May -June 1968 T E
MAY -JUNE 1968 T E Official Publication of the AMERICAN CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION FIRST ROW SECOND ROW Sally Ross, Harriet Steinbaum, Melinda Cummings, Mrs. Mildred Andrews; accompanist; Dr. F. Wil Karen Balkin, Kathryn Miller, Ellen Zucker, Patricia lard Robinson, Principal of Beverly Hills High Cummings, Joanne Hall, lynne Levinson, Carole School; Terry Wolff, Ronald Burger, Geoff Shlaes, White, Melissa Moss, and Janet Harris. Mrs. Rena Brian Bingham, David Loew; Joel Pressman, Henry Hubbard, Assistant Director, and Robert Holmes, Kahn, Barry Pyne, Dwight Holmes, Michael Kan Director, are in front holding the banner. tor, and Neal Spiegel. vent with numerical superiority and fi ic, festival, or meeting by which more d)1UUH tIt,e ------1 nancial strength to speak as the choral choral directors will become aware of voice of this country an'd still maintain the aims, purposes and value of ACDA. our 'dues at the present level of $6.00 a This issue carries the first Dues No Executive Secretary's year the need to double our membership tice for the 1968-69 fiscal year. Although this coming year was expressed by Pres July 1 is the first day of that year, many '--------:Jluk ident Decker and the National, Divisional of you win be away on vacation or at While it. fs impossible to report in de and ,State officers. A renewed plea was summer school and it is the hope of the tail on all meetings of the National issued that each ACDA member make it executive committee that you will help Board, the Executive Committee, the Di his personal obligation to bring in one both the organization and yourself by vision and state Chairmen and open new member this fall to swell the ranks paying your dues now before the end of sessions, several important plans and of ACDA to help us through this coming the current school year.
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