First Notice. First Notice*
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Tne 'following Persons being Prisoners for Debt John Tuck* formerly of the Paristi of Duukesweli in the Sheriff's Ward or Prison, in the Paristi of St. in the County of Devon, late of Sheldon in the* Thomas she Apostle, in and for the County of De same County, Husbandman. von, hereby give Notice, that they intend to take John Dingles, formerly of the Parilh of Exminster id the Benefit of the late Act of Parliament made in the County of Devon, late of Topstiam in the the Twenty Eighth Year of the Reign of his present fame County, Tanner. Mejesty King George the Second, intitled. An Act John Trout, formerly of the Paristi of Gittifham in for Relief of Insolvent Debtors, at the next General the County of Devon, late of Honiton in the fame or Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held for the County, Innholder. said County of Devon, or at the Adjournment there Thomas Nosliter, late of the Paristi of Sidbury in of, which shall happen next after 1 hirty Days from the County of Devon, Husbandman. the Publication hereof, viz. Thomas Joce, formerly of Highweek in the County ^of Devon, late of Tiverton in the fame County, First Notice. Innholder. John Brock, formerly of the Parish os Zeal Mona- Thomas Drew, formerly of the Parish of Halberton choruni in the County of Devon, late of North- in the County of Devon, late of Bickley in the tawton in the same County, Butcher. fame County, Miller. Nicholas Balle, late of the Pariih of Hennock in the Richard Ford, formerly of King*s Bridge in the County ofDevon, Yeoman. County of Devon, late of Malborough in the John Williams, formerly of Ashburton in the County fame County, Woolcomber. of Devon, late of Topfham irr the fame County, John Cridiford, formerly of Chudleigh in the Coun* Hatmaker. ty of Devon, late of Trufham in the fame County, William Tumber, formerly of White Chappie, Lon Gentleman. don, late of the Parilh of Reme in the County of Thomas Hole, formerly of Afhprington in the Coun Cornwall, Mariner. ty of Devon, late of Highweek in the fame Coun Nicholas Williams, ibrmerly of Woolwich in the ty, Gentleman. County of Kent, late of Deptford in the fame Richard Stott, late of Appledore in the Paristi of County, Shipwright. Northam, Devon, Mariner. John Lowdwill, formerly of the Paristi of Rockbear Sarah Prance, late of Biddiford in the County of in the County of Devon, late of Ailesbear in the Devon, Shopkeeper. fame County, Husbandman. Hannah Banfield, late of Honiton in the County of JohnBennet, late of Honiton in the County ofDe- Devon, Hosier. von, Staymaker and Shopkeeper. Mary Underhay, late of Highweek in the Connty Richard Wright, late of the Parish ofWhimple in of Devon, Widow. the County of Devon, Baker. Robert Wicket, late of the Parisli of Pyeworthy in Roger Rowe, late of Silferton in the County of De the County of Devon, Husbandman. von, Shopkeeper. \£lice Bowden, formerly of Southmolton in the Coun Hugh Manley, late of the Parish of Bifhopstawton, ty of Devon, late of Bilhoponympton in the fame otherwise called Tawton Bishop in the County of County, Widow. Devon, Yeoman. John Sargent, late of Crediton in the County of Thomas Tippet, formerly of Modbury in the County Devon, Sergemaker. of Devon, late of Bigbury in the fame County, Thomas Bond, late of Ottery St. Mary in the County Mariner. of Devon, Cordwainer. Susanna Barby, late of Holcombe Rogus in the James Wonhill, late of the Pariih of St. Thomas thd County of Devon, Shopkeeper. Apostle, Cordwainer. Mary Barby, late of Holcombe Rogus in the Coun John Parrock, formerly of Chudleigh in the County ty of Devon, Spinster. of Devon, late of Ex mouth in the fame County, William Sarders, late of Coomb Martin in the Coun Tanner. ty of Devon, Cordwainer. William Pinhay, late of Totnes in the County of The following Persons being Prisoners for Debt Devon, Glazier. in the Goal for the County of Stafford, hereby give George Honnywill, formeily of Sherford in the Notice, that they intend to take the Benefit of thd County of Devon, late of Stockingham in the late Act of Parliament made in the Twenty Eighth fame County, Husbandman. Year of the Reign of his present Majesty King George Richard Searle, formerly of the Parish of Denbury, the Second, intitled, An Act for Relief of Insolvent in the County of Devon, late of Paington in the Debtors, at the next Generkl or Quarter Seslions of fame County, Husbandman. the Peace to be held at Stafford in and for the said Abraham Pinwill, late of King's Bridge in the County, or at the Adjournment thereof, which shall County of Devon, Taylor. happen next after Thirty Days from the Publication Samuel Holmes, formerly of the Parish of High- hereof, viz. ampton in the County of Devorl, late of Hatherly in the fame County, Husbandman. First Notice* Mary, the Wife of Abel Hooper, late of the Parish Richard Thomas, formerly of Liverpool in tha of Hatherly in the County of Devon, Weaver. County of Lancaster, late of Over Areley in the Grace Hooper, late of Parkham in the County of County of Stafford, Innholder and Chapman. Devon, Spinster. Richard Spence, formerly of Newhoose in StalTing- Peirce Griffith, formerly of Plymouth Dock in the ton in the Paristi of Stone, late of Woolstanton lri Parish of Stoke Damerel in the County of Devon, the County of Stafford, Grazier. late of Stonehouse in the same Pariih and County, John Okell, formerly of Witton in the County of Gentleman. Chester, late of Wolverhampton in} the County of John Rowe, late of Staverton in the County of De Stafford, Joiner. von, Esquire. William Wiggin, late of Wassail in the Connty of William Risdon, late of Crediton in the County of Stafford, Filesinith. Devon, Sergemaker. Robert Rowley, formerly of Seabridge, late of Keel John Speare, late of Hatherly in the County of De in the County of Stafford, Batcher. von, Husbandman. John Stones, late of Wolverhampton in the County Humphry Wilcocks, formerly of the Parish of Pin- of Stafford, Steel Buckle-maker. hoe in the County of Devon, late of the Parish of Samuel Oliver, formerly of Church Maithfield, late Thorverton in the fame "County, Tanner. of Middle Maithfield in the County of Stafford, John Morrisl), late of the Parisli of Holcombe Bur- Huxter and Fanner. nell in the County of Devon, Husbandman. Robert Grinslade, ibrmerly of Crediton in the Coun- The following Persons being Prisoners for Debt \ ty of Devon, late of Witheridge in the fame Coun in the Goal for the City of Salisbury, hereby give ty, Butcher. ' Notice, that they intend to take the Benefit of the Walter Partridge, formerly of the Parisli of Rose Ash j, late Act of Parliament made in the Twenty tighth in the County of Devon, late of Farway io the ' Year of theReign of hi* present Majesty KingGeorge 'same County, HusbasldmaiH B the .