

© 2004 Universities Federation for Welfare 2004, 13: S87-92 The Old School, Brewhouse Hill, Wheathampstead, ISSN 0962-7286 Hertfordshire AL4 8AN, UK

Fish and welfare: do have the capacity for perception and ?

VA Braithwaite* and FA Huntingford†

* Ashworth Laboratories, School of Biological Sciences, King’s Buildings, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3JT, UK † Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Graham Kerr Building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK * Contact for correspondence and requests for reprints: [email protected]


Humans interact with fish in a number of ways and the question of whether fish have the capacity to perceive pain and to suffer has recently attracted considerable in both scientific and public fora. Only very recently have neuroanatomical studies revealed that fish possess similar pain-processing receptors to higher . Research has also shown that fish neurophysiology and behaviour are altered in response to noxious stimulation. In the light of this evidence, and in combination with work illustrating the cognitive capacities of fish, it seems appropriate to respond to a recently published critique (Rose 2002) in which it is argued that it is not possible for fish to experience fear or pain and that, therefore, they cannot suffer. Whilst we agree with the author that fish are unlikely to perceive pain in the same way that do, we believe that currently available evidence indicates that fish have the capacity for pain perception and suffering. As such, it would seem timely to reflect on the implications of fish pain and suffering, and to consider what steps can be taken to ensure the welfare of the fish that we exploit.

Keywords: animal welfare, awareness, fish, pain, stress, suffering

Introduction vertebrates (Wedemeyer et al 1990; Barton & Iwama 1991; Considerable advances have been made in terms of defining Wendelaar Bonga 1997). Furthermore, neuroanatomical the welfare requirements of higher vertebrates such as approaches have now revealed that teleost fish possess the and (eg Dawkins 1998; Mendl 2001; Sørensen same types of pain-processing fibre as higher vertebrates et al 2001). In contrast, we know considerably less about (Sneddon 2002). What is currently unclear, however, is the welfare requirements of fish. Yet humans interact with whether fish have an awareness of stress and pain — in fish in a number of ways: they are fished and farmed for other words, whether or not they have the capacity to expe- consumption, they are used for biological and medical rience pain and suffering. There would, therefore, appear to research, and they provide an opportunity for sport and hob- be a number of grounds for the consideration of fish wel- bies. Therefore, it is perhaps timely that we start to address fare, but there is also the need at this early stage for more the issue of fish welfare and, in particular, of whether or not scientific research to identify appropriate welfare criteria. fish have the capacity for suffering. Some work has already For example, what do fish require in terms of resources, and begun to address such issues; for example, a document on what opportunities do they need to behave in ways that are fish welfare was recently commissioned and published by important to them? These are questions that have been the Fisheries Society of the British Isles (FSBI 2002). asked of a number of higher (Mendl Additionally, the Canadian Council on Animal Care is 2001), but to date they have not been asked of fish. currently drawing up guidelines on the care and use of fish The necessity for measures to protect the welfare of fish has in research, teaching and testing (see Griffin & Gauthier recently been questioned in a detailed and timely review by 2004, pp 181–186, this issue). James Rose (2002). Rose puts forward the argument that These documents and a number of other studies indicate fish cannot experience pain and suffering because they lack that we should be concerned about fish welfare. For exam- certain structures required for the conscious percep- ple, there is considerable evidence that fish, as with most tion of pain in humans. He argues that the psychological organisms, do not respond well to prolonged periods of experience of pain requires the presence of a highly devel- stress: chronic exposure to aversive conditions can generate oped , in particular the frontal lobe cortex. Rose stress-induced changes in the immune system making fish therefore concludes that the conscious perception of suffer- more vulnerable to disease (Pickering & Pottinger 1989). ing is restricted to humans and higher because Recent research has also shown that the physiological appropriately developed neocortical structures are found effects of stress in fish are comparable to those in higher only in these animals. This is an extreme stance that finds

Universities Federation for in the Service of Animal Welfare S88 Braithwaite and Huntingford little support among others working on animal pain (eg Our aim in this review is to examine whether there is suffi- Broom 1991; Bateson 1991; Gentle 1992; Molony et al cient evidence to conclude that fish have the capacity for 2002). Rose acknowledges that fish can generate robust pain perception and suffering. To do this we review recent neuroendocrine and physiological stress responses to work investigating the capacity of trout for pain perception. noxious stimuli, but suggests that these are entirely non- We then consider how cognitive capacities can be assessed conscious reactions similar to those generated by and review current literature to examine what is already non-noxious stimuli. In other words, according to Rose, a known about the cognitive capacities of fish. fish that responds to an electric shock with an altered heart Are fish capable of perceiving noxious stimuli? rate and with erratic, darting swimming behaviour (Verheijen & Bulwalda 1998) is no different from a male Recent neuroanatomical and neurophysiological research fish commencing a vigorous courtship display in response has determined that teleost fish, such as the trout, possess to the presence of a female (Rowland 1994). ‘’, specialised receptors that exclusively respond to noxious stimuli. Earlier work by Whitear (1971) identi- Rose goes on to suggest that fish behaviour is largely fied free nerve endings in the skin tissue of teleost fish that generated by structures within the brainstem and that the were considered to be possible candidates for nociceptors. relatively small cerebral hemispheres of fish act only to Surprisingly, however, it is only recently that the presence modulate behaviour. Although he recognises the diversity of of nociceptors in teleost fish has been confirmed (Sneddon specialisations that various fish exhibit, he describes 2002; Sneddon et al 2003). In higher vertebrates there are fish behaviour as highly stereotyped and invariant within a two classes of nociceptive nerves: 1) A delta fibres, which . He also discusses the capacity of fish for associa- are slow conducting, small myelinated fibres, and 2) C tive but he does not believe that such learning fibres, which are slower conducting, smaller and unmyeli- requires any form of conscious awareness. nated (Wall & Melzack 2000). Both of these classes of fibre In essence, Rose puts forward the case that without a well- have now been found in the trout trigeminal nerve, which is developed neocortex a fish cannot have conscious awareness the main nerve innervating the face and head of vertebrates and therefore does not have the capacity for the emotional (Sneddon 2002). In birds and mammals, trigeminal A delta experiences of pain and suffering. We do not agree with this and C fibres convey both somatosensory and nociceptive logic. For example, comparisons of avian and mammalian information to the brain (Wall & Melzack 2000). visual systems clearly illustrate how different taxonomic Electrophysiological recordings made from afferent cell groups can perceive and process the same type of informa- bodies in the trigeminal ganglion of trout showed that tion but through different pathways and neural structures receptors isolated on the head and face were able to detect (Shimizu & Karten 1993). Extrapolating this analogy, the noxious stimuli such as mechanical pressure, temperature ability to suffer and perceive an emotional experience asso- and chemical stimuli, thus confirming the presence of noci- ciated with pain may not be solely restricted to the pre- ceptors (Sneddon et al 2003). Taken together, these results frontal cortex of humans and higher primates; other animals indicate that fish possess the necessary neuroanatomy and may process similar information in different ways. Just as neurophysiology to perceive and process information about the taxon-based approach to visual perception is more stimuli that would be regarded as painful by humans. informative than a comparative approach, it may be the case that identifying taxon-specific capacities for pain perception Related to these studies, a number of behavioural experi- and suffering is more useful than drawing on the compara- ments were also undertaken to investigate changes in tive examples used by Rose (2002). behaviour as a consequence of noxious stimulation (Sneddon et al 2003). Trout treated with noxious chemical Rose (2002) takes the viewpoint that pain is both a sensory stimuli (acetic acid or bee venom) showed a prolonged and an emotional experience and that cannot decreased motivation to feed and a dramatically increased result in pain unless the neural activity associated with it is opercula beat rate in comparison to identically handled consciously perceived. This definition of pain and suffering saline-treated controls. Fish that were recovering from nox- suggests that no organism other than a or higher pri- ious stimulation also exhibited anomalous behaviours such mate has the capacity to consciously suffer. There appear to as rocking whilst resting on the substrate. Furthermore, be two ways of countering this argument. The first, which some fish were observed rubbing their snouts, the site where has been adopted by a number of researchers working in the the had been administered, on the walls field of animal welfare, is to advocate that pain should be and substrate of the tank. considered without an emotional element and that a distinc- tion should be drawn between human pain and animal pain In an extension of these behavioural investigations, fear (eg Bateson 1991). The second is to consider the cognitive responses were investigated in fish that had experienced a abilities of the animal and to determine through empirical noxious stimulus (Sneddon et al in press). Since trout gen- research what capacity the animal has for suffering. This erally show considerable fear of novel objects, fear was approach has the advantage of determining whether or not quantified as the amount of time a fish spent avoiding a an animal has the capacity for pain perception and other novel object that had been temporarily placed in its tank. responses that are associated with suffering, regardless of Sneddon and colleagues (in press) observed that the fear the underlying neuroanatomy which is clearly different in response was reduced in fish that had experienced a noxious many vertebrate taxonomic groups. stimulus, but that this reduction in fear was reversed with © 2004 Universities Federation for Animal Welfare Fish and welfare S89 the application of an (morphine). These results of pilfering. These observations indicate that birds with a suggest that the attention of a fish currently responding to of pilfering are able to attribute this ability to nociceptive stimulation is preoccupied and, consequently, other birds. Mental attribution, however, has previously the ability of the fish to generate a normal fear response is been to be unique to humans (Heyes 1998). Thirdly, decreased. These new results support the earlier observa- recent work by Hampton (2001) has demonstrated that rhe- tions of Ehrensing and colleagues (1982) who found that the sus macaques can be trained to indicate their perception of intracranial application of morphine to decreased whether they have a good or poor of an event. their response to electric shock. Subsequent application of Again, through an elegant operant paradigm, macaques opiate antagonists reversed this effect. Although com- were able to indicate their ability to accurately solve a task. pelling, the approach by Ehrensing and his colleagues Hampton suggests that to be able to do this the animal must (1982) was criticised because the application of morphine have a conscious awareness of its memory ability. might be expected to reduce reactions to a stimulus regard- These different examples show that animals other than less of whether it was associated with pain or not. The humans and higher primates do have the capacity for self- approach of Sneddon and colleagues (in press) tackles this awareness and for some forms of mental representation. criticism because in this case the effect of the morphine was Being able to generate mental representations or being self- to revive the novel object avoidance behaviour in the fish. aware is not, therefore, as proposed by Rose (2002), unique The fact that fish have the same types of as to the well-developed brains of humans and higher pri- higher vertebrates (A delta and C fibres), that these respond mates. The field of animal is thus providing a to noxious stimulation, and that the motivation and general more detailed understanding of the cognitive capacities of behaviour of fish are adversely affected by such stimulation, animal brains. would appear to provide compelling evidence that fish can The cognitive capacities of fish perceive and react to noxious stimuli. Whether this is evidence that fish have the capacity to experience pain and Although few studies have investigated the cognitive capac- suffering is a much harder question to answer, however, ities of fish, there is growing evidence that fish can form because to determine this we need to understand the cogni- mental representations (eg Rodríguez et al 1994) and that tive capacities of fish. several fish species have the capacity for complex, flexible learning and memory (Odling-Smee & Braithwaite 2003b). Assessing the cognitive capacities of Very recently, the journal Fish and Fisheries devoted a non-human animals whole issue to fish learning (Laland et al 2003). The papers Advances in the last decade have revealed several surpris- in this volume clearly demonstrate the similarities between ing findings in terms of the cognitive abilities of a range of fish and other vertebrates in terms of their learning processes. different vertebrates. Experiments have directly addressed Together this body of work suggests that, like the birds and whether or not animals other than humans have any form of mammals mentioned in the examples above, fish may have self-awareness or , and in several cases the the capacity to generate mental representations of events. results have shown animal to be far more versatile Using Rose’s (2002) own logic, if fish have the capacity for and complex than was originally believed. Such approaches mental representation then we should consider that they are therefore providing a greater insight into the psycholog- may also have the capacity to experience suffering. ical capacities of animals (Balda et al 1998; Shettleworth The behavioural repertoires and learning and memory abil- 1998). ities of fish, far from being stereotyped and invariant (Rose Here we highlight empirical examples that illustrate the 2002), have now been shown to be flexible not just between complex cognitive capabilities of three different non-human species but in some cases between different populations of vertebrates. Firstly, Harding and colleagues (2001) ingen- the same species (Braithwaite 1998; Laland et al 2003). For iously developed a method of quantifying the mental state example, fish have been shown to be capable of recognising of by measuring how positively or negatively they and remembering individual conspecifics, and they can respond in an operant paradigm. By getting rats to discrim- ascribe competitive abilities to these individuals (Metcalfe inate between different types of auditory tone, the & Thomson 1995; Griffiths 2003). Furthermore, learning researchers found that rats coming from social group housing has also been shown to play a key role in anti-predator were more likely to generalise between a sample tone and a behaviour by allowing fish to adjust their responses in line similar but different tone, than were rats from a socially with their experiences within a particular environment deprived environment. In this way, the mental state of the (Kelley & Magurran 2003). Fish are also flexible in the test rats could be categorised as either optimistic or pes- types of orientation information that they learn and remem- simistic (Harding & Mendl 2001; Harding et al 2001). ber (Girvan & Braithwaite 1998; Odling-Smee & Secondly, work with -storing birds has shown that Braithwaite 2003a). corvids have the capacity to learn to understand the inten- Rose (2002) does present evidence that a number of fish tions of their conspecifics (Emery & Clayton 2001). Here, species are capable of associative learning and he lists a birds that have experienced pilfering another ’s store number of behaviours that are generated by associative will not store food in the presence of other birds. This is not learning processes. Such forms of learning, sometimes the case for birds that are naive with respect to the possibility referred to as ‘implicit learning’, do not require conscious

Animal Welfare 2004, 13: S87-92 S90 Braithwaite and Huntingford awareness, and this is true in humans as well as in other Conclusions and animal welfare implications animals (Macphail 1998). Rose also uses examples from We conclude that, despite the relatively simple structure and studies in which the of fish are removed, to argue small size of the teleost brain and , teleost that most fish behaviours are controlled by brainstem and fish certainly produce complex behaviour and are probably spinal cord functions (Overmeir & Hollis 1983; Overmeir & capable of cognition. It is clear that teleost fish do not Papini 1986). For example, it has been demonstrated that possess a neocortex, nor do they have the well-developed fish can still feed and can learn simple associations even in prefrontal cortical lobes that are believed to be the seat of the absence of their (Rooney & Laming 1988; human consciousness (Macphail 1998). Fish do, however, Laming & McKinney 1990; Salas et al 1996). However, this have the capacity for simple mental representations and as approach is limited in what it can tell us because teleost fish such they may have the potential to suffer. that have intact forebrains are capable of complex learning and behaviour, such as associating events with times and The increasing rate at which humans now interact with and places (Reebs 1999) and learning to avoid sites that they manage different types of fish population indicates that an perceive to be dangerous (Huntingford & Wright 1989; interest in fish welfare is both timely and necessary. In par- Kelley & Magurran 2003). ticular, the increasing reliance of humans on farmed fish is increasing the demands placed on the aquaculture industry. One of the most informative areas of fish cognition to be To meet these demands the industry needs to expand and investigated is spatial learning. For example, several fish fish farmers will be required to intensify fish production. species can generate internal map-like representations Welfare in fish is a novel . Recent suggestions that (Rodríguez et al 1994; Braithwaite 1998; Odling-Smee & Braithwaite 2003b), which provide them with the ability to fish cannot experience pain or suffering do not appear to be make short-cuts or to select between alternative routes to supported by the current literature. The evidence we review reach a goal without having to rely on a specific sequence strongly suggests that fish do have the capacity to experi- of locations or landmarks. Perhaps one of the most impres- ence pain and fear, albeit of a taxon-specific kind, and that sive illustrations of the use of an internal map comes from fish therefore deserve appropriate welfare and husbandry the work of Aronson (1951, 1971) who observed the escape considerations that will minimise their potential suffering. responses of rock-pool gobiid fish. Aronson showed that Fish welfare is a new field that needs to be developed by fish learn the local topography at high tide so that when they increasing our understanding of how fish cognition is are trapped in one rock-pool at low tide they can accurately altered when fish interact with humans, what fish require in jump and escape into another pool if they are threatened. terms of resources, and what maintains their health. We Only fish that are given the opportunity to learn the topog- therefore suggest that there is an urgent need for the devel- raphy at high tide are successful in locating the position of opment of appropriate fish welfare guidelines. rock-pools for their escape. Acknowledgements Such complex cognitive capacities are evident even though teleost fish have a relatively simple brain and nervous sys- Many of the ideas we report here were developed in discus- tem (Kotraschal et al 1998). Yet, despite this simplicity, sion with Colin Adams, Mike Gentle, Sunil Kadri, Vince teleost fish represent the most abundant and diverse group Molony, Tom Pottinger, Lynne Sneddon and Jimmy of vertebrates to have evolved and radiated into a wide Turnball. We also thank Culum Brown and Sean Nee for range of niches (Nelson 1994). In association with this their comments and suggestions. divergence, fish brains and their nervous systems, in partic- References ular their sensory systems, have also diverged and become Aronson L R 1951 Orientation and jumping in the Gobiid fish specialised (Kotraschal et al 1998). Although there are con- Bathygobius soporator. American Museum Novitates 1486: 1-22 siderable differences between the brains of teleost fish and Aronson L R 1971 Further studies on orientation and jumping other vertebrates, recent research suggests that there are behaviour in the Gobiid fish Bathygobius soporator. Annals of the some similarities. For example, Broglio and colleagues New York Academy of Science 188: 378-392 (2003) have clearly identified an area of the teleost fish Balda R P, Kamil A C and Pepperberg I M 1998 Animal forebrain, the lateral pallium, as analogous to the avian and Cognition in . Academic Press: San Diego, USA mammalian — the brain area associated with Barton B A and Iwama G K 1991 Physiological changes in fish long-term memory and spatial relationships. It is likely that from stress in aquaculture with emphasis on the response and further detailed work on fish brain organisation and behav- effects of corticosteroids. Annual Review of Fish Disease 1: 3-26 iour may well yield other interesting commonalities Bateson P 1991 Assessment of . Animal Behaviour between fish and other vertebrates. 42: 827-839 Braithwaite V A 1998 , landmark use and orien- In summary, as illustrated in the various examples above, tation in fish. In: Healy SD (ed) Spatial Representations in Animals despite their relatively simple nervous systems, teleost fish pp 86-102. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK are capable of complex, flexible behaviours and of forming Broglio C, Rodríguez F and Salas C 2003 Spatial cognition mental representations. One implication of such findings is and its neural basis in teleost . Fish and Fisheries 4: that we need to establish how fish cognitive capacities are 247-255 disrupted when we interact with fish. This may, therefore, Broom D M 1991 Animal welfare: and measurements. represent a good starting point for studies of fish welfare. Journal of Animal Science 69: 4167-4175 © 2004 Universities Federation for Animal Welfare Fish and welfare S91

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© 2004 Universities Federation for Animal Welfare