
PARISH COUNCIL 1040 www.lewknor - p c . o r g . u k


Present: Mrs Caroline Hjorth (Chair) Mr Duncan Boulton Mrs Ellen Peters

Ms Barbara Drysdale (Clerk)

Also present were: Mr Peter Gardner (Lewknor NPSG chair) & Steve Harrod (OCC)

Apologies received from: Cllrs Murray Graham and Karl Rolfe (LPC)

Item 1: DECLARATION OF INTEREST None were received.

Item 2: APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL The minutes of the parish council meeting held on 16th December 2019 were accepted as being a true record of proceedings and signed accordingly.

Item 3: MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES There were no matters arising.

Item 4: PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN SESSION No requests had been received by the Clerk.

Item 5: It was gratefully noted that the police had started putting warning notices on cars parking illegally on the B4009 opposite the London-bound bus stop; and that if there were repeat offenders, the police were issuing tickets. TVP said they planned to increase their patrols at this site in the coming week. See also Item 11a.

Item 6: DISTRICT AND COUNTY COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS The meeting noted Cllr Harrod’s January report (on LPC’s website). See also Item 11a.

Item 7: FINANCE a) The meeting received and noted a budgetary control report for year to date from the RFO which showed balances as of 8th January 2020: Treasurers Account: £4,479.18 Business Savings Account: £51,064.61 Hall Account: £1,688.87 b) Councillors approved payment of the following outstanding accounts: i) Air Ambulance Donation £200.00 S.137 LGA 1972 ii) Watlington Community Hospital Donation £150.00 S.137 LGA 1972 Clerk iii) SODC Election fees £1,423.57 S.36(3b) RPA 1983 c) The meeting noted that the RFO had submitted LPC’s precept request

Chair: …………………………………… Date:……………………………

LEWKNOR PARISH COUNCIL 1041 www.lewknor - p c . o r g . u k

Item 8: NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Councillors discussed the draft Neighbourhood Plan with NPSG chair, Mr Peter Gardner, who said the plan was now being examined by SODC and that the NPSG would review LPC and SODC comments shortly. The meeting formally noted that a member of the NPSG (Mr Nick Gowens) had registered a Declaration of Interest and would not take part in any discussions or vote on the issue of Lewknor Church redevelopment. The Clerk told the meeting that the NPSG would also formally note this in its meeting Minutes.

Item 9: CIL SPENDING Councillors formally agreed that LPC would buy five benches (made from recycled plastic) to be sited around the parish. The Clerk confirmed that she had submitted a grant request Clerk as suggested by SODC councillor Caroline Newton to help pay for these. The Clerk was instructed to follow up with OCC officials following the meeting last month with the Chair and Cllr Boulton on various proposals including upgrading the entrance to Clerk Lewknor village. The Chair reported that she and the Vice Chair had requested and received more specific quotes from three of the four playground contractors regarding the upgrade of the village Chair hall playground. These would be circulated to all councillors and discussed more fully in February. The Clerk and the Chair would also follow up on the issue of the feasibility of new paths. Chair/ And the Clerk would seek quotes for improving the pathway to the playground which had Clerk been requested by several residents.

Item 10: PLANNING a) Councillors considered the following applications: i) P19/S4596/FUL Highfield Lower Road Clerk Construction of new house A submission of No Objections was formally agreed ii) P19/S4686/T28 Field Farm Road Lewknor Installation of 1x 9m wooden pole (7.3m above ground) and 1x 10m wooden pole (8.2m above ground) The meeting noted a decision by SODC had already been made Approved b) To note the status of the following applications: i) P19/S3362/LB Rose Cottage, 2 Church Lane, Lewknor Approved Amendment to P18/S1050/LB to relocate WC ii) P19/S2262/O 12 Weston Road, Lewknor Refused Demolition of existing workshop and erection of a detached two storey dwelling with access, parking and amenity space iii) P19/S4174/N4B Moorcourt Barn Weston Road Lewknor Approved Conversion of agricultural store to residential dwelling

Item 11: HIGHWAYS AND TRANSPORT a) Illegal parking on the B4009: (see also Item 5). The meeting discussed proposals from OCC to install bollards. Cllr Harrod offered to take this up with OCC with a view to seeing if a SH/ local contractor could be allowed to do this as soon as possible as OCC had a huge backlog Clerk of such projects. He invited LPC to apply for a small grant from his Councillor Priority Fund. b) The Chair said the flytipping in Salt Lane had been reported. The Clerk said she would Clerk chase SODC on clearing Hill Road pathway and steps.

Chair: …………………………………… Date:……………………………

LEWKNOR PARISH COUNCIL 1042 www.lewknor - p c . o r g . u k

Item 12: LPC WEBSITE It was agreed that LPC would accept the proposal put forward by Vision ICT for the parish council’s new website. VisionICT had built the NP website which the steering group were Clerk happy with. Councillors noted that the Clerk had approached three other companies for quotes, all of whom said they were not taking on any more clients due to the huge demand brought about by the new website accessibility laws.

Item 13: BROADBAND Cllr Boulton gave the following report to the meeting: The OCC / BT Openreach contract is almost complete. The project has delivered broadband to the cabinet to 95% of the planned target audience in . Unfortunately not everyone who is paying for a superfast service is actually getting it, however, they are all getting more than the minimum which was originally set at 2Mbits/second. The vast majority are in fact getting more than 20Mbits/sec. There is still work going on in Lewknor that will offer Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) to the area at the junction of Watlington Road and Weston Road as far down to Nethecote Lane. Additionally, Airband UK (www.airband.co.uk) will shortly be installing infrastructure from Lewknor village to offering a superfast FTTP service.

Item 14: SPRING CLEAN It was agreed that LPC should hold another community spring clean; a provisional date of All Saturday March 14th was agreed – to be confirmed at LPC’s February meeting.

Item 15: CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED - All councillors present noted an SODC request to check their Declaration of Interests and confirmed that none of their details had changed.

The meeting closed at 9.10pm

Chair: …………………………………… Date:……………………………