Last update: 14 February 2019

Jordan Project Pipeline

USAID readiness Investment size Investment size Project ID Project name Entity Source Description/notes assessment (Million JD) Median (Million JD)

This list only marks the initial effort at compiling and evaluating projects; the process will be continued by the Project Facility Unit at the PPDF with close collaboration with governmental entities and Ministries. Energy

Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 In market but contracts PP1 Generation of electric power by direct burning of waste Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources 120-130 125.00 /Cabinet list of current projects have not been awarded

Round 3 Renewable Expand the development of renewable energy projects for PP2 Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 Energy Projects is in the 300.00 300.00 power generation (wind & solar) market

The objective is to expand the Jordan Petroleum Refinery, since current production is not sufficient to meet the growing demand in the Jordanian market. The opportunity of converting the low value PP3 4th Expansion of Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company (JPRC) Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 N/A 1,140.00 1,140.00 heavy fuel oil to more valuable products will allow the Refinery to cover most of the local demand, and this is the basis for the fourth expansion project of the Refinery.

Use of 'energy storage through batteries' to reinforce the PP4 Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 N/A 50.00 50.00 electrical grid and maintain its suitability.

The project is aimed at utilizing the water dams in Jordan in order to Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 generate and store electricity. Three locations of high potential PP5 Pumped-Storage Hydropower Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources N/A 142.00 142.00 /Cabinet list of current projects have been identified: Wadi Al Arab Dam, Wadi Al Mujib and King Talal Dam.)

PP6 Develop Jordan-Iraq-Egypt Oil Pipeline Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 Pending Iraqi Side N/A 1,600.00 1,600.00

Developing and enhancing the production of existing wells and PP7 Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 N/A 100.00 100.00 drilling new wells

The Project aims to explore the open Blocks for conventional and Oil and Gas exploration in the open exploration blocks (Azraq, PP8 Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 unconventional resources of oil and gas through signing Production N/A 250.00 250.00 West Safawi, Jafr, Serhan, Dead Sea, and Northern Highlands) Sharing Agreements “PSA” with the qualified Company.

MEMR and JREEEF received financing from AFD to issue an RFP for PP9 Geothermal Power Station Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources USAID consultants to provide initial market studies (Geothermal Target level 1 Study) for potential areas of interest

Work in progress such as sampling of indigenous mineral ore sources (monazite sands, pegmatite and sedimentary rocks), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources/ PP10 Exploration and Exploitation of lithium at the Dead Sea Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 Chemical analysis of samples. The development of laboratory scale N/A 50.00 50.00 Jordan Atomic Energy Commission lithium extraction process is scheduled to begin in the first quarter of 2019.

The objective of the project is to conduct an exploratory geological Exploration and exploitation of rare elements in the Dubaydib Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources/ study of rare earth elements, precious elements and radioactive PP11 Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 N/A 50.00 50.00 area Jordan Atomic Energy Commission elements in the region in response to the local and global market need for these strategic elements

PP12 Exploration and exploitation of gold in Wadi Araba Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 N/A 100.00 100.00

PP13 Exploration and exploitation of potash in Al Lisan area Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 N/A 12.00 12.00

Note: This list only marks the initial effort at compiling and evaluating projects; the process will be continued by the Project Facility Unit at the PPDF with close collaboration with governmental entities and Ministries. Page 1 of 9 Last update: 14 February 2019

USAID readiness Investment size Investment size Project ID Project name Entity Source Description/notes assessment (Million JD) Median (Million JD)

Exploration and exploitation of copper ores within the Dana PP14 Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 N/A 400.00 400.00 Reserve

PP15 Exploitation and mining of uranium ores in central Jordan Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 N/A 250.00 250.00

The project aims for the development of Oil Shale deposit in through the extraction, exploitation and surface retort PP17 Al Lajjun oil shale project- Karak Governorate Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources processing technology to produce a suite of refined petroleum N/A 1,420.00 1,420.00 products. The project is a Private-Private Partnership and GoJ is not obligated to purchase any of the refined petroleum products.


The objective of the project is to construct a water conveyance system to enhance the Kingdom’s national water security by producing potable water through desalination at the Gulf of Aqaba- National Water Conveyance Project (AAWDC Ministry of Water and Irrigation/Water and transferring 150 MCM/year of additional water to Amman. PP18 Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 Level 3 1,100.00 1,100.00 Project) (National Project) Authority of Jordan These flows will be obtained from the identified two Project Components – Rum/ Disi Wellfield and a Reverse Osmosis Plant to the south of Aqaba the Red Sea.

The objective of the project is to expand the capacity of the As- Samra treatment plant from 365,000 CM to 465,000 CM per day Ministry of Water and Irrigation/Water (i.e. additional treatment capacity of 100,000 CM per day). In market but contracts PP19 As Samra treatment plant (third phase/ second expansion ) Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 200.00 200.00 Authority of Jordan Additionally, the project will establish a solar power plant with 10 have not been awarded MW capacity and will serve the adjacent unserved communities with wastewater networks.

The project aims to develop appropriate techniques to reduce physical and commercial water losses in Amman through the Ministry of Water and Irrigation/Water preparation and implementation of a performance based NRW PP20 Non-Revenue Water (NRW) Reduction Project Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 Level 3 47.00 47.00 Authority of Jordan contract under a hybrid financing modality including grants and Private investment. This approach will start in but will be rolled out to other governorates.

The projects consists of: ● Drilling 10 wells (500 meters deep) in area to provide 20 MCM per year ● Construcng a water treatment plant to treat the salinity (TDS) of the water Ministry of Water and Irrigation/Water PP21 Hisban brackish water desalination 10-15 MCM/Year Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 ● Construcng a water pipeline to deliver the water to pump staon Level 3 35.00 35.00 Authority of Jordan 2 of the Zara Main Water Conveyance System ● Construcng a pipeline to transfer the brine to the Dead Sea; as well as a solar power plant with a capacity of 15 MW to reduce operational costs

Top 3 projects (Tender documents will be ready by Q1 2019- Ministry of Water and Irrigation/Water PP22 USAID Ready by London) Authority of Jordan

Note: This list only marks the initial effort at compiling and evaluating projects; the process will be continued by the Project Facility Unit at the PPDF with close collaboration with governmental entities and Ministries. Page 2 of 9 Last update: 14 February 2019

USAID readiness Investment size Investment size Project ID Project name Entity Source Description/notes assessment (Million JD) Median (Million JD)

The objective of this project is to construct a new septic tank facility to replace and relocate an existing facility currently co-located at Ain Ghazal Treatment plant (AGTP) due to odour, traffic and Ministry of Water and Irrigation/Water PP23 Al Ghabawi Wastewater Septic Tank Facility Project MWI pollution and capacity concerns. The capacity will be 25,000 m3 per N/A 50-70 60.00 Authority of Jordan day. The proposed new replacement septic tank facility will be located at Al Ghabawi and is intended to serve the unsewered areas of Amman, and the surrounding area.


Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 / PP24 Madounah Dry Port/ Logistic Centre Ministry of Transport level 3 100.00 100.00 8PPPs

In market but contracts PP25 Southern Shuna Airport Ministry of Transport USAID 321.00 321.00 have not been awarded

The project consists of the expansion of Marka Civil Airport as well Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022/ 8 as the rehabilitation of its existing terminals. The project will serve PP27 Marka Airport Ministry of Transport PPPs / WB document / Cabinet list of current regular low-cost flights, commercial flights in addition to charter level 2 114-119 116.50 projects flights and offer aviation training. The expansion will increase the airport’s capacity to host up to 2 million passengers in the future

Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 / 8 Improve airport facilities and operations through PPP to attract the PP28 King Hussein International Airport Ministry of Transport level 2 35.50 35.50 PPPs largest number of tourist trips.

Establish a dry port in Ma’an that will serve the Industrial Park in Ma’an governorate, close to the Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 / 8 PP29 Ma’an Dry Port Ministry of Transport proposed route of the national railway project, and connected to level 2 48.00 48.00 PPPs several national and international roads with , Jordan, Iraq, and Aqaba Port.

This project is the first of the grand urban transport development scheme (in , Zarqa, , and Al Salt). The objective is to improve the bus system in each governorate by monitoring frequencies, consolidating small private bus owners into bigger bus Ministry of Transport/ Ministry of Municipal companies, and digitizing the bus routes. Investors will contribute to PP30 Urban Transport Project (Irbid, Salt, Madaba, Zarqa) Ministry of Transport N/A 17.00 17.00 Affairs the fleet size and management of the bus system upon completion of the infrastructure improvement by the Irbid Municipality. The USAID has vowed 30 million USD (24.8 million JD) for the urban transport project in the 4 governorates, around 17 million USD of which will be dedicated to the Irbid project

Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 / WB The objective of this project is to expand the B.R.T to construct a PP31 Amman-Zarqa B.R.T Ministry of Transport document / Cabinet list of current projects / N/A feeder into the system. 188 188 MOF PPP Unit list ICT

Note: This list only marks the initial effort at compiling and evaluating projects; the process will be continued by the Project Facility Unit at the PPDF with close collaboration with governmental entities and Ministries. Page 3 of 9 Last update: 14 February 2019

USAID readiness Investment size Investment size Project ID Project name Entity Source Description/notes assessment (Million JD) Median (Million JD)

GoJ has developed a comprehensive plan for electronic transformation and automation of government services to access digital Jordan and a paperless government through the RE-DO Ministry of Information and Communications Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 / 8 PP32 Digitization: Electronic and Digital Transformation (Phase II) methodology (re-engineering procedures, services automation, N/A 60 - 80 70.00 Technology PPPs outsourcing to the private sector) 30 governmental institutions’ procedures will be re-engineered and automated at the national level to serve citizens and investors.

Automation of 500 government services in the following institutions: - Land and Survey - Health Insurance - Investment Authority Automate E-Services for 7 entities - Civil Status (Revenue Sharing Model)/ Helpdesk project Ministry of Information and Communications Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 / 8 PP33 - Ministry of Interior N/A 70 - 82 76.00 Technology PPPs / GoJ 2-year Plan - Ministry of Industry and Trade - Ministry of Justice Technical committee approved pre-F/S and ToR/RfP for the TA . Put on hold to make the help desk part of a comprehensive GoJ e- government program

The project aims at ensuring inclusive digital development and using digital infrastructure to increase work efficiency, improve work mechanisms, and promote socio-economic development. The government has invested in around 7000 KM of fiber optical cable laid around the Kingdom that MoICT is allowing it to be used by the private sector to create a whole sale operator through a PPP model which should: Ministry of Information and Communications • Allow Broadband internet nationwide and reach the untapped PP34 Jordan National Broadband Network Cabinet list of current projects Cabinet N/A 100.00 100.00 Technology market. • Increase the overall internet speed by providing fiber connectivity. • Allow the Mobile operators to use the already made investment to be their shared infra-structure to make their investment more efficient. • Provide additional services on top of the connectivity services on scale, where security, Sandboxing and other value added services.

Consulting services, Civil works and cables and peripherals Ministry of Information and Communications PP35 Cabinet list of current projects Cabinet N/A 80.00 80.00 across country Technology

Public Works and Housing

A Regional masterplan is being prepared in parallel with the feasibility study, The World Bank Infrastructure Development fund Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 / IFC ($1.5 m) is co-funding the project development with the GoJ PP36 King Hussein Bridge crossing terminal and truck yard Ministry of Public Works & Housing Jordan PPP Facility concept note / WB level 2 100-150 125.00 ($500,000). Studies with IFC and CC are underway. IFC was chosen document/ MOF PPP Unit as the transaction advisor. IFC has indicated it is ready to market soon.

Note: This list only marks the initial effort at compiling and evaluating projects; the process will be continued by the Project Facility Unit at the PPDF with close collaboration with governmental entities and Ministries. Page 4 of 9 Last update: 14 February 2019

USAID readiness Investment size Investment size Project ID Project name Entity Source Description/notes assessment (Million JD) Median (Million JD)

Phased development of 71km of tolled ring-road around Amman, followed by O&M over existing portion of ring-road (41km) as well Ministry of Public Works and Housing /Ministry as the new extension. Close coordination with WB who will also be PP37 Amman Ring Road IFC Jordan PPP Facility concept note level 1 700 - 800 750.00 of Transport involved in road safety and maintenance work, as well as other trade corridor pre-feasibility support. Initial capital investment estimated around US$700-800m.

Ministry of Municipal Affairs / Ministry of PP38 Building car parking areas near bus stations and routes GoJ 2-year plan N/A Transport Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 PP39 Toll Road Infrastructure Ministry of Public Works and Housing N/A /Cabinet list of current projects Ministry of Public Works and Housing/Ministry PP40 Science College building in Al Tafileh Technical University WB document N/A 7.00 7.00 of Higher Education and Scientific Research Build more than 300 day-cares in both private sector and public Ministry of Public Works and Housing/Ministry PP42 GoJ 2-year plan N/A sector of Labour PP43 Make available 1900 lands for housing by 2020 (PPP) Ministry of Public Works and Housing GoJ 2-year plan N/A Tourism

PP63 Infrastructure projects in the Dead Sea Dead Sea Development Zone Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 Investment and infrastructure projects by the development zone N/A 1,840.00 1,840.00

Build resorts, recreational facilities, hotels , parks and meeting halls PP127 Al Qastal resorts and recreational facilities Ministry of Tourism and Antiques Ministry of Tourism and Antiques N/A 50.33 50.33 in the Qastal area for wellness tourism Build 4 heritage sites over 25 donums within 4 complexes , which PP128 Um Qais Tourist Village Ministry of Tourism and Antiques Ministry of Tourism and Antiques N/A 5.00 5.00 include: restaurants, exhibits etc. Build hotels, restaurants, commercial centre in Suwan area near the PP129 Commercial complex near Telefreak Ministry of Tourism and Antiques Ministry of Tourism and Antiques N/A 70.20 70.20 Ajloun Telefreak

PP130 3D museum in Wadi Al Musa area Ministry of Tourism and Antiques Ministry of Tourism and Antiques Build 3D museum to showcase Petra civilization N/A 3.00 3.00

PP 131 Wonder Garden- Petra Ministry of Tourism and Antiques Ministry of Tourism and Antiques Wonder garden that includes models for the 7 wonders of the word N/A 5.53 5.53

PP132 Petra Convention centre Ministry of Tourism and Antiques Ministry of Tourism and Antiques Build a multi-purpose convention centre in Petra area N/A 3.40 3.40

Use the heritage site and rehabilitate it as a touristic site(restaurant PP133 Al Kayed Heritage site Ministry of Tourism and Antiques Ministry of Tourism and Antiques N/A 1.77 1.77 and exhibit)

Ministry of Tourism and Antiques / Ministry of The average of added value of the project during the five years is PP66 A Tourist Village Project in Zarqa Jordan Investment Commission Packages N/A 14.40 14.40 Municipal affairs about JD 2 million. ROI is 8.8%. IRR 19.2%

Education Build 4 schools (specialized for hospitality and tourism and one Ministry of Public Works and Housing/Ministry PP67 GoJ 2-year Plan N/A industrial school of Education

The aim of the project is to support the Jordan Schools Program, which entails building up to 300 new schools over the next decade under a PPP scheme.

Supporting the Jordan Schools Program. Build 15 schools using The IFC in partnership with the EBRD will provide advisory services PP70 Ministry of Education IFC Jordan PPP Facility concept note N/A 75-100 87.50 PPP model to GoJ to assist in the design and implementation of a PPP transaction, including undertaking due diligence and structuring, to identify and select a private sector participant to implement the project. The agreement with IFC and EBRD was signed in Dec. 2018. 6000 students are expected to benefit from the pilot project.

Health Establishing a new medical facility (50 bed capacity) covering a PP71 Wadi Araba Hospital Ministry of Health IFC Jordan PPP Facility concept note 50,000 people population. Estimated capital investment is over $35 N/A 24.80 24.80 million.

Note: This list only marks the initial effort at compiling and evaluating projects; the process will be continued by the Project Facility Unit at the PPDF with close collaboration with governmental entities and Ministries. Page 5 of 9 Last update: 14 February 2019

USAID readiness Investment size Investment size Project ID Project name Entity Source Description/notes assessment (Million JD) Median (Million JD)

PP72 Health District at King Hussein Business Park King Hussein Business Park 8 PPPs N/A Establishing an advanced private hospital in Ma'an with 115 beds, containing all specialties and high medical quality. The project will PP73 Ma'an Private Hospital Ministry of Health Jordan Investment Commission Packages reduce overcrowding in other hospitals and health centres and N/A 23.00 23.00 attract medical tourism. IRR is estimated at %21.33 with estimated 168 job opportunities PP74 Health Centre in Na’ur (concept) King Abdullah Fund for Development 8 PPPs N/A Establishing an integrated private hospital, which provides all medical and therapeutic services. The project is driven by the insufficient number of hospitals to meet the increasing needs of PP75 Zarqa Private Hospital Ministry of Health Jordan Investment Commission Packages N/A 14.60 14.60 Zarqa population. Hospital will be located in Jabal Tariq near the largest current private hospitals and consultant doctors complexes. ROI is 11.2%, IRR is 22.2% PP76 Build 3 new hospitals in Irbid, Tafileh and Ajloun by 2020 Ministry of Health GoJ 2-year Plan N/A

PP77 Madaba Private Hospital Ministry of Health Ministry of Health N/A Environment PP78 Reuse of Treated Wastewater Project/South Amman Ministry of Environment USAID assessment Awarded contracts Cabinet list of current projects list / MOF PPP PP79 Establishment of hazardous waste treatment units Ministry of Environment 2018-2021 N/A 39.20 39.20 Unit List Outstanding issues identified through F/S are: 1) Several factories (clients) closed since 2013 -2015 AECOM F/S, 2) Household wastewater treatment project underway in parallel, 3) PP80 Zarqa IWWTP Ministry of Environment WB / MOF PPP Unit List N/A 35.00 35.00 Legal/regulatory (contracting authority?), 4) current average cost for treatment per factory is JD 1 to 1.50/m3 (project must cost must be less). PP81 Build 40 parks across the country Ministry of Environment GoJ 2-year Plan N/A Agriculture Develop the veterinary health-check requirements in order to PP87 Develop veterinary quarantine projects Ministry of Agriculture Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 export livestock to KSA. Build large slaughterhouses for poultry and N/A 34.29 34.29 live animals

Encourage the development of marketing facilities to increase PP88 the quality of the Jordanian agricultural product and increase Ministry of Agriculture Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 N/A 32.00 32.00 the added value of production

Industry (JIC website)

Establishing a logistics Centre and a Permanent Exhibition of Products in Giza /Al Qastal Area to provide the support services and infrastructure for commercial companies that import products from Ministry of Industry and Trade and Supply / East Asia Markets. The project will provide insurance, cargo and PP89 Permanent Logistics Centre Jordan Investment Commission Packages N/A 19.90 19.90 Greater Amman Municipality clearance, transportation, banking and currency exchange services. The average return on investment during the upcoming five years is about 9.7% and IRR is 16.6%. GAM is a stakeholder so project could be out of scope.

Establishing a multi-purpose real estate project in Tla' Al-Ali area which offers all services such as serviced residential apartments, business offices, restaurants, cafes, swimming pools, parking lots Ministry of Industry and Trade and Supply / PP90 A Multi-Purpose Real Estate Project Jordan Investment Commission Packages and other services. The project consists of 19 floors with different N/A 28.00 28.00 Greater Amman Municipality areas. The average return on investment during the five years is around 18.9%. IRR is 33%. GAM is a stakeholder so project could be out of Scope

Note: This list only marks the initial effort at compiling and evaluating projects; the process will be continued by the Project Facility Unit at the PPDF with close collaboration with governmental entities and Ministries. Page 6 of 9 Last update: 14 February 2019

USAID readiness Investment size Investment size Project ID Project name Entity Source Description/notes assessment (Million JD) Median (Million JD)

Establishing a mall that consists of a hypermarket, clothes stores, footwear stores, gifts stores, accessories stores, restaurants, Ministry of Industry and Trade and Supply / PP91 Establishment of a Commercial Shopping Centre (Mall) in Zarqa Jordan Investment Commission Packages recreational area for children and adults, cafes and others. The N/A 17.30 17.30 Greater Amman Municipality governorate lacks a comprehensive recreational center.ROI is 13.9%, IRR 19.6%

PP92 Establishment of a Jordanian Iraqi Duty free zone Ministry of Industry and Trade and Supply GoJ 2-year Plan N/A

Municipal Affairs

PP93 Sorting and packing centre for dates in Northern JV Ministry of Municipal Affairs Cabinet list of current projects Capacity of 2400 ton of dates annually N/A 1.00 1.00

Local Development Projects

PP44-S Al Mafraq -Al Safawi road Ministry of Public Works and Housing Cabinet list of current projects 90 KM N/A 130.00 130.00

PP45-S Al Azraq- Al Safawi road Ministry of Public Works and Housing Cabinet list of current projects 235 KM N/A 270.00 270.00

PP46-S Ajloun- Irbid road Ministry of Public Works and Housing Cabinet list of current projects N/A 20.00 20.00

PP47-S Ajloun Ring road Ministry of Public Works and Housing Cabinet list of current projects 30 KM N/A 90.00 90.00

PP48-S Jerash- road Ministry of Public Works and Housing Cabinet list of current projects 12.5 KM N/A 16.00 16.00

PP49-S Strategic road from Amman to northern governorates Ministry of Public Works and Housing Cabinet list of current projects 45 KM N/A 65.00 65.00

PP50-S Al thaqafeh circle intersection Ministry of Public Works and Housing Cabinet list of current projects N/A 25.00 25.00

PP51-S Complete Salt ring road (part 4) Ministry of Public Works and Housing Cabinet list of current projects 4 KM N/A 16.50 16.50

PP52-S Al Salt- Wadi Shuaib road Ministry of Public Works and Housing Cabinet list of current projects 23 KM N/A 22.00 22.00

PP53-S Madaba ring road Ministry of Public Works and Housing Cabinet list of current projects 18 KM N/A 30.00 30.00

PP54-S Ma'an ring road (partial) Ministry of Public Works and Housing Cabinet list of current projects 16 KM N/A 23.00 23.00

PP55-S Al Rashadiyah Disi- Al Suwan road Ministry of Public Works and Housing Cabinet list of current projects 75 KM N/A 90.00 90.00

PP56-S Ma'an- Mudawarh road Ministry of Public Works and Housing Cabinet list of current projects 119 KM N/A 120.00 120.00

PP57-S Aqaba back road Ministry of Public Works and Housing Cabinet list of current projects includes rehabilitation of already existing one N/A 23.00 23.00

PP58-S Phase II- Irbid Ministry of Public Works and Housing Cabinet list of current projects N/A 20.00 20.00

PP59-S Phase III- Irbid Ministry of Public Works and Housing Cabinet list of current projects N/A 23.00 23.00

PP64-S Establish 26 guest houses along the Jordan trail Ministry of Tourism and Antiques Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 N/A 15.00 15.00

PP65-S Infrastructure projects in Ajloun Ajloun Development Zone Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 Investment and infrastructure projects by the development zone N/A 52.60 52.60

Al AlBeit University student hostel, faculty housing and Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Pre-F/S completed, and TA shortlisted through EBRD preF/S to be PP68-S WB document / MOF PPP Unit list N/A 35.00 35.00 commercial development Research conducted by Mazar.

Note: This list only marks the initial effort at compiling and evaluating projects; the process will be continued by the Project Facility Unit at the PPDF with close collaboration with governmental entities and Ministries. Page 7 of 9 Last update: 14 February 2019

USAID readiness Investment size Investment size Project ID Project name Entity Source Description/notes assessment (Million JD) Median (Million JD)

Installation of heating and cooling systems and facility management Ministry of Public Works and Housing/Ministry in identified public schools in collaboration with EBRD. Initial capital PP69-S Heating and Cooling systems for Schools (social infrastructure) IFC Jordan PPP Facility concept note N/A 21.30 21.30 of Education investment is estimated at around $30 million. 300 schools. 60,000 students are expected to benefit from the improved services.

Introducing best international environmental standards for Swaqa Medical and Hazardous Waste IFC Jordan PPP Facility concept note / WB hazardous medical & industrial waste disposal and treatment, in PP82-S Ministry of Environment N/A document (step 2) collaboration with Ministry of environment. Site-clean- up/remediation (donor funded) to be followed by PPP.

WB document /Cabinet list of current projects Draft ToR/RfP for TA completed and expected to be issued in PP83-S Vehicle Lead Battery Collection & Recycling Ministry of Environment N/A 30.06 30.06 / MOF PPP Unit list October

Improve green infrastructure through intensive labour Create jobs to improve Jordanians and Syrian's standards of living PP84-S Ministry of Environment Cabinet list of current projects N/A 9.60 9.60 procedures through green infrastructure (2017-2020)

10 parks from private investments and run by civil society PP85-S Build model parks in Jordan Ministry of Environment Cabinet list of current projects N/A 1.00 1.00 organizations Sustainable development through employment opportunities PP86-S Sustainable use of ecosystem services Ministry of Environment Cabinet list of current projects N/A 4.12 4.12 through ecotourism

PP94-S Craft city shared between Naour , Um Al Basateen and Husban Ministry of Municipal Affairs Cabinet list of current projects N/A 1.00 1.00

PP95-S Establish a multipurpose commercial complex / mall Ministry of Municipal Affairs Cabinet list of current projects In Naour N/A 750.00 750.00

PP96-S Amusement park Ministry of Municipal Affairs Cabinet list of current projects In Irbid N/A 2.00 2.00 PP97-S Youth centre Ministry of Municipal Affairs Cabinet list of current projects In Jerash N/A 0.50 0.50 PP98-S Craft area and Truck parking space Ministry of Municipal Affairs Cabinet list of current projects In Al Sherah N/A 0.50 0.50

PP99-S Multi-floor parking area Ministry of Municipal Affairs Cabinet list of current projects In Jerash N/A 0.50 0.50

PP100-S Youth centre Ministry of Municipal Affairs Cabinet list of current projects In Jerash N/A 0.50 0.50

Building includes a reception hall, dining hall, kitchen, healthcare PP101-S Madaba youth house (studies) Ministry of Youth Cabinet list of current projects N/A 0.70 0.70 facilities, suites etc.

Building includes a reception hall, dining hall, kitchen, healthcare PP102-S Build Madaba youth house after studies Ministry of Youth Cabinet list of current projects N/A 0.19 0.19 facilities, suites etc.

PP103-S Prince Ali complex pool/ Mafraq Ministry of Youth Cabinet list of current projects N/A 0.17 0.17

PP104-S Al Karak youth house Ministry of Youth Cabinet list of current projects Building includes a reception hall, ,suites etc. N/A 0.23 0.23 Building includes a reception hall, dining hall, kitchen, healthcare PP105-S Al madras youth house (studies and establishment) Ministry of Youth Cabinet list of current projects N/A 0.35 0.35 facilities, suites etc.

PP106-S Construct a multipurpose hall at Princess Haya Sports complex Ministry of Youth Cabinet list of current projects N/A 0.21 0.21

PP107-S Construct a multipurpose hall Petra youth house Ministry of Youth Cabinet list of current projects N/A 0.22 0.22 PP108-S Build chalets at Al (No Suggestions) youth house Ministry of Youth Cabinet list of current projects N/A 0.15 0.15 PP109-S Rehabilitate the stadium at Ajloun sports complex Ministry of Youth Cabinet list of current projects N/A 0.14 0.14

Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 (but Provide training and employment opportunities for the PP110-S Expansion of the "productive branches" projects Ministry of labour not as investment opportunity)/ Cabinet list of unemployed. Attract investments to poorer areas . Looking for an N/A 16.00 16.00 current projects investor for 13 branch Other and Low Priority Projects

Attract a consortium of companies to position Jordan as a tech Ministry of Information and Communications PP111-OI Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 N/A outsourcing hub (Expedia, Amazon, Ison BPO, etc..) Technology

Note: This list only marks the initial effort at compiling and evaluating projects; the process will be continued by the Project Facility Unit at the PPDF with close collaboration with governmental entities and Ministries. Page 8 of 9 Last update: 14 February 2019

USAID readiness Investment size Investment size Project ID Project name Entity Source Description/notes assessment (Million JD) Median (Million JD)

PPP Application approved by PPP Council on Unit's PP112-OI Dialysis Centres Ministry of Health/Royal Medical Services WB document / MOF PPP unit list recommendation. Cabinet approval received to follow "small-scale" N/A 2.00 2.00 project development process.

PP113-OI Queen Alia Military Hospital Parking and Commercial Ministry of Health/Royal Medical Services WB document/ MOF PPP Unit list Waiting for selection of TA for F/S and transaction advising. N/A 24.00 24.00

PP114-OI Hussein Thermal Power Station Project Ministry of USAID Awarded contracts

Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 / PP115-OI Green Corridor- East Jordan Green Corridor Upgrade Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources N/A USAID

PP116-OI Ma'an Oil Pipeline (Linked to Iraq-Jordan Pipeline) Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 On hold due to political reason N/A 350.00 350.00

PP117-OI Develop Aqaba desalination plant Phase II Ministry of Water and Irrigation Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 N/A 7.50 7.50

purchasing 10 Autoclave machines and distributing it public PP118-OI Reduction of persistent organic pollutants Ministry of Environment Cabinet list of current projects N/A 3.70 3.70 hospitals (2018-2022)

PP119-OI Central Station for Wastewater Treatment Ministry of Environment Cabinet list of current projects N/A 27.10 27.10

PP120-OI Build apartment buildings/ Aqaba Ministry of Youth Cabinet list of current projects Building includes 22 suits, hall and outside areas N/A 0.21 0.21

Low Priority-early stage ideas/small projects

Prepare a strategy and an executive plan to develop and Ministry of Health/ Jordan Food and Drug PP121-LP Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2022 N/A 25.00 25.00 promote local pharmaceutical industries Administration

Explore the option of obtaining shale gas and shale oil from the PP122-LP Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2023 N/A 200.00 200.00 Serhan area.

Implementation of the power plant using the direct PP123-LP Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Jordan Economic Growth Plan 2018-2024 N/A 1.60 1.60 combustion of oil shale with a capacity of 470 MW

Ministry of Transport/ Land Transport PP124-LP Smart Card WB document/ MOF PPP Unit list still in early stages N/A Regulatory Commission

Three new colleges in Theban, Al Kura and Tafileh, reaching out Ministry of Public Works and Housing/Ministry IFC Jordan PPP Facility concept note / MOF PP125-LP N/A to a minimum of 4,000 students. of Higher Education and Scientific Research PPP unit list specifies Tafileh college (7 M)

Note: This list only marks the initial effort at compiling and evaluating projects; the process will be continued by the Project Facility Unit at the PPDF with close collaboration with governmental entities and Ministries. Page 9 of 9