Oxfordshire. W a Tlingto~

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Oxfordshire. W a Tlingto~ DIRRC fORY. J OXFORDSHIRE. W A TLINGTO~. 345 1905 (two), when the whole were re-hung on a steel Letters are received through Wallingford at 6.30 a.m. &; frame at a cost of £2oo: there are ,memorial windows 12.45 p.m.; box closes at ro.s a.m. & 6.45 p.m.;. w the late Rev. William Hulton M.A. of Watlington, sunday, arrive at 6.30 a.m.; box closes at 6.45 p.m d. 24 Dec. r885; the Rev. Basil 'r. S. Oarter M.A. vicar Wall Letter Box, at Christmas common, cleared at 7·35 r887-!}6, and the Rev. J. H. Kingdon, curate I883-r887, a.m. & 4.40 p.m. on week days; & 9.30 a.m. on suns besides others : the chancel retains a piscina and sedilia : Letters arrive a·t 8 a.m. from Watlingtm! P.O a new organ was presented in I905, at a cost of £r,ooo: there are brasses to William Frankeleyn, 1485, and his wife, Si bill, with four children; Jeremiah, eldest son of COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR WATLINGTON PETTY Robert Ewstes, IS 87, and John Ewstes, his brother, SESSIONAL DIVISION. rs8(8): the pulpit, 1eciern and litany stool of carved oak were executed from designs by the late Mr. Edwin Hamersley Edward Samuel esq. D.L. Pyrton manor, Dolby, architect, of Abingdon: the church :was near W a.tlington, W a.llingford, chairman thoroughly restored in 1877 at a cost of £4,029: the Plowden Sir William Chichele K.C.S.I. Aston Rowan• brass eagle lectern was presented in I 8g6 : the reredos house, near W atlington, W allingford of carved oak, representing the Annunciation, in r 889 ; Bircb-Reynardson William John esq. Adwell house, Tets­ and the font of marble and alabaster, and a screen of worth S.O the same material, in I897, in cummemOl'atiun of Boyle Major Charles Jabn, Dame Lys, Watlington, Wal­ the Diamond Jubilee of Her late Majesty Queen Vic­ lingford toria: ttwo carved oak ~creens for the Hulton chapel Brown Henry Clerke esq. D.L. Kingston house, Kingston and the vestry were given in 1904, and clergy stalls of Blount, near Tetsworth similar character in I 905 : there are about 520 sittings, Littleboy William esq. Benson, Wallingford about 40 of which are .appropriated. In Igor a lych Ruck-Keene Capt. Charles Edmund, Cookley house, gate was erected, at a cost of £250, in commemoration Swyncombe, Henley-on-Tbames of the glorious reign of Her late Majesty, I837-rgor. Spencer Aubrey Jn. esq. Wheatfield park, Tetsworth S.O The register dates from the year I635. The living is Symons-Jeune Jn. Frdc. esq. Watlington pk. Watlingtou a vicarage, net yearly value £2oo, including 6r acres of Wiggins William, Hill house, Watlington, Wallingford glebe, wit-h residence, in the gift of the llis.hop of Ox­ Clerk to the .MagistMtes, Artbur Lett, Shirburn street ford, and held since r8g6 by the Rev. Sidney Charles Saunders M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford, rural dean of Petty Sessions are held at the Police court every alternate­ Aston, and surrogate. There are Primitive Methodist, wcdnesday at II a.m and Wesleyan -chapels, and ,Salvation Army Barracks. '!'he places in Petty Sessional Division are: -Lewknor The Town Ha:ll, or Market House, which stands in the Hundred Adwell, Aston Rowant, Cbalford, Cbinnor. centre of .the town, was erected in r664, by Thomas Crowell, Emmington, Henton, Kingston Blount, Lewk­ Stonor esq. of Stonor ·Park (d. 2 Sept. r683), but is now nor, Postcombe, Sydenham. Ewelme Hundred-Ben~­ the property of J F. Symons-J eune esq. ; it is a rect­ ington, Berrick Prior, Berrick Salome, Brigbtwell Bald­ angular structure, carried on wide semi-circular arches, win, Britwell Prior, Britwell Salome, Brookhampton, and has a high pitched roof and a square wooden turret Cadwell, Cbalgrove, Crowmarsh Battle, Cuxham. with vane, 'bnt is now in a neglected condition. The Draycot, Easington, Ewelme, Fifield, Great Haseley. Lecture Hall, in the High street, formerly a malt Little Haseley, Holcombe, Latchford, Newington, Nuf­ house, was converted to its present purpose in 1858; it field, Rofford, Rycote, Sbillingford, Swyncombe, War­ is used for public and committee meetings and other borough, Warpsgrove. Pyrton Hundred-Assenden. similar purposes, and will bold 6oo persons. The Police Clare, Gold•ar, Greenfield, Pisbill, Pyrton, Shirburn. Stat.ion, at the bottom of Couching street, erected in Standbill, Stoke Talmage, South Weston, Stonor~ I86o, is of brick, and has a large room in which pettJ Warmscombe, Watlington, Wheatfield ssssions are held. Two statute and pleasure fairs are held here on the Saturday before and the Saturday after old Michaelmas day. There is a Working Men's Charity Trustees: Life Trustees, Rev. Sidney C. Saun­ Club in the High street. The Watlington Cottage Hos­ ders M.A. chairman & treasurer, W. Wiggins J.P., pital, in Hill road, established for the benefit of the sick T. A. Allnutt, C. E. Bu11ford & J. F. Symons-JeunEt pour of this town and the surrounding villages, is sup· J.P.; Go-optative 'l'Tustees, Col. F. Gos,set RE. &. ported by voluntary contributions. Charities: Rester, Thomas A. Hawkesworth M.B. ; Representativa Greendown and (Burt's charities have been amalgamated Trustees, W. Slater & T. Toovey; Arthur Lett, clerk and are disbursed in ·coal &c.; PaTSlowe's, of £24, is to trustees, Stoneleigh annually expended in the purchase of coat-s and gowns for the poor; Hart's, of /,n, is fer apprenticing boys; PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. Chibnall's, of £7 r rs. gd. is spent in gowns for widows ; one-third of the Church Estate, which amounts to about Cot-tage Hospital, Hill road, Arthur James Henry Boyton £53 yearly, is applied to ecclesiastical purpos~ and for M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Thomas A. Hawkes­ maintaining recreation ground's. Watlington Park, situ­ worth M.B., M.R.C.S.Eng., L,R.C.P.Lond. & Henry Bred among the Chi,ltern Hills, is the seat of John Douglas Mat'uh~ws L.RC.P. & L.R.C.S.Edin., L.F.P. Frerleric Symons-Jrmne esq. J.P.; the house is sur­ & S. Glas. medical officers; Rev. Sidney C. Sannders rounded by magnificent trees and commands extensive ~LA. hon. sec. ; Miss Chandler, nurse ~ews of the picturesque scenery around ; it was granted County Police Station, Couching stTeet, Daniel Hope, m the reign of Charles I. to the 'Stonor family, from supt.; Charle,; Josey, sergeant, & 9 constables 'IVhom it passed .by purchase to the Tilson family in Inland Revenue Office, Edwin Charles Bastin, Sbirbum s1 r753; the heiress of this family married in I 840 the Lecture 'Ihll, High street, Artbur Lett, sec late T. Shaen Carter esq. on whose death in I 876 the Town Hall estate was sold t-o its present owner. J. F. Symons· Jenne esq. J,P. Lord Camoys, Mrs. Hulton, who owns • the m:mors of Watcombe and Ingham, the trustees PUBLIC OFFICERS. of the Earl of Macclesfield (a minor), Mr. T. A. All­ nntt and Edward S. Hamersley esq. D.L., J.·P. of Assistant Overseer & Clerk to the Parish Council, J obn Henry Matlock, Gorwell Pyrton 'Manor, are the ~hief landowners. The soil is mixed ; the subsoil is upper gree:Mand and upper nnd Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes, Artbur Lett, Shir­ burn street lower chalk. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley, Coroner for the Southern Division of Oxfordshire, Henry beans and roots. The area is 3,687 acres; rateable Talue, Dixon M.R.C.S.Eng. Greenfield; deputy, Thomas .A.. £6,031; the population in rgor was 1,554 in the civil Harwkesworth M.B., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lon<i. and 1,5 I9 in the ecclesia-stical parish. Shirbum street Christmas Common is a small village and hamlet, 2 M~dical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Watlington District, miles south-east, in the parish of W atlington and on the Henley Union, Thomas A. Hawkesworth M.E. Sbir­ Chiltern Hills. The soil is principally chalk and clay. burn street Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator Aston Rowant &: The Church of the Holy Nativity, erected in r8gr, at Sbirburn Districts, Tha.me Union, Certifying Surgeon a cost of £soo, as a chapel of ease to the parish church, under the Factory Act for Watlington District, Arthur is an edifice of red brick : the stained east window is a James Henry Boyron M.R.C.S.Eng., L.B.C.P.Lond. memorial to the Rev. B. T. S. Carter M.A. vicar 1887-96: Brook street it hM 100 sittings. Inspector of Weights & Measures, R. D. Doubleday, Th• Parish Clerk, Richard Raymond. Elms, Cowley, Oxford Registrar af Births, Deaths & Marriages for the Watling­ Pon, :M. & T. 0., T. M. 0., E. D., P. P., S. B. & A. & I. ton Sub-district & Relieving Officer for the Watlington Office, Couching street. John Rester, ·sub-postmaster. District, Henley Union, Arthnr Sidney Stone .
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