The China Sea Directory, Vol
3tt|aca, JStm $atk CHARLES WILLIAM WASON COLLECTION CHINA AND THE CHINESE THE GIFT OF CHARLES WILLIAM WASON CLASS OF 1876 1918 Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. THE CHINA SEA DIRECTOEY VOL. I. CONTAINING DIEECTIONS FOR THE APPROACHES TO THE CHINA SEA, BY MALACCA, SINGAPORE, SUNDA, BANKA, GASPAR, CARIMATA, RHIO, VARELLA, AND DURIAN STRAITS. THIRD EDITION. PUBLISHED BY OBDER OP THE LOKDS COMMISSIONERS OP THE ADMIRALTY. LONDON: FEINTED FOB THE HTDEOGEAPHIC OFFICE, ADMIRALTY! AND SOLD BY J. D. POTTER, Agent fob the sale of Admikalty Chaets, 31 POULTRY, AND 11 KING STREET, TOWEB HILL. 1886. Price Four Shillings and Sixpence. Or : ADVERTISEMENT TO THIRD EDITION. The China Sea Directory, Vol. I., contains Sailing Directions for the approaches to the China Sea by Malacca, Singapore, Sunda, Banka, Caspar, Carimata, Rhio, Varella, and Durian Straits ; also general observations on the passages from the Cape of Good Hope to Sunda Strait aad Singapore. The material used has been gathered from the following sources Malacca strait from the surveys of Lieutenants Ward and Jackson, Indian Navy, 1852-60. Portions of it, viz., the Lankawa islands, Penang and its approaches, Diuding island and channel, Perak river entrance and its approaches, and Larut river, have been re-surveyed by Captain Napier, Commander the Honourable F. Vereker, and Lieutenant H. Belam, in H.M. surveying vessels, 1876-84 ; also the south shore between Aroa islands and the Carimon islands has been partially re-surveyed by the Dutch.
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