Spelar Adressen Någon Roll?
Spelar adressen någon roll? En studie av områdeseffekter på medborgares politiska deltagande Statsvetenskapliga institutionen Umeå universitet Statsvetenskapliga institutionens skriftserie, 2007:3 ISSN 0349-0831 ISBN 978-91-7264-355-0 © Katarina Eriksson Tryck: Print & Media, Umeå universitet 2003413 Spelar adressen någon roll? En studie av områdeseffekter på medborgares politiska deltagande Katarina Eriksson Abstract The aim of this study is to describe and explain (individual level) public political participation, with particular focus on the significance of the local, geographical context. Studies of political participation have traditionally focused on individual level explanations. Here, however, the question of the significance of place, is also raised i.e. does place have an effect on the probability of the individual to take political action? Such causal relationships are known as contextual (or neighbourhood) effects. These occur when contextual factors affect individual behaviour so that it varies systematically between different contexts, even after controlling for individual level predictors. Although empirical research has been lacking, there is a widespread assumption that place of residence can have both positive and negative effects on outcomes at the level of the individual. This is the case especially with regard to urban residential segregation, which is believed to cause self-generating, negative effects on the political engagement of citizens. My line of argument is that contextual effects cannot be taken for granted; rather they must be tested empirically in a systematic way, using individual level data and appropriate techniques. Political participation is operationalised in terms of: voting in local elections, contacting local officials, and participating in manifestations. The local, geographical context is operationalised in two ways; as Swedish municipalities and as city districts.
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