Cat Poop by Juliendarmoni New Season of Arrested Development By
unlike the uvm campus, this week’s water tower is now 100% “biddy,” “bro,” and “hipster” free! volume 10 - issue 6 - tuesday, october 11, 2011 - uvm, burlington, vt - by lindsaygabel America’s northern neighbor is oft en chalked up to be a land of snow, hockey, and lumberjacks, but in reality it is not that diff erent from Vermont (we have snow, we play hockey, and we wear fl annel), and be- yond these three dimensions exists a truly wonderful country. As it happens, I humbly consider myself to be somewhat of an ex- pert on Canadians, if for no other reason than the fact that I am one. Below is a suf- fi ciently random smattering of information on Canadian customs, culture, and what- ever else I could think of that may prove to be especially handy on your next trip to Montreal. On Canadian contributions to society: Notable mentions include duct tape, snowmobiles, insulin, basketball, manure spreaders, the telephone, Plexiglas, instant mashed potatoes, Ryan Reynolds, Celine Dion, and Justin Bieber (you’re welcome). So next time you are stricken by a strong desire to fi x something in the ugliest and least professional way possible, or are sud- denly overcome by a craving for bland, bagged starches that can be prepared in katie gagliardo under ten minutes, know that Canadian by jonathanfranqui inventors have got your back. Any upper classman living off campus When I fi rst moved in on June 1st, I had my community. Honestly, they seem tame On geographical misconceptions: can relate the woes of attempting to fi nd high hopes for Johnson Street.
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