Cycle Superhighways in NRW

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Cycle Superhighways in NRW Cycle Superhighways in NRW ... ride, ride, ride ... Cycle Superhighway all directions CYCLE SUPERHIGHWAYS IN NRW CYCLE SUPERHIGHWAYS IN NRW Dear Citizens, What is a Cycle Superhighway? The benefits of cycling are manifold: cycling is friendly to the environment and roads, costs little, boosts health and is also fun! As pedelecs, bicycles also repre- sent a genuine alternative to the car for ”The bicycle is a short distance mode of fast and convenient as possible and, natu- longer distances and older people. transport! Travelling further than 3 km in rally, on a surface that enables a fast pace. This is why here in North Rhine-Westphalia people to one another, bringing them one go makes no sense for everyday jour- They are therefore ideal for commuting, we need an extensive, safe cycling network closer together. neys, and is not enjoyable for the cyclist.“ riding to the next town to visit friends in of the highest standard. The premium pro- This was the prevailing attitude in the last the evening, shopping in a neighbouring With this brochure we want to explain to duct for cycling is Cycle Superhighways – century. Today we have come - and ride - a district – and of course for tourism. you in detail what Cycle Superhighways wide, comfortable routes that significantly lot further. With the right cycle or pedelec are - and the RS1 project in particular - and Cycle Superhighways may take many reduce travel times in and between towns technology and the right infrastructure, in how they will change our mobility. I am forms: extra-wide cycle paths or marked and cities. In NRW we are taking the lead the form of the Cycle Superhighway, a type sure that you, too, will be impressed by cycle lanes as well as cycle routes. In all and building seven large Cycle Superhigh- of autobahn for cyclists. our new Cycle Superhighways! cases, a Cycle Superhighway transports ways – and the first kilometres are already The Association for Pedestrian and Bicyc- cyclists over distances long and short with open to cyclists. lefriendly Cities, Townships and Counties ease, including with the pedelec, reaching Paramount among these is the Radschnell- in North Rhine Westphalia (AGFS) has numerous destinations in comfort. weg Ruhr RS1: over 100 km of Cycle Su- defined the term ”Cycle Superhighway“ as As a consequence, ”A 40 for cyclists“ perhighway in the heart of NRW and right follows: Cycle Superhighways are high- is already used to refer to the RS1 from through the Ruhr region. quality, direct and capable connections Michael Groschek Duisburg to Hamm. The stretch between between rural districts, municipalities and This will connect the towns and cities of Minister for Construction, Housing, Mülheim an der Ruhr and Essen is already urban districts. They lead from A to B wit- the Metropole Ruhr, their universities, Urban Development and Transport completed: you can try it out for yourself! hout excessive detours or turns. Without companies and approximately 1.7 million of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia significant interruptions from junctions, as 2 3 CYCLE SUPERHIGHWAYS IN NRW CYCLE SUPERHIGHWAYS IN NRW Photo: P3 Agentur Photo: Mobility in the future – not without Cycle Superhighways! Congested city centres, traffic jams and on cycle paths. Many are unsafe, poorly stress on roads and highways. The road maintained or result in diversions. Where network, but also many bus and rail good cycle paths exist there are already far routes, are overloaded – the daily misery more cyclists using them – an indication of of traffic. In addition, environmental pol- the future success of Cycle Superhighways. lution, noise and other issues are further Electricity is also helping to make Cycle downsides to travelling by car. Cycle Super- Superhighways more popular: the combi- highways can bring us much further here! nation of e-bike and Cycle Superhighway A strategically-connected network of Cycle makes cycling even more potentially Superhighways can relieve the burden on rewarding, convenient and speedy. More roads. At the same time, completely new relaxed and healthier, too. The minimal mobility options arise, for example for effort required means that even a fast pace commuters. Because many commutes are and long distances do not mean cyclists short: today, although 60 % of commuters have to arrive having worked up a sweat, travel by car, half of them only travel up to the radius is expanded. 10 km – a perfect distance for cycling! By the way: one car driver in three is consi- The fact that few people cycle in spite dering buying a pedelec … of the short distances is not down to Cycle Superhighways – near, far, good! laziness, but to infrastructure: it is seldom possible today to make fast, safe progress 4 5 CYCLE SUPERHIGHWAYS IN NRW CYCLE SUPERHIGHWAYS IN NRW Standards and facilities Route 66 for cyclists The planning of Cycle Superhighways Exactly. Service points are equally impor- Have you always wanted to be able to and on holiday? Cycle Superhighways means that standards needed to be speci- tant for Cycle Superhighways: at intervals cycle fast and safely? Cycle two abreast satisfy all of these different requirements fied for the uniform quality of the routes. of a few kilometres they offer a fixed pump and overtake, finally put the new pedelec – locally and in the region. And this is Neighbouring countries the Netherlands and key tools for minor repairs. Rest areas through its paces, travel easily over a long what makes them the perfect alternative to and Denmark already have experience with are a good idea at junctions with other distance? Do you want to get to another crowded motorways, buses and trains. Cycle Superhighways. Their experience was Cycle Superhighways or with long-distance part of town quickly, from the suburbs to In other words, Cycle Superhighways are used by the AGFS, the Landesbetrieb Stra- tourist cycle routes. the city centre, or a neighbouring town? for cyclists what motorways, trunk roads ßenbau NRW and the NRW transport minis- Are you one of the 74 % of working people These include bike parking areas, shelter and country roads are for car drivers: fast, try to jointly develop their own criteria. This who take less than 30 minutes to get to for cyclists, a charging station for pede- safe and convenient transport links – as is how Cycle Superhighways are becoming work? And have you always longed for a lecs, seating, drinking water and toilets. well as being urgently required! the new premium product for cycle traffic: ”Route 66“ to cycle on in your spare time At central stopping points and interfaces • continuous separation of cyclists and for switching between bike and train cycle pedestrians stations or even mobile stations can be • a minimum width of 4 m for structural provided – with a full range of services for cycle paths cyclists: from guarded cycle shelters to on- • where possible, right of way and green the-spot repair services or snack options. traffic light sequencing • few climbs PS: Would it surprise you to learn that • signposting to NRW standards 30,000 people a day use cycle routes such • urban lighting as these, for example the Norrebrograde in • organised winter services and cleaning Copenhagen? Quality is key! And this is not everything – or could you imagine a motorway without rest areas and service stations? 6 7 Photo: Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST-Studio CYCLE SUPERHIGHWAYS IN NRW CYCLE SUPERHIGHWAYS IN NRW Photo: P3 Agentur Photo: Cycle Superhighways – a topic worldwide Fast cycle routes are a successful develop- with around 100,000 commuting along ment. The Dutch were already trying their them by bike every day. Short travel times ”Fietssnelwege“ in the 1980s. For years are achieved not only via the well-develo- now, cyclists have been able to travel free- ped, wide paths, but also green traffic light ly over long distances here. For example on sequencing for cyclists. the F35 between Enschede and Almelo: at The limits of car transport have by now be- least 4 m wide, it runs parallel to the mo- come apparent to all. As a result, in recent torway and the railway. The other Benelux years German towns and states have also countries as well as Switzerland, Norway, begun to turn to the bicycle as a solution Great Britain and even the United States for regional and urban transport – and all feature role models for the German consequently the Cycle Superhighway. Cycle Superhighways. Many countries are now setting ambitious goals to increase Not just in NRW: in Göttingen, for example, cycle traffic. the ”eRadschnellweg“ connects the main station to the northern campus of the In Denmark, for example: in Copenhagen university. Cycle Superhighways are also the share of cyclists in traffic as a whole is planned to link Nuremberg, Fürth, Erlangen already around 50 %! One major reason for and Schwabach, as well as the surroun- this is the system of ”Cykelsuperstiers“, ding rural districts. A total of 80 projects or Cycle Superhighways. A total of 26 are are being planned throughout the country, planned, with many already in use. Similar with a total length of some 1,400 km. to the spokes of a wheel, they lead from the centre of the city to the outer districts, 8 9 CYCLE SUPERHIGHWAYS IN NRW CYCLE SUPERHIGHWAYS IN NRW Cycle Superhighways in NRW - we are investing in the future There are also further feasibility studies in Critics say we have no need for luxury efficient manner we need the matching NRW, for example for the ”Central Ruhrge- cycle routes! This is true: what NRW and infrastructure. The decisive leap in quality biet“ Cycle Superhighway. Germany need is an infrastructure for here is Cycle Superhighways – just look at This is intended to cover 16 km from Glad- everyday use, with which we can utilise our neighbours.
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