. I‘m just bloody grateful word because he is grateful that he thought of me.‖ going to tell important thing to the whole family (he gets new job). 74 258 Bernard : ―For goodness‘ sake, love. It‘s time For √ Bernard is showing the she moved on. She‘s twenty-seven years old,‖ goodness‘ expression of sake disagreement to his wife. He allows his daughter to move out from the house, while his wife disagrees with the idea. 75 264 Lou : ―I‘ve cleaned up after him. I‘ve changed Bloody √ Louisa is showing her his bloody catheter. I‘ve made him laugh. I‘ve catheter anger since Mrs. done more than your bloody family has done.‖ Bloody √ Traynor does not allow family her to move with her boyfriend. Moreover she thinks that move with her boyfriend is all up to her.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 76 272 Will : ―Oh Jesus, what the-- ? Come here, Jesus √ William expresses his Clark.‖ Bloody √ worried to Louisa since she showed that she is Will : ―Bloody useless thing… it‘s okay. Just afraid of unclear thing breathe. Come here. Just breathe. Slowly.‖ (phobia). 77 273 Lou : ―I haven‘t talked to anyone about… Stupid √ Louisa is discrediting it‘s… it‘s stupid. And a long time ago. I didn‘t herself by uttering think… I would…‖ swear word. She thinks that being afraid of lost in certain area will not accepted by the society. 78 274 Will : ―—nobody wants you to talk about Stupid √ In the whole paragraph being afraid, or in pain, or being scared of Will tells Louisa how dying through some stupid, random miserable his life is infection.—― since he stuck in a wheelchair forever. He dislikes the situation where he is not able to do anything again.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 79 275 Will : ―are the only person I have felt able to Bloody thing √ n the whole paragraph talk since I ended up in this bloody thing.‖ Will tells Louisa how miserable his life is since he stuck in a wheelchair forever. He dislikes the situation where he is not able to do anything again. 80 280 Lou : ―It‘s the first time I‘ve gotten him a Bloody √ Louisa is expressing proper distance from home and it‘s going to be disaster (spontaneous) her a bloody disaster.‖ anxiousness or nervousness since William decided to go to his ex-girlfriend wedding. 81 285 Will‘s friend : So bloody good to see you out Bloody good √ William‘s friend is again, Will.‖ shocked by his presence in Alicia‘s wedding. Because since the accident, his friends never see him go out.



SW Reason C D P C P No Page Description Explanation A I C I 82 286 A stranger : ―Bloody nice wedding, wasn‘t it? Bloody nice √ A stranger wants to get Thought the bride looked splendid.‖ wedding William‘s attention in the crowd situation. They produce swear word in order to start the discussion with William. 83 292 Lou : ―God, no.‖ God √ Louisa swears in order Bloody- √ to convey surprised Mary : ―Jolly sensible of you. I‘ve seen better feeling. It is because dancing at a bloody Young Farmers Club disco Marry Rawlinson suddenly ask her to go and strut her stuff. Meanwhile. Marry swears because after swearing she mentioned a name of a group. So the swear word has purpose to create interpersonal identification.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 84 294 Lou : ―Come on. Let‘s give these fuckers Fuckers √ Louisa thinks that something to talk about.‖ Fucking √ being a quadriplegic is not a weird thing, Mary : ―Fucking marvelous.‖ however the way society treats Williamis not good. Therefore, she dislikes and discredit other people. the second swear word is given by Mary in order to give compliment. 85 295 Will : ―Yes. But in my defense, Clark, I was an Arse √ William called himself arse.‖ as an arse for not being able to do anything.. 86 296 Will : ―Arses?‖ Arses √ Both of Will and Louisa is disappointed Lou : ―Arses. Say yes, Will. Go on.‖ to what society has done to Will, both of them also discredit the people who treat disable people badly.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 87 299 Nathan‘s monologue : AD scared the hell out Hell √ Nathan is of me because you never knew which way it spontaneously swearing was going to go. because he is panic and wondering William‘s condition. 88 301 Nathan‘s monologue : (―Don‘t laugh,‖ she Bloody √ Nathan rethink about said. ―At those prices, Will paid for a bloody shampoo Louisa‘s statement. shampoo factory.‖) Louisa realizes that Nathan is going to laugh at her, then she spontaneously convey her emotion.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 89 302 Nathan‘s monologue : I had to take my hat off Hell √ The first word is aimed to the girl. If you had told me four months ago Stupid √ to show that Nathan is that we‘d get Will off on a long-haul holiday— Pissed √ discrediting Louisa. he hell, that we would get him out of this house— expected Louisa can .‖ take care of Will‘s health properly, but she Nathan‘s monologue : I even forgave Louisa actually she cannot. for being stupid enough to listen to Will when The second word is he said he hadn‘t wanted to do his tubes. aimed to show that Nathan is really mad to Nathan‘s monologue : And believe me, I had Louisa since she listen been pretty pissed about that. to William instead of him. 90 312 Treena : ―Yu okay? You look like shit.‖ Shit √ Treena uses swear word to mock and offense Louisa. She invites Louisa‘s reaction (expecting that Lou will tell her what is happening)



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 91 314 Treena : ―Oh, shit.‖ Shit √ Treena is showing her excitement. We can indicate by seeing at her following statement ―this is interesting‖. 92 315 Treena : ―Fuck,‖ Fuck √ Treena is excited Fucking √ knowing that Louisa is Treena : ―You fucking mad woman,‖ Stupid √ fall for William. Meanwhile, Louisa also Lou : ― I‘m not going to do anything stupid.‖ give spontaneous recation in form of bad word like saying ―stupid‖ 93 316 Treena : ―And you might go off Will again. I Arse √ Louisa expected nice mean, I remember when you thought he was an guy, but on the other arse.‖ hand, William is not the guy like she was expected. 94 317 Patrick : ―I was an idiot. You‘re right. This job Idiot √ The situation is Patrick of yours is only for six months, and I‘ve been is very angry to Louisa behaving like a child. I should be proud that because he found that you‘re doing something so worthwhile, and Louisa is pay more taking it all seriously. I was just a bit… attention to William thrown. So I‘m sorry. Really.‖ rather than him.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 95 319 Patrick : ―This isn‘t work trip. This is a bloody Bloody √ Patrick thought that honeymoon.‖ honeymoon Lou‘s and Will‘s trip is a common trip. He expresses that he is really angry as the effect he spontaneously uttering the swear word. 96 320 Lou : ―He‘s not ‗a bit down‘, Pat. He wants to Bloody life √ Louisa feels that take kill himself. He wants to take himself off to care of Will and keep Dignitas, and end his own bloody life.‖ him alive are parts of his job. She is upset and mad because Patrick say bad thing about Will. 97 328 Lou : ―Shit,‖ Shit √ Louisa is panic and she expresses it by Lou : ―Shit, shit, shit. Can I go in?‖ swearing. She is panic because it is told that William is hospitalized.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 98 338 Nathan : ―—I‘ve sat there with him and there Shittiest hand √ Nathan is telling about is nothing I can say to the guy, nothing that is of cards how William deals with going to make it any better. He‘s been dealt the his condition that shittiest hand of cards you can imagine.‖ makes him sad. He uttered swear words spontaneously to release his sadness. 99 339 Nathan : ―But I want him to live if he wants to Shitty √ Nathan is telling about live. If he doesn‘t, then by forcing him to carry how William deals with on, you, me—no matter how much we love his condition that him—we become just another shitty bunch of makes him sad. He people taking away his choices.‖ uttered swear words spontaneously to release his sadness. 100 345 Treena‘s text : You can do this. Am bloody Bloody √ Treena utters swear proud of you. proud word in order to convey her proud feeling of Louisa. 101 351 Nathan : ―Piss off, you two.‖ Piss off √ Nathan is annoyed because William and Louisa always tease him for having a date.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 102 357 Lou‘s monologue : And then, as someone Stupid √ Louisa thinks that she turned the music up by the bar, I kicked off my is not really good at shoes and I began to dance. It sounds stupid— dancing. She discredit the kind of behavior that on another day you herself for not able to might be embarrassed by. dance nicely. 103 362 Will : ―—What you have told me, what you Arse √ Will is extremely sad, have done in bringing me here… knowing that, and he told Louisa why somehow, from the complete arse I was at the he wants to commit start of this, you manage to salvage something suicide. He swears to love is astonishing to me.‖ spontaneously in order to damn his miserable life. 104 363 Lou : ―You‘re so selfish, Will. So stupid. Even Stupid √ Louisa is disappointed if there was the remotest possibility of me with Will‘s choice to coming with you—― commit suicide. She discredits William for not being able to respect his own life and his family.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 105 364 Lou : ―Fuck you, Will Traynor. Fuck you. I Fuck you √ Louisa is disappointed wish I‘d never taken this stupid job. I wish I‘d Stupid √ with Will‘s choice to never met you.‖ commit suicide. She discredits William for not being able to respect his own life and his family. 106 374 Treena : ―Shit. Oh, Lou. I‘m really sorry.‖ Shit √ The swear word is functioned to show Treena‘s feeling. She is surprised to know that William stick to his plan. 107 375 Treena : ―I‘m not sure there‘s anything you God √ The swear word is can do. God. All that stuff you fixed up for functioned to show him. All that effort…‖ Treena‘s feeling. She is surprised to know that William stick to his plan.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 108 377 Treena : ―Listen, Lou. They don‘t give Idiot √ The word ―idiot‖ is interviews out like bread for ducks, you idiot. addressed to Louisa. This is a big deal. They know you‘re a mature However she student, you‘re applying at the wrong time of mentioned the word year, and they‘re still going to see you. You because she they have can‘t muck them around.‖ close relationship to each other in order to entertain Lou. 109 380 Bernard : ―Oh Jesus Christ, the poor fella. And Jesus Christ √ Louisa‘s parents are poor you. Oh Jesus.‖ Jesus √ shocked knowing that Bloody mess √ Will‘s wants to commit Bernard : ―What a bloody mess.‖ Bloody √ suicide. They disagree taking him with William‘s choice. Josie : ―Well, not bloody taking him to this They consider that clinic would be a start.‖ Will‘s action is not suitable with public value. 110 381 Josie : ―—And to think they got Louisa For √ Lou‘s parents also involved in all this. She‘s a magistrate, for goodness‘ surprised knowing that goodness‘ sake. You‘d think a magistrate sake Louisa already know would know what was right or wrong.—― Shit √ about William‘s plan to commit suicide Treena : ―Oh shit,‖



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 111 384 Treena‘s monologue : I began to push her up God √ Treena swears in order the stairs. God, she was impossibly slow. It Arse √ to show Louisa that she was like she was half asleep. is impassion knowing that Louisa was Treena : ―No, it just means some arse is trying impossibly slow. The to cash in.‖ second swearing is aimed to get the people attention. Treena is trying to help Louisa from the journalists question, so she tries to get their attention. 112 385 Treena : ―You shitbag,‖ Shitbag √ Treena is angry to Stupid √ Patrick since he told Treena : ―I‘m going to kick your stupid the journalists about marathon-running shins so hard you‘re going Will‘s plan. She invites to think 157th was actually a good result.‖ Patrick‘s reaction to make him regretful.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 113 386 Treena‘s monologue : Twenty-six. Twenty-six Buggers √ Treena is expressing of the buggers. And all sounding so nice, so For Christ‘s √ spontaneous expression understanding. Some of them even offered her sake because of the hectic money. Bloody √ situation. She does not choice believe what the Treena :‖Oh, for Christ‘s sake, Lou. For once journalists and Louisa in your life, just get a grip. You won‘t know have done. anything unless you call. You don‘t have a bloody choice.‖ 114 391 Treena : ―Shit. I‘ve never seen Mum like that,‖ Shit √ Treena is shocked to see her mother being freak out. 115 392 Treena : ―Now fuck off, if you miss the bloody Fuck off √ Treena is freaking out plane on top of me getting six points on my Bloody √ because Louisa is still license, I‘m never talking to you again.‖ confused whether she wants to go to William or not. 116 407 Will‘s letter : Clark, I can practically hear you Arse √ The strong word is starting to hyperventilate from here. Don‘t start uttered in order to panicking, or trying to give it away—it‘s not discredit Louisa for enough for you to sit on your arse for the rest always live in a simple of your life. way.



Reason C D P C P No Page Description SW Explanation A I C I 117 408 Will‘s letter : I‘m not giving the money to you Bloody √ because I want you to feel wistful, or indebted memorial to me, or to feel that it‘s some kind of bloody memorial.