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12-1-1911 HU Journal, Volume 9 Issue 7

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Volume IX FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1911 Number 7


HOWARD UNIVERSITY FOOT BALL SQUAD 1 F. Carter, 2 Foster, 3 Hodge, Trainer, 4 Johnson. 5 Lee. (i F. Gordon, 7 W. Davis. 8 Marshall. Coach. II Davis, 10 Sykes, n Luvalle. 12 < ’handler. 13 Gordon. 14 Richardson. 13 Leverette. I(i Franklin. 17 Beamon. 18 Forbes, 111 Bryce. 20 Oliver. 21 Coppagc. Manager, 22 Gray. Captain. 23 Clellan. 24 Bell. 2.7 Schlaughter. 2<> P. -T. Carter. 27 Dowdell, 28 Westmoreland, 2tl Brannon. 30 Grinnage. 31 Stratton, 32 Hunt, 33 Brown. 34 White. 35 Gillmore.

The Revival of Learning at ledge have more than kept pace ALUMNI UP I : Howard University with the visible signs of growth. Special Notice After all has been said and clone, [THIN the past few years the love of knowledge and truth LL Alumni are urgently w Howard University has indicates the highest measure of A requested to rally to the mm m a d e notable progress the influence and power of any mm G YMNASIUM FUNI). along the lines of material growth iinstitution of learning. Your subscription is due now and and expansion. The faculty and This spirit has taken hold of the longer you withhold your student-body have been greatly the faculty, alumni and student- subscription the longer you hand­ enlarged, and the appliances and body alike, as the following cita­ icap your “kid brothers and sis­ facilities of instruction have been tions will clearly demonstrate. ters.” And will you please, dear doubled. Faculty Alumni, consider with the stu­ The standard of scholarship Professor B. G. Brawley, who dents the natural effect of this and zeal and enthusiasm forknow- (Continued on Page 5, Column 1) great handicap. 9 H O W A R D U N I V E H 8 I TY JOUR N A L

Physical Effect who are striving for existence cepted—but this is not the work Proper emphasis has not been and supremacy, but a strong of a single individual. There are laid upon the rounded develop- body and sufficient vitality are no multi-millionaires among our iment of the youth who necessary to the development alumni and'rightfully' not; conse­ form the next generation. Phys­ and maintenance of a. noble intel­ quently we can’texpeeta bequest ical stamina is absolutely neces­ lect. Athletics is not a mere in­ from some rich alumnus. Such sary to the onward march of this cident to school life but is one of a project calls for concerted Icivilization. The Negro’s position its component parts. It affords actions, alertness, enthusiasm becomes more conspicuous and many opportunities for a display and greatest of all, MONEY. more difficult to maintain as years of superior power and at the The alumni association has a go by. Manhood must be devel­ same time builds into one’s life great leader in the person of Mr. oped among our people and it is confidence, ambition, determina­ Dwight Holmes but you cannot so broad a held that physical tion, tenacity and the spirit of tie his hands and expect him to strength is an absolute essential fair play. It makes one alert and guide you. If you would rally to to its furtherance. Now physi­ enbrgetic, quick to take advantage his support and constantly re­ cal development finds its greatest of the slightest opportunity that member the sacred obligation asset in strong muscles, healthy makes for success. you have taken upon yourself, tissues, endurance and vitality. The Alumni Pledge this great undertaking would be Mr. Henry Churchill King, in The development of such man­ accomplished to the glory and his Rational Living says concern­ hood in the Negro is the peculiar admiration of the alumni associa­ ing “ Wise Living” - “The myste­ aim of Howard University and tion and for the increasing need rious unity of man is a reminder one of the immediate and essen­ of Howard University.—N a p s that no conditions are really tri­ tial assets to the accomplishment vial, that no member of this unity of this aim is a GYMNASIUM. First Public Function of the can suffer alone, and that charac­ Now, no students think any Council of Upper Classmen ter has bodily conditions as well alumnus is unaware of anything iis physical that may not be we have attempted to impress The first public function of the ignored.” upon you in our feeble way, but year of the youncil of Upperclass­ Intellectual Effect -we do feel that you do not have men wi ll occur on Thursday even­ At the same time a properly our in terest at heart to the extent ing, December 7th, in Rankin trained individual develops a that you would make a sacrifice Memorial Chapel. Dean Miller of strong will; develops his motor for us. The erection of a GYM­ the college department will de­ brain tissues, thereby giving a NASIUM is a responsibility you liver to the public, for the first smooth regulated muscular action have taken upon yourself; it is a time, his lecture upon "Higher and healthy stamina for intellec­ unique and praiseworthy one Education in the Light of Changed tual effort. The Negro youth however, but it takes energy and Conditions.” The next meeting must grow intellectually to be effort to render a good account of of the C. U. G. will be held on able to cope with other people your stewardship. In this pro­ December 5th. Ail upperclass­ ject you are the “talented tenth,” men will be present. Orders by telephone receive prompt attention. N. 3065 committed to a task that it is in­ Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery cumbent upon you to perform or COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS Cigars ami 'Tobacco answer to the reason why, and Second Hand and New. Books Bought i f l i CREAM, T in t VELVET KIND, is a t there is one student at least who SHAPIRO BROTHERS will call you to task as long as you Lowdermilk and Company Cor. Georgia Avenue and Howard Place fail to make good. 1426 F Street. Northwest F. R. H IL L Y A R D President Tliirkield accom­ plishes things—why can’t you? D o n 't L-'okckt Jeweler and Scientific Optician In an interview with a student on DINNY’S HANDY PLACE A Full Line of Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry - The Students' Friend Work Called for and Delivered Promptly. Send Postal the gridiron during the - Repairing in all its Blanches Confectioneries, Tobaccos and every­ Howard game, President Thir- thing Good to Eat 1827 7til St. N. W . Tel. North 1522 kield spoke of the need of a gym­ 2201 Georgia Avenue Northwest U n i v e r s i t y W o k k S p e c i a l l y So l i c i t e d nasium opening on the athletic field, for the physical develop­ Repairing Neatly Done Branch 503 Vlh St., N. \V. Ii. A. LIN GER Our $2 Derbies and Soft Hats have ment of the students and said the No Equals Board of Trustees stands ready M A T TRESS F A C T O R Y B ROOT’S HATS to meet the alumni whenever they Curled hair, husk, felt, and cotton mattresses woven Are of the Highest Standard show their colors. wires, brass, and iron beds and cots, etc. Factory and Sales Room 410 lltli St., Northwest 811 Seventh Street. N. W. Phone Mairt 4474-Y Such a challenge should be ac­ HOWARD UNIVERSITY JOURNAL

The Quest of the Silver Fleece be Northern philanthropists who Scissors and Razors Sharpened Tel. Main 1085 make a hasty tour of the South A Review McKee Surgical Instrument Co. in Pullman cars and then arrive Hospital and Invalid supplies, Orthopedic Appli­ 'TheQuest of the Silver Fleece: A Novel at the conclusion that after all ances, Trusses, Elastic Hosiery, Etc. by W. E. Burghardt DuBois. A. C. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS McClure’ & Co., Chicago, 1911. the Negro’s destiny as a hewer of $1.35 net. wood is fixed, and that it but re­ 1004 F St. N. W . mains for him to pursue that sort For months we have waited of training which seems best to GREGORY. THE TAILOR with impatience, and at last “ The his Soutliren white neighbors. Quest of the Silver Fleece” is be­ The third theme for satirical Tfte Students’ Friend fore us. Aside from any inher­ treatment is Negro life in Wash­ 2217 Georgia Avenue Washington, D. C. ent merit that the book may pos. ington. In the capital Bles makes sess, the mere fact that it is the a speech at the Bethel Literary Correct Apparel for Men first novel written by the author Association, is tutored by a pro- pf ., “” fessor at Howard University, and and Youths m^keS its appearance an event of visits the Fifteenth Street Pres­ more than ordinary importance. byterian Church. More import­ SAKS & COMPANY . The story is set in . ant than anything else, however, Pennsylvania Avenue Seventh St. To a school presided over by one is his. meeting with Miss Caroline Miss Smith, representative of the Wynn, a teacher in the M Street How about Christmas best in New England tradition, High School. Miss Wynn is the We carry a full line of Adlers Gloves, come two young souls, Bies Alwyn incarnation of the Washington Suspenders, Neckwear, Sox, Shirts, and Zora; and their meeting- is the spirit of cynicism, and turns her Sweaters, &c. Everything- put in a beautiful fancy box FREE beginning of life for each. Zora’s back on love and sincerity to be­ past is not without interest for stow herself upon a cringing Newport Tailoring Company Bles, however, and accusations crawling individual who by meth­ 1514 Seventh Street. Northwest and confessions give us in the ods of the back door has become last three pages of the chapter Register of the Treasury. Not Phone North 2232 Agent Manhattan Laundry “ Revelation” , what is for literary even the hero and the heroine are WM. E. CLEVER

-quality probably the best work more graphically sketched than H igh G r a d e in tlie book. Bles now goes to Harry Cresswell and Caroline CIGARS AND TOBACCO

Washington to find his fortune, Wynn, but it is an open question All Kinds of Newspapers, Periodicals and Stationer and becomes a $900 clerk in the if in the case of Stillings, the man 1911 7th St. N. W. Washington, D. C. Treasury Department; and Zora whom Miss Wynn marries, the goes to New York as maid to a author has not overdrawn the pic­ woman of wenllh, and through ture. Phone North 71/0 Work Guaranteed sorrow and yearning struggles Considered simply as a story, M. SCHUMACHER up to noble womanhood. The “The Quest of the Silver Fleece” Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, and call from the lowlands is too does not convince us that its auth­ Optical goods strong, however; and the end of or is finally to be more success­ 1904 14th Street N. W. the book finds both back in Ala­ ful in the form of the novel than bama devoting themselves to in that of the literary sketch; H. G. W ise J. W . Spann those they love. and as an achievement in style University Cafe "The Quest of the Silver Fleece” the book is certainly inferior to is one long satire on existing so­ "The Souls of Black Folk.” To A Cafe for Students run by Students cial conditions in America, Its ask that it should equal this form­ Ice Cream Soda chief theme is the treatment ac­ er work, however, is to expect a 2043 Georgia Avenue. Northwest corded Negro tenants by South­ great deal. On its own merits ern land-owners, represented by the book is worth while. It does Dulin &. Martin Company with success what it sets out to the Cress well family. Young Housefurnishings do. We thank the author for it. Cresswell is a graphic portrait China, Glass, and Silver that is undoubtedly destined to He has written a book which no awaken discussion. In his heart­ one interested in American fiction 1215 F; 1214-16-18 G Streets, Northwest lessness, dissipation and lack of or the Negro problem can afford to neglect; and what is more, he respect for women is shown the A. N. Scurlock hollowness of Southern chivalry. has written a book that will do good. B G . B k a w l e y Another theme is that of Negro F INK P H O T O G RA P H S education; and on this point the satire is directed against would- Patronize our Advertisers 900 U Street, N. VV. 4 H O WA R D UXIVE R SITY JOUR N A L

ing obligation to any one. We lowered but once. This means Howard University Journal may see our mistake however that Howard in basket ball as in when we consider the fact that foot ball holds the championship at the Postoffice at Washington, D. C,, under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. no human being is not indebted. among the best colored teams of If we believe the lines of Tenny­ the country.

PRINTED AT T H E i-CF.iOL OF PRINTING, son to the effect that we are the Great praise is due the mem­ HOW ARD I' N i V K:•. i Y , W A:-!! j \'G TO \ , f). C. heir of till the ages. ’Ten all is a bers of the u.skot bail teams for . ho: they now hold, as it TERMS OF SUBSCRIPT* OX over our benefac-; of;. a.id see iloa­ i s ;.! in* ent-i rely to their own efforts. 75 cents per year 5 cents per copy the extent of our indebtedness va­ In this branch of sport we have ries with the time. We enjoy the never bad anyone to coach us and 4 *IL FAUT BATTUE LK FEJR QUAND IE comforts of this modern civiliza­ our knowledge of the game has EST CHAUD” tion; all soldiers of the common been gathered from whatever good are working in our behalf— source that was available. JOURNAL STAFF some we have seen and some we This branch of sport bids fair L o u is H. R u s s e l l , ’ 12 Editor-in-Chief will never see. Hut these work­ t o become a leading pastime J o h n R . H u n t , ’ 12. . .. Associate Editor ers should be thought of with among our college athletes. It has P a u l F. M o w b r a y , ’ 12 Associate Editor gratitude and with cognizance of been proven that it is a financial J e r e m ia h L u c k , ’ 1 3 .. Associate Editor the cost, in human effort, of that success as well as a good game T h o m a s R . D a v i s , ’ 14 Associate Editor C h a r l e s T . L u n s f o r d , ’ 13 which one eats and wears. for physical development. Athletic Editor The benefactions of the Crea­ There is no other sport which W a r r e n L o o a n , ’ 12 Business Manager tor, like those of our brethren, could be substituted for this game K. M. C h a n d l e r , ’ 13 we are apt to receive as a matter that could in any way take its Assistant Business Manat/er H e n r y F . N i x o n , ’ 13 Circulation Mgr. of course. As physical laws are place, because it comes tit a time F. A. T a y l o r , T 4 Advertisement Mgr. so unfaltering, we never stop to when an indoor game is appreci­ think of their great benefactions. ated. The chilly northern winds Year after year, the earth swings CONTRIBUTING EDITORS drive us from the gridiron and around in her orbit and season the next that is heard of us is Samuel H. Keats, Law Dept. Joseph I-I. Brooks, Academy after season comes into existence from the basket ball court. This Frank F. Thompson, Medical Dept. so constantly, that we fail to re­ attracts our attention until the L. G. McCallum, Theological Dept. member the source of all things beautiful spring days call us Benj. L. Taylor, Commercial Dept. good. If one can imagine where­ again to the open air to battle for in his lot can be bettered he can supremacy on the diamond. Students and Alumni of the University are also see at the same time wherein E d G r a y invited to contribute. Address all com ­ it is even now a blest and not un­ munications to favored one. When we consider Howard Universally Journal, Paying Your Subscriptions the fact that life is not self-sus­ Howard University, Promptly, Helps Us to Pay Our W a s h in g to n , D. C. taining for a single moment of the day, we come into a better Bills Promptly.

Friday, Decem ber 1, 1811 appreciation of what we especial­ ly have to give thanks for and of the simple common blessings that STEIN’S EDITORIALS make one’s life a pleasure. *i Manager Coppage says there is $20 College Suits nothing to the game but victory boys, so lets make the most of it. Basket Ball at Howard to Order---- $14.75 Let both Lincoln and Howard Basket ball is practically a new A very special value give thanks for the results of sport at Howard. Pour or live their respective Hampton games. years ago, there was nothing- that we offer to the They might have been worse. heard of the game, and none was College m e n o f 1! At this time of the year the interested in the sport; yet today Washing-ton...... spirit of Thanksgiving is supreme Howard’s basket ball teams hold in all parts of the nation. It is not a leading position in this branch often that a person realizes what of athletics. During the last two a dependent creature he is. In­ years Howard’s teams have bat­ iVI. STEIN & CO. dependent self-sustaining beings tled with the most formidable IMPORTERS AND TAILORS that we are, we do not derive teams of the East, and during much pleasure from acknowledg­ these contests have had her colors 808-810 F Street, Northwest H O W A R D UNIVERSITY JOURNAL J------The Revival of Learning at Mr. J. E. Thomas is listed as a Mr. James A. Wright, of the Howard University graduate student in German, in class of 1911, was awarded a ■ Continued from Pag*e 1, Column 2 Columbia University where he scholarship in the Andover Theo­ ______will receive the degree of Master logical Seminary. Mr. Carl J. jlas already earned the degree of of Arts next summer. Murphy, of the class of 1911, was Master of Arts from Harvard Mr. Joseph Logan spent his awarded a scholarship in the University, spent last summer last vacation in the University of graduate school of Harvard Uni­ at Chicago University, studying Pennsylvania, studying Mathe­ versity, where he is pursuing special topics in English. matical Physics. the course in Modern Languages. Mr. E. P. Davis, instructor in Mr. Walter Dyson spent his Mr. Thomas War ricks, 1911, Latin and Greek in the Academy, summer vacation in the same in­ received an Avery Scholarship in has just received the degree of stitution, studying Methods of the Western University of Penn­ Master of Arts, from the Univer­ Teaching ; and received sylvania. sity of Chicago, his thesis being the highest distinction awarded Mr. N. P. G. Adams, of; the “The Conditional Sentence in for his work. class of 1911, is pursuing the Terrence.” Mr. Davis won the Si "" The Alumni study of Chemistry in the gradu­ highest encomium from the head Prof. W. E. Weatherless,' di­ ate schoolof,Columbia University. of the Department: of .Greek and rector of science in the local high Tde Student-Body Latin for the thoroughness and schools, has just received the de­ Mr. William H. Pleasants, of excellence of his work. Mr. Davis gree of Master: of Arts from Co­ the class of 1912, is the win­ has recently published an article lumbia University,1 for work in ner of the Tyiqr Inter collegiate on “ The Value of Classical Train­ Physics. Prize Essay Contest. This con­ ing in Education,” in one of the Mr. George Lyle of the class of test was open to juniors and sen­ most influential magazines devot­ 1909, after spending one year at iors of the colored race, of all ed to the educational discussions. the Teachers College, Columbia the colleges of the country. The Professor E. E. Just, Associate University, and one year at the subject of the essay was “The Professor of Biology, has. been University of Pennsylvania, has Place of the Negro in the Present engaged for the past three rsum- earned the degree of.. Master of . Industrial Development of the South.” 'TTXiOFs iii r e s e c i i o i i W u r k , " a/u^tiZie- Arts’, at the last named institu­ Marine Biological Laboratory, at tion, and is proceeding . towards Miss Margaret Young of the. Woods Hole, Mass. Prof. Just the degree of Doctor of Philoso­ class of 1912, is the winner of is working in the department of phy. Miss Beulah Burke, in­ the scholarship awarded by the Embryological and Cytological in­ structor in German and English, George Washington Educational vestigation, and is listed by “ Sci­ at the Douglass High School, in Fund, of the state of Illinois. ence” as one of the investigators Kansas City, Kansas. Miss Lillie Mr. Luis Sanchez, of the class in Marine Zoology. Burke, of the class of 1907 head of 1915, holds a government Miss Elizabeth A. Cook, in­ of the Academic Department, scholarship from Porto Rico. These interesting instances structor in French and Spanish, Dowdington Institute, Dowding- spends her vacation in southern ton, Pa. Miss Nora Boyd, a will, I am sure, justify the rath­ Europe, in order to gain more special teacher at the Armstrong- er striking head line, under which intimate acquaintance with the Manual Training school, Wash­ this article is written. spirit and power of the Romance ington, D. C. Miss Lucy D. K e r r y M i r r e k languages. Slowe, instructor in English, Baltimore High School, and Miss “On your way” to the old Man­ Margaret Flagg, of the Baltimore ual Arts Building and get tickets If you want to be dressed in the Latest High School, spent their last va­ for “The Messiah.” Faculty Fashion and to the "Fop Notch cation in pursuing different lines take notice—Pay day is the first. of study at the Summer School GET YOUR CLOTHES AT at Columbia University. H. W. SELLHAUSEN 'Mr. Neval H. Thomas, Instruc­ Books, Periodicals, Magazines, Station­ A. C. BOBYS tor in History, M Street High ery, Cigars and Notions School, Washington, D. C., spent 1808 7th St., N. W ., Washington, D. C. Tailor for College Students for 20 Years the last two summers traveling in Europe, studying the sources 507 11th St., N. W. of historical information. On the I. Haas and Co. basis of knowledge thus gained, Popular Price Tailors MODERATE PRICES Mr. Thomas is delivering stere Suits to order $18.00 up optieon lectures on several topics Ye Old Howard Tailor of historical and current interest. 1211 Pennsylvania Avenue. N. W, 6 HOWARD UNIVERSITY JOURNAL

Dr. Jones at Ohio State faculty of the Economics depart­ Baseball At Howard ment of Ohio State University. D i. Thomas Jesse Jones of the This occasion was in some re­ Baseball as we all know is the Census Bureau- was one of the spects more interesting than the greatest of all American sports speakers at the American Asso­ agricultural meetingas it brought and it rightfully takes its place ciation of Farmers Institute together men who are experi­ as one of our major sports. A few Workers held, at Columbus, Ohio, enced in statistics and economic years ago our teams were at a November 13th, to 15th, 1911. problems. Northern universities great disadvantage for want of ■ The general subject discussed need more and more to receive the substantial backing. It is known at the session in which Dr. Jones point of view of those who are ac­ that baseball is a losing venture took part was the condition of the quainted with the progress which at all of the large colleges in the colored farmers of the South. the colored people are making in country and Howard has not been The persons taking part in this the United States. The creating immune from its disastrous effect. discussion represented the vary­ of the proper sentiment among Before the time of the athletic ing groups who are interested in the professors of social subjects tax, our treasury always showed southern agriculture. They were in these schools has been neglect­ a large deficit at the end of thg southern white men who are ed by those who are friendly to season, but now with the system; professors in southern universi­ the colored people. , The recep­ of athletic taxation and under ties, white farmers owning large tion given to Dr. Jones by the fac­ the supervision of our Athletic tracts of land, and colored men ulty of the Department of Eco­ Council, baseball has taken a big who are in charge of agricultur­ nomics showed that these men boom around the University and al colleges. The' special phases and women are open-minded to all we only hope the time is not far discussed by Dr. Jones were sub­ truths concerning the colored peo­ distant when it will be put on a jects upon which the United States ple . ______paying basis. Our team has made wonderful Census Bureau collects informa­ Track Athletics tion. His charts and statistics progress in past few years until showed the status of the various The outlook for track athletics it now ranks with the best. A tenure classes in the southern in theuniversity this year is more trip is arranged each year for t k Q n Tv >-• i n r T t IPkr>v->rv T\ a » >-> a * r> ttt a o 1 *• J-» the. team, ai^d at the end of each states, turd. U.u>. prug.vos.s, v;liieh uUUnx KS x. Jt^.I.JL u. -L U O i O C/OXllfi,

ate accident which befell our The Wonderful Record of Our HOWARD UNIVERSITY star pitcher our team would have come back from its trip with the Foot Ball Tearh Under championship. With the same Coach Marshall Wilbur P. Thirkield, President, men back in school and the corn- Washington, D. C. ins’' of a few other star players I. Lawrence, Captain, 1909-10 Located in the Capital of the Nation. there is no reason why our boys Annapolis, 0; Howard, 17. Advantages unsurpassed. Campus of twenty- should not g'O through the com­ Shaw, 0; Howard, 17. acres. Modern, scientific, and general ing season with a clean record. Hampton, 0; Howard, 5. equipment. Plant worth over one million Our baseball team along withour dollars. Faculty of one hundred. 1300 Lincoln, 0; Howard, 5. students last year. Unusual opportunities other teams keeps the school in Total opponents, 0: Howard, 44. for self-support. the foreground and proclaims to the wor ld that there is such a place G. Allen, Captain, 1910-11 The College of Arts and Sciences as Howard. It brings back fond Annapolis, 0; Howard, 21. Devoted to liberal studies. Courses in memories to those who have grad­ English, Mathematics, Latin, Greek, Shaw, 0; Howard, 21. French, German, Physics, Chemistry, Bi­ uated and long since would have Hampton, 0; Howard, 38. ology, History, Philosophy, and the Social forgotten their Alma Mater. It Lincoln, 0; Howard, 5. Sciences such as are given in the best ap­ instills that Howard spirit into Tuskegee (Champions of the proved colleges. Address , Dean. the hearts of our athletes, for South), 0; Howard, 18. The Teachers College which our teams are noted. Total opponents, 0; Howard, 103. The more one does for iiis Affords special opportunities for prepara­ tion of teachers. Regular college courses school tlie better he admires and Ed. Gray, Captain, 1911-12 in Psychology, Pedagogy, Education, etc.., reverences its name and will do all Annapolis, 0; Howard, 26. with degree of A. B.; Pedagogical courses in his power to keep up the high Shaw, 0; Howard, 7. leading to the Pd. B. degree. High grade standard to which he has helped Hampton, 0; Howard, 11. courses in Normal Training, Music, Man­ ual Arts and Domestic Sciences. Gradu­ bring it. Lincoln, —; Howard. —. ates helped to positions. Address Lewis B. Our baseball team is one about Moore, A. M., Ph. D., Dean. which our school and graduates The record that Howard’s team might justly -feel proud and lias made under Coach Marshall The Academy with the support of the student now completing his third year, Faculty of ten. Three courses of four body, the backing of the Athletic a record of not being scored up­ years each. High grade preparatory school. Council, we hope to put our team on is the most remarkable in the Address George J. Cummings, A. M ., Dean where it belongs, at the head of annals of football and will prob­ The Commercial College ably go down in the history of the list. Courses in Bookkeeping, Stenography, “R u d d y ” O d iv k h this great college game never to Commercial Law, History, Civics, etc. be duplicated. This record is all Gives Business and English High School the more to be wondered at when education combined. Address George W. Semi-Annual Prize Rhetorical we take into consideration the Cook, A. M ., Dean. hard schedule, and the bad condi­ School of Manual Arts and Applied The semi-annual prize rhetori­ tions under which our teams have Sciences cal and readings of the depart­ been forced to train. Furnishes thorough courses. Ten instruc- ment of English of this univer­ Before Coach Marshall came ors Offers three year courses in Mechani­ here, our teams had a fair rec­ cal and Civil Engineering. Address Perry sity will take place on Dec. 6, in B. Perkins, A. M ., Director. Rankin Memorial Chapel. The ord. They defeated Shaw occas­ prize oratorical contest will take ionally, but victory ovei’ Lincoln Professional Schools place during the second semes­ was something unheard of. From ter. The fund from which the the very time that Coach Marsh­ The School of Theology prizes are drawn amounts to $'20. all came here, athletics took on a Interdenominational. Five professors. new life in our University, and Broad and thorough courses of study. Shorter English courses. Advantage of con­ a new spirit was shown by the nection with a great University. Students’ Somerset R. Waters student body. The faculty has Aid. Low expenses. Address Isaac Clark, Wholesale Grocer and Coffee shown a greater interest in this D. D., Dean. sport, for they fully appreciate The School of Medicine: Medical, Den­ Roaster the wonderful work of her grid­ tal and Pharmaceutic Colleges iron heroes. 1342 Seventh Street. Northwest Over forty professors. Modern labora­ The Howard foot ball team has tories and equipment. Large building con­ been a great aid to the University. nected with new Freedmen’s Hospital, cost­ It is one of the principal organs— ing half a million dollars. Clinical facili­ Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits ties not surpassed in America. Pharmaceu­ FOR HIRE I might rightly say—the great­ tic College, twelve professors, Dental Col­ ONE DOLLAR est- organ by which the University lege, twenty-three professors. Post-Grad­ is known, and its success on the uate School and Polyclinic. Address Ed­ JULIUS COHEN gridiron is a great force to draw ward A . Balloch, M. D., Dean, Fifth and W Streets, Northwest. 1104 Seventh St. N. W . Phone North 362S students to our walls. A very few realize what our foot ball The School of Law Phone North 1367 Y Established 1893 teams are doing for the university Faculty of eight. Courses of three years, and for this reason, footballhasn’t giving thorough knowledge of theory and A . G L A N Z M A N received due credit. The new practice of law. Occupies own building- MERCHANT TAILOR opposite Courthouse. Address Benjamin F. spirit which has been developed Leighton, LL. B., Dean, 420 Fifth Street, Suits sponged and pressed 25c. Special to around here will place football on Northwest. University Students. Suits made to order the same footing that it has in For catalogue and special information, 1844 7th Street, N. W ., Washington, D. C. the largest universities. address Dean of Department.