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Vol. 42, No. 5 <· HOWARD UNIVERSl'i'Y • ,.,. November 13, 1959 .. <·r:".'P1''*-"-l ' ..· ·... "(·~~i

Blsons, Morehouse • Clash Tomorrow • :, ~ Al Hom:omlnl '" , ''I'd like to Win''

By Ricltard B. Bra~ton., Jr. Tomorrow the Bisons host as their Homecoming gridiron op­ position of Atlanta, Georgia. The ~ame. which ia one of the highlights of Homecoming activities. should prove t.o be quite in~esting for .~ 0 acve!"al reasons. / IHE SCREMEm - Causht in a haclclle during a recent practice For one thing, it is t e Home­ . -..ion, Coach White and tlie BiMMUI are arettin• fttldy (or Morehou8e coming game. Therefore the How­ mE PLANNERS - Mem&en of the Unlvenl\y.Wide Bomecomi.. • IOl'MMIW. Committee are shown planninc the actlvitie. (or thi• year'• IL•ne ard team definitely has the cause. comin1. 'Walter BftUld la diairman o( the C.Ommittee. desire and that of the alumni, ''Athlete of Month'' .Talent Show, ct Reps faculty, grads, a~dergrads Guinea President Sekou Toure Says • t !> emerge from. the contest vic- Freehman Queen ey !At- torious. H. U. Provldes Tomorrow's Leaders Award lnlHated( timore and her court will parti- Or. the other hand. the More­ I By Alma-Jean Powell color. and creed should not de­ "Athlete of the Month" end cipate in the Homecoming parade, house boys have acqui~d new 'Athlete of the Year" are two the Freshman Steering Commit- lu:,1.re. Their record thus far this "Even if Howard University termine the status of an individ­ ual. · i• awards stated be made in the •.ee decided recently. Five mem- • se~ :; on - und~feated . To 'v?at were destroyed, its influence to President T~ure arrived · id fut~re by the Liberal Arts Stu­ w9uld be carried on through the t ers of the Freshman Steering might one attr1bpte such, an ~m­ D.C. Monday for a two-day visit. • c!ent Council . Cr.mmittee are represented on the prov.ement over las~ year s l~s1ng work of men and women who Freshman Class 'Homtkoming c-.r·t1ngent, a year s experience, have studied here," These were He arrived at the university in a blaek limousine follo\\•ed by two In a recent council meeting,Rus Committee which is to plan either perhaps? . the words of President Sekou Fcli Miller, Sophomore Clus Rer­ Tou~ of Gu inea in a visit he army cars and several other cars. a float.or two cars for the Queen A reputable source informs us The entire procession was led by . tesentative; called for recogni­ and her attendants. The Olm- that the ~ster . club a~ . ~ore - made to Howard University on - tion of outstanding athletes and 'tt al 1 d to It house has Just this year 1n1t1ated October 26. a motorcycle police escort. The - n;O'(>ed that the said av1ards be rn1 ee so p anne consu 'd l 1 h · President1~ni s ho:st in the t d ts · th t"-h 1 f E · a program to prov1 e sr. 10 ars 1p Mr. Tour~ met for the fh st sponsored by the Council. His s u en· 1nd A e hit.-:>e oot o dngi- · s1.d t o promising· · '"in t e 11 ec t ua1 s " , time representatives of Howard Trustee Reception Room of the motion 1VaS passed unanimously. r.t.h1.>enAngrt a;! rtrc ect ufre and .~l\e 'vho, incidentally, weigh over University; its officers, trustees Administration Building. The awards wilt be restricted e ,.,epa men or a vi... h d d d "- · ~ ' During the conference, Howard 111· b 'Id' th · h1'b 1't two un red poun s, an can ,faculty representac1ves College to athlet~ participating in varsi­ F ui h tng Teltr texSh · . to b tackle, block, punt, pass, and Deans and other repre~entati ves spectators lined the, streets to ty sports. At the end of the year res man a en ow is e f b h h ·tr · . r see their guest enter and leave. >.. 1 ed h rtl a!.. - H carry a oot a 11 t roug st1 from the various departments of r .ann s o y ~r omecon1- ·t· h U . · A d' The press was on hand equipped · • the Council will award a trophy . ~ !tat• f ll d oppos1 ion. t e n1vers1ty. tten 1ng the "Athlete of the Year" to one of 1ng. onsu ion o a un er- - -:--.._.. · t d f with cameras. Wilen Tourt\ de.­ the participants who is elected gTndu . schools in search cf . 200-Pound Line_ me~ting were s u ents ~~m scended the steps of the building, "Athlete of the Month" at lenst ta:ent, priz&.; for outstanding par- It is reported that the entire Guine~, Kenya, and. Tanganyilea. he received a great hand from twice. ticipants, and presentation of :i.n E' e consists of the over-two- . J?uring the President's sh ~ rt a cheering crowd of Howard rdded attraction were considered hundred - pounds - average li.ne visit from 3 :30:4 :20 p.m., he dts­ students. by the Steering Committee. wl.ich started at Booker T. cussed colo~iahsm as a problem Dr. Johnson Retires In A Freshmt\n Dance is also being Vlashington High School of At- of the worrd that,..must come to HU T H considered. · I lanta last year. an end. ~e expressed the value rounces ampton June,; Successor Sought Louise Diaz and Vemon Gill In case the Howardites are of educat10~ an~ the value of ·'Ready for .;.Morehouse) ,,·ere elected to sit in on meetings wondering about the loss to Fisk, ~oward Un1vers1ty i.n ~evelop- · . University officials announced last week the appointment of a of the' Liberal Arts Council as its Booster club baa also initiated !ng. men ~nd .wome.?,_ in hf~, and By Colbert King Special Committee of the Uni­ c!epresentatives. They will nof.. a program similar to that of indicated in his speecn that race, If the Hampton Pirates never versity's Board of Trustees to have votes, however. ~{~rehouse. and has recruited :set eyes on the Howard Biscn1s caft•a.ss the field and to recom­ . • able-'bodied scholars. Re-Eledlon Today again it will be too soon. For mend a · highly qualified person f~hool Spirit Al Representing the Bi:Sons at the 1i the second consecutive year the to be the successor t.o Dr. Mor­ .I\ m Y.ick-oft' will be: center, John Ty- boys from Virginia have tasted decai W. Johnson, who will re­ lcr, 6-2. 206-pound freshman: Gri·di·ron Queen bitter defeat at the hands of • tire on June 30, 1960. after serv­ ,(IUb . guards, Ellsworth Wiggins. a 6-0, Bison eleven. This time it was inp: thirty-three years as presi­ Of Boosler 195 so~homore. and Edward Stduents who voted last Fri- the spectacular passing of Char- dent of Howard University. Pe<>ple~y ..a G-10, 175-p,,und sen- lie Smith combined with tha Largely through the efforts of ior; ..tackles, Sid Bank~, and Reg- day for Gridiron Queen in the steadfast defense of the Bfsona Dr. Johnson is retiring at his Herb Scott, in conjunction with gie Taylor both 6-4, weiihing University Ballroom will be ask- sparked by sophomore end Bob • own request. As early as April the '58-'59 L. A. Student Council, 280 pounds, and also seniors·, ed to cut. .their . ballotsth M 'again H to-11 R eed tha t b eat th em. H owa rd"s <1f this year, just prior to the an infant Booster Club appeared ends, Bernard Quarterman, 6-2, day; t his time in ~ inor 8 display of smooth-working of- annual 'meeting of the Board of on the Howard scene last year. 184-pound junior, and Robert student: lounge. fense and rugged defense had Trustees, Dr. Johnson advised The original purpose of the club RE:ed, 6-0. 175-pound sophonmre; Election. returns from ballot «the victory-hungry fans cun­ the Chairman and his associate was to boost the morale of the in the backfield, quarterback, boxes s~t1oned in. the. Ballroom stantly on the verge 6f"~ )oyful executive officers, of his determi­ student . body and tile varsity Charles Smith, 6-0, 168-pound last Friday were invalidated be- hysteria. a3 they scored two T. nation to retire at that time. and teams. Pep ralli~ were held, "I junior; fullback, Leon Armour, cause of discrepancies between D.'s in the action-filled second • requested them t.o take all needed am a H.U. Biaon Booster" pins 5-11 , 170-poul"d sophomore; and the number of .ballots and the half. steps t.o provide for his sµccess- began to appear on everyone's la­ halfback, John Ware, 5-11. 176- number of signatures on the vot- During the scoreless first half, or. pel, and the football team fought pound junior. and Howard Wil- ers list. According to Mr. James l.he Bison's defensive line Jed by ita "boo ay to a 6-2-l linms ,6-2, 19~und sophomore. L . . c.a~y, Director of Student Bob Reed and Ellsworth Wig. The Special Committee has • record• Since they are seniors and will Activities, the di3crepancy was gins corutantly harassed Hamp. • held several meetinp under the Si then. the scope of the culminate their college gridiron greater than the difference be- ton 'QB Lewis Shackletord to Chairman, Mr. · Lorimer D. M-il­ club u expanded to encompass careers thi1 year, SiJ Banks, tween the totals of the tint place such an extent that at times the ton. One of its Arat 1tep1 tias all 1 rts on campua. Under the Reggie Taylor, and Ed Peeples and second place candidates at Pirate Quarterback seemed to been to seek sussutions and able hairmanahip of Wiletha will act as co-captains. the tally. Hence a re-electioa is wonder if Howard was fieldlns re<:.oanmendationa from the mem­ Jones nd James Collins, the club HOD\t!COftllns Victory necessary. · more than eleven men. ·Then the bers of the faculties of the Uni­ bu 11ow11 in stature and mem­ Now in his third year as head The re-election will · concern fun beg-an. venity reprdiD&' the names and bership. Whereas laat year the coach of the Bitona. Mr. Robert the following schools only: Lib- To start thu ball rolling in_the qualif\eatlon1 of persona to be club conal1ted prlmarilyAft>f Scott White, known already' to How- eral Art.a. SchQol of Social Work, second half, Guard Art \Valler considered for Pre1ident John· and a handfull of enthusiastic ardltes as "Coach White", aay , Graduate School, and the School pounced on a Hampton fumbl• son's aucceuor. 1 atudenta, thia. year, it has over ''l'd like to beat Morehouse, u of Music. Votlnc will take place on the vi1itor1' 26. After :l aerlee - Dr. Johnaon i1 currently on a forty memben, and it ia a re­ this la my third attempt since from 10 a.n1. to 6 p.m. of duzllng runs by 'ulfba.cka month-lonl' tour of European M- orsanbed subcommittee of the CMninc to Howard. Betide•. it'• Lut Friday's election wa1 con- Howie wnuam. and Tiad HiU­ ucat.loMl lnatltatiom, lneludlJll' Student Council'• Social-Projeeta Homeco1nJnc and I alwaya like ducted by the uniYer1ity _ wide man, Charlie Smith executM a a t•• to three week vt.it. of C...mlttee. t> win H01Meominc pmee." Homecomlns Committe., with the 1urprbe play by touinK an eipt .. 1eb0ola and aoel1I •1wl" • A,,,.. the aetiYiti• that the Jn put eontAeta with More- a11l•tance of the L. A. Council'• yard touchdown paN to 280-lb. Ru.ta. He will al• Yialt Sean- booet.re la&•• undertaken t.hu. far l\oue under Coeeh White'• di- Election Committee. Today"• elec- Sid Banb on a tjCltle.. liciW• dlnanan COUl\triel aad Franoe thta ,.ar aN the trip to Vlfl'lnla r.etion, tt.. Bi10na have defeated tlon will be conducted by the play. The •YmP&thetie crv"cl and nt.arn to th. Uahwail)' on State for the ftret fo._tl pine them and tied them once re- L. A. Council'• Election Com- moaned aa .. Blc Sid" rolled oYer • Dec l.ber 8. ( Cofttln1Md oq Ran '1. O>i. 2) epectiYeJy. ., .. mlttee. (Continued on Pace 6, Col. 6) • \ • • • • I • ' , ' • • .. ... -- •. • P~2 THE HILLTOP • • Nov~mber 13, 1959 ( ' I . tudents for workcam'Os I have mily, and of the intere~t that \\e may yet see a mass meeting on Booster Club Commended, received a wide .variety >f ex­ Dr. Bruce espeeially will have in budgetary affairs, or at least t. cuses and refusals. For instance : dil'Cussing any phase of study- hearing. P.E.J. True·_. Howard Spirit Urged "I've got a date Saturday night" or of teaching-relating to our or "I've got to study Friday work. COUNCIL PROCEDURES Tiii .....: chool ) ear ha" been markt-.;I by ~i1?11ificant in<'r~ase in night" or " I've got to work" or • < , dent )f1<1 tration of school spirit by our .. 1udent ... . "I've got to stay home" or "I live I showed Dr. Bruce the issue Some stable body of procedures ... in the dorm and can not get per­ in question and he noted to me : ought to be decided on finally by " · H c.,~atd i tes gleefully packed thrr'! bu,e... lo \\atch the Bi~n mission to be excu!!ed." "The views expressed by bc,th • the L. A. Student Council for the . play at• \ irginia State - the soccer and football team" ha\e been !acuity and students. show seri­ conduct of it.a meetings. This I am sure that if each of you ~jo~!! encouraging audience . ous study of UN affairs and a \vill­ t>ection hastens to suggest the \vould really !!earch your l.lt!art, ingness to think about UN as an followin&': ( 1) call to meeting you could not ftnd a concret.-0 ~tuch of this impro\·ernent is t:?ae to the "ork of the Liberai instrument or organization to b~ by the president; (2) presentation ' rt>ason for not participating, in used by man to achiev~ the ob­ A.rta Counril'" Boo'-ter Club and lo til~ CO·< peration of the Physical cf president's a&"endft; (3) pre· workcamps. jectives of the Charter: one of sentation of matters from officers, Iducati 1n · oep~rtment. The Libt"rJI .\rts Council and it-. Booster Please students and f acuity the best student newspaper ap­ viz., secretary (correspondence. Club are to be commended, in partirul:tr. praisals of the UN I have seen." c>tc.), treasurer, and the vice p~­ • members. let us be~n to show • more love to our fellow man snd !dent; (4) present.ations from in­ • But there ha ht-en some complaint about the bcha\1ior of So again, our thanks and con­ take part in more service ~roups aividual members; (5) commttte:? tt ' ._ ~ Huwardites at both our on-... and off ·campu~ game~. The gratulations. such as Howard's NAACP Chap­ reports, and ( 6) any new busines~ ~ of this complaint ha included '-Orne members of our foot- Kope ter, a service fraternity 0n cam­ Brian Meredith. Director to come before the body, or su'!h ~ ball team, e\en. We ask you to make this Homecoming an enjoy­ raised by student aadieaee. The .. pus, or try t.o become a Fello\•1- Cnited Nations lnforn1ation able., if not rollickin~, one. But let'~ not pro\·ide bv our beha\1ior ship House \Veekend Workcamp­ latter would be in keeping with Center. Washington eridence for the claim that Ho~· a rd (tudcnts are immatur~. Play er. (NO. 7-7421). Remember the "the spirit of the Commltt.ee o! ha~ ebttr hard, and enjoy ourseh·es; but let us remember that the time to act is NO\\'. 100," i.e., students would have Jim Lancaster the chance to set closer to stu­ old axiom counaelling humanity against exec.. § is as sound today ... Behind the Desk ... ~ . dent aovernment by havinc tht! AS it C\'er WU. f .. UNHEALTHY ROTC A'l"l'l'l'UDE (A11 Edifhra' Column) cpportunity to be beard. L.S.B. ' I .... Dear Editor: SOCCER~ LA. COUNCIL COUNCIL BUDGET CQMMITl'EB CHAIRMEN - Cook Hall Sets Shining Example In my childhood an army uni­ form had a most unique appeal Every· ~ student enrolled in Lib"- J oln Burt baa been appointed In People-to-People Proiect to me. It was a distinctive sv1n­ ral Arts, Engineering and Archi. dlairman of the A warenesa Com . 0 bol of ultimate respkt. As hfe tecture, Music, and Pbarmacy, as 111!ttee and Dwight Cropp, Coun­ • Preeident Dwight D. Eijenhower remarked not too long ago: 0 moves on and childhood is re­ an undergraduate student has oil Secretary, will chair the Styles --Creatcr understanding among nations, on a people-to-people as placed by adulthood (in most paid an extra-curricular fee ol C:>mmittee. well as a government-to-government basis, is a necessary part of our cases) our childish ideals 1nust five doll:trs. Now, with the e.x­ effort& to remove misunder•tanding that hinder disarmament, the yield to the harsh overwhelming ception of the HILLTOP allot- • The chairman ot the third co.n­ and sometimes pal nfully disillus­ ment which the Councils are only ~i~, The Committee o~ the Re­ h.uldjng of a safeguarded pe~ce, and the strengthening of freedom." ioning forces of reality. 'foday tbe cu1todians of the student. v s1on of the Constitution, was Councils are free it would seein. not announced. There is a disa­ Io 1956, some people of the United States got together to com· I flnd myself rapidly losing ~­ spect for the unitorm which, tas if one goes by the superficialities &'reement as to which person mence a "People-to-Pfople Program." The program was struc- a child, I had idolized. Con.,e­ ot the situation, to do what thty c.hould get the job. Joslyn Wil­ . bued in a fashion as to depend upon the American people to carry quently, I sincerely believe thnt \vant with "public funds." hams has been suggested for the ii out. It was to be completely non-p:uti.,an and outside govern· I am developing a very unhealthy J. usition with his committee mem- attitude for the uniform. It would be nice if the Stud~t 1 ers listed as Percy John&ton, ment control, depending upon Americans' willingne to give tinte Cc.uncils would hold hearinga be Russell Miller, and Cropp. L ._S.B. ud effort to the c3u~ of international friend~hip and peace. , This extreme change of a tti­ tore they adopt their budgets. It \fould be even better if they would J ude which I am experiencing OCCER TEAM People-to-People is a ma ivc program today of communica­ at prese;it is attributed to 1:hc hold mass meetings informing the tion between Americans and people of other lands designed to student officers on Howard's cam­ students of their plans to ape1'd Howard's soccer team has been a championship team ~or some atablish la ting h\O-\\a) relation!'hips in "hi<'h international pus who have become carried a­ the "public" funds. Amidst all \Yay with the game of "soldier.:;. ' this talk of a Council for Councils, years now, and the sport ha~ re­ friend:Jtip .... and uncleri'tandin~ can ~rO\\. Thirty-~i~ht Com~T11ttee '5 Ilow can one be expected t.o re­ I am at a loss as to what they mained a never heard of sport of the People-to-People ProJ?;ram exist today, e.g., to mention .i spect or even approve of a uni­ would do in this area of pubEc ks and magazines, and inviting foreign vh1itors int'> have been. vent, and presses out handbills ceedingly effective job of miking ow advertir,ing the team and its llaeir homes. Thursdry the most dreaded. day Perhaps, as individual student.A, ents. I am afraid soccer may of the week. I have a tende01cv we had best seek out our counc:I 1 place football in a few years The People-to·P~o}>le Book Committee rttently co mplet~d to be analytical where people ar~ n embers and find out whst they ft, the chief Ho\\•ard S!)ort, and - a sooc~ful campaign for book!\ to be s.ent overst-as by collecting c!'ncerned. Analyzin&' this situa­ are going to do with our taxes because ' of Bethelrny's one-m:in • tion, I have found that ther? to benefit us. But, then . again. 16,000 \Olumes in one place. It i through the Book Committee • (Continued on Page- i. Col . ;; ) th.at Howard Universit~ is a partic ipant in the program. exists amoni the ROTC student .. cfficers a strong drive toward the The men of Coo~ Hall. pearheaded hy the Hall's amiable n seerti~ of masculinity. \\'h~n an adojt male has to go ~o the • THE director, (a,.l F Anderson, ha\e <' ho-en not only to aid in the limits of humiliating and verbally H.ILL TOP -· collecting of books -for the Progran1. but to ttrve a Jso as the Wa,.h­ debasing a man through tht'! :am­ HOWARD UNIVERSITY iagton-area clt-aringhouse and packing agent for the Boole Com­ cuflage of military form•licy · • llEllBER OF eoiUee, which has headquarters in ~torristown . New Jersey. n1erely to prove to himself he is .. AssoOATE CoLLECIATE PRESS • not an equal but superior, 11i r, 1'uE INTERCOLLEGIATE PRES~ The HILLTOP comfiiends highly Cook Hall, its re. idenl!, and look out! You are ~pproaching - Diaector Carl E. Anderson on this altrustic endea,or. TI1e Cook an \!motional dan&'er zone. EfliJor·in·Ch.i./ ------·-- - LEaoY O. STONE · .. Sin<'erely, ..4~iate Editor ------LE()NAJlJ> S. BaowN Hal.I People-to-People project st>r\t!\ a~ a hining t·xample for Claude Brown, Biu1neu Mana.er ------·------MOS5 n KENDalX JR. tdt.ers on thi1 campus tc• emulate. ..4ui•'""' Editor ------·---•------JEROME H . Wooo Class of 1963 ..4dln1 S'l!'°m Editor• ------RICHARD BRAXTON, CoLBE&T I. KING Nete• Edu.a ... ------MulON HINES JAKES D1XON per family; Food sufficient for HILLTOP COVERAGE PRAl~ED • .ALT DELEGALt: PalMlJS ST. JOHN, EVEL;N s. FaEEMA~ Letters to the Editor two or three days with no fore­ Rttieeir• Editor ------' ,______PucY E. JOHNSTON l"ELLO,. RJP SOLICITED . ight of food for the remainder J)ear Sir: Exc1Nrn1e Uilor ------~------BVIUIA WHITTED of the week. ' St.// S.Cr.,_,. ------'------MAaTHA Baooa.1 Dear Edjtor, Someone at Howard most Plaotov~,,...,. ------______~,.- JAME5 Wu '8N I ha\'e noti<'ed on campus " There are a few grQ.Ups who thoughtfully sent us a copy of Clrnd•"'" M .....r ---- .,.------·------FaAN&. PABl(E• STOUP o( well dressed middle do care what happens to these your issue of October 19 in d.aaa students who seem to be so people. We have a service fra­ which UN Day and UN \Veek ac­ STAFF FOR THIS ISSUE ternity on campus which is will­ tivities are featured, and in FEATURE WRITERS, COLUMNISTS ..if-cenle6d and egotistical that Dixon. Kermit Reynold.., L which. there were many in~rest­ James Marion Hine • Atthibald •1 do not care about th9ose who in&' to help chanate the e condi­ Bethel.my. Allred CbJebolm, Mi<'hael M. Thelwcll are less fortunate than them­ tions. Another group that has ing interviews with n1embers of Adrianne M. Dale, Winllon C. Murray •ITeS. They .are..;nterested in try. made a sizeable contributi<>n to the faculty and student body inc to achieve a good academic help theie people is the \\'osh- about the organization, its affili­ REPORTERS - • r - neon! which ~hould be their pri­ 1ngton Fello"' hip House Work- ates. and its prqgram ... Alma Jean Powell, Brenda Chan<'e.. Ralph 'eubttk Juniu Durdf'ft mary purpo ~e for attendinl' How­ campers. These young tera, like Harry ~iny~ ~·ear Allea. Jobn1011 A. Sorola, Robert L. Se-·~u., I wish to thank and congratu­ ard. They are alao interested in n1yself, realize the need for lo\'e Melvm L Doxie, J~e-Marie Anctenon. Sherrie Maain•o· and understanding among man­ late you on this issue, and in this Younu L Mpaii, Carol F"°'t MYinr a good time \vhich is a" I am warmly joined by my col­ it should be. Ne,ertheless. I feel kind. They are college and high league, Dr. \Villlam Bruce. who PROOFREADt,RS "' some of tht'se "good times" can school people of all races. colors, is now with us here as the Re­ Elvear. AUen. Younua K. Mpqi. Perq Johntton, Walt UeU..aU '- conve1ted into services, serv­ crffds and i·eli&'iona. who come hadrack KwaM, Ansel• Morri.. Jean-Loul~ Turner, Irie Joy, gional Education Representative Hare-ow.. M<'Lean, Raymond Fin<'h ica to the University and esp- toa-ether for a weekend to tat, of the Office of Public Informa-. - dally gervices to the community. •leep, sin&', dance, nnd work. To­ tion of the United Nations. We TYPISTS Thia would meal'l curtailing some gether they ro Into the slum both hope that your readers may Lola Jefl'riee. Gail Hill, Muriel Jarvie ... 91 ' the "fun time" and using it !!ections of the city and, for no be reminded of the a.-ailability of Is .... help those in need. n1oney. work with the owner of ==HIUTCW~ 1•~1 t1• i., .. I 11 C1l111 .. lll r9' Am l•aal ef to the reference library in this of­ ,... - Acslt11ltcc, 1.. 1~1 ef ,..., 1• 111 ef "• 11, IM ••••I ef the house to help make it r\ bet­ I -··:: fiil tleaw4 U.ha•j I ••I ....., I llJI .. .. ef ... ~ I am referring to thost people ftce for UN documenta and :re­ •M.--.1• . W' ...... ~...... • ...... who are livin&' under such de­ ter place to1: live in. ports on various International n.. ._.._ 1• .. ee la•a 1 ...... ••= -4..... ;1 ,. p&orabJe conditions that there are I mentionect earlier that Jlow­ phases of economie, social, and :. tt,::,wr t :: .2 :, , ,,. ., ••••• ...... UTW:..: •. ::::~ 9" and six sleepinr in one bed; ard's 1tudenta are eptistical. ..._ ft ~ I t I , ..,. •1 1'11 - ' political questlf).Dt together with .. ' O .! ..m• _. n 11 • CAies<. I '-.. lttUfOP la '1111 NAT'ONAl ADVIi. tJlne families livin&' in a three Now 1 will ~ve my rea ons for a variety of pneral, popular ma. alo'7 h•use with eight and nine sayin&' this. In tryinl' to recruit terial on the United Nations fa- :;:11~.~·:le~. . ~..! !":':e~:;us . ~ :~.'; .~i7 ;::t:., lb~~!': ., - , .... • • ti (> November 13, 1959 THE HILLTOP Pa,ie 3 Harold Lewis ~ks Mental Health Is Calloway Senior Queen Nazi, Personality Issue Debated Intelligent Dissent Carol Callo,vay was chosen & Oueen of the Senior Class in th-.? 1 By Carol Frost cussion, said Mr. Hagedorn, was 811 lValt D~L.go.ll not to attempt justify or ev:il­ Theme of Weekend eiection conducted October 30. The. German Club held its fl.r3t to >Jter a year's post-doctor:tl With five candids.tes in the field, n1eeting of the school year on l1ate Nazifsm and its effects, but study at Harvard, Harold "Mental Health and Today•s o.- this is how the picture was paint- Thursday evening, October 29th. to explain ho'v and why Naziism Le'Wis, Associate Professor of Youth" was the theme of the ed: .. at 7:30 p.m. at the Miller House. was able to develop. However, llis{ory recently returned to Ho- annual Women's Weekend a~ much of the discussion period re-­ '~· ard where he heads the Course, l (o\vard University, Nov. 6-8. Carol Calloway . , ...... 54 The topic for the evening, "The ~ suited in moral evaluations of {'..... " lntrodw:tion to the Social SJ>?nsored by the ~oward Wom­ ?\azi Personality" embodied a ape: e!l together each year for discus­ These Results were certified by Germany, and a former member s~en t a summer with a ~rma~ tn supplement the Social Science sions of p~blems ~fecting them­ Richard Braxton, Chairman of tlie of the Nazi Youth Organization, family through the Experiment • lt xt," said Dr. Lewis, with re- selv~s! their families and com­ L. A. Student Council's Election~ discussed the Nazi personality in International Living. The • (;ard to his plana for revising the n1unities. CGmmittee, in association with in relation to his own experience;; 1nceting closed with the singing • · course. "I ctm't feel that the F ... rial Sherman, President of the ttnd impressions of the Nazi rr. · of Die Gedanken Sind Frei... Our The weekend got underway at c.asa of 1960. • forus should be entirely on A- 8 p.m., Friday, with a dinner in girue. The purpose_ of his dis· 'l'houghts are Free". 1.1erican society. Students must Baldwin Hall. Mrs Mordecai W. view human affairs in both mi.!­ Johnson, wife of the University ro<."O&m and macrocosm." president, spoke. Si'"'ificant Otan1es A forum on mental health w:is In the near thirty years that held at lOa.m., Saturday, in the Dr. Lewis has been on the facul­ auditorium of the School of En - .. •' • ty. he has \vitneaaed many signi­ girring and Archit.octure build­ ficant changes in the University, inf. Speakers included Dr. Luther t·oth of an n.cademic and physical D. Robinson, physician-in-char~ . nature. Upon reflecting on the \ '\\'est Large Service, St. Eliza­ cha11ges taken place over the beth's Hospital, Wanhington; Ir. years, he stated that the m3ny Marvin E. Perkins, chief of the new buildings have added much to Eureau of Mental Health, D.C ~he elegance of the University. "I Department of Public Health; :ind • am much happier, however, about Dr. E. Y. Williams, professor and the increased technical compet- head of the Department of Neu­ . . en<-e among the faculty member3 rology and Psychiatry of the Col­ _ \vi th regard to training and pre­ lege of Medicine at Hov1ard. paration. Another trend has been Dr. Raleigh Morgan, Jr., ass.:> · the transfer of student affairs to ciate director of the Center for rrofessionally trained personnel.'' Applied Linguistics, spoke at a As for the future, Dr. Lewis luncheon meeting at 1 p.m., Sat­ thinks that the reminder program U':"day, in Baldwin Hall. ' should be extended. "I would al· A fellowship brunch at 9 a .ni., ' i;o find it especially gratifying Sunday, in Miller JTous~ was fol· • • to see more intelligent diase!lt lo"Ned at 11 a.ll\. by the Univer­ en the part of the students not :;!ly religious services in Andre\v llll'rely on biblical issues, which Rankin Chupcl. The Reverend ·' ere so populat: today, but in nll Rl-iph D. Abernathy, pastor ' of a ·· p~ of our lives." Firzt Baptist Church, ~tontgom e­ Candid Oh11t>rvu1ion!l ry, Ala., . spoke. •• Dr. Le\vis ':'who is well known for his candid observations, had Nichol1on f.,eada Harriera tht~ to ~Y about the teachin.V ...j 1nofession. "The ideal teacher is By Ki~ard Bra~t~n • one who does not limit his in- Coached bY' Mr. Ted Chnmbers s lruction to the mere fifty min- the Biion cross country team has ti t~ of the class period. His irt" run four races in inter-collegi:it'! -s tru~tion s~ou ld, it necess~ry, be · competition thus far. ~ontinued tn aftei;- class dtscu.ss- In their first meet, a. smal! • • ion and student-instructor oon- contingent of three harriers rep­ f ~rences. Of course, research anrl rresented the Bison against Lin· si:~ng engagements, etc., ar~ coln u. at the latter's cour1e. an important part of the teach- I incoln won by a score of 19-4() c:·.-s. job, but. the.se should. be ~o- Howard earning the 40 point o_rdinated wit~ ths cl~~s tnstrUc- r nd Lin~'oln's Eddy Willia"'s Tareyton tion. If there ts confbct between- l?'8 ·og fint place honors. Ho,v­ t~em, the form!r m~~· of neces~ nr.f1reshman, Clyde Nicholson . sily, be subordtn.'\ted. . . wns second to Williams, with Bi· ua~~~:i':e~:i:i!~:~~. ih:,i~~:d sons, William. Hall and Leroy Col: back in his chair and went on t.; ter also p!aci~g. discuss his views on Greek or- Che~ne~ s Bill Chandler l.ed ~ • 1 J.Anizations. He said, very point- th~ finis~ in th4: next duel, Nicho - edly, "I have no objections to the s~n again placing second. Hnll ·W· Greeks as long u in their func- J•m Alstan, Herb Greene, a.nd '\~ th:>ning they do not abuse 1tu- Leroy Colter finished in that order ~ • ,0,UlAR"' fllTll PltfCl ~ents eeeking to join them. I fee! for Howard. Nevertheless, Chey· ...... • f t'hi.t all atudenta with the necea- n' y was victorious, 19-38. . . . . • sary scholastic qualifications In the ensuine- encounter, the sl1uuld be admitted. to the organ- first to be run at Howard, Jim • ization of his choice.'' Bryan, of West Chester, broke Filters, as·no siligle filter caR. · Dr. Lewis who i1 very fond of the record for Howard's three g1Jns and western a.ttfre, has col- and three qu!\rter miles cour1c lected a number of ritlee and var- with a time of 18:•2.5. In doin' fOr mlld, full fllvor! · ' ···- · ious type hand-guns. Duri~ so, he led bis teammates to a 18- (,.---··-·•-· _..,,, summera, between teacbfn~ 45 victory. Placine- for !aoward .. -··--·---····-·...... ____ _ • ' . achool and readins, he manaroa were, in order, Nicholson, who .. to devote a lot of time to his \\"QI also third in the entire race, • f:ivorite spo~tarpt ehootfn!'. Hall, Alston, Martin, Greene, and Colter. ' The fourth race was apinst Here's how the 1b!iJ Filter does it: Latti11tore Frosh Mt. St. Mary, and American Uni­ • versity. .- l ft combines a unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL ... defl· (i)ueen ~ nitely proved to make the smoke of a cigarette mild and smooth .. , • Queen: Audrey Lattimore Frosh Steering Unit 2. with an efficient pure white outer f,ltter. Toaether they bring you the Hunnw1-up (In order of ftniah) : real thin& In mildness and fine tobac~9 taste I • Sandy Simon, Louise f >lsz, 1959-60 Pearline Robinson. Sandra Hurt. - The Steering Committee for . .. " • Rebekah \\'eat, Tamara Ewell, the year 1959-60 are as follows: • Jean Chin, Alexia Hammond, Louise Diaz, Kenneth Morrl1, NEW Cllntona Jackeoe. Wanda.Jean Benjamin Allen, J•n Chin, Johneon, Joyce Brown, Marze> Goldie Battle. Robert Gamble. Dl­ \ ' au&"han, Carolyn Ou1ley, Joan on Diamond; Robert Archie. San­ DUAL Eubank1, Sondra Johnson. Jean- dra Jordan, Archie Taylor. Cyn· nette Battle, Juanita Kins. Helen ~ thia Sharpe. Joyce Brown, Vernon FILTER Mitthell, Wlnona Woo

~ . .._ t ... " - • • • • • • p,_ 4 • THE HILLTOP November 13, 195~ -·• have a ,·ested interest in malr.­ cti,ities include area and nation­ • Air Society Aims Winters: Redtal uining a l&rge establi~ment meetinitS, Air Force brief'mp, wilicb requires a sir.able oftlcer And Program Outlined inspection tours and orientation • fights. The all-impor1ant ob­ trainer corpa for nerr new cn>up The Arnold Air Society is a ''Song of Nattons'' ' or draftees. The larger the es­ jt-ctive -of these 3ctivities is the The GUILD .. s«ietr of Air Fotte R.O.T.C. ntc·tivation of the individual to­ tabH bmtnt the createT are the • B:iritol'.'e Lawrence Winte~ cadets which haa as it.a raison \\ncept.s of· the United Sta~1 Air In accomplishing their objec­ ' . Purce; 2702 Ga. Ave., W~sh., DC ~ert v.·as held 1n Andrew P.anldn acainst the army, but;-'neverthe­ th e the ·Cadet develops through I participation in the training pro­ Chapel . . le!:;, the proYocative iau-. raised 2. To promote greater awarene;;a of the responsibilities of A.mcr:- l;T.AJD qualities a! teamwork, co­ Thtee other concert." aTe ached- in his article d erve our imlJledi­ AD. 2-1148 can citizenship; ~ c. pcration, diacipline and deJ)end­ uJed' thia t'UOn. Pianist lfalcolm atc attention. Can thU c&mpa • • 3. To create a closer and more ability. The a.ctiTitiea ot the to· • P'ra&'ff, winner of the" 1959 Leven­ furioual7 "wave the flag" OT<.r Jackel• • S"·eaten eftlcient relationship :i m o n g ciety also include talks and mov­ tritt Foundation Com~titior., ;hf' iasue and cast it aside u we R.O.T.C. cadeta. ies on matters ~ to Aic Blazen • Sweat Shirts will play Decembet' 10; the Tr.o do 80 many others! (Will any The Arnold .Air Society bu the Force and the eDCOtaraged atudy . di Boluno will appear Febroar; ..~ .... ROTC or other 1tUdmta have the active support of the Air Fore~, of Air Foree lla~ume and the 11, and Pianist WiUi:un Ma11elos Pennanta • Hale I: .. intestinal fortitude" to take an Arnold Air I..ette• . ' en March 31. and the r&D&'e of activities poqi­ intelliC'f'Dt stand deapite ridicule ble for members of this society One of the most recent of the . Jewelry at.end from· coast to coast :is a • • Jlr. Winters, who bu appeared from, the m:any 3()()%· Americ3n1 ~iety'a project.a wu the founda- • la 42 OJ)e"l"atic roles in the United amonc us!" l"f"tlult of the co-operation anii . State. and Europe, fa lead.inc aupport of the Afr Force. These (Continued on Pa~ 6, Col. 4) ..ritone of the N' nr York City <>nter Opera Company. Bia rolq melllde the title role in Riplette, A•a aa11"0 in Aida, Dr. Miracle la Talee of Hoffman. Tacbello in IJne for Thrtt On•1n, and Mar­ • • ceJJo in La Boheme. Re bu aJ>­ ..-red also in mu.ical comed7, - t rla7fn&' a lead role in a two-ye'lr - ran (1945-47) of Call Me Mt.ter• • · . Gnduated from the School of • • Koaic at Howard University In JMt Mr. Winters made hi• 10lo ·Never . . Mui in the aame year with th'! NBC Symphony Orchestra under th• direction of Leopdld Stokow:.­ .. ~J. A year later he plaJed thf' ·too weak. role of Porgy in the Broadway pTOctuction of Por11 and B 211. He has appeared in concert& in • ·- Canada, Mexico, Europe, the Weat Iftdift and Central and South America. A former member of • 'I-,. tbe Howard Choir, ~Ir. Winters -,rerfonned in 1965 u a aoloi~t with the Choir and the National SJmphony Orchestra in Constitu­ tion Hall. 'nlomu Kerr, u soeiate profes­ IOr of piano at How:ird, will :ic­ • eoiftpany Mr. Winters. "In Mn­ ' aorl.am,". compol"ed by ~r. 1t JT, •nd two spirituals arran,ed ~by .. Mr. Kerr, '\\111 be included on the progTam. • ~ The -cycle, " P <>i! me d'un jour' 1 just ri LJ ~ French composer, Gabric Faure,. and two groups of Germar; reder by Sh'1bert, Schumann ana Hop \\'olf, "ill be sung in the ' ftnt half of the ~ncert. Aaron Copland's "The Bo man'• Dan·c~" • will lead off a group ' ur aon,n C~rpent r. Afro-Brazilian ongs and spirituals "';n be sung as !he ftnal group. Army Draft-Extension ~ttacked at Oklahoma (ACP)-Oklahoma State Uni; "1"1ity ~en ior Neal L. Baumwart • ·rote his views on the peacetime dratt in this letter to the DAJT.Y Vou can light either end I (;' O'COLLEGIA.N : • ' ... ..This utuversity will be inter- •ted in an article appearing in ·ng flavor. .. so .fiiehd'r 1o your.tas1e! ... the October issue of Motive mag­ ( -cine entiUed "The Army Gets ; It.a \Vay." The author, ...John M. ... See how Pall Mall's famous.]ength of fine, rich­ • S•oomley, discusses the recent taSting tobacco travels and gentles the smoke­ utenaion by CODCTetS , of th• NO FLAT q p•cetlme draft for anothel' four makes it mild-but does not filter out ,_,.., and believea 1uch a law. •FILTERED-OUT• that satisfying flavor! to be unwarranted and very dan- • • ceroaa. . FLAVOR I "To summarize Swoomley's comment.a briefly- the army. in eontrast to the more realistic air NO DRY lo~ and navy, failed in ita dri~e ·SMOKED-OUT· tor universal military trainin1, • but. la placated by ouch laws •• / TASTE I the Reserve Forces act of 1956 and the recent draft-extension r. .. HERE'S WHV 8MC)t(E •T9'AVEt.aD• TH9'0UCIH PIN• TOBACCO TABTE8 a•aT act. • .. You aet PaU Maira Pall Mall,;. famous Traftf1 it ewer, under, .. UndoubtedlJ, ~ oft\cera 2 3 famous ,.ncth of th• ,.,.th travels and around and throu1h l\a•• come to believe tbeir owu Outstanding... finest tobaccol 1ent1es the Smoke Pall Mall's fine tobeccol pr~ncta that la then aome 1money can buy. • nat&nl!y. • • • .• and makes It mild t tbiq lnberentlr pod and demo. and they are Mild! •c:radc fn th• requirement that • - ,, ••nJ citizen serve. ArmJ. oftken . ) ... ,c. e,., •.,,.:~e . I • r • • • - , • • • , • • • ...... ,.~ .. r • .. . - • 9 Novt>mber 13, 1959 • T-HE HILL'TOP • Page 5 -.. . ' # • I ~ k o ( ·ic.r some cha:ritable institution vided by R. Le'vis and Coro­ ree s n ampus as \\'ell as a contribution of goods. lyn Frost, who, a,·ing pre' iou."- G • ·. · A similar :ictivity of this type Jy studied Russian. assis t new- Bu Elvear . \ lle~ t • , is being planned for the spring comers in the class. T}:le extra- ...... • semester. Some other project~ curricular course will procet.>d at I STRESS COMMt;~T~ Sll"'l<.E arei redecoration of the room~ a any ra~ desired by the clas:;, and ' It is the role of ctJ;JI!" ~reek n1onthly ne"1sletter published for the major objective will be a .. ~ I letter Qrganji.ation ito enhan<'e soi ors and a. tutorial service. · sound knowledge of the funua- .· th<' ideals, qualitie~ and talents Zeta Phi Beta mental grammar skills. A ba"ic • of individuals. s is traditional, The officers of text has been selected, and at the Greeks 1,;of t'he li"OW)!.Trt, Vice--Presi~ent, Bernadine hfe." of the .ultor .. ohnson; Recording Secretary, Howard University is begin­ This comment comes from J ose · Gail Pollard~ Corresponding Sec- ning a Russian class under the Maria De Lorenzio, one of the Workshop Opened , Cook Hall Council Joins retary, Sylvia Harris; Treasurer, direction of Dr. Eaton of the three Argentine students on a J Thomasenia Long; Financial Sec- Classics Department. Meeting on State Department tour of tho By Modem.Dance Club Peop Ie-to- Peop Ie retary, Lillian. Carnage; Busine:::! Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri­ UnitA!d Stal.es who i;tayed on To Pack and Ship Books ~lanager, Avis Pointer; Parlio· da71 from 12 to 1 in Douglass campus recently. 1 The opening meeting of the mentarian, Edna Vines. Hall, room 148, the class COJJ­ Jose, a fourth year law student Worksho~ Series of the Modern The Cook Hall Council and its Highlighting thia year's pro · aists presently of about eight at the University of Buenos Dance Club was held on Octob~r v"olunteen committee are aotive gram of activities will be the students, and any other interest­ Aires, Richard Foulkes, a fifth articipants in the People-to· Delta Jabberwock which will be ed students will be welcome. Ad­ yenr architecture major at tho ~3rd in the Activi ty Studio of P P{:ople program. . J presented at the Lisner Audi- ditional instruction is being pro- (Continued on PaJl'e 6. Col. 1) t h(; Women's Physico.1 Education torium. The service projects for Building. The program consisted Under the guidance of Mr. An- this semester include the preaen- of brief outlines and d~monatra- denon and his staff', the Cook tation of programs and gooda to ~- L 0 O K I tion of ballet and modern dance tlfall Council liu assumed respon- charitable institutions. The apring • by students from the University sibility to pack and ship books sl!mester will embrace activities CARL WILSON HAS DONE ; AGAIN of Maryland, and atudent and fac- to be sent to foreign countries for May Week and the annu&l 1 partment at Howard. Particular for the People-to-People Organi- Crystal Ball. · \ ulty members of the Dance De- zation. A NEW MODERN DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT • emphasis was placed upon the People-to-People is a nonparti- Alpha Ch:Lpter of Alpha Kapp" ' - Humphrey, Graham, and Wigman es.n and nc;Cn government con- Alpha Sorority approaches its Completely Equippe~ For Fmt S~r,,ice sc?lools of modern dance. Miss trolled program carried out t.y 52nd year at Howard Univeraity Ev yn Washington, president of the people of the United StateJ with the following ofticers; Basi­ Home o/ Fine Food the Modern Dance Club, an- nnd is "designed to establish last· lcus, Brenda Lawson; Anti-Basi-,. 110 need the outline of the year'lll ing two-way relationships from leua, Norma Bonner; Grammaet· Break/tut At All Timea • ~ r. gram, \vhich will attempt to , .. bich international friendships us, Adrienne Britt; Epistoleua, • • elate the dance to the other fin2 and understanding can grow. Barbara Stanley; Dean of Ivie!t, • 2027 Georgia Ave., N. W . Wash., D.C . crts. Recently, Mr. Hollis Hod~es Sandra Hargraves; Assistant spoke to a group of interested Denn of Ivies, Evelyn Freeman; • Cook Hall residents on the naturo Tamiochus, Irma Edwards; Par- • oving Reporter of the program. From this ~oup, Hamentarian, Nannette Pegram; a number of volunteers was se- Sergeant-at-arms, Norge Jerome ; niv. Senate Assailed 10\!ted and a committee ·was Ivy Leaf Reporter, Feria! Sher­ get off By Leonat·d S. Brown f ,;rmed to screen 5000 booka col- man. lccted by various organizations Sponsored· again this year will your Greeks and pro-Greeks htlvcn't and stored at a Goodwill Indus- be numerous educati~l and cul- • !:top reacting yet to the Un\. tries warehouse. tural programs. A: community ' versity's Sen:ite regulation issued (ED: NOTE: See "People-to- service project for th s semester pad, dad••• 5evcral weeks ago defining and People" editorial. ) will be a Thanksgiving program restricting activities of fraten1t­ t;es and sororities on campus. \Vhile it would appear the :ic­ 1/ou-t t:IJoi.-~Ofj • ion of the University is in har­ tnCJny ' \vith a nation-wide move­ It f{OU in your •lomach ment \vherein colleges are c1·ack­ To gi11e you eneriy in1; Clown on the quasi- campus Here is what we now sell at Greek organizntions, feeling they For u• to •ell a 1 Oc H ot-Do14 have procrastinated in their duties and •lay in bu•ine••• thU i.t long enough, it would appear nlso iDhat ace will have to •ell. I• Ben's Chili Bowl that the reaction of the Howard thi. what you want? student is no more different or 1213 YOU St., N.W. . . ,. unique than the reactions... or other . ' • A lOc HOT-DOG 20c ~OT-DOGS • .. university students. Here are ' Howard students: . • • ( l) Oft' Brand Name Brand - Bri~ga COLBERT I . KING, Washing­ (2) Half-Cereal. Half-Meat .\11 Meat - No Cereal Go~ GREYHOUND .. - ,. - ,. ~ . ton. "The actions of the Unf­ ---- -· .. vtnity Senate are grossly un­ (3) Second Grade Meat ' Firet Quality Meai. (for out-of-this-world savings!) l. - -. fair. The Senate is making a ( t to weaken the ' - ' No, there's no Greyhound • " - Greek letter: organiZl\tiona:· lcsd.. ·­ (5) 12 to the Pound . 7- to the- Pdund · Scenicruisere Service to ing to their eventual elimination • - . o uter space- yet. But if ' the Howard campus." - · (6) Day Old Roll• RoU. - No Seeoftd1'• \ from J.iUh you're rocketing home for ...... - .. -- f (7) Lish Porou Rolla \_ Heavy Solid RoU. the holidays, there's no COMPARE THESE LOW, \ MAUDINE M. RICE, St. Paul, / LOW FARES: - better way to go! It costs \ Minn. "I cannot see any Pu.q>O_ll ~ (8) Onlfnar7 Chill-Sauce ' Spicy Home-made Chill Sauc:e . - ..... - . Lehind the limitation of Gr11i -- .. . less than driving your own NEW .YOllC . • .. • . • • .. $ 7 00 tctivitiea. The University "sp­ (9) Little Nutri&lonal Value Full of Nutritioaal Value jalopy, too. Wtth this exclu· RICHMOND • . • •••••••• , $ 3 00 , .~ • "nSIUllG ...... $ I 00 peara" to be attempting to slow - . . sive Gre,Yhound Service, down the interest shown by the (10) Stand-ap Sea vice BoOth.e and Counter Service •ctlVELAND • ••• •••. • • •• $l1.t5 - . -- ' you aet more-p1y less. •ptus tax - student body. To me, Greek or­ (11) Lons Waltln1 Peribd Fait Efficient Servi«'e ganizations are a vast part of . • . . Get in orbit. .. go Greyhound. • l!niveniti life. Many students (12) Unwho&e.ome Atmotphere Clean Beautiful Atmoephere c.'eafri"- to paJ1iclpate may wotlc . BAGGAGE PROBLEMS? You can take more with you on a harder fn order to make the nec­ (lS) Good lader, IOI' elm1W CoMietently First Quality Greyhound. Or, send your belongings by Greyhound Package essary srade aTeraaee·" quality at riplar pricee. ' Alwa71 Fair Pricn Express. They arrive in hours and cost you less! " \ (14) 0.eaper than Dos-food Coet More, But Fit for a Kins WALTER A. BENNET!', N.Y. ... . • It'• •ut:h • comfort to take th• bu• .•• and l••v• th• driving. to u• I "The aetlon taken by the Uni· (15) Wrapped In wax papes Wrapped bi aluminum loll that vf"ialty Senate waa premature and that melt• la you.r und· eealt in the fta•or - abturd. I 1incerely feel such ac­ wlda • 1110 N.Y. Ave • t'on ahould be taken in a mOH P .S. If a lOc: Bot • Dos le what yoa want, tell the manacrment NA.8-8000 democratic society and univer­ eo we an 1u~• IL._, plwM ae.er thJnk a lOc: Boa ·Dos and sity." • lie Bet • Dotr .,.. the ..-.. · • , °(Continued on Pap 7, Col. 8)

. .. • •• • • - - · \ I _, ' November 13, 1959 • THE llILLTOP • through the ice cover C1f a reser­ Hampton Hazing D~ Causes National Stir voir and drowned. Arnold ( Continue~rom Pall'e 4. Col. 4) (Continued from Page 1, Col. 5) by R fJ bert Walters told to eat the chucks of raw Something certainly must be 170-lb. Shacklford at the goal said for the fraternity case t!on of "The Angel's Flight," an line. High on this week's list of liver soaked in cod liver oil. Six ganization of outstanding college d1 scuesion topics for college stu- i; ucceeded. The seventh, Richard "hich points out that it has been Hampton struck back in J}ine coeds who are united to partic~­ dents is a newa story from Los Swanson, tried five times and on a long time between the MIT plays to go ahead 7-6 followtn~ pate &J auxiliary members, in the Angeles. In that city .. • a stu- the sixth fell gasping to the drO\\'lling and the USC cho'\cing. the kickoff. Fullback Norm An­ program.JX1\·C1f the Society. dt"nt at the University o{ South- floor. \\'hen it is noted than any occu­ derson acccuhted for the final pational group. including frater­ <•r n California was choked to The members and pledgeeJ be­ Membership in this society is )'ardage by smashing over t'rom nity pl ed~s . has a certain statis­ death attempting to swallo\v cl came frantic. They slapped l't"stricted to Air Fo~e R.O.T.C. the 3. . (Juarter-pound piece of oil-Joaked Swanson on the back, stuck tical chance of dyina: while en- In the fourth period Smitty 2a2ed in whatever activity is Cadets with n 2.3 overall avera&"e raw liver. flngers down his throat, tul'ned and a 3.0 in Air Science. uncorked another beauty to his n<>cessary to that occupation. the favorite target, end Bernie Quar­ \Vhat makes the story signlfi- him upside down. and finally be­ argument almost assumes an Commander, Captain Milton terman. This time Quarterman cant is that the boy who died in came hysterical when nothing aura of credibility. this ,. ~articular instance was a succeeded. . White; Deputy Commander, Cap­ made an over-the-shoulder catch Almost ..• until it pointed out pled~egraphed copies of both Relations Officer, 1st Lt. Rodney \\·hy their team and not Howard wire 'ervice stories and di'ltr.ib­ Coleman ;Chaplain, 1st Lt. Hor­ is called tho Pirates. And nert uted thc.nt to all 30 fraternitieJ) ace Webb. comes Morehouse tomorrow. and the basic facts ar~ as fol­ VARSITY DEL low~: .... A t1. part of an initiation eleven Kappa Sigma pledgees had been 400 - W ST., N.W. THE-CAMPUS BOOK STORE Creeks / SPAULDING HAl:l. -"I... (Continued from Pal?c i. Col. 3) Ho~dquarters for All Good Food t •on of toys which will later be BOOKS - OUTLINES - STUDY GUIDES nubmitted to a Home. The spring program includes a library ex1'ib­ Serving a variety of COMPLE'l'E LINE OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES it, volunteer work .at D.C. Gene A STUDENT SERVICE FACUJTY ·, r.I Hospital and activities for • SUBMARINES • FROZEN CUSTARDS Finer Womanhood Week. • MILK SHAKES • BAR-B·Q Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi 1\ 1pha includes the following of­ • COLD Al'i'D HOT S~l>WICHES' SWIFT BEAUTY SALON r;cers: President, Russell Miller, \t ice-President, Clarence Ma~­ ' rood; Rocording Secretary, • COSMETICS • PATENT l\lfDIC~ES 543 Florida Avenue, N.W. " r.raur1ce Nelson; Corresponding . ol/er• you t~ but in hair crn4 .colp 1"'9tment Secretary, James Collins; Finan­ -, Tinlin«. Htrir Cuuin•, and Cold Curl• by ExJNrieneH OJNr.,,ors <::i i Secretary, Moss Kendrix: 'C , 'Treasurer, Joseph Robinaon; Dean C.wr1felo&Dn V nirer1ity Preaf>nll p For Appointments· <"all - DU. 7-9203 or Pledges, Samuel Gough. INTERCOLLEGIATE. JAZZ FESTIVAL Aile for The year's program is in the • - tfle tint ._... Cli 11 ttitleft fw .,_. ~111 91'9VI" - Mr1. Eatell~ Stn611 or Mr1. Sarah Stci/i J.lanning stage; however, the Feuturin", aJUOn" ochtt prizef', nnnual Queen's · Court Tea will DATE AT TllE 1960 NEWPORT JAZZ FESnVAL• h~ held early in November. DOOKl"JG AT BIRDLAND • RECORDING OF AN LP TO BE RELEASED BY A MAJOR COMPANY Howard Debaters Win INDIVIDUAL A'\l 'ARDS Group!! to M- judate-d. by 8uch uuthoriti~ al'I: B11 Conrad Ha)·per • DIZZY GILl,.ESPIE A"lD DAVE HRl1BEC..K Tht.> Kappa Sign1a Debating No Cost to o..ilcenn. SU.00 owwd fw .,..,.... ,.111an.ible fet> 1111tty of • S1x.·11>ty participated in itg first """ tf\at a..c-" • tlnalitt. Fer fvrth... iftfo wr;,.: lntwc.t... late Jata "tival, o_,,... wn U., Watfl. 7 , D.C., °" con'tact this n-1111111r. tournament of the school year at • Svblo ~ up1en1e Court" wa the J11-.lpo,.,ition which \\'as debated. Rt' t<'ant~ were defeated by the Ho\vard dt-baters; of tnese tean1~. • • two from . r • two fro1n the An1erican Un1venii- . tv one from the Gatholic Uni­ Young men and men. who think youn1 • v·e~~ity of America. nnd one from arc NATlTRALLY at cue in our .. .Tohn' Hopkin'i University . "' Anthony Campbell, Conrad • • llnrper, Lascelles Anderson - In the order listed - were the NATURAL 0 • thr~ highel\t rated debaters from TT oward a.t the Tournament. The took • 'olhl'l' debaters who part CLOTHING "t>re Esther Barham, Dorothy Prinkhard Kenneth Hansen, ]\ nn Hammond• Francine• John- The Kaclieo• AYenae SI.op of Bnice 88at offen ... ef thie i.on, Garnita Seiby, Jerome Shu­ city'• •oil compl... 11l1cdou n1an, Horace '\'heatley, and of utual elao.tder dothln1 ba Claudina Young. addtdoa te eoordlutod far­ aiehin11 · aJMI aporuwear lo tlM • Argentine ume diitfncti•ely elaeeJe etyl· iD1. Y•• may bro... and» (\ontinued from Pa~ 1, Col. o) tubed er M•• tlM eoaneou l. nh·ert\ity of La Plata, and Hum­ auiltanee of •ea witla ••llar Lt•1to Gussoni, a fourth year ec<-­ prefereaee1. nom ics major at the University or Buenos Aires, sll of whon1 are pre~idents of their respective stu­ SU ITS In hopsock and worsted . - - - -$SS .. It.71 Lambda 0 dent bodie!I, ~re guests of t~1e SPORT COATS ---- ~ ------$15 .. St.71 J..A . ~tduent Council. nctin.r in OXFORD SHIRTS In .solids, 1tripes •• S.tS .. a.St Some frat•Dldle pt 1•htet.. Some pt \ t"hal! of the National Students SPORT SHIRTS In olive '°""·-----S.tS .. S10 As .ociation. Pl.EA TLESS SLACKS ------• - - - • S.tS .. U.ts bra••. Thll ~,. ~ ••w)'bod,, "At Hov.'ard, I found atudent.ci iDdndln1 WWWL. It bM fMtdcally lO)'ll helping each other without dio­ The New Me•l11a A••••• .... 11-«1•1*1 la men thta 100 ecMmtri• aroucl tinction of any class or school. 0 At your Schoo\ of Law, I found Uae world. It U. DO pin Md ita 0D17 ritu.1 11 • • the orpnizstion just great. t tJae llmple act of eaJo7t8I eoc.co&a •••, 11n1 very glad to know that your • "nahdqoftMJW• ~ tudents are prepuin~ to defend t hr rights of man." 1.. •=1! L 0 R-Lovwa of IWNthm•t. \Vhile in Washington, 'the stu­ , 11 ...... r!tnta visited the Ar,.entlna Em­ £.rrr """'-- .,,, La!>sy and the State Department. 1125 • S.1111, "········ SIGI( Of GOOD TASTl nttende4 a Howat'd Studfnt Coun­ Cit..,. Aura 11 l•fl1I l1nt1• ••1r C1ca<1l1 C••••• dl mHtinr. visited clasaea, and ..._.,of n.. "r ,... Ws+h•• C1eo c.la "t nt ahopptnr downtown. lru••s c.., m. • 7l5e ...... ,,-., ufh•1 llelpta, lla,.,la-4. llE. a.9511

II 0 • •

• • • .~~ • \ ' NoTember 13, 1959 T H E ff I L LT 0 P. Page 7., Women's Physical Ed. dent interest in going to the Lin- Reporter .! _,_ body in three years Howard \Vill t.ons." --- have· no Greek letter t>rganiza- D k Club Activities Shown coln game on the 21st of this (Continued f1·om Paite 5. Col. 1) tions. NO\V is the time to band ~ es ~-:!"- month. If they can arouse enough AN INTERES'.1'ED O~SER:V- to~ether and apilraisc the is::;ue." (Continued frurn .Pa_ge 2, Col.,,) 811 Adriann• !tf. Dau enthusiasm among the students, F;R, N.J. "What 1s the Un1v.!J$1ly MA.RGARET COLEMA~Va. campaign to get . h1~ team a~d so that the latter take an active ~enate? v.:ioever ~h~ ~s~ns ,"\Yhat organization is next· to :.port known .. This JUSt may re T)l<. club has J'ecently begun interest in the trip, the club plans may be, are in my op1n1on, gu1lty l " weakened by the Universi~y a healthy thing. But have you to transmit its philosophy into to sponsor buses to Lincoln. Ac- of trying to destrof, in a. most S;nate? 1 suggest the Senat.- Eiver he{lrd of a soccer "lobby' community by performing in tually, the club itself will act ndemocratic manner what is let.. "d t · "I bb ist?" Speak to Bethel variousth~ pro.,....ams for the public u ,. . ' . . . ,; l·C more const era e concerning or o '{ . .. • only as an administrative body in of the Howard Un1vers1ty sp1r1t abolishing student organiza.. nt:v, he is the man. L. S . .9 £Chools, variouse.~ universities and the matter of collecting the nee- through the abolition of its or- ' · colleges, and leading civic organi- essary funds, and procuring the ganized leaders." zationr.. The May Festival, and buses. No student subsidization GEORGE W. SWEEPER, N.Y · a technique demonstration pre- will be made. "If this sort of action is contin- - sented to the- Freshman Ass~mbly R B ued to be allowed by the student \ areporated annual the Danceevents Clubwhich into :ncor- the ,...------·--·------i immediate community. -6 Dunng the winter quarter, VISIT THE MODERNIZED • there is held ~ Dance Workshop 2600 GEORGIA AVENUE Series wherein one may share - ~ I and reciprocate dance 11.s it cor­ &AGLE BARBER SHOP (Corner Georgia 6 Euclid) relate' with other art forms. • There will lJe performances. lec­ tures, and lecture demo"lStra­ For Courteous Service AD. 4-6122 I ~ t.ions • master lessons, and pre- ::entations ;,f celebrated Janee 4 Skilled Barbers • BREAKFAST - DINNER .arlir.ts. The series is open to th" public and is held at 8 :80 on Fridays 2800 Georgia Ave., N.W. Wash., D.C. - SUBS;;f in the dance studios. Daily are held the three dance . · THOMAS H. LLOYD, Pr!¢. CARRY OUT • <:?assea which compose the Dance • Club. At 3:80. the beginners and'------­ the intermediate classes meet un­ • der the direction of Miss Ruth Ht-ikes and fdiss /Ethel Butler re­ SJ;ectively. At 4 :30, the advanced .. LUCKY STRIKE presents ' (Continued on Paite 8, Col. 5) Booster (Continued from Pa~ 1, Col. 2) of the season the acquisition of Victory 'Pen~anta to be hung from the flagpole at the south end of Miner Hall after each ath­ letic victory, several pep rallies, and the establishment of a direct and functional affiliation with the - DR. PROoo•s MORAL OP TH• MONTH . cheer-leading squad. and the var­ 1, ious athletic te&mJS through their respective representatives. Brevity is the soul of wit. Which is why the sight of a girl I The next major project of the in a Bikini invariably brings a smile t.o a man's face. Boosters is the creation of stu-

Dear Dr. Frood: Do you think next Dear Dr. Frood: Do you think a boy • year's dresses will cover the knees? should kiss a girl on their first date? Clothes-Conscious Shy • ... '· - Dear Clothe1-Con1ciou1: They'd better ' Dear Shy: She would seem to be the Dr. Prood, Ph.T.T. cover more than that. logical choice. • Dear Dr. Frood: I read a great deal so I DR. FROOD ON QUERIES ia /or ne..,er have time for girls. Am I missing anything? Literate BEST LEFT UNQUERIED apparel Years of experience have taught me Dear Literate: OnJy a few marbles. never to ask a girl these Questions : Shouldn't ~e \/..ip the gm lie'> What happened to the /rat1•r11ity pin? • Wow ! Is that your roommate ' · Do you n1i11d t11r11i11f( 011t that ltglrt '> You mean that i\/1't a beanie'> How con1e yo11 11e1 er l\'ear ~horts? Dear Dr. Frood: I admire my roommate • • Wlty don't you .1moJ...e your 0 1111 Luckies? very much, so I try to be like him. He I ia for smokes Luckies. Do you think I should smoke the same cigarette he does? bud,et • Awed Dear Dr. Frood: The guy ncx to me Dear Awed: No. Ask b1m for an un- I • copys frum my paper. What shood I do? used Lucky. ' " Truthfil • _._ •

Dear Trvthftl: Warn him. Quic~ , • 7 COLLEGE •STUDENTS SMOKt ia /or MORE LUCKIES THAN t I: t Cl I ALIER ANY OTHER REGULAR! •' When it comes to choosing their regular smoke, l MEI'S SHOP r • • Yollft9 M... ', Shop college students head right for fine tobacco. ~•· J' Result: Lucky Strike tops every other regular Shop now where smart •• SQfd. Lucky's taste beats all the rest beca~se 1tucfenb find everything Dear Dr. Prood: When I refuse to go L'. S./M.F.T.-Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. tltot'1 new and campus­ out with unattractive 'Jirls, my friends approved in Ivy league say, "Beauty is only akin-deep." What . apparel and priced for do you say? Fussy E • rot1n1 .....t! I TOBACCO AND TASTE TOO FINE TO FILTER!

I CAVAUll MIN'S SHOP Deor Fu11y1 Tbat'• dffp mOugll. • 11JI 7tlt 111111 N.W.


, ,. •