

Philadelphia International is the nearest airport to Bryn Mawr. When making your reservation, try to fly directly or find a connecting flight to Philadelphia.

From Philadelphia Airport

The easiest way to travel from to Bryn Mawr is by taxi. . Contact Rosemont Taxi (610-525-1777-$55), Main Line Taxi at 610-664-0444 or Maxwell Cab Company at 610-896- 5100 for reservations. There are also various private shuttle services, including Main Line Express (610-595-2800), Deluxe (800-481-2334), which will take you from the airport to Bryn Mawr with their vans for about $95 to $115. Advance reservations for these shuttle services are not required. After you pick up your luggage at the luggage claim area in the terminal, go to the Ground Transportation desk to contact these companies by calling their numbers or ask for assistance. The shuttle service operator will tell you when and where to meet the van. In addition, there is a commuter train service (R1) from the airport to the 30th Street Station. From the 30th Street Station you then take another train (R5) to Bryn Mawr Station. There is no help for handling luggage at the commuter train stations.

From New York's JFK Airport and LaGuardia Airport or New Jerseys Newark Airport

Unless you are familiar with or Newark, or have friends there who can assist you, it is not advisable to travel into these cities to get the bus or train to Philadelphia. It is often more expensive and can be very confusing. As in the Philadelphia Airport, there are private shuttle companies that provide door-to-door transportation from the above to the Bryn Mawr area with their vans. The Pensby Center knows of two shuttle companies that have daily services from JFK or Newark to the Bryn Maw area: Trinity Limo at 610-586-6005 and Dave's Limousine at 215-288-1000. You must call in advance to make a reservation.