May -June 1968 T E

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May -June 1968 T E MAY -JUNE 1968 T E Official Publication of the AMERICAN CHORAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION FIRST ROW SECOND ROW Sally Ross, Harriet Steinbaum, Melinda Cummings, Mrs. Mildred Andrews; accompanist; Dr. F. Wil­ Karen Balkin, Kathryn Miller, Ellen Zucker, Patricia lard Robinson, Principal of Beverly Hills High Cummings, Joanne Hall, lynne Levinson, Carole School; Terry Wolff, Ronald Burger, Geoff Shlaes, White, Melissa Moss, and Janet Harris. Mrs. Rena Brian Bingham, David Loew; Joel Pressman, Henry Hubbard, Assistant Director, and Robert Holmes, Kahn, Barry Pyne, Dwight Holmes, Michael Kan­ Director, are in front holding the banner. tor, and Neal Spiegel. vent with numerical superiority and fi­ ic, festival, or meeting by which more d)1UUH tIt,e ------1 nancial strength to speak as the choral choral directors will become aware of voice of this country an'd still maintain the aims, purposes and value of ACDA. our 'dues at the present level of $6.00 a This issue carries the first Dues No­ Executive Secretary's year the need to double our membership tice for the 1968-69 fiscal year. Although this coming year was expressed by Pres­ July 1 is the first day of that year, many '--------:Jluk ident Decker and the National, Divisional of you win be away on vacation or at While it. fs impossible to report in de­ and ,State officers. A renewed plea was summer school and it is the hope of the tail on all meetings of the National issued that each ACDA member make it executive committee that you will help Board, the Executive Committee, the Di­ his personal obligation to bring in one both the organization and yourself by vision and state Chairmen and open new member this fall to swell the ranks paying your dues now before the end of sessions, several important plans and of ACDA to help us through this coming the current school year. Your early ;pay­ needs for the future were discussed with year unUl dues are adjusted to cover ment will help our office maintain staff directives to initiate means of accomplish­ rising costs of all' services we must em­ and operations through the summer ing them as soon as practicable. Com­ ploy. Many State Chairmen were signalled months untH the payments following the mittee reports were given, some of for the spectacular growth during the Se'cond ,dues notice in September {)ome in which appear in this issue and others past two years' in their states and it is to keep the organization going. If you which will follow in coming issues. The hoped that each of the 50 states will not plan to become a Life Member, do so need for a completed ACDA Handbook only boast an, increased mempership this now since this is the last year you may was stressed and, in an effort to get it coming year but hold at least one ACDA do so at the $100 fee. Happy summer into the hands of Division and State sponsored event: workshop, reading clin- holidays, but :send your check first! t·: Chairmen as soon as possible, officers are at work revising each section which will be forwarded to appropriate chair­ men as it is completed. Utilizing a loose­ leaf format, further revisions and addi­ tions will be readily made. From With the need for commissioned ar­ ticles for The ,Choral Journal, mono­ graphs, lists of ,choral literature, and other informative materials for the mem~ bership, more secretarial help, time for processing members and requests, and a desire to raise the Executive Secretary's Throo Ouf!!fanding go rio!! of thora!!! salary to that of a full time position there was unanimous agreement that an­ (Originals - Arrangements - Editions) nual dues for ACDA must be raised. While it was felt this should be done im­ mediately, the necessity for {)omplete in­ Edited by formation to all members, Constitution DR. LEE KJELSON and bylaws changes whioh m,ust be rati­ fied by the entire membership to allow Chairman, Music Education any chan'ge in fees made it impos­ University of Miami (Fla.) sible to act soon enough for the current year. Since all changes must be voted on prior to any alteration in dues, com­ pletely new brochures and appli'cation • MUSIC FOR YOUNG CHOIRS forms as well as dues notice cards would then have to be printed. Because results 40 Selections for S.A. or T.B. with of such a ballot could not be determined in time to be effective this year, it was optional third voice the considered judgment of the Execu­ 15 Selections for S.A.T.B. written tive Board that such action should be given sufficient time and publicity to al­ especially for Junior High voices low all members the opportunity to ex­ press themselves. Further support for State Chapters was discussed. Under proposed budget chang­ • MUSIC FOR ADVANCING CHOIRS es funds available for states win be S.A.T.B. arrangements - including doubled. When a state becomes an ap­ proved affiliate chapter and its officers the music of Gasparini, Hassler, take over collection of all dues it will be Vivaldi, Palestrina, Faure, Gibbons, in line for additional se'cretarial funds. This and other plans will be discussed Brahms, Croce, Mendelssohn, Praetorius at the Executive Board's annual meeting Ravenscroft and Billings at Tampa in July. Discussion of student chapters and ACDA merit awards for outstanding choral students at the high school and • THE LEE KJELSON CHORAL SERIES college level led to the formation of a committee to explore the possibility of This series (S.S.A. and S.A.T.B.) an award for high schOOl, college and community as well as a committee on features music of various modern idioms student chapters. Library subscriptions to The Choral Journal were stressed as well as Institutional memberships in All copies - 25c each ACDA. Membership in the National Mu­ sic Council was continued. ACDA will co-sponsor an International Choral Con­ F or a, represelltafh1c selectiOIl of ductors Symposium in conjunction with the Institute of European Studies of Vi­ COMPLIMENTARY samplc copics ~l'rite fa; enna, Austria, this coming year and President Decker spoke to the member­ ship on the possibility of a World Cantat in the near future with ACDA as one of the leading sponsors. BELWIN INC. -- Rockville Center, N.Y. 11571 In order t.o keep the organization sol- MAY-JUNE 1968 1 BEVERLY HILLS, CALIF., MADRIGAL SINGERS WIN READER'S DIGEST AWARD The Beverly Hills Madrigal Singers, under the direction of Robert Holmes, pictured on the front 'cover won a Read­ er's Digest National Award for a Sister City Project. This was a cooperative ef­ fort between the Music and Foreign Lan­ guage Dep'artments of Beverly Hills High School channeling their efforts through the Sister City Association. The Sister City Program, which was initiated by former President Eisenhow­ er, is a project to develop greater politi­ cal and cultural understanding between the cities and nations of the world. Beverly Hills, California and Acapulco, Mexico, began their cultural exchange during the summer of 1966. 'Since then there have been exchanges between the two cities wh~c:h included exchange of language students, art exhibits between the two cities, and the concert tour of the Madrigal Singers to Acapulco during Ma.yof 1967. The Madrigal Singers were official guests of the city of Acapulco for six memorable days. Concerts were given in the major hotels and theaters, the E.Je­ ALFRED HOLDS FOURTH At Alfred Festival, left to right: mentary and Intermediate Federal Virginia Mitchell, Alfred Tech Choir; Schools and before civic organizations. SUCCESSFUL FESTIVAL Dr. Ger:ald Mack, Hartford; Jack Pe'l'haps the most memorable 'concert Boyd, Iowa City, Ia.; Anthony C. for reaching every strata of Acapulco WITH FORTY-SEVEN CHOIRS Cappadonia, Alfred; R. "Vayne society were those performed in the his­ Hugoboom, Tampa, Fla. toric Soledad Cathedral and in the adja­ The state University Agricultural and ·cent Zocalo, the town square. These con­ Technical College at Alfred held its certs were followed by a significant per­ fourth annual Choral Festival on Friday ments for each choir, and transportation. formance of the "Misa Criolla" in the and Saturday. May 3-4, 1968. .one {if the most important aspects of Playa Hornos Theater, where a capacity The weekend of choral performance3 stUdent organization ·centers in the stu­ audience responded enthusiastically to and adjudication attracted 47 ;high school dent guide' program. Two guides (a girl to this very moving folk-mass by the Ar­ and college choirs. Over 3,000 singers and a boy) from the Alfred 'State Col­ gentinian composer, Ariel Rami·rez. The participated in the program. lege Concert Choir are assigned to a host mass was sung in Spanish with the sing­ The three adjudictaors for the event choir. The guides are responsible for the e'rs playing native instruments to pro­ included R. Wayne Hugoboom, editor of choir during the entire day and evening. vide the accompaniment. The Choral Journal; Jack Boyd, Univer­ This approach insures an orderly suc­ The warm feeling of friendship ex­ sity of Iowa; and Dr. Gerald Mack, cession of choirs 'on stage with no time perienced by each individual from both Hartt School of Music, University of loss in the total schedule. Every Alfred countries, and the lasting impression of Hartford, Conn. Tech choir student is involved in the dedicated youth from the United States Workshops for choral directors were festival with a definite planned assign­ made this exchange more than worth­ scheduled at noon and evening on both menlo while from every point of view. days. Prof. Boyd discussed chamber mu­ sic; David Riley, high school coordinator, discussed the cambiata voice and pre­ sented demonstrations of the changing voice with junior high school students.
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