PARISH COUNCIL 1043 www.lewknor - p c . o r g . u k


Present: Mrs Caroline Hjorth (Chair) Mr Murray Graham Mr Duncan Boulton Mr Les Gordon Mrs Ellen Peters Mr Karl Rolfe

Ms Barbara Drysdale (Clerk)

Apologies received from: Cllr Steve Harrod (OCC) and Cllr Caroline Newton (SODC)

Item 1: DECLARATION OF INTEREST Cllr Graham declared an interest in the issue of footpaths covered under Item 9 and withdrew from these discussions.

Item 2: APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL The minutes of the parish council meeting held on 13th January 2020 were accepted as being a true record of proceedings and signed accordingly.

Item 3: MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES There were no matters arising.

Item 4: PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN SESSION No requests had been received by the Clerk.

Item 5: It was noted that the ticketing of cars had reduced the number of vehicles parking illegally on the B4009.

Item 6: DISTRICT AND COUNTY COUNCILLORS’ REPORTS The meeting noted Cllr Harrod’s apologies. The Chair told the meeting that SODC Cllr Caroline Newton sent her apologies and said that OCC would be voting tomorrow on central government proposals that OCC should take over the Local Plan from SODC. The District Council would be meeting next Thursday to discuss the outcome.

Item 7: FINANCE a) The meeting received and noted a budgetary control report for year to date from the RFO which showed balances as of 5th February 2020: Treasurers Account: £2,061.92 Business Savings Account: £51,066.78 Hall Account: £1,688.87 b) Councillors approved payment of the following outstanding accounts: i) Community 1st Membership £55.00 S.137 LGA 1972 ii) VisionICT Part payment new website £390.00 S.142 LGA 1972 Clerk

Chair: …………………………………… Date:……………………………

LEWKNOR PARISH COUNCIL 1044 www.lewknor - p c . o r g . u k

iii) SODC Dog bin emptying Jul-Sep19 £69.07 S.111 LGA 1972 iv) SODC Dog bin emptying Oct-Dec19 £69.07 S.111 LGA 1972 v) Community Heartbeat Defib pads £129.60 S.234 PublicHealth Act 1936 c) The meeting formally decided to amend the categories in LPC’s budget/finance Clerk spreadsheet to more clearly define money given to the two parochial church councils and Grapevine magazine. d) The Clerk told the meeting that the LRPG&H had ordered two 10mph signs for the village hall driveway out of its own funds but would be asking LPC to pay for the village hall hedge to be cut out of its LPRG&H allowance. Councillors agreed the quote (invoice to follow).

Item 8: NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Cllr Boulton told the meeting that the NPSG had selected Community 1st Oxfordshire as its professional consultants (invoice to follow) and would also be requesting environmental records from SODC (invoice to follow).

Item 9: CIL SPENDING The meeting discussed the various projects, ahead of the public meeting on 2nd March. The Chair and Vice Chair presented the various options for the improved playground. The Clerk All set out the responses from various landowners to the suggested new footpaths. The various options for traffic calming were considered. It was noted with disappointment that the SODC grant for the proposed benches had been refused. It was agreed that the Chair could pay for professional printing for displays at the CIL meeting and that there would be a further informal meeting to finalise the CIL event which would be publicised in Grapevine, on noticeboards, by councillors and on the LPC website and Facebook page. The Clerk would ask SODC CIL team whether LPC should be calculating in nett or gross Clerk amounts.

Item 10: PLANNING a) Councillors noted the status of the following applications: i) P19/S4174/N4B Moorcourt Barn Weston Road Lewknor Approved Conversion of agricultural store to residential dwelling ii) P19/S4596/FUL Highfield Lower Road Decision awaited Construction of new house iii) P19/S4686/T28 Field Farm Shirburn Road Lewknor Approved Installation of 1x 9m wooden pole (7.3m above ground) and 1x 10m wooden pole (8.2m above ground)

Item 11: HIGHWAYS AND TRANSPORT a) It was noted that the amount of illegal parking on the B4009 had reduced, due to police ticketing the vehicles. The Clerk told the meeting that LPC’s local contractor who was accredited by OCC could not fulfil OCC’s list of requirements for installing the bollards; therefore LPC would have to wait for this to be done by OCC in the new financial year. It was agreed that LPC would continue to closely monitor the illegal parking, with the help of TVP, and it was hoped that OCC would install the bollards as soon as possible. Clerk b) The Clerk was instructed to report the flooding at the bottom of the A40 hill by the Lambert Arms, in Beacon View and along the A40 towards Postcombe. Clerk She was also instructed to report the broken road-edge paving stones on the crossroads by

Chair: …………………………………… Date:……………………………

LEWKNOR PARISH COUNCIL 1045 www.lewknor - p c . o r g . u k

the Leathern Bottel in Lewknor. Clerk The wording of a notice about illegal dog fouling was agreed to be published in Grapevine.

Item 12: LPC WEBSITE Councillors welcomed the layout of the new website. It was agreed that LPC would pay £18 per annum for a email address, linked to the contact form on the new website; and Clerk that the email address would be [email protected]

Item 13: BROADBAND The meeting was told that OCC was to pay for the installation of fibre broadband to the MG village hall. The issue of the cost for the ongoing service after that was discussed; councillors agreed that it should be paid for by LPC out of its allowance for LPRG&H (this allowance had been increased for the new financial year). Cllr Graham would discuss this with the LPRG&H committee.

Item 14: SPRING CLEAN It was agreed that the parish spring cleans (one in Lewknor and one in Postcombe) would All take place on Saturday 14th March and that a notice to this effect would be put in Grapevine and the LPC website and FB page. The Clerk was instructed to ask for extra bags.

Item 15: CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED - “ in the Dark” event by A Better South Oxfordshire - NP draft - Community Emergency Planning Survey

The meeting closed at 9.55pm

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