DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL Rural District Notice is hereby given that the County Council, in exercise of the powers conferred on them by Sub-Section (3) of Section 29 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, 1949, have determined to modify the particulars contained in the Draft Rights of Way Map and Statement prepared under Section 27 of the above- mentioned Act in relation to the rights of way in the Bideford Rural District within the area of the said Council as follows: Parish Path No. Modification 4 Delete part of path curving north-westwards in O.S. 83. Add footpath running westwards alongside a wire fence and north- westwards along old path from Abbotsham Court. ... 1 Delete whole of path from road north-west of Cockington Plantation to Cockington Cliff via Cockington. 2 Delete whole of path from road north of Down Plantation to Westacott Cliff via Babbacombe. 5 Delete whole of path from road south of Ford to road west of Rollstone Cottage via Warmsworthy Cottage. 7 Delete whole of path from road north of St. Andrew's Church to road near Dotheridge. 8 Delete part of path from road west of Spanny Hone to Portledge Mouth via Gilscott. 9 Delete whole of path from Portledge Mouth to footpath No. 11 on Parish boundary via Coastguard Lookout. 10 Delete whole of path from road north-east of St. Andrew's Church to road on eastern side of Dymsdale Wood. 13 Add footpath from footpath No. 11 near Castle Plantation along accommodation road to Parish boundary, via Peppercombe (con- tinues as footpath No. 30 in the Parish of Parkham). 24 Delete whole of path from road at Hardisworthy to road near Buneham via Goldenpark. 52 Delete whole of path from road south-east of Natcott Cottages to road south of Forcewell. 58 Delete whole of path from road at Hardisworthy to road south of King's Cottage. Landcross 3 Delete whole of path from road north of Annery Wood to Parish boundary (continues as footpath No. 14 in ). 10 Delete approximately 100 yds. of path along northern boundary of Boundstone. Monkleigh 13 Delete whole of path from road west of Rendle's Down to road north- east of Wood Cottage, via Downes. 14 Delete whole of path from road by Annery Kiln to Parish boundary (continues as footpath No. 3 in Landcross Parish). Newton St. Petrock 5 Delete part of path from South Hockwill through O.S.184. Add footpath over private accommodation road O.S.182. Parkham 30 Add footpath from road north of Horns Cross to Parish boundary (continues as footpath No. 13 in the Parish of Alwington). These paths are shown on a Map which has been deposited at the respective offices of the Clerk of the County Council at County Hall (Room G.05), Topsham Road, , and the Clerk to the Rural District Council at the Council Offices, Grenville House, The Quay, Bideford, and may be seen there free of charge during the usual office hours. Any representation or objection with respect to this determination shall be made in writing addressed to the Clerk of the County Council, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter, on or before 19th day of April 1963, and shall state the grounds on which it is made. Dated this 22nd day of March, 1963. H. G. Godsall, Clerk of the County Council. County Hall, Exeter. (290)

DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL and may be seen there free of charge during the usual Northam Urban District office hours. Any representation or objection with respect to this Notice is hereby given that the Devon County Coun- determination shall be made in writing addressed to cil, in exercise of the powers conferred on them by the Clerk of the County Council, County Hall, subsection (3) of section 29 of the National Parks Topsham Road, Exeter, on or before 19th April 1963, and Access to the 'Countryside Act, 1949, have de- and shall state the grounds on which it is made. termined to modify the particulars contained in the Draft Rights of Way Map and Statements pre- Dated this 22nd day of March 1963. pared under section 27 of the above-mentioned Act H. G. Godsall, Clerk of the County Council. in relation to the rights of way in the Northam County Hall, Urban District within the area of the said Coun- Exeter. cil as follows: (289) Path No. Modification 5 Delete whole of path from road north- east of Bidna Farm to join footpath SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCIL No. 6. 8 Delete whole of path from Bidna Lane SURVEY OF PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY to footpath No. 7. Chard Borough, Crewkerne and llminster Urban 28 Add footpath from southern end of foot- Districts and Chard Rural District path No. 9 along northern side of Bidna Notice is hereby given that the Somerset County Lane to Northam/Appledore Road. Council have pursuant to section 32 of the National 29 Add road used as public path from Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, 1949, pre- northern end of District Road over pared a definitive map and statement of public rights slipway to the beach. of way in the Borough of Chard, the urban districts These paths are shown on a map which has been of Crewkerne and Ilrninster and the rural district of deposited at the respective offices of the Clerk of Chard. the County Council at County Hall (Room G.05), Copies of such definitive map and statement have Topsham Road, Exeter, and the Clerk of the Urban been deposited at the offices of the undersigned at District Council at the Council Offices, Northam, County Hall, Taunton, and at the Chard Rural