Hfember of Audit Bufemi of Cireidationi Four Colorado Youths Will Study in Spanish Novitiate Content* Copyrighted by the Cetholie Preee Society, Ine. 1945— Permission to Reproduce, Except on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given Alter 12 U. Friday Following Issue Will Study in Spain Order of Holy Family DENVER CATHOLIC Plans Center in U. S. WASHINGTON WILL BE HUB 1 FBS. illDDlU, I^GISTER OF EXPANSION PROGRAM The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. Ws Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Services. Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. (8 cent* per copy) Four native Coloradoans, all members of the Holy Name of Mary parish, Del Norte, have joined the order of the Sons of the Holy Family, and have left for Spain for their VOL. XLI. No. 18. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, DEC. 27, 1945. $1 PER YEAR preliminary training and novitiate, after which they will CAUSE M IXiPS return for further education in the United States. Their Archbishop Vehr in Christmas Sermon Urges: novitiate will last about two years, Considerable confusion resulted _ The "Sons of the Holy Family are planning to extend in Deshon General hospital. But their work in the United States and intend to establish an ler, Pa., from tlfc arrival of Fa ther Thomas Madden as chaplain Show God Gratitude for Peace Cli491es Sloeber American branch in the near fu James Beiriger ture with headquarters in Wash- Stoeber and James Beiriger, and of the army institution, for there intrton, D. C. The four boys, James at one time lived also at St.
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