Jesuits K. of C. Jugoslavia Holy Sepulchre Washington, D. C
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Catholic Paper "NotMng is m01't eftsi,.~hlt -,Ie than that Catholic papt1'S 'fS Itl Unitec:l States a shou ref hacvt largt drcu fi Established r~tion, so tnat e<JJuyont ne THE CATHOLIC TELEGRAPH may nacvt good 1'udlng _ ' , " October 22, 1831 -Pope Benedict XV In Essentials# . Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty: in All Things, ' Charity. 'V- ~~========~~~,~========================~==================~============================================= VOL. LXXXXII No. Q('lU' j j ClNCINNATI, THURSDAY t AUGUST 16, 1923 PRICE SEVEN CENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tm:i~ CARDINALS MSGR. JOS. M. DENNING'S CARDINAL LOGUE MISSION CRUSADE TRIBUTE TO PRES. HARDING JESUITS WASHINGTON, D. C. rY ~TERN AL CITY At Triduum Honoring Sister Issues Warning Against Indepen- Therese, "The Little Flower." Marion, 0., Aug. lO.-Father Joseph dent Candidates. M. Denning, United States Diplomatic Do Not Approye Legislatiye Fight on New President Faces Complex Prob Shahan's Second Audience, Wo Receives Strong Impetus at ConYen [N. C. w. C. Special Cable) Uni [N. C. w. C. Special Cable] Agent and Consul-General to Morocco Paris, August I3.-His Eminence tion. Chair 01 Mission SCience wrote the following personal tribut~ Evolution, Which Tends to Dublin, August 13.-Cardinal Logue lems, But WlIl Approach Them t- in Sistine Cbapel. Car to President Harding: has issued a letter dealing with tbe com Cardinal Dougherty, of Philadelphia: To Be Established. "In the death of President Harding State Interference. ing Free State elections, in which he Gradually and Deliberately. Dies. Reliel Station Closed. presided at the exercises in Lisieux I have lost not only my winsome loving warns the people against so-called in during the triduum in honor of Sister friend, but the nation has lost a mind dependent candidates. Therese, the "Little Flower of Jesus." teeming with tender concern for human Age of World and Other Topics Discussed These candidates, says His Eminence, Divorce Statistics In 1922 May Result in Quat 01 Bernadette Soubirous. Bishop Cardinals Bourne and Touchet attended Arcbblshop Moeller, Msgr. Beckman and happiness-a patient, loving, uncom at Fordham Convention. are not always honest, and raise the Constitutional Amendment. u, !cbrembs With Pope an Hour, the exercises, and tbere were fourteen Fatber TblIl Honordd. plaining soul, who was well content to banner of independence to mislead vot bishops and five hundreds priests pres go to the grave unpraised, if only he ers. \Vhen returned, he declares, they [N. C. w. C. News Service] had ent, as well as thousands and thousands [N. C. w. C. Ne;'s Service) could lift its people to vigorous, hope EW YORK, Aug.ll.-A lan can act as they please, and take the side [N. C. w. C. Special Cable] of pilgrims. tern slide of the Rhodesian ASHINGTO , Aug, 13. ~ve E, Aug. 13.-Rt. Rev, 1l"~~~OTRE DAME, IND., Aug. ful, uplifting thoughts. which suits their own interests, in de President Coolidge has' taken .<:e d, Before leaving Lisieux, Cardinal 13.-Unswerving loyalty to "His memory will be my most pre man, with huge eyebrows and fiance of their constituents. The Car lch Thomas J. Shahan, rector of Dougherty was presented with a mag no forehead, was shown to dinal's advice to electors is neither to up the administrative threads the Catholic University of the Holy Father, Pius XI, cious recollection, and his name wiU (W that were broken by the .nd s nificent pall of Bayeux lace. The Car ~ day by Rev. Joseph S. Di- follow too many particular interests was pledged by the delegates live in sweet bloom as long as there is America, was again received dinal, who was accompanied by Msgr. dusch, S. J ., professor of biology at death of his predecessor, and ~at e - to the fourth general con fidelity in f riendship or inspiration in nor to run after independents, but to of in audience by Pope Pius XI Cossio, of the Apostolic Delegation to St. Joseph College, Philadelphia, at the go forward, as a body, in support of the has set himself to the task of solving the past week. His Holiness vention of the Catholic Students Mis unsullied manhood." the serious problems that crowd upon im the United States; and Msgr. Whitaker, sion Crusade, at their final session here conYentiort at Fordham University of present ministry, who have made mis problems connected with the of Philadelphia, went to Rouen, where the Association of Science and Mathe takes, but who have nevertheless re the horizon of the Chief Executive at ess, yesterday. The resolution adopted by all times; but particularly at the present em. with the Bishop at great he visited many churches. In the the convention promised, in the name of matics Teachers of the Maryland-New organized the country, established order manifested the keenest in York Province of the Society of Jesus. moment. Washington has not ceased y Cathedral, he prayed before the memo tbe assembled delegates, and "for the K. OF C. and secured peace. and the foundations the progress and work of t'hat rial of Chevalier De La Salle, a son of The picture was taken from a restor, of prosperity.-Cox. to speculate concerning the policies of Catholic manhood and Catholic woman the new Executive, convinced blic this parish and explorer of Mississippi. hood of America, for whom we speak, ation of the Rhodesian man by Dr. was the second audience that' -MASSIANI. Adolph H. Schultz, an anthropologist STOPS TRAIN FOR MASS. that he will conduct the affairs of gov loly an undying loyalty and unreserved de Take Measures Toward Organizing ernment, so far as he can, in the same Shahan has been granted during votion to God's first chosen Crusader 3£ Zurich, now working at Johns Hop visit to Rome. The IlColumbian Squires" For kins. Dr. Didusch described the recent Burlington, la., Aug. 14.-A special conservative spirit, and with the same DAIL EIREANN DISSOLVED Captain, to the first Knight of Jesus regard for individual rights and liber Apostolic Visitor. Christ, Pius XI, Bishop of Rome, glor ly discovered ancient man of Rhodesia train, carrying members of the Frater Dublin, Aug. 9.-The Dail Eireann Boys Between 14 and 16. as singular for a human being of such nal Order of Eagles t6 the national ties, as those who have occupied the uatltl>lsllOP Filippi, former Apostolic iously reigning." high office before him. Nor is he likely left Rome, Friday, was dissolved today. President Michael \ antiquity; first, because he had decayed com'ention at Denver, stopped here last Chair of Missiob Science. \) teeth and had suffered much in his time Sunday to permit the Catholic dele to be sW:1yed b-- the clamorous outcry IlIJI1''''''U"'Vl!''', where he is sched Cosgrave, in his valedictory speech, said the Dail had p:1ssed forty-three At the final session, another resolu Administration Officers Win. Gratitude of from toothache, which had been gener gates to attend Mass. More than 150, of those wbo would make little of con . His departure was stitutional gU:1rantees to gain an im the date originally set, acts, and he thanked the Deputies fOI tion adopted recommends the establish Pope Who Blesses the Order, ally considered a modern ailment; and, including many from Cincinnati, took their unfailing courtesy and the cordial ment of a Chair of Mission Science at second, because he had a large mouth advantage of the opportunity to assist mediate purpose. of the change in his appoint It is not the habit of President Apostolic Delegate to Apos- co-operation which they gave the Gov the Catholic University of America. 0NTREAL, AuO'. 9 _ Tbe cavity, i~dicating ample. room for ut at the Holy Sacrifice. ernment in its difficult task. Previol1sly, the convention had gone on Coolidge to jump at conclusions. He dosing hours of th' f t _ .terance, .If he had skl!1 10 languages. has -not di sclosed his purposes, and in Sistine Cll,apel. record as favoring the opening of first annual conventi o~ o~\~e Dr. Dldusc~ also dIscussed the Bos courses in mission leadershil,) in Catho Kn' ht f C I b 't kop skull, whIch he regarded as a skull probably will not until he has weighed [lI them with deliberate judgment. He is pontifical gendarmes were called lic universities and colleges. _ ,_ (gd Stl 0 Of ulm· us w(- of not very great antiquity, belonging JUGOSLAVIA perform an unusual duty dur Westminster Abbey nesse le un 0 dmg 0 f a fi f h' ch the quiet to the point of taciturnity, but past week. One of the visitors Archbishop Moeller Re-elected. cletailed and constructive plan . for the to d rSk ra~e race f roS ili (Afr'ca open minded. As Vice-President, J-Je at Sistine Chapel, a Swedish lady, Most Rev. Henry Moeller, archbishop care of Catholic boys between the ages mo ern us men 0 ou I Demands Concessions From Vatican tended the Cabinet meetings and listen another lady in the crowd Had All Nations Represented at Me of Cincinnati, was re-elected president of 14 and 18 years, at which latter age ,have descended. ed to the discussion of administrative ' suspected of a theft- com of the Crusade by acclamation. Msgr. they will be eligible for membership in . Bryan Interests Them. Which Makes Possibility 01 Con affairs. But he has said little, and, Sorrento a few days before. morial Services for the R. J. Beckman, of Mt. St. Mary Semi the Order. Dr. Diduseh was one of several beyond the tempermental traits he dis cd the officials, who had the nary, Cincinnati, was re-elected chair The plan includes the organization of Jesuit scientists who discussed prob cordat Very Remote.