

Annual Rainfall Elevation Temperature Extreme Events

89°F related July Ecoregion -driven storms 40.72 inches 36 feet warm temperate rolling Extreme heat Tidal flooding and storm } 29°F moist coastal plain surges associated with January hurricanes

Annual Rainfall Elevation Temperature 102°F Ecology Extreme Events July Biome Ecoregion Urban heat waves

inches feet Urban runoff 11.02 690 desert scrub } 47°F HERMOSILLO January

Annual Rainfall Elevation Temperature 91°F Ecology Extreme Events July Biome Ecoregion Coastal flooding 61.93 inches 26 feet subtropical moist ridge/ Urban flooding } 60°F forest coastal strip MIAMI January

Annual Rainfall Elevation Temperature 85°F Ecology Extreme Events July Biome Ecoregion Surface flooding 46.23 inches 102 feet warm temperate glaciated triassic Coastal flooding } 26°F moist forest lowlands Heat waves January

Annual Rainfall Elevation Temperature 106°F Ecology Extreme Events July Biome Ecoregion Heat 8.04 inches 1106 feet subtropical sonoran basin Drought } 46°F desert scrub and range Flooding PHOENIX January Dust storms

Annual Rainfall Elevation Temperature 81°F Ecology Extreme Events July Biome Ecoregion Urban flooding

inches feet Extreme Heat 35.98 157 warm temperate willamette valley } 36°F moist forest PORTLAND January

Annual Rainfall Elevation Temperature 87°F Ecology Extreme Events July Biome Ecoregion Urban flooding 50.75 inches 7 feet subtropical puerto rican Coastal flooding } 71°F moist forest moist Extreme Heat SAN JUAN January Drought

Annual Rainfall Elevation Temperature 82°F Ecology Extreme Events July Biome Ecoregion Ice storms Blizzards inches feet cool temperate 41.54 397 ontario lowlands Microbursts } 17°F moist forest Floods January SYRACUSE Extreme cold

Annual Rainfall Elevation Temperature 52°F Ecology Extreme Events January Biome Ecoregion Urban flooding 97.99 inches 174 feet cool temperate valdivian Heat } 52°F rain forest temperate forests Drought VALDIVIA July Coastal flooding