
Ausgabe 2014

Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,

ein Foto, gemacht im Oktober 1974, es in der Forschung an? Was ist dieses wollen – weil sie sich in den59 Alltag ein- ist tief im Bildergedächtnis der Univer- besondere Moment, das so sehr an der fügen, weil sie helfen und gut aussehen. sität verankert. Es zeigt vier Studenten, Universität geschätzt wird? die mit einer Leiter ausgerüstet an den Die Chemikerin und kommissarische Auch geben wir in diesem Heft Ein- Uni-Turm Styroporbuchstaben kleben. Präsidentin Katharina Al-Shamery, blicke in die Arbeit des Energie-und Mit „“ sind sie schon die Literaturwissenschaftlerin Sabine Umweltökonomen Christoph Böhrin- fertig, bei dem Wort „Universität“ feh- Doering, der Hörforscher Birger Koll- ger. Wir haben Stefan Müller-Doohm len noch drei Buchstaben. meier und der Wachstumskritiker Niko getroffen, Autor einer viel beachteten Paech haben ganz eigene Antworten Habermas-Biografie, und Antje Tim- Angebracht haben sie die Buchsta- auf diese Fragen gefunden. mer, neuberufene Professorin für Epi- ben in der Nacht zuvor. Einen Tag später demiologie und Biometrie an der Me- stellen sie die Situation eigens für den Das Besondere der Universität Ol- dizinischen Fakultät. Fotografen nach. Es ist, als hätten die denburg, es klingt auch in dem an, was Studenten schon damals um diesen his- der Physiker Christoph Lienau den „Spi- Viele Menschen und Themen also. torischen Moment gewusst. Denn erst rit of Wechloy“ nennt. Gemeint ist der Anlässlich des Geburtstagsjahres 17 Jahre später, im Jahr 1991, darf sich naturwissenschaftliche Campus. Dort haben wir nach unserer Hochschul- die Universität auch offiziell Carlon v hat Lienau den international gefragten zeitung UNI-INFO nun auch das For- Ossietzky Universität nennen. Forschungsbereich „Ultraschnelle Na- schungsmagazin gestalterisch überar- no-Optik“ aufgebaut, dort erforscht beitet. Das Trennen des deutschen vom Im universitären Alltag ist dieser er gemeinsam mit Doktoranden die englischen Teil schafft mehr Übersicht Namensstreit inzwischen weit weg. kleinste aller nur denkbaren Welten. und Raum für neue Formate, wie zum In diesem Jahr, dem 40. Geburtstags- In unserem Beitrag beschreibt er, was Beispiel für die Infografik über das neue jahr der Universität, ist er überall dort ihn antreibt. Tiefseeforschungsschiff „Sonne“. Oder präsent, wo an die Geschichte der Uni- für eine Bilderserie darüber, wie Mit- versität erinnert wird. Das Programm Bei der Oldenburger Informatikerin arbeiter der technischen Werkstätten mit seinen vielen Veranstaltungen und Susanne Boll ist dieser Antrieb ein ekla- einen Prototypen bauen und wie er im Projekten gibt dazu Anlass. Und es bie- tanter Mangel. Hunderte Gesundheits- Forschungslabor Einsatz findet. tet Gelegenheit, nach vorn zu schauen. apps sind inzwischen auf dem Markt. „Und es gibt Tausende unzufriedener So auch in unserer Titelgeschichte Menschen, die merken, dass ihnen die Wir wünschen Ihnen „Wir müssen die Universität neu reflek- Apps überhaupt nicht geholfen haben.“ viel Spaß beim Lesen. tieren“ – in der das eingangs beschrie- In dieser Ausgabe lesen Sie, was Su- bene Foto zu finden ist. Vier hochkarä- sanne Boll anders machen möchte. Mit tige Wissenschaftler in einem offenen ihrem Team entwickelt sie mobile As- Meinungsaustausch: Worauf kommt sistenzgeräte, die Menschen wirklich Ihre EINBLICKE Redaktion

40 Years of Oldenburg

1 Editorial

Dear Readers,

The photo, taken in October 1974, is as: What really matters in research? because they are helpful and look good. engraved in the University‘s visual me- What is this special factor so cherished mory. It shows four students equipped at Oldenburg University? Chemist and We also provide insights into the with a ladder, sticking styrofoam letters Acting President Katharina Al-Shame- work of energy and environmental onto the University tower. They have ry, literary scholar Sabine Doering, he- economist Christoph Böhringer. And already completed “Carl von Ossietzky” aring researcher Birger Kollmeier and we interviewed Stefan Müller-Doohm, and have three letters to go for the word economic growth critic each author of a widely acclaimed Habermas “Universität”. have their own specific answers to these biography, and Antje Timmer, newly questions. appointed Professor for Epidemiology They had in fact put up the letters and Biometry at the Medical Faculty/ on the previous night. A day later they What makes Oldenburg Universi- Department. recreated the situation for the photo- ty special is also reflected in what the grapher. It was as if the students alrea- physicist Christoph Lienau calls “the So, plenty of different people and dy knew that this was a historical mo- spirit of Wechloy”, referring here to the issues. To mark the anniversary, in ment. After all, it was not until 17 years natural sciences campus. It is here that addition to redesigning our Universi- later, in 1991, that the University was Lienau has built up his internationally ty magazine UNI-INFO we have also officially allowed to call itself Carl von acclaimed field of research “ultrafast given our research magazine a make- Ossietzky University. nano-optics”. Here, with his team of over. The German and English sections PhD students, he researches the tiniest are now separate, giving the reader a The name dispute is far removed of all worlds. In our portrait he describes better overview and creating more spa- from everyday university life nowa- what motivates him. ce for new narrative formats, such as days. But this year, the University‘s the infographic on the new deep-sea 40th anniversary, it naturally crops In the case of Oldenburg computer research vessel, the Sonne. And also a up wherever the University‘s is scientist Susanne Boll, motivation co- photo series showing how the staff in commemorated. The anniversary pro- mes from a glaring deficiency. There are the technical workshops built a proto- gramme, with its numerous events and hundreds of health apps on the market type, and how it was then put to use in projects, has provided an ideal occasion – “and thousands of dissatisfied peo- the research laboratory. for this – as well as an opportunity to ple who realise that their apps have not look ahead. helped them at all.” In this issue of Ein- blicke you can read about how Susan- As in our cover story “Rethinking ne Boll wants to do things differently. We wish you a very enjoyable read! the University”, which also features Together with her team she develops the photograph described above. In an mobile assistance devices that people open exchange of views four high-pro- actually want – because they can be in- Yours, file academics address questions such tegrated into their everyday lives and the EINBLICKE editors.

2 EINBLICKE 2014 3 List of Contents

14 16 24 34 Habermas biography: Tracing a Life Rethinking the University Photo series: From the Workshop into the Laboratory Ultrafast Nano-Optics: The Tiniest of Worlds

3 Editorial 14 Tracing a Life 28 At the Heart of Everyday Life 41 New Appointments Habermas biography: Researching assistance functions that can be integra- interview with author Stefan Müller-Doohm ted into everyday life: computer scientist Susanne Boll

7 The Number 44 The ForWind wind tunnel Cover Story 32 Pioneer of a Young Discipline Antje Timmer, health services researcher 16 Rethinking the University at the Faculty of . 48 A Floating Research Laboratory Research Update The University is celebrating its 40th birthday. Where The Institute for and of the Marine does it stand today? What are its responsibilities? What Environment (ICBM) is the home institute of the new 8 One but Many Questions are its priorities? An exchange of views. deep-sea research vessel SONNE. An infographic. Energy and environmental economist Christoph 34 The Tiniest of Worlds Böhringer advises the German government Understanding the optical properties of nanostructures: Christoph Lienau and his 24 Photo series research group „Ultrafast Nano-Optics“ 40 UGO, Imprint and Picture Credits From the Workshop into the Laboratory: 10 Announcements The separator isolates microplastic particles from the sea

4 EINBLICKE 2014 5 THE NUMBER 50 m/s

… is the speed that scientists can generate in the Oldenburg University wind tunnel.

These wind currents simulate and technology are extreme. In those in nature – and make it pos- the wind tunnel the scientists of sible to measure the aerodynam- the ForWind – Center for Wind ic and aeroacoustic properties of Energy Research can study how objects. This allows scientists to to regulate turbulence on the rotor determine, for example, the pre- blades in order to prevent material cise strength of the uplift force on fatigue. A “windlab” is now being the rotor blades in wind farms. Be- built on the University‘s Wechloy cause wind farms are exposed to as Campus. At the heart of this new many as 100 million gusts of wind building, with 2,300 square metres nel. Here it is possible to reproduce over the course of their 20 years in of floorspace for more than 130 sci- turbulent wind fields – exactly as operation, demands on material entists, is a turbulence wind tun- they occur in nature. Photo: photocase.com/BeckerM

7 6 EINBLICKE 2014 7 Research update

transferred them to other sectors and the University of encouraged nomics research.“ In 2007 the German European countries. him to look at redesigning the energy business newspaper Handelsblatt de- But doesn‘t the EEG stimulate inno- system from a more economic perspec- scribed Oldenburg as „‘s secret vation? Böhringer also takes a critical tive. Böhringer received a grant for a six- capital of environmental re- view of this argument often put forward month research stay at the renowned search“. In 2010 Oldenburg‘s economists in public debate. In many countries the International Institute of Applied Sys- occupied the top position in Germany in number of patents in the area of renewa- tems Analysis (IIASA) in Laxenburg, near terms of the number of publications. And ble energy technologies has risen consi- Vienna. And there he studied energy Böhringer is one of the three researchers derably in recent years. This is also the economics issues such as the deregula- to have been listed in the Handelsblatt‘s case in Germany, particularly in the field tion of electricity markets and climate top 100 economists ranking. Together of wind and photovoltaic technologies. protection strategies. with his colleagues, Böhringer is wor- „However, we did not find evidence that king to further raise Oldenburg‘s pro- this rise in innovation activity can be „Coming to Oldenburg file in sustainability. They attained the attributed to the EEG,“ Böhringer points was a logical step for me.“ „Excellence Group“ rating according to out. „There is no statistically significant several criteria in the Centre for Higher correlation between innovation activity Development‘s 2014 ranking. and the EEG.“ This was something of a scientific Böhringer‘s expertise is in high de- Böhringer‘s central concern is on the wake-up call. In Laxenburg he estab- mand – especially at a time when there enormous costs the EEG generates. „The lished contacts with leading professors is so much uncertainty about how to discussion about potential advantages in the field of macroeconomic system proceed with Germany‘s „Energiewende“, must also take the costs into considera- modelling. From them, and in the course or energy turnaround. The transition to tion.” One side of the issue is that the EEG of further research stays in the US, he le- renewable energies is not up for debate boosted renewable energies to around 25 arned the methods he applies in his work here, Böhringer explains. But there are percent of the total electricity generated today: how to replicate key economic open questions about how to implement Christoph Böhringer: Energy and environmental economist. in Germany in 2013. The other is the costs circumstances in numerical simulation the turnaround, particularly as regards the of around 23 billion euros per year resul- models and use them to analyse policy. pace, the choice of regulatory instruments ting from the EEG reallocation charge. Böhringer earned his PhD in eco- and the burden it entails for the citizens. “The reallocation charge for the EEG now nomics at the „There are no unambiguous scientific accounts for over a fifth of the average in 1995, and went on to lead a research answers to these questions. They also re- price paid by consumers for electricity.“ group on energy economics. In 1999 he quire normative judgements on costs and Critical cause and effect analyses from was appointed director of the research benefits“, Böhringer points out. However One Law but Many Questions an economic perspective such as the department Environmental and Re- science can contribute to assessing the evaluation of the EEG are at the core of sources Economics and Environmental validity of the arguments – as the Com- Böhringer‘s research activities. He asses- Management at the Centre for - mission of Experts‘ EEG report does. (me) ses the economic impacts of regulatory an Economic Research (ZEW) in Mann- Expensive EEG: Christoph Böhringer examines the economic impact of political reforms. policy measures using computerized heim. In charge of a team comprising up His simulation models are now also used by the German government simulation models. How do economic to 30 scientific staff and researchers, he Commission of Experts market interventions such as taxes or was called upon to lead as well as conduct for Research and Innovation import quotas affect industries and research. „ of my time was taken households? Who are the winners and up with training colleagues, procuring The goals of the Renewable Energy year, the six authors wrote that a conti- Innovation and Research since 2012. who are the losers of policy reforms? Do external funding, planning strategies, Act (EEG) sound ambitious. Forty percent nuation of the EEG could „not be justified Why such a critical view of the EEG, Mr the reforms make sense from the point of international networks, etc.“ At the same of the electricity in Germany is to come by appealing to climate protection or Böhringer? view of the economy as a whole? time he obtained his postdoctoral quali- from wind, water, the sun or biomass by positive innovation effects“. One key point the scientist makes Böhringer certainly did not initially fication in economics at the University of 2025. Yet progress is being made. In 2000 A statement that caused a great stir is that the EEG does not lead to more plan to take the path of economic re- in 2002. He was appointed just under seven percent of Germany‘s in the press. Oldenburg economist climate protection. „In the EU an emis- search. He started out studying industri- as a full professor at Univer- total electricity output came from re- Christoph Böhringer was one of the six sions trading system caps dioxide al engineering in , and wanted sity at the start of 2004. And then he was Reports of newable energies. By 2013 that figure authors of the report. The F.A.Z. news- emissions for energy-intensive indus- to focus on engineering topics in his PhD offered a professorship in Oldenburg: at Commission of Experts had risen to 25 percent. So is the EEG a paper described him in 2013 as one of tries. The number of emissions rights thesis, for example on the question of the start of 2007 Böhringer was appoin- success story? No, says the Commission Germany‘s most influential economists is regulated.“ The EEG has accelerated how to design the power grid to carry ted Chair of Economic Policy. of Experts for Research and Innovation in science – on the basis that he is quo- the expansion of renewable energies in more input from decentralised renewa- „Coming to Oldenburg was a logical (EFI) appointed by the German govern- ted particularly frequently by other re- Germany‘s power supply, he explains, ble energy sources. However the director step for me. Oldenburg‘s economics de- ment. In the report they submitted to searchers. Böhringer has been a mem- however Europe-wide it has not pre- of the Institute of Energy Economics partment has a leading position in Ger- the German chancellor at the start of the ber of the Commission of Experts for vented further CO2 emissions, but only and the Rational Use of Energy (IER) at many in the field of environmental eco-

8 EINBLICKE 2014 9 Research update

Dutch royal couple visits Oldenburg University Excellent research: Monitoring the oceans‘ CO2 absorption

Eminent visitors for the University: the University, in cooperation with NEXT me to develop strategies for the entire The European Research Council is the of the first research groups worldwide to calculations to increase the accuracy of Dutch royal couple, His Majesty King ENERGY, invited 40 distinguished ex- energy sector. Furthermore they call institution through which the European focus on the chemical and biological pro- statements regarding climate change. Willem-Alexander and Her Majesty perts from Germany and the Nether- for the founding of binational working Union funds outstanding scientists with cesses of the sea surface at the Institute His project “Air-Sea Gas Exchange: Para- Queen Máxima paid a working visit lands to participate in a symposium. groups to determine the optimal mix of unconventional approaches. Prof. Dr. Oli- for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine meterization of the Sea-Surface Micro- to the University in May. The guests The focus of the symposium was how renewable energy sources and to sound ver Wurl is one such scientist. The marine Environment (ICBM). layer (PASSME)” has a planned duration were received by Prime Minster of Lo- to develop key technologies in the out transnational standards for smart researcher has been awarded a so-called Almost a third of the carbon produced by of five years. wer Stephan Weil, University context of international expansion of grids. „starting grant“ for junior researchers humans is absorbed by the world‘s seas. As the first step in the project Wurl is plan- President Prof. Dr. Katharina Al-Sha- renewable energies. The participants The key recommendations were signed to the value of 1.48 million euros and has This means they play a central role in the ning collaboration with the ICBM research mery, Mayor of Oldenburg Prof. Dr. agreed on nine recommendations that – on behalf of the experts in both coun- decided to translate his research concept planet‘s CO2 cycle. Most of the sea surfa- group for Marine Sensors, headed by Prof. Gerd Schwandner and the head of the were sent to King Willem-Alexander tries – by Prof. Dr. Joachim Luther, a pi- into action at Oldenburg University. ce is covered in a very thin layer whose Dr. Oliver Zielinski. Together they aim to EWE Research Centre NEXT ENERGY and Prime Minister of oneer for energy research at Oldenburg Wurl‘s project focuses on the sea surface: unique position between the ocean and develop innovative research catamarans Prof. Dr. Carsten Agert. On a tour of the Stephan Weil in June. These call for a University in the 1980s and former head on the role it plays in the absorption of the atmosphere makes it key to biogeo- that not only collect samples from the sea NEXT ENERGY laboratories the roy- shared concept for the future design of of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar CO2 by the oceans, how microbes colonise chemical climate-related processes of surface but also scan it using cutting-edge al couple learned about a selection of the energy market, a coordinated policy Energysystems (ISE), and Prof. Dr. Pau- it, the pollutants that are concentrated global relevance. According to Wurl, the sensor technology. The plan is then to energy storage concepts that are being on reserve capacities (necessary due to lien Herder of the Technical University there and how they influence the climate highly complex processes that occur in measure the CO2 gas transfer rates and researched there. the fluctuation of energy sources) and Delft, who is also director of the “Delft and food chain. In order to find answers this layer are critically important for study them in relation to environmental To coincide with the royal visit the a research and development program- Energy Initiative” (the ). to these questions Wurl is setting up one calculating CO2 trends and using these factors and sea surface properties.

New research group for optimizing use of natural resources

First car tires, then insulating boards Materials for Sustainable Resource Ma- and shoe soles and finally floor cover- nagement”, or “Cascade Use” for short, ings – when a natural resource such as with almost 1.4 million euros in funding crude oil, the principle component of car over the course of four years, with the op- tires, is used in multiple stages we call it tion of a one-year extension if necessary. “cascading use”. And it is this issue that The five-man research group is based since April has been the focus of a new at the Faculty of Computing Science, interdisciplinary junior research group Business Administration, Economics at the University of Oldenburg, headed and Law. Its aim is to find ways to utilize by Dr. Alexandra Pehlken. The Federal raw materials for as long as possible in Ministry of Education and Research the economic cycle and thus protect the is providing the group “Cascade Use of environment.

Education research for Africa

Together with partners in East and ESA project will by run by educational South Africa, Oldenburg educational scientists Prof. Dr. Karsten Speck and scientists have won a competition orga- Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebenhüner, professor of nised by the Federal Foreign Office and ecological economics and the Universi- the German Academic Exchange Ser- ty‘s Vice President for Graduate Research vice (DAAD). Their project of establishing and Quality Management. The Nelson a centre of excellence for educational Mandela Metropolitan University (South research and management including Africa), the University of Dar Es Salaam didactics at Kenya‘s Moi University will (Tanzania) and the Uganda Manage- receive 1.3 million euros in funding over a ment Institute are also involved in the four-and-a-half year period. The CERM- project.

10 EINBLICKE 2014 11 Research update

Four million euros: Lower Saxony funds four new Honorary for PhD programmes at Oldenburg University the father of biodiversity

A coup for junior research at the Univer- and the University of , headed US biologist and evolutionary theorist sity of Oldenburg: the Federal State of by Prof. Dr. Martin Butler), “Nano Ener- Prof. Dr. Edward O. Wilson was awarded Lower Saxony has granted four million gy Research” (in cooperation with the an honorary doctorate by the Faculty of euros in funding for four new PhD pro- Hochschule / and headed by and Science in June. Born grammes at the University. Prof. Dr. Christoph Lienau), “Safe Auto- in 1929 in Birmingham, Alabama, Wilson 39 applications were submitted by uni- mation of Maritime Systems – SAMS” founded the discipline of sociobiology versities across Lower Saxony to secure (in cooperation with the Jade Univer- with his pioneering research on ants, funding from the newly announced PhD sity of Applied Sciences Wilhelmsha- paving the way for groundbreaking de- programme of the Ministry for Science ven/Oldenburg/Elsfleth, headed by Prof. velopments in the field of biodiversity and Culture (MWK). Eleven of these were Dr. Axel Hahn), and “Interdisciplinary research. Wilson has received numerous approved, four of which came from Ol- Approach to Functional Biodiversity scientific awards, including the Crafoord denburg University, making it the most Research” (headed by Prof. Dr. Gabrie- Prize of the Royal Swedish Academy of successful university in Lower Saxony. le Gerlach). The University was already Sciences. In 1996 the US magazine TIME The funding period is three years per successful in 2012 with PhD programmes listed the two-time Pulitzer Prize win- programme, and each PhD programme in Lower Saxony. It secured funding for ner as one of the 25 most influential receives grants for 15 young researchers. 3 of the 11 approved programmes. The people in North America. The Universi- The programmes approved for funding three programmes were in the fields of ty‘s award was received on Prof. Wilson‘s are “Cultures of Participation” (in co- teacher training, renewable energies behalf by his long-time companion, the operation with the TU and neuroscience. German behavioural researcher Prof. Dr. Bert Hölldobler. Prior to the award ceremony an “E.O. Wilson Symposium in Biodiversity” was held in Wilson‘s honour, at which scientists from Canada, European robin. the US and the Netherlands discussed current developments in biodiversity research. Electrosmog disrupts the orientation of migratory birds Studying grassland ecosystems

Below a certain limit electrosmog has issue of the renowned scientific journal rence is omnipresent in urban environ- In February and March „Nature Maga- of fertilizer,” Hillebrand explained. “As no impact on biological processes or „Nature“. ments. It is created wherever people zine“ published two large-scale inter- a result the stabilizing effect of diversity Karl Jaspers Lectures even human health. This was the pre- In numerous complex experiments the use electronic devices. As expected, it national studies that examine grass- is undermined.” vailing scientific standpoint until a scientists were able to document a clear is significantly weaker in rural areas. land ecosystems worldwide. Oldenburg Grassland is not only fertilized, it is also “ and Music” was the theme research team led by Prof. Dr. Henrik and reproducible effect of anthropogenic The magnetic compass of robins in ori- biologist Prof. Dr. Helmut Hillebrand, used for grazing. What are the global of this year‘s “Karl Jaspers Lectures on Mouritsen, a biologist and Lichtenberg electromagnetic fields on a vertebrate, entation cages placed one to two kilo- director of the Institute for Chemistry effects of fertilization and grazing? the Questions of our Time” in July. The Professor at the University of Olden- noise that does not stem from power metres outside city limits functioned, and Biology of the Marine Environment Does one factor amplify the other or guest speaker was philosopher burg, was able to demonstrate that lines or mobile phone networks. The even without screening or earthing the (ICBM), played a central role in both stu- can it counterbalance it? These are the and winner of the Theodor W. Adorno the magnetic compass of robins fails electromagnetic noise within the two cages. “Naturally the effects of anthro- dies. questions addressed in the second stu- prize Prof. Dr. Albrecht Wellmer. The entirely when the birds are exposed to kilohertz to five megahertz frequency pogenic electromagnetic noise on bird The fertilization of natural grasslands dy, “Herbivores and Nutrients Control award of sponsorship went to Dr. Silke AM radio waveband electromagnetic range is mainly generated by electro- migration are localised. However these has a destabilizing impact on the wor- Grassland Plant Diversity via Light Li- Wulff, whose prize-winning dissertati- interference – even if the signals are nic devices. „The effects of these weak findings should still give us pause for ld‘s grassland ecosystems. This was the mitation”. What may be desirable for on on St. Augustine‘s philosophy of mu- just a thousandth of the threshold value electromagnetic fields are remarkable: thought – both on the survival of mig- conclusion at which the study “Eutro- crops can actually impair many species sic was completed at Oldenburg Univer- defined by the World Health Organiza- they disrupt the functioning of an entire ratory birds as well as on the potential phication Weakens Stabilizing Effects of plants in natural ecosystems. They sity. Wellmer spoke in his lecture about tion (WHO) as harmless. These findings, sensory system in a healthy higher ver- effects for human beings, which have of Diversity in Natural Grasslands” ar- become overgrown and receive insuf- “The Art of Modernity and New Music”. which are based on seven years of re- tebrate,“ Mouritsen explained. yet to be investigated,” the biologist rived. Under the aegis of the Universi- ficient light, negatively impacting spe- The Jaspers Lectures on the Questions search by nine Oldenburg scientists in Furthermore, the scientists were able said. Mouritsen‘s groundbreaking rese- ty of Minnesota (USA), 31 international cies diversity as a result. Grazing can of our Time are sponsored by the EWE cooperation with Prof. Dr. Peter J. Hore to show that the disruptive effects were arch has attracted much attention from scientists from the “NutNet” network have the opposite effect. Herbivores re- Foundation and have been held at the of Oxford University, are now availab- generated by electromagnetic fields the media and was reported in Spiegel participated in the study. They conclu- duce the plant biomass, which means University since 1990. Globally acclaimed le in a paper entitled „Anthropogenic that cover a much broader frequency Online, Focus, Süddeutsche Zeitung, ded that plant diversity guarantees the more light reaches the ground. “It is the philosophers such as Willard V.O. Quine, electromagnetic noise disrupts mag- range at a much lower intensity than Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung as well mid-term stability of natural ecosys- parallel bottom-up and top-down ef- Jürgen Habermas, Richard Rorty and netic compass orientation in a migrato- previous studies had suggested. This as BBC World, the Washington Post and tems. “The diversity and stability of the fect that can prevent the loss of plant Agnes Heller have been guest speakers ry bird“. It was the cover story of the May electromagnetic broadband interfe- the New Times. ecosystems is reduced through the use diversity,” Hillebrand explains. at the lectures.

12 EINBLICKE 2014 13 Research update

Do you consider yourself a student of in the political public sphere – a willing- Habermas is 85. He is regarded as the Jürgen Habermas? ness which still impresses me today. representative thinker of the old Anyone lucky enough to experience Ha- Bundesrepublik. Do his theoretical bermas as a university professor and Did your work on his biography chan- approaches still apply today? Do his prepared to meet his academic demands ge your view of Habermas? objections still carry weight? had no choice but to learn from him. For The biographical research I conduct Habermas has consciously described my generation and for me during my attempts on the one hand to reconstruct his social theory as an ongoing project years of study – and of course also later – the developmental process of Habermas‘ that won‘t be concluded at some point reading his books was a matter of course. thinking and on the other, to understand in the future, but is to be continued as Whether that qualifies me as a student how he influenced the formation of pu- new historical experiences and scientific of Habermas I have no idea. I finished blic opinion and knowledge, the men- knowledge are acquired. He has revised studying and did my PhD not in Frank- tality, in the Bundesrepublik before and his consensus theory of truth on the furt but at Giesen University, under the after reunification. This sort of research basis of discourse theory several times; sociologist Helge Pross. naturally leads to new and sometimes he has constantly refined his theory of surprising insights. It allows one to dis- modernity, ultimately supplementing You differentiate between Habermas it with an elaborate theory of morality, as academic and as public intellectual. “The whole point of the justice and democracy. He is currently Which of the two do you identify with sociological perspective: the working on a draft of a philosophy of more? religion. In short, Habermas‘s projects dialectic between individual I can‘t really answer that. In his nu- are always works in progress. merous public statements and inter- and society.” The global resonance that his philoso- views Habermas has repeatedly empha- phical concepts have had demonstrates sised how important it is for him to keep cover whether and how the development the relevance of Habermas‘s writings. his roles of academic and public intellec- of Habermas‘ thinking and also his poli- But topicality should not be confused tual separate. The reflections of the phi- tical engagement has been influenced with truth for all time. There is no social losopher and the research of the social by contemporary history. So one can theory that can claim relevance for all Habermas in his study in . scientist are not quite the same as the only truly understand the criticism of its assertions beyond historical time. practice of the intransigent intellectual. the young student Habermas in in This particularly applies to Habermas, But in the case of a social theorist like Ha- 1953 of Martin Heidegger‘s involvement who champions the theory that the bermas, who aspired to a contemporary in the “Third Reich“, and his refusal to knowledge embodied in language has theory of modernity, there are affinities speak about it, if one sees things from the an inherently revisionary power. The between his academic insights and the perspective of the restorative climate of explanatory impact of any diagnosis of Tracing a Life direction of his interventions as an intel- postwar Germany in the Adenauer years, the times depends on whether its ar- lectual, for example his attack on Chan- when “communicative silence” prevai- guments can convince contemporaries cellor Merkel‘s European policy, or his led. Over the course of the biographical because they tell them something about conversations with Joseph Ratzinger, the research projects that I have carried out their situation. As I see it, Habermas‘s An attempt to reconstruct the development of a way of thinking: Sociologist former Pope Benedict XV or, at the peak together with some very inspiring col- conceptual work not only helps us to Stefan Müller-Doohm has written a biography on Jürgen Habermas. An interview of the global financial crisis, the articles leagues, I have realised that following better understand this age, but his ob- he wrote defending democracy against the trail of the life history of someone like jections as an intellectual have helped the dynamics of global capitalism. Jürgen Habermas is a wonderful way to to prevent normative demands from Habermas is an exception in that he study the whole point of the sociological disappearing from democratic politics You have been studying Jürgen Ha- Habermas‘s 1963 collection of essays chair in the summer semester of has always been prepared to leave the perspective: the dialectic between indi- altogether. bermas for decades and now you have “Theory and Practice”. And then he 1964. sheltered world of academia to be heard vidual and society. Interview: Manfred Richter produced the first major biography on discreetly mentioned that the author The new professor of philosophy and him. Can you still remember the first might be leaving Heidelberg to come sociology offered a lecture entitled “The time you met Habermas? and teach at . This piece of History of Sociology”. That was my first I first encountered the name Jürgen information was met with an enthu- face-to-face meeting with Habermas Habermas during a seminar at Frank- siastic knocking of desks from the stu- who – unlike Theodor W. Adorno, for Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller-Doohm studied sociology, political science furt University. As was often the case dents, which encouraged me to get the example – generally kept to his written and in Frankfurt, and Gießen. He earned his the room was far too small for the num- book and painstakingly work my way notes when he gave lectures. His dense PhD at the in 1972. Müller-Doohm was ber of students. At the time, sociology through it. and complex expositions demanded huge appointed Professor of Sociology at Oldenburg University in 1974, was becoming very fashionable. In the concentration. As was usual at the time, and is still active there as professor emeritus. He heads the Intel- very first session the lecturer Manfred Habermas was then indeed appoin- the students all tried to take notes – a futile lectual Sociology research centre and is the founder of the Adorno Teschner recommended that we read ted to take over Max Horkheimer‘s undertaking if mine are anything to go by. research centre.

14 EINBLICKE 2014 15 Interview

Rethinking the University

Discussion group (from left): Corinna Dahm-Brey, Matthias Echterhagen (both from the Press and Public Relations Office), Sabine Doering, Birger Kollmeier, Katharina Al-Shamery and Niko Paech.

The University of Oldenburg celebrates its 40th Ms Al-Shamery, you came to Olden- Kollmeier: I can recall exactly what it exciting times in which the younger naturally had far more possibilities to anniversary this year. What makes this university burg as a physical chemistry lecturer was like when I started here. At 33 I was among us were handed responsibility actively organise research projects. But in 1999. What was it like when you first the youngest professor in the faculty very quickly. Things had been very diffe- for me there‘s another important point: special? What are the responsibilities of academics started here? when I came to Oldenburg in 1992. In rent for me in . Here in Oldenburg what I really like is that at this university in general? How should education look in the future? Al-Shamery: I was immediately invol- Göttingen I had addressed all the stu- I suddenly had the chance to help mould you experience an interdisciplinarity And how can encourage students‘ thirst ved in discussions about projects that dents with „du“, while they used the the institute and its working conditions. that elsewhere you only hear about in were exciting and, above all, interdisci- formal „Sie“ with me. Then I came to I found myself among a strong and at pretty speeches. An interdisciplinarity for knowledge? An exchange of views between plinary. Biologists were having discus- Oldenburg and addressed everyone with first glance homogenous founder gene- that is constantly invoked by politicians Acting University President and chemistry professor sions with archaeologists, historians, „Sie“ and they all used „du“ with me. It ration that wavered between nostalgia, involved in university and science policy, Katharina Al-Shamery, literature professor Sabine philosophers and also chemists like my- was a bit of a culture shock. All in all those steadfastness and a wonderful sense of but seldom put into practice. self about things like patina on paintings first years weren‘t that easy for me, as the self-assurance. Doering, hearing researcher Birger Kollmeier and and sculptures. That was completely new youngest professor leading the largest Mr Kollmeier, you are seen as one of economic growth critic Niko Paech to me. And also the discussions about team of 16 people – plus all the equip- Mr Paech, you came to the university the university‘s scientific standard- teaching methodology were entirely ment and space we needed. But they from the city administration ... bearers. Among other things you are different here. At other universities tea- certainly had a major influence on me. Paech: That‘s right, I was the Agenda 21 in charge of the Hearing4all Cluster ching methodology was always sidelined representative in Oldenburg for three of Excellence. If you had to put it in a and ridiculed to a certain extent. Here it Ms Doering, did you experience a cul- years. Then I saw a call for applications, a few words, what is the driving force of was at the centre of things. I still value ture shock when you first came to the project of the Federal Ministry of Educa- your research? precisely this difference in the culture at Institute for German Studies in 2001? tion and Research that dealt with sus- Kollmeier: To advance basic knowledge Oldenburg University today – it makes it Doering: Yes, you could say that, in a tainability research for markets and cor- in the natural sciences. In the cluster we special. And it is also no doubt the reason positive sense. I particularly recall the porations. Naturally I already knew the are dedicated to researching the sense why many colleagues prefer to stay on sense of renewal that prevailed at the university, and it had a good reputation. of hearing, an extremely complicated here even when they are offered presti- institute and in the faculty at the time, I quickly realised that it wasn‘t just good system that we want to understand gious posts elsewhere. which also led to feelings of uncertainty. in sustainability research but also had better. And that can‘t happen without I had just turned 40, there was a handful a very high standing due to its open- constantly learning new things in an ab- Mr Kollmeier, what was your experi- of colleagues under 50, while the rest ness for problems relating to society as solutely interdisciplinary environment ence? were heading for retirement. Those were a whole. Later, after my , I like that here in Oldenburg. I comple-

16 EINBLICKE 2014 17 Prof. Dr. Katharina Al-Shamery Prof. Dr. Katharina Al-Shamery is Acting President of the University of Oldenburg. She is a professor of chemistry and Scientific Member of the Senate of the German Research Foundation (DFG). She is also a member of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. She has been awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for her achievements in science and research. From 2011 to 2014 she was a member of the independent committee „Ombudsman für die Wissenschaft“.

and financial system, we really are on tegic thinking and are able to develop my positive impression of this university, the Titanic. Where are the alternative their own visions? Including, and abo- because not only am I tolerated here, but economic models? We need to reflect ve all, visions for our society‘s future. sometimes I even receive support. more on what changes are necessary to So we must oppose this short-sighted make a society more crisis-proof. And view and review our ideas about what In what way? interdisciplinary cooperation can create universities are. And the University of Paech: My colleagues often voice diffe- the perfect conditions for developing Oldenburg can make an important con- rent views to mine. But they do it within such resilience. tribution here. the context of their work and also of their Kollmeier: To stay with that image, I feel networks beyond the boundaries of their more like the professor in that cocktail Mr Paech, you have a reputation as own departments, while also allowing bar. Ultimately we have two currencies: an unconventional thinker. The ma- for different views. For us all, the general money and time. It is a question of effi- gazine „Die Zeit“ once described you principle applies that unconventional ciency, of how much time we can use for as a „radical growth critic“. How im- thinking must not divert attention from We all have in common that we strive to come closer to the truth“: The foyer in the auditorium building. procuring funding, as we‘re compelled to portant is it for you to be „unconven- the criteria for good research and good do in order to be able to carry out research tional“ and to adopt unconventional teaching. For me it‘s very important to under certain conditions. Therefore I positions in academia? also be skilled at what I do. don‘t see reducing everything to money Paech: It‘s clear that today anyone who Doering: I agree. Being unconventional tely agree with Mr Paech on that. And study the products of the arts if we want Paech: That‘s true, we economists also as so decisive. I don‘t get the impression argues against economic growth and is not a value in itself. As Mr Paech said, this is the core idea as I see it: studying to understand who we are and what ma- lack the time to develop creative and that our university is primarily driven by even claims to do so using scientific competence is primary. And I see it as a something from different perspectives jor questions we need to address. problem-oriented theoretical content money or external funding. And a per- arguments will be considered uncon- great strength of this university that we and thus gaining a better understanding because we‘re constantly in a hurry. We son‘s status certainly can‘t be measured ventional. But what interests me is the encourage independence in the face of of the underlying structure of the system Can you give an example? have to continually demonstrate how in terms of the allocation of external question of how one positions oneself as the disciplinary traditions. At the same considered. Doering: When in my work I deal inten- many projects we have and how much funding. an unconventional thinker within a net- time we must take care to ensure that sively with the literature and thinking of they‘re worth. This is, so to speak, a phy- work of fellow academics and also within certain unconventional topics aren‘t “Excellent research in the the period around 1800 – one of the most sical and at times distorted evaluati- “Forming their personalities a faculty. And in this respect I stand by carved in stone. Not all that was uncon- important phases in modern literature on procedure. A project is considered humanities is sometimes must play a major role.” and the history of ideas – I help people to unimportant because it was only alloca- Katharina Al-Shamery carried out without any understand how ways of thinking and ted 350,000 euros. Another project is external funding at all.” decisions developed, whose impact we deemed more important just because it Sabine Doering still feel today. And yet my main objective brought in double that amount. But the Al-Shamery: I find it difficult even to here is not the instrumentality of such primary question we have to ask is how see where universities are heading to- knowledge as such but the historical this society benefits from carrying out a day. Society increasingly demands of us Ms Doering, as a humanities scholar depth of our present time, which needs specific research project or developing that we spend three years of research you probably have different priorities? to be subjected to well-founded scho- a certain corpus that involves multiple on a project and deliver the product im- Doering: Well, we all have in common larly reflection. To value this requires a members of staff and competences? mediately afterwards. This seems short that we are committed to scientific prin- different perspective. Academic value sighted to me. Universities are not just ciples. And that we strive to come closer is often measured in terms of external Have universities ultimately become places where research is carried out. to the truth. Nonetheless I do frequently funding and the number of colleagues blind to the problems of society? They also educate young people who are encounter a certain sense of alienation researching a subject. And that‘s wrong. Paech: They often remind me of the later on expected to bear responsibility regarding the things we literary scho- Excellent research in the humanities cocktail bar on the Titanic, where the in their careers. Forming their persona- lars study – also because it‘s not so easy is sometimes carried out without any barkeeper wonders how he can refine lities must therefore play a major role. In the dead of the night in October for me to say that society will benefit external funding at all. And what that the cocktails while the ship is already In practice the students rush from one 1974 students secretly put the directly from what I do. But the study of research needs more than anything else keeling. To name just one example, so- exam to the next. The question we need name „Carl von Ossietzky“ in literature is of great importance. I‘m con- is something which is scarcely available ciety still hasn‘t come to terms with the to ask is how we can develop our uni- large letters onto the University vinced that art in its various forms of ex- in my faculty because of the burgeoning financial crisis of 2008. The obvious con- versities so that students are capable tower. The name wasn‘t officially approved until 1991. pression is an anthropological constant obligations in teaching and mentoring, clusions have not been drawn. In view of of shouldering responsibility later on, and a profound human need. We must namely time. the many instabilities in the monetary so that they learn combinatorial, stra-

18 EINBLICKE 2014 19 Prof. Dr. Sabine Doering Sabine Doering is professor for modern German literature at the University of Oldenburg. She is currently conducting research as a residential fellow at the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS) of the University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA). Doering serves as president of the Tübingen-based international Hölderlin Society and also as a member of Academic Advisory Council of the Federal Institute for Culture and History of the Germans in Eastern Europe (BKGE).

ventional and innovative yesterday is – and that is now partially reflected in whether we want to stick to the expan- necessarily relevant or good today. And at the medical education at our university. sive prosperity model that emerged after the moment I see a lot of new energy, also We all benefit from the fact that this the Second World War, come hell or high among my colleagues, focussed on the university is not a venerable institution water? Or should we at the universities in question of what the important topics with old structures, but a very dynamic fact start asking whether a different kind are today, and – far more importantly – one where you can feel comfortable in of economy, one that breaks with tradi- what they will be tomorrow. non-classical areas – and unconventio- tional concepts, needs to be developed? Al-Shamery: But that question has al- nal thinking is an advantage there. Much can be learned from such contro- ways been a driving force at Oldenburg versies. And I believe this is what really University. Take the research on rene- “It is a question of efficiency, captivates the students: a frank and fair wable energies. It came about as a result exchange of views. of the anti-nuclear energy movement, of how much time we can Doering: A problem we have in Ger- and if you dealt with the „renewables“, use for procuring funding, man is that the number of students we as Joachim Luther [a professor of nuclear as we‘re compelled to do teach is constantly growing. A few years physics at the University of Oldenburg in ago we had around 150 students in the On the way to the next exam? Or towards a vision for our society‘s future? the 1970s, who later became interested in order to be able to carry first semester lecture in German litera- in renewable energy] did back then, you out research under certain ture. Now it‘s 300. They need first-rate were immediately put in a pigeon hole. conditions.” teaching. We have the funds from the When we reflect on how this line of re- Birger Kollmeier Higher Education Pact, but much of the search on renewable energies has gained teaching is done by the PhD students and we studied. There was a huge culture of in the promotion of young researchers aren‘t acting as pioneers for sustainable influence worldwide, we have to say that postdocs, leaving them less time for re- debate; some things we found terrible – with 18 programmes we already play a development because they are too uncri- it has more than paid off. I also find it Doering: For me, unconventional thin- search. And I would like to see us become and others not. But the atmosphere was leading role in Lower Saxony alongside tical about our modern society, which is important to not just focus on the major king means not running after the latest more successful at creating a research- always very lively, and we consciously Göttingen. based on excessive, completely illusory projects and cut back on everything else. trends. In the humanities in particular, and performance-oriented climate right addressed issues in society. Today I sense lifestyles. It‘s crucial to also promote projects that that is often the case. One „turn“ after from the initial phase of studies. The con- a dwindling enthusiasm for the various Mr Paech, what do you want for the are deemed exotic elsewhere. Henrik another is announced. And there are sequence of a misunderstood bachelor subjects. Eyes should shine with enthu- university‘s future? What does that mean in concrete Mouritsen‘s research on navigation in universities that are very quick at adap- system is the attitude that the goal is to siasm once more – and people should Paech: As an economist I want different terms for the university? migratory birds is a good example. We ting to the latest turn, only to lag behind collect as many credits as possible with come to the University of Oldenburg sustainable economic models to be dealt Paech: Many young people go to uni- are aiming for a certain diversity, and later on. That‘s why I think it‘s import- the least possible effort. Unfortunately because they want to gain knowledge. with without preconceptions and on versity to have an excuse for not getting that means making room for new things, ant that we have places here where you I sometimes see particularly dedicated For this to happen, university education equal terms. As you said, Ms Al-Shamery, their hands dirty with what we used and that room can only be created if you experience trust. And also for example students having a hard time and prefer- must again be a matter for debate, and we need to get young people interested to call production, labour or a skilled allow unusual projects too. follow goals that are not so fashionable, ring to keep their mouths shut because together with other universities we can in the actual course content, not just in manual job. People who go to university but have a fundamental long-term value. they don‘t want to be seen as overambi- spearhead that debate. At the same time their careers after their studies. Unfor- today expect to enjoy a good social sta- The Oldenburg hearing research pro- Our responsibility as academics in the tious. We must show right from the start I want us to continue making headway tunately at the moment universities tus and a comfortable, globally uncon- ject also started in an unusual way positive sense, whether the topics are that university and education are not – with a noise protection project. Mr trendy or traditional, is to be role models just about earning a bachelor‘s degree, Kollmeier, what role does unconven- and show perseverance and to say: „The- but about being inspired by important tional thinking play in your research? se are the topics we are investigating.“ problems and substantive questions, and Kollmeier: A big role certainly – taking Paech: The question is how we can en- mastering them together. me as an example you might see that I courage young people to leave the beaten don‘t really fit into any category either. track every now and then, no matter Education that inspires: Ms Al-Sha- Prof. Dr. Birger Kollmeier I‘m neither a pure physicist nor a pure what their discipline. This is only pos- mery, must the university do more to Physicist and physician Birger Kollmeier is coordinator of the „Hearing4all“ Cluster of medical doctor, and right from the start sible at universities where conflicts of achieve this? Excellence and also head of the „Medical Physics“ department, the Hörzentrum Olden- of my education I saw the better metho- opinion are argued out in a productive Al-Shamery: We must use this mo- burg GmbH and the Fraunhofer Project Group for Hearing, Speech and Audio Techno- dology in physics and the more interes- way. It doesn‘t do any harm if there‘s a ment in time to reflect on university logy. Kollmeier has received a number of prestigious awards, including the International ting questions in medicine. In the end little friction here and there. One as- education. We are all a little older and Award of the American Academy of Audiology and the German President‘s Award for I tried to bring the two things together pect we economists are arguing about is know what university was like when Technology and Innovation.

20 EINBLICKE 2014 21 Prof. Dr. Niko Paech Niko Paech is professor for „Production and Environment“ at the University of Oldenburg and committee member of the Association for Ecological Economy (VÖÖ). Paech is well known as a radical growth critic and has received several awards for his ideas on a „post- growth economy“, including the ZEIT WISSEN Sustainability Prize. Paech is also an active member of institutions such as the Oldenburg energy cooperative OLEGENO, the Kom- petenzzentrum Bauen und Energie (KoBE) and the Polygenos cooperative.

strained life later on – anything else is improve the further away they are. We personality to campaign for those things out of the question for them. Meanwhile have plenty that we can build on right he considered most important: freedom, the material downside of our existence here in this region. I would like to see us justice and peace. And I would like to see is outsourced to and . The getting better and better and put this the entire university discussing once belief in progress, in being able to replace into practice to attract the best brains. more how deeply indebted we are to this matter with knowledge and symbols, is person as our namesake. I would also one of the great problems of our educa- “Unfortunately at the mo- like that discussion to involve the stu- tion system. And I expect universities, dents. Because those who campaigned ment universities aren‘t and economists in particular, to finally for the university to be given that name develop sustainable alternatives for the acting as pioneers for susta- weren‘t unworldly crackpots. They were future. inable development.” people who saw in the person of Carl von Niko Paech Ossietzky an agenda which each new Mr Kollmeier, what do you see as the generation must reflect upon anew. university‘s most important tasks – what do you want for it? And you, Ms Doering? Ms Al-Shamery, Ms Doering, Mr Koll- Kollmeier: For me the top priority is Doering: We have the good fortune that meier and Mr Paech, we thank you for the battle for the best brains. It needn‘t the generation before us fought to have this discussion. necessarily be people from all over the this university named after a wonder- world; people from Germany are also a ful person. Carl von Ossietzky was an Interview: Corinna Dahm-Brey, good choice. The quality of people doesn‘t unconventional thinker who used his Matthias Echterhagen

„The trajectory of research on renewable energies“. The plans for the self-sufficient Energy Lab – with its photovoltaic systems pictured here – were developed in the 1970s.

22 EINBLICKE 2014 23 From the Workshop into the Laboratory

Custom-built products that are not available on the market – this is the area of expertise of Oldenburg University‘s “Betriebseinheit der Technisch-Wissen- schaftlichen Infrastruktur” (Scientific Equipment Centre). In the workshops for mechanics, glass apparatus, electro- nics and wood ,73 employees produce prototypes that scientists need for their research, prototypes such as the Separator, which was developed to iso- late microplastic particles from marine sediments. In the photograph a worker welds a bar to make the frame for the motor that drives the Separator. On the next pages you can see some of the steps in the construction of the device for microplastic isolation, and also how it is used. 1 3

1 Prior to the Separator‘s assembly: construction drawings and individual com- 288 million tonnes of plastic were ponents. produced in 2012 alone. According to conservative estimates, around 10 2 The Separator‘s stirring rod is formed by percent of this plastic ends up in the ocean where it undergoes removing the excess metal with a high-speed mechanical and photochemical fragmentation processes. milling machine. „The particles get smaller and smaller without changing their properties. The smaller the particles, the greater their impact 3 The finished Separator is ready for on the environment. We need systematic, standardised collection. studies to determine and track the extent of microplastics pollution in seas and oceans. This is what we are working 4 Pouring the sediment into the Separa- to achieve with the Separator, a device tor‘s stirring pot. that separates marine sediment com- ponents and microplastic particles on 5 Example of a filtrate after the Separator the basis of their density. 2 has separated the sediment components according to density. The parts with low Dr. Barbara Scholz-Böttcher, “Organic Geochemistry” research relative density – such as plastic particles – group at the Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine are concentrated in the head section. Environment (ICBM)

5 “


26 EINBLICKE 2014 27 Profile

example Susanne Boll researches how a great deal of time in researching how going over the material again in January, smartphones can help people to stay to design technology that people will ac- she already knew everything. She smiles: healthy. “That involves more than just an tually use. It needs to look good and fit in “But I wasn‘t the best in the class – there app,” she says. “Today there are hundreds with its environment. A device that sits were two or three others.” of apps which count your paces while on the table at home all day, for example, jogging or your calories while eating – does not need to be as robust as one that “I don‘t understand mothers and thousands of unhappy people who goes in your trouser pocket. “Some of who tell their daughters realise that their apps don‘t help them my colleagues are amazed when we tell that they were no good at at all.” Just having a smartphone and an them that you need to ask people on the app is not enough if the developers have street what they think,” Susanne Boll maths either.” not understood how to make a mobile says. “We have to listen to what people health tool that people actually want to want and not present finished techno- She passed the exams with flying co- use and will use regularly. logies.” lours. Yet she still didn‘t know what to Over the last two years she has read do next. Her mathematical talent and “We have to listen to what a stack of psychology articles that deal technical curiosity came from her father, people want and not pre- primarily with how and when peop- a doctor of physics and a skilled crafts- le change their behaviour. Only armed man. Her mother comes from a farm in sent finished technologies.“ with this knowledge, she says, can she Bavaria and was the one who got things find good solutions. The development of done in the family – and the bread win- Susanne Boll wants to do things bet- the WaterJewel, for example, was based ner. “It made a big impact on me. I would ter. Together with her team she is de- on research into user behaviour. Of cour- have made a good housekeeper. I was veloping software for people who want se you can also remind someone to do good at sewing. The clothes I made were to change something in their lives, for things via their smartphone. But a wrist- not perfect but they were good enough.” people with cardiovascular problems band is always with you; it‘s unobtrusive At the time Susanne Boll considered who need to drink regularly. Other de- and looks good if you get the design right. training to become a seamstress – with vices encourage people to move about Some experts are doubtful about this soft an A in advanced mathematics. Her mo- more often. “It can take a long time for psychological layer between human and ther would have liked one of her children people to establish new, healthier beha- computer. For Susanne Boll, however, to become a doctor, not least because of At the Heart of Everyday Life viour,” says Susanne Boll. “Things need this “Human Centred Computing” is the prestige it brings. Susanne Boll had to repeated dozens of times. If a mobile the key to really good assistance func- three older siblings and none of them app doesn‘t fit well into people‘s daily tions. Her research group has plenty of had become a doctor. Susanne had no routines, they stop turning it on.” ideas for such things: systems that help such ambitions either. In the end she Together with her team Oldenburg computer scientist Susanne Boll is developing mobile Some people in informatics only work people who have had a heart attack with went to career counselling with her assistance devices that people actually want to use because they fit well into their daily at the computer. At OFFIS Susanne Boll a running programme, or smartphones mother and they suggested she train routines. A portrait has set up a workshop with laser cutting that help blind people navigate by direc- to become a mathematical-technical machines and an electronics lab where, ting them to go left or right using diffe- assistant. “During my training I learned together with her research group, she rent vibration signals. There are many that some people clock in at seven in the Von Tim Schröder builds mobile assistance devices such channels for communication between morning and then read the newspaper as the WaterJewel, an LED wristband humans and technology. Susanne Boll until half past seven.” Quite a culture which reminds people to drink regularly. uses these channels creatively – and has shock for someone as highly motivated The wristband has 8 LEDs representing made an international name for herself as Susanne. Susanne Boll arrives just in time, at she picked a few strawberries from her wait because Susanne Boll‘s working 8 glasses of water. Every time you drink in the process. “We are being approached But she enjoyed the course. She made exactly the same moment as the post- garden. Now she sprinkles them with days are full. She is Professor of Media a glass of water you press the armband. by more and more young scientists who friends with other trainees, “The 4 Chi- man. She has just dropped off her son vanilla sugar and puts the bowl on the ta- Informatics and Multimedia Systems at The more glasses you drink, the more want to come and work with us. People ckens” they called themselves. The four at kindergarten and her daughter at ble. “I hope you like them like this?” She‘s the University of Oldenburg and heads diodes light up. At the end of the day are taking notice of what we are doing.” girlfriends still meet up every year. It daycare. “You need to put a new name wearing a pink T-shirt and light-colou- a research group with twelve PhD Stu- they should all be lit up. A ninth diode Susanne Boll has always been am- was with one of them that she decided tag on your postbox, the old one is com- red trousers. She looks fresh and sporty, dents. She serves on the executive board reminds you to drink. It changes colour bitious, a bit of a striver in school, she to study informatics at the University pletely faded,” the postman says. “Oh even though she must have worked until of the OFFIS Institute for Informatics, over the course of two hours to signal wi- says, before adding quickly: “But not of – the best place for in- yes, I noticed that. I‘ll try to have one midnight yesterday. an affiliated institute of the University thout an alarm or hectic blinking that it‘s at other people‘s expense. I just liked formatics in the Rhein-Main area. “My engraved. But please don‘t be surprised These days her desk is piling up with of Oldenburg, where she is also Chair- time to drink your next glass of water. An speaking up, sitting at the front, I liked basic studies period was disillusioning, if it takes a while,” she answers. She has assessments for specialist journal ar- woman for Health. Her area of experti- LED wristband may look almost trivial contributing.” For her school leaving the exams were difficult. I didn‘t enjoy it bought bread rolls. The sun is shining. ticles and reports for the German Federal se sounds abstract – Human Centered compared with a multifunctional smart- exams she revised over the Christmas much and I was not particularly good.” She lays the table outside on the terrace Ministry of Education and Research. Design, Multimodality – but her work phone, but a lot of work has gone into it. holidays, writing down all the key facts She only came into her own in during for a second breakfast. Yesterday evening The name on the postbox will have to addresses real everyday life issues. For Susanne Boll and her team are investing in a notebook. When the teacher started the main studies phase, thanks in part

28 EINBLICKE 2014 29 to her two subsidiary subjects, Sport and researcher. Until 2002, when Hans-Jür- to stay.” Plastic toys are leaned against English Studies. “English Studies had an gen Appelrath, Professor of Informatics the wall of the house. Her children spend Erasmus exchange programme of which and Chairman of OFFIS, brought her to the afternoons with a childminder. She very few people took advantage, so I en- Oldenburg as an expert on databases and takes over at around five o‘clock. As her ded up going on a six-month exchange Internet technology for a junior profes- husband works in during the to the University of Surrey in Guildford sorship he had had established as a con- week, Susanne Boll takes care of family near .” There, in addition to le- dition for staying on at the university. life on her own apart from weekends. arning good English she took part in The focus of Susanne Boll‘s work has “It‘s fine,” she says. “I like working in Shakespeare sessions with actors. changed greatly over the past 12 years. the garden, where the children can run While completing her dissertation in And much has changed in her private around.” She plays with them when Informatics she followed her supervisor, life too. She has had two children and, none of her neighbours‘ children are computer scientist Wolfgang Klas, to the after building a house for herself and there. “As long as it‘s not Lego.” She of- University of . She had specialized in her family in the city, has deepened her ten continues working after she has put multimedia information systems and commitment to Oldenburg. Recently she the children to bed. But everything fits the question of how database systems was offered a position at Hamburg Uni- together fine, she says. could not only save individual media versity, but Oldenburg University and Susanne Boll does not necessarily see files but also represent, store and inter- OFFIS managed to keep her. Susanne herself as a role model, but she does wish actively play entire multimedia presen- Boll decided to stay. that more women would have the coura- tations. It was in Ulm that she met her Over breakfast on the terrace she ge to take on both – a job in technology husband. The couple then followed the drinks from a mug that says “Zuhause and family. “I don‘t understand mothers professor on to the University of Vienna, – Oldenburg” [Oldenburg is home]. “I who tell their daughters that they were where Susanne Boll obtained her doc- bought it at the tourist information cen- no good at maths either. That‘s no way torate and worked as a post-doctorate tre when it became clear that I was going to get girls interested in technology and maths-related subjects.” She definitely considers herself an „Emanze“ [a wo- men‘s libber], a woman who knows what it‘s like to be alone in a group of men and to have to put up with the odd dumb comment. But she persevered – and as a result has done her share of pioneering work. She looks serious when she asks why women still earn less than men, and why there are still so few women in leading positions. “Yes, I‘m in favour of the ‚frauenquote‘ [increasing the pro- portion of women in management po- sitions] because when women have to be given senior positions it puts pressure on schools and educational institutes to support girls and women. It‘s a long chain that reaches from school to the workplace.” Susanne Boll has made her own way and has established herself in academia. Sometimes her husband says that they should have had children earlier, rather than wait until their early 40s. “I actually wanted four children. Now we have two and it‘s good. The children are wonder- ful, we have no financial worries and my work gives me incredible freedoms.” So perhaps she really is a role model for female scientists starting out in their The WaterJewel reminds its wearers to drink regularly. careers after all.

30 EINBLICKE 2014 31 Profile

Pioneer of a Young Discipline

How do you become a health services researcher? We visited Antje Timmer, Professor of Epidemiology and Biometry, at the Faculty of Medicine

“Originally I wanted to be an ordinary Prof. Dr. Harald Goebell on the subject of search and practice of health services doctor working in a hospital,“ Antje Tim- chronic inflammatory bowel diseases. and was therefore a “natural result of mer recalls. But the question of how to She continued to study the impact of this constellation“, as she puts it. In the best help patients led her to her current these diseases on patients‘ quality of life course of her career she has studied the field of medical research – health ser- while she was writing her habilitation effectiveness of health services at vari- vices research – and to the new depart- treatise and at the same time specia- ous academic locations – although the ment of the same name at the University lising in internal medicine at Regens- relatively young term “Versorgungsfor- of Oldenburg. burg University Clinic. She earned her schung“ (health services research) wasn‘t A meeting in her office on a summer habilitation in 2006, by which point her always used to describe her work. “With day. A quarter of a year after her appoint- penchant for research was clear: “In he- the benefit of hindsight,“ she says, „you ment as professor, the specialised litera- alth services you have to react above all to realise that the path you take in life is ture has long since been lined up on the medical needs and have few possibilities mapped out by a much stronger red line shelves behind her desk. A stuffed toy to be creative – in research you have more and meaningfulness than you would rat also peeps over Timmer‘s shoulder leeway.“ have thought .“ “Epidemiology and biometry are subjects that a physician must master.“ from the shelves. She can‘t remember For example she designed meta-ana- where it came from but says it‘s been “We want to become the lyses of clinical studies at the German with her “for a long time“. There‘s also a Cochrane Centre in Freiburg – an im- method centre for health card from her colleagues in Groningen, portant instrument in her field of re- the Netherlands, congratulating her on services research in search. At the Ludwig Maximilian Uni- unusual grouping of many “classical master – and that can also be fun. We each year are lacking in terms of method, her appointment as Professor of Epide- Germany.” versity of she coordinated one chairs“ under the aegis of health services want to become the method centre for particularly in the area of health services miology and Biometry in the joint degree of the world‘s most comprehensive re- research. In this constellation, she exp- health services research in Germany.” research. “This is where you can tell this programme “European Medical School gisters of chronic inflammatory bowel lains, she can apply the whole range of At present Timmer is busy defining is still a young discipline,“ Timmer com- Oldenburg-Groningen“. Her initial plan of both practicing diseases in children and youths, and for her experience. the focuses of her research work more ments. Timmer herself comes from , a medicine and conducting research, and years she trained physicians and future precisely: “Our cooperation with Gro- She points out that different approa- town in Germany‘s Lower region combining the two professionally, pro- epidemiologists in Munich, Freiburg, ningen is particularly important to us in ches and perspectives have just started “Our cooperation with near the Dutch border, and she speaks ved unworkable for her in the long term. Berlin, and , as well as this respect, and we have the first ideas to come together within this discipline. the language of the neighbouring coun- She explains that this may be common helping colleagues to evaluate clinical Groningen is particularly for joint studies – however they‘re at a “When I work together with others I see try. Having received Dutch lessons at for example in Canada, where from 1996 studies or realise their PhD and habili- important to us.” very early stage at the moment.“ She is more and more each time how much school, she took the opportunity as a to 1998 she completed a master‘s degree tation ambitions. Most recently Timmer also taking advantage of the opportunity everyone benefits from each other,“ says young doctor in her practical year to in clinical epidemiology. “Then you have headed the “Drug Utilisation and Health that being based in Oldenburg offers to Timmer, who in her spare time plays the “do health services in Dutch, emergen- certain days on which you work in medi- Services“ unit at the Leibniz Institute for In this context, Timmer stresses, she analyse the data in the epidemiological violin in a chamber orchestra, cy admissions – the whole spectrum“. cal practice and other days for research.“ Prevention Research and Epidemiology can teach her students right from the cancer register for Lower Saxony, which and enjoys harmonising with others Her vocabulary may have become a little However that means focussing intensely in Bremen. start about how useful the different is located here. there too. In the Spring School of the rusty in the meantime, but she says: “I on the same subject in both fields, she The new professorship at Oldenburg scientific methods are as tools, as well Whether she is evaluating other peo- German “Health Services Research Net- like talking in Dutch and I understand explains. “But I don‘t want to spend my University therefore seemed tailor-made as how to use them. “My goal is that ple‘s scientific papers or writing her own, work“ she once again collaborated with it too.“ whole life researching a single disease; for her. „When I saw the call for applica- students gain a somewhat better under- Timmer always puts particular empha- lecturers from many different discip- Timmer, 47, studied medicine in Han- the scientific freedom is what I enjoy.“ tions – and in a new medical faculty as standing than in conventional degree sis on the quality of a study. “I‘m very lines – and with different approaches to nover. In addition to practical work at So health services research was a lo- well – it was clear: this suits me perfec- programmes of the fact that epidemio- critical when it comes to methodology,“ health services research – and again she the University Clinic in she wrote gical choice for Antje Timmer. It tied tly!“ Timmer recalls. The internationa- logy and biometry are useful subjects she says, noting that quite a few of the made the observation: “We complement her MD thesis under the supervision of in with her goal of combining the re- lity of it appealed to her, as well as the for a physician; subjects that they must countless medical studies carried out one another perfectly.“ (ds)

32 EINBLICKE 2014 33 Research

The Tiniest of Worlds

Christoph Lienau studies things that normally remain hidden. He set up the “Ultrafast Nano-Op- tics“ research group at the University, surrounding himself with a team of young researchers. In the international research community Oldenburg is now known as the “city of short pulses“ Competence Centre for Ultrashort Optics: Christoph Lienau and PhD students prepare measurements.

Oldenburg is not only a young and advances in this field are rapid. In recent sicists obsessed with state-of-the-art The cradle of Lienau‘s research is the systems that form the starting point in 1999. In the meantime Lienau and his dynamically growing, urban residential years nano research and nanotechnolo- measurement technology. “We are cer- natural sciences campus at Oldenburg for the experiments, can be purchased team have succeeded in reducing the city in North-, home of the gy have become increasingly important tainly not doing this work to get rich or University. Here the physicist has set up from specialist suppliers of scientific pulse duration to significantly less than “EWE Baskets” or the “City of Science”, as for a number of branches of industry. The to increase the profits of businesses. For a very special laboratory. Very few labora- equipment, the PhD students explain. ten femtoseconds, making it possible to it was designated in 2009 by the Stifter- spectrum of applications ranges from the time being our objective is merely tories of this type exist elsewhere in the But these devices have long since ceased observe the movements of individual verband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft. coatings for pans and windows to inno- the acquisition of scientific knowledge,” world. One might call it a competence to meet the group‘s needs. The pulses electrons. This development will also Oldenburg is, at least for a small commu- vative ultrasound sensors or nanoclus- he explains. centre for nanostructure spectroscopy. produced by these lasers are either too advance research in the field of renewa- nity of highly specialised physicists, “the ters as computer memory, ultrafast se- Lienau and his team are conducting It is here that the powerful ultrashort long or have the wrong light frequency, ble energies because it enables direct, city of short pulses”. At the beginning miconductors and nano-tuning for solar basic research to create new knowledge. pulse laser systems to which the re- which is why they need all the “DIY stuff” time-resolved studies of energy conver- of the year physicist Christoph Lienau cells. Nanotechnology is even set to play And the physicist adds with a hint of search group owes its success are kept. – as the doctorate students fondly refer sion processes in nanostructures, which was a guest at a scientific conference in a decisive role in the next generation of irony: “It‘s about getting recognition To the untrained eye the facility looks to the arrangements they have designed. is highly relevant for renewable energy Xiamen in South-East China, a city with computers. Experts predict that the fu- from people – let‘s just call them nerds – like a model railway world turned upsi- The basis of the sophisticated system applications. a population of 3.5 million. Just as he was ture belongs to optical computers based who have ideas that are as abstract and de down, as if a demented optician had of short laser pulses for observing and explaining where he came from a young on nanostructured photonic switches. potentially creative as our own.” Ideas scattered miniature mirrors over a work analysing high-speed dynamic proces- Nano-energy Research scientist in the audience interrupted: And Lienau and his team are shed- that might appear abstruse at first and surface at random. But behind the chaos ses are essentially the same technical “Oldenburg, that‘s the city where they ding light into this tiniest of all worlds. maybe even absurd because they put tra- of light sources, mirrors and prisms is a considerations that exist in photogra- It was Prof. Dr. Uwe Schneidewind, generate these light pulses.” Ultrashort laser pulses can render visible ditional knowledge into question. And sophisticated, highly complex system. phy. If you want to photograph a racing president of the University at the time, Together with the research group „Ul- structures and processes that are too recognition from such nerds, he says, is Lienau‘s team has set up all the optical car driving at full speed you need a very who gave Lienau the idea of focussing on trafast Nano-Optics“ at the Institute for minute or too fast to be detected with a substantial reward. components in the laboratory rooms short exposure time for the image to get renewable energies, the physicist recalls Physics, Lienau has spent the past eight standard optical microscopes. The laser such that each laser system creates the a sharp image. with a grin as he looks back on his early years working hard on earning Olden- pulses used by the team are “ultrashort”, Competence Centre desired ultrashort pulses for the planned And Lienau‘s research relies on ul- days in Oldenburg. “Professor Schneide- burg this reputation within the scien- lasting mere femtoseconds – one femto- for Ultrashort Optics measurements. The undergraduates and trashort exposure times. When he began wind requested ‚research with regional tific community. Together they have second being equivalent to one billionth postgraduates work with dedication and his research the temporal resolution of connections to strengthen the Univer- developed groundbreaking nano-opti- of a millionth of a second. Thanks to Lienau is certainly getting this recog- energy on improving the experimental the pulses created was still in the ran- sity‘s roots in the region‘. And I replied: cal technologies that allow for a better these pulses it is possible, for examp- nition. He has published the results of his setups that provide the scientific re- ge of 100 femtoseconds. This was suf- ‚No, I can‘t do that at the moment. Our understanding and exploitation of the le, to gain insight into the function of research in a number of internationally sults for their degree and doctoral theses. ficient to render visible the motion of strength lies in basic research. We must optical properties of nanostructures. material structures that are no larger acclaimed scientific journals, such as The conception and construction of the atomic nuclei in molecules and thus to use that strength to make a lasting con- Although the research in ultrafast than a ten-thousandth of the width of a “Science” and “Nature Photonics”. He experiments, the precise alignment of track the course of chemical reactions. tribution to the University‘s success.‘” nano-optics is still at an early stage of its human hair. is now so heavily in demand with his the lasers, mirrors and prisms generally It was for this work that Ahmed Zewail Lienau then started to look in detail at development, “it is one of the most exci- Lienau concedes that his field of re- ultrashort laser pulses that he has to turn takes several weeks, whereas the actual of the renowned California Institute of the research on renewable energies at ting and promising areas of research in search is the kind of thing that attracts down invitations to scientific conferences measurements may take only a few days. Technology, and Lienau‘s postdoctoral Oldenburg University. “When I saw what physics,” Lienau says. And the scientific physics freaks, or experimental phy- all over the world – due to a lack of time. Ultrashort light sources, the laser supervisor, was awarded the Nobel Prize physicist Jürgen Parisi and his team were

36 EINBLICKE 2014 37 A highly complex system: light sources, mirrors and prisms create the ultrashort laser pulses.

developing in their research on energy all consist of nanostructures in which the light-induced electron transfer in with Italian research teams from Milan biologists, physicists and chemists work The scientist hopes that the “Na- and semi-conductors, and what Carsten energy is converted from one form to such a cell for the first time, and pro- and Modena, internationally renowned so well together and are not afraid of no-Energy Research” postgraduate pro- Agert had set up with his NEXT ENERGY another. The most striking example are ve that the quantum-mechanical wave experts in ultrafast physics. But at Ol- making contact, and that their research gramme he is running together with the research institute, I realised that here solar cells; here sun light is converted character of the electrons plays a key role denburg University too, there are many is mutually beneficial,” Lienau explains. Hochschule Emden/Leer and which is were highly relevant fields of research to into electricity. Lienau‘s team is working for this process. scientists with whom Lienau collabora- funded by the state of Lower Saxony will which we could contribute. But not just on elucidating the microscopic processes Lienau is thus conducting basic re- tes on an interdisciplinary basis. International generate new important research ideas by latching on to what already existed. that are at play during the light-to-cur- search for future key technologies. He To design and produce new artificial Young Researchers and will further increase the internati- We needed to use our skills in quantum rent conversion in solar cells. is convinced that his studies and expe- light harvesting complexes, the physicist onal visibility of the Oldenburg groups. physics to investigate the microscopic “In solar cells, for example, we look at riments can contribute to the develop- collaborates closely with Prof. Dr. Jens Lienau‘s research is famous far The programme combines high-profile processes of energy conversion in na- how electricity is generated at the mole- ment of more powerful solar cells and Christoffers, who teaches organic che- beyond the boundaries of the “City of scientific problems in energy research nostructures, and thus open up a whole cular level,” the physicist explains. To do batteries in the mid-to-long term. “Some mistry. Together with biology professors Short Pulses”, a fact also reflected in his with basic research in physics and che- new perspective on energy research.” this the researchers break the solar cells materials are better suited to energy Karl W. Koch and Henrik Mouritsen he is research group in which at least 20 Ger- mistry. Lienau is confident that it offers Together with Prof. Dr. Martin Holt- down into their smallest components conversion than others. With our na- studying the similarities and differences man and international junior resear- an excellent opportunity to attract even haus, then dean of the Faculty of Mathe- – atoms and molecules – and observe no-optical measuring methods we can between biological and artificial energy chers are working. For example Hum- more talented and eager young scien- matics and Natural Sciences, the idea their movements on extremely short study why this is the case right down to conversion systems. And within physics, boldt fellow Dr. Parinda Vasa, who came tists to Oldenburg. was born in 2011 to establish nano-ener- timescales. Their interest focuses on the the molecular level.” And the scientist experimental physicist Prof. Dr. Matth- to Oldenburg from India as a PhD stu- And Lienau has his sights set even gy research as a new research focus at interplay between the incident light and adds: “In order to increase the efficiency ias Wollenhaupt, an expert in “customi- dent to research metallic semiconductor on the youngest scientists. Last year the University, and to keep the “Ultrafast the atoms and molecules within the so- of rechargeable batteries or solar cells sed” ultrashort light pulses, and expert structures using nano-optical methods chemistry and physics teacher Silvia Nano-Optics” team in Oldenburg. Incor- lar cells. In this way the physicists hope we need to understand as best we can in scanning probe spectroscopy Prof. Dr. and to write her postdoctoral thesis on Beckhaus set up a nanotechnology la- porating more than 80 scientists from to gain an understanding of the micros- the underlying principles of how they Niklas Nilius are both making valuable the subject. Even before she had com- boratory at the Altes Olden- the fields of physics, chemistry and bio- copic, quantum-mechanical principles work – also to comprehend why nature contributions to nano-energy research. pleted her habilitation she was offered burg together with the “Ultrafast Nano- logy as well as a “Nano Energy Research” of electricity generation. often resorts to different conversion ar- “We have a rapidly and dynamically professorships at India‘s most renowned Optics” group. Here pupils can look at postgraduate programme with 15 PhD These processes are so complex that chitectures in biological systems than developing research culture and a special universities. She is currently professor the nano-cosmos through a scanning students, this area of research has be- until recently they were beyond the re- we physicists and chemists currently use sense of cohesion at the science cam- for ultrafast spectroscopy, plamonics force microscope. Explaining his com- come an integral part of the University. alm of scientific observation. But in his in artificial light conversion systems.” pus in Wechloy,” Lienau says. Colleagues and nano-optics at the Department of mitment here Lienau says: “I find it ex- most recent publication in “Science” from other universities have noticed Physics at the Indian Institute of Tech- tremely important to introduce children Basic Research for the Magazine Lienau explains how, together The Spirit of Wechloy this too. “At meetings and conferences I nology Bombay. “Word is getting around and youths to this modern research – to Solar Cells of the Future with a team of international researchers, often hear that Oldenburg has a reputa- that we have a thriving research scene inspire enthusiasm for this unique field he was able to take real-time movies of Lienau‘s research would be incon- tion as a university with close interdis- here in Oldenburg,” Lienau reports, with of research.” So there are plenty of indi- Commercial batteries, lithium-ion the conversion of light into electricity in ceivable without a broad national and ciplinary collaboration among creative a touch of pride. “Our PhD students and cations that Oldenburg will continue to cells, innovative lithium-air batteries, an organic solar cell. In this way the re- international network of scientists. He researchers. Colleagues envy the short Postdocs are finding excellent jobs all consolidate its reputation as the “City of organic solar cells, organic LEDs – they searchers were able to unravel in detail collaborates particularly intensively distances we have here, the fact that over the world.“ Short Pulses” in the years to come.

38 EINBLICKE 2014 39 Universitätsgesellschaft Oldenburg New Appointments

Henrik Mouritsen Awarded Prize for Excellent Research

The Universitätsgesellschaft Olden- awarded for the first time in 2012. The Animal Navigation”, Mouritsen was able burg (UGO) has awarded Prof. Dr. Henrik UGO awards it in alternation with its Pri- to demonstrate that birds use the Earth‘s Mouritsen its Prize for Excellent Re- ze for an Outstanding PhD Thesis. “With magnetic field to orient in two different search, which includes 5,000 euros in this prize our aim is to honour not only ways. Photosensitive molecules in their prize money. Mouritsen was selected the person but also Oldenburg as an out- eyes enable them to sense the compass for “his outstanding research in the field standing research location, and to bring direction of the magnetic field. Further- of Neurosensorics/Animal Navigation,” it into the public eye,” UGO Chairman more, the birds have a magnetic sensor according to the jury statement. Michael Wefers explained. in their upper beak which is connected The Prize for Excellent Research was Henrik Mouritsen (43) has been con- to their brain stem via the ophthalmic ducting research and teaching at Olden- branch of the trigeminal nerve. For both burg University since 2002, and earned orientation systems, the group led by his habilitation there in 2005. He has Mouritsen was able to locate the area turned down offers of professorships in of the birds‘ brain involved. Mouritsen‘s Manchester, and in favour research extends into the newly emerging of remaining at Oldenburg. He has held field of quantum biology. Together with the Lichtenburg Chair, endowed with 1.5 physicists and chemists from Oxford Jörn Brüggemann Thorsten Dittmar Anna Henkel million euros, since 2007. In 2011 he was University, Mouritsen is investigating to awarded the “Eric Kandel Young Neuros- what extent, the birds‘ magnetic sensor Didactics Marine Geochemistry Social Theory cientists Prize”. As head of the interna- fundamentally relies on quantum me- tional research group “Neurosensorik/ chanical principles. Prof. Dr. Jörn Brüggemann, secondary Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dittmar has been Prof. Dr. Anna Henkel, postdoctoral fel- school teacher and research associate at made Chair of Marine Geochemistry in low at the Graduate School in History the Chair of Didactics at the University the Institute for Chemistry and Biology and Sociology at , of -, has been made of the Marine Environment (ICBM). He has been appointed Junior Professor for Chair of Teaching of German Literature has led the Max Planck Marine Geo- Social Theory at the Faculty of Educati- Including Media Teaching. Brüggemann chemistry research group there since on and Social Sciences. Henkel studied studied German and philosophy at the 2008. As a „bridge professor“ Dittmar economics and social sciences at / University of and in Berlin. His will continue to extend the Institute‘s University and at the Institut PhD thesis examined the history of Ger- cooperation with the Max Planck In- d’Études Politiques in Paris. After seve- man lessons and how the history of lite- stitute for Marine Microbiology (MPI ral research stays in Copenhagen she Imprint / Publication Data rature is dealt with in German lessons. Bremen). Dittmar studied geoecology at received her PhD in 2011. Her research While doing his PhD he also completed Bayreuth University. He earned his PhD focuses are social and societal theory in his probationary teacher training. He at the in 1999. He connection with empirical research, the Issue 59, 29th year of publication Editors: 26 (4), 27, 33 then became a secondary school teacher was a research fellow at the Alfred-We- inclusion of materiality and material ISSN 0930/8253 Tobias Kolb (tk), Manfred Richter (mr), dpa Picture-Alliance GmbH: p. 4, 14 and research associate at the University gener-Institut (AWI) in in sociological studies as well as ques- www.presse.uni-oldenburg.de Deike Stolz (ds) Markus Hibbeler: p. 28, 30 of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Brüggemann and then spent several years conducting tions relating to economic sociology and Birte Junge: p. 50 participated in the German Research research at the University of Washington knowledge research. Her main focus is Press and Public Relations Office Design: Inka Schwarze Lukas Lehmann: p. 5, 34/35, 36, 36/37, 37, 38, Foundation project „Literary-Aesthetic (USA). Before coming to Oldenburg Ditt- to apply social theory to social problems. Ammerländer Heerstraße 114-118 38/39, 39 Comprehension and Judgement Com- mar was Assistant Professor at Florida The interdisciplinary and inter-univer- 26129 Oldenburg Infographic: Per Ruppel: p. 7, 48 Photocase.com/BeckerM: p. 7 petence“, supervised the research project State University in Tallahassee (USA). sity doctorate programme „Dimensions Phone.: 0441/798-5446, Fax: -5545 Tobias Trapp: p. 10/11 „Aesthetic Communication in Literature His research concentrates on dissolved of Worry“, funded by the Evangelische [email protected] Translations: Lucy Powell, Alison Waldie Universität Oldenburg: p. 3, 12, 19, 21 Classes“ and developed modules for the organic matter in seawater, whose role Studienwerk Villigst e.V., was launched Virtual University of Bavaria. His work in the carbon cycle is still not well un- in July. It supports PhD projects at the Publisher: Printed by: The articles may be reprinted only after and research focuses on the history and derstood. He analyses the formation, universities of Oldenburg, and Presidential Chair of the Carl von Ossietzky Officina-Druck consulting the editorial staff. The source theory of literature lessons, the empiri- chemical structure and potential com- in the disciplines of theology, University of Oldenburg Posthalterweg 1b - 26129 Oldenburg must be cited. cal research of reading and literary-ae- ponents of this matter, which consists philosophy and sociology. Henkel was Tel.: 0441/36144220 - [email protected] sthetic comprehension skills, and the of algae remnants, terrestrial plants and the lead applicant for the programme. Chief Editors: Paper: PEFC certified (Programme for the development of practice-oriented inst- petroleum components that have leaked Dr. Corinna Dahm-Brey (cdb) Photos: Endorsement of Forest Certification Sche- ruction research for literature lessons.“ from deposits under the ocean bed into Matthias Echterhagen (me) Daniel Schmidt: p. 4, 5, 8, 16/17, 18, 22, 24/25, mes) the seawater.

40 EINBLICKE 2014 41 New Appointments

Jörg Lücke Jan Steffen Müller Verena Pietzner Lars Steinsträßer Sarah Verhulst Michael Wark Machine Learning Mathematics Chemistry Teaching Plastic Surgery Medical Physics Technical Chemistry

Prof. Dr. Jörg Lücke has been summoned Dr. Jan Steffen Müller has been appoin- Prof. Dr. Verena Pietzner, previously Prof. Dr. Lars Steinsträßer, Heisenberg Prof. Dr. Sarah Verhulst has been ap- Prof. Dr. Michael Wark, lecturer in tech- to the „Machine Learning“ chair in the ted Junior Professor of Mathematics Professor for Chemistry and Chemistry Professor at University Bochum pointed Junior Professor for Analysis nical chemistry at the Ruhr University „Hearing4all“ Cluster of Excellence at the with the main emphasis „Explicit Me- Teaching at the University of Hildes- and Chief Surgeon of the Plastic Surgery and Modelling the Auditory System. Bochum, has been appointed Professor Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. thods in Number Theory and Algeb- heim, has been appointed Chair of Che- Hospital at the Berufsgenossenschaft- Before she came to Oldenburg she was of Technical Chemistry at Oldenburg Lücke studied physics at the Technical ra“. Müller studied „Mathematics with mistry Teaching. In this position she lichen Universitätsklinik Bergmanns- a postdoctoral researcher at Boston Uni- University. He heads the University‘s University of , the University Computer Science“ at the Technische also takes over leadership of the teacher heil, has been appointed Chair of Plastic versity‘s Center for Computational Neu- working group „Photocatalysis and Sus- of Exeter (UK) and the Centre de Phy- Universität Darmstadt. After a year at training lab „Chemol – Chemistry in Surgery with the Focus on Molecular roscience (USA) and a research fellow at tainable Use of Resources“. Wark studied sique Théorique in Marseille (France). the Middle East Technical University Oldenburg“. Pietzner studied to beco- Oncology and Wound Healing. He has Harvard Medical School. Verhulst, who chemistry in Bremen, where he attained He earned his PhD with a thesis on „In- in Ankara () he gained his mas- me a secondary school teacher of ma- also acted as a senior consultant at the comes from Belgium, studied electrical his PhD with his thesis „Stabilisation of formation Processing and Learning in ter‘s degree at Bayreuth University with thematics and chemistry at Bielefeld University Hospital for Plastic Surgery engineering at the Group T college in High Disperser Semiconductor Particles Networks of Cortical Columns“ at the his dissertation entitled „Calculating University. After obtaining her teaching at the Evangelisches Krankenhaus Ol- Leuven (Belgium) and acoustical en- in Zeolith Matrices“. Postdoctoral posts at . After two- canonic heights on Jacobians“ under degree she completed her PhD at the denburg since August 2013. Steinsträßer gineering at the Technical University of the Ecole Nationale Superieur de Chimie and-a-half years as a postdoctoral fellow the supervision of Prof. Dr. Michael Stoll. Braunschweig University of Technology, studied medicine at the University of , where she completed her PhD de Mulhouse (France) and the universi- at University College London, Lücke led a Before transferring to Oldenburg Müller where she then took a postdoctoral post Hamburg, where he also earned his MD. in 2010. Her research in Oldenburg focu- ties of Dortmund and Bochum followed. research group on „Computational Neu- (31) was a research fellow at the Univer- and earned her habilitation. Pietzner After his medical training in Cologne ses on improving hearing impairment Wark earned his habilitation in 2004 roscience and Machine Learning“ based sity of Hamburg. Müller‘s research focu- was visiting researcher in the „Natural he spent two years conducting rese- diagnostics. To achieve this she is look- with the treatise „Dye Molecules and Se- first at the Goethe University Frankfurt‘s ses on algorithmic number theory and Science Lessons“ research group at the arch at the University of Michigan in ing for ways to combine psychoacoustic miconductor Nanoparticles in the Pores Institute for Advanced Studies and later arithmetic geometry with an emphasis University of -Essen. Before Ann Arbor (USA). In 2001 he resumed methods with physiological methods of Molecular Sieves“ at the University of at the Institute for Software Technolo- on solving Diophantine equations using transferring to in 2009, she his specialised medical training at the such as electroencephalograms (EEG) , where he then became adjunct gy and Theoretical Informatics at the geometric and algorithmic methods. was Chair of Physical Chemistry and Berufsgenossenschaftlichen Univer- and otoacoustic emissions. She also uses professor. He turned down an offer of a Technical University of Berlin. His main He cooperates on these subjects with Chemistry Teaching at the University of sitätsklinik Bergmannsheil and was computer models of the auditory pa- professorship at University. His research focuses are algorithms, the pro- researchers at the universities of Oxford -Landau. Research cooperation appointed as a junior professor at Ruhr thway to study the impact of hearing research focuses on the development of cessing of sensory data and mathemati- (), Be’er Sheva (Israel) and Leiden projects – on for example „creativity Bochum University in 2004. In 2005 he impairment on the processing of noise innovative photocatalysts as well as re- cal models of neuronal information pro- (the Netherlands), where he also spent in chemistry lessons“ and „integrating qualified as a specialist for plastic and along the auditory pathways. Verhulst searching materials such as membranes cessing. This research is applied mainly several research stays. modern media into university teaching“ aesthetic surgery and later as a hand has research collaborations with Aalto for fuel cells or dye-sensitised solar cells to language and image recognition, as – took her to universities in Japan and surgery specialist (2008) and intensive University Finland, the Technical Uni- for modern energy technologies. well as pattern recognition. Israel. Pietzner‘s research focuses in- care specialist (2012). Steinsträßer has versity of Denmark (DTU), and the Uni- clude the use of computers in chemistry received numerous prizes for his rese- versities of Boston and Harvard (USA). lessons and interdisciplinary chemistry arch, including the Research Prize of the lessons. German Society of Surgery (DGCH) and the 2010 German Innovation Award.

42 EINBLICKE 2014 43 Doctorates

Fakultät I - Monika Urban, Topic: „Zur Genealogie Juma James Masele, Topic: „Adoption of Ina Bharati Knoth, Topic: „Paul Hinde- Christine Schoenmakers, Topic: „Die Martin Hampel, Topic: „Three Mathe- School of Educational diskursiver Dehumanisierung. Tiersym- Green E-Business Applications for Sustain- miths Kompositionsprozess ‚Die Harmo- Belange der Volksgemeinschaft erfordern matical Explorations in Connection with and Social Sciences bolisierungen in judenfeindlichen Dis- able Tourism Development in Developing nie der Welt‘: Ambivalenz als Rhetorik der gebieterisch... –Bremer Juristen als Akteure the Non-Life Sub-Module of Solvency II kursfragmenten im deutschen Sprach- Countries. The Case of Tanzania.“ (Business Ernüchterung.“ (Music) lokaler Herrschaftspraxis im Nationalsozi- SCR-Formula, Tractable Customer Base raum und ihre postfaschistischen Administration) alismus.“ (History) Process, VaR Estimate.“ (Mathematics) Julia Bruns, Topic: „Adaptive Förderung in Residuen.“ (Social Sciences) der elementarpädagogischen Praxis - Em- Ted Laros, Topic: „Long Walk to Artistic pirische Untersuchung zum didaktischen Nils Henning Müllner, Topic: „Unmas- Freedom: Law and the Literary Field in Dirk Thomaschke, Topic: „In der Gesell- Kerstin Haucke, Topic: „Berufsorientie- Handeln von Erzieherinnen und Erziehern Astrid Velho, Topic: „Alltagsrassismus er- king fault tolerance: Quantifying deter- South Africa, 1910-2010.“ (Dutch Studies) schaft der Gene. Räume und Subjekte der rung im Chemieunterricht – Erhebung von im Bereich Mathematik.“ (Educational fahren. Prozesse der Subjektbildung – Po- ministic recovery dynamics in probabilistic Humangenetik Deutschland und Däne- Schülervorstellungen zu ausgewählten Be- Sciences) tentiale der Transformation.“ (Educational environments.“ (Computing Science) mark 1950-1990.“ (History) rufen und Entwicklung von Konzepten zur Sciences) Patricia Mühr, Topic: „´Soldaten unter Integration von Berufsorientierung in Un- Beschuss`– [Trans]Nationale Narrationen terricht und Lehrerbildung.“ (Chemistry) Nadine Hüllbrock, Topic: „Erfahrungsba- Dania Pérez Armayor, Topic: „IT combina- und Geschlechterkonstruktionen im zeit- Fakultät V - sierte Vorstellungen von Kindern zur Wis- Fakultät II - tions decision model for SCIS integration.“ genössischen US-amerikanischen Kriegs- Faculty of Mathematics and senschaftsvermittlung in der Kinderuni School of Computing Science, (Computing Science) film. Eine intermediale Lektüre.“ (Art and Science Nadine Hauthal, Topic: „Characterizing Oldenburg der Carl von Ossietzky Universi- Business Administration, Visual Culture) Visual and Tactile Processing in the Deaf.“ tät Oldenburg. Eine explorative Studie zur Economics, and Law (Psychology) Rolle der in den Vorlesungen eingesetzten Frederike Rehker, Topic: „Die Haftung der Mina Bizic-Ionescu, Topic: „Polyphasic Medien und Methoden hinsichtlich ihrer Unternehmensleitung in der Aktiengesell- Ingo Roden, Topic: „Auswirkungen des comparison of limnic and marine parti- Wirksamkeit in der Wissenschaftsvermitt- Diederich Bakker, Topic: „Vertical Brand schaft in Bezug auf IT-Compliance-Anfor- Instrumentallernens auf kognitive Fähig- cle-associated bacteria.“ (Marine Research) David Christopher Hellmann, Topic: lung aus Sicht der Rezipientinnen und Portfolio Management. Strategies for In- derungen.“ (Law) keiten von Grundschulkindern - Ein längs- „Entwicklung, Aufbau und Charakteri- Rezipienten.“ (Educational Sciences) tegrated Brand Management between schnittlicher Kontrollgruppenvergleich.“ sierung eines tieftemperaturtauglichen Manufacturers and Retailers.“ (Business (Music) Janani Dhinakaran, Topic: „The distri- Rastersondenmikroskops zur hochaufge- Administration) Tina Schneider, Topic: „Anpassung von butions of attention in RSVP tasks and its lösten Messung des Energieübertrags im Kiyoshi Ozawa, Topic: „The underrepre- Unternehmen und kritischen Infrastruk- sensitivity to affect, personality traits and Nanometerbereich.“ (Physics) sentation of male youth with migration turen an die Folgen des Klimawandels.“ Volker Timmermann, Topic: „ ... sie spielt estradiol.“ (Psychology) background at higher education in Ger- Ralph Görgen, Topic: „Effiziente Integration (Business Administration) nicht etwa Klavier, nein, die Violine ... – many: Voices of society vs. voices of youth.“ von Hardwarebeschreibungen in Simulink/ Geigerinnen um 1800. Eine Spurensuche.“ Dorothee Hodapp, Topic: „The suitability (Educational Sciences) TDF- Simulationen.“ (Computing Science) (Music) Hanna Ebert, Topic: „Pentafulvenkomple- of biodiversity as indicator for ecosystem Patrick Stein, Topic: „Die Bilanzierung xe des Zirconiums und Hafniums – Synthe- functioning.“ (Marine Research) in kommunalen Eröffnungsbilanzen und sen und Reaktionen“ (Chemistry) Sybille Prochnow Penedo, Topic: „Selbst- Kai Hylla, Topic: „Bridging the Gap Be- ihre Implikationen für die strategische Jan Patrick Zeller, Topic: „Phonische Vari- bestimmung und Teilhabe junger Erwach- tween Precise RT-Label Power/Timing Esti- Steuerung. Theoretische Fundierung und ation in weißrussisch-russisch gemischter Dirk Hoogestraat, Topic: „Real-time in- sener mit geistiger Behinderung. Anspruch mation and Fast High-Level Simulation.“ empirische Untersuchung in deutschen Rede.“ () Sebastian Eckert, Topic: „The past and vestigations of energy dissipation proces- und Wirklichkeit der Umsetzung pädago- (Computing Science) Kommunen.“ (Business Administration) present trace metal budget of the Black Sea ses at interfaces between semiconductors gischer Leitlinien für die schulische Bil- – A comparison of the Holocene and Eemi- and thin metallic films.“ (Chemistry) dung und Vorbereitung junger Erwach- Fakultät IV - an marine ingression.“ (Marine Research) sener mit geistiger Behinderung auf die Melvin Isken, Topic: „Optimierte Robo- Fakultät III - School of Humanities and Social nachschulische Lebenswirklichkeit.“ (Spe- ter-Navigation und geriatrische Mobili- School of and Cultural Sciences Jolanda Janson, Topic: „The role of alpha cial Needs Education and Rehabilitation) täts-Assessments in häuslichen Umgebun- Studies Shungudzemwoyo Pascal Garaba, Topic: activity in the occurrence of the Attentional gen.“ (Computing Science) „Shipborne hyperspectral remote sensing Blink.“ (Psychology) Kristina Brümmer, Topic: „Vom wissen- of northwestern European shelf seas and Christina Schmidt, Topic: „Was hat lang- Carola Bebermeier, Topic: „Celeste Coltel- den Subjekt zur Mitspielfähigkeit und ihrer Arctic waters.“ (Marine Research) jährige Ehen zusammengehalten?“ (Social Selma Konar, Topic: „Wettbewerbskon- lini (1760 - 1828): Lebensbilder einer Sänge- Subjektivierung in Praktiken. Eine praxeo- Vasiliki Kalogeropoulou, Topic: „Struc- Sciences) forme Stromgroßhandelspreise. Eine rin und Malerin.“ (Music) grafische Studie am Beispiel der Sportakro- tural and functional biodiversity of the Untersuchung der Verordnung über die batik.“ (Sport Science) Nils Gülzow, Topic: „From Metacommu- deep-sea metazoan meiobenthic commu- Integrität und Transparenz des Energie- nity to Metaecosystem: The impact of dis- nities at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain, NE Sinje Späth, Topic: „Transnationale Pro- großhandelsmarkts.“ (Law) Mirko Hanke, Topic: „Strategies and me- persal and spatio-temporal disturbance on Atlantic. Evidence of temporal shifts from a duktentwicklungsprozesse in multina- chanisms for language production in noi- Christian Peters, Topic: „Skateboarding diversity, ecosystem functions and stabili- 15-year period study (1989-2004).“ (Biology/ tionalen Unternehmen – Institutionelle, se.“ (English and American Studies) als soziale Praxis. Eine Ethnographie.“ ty.“ (Marine Research) Environmental Sciences) macht- und organisation-theoretische Christian Lüpkes, Topic: „Ad-hoc-Daten- (Sport Science) Einflussfaktoren.“ (Social Sciences) transformationen für Analytische Infor- mationssysteme.“ (Computing Science)

44 EINBLICKE 2014 45 Doctorates

Karsten Kruse, Topic: „“Vector-Valued Sandra Meier, Topic: „Spatiotemporal tur- Verena-Nicole Uslar, Topic: „Speech Fourier Hyperfunctions.“ (Mathematics) nover of a phytoplankton metacommunity in perception, age, and hearing loss: Methods a natural coastal system.“ (Marine Research) to assess the balance between bottom-up and top-down processing.“ (Physics) Nicolai Lauterbach, Topic: „Element-H-Ak- tivierung an Bis (eta 5: eta 1 -pentafulven) Julia Metsio Sienne, Topic: „Diversity of titankomplexen “ (Chemistry) natural forest clearings in Central Africa Britta Vaske, Topic: „Steuerung lokaler and their importance for forest mammals Reaktionszonen mit Ultramikroelektro- and conservation.“ (Biology/Environmental den.“ (Chemistry) Dominic Lauterbach, Topic: „Singular Sciences) Mixture Copulas – A Geometric Method of Constructing Copulas“ (Mathematics) Elke Visser, Topic: „Die Diagnose der Be- Patrick Milan, Topic: „The conversion dy- wertungskompetenz durch schriftliche namics of wind energy systems treated as a Aufgaben im Biologieunterricht.“ (Biology/ Shijia Li, Topic: „Effect of acute psycho- complex stochastic process.“ (Physics) Environmental Sciences) social stress on emotional face recogniti- on: gene, brain and behavior interaction.“ (Psychology) Patrick Monien, Topic: „The geochemical Katharina Wiegmann, Topic: „Proteomic response of sedimentary archives to rapid analyses of amino acid and carbohydrate recent glacier retreat at the Western Antar- degradation pathways in Phaeobacter in- Chai Heng Lim, Topic: „Modelling waves ctic Peninsula (WAP): from source to sink.“ hibens DSM 17395.“ (Marine Research) and currents in Potter Cove, King George (Marine Research) Island, Antarctica.“ (Marine Research) Carina Wolff, Topic: „Selektive Bildung Gerriet Möhlmann, Topic: „Zur Berech- multinuklearer Komplexe früher Über- Andrea Lipinski, Topic: „Vergleichende nung von Mordell-Weil Basen elliptischer gangsmetalle unter Nutzung anionischer Untersuchung der aquatischen und semi- Kurven über globalen Funktionenkörpern.“ Brückenliganden des Pyrazol- und Imida- aquatischen Fauna ausgewählter Hoch- (Mathematics) zoltyps.“ (Chemistry) moorrenaturierungsgebiete Niedersach- sens unter Berücksichtigung von Aspekten des Flächenmanagements und der Bio- Helena , Topic: „From freshly Ludwig Worbes, Topic: „Untersuchung des topvernetzung.“ (Biology/Environmental produced compounds to refractory mole- Nahfeld-Wärmeübertrags an adsorbatbe- Sciences) cules – tracing sources and fate of dissol- legten und nanostrukturierten Oberflä- ved organic matter in the ocean.“ (Marine chen.“ (Physics) Research) Omid Madani Ghahfarokhi, Topic: „In- vestigation of microcrystalline silicon Martina Würdemann, Topic: „Synthese emitters and DC sputtered ZnO: Al as front Miriam Penning, Topic: „Synthese neuer N-heterocyclischer Verbindungen contact in silicon heterojunction solar neuer N-heterocyclischer Bausteine als für die kombinatorische Chemie durch cells.“ (Physics) Scaffolds für die kombinatorische Chemie.“ 1,3-dipolare Cycloaddition.“ (Chemistry) (Chemistry)

Martin Maier, Topic: „Managing Main- He Zhang, Topic: „Life history in a long-se- land Salt Marshes for Breeding Birds – In- Matti Reißmann, Topic: „Synthese, Cha- abird: variation in phenotypic traits, life teractions with Plants, Food and Predati- rakterisierung und Reaktivität von silyl- expectancy and fitness prospects.“ (Biology/ on.“ (Biology/Environmental Sciences) kationischen Lewis Paaren.“ (Chemistry) Environmental Sciences)

Manfred Mascheck, Topic: „Spatial and Tania Röper, Topic: „Formation, Charac- Patrick Zägel, Topic: „Katalyse der Temporal Investigation of Localized Elec- terization and Groundwater Flow Patterns cGMP-Synthese in Photorezeptorzellen bei tric Fields Randomly Arranged Dielectric of a Barrier Island Freshwater Lens (Spie- Formen erblicher Netzhauterkrankungen.“ Media.“(Physics) keroog, Northwest Germany) – A combined (Biology/Environmental Sciences) field, laboratory and modeling study.“ (Bio- logy/Environmental Sciences)

46 EINBLICKE 2014 47 116 metres long, with living space for 40 researchers plan to use the ship to rese- a four-week expedition from the South scientists and 35 crew and approximately arch climate change, evaluate human Pacifi c island state of Fiji to Anchorage, 600 square metres of working space, the impact on the ecosystem and search for Alaska. new deep sea vessel SONNE [sun] pro- maritime resources.  ey will chart the  e ship was built at the Meyer shipyard The SONNE vides all the conditions to take marine ocean fl oor, analyse bacteria and study in Papenburg at a cost of 124 million research to new heights in the coming minerals. To this end the vessel features euros.  e German government covered decades.  e ship‘s home institute is the state-of-the-art echosounder systems 90 percent of the costs, and the rest was Institute for Chemistry and Biology of and all the necessary technology for col- contributed by the coastal states of Lo- the Marine Environment (ICBM) at the lecting and evaluating measurement wer Saxony, Bremen, Hamburg, Schles- University of Oldenburg. results. wig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Western A Floating Research  e SONNE is a fl oating research labo- As of 2015 the SONNE will sail the Pacifi c Pomerania. ratory, a town in miniature sailing the and Indian Ocean. Its fi rst journey under Laboratory oceans on an important mission. Marine ICBM supervision is scheduled for 2016 – 1 2 Technical information Length: 116 m

Beam: 20.2 m

Draught: 6.4 m The ICBM as home institute 1 Max. speed: 15 knots  e ICBM scientists support the ship- ping company and the Hamburg-ba- sed Control Station German Research 6 cranes, 2 sliding bars and one A-frame bearing Vessels in guaranteeing the quality of up to 30 tonnes of equipment the scientifi c measuring equipment on board.  ey also represent the ship in various organisations, including the 9 winches with up to 12,000 m cable MaNIDA network, which oversees data management for German research Space for 40 scientists and 35 crew infrastructures (www.manida.org).  e home port of the SONNE is Wilhelms- haven, where the ICBM also operates its marine centre. ↗ www.icbm.de 3 The CTD water profi ling instrument Dynamic Positioning Using the CTD profi ling instrument (also known as the rosette) samples Just press a button and the SONNE will can be collected at specifi c depths.  is automatically maintain its exact positi- generally involves lowering the inst- 3 on.  is happens courtesy of its onboard rument to the seabed (the „downcast“). 2 “Dynamic Positioning (DP)“ system. During this procedure the CTD delivers The bridge Laboratory Seawater System Special computers steer the engines, a profi le of saline levels – measured ac- Hidden away on Deck 1 and surrounded taking into consideration the vessel‘s cording to conductivity (C), temperature Manned 24 hours a day, the ship‘s by pipes, the Laboratory Seawater Sys- specifi c features, the wind and the cur- (T) and depth (D). On the way up („the bridge is the central contact point for tem is run by the ICBM research group rents.  anks to this system devices can upcast“) the bottles in the rosette close all matters on board. Here the scien- „Marine Sensor Systems“. It provides be placed on the ocean fl oor while the at specifi ed depths. tists make announcements about all laboratories with seawater through ship is kept in position directly above onboard operations – for example various pumps and intakes, using sen- them, for example. when they want to switch oŸ devices or end stationary work and proceed sors to measure the salinity and algae to the next location. concentration of the pumped water. The ROV Multicorer Devices for grabbing, pricking and Underwater ROVs (Remotely Operated coring are deployed to collect samples Vehicles) are the marine scientists‘ „eyes from the ocean fl oor.  e multico- and hands“. Using video cameras and rer collects several cores at a time. mechanical arms these devices can for It provides marine researchers – for example collect specimens from spon- Flag Alphabet example those in the ICBM‘s „Microbio- ges and corals which the scientists of geochemistry“ and „Paleomicrobiology“ the ICBM research group „Environmen- research groups – with material for tal Biochemistry“ can then examine for their studies. natural biologically-active substances.  e editors would like to thank Prof. Dr. Oliver Zielinski (ICBM) and the Meyer Werft shipyard S O N N E for kindly supplying images and written ma- terial.

Illustration: Jutta Drewes, [email protected] This is where the English Version finishes.

Common Glasswort (Salicornia europaea) in the Wadden Sea