A Comparative Linguistic Analysis of English and Spanish Advertising Discourse
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UNIVERSIDADE DA CORUÑA A Comparative Linguistic Analysis of English and Spanish Advertising Discourse Sonia Lavandeira Rojo Doctoral Thesis UDC / 2015 Director: Elizabeth Woodward Smith Department of English Philology / RD 778/1998 UNIVERSIDADE DA CORUÑA DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH PHILOLOGY A Comparative Linguistic Analysis of English and Spanish Advertising Discourse Sonia Lavandeira Rojo Doctoral Thesis 2015 Director: Elizabeth Woodward Smith Vº Bº Director Dra. Elizabeth Woodward Smith ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis started with a collection of advertisements included in an initial research project which was compiled for my dissertation. This study was carried out thanks to my supervisor, Dr. Elizabeth Woodward Smith, who showed me the fruitful and satisfying result of hours of dedication in investigating the fascinating world of advertising. Thanks for her invaluable help and patience during all these years. I would also like to thank all the people who contributed to the creation of my corpus, such as my grandma, Cándida, and my uncle, José, who are no longer here, but always sent me magazines and newspapers from England, as well as my Uncle Raúl, who still sends me English press. Thanks to my parents, M. Clara and Antonio, and my husband, Javier, for their support, and to my children (Daniel, John and Clara) for their understanding when I was working on this thesis and could not be disturbed. Resumo O obxectivo desta tese é probar cientificamente que o discurso publicitario en lingua inglesa é máis variado, rico, con maior flexibilidade e máis efectivo que o discurso publicitario en lingua española, e isto fai que os publicistas ingleses fagan mellor uso dos recursos lingüísticos que os publicistas españois. As diferenzas entre anuncios ingleses e españois non só abarcan recursos que chamen a atención senón tamén o uso da lingua. Por esta razón, esta análise divídese en cinco campos lingüísticos: fonoloxía, morfoloxía, sintaxe, semántica e pragmática. Cada campo ofrece oportunidades para comparar o discurso publicitario en ambas as linguas, ofrecendo conclusións interesantes para apoiar a nosa hipótese. Un corpus orixinal composto de máis de 300 anuncios en inglés e español foi recabado de entre un gran volume de anuncios nun período de trece anos. Incluíronse no corpus ben en base a que as súas características eran encontradas frecuentemente noutros anuncios, polo tanto, confirmaban unha tendencia, ou ben pola súa excepcionalidade, é dicir, ofrecía características raramente encontradas noutros anuncios. A conclusión é que as diferenzas atopadas no discurso publicitario eran debidas a características lingüísticas intrínsecas, e que ademais, a lingua inglesa facía mellor uso diso para producir textos publicitarios enxeñosos, memorables e efectivos. Resumen El objetivo de esta tesis es probar científicamente que el discurso publicitario inglés es más variado, rico, flexible y efectivo que el discurso publicitario español, contribuyendo a que los publicistas ingleses hagan mejor uso de los recursos lingüísticos que los publicistas españoles. Las diferencias entre anuncios ingleses y españoles no sólo abarcan recursos que llamen la atención sino que también el uso de la lengua. Por esta razón, este análisis está dividido en cinco campos lingüísticos: fonología, morfología, sintaxis, semántica y pragmática. Cada campo ofrece oportunidades para comparar el discurso publicitario en ambas lenguas, ofreciendo conclusiones interesantes que apoyan nuestra hipótesis. Un corpus original compuesto por más de 300 anuncios en inglés y español fue recabado de entre un gran volumen de anuncios en un periodo de 13 años. Se incluyeron en el corpus bien en base a que sus características eran encontradas frecuentemente en otros anuncios, confirmando así una tendencia, o bien por su excepcionalidad, es decir, ofrecían características raramente halladas en otros anuncios. La conclusión es que estas diferencias en el discurso publicitario se debían a características lingüísticas intrínsecas, y que además, la lengua inglesa hacía mejor uso de ellas para producir textos publicitarios ingeniosos, memorables y efectivos. Abstract The aim of this thesis is to prove scientifically that English language advertising discourse is more varied, richer, and has greater flexibility and efficiency than Spanish advertising discourse, and that this allows English advertisers to make a better use of linguistic resources than their Spanish counterparts. The differences between English and Spanish advertisements are not only concerned with attention-seeking devices but with the use of language. For this reason, this analysis is divided into five linguistic fields: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Each field offers opportunities for comparing advertising discourse in both languages, providing interesting conclusions which support our hypothesis. An original corpus of English and Spanish advertisements, composed of more than 300 advertisements, was drawn from a large volume of advertising over a period of thirteen years. Inclusion in the corpus was based on either the characteristics being frequently found in other adverts, so that they confirmed a tendency, or on their exceptionality, that is, they offered characteristics hardly found in other adverts. The conclusion is that the differences found in advertising discourse are due to intrinsic linguistic characteristics, and that, moreover, English makes good use of this fact to produce witty, memorable and effective advertising copy. A COMPARATIVE LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH AND SPANISH ADVERTISING DISCOURSE INDEX PAGE 1. INTRODUCTION 25 1.1 The aim of this study 25 1.2 The early days of publicity 37 1.3 The state of present research on advertising discourse 48 1.4 Theoretical framework 49 2. ADVERTISING 61 2.1 Definition. Types of advertisements 61 2.2 Attention-seeking devices 71 A) Images 72 B) Heading 76 C) Intertextuality 78 D) Celebrities 80 E) Samples 81 F) Graphic devices 82 13 Sonia Lavandeira Rojo G) Principle of reversal 83 H) Other methods 84 2.3 Our analysis 84 3. THE STUDY OF ADVERTISING LANGUAGE 87 4. PHONOLOGY 93 4.1 Vowels 94 4.2 Diphthongs and tripthongs 104 4.3 Consonants 106 4.4 Wordplay and unconventional spellings 110 4.5 Sound symbolism 115 4.6 Alliteration and parallelism 118 4.7 Rhymes and repetition 121 5. MORPHOLOGY 125 5.1 Affixation 125 5.2 Comparative and superlative adjectives 129 5.3 Compounding 135 14 A COMPARATIVE LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH AND SPANISH ADVERTISING DISCOURSE 5.4 Functional conversion 140 5.5 Clipping 141 5.6 Acronyms 142 5.7 Foreign elements in English and Spanish advertisements 142 6. Syntax 147 6.1 Declarative sentences 150 6.2 Interrogatives 152 6.3 Imperatives 157 6.4 Exclamations 164 6.5 Proverbs and sayings 165 6.6 Disjunctive syntax 169 6.7 Complex sentences 175 7. SEMANTICS 179 7.1 Adjective selection 181 7.2 Denotation and connotation 194 A) Cleaning products 195 B) Washing powders 197 15 Sonia Lavandeira Rojo C) Toothpaste 198 D) Soaps 198 E) Perfumes 199 7.3 Country connotations 201 7.4 Colour connotations 204 7.5 Sexual connotations 207 7.6 Humour connotations 208 7.7 Adaptations 210 7.8 Puns 218 7.9 Cohesion 222 7.10 Parallelism 229 7.11 Metaphor, personification and metonymy 232 8. PRAGMATICS 241 8.1 Implicit elements 242 8.2 Hyperbolic statements 249 8.3 Deixis-anchorage 253 8.4 Formal and spoken language 258 8.5 Pronominal treatment 262 8.6 Conversational principles 271 16 A COMPARATIVE LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH AND SPANISH ADVERTISING DISCOURSE 8.7 Persuasive language 274 8.8 Language used on the Internet 277 8.9 Language for other types of discourse 278 9. CONCLUSION 283 10. REFERENCES 309 11. SUMMARY 325 12. ANNEX CD 17 Sonia Lavandeira Rojo 18 A COMPARATIVE LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH AND SPANISH ADVERTISING DISCOURSE LIST OF PICTURES PAGE Picture 1. The Coca-Cola bottle 29 Picture 2. Pepsi’s logos 29 Picture 3. Roadside hoardings 34 Picture 4. Advertising on a telephone box 34 Picture 5. Advertising on buildings 35 Picture 6. Advertisement found in Pompeii 38 Picture 7. Touran advertisement 39 Picture 8. Terra’s website 42 Picture 9. Burger King 44 Picture 10. Nike 45 Picture 11. Advertising kills 75 Picture 12. Communication process 88 Picture 13. Obama’s poster 101 Picture 14. Movistar 102 Picture 15. Pezqueñines 112 Picture 16. Osito Mimosín 197 19 Sonia Lavandeira Rojo 20 A COMPARATIVE LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH AND SPANISH ADVERTISING DISCOURSE LIST OF DIAGRAMS PAGE Diagram 1. Grammatical hierarchy 54 Diagram 2. Advertising media 61 Diagram 3. Types of advertisements 63 Diagram 4. English diphthongs 104 Diagram 5. Quirk’s classification 149 Diagram 6. Burton-Roberts’ classification 149 Diagram 7. Meaning 180 Diagram 8. Double exophora 227 Diagram 9. Carphone advertisement 227 Diagram 10. Speech acts 241 Diagram 11. Deixis 253 21 Sonia Lavandeira Rojo 22 A COMPARATIVE LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH AND SPANISH ADVERTISING DISCOURSE LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS PAGE Table 1. Elements of a communicative situation 88 Table 2. Advertising elements 89 Table 3. English vowels 94 Table 4. Spanish vowels 95 Table 5. Distinctive features /i:/ - /I/ 97 Table 6. English consonants 106 Table 7. Spanish consonants 107 Table 8. Distinctive features /p/ - /t/ 108 Table 9. Directness in English advertisements 162 Chart 1. Percentages of types of English advertisements 182 Chart 2. Percentages of adjectives found in English advertisements 182 Chart 3. Percentages of types of Spanish advertisements 190 Chart 4. Percentages