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whv IAm A Vegetafian i{l I

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whv IAm A Vegetafian l:lr) '.1li


SIhg I A,rn A. Tfugetarian


An Addrcss Delweted betote the Chisago Vcgeta. rian SocietY


tsy J. Howard Moore


Swentb Thotsand PdEeA5 C,€nts


Fmnces L DtlsenberY McVicke/s Theatte &til4tsg Chtcago

: l:J l:lr) '.1li


SIhg I A,rn A. Tfugetarian


An Addrcss Delweted betote the Chisago Vcgeta. rian SocietY


tsy J. Howard Moore


Swentb Thotsand PdEeA5 C,€nts


Fmnces L DtlsenberY McVicke/s Theatte &til4tsg Chtcago

: l:J E :-


The humarr race is hkg a -it ; if t sheds. Ever and anonr as the ages - bloom, oid forms of thought are super- seded hy ' intellectual bran-news. Shrrnesat which one generatronadores becometo the succeeding desolate and ; despised. I This little brochure has a mission. I It is not a formidable one, but it is. It coPYBIGETED I8O5 AY goes out with the hopethat it may helpt J. EO$AND ilOONE l if ever so infinitesimally, rn ridding the human of that terrrfic instinct af incon- sideration tow ard tlre sub-human races. Solidarity is its plea, human and uni- versal. It would be inexcusableto supposeit to be exhaustive. It is not even de- fensive. It is a projectiie, and project- iles do not apologize. It intendsto be followed. J' H' M' chioago,May, ts6. PRESS 03' PUBDY PUBLISEING CO- CEICAGO E :-


The humarr race is hkg a snake-it ; if t sheds. Ever and anonr as the ages - bloom, oid forms of thought are super- seded hy ' intellectual bran-news. Shrrnesat which one generatronadores becometo the succeeding desolate and ; despised. I This little brochure has a mission. I It is not a formidable one, but it is. It coPYBIGETED I8O5 AY goes out with the hopethat it may helpt J. EO$AND ilOONE l if ever so infinitesimally, rn ridding the human of that terrrfic instinct af incon- sideration tow ard tlre sub-human races. Solidarity is its plea, human and uni- versal. It would be inexcusableto supposeit to be exhaustive. It is not even de- fensive. It is a projectiie, and project- iles do not apologize. It intendsto be followed. J' H' M' chioago,May, ts6. PRESS 03' PUBDY PUBLISEING CO- CEICAGO "What moro advance can mortals make in eln? Deat to the catf that lies bensath tho knite' Looks up and from the butchor begs hor lifo. Deaf to tho harmlesg kid, who, ore he diss, WHYIAMAVEGETAR'AN. All efforts to procuro thv pity tries' And imita,tes in valn thy children's orles." Axoxvuous. I am not here to convert You to veg

"No flockg that range the valley free, etarianism. I know too vrell the na- To slaughter I oond.emn; cornmit an)' such Taught by the Power that pities mo, ture of mind to I loarn to pity them." Gor,osanrs, blunder. I arn here to talk Engiish and, if possible, give you glimpses. f can not form "rt is a vutgar meatin anv hope in haif a hundred minutes to linse as nocossa,ryto ""roil""dhuman life." $rnEnxnY Tnoamgox. frorn your brains sand bars that have been ages in depositing. If is ,to hol'

,'The anthropoids and alt ths quadrumana do' iday fftatter to emancipate one's self their alimontation from , , and' rtvo It is a other guceulont vegetal substancos, and tho from an old, inveterate slavery. gtriot the structuro of those analogy betweon task so formidable that few do it with- and that of man oloarly demonstratos hls fruglvorous nature." OwEN. otrt heip. It requires a courage and an iconoclasm greater than most possessto "Does it not shame you to mingle blood and n'Iake heroic initiatives. But after :r re' murder with nature's benefleent fruits? Othor iarnTvoza you call savago and ferocious-lions' t form is accomplished and its principles tigers and serpents-while yoursolvos come bo' matters of course, there are nina tnem in no speoiss oI barbaritv' And vot becorne the only means of sugto- for them murdor is then few persons without tlie ability to nance, wheroag to Yoo it ls a superfluoug luxury and crime.' lvhy idiots are Pr'urracg' look back and wonder so much iike rllen. "What moro advance can mortals make in eln? Deat to the catf that lies bensath tho knite' Looks up and from the butchor begs hor lifo. Deaf to tho harmlesg kid, who, ore he diss, WHYIAMAVEGETAR'AN. All efforts to procuro thv pity tries' And imita,tes in valn thy children's orles." Axoxvuous. I am not here to convert You to veg

"No flockg that range the valley free, etarianism. I know too vrell the na- To slaughter I oond.emn; cornmit an)' such Taught by the Power that pities mo, ture of mind to I loarn to pity them." Gor,osanrs, blunder. I arn here to talk Engiish and, if possible, give you glimpses. f can not form "rt is a vutgar meatin anv hope in haif a hundred minutes to linse as nocossa,ryto ""roil""dhuman life." $rnEnxnY Tnoamgox. frorn your brains sand bars that have been ages in depositing. If is ,to hol'

,'The anthropoids and alt ths quadrumana do' iday fftatter to emancipate one's self their alimontation from fruits, grains, and' rtvo It is a other guceulont vegetal substancos, and tho from an old, inveterate slavery. gtriot the structuro of those analogy betweon task so formidable that few do it with- animals and that of man oloarly demonstratos hls fruglvorous nature." OwEN. otrt heip. It requires a courage and an iconoclasm greater than most possessto "Does it not shame you to mingle blood and n'Iake heroic initiatives. But after :r re' murder with nature's benefleent fruits? Othor iarnTvoza you call savago and ferocious-lions' t form is accomplished and its principles tigers and serpents-while yoursolvos come bo' matters of course, there are nina tnem in no speoiss oI barbaritv' And vot becorne the only means of sugto- for them murdor is then few persons without tlie ability to nance, wheroag to Yoo it ls a superfluoug luxury and crime.' lvhy idiots are Pr'urracg' look back and wonder so much iike rllen. WlryfAmALlegetcrian. Wlry f Am A Vegetarian, g

Men are somnambulistic. StuPefied take the most sensitive and beautiful by the long night of instinct out of beings all palpitating with life, and which it arose, the human mind is only chop them into fragments with a com- half awake. lVashington was the posure that woulcl do honor to the man- father of a country, but he held irunran agers of an iuferno. beings as slaves and paid his hired help It has been said that rn'hen a propo- in Virginia whisky. It took Ameri- sition is presented to us for our accept- it as we cans one hunclred years to find out tirat ance or rejection we treat ccall men" inclutles Ethiopians. N'{en lvould treat an article of furniture pre- lVe who risked their lives to achieve per- sented to us for our aparttnents. it fits in character anci com- sonal and political liberty for black inen try ii. If accept it, and it becomes a deliberately doom white women to a plexion, we our paraphernalia. If it does similal servitude. Rich men give rnil- part of it. Every proposition lions to musetlms or universities, lvhen not fit, v,re reject to our intelligence is thus they would knorv, if they had the tal- that come$ or dismissed,depending on tbe ent to stop ancl think, that the thou' accepted congenialitv or uncongeniality of the sanciswho make tl.reirwealth u'ol'k like subjective and the objective. It is wretches from rnol'ning till night ancl impossible absolutely for tnind, cotrsti- suffocate in gnrrets and feed orl garb- tuted as it is on the earth, to accept a age, in ot'der tllat tirey rnay be nrunrfi- proposition that is antagonistic to it. cent. .F{un:anbeings pleach as tire car- And when a proposition is presenteclto dinal of moraiity ihat they shoultl act the mind, the only rvay in the world to upon otirers as tirev wor:id be pleasetl win its acceptance is by coaxing and to have others act ui:ou tirem, ancl tlren WlryfAmALlegetcrian. Wlry f Am A Vegetarian, g

Men are somnambulistic. StuPefied take the most sensitive and beautiful by the long night of instinct out of beings all palpitating with life, and which it arose, the human mind is only chop them into fragments with a com- half awake. lVashington was the posure that woulcl do honor to the man- father of a country, but he held irunran agers of an iuferno. beings as slaves and paid his hired help It has been said that rn'hen a propo- in Virginia whisky. It took Ameri- sition is presented to us for our accept- it as we cans one hunclred years to find out tirat ance or rejection we treat ccall men" inclutles Ethiopians. N'{en lvould treat an article of furniture pre- lVe who risked their lives to achieve per- sented to us for our aparttnents. it fits in character anci com- sonal and political liberty for black inen try ii. If accept it, and it becomes a deliberately doom white women to a plexion, we our paraphernalia. If it does similal servitude. Rich men give rnil- part of it. Every proposition lions to musetlms or universities, lvhen not fit, v,re reject to our intelligence is thus they would knorv, if they had the tal- that come$ or dismissed,depending on tbe ent to stop ancl think, that the thou' accepted congenialitv or uncongeniality of the sanciswho make tl.reirwealth u'ol'k like subjective and the objective. It is wretches from rnol'ning till night ancl impossible absolutely for tnind, cotrsti- suffocate in gnrrets and feed orl garb- tuted as it is on the earth, to accept a age, in ot'der tllat tirey rnay be nrunrfi- proposition that is antagonistic to it. cent. .F{un:anbeings pleach as tire car- And when a proposition is presenteclto dinal of moraiity ihat they shoultl act the mind, the only rvay in the world to upon otirers as tirev wor:id be pleasetl win its acceptance is by coaxing and to have others act ui:ou tirem, ancl tlren ro &Vfey .{ Aerc A Vegetarian. f Am L''egetarian, r r Wlty '4 rnodifying the mincl itself' I come saliy and unreservedly it rnay be r.rlti- to you tonight with a proposition. In mately accepted, its beginning is always a very feeble ancl fragmentary v\tay a period of interrogation ancl war" f attempt to do what everv polemic When Garrison first announced the atternpts to do-to dynamite your minds, proposition denying the right to attction to havoc their foundations and recotl- Ethiopians, tire proposition was assailed struct them in harmouy with the prop- b,rrtlie most formidable volleys of ob- osition I champion. But there are so jection. Those objections seenl puel- urany attitudes of opposition possible, ile todayrbut in the days in which this so many objections that are thinkabiet proposition found few heads in which and so many tliings assumed by those to hide, they were axioms of ethical who pitch themselves against it, that I and political science. So when you cannot hope in one evening to accont- take an attitude on this proposition plish more than a beginning. Brrt remember there are future generations if I can somehow succeed irl dilating as well as this one, and be careful that your pupils a little, and enable J'ou you do not make the same spectacle of to realize in some measure the infamy yourself that poor old Webster and in which you and the rest of the occi- other blind men made when they dental world are todaY engaged, I poured cold water down the spines of shall feel better than if I irad spoken early Abolitionists. to stones. I became a vegetarian by my own re- I want to rernind you and warn You flection. I did not knolv at the time of that it makes no difference how just a the vegetarian movement, ancl, hence, proposition rnay be and holv univer- supposed myself alone among repubtrics ro &Vfey .{ Aerc A Vegetarian. f Am L''egetarian, r r Wlty '4 rnodifying the mincl itself' I come saliy and unreservedly it rnay be r.rlti- to you tonight with a proposition. In mately accepted, its beginning is always a very feeble ancl fragmentary v\tay a period of interrogation ancl war" f attempt to do what everv polemic When Garrison first announced the atternpts to do-to dynamite your minds, proposition denying the right to attction to havoc their foundations and recotl- Ethiopians, tire proposition was assailed struct them in harmouy with the prop- b,rrtlie most formidable volleys of ob- osition I champion. But there are so jection. Those objections seenl puel- urany attitudes of opposition possible, ile todayrbut in the days in which this so many objections that are thinkabiet proposition found few heads in which and so many tliings assumed by those to hide, they were axioms of ethical who pitch themselves against it, that I and political science. So when you cannot hope in one evening to accont- take an attitude on this proposition plish more than a beginning. Brrt remember there are future generations if I can somehow succeed irl dilating as well as this one, and be careful that your pupils a little, and enable J'ou you do not make the same spectacle of to realize in some measure the infamy yourself that poor old Webster and in which you and the rest of the occi- other blind men made when they dental world are todaY engaged, I poured cold water down the spines of shall feel better than if I irad spoken early Abolitionists. to stones. I became a vegetarian by my own re- I want to rernind you and warn You flection. I did not knolv at the time of that it makes no difference how just a the vegetarian movement, ancl, hence, proposition rnay be and holv univer- supposed myself alone among repubtrics *"-

ll'kyf AmA Vegetarian. r3 t2 WlryfAmAVegetarian. tions of my friends. After a few of carnivora. It did not seem to me weeks of fruits and there graceful or icleal that I, an ethical being" carne over me a feeling of exultation siroukl maintain my existence at the and superiority and crispness that was incessant expense of misery and death truly novel. Today, I am thoroughly to others. But the problem tirat for emancipated from the coils of kreoph- some time tormentecl me was whether agy. I shall go down to my grave and it were possible to keep up a successful out into the darkling hereafter with a and at ail interesting existence rviti-tottt bloodless digestion, if I am tlre clnly ox-hips. f rvondered lvhether the uni- in the uuiverse to do so. The verse were so constructed that it \,vere flesh-tearing performances which I am impossi'l'-,lefor its most endowed chii- cornpelled everywhere to behold seem dren to live without the crudest :tnd 'egoism. to me to be the ltrrid deeds of maniacs most recreant 'Ihere is uolv rather than the timecl atrd premeditated no remnant of a doubt about the pos- acts of sane beings. And I can but sibilities of a bloodless existence, nor pity, not only the creatures whose even of its positive hygienic advantages. throats are severed arrrtrwhose skeletons I hacl been conslderable of a vttlture, are stripped, but the blind and reckless and for sometime after eliminating flesh cannibals who perpetrate these crimes. from my ilIenus I had desire for it. t When the whole earth teems with such But graclualiy that desire faded, and a bewilclering variety of beautiftrl and there came in its stead a growing hor- bioodless fruits, it seems so sirange atld ror of fleslr. The grinding of thc tis- so sad and so frightful that man should sues of my fellow beings seemecl hor- continue the barbarous, blood-sucking r:ibly akin to the chewing of the emo- *"-

ll'kyf AmA Vegetarian. r3 t2 WlryfAmAVegetarian. tions of my friends. After a few of carnivora. It did not seem to me weeks of fruits and vegetables there graceful or icleal that I, an ethical being" carne over me a feeling of exultation siroukl maintain my existence at the and superiority and crispness that was incessant expense of misery and death truly novel. Today, I am thoroughly to others. But the problem tirat for emancipated from the coils of kreoph- some time tormentecl me was whether agy. I shall go down to my grave and it were possible to keep up a successful out into the darkling hereafter with a and at ail interesting existence rviti-tottt bloodless digestion, if I am tlre clnly ox-hips. f rvondered lvhether the uni- animal in the uuiverse to do so. The verse were so constructed that it \,vere flesh-tearing performances which I am impossi'l'-,lefor its most endowed chii- cornpelled everywhere to behold seem dren to live without the crudest :tnd 'egoism. to me to be the ltrrid deeds of maniacs most recreant 'Ihere is uolv rather than the timecl atrd premeditated no remnant of a doubt about the pos- acts of sane beings. And I can but sibilities of a bloodless existence, nor pity, not only the creatures whose even of its positive hygienic advantages. throats are severed arrrtrwhose skeletons I hacl been conslderable of a vttlture, are stripped, but the blind and reckless and for sometime after eliminating flesh cannibals who perpetrate these crimes. from my ilIenus I had desire for it. t When the whole earth teems with such But graclualiy that desire faded, and a bewilclering variety of beautiftrl and there came in its stead a growing hor- bioodless fruits, it seems so sirange atld ror of fleslr. The grinding of thc tis- so sad and so frightful that man should sues of my fellow beings seemecl hor- continue the barbarous, blood-sucking r:ibly akin to the chewing of the emo- t+ Why f Anz A Vegetarien' Wky f Arn .A Veg'etarclare. Iq practices of the worldts inf ancl'. or coriv€tlience of others*tire neglect Vegetarianismis the negiectbv one to recognize the equal or the approxi- being to suppressanother for nutritive rnateiy eqtral rights of all to iife, con- purposes. I believe in it. I believe I t sielerationand happiness-the crime of should neglect to suppressthe interests doing to others as you wouid that others and lives of non-humanbeings for iden' tvoulcl not doto you. tically the same reason that I should I look bacl< over the ages of this neglect to suppress the interests and world-not the ages of hu.man history lives of ltuman beings. The exploita- sirnplv, for the history of the hunran tion of birds and quadrupedsfor human speciesis but a little section, the remem- whim or convenience is an offensenot bered chapter, in the history of tl-re different in kind from the offensesde- evolutions which have been performecl nounced in human statutesas robbery bv rnuudane life. I look bacl< to tlie and murder. And the samelogic which beginning of life on this planet-back impels from one of these 5orooorooo of years ago, when the first offensesimpels everyone who has the protoplasmic specks sprarvled in prirne- power to be consistent to refrain from val seas. Life originated in the sea all of tl'rem. fifteen hundred thousancl l:uman gen- There is,in fact, but one crime in the erations ago. After ages of evolution 1 universe and all varietiesof impropriety it crept out upon the continents, sub- whatsoeverare aspectsor phasesof this sequently entered the forests, climbed crime. It is the crime of.exf loitation* and clambered among the trees,becarne the suppressionof the interests,lives,or endowed with perpendicularity and welfares of some beings for the lvhim hands, descended and waikecl upon tire t+ Why f Anz A Vegetarien' Wky f Arn .A Veg'etarclare. Iq practices of the worldts inf ancl'. or coriv€tlience of others*tire neglect Vegetarianismis the negiectbv one to recognize the equal or the approxi- being to suppressanother for nutritive rnateiy eqtral rights of all to iife, con- purposes. I believe in it. I believe I t sielerationand happiness-the crime of should neglect to suppressthe interests doing to others as you wouid that others and lives of non-humanbeings for iden' tvoulcl not doto you. tically the same reason that I should I look bacl< over the ages of this neglect to suppress the interests and world-not the ages of hu.man history lives of ltuman beings. The exploita- sirnplv, for the history of the hunran tion of birds and quadrupedsfor human speciesis but a little section, the remem- whim or convenience is an offensenot bered chapter, in the history of tl-re different in kind from the offensesde- evolutions which have been performecl nounced in human statutesas robbery bv rnuudane life. I look bacl< to tlie and murder. And the samelogic which beginning of life on this planet-back impels abstinence from one of these 5orooorooo of years ago, when the first offensesimpels everyone who has the protoplasmic specks sprarvled in prirne- power to be consistent to refrain from val seas. Life originated in the sea all of tl'rem. fifteen hundred thousancl l:uman gen- There is,in fact, but one crime in the erations ago. After ages of evolution 1 universe and all varietiesof impropriety it crept out upon the continents, sub- whatsoeverare aspectsor phasesof this sequently entered the forests, climbed crime. It is the crime of.exf loitation* and clambered among the trees,becarne the suppressionof the interests,lives,or endowed with perpendicularity and welfares of some beings for the lvhim hands, descended and waikecl upon tire -T

17 16 Wluy I Acn A Lregetariar," W/ry f Am A Vegetariart.

and merciless, which has been soil, invented , built cities egoistic, clevcloped by evolution. and states-ancl here tve are. Human everywlrere the ideal universe the life and civilization is but the van, the hither In happiness of no being are conttngent terminus, of an evoitltional process 1 upon the suffering and death of any which had its beginning away back iir other. And tl-re fact that in tliis uni- the protoplasm of primevai slime. 'f i:e verse of ours life and l:appiness have philosopher is the remote posterity of been alid are toclay so largely rnain- the meek and lr-rrrl-ymouad. by the inflictron c{ indescribable I{ow, this rr,thole enierprise, this er:- tained misery ancl extinction, is tile most tire process of biological evolution, .lias patlietic, the most stupend.ou-s,atld tl"le been accomplislied by the survivaI floul i rnost sici

17 16 Wluy I Acn A Lregetariar," W/ry f Am A Vegetariart.

and merciless, which has been soil, invented agriculture, built cities egoistic, clevcloped by evolution. and states-ancl here tve are. Human everywlrere the ideal universe the life and civilization is but the van, the hither In happiness of no being are conttngent terminus, of an evoitltional process 1 upon the suffering and death of any which had its beginning away back iir other. And tl-re fact that in tliis uni- the protoplasm of primevai slime. 'f i:e verse of ours life and l:appiness have philosopher is the remote posterity of been alid are toclay so largely rnain- the meek and lr-rrrl-ymouad. by the inflictron c{ indescribable I{ow, this rr,thole enierprise, this er:- tained misery ancl extinction, is tile most tire process of biological evolution, .lias patlietic, the most stupend.ou-s,atld tl"le been accomplislied by the survivaI floul i rnost sici

-nothing more-sim1:ly cessationof, or and oppressed everyrvhere-to Cuba in abstinence from, exploitation. Cour- her struggle for autoiromv, to Irelantl tesy, kindness, justice, altruism, human- in her misery, to the helpless quadruped itv, what are they ? Tirey are the quivering under the pole-ax, and to the qualities which distinguish those wh<> pitiable proletarian who goes up and put themselves in the place of others, down the monopolizecl universe seeking who recognize tire existence and the in vain for opportunities to earn honest preciousness of others, and who act . The vegetarian who is con- upon others as they themselves would scious enough to bc consistent is in love be pleased to have others act upon them. with the universe, not simply with his ()tlrerism is the antithesis of laissez faire wife or clan or species. He strives to The growth of civility in the earth is be graceful to every being whose des- the growth of the principle or con- tinies he contacts, horn'ever hurnble or sciousness of soiidarity among its in- hopeless or eccentric that being may be. habitants. I am a vegetarian because I believe Vegetariai.'^sm, therefore, that is, ab- that present-day ethics is founded on stinence frorn ntn-human exploitation that puerile, pre-Darwinian delusion or the recognition of universai soliclarity, that all other kinds of creatures and all

is related frorn this exaiteC startdpoint worlds were created explicitiy far the to the logic of the h{agna Charta, the hominine species. is the Declaration of Independence and the ethical corollary of evolution. It is moilcrn l*ovcments of sociai reform. simply the expansion of ethics to suit 'Xl-lcsyn:pathies of the cousistent vege- the biological revelations of Charles tarian go crut naturally to the stricken Darwin. Evoiution has taught us the

r[ IQ r(J WltyfAnzAVegetarian. Lllty f Anz A L'egetarian, Ig

-nothing more-sim1:ly cessationof, or and oppressed everyrvhere-to Cuba in abstinence from, exploitation. Cour- her struggle for autoiromv, to Irelantl tesy, kindness, justice, altruism, human- in her misery, to the helpless quadruped itv, what are they ? Tirey are the quivering under the pole-ax, and to the qualities which distinguish those wh<> pitiable proletarian who goes up and put themselves in the place of others, down the monopolizecl universe seeking who recognize tire existence and the in vain for opportunities to earn honest preciousness of others, and who act nutrition. The vegetarian who is con- upon others as they themselves would scious enough to bc consistent is in love be pleased to have others act upon them. with the universe, not simply with his ()tlrerism is the antithesis of laissez faire wife or clan or species. He strives to The growth of civility in the earth is be graceful to every being whose des- the growth of the principle or con- tinies he contacts, horn'ever hurnble or sciousness of soiidarity among its in- hopeless or eccentric that being may be. habitants. I am a vegetarian because I believe Vegetariai.'^sm, therefore, that is, ab- that present-day ethics is founded on stinence frorn ntn-human exploitation that puerile, pre-Darwinian delusion or the recognition of universai soliclarity, that all other kinds of creatures and all is related frorn this exaiteC startdpoint worlds were created explicitiy far the to the logic of the h{agna Charta, the hominine species. Vegetarianism is the Declaration of Independence and the ethical corollary of evolution. It is moilcrn l*ovcments of sociai reform. simply the expansion of ethics to suit 'Xl-lcsyn:pathies of the cousistent vege- the biological revelations of Charles tarian go crut naturally to the stricken Darwin. Evoiution has taught us the

r[ WlryfAmAVegetarian, 20 l4llzy .{ Anz A Vegetarian. zl

ness, curiosit3', renoorse, kinship of ail creatures. The ancient are all found everywhere, and hiatus bctlveen man and the other ani- tiiey are the same passions that heave n:als has treen effectually served up. your breast and mine. Biology teaches us, if it teaches us anv- Chastity, sobr:iety, obedience, personal cleanliness,industry, thing, that there is a soliderity of the sympathy, self-control, friendship, heroisn:, sentient n'orld. Man is simply one ot saga- city-many dogs and other semi-civilizecl a series of sentients, dif{ering in degree anirnals har e all these qualities, but not in kir,d from the creatures below and in a

K WlryfAmAVegetarian, 20 l4llzy .{ Anz A Vegetarian. zl

ness, curiosit3', renoorse, kinship of ail creatures. The ancient are all found everywhere, and hiatus bctlveen man and the other ani- tiiey are the same passions that heave n:als has treen effectually served up. your breast and mine. Biology teaches us, if it teaches us anv- Chastity, sobr:iety, obedience, personal cleanliness,industry, thing, that there is a soliderity of the sympathy, self-control, friendship, heroisn:, sentient n'orld. Man is simply one ot saga- city-many dogs and other semi-civilizecl a series of sentients, dif{ering in degree anirnals har e all these qualities, but not in kir,d from the creatures below and in a

K f

22 Wlty f Anz A f"egciariarc" Wloy f zltn A L'eg'etariart, zs

voracious serpent, and the mother bear ji:cige but liimself. \Vhether we realize away on the Arctic snows who allows it or not the doctrine that on mankind's herself to be murdered in order to save Rccoirfltall the rest of the animal world her child, have just as genuine mother came into being and that all non-human love and love just as sacred as that beings are mere hurrks devoid of all rvhich burns in the breast of woman. psychic qualities found in man, is a The ingenious ant, which tends its fields,

22 Wlty f Anz A f"egciariarc" Wloy f zltn A L'eg'etariart, zs voracious serpent, and the mother bear ji:cige but liimself. \Vhether we realize away on the Arctic snows who allows it or not the doctrine that on mankind's herself to be murdered in order to save Rccoirfltall the rest of the animal world her child, have just as genuine mother came into being and that all non-human love and love just as sacred as that beings are mere hurrks devoid of all rvhich burns in the breast of woman. psychic qualities found in man, is a The ingenious ant, which tends its fields,

of scienceto the most protractcdr use- nightly by their pillow sides and con- less,and damning victimizations. It is gratulating themselves on tl'reir white- enough almostto make villains weep- ness and rising and leaping oll the the cold-blooded manner in which bloodv remains of some slaughtered human beingscut the throats,dash out fellow-such are the spectaclesin all the brains,and discussthe flavor of their our streetsand stockyards,and such are victims at their cannibalisticfeasts. the enormities perpetrated duy after Look at the scenesto be met with in day by Christian cannibais on the de- all our streetsand stockyards! An army fencelessdurnb ones of tiris world. of butchersstanding in blood ankle deep Holy days,daysabove all otherswhen 'ments and working themselvesto exhaustiotr it seems minds rn'oulcl'bebent on carving the throats of their helpless ,are farces of gluttony and fellows-unsuspecting oxen with limpid ferocity. Unfeeling ruffians cowarclly eyes looking up at the deadly pole-ax shoot down defencelessbirds or prowl ancia momentlater lying a-quiverunder the country in rival squadsmassacreiug its relentless thud-struggling swine every living creaturethat is not able to hinders with their escape them-and no higleer or swinging by their -fo, iife leapingfrom their gashedjugulars- lzumaner purpose thaniust to see zuho an atmospherein perpetual churn rn'ith can hill the nzostl This is egoisrnun- the groans and yellsof the massacred- paralleledon the faceof the earth. No streets thronged rvith unprocessioned speciesof anirtlalexcept man plunges to funerals-everywhere corpsesdangling such depths of atrocity. It is bacl from sale-hooksor sprawling on chop' enough in all consciencefor one being ping blocks-men and women kneeling to srrppressauotirer in order to tear it to

i*...- 28 Wlry f Anz A Vegetarian. Wlty f Arn A Vegetarian. 29 of scienceto the most protractcdr use- nightly by their pillow sides and con- less,and damning victimizations. It is gratulating themselves on tl'reir white- enough almostto make villains weep- ness and rising and leaping oll the the cold-blooded manner in which bloodv remains of some slaughtered human beingscut the throats,dash out fellow-such are the spectaclesin all the brains,and discussthe flavor of their our streetsand stockyards,and such are victims at their cannibalisticfeasts. the enormities perpetrated duy after Look at the scenesto be met with in day by Christian cannibais on the de- all our streetsand stockyards! An army fencelessdurnb ones of tiris world. of butchersstanding in blood ankle deep Holy days,daysabove all otherswhen 'ments and working themselvesto exhaustiotr it seems minds rn'oulcl'bebent on carving the throats of their helpless compassion,are farces of gluttony and fellows-unsuspecting oxen with limpid ferocity. Unfeeling ruffians cowarclly eyes looking up at the deadly pole-ax shoot down defencelessbirds or prowl ancia momentlater lying a-quiverunder the country in rival squadsmassacreiug its relentless thud-struggling swine every living creaturethat is not able to hinders with their escape them-and no higleer or swinging by their -fo, iife leapingfrom their gashedjugulars- lzumaner purpose thaniust to see zuho an atmospherein perpetual churn rn'ith can hill the nzostl This is egoisrnun- the groans and yellsof the massacred- paralleledon the faceof the earth. No streets thronged rvith unprocessioned speciesof anirtlalexcept man plunges to funerals-everywhere corpsesdangling such depths of atrocity. It is bacl from sale-hooksor sprawling on chop' enough in all consciencefor one being ping blocks-men and women kneeling to srrppressauotirer in order to tear it to

i*...- Wlry f Atn A Vegetarian, gr 3<> W'rty f Anz A Vegetariarc. of the moralsof the generations. This pieces and swallow it, but wl:en suclt wonderful rule has mouthed and outrages are perpetrated b-y organized been mouthed since days of packsjust for pastime it becomesan the Confucius, it never hasbeen enormity beyond characterization.The z)+ooyears ago. But done by. insectivora, the carnivora, and the rep- liaed. Do as you would be Each class tilia are cruel. It is horrible to con- Certainly. Bwt to whom ? to templatethe enormouswickedness per- or clan has been its own little clique it after a fashion observed this petrated on the less offensive racesby whom and have been theserelentless brutes. But the crimes rule. Slavery slaughter The committed by the hominine species the rule toward everyone else, hunted Ethiopians in are the most insolent and extravagant Troglodytes the as little com- in tlre universe.Non-human murderers four-horse chariots with are ruthless, but even serpents and punction as Americans hunt the wood- take the hyenas do not exterminate for sport. deer today. A Roman could life his A universe is, indeed,to be pitied whose of Gallic slave with as perfect impunity as his dominating inhabitants are so uncon. an American can slay bovine Yet to kill a scious,so irresponsible,and so ethically servant today. as kill a repulsive that they make life a com- Gaul was as really murder to hasntt long modity, mercy a disease,and systematic Roman. It beenvery since massacrea pastime and a profession. all the Christian nations hunted their I am a vegetat'ianbecause f believe dusky brethren in Africa and sold and in the golden rule. Act touarcl otlzers loaned and lashedthem as we do the now as yoa qsould tlaat otleers would act horse toclay, All thesecrimes are is towardyourhas been the basic precept mattersof courseto us. It the same Wlry f Atn A Vegetarian, gr 3<> W'rty f Anz A Vegetariarc. of the moralsof the generations. This pieces and swallow it, but wl:en suclt wonderful rule has mouthed and outrages are perpetrated b-y organized been mouthed since days of packsjust for pastime it becomesan the Confucius, it never hasbeen enormity beyond characterization.The z)+ooyears ago. But done by. insectivora, the carnivora, and the rep- liaed. Do as you would be Each class tilia are cruel. It is horrible to con- Certainly. Bwt to whom ? to templatethe enormouswickedness per- or clan has been its own little clique it after a fashion observed this petrated on the less offensive racesby whom and have been theserelentless brutes. But the crimes rule. Slavery slaughter The committed by the hominine species the rule toward everyone else, hunted Ethiopians in are the most insolent and extravagant Troglodytes the as little com- in tlre universe.Non-human murderers four-horse chariots with are ruthless, but even serpents and punction as Americans hunt the wood- take the hyenas do not exterminate for sport. deer today. A Roman could life his A universe is, indeed,to be pitied whose of Gallic slave with as perfect impunity as his dominating inhabitants are so uncon. an American can slay bovine Yet to kill a scious,so irresponsible,and so ethically servant today. as kill a repulsive that they make life a com- Gaul was as really murder to hasntt long modity, mercy a disease,and systematic Roman. It beenvery since massacrea pastime and a profession. all the Christian nations hunted their I am a vegetat'ianbecause f believe dusky brethren in Africa and sold and in the golden rule. Act touarcl otlzers loaned and lashedthem as we do the now as yoa qsould tlaat otleers would act horse toclay, All thesecrimes are is towardyourhas been the basic precept mattersof courseto us. It the same 32 IillryfAmAVegetarian, WltyfAmAVegetariart, 33

old story. lVe can see behind us but soul and because his subordination was not around us. After so many centuries God-urdained. And the honest ox and tlre solidarity of our species has dimly tire faithful dog have no rights todav. dawned on us, but we can not discern because t/tey were made to be rnurdered. the solidarity of all the animal world. I am a vegetarian because I believe We go on daily committing crimes as in justice. There is injustice in the horrible as those we execrate. And we universe, because there are beings in it do it for the very same reason our long who monopolize its sweets and oppor- line of ancestors have .done it, because turrities. They want their own pleas: the human rnind is too feeble to be con- ures and also the pleasures of others. i scious of all the complicatetl relations They shuffie upon others their bitters, which it is called upon to be consciousof. and at the same time rob them of their r The apologv of the criminals lras sweets. Others not as ettds, but as L always been the sarne as it is toclay- means and conveniences. I do not eat I that the crucified creatures were of a my fellow creatures, for the satne reason 11 different order of being-that a cirasm enslavc my brother and treat i1; f do not tf yawned between the persecutors and my sister as an appendage and otherwise the persecuted-that there was not a monopolize the sweets and opoortunities solidarity. The Gaui hatl no rights of the planet. There are or1 this ball ((barbarian." because he was a The fact biliions of beings. They are my fellow that he had a nervous system and a love cre:rtures. So far as I can make out tt of life had nothing to do vlith it. The thev have approximately the same right black rnan had no rights that rvere in- to existence and to tlre enjoyment of t' convenient to respect becausehe had rro existence as I have. I do not rvant 32 IillryfAmAVegetarian, WltyfAmAVegetariart, 33 old story. lVe can see behind us but soul and because his subordination was not around us. After so many centuries God-urdained. And the honest ox and tlre solidarity of our species has dimly tire faithful dog have no rights todav. dawned on us, but we can not discern because t/tey were made to be rnurdered. the solidarity of all the animal world. I am a vegetarian because I believe We go on daily committing crimes as in justice. There is injustice in the horrible as those we execrate. And we universe, because there are beings in it do it for the very same reason our long who monopolize its sweets and oppor- line of ancestors have .done it, because turrities. They want their own pleas: the human rnind is too feeble to be con- ures and also the pleasures of others. i scious of all the complicatetl relations They shuffie upon others their bitters, which it is called upon to be consciousof. and at the same time rob them of their r The apologv of the criminals lras sweets. Others liver not as ettds, but as L always been the sarne as it is toclay- means and conveniences. I do not eat I that the crucified creatures were of a my fellow creatures, for the satne reason 11 different order of being-that a cirasm enslavc my brother and treat i1; f do not tf yawned between the persecutors and my sister as an appendage and otherwise the persecuted-that there was not a monopolize the sweets and opoortunities solidarity. The Gaui hatl no rights of the planet. There are or1 this ball ((barbarian." because he was a The fact biliions of beings. They are my fellow that he had a nervous system and a love cre:rtures. So far as I can make out tt of life had nothing to do vlith it. The thev have approximately the same right black rnan had no rights that rvere in- to existence and to tlre enjoyment of t' convenient to respect becausehe had rro existence as I have. I do not rvant g+ Ilthy f Am A Vegetarian, Wlry f Anz A Yregetariara, 35 their pleasures and I clo not want thern to be rather exclusive, there are vege- to drink my sorrows, I want simply tables, nuts and grains that far exceed my own and I am perfectly content to chops and . Fish, for instance, rob no one. In the words of another, contains about I3 per cent. of albumin- 36I never want happiness that gives an- oids, ol1 an average 16 per cent., other pain. I wish not happiness from and r !| per cent.l while nuts fur- 'others-only happiness out of the bosom nish from 8 to z5 per cent., grains I to of the great er,r. which comes Hke the 15 per cent., r+ per cent., red flowers of the oleander," zg pet cent., peas zz per cent., I am a vegetarian because it is logical 25 per cent., and from zz to g5 and natural to be so. The per cent. The vegetable world, in world contains all the elements necessary fact, is the natural storehouse and the to human sustenance, and in a much only original storehottse from which more prime condition than they are animals may derive energy. No ani- founcl in the diseased tissues of our mis' rnal can proclrrce protoplasm, which is treated servants. The belief that we the basis of all life and energy. This can not have peach in our dimples and is a function of the , and of the diamonds in our brains without dead plant onlv. All an animal can do is to bodies in our digestion is a belief having take it atter it is produced and burn it no foundation except ignorance. Vege- up. Animais are simply locomotives tal fibrin is identical with animai fibrin, consuming the energy which and vegetal alburnen is identical with slowly accumulate from the sun. It is animal albumen. Even in atrbuminoids, a graceful ancl perfect process-plants in the supply of n'hich is supposed storing up energv from the soil and g+ Ilthy f Am A Vegetarian, Wlry f Anz A Yregetariara, 35 their pleasures and I clo not want thern to be rather exclusive, there are vege- to drink my sorrows, I want simply tables, nuts and grains that far exceed my own and I am perfectly content to chops and steaks. Fish, for instance, rob no one. In the words of another, contains about I3 per cent. of albumin- 36I never want happiness that gives an- oids, pork ol1 an average 16 per cent., other pain. I wish not happiness from and beef r !| per cent.l while nuts fur- 'others-only happiness out of the bosom nish from 8 to z5 per cent., grains I to of the great er,r. which comes Hke the 15 per cent., eggs r+ per cent., cheese red flowers of the oleander," zg pet cent., peas zz per cent., lentils I am a vegetarian because it is logical 25 per cent., and beans from zz to g5 and natural to be so. The vegetable per cent. The vegetable world, in world contains all the elements necessary fact, is the natural storehouse and the to human sustenance, and in a much only original storehottse from which more prime condition than they are animals may derive energy. No ani- founcl in the diseased tissues of our mis' rnal can proclrrce protoplasm, which is treated servants. The belief that we the basis of all life and energy. This can not have peach in our dimples and is a function of the plant, and of the diamonds in our brains without dead plant onlv. All an animal can do is to bodies in our digestion is a belief having take it atter it is produced and burn it no foundation except ignorance. Vege- up. Animais are simply locomotives tal fibrin is identical with animai fibrin, consuming the energy which plants and vegetal alburnen is identical with slowly accumulate from the sun. It is animal albumen. Even in atrbuminoids, a graceful ancl perfect process-plants in the supply of n'hich meat is supposed storing up energv from the soil and 86 Wlty f Arn A Vegetarian. Wlty f Am A Vegetarian. 37 sun, the inorganic,and the animalusing and that more than half the inhabitants this energy and completing the circle of the earth today are practical and by sendingthe elementsback again to prosperous vegetarians. There is no the inorganic. And it is a r(barbarismtt reason known to science or experience in nature for animals to violate this why hurnan beings may not keep up as beautiful arrangementby turning round profitable and as interesting an existence and s'r,vallorvingeach other. without flesh as with it. fn fact, after To one accustomedto obtainhis sup- an experience of four years and a rather ply of protoplasmchieflv from the bones carefui contemplation of the matter, I of other animals instead of from the assert that plrysioiogical integrity may kingdom of the plant, the assertionthat be more accurately sustainetl by a judi- it is possiblenot only to sustain but to cious of fruits, grains, r'egetables, enhance existenceon a fleshlessdiet and nuts tlran by a diet in.which carrion seemsvery strange. It is not strange is a distinguished constituent. Man is that such an assertion should seem not naturally a carnivorous animal. He strange. Anything is strange to the has evolvecl from the frugivorous an- uninitiated. And the amount of ignor- thropoids, ancl has a long biological anceon this subjectis well-nigh pitiable" ancestry of vegetarians. His mouth, The delusionthat flesh is the most gen- digestive organs, skin, structuret and uine sourceof human energy has be- modes of life ale all unaclapted to a come so fixed that it actualiy disturbs carnivorous life. Man has probably tl'rerespiration of nineteen out of twen- adopted predatory habits almost vritl-rin ty to be told that flesh compared with historic times. i{ot only the student many footlsis a dilute form of nutrition, and the thinker but the manual laborer 86 Wlty f Arn A Vegetarian. Wlty f Am A Vegetarian. 37 sun, the inorganic,and the animalusing and that more than half the inhabitants this energy and completing the circle of the earth today are practical and by sendingthe elementsback again to prosperous vegetarians. There is no the inorganic. And it is a r(barbarismtt reason known to science or experience in nature for animals to violate this why hurnan beings may not keep up as beautiful arrangementby turning round profitable and as interesting an existence and s'r,vallorvingeach other. without flesh as with it. fn fact, after To one accustomedto obtainhis sup- an experience of four years and a rather ply of protoplasmchieflv from the bones carefui contemplation of the matter, I of other animals instead of from the assert that plrysioiogical integrity may kingdom of the plant, the assertionthat be more accurately sustainetl by a judi- it is possiblenot only to sustain but to cious diet of fruits, grains, r'egetables, enhance existenceon a fleshlessdiet and nuts tlran by a diet in.which carrion seemsvery strange. It is not strange is a distinguished constituent. Man is that such an assertion should seem not naturally a carnivorous animal. He strange. Anything is strange to the has evolvecl from the frugivorous an- uninitiated. And the amount of ignor- thropoids, ancl has a long biological anceon this subjectis well-nigh pitiable" ancestry of vegetarians. His mouth, The delusionthat flesh is the most gen- digestive organs, skin, structuret and uine sourceof human energy has be- modes of life ale all unaclapted to a come so fixed that it actualiy disturbs carnivorous life. Man has probably tl'rerespiration of nineteen out of twen- adopted predatory habits almost vritl-rin ty to be told that flesh compared with historic times. i{ot only the student many footlsis a dilute form of nutrition, and the thinker but the manual laborer Wlry f Arn tJ" Vegetarian. 38 Wlty f Anz A Vegetariarz, 39 as well is benefitedby a fleshiessregi- ISeclouinsand Armenians" De Lesseps men. A breakfast of and became a vegetarian and remained one creanr,a coupleof eggs on toast,whole to l-ris death, from his experiences in wheat muffHnsand , and a nice the buitding of the Suez Canal. The rich apple or bananais much more civi- peasantry of Russia, Italyr Germany, lized, nutritious and economical tharr Ireland, antl even Norway and Sweden a breakfastin which bloody beef plays arvay from the coast, are largel5r vege- chief role. Th'e rnostsuccessful burden' tarians. So, also, are millions in the bearersof the world today are vegeta- Orient. rians. The Turkish ,longshorement From the standpoint of economy perhaps the most powerful bipeds on alone vegetarianism ought to appeal the planet (except the gorilla), are life' powerfully to everyone possessed of long vegetarians. They will pick up a undoubted sanity. If men would tal

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