

March April May 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 Lent 1 Lent 2 Lent 3 Lent 4 Lent 5 Palm Easter 2 of Easter 3 of Easter 4 of Easter 5 of Easter 6 of Easter 7 of Easter Pentecost Sunday Sunday Gen 2. 15-17, Gen 12. 1-4a Exodus 17. 1-7 1 Sam 16. 1-13 Ezek 37. 1-14 Isaiah 50. 4-9a Jerem 31. 1-6 Acts 2. 14a, Acts 2. 14a, Acts 2. 42-47 Acts 7. 55-60 Acts 17. 22-31 Acts 1. 6-14 Acts 2. 1-21 3. 1-7 22-32 36-41 Psalm 32 Psalm 121 Psalm 95 Psalm 23 Psalm 130 Psalm 31. 9-16 Psalm 118. 1-24 Psalm 16 Psalm 116. 1-19 Psalm 23 Psalm 31. 1-16 Psalm 66. 8-20 Psalm 68. 1-10, Psalm 104. 24-35b 32-35 Rom 5. 12-19 Rom 4. 1-5, Rom 5. 1-11 Eph 5. 8-14 Rom 8. 6-11 Phil 2. 5-11 Acts 10. 34-43 1 Pet 1. 3-9 1 Pet 1. 17-23 1 Pet 2. 19-25 1 Pet 2. 2-10 1 Pet 3. 13-22 1 Pet 4. 12-14, 1 Cor 12. 3b-13 13-17 5. 6-11 Matt 4. 1-11 John 3. 1-17 John 4. 5-42 John 9. 1-41 John 11. 1-45 Matt 27. 11-54 John 20. 1-18 John 20. 19-31 Luke 24. 13-25 John 10. 1-10 John 14. 1-14 John 14. 15-21 John 17. 1-11 John 20. 19-23

Alverdiscott 11.00 Bate US Blackhall S Potter Hall-Tomkin Sheriff Dawe Spencer CW Blackhall S Harris US Withall F Watson Quinnell T @ Parkham EX31 3PT 6.30 Blackhall Vidamour Thompson CS Burgon CW Blackhall EX @ Blackhall S Blackhall CW LA EX @ Parkham Vidamour S LA CW LA EX Vidamour (Ford) 11.00 Spencer Vidamour S Wood Dawe Withall LA Potter S Sheriff TRIPP LA Watson Vidamour S Hall-Tomkin @ Parkham EX39 5BU 4.30 Bideford 10.30 Withall Macbeth S Sheriff Quinnell T Vidamour LA 11 Vidamour S Harris Vidamour S Potter Vidamour GCM Bate LA @ Parkham EX39 2AN 3.00 6.30 CS 11.00 Webb Hall-Tomkin @ Sheepwash Burgon S Watson Bate @ Sheepwash Burgon TRIPP Ley @ Sheepwash Burgon S Gideon's @ Parkham EX21 5QF 10.00 PC S Baguley PC Anglican Blackhall S Moore PC S Bray S PC Anglican TRIPP PC S F Watson PC Anglican Wood @ Parkham EX39 5LW 4.00 3.00 Blackhall S EX39 5TQ 11.00 F Watson US PC Blackhall S LA Harris Blackhall Ley S Dawe TRIPP LA PC Withall Goord @ Parkham EX38 8NF 10.30 Vidamour Watson Harris Hall-Tomkin Vidamour S Dawe EX39 5HW 11.00 Watson Burgon Goord S Spencer Ley Hall-Tomkin Burgon S LA TRIPP Burgon Sheriff Harris Dawe @ Parkham EX22 7DJ 6.30 Northam 10.30 Harris Bate LA Vidamour S Baguley Wood 9 Vidamour S Watson TRIPP Quinnell T Spencer CA LA Vidamour S @ Parkham EX39 1BS 4.00 6 F 3.30 Vidamour GR Parkham 11.00 Ley S SB PC Harris US PC Blackhall US 10.30 Vidamour US 10 SB Spencer TRIPP SB PC R US Bate CS EX39 5PG 6.30 11 US PC S 6.30 EO (Lake) 11.00 Dawe C&F Thompson S US PC Burgon Withall Baguley S C&F Burgon S US Watson C&F Hall-Tomkin R US PC @ Parkham EX21 5SJ Sheepwash 11.00 Harris Burgon S LA Goord Macbeth S LA TRIPP Burgon Watson LA @ Parkham EX21 5NA 2.45 US PC Burgon US BC Thornhillhead 11.00 Burgon S Withall F Watson Down LA Burgon Harris Goord TRIPP Baguley S Hall-Tomkin Spencer Potter @ Parkham EX39 5NT 7.15 Torrington 10.30 Blackhall S LA Sambles Bate Hockridge Watson Blackhall S Blackhall GCM TRIPP Cole Burd Macbeth S Harris @ Parkham EX38 8AL 6.30 Burgon Blackhall @ Vidamour Blackhall S @ Bideford Burgon Blackhall Blackhall S @ Parkham Con Burgon CA Vidamour S Baguley

Key: S - Holy Communion; CW - Cafe Worship; B - Baptism; CS - Circuit Service; FS - Family Service; Plan Requests: JC - Junior Church: LA - Local Arrangement; C&F - Coffee & Fellowship; US - United Service; Please could dates for the next plan be sent to Robert & Circuit Administrator by Monday 1st April 2020. PC - Parish Church; BC - Baptist Church; CC - Catholic Church; T - Transport Required; SS - Sunday School: NB. These are requests and depend upon availability of preachers. F - Fellowship; VH - Village Hall; EX - Explore; SB - Sunday Breakfast; LL - Light up a Life; TS - Toy Service; Please inform Superintendent Minister of any proposed changes to the plan. GR - Golden Rendezvous; CA - Christian Aid; SoP - Songs of Praise: GS - Gift Service; EO - Easter Offering ; BS - Barn Service; TRIPP - Together in Praise & Prayer ; R - Rogation; GCM - General Church Meeting