Development Strategy 2019-2030

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Development Strategy 2019-2030 CENTRAL DENMARK REGION Development Strategy 2019-2030 Central Denmark Region Regonal Council Central Denmark Region “Good partnerships are fundamental to regional – an attractive and and global success” sustainable region. For everybody. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT TASKS: Ensure access to education for all young people Create a well-functioning infrastructure and mobility Provide citizens with relevant competencies Central Denmark Region strives to ensure a good life for all citizens. Ensure attractive culture, nature and health promo- Our ambition is to be an attractive and sustainable region contributing tion offers to and promoting solutions to major challenges both nationally and globally. Find solutions to climate changes Ensure clean drinking water and help citizens affect- Central Denmark Region is a part of something bigger and our strategy ed by soil contamination is based on the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Pave the way for innovation at hospitals, social insti- To fulfil our ambitions, we know the importance of strong partnerships tutions and other regional areas with knowledge institutions, private and public companies as well as Make an effort to put green transition on the agenda organisations both regionally, nationally and internationally, and we and ensure raw materials for future constructions wish to engage in more partnerships to find new solutions to emerging challenges. Ensure sustainability in regional activities and com- mit to green solutions in society The present regional development strategy sets the visions of and combines all Central Denmark Region development activities. Anders Kühnau Chairman of Regional Council Central Denmark Region XX STRATEGY TRACK 3 3 PREFACE THE STRATEGY Giving citizens the possibility to THE STRATEGY live a good life 1 across the region Ensuring future-proof 2 educations & competence PRIMARY UN SUSTAINABLE GOALS development for 9 10 11 17 everybody VISION PRIMARY UN SUSTAINABLE GOALS INDUSTRY, REDUCED SUSTAINABLE PARTNERSHIPS INNOVATION & INEQUALITIES CITIES & FOR THE GOALS INFRASTRUCTURE COMMUNITIES Central Denmark Region 3 4 17 – an attractive and GOOD HEALTH QUALITY PARTNERSHIPS & WELL-BEING EDUCATION FOR THE GOALS sustainable region. For everybody. THE STRATEGY THE STRATEGY Paving the way for a 3 more sustainable and 4 Taking care of climate, efficient citizen-centred environment and healthcare system of resources to ensure a high quality sustainable development PRIMARY UN SUSTAINABLE GOALS PRIMARY UN SUSTAINABLE GOALS 3 9 17 6 7 11 12 13 15 17 GOOD HEALTH INDUSTRY, PARTNERSHIPS CLEAN AFFORDABLE SUSTAINABLE RESPONSIBLE CLIMATE LIFE ON PARTNERSHIPS & WELL-BEING INNOVATION & FOR THE GOALS WATER & & CLEAN ENERGY CITIES & PRODUCTION & ACTION LAND FOR THE GOALS INFRASTRUCTURE SANITATION COMMUNITIES CONSUMPTION XX STRATEGY TRACK 3 Central Denmark Region MINI GUIDE At the back you find an over- – an attractive and view of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This helps you to maintain an sustainable region. overview while reading this strategy. For everybody. This is our clear vision and goal. DIRECT AND INDIRECT Stepping stones SUSTAINABLE The Regional Council has decided that Obligation of the UN DEVELOPMENT GOALS the UN Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be the strategic frame for World leaders agreed on the 17 UN SDGs development in Central Denmark Region at a summit meeting in 2015. The SDGs The 17 UN SDGs are linked and from 2019 and onwards. consist of 17 main goals and 169 subsidia- interact. This strategy is based ry goals setting the agenda towards 2030 on all of the UN goals, but some The UN SDGs are thus the stepping sto- for a globally more sustainable future. goals are directly relevant to the nes of this strategy. The goals constitute The UN SDGs commit all UN members core development responsibili- the starting point for ensuring that our to act. The national challenges we face ties of Central Denmark Region. development activities locally, regionally today have both local, regional and global The indirect goals are positively and internationally are also relevant in a consequences. The challenges must be affected when working with a global perspective. met together – in local, regional, national direct goal. and international partnerships. Many like Central Denmark Region have adopted the 17 SDGs. However, it takes a long-term effort to include the goals in all regional development activities suppor- ting the vision of a sustainable region. FACTS: • Central Denmark Region is one of five regions in Denmark, cov- • The primary responsibility of Central Denmark Region is health- ers an area of 13,000 square kilometres and has a population care. This includes being responsible for somatic and psychiat- of 1.3 million people, equivalent to approximately 23% of the ric hospital services, pre-hospital emergency services, general population in Denmark. practitioners and practising specialist doctors. • Denmark is organised at three political and administrative • The region also operates a number of specialised social care levels: the national (government), the regional (5 regions) and institutions in agreement with local municipalities. the municipal level (98 municipalities). Central Denmark Region covers 19 municipalities. • Central Denmark Region is also responsible for regional devel- opment within the areas of public transport/mobility, education, • Each region is led by a Regional Council, consisting of 41 politi- culture and environment (soil contamination, groundwater cians elected every four years. protection and raw materials planning). • Central Denmark Region has a gross budget of 28.9 billion DKK and approximately 30,000 employees. INTRODUCTION 9 STRATEGY TRACK 01 Giving citizens the possibility to live a good life across the region TRACK STRATEGY 01XX STRATEGY TRACK 3 The park behind Herning Museum of Contemporary Art MINI GUIDE At the back you find an over- view of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This helps you to maintain an overview while reading this strategy. DIRECT AND INDIRECT SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS The 17 UN SDGs are linked and interact. This strategy is based on all of the UN goals, but some goals are directly relevant to the core development responsibili- ties of Central Denmark Region. The indirect goals are positively affected when working with a direct goal. How does the Central Denmark Region strategy track 01 9 10 11 17 contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals? DIRECT UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Our ambition is to develop local communi- spread more seeds. We can contribute to GOALS INDUSTRY, REDUCED SUSTAINABLE CITIES PARTNERSHIPS ties which positively interact with the UN establish attractive communities and at INNOVATION & INEQUALITIES AND COMMUNITIES FOR THE GOALS goals to ensure that cities, local com- the same time meet the development goal INFRASTRUCTURE munities and settlements are inclusive, on fighting inequality. Culture can facilita- safe, robust and sustainable. Culture is an te dialogue and break down prejudices in important tool to achieve this. The already society. flourishing culture across the region can 16 3 INDIRECT UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS PEACE, JUSTICE GOOD HEALTH & STRONG & WELL-BEING INSTITUTIONS XX STRATEGY TRACK 3 Aarhus Light Rail started its first line in December 2017 from the Central Sta- tion to Aarhus University Hospital. More lines have opened to service a larger Giving citizens part of the region. the possibility to live a good life across the region “The European Capital of Culture in 2017 has raised the bar and created momentum for Central Denmark Region as a cultural pioneer” 13 9 Flexible and sustainable the environmental impact of public transport. 10 Attractive cultural life across for Central Denmark Region to be a cultural infrastructure We are open to new ideas and international the entire region pioneer. The collaboration across the muni- experiences and we will involve municipaliti- Citizens wish to be flexible in relation to Culture contributes to unite the region. A cipalities on culture is continued within the es, citizens, educational institutions, trans- working life, education and leisure activiti- strong and ambitious cultural life makes framework of European Region of Culture. port service companies and other stakehol- es. We wish to have access to the internet the region attractive, interesting and ro- ders. Together we must dare to experiment everywhere and transportation must be fle- 16 bust. The appointment of Aarhus and Cen- Culture can also contribute to reduce social 11 and find new ways to meet the challenges xible and adaptable to fit our everyday needs. tral Denmark Region as European Capital inequality and activate local communities. concerning mobility in our region. of Culture in 2017 also put culture on the Being a strong culture region is a branding New transport solutions should be adapted agenda in the rural districts of the region of Central Denmark Region, which makes We also need to focus on connections in and to the individual citizen and contribute to as all 19 municipalities took part in hosting it easier to attract international attention out of the region. A good digital infrastructu- 3 reduce strain on the environment and the the one-year event. and pave the way for regional culture sta- global climate changes; maybe new solutions re with fast internet connections and adequ- keholders to take part in European part- ate cell phone coverage will be important to can even
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